

写狗狗的英语作文 导语:在中国文化中,狗属于十二生肖之一,在十二生肖中排名第 11 位。 在英语中也有关于写狗狗的作文 题材,那你想知道写狗狗的英语作文怎么写吗?以下是小编为大家精心整理 的写狗狗的英语作文,欢迎大家参考! 写狗狗的英语作文篇一: My favorite animal is dog. That is when I was in grade one, I call it "black", because of its body is black fur, so I give it the name. Black hair black as a black ball, a pair of big and bright eyes really like a black stone, two ears are very sensitive, as long as near at home, I called loudly, it must run to come over, it eat a thing to, like tigers, eat. Don't think that my little black is very gentle, it will lost his temper, it initiated a temper, eyes will always stare at you, open your mouth with sharp teeth, almost like to bite you, if you touch it to make it paw to expose to hard to catch you, catch and red marks. One time, I finished the homework, idle have no matter to do, just want to play with the little black, the in the mind start contemplating a prank. I take out a bone, the rest of the morning and took a long rope, the rope of a head of department on this bone, I firmly around the knot after a few laps lightly. Then, I put the rope hanging in a tree trunk, a head of bone, hanging in the front of the tree, on the other side to take in your hand, I will quietly slipped behind the tree, waiting for the dog to come over. Ready to do a good job, I'll call the little black, not for a while the little black appear in front of the door, I saw it look in all directions, but didn't find me, but only to see a bone. I guess the little black sure smell the flavor of bones, and I just bone allure more for it. As it quickly bite to the bone, I will give the rope a pull, so fly to the mouth of the food, the dog thought the bone in the jump, it must think that I must eat to him. It keeps jumping up and down, I quickly the dog didn't eat until it beloved bones. Finally, the dog run out whole body energy, and was in the bones, I then in order

to praise it, took a carton of milk as a reward. But one day, the dog alone in playing outside, but accidentally caught by a group of bad people, I am at home and cried sadly. Little more than four years has left me, I always miss a puppy, and want to say to it: "the dog I like you." 写狗狗的英语作文篇二: My home have three cute. Naughty and playful baby dog -- clever clever "a lot". Gently close the "dark". And naughty monkey eat anything "euro fat", they had been wandering in the streets. Poverty. Homeless stray dogs, but after another came to our house for no reason, and become an indispensable part in the home. Every day back home to see their slavish ecstatic blunt come over to meet me. With odor to the tongue lick me, although their saliva sticky and nausea, but always let me feel so sweet sweet; When they play at the speed of fast thunder is less than their ears ran fast, often bite the ball stride of divided. Fragmented, gas fire emit three zhangs, I really want to put them severely beat up a meal, in my heart of hate, but see them pure innocent smiling face, immediately forgive them. Oh! Are and they can't, who call I like best playmates are they? A bolt from the blue for a while before suddenly happen, the "more" hit by a car. The body was black and blue all over. Bloody, no matter how much I called out his name and he is struggling to climb up, I thought I will lose it, heartache, I kept up day in prayer, hope god can save me "more", fortunately, heaven has eyes, under the careful treatment, finally coming back to life, from the paralysis, stood up, slowly under my encouragement the refueling, two months later returned to the former energetic "a lot", is really let us pleasantly surprised. Life is really very fragile, if you don't cherish, wait until lost, really regret, no amount of tears also calls no precious life! So we better good cherish together of the fate, we should treasure what Thanksgiving, thank god let many of the wonders of rehabilitation, can let me think he loves his pain, also let me more cherish my family and all the people around him. 写狗狗的英语作文篇三: I have a dog baby, it is a purebred German shepherd. Uncle is just sent to me. It all without a nap, if sleeping in the snow, I'm afraid I

couldn't find three days. It pointed ears, small and exquisite, warily up with; In the dark, dark eyes, shining light. The sense of smell is incomparable, in "V" from the blood of the basin mouth people terrified, sharp fangs more to make it better. It is robust limbs holds up a strong body. See it so fierce, I named it as "white tiger". "White tiger" although looks a bit scary, but actually not. Remember when uncle just give it to me, it is a open mouth, I can't help but eat a surprised: very sharp teeth! I don't know it bites or not disorderly bite. But a few days later, it is not strange to me, and began to walk around me, when I went to the night market every day, I took it to so many readers, some children also follow "white tiger", "white tiger" go ahead but gently open for me, do not bite. I just know it temper is so gentle. "White tiger" and after I acquainted, became inseparable friends. Go to school every day, it will go with me. No way, I have to again and again to take it home; Every day after school, it will run out early to meet me, see me back, it turned up front PAWS outstretched tongue, shaking his tail "standing" wait for me downstairs. Whenever at this time, I will comb it white hairs, go home together with it. The lovely "white tiger" my head is not big, but want to eat a lot of things. Every night, the mother will then get a few extra piece of meat to eat, and white tiger at this time was with relish to enjoy the delicious barbecue. But in order not to raise a fat dog, it need to eat more vegetables. Meals a day, is decided by me. Alas, my lovely pet dog! That's my good partner. 写狗狗的英语作文篇四: When it comes to pets, I'll introduce you to my favorite dog, it is my mother and I brought it back from my grandma's. At the beginning, mother also have no me! Because I begged, mother can't bear to, make an exception and allow me to him from my grandma's back. Although the dog grow fat, but it has a white like snow, mixed with a little grey hair, is a very lovely husky, this is my grandmother gave me specially, so I cherish all the more to it. I give it a name called qiqi, although it is very cute, but the only fly in the ointment is that it is very naughty, always let my family and helpless for it. It has, for example, rolling on the floor, suddenly run into the cup, will once again my homework beyond recognition, its behavior, let me to fire emit three

zhangs, but it's triumphant up and stand on the chair, it is like a pay you can endure what I look like. In the end, but I have to deal with it burst out a curse. However, it also has a lovely side. Sometimes see it on a balloon, accidentally fell down and angry appearance is really interesting! And every time to wash it, it's all in the water swimming, seemed very happy appearance, with the average dog is afraid of water appearance is greatly different its interest, after each wash, call it watch TV together with me, it all ignore me, have been rolling around in bed, enjoy the wonderful time. In my eyes, although qiqi is very naughty, love naughty, but it adds to the our home life of fun and laughter. When I was alone, it will be with me, don't let me afraid. So, I have qiqi as a part of our home, so I will always love it. 写狗狗的英语作文篇五: When I was a little boy, I have a dog, the dog body white, so I named him "little white". Looked from a distance, small white is just like a regiment cotton, the regiment fat "cotton" is alive and kicking, most of the time passes in a pair of big round eyes look in the eyes, as if can understand the person's mood, nose is black, this is probably it only in white hair ornament, the empress's tail is shorter, meet the master of the yaw, can recruit people like! Most of the time, small white character is gentle, but when you see a stranger, it will reveal ferocious expression, in his "bark" shout loudly, like changed a "person". It up when I'm mad, always try to jump up and licked my hand and face, but I don't like to lick my face, it is always a picked it up and set aside. But, small white can clingy, just push again stick came over immediately, just like a piece of chewing gum. It's unhappy will climb into your body, or lying on the sofa and bed, alone with silent anger, who also ignore. But this time, as long as I said go out to play with it, made the action of the door and it instantly perked up. Every meal points, small white always fart dian fart with its exclusive job, in my side, raised his head with a miserable eyes looked at me, a cry of "bark" mouth, as if to say: "master, you pity me, exceptional gave me something to eat." See it funny, and I will bring it to eat quickly with a smile. See a small white long tongue first, then roll out the food on the ground, the last to "yum yum"

chew up their dinner. Remember I am afraid of dogs and contact before, then mom back to the small white to my companion, only changed the habit of I am afraid of dogs. At first, I am always far away from it, but the small white always shaking his tail, while running after me, is that I am the owner of it. Then slowly I was moved by the small white lovely about, and began to try to touch it, but I still can't zero distance contact with it. Until one day afternoon, mother ulterior motives to importune me with small white go out for a walk, I thought to myself, dead, this time I can be your doom not escape. It can make me urgent cry, but no matter how I in front of my mother's favor, mother also ignore. In the end, I only bite the bullet and give it a try, I'm adventurous, brought a small white village park, when it saw the other dog, and ran off to play, I have been sitting in situ scampering about looking at it. It's getting dark, time to go home, I stretch voice cry out: "small white", it will run to come over, though unwilling, but still keep up with my darling to go home. Small white innocent and lovely about finally melted my heart, I discovered that the original dog didn't I think so terrible, especially my little white, and contrary to what I imagined. After I finish my homework every day, will take it out for a walk, although the small white is dead now, but it brought me happiness, I won't forget it.





描写小狗的英语作文带翻译 可爱的小狗是很多人都喜欢养的宠物,在英语中也有关于描写小狗的作文 题材。下面是小编分享的描写小狗的英语作文带翻译,欢迎大家阅读! 描写小狗的英语作文带翻译篇一: My pet is a lovely dog.Its name is "dian dian".because there are a lot of black circle on its skin.the "dian dian" is very friendly.Many childen like play with him.His favourite food is meat bones. His favourite toy is a doll. ’dian dian ’ likes to run very much.It can run very fast and it has a girl friend.its name "na na".there are a lot of black circle on its skin,too.I like my pet very much.It is a good pet! 我的宠物是 一条可爱的狗。 它的名字是"点点" 。 因为有很多黑 的圆圈在它的皮肤上。 "点点" 是非常友好的。 许多孩子喜欢和它玩。 他的喜爱食物是肉骨头。 他的喜爱玩具是玩偶。" 点点" 喜欢非常 跑。它跑得非常快速并且它有一个女朋友。它的名字"娜娜" 。它的 皮肤也有很多黑圈子。我非常喜欢我的宠物。这是一只好宠物! 描写小狗的英语作文带翻译篇二: I’m a dog lover, because dogs are tame, friendly and easy to communicate with. I have kept one in my house, whose name is Chocolate. She is covered with brown curly hair and looks like a Teddy Bear. Now we have been living together for two years, so I’m very familiar with her characteristics. When she is hungry, she often barks loudly. At that time, I begin to realize that it’s time to feed her. She is keen on beef and fish. Sometimes, she also eats some rice. 我是一个爱狗的人,因为狗是很温顺,友好,也很容易交流。我在我家养了 一只,它的名字叫巧克力。她的毛是棕色的卷毛,看起来就像泰迪熊。现在我们 已经一起生活了两年了,所以我很熟悉她的性格。她饿了,她经常会大声吠。那 个时候,我就会开始意识到是时候喂她了。她喜爱吃牛肉和鱼。有时候,她也吃 一些米饭。 Every day when I come home, she always jumps up to me happily, with her tail moving. She seems to be my best friend. As time goes by, the relationship between us becomes closer and closer. Therefore, I think her


《写动物的作文300字》 写动物的作文300字(一): 可爱的小猫 我家养了一只可爱的小猫,它的名子叫小雪。它不但是我的宠物,而且还是我的朋友! 小雪的皮毛雪白雪白的,好像是雪姑娘送它的大衣,它的眼睛像黑宝石似的,高兴时还会嘀溜嘀溜转。小巧的鼻子下面,有一张樱桃小嘴,一张一合好像在向我诉说它的苦恼。 有一次早上起来,突然我的袜子找不到了,我去猫舍一看,小雪正抱着我的袜子呼呼大睡,我一把揪起它的耳朵,对它大吼:快把我的袜子还给我。小雪很快就逃脱了我的手掌心,站在地上,喵了几声,表示抗议。你们说我的小猫淘不淘气? 我爱我的小猫咪小雪! 写动物的作文300字(二): 可爱的小金鱼 嘿,老爸,这儿有人在买小金鱼呢!我对依然沉醉在微信中的老爸叫道。你要是喜欢的话,我买三只给你。老爸最后抬起头来,我高兴得手舞足蹈。就这样,我带着三只不一样的金鱼回家了。 刚到家中,我就拿出以前养乌龟的大缸把他们放了进去,这些可爱的小生灵刚来到陌生的环境就像一只只受惊的小兔,急忙躲进缸低的乌龟休息室,借此机会我趁机从休息室的窗户观察了一下:第一只小金鱼身材瘦小,一看就明白是一位美丽的小精灵,第二只身材魁梧,好似经常打胜仗的将军,最后一只肥头大耳,肚子大大的,就像一个博士。 当我把鱼食撒到它们各自的领地之后,它们便吃起来。小精灵一口一口地吃着鱼食,吃一粒便甩甩尾巴跳一下舞,真像一个舞蹈家。而将军却以迅雷不及掩耳之势地解决了食物,而博士还慢慢地吃着。将军吃完自我的鱼食后,便把目标对准了小精灵,将军箭一般地冲了过去,小精灵感觉身后有水波,立刻转过身去,将军见小精灵反应这么快,吓了一跳,可立刻回过神来继续向前冲去,小精灵为保卫领地而战斗起来,对将军发起攻击博士见有机可趁,立刻把小精灵的食物扫荡一空,当两位勇士醒悟过来却已经晚了,真是鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利呀。。 金鱼睡觉的时候眼睛总是睁着的,我不明白其中原因,就去问爸爸,爸爸告诉我鱼是没有眼皮的。原先金鱼还有这么多的奥秘呀! 我爱我那可爱的小金鱼,我必须会细心呵护他们,让它们健健康康地生活,做我的好伙伴! 写动物的作文300字(三): 可爱的小狗 我们家的小狗十分可爱。小狗长着一双圆溜溜的大眼睛,好奇地望着人们;它的毛是黑白的,抚摸着,会感到很舒服。


小学三年级关于小狗的作文(三篇) 导读:本文小学三年级关于小狗的作文(三篇),仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】 我有一只小狗,它才一个月大。长得毛黑黑的,腿长长的,耳朵小小的,像大人吃的消食片一样大,嘴大大的,喝起奶可快了,前半身子还是卷毛呢,叫起来像小猫一样,我给它起名叫“悠悠”。 有一天晚上,我先喂了它就去睡觉了,没想到,他居然,没有睡觉,凌晨两点,它又开始叫了“吱吱吱吱,汪汪”好像在叫“妈妈,妈妈……”。我先上了个厕所,又去喊爸爸,我就和爸爸一起去喂它,它还不吃,让我和爸爸好不容易喂进去一点,喂完就去睡觉了。到了凌晨四点它又开始叫了,我和爸爸又去喂它它还不吃,爸爸就把他抱到外边来,他蹲下就开始大便了,拉完大便就把它放进箱子里,我和爸爸就开始弄那一陀大便了,弄完那一陀大便又去睡觉了,睡醒觉就已经早晨了。 你觉的它好玩嘛?我觉的它很好玩,我爱我家的小狗,把它喂得胖胖的。【篇二】 我家养了一只小狗,这只小狗,有一个尖尖的耳朵,尖尖的鼻子,还有一个小小的嘴巴,它长的非常可爱,我家的这只小狗是黄色的,我给他取名叫豆豆。 有一次,我放学回家,发现豆豆不见了,我问妈妈,妈妈也不知

道,突然,我听到我的房间里传出来了一阵声音,我连忙跑过去,原来是一只白色小狗跑到我们家来找豆豆玩。现在小白狗和我们家的豆豆正玩得开心呢! 还有一次,我的爸爸又给我买了可爱的小猫,我又和妈妈出门去买了几条鱼,我和妈妈一回到家,就看到豆豆和爸爸刚买来的那一只小猫玩起来了,我就蹲下来,看着小豆豆和爸爸今天刚买来的那一只小猫。我看着看着,我就跑到爸爸身边,问爸爸这一只小猫是公的,还是母的。爸爸回答我说:“这一这小猫是母的。”怪不得,小豆豆很多次就跑到小猫下去吃奶。 这就是我的小狗豆豆。豆豆谁然很调皮,但是,小豆豆很可爱。我喜欢我的小豆豆。【篇三】 我家养了一只毛茸茸的小狗,那是我叔叔送的,可爱极了。 它非常小,因为它才没几天前刚生出来的。它有一身棕色的毛有一双明亮可爱的眼睛,有一只黑不溜湫的鼻子,一张小小的嘴巴,身上长30厘米左右的毛,还有头上有一个“王”的字,还很像狮子呢。 它长大了,它能自己干事情了,如果它饿了就会叫,我们就给他吃的,会自己运动、会“做作业”,会等我们等等。它运动时飞快地跑绝不休息,到了真正的时间它才休息,“做作业”时,它自己就会“画画”,等我们时,它都会在门口,我们一进门它就抓住我们的大腿,如果不认识的人过来就大叫。小狗真聪明。 可是不幸的事发生了,有一天我的门没有关好就跑出去了,好像要散散心,可是——突然一辆三轮车开过来把我的狗撞死了。我心爱


描写小狗的英语作文带翻译 可爱的小狗是很多人都喜欢养的宠物,在英语中也有关于描写小狗的作文题材。下面是小编分享的描写小狗的英语作文带翻译,欢迎大家阅读! 描写小狗的英语作文带翻译篇一: My pet is a lovely name is "dian dian".because there are a lot of black circle on its "dian dian" is very childen like play with favourite food is meat bones. His favourite toy is a doll. ’dian dian ’ likes to run very can run very fast and it has a girl name "na na".there are a lot of black circle on its skin, like my pet very is a good pet! 我的宠物是一条可爱的狗。它的名字是"点点" 。因为有很多黑的圆圈在它的皮肤上。"点点" 是非常友好的。许多孩子喜欢和它玩。他的喜爱食物是肉骨头。他的喜爱玩具是玩偶。" 点点" 喜欢非常跑。它跑得非常快速并且它有一个女朋友。它的名字"娜娜" 。它的皮肤也有很多黑圈子。我非常喜欢我的宠物。这是一只好宠物! 描写小狗的英语作文带翻译篇二: I’m a dog lover, because dogs are tame, friendly

and easy to communicate with. I have kept one in my house, whose name is Chocolate. She is covered with brown curly hair and looks like a Teddy Bear. Now we have been living together for two years, so I’m very familiar with her characteristics. When she is hungry, she often barks loudly. At that time, I begin to realize that it’s time to feed her. She is keen on beef and fish. Sometimes, she also eats some rice. 我是一个爱狗的人,因为狗是很温顺,友好,也很容易交流。我在我家养了一只,它的名字叫巧克力。她的毛是棕色的卷毛,看起来就像泰迪熊。现在我们已经一起生活了两年了,所以我很熟悉她的性格。她饿了,她经常会大声吠。那个时候,我就会开始意识到是时候喂她了。她喜爱吃牛肉和鱼。有时候,她也吃一些米饭。 Every day when I come home, she always jumps up to me happily, with her tail moving. She seems to be my best friend. As time goes by, the relationship between us becomes closer and closer. Therefore, I think her as an important member in my family. I really have the pleasure of her company. 每天我回到家的时候,她都会用她的尾巴开心地跑向我。她就像是我最好的朋友一样。随着时间的流逝,我们两个的


《写小狗的作文》 写小狗的作文(一): 可爱的小狗 我家养了一只可爱的小狗,它全身都是黄毛,长着一只黑色的鼻子,我给它系了一个铃铛,它向你跑来你必须觉得它可爱,想抱抱它 记得有一次我把作业做完后再复习。复习任务也完成了,就能够简单简单了,于是我把玻璃球拿来玩,玩着起劲的时候,我一用力把玻璃球蹦到别处去了,我就开始找,桌子下面、沙发下面半天也没找到。我正着急的时候,小狗叫了一声:汪!我向小狗那里跑去,见小狗面前有一个玻璃球,我想这必须是小狗找到的。我真高兴,抚摸着它缎子似的皮毛。小狗真懂事。 还有一次放学回家,看到我的小狗,就想跟它开个玩笑。我走到厨房从餐桌上拿了一个鸡腿,再走到小狗旁边,小狗看到了我手上的鸡腿,向我手跳过来,想吃掉我手上的鸡腿。我把手往上抬一点,小狗没抢到,就重新再来。这次小狗向下蹲了一点,然后使出全身力气朝鸡腿那里跳来,我有把手往上抬了一点,已经晚了,它已经把鸡腿抢走了,在一旁津津有味的肯着鸡腿。小狗是那么天真、可爱。 我爱我家的小狗,它是我的好伙伴。 写小狗的作文(二): 可爱的小狗作文400字 我十分想拥有一只可爱的宠物狗。暑假里最后如愿以偿,爸爸给我买了一只小狗。 我给小狗取了个时髦的名字??汪汪。它长着黄白相间的毛,灵敏的耳朵一有声响它的就 竖立起来。两只眼睛炯炯有神,黑色的鼻子,像一个小球一样圆。嘴巴大大的,尾巴长长的。跟别的狗比,简直美呆了。汪汪有一个特点??总是很懒,每次吃饱了就睡,睡醒了又吃,所 以身体长得很胖,走起路来一扭一扭的,看起来真的让人发笑。 汪汪是那么的温顺,我每次回到家,它就跳到我身上和我亲热。爸爸爱干净,每一天早晨都给它洗脸,我也经常给它洗澡。但大小便总是控制不好,家里都是它的气味,妈妈不时地发出几句怨言。 不幸的是,前几天汪汪生了一场病,喉咙里好像有一块东西卡住了,经常发出扼扼的叫声,趴在地上的汪汪,除了喝水不再吃饭了,显得那样憔悴,爸爸怕它得了不好的病,立刻做出决定,把小狗流放,他带着小狗,骑上自行车,来到卫生院那边,放在一户人家门口,就走了。 我十分想念汪汪,第二天清晨,我就和爸爸再去看小狗,只见那户人家的小孩正在逗小狗玩,我真有点依依不舍,但心里默默地祝福它。 我永远忘不了你,可爱的汪汪我梦寐以求的小狗。我必须会再去看你! 写小狗的作文(三): 奶奶家的小狗


描写小狗的作文范文 描写小狗的作文范文1 我家有一只小狗,名叫小花。它有一身黄白相间的毛,额头正中有一块椭圆形的白毛,胸脯上有一撮突起的白毛,看上去神气极了。两只半圆形的小耳朵耷拉着,跑起来的时候,两只耳朵上下晃动,像两只飞舞的蝴蝶。 小花刚到我家的时候,小得连一级台阶都上不了,过了几天,就可以自如地上下楼梯了。它跑起来的时候,把头缩着,像一个小球在滚动,毛茸茸的真好看! 小花不像别的狗,吃饱了还傻吃。它吃饱了,你再给它食物,它就会叼着美餐到处去藏。有一次,我给它鸭肉吃,它吃饱了,就把吃不下的藏起来,有的藏在门背后,有的藏在窗帘后面,有的藏在沙发底下……最有趣的是它常常藏忘了,偶然发现,就很高兴,津津有味的大吃起来。 我家小花真可爱,我非常喜欢它! 描写小狗的作文范文2

他,人们眼红的高薪白领、美丽女人的丈夫。可是,一场爱情的金融危机,使他从天堂摔倒了地狱。那个所谓的妻子,原来只是个美丽的诈欺犯…… 他的世界突然暗淡无光。走在繁华的大街上,看着络绎不绝的人们。他踌躇、无奈,仿佛世界与他是那样的格格不入。他脱下西装,呆呆地靠在角落。他从未想过自己会落到如此地步。家没了,老婆跟其他男人哦足了,工作没了、前就更不用说了。方出神,一只毛茸茸的小狗风尘仆仆地跑来了,蹭了蹭他的屁股。 “滚开吧,我现在没心情。”他踢开了小狗,有继续沉思。“啊呜、啊呜”,小狗发出悲惨的叫声。他转过头开小狗,啊——它小腿正在流血。他连忙把它抱起,送到兽医院,用仅有的100元给它包扎。 从医院出来,依然抱着小狗。只剩下30元了,接下来的日子怎么过呢?小狗忽然挣脱他的手,蹦到地上,一瘸一拐地跑了。他不顾旁人异样的眼光,追着小狗喊:“喂,别跑啊,你才刚包扎好呢,喂……” 小狗停下了,在一张招聘广告下停下了。他一个急刹车,也停下了,撞到粘着招聘广告的墙上。他摸着生疼的鼻子,看了看撞到的墙。天啊,我的幸运女神就那么眷顾我吗?要我再次白手起家吗?他连忙撕下广告,向应征地点跑去。小狗紧跟着。 他,果然不是省油的灯。不一会儿,就在几千人里脱颖而出。那企业的老板


描写小狗的英语作文及翻译 如果你喜欢小动物,一定就和动物之间发生过许多有趣的事情,挑选一件具有典型性的事情来写一写吧,下面是小编整理的描写小狗的英语作文,一起来看看! 描写小狗的英语作文1 我家养了一只小狗,我非常喜欢它。它的眼睛黑黑的宛如两个黑宝石,它的皮毛白白的好像一床毛毯子,它的四条腿犹如四根毛茸茸的小柱子,它的尾巴摇啊摇,似乎在向你挥手表示欢迎。 I have a puppy in my family. I like it very much. Its black eyes like two black stones, its fur is white like a bed blankets, its four legs like small pillars four hairy, its tail swinging, seemed to be waving to you welcome. 因为我叫小叮当,所以妈妈原想给它取名叫小叮咚,但是我不同意,我给它取名叫小乖,因为我想它天天都很乖。 Because I called Tinker Bell, so my mother wanted to name him little Ding Dong, but I do not agree, I called him, because I think it every day. 它非常的调皮,当我们出去吃饭时,它总是犯老毛病,捣乱,它跳到沙发上乱弄,还把报纸、餐巾纸撕得满地都是。

我回来时,看到地上一塌糊涂,我生气了,就不理它了。它也意识到自己犯错误了,就扑到我膝盖上,好像要流下眼泪一样说:“主人,原谅我吧!”我见它这么可怜,就原谅它了。 It is very naughty, when we go out to eat, it is always the old trouble, trouble, it jumped on the sofa mess, and also newspapers, napkins torn all over the floor. When I came back, I saw the mess on the ground. I was so angry that I ignored it. He realized he had made a mistake and threw himself on my knee as if to shed tears and said, "Lord, forgive me."!" I forgave it when I saw it so pathetic. 我家的小狗真是又可爱又调皮啊! My puppy is so cute and naughty! 描写小狗的英语作文2 我家有一只可爱的小狗叫嘟嘟,嘟嘟非常的可爱,也非常的令人讨厌,但嘟嘟是我最喜欢的一只小动物。因为嘟嘟的可爱,感染了我。 My family has a lovely puppy called Dudu, Dudu is very cute, and very annoying, but Dudu is my favorite small animal. Because Dudu's cute, infected with me. 告诉你们哦!嘟嘟也是个贪吃鬼哦,嘟嘟喜欢吃肉、狗粮等等。嘟嘟吃饭时很可爱哦!


《写狗的作文400字》 写狗的作文400字(1): 我家的小狗 我家有一只小黄狗,它身上披着金黄色的毛,亮得像搽过油一样;圆圆的、漆黑发亮的眼睛像珠子似的,整天滴溜溜地转;嘴巴长长的,还有一对很灵的耳朵,如果附近有丁点响动,它就会把耳朵竖起来;黄色的小爪像四朵梅花,那条撅着的尾巴总是悠闲不停地摇摆着,样貌十分讨人喜欢。我给它取名叫小黄。 小黄白天喜欢躺在地上晒太阳,可到了晚上,它像看门的卫士一样守着,一有动静就汪汪地叫起来。它从不挑食,就算剩饭剩菜也吃得津津有味。它还十分聪明,也善于动脑。有一次,我在桶里装满清水,小黄摇着尾巴跑过来,伸长了脖子去喝水,可桶太高,总也喝不着,它没有泄气,围着桶绕了几圈,然后得意地昂起头,前爪趴住桶边,使劲向外压,桶倒了,水流了一地,它也喝够了,呵呵! 小黄还会长短不一样地叫唤。高兴时叫的很热情,不高兴时冷漠的叫。别人欺负我的时候,它见了,还会帮我。它汪汪地叫,别人都害怕,不敢再欺负我了。 小黄还爱戏水。刚下完雨,就跑出去了,看见一个小水洼就跑过去用小爪子去抓水,抓了好几次觉得但是瘾,就扑通一下跳下去,这下可坏事了,全身都弄湿了,嘿嘿!冻得直打哆嗦。 这就是我家的小黄,真是天真活泼,顽皮可爱啊! 写狗的作文400字(2): 可爱的小狗 姥姥家有一只小狗,姥姥说:这只小狗名字叫做小灰。它的毛是黄色的,在阳光下看,像金光闪闪的河,小灰的眼睛大大的,十分好看,鼻子向上翘起,耳朵自然下垂,就跟猎狗差不多,尾巴又长又细,如果它摇动尾巴,旁边的沙土也会翻滚起来。 这只狗个性贪吃,有一次,午饭烧好了,我正要吃饭,忽听外面传来一阵撕咬的声音,我抬头一看,小灰和人家家里的一条狗,为了争一块骨头而互相打起架来,我见此情形,便想去阻止它们,可之后一想,两只狗打架但是件稀罕事,我蹲在一旁看好戏,我家的小灰智斗奋勇,人家的小狗就像跳远冠军一样,跳过来又跳过去,几分钟过去了,我家的小灰最后把那块骨头抢走了,得意地吞进了肚子里,大摇大摆地走回了家。这只狗不但贪吃还很爱玩。 有一次,我正在看书,不明白哪里钻出来一只黄蜂,我一看,吓得像被二十五只老鼠-- 百爪挠心,这时小灰看了一眼黄蜂,根本就没把它放在眼里,照样玩自我的,过了一会儿,小灰黄蜂还在那里,小灰愤怒了,它双眼直直地盯着黄蜂,突然,猛扑过去用爪子抓住黄蜂的头猛咬,过了一会儿,黄蜂被它制服了,它看着垂死挣扎的黄蜂,好像在想:这块骨头怎样这么软呀! 这就是我姥姥家的小狗灰灰,你觉得它可爱吗 写狗的作文400字(3):


关于小狗的英语作文 3 篇 狗是非常友善的一种动物, 那么大家喜欢小狗吗?下面小编为大家介绍关于 小狗的英语作文 3 篇,希望能帮到大家!
关于小狗的英语作文 1 I have a lovely dog. He has a cute name “Little Jack”. He’s my good friend. He is 5 years old. I take it as my family member. He often follows me like a guard. He can watch my house. I often play with him. I often take him outside for a walk on the weekends. He always waiting for me in front of the house when I go back home. When I am sad, he feels sad, too. He is anxious to please me. My dog is so affectionate. I love my dog very much. Do you like it? 我有一只可爱的小狗。 他有一个可爱的名字叫“小杰克”。 它是我的好朋友, 它 5 岁了,我把它当作我的家人。它经常像一个后卫一样跟着我。它可以守卫我 的房子。 我经常和它一起玩。我周末经常带它到外面去散步。当我回家的时候,它总 是等在我的屋前。当我伤心时,它也会感到难过。然后热情的逗我开心。 我的狗是那么的深情。我非常爱我的狗。你喜欢它吗? 关于小狗的英语作文 2 Nowadays many people like to have dogs as their pets. Dogs are friends of man not only because they are lovely but also because they are faithful to their masters. Dogs can do a lot of work for man. They play with us. They hunt with us. They keep door for us. But long ago, dogs all over the world were wild. Dogs can date back to the Stone Age. All dogs have the same ancestor. It is believed that their ancestor was much like a wolf. Other animals, such as the fox, came from this ancestor, too. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, man began to tame wild dogs. After the dogs were tamed, they were trained. The strong dogs became working animals. They were trained to pull heavy loads. They learned to keep an eye on the sheep and other animals. Working dogs had other jobs, too.


写小狗的作文七篇 第一篇:我家有两只小狗 我是爸爸的小狗, 爸爸的朋友又送给我一只小狗, 这样我们家就有了两只可 爱的小狗。 送来的小狗是狮子狗,它一到我们家,立刻就成了我们一家人谈论的中心。 大家争着给狗取名子,你取一个名字,他取一个名字,最后还是爷爷水平高,他 给小狗去了一个名字叫“丑丑”, 全家人都觉得很像, 从此就给小狗叫“丑丑”, 而我还是原来的名字,叫“雨雨”,因为我不丑。 我们家的丑丑一身雪白的毛发, 一个狮子一样的头, 尾巴则像一把打开的小 雨伞,长得小巧玲珑,其实我也小巧玲珑。 我给小狗喂火腿肠的时候,我总是自己先咬一口吃着,然后再给它咬一口, 用手往空中一扔, 小狗就跳起来用嘴去接火腿肠。 它一下子就接住了, 等吃饱后, 它会把两只前爪合起来给我作揖, 好像是在感谢我。 可是我想学它从空中接东西 吃,总是接不住,还没他灵巧。 熟人来的时候, 我就和小狗一块跑出去迎接客人。 生人来了, 小狗就汪汪叫, 给我报信,让我不要开门。 我们家的小狗和我一样听话,我们俩一起长,看谁长得快。 第二篇:小白狗的故事 外公家养了一只小白狗。它全身毛茸茸的、雪白雪白的,常常灵活地转动两 只圆溜溜的眼睛,一边跑一边汪汪地叫个不停。 其实,小白狗有许多鲜为人知的、有趣的经历。 小白狗很“馋”。有一次,小白狗也许饿了,正巧把一双前爪伸进了厨房边 的水坑内,用灵敏的鼻子东闻闻西嗅嗅的,真想找到好吃的东西,可弄得全身湿 淋淋的,还把脑袋使劲地抖动起来,污黑的脏水四处飞溅。外公见状,连忙轰它 出去,谁知,在它后面留下了一串长长的梅花印,真好看! 小白狗有时也爱“学习”呢!表哥在做作业时,它常常陪伴左右。一次,表 哥的作业本从桌子上掉了下来, 小白狗连忙跑过去左看看右瞧瞧, 不知从哪里衔 来一支铅笔,在作业本上做起“练习”来呢!有时低头思考,时而抬头嗯嗯叫, 好像在问: “这个答案对吗?”看着它那认真学习的模样, 我和表哥都忍俊不已, 笑得前仰后翻。 最有趣的是,每当小白狗感到无聊时,总爱朝着自己翘起的尾巴追个不停, 狠不得一口把它咬住,傻乎乎的弄得团团转。如此自得其乐的样子,真是惹人喜


关于可爱的小狗作文范文八篇 可爱的小狗作文(1) 在我三岁的时候我家养了一只小狗,它的名字叫boubou,它可爱极了。它全身长着黄色的毛,跟玩具筐差不多大。它还有一双水汪汪的眼睛,像含着晶莹的泪珠似的,特别惹人喜欢。睡觉时的样子像一只猪似的,四条腿又短又粗,屁股后面还有一条又细又短的尾巴,走起路来一摇一摆的,像小鸭子一样,非常可爱。 小时候我一有空就跟它一起玩捉迷藏游戏,我先躲起来,让它来找我,每次boubou很快就找到我了。每当它找到我的时候都好像望着我说:“小主人,我是不是很聪明。”可是boubou因为前两年生了一场大病就死了,每次想到这里,我就很伤心也很想念它。 可爱的小狗作文(2) 一天,妈妈从集市上买了一只小狗,我给它取名“晶晶”,我非常喜欢“晶晶”这只小狗。“晶晶”的眼睛乌亮亮的,耳朵圆圆的,身子毛绒绒的,脚短短的,尾巴像一团绒球,可爱极了。有一次,我做完作业后就给“晶晶”吃午饭:我先在它的小盘子上摆上一些菜叶,又拿了一个小杯子,里面装满了水,但是我把偷偷地把其中一根菜叶藏进来。“晶晶”刚吃完盘里的菜叶,我就把藏起来的菜叶拿出来,“晶晶”为了吃到我手里的菜叶,就使劲一跳,扑向我,最后吃到了我手里的菜叶。下午,我和“晶晶”到楼下玩,我对“晶晶”说:““晶晶”,咱们玩捉迷藏吧?”,“晶晶”“汪汪”叫了几声,表示同意。我让它转过去,然后自己一个人跑。它看到这种场面像被什么东西激怒发似的,飞一般地跑向我。我一见这种场面,吓得大惊失色,快速地跑了起来。我和“晶晶”像风一般地跑着,追着,但每一次我都被“晶晶”追到,可我一点都不生气,因为“晶晶”是我的好朋友。“晶晶”真是只可爱的小狗。 可爱的小狗作文(3) 妈妈给我买了一个可爱的小狗叫"老虎"。 “老虎”特别漂亮,它的毛非常特别,颈子上有一圈白毛,像一个系帽子的带儿一样,最有趣的是“老虎”尾巴上的毛像一支软软的毛笔,更有趣的是“老虎”的尾巴沾上墨汁真能写出字呢!一个灵敏的鼻子下面有一张大大的嘴巴,天气热的时候,它经常把舌头伸出来散热。 “老虎”喜欢吃肉,每次等肉的时候,它都会先在它的“安稳窝”里静静的呆着,可过了一会儿,它便跑出窝,急得团团转,不时的还“汪、汪、汪”的叫几声好像在焦急地说:“小主人怎么到现在还不来,我的肚子都咕咕叫了。”过了一会儿,我端来了一碗红烧肉,它的眼睛立刻变得炯炯有神,目不转睛地盯着我手中的肉,飞快地跑到我身边跳上跳下,好像要从我手中抢似的,当我把肉倒下去的时候,它猛地接住肉,狼吞虎咽地把肉吃掉了。 “老虎”真可爱。 可爱的小狗作文(4) 星期天的那一天,我爸爸和外公带我去学琴。 学完琴我们去小吃店吃酸辣粉。 在小吃店旁边,有很多小狗,这些小狗都很可爱,在这群小狗中,有一只特别可爱的小狗。那只小狗的毛毛茸茸的,很柔软。它的毛上带有斑点,我忍不住伸手去摸它,他那毛茸茸的毛非常暧和,所以我叫它“乎乎”。我非常想买下这只小狗,可是爸爸不给,我就问爸爸:“爸爸,你为什么不给我买小狗呢?” 爸爸说:“你现在还小,还在学习,等你大一点再养吧,而且它在家里没人照顾,有可能饿死的。” 我听了就想,那只好等我长大一点再养小狗吧。 可爱的小狗作文(5) XX年6月6日星期日晴天今天,我到二姑家去玩,一进门就听见“汪、汪汪,”小狗的叫声,小狗突然的出现,吓的我目瞪口呆。


描写狗的英语作文4篇 很多人都喜欢狗,描写狗的英语作文怎么写呢?下面是小编整理的描写狗的英语作文,欢迎阅读参考! 描写狗的英语作文一 Last year,my friend gave me a little dog. I was fond of him very much. I liked to play with him after school and he liked to follow me wherever I went. I was very glad that I had a “body guard”。 Last winter I was very busy with my lessons and came home very late every ,no matter how late I went home,my dog used to stand at a comer near my school waiting for me. When I passed there,he barked two or three times then ran towards me. It seemed that he was calling me. My dog not only,took good care of me,but also was respoasible at home. When strangers came to my house,he barked at them but not hurt them. What a lovely dog he is! 去年我朋友送我一只狗,我非常喜欢它。我很喜欢和他一起玩,放学后他喜欢跟着我,无论我走到哪里。我很高兴我有一个“保镖”。 去年冬天我功课很忙,每天回家都很晚。但是,不管我


英语作文:可爱的小狗 小狗都是很可爱聪明的,是我们人类的好朋友。下面是小编为大家整理的英语作文:可爱的小狗,希望能帮到您! I have a dog. Its name is Doggy. I like it. Doggy has two big eyes, two small ears, a big nose and a small mouth. It’s black and white. It has a short tail. It’s cute and lovely. Doggy is strong. It likes bones, rice and meat very much. My dog is lazy. It can catch a ball. I love my dog very much. 我有一只狗。它的名字叫狗狗。我喜欢它。 狗狗有两只大大的眼睛,两只小小的耳朵,一个大鼻子和小嘴巴。它是黑色和白色。它有一个短尾巴。它很可爱和可爱。 狗是强大的。它喜欢骨头,米饭和肉。我的狗很懒。它可以接球。我非常爱我的狗。 I have a lovely dog. He has a cute name “Little Jack”. He’s my good friend. He is 5 years old. I take it as my family member. He often follows me like a guard. He can watch my house. I often play with him. I often take him outside for


描写小狗的英语作文 可爱的小狗是很多人都喜欢养的宠物,那么你知道怎么用英语来介绍自己的小狗吗?下面小编为大家带来描写小狗的英语作文带翻译,欢迎大家学习! 描写小狗的英语作文1: Puppy vigilance is unusual, it has a special sensitive nose, can smell three miles away the breath, eat food, it is always lower the head to smell. It also has a pair of ears, whenever hear the sound of the special, its ears will stand up and listened attentively outside action! Thus, people keep it to see gate, it is human loyal friend. The puppy has a wide and big mouth, mouth a row of white and sharp teeth, it can be a a big mouse bite dead! The dog has a vigorous limbs, it ran very fast, one minute can run 2, 3 miles! The puppy eyes aren't very good, can only see about a mile away. So, why can it certain things? It is mainly rely on its nose. The puppy claws are sharp, need not long time, it


描写小狗的作文八篇 我家的小狗已经长得好大了,爸爸妈妈早就打算为他们找个新主人了。今天,妈妈对我说:“黄晟,我准备送一只给我的朋友”。我听了,心中有些舍不得,但一想到家里还有三只呢,也就勉强答应了。妈妈把小狗装在袋子里,放到车上。 小狗似乎意识到了什么,大声地哀嚎着,它的母亲跑到车旁,用鼻子蹭车门,发出“恨恨”的嚎叫,小狗钻出袋子,把前脚趴在车窗上,直立起身子,叫得更悲切了。我真不忍心看到母子分别的悲伤场面,请求妈妈不要送走小狗。但妈妈找出一堆理由说服了我。 一路上,小狗不停地叫着,不安分地在袋子里动着。也许是饿了吧,我拿出了特地为它准备的猪耳和用香油拌的饭,放在它面前,但它不闻不嗅,丝毫没有想吃的意思,大概是太孤单了吧。过了一会儿,它安静了一些,呆呆地似乎在想着什么,不像平时那样淘气了。看着它那情绪低落的样子,我知道,动物也像人一样彼此之间有着感情的。我不禁流下泪来。我不知道新主人会对它怎样,会不会疼爱它,我为它的将来担忧着。 来到妈妈的朋友家,主人显得很热情,善良,我稍稍放了一点儿心。小狗似乎也感觉到了主人的热情,跑了出来。

主人一见,把它抱了起来,兴奋地说:“好可爱的小狗啊”。小狗也乖巧地添了添主人的脸,主人更高兴了,直夸小狗通人性。 小狗好像对新的环境显得有些好奇,到处跑来跑去。一会儿钻进床底、一会又爬上楼梯,到处碰。一不小心摔破了一个瓶子。主人也不责怪它,只是开玩笑地说:“哟,真淘气,是个小调皮”。这话把我们都逗笑了。我也总算放下心来了。 直到我们要走时,小狗还在玩着,我们走在路上,它又从新家里跑了出来,跟在我后面,想要跟着我们回去,我们说了好一会,它才依依不舍地回头,还不时回过头来看看我们。再见了,小狗,你在这里会过得开心的。 我从小就有两个愿望,第一个是:能有一只活蹦乱跳且很听话的小狗。这第二个愿望就是:能考上北京的清华大学。目前我已实现了其中一个愿望。 一天,我和奶奶正在洗衣服,小哥在邻居家玩。突然,小哥急忙跑来对我和奶奶说:“妹妹,奶奶,隔壁家的狗生小狗狗了,我们快去捉一只回来吧!”我和奶奶听到这个振奋人心的消息,立刻兴高采烈地跑到邻居家。 刚生下的小狗狗的眼睛还没有睁开,走路像个小孩子喝醉酒了似的,左右晃荡。小狗爬到狗妈妈面前,狗妈妈好像


写小狗的英语作文精选 狗给我们的印象就是长相憨厚可爱,忠诚。很多人都会选择狗来当宠物,那么你知道关于狗的英语作文怎么写吗?下面是小编整理的写小狗的英语作文,希望对你有帮助! 描写小狗的英语篇一: I have a dog. He is my favorite pet. He is very lovely. His name is Peter and he is two years old. His fur is long and white. He has big black eyes. His nose is very good. He can smell very well. He is quite small. He weighs about two kilograms. Peter's favorite food is meat. He also likes bones. 描写小狗的英语篇二: Nowadays there are so many animals out there make people in real life happier. Dog is the best example to identify. As many people believe dog is man's best freind, this is very not just entertain us, however, sometimes dogs could actually help their owner do some work! 描写小狗的英语篇三: I have a lovely dog. Its name is YoYo. I like it


描写小狗的作文范文8篇 篇一:街边捡的小狗 一天中午,阳光很刺激。我和俊伟在街边看到一只可爱的小狗,耳朵一边竖着一边弯着,全身的颜色是由白、灰、橙色组成的;身体大约有半米左右。它一直慢慢地爬着,貌似是没有理智地爬,眼睛也咪咪的,应该有好几天没吃饭了吧。看到这么可怜的小狗,我当然是不由自主地抱回家去。看到小狗狗有点快要晕倒时,我便慌慌张张地去拿了杯水和一盘鱼肉来。它一见着,就忘掉了所有的饥饿和疲劳,只管狼吞虎咽地吃着鱼肉。当它停止时,我们感到惊讶,难道被骨头咽到了?意外的是小狗竟然自己去喝水把骨头冲到自己的胃里去。我们很惊讶,真是不可思议啊。 在没过五六分钟的时间,鱼肉变鱼骨了。接着又对着我们摇了摇尾巴,以表示感谢。这真是一只可爱而又聪明的小狗啊。我们都很喜欢它,还要把它训练成一只警狗。 于是,我们想试试它的嗅觉,先让它闻闻一个球的味道,因为是刚刚开始的所以让它闻了大约一分钟。然后我们把球藏在了50平方木的范围内,让小狗去找。我们放开小狗后,我们走哪它就跟哪,完全不知道我的意思,一直跟着我。小狗还随地找了个地方撒尿,它撒尿的地方正是放球的地方……这小狗真讨人喜欢。我们打算明天就给这小狗起个名字,一边我们叫它。 到晚上了,俊伟不能把小狗带回家所以就先把它留在我这,而我

妈妈又不肯让小狗在家里睡,所以我把小狗留在隔壁家睡。我在床上闭上眼睛,可我并没有睡,我一直在想小狗怎么样了。突然听见了狗叫声,而且越来越近。突然有一只小狗跳到我身上来,原来是早上的那只小狗啊,吓了我一大跳。这小狗还真调皮,明天就取名为调皮尔……呵呵。 今晚我貌似没睡好,一直跟小狗玩,不知不觉就睡着了。第二天起来,就没看到小狗的影子,哪里我都找遍了,都没有发现小狗的踪迹,也不知道去哪里了。俊伟来了,他也很担心小狗的安危。 我们一直找,找到现在都没有发现,我们也放弃了。我们只能够祝福它能够回到原来主人的身边,幸福的生活着。 篇二:我家有一只小狗 我家有一只调皮可爱的小狗。 小狗长着一身金黄色的毛,一双圆溜溜的眼睛,一对耳朵警惕地听着四周一切可疑的声音。小狗还长着一双锋利的爪子,尾巴翘得老高,显得非常傲慢。小狗也非常凶猛,只要稍微听到什么或看到什么,就会发出“警报”,做好“战斗”的准备。 我家的小狗不仅调皮,而且很富有音乐感。 一天,我闲着没事干,便放起了音乐。谁知,小狗听到后,骨头也不啃了,马上向录音机走来。我猜测,可能是小狗发现那音乐是从录音机里传出来的了!小狗在录音机旁蹲下,一边听音乐,一边随着音乐的节奏把尾巴摇过来摆过去,真像个小小音乐家在指挥着乐队……
