


冰箱refrigerator, ice box



打蛋机egg beater, beating machine 电炉electric stove

电磁炉electromagnetic oven

发酵箱fermentation room


和面机dough mixer


绞肉机mincing machine, meat grinder 烤炉oven

转炉revolving oven

风车转炉reel oven

链条烤盘式平炉 traveling chain oven 钢带式平炉 band oven

螺旋式烤炉 spiral oven

托盘式炉 tray oven

箱式烤炉 deck oven

辊切成型机 rotary cutter

挤条成型机 route press

钢丝切割成型机 wire cutter

挤浆成型机 depositor

面团拌和机 pastry blender

面包整形机 moulder

奶油分离器 cream separator

食品加工器 food processor

食品切碎机 food chopper

食品粉碎机 masher

洗碗机 dish washer

醒发室 prover

榨汁机 juice extractor, squeezer

油炸机 deep-fryer

剥皮器 zester

磅秤 scale

保鲜纸 locker paper

裱花转台 revolving cake stand

焙烤用纸碟 baking cup

布丁模 pudding mold

叉子 fork

秤 scale

长柄平底煎锅 skillet

长筷 chopsticks

长形蛋糕模 loaf mold

车轮刀 wheel cutter

铲刀 palette-knife

厨房多用剪 kitchen shears

点心刀 dessert knife

单把锅 pot

蛋夹 egg slicer

蛋糕滚花刀 pastry jagger

蛋糕架 cake rack, cake cooler

打蛋盆 mixing bowl

打蛋器、抽子 egg whisk, balloon whisk 道纳斯专用印模 doughnut cutter

分蛋器 egg separator

擀面杖 rolling pin

擀面板 breadboard, pasteboard 瓜挖小勺 scoop

糕点夹 pastry crimper

糕点切刀 pastry cutter

糕点叉 pastry fork

过滤网 strainer

滤布 cloth filter

工作台 bench

核桃夹 nut cracker

黄油刀 butter knife


蛋及蛋制品(egg product)

鸡蛋 egg

蛋清 egg white

蛋黄 egg yolk

蛋黄粉 yolk powder

蛋粉 egg powder

全蛋粉 dried egg

干蛋粉 dehydrated eggs

奶及奶制品(milk product)

掼奶油 whipped cream

酪乳 butter milk

炼乳 condensed milk

奶昔 curd

奶粉 milk powder

速溶奶粉 instant milk

奶油 cream

奶酪、乳酪 cheese

牛奶 milk

消毒牛奶 city milk, market milk 浓缩奶油 thickened cream

凝乳 rennet

乳酪粉 grated cheese

全脂牛奶 whole milk

酸奶 yogurt

酸奶酪 clabber

酸性鲜奶油 sour cream

脱脂牛奶 skim milk

脱水奶油 dehydrated butter

稀奶油 market cream, single cream 芝士 cottage cheese


糖及糖制品(sugar product)

白砂糖 white granulated sugar

绵白糖 soft sugar

红糖、黄砂糖 brown sugar

冰糖 crystal sugar

蜂蜜 honey

果糖 fructose

风登糖、封糖 fondant

方糖 cube sugar, brick sugar

精制糖 refined sugar

焦糖 caramel

搅打糖霜 whipped frosting

麦芽糖 maltose

麦芽糖浆 malt syrup

木糖 xylose

葡萄糖 glucose

葡萄糖浆 confectioner’s glucose

山梨糖醇 sorbitol

糖膏 fillmass

糖浆 sugar syrup

糖蜜 molasses

糖霜 frosting

糖粉 icing sugar, powdered sugar

饴糖、麦芽糖 barley sugar

玉米糖浆 corn syrup

蔗糖 cane sugar

转化糖 invert sugar


食品添加剂(food additive)

阿摩尼亚 baking ammoria

二氧化氯 chlorine dioxide

丙二醇脂肪酸酯 propylene ester of fatty acids

醋酸 acetic acid

丙酸钙 calcium propionate

丙酸钠 sodium propionate

丙二醇脂肪酸酯 propylene glycol ester of fatty acid 大豆磷脂 soybean phospholipids

单甘油酯 monostearate, monoglyceride

碳酸氢钠 sodium bicarbonate

碳酸铵 ammonium carbonate

碳酸氢铵 ammonium bicarbonate

碳酸钙 calcium carbonate

蛋白酶 protease

胃蛋白酶 pepsin


淀粉 starch

淀粉酶 amylase

碘酸盐 iodate

还原剂 reducing agent

防腐剂 preservative

快性发粉 fast acting powder

过氧化丙酮 actetone peroxide

酵母 yeast

新鲜酵母 fresh yeast

压榨酵母 compressed yeast

干酵母 dried yeast

干燥活酵母 active dry yeast

即溶干酵母 instant active dry yeast 酵母营养剂 yeast food

吉士粉 custard powder

发酵粉 baking powder, baking agent 苏打粉,泡打粉 baking soda









柑桔citrus fruit


黑加仑子black currant

红加仑子red currant



荔枝lithchi , lychee





青李blue plum, blue gage


弥猴桃kiwi fruit



西番莲passion fruit



蜜瓜honey dew melon



柿子persimmon, fig of japon 水蜜桃honey peach







酸樱桃sour cherry

黑樱桃black cherry







干果和果仁类(dried fruits and nuts) 核桃,胡桃walnut


黑芝麻black sesame seed





甜山核桃balsam hickory


松子pine seeds, pine nut



向日葵仁sunflower seed


榛子hazelnut, filbert


油脂(fat, grease)


菜子油rapeseed oil

大豆油soybean oil

橄榄油olive oil

可可油cocoa tincture

花生油peanut oil

棉子油cottonseed oil

米糠油rice bran oil

向日葵油sunflower oil

椰子油coconut oil

玉米油corn oil

芝麻油sesame oil

棕榈油palm oil


人造黄油、麦淇淋margarine 家用人造奶油table margarine 牛羊油suet

牛油beef tallow


氢化油hydrogenated fat

色拉油salad oil


植物油vegetable oil





大麦粉barley flour, barley powder


蛋糕粉cake flour




高筋面粉bread flour

中筋面粉all purpose flour

低筋面粉cake flour

通用面粉all-purpose flour, family flour 全麸面粉all bran

全麦粉whole wheat

合成粉prepare flour mixes


黑麦面粉rye flour

营养面粉enriched flour

面包粉bread flour

麦片whole meal

全麦粉whole meal flour





白麦white wheat

春小麦spring wheat

冬小麦winter wheat

硬质红春小麦hard red spring

硬质红冬小麦hard red winter

软质白冬小麦soft white winter

软质红冬小麦soft red winter





巴菲,冻糕 parfait

咖啡巴菲 coffee parfait

饼干 cookie

布丁 pudding

比萨 pizza

比司吉 biscuit

脆饼干 biscuit

硬饼干 dog biscuit

德比饼干 derby biscuit

苏打饼干 soda cracker

冰淇淋 ice cream

泡泡松糕, 泡饼 popover

泡夫条、爱克力(F.) éclair

薄脆饼 wafer

巧克力薄脆饼、朱古力薄脆饼 chocolate wafer 薄饼 griddle cake

薄饼(美式) pancake

薄饼(印度式) chapaties


脆面饼hippen paste

脆糖饼brandy snap

茶饼 tea bread

粗饼干 sponge goods

丹麦包 Danish pastry

蛋卷冰淇淋 cone ice cream

蛋奶冻 custard

蛋奶酥、沙弗来、苏夫力(F.) soufflé

橙冻沙弗来 cold orange souffle

蛋塔 egg tart

蛋白杏仁饼 macaroon

蛋白酥皮 meringue

蛋白甜饼、巴芙洛娃蛋糕 pavlova

蛋糕 cake

清蛋糕 non-fat cakes

裱花蛋糕 decorative cakes

大块蛋糕 sheet cake

粉状蛋糕 pound cake

海绵蛋糕 sponge cake

黑森林蛋糕 black forest cake

黄磅蛋糕 yellow pound cake

婚礼蛋糕 wedding cake

马德蕾蛋糕(贝壳蛋糕) shell cake

马德拉蛋糕 maderia cake

牛油蛋糕、奶油蛋糕 butter cake

柠檬卷蛋糕 lemon roll

栗子蛋糕 chestnut cake

巧克力软糖蛋糕 truffle cake chocolate 戚风蛋糕 chiffon cake

瑞士蛋卷 swiss roll

乳酪蛋糕 cheese cake

生日蛋糕 birthday cake

天使蛋糕 angel food cake

叠层大蛋糕 double cake

意大利乳酪蛋糕 tiramisu

杏仁蛋糕 congress tart

杏仁柠檬蛋糕 maid, maid of honour cake

杏仁酥糖大蛋糕(F.) marzipan torte

工艺操作与方法(product handle and methods)排列 arrange on

裱花 force

裱花、挤花 mounting patterns

焙烤 baking

抽打 whisk

充气 aerating

成型 shaping, moulding

打鸡蛋 whip up an egg

打奶油 beat up the cream

发酵 ferment

分割 divide

放入 put into

面粉油拌和法 blending method

翻动 turning out

翻转 turn over

翻面、揿粉 punching

辅料预混 premixing

封边 sealing side

擀面团 roll the dough

擀平 roll out

刮 scrape

挂糖粉 coating, icing

滚圆 rounding

盖 cover

裹 coat with, wrap with

过筛 sifted

过滤 filter混和 blend with 烤 roast

加入 add

挤糊 squeezing batter

静置 rest, bench

搅拌成糊 mix into a paste 搅打 agitating

搅和 whisk with

搅动 stir

解冻 thaw

凝结 set

冷却 chill

冷冻 freeze

磨碎 grind

拧 twist

漂白 bleaching

切粒 chop

切成片 cut into slices

切半 halved

揉面团 knead the dough

撒 sprinkle

撒粉、裹粉 dredge, dusting 上色、着色 coloring

上光亮剂 glaze

溶化 melt

溶解 dissolve

乳化 emulsification

刷油 brush over with butter

状态描述(condition describe)

暗淡的 pale

焙烤时烤盘位置不当 improper pan spacing 长的 long

呈羽毛状的 feathered

潮湿 humid

粗劣的 poor

粗糙的 ragged

弱的 weak

淡而无味的 bland, tasteless, watery

淡而无味的(F.) fade

多泡的 bubbly

多汁的 juicy

芳香的 aroma

坏的 bad

快速的、短暂的 instant

哈喇味的 tallowy

(面团)发僵 sticking

烘烤过度的 overbaked

烤至微黄的(F.) blondir

烤炉热度不足 insufficient oven heat

烤炉热度太高 excessive heat

烤炉内闪热太多 excessive flash heat

烤炉内蒸汽不足 no enough steam

烤炉内热分布不均 improper heat distribution 有光泽的 sheeny

有条纹的 streak

坚硬的 hard

坚韧的 tough

空洞 shell tops

紧的、牢固的 tight

苦味的 bitter

冷的 cold

美味的 delicious

黏稠的 sticky

轻软如绒毛的 fluffy

柔软的 soft

柔软而粘牙的 chewy

松散的 loose

水蒸汽压力过高 high pressure steam

随意 optional

酸的 acid

酸味的、变酸的 sour

湿的 wet

生的 raw

生粉心 flour streaks

新鲜的 fresh

无污点、无瑕疪 blemish-free

辛辣的 hot

咸的 salty

硬的 stiff

硬皮的 crusty

味淡的 mild

粘连 kissing

粘丝的、发粘的 ropy, ropiness

走味 pall

煮熟味的 cooked flavor

反应与性能 (action and quality)

保存性 keeping quality

产气能力 raising power

稠度 thickness

淀粉老化 retrogradation

发酵能力 fermentation standards 发酵弹性 fermentation tolerance 风味 flavor

褐变 browning

褐变反应 maillard brown reaction 糊精化作用 dextrinization

糊化 gelatinization

烘烤弹性 oven spring

烘烤中的反应 baking reaction

焦糖化反应 caramelization

搅拌耐性 mixing tolerance

抗老化作用 antistaling

流动性 fluidity

烤型流性 pan flow

凝固点 freezing point

美拉德反应 maillard reaction

面团的发力 baking strength

面团筋力 dough strength

面团弹性 dough elasticity

面团延伸性 dough extensibility

面团韧性 dough resistance

面团可塑性 dough plasticity

面筋网络 gluten matrix

面包体积 loaf volume

气体保持能力 gas retention

起酥性 shortening function of fat

融和性 aerating function of fat

柔软性 softness

熔点 melting point

溶解度 solubility

熟成 maturing

熟化作用 ripening, maturating

水化能力 hydration capacity

伸展性 vitality

酸败 rancidity

相对密度 specific gravity

香味 aroma

吸水量 water absorption

硬度 hardness, consistency

硬脆性 bucky

液化 liquefying

油脂的加工特性 working quality of fat 状态弛缓 structural relaxation

滋味 taste

组织状态 texture


盎司 ounce

表皮颜色 crust color

布拉本德仪 brabender

残留糖 residual sugar

产品 product

传导 conduction

大量 mass

大肠杆菌 colon bacillus

滴面稠度 dropping consistency 低热量食品 light food

对光检查(鸡蛋是否新鲜) candle 二氧化碳 carbon dioxide

发酵时间 proofing time

发酵过度 over proofing

辐射 radiation

粉质仪、面团阻力仪 farinograph 隔夜面团 all-night dough

个/块(面包) loaf

化学的 chemical

货架期、保鲜期 shelf life

混合物 mixture

结构 structure

卡 calorie

黏性 viscosity

冷藏 cold storage

面糊 batter

品脱 pint

配方 formula

气泡式延伸仪 alveograph

清洁剂 detergent

缺陷 fault

少量 dash of

上火、面火 surface temperature of shaped dough in oven 下火、底火 bottom temperature of shaped dough in oven 微火、低温 low baking temperature

中火、中温 medium baking temperature

旺火、高温 high baking temperature

死面粉、发力小的面粉 dead flour

生化的 biochemical

食品保藏 food preservation

室温 room temperature

投料顺序 mixing procedure

对流 convection

脱水冷冻 dehydro-freezing

物理的 physical

细菌 bacteria

相对湿度 relative humidity

相对温度 relative temperature

洗面筋法 batter process

性能 property

延迟发酵 floor time

一打 dozen

一捏 pinch of

重量 weight

陈油、老化油 ageing oil

走油、渗油 leaked oil out




学术会议常用表达 1. 有关会议的一般信息 (1)名称 conference academic conference international conference symposium annual meeting/symposium/conference forum, international forum workshop (2)日期 dates/important dates/key dates (3)地点 location/venue conference location/venue (4)主题 issues/themes/(main)topics/scope of conference conference themes/topics topic of interests 2.论文征稿、提交与录用 call for abstract/proposal/paper paper deadline deadline for abstract/full paper/proposal submission submission deadline deadline extended date for mortification of acceptance Paper acceptance/rejection will be informed by… deadline for authors notification camera ready version deadline 3. 会议注册 deadline/closing date for registration registration form registration information registration fees and items official invitation letter payment telegraphic transfer only bank transfer bank draft/check 4. 会议进程及容 conference schedule/program preliminary conference program final conference program opening ceremony/session keynote session/parallel session/tutorial session keynote speech oral presentation poster presentation tea/coffee


英语商务邮件常用句 1.Initiate a meeting 发起会议 I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A。 我建今天下午就A项目的发展计划开会讨论。 I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown. Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben。 烦请告知你和Ben今晚九点半是否有空相聚? We’d like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30. Same time。 会议时间依然为为十月三十号(周四)。 Let’s make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM SLC time。 下周一盐湖城时区下午五点半开会。 I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the XX project。 可否与你电话讨论下报告进展和XXX项目的情况。 2. Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议 Shall you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me know. 如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。 Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule。


说到商务会议,是不是立刻想到一群西装革履的白领们坐在一个大会议桌周围,表情严肃地讨论各种文件?确实,商务会议是个严肃的场合,这种会议上的用词非常礼貌,给人的感觉就是“公事公式”。我们来看看在会议上该如何礼貌地引起会议主持的注意、询问和表达意见以及怎样做评论吧! Getting the Chairperson's Attention 引起会议主持的注意 May I have a word? If I may, I think... Excuse me for interrupting. May I come in? Giving Opinions 表达意见 I'm positive that... I (really) feel that... In my opinion... The way I see things... If you ask me ... I tend to think that... Asking for Opinions 询问意见 Are you positive that... Do you (really) think that... (name of participant), can we get your input? How do you feel about...? Commenting 做出评论 That's interesting. I never thought about it that way before. Good point!

商务会议常用英语(二) [ 2006-05-29 10:30 ] 英语中一词多义的现象很普遍。很多词在不同的领域有不同的意思。因此难免造成歧义和误解。当你不明白的时候,你需要别人澄清,当你讲到一个可能产生很多歧义的问题时,你也需要为听众说明。下面是一些商务会议上常用的要求澄清和澄清时要用的“业务”语言,看看你用得上不? Asking for Clarification 要求澄清 I don't quite follow you. What exactly do you mean? 我不太明白你的意思。你到底想说什么呢? I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you are getting at. 好像我没太明白你的看法。 Could you explain to me how that is going to work? 你能给我解释一下这个是怎么用的吗? I don't see what you mean. Could we have some more details, please? 我不明白你的意思。你能说得再详细一点吗? Clarifying 澄清 Let me spell it out... 让我解释一下…… Have I made that clear? 明白了吗? Do you see what I'm getting at? 你明白我的意思吗? Let me put this another way... 让我换种方式说明…… I'd just like to repeat that... 我愿意重申一下……商务会议常用英语(三) [ 2006-05-30 10:38 ] 如果你对会议上正在讨论的东西不太不了解,你就得请别人给你提供一些详细的信息。自己不确定是否明白了对方的意思时,就要确认一下。如果别人误会了你的意思,你就要赶快更正。看看下面这些关于请求、确认、和更正的表达,是不是能帮上你的忙呢?


常用会议英语 Revised as of 23 November 2020

常用会议英语 Part A 出席会议常用句(会议前P1,会议中P1-P5,会议后P5) Part B 对话(提出建议P6 请求补充说明P6 表示同意P6 表示反对P7 说明自己的见解P7) Part C 会议常见职位职务英文译名P8 Part A 出席会议常用句 会议前 Greetings ['gri:tiz] Long time no see. How's business How's everything How's it going How are things How've you been Do you have a good trip in China 会议中 Agreeing I think so. I agree. That's it! I agree with you on this point. I think you are right. That’s what I feel. I'm with you. Disagreeing I don't agree. I don't think so. I doubt it. I can't agree. I don't agree on this point. 见面时的寒暄 好久不见。 生意如何 近来如何 近来可好 一切都好吗 近来还好吧 中国旅途愉快吧 会议中表示同意 我也是这样想的。 我赞同。 就是这样! 在这一点,我同意你的意见。我认为你是对的。 那正是我想说的。 我和你想的一样

I disagree with you. It’s impossible. Neutrality [nju:'trliti] I have no opinion about that. I see your point, but there’s a better way. I see that, but is may cause trouble. I understand what you said, but things are not so easy. That’s true, but don’t you think it’s too late Commenting['kmenti] That's interesting. Good point! Good thinking. I see what you mean. I get your point. I’ve never thought that before. Giving Opinions I think …. In my opinion, …… In my view …. Honestly… Personally,… Asking for Opinions What do you think of the idea What do you think about this report What's your opinion/view Do you agree Don’t you think so Can you tell me your idea Asking for Repetition[,repi'tin] I don’t catch that. Can you repeat that I miss it. Can you say it again I don’t understand. Can you repeat I don't follow you. Can you say it one more time 表示异议 我不同意 我不这么认为。 我表示怀疑 我不同意. (语气比I don't agree.客气) 在这一点上我们意见分歧 我不同意你的意见。 那是不可能的. 表示中立 我对此没有任何意见。 我明白的你观点,不过还有更好的办法。我明白这一点,不过它可能会招来麻烦。你说的我了解,但事情并非那么简单。这是真的,但你不觉得太迟了吗 做出评论 很有意思。 有道理! 好想法。 我知道你的意思了。 我明白你的意思了。 我还从没那样想过。 表达个人意见


出席会议常用语 2004-8-20 19:22:00 Language Used to Participate in Meetings 出席会议常用语 The following phrases are used to participate in a meeting. These phrases are useful f or expressing your ideas and giving input to a meeting. Getting the Chairperson’s Attention 引起会议主席的注意 (Mister/Madam) chairman. May I have a word? If I may, I think... Excuse me for interrupting. May I come in here? Giving Opinions 表达意见 I’m positive that... I (really) feel that... In my opinion... The way I see things... If you ask me,... I tend to think that... Asking for Opinions 询问意见 Are you positive that... Do you (really) think that... (name of participant) can we get your input? How do you feel about...? Commenting 做出评论 Th at’s interesting . I never thought about it that way before. Good point! I get your point. I see what you mean. Agreeing 表示同意 I totally agree with you. Exactly! That’s (exactly) the way I f


英文邮件常用语集 附件是……,请参阅。 Please kindly find the attached …… Attached please kindly find the …… Enclosed is the ……, please kindly find it. Attached you will find……, 我已经收到您的邮件。 I have received your email (yesterday/last week/this morning……). Your email has been received. 非常感谢您的回信。 Thanks very much for your early reply. Thank you for your email. 我明白您的意思。 I know what you mean. I understand what you mean. Got it. (*非常口语化,适合于关系很熟悉的同事朋友之间。) 我不太明白您的意思。 I do not quite understand what you meant. I have some problem understanding what you meant. 您能具体解释一下么?您能在说的清楚一点么? Could you please put it in a clearer way? Could you please explain it in detail? Could you please further explain it? What do you mean exactly by saying……?


常用会议英语 Part A 出席会议常用句(会议前P1,会议中P1-P5,会议后P5) Part B 对话(提出建议P6 请求补充说明P6 表示同意P6 表示反对P7 说明自己的见解P7)Part C 会议常见职位职务英文译名P8 Part A 出席会议常用句 会议前 Greetings ['gri:ti?z] Long time no see. How's business? How's everything? How's it going? How are things? How've you been? Do you have a good trip in China?会议中 Agreeing I think so. I agree. That's it! I agree with you on this point. I think you are right. That’s what I feel. I'm with you. Disagreeing I don't agree. I don't think so. I doubt it. I can't agree. 见面时的寒暄 好久不见。 生意如何? 近来如何? 近来可好? 一切都好吗? 近来还好吧? 中国旅途愉快吧? 会议中表示同意 我也是这样想的。 我赞同。 就是这样! 在这一点,我同意你的意见。 我认为你是对的。 那正是我想说的。 我和你想的一样 表示异议 我不同意 我不这么认为。 我表示怀疑 我不同意. (语气比I don't agree.客气)

I don't agree on this point. I disagree with you. It ’s impossible. Neutrality [nju:'tr ?liti] I have no opinion about that. I see your point, but there ’s a better way. I see that, but is may cause trouble. I understand what you said, but things are not so easy. That ’s true, but don ’t you think it ’s too late? Commenting ['k ?menti ?] That's interesting. Good point! Good thinking. I see what you mean. I get your point. I ’ve never thought that before. Giving Opinions I think …. In my opinion, …… In my view …. Honestly … Personally,… Asking for Opinions What do you think of the idea? 在这一点上我们意见分歧 我不同意你的意见。 那是不可能的. 表示中立 我对此没有任何意见。 我明白的你观点,不过还有更好的办法。 我明白这一点,不过它可能会招来麻烦。 你说的我了解,但事情并非那么简单。 这是真的,但你不觉得太迟了吗? 做出评论 很有意思。 有道理! 好想法。 我知道你的意思了。 我明白你的意思了。 我还从没那样想过。 表达个人意见 我认为…. 依我之见 在我看来, 坦诚地说,… 我个人认为…… 征求他人意见 你认为这个主意怎样? 关于这个报告,你觉得如何?


会长亲自整理模拟联合国大会常用词汇中英文对照 来源:北航模联的日志 1. Ame ndme nt 修正案 2. Badge 胸卡 3 Deprive the right to rote 取消表决权 4. Chair 主席 5. Close the debate 结束辩论 6. Director会议指导 7. Delegate 代表 8. Deputy 副代表 9. Head Delegate代表团团长,领队 10. Faculty Advisor 代表团指导 11. Delegation Bloc 代表团 12. Distributio n 分发 13. Document officer文件分发人员 14. Drafti ng committee 起草委员会 15. Draft Resolution 决议草案 16. Draw lots 抽签 17. Elect by an absolute (a simple) majority 以绝对(简单)多数选出 18. Emerge ncy meet ing 紧急会议 19. Enjoy privileges 享受特权 20. En try in to force 开始生效 21. Executive secretary 执行秘书 22. Exercise the right of vote 行使表决权 23. Expert 专家 24. Explain one ' rs)te对所投的票加以说明 25. Extend the term of office 延长任期 26. Extraordinary session 特另U会议 27. Fill a vacancy 补缺


1. Greeting message 祝福 Hope you have a good trip back. 祝旅途愉快。 How are you? 你好吗? How is the project going on? 项目进行顺利吗? 2. Initiate a meeting 发起会议 I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown. Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben. 我建议我们今晚九点半和Brown小聚一下,你和Ben有没有空? I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A. 今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下。 We’d like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30. Same time. 十月三十号(周三),老时间,开会。 Let’s make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM SLC time. 下周一盐湖城时区下午五点半开会。 I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the XXX project. 我想跟你电话讨论下报告进展和XXX项目的情况。 3. Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议Shall you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me know. 如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。 Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule.


正规邮件常用英语100句为大家介绍了在外企工作,英语邮件使用中常用的基本语句。众所周知,现在工作中使用邮件沟通频率较高,但是如何在工作邮件中将英语使用到规范、表达意思清晰却是很多外企白领未能做到的事情。今天小编就为大家整理出了外企邮件常用英语100句,共大家参考学习。 1. I am writing to confirm/enquire/inform you... 我发邮件是想找你确认/询问/想通知你有关… 2. I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2. 我写邮件来是为了跟进我们之前对第二季度营销活动的决定。 3. With reference to our telephone conversation today... 关于我们今天在电话中的谈话… 4. In my previous e-mail on October 5... 在之前10月5日所写的邮件中提到… 5. As I mentioned earlier about... 在先前我所提到的关于… 6. As indicated in my previous e-mail... 如我在之前邮件中所提到的… 7. As we discussed on the phone... 如我们上次在电话中所说的… 8. from our decision at the previous meeting... 如我们在上次会议中所决定的… 9. as you requested... 根据贵方要求…


商务英语课堂:如何举办商务会议 尽管大家都知道开展商务会议很重要,但具体落实下来,让人走神和超时的会议还是“比比皆是”。不管参加会议的对象是谁,以下十条都值得谨记,有助于帮你开展一次成功的商务沟通会议。 对商务英语感兴趣的童鞋,分享你们点视频课堂。: 听课地址:https://www.360docs.net/doc/c716523790.html,/sessionhalll.html?uid=sophie 里面有一些商务课,老师是外教,内容关于高效商务沟通、战略员工管理、实战市场管理、办公室英语等等,相信对你们有帮助。注册账号后可免费听3节。近期想报班提高商务英语水平的,也可以了解下这家培训机构:乐知英语,学员中有很多企业和商务人士。 言归正传,如何办好商务会议,以下是会议流程以及一些值得注意的事情。 1、决定会议目标(Determine the objective)并作好相应准备 一个清晰的目标会给会议定好方向和基调(set the tone and determine the direction properly)。这个目标是具体的(specific)也是可测的(measurable)——最好是可量化的。与此同时提前通知与会者(attendees)作好准备:如果你期望与他们来场头脑风暴(brainstorm),就得至少让他们知道要带着想法参会;你期望是一次学习型会议,至少通知他们会议时间并叮嘱带好纸笔。

2、决定是否有必要面对面开会 Ask yourself if a meeting is really necessary. 会议成本是很昂贵的,不光是支付员工工资上的花费,还包括因此而产生的机会成本——与会者可能因为你的安排而打乱半天的工作计划。有些会议完全可以通过邮件、电话,Skype 等方式替代——不一定非要把大家都聚在一起讨论一些无关痛痒的小事情。 3、邀请一些能作决定的人(invite decision-makers) 总有一个人或部门是会议目标落实的监督人(monitor)——把TA邀请进来。如果实在不行,TA的下属(subordinate)也可以:作为上级(supervisor)的代表或者至少作好会议笔记(take notes)并在之后向上级汇报(report)。 4、按例会的方式处理例会 诸如跟下属碰碰头(touch base with employees)或者交流一下进度报告(status report)的会议一般就控制在15分钟以内。 5、安排好会议作息(Schedule strategically) 避免周一早晨(或者任何工作时段的开始)、周五下午(或者任何工作时段的结束)开会——让自己和同事都舒服一点的安排总是更合适的。 6、设定与会时间长度and stick to it: 超时的会议总是让与会者失去耐心和关注重点(to cause attendees to lose patience and focus)。最有产出的会议总是开始和结束都很准时(start on time and end on time)的会议。 7、制定好会议议程(prioritize the agenda): 别把最重要的说在最后面,也别说些无关紧要的话题。你要考虑到因为工作关系有些人是可能提前离会的——Make sure you have accomplished your goals related to them before they leave(在他们离场前确保已经交待清楚了与他们相关的会议目标)。 8、遵守会议议程(stick to the agenda): 开会前给确认与会的每人发一张agenda,里边有例行的程序包括从apologies到action,哪些人因有事缺席到规划下次会议前应完成的事项,程序完整且按其严格执行。虽然人是灵活的、可以对一些特殊情况随机应变,但提前制定会议议程的目的就是为了第一防止所有情况都成为特殊情况,第二使会议内容更有条理、也方便日后回顾并整理成档案查询。当然我们可能也都确实遇到过有些同事喜欢岔开话题(sometimes just for atmospheric relaxation)的情况,这时候会议组织者要做的就是适时地step in and suggest that they talk after the meeting or schedule a separate discussion。 9、用讲故事的方式传递概念(Deliver concepts through stories):特别是对一些难理解的模型(especially models that are difficult to understand)最好采用此方式。 10、有一个清晰的结尾(to wrap it up clearly):“重申“会议决定、截止日期(reiterate decisions and deadlines),阐明所须的后续行动(clarify follow-up actions required)。


1. I am writing to confirm/enquire/inform you... 我发是想找你确认/询问/想通知你有关… 2. I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2. 我写来是为了跟进我们之前对第二季度营销活动的决定。 3. With reference to our telephone conversation today... 关于我们今天在中的谈话… 4. In my previous on October 5... 在之前10月5日所写的中提到… 5. As I mentioned earlier about... 在先前我所提到的关于… 6. As indicated in my previous ... 如我在之前中所提到的… 7. As we discussed on the phone... 如我们上次在中所说的… 8. from our decision at the previous meeting... 如我们在上次会议中所决定的… 9. as you requested... 根据贵方要求… 10. In reply to your dated April 1,we decided... 回复贵方4月1日的,我方决定… 11. This is in response to your today. 这是对您今早发来的的回复。 12. As mentioned before, we deem this product has strong unique selling points in china. 如先前所述,我们认为这个产品在中国有强有力且独一无二的销售点。 13. As a follow-up to our phone conversation yesterday, I wanted to get back to you about the pending issues of our agreement. 追踪我们昨天在中所谈,我想答复你我们合约的一些待解决的议题。 14. I received your voice message regarding the subject. I'm wondering if you can elaborate i.e. provide more details. 我收到了你关于这个主题的留言。我在想您你是否可以再详尽的说明一下,也就是再提供多一点相关细节。 15. Please be advised/informed that... 请被告知... 16. Please note that... 请注意... 17. We would like to inform you that... 我们想要通知你... 18. I am convinced that... 我确信...


欢迎各位员工及家属参与。 All staff and their family members are welcome. 董事会将于8月4号星期五下午3点在1131室召开会议。 The board of directors will be conducting a meeting at 3 p.m on Friday ,august 4 in room 1131 我们的门诊政策有所变动,希望大家注意。 There has been a change in our clinic sercice policy which we would like to bring to your attention. This Wednesday’s regular meeting announced the establishment of Research and Development Department. 这个周三的公司例会宣布成立公司研发部。 Call zhang wen at 2397884 for more detailed information. 有关详情请联系张文,电话2397884 We wish to take this opportunity to thank you for being coopertive. 借此机会感谢大家的配合。 We very much hope that you will be able to attend our wedding ceremony and look forward to meeting you on 22 november. 我们非常希望你能参加我们的结婚典礼,希望能在11月22号那天见到你。 Mr .and mrs michael garwood request the honor of your presence at an gardon party to celebrate their daughter’s graduation from college。michael garwood 夫妇很荣幸能邀请您参加庆祝他们女儿大学毕业的花园聚会。 You and your family members are cordially invited to attend the pwc annual ball. 盛情邀请您和家人参加pwc的周年舞会 希望您能接受邀请,并在7月23日之前回复. l hope you will accept the invitation and reply before 23rd july. 晚宴开始前在209室会有茶点,欢迎前往。 Tea and cakes will be served before the evening dinner in room 209.welcome to join us. Please remit payment withhin ten days so that you can maintain your credit rating 请于10天内汇款,以维持你的信用等级。 Althought abc company has reserved the clubhouse for saturay ,we can instead offer you our conference room,which seats 60. 虽然ABC公司已预订在星期六使用会所,但是我们仍能为您提够60人的会议室。 You will be glad to know that your request for reimbursement for travel expense is granted. 您要求报销差旅费的请求已被批准,相信您一定很高兴得知这一消息。 Customers will be provided with the best service owing to our long experience in the catering business. 凭借在饮食业的丰富经验,我们能为顾客提供最好的服务。 We have noticed in your letter that the damages to five chairs in shipment were found. 从您的来信得知,已发现5把椅子在装运过程中受到损坏。 我们希望本月底以前收到您应付的金额。 We hope to receive the amount due by the end of this month. 我们希望你们能对货物满意,并期待收到你们更多的订单。 We hope you are satisfied with our goods,and look forward to receiving your future orders. 对于任何不便之处我们再次表示感谢。 We apologize again for any inconvenience.


会议场地: ceremony开幕典礼 Room. 会议厅 Conference Room国际会议厅 ;venue 会议地点 meeting 正式会议 conference 研讨会 7. forum;symposium 座谈会 8. tea party 茶话会 9. hall大堂 Bar餐厅 11.cafeteria自助餐厅 , 会议厅入口 13. exit 会议厅出口 会议各种名称: 1.汇报会(status meeting):领导组织(leader-led),单向交流(one-way communication)的汇报(reporting)。 2.工作会(work meeting):产生一个结果,例如做出一个决定。 3.员工会(staff meeting):经理(manager)与下属的会议。 4.碰头会(team meeting):分工合作的同事一起开的会。 5.非例行会议(ad-hoc meeting):为了一个专门的目的开的会。 6.管理层会议(management meeting):经理们开的会。 7.董事会会议(board meeting):董事会(board of directors)开的会。 8.一对一会议(one-on-one meeting):两个人开的会。 9.外出静思会/退修会(off-site meeting/offsite retreat):在英国叫awayday meeting,指不在工作场所开的会。一般在度假胜地等举办。 10.项目启动会(kick-off meeting):项目组(project team)以及项目雇主(client)的首次会议,讨论分工等。 11.标前会(pre-bid meeting):指招标前与所有竞争者开的情况介绍会。 12.学术会议(academic conference) 12.业务会(business conference)


需要写的英文邮件多了,就觉得很吃力,尤其是当需要经常写给同一个人时。希望邮件的开头、结尾、一些客套的话能有不同的表达~~ 邮件的开头 感谢读者是邮件开场白的好办法。感谢您的读者能让对方感到高兴,特别是之后你有事相求的情况下会很有帮助。 Thank you for contacting us.如果有人写信来询问公司的服务,就可以使用这句句子开头。向他们对公司的兴趣表示感谢。 Thank you for your prompt reply.当一个客户或是同事很快就回复了你的邮件,一定记得要感谢他们。如果回复并不及时,只要将“prompt”除去即可,你还可以说,“Thank you for getting back to me.” Thank you for providing the requested information.如果你询问某人一些信息,他们花了点时间才发送给你,那就用这句句子表示你仍然对他们的付出表示感激。 Thank you for all your assistance.如果有人给了你特别的帮助,那一定要感谢他们!如果你想对他们表示特别的感激,就用这个句子,“I truly appreciate …your help in resolving the problem.”Thank you raising your concerns. 就算某个客户或是经理写邮件给你对你的工作提出了一定的质疑,你还是要感谢他们。这样你能表现出你对他们的认真态度表示尊重及感激。同时,你也可以使用,“Thank you for your feedback.” 在邮件的结尾 在邮件开头表示感谢一般是表示对对方过去付出的感谢,而在邮件结尾处表示感谢是对将来的帮助表示感谢。事先表示感谢,能让对方在行动时更主动更乐意。 Thank you for your kind cooperation.如果你需要读者帮助你做某事,那就先得表示感谢。 Thank you for your attention to this matter.与以上的类似,本句包含了你对对方将来可能的帮助表示感谢。 Thank you for your understanding.如果你写到任何会对读者产生负面影响的内容那就使用这句句子吧。 Thank you for your consideration.如果您是在寻求机会或是福利,例如你在求职的话,就用这封邮件结尾。 Thank you again for everything you've done.这句句子可以用在结尾,和以上有所不


主持商务会议常用英语口语句型 会议是现代商务中的重要一部分。它可以集思广益、将公司的智慧集中起来。作为一名会议主持人,该怎样做才能保证会议顺利进行呢?下面是一些主持会议的常用表达,希望能对您有帮助。 ●宣布会议开始 1. Let's call the meeting to order. 2. Let's get things under way. 3. Let's get things started. 4. Shall we begin? Order 在此是指"会议的程序与规则";call 有"宣布"的含意,call (a meeting) to order 是开会时的惯用语,是"会议开始"的意思。此句型适用于主席宣布讨论要开始时,示意与会者安静,遵守会场的秩序。这里"call"亦可以"bring"代替。这个句型适用于正式的场合中。 如果与会者中有公司以外的人,可以这样说: Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think we should begin. 也可以采用半正式的说法: Perhaps we'd better get started / down to business. All right, I think it's about time we get started / going. Right then, I think we should begin. 较口语的说法有: Let's begin /get going, shall we? Shall we start? ●揭示讨论要点 1. Let me bring your attention to (what I see as) the main issues. 2. Let's focus on the main issues. 3. Let me tell you what I believe to be the main issues. 4. Allow me to set out the main issues for you. bring one's attention to... 的意思是"让某人注意(听、看)……"。此句中的bring 可用call 代替;main 为"主要的";issue是"争论点;关键;议论"。这句话是表示自己要宣布几个重要事项,请与会者注意所要说明及提示的要点;这是正式的表达用语,语气中带有权威感。 ●请专人发言 1. To address this issue, I'd like to call on... 2. To discuss this matter, I'd like to call on... 3. To shed some light on this, I'd like to call on... 4. To provide us with more detail, I'd like to call on... Address 为"提及;陈述";call on someone 这个词组的意思是"要求某人(做某事)",on之后的宾语为被要求的人。此句型是在正式的场合中用以介绍下一位发言人。由于句首使用To address this issue "谈起这个问题",显示特别强调这位发言者的意见值得采纳、尊重或听取;有时亦暗示主席或高阶人士也同样支持此人的意见。 重点提示 A. 开会时尽量选择靠老板的位置坐
