



1、Works Cited/Bibliography置於全文末尾,需另起一頁,續前頁頁碼。標題“Works

Cited/Bibliography”的上方空一行,加粗並居中。Works Cited和Bibliography二者只選擇其一,不能同時在論文中出現。





如果首字母相同,則看第二個字母,依此類推。關於作者的姓的區分,以出現在文獻列表的第一個逗號為分隔標誌,空格以及其他的標點符號不具有區分作用。例如: Descartes, René

De Sica, Vittorio


Scholes, Robert, and Robert Ke llogg

Scholes, Robert, Carl H. Kl aus, and Michael Silverman

Scholes, Robert, and Eric S. R abkin

如果作者的姓名是未知的,則用文獻名稱的標題的首字母進行排序,但是標題中A, An, The這三個詞不參與排序。


4.1 單一作者所著的一本書:

作者姓, 名. 書名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.



Freedman, Richard R. What Do Unions Do? New York: Basic, 1984.

Townsend, Robert M. The Medieval Village Economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993.


作者姓名需要與出現在所引文獻中的一致,若原來是縮寫,則不要補全;原來是全名,則不要縮寫。如文獻中作者姓名後出現了職位、學位等頭銜,則一般情況下是需要刪除的。但是,如果名字中有Jr. 、IV這樣的表示大小、世代區別的詞,則不能省略,要用逗號隔開,放在名的後面,這些是人名的一部分。


Rockefeller, John D., IV.

King, Martin Luther, Jr.



The Hand: How Its Use Shapes the Brain, Language, and Human Culture

4.2 由編者編的書(但不同於論文集,這裡可能都是這個編者寫的,裡面的章節沒有其他的作者):

編者姓, 名, ed. 書名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年. (原書中寫的是editor)

編者姓, 名, comp. 書名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年. (原書中寫的是compiler)

編者姓, 名, comp. and ed. 書名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年. (原書中寫的是compiler and editor)


Feldman, Paula R., ed. British Women Poets of the Romantic Era. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.

Sevillano, Mando, comp. The Hopi Way: Tales from a Vanishing Culture. Flgstaff: Northland, 1986.

Spafford, Peter, comp. and ed. Interference: The Story of Czechoslovakia in the Words of Its Writers. Cheltenham: New Clarion, 1992.

4.3 一個作者的多本書同時出現在參考文獻中:

只在該作者的第一個文獻中把作者的姓名寫出。在接下來的幾個文獻中,使用“---.”代替該作者的姓名。“---”代替的就是第一個文獻中的“姓, 名”。



Borroff, Marie. Language and the Past: V erbal Artistry in Frost, Stevens, and Moore.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979.

---, trans. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. New York: Norton, 1967.

---, ed. Wallace Stevens: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice, 1963.

Frye, Northrop. Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1957.

---, ed. Design for Learning: Reports Submitted to the Joint Committee of the Toronto Board of Education and the University of Toronto. Toronto: University of

Toronto Press, 1962.

---. The Double Vision: Language and Meaning in Religion. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991.

---, ed. Sound and Poetry. New York: Columbia University Press, 1957.


4.4 一本書由多人合著、編、譯:

第一作者姓, 名, and 第二作者正常順序姓名. 書名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.

第一作者姓, 名, 第二作者正常順序姓名, and 第三作者正常順序姓名. 書名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.

第一作者姓, 名, et al. 書名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年. (書的作者超過三個時使用et al.)

(如果是編或譯的作品,同樣是在最後一個人的名字後加上“, eds.”“, comp.”“, trans.”)



4.5 由一個單位、團體、組織出版的無單個作者的文獻:

單位名. 書名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.


4.6 引用一部文集中的一篇文章:

文章作者姓, 名. “文章名.” Trans. 該文章譯者姓名正常順序. 文集名稱. Ed. 編者姓名正常順序. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年. 文章出現的頁碼範圍.

此處注意:1、文章名後的句號應該放在引號裡面,如果文章名後原來就有問號或感嘆號之類的特殊標點符號,則不需要再加句號。2、陰影部分不一定要出現,只有在該文章是翻譯過來的,而且譯者姓名已知時才需要出現。3、頁碼範圍是指整篇文章的頁碼,而不是所引用的文字出現的頁碼,使用“-”連接。若短橫前後的頁碼都是百位數以上,且前後百位數相同,短橫後的那個頁碼只需要寫出後兩位數。但是如果是百位元數字不同,則要寫全。如169-79,1055-62,188-205,1097-110。4、如果文集沒有編者,只有譯者,則Ed. 換成“Trans. 譯者姓名正常順序.”。


Allende, Isabel. “Toad’s Mouth.” Trans. Margaret Sayers Peden. A Hammock beneath the Mangoes: Stories from Latin America. Ed. Thomas Colchie. New York:

Plume, 1992. 83-88.

Calvino, Italo. “Cybernetics and Ghosts.” The Uses of Literature: Essays. Trans.

Patrick Creagh. San Diego: Harcourt, 1982. 3-27.

More, Hannah. “The Black Slave Trade: A Poem.” British Women Poets of the Romantic Era. Ed. Paula R. Feldman. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University

Press, 1997. 472-82.

“A Witchcraft Story.” The Hopi Way: Tales from a Vanishing Culture. Comp. Mando Sevillano. Flagstaff: Northland, 1986. 33-42.







“Mandarin.” The Encyclopedia Americana. 1994 ed.

Mohanty, Jitendra M. “Indian Philosophy.” The New Encyclopaedia Britannica: Macropaedia. 15th ed. 1987.

“Noon.” The Oxford English Dictionary. 2nd ed. 1989.

“Noon.” Def. 4b. The Oxford English Dictionary. 2nd ed. 1989.

Allen, Anita L. “Privacy in Health Care.” Encyclopedia of Bioethics. Ed. Warren T.

Reich. Rev. ed. 5 vols. New York: Macmillan-Simon, 1995.

4.8 引用一本書中的簡介、代序、前言、後記等非正文內容:

(1)該部分作者姓, 名. Foreword/Introduction/Preface/Afterword. 書名. By 書作者的姓. Ed. 編者正常順序姓名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年. 該部分的頁碼範圍.


(2)該部分作者姓, 名. Foreword/Introduction/Preface/Afterword. 書名. By 書作者正常順序的姓名. Ed. 編者正常順序姓名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年. 該部分的頁碼範圍.



Borges, Jorge Luis. Foreword. Selected Poems, 1923-1967. By Borges. Ed. Norman Thomas Di Giovanni. New York: Delta-Dell, 1973. xv-xvi.

Doctorow, E. L. Introduction. Sister Carrie. By Theodore Dreiser. New York: Bantam, 1982. v-xi.



該部分作者姓, 名. “該部分標題.” Foreword/Introduction/Preface/Afterword. 書名. By書作者的姓/書作者正常順序的姓名. Ed. 編者正常順序姓名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年. 該部分的頁碼範圍.


Brodsky, Joseph. “Poetry as a Form of Resistance to Reality.” Foreword. Winter

Dialogue. By Thomas Venclova. Trans. Diana Senechal. Evanston:

Hydra-Northwestern University Press, 1997. vii-xviii.

4.9 某些作品尤其是名著的版本、譯本:


Crane, Stephen. The Red Badge of Courage: An Episode of the American Civil War.

1895. Ed. Fredson Bowers. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1975.

(這指的是維吉尼亞大學出版社Fredson Bowers這個人作為編輯出版的Stephen Crane的《紅色英勇勳章》,可能還有其他出版社也出過這本書)

Dostoevsky, Feodor. Crime and Punishment. Trans. Jessie Coulson. Ed. George Gibian. New York: Norton, 1964.

(這裡是指諾頓出版的由George Gibian編輯的Jessie Coulson翻譯的《罪與罰》)


Bowers, Fredson, ed.The Red Badge of Courage: An Episode of the American Civil War. By Stephen Crane.1895. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia,


Coulson, Jessie, trans.Crime and Punishment. By Feodor Dostoevsky. Ed. George Gibian. New York: Norton, 1964.

4.10 再次出版的書以及有多卷本的書:

作者姓,名. 書名. 版數(2nd, 3rd, 4th)/版名(Rev./Abr./Expanded)/出版年(1999, etc)ed. 卷本數vols. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.


Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Ed. F. W. Robinson. 2nd ed.

Boston: Houghton, 1957.

Blanco, Richard L., ed. The American Revolution, 1775-1783: An Encyclopedia. 2 vols. Hamden: Garland, 1993.

Lauter, Paul, et al., eds. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. 2nd ed. 2 vols.

Lexington: Heath, 1994.


4.11 學術論文:


Boyle, Anthony T. “The Epistemological Evolution of Renaissance Utopian Literature, 1516-1657.” Diss. New York University, 1983.


Valentine, Mary-Blair Truesdell. An Investigation of Gende-Based Leadership Styles of Male and Female Officers in the United States Army. Diss. George Mason

University, 1993.


4.12 學術期刊中的論文:

作者姓, 名. “論文名.” 期刊名第幾卷. 第幾期(年份): 頁碼範圍.



McKenna, Bernard. “How Engineers Write: An Empirical Study of Engineering Report Writing.” Applied Linguistics 18 (1997): 189-211.

Hallin, Daniel C. “Sound Bite News: Television Coverage of Elections, 1968-1988.”

Journal of Communication 42. 2 (1992): 5-24.

4.13 報紙、雜誌中的文章


Lohr, Steve. “Now Playing: Babes in Cyberspace.” New York Times 3 Apr. 1998, late ed.: C1+.

Manning, Anita. “Curriculum Battles from Left and Right.” USA Today 2 Mar. 1994: 5D.


Armstrong, Larry, Dori Jones Yang, and Alice Cuneo. “The Learning Revolution: Technology Is Reshaping Education – at Home and at School.” Business Week

28 Feb. 1994: 80-88. (週刊、半月刊)

Amelar, Sarah. “Restoration on 42nd Street.” Architecture Mar. 1998:146-50. (月刊)Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. “The Creative Personality.” Psychology Today July-Aug.

Perlstein, Rick. “Abridged Too Far?” Lingua Franca Apr.-May 1997: 23-24.(雙月刊)


4.14 網上的期刊、雜誌、報紙網頁文章



Denning, Peter J. “Business Designs for the New University.” Educom Review

31.6 (1996). 23 June 1998


Markoff, John. “The V oice on the Phone Is Not Human, but It’s Helpful.” New York Times on the Web 21 June 1998. 25 June 1998 <網址略>. (網上報紙文章)Kinsley, Michael. “How Is the Summer of Too Much Content.” Slate 20 June 1998. 25 June 1998 <網址略>. (網上雜誌文章)


4.15 非英語文獻格式:





戴煒棟(Dai Weidong)、何兆熊(He Zhaoxiong). 新編簡明英語語言學教程. 上海:上海外語教育出版社, 2002.

孫藝風(Sun Yifeng). 翻譯研究與意識形態:拓展跨文化對話的空間. 中國翻譯, 2003, (5).

王洪剛(Wang Honggang). 隱喻對於學習者學習策略的影響. 東北師範大學博

辛斌(Xin Bin). 交際教學法:問題與思考. 外語教學與研究, 1995, (3) .

朱生豪(Zhu Shenghao)譯. 威尼斯商人. 莎士比亞著, 北京:人民文學出版社, 1987.

(2)作者姓拼音, 名拼音. [中文名], 書名. 出版地:出版社, 出版年.

作者姓拼音, 名拼音. [中文名], 文章名. 期刊名. 年份, (第幾期).(復旦格式)

Dai, Weidong. [戴煒棟], He Zhaoxiong[何兆熊], 新編簡明英語語言學教程. 上海:上海外語教育出版社, 2002.

Sun, Yifeng. [孫藝風], 翻譯研究與意識形態:拓展跨文化對話的空間. 中國翻譯, 2003, (5).

Wang, Honggang. [王洪剛], 隱喻對於學習者學習策略的影響. 東北師範大學博士論文, 2006.

Xin, Bin. [辛斌], 交際教學法:問題與思考. 外語教學與研究, 1995, (3) .

Zhu, Shenghao. [朱生豪]譯, 威尼斯商人. 莎士比亞著, 北京:人民文學出版社, 1987.







Among intentional spoonerisms, the “punlike metathesis of distinctive features may serve to weld together words etymologically unrelated but close in their sound and meaning”

(Jakobson and Waugh 304).

In Hansberry’s play A Raisin in the Sun, the rejection of Linder’s tempting offer permits Walter’s family to pursue the new life they had long dreamed about (274-75).

Brian Taves suggests some interesting conclusions regarding the philosophy and politics of the adventure film (153-54, 171).




Between 1968 and 1988, television coverage of presidential elections changed dramatically (Hallin 5).

Repetitive strain injury, or RSI, is reported to be “the fastest-growing occupational hazard of the computer age” (Taylor A1).



若引用處指的是整卷作品,則為(作者姓,vol. 卷號)。


The anthology by Lauter and his coeditors contains both Stowe’s “Sojourner Truth, the Libyan Sibyl” (1: 2425-33) and Gilman’s “The Yellow Wall-Paper” (2: 800-12).

Between the years 1945 and 1972, the political-party system in the United States underwent profound changes (Schlesinger, vol. 4).

In volume 2, Wellek deals with […].




A presidential commission reported in 1970 that recent campus protests have focused on

“racial injustice, war, and the university itself” (Report 3). (報告)

The nine grades of mandarins were “distinguished by the color of the button on the hats of office” (“Mandarin”). (百科全書)

International espionage was as prevalent as ever in the 1990s (“Decade”). (雜誌上未署名的文章)

Milton’s description of the moon at “her highest noon” signifies the “place of the moon at midnight” (“Noon,” def. 4b). (字典上的定義)


(作者姓, 作品名引用頁碼範圍)



Shakespeare’s King Lear has been called a “comedy of the grotesque” (Frye, Anatomy 237).

For Northrop Frye, one’s death is not a unique experience, for “every moment we have lived through we have also died out of into another order” (Double Vision 85).



(qtd. in 你所看到的這個文獻的資訊),文獻資訊因類型不同可以參考以上5種方法。


Samuel Johnson admitted that Edmund Burke was an “extraordinary man” (qtd. in Boswell 2: 450).

The commentary of the sixteenth-century literary scholars Bernardo Segni and Lionardo Salviati shows them to be less-than-faithful followers of Aristotle (qtd. in Weinberg 1: 405, 616-17).








In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the doctor wonders, “How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite pains and care I

had endeavored to form?” (42).




At the conclusion of Lord of the Flies, Ralph and the other boys realize the horror of their actions:

The tears began to flow and sobs shook him. He gave himself

up to them now for the first time on the island; great,

shuddering spasms of grief that seemed to wrench his whole

body. His voice rose under the black smoke before the

burning wreckage of the island; and infected by that emotion,

the other little boys began to shake and sob too. (186)



MLA格式简要规范 MLA格式简要规范 1. 独著 姓,名. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. Bambrough, Renford. The Philosophy of Aristotle. New York: The New American Library, 1963. 2. 两至三名作者 姓,名, 名姓, and 名姓. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. Horton, Rod W., and Herbert W. Edwards. Backgrounds of American Literary Thought. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1952. Atwan, Robert, Donald Mcquade, and John Wright. Edsels, Luckies, and Frigidaires: Advertising the American Way. New York: Dell, 1979. 3. 四名或以上作者 姓,名, et al. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. Belenky, Mary Field, et, al. Women's Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind. New York: Basic, 1986. 4. 机构作者 机构名称. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. American Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. 4th ed. Washington: American Psychological Association, 1994. 5. 匿名作者


正文主体两边对齐,双倍行距,标题小三号,正文小四号字,全部使用Times New Roman Cross-referencing in MLA Format Quotation format 引用格式 ●引用任何不是自己的想法/观点时 When quoting any words that are not your own ●总结某一出处的事实和观点时 When summarizing facts and ideas from a source ●总结是指从某一来源的大篇幅资料中提取想法,并用自己的语言压缩。 Summarizing means to take ideas from a large passage of another source and condense them, using your own words ●解释某些资料时 When paraphrasing a source ●解释是指使用某些来源的观点,但是用自己的话来表达,格式发生改变。 Paraphrasing means to use the ideas from another source but change the phrasing into your own words 有以上的情况时,都要使用加注形式!即来源作者的性与来源的页码必须出现在你的论文中。You Should Use Parenthetical Citations! That is: Author’s last name and page number(s) of quote must appear in the text 比如:引号中的内容 Romantic poetry is characterized by the “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”(Wordsworth 263).这句话没有指出引文作者是谁,所以括号中要有作者的姓+页码。Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (263).这句话中已经有了引文是谁说的,所以后面括号加注只有引文的页码 你文章中有多处引文,作者同姓不同名的,将名字缩写放在姓之前:More than one author with the same last name (W. Wordsworth 23); (D. Wordsworth 224) 引用同一作者不同作品的,在括号中将作品放在中间,和姓用逗号隔开More than one work by the same author (Joyce, Portrait 121); (Joyce, Ulysses556) 多卷作品的不同卷次,先说卷次,然后冒号,然后页码Different volumes of a multivolume work (1: 336) 不是直接引用某一作者的材料,比如这是Johnson说的话,但是是在Boswell的书里面出现的Johnson的话。先列出引文作者的姓,然后用qtd. in,然后说出引文所在书的作者的姓,然后卷次,冒号,页码。 Citing indirect sources (Johnson qtd. in Boswell 2:450)


The Modern Language Association (MLA) style source of all material you paraphrase, summa This guide shows the most common scenarios Research Papers . 7th ed. (McPherson Library R Guide to Scholarly Publishing. 3rd ed. (McPhers NOTE: Some significant changes have been ma Titles are now italicized rather than URLS are no longer required for electr The document format (Print, Web, PD Cited list. General Rules: In-text Citations ? Place the reference where a pause occurs in possible to the relevant material. ? Cite the author’s last name and the relevan Example: Music is thought to be the fo ? If you include the author’s name in the sent Example: Blair argues that music is the ? Page numbers may be omitted if a source la numbered paragraphs or sections, use thes Example: (Smith, para. 4) ? Multiple sources in the same reference: Example: (Matthews and Smith 88; Su ? No author : use the complete or shortened t Example: (History of Rome 143) ? Two authors with the same surname: Add t name. ? Corporate author (organization, company, a rather than the parentheses. Within parent Style Manual for a list of common abbreviat Examples: This figure doubled in 1991The Canadian Mental Health Associati ? Multiple sources by the same author: add th Example: “A single whisker twitched” Example: Finally, Jones sends her dete ? When citing an entire source , or a source w include the author’s name and the title in th Example: This tone is evident in Bebbi ) style requires you to cite your sources within the text of ummarize, or quote. narios for MLA citing. For more examples, see MLA Handb brary Reference, call number LB2369 M53 2009) and the cPherson Library Reference, call number PN147 G526 200en made for the new edition of the MLA Style Manual han underlined electronic sources (unless required by your instructor) eb, PDF File, DVD, etc.) must be included in every entry in ons curs in the sentence (such as before a period, semicolon o elevant page number(s). the food of love (Blair 135). e sentence, do not cite it in parentheses. c is the foo d of lov e (135). urce lacks page numbers (for example, on many Web sou e these in the citation. ce: separate citations with a semicolon. 88; Suzuki 105-107) ened title – book titles are italicized and article titles are i Add the first initial, or, if the authors have the same first pany, association, etc.): cite the name. If it is long, include arentheses, shorten commonly abbreviated terms (see c reviations). n 1991 (Natl. Research Council 65). ociation agrees (195). add the title, shortened or full. ched” (Jones, Tiger Thief 16). detective to Yemen (Kat Tales 207). urce with no page or section numbers, avoid parenthetica e in the sentence. Bebbington’s History of Economics . ext of your paper. Cite the Handbook for Writers of d the MLA Style Manual and 26 2008). : try in the Works olon or comma), as near as b sources). If a source has are in quotations. e first initial, add the full first clude it in the sentence see chapter eight of the MLA hetical references. Instead,


8. Modern Language Association Style 现代语言学会论文格式,/question/30417790.html 现代语言学会(MLA)格式要求在正文中用括号注明引语的出处,而不用尾注或者脚注。这方面的信息包括作者的姓名和页码,向读者提示关于引语出处的详细信息已被列入正文之后的参考文献中。 8.1 Content of Parenthetical Citations (引文出处信息) 引语出处的信息一般只包括作者姓名和页码,中间不需要逗号。当作者姓名已出现在文句中,就不需要在括号中再重复。 Author named in text(行文中出现作者姓名) Graff defines his recent book, Professing Literature, as “a history of academic literary studies in the United States” (1). Author not named in text(行文中不出现作者姓名) Several scholars have studied recent developments in academia in the context of the history of university teaching (e. g., Graff ). Modern literary studies have their origin in classical studies (Graff 19-35 ). Reference to entire book(提及某部专著) 当在行文中仅仅提及某部专著的名称及其作者时,无须在括号中提供其它信息。读者会通过作者姓名在参考文献书目中去查找相关信息: Slade’s revision of a Form and Style incorporates changes made in the 1995 edition of the MLA Handbook. Work with four authors(有多位作者的专著) 当专著有四位或者更多作者时,可列出所有四位作者或者仅仅给出第一位作者的姓,并在其后注明“et al”。 (et alii,“and others”的缩写,意为“等等”): The authors of Women’s Way of Knowing make a distinction between “separate knowing” and “connected knowing” (Belenky et a1. 100-30) or (Belenky, Clinchy, Goldberger,

MLA 论文格式及work cited

PARENTHETICAL CITATION and the WORKS CITED: MLA STYLE Department of English and Film Studies, University of Alberta 2010 The MLA style (MLA Handbook, 2009) allows documentation of an abbreviated kind to appear in the body of your essay in parentheses, thus eliminating all but explanatory or elucidatory footnotes. The parenthetical citations will refer your reader to a list of “Works Cited” (see below) in which all sources quoted or referred to will be alphabetically arranged. Parenthetical Citation 1. Author’s name mentioned. If you introduce a quotation or fact or paraphrase by mentioning the author’s name, you need only give the pagination. An early authority on fairy tales, Henry Bett, claims that the whole study was shoddy but “very instructive” (53). Note: When a quotation ends with an exclamation mark or a question mark, leave the punctuation inside the quotation marks and place the period after the parentheses: Bett thought that the whole study was shoddy but “very instructive!” (53). 2. Author’s name not mentioned. If you do not mention the author’s name before you quote, you should include the last name in parentheses with no punctuation between the name and the page number One early authority on fairy tales referred to the whole study as a shoddy but “very instructive” exercise (Bett 53). 3. Author unknown. Some very old documents, and some very new on-line ones, may not have a known author, or may not state an author’s name. You can signal the title of the work, or include a short title in parentheses. The Harvard Report on Baseball Deaths had no firm figures for 1911. One source had no firm figures for 1911 (Harvard). n.b. Book titles are italicized; article titles are placed between quotation marks. 4. Page number unknown. Many web sources have no page numbers. You may omit the page number and just use the author’s name or the title of the article. Researchers have noticed a sharp rise in death by boredom at major golf tournaments (Duffer). Duffer says that golfing head injuries are on the rise (“Golf Woes”). If a web source uses paragraph or screen numbers, use “par.” or “pars.” or “Screen” in parentheses: (Duffer pars. 2-3). 5. Two or more authors. Include the last names in parentheses as they are listed in the text from which you are citing. (Duffer and Curses 45) For more than three authors use “et al.” (Duffer et al 45). 6. A multi-volume work. Give the number of the volume followed by a colon and then the page number. In the second volume of Hegel’s Aesthetics, he discusses the sublime features of the puppet show (2: 350-355). 7. Verse plays and poems. Give the act, scene, and line numbers from the play. Separate these with periods. In King Lear Gloucester cries foul when his eyes are taken out (4.2 148-149). Or if the play’s name is not mentioned, include it in the citation. This is similar to the moment when Gloucester loses his eyes (Lear, 4.2 148-149). When quoting poetry, give the line numbers and show the line breaks. In Cowper’s, The Task, the author says that Milton’s poetry “surpassed/ The struggling efforts Of my boyish tongue/ To speak its excellence” (4. 710-12).


论文格式要求 1.论文全文采用小四号Times New Roman(12号)字体:论文题目采用小二号 Times New Roman;中文题目采用小2号宋体。一级标题(章标题)采用16号Times New Roman,分别冠以I、II、III、IV、V等序号;二级标题(节标题)14号,分别冠以1.1, 1.2、2.1, 2.2、等序号;三级标题(节以下标题)均采用12号,分别冠以1.1.1、2.1.1等序号。所有标题加黑。 2.论文正文采用段首缩进5个字符,单面打印;2倍行距。正文第一页加论文题目。 3.正文(包括附录和参考文献)页码标注格式为阿拉伯数字1 2 3….页码标注在页面底部居中。论文封面不标注页码。 4.论文采用A4复印纸单面打印。上、下、右边距为25mm;左边距为30mm,其中10mm供装订。 5.论文装订次序为论文封面、论文主体(body),参考文献、附录(若有)。论文页码从正文开始。 示例1:MLA格式参考文献著录及引述格式 第一部分:正文内引述 (In-text Citation: MLA Style) [The formatting generally follows the latest Modern Language Association (MLA) style, including parenthetical references.*Parenthetical documentation means that in the text, only the author’s surname and the page number is given in parentheses following the quotation or any reference to another source. If


论文的基本结构和引用文献格式 (MLA格式) 学术论文文献的引用有三种形式:文内注释、注解(Notes)和参考文献(Bibliography)。正文中引用别人的论述、词汇、材料、观点或思想时,文内注释采用同论文末尾参考文献相关联的信息,用圆括号表示。正文中除了文内注释外,往往还需要注解;注解同文内注释不同,它主要是针对正文中需要说明的问题作注解,而不是针对正文中的引用作注解。参考文献(Bibliography)是指被论文参考和引用过的所有作品,位于正文末尾。如论文末尾有注解,参考文献则位于注解后。论文末尾的“注解”和“参考文献”可能同时存在。 凡是在参考文献中以书的形式出现的出版物品名称,无论是小说、诗歌、戏剧,还是小册子、报刊杂志、电影、光盘、盒式录音磁带、唱片、绘画、雕塑作品等,英文用斜体表示。中文名称则用书名号表示。对于“注解”和“参考文献”中提到的文章、论文、短篇小说、短诗、书中的章节,包括未公开出版的讲座、会议发言稿、手稿、学位论文等,都一律加引号表示。中文的也采用同样方法,避免同书名混淆。 一、论文的基本结构 不同学科、不同研究方向以及不同类型的学术论文在基本结构上存在差异,但本科毕业论文一般应有以下部分:Introduction,(Literature Review)and Discussions (与APA不一致), Conclusion 等等。当然,研究类型不同,中间部分章节内容也就不同。现对各章布局作如下规定,Introduction、Chapter 2、Chapter 3…Conclusion。其中,Conclusion前不加Chapter等字样。下面对这些章节的大致内容略作介绍。 Chapter 1 Introduction 本章应该包括以下内容:本研究的背景、意义以及预期解决的问题。有时需要对重要概念或术语进行简单的定义。本章末尾一般对全篇论文的章节主要内容作简单介绍(An overview of the thesis)。本章要求简炼,开门见山,一般为1-2页。 如果论文没有单独一章作文献综述,那么简单的文献综述可以放在这部分。文献综述的主要目的是向读者介绍与本研究有关系的现有研究(existing studies),重点介绍以下内容:(1)为何要做这一研究,论文要研究的问题前人已经做了哪些研究?采用了哪些研究方法?得出了哪些研究结论?(2)关于这个问题还有哪些问题没有解决?前人的研究存在哪些局限性?关于这个问题还有哪些争议或值得进一步研究的问题? Chapter 2… 论文主体部分对论文所要探讨的研究问题进行展开陈述。 Conclusion 本章名为结论,实际上应该包括以下几方面的内容:本研究的主要发现(Main findings)、本研究的启示(Implications)、本研究的局限性(Limitations of the present study)以及需要进一步研究的问题(Further research suggestions)等等。


MLA论文引用格式 一、参考文献格式 1、Works Cited/Bibliography置于全文末尾,需另起一页,续前页页码。标题“Works Cited/Bibliography”的上方空一行,加粗并居中。Works Cited和Bibliography二者只选择其一,不能同时在论文中出现。 2、引用文献格式的对齐方式选择“两端对齐”,并设置悬挂缩进2.5个中文字符(5个 英文字符)。(这样两行以上的参考文献会自动从第二行开始缩进,就不需要去打空格了) 3、排序: 一般情况下,参考文献按照文献作者的姓的首字母顺序排列,前面不需要加序号。 如果首字母相同,则看第二个字母,依此类推。关于作者的姓的区分,以出现在文献列表的第一个逗号为分隔标志,空格以及其他的标点符号不具有区分作用。例如:Descartes, René De Sica, Vittorio 如果合著的参考文献中几本书的第一作者是同一个人,而从第二作者开始有不同,则按第二作者的姓来排列先后。(注意:由于第二作者的名字是英语姓名的正常书写格式,因此要注意不要误用第二作者的名来排列)例如: Scholes, Robert, and Robert Ke llogg Scholes, Robert, Carl H. Kl aus, and Michael Silverman Scholes, Robert, and Eric S. R abkin 如果作者的姓名是未知的,则用文献名称的标题的首字母进行排序,但是标题中A, An, The这三个词不参与排序。 4、文献格式: 4.1 单个作者所著的一本书: 作者姓, 名. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年. (注意:此处的标点是英文格式的标点,英文文献里所有的例子都是使用英文标点,后不做特别说明。书名需要斜体或者加下划线) 如: Freedman, Richard R. What Do Unions Do? New York: Basic, 1984. Townsend, Robert M. The Medieval Village Economy. Princeton: Princeton


mla论文格式要求:mla论文引用格式 MLA 是一种常用的引用格式,下面是小编精心推荐的一些mla论文格式要求,希望你能有所感触! mla论文格式要求 1、题目:应简洁、明确、有概括性,字数不宜超过20个字。 2、摘要:要有高度的概括力,语言精练、明确,中文摘要约100200字; 3、关键词:从论文标题或正文中挑选3~5个最能表达主要内容的词作为关键词。 4、目录:写出目录,标明页码。 5、正文: 论文正文字数一般应在3000字以上。 论文正文:包括前言、本论、结论三个部分。 前言(引言)是论文的开头部分,主要说明论文写作的目的、现实意义、对所研究问题的认识,并提出论文的中心论点等。前言要写得简明扼要,篇幅不要太长。 本论是论文的主体,包括研究内容与方法、实验材料、实验结果与分析(讨论)等。在本部分要运用各方面的研究方法和实验结果,分析问题,论证观点,尽量反映出自己的科研能力和学术水平。 结论是论文的收尾部分,是围绕本论所作的结束语。其基本的要点就是总结全文,加深题意。

6、谢辞:简述自己通过做论文的体会,并应对指导教师和协助完成论文的有关人员表示谢意。 7、参考文献:在论文末尾要列出在论文中参考过的专著、论文及其他资料,所列参考文献应按文中参考或引证的先后顺序排列。 8、注释:在论文写作过程中,有些问题需要在正文之外加以阐述和说明。 9、附录:对于一些不宜放在正文中,但有参考价值的内容,可编入附录中。 关于养生的论文范文 清心湿地养生幽谷 摘要:在快速城镇化发展中,城市湿地公园的建设日益获得重视,并且这一绿地类型也成为城市中重要而宝贵的稀缺资源,同时也城市文化传承与提升的重要载体。本文从地方城市文化特色与生活习惯的研究与提炼中入手,尝试提出以地方文化特色为核心的城市湿地公园,并策划与湿地水文化息息相关的各种活动内容与功能,为城市湿地公园建设和城市公共环境品质提升提出一种新的路径。 关键词:文化特色湿地活动 城市湿地是指城市及其周边地区被浅水或暂时性积水所覆盖的低地,有周期性水生生长的基质,是城市排毒养颜的肾器官,具有水源涵养,环境净化,气候调节、生物多样化的作用。 1城市湿地公园的作用 城市湿地公园的建设不仅能为城市居民提供丰富的游憩活动空间,我国的城市湿地公园建设虽然起步较晚,但已认识到城市湿地公园的重要性,并将其纳入城市绿地系统规划,以生态保护、科普教育、休闲游览为主要内容。


MLA論文引用格式 一、參考文獻格式 1、Works Cited/Bibliography置於全文末尾,需另起一頁,續前頁頁碼。標題“Works Cited/Bibliography”的上方空一行,加粗並居中。Works Cited和Bibliography二者只選擇其一,不能同時在論文中出現。 2、引用文獻格式的對齊方式選擇“兩端對齊”,並設置首行凸排2.5個中文字元(5 個英文字元)。(這樣兩行以上的參考文獻會自動從第二行開始縮進,就不需要去打空格了) 3、排序: 一般情況下,參考文獻按照文獻作者的姓的首字母順序排列,前面不需要加序號。 如果首字母相同,則看第二個字母,依此類推。關於作者的姓的區分,以出現在文獻列表的第一個逗號為分隔標誌,空格以及其他的標點符號不具有區分作用。例如: Descartes, René De Sica, Vittorio 如果合著的參考文獻中幾本書的第一作者是同一個人,而從第二作者開始有不同,則按第二作者的姓來排列先後。(注意:由於第二作者的名字是英語姓名的正常書寫格式,因此要注意不要誤用第二作者的名來排列)例如: Scholes, Robert, and Robert Ke llogg Scholes, Robert, Carl H. Kl aus, and Michael Silverman Scholes, Robert, and Eric S. R abkin 如果作者的姓名是未知的,則用文獻名稱的標題的首字母進行排序,但是標題中A, An, The這三個詞不參與排序。 4、文獻格式: 4.1 單一作者所著的一本書: 作者姓, 名. 書名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年. (注意:此處的標點是英文格式的標點,英文文獻裡所有的例子都是使用英文標點,後不做特別說明。書名需要斜體或者加底線) 如: Freedman, Richard R. What Do Unions Do? New York: Basic, 1984.


MLA格式是什么?我们在留学写作业和论文的时候,经常会遇到外教要求用MLA格式写作。 MLA 是一种常用的引用格式,由于在外国,文章中即使是一小句也不可以随便不加任何注释的引用,所以MLA 格式很严谨。 MLA引用格式。Modern Language Association为美国现代语言协会制定的论文指导格式,在一般书写英语论文时应当使用MLA格式来保证学术著作的完整。与MLA格式相似,常用的还有APA 格式、哈佛格式等等,下面我们详细解读一下MLA格式,我们也为文章末尾大家准备了MLA格式的论文写作规范WORD和PDF两个版本供大家下载和使用! 关于“美国文学”课程论文MLA格式的细则 Rubric of the Course Paper for “American Literature” 1.The thesis is written in English, including the citation.( 全文用英文书写, 包括引用文献。) 2.What are some essential standard of a MLA paper? (MLA 论文基本要求)Type your paper on a computer and print it out on standard, white 8.5 x 11-inch paper. Set the margins of your thesis to one-inch(2.54 centimeters)on all sides. The paper should be double-space typed. There is one space between every English words. There is no space between the words and punctuations. (用12号新罗马字体排版,双倍行距。页边距为2.54厘米,16开A4白色纸打印,英文单词之间相距一个空格。单词和标点符号之间没有空格。) 3.How to Create a Header? 如何编辑页眉?Create a header in the upper right-hand corner that includes your family name, followed by a space with the page number; number all pages consecutively with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4) and flush with the right margin. Omit the page number on Page One.(编辑页眉,将你的姓和页码标注在右上角,姓和页码之间有一个空格,不用标点符号;上面边距是1.27厘米,右边与正文部分对齐。) 4.How to deal with the first page? 第一页格式的处理。In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name; your number and your class; the tutor’s name; the course; and the date. The date in MLA format s hould be written as “day month year.”: i.e. 29 December 2011(without comma between each word and the month should not be abbreviated.) Be sure to use double space. (第一页左上角,纵向排列你的名字;学号、班级;指导老师的名字;课程名称;日期(格式是日月年,中间不用标点符号,月份也不用缩写,如:29 December 2011) 5.How to write a title?(如何写标题?)The title is centered and written in 12-piont Times New Roman font. The title is not bold, underlined, or italicized. But use quotation mark or italic(s) if your title includes works (an article, a poem, or a story) or a book of others, do just as you would do in the text: quote the title of the article, the poem or the story while italicize the book. (标题居中,用12号新罗马字体。标题不用黑体,下划线或斜体,如果标题中有已出版的文章,文章部分用双引号,如果是书籍,书籍部分用斜体。如:Sybolism in “Young Good Man Brown.” 或Sybolism in Scarlet Letter。


一、M LA简明论文格式(以下word格式可参用附加档已设定 完成,套用即可) 1.内容分封面、正文、注释。 2.规格:A4纸,计算机打字,横打,上下左右空4.5cm,标题与内文字距离0.5cm;字大小: 照相打字15- 16级(Windows 文书软件10- 11pt),内文字请用细明或新细明体,标准行距(Windows 文书软件0.6- 0.7cm),25pp以内。 3.横式(由左至右)写作。 4.关键詷4-6个。 5.提要300-500字。 6.请用新式标点符号。「」用于平常引号,《》用于书名,〈〉用于论文及篇名。古籍 之书名与篇名连用时,可省略篇名符号,如《史记?刺客列传》。 7.中文正文用细明体,注脚用楷书。 8.英文正文用Times New Roman; 章节用Arial。 9.英文书名用Italic; 论文名用“ ”。 10.独立引文每行低三格(楷书)。 11.注释号码请用阿拉伯字数码之上标字(右上方),如9、25。 12.标题编码层次:一、(一) 1. (1) 13.征引书目编写方式: (1)中日文部分依作者姓名笔划排列 A.专书 B.期刊论文 C.博、硕士论文 (2)西文部分依作者姓名字母排列 A.专书 B.期刊论文 C.博、硕士论文 14.不可使用“同上”、“同前引书”、“同前书”、“同前揭书”、“同注几引书”等。 15.引用专书或论文,请依序注明作者、书名(或篇名)、出版项。 A.中日文专书:作者─书名─出版地点─出版公司─出版年分。 注文: 彭明辉,《历史地理学与现代中国史学》(台北:东大图书公司,1995),38-45。 再引: 1

.2.大一历史(专史):中国近代史学.授课大纲.2001上.彭明辉 彭明辉,《历史地理学与现代中国史学》,38-45。 书目: 彭明辉,《历史地理学与现代中国史学》,台北:东大图书公司,1995。 B.中日文论文:作者─篇名─期刊卷期─出版项─年月─页码。 注文: 彭明辉,〈由神明配置图看台湾民间信仰──以中和地区八座寺庙为中心〉,《新史学》, 6. 4(台北,1995. 12): 45-87。 再引: 彭明辉,〈由神明配置图看台湾民间信仰──以中和地区八座寺庙为中心〉,《新史学》, 6. 4: 45-53。 书目: 彭明辉,〈由神明配置图看台湾民间信仰──以中和地区八座寺庙为中心〉,《新史学》, 6. 4 (台北,1995. 12): 45-87。 C.西文专书:作者─书名─出版地点─出版公司─出版年分。例: 注文: Samuel P. Huntington, Political Order in Changing Societies (New Havens: Yale University Press, 1968), 102-103. 再引: Samuel P. Huntington, Political Order in Changing Societies, 102-103. 书目: Huntington, Samuel P. Political Order in Changing Societies. New Havens: Yale University Press, 1968. D.西文论文:作者─篇名─期刊卷期─出版项─年月─页码。例: 注文: Hoyt Tillman, “A New Direction in Confucian Scholarship: Approaches to Examining the Differences between Neo-Confucianism and Tao-hsüeh,” Philosophy East and West, 42. 3 (New York, July, 1992): 455-474. 再引: Hoyt Tillman, “A New Direction in Confucian Scholarship: Approaches to Examining the Differences between Neo-Confucianism and Tao-hsüeh,” Philosophy East and West, 42. 3: 455- 474. 书目: Tillman, Hoyt. “A New Di rection in Confucian Scholarship: Approaches to Examining the Differences between Neo-Confucianism and Tao-hsüeh,” Philosophy East and West, 42. 3 (New York, July, 1992): 455-474.
