毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 化学工程与工艺 中英文对照

毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 化学工程与工艺 中英文对照
毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 化学工程与工艺 中英文对照




外文翻译(一)题目:Thermal stability of epoxy resins containing flame retardant

components: an evaluation with thermogravimetric analysis



外文翻译(二)题目:Thermal analysis kinetics applied to flame retardant









无卤阻燃环氧树脂的一些缺点,如低效率地阻燃,相对低的热稳定性,成本高,和复杂的合成,相关的的报道是通常的方法开发无卤阻燃环氧树脂[6–11]。因此,我们已作出努力,开发新的阻燃效率高,高的热稳定性,和合成简单的环氧树脂阻燃系统[12 - 15]。在阻燃效果上[16,17],硅和磷表现出协同效应,另一方面,增强限制氧指数值也观察到引入氮气磷阻燃体系[14,18,19]。这些组合的组合物,具有两个或两个以上的阻燃元素,表现出非常效率高的阻燃性,并提供一个减少阻燃剂的量的使用方法。因此,成本降低并增强了环氧树脂的热性能和机械性能。


1作者:Chuan Shao Wu, Ying Ling Liu,, Yie Chan Chiu, Yie Shun Chiu.来源:Polymer Degradation and Stability 78 (2002) 41–48



2DOPO-OH[13],DOPO-BQ 的[23],DOPO-PN[12],2DOPO-A[13],和BAPPPO[24,25](图1)根据报道的方法在我们实验室制备。二苯基硅二醇(DPSD )和三苯基(TPSO )是来自Aldrich 公司的双酚A 型环氧树脂(BE188,环氧当量EEW =188)O-cresolformaldehyde 的线型酚醛环氧树脂(CNE200,EEW =200),和苯酚 - 甲醛酚醛清漆(PFN ,PF5110)分别来自畅春园,台湾塑胶有限公司。经三聚氰胺改性的苯酚-甲醛线型酚醛树脂是来自于日立化成工业株式会社,日本(Melan9000)。作为固化剂使用的二氨基二苯基甲烷(DDM )和双氰胺(DICY )来自日本TCI 有限公司,从上述酚化合物与环氧树脂反应的融合过程(表1)[20,21]制备磷类和含硅环氧树脂,环氧化合物的化学结构和在这过程充当固化剂的分别示于图1和2。由各种环氧树脂的固化物和表2中的固化剂制备固化后的环氧树脂[20,21]

图1 环氧树脂的化学结构i i f T T T K A IPDT +=)-(**)(℃


用热分析仪(TA )TGA2900热重分析仪在升温速率为10℃/分钟在氮气或空气气氛中进行热重分析。取出大约7.0毫克样品用于测量。


初始热分解温度(IDT )是由样品的开始发生重量损失时的温度确定。根据高峰值的微分热重(DTG )热得出最大重量损失率(Rmax )和最大重量损失率时的温度(Tmax )。积分程序分解温度(IPDT )是根据计算[26?28]

i i f T T T K A IPDT +=)-(**)(℃ (1)

其中,A*是总实验曲线的面积比总TGA 热分析的定义,K* A *的系数,T i 的初步实验温度,和T f 最后的实验温度[27]。 S 1,S 2,S 3计算A *的表示[A* =(S 1+ S 2)/(S 1+ S 2+ S 3)]和K*[K* =(S 1+ S 2)/ S 1]中示于图3[27]。


根据热重分析(TGA )热分析计算固化环氧树脂的活化能,通过积分的方法的基础上的何Witz 的梅茨格方程[27,29]:

其中,α是分解率,θ是T 和Tmax 的差值,Tmax 是最大重量损失率时的温度,R 是理想气体常数,活化能是根据关于ln{ln(1-α)-1}和θ的直线得出。




图4示出了在本研究中环氧树脂的一些TGA 热分析,发现含有阻燃剂的环氧树脂的失重过程遵循以上讨论的模式。然而,特别值得注意的是,同时含有磷和硅的的环氧树脂由于高效率形成的炭层在高温的空气气氛下得以保存。含硅环氧树脂低炭产率树脂还表明,硅只能作为一个炭层保护,但没有一个炭子。加入三聚氰胺的环氧树脂没有显著的增加焦炭含量,因此在约350-500℃丢失一定量的氨,释放氨后,三聚氰胺基蜜白和白胺形成基于炭层的高度的热稳定性。 含有多种阻燃元素的环氧树脂降解过程的差异可以清楚的从差示热重(DTG )的热读出,在DTG 热峰的数值的基础上,环氧树脂的失重过程可视为几个阶段。由于阻燃元素的作用和大气环境,才观察到非常不同退化行为和发现不同数量的失重阶段阶段。从DTG 的峰值热(表3和表4)读出最大失重速率(T max )时的温度和每个失重阶段最大失重速率(R max )的价值。含氮,磷的含环氧基树脂的重量损失(被指定为第1阶段的重量损失)在温度低于400℃的失重阶段并没有观察到的磷 - 自由环氧树脂。此外,引入硅或磷的环氧树脂第二阶

段的失重(来自分解的树脂基体中)转移到了较高的温度(见Tmax2在表3中)。重量损失率(Rmax2)也减少了。另一方面,观察在空气中由于氧化更复杂的失重过程。在温度低于400℃时,观察到含磷环氧树脂一个失重过程。第2阶段失重来自树脂矩阵的分解。第3阶段失重,没有观察到样品在氮气中分解,是由于焦炭的氧化后阶段的2重量损失。第2阶段失重的失重率由于掺入磷和硅明显变小,可以发现环氧树脂的分解释放的可燃产品量和速度的显着降低,因而,降低了树脂的可燃性。此外,额外的重观察到的树脂具有高磷含量和一定的量的硅(样品,PSE PSE-21-I-11-I和CNE-Si40-II)。量损失阶段(阶段4),这些高磷含量树脂导致焦炭含量高,和这些字符显示出良好的热稳定性的抗氧化剂的硅层的保护作用。第4阶段的失重,因此,应该从少量的字符在温度850℃以上,对于通过氧化损失其他环氧树脂,这一阶段的失重并非如此显而易见的,因为没有一个足够大的量的字符保藏在如此高的温度下表现出失重的占主导地位的阶段。



工业设计原著选读 优秀的产品设计 第一个拨号电话1897年由卡罗耳Gantz 第一个拨号电话在1897年被自动电器公司引入,成立于1891年布朗强,一名勘萨斯州承担者。在1889年,相信铃声“中央交换”将转移来电给竞争对手,强发明了被拨号系统控制的自动交换机系统。这个系统在1892年第一次在拉波特完成史端乔系统中被安装。1897年,强的模型电话,然而模型扶轮拨条的位置没有类似于轮齿约170度,以及边缘拨阀瓣。电话,当然是被亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔(1847—1922)在1876年发明的。第一个商业交换始建于1878(12个使用者),在1879年,多交换机系统由工程师勒罗伊B 菲尔曼发明,使电话取得商业成功,用户在1890年达到250000。 直到1894年,贝尔原批专利过期,贝尔电话公司在市场上有一个虚拟的垄断。他们已经成功侵权投诉反对至少600竞争者。该公司曾在1896年,刚刚在中央交易所推出了电源的“普通电池”制度。在那之前,一个人有手摇电话以提供足够的电力呼叫。一个连接可能仍然只能在给予该人的名义下提出要求达到一个电话接线员。这是强改变的原因。 强很快成为贝尔的强大竞争者。他在1901年引进了一个桌面拨号模型,这个模型在设计方面比贝尔的模型更加清晰。在1902年,他引进了一个带有磁盘拨号的墙面电话,这次与实际指孔,仍然只有170度左右在磁盘周围。到1905年,一个“长距离”手指孔已经被增加了。最后一个强的知名模型是在1907年。强的专利大概过期于1914年,之后他或他的公司再也没有听到过。直到1919年贝尔引进了拨号系统。当他们这样做,在拨号盘的周围手指孔被充分扩展了。 强发明的拨号系统直到1922年进入像纽约一样的大城市才成为主流。但是一旦作为规规范被确立,直到70年代它仍然是主要的电话技术。后按键式拨号在1963年被推出之后,强发明的最初的手指拨号系统作为“旋转的拨号系统”而知名。这是强怎样“让你的手指拨号”的。 埃姆斯椅LCW和DCW 1947 这些带有复合曲线座位,靠背和橡胶防震装置的成型胶合板椅是由查尔斯埃姆斯设计,在赫曼米勒家具公司生产的。 这个原始的概念是被查尔斯埃姆斯(1907—1978)和埃罗沙里宁(1910—1961)在1940年合作构想出来的。在1937年,埃姆斯成为克兰布鲁克学院实验设计部门的领头人,和沙里宁一起工作调查材料和家具。在这些努力下,埃姆斯发明了分成薄片和成型胶合板夹板,被称作埃姆斯夹板,在1941年收到了来自美国海军5000人的订单。查尔斯和他的妻子雷在他们威尼斯,钙的工作室及工厂和埃文斯产品公司的生产厂家一起生产了这批订单。 在1941年现代艺术博物馆,艾略特诺伊斯组织了一场比赛用以发现对现代生活富有想象力的设计师。奖项颁发给了埃姆斯和沙里宁他们的椅子和存储碎片,由包括埃德加考夫曼,大都会艺术博物馆的阿尔弗雷德,艾略特诺伊斯,马尔塞布鲁尔,弗兰克帕里什和建筑师爱德华达雷尔斯通的陪审团裁决。 这些椅子在1946年的现代艺术展览博物馆被展出,查尔斯埃姆斯设计的新的家具。当时,椅子只有三条腿,稳定性问题气馁了大规模生产。 早期的LCW(低木椅)和DWC(就餐木椅)设计有四条木腿在1946年第一次被埃文斯产品公司(埃姆斯的战时雇主)生产出来,被赫曼米勒家具公司分配。这些工具1946年被乔治纳尔逊为赫曼米勒购买,在1949年接手制造权。后来金属脚的愿景在1951年制作,包括LCW(低金属椅)和DWC(就餐金属椅)模型。配套的餐饮和咖啡桌也产生。这条线一直


毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献及译文 英文题目Component-based Safety Computer of Railway Signal Interlocking System 中文题目模块化安全铁路信号计算机联锁系统 学院自动化与电气工程学院 专业自动控制 姓名葛彦宁 学号 200808746 指导教师贺清 2012年5月30日

Component-based Safety Computer of Railway Signal Interlocking System 1 Introduction Signal Interlocking System is the critical equipment which can guarantee traffic safety and enhance operational efficiency in railway transportation. For a long time, the core control computer adopts in interlocking system is the special customized high-grade safety computer, for example, the SIMIS of Siemens, the EI32 of Nippon Signal, and so on. Along with the rapid development of electronic technology, the customized safety computer is facing severe challenges, for instance, the high development costs, poor usability, weak expansibility and slow technology update. To overcome the flaws of the high-grade special customized computer, the U.S. Department of Defense has put forward the concept:we should adopt commercial standards to replace military norms and standards for meeting consumers’demand [1]. In the meantime, there are several explorations and practices about adopting open system architecture in avionics. The United Stated and Europe have do much research about utilizing cost-effective fault-tolerant computer to replace the dedicated computer in aerospace and other safety-critical fields. In recent years, it is gradually becoming a new trend that the utilization of standardized components in aerospace, industry, transportation and other safety-critical fields. 2 Railways signal interlocking system 2.1 Functions of signal interlocking system The basic function of signal interlocking system is to protect train safety by controlling signal equipments, such as switch points, signals and track units in a station, and it handles routes via a certain interlocking regulation. Since the birth of the railway transportation, signal interlocking system has gone through manual signal, mechanical signal, relay-based interlocking, and the modern computer-based Interlocking System. 2.2 Architecture of signal interlocking system Generally, the Interlocking System has a hierarchical structure. According to the function of equipments, the system can be divided to the function of equipments; the system


https://www.360docs.net/doc/c816628455.html,/finance/company/consumer.html Consumer finance company The consumer finance division of the SG group of France has become highly active within India. They plan to offer finance for vehicles and two-wheelers to consumers, aiming to provide close to Rs. 400 billion in India in the next few years of its operations. The SG group is also dealing in stock broking, asset management, investment banking, private banking, information technology and business processing. SG group has ventured into the rapidly growing consumer credit market in India, and have plans to construct a headquarters at Kolkata. The AIG Group has been approved by the RBI to set up a non-banking finance company (NBFC). AIG seeks to introduce its consumer finance and asset management businesses in India. AIG Capital India plans to emphasize credit cards, mortgage financing, consumer durable financing and personal loans. Leading Indian and international concerns like the HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Barclays and HDFC Bank are also waiting to be approved by the Reserve Bank of India to initiate similar operations. AIG is presently involved in insurance and financial services in more than one hundred countries. The affiliates of the AIG Group also provide retirement and asset management services all over the world. Many international companies have been looking at NBFC business because of the growing consumer finance market. Unlike foreign banks, there are no strictures on branch openings for the NBFCs. GE Consumer Finance is a section of General Electric. It is responsible for looking after the retail finance operations. GE Consumer Finance also governs the GE Capital Asia. Outside the United States, GE Consumer Finance performs its operations under the GE Money brand. GE Consumer Finance currently offers financial services in more than fifty countries. The company deals in credit cards, personal finance, mortgages and automobile solutions. It has a client base of more than 118 million customers throughout the world


文献信息: 文献标题:Challenges and opportunities affecting the future of human resource management(影响人力资源管理未来的挑战和机遇) 国外作者:Dianna L. Stone,Diana L. Deadrick 文献出处:《Human Resource Management Review》, 2015, 25(2):139-145 字数统计:英文3725单词,21193字符;中文6933汉字 外文文献: Challenges and opportunities affecting the future of human resource management Abstract Today, the field of Human Resource Management (HR) is experiencing numerous pressures for change. Shifts in the economy, globalization, domestic diversity, and technology have created new demands for organizations, and propelled the field in some completely new directions. However, we believe that these challenges also create numerous opportunities for HR and organizations as a whole. Thus, the primary purposes of this article are to examine some of the challenges and opportunities that should influence the future of HR. We also consider implications for future research and practice in the field. Keywords: Future of human resource management, Globalization, Knowledge economy Diversity, Technology 1.Change from a manufacturing to a service or knowledge economy One of the major challenges influencing the future of HR processes is the change from a manufacturing to a service or knowledgebased economy. This new economy is characterized by a decline in manufacturing and a growth in service or knowledge as the core of the economic base. A service economy can be defined as a system based on buying and selling of services or providing something for others (Oxford


Interaction design Moggridge Bill Interaction design,Page 1-15 USA Art Press, 2008 Interaction design (IxD) is the study of devices with which a user can interact, in particular computer users. The practice typically centers on "embedding information technology into the ambient social complexities of the physical world."[1] It can also apply to other types of non-electronic products and services, and even organizations. Interaction design defines the behavior (the "interaction") of an artifact or system in response to its users. Malcolm McCullough has written, "As a consequence of pervasive computing, interaction design is poised to become one of the main liberal arts of the twenty-first century." Certain basic principles of cognitive psychology provide grounding for interaction design. These include mental models, mapping, interface metaphors, and affordances. Many of these are laid out in Donald Norman's influential book The Psychology of Everyday Things. As technologies are often overly complex for their intended target audience, interaction design aims to minimize the learning curve and to increase accuracy and efficiency of a task without diminishing usefulness. The objective is to reduce frustration and increase user productivity and satisfaction. Interaction design attempts to improve the usability and experience of the product, by first researching and understanding certain users' needs and then designing to meet and exceed them. (Figuring out who needs to use it, and how those people would like to use it.) Only by involving users who will use a product or system on a regular basis will designers be able to properly tailor and maximize usability. Involving real users, designers gain the ability to better understand user goals and experiences. (see also: User-centered design) There are also positive side effects which include enhanced system capability awareness and user ownership. It is important that the user be aware of system capabilities from an early stage so that expectations regarding functionality are both realistic and properly understood. Also, users who have been active participants in a product's development are more likely to feel a sense of ownership, thus increasing overall satisfa. Instructional design is a goal-oriented, user-centric approach to creating training and education software or written materials. Interaction design and instructional design both rely on cognitive psychology theories to focus on how users will interact with software. They both take an in-depth approach to analyzing the user's needs and goals. A needs analysis is often performed in both disciplines. Both, approach the design from the user's perspective. Both, involve gathering feedback from users, and making revisions until the product or service has been found to be effective. (Summative / formative evaluations) In many ways, instructional


中等分辨率制备分离的 快速色谱技术 W. Clark Still,* Michael K a h n , and Abhijit Mitra Departm(7nt o/ Chemistry, Columbia Uniuersity,1Veu York, Neu; York 10027 ReceiLied January 26, 1978 我们希望找到一种简单的吸附色谱技术用于有机化合物的常规净化。这种技术是适于传统的有机物大规模制备分离,该技术需使用长柱色谱法。尽管这种技术得到的效果非常好,但是其需要消耗大量的时间,并且由于频带拖尾经常出现低复原率。当分离的样本剂量大于1或者2g时,这些问题显得更加突出。近年来,几种制备系统已经进行了改进,能将分离时间减少到1-3h,并允许各成分的分辨率ΔR f≥(使用薄层色谱分析进行分析)。在这些方法中,在我们的实验室中,媒介压力色谱法1和短柱色谱法2是最成功的。最近,我们发现一种可以将分离速度大幅度提升的技术,可用于反应产物的常规提纯,我们将这种技术称为急骤色谱法。虽然这种技术的分辨率只是中等(ΔR f≥),而且构建这个系统花费非常低,并且能在10-15min内分离重量在的样本。4 急骤色谱法是以空气压力驱动的混合介质压力以及短柱色谱法为基础,专门针对快速分离,介质压力以及短柱色谱已经进行了优化。优化实验是在一组标准条件5下进行的,优化实验使用苯甲醇作为样本,放在一个20mm*5in.的硅胶柱60内,使用Tracor 970紫外检测器监测圆柱的输出。分辨率通过持续时间(r)和峰宽(w,w/2)的比率进行测定的(Figure 1),结果如图2-4所示,图2-4分别放映分辨率随着硅胶颗粒大小、洗脱液流速和样本大小的变化。


XXX学院 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 学院:计算机与软件工程学院 专业:计算机科学技术(软件工程方向) 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:GoyKakus.THE RESEARCH OFCUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT STRATEGY [J]. International Journal of Management Research & Review, 2017, 1(9): 624-635. 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 客户关系管理战略研究 Goy Kakus 摘要 客户关系管理解决方案,通过为你提供客户业务数据来帮助你提供客户想要的服务或产品,提供更好的客户服务、交叉销售和更有效的销售,达成交易,保留现有客户并更好地理解你的客户是谁。本文探讨了客户关系管理模型在获得、保持与发展策略方面的优势。然而,我们对其定义和意义还存在一些困惑。本文通过考察关系营销和其他学科方面的相关文献,解释了客户关系管理的概念基础,从而对客户关系管理的知识作出了贡献。 关键词:客户关系管理模型, 客户关系管理的博弈改变者与关键策略 引言 CRM 是客户关系管理的简称。它的特征在于公司与客户的沟通,无论是销售还是服务相关的。客户关系管理这一术语经常用来解释企业客户关系,客户关系管理系统也以同样的方式被用来处理商业联系, 赢得客户,达成合同和赢得销售。 客户关系管理通常被考虑作为一个业务策略,从而使企业能够: *了解客户 *通过更好的客户体验留住客户 *吸引新客户 *赢得新客户和达成合同 *提高盈利 *减少客户管理成本 *通过服务台等工具软件,电子邮件组织者和不同类型的企业应用程序,企业业务经常寻求个性化的在线体验。 设计精良的客户关系管理包括以下特征: 1.客户关系管理是一种以顾客为中心并以客户投入为基础的服务响应,一对一的解决客户的必需品, 买家和卖家服务中心直接在线互动,帮助客户解决他


(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 中英文翻译原文:

DESIGN and ENVIRONMENT Product design is the principal part and kernel of industrial design. Product design gives uses pleasure. A good design can bring hope and create new lifestyle to human. In spscificity,products are only outcomes of factory such as mechanical and electrical products,costume and so on.In generality,anything,whatever it is tangibile or intangible,that can be provided for a market,can be weighed with value by customers, and can satisfy a need or desire,can be entiled as products. Innovative design has come into human life. It makes product looking brand-new and brings new aesthetic feeling and attraction that are different from traditional products. Enterprose tend to renovate idea of product design because of change of consumer's lifestyle , emphasis on individuation and self-expression,market competition and requirement of individuation of product. Product design includes factors of society ,economy, techology and leterae humaniores. Tasks of product design includes styling, color, face processing and selection of material and optimization of human-machine interface. Design is a kind of thinking of lifestyle.Product and design conception can guide human lifestyle . In reverse , lifestyle also manipulates orientation and development of product from thinking layer.


毕业设计说明书 英文文献及中文翻译 学院:专 2011年6月 电子与计算机科学技术软件工程

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Dashboard From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about a control panel placed in the front of the car. For other uses, see Dashboard (disambiguation). The dashboard of a Bentley Continental GTC car A dashboard (also called dash, instrument panel (IP), or fascia) is a control panel located directly ahead of a vehicle's driver, displaying instrumentation and controls for the vehicle's operation. Contents 1.Etymology 2.Dashboard features 3.Padding and safety 4.Fashion in instrumentation 5.See also 6.References Etymology Horse-drawn carriage dashboard Originally, the word dashboard applied to a barrier of wood or leather fixed at the front of a horse-drawn carriage or sleigh to protect the driver from mud or other debris "dashed up" (thrown up) by the horses' hooves.[1] Commonly these boards did not perform any additional function other than providing a convenient handhold for ascending into the driver's seat, or a small clip with which to secure the reins when not in use. When the first "horseless carriages" were constructed in the late 19th century, with engines mounted beneath the driver such as the Daimler Stahlradwagen, the simple dashboard was retained to protect occupants from debris thrown up by the cars' front wheels. However, as car design evolved to position the motor in front of the driver, the dashboard became a panel that protected vehicle occupants from the heat and oil of the engine. With gradually increasing mechanical complexity, this panel formed a convenient location for the placement of gauges and minor controls, and from this evolved the modern instrument panel,


Project Budget Monitor and Control Author:Yin Guo-li Nationality:American Derivation:Management Science and Engineering.Montreal: Mar 20, 2010 . With the marketing competitiveness growing, it is more and more critical in budget control of each project. This paper discusses that in the construction phase, how can a project manager be successful in budget control. There are many methods discussed in this paper, it reveals that to be successful, the project manager must concern all this methods. 1. INTRODUCTION The survey shows that most projects encounter cost over-runs (Williams Ackermann, Eden, 2002,pl92). According to Wright (1997)'s research, a good rule of thumb is to add a minimum of 50% to the first estimate of the budget (Gardiner and Stewart, 1998, p251). It indicates that project is very complex and full of challenge. Many unexpected issues will lead the project cost over-runs. Therefore, many technologies and methods are developed for successful monitoring and control to lead the project to success. In this article, we will discuss in the construction phase, how can a project manager to be successful budget control. 2. THE CONCEPT AND THE PURPOSE OF PROJECT CONTROL AND MONITOR Erel and Raz (2000) state that the project control cycle consists of measuring the status of the project, comparing to the plan, analysis of the deviations, and implementing any appropriate corrective actions. When a project reach the construction phase, monitor and control is critical to deliver the project success. Project monitoring exists to establish the need to take corrective action, whilst there is still time to take action. Through monitoring the activities, the project team can analyze the deviations and decide what to do and actually do it. The purpose of monitor and control is to support the implementation of corrective actions, ensure projects stay on target or get project back on target once it has gone off target。
