


The Ways to Keep Healthy

Health is far more important than wealth. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career. On the contrary, poor health leads to nothing. How can we keep healthy Here is some advice. Firstly, it is very important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins, and we have to keep a balanced diet. So we should avoid food with lots of sugar and fat/which is rich in sugar and fat. Secondly, we'd better exercise every day to make our bodies strong. Besides, we have to avoid too much work pressure. Finally, we have to get rid of those bad habits that damage our health, such as drinking and smoking. In conclusion, if we stick to the advice given above, we will lead a healthy life.


Dear friends,

As we all know, we are what we eat. Therefore, it's very important for us to form healthy eating habits. However, bad eating habits are still very common among us students. Some of us often go to school without breakfast; some like to have snacks; some others are particular about food; and still some eat or drink too much. All these bad habits will surely do harm to our health.

To keep fit, we should have various healthy diets, which generally include proper amounts of fish, meat, vegetables, fruit as well as main food. Besides, we'd better have meals regularly.

In my opinion, we should try to develop healthy eating habits to build up a strong body. Only in this way can we have enough energy to study better.

That's all. Thank you!





关于介绍自己家庭的英语作文5篇每个人都有自己最温暖的家,那么你想知道介绍家庭的英语作文要怎么写吗?下面是橙子整理的介绍自己家庭的英语作文范文,以供大家参考学习。 介绍家庭的英语作文一 In the east of China, there is a small city---Haimen. I was born there. Today, I am telling you about my hometown. Haimen is not far from Shanghai. It’s at the mouth of the Changjiang River. Haimen is a modern city. There are lots of high buildings in it. Most of us live in flats. We like to live in flats because we can be close to our friends. In the center of Haimen, there are many shops. You can buy some nice things here. Things in most shops aren’t expensive. You can pay a little money and they are yours. My hometown is a beautiful city. On each of the roads, there are some big trees and nice flowers. The roads are also very clean. They make people happy and comfortable. The seasons here are very nice. From I like autumn best. It’s neither hot nor cold. A poem says “Flyer of summer come to my window to sing, 1 / 5


2021中国新年英语作文带翻译 New Year is coming, everybody happily preparing for New Year. This time, every family hung red lanterns, my house is no exception. In the New Year everyone talking and laughing there to buy clothes, some through the door to someone's home, and eat in. When night falls, street by street lamps are lit up, just then, I quickly ran downstairs, holding all kinds of fireworks, so I hurriedly set fire to, see back fire burning fireworks, like a rocket fly into the sky, fireworks in the sky, suddenly blown away, heaven left a colourful word mark, suddenly, my eyes filled with light. Then I entered into the crowd of happy, I suddenly see, people in happy to play games, a happy smile on his face. Even I also involuntarily went in. Tell jokes to each other, we play games, set off firecrackers and charade, etc. Then, I met a classmate, I say: "happy New Year!" She also said: happy New Year! Then we visit each other. Later, I heard the deafening firecrackers, the voice warm and lasting. I see people in voice shout, yell, I hurry to leave. Smell of rice fragrance in the home, I will follow the aroma ran back to the home, eat delicious dumplings, ensure that you would went to the big full the luck to eat STH delicious. After dinner, I put on new clothes to go shopping, the man in the street that is people mountain people sea! I almost fell down! Not only this, that is, to the street a bargain. People immersed in laughter, that night, chill in approaching, people are not willing to leave, still there and celebrate, looking forward to the New Year arrives. 新年到了,大家兴高采烈地做迎新年的准备。这时间,家家户户挂满了火红的灯笼,我家也不例外。在新年里大家说说笑笑,有的去买衣服,有的去别人家闯门,还有的在家里吃饭。 当夜幕降临的时候,街道旁的路灯都不约而同的亮了起来,就在这时候,我飞快的跑下楼去,手里拿着各种各样的烟花炮竹,于是,我连忙点起火来,只见背火熊熊燃烧的烟花,像火箭一样向天空飞去,天上的烟花,突然间被炸开了,天上留下了五颜六色的道痕,突然,我的眼睛里充满了光明。 然后我就融入了欢乐的人群当中,我忽然看到,人们在高兴地做游戏,脸上露出了开心的笑容。连我也不由自主地走了进去。我们互相讲笑话,玩游戏,放鞭炮,猜字谜等。接着,我碰到了同学,我说:“新年好!”她也说:新年好!然后我们就互相拜访。过后,我就听到了震耳欲聋的鞭炮声,那声音热烈而持久。在声音里我看到人们大声欢呼,喊叫,我着急地离开了。 闻见家里的饭香味,我就顺着香气跑回了家里,吃上香喷喷的饺子,保证你去了会大饱口福。吃完饭,我穿上了新衣服去逛街,街上的人那是人山人海啊!我差一点就摔倒了!不光这个,街上的东西还应有尽有,物美价廉。人们沉浸在欢声笑语之中,夜深了,寒意在逼近,人们都不愿意离去,还在那里尽情地欢庆,期盼新的一年到来。


均衡饮食英语作文 There are all kinds of foods in the world.Which one is healthierthe Chinese food or the western food?Different people have different choices. Some people like the Chinese food.Firstlythe Chinese food contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables.It is rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat.Secondlythe Chinese food is very delicious and has many dishes.It is nice to taste healthiest in the world.So Chinese people can keep fit and have white teeth. 世界上有各种各样的食物。哪一个是更健康中餐还是西餐?不同的人有不同的选择。 有些人喜欢中国食物。首先中国食品含有很多水果和绿色蔬菜。它富含纤维和糖和脂肪含量低。其次中国食物是非常美味和有许多菜肴。它是很高兴品尝世界上最健康的。所以中国人民可以保持健康洁白的牙齿。

I always care so much about the food I eat because my stomach is a little week so I can’t eat the junk food all the time. The healthy food makes me keep fit so I eat it. Vegetable is very important we should eat it every meal. The fruit contains a lot of vitamins it is in need. The fish is best for me. 我总是很注意自己吃的食物,因为我的胃有点弱,所以我不能一直吃垃圾食品。 健康的食品让我保持苗条,因此我吃这些食品。蔬菜是很重要的,我们应该每顿都吃。水果包含了很多维他命,是必需的。鱼是最适合我吃的。 模板,内容仅供参考


小学生我的家庭英语作文(五篇) 【篇一】 There are four people in my family, my father, my mother,my sister and me. My father likes reading. My mother likes cooking. They both work in Leliu. They always go to work by car. They work hard. My sister and I are pupils. I study in the primary school affiliated with Shunde No.1 Middle School. My hobby is collecting coins. My sister studies in Xishan Primary School. She likes watching TV. We love our family very much. 【篇二】 My name is Yu Geqin. I’m nine years old. There are three members in my family, my father, my mother and I. My father is a teacher. He is very handsome. He always wears a pair of glasses. He works very hard. He’s busy from morning to night. He’s the cleverest man of my family. He can solve the difficult problems, too. My mother is very beautiful. She has two big eyes and her black hair is long. My mother is worker. She is good at her job. She is also a good housewife. I have a happy family. I like it very much.


关于新年的英语作文五篇 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。接下来小编为你带来关于新年的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 关于新年的英语作文1:The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .In the evening before the The Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune . The The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. People enjoy the The Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest . 春节是中国最重要的节日。春节是庆祝日历上的农历新年。在春节到来的前一天晚上,家家户户要团聚在一起吃丰盛的大餐。在很多地方的人们还喜欢燃放鞭炮。过年的最传统的主食莫过于水饺了。这是孩子们非常喜欢的节日,因为他们可以吃美食,穿新衣。当然他们 ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


健康饮食的英语作文 第二节话题写作——健康·饮食 10个高频写作词汇情景专练 1.attach importance to认为有重要性;重视相关链接 most valuable possession最宝贵的财富 keep healthy保持健康写作素材 1.健康很重要; 2.如何保持健康?(适当的营养、充足的睡眠、经常锻炼) 写作训练 (1)现在人们开始比过去注重健康了。他们开始意识到健康是一个人最宝贵的财富。然而,很多人不知道怎样保持健康。 (2)我重视平衡饮食,换句话说,它很有益。 2.balance n.平衡相关链接

build up one’s body增强体质 contain vt.含有,包含 a balanced diet均衡饮食 be rich in富含有 be low in低含有 keep one’s figure保持体形写作素材1 你的朋友Lily因为节食减肥而生病了,请用英语给她写一封100词左右的邮件鼓励她加强锻炼,早日恢复健康。 写作训练1 Dear Lily, I am sorry to hear that you are ill as a result of going on a diet.You shouldn’t have eaten so little 事实上,你最好多做体育活动,增强体质).I am writing to tell you what you should do to recover your health. Above all,you should eat more vegetables and fruit because they are rich in vitamins and 含有大量的糖与脂肪).In addition,you should exercise regularly and have enough sleep.(3)It_is_as_important_as_ 它和保持平衡饮食同样重要).Don’t be too tired.What’s more,keep yourself happy every day.


精心整理 关于我的家庭的英语作文 Ihaveaveryluckyfamily.Therearefivepeopleinmyfamily,mydad,mom,sisterandbr other. 我有一个很幸福的家庭。在我的家庭有五口人,爸爸,妈妈,姐姐和弟弟,还有我。 much. Mysisterisasportsplayer.Sheistallandstrong.Shehasbigeyes,smallnoseandmou thandtwosmallears.Sheisprettyandcute.Shelikeslisteningtomusiceverymuch.“Proudofyou”isherfavouriteEnglishsong.Shecansingverywellandsheeventeac hesmesingthissong.

我的姐姐是一个运动员,她又高又壮。她大眼睛,小鼻子、小嘴,两个小耳朵。她非常漂亮、可爱。她喜欢听音乐,“为你骄傲”是她最喜欢的一首英文歌,她能 唱得非常好,甚至教我也唱这首歌。 Iamahappygirl.Ilikelisteningtomusic,too.likeplayingpingpong.Ilovemyparen tsandtheyloveme,too. 我是一个快乐的女孩。我喜欢听音乐、喜欢打乒乓球。我爱我的父母,他们也 爱我。 e. Mymotherisawomanwithabadmemory.Shealwaysdoesalotofhousework,butsometimes shemakesmistakesoutofcarelessness.Forexample,oneday,shewashedclothesinth ewasher,afterthewasherfinishedthework,shefoundshehadn'tfilledthewasherwi thwater. 我妈妈是一位记性很不好的人。她总是做很多家务活,但有时却因为她的粗心 而做错事。比如说,有一天,她用洗衣机洗衣服,最后却发现自己忘了在洗衣机中 放水。


英语作文:过新年 MySpringFestival Last year’s Spring Festival is special. My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai. My family were very happy to keep the Spring Festival with them. And it was the most exciting festival of all the festivals. On New Year’s Eve, my father and my uncle talked about their work together. My mum did some cooking with my aunt Grandparents and I watched the New Year TV programmes. At about six o’clock, we had a special family dinner. We all thought the dumplings were delicious. On the first day of the New Year, we visited our relatives. In the afternoon, we went shopping in Jiefanf Road. My uncle bought some Jay’s CDs. He likes Jay’s music very much. There were so many people on the road. It was more alive than any other time of a year. On the second and the third days, we spent a wonderful weekend in the country. There were much bigger trees than in the city. And the animals were more beautiful than in the city. We all enjoyed ourselves. I had an interesting Spring Festival. How about you? 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

【英语作文】平衡饮食 Balanced Diet

平衡饮食Balanced Diet I like to eat junk food so much,because it tastes so delicious.For some time,I went to KFC almost every day,and my mother worried about me so much.Then soon I found my weight gained so quickly.I looked much fatter and some clothes were so tight to me.As a girl,how could I bear the fat image,so I decided to eat balanced diet.Vegetable can't be missing for me,and I ate it every meal.Every night,after the meal,I would have some fruit.The balanced diet helps me to lose weight and keep healthy.I still like junk food,but I have to control myself and eat it less. 我喜欢吃垃圾食品,因为很好吃。有那么一段时间,我几 乎每天都去肯德基,我妈妈都非常担心我了。然后很快我发现 我的体重上升得很快,我看起来更胖了,有些衣服都很紧身了。一个女孩怎么能忍受那么肥胖的形象呢,所以我决定均衡饮食。蔬菜不能缺少,所以我每顿都吃。每天晚上,我都会在饭后吃 一些水果。均衡的饮食有助于我减肥和保持健康。我仍然喜欢 垃圾食品,但我必须控制自己少吃。


高中英语作文:抄袭 导读:本文高中英语作文:抄袭,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 Recently, a famous case was closed. The case was about a screenwriter plagiarizing another writer’s novel. The public kept their eyes on this case, most people believed that the screenwriter indeed plagiarized someone’s work, because the story he wrote had some much similarity with another writer’s play. The screenwriter denied that he had copied other writer’s work. What he said made the writer very angry, the writer charged the screenwriter. Now the result came out, the writer won the case and the screenwriter had to apologize. Plagiarizing someone’s work is a serious crime, it is not respectful to others and steal people’s work. Such behavior should be condemned strongly. 最近,一单的案子结案了。此案是关于一位编剧抄袭另一个作家的小说。大众关着这件案子,大多数人认为编剧确实抄袭别人的作品,因为他写的故事和另一个作家的戏剧有很多相似性。编剧否认他抄袭其他作家的作品。他所说的让作家很生气,作家起诉了编剧。现在结果出来了,作家打赢了官司,编剧就此案道歉。剽窃别人的作品是一种严重的犯罪,****别人的作品是不尊重他人的表现。这种行为应该受到谴责。


关于介绍自己家庭的英语作文5篇 每个人都有自己最温暖的家,那么你想知道介绍家庭的英语作文要怎么写吗?下面是小编整理的介绍自己家庭的英语作文范文,以供大家参考学习。 介绍家庭的英语作文一 In the east of China, there is a small city---Haimen. I was born there. Today, I am telling you about my hometown. Haimen is not far from Shanghai. It’s at the mouth of the Changjiang River. Haimen is a modern city. There are lots of high buildings in it. Most of us live in flats. We like to live in flats because we can be close to our friends. In the center of Haimen, there are many shops. You can buy some nice things here. Things in most shops aren’t expensive. You can pay a little money and they are yours. My hometown is a beautiful city. On each of the roads, there are some big trees and nice flowers. The roads are also very clean. They make people happy and comfortable. The seasons here are very nice. From I like autumn best. It’s neither hot nor cold. A poem says “Flyer of summer come to my window to sing, then fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, just fall there with a sign.” It’s very cool.I love Haimen. It’s a nice place to live. Welcome to my hometown. 介绍家庭的英语作文二 My hometown, which is in the south of × Province, is a very beautiful village. It lies on the east bank of a small river, surrounded by green mountains, In the past my hometown was poor, and people led a hard life. They couldnt afford to send their children to school. But ,great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past twenty years. Many families .have not only color TV sets, but also telephones, fridges, computers, and so on. New roads, houses, schools, hospitals have been built. People in my hometown are working hard for a better life. 我的家乡在××南部,是一个非常漂亮的村庄,它位于一条小河的东岸,为绿色的 大山所环抱。过去,我的家乡很穷,人们过着艰难的生活,孩子读不起书。但是在刚 刚过去的二十年里,我的家乡发生了翻天覆地的变化口许多家庭不仅有了彩色电视机,而且电话、冰箱、电脑等应有尽有。新修了公路,新建了房屋、学校和医院。家乡人 民正在为过上更好的生活而辛勤工作。 介绍家庭的英语作文三


个人新年计划英语作文7篇 新的一年我们每个人都要有新的状态,下面就由小编为大家整理个人新年计划英语作文,欢迎大家查看! 个人新年计划英语作文1 新年新计划(My plan for the new year) The new year coming!Now,it's the time to make plans for the new year.Here what I will do: 1.I will get better grades.I'm good at English and Chinese, but I need to improve in my Math.I'll study better! 2.I will break my bad habits.I often get up very very late. To get early good for my health. So I'll get up earlier than usual. 3.I will eat better.Ioften eat a lot of junk food. they are not good for my health.I should eat more fruits and vegetables.Theu will make my body healthier and stronger. This year was a good year for me,but Ican make next year even better.I'll work hard to keep my resolutionsWhat are your plans for the new year? Whih best wishes for the new year. 个人新年计划英语作文2 Today I had a good time. It was my grandpa's birthday. Our family went back to his home to ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考

英语作文 均衡膳食(Having a Well balanced Diet)-精品

均衡膳食(Having a Well balanced Diet) 均衡膳食(having a well balanced diet) 1.生活水平好了,肥胖的人也越来越多; 2.肥胖会引发多种疾病; 3.合理饮食有利健康。 [写作导航]文章一开始宜用事实说明产生肥胖的客观原因;第二段应从分析主观原因 入手,指出人们的一些错误观念以及人们减肥时的极端做法可导致的严重后果及危害;第三段总结全文,指出均衡饮食、加强锻炼才能使人真正健康。 [范文] with the development of economy and the improvement of living standards, more and more nutritious foods containing high levels of protein, fat and calories have been introduced to people\'s diet. many people are now enjoying a much better life, which is regarded as luxury by their grandparents. children are always pestering their parents to take them to the fast food restaurants such as mcdonlds and kfc. adults, on the other hand, like to have lots of meat and seafood. as a result, fat people can be seen everywhere. some people think that being fat means good health. but this is not really the case according to research and experiments done in this field. in fact being too fat may cause such fat related diseases as heart attack, hypertension, etc. seeing that they are getting too fat, some people go on a diet that\'s too stringent or too lean in order to lose weight. consequently, they suffer from other diseases such as anemia and malnutrition. obviously, the foods we eat have profound effects on our health. having too much rich food all the time is no good, nor is it much good to have too simple adiet. we shouldn\'t go to either extremes. if we want to keep fit, we should have a balanced diet. remember a well balanced diet plus proper exercises can keep us healthy and energized all the time.


以抄袭为话题的大学英语作文 以抄袭为话题的大学英语作文 Academic Plagiarism Nowadays, the problem of academic plagiarism becomes more and more serious. In orderto earn academic titles, some teachers plagiarize others' academic papers; in order tograduate smoothly, some college students plagiarize others' graduation papers. Everything hasits reasons; academic plagiarism is no exception. First, college authorities put too much emphasis on papers while conferring academic titlesand graduating students. Second, modern technology makes it unprecedentedly easy to getinformation and materials. Some plagiarists who are morally corrupt can't resist thetemptation and decide to take risks. Third, the system of censorship and penalty are farfrom being strict, encouraging plagiarism to some extent. Plagiarism causes many bad results. On the one hand, plagiarism infringes original writers'right and it is unfair for teachers and students who don't plagiarize. On the other hand,plagiarism may spread negative thoughts


小学四年级英语作文:我的家庭 【篇一】 I have a happy family. There are three people in my family, my father, mother and me. My father is a businessman. He is always busy with his work and he often goes to business trips. But when he is free, he stays with us. My mother is a worker. She works hard, too. She works hard to take care of our home. I love my parents. 我有一个幸福的家庭。 我家有三口人,我爸爸,妈妈和我。 我的父亲是一个商 人。他总是忙于他的工作,他经常去出差。但当他是免费的,他和我们在一起。我 妈妈是一个工人。她也努力工作。她努力工作照顾我们的家。我爱我的父母。 【篇二】 Hello,everyone! Today I'm very glad to tell you about my family. I have a happy family. There are four people in it. They are my father、 my mother、my little brother、and I.My father is working in anther city.He is so busy that he has no time to come back to see us. We miss him very much. My mother is a housewife .Every day,she cooks delicious meals and does a lot of housework.My brother and I are both students.We work very hard. In my family ,there are lots of happinesses around me.I love my family! 大家好!今天我很高兴告诉你关于我的家庭。 我有一个幸福的家庭。 有四人。 他们是我的父亲,我的母亲,我的弟弟,和我。我的父亲是在另一个城市工作。他 很忙,他没有时间回来看我们。我们非常想念他。我妈妈是一个家庭主妇。每一 天,她烹饪美味的饭菜和做很多家务。 我的弟弟和我都是学生。 我们工作很努力。 在我的家人,在我周围有很多的快乐。我爱我的家人!


关于新年的英语作文:春节的礼物 这篇关于新年的英语作文:春节的礼物的文章,是我们特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! \My happy Spring Festival After the New Year’s Eve dinner with my family we began to sit down in front of the TV and enjoyed 2008 CCTV Spring Festival gala. At about ten o’clock the black sky was lightened by lots of fireworks with colorful light and happy sound. We stop watching the CCTV 2008 CCTV Spring Festival gala and began to climb up the balcony to see the beautiful fireworks view and my father took some fireworks up and we also began to play fireworks. What a beautiful night. Later my cell phone was ringing all the time. I received lots of short messages from my friends and classmates. They all blessed me happy New Year. I gave same bless to them by sending back the happy words. At almost 12 pm I made a wish in New Year and began to sleep. When I woke up in the first day of New Year my father and mother gave two red packets to me and blessed me that everything will go well on me. I thanked them and accepted the red packets happily. I have been waiting for the day that I can get lots of red packets. This is my
