












因果结论句也可以表现出作者的写作目的、观点或文章的主题,因此要特别关注。表示因果关系的常用词汇有:reason, because, since, for, as, therefore, consequently, result in, due to, based on等,有时作者也通过先提出问题(why ...)而后给予回答的方式阐释文章主题。






What is the best title for this passage?

Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

The title that best expresses the idea of the passage is ________.

The most suitable title of this passage is ________.

What would be the most suitable title for the text?

The suitable title of the passage may be ________.


The main purpose of the article is to show that ________.

What is the main idea of the passage?

The writer of the passage wants to tell us that ________.

The passage is mainly about ________.

Which of the following can best summarize the passage?

What is the subject discussed in the passage?

What does the passage mainly deal with?


The main idea of the second paragraph is probably that ________.

What is the last paragraph chiefly concerned with?

What does the writer try to express in Paragraph 3?

Which of the following can best summarize Paragraph 1?

What is the main idea discussed in Paragraph 2?












[示例](2016·浙江高考阅读C)Viewing childhood development as a scientific investigation throws light on how children learn, but it also offers an inspiring look at science and scientists. Why do young children and scientists seem to be so much alike? Psychologists have suggested that science as an effort — the desire to explore, explain, and understand our world —is simply something that comes from our babyhood. Perhaps evolution (进化) provided human babies with curiosity and a natural drive to explain their worlds, and adult scientists simply make use of the same drive that served them as children. The same cognitive (认知的) systems that make young children feel good about figuring something out may have been adopted by adult scientists. As some psychologists put it,“It is not that children are little scientists but that scientists are big children.”

53.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.The world may be more clearly explained through children’s play.

B.Studying babies’ play may lead to a better understanding of science.

C.Children may have greater ability to figure out things than scientists.

D.One’s drive for scientific research may become stronge r as he grows.

分析:首先,根据题干可以确定此题为主旨大意题,考查段落的主旨大意。然后,根据读文关注点定位到原文中的第一句话“Viewing childhood development as a ... look at science and scientists.”;再由关注点——转折信息处定位到本句话的后半部分“but it also offers an inspiring look at science and scientists”,此处用到了转折连词but强调本部分内容,故可知本段主要强调研究孩子们的游戏可能有助于更好地理解科学。所以B项正确。A项表述不够确切,属于过于笼统,不知所云;C、D两项文中未提及,属于无中生有,生搬硬套。


阅读理解专题一 主旨大意题(A) 阅读下列短文或短文片段,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳答案或可以填入空白处的最佳答案: A Nobody likes an old poop(傻子). Developing a sense of humor is part of becoming a mature, emotionally healthy individual. Laughter is good for the soul, builds friendships and relieves stress. It serves as the glue for social situations and as an ice-breaker for sadness and boredom. If you've ever been told to "lighten up" or "chill out", you should save the blue attitude for serious situations and develop your sense of humor. Forgive the accidental. A sudden fall is humorous not because we like to see people fall, but because it surprises. From a spilled (溢出)water glass in a meeting to Aunt Rae's teeth coming off in the Thanksgiving turkey, the embarrassment of accidents can be relieved by humor and a helping hand. After making sure that nobody's hurt, forgive accidents with a chuckle (咯咯笑) rather than a scolding. Look for the unexpected. The kid who used to look at you with his eyes closed during a test had the idea. Parents who serve green eggs and ham to their children on graduation day get the idea. Unexpected actions lighten an atmosphere and relax people. Learn to laugh with your kids. Most of what children say and do is funny. Help them learn that accidents are sometimes funny and sometimes occasions for joining in and helping another human being. By sharing laughs and attempting to explain humor, you develop your sense of humor, as well as help kids develop their own sense of humor. 1. What is the best title for the passage? A. How to Develop a Sense of Humor B. Ways to Become a Healthy Individual C. The Function of Humor D. Proper Attitudes Towards Humor B People believe that climbing can do good to health. Where can you learn the skills of climbing then? If you think that you have to go to the mountains to learn how to climb, you're wrong. Many Americans are learning to climb in city gyms. Here, people are learning on special climbing walls. The climbing wall goes straight up and has small holding places for hands and feet. How do people climb the wall? To climb, you need special shoes and a harness (保护带) around your chest to hold you. There are ropes tied to your harness. The ropes hold you in place so that you don't fall. A beginner's wall is usually about 15 feet high,and you climb straight up. There


语文阅读题答题模式 题型一理解词语或句子的含义 提问方式:1.怎样理解...这句话在文中的含意? 2.作者为什么反复说...这句话? 3.某句话里的...词语的含义是什么? 答:○1写出表面意思;○2写出深层意思。 (1)对重要词语的“理解” 例2006年湖南《在山阴道上》:“好久以来,‘故乡’就在吸引着我”,句中“故乡”一词的含义是什么 答:①鲁迅的故乡(字面意思)②作者向往的精神家园。(内涵意义) (2)对句子的理解 例2007年广东卷《泥泞》:最后一段,作者既说“我们也不会刻意制造一种泥泞让它出现在未来的道路上”,又提出“我们是否渴望着在泥泞中跋涉一回呢”,你是如何理解的?(6分) 答:因为泥泞是浑然天成的,无法人为制造;而且泥泞象征着苦难与屈辱,没必要在未来的路上人为地设置逆境和挫折。但是泥泞可以使人警醒,给人力量,可以促使人们重温历史,所以当我们在顺境中茫然和麻木时,我们会渴望在“泥泞”中再跋涉一回。 (3)对标题的含义的理解 例《秋日里对春风的怀念》:试结合文章内容,解释题目“秋日里对春风的怀念”的含义。(4分) 答:○1“秋日”果实累累,文中指的是李文珍先生学有所成的学生们,“春风”指的是李文珍先生对学生的谆谆教诲和人格光辉;○2秋天的果实包含着春天雨露的滋润,寓学生对李文珍先生的充满深深的感激和怀念之情 题型二:文章的写作思路 提问方式:文章是怎样表现……的”或“如何”表达情感或主旨的? 答:○1从结构和内容入手;○2从写作手法入手;如修辞的运用。

题型三:分析作用 (1)词语、句子的作用 (2)内容的作用:1.设置悬念,引起读者阅读的兴趣 2.为后面情节的发展作铺垫或埋下伏笔 3.照应前文 4.线索或推动情节发展 5.刻画人物性格 (3)结构的作用:①开头:开篇点题;照应题目;总领全文统摄全文;渲染气氛,埋下伏笔;设置悬念,为下文作辅垫、引人入胜 ②中间:过渡,承上启下;总领下文;总结上文;呼应前文 ③结尾:总结全文,点明主旨,照应前文,卒章显志。点明中心;深化主题升华感情,;照应开头,,前后呼应;结构严谨;画龙点睛;言有尽而意无穷(4)修辞的作用 提问方式:这句话运用了什么修辞方法?有什么好处? 答:○1写出修辞;○2写出在文中如何运用;○3写出作用。 题型四:分析人物形象 。 答题技巧: (一)语文阅读分析常用名词 一、表达方式:记叙、描写、抒情、议论、说明 二、修辞手法:比喻、拟人、排比、夸张、反复、借代、反问、设问、引用、对比 三、说明文分类: 1、实物说明文、事理说明文、程序说明文 2、科技性说明文、文艺性说明文(也叫科学小品或知识小品) 四、说明顺序: 1、时间顺序:历史顺序、年代顺序、四季交替顺序、早晚(先后)顺序


阅读理解答题技巧(整理) 一、做阅读理解的三个步骤 1、通读全文,掌握大意。在解答阅读理解时,同学们先要快速的浏览一下整篇文章,重视标题(中心)、开头段(观点)、结尾段(结论)及各段落的首句(主题句),理清脉络,了解基本梗概,不要把时间花在生词难句上。没认真读完一段,要及时概括段意。 注意在认真品读原文,最好用笔标记重要信息。要养成良好的阅读习惯,以速度也要质量,要求阅读二至三遍能读懂全文。 2、浏览考项,细读答题。在掌握文章的大意之后,同学们可浏览一下短文后面的题目,然后带着这些问题仔细的阅读第二遍,以做到有目的的阅读。 要做到认真读题目中的每个字,并在原文找出大体范围,就等于答对该题的一半了。 3、复读全文,验证答案。答题完毕时,同学们应对照答案将整篇文章从头到尾再看一遍,以确保答案的正确,同时答案要求,准确,简洁,全面。 简要概括来说:一、纵观全文,把握主旨。 ^ 二、认真审题,定向扫描。 三、筛选组合,定向表述 记叙文文体分析 1.记叙文六要素:时间、地点、人物、事情的起因、经过、结果 2.记叙顺序:顺叙、倒叙、插叙 (1)顺叙(按事情发展先后顺序)作用:叙事有头有尾,条理清晰,读起来脉络清楚、印象深刻。 (2)倒叙(先写结果,再交待前面发生的事。) 作用:造成悬念、吸引读者,避免叙述的平板单调,增强文章的生动性。 ] (3)插叙(叙事时中断线索,插入相关的另一件事。) 作用:对情节起补充、衬托作用,丰富形象,突出中心 3. 记叙的线索及作用: 常见线索:(1)核心人物(2)核心事物(3)核心事件(4)时间(5)地点(6)作者的情感 作用:是贯穿全文的脉络,把文中的人物和事件有机地连在一起,使文章条理清楚、层次清晰。 4.描写(1)肖像描写(2)外貌描写(3)神态描写(4)动作描写(5)语言(对话)描写 (6)心理描写(7)景物描写(8)场景描写(9)环境描写(10)细节描写 二、阅读理解答题技巧 ! 1、某段或某句在文中的作用 (1)结构上的作用: 1.文首:开篇点题;渲染气氛(记叙文、小说);埋下伏笔(记叙文、小说);设置悬念(小说); 为下文作铺垫;总领下文;为文章定下感情基调;议论文则可能是开门见山提出中心论 点;讲诉故事引出中心论点等等。 2.文中:承上启下;总领下文;总结上文; 3.文末:点明中心(记叙文、小说);深化主题(记叙文、小说);照应开头(议论文、记叙文、小说);引人思考,发人深省。 (2)内容上的作用(写作手法、对内容的作用、表达的感情等) (3)修辞手法的作用 {


在处理文章标题的选择时,要避免下列三种错误: ①概括不够(多表现为部分代整体,从而导致范围太小); ②过度概括(多表现为人为扩大范围); ③以事实或细节代替抽象具体的大意。 1.2012朝阳期末 Why play games? Because they are fun, and we can learn even more while playing. Following the rules, planning your next move, acting as a team member —these are all ―game‖ ideas that you will come across all through your life. They can help you in different ways. Think about some of the games you played as a young child, such as rope-jumping and hide-and-seek. Such games are very interesting. But perhaps more importantly, they translate part of life into exciting games that teach children some of the basic rules they will be expected to follow the rest of their lives, such as taking turns and cooperating (合作). Many children’s games have a practical side. Children around the world play games that prepare them for work they will do as grown-ups. For example, some Saudi Arabian children play a game called bones, which improves the hand-eye coordination (协调) needed in fishing. The most famous games of all, the Olympic Games, bring athletes from around the world together to take part in friendly competitions. People who watch the event (比赛项目) know that a gold medal is a win for the whole country, not just the athlete who got it. For countries experiencing natural disasters (灾害) or wars, an Olympic win can mean so much. Sports games are also an event that unites (团结) people. Football is the most popular sport in the world. People all over the world play it —some for fun and some for a living. Nicolette Iribarne, a Californian football player, has discovered a way to spread hope through football. He created a foundation (基金会) to provide poor children with not only soccer balls but also a bright future. Next time you play your favorite game or sport, think about why you enjoy it, what skills are needed, and whether these skills will help you in other parts of your life. 55.What’s the main idea of the passage? A. Games can help people in different ways. B. People are advised to play games for fun. C. An Olympic win means a lot to every country. D. Sports can get people all over the world together. 2.2012朝阳期末 Ask someone what they have done to help the environment recently and they will almost mention recycling, which is the process (过程) of treating used things, such as paper or steel so that they can be used again. Recycling in the home is very important of course. However, being forced to recycle often means we already have more things than we need. We are now dealing with the results of that over-consumption in the possible greenest way, but it would be far better if we did not bring so many things home in the first place. Here is an example. In the UK, the total of packaging increased by 12% between 1999 and 2005. It now makes up a third of a household’s waste. In many supermarkets, foods are packaged twice with plastic and cardboard. Too much packaging causes serious environmental problems. The UK is running out of different kinds of ways for dealing with this unnecessary waste. If such packaging is burnt, it gives off greenhouse gases which go on to cause the greenhouse effect (效果). Recycling helps, but the process itself uses energy. The best way of avoiding this problem is to stop producing such unnecessary things in the first place. Food waste is another serious problem, too. Too many supermarkets encourage customers (消费者) to buy more than they need. They seldom encourage customers to reuse their plastic bags, for example. However, a few of them are coming round to the idea that this cannot continue. But this is not just about supermarkets. It is about all of us. We have learned to connect packaging with quality (质量). We have learned to think that something unpackaged is of poor quality. Is it true for all the products? I n fact, more and more companies realized the importance of protecting the environment. They try to package what really should be packaged, including products in good quality. As more of us recycle, we are beginning to realize how many unnecessary things are being


主旨大意题 (一)确定主题句,锁定主旨 (2015·北京·D) Technological change is everywhere and affects every aspect of life,mostly for the better.However,social changes that are brought about by new technology are often mistaken for a change in attitudes. An example at hand is the involvement of parents in the lives of their children who are attending college.Surveys(调查) on this topic suggest that parents today continue to be “very” or “somewhat” overly-protective even after their children move into college dormitories.The same surveys also indicate that the rate of parental involvement is greater today than it was a generation ago.This is usually interpreted as a sign that today's parents are trying to manage their children's lives past the point where this behavior is appropriate. However,greater parental involvement does not necessarily indicate that parents are failing to let go of their “adult” children. In the context(背景)of this discussion,it seems valuable to first find out the cause of change in the case of parents' involvement with their grown children.If parents of earlier generations had wanted to be in touch with their college-age children frequently,would this have been possible?Probably not.On the other hand,does the possibility of frequent communication today mean that the urge to do so wasn't present a generation ago?Many studies show that older parents—today's grandparents—would have called their children more often if the means and cost of doing so had not been a barrier. Furthermore,studies show that finances are the most frequent subject of communication between parents and their college children.The fact that college students are financially dependent on their parents is nothing new;nor are requests for more money to be sent from home.This phenomenon is neither good nor bad;it is a fact of college life,today and in the past. Thanks to the advanced technology,we live in an age of bettered communication.This has many implications well beyond the role that parents seem to play in the lives of their children who have left for college.But it is useful to bear in mind that all such changes come from the technology and not some imagined


1.景物描写的作用:渲染气氛,烘托人物心情,推动情节发展,表现人物的品质,衬托中心意思 2.运用描写方法的作用: 表现人物性格,反映作品主题 3.文章题目的作用: 概括内容;揭示主题;提示线索 4. 用自己的话回答问题: 1、这种题目往往就是限定不能直接原文中的语句来回答,从另个层面上来说,也就是暗示你原文中有相关语句,所以你首先应该找出原文中的相关语句; 2、现在要考虑的就是如何将原文中的语句变成自己的话,可以采用下列方法: ①概括大意法,适用于原文相关句子较长的情况; ②翻译句子法,适用于文言文语段; ③解释重点词法,适用于原文语句中有生僻词; ④变换句式法,适用于原文使用的是疑问、设问、反问的语意未能完全明确的句子,而题目又要求作出明确表达的情况。 5.中间句、段的作用: 承上启下的过渡作用 6.结尾议论性句子的作用:总结全文,照应开头,点明中心,深化主题 7.写作人称的好处: 第一人称,真实可信; 第二人称,亲切自然第三人称,可以多角度描写,不受时间和空间的限制 8.容易弄错的术语: (1)表达技巧= 艺术手法=表达方式+表现手法+修辞手法 (2)表达方式 = 记叙+描写+抒情+议论+说明 (3)表现手法= 象征、对比、衬托、烘托、伏笔铺垫、照应(呼应)、直接(间接)描写、 扬抑(欲扬先抑、欲抑先扬)、借景抒情、借物喻人(托物言志)…… (4)修辞手法 = 比喻、拟人、夸张、排比、反问、设问、引用、反复…… (5)语言特点 = 通俗易懂/ 严谨/ 优美、生动、鲜明/ 充满感情色彩(常与修辞手法合用) 9.在哪儿找线索:标题;反复出现的某个词语或某个事物;抒情议论句 记叙文阅读 一、记叙文基础知识: (一)记叙线索的形式:实物;人物;思想感情变化;时间;地点变换;中心事件 (二)记叙文六要素:时间、地点、人物、事情的起因、经过、结果 记叙文的顺序:顺叙、倒叙、插叙 (三)记叙文第一段的作用: 1)环境描写:点明故事发生的地点,环境,引出下文,为下文情节发展作铺垫 2)其他:开篇点题,奠定全文的感情基调;总领全文或引起下文,为下文情节发展作铺垫 二、语段阅读题答题总原则: 1、快速浏览全篇文章。 答题前应快速浏览文章,弄清文章的人物、事件、结果。可适当做标记 2、带着问题读文章的相应段落。 注意整体把握文章的主要内容和中心意思,找出中心句、主旨句。开头、结尾、过渡句段、修辞句、抒情议论句画上标记号。 注意从题干中找出答题关键点,带着问题读文中相应段落。 3、答题。 具体题目涉及到相关段落,要对这些段落反复研读;如涉及全篇,则要再读全文。 运用下文常见答题技巧回答;如无法判断,可摘抄文段原文原句。 字迹工整,卷面干净;可用①②③等序号对答案进行标注。


主旨大意题的阅读理解题 主旨大意是全文或相关段落的概括和总结,主要考查学生在理解文章的基础上对全文的高度概括。 (1)Stepping into a pool of water is common enough, but who could ever imagine stepping into a pool of fish? In February of 1974, Bill Tapp, an Australian farmer, saw a rain of fish that covered his farm. How surprised he must have been when he heard many fish hitting against his roof! What caused this strange occurrence? This is a question that had long puzzled people who study fish. The answer turned out to be a combination of wind and storm. When it is spring in the northern part of the world . it is fall in Australia .Throughout the autumn season, terrible storms arise and huge vacuum cleaners , collecting seaweed, pieces of wood, and even schools of fish . Strong winds may carry these bits nature for many miles before vacuum dropping them on fields , houses, and astonished people. What is this passage about? A、A sad story B、A rain of fish C、Australian’s northern part D、The damage done by floods (2) Variety of activity was also seen as a way of maintaining or increasing motivation. Several years ago we had one timetable that operated throughout , but we soon found that both the students and the teachers


第一节主旨大意(I) 主备:张莉琴 主旨大意题是高考阅读理解中常考的题型之一,主要考查考生把握全文主题和理解中心思想的能力。通常以概括中心大意、概括段落大意、选择标题以及判断作者写作意图等形式出现。主旨大意题是阅读理解题中的高难度题, ,主旨大意题几乎年年都有,而且在大部分地区的阅读理解题中会有1~3道考查此类题。 一、设题方式:? 1.The main idea/key point of this passage is that . 2.The passage is mainly about . 3.The best title/headline for this passage is . 4.The topic/subject discussed in this passage is . 5.From the passage we can learn/conclude that . 6.The last paragraph is chiefly concerned with . 7. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage? 8. Which of the following best states the theme of the passage? 二、主旨大意题正确选项特征 1.涵盖性强,覆盖全文或全段。 2.确定的范围恰当,既不太大,也不太小。 3..精确性强,不会改变语言表意的程度及色彩。 三、主旨大意题干扰选项特征 1.过于笼统,不知所云。所给选项内容概括的范围过大,超出文章所述内容。 2.以偏概全,主次不分。所给选项只阐述了文章的一部分内容,或以文章中的细节信息或个别词作为选 项的设置内容,或以次要的事实或细节充当全文的主要观点。 3.移花接木,偷换概念。所给选项被命题者有意识地把本属于A的内容放在B上,若不留神,极易选错。 4.无中生有,生搬硬套。所给选项的关键词虽然在文章中谈到了,但经过仔细阅读分析之后,发现选项的 内容与文章的内容毫无联系。 四、主旨大意题解题思路 1.标题归纳题 标题具有醒目性、概括性和针对性的特点。醒目是唤起读者阅读文章的兴趣;概括性, 针对性是标题要直接指向文章的主要特点。标题归纳题与中心大意题具有共同之处,当文章主旨是一个短语或一句简洁的话时,我们可把它看作标题;但是文章主旨往往是作者写作目的或写作内容的归纳,一般不作为文章标题。解答标题归纳题需掌握以下三种方法: ①正面肯定法:在理解文章主旨的基础上,揣摩哪个选项能准确概括主旨; ②反面否定法:拿各个备选项去设想用它们写出来的“文章”应咋写, 然后和原文对照,排除不符选 项; ③研读备选项本身:研读备选项里面的中心词、修饰词的变化、结构、概括性等。 [全国Ⅰ,D篇]The meaning of silence varies among cultural groups. Silences may be thoughtful, or they may be empty when a person has nothing to say. A silence in a conversation may also show stubbornness, uneasiness, or worry. Silence may be viewed by some cultural groups as extremely uncomfortable; therefore attempts may be made to fill every gap (间隙) with conversation. Persons in other cultural groups value silence and view it as necessary for under standing a person’s needs. Many Native Americans value silence and feel it is a basic part of communicating among people, just

九年级语文 阅读理解答题技巧

九年级语文现代文阅读解题方法归类 ■一、表达方式:记叙、描写、抒情、说明、议论 ■二、表现手法:象征、对比、烘托、设置悬念、前后呼应、欲扬先抑、托物言志、借物抒情、联想、想象、衬托(正衬、反衬) ■三、修辞手法:比喻、拟人、夸张、排比、对偶、引用、设问、反问、反复、互文、对比、借代、反语 四、记叙文六要素:时间、地点、人物、事情的起因、经过、结果 五、记叙顺序:顺叙、倒叙、插叙 六、描写角度:正面描写、侧面描写 ■七、描写人物的方法:语言、动作、神态、心理、外貌 八、描写景物的角度:视觉、听觉、味觉、触觉 ■九、描写景物的方法:动静结合(以动写静)、概括与具体相结合、由远到近(或由近到远) 十、描写(或抒情)方式:正面(又叫直接)、反面(又叫间接) 十一、叙述方式:概括叙述、细节描写 ■十二、说明顺序:时间顺序、空间顺序、逻辑顺序 ■十三、说明方法:举例子、列数字、打比方、作比较、下定义、分类别、作诠释、摹状貌、引用 十四、小说情节四部分:开端、发展、高潮、结局 十五、小说三要素:人物形象、故事情节、具体环境 十六、环境描写分为:自然环境、社会环境 ■十七、议论文三要素:论点、论据、论证 ■十八、论据分类为:事实论据、道理论据 ■十九、论证方法:举例(或事实)论证、道理论证(有时也叫引用论证)、对比(或正反对比)论证、比喻论证 二十、论证方式:立论、驳论(可反驳论点、论据、论证) 二十一、议论文的文章的结构:总分总、总分、分总;分的部分常常有并列式、递进式二十二、引号的作用:引用;强调;特定称谓;否定、讽刺、反语 二十三、破折号用法:提示、注释、总结、递进、话题转换、插说。 二十四、其他: ■(一)某句话在文中的作用: 1、文首:开篇点题;渲染气氛(记叙文、小说),埋下伏笔(记叙文、小说),设置悬念(小说),为下文作辅垫;总领下文; 2、文中:承上启下;总领下文;总结上文; 3、文末:点明中心(记叙文、小说);深化主题(记叙文、小说);照应开头(议论文、记叙文、小说) ■(二)修辞手法的作用: (1)它本身的作用;(2)结合句子语境。 1、比喻、拟人:生动形象; 答题格式:生动形象地写出了+对象+特性。


语文阅读理解阅读技巧及解题技巧 如何提高阅读效率 1、弄清原文、题干、正确答案项和干扰项之间的关系,切实提高实际解决问题的能力。 正确处理原文、题干、正确答案项和干扰项之间的关系,能使自己的思路和文章作者思路相一致,才能较容易地把握文章的主旨大意、结构脉络、作者的语气态度,人物的性格特征、事情的来龙去脉,使顺利解题水到渠成。 2、注意积累生活素材及英语国家的文化背景、人情风俗、生活方式知识。 当前的阅读理解选材越来越注重现代化、多样化、知识化和生活化,内容贴近生活,蕴涵着丰富的世界各国文化背景知识,具有强烈的时代感和交际性,常常从不同侧面反映了当前人们的思想意识、生活情趣和对人、对自然的态度及与世界的交流,就体裁而言,也涉及到记叙文、应用文、说明文等多种文体。只有通过大量阅读不同题材和体裁的短文,才能不断增强快速捕捉、掌握信息的准确度,也能提高面对较长篇幅阅读材料的心理承受能力。 3、重视培养正确的阅读习惯,加强锻炼跳读、略读、扫读等阅读技巧。

比较好的阅读理解方法是:初读文章-- 看题目--查读文章找依据--初定 答案--三看文章找细节--推敲答案--四读文章--终定答案,其中综合了略读、跳读和查读等阅读技巧。 在第一遍阅读时,可用略读或跳读的方式阅读全文,不必注意细节或具体事实,只求对文章有一个总体印象,了解中心思想和作者的基本观点,记住文中的信息方位。 接着,浏览题目再读文章,可以带着题目有的放矢地在文中圈圈划划、做标记,查找解答题目的依据,避免毫无目的地通读文章,许多局部性题目都可以通过原文中的一两句话直接找到答案。第三、第四次阅读主要是定度答案。 4、巩固、扩大并活用词汇(包括词组、短语和构词法),夯实语法知识 随着社会要求和教学要求的提高,生词和结构较为复杂的长句、难句在短文中和题目中经常出现,没有过关的语言知识,学生很难领会文章,审清题意。因此,扎实的基础知识、善于处理词汇、牢固掌握教学考纲中要求的各个语法项目、通过分析句子结构辨别意群及正确理解结构复杂的长句均是做好阅读理解的要素。 5、若是做回答问题时,先须把握全文整体意思,弄清文中的人物、发生的事件、时间、地点、原因、前后逻辑关系及过程,然后再落笔定答案,有些文章的最后一题是开放性题目,只要言之有理,都能得分。


Don’t give up your whole garden just for an attractive rose. 一、主旨大意题型特点: 主旨大意题要求在理解全文后________________,____________或者是_________,考查考生的归纳总结能力。这类题需要______________,抓住文章的______和_____,同时兼顾________以及文章出现的________。此类试题通常以概括中心、揭示主题、选择标题等形式出现。 查找主旨、标题时,我们要学习识别文章中__________________的信息,这种信息应能归纳和概括文中其它信息所具有的______。做主旨大意题时,应采用_______的方式,跳过生僻词,抓住________和_______,快而准地把握文章主旨。 【例1】Choose the most general word. A. Chemist B. Physicist C. Scientist D. Biologist 【例2】Choose the most general sentence. A. The hotel offers complimentary coffee from 7 to 10 . daily. B. There are many reasons why guests feel at home at the Glorietta Bay Inn. C. The coin-operated laundry room has an ironing board. D. There are a number of extra services at the Glorietta Bay Inn including baby-sitting. 【例3】Choose the title that best expresses the idea of the paragraph. There is a simple economic principle used to determine prices. It is called the law of supply and demand. Supply means the amount of, or access to, certain goods. Demand represents the number of people who want those goods. If there are more goods than wanted, the price of them falls. On the other hand, if the demand for those goods is much greater than the supply, then price rises. Of course manufacturers prefer to sell more goods at increased prices. A. Economic Principle B. Law of Supply and Demand C. More Goods, Lower Prices D. Fewer Goods, Higher Prices 二、主旨大意题题干形式: 1. ________________________ (main idea): (1) The main idea of the passage is… (2) The passage is mainly about… (3) The passage is mainly discussed… (4) Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage? (5) What is the passage mainly about? 2. _________________________ (title): (6) The best title for the passage might be… (7) Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? 三、主题句的特点: 1. 主题句与文体体裁之间的关系:议论文和说明文一般有主题句,且一般位于______; 而记叙文一般没有主题句; 2. 段落主题句一般位于_____________; 3. 主题句所表达的意思具有_______和________;句子________单, 一般不会采用长句 或结构复杂的句子;
