




Good morning, I’m glad to have the opportunity to have this interview. My name is xxx 33years old. I come from xx city, xxxx Province. I am woking in xx xxx bureau, in charge with the administration of mass orts. Maybe teachers are not familiar with this work. Now, I would like to introduce it briefly. Administration of mass orts is composed of three parts: organization of National Fit-keeping Program, building of physical fitness facilities, administration of mass organizations. With the rapid development of economy and society, the constant improvement of the level of living, People are becoming more conscious of health and fitness, The stress on administration of mass orts is weighing more and more heavily.

Since the beginning of my work in 20xx,I have always been engaged in administration . My major at university is english, wtihout the systematic learning on management, I can only learn by practice in the past years. The chief purpose of applying for the MBA of china university of xx is to promote myself through systematic management education, I would also like to take this opportunity to communicate with teachers and classmates, which could help to summarizing my experience in the past 0 years and make clear my new goals and directions for the future.

If I could be a member of the MBA program of china

university of xxx, I will make the best of the chance of learning in the university, follow the school regulations strictly. I will finish the study in terms of schedule at school , combine the theory I learn with what I have experienced in the administration of mass orts , and make further progress on my work.


After graduating from UIBE, I was employed as the assistant to the funding manager by the China National Technical Import and Export Corporation. After reading a lot of related files, and analyzing the overall funding situation of the corporation,I found that the loan policy was not been put into effect. So we have thousands of millions RMB loan with very high interest rate while a large amount of cash in bank with very low interest rate was idle. I reported this to my supervisor, and then we studied and revised the loan policy. This revision saved the corporation approximately RMB thirty millions yuan. In order to raise the funding effectiveness,after one year’s hard work,I developed the internal banking system within the corporation based on the actual funding supply and need of the different divisions and projects. This internal banking system made full use of the corporation’ funding resources, and due to this, I was highly praised by the president of the corporation.


Good morning, everyone! I am glad to be here for this interview. First, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Qin Jiayin. I was born on April 23, 1981. I am a local person.

I am graduating from Jilin Normal University this June. I major in Chinese literature. I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in Jilin University which I have desired for a long time. I have the confidence because I have such

ability! I am a girl who is fervent, outgoing and creative.

At the same time, I think I am quick in mind and careful in everything. I am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life. I will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!

Reasons for taking postgraduate exams:

First of all, I love my major. Chinese literature is the symbol of the start of Chinese literary modernization. It plays an important part in modernization of our citizens’ thoughts. What’s more, modern literature is very close to our daily life and it can deeply reflect the styles and features of our society.

I am fascinated by the great masters’ refreshing or warm or profound styles as well. But I am not easily satisfied with such superficial knowledge. I hope I could have a better understanding in modern literature by studying further. This is a very important reason for me to take the postgraduate exams.

Next, I love the feeling in the university. It is full of youthful spirit. And I am deeply attracted by the scholarly atmosphere. And the most important, it’s my great honor to open my ears to your teaching.Finally, I want to talk about a very practical problem. That is my dream of becoming a teacher in the university. I want to realize my dream and make myself to be a well-qualified person. I think the postgraduate studies can eich my knowledge and make me competent in my future job.That’s my simple and clear reasons why I took the postgraduate exams.My university:

I’m graduating form Jilin Normal University this June which has a history of 50 years. It shares many same characteristics with Jilin University. Both of them have a refreshing and scholarly atmosphere. Four years’ studying there made me an

independent, optimistic and strict girl.

I appreciate the education my university gave me.

Thank you for your time!


Good afternoon, teachers.

I am very glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is abc, 25 years old. I come from Weifang, a beautiful city of Shandong Province. I graduated from Commercial College in July, 2001 and major in finance. Then, I was a teacher in abc, When I was a senior school student, I am interested in thought and began to read a certain classic work of Marxism, especially I finished reading “the florilegium of Mao ZeDong”. From then on, I have dabbled in more and more theoretical works and accumulated great interests in theory study, especially in Marxism.

I have a dream, a dream of my study. I wish devote my whole life and energy into the development of the Marxism. If I have the opportunity to study in abc University, I’ll dabble in as much as document about the specialty as possible. If it is possible, I want to get the primary accomplishment in my major, at least, a stable basis.

Personally, for today’s China, the first task to the development of Marxism is a process of construction. That’s to say, we should understand Marxism mostly from the aspect of construction and development of social society. Only when our socialistic country has a more rapid and balance development than the capitalistic, we can enhance the attractiveness and persuasion of Marxism eventually.


mba复试自我介绍 模板 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 自我介绍是MBA面试录用的主要 环节,因此自我介绍的好坏直接影响到 面试的结果。那么关于自我介绍的范文 有哪些呢?下面XX小编为大家整理了 mba复试自我介绍模板,希望大家喜欢。 mba复试自我介绍模板(一) 各位老师,早上好!很荣幸有机会参 加此次面试。我希望今天我能有好的表 现。我希望此次面试能够成功。现在, 请允许我自我介绍一下。我叫***,今年 26岁,出生于**省。毕业于**学院**专 业。我在***年毕业获得学士学位。大学 期间,我努力学习,掌握了基本的专业 知识。成为一名优秀的企业经理人是我 长期渴望的梦想。我渴望有机会施展我 的才能。 本科毕业后,我在***实习,从事***

工作,扎实的会计专业课基础使我在工 作中如鱼得水。实习期间,我努力做好 本职工作的同时,注意发现大厅人员管 理中的问题,并带来了很多新颖的可操 作的发展思路。2014年范文参考写作网, 教您怎样写范文,我进入***公司,从 事***工作。较强的逻辑思维能力和系统 思维能力,使我在工作中能够正确处理 ***工作方方面面的问题。通过参加公司 内部计划的制定,我对管理知识有了更 深入的理解和掌握,因此,我有信心进 一步学习管理知识,从事企业管理或相 关研究工作。 之所以报考mba,主要有以下三点 原因:一是我对管理学有强烈的兴趣, 希望能够深入系统的开展相关知识的学 习;二是为了实现企业经理人的梦想,需 要更深层次的自我发展,学习提高;三是 为了指导实际工作,经过mba的锻炼,能够提升自已的管理能力,提高所在企 业的管理水平。 最后我希望9月份能够以学生的身 2 ----------------精选公文范文----------------


Q Can you sell yourself in two minutes Go for it. 你能在两分钟內自我推荐吗 大胆试试吧 Good afternoon! I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. I’m WANGRUI, my NO is … I come from,a young city 。It is famous for itsNNN. Each year, many people come here for tour and investment. So I believe that, with the joint efforts of every person, a better future of XXis coming。 我来自XX市,年轻的城市,是闻名NNN。每年有很多人来这里旅游和投资。所以我认为,每个人的共同努力下,一个更好的未来的XX市即将来临 I am open-minded, easy to adapt, compatible with my friends, and willing to help others. 我思想开放,容易适应,我的朋友,并且愿意帮助别人 I study in Beijing university, it provides me an opportunity to develop my abilities. I study hard, also has a favorable review in the teachers and students, as a member of the student union, I strive to finish any task. In a word, I learned a lot in my college life. 我在北京大学学习,它提供了我一个机会来发展我的能力。我努力学习,得到老师和同学的 好评,作为学生会的一员,我努力完成任何任务。总之,我的大学生活中我学到了很多。 In 2010, I was admitted to the civil affairs bureau, In 2012, I admitted to civil servants,enter the government sector work . I work on administrative jobs for six years, I actively to finish the work assigned by the office ,for work related affairs governance, management and execution. 2010年,我考入民政局,在2012年,我考上公务员,进入政府部门工作.我至今在行政岗位工作了六年, 我积极完成办公室交办的各项工作,对有关工作事务进行治理、管理和执行. Administrative management should pay attention to the effectiveness and efficiency of management.In my work, I found communication and management is very important. 行政管理要讲究管理的效能和效率。在我的工作中,我发现交流和管理非常重要。 A With my qualifications 、analytical、interpersonal skills and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. 依我的资格和经验.我觉得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。


北京化工大学MBA 研究生复试3分钟自我介绍范文 尊敬的各位老师,大家好!我是职场密码AI智能简历,非常荣幸能够参加这次北京化工大学MBA的复试面试。首先,请允许我向各位老师表示衷心的感谢,感谢您们在百忙之中抽出时间来给我这个机会。 1、开场白 在这美好的时光里,我怀着激动的心情来到了这里,希望能与您们共同探讨学术问题,共同进步。我相信,通过这次复试面试,我将更加深入地了解MBA专业,为今后的学术生涯和职业发展打下坚实的基础。 2、个人简介 我毕业于XX大学,主修XX专业。在校期间,我努力学习专业知识,积极参加各类活动,取得了一定的成绩。此外,我还获得了XX奖学金、XX荣誉证书等奖励,这些都是对我的肯定和鼓励。 3、学业相关经历 学术方面,我一直对XX领域充满浓厚的兴趣。在大学期间,我积极参与学术项目的研究,曾参与XX课题组,与导师共同探讨学术问题。此外,我还在学术期刊上发表了一篇关于XX的论文,从理论和实践的角度对XX问题进行了深入的分析和探讨。这些经历让我更加坚定了学术追求的信念。

4、学术期望 对于所选择的MBA专业,我有着很高的期望。首先,我希望能够在这个平台上拓宽视野,学习更多的管理知识和技能。其次,我期待能够与优秀的导师和同学们共同学习,共同进步。最后,我希望能够将所学知识运用到实际工作中,为企业的发展做出贡献。 5、个人特质 在我的校园生活中,我始终保持着积极向上的态度,勇于面对挑战。在团队合作中,我发挥着自己的优势,为团队的成功贡献自己的力量。此外,我还具备很强的责任心和执行力,能够在压力下保持冷静,迅速解决问题。这些品质使我在学术和生活中都取得了不错的成绩。6、结束语 再次感谢各位老师给予我这次宝贵的复试机会。如果有幸能够成为您的学生,我将会珍惜这次机会,不断努力学习,不辜负您们的期望。我相信,在您们的指导下,我的学术和职业生涯将会取得更加辉煌的成就。谢谢! 说明:全篇共计792字左右,各位同学可根据自身情况,通过灵活调节增删内容可将本篇自我介绍调整成3分钟或者5分钟的自我介绍。大家要学习这样的自我介绍逻辑和重点,这样的自我介绍有结构、有层次、有重点、有亮点、与专业匹配度高。建议将此篇范文下载下来,在此模板的基础上结合个人信息进行修改。


mba的自我介绍范文 工商管理硕士(MBA)是一种专业硕士学位,与一般硕士研究生有所不同。那么你知道MBA的自我介绍有哪些吗?今天就来告诉你mba的自我介绍范文,欢迎阅读。 自20xx年9月步入浙江工商大学MBA学院学习以来,让阔别校园多年的我再次体会到了学习的氛围和乐趣,感受到了集体的温暖和关怀。在这两年多校园生活中,学习文化课程、与同学交流思想经验、参加专家讲座等一系列丰富而生动的学习形式,不仅开拓和磨练了我的视野和意志,也使自身的思想认识得到了长足的进步。现将两年多MBA的学习生活总结如下,希望今后能够通过不断地开展“批评与自我批评”来完善自我、提升自我的价值: 一、加强理论学习,竖立正确价值观。理论知识的学习永远都是武装自己最强有力的力量,在MBA学院学习过程中我印象最深的两门课分别是管理经济学和企业运营模拟。在管理经济学中通过观看《公司的力量》这部纪录片,使我感受到公司改变世界力量的强大,而企业运营模拟通过小组间的模拟运营竞争,使我乐此不彼,完全沉浸其间??可以说,MBA的各门课程就像一扇扇在我面前打开的门,当你迈入不同的门里,你会发现里面的世界是如此丰富多彩。 经过多年工作的历练和社会现实的考验,我深知理论知识学习的

重要,它是获取经验和汲取营养最便捷的途径。然而,价值观念的正确竖立也是理论知识学习过程中不可小觑的重要一环,从大学毕业时大谈兴邦富国,到现在专注自身能力的提升和锻炼,MBA两年多的学习经历,更加坚定了我的想法:你不可能改变整个世界,但只有改变了自己,才能影响这个世界。 二、培养忧患意识,提升自我竞争力。在学习运营管理这门课程的过程中,分析奇虎360与腾讯qq间竞争关系的课业任务让我深刻体会到了当今社会商业竞争的残酷与现实。因此,有必要对当今社会化快节奏和层出不穷的新鲜事务有一个清醒的认识,其实有许多事务在你没有关注它们的瞬间匆匆而过,正如吴晓波在《大败局》中描述的企业那样,人们记住的只有你的辉煌,“花开花谢”都只是眨眼的功夫。 培养忧患意识,就是要善于总结经验教训,从中吸取有价值的内容,不在同一个地方跌倒第二次。自我竞争力的提升,就是在忧患意识的基础上,不断提高对自身的认识,以查漏补缺的形式强化自己的专业技能和专业素养,在认识自我的过程中,不断地超越自我。 三、强化服务创新,实践才能出真知。尽管MBA学院的老师在每节课上做了精心地准备,但老师所能传授的知识毕竟有限,社会这个舞台很大、也很包容,它给每个人提供展示空间的时候,也对每个人提出了不同的要求。我认为这样的要求可以用简单的四个字来概括,那就是服务创新,一个人光有一身本事,却英雄无用武之地,也算是一种莫名的悲哀。


mba中英文面试自我介绍范文3篇_自我介绍 mba面试自我介绍范文1 MY BACKGROUND: I was born in a small village of Shan Dong Province on April 4th, 1968. When I was young, my family was very poor, so I had to the middle school. 1993-present, I was employed by China Kingdom Import and Export Corporation to be the Manger of Financial and Accounting Division. I do believe that with my hard early life, solid educational background and ample working experience, I would be an excellent student of you MBA program. MY PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENT: After graduating from UIBE, I was employed as the assistant to the funding manager by China National Technical Import and WHY CHOOSE YOUR MBA PROGRAM? After I have worked in businearea for eight years, I feel that I need to continue my education by pursuing a Master degree in busineadministration. I have practiced my professional expertise in accounting, demonstrated my leadership abilities and perfected my communication skills. But I have yet to become an entrepreneur in my own right, and to fully master the art of modern


mba面试自我介绍 mba面试自我介绍(精选4篇) 当进入一个陌生环境,我们就有可能用到自我介绍,通过自我介绍可以让他人了解我们。你所见过的.自我介绍是什么样的呢?下面是小编为大家整理的mba面试自我介绍(精选4篇),仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 mba面试自我介绍1 Good morning, I’m glad to have the opportunity to have this interview. My name is xxx 33years old. I come from xx city, xxxx Province. I am woking in xx xxx bureau, in charge with the administration of mass orts. Maybe teachers are not familiar with this work. Now, I would like to introduce it briefly. Administration of mass orts is composed of three parts: organization of National Fit-keeping Program, building of physical fitness facilities, administration of mass organizations. With the rapid development of economy and society, the constant improvement of the level of living, People are becoming more conscious of health and fitness, The stress on administration of mass orts is weighing more and more heavily. Since the beginning of my work in 20xx,I have always been engaged in administration . My major at university is english, wtihout the systematic learning on management, I can only learn by practice in the past years. The chief purpose of applying for the MBA of china university of xx is to promote myself through systematic management education, I would also like to take this opportunity to communicate with teachers and classmates, which could help to summarizing my experience in the past 0 years and make clear my new goals and directions for the future. If I could be a member of the MBA program of china


mba自我介绍范文英文版10篇 mba自我介绍范文英文版 (1) good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september. now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countries such industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still. i guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education. i will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character? i cannot describe it well, but


mba面试中文自我介绍范文3篇 (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如演讲稿、总结报告、合同协议、方案大全、工作计划、学习计划、条据书信、致辞讲话、教学资料、作文大全、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! In addition, this shop provides you with various types of classic sample essays, such as speech drafts, summary reports, contract agreements, project plans, work plans, study plans, letter letters, speeches, teaching materials, essays, other sample essays, etc. Want to know the format and writing of different sample essays, so stay tuned! mba面试中文自我介绍范文3篇 工商管理学是研究盈利性组织经营活动规律以及企业管理的理论、方法与技术的科学。本文是本店铺为大家整理的mba面试中文自我介绍范文,仅供参考。 mba面试中文自我介绍范文篇一: 各位老师,早上好!很荣幸有机会参加此次面试。我希望今天我能有好的表现。我希望此次面试能够成功。现在,请允许我自我介绍一下。我叫***,今年26岁,出生于**省。毕业于**学院**专业。我


mba面试中英文自我介绍范文 准备mba面试自我介绍的时候,一定要通俗、易懂。下面是小编收集整理的mba面试中英文自我介绍范文,希望能帮到你。 mba面试中英文自我介绍范文1 Good afternoon, teachers. I am very glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is abc, 25 years old. I come from Weifang, a beautiful city of Shandong Province. I graduated from Commercial College in July, 2001 and major in finance. Then, I was a teacher in abc, When I was a senior school student, I am interested in thought and began to read a certain classic work of Marxism, especially I finished reading “the florilegium of Mao ZeDong”. From then on, I have dabbled in more and more theoretical works and accumulated great interests in theory study, especially in Marxism. I have a dream, a dream of my study. I wish devote my whole life and energy into the development of the Marxism. If I have the opportunity to study in abc University, I’ll dabble in as much as document about the specialty as possible. If it is possible, I want to get the primary accomplishment in my major, at least, a stable basis. Personally, for today’s China, the first task to the development of Marxism is a process of construction. That’s to say, we should understand Marxism mostly from the aspect of construction and development of social society. Only when our socialistic


mba面试自我介绍 mba面试自我介绍 当来到的一个陌生的地方时,时常需要用到自我介绍,自我介绍可以满足我们渴望得到尊重的心理。那要怎么写好自我介绍呢?下面是收集整理的mba面试自我介绍,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 mba面试自我介绍1 各位老师: 早上好!很荣幸有机会参加此次面试。我希望今天我能有好的表现。我希望此次面试能够成功。现在,请允许我自我介绍一下。我叫,今年26岁,出生于XX省。毕业于XX 学院专业。我在XX年毕业获得学士学位。大学期间,我努力学习,掌握了基本的专业知识。成为一名优秀的企业经理人是我长期渴望的梦想。我渴望有机会施展我的才能。 本科毕业后,我在实习,从事工作,扎实的会计专业课基础使我在工作中如鱼得水。实习期间,我努力做好本职工作的同时,注意发现大厅人员管理中的问题,并带来了很多新颖的可操作的发展思路。xx年,我进入XX公司,从事工作。较强的逻辑思维能力和系统思维能力,使我在工作中能够正确处理工作方方面面的问题。通过参加公司内部计划的制定,我对管理知识有了更深入的理解和掌握,因此,我有

信心进一步学习管理知识,从事企业管理或相关研究工作。 之所以报考MBA,主要有以下三点原因:一是我对管理学有强烈的兴趣,希望能够深入系统的开展相关知识的学习;二是为了实现企业经理人的梦想,需要更深层次的自我发展,学习提高;三是为了指导实际工作,经过MBA的锻炼,能够提升自已的管理能力,提高所在企业的管理水平。 最后我希望9月份能够以学生的身份出现在这里,聆听各位老师的教诲!我的介绍完了,谢谢! mba面试自我介绍2 根据我的经验,准备“自我介绍”时要注意几个问题:1)时间以两分钟内为宜。 面试官一般会说“先简单介绍一下你自己”,有时候会强调不要超过两分钟,或五分钟。有人以为自己经历丰富,两分钟哪足以展示自己多彩的一生?我要强调,任何人都不喜欢听别人吹嘘自己,面试官更希望尽快走完必要的程序(自我介绍,两道抽签题),剩下更多时间问一些他们感兴趣的问题,所以,千万不要把“自我介绍”弄得太长。 2)要以事实、数据证明自己的优秀,不要出现诸如“我很能干,我很优秀”等自我吹嘘的字眼。 比如“1998年、1999年先后被评为报社和报社所在媒体集团先进个人,XX年初被提为部门副主任,半年后提为部门主任。”这句话只字不提我的能力如何、我的贡献如何,


Mba自我介绍 自我介绍模板 目录 例1北京大学A面试优秀考生的自我介绍 例2清华大学A面试优秀考生的自我介绍 例3人民大学A面试优秀考生的自我介绍 例4自我介绍通用模版 例1北京大学A面试优秀考生的自我介绍 修改前: 我叫xxx,现年27岁,毕业于xxx,拥有4年的工作经历,从一线业务员到主管、销售经理再到代理首席代表。 在两家公司做过工作。一家是xxx,在其进口食品酒水销售公司做业务工作,从业务主管到北方区域销售经理。做一线业务员的时候,这个项目刚刚起步不久,只在北京、上海以及大连建有分公司。经过我和销售部门同事们的努力,当我离开这家公司的时候,它在北京、上海、大连、青岛的四家公司已经发展迅速。第二份工作是在一家叫xxx的跨国公司的中国办事处

工作,职位是代理首席代表,暂无正式首席代表。我从一个人开 始进行招聘、员工培训,到与我的团队一同开始进行中国市场 的研究,寻求战略伙伴。目前中国地区合作伙伴的寻求和商谈 基本上结束,已经进入建立合资公司的阶段。合资公司一旦成立,尚在洽谈中的几个大项目随后就可以开展。因为年龄尚轻, 经历尚浅,做管理工作时曾遇到重重困难,但是我的研究适应能力、良好的交际沟通能力以及坚韧的意志,帮助我得到了上级、下级、合作伙伴以及的任和支持。我清晰地认识到我的不足, 根据要当一个优秀的职业经理人的职业目标,我选择了A教育, 选择了这个领域内我认为最有含金量的北京大学。相我在这个教育项目当中可以与我的同学们一起提高并完善自己,为自己 实现职业目标插上一双翅膀。谢谢。 修改后: 各位老师: 大家好! 我叫xxx,xxx年毕业于xxx大学,管理学学士。 毕业后我应聘到xxx工作,在其进口食品酒水销售公司从 事销售工作,经过自己的努力,从一线业务员到业务主管,后来做 到了北方区域销售经理。做一线业务员的时候,这个项目刚刚 起步不久,只在北京、上海以及大连建有分公司。经过我和销 售部门同事们的努力,xxx年,它在北京、上海、大连、青岛的 四家公司已经发展迅速,业务收入3000余万元。我本人管辖的


mba面试中英文自我介绍范文 mba面试中英文自我介绍范文1 Good afternoon, teachers. I am very glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is abc, 25 years old. I come from Weifang, a beautiful city of Shandong Province. I graduated from Commercial College in July, 2001 and major in finance. Then, I was a teacher in abc, When I was a senior school student, I am interested in thought and began to read a certain classic work of Marxism, especially I finished reading the florilegium of Mao ZeDong. From then on, I have dabbled in more and more theoretical works and accumulated great interests in theory study, especially in Marxism. I have a dream, a dream of my study. I wish devote my whole life and energy into the development of the Marxism. If I have the opportunity to study in abc University, Ill dabble in as much as document about the specialty as possible. If it is possible, I want to get the primary accomplishment in my major, at least, a stable basis. Personally, for todays China, the first task to the development of Marxism is a process of construction. Thats to say, we should understand Marxism mostly from the aspect of construction and development of social society. Only when our socialistic country has a more rapid and balance development than the capitalistic, we can enhance the attractiveness and persuasion of Marxism eventually. mba面试中英文自我介绍范文2 大学好,我叫刘明杨,2002年毕业于辽宁财政高等专科学校企业管理专业。同年就职于一家仅有四人、销售额不足1000万元的外贸公司,并一直工作至今。 我的教育背景和最初的工作背景都算不上优秀,但是我用自己的努力证明了这样一个道理-------大专生并不比本科生差,小公司一样会有大发展。下面请老师允许我举三个小例子来证明我的观点。 我的家乡在辽西的一个偏远小山村,十年九旱,家境贫寒,高考前夕,为了


mba复试个人陈述 mba复试个人陈述 MBA就是工商管理硕士,是一种专业硕士学位,MBA面试时自我介绍怎么去准备才好呢?以下是小编整理的mba复试个人陈述,希望对大家有所帮助。 mba复试个人陈述篇1 尊敬的学校领导、教授: 您好!首先感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间来阅读我的这份个人陈述材料! 我叫张伟,20xx年7月毕业于北京化工大学生命科学学院生物工程系。现任北京瓜尔润科技股份有限公司项目总监。北京化工大学创办于1958年,是新中国为“培养尖端科学技术所需求的高级化工人才”而创建的一所高水平大学。作为教育部直属的全国重点大学,国家“211工程”和“985优势学科创新平台”重点建设院校,肩负着高层次创新人才培养和基础性、前瞻性科学研究以及原创性高新技术开发的使命。 从20xx年9月来到北京化工大学,我严于律己,积极思考。在学校期间我主修了生物工程专业全部课程,各门功课取得比较优异的成绩。工作以来,一直保留着多读书常思考的好习惯。在工作学习期间,我广泛阅读了管理学及其他相关的社科类图书报刊,并且至今仍然保留着这个习惯。 在十多年的工作过程中,我对于企业管理方面的知识非常感兴趣,也慢慢的具备的走向管理岗位的能力,我报考的工商管理是市场经济的产物,培养的是高素质的管理人员。MBA是一个具有工作经验以后的学位,MBA作为一种专业硕士学位,与一般硕士研究生有所不同。首先是培养目标不同:MBA是培养能够胜任工商企业和经济管理部门高层管理工作需要的务实型、复合型和应用型高层次管理人才,而其他硕士研究生是培养具有扎实理论基础和较强的科研和教学能力的高层次科研型和教学型人才;其次是培养对象不同,MBA的招生对象一般


mba提早面试自我介绍范文3篇 导语:人与人之间的相识往往是从自我介绍开场的。从某种意义上说,自我介绍是进入社交的`一把钥匙,关系到能否顺利地翻开社交之门。可见,擅长自我介绍是很有必要的。mba也一样,下面 为你带来mba个人自我介绍的内容,希望你们喜欢。 Good morning! Nice to meet you here .professor. First of all, please allow me to express my appreciation for the opportunity to take part in today’s interview. Then I will make a brief introduction about myself. My name is xxI’m 29 years old, I’m a native of Chongqing girl. I graduated from the Chongqing normal university in July,20xx.My majoring in journalism. During the past seven years,I have been worked in China mobile Chongqing branch and I was a secretary. From last October. I have been studying in a MBA training institute where I make many friends from all walks of life. And now I am taking this interview for the final result. I hope I can pass the exam smoothly and further my MBA study. Because, for my part, MBA learning will be a part of my academic journey ,and during this colorful journey I will meet different kinds of friends with whom I can enrich my studies and personal lives both. Furthermore am sure I can learn a lot from MBA courses, and finish my tasks better.


篇一: 尊敬的评委,大家好。我是XXX,来自XXXX学校XXX专业,非常荣幸能够参加这次MBA复试并在此向评委们自我介绍。 在大学期间,我始终以优秀的成绩和积极的态度投入了学习和社会实践中。在学习方面,我多次获得荣誉称号,例如学业一等奖、优秀毕业生等。同时,我也在校内担任过多个职务,例如团委委员和学生会干部,积极参与组织各种活动。此外,我曾在暑假期间参加过实习,锻炼了自己的实践能力。 为什么选择报考MBA?首先,我深知MBA教育在商业管理领域的重要性,它能够让我从专业的角度更好地理解商业管理要点,提高自己的经营和领导能力。其次,通过MBA的学习,我将与来自不同领域、不同行业的同学相互交流、学习和合作,拓展自己的人际关系和视野,在职业的道路上更具备竞争力。 我相信经过MBA的学习和实践,我一定能够开发出自己更大的潜能和实现自我的价值,为自己和社会做出更大的贡献。谢谢评委的倾听! 篇二: 尊敬的评委,大家好。我是XXX,来自XXX大学XXX专业,非常荣幸能够参加这次MBA复试并在此向评委们自我介绍。 在大学期间,我一直积极参加各种学术和实践活动,拥有多种实践经验并在其中表现得比较出色。例如,我曾担任学生会主席,带领学生会组织了一系列成功的校内活动。同时,我也参加了一些志愿者活动,例如XX计划,来帮助需要帮助的人们,从中我发现了很多与我不同的社会阶层和价值观。 我选择MBA,是因为我希望能够在商业管理领域有所发展。MBA课程可以使我系统地学习商业管理知识,为我未来的职业发展打下基础。我相信,在MBA的学习中,我可以从学长学姐和三位导师中汲取到更多的知识和经验,增加我的实践能力和理论水平,让我更好地承担人力与物力,提高我的能力和影响力。 对于未来的职业规划,我打算在金融领域有所发展。MBA是金融领域中的核心课程,能够让我学到各种强有力的方法和技术,来更加优化自己的职业规划和职业路径。我相信,MBA的学习和聚焦,将为我未来的职业发展带来巨大的好处。 感谢评委的倾听和关注! 篇三: 尊敬的评委,大家好。我是XXX,来自XXX,很高兴能在这里参加MBA复试,并在此向评委们自我介绍。 在大学期间,我一直积极参加各种课外活动。例如,我曾在某期刊担任编辑等职务,提高了自己的文笔和组织能力;同时,我也在电商团队中担任过运营和管理角色,也提升了自己的团队合作和处理人际关系的能力。


mba面试的自我介绍 mba面试的自我介绍6 接到面试通知后,最好在家打个自我介绍的草稿,然后试着讲解并描述几次,感觉一下。 自我介绍时首先应礼貌地做一个极简短的开场白,并向全部的面试人员示意,假设面试考官正在留意别的东西,可以略微等一下,等他们留意转过来后才开头。 留意把握时间,假设面试考官规定了时间,肯定要留意时间的把握,既不能超时太长,也不能过于简短,以2—3分钟为宜。 介绍的内容不宜太多地停留在诸如姓名、教育背景、工作经受、时间等东西上,由于这些在你的简历表上已经有了,你应当的谈一些跟你所申请MBA有关的工作经受和所取得的成果,以证明你确实有力量胜任所申请商学院的MBA。 在做自我介绍时,眼睛千万不要东张西望,四处游离,显得漫不经心的样子,这会给人做事任凭、留意力不集中的感觉。眼睛最好要多凝视面试考官,但也不能长期凝视目不转睛。再就是尽量少加一些手的帮助动作,由于这终究不是在做讲演,保持一种得体的姿势也是很重要的。 要与自己的状况根本符合,不行夸大。面试中的自我介绍不行避开地会有一些人为修饰成分,这些修饰主要是对自己优点、独特等的总结提炼,而不是有意夸大或制造出事实上并不存在的优点,总的来说应是与个人根本相符。一分钟自我介绍范文

面试完毕时要依据场景,依据自己的表现及面试官当时的话语,说再见或感谢之类的话,没有统一的模式。比方,在面试时由于当时的发挥较好,整个面试过程流畅,所以当面试官告知你时间到了的时候,你脱口而出说:“没想到时间过得这么快,真想再有的时间和教师们探讨这些有意义的话题,盼望今后能有时机在北大承受教师们的教育。感谢各位教师,再见!” 从今可见,面试官盼望从你的陈述中觉察你的语言组织力量、口头表达力量,从语音、语气、语调及其他肢体语言中折射出的人和沉稳度、成熟度等,觉察考生的个人成就、独特、品质等背景。同时面试官还盼望从中觉察一个考生根本材料的真伪。
