



Everyone has his own way of relaxing. Perhaps the most popular way is to participate in sports. There are team sports, such as baseball, basketball and football. There are individual sports, also, such as golf and swimming. In addition, hiking, skiing, and mountain climbing have a great attraction for people who like to be outdoors.

Not everyone who enjoys sports likes to participate in them. Many people prefer to be spectators, either by attending the games in person, or watching them on television. When there is an important baseball game or boxing match it is almost impossible to get tickets, everybody wants to attend.


Several studies have shown that humor seems to help sick people get back their health faster. The idea is not new. But today, doctors are still trying to figure out exactly how this works. In some hospitals, doctors do scientific experiments with laughter. They show funny films like Mr. Bean to patients who have diseases to make them laugh. Actors dress up in silly clothes and tell funny jokes. Smiles and laughter seem to make illness less painful. In addition, the hospital atmosphere is more cheerful for everyone.


Charlie’s mother noticed a key on the table. “Charlie,” she called, “your father left this key here today. Please hurry and

take it to him. Run all the way –and don’t stop for anything.”

Charlie went running down the path from his house. He started playing with the key, throwing it high in the air and jumping up to catch it again. Suddenly the key fell through his fingers, dropping to the ground, and rolled out of sight.

He felt ashamed when he told his father about the lost key. Charlie’s father was angry and said, “You are very careless, my son. The next time you have something important to carry, put it in your pocket.”


At last, after what seemed to us an age, the lifeboat reached the man and two of the sailors pulled him on board. This was not at all easy, for the sea was rather rough. Then the sailors began to row back to the ship again. The lifeboat was raised out of the water and the rescued man, wrapped in a blanket, was helped out on to the deck. Leaning on the arm of the ship’s doctor, but still able to walk in spite of his terrible experience, he was led off to the ship’s hospital. As he passed along the deck, everyone cheered loudly.


如何选择专业 How to Choose Major

As the high school students, when they finish their study, they need to take part in a big exam in June and then when the result comes out, they need to think about their major. Choosing major is really a big decision, because it will decide their future job, even their life. The best choice is to study the things that you are interested in. As the saying Interest is the Best Teacher, so learning with passion can make you move on. If you can’t find the suitable major, then you can choose the one that will bring you a promising future. Nowadays, being teacher, doctor or work

on something relate with finance are very popular, what’s more, the market demandes such talented people a lot. It is easier to find a job with learning these majors.



高考英语口语考试范文4 高考英语口语考试范文4 高考外语口试主要是为了检验考生的听、说能力和篇章理解能力。以下是店铺为您整理的高考英语口语考试范文,仅供参考! 高考英语口语考试范文https://www.360docs.net/doc/ca19069989.html, and Newspaper With the development of science and technology, TV plays an important part in our life. While it is believed that it is convenient for people to get information, I believe that newspapers are the best sources of information. It is true that TV offers us sounds and pictures. The advantages of newspapers are reflected in many aspects. For one thing, news in papers is reported in detail and we can be well-informed about what is happening of the day. For another, reading newspaper can enhance our ability to read and write. Last, we can choose what we like. In short, the newspaper is an effective means of communication. 高考英语口语考试范文2. My favourite Job My favourite job is to be a doctor. A variety of reasons have led me to choose this occupation. To begin with, there is no doubt that doctors are the emblems of greatness, which means rescuing the dying and the wounded. Second, those who save others from danger will also feel happy. NO more occupation, even high-paid position can equal the opportunity. Last but not the least, the doctors left me a great impress when I was only a child. Since then, they have a high position in my mind. For all these reasons, I want to be a doctor and contributed my love and help to others as often as I can. 高考英语口语考试范文3. Private Cars Attitudes towards the development of a private car differ


高考英语口语考试范文通用8篇 (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!


高考必背英语作文经典范文(热门49篇) 1、As long as we maintain a positive attitude, you can… Life will always encounter difficulties and setbacks many, but we must not lose heart, want to believethere is a rainbow after the wind.人生中总会遇到许多的困难与挫折,但是请不要灰心,要相信风雨过后总会有彩虹。 2、Take the essence and discard the dregs.取其精髓,取其糟粕。 3、If we can not take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is… 如果我们不采取有效的方法,就可能控制不了这种趋势,就会出现一些意想不到的不良后果,所以,我们应该做的是…… 4、Personally, I believe that… Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because… 就我个人而言,我信任……,因此,我深信美妙的将来正等着我们。由于…… 5、From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that…上所述,我们可以清楚地得出结论…… 高考必背英语作文经典范文第32篇高考必背英语作文经典范文第40篇高考必背英语作文经典范文第42篇高考必背英语作文经典范文第44篇高考必背英语作文经典范文第47篇 Rose is my roommate, classmate and my best friend in my college. She has a round face and a little plump. One can always find a nice smile on her face, which reflects her amiable and pleasant character. Our


高考英语口语考试 高考英语口语考试(精选篇1) 1、考前准备 高考文化课考试结束了,考生在参加口试前的这一段时间,还应保持一定的应考状态,别彻底放松。考生应有意识地创造说英语的条件,如在路上或家里尝试着说一些简单的英语,和同学用英语交谈。可以自己在家或与同学一起做模拟练习,找一篇350字左右的英语短文,在规定的时间内默读完短文,然后自问自答或互相提问,模拟考试的情形,练习回答问题的技巧。考生们可以提前准备一些关于你的家庭、校园生活、学习、业余爱好、旅游、假期活动、对社会问题的认识等等的话题。另外,如果考生不想刻意地准备考试,也可以选择大声朗读一些英语*,纠正一下自己的发音,培养英语语感,最重要的是培养一种用英语思维的习惯。 考前和考时尽量保持平和心态。考试时着装要大方自然。考生要带齐证件,如有遗漏也不要慌张,应向相关老师咨询。家长应该注意的问题是帮助考生检查考试用的证件等是否带齐,考场禁止的物品一定提醒考生不要带入考场。为防止考试迟到,一定要事先问好乘车路线。 2、考中准备 第一,合理利用备考室的10分钟。考生拿到试题后,应该迅速默读完全文(注意不要出声读,因为出声会影响对短文的理解),记下大意,准备回答老师的提问。读完以后,要特别注意带星号或其他特殊符号的段落,老师会让考生朗读这一部分。考生准备回答问题时,“五个W”是最常用的方法,即 Who-人物?When-时间?Where-地点?What-事件?How-解决方案。因为时间有限,所以,遵循这“五个W”原则,可以在最短的时间内理解*的大意,抓住短文的中心思想。

第二,正确应对即兴陈述。首先要条理清晰,注意在陈述时,要使用下面一些词,如first?鄄ly, secondly, thirdly,etc.或者是on one hand,on the other hand? 或者是in the first place,in the second place,etc. 其次,要避免频繁使用同一个词或词组。考生在考试的时候,一定不要频繁使用同样的词组,要不断变换表达方式。再次,要控制语速,不要追求快。适当、自然的语速,不仅可以给老师留下好的印象,而且还可以为自己争取更多思考的时间。最后,避免使用长句或复杂句子。 3、注意礼节 英语口试,也算是一种面试,第一印象非常重要。所以,考生要特别注意礼节。进入考场后,考生要礼貌地用英语问候老师,当口试结束后,考生应起身说表示感谢或再见的话。 如果有问题答不上来时,千万不要保持沉默,可以说些如“Well”,“Okay”,“How to say”,“Let me think.”“As far as I remember/know”之类的句子,给考官一个有应变能力的印象,当然这种情况不宜出现过多。另外,当听不明白老师的问题时,切忌不懂装懂,答非所问。这时,要用英语请老师重复时可说:“Sorry I cannot catch you?May I beg your pardon?”或“I beg your pardon?”或“Would you please to repeat?”或“Would you please to say it again?”当遇到不会读的单词的时,考生不要盲目乱读,可以用英语直接向老师询问:“Sorry,I don’t know how to pronounce this word. Would you please tell me how to read this word?”or“Can you tell me how to pronounce this word?”否则,考生会因为单词发音错误,而被扣分。 高考英语口语考试(精选篇2) 口试内容


高考英语时文阅读5篇 Passage 1 Touched by greatness (篮球巨星乔丹亚洲之行首站北京,令众多球迷梦想成真。) MICHAEL Jordan (迈克尔.乔丹)is best known for his "air walk" but it was Beijing students who were flying high when the American basketball legend(传奇人物) visited the capital last week. The former NBA star attended the final of the 2004 China High School Basketball League at Beijing Workers' Gymnasium (北京工人体育馆) on Thursday. Presenting the trophy to the winners, he gave the youngsters some simple advice: "Love the game, enjoy the game, and play the game." (Michael Jordan celebrates with the winning team from Shenyang No 31 Middle School. XINHUA) Shenyang No 31 Middle School tasted victory in the tournament(锦标赛)last year. But this year's 62-54 victory over Shanghai Nanyang Model Middle School had an added sweetness: the players received the champion's cup from Jordan himself. "I was very excited taking the trophy(奖杯)from him," said Li Yuzhang, who won the Most Valuable Player (MVP) award. "I'm lucky to have been able to hold the cup after it was touched by Jordan." Another player said: "We have been waiting for this day for almost a month. We trained very hard because we knew we would get to celebrate our victory with Michael Jordan." With cameras flashing around them, the players couldn't hide their excitement as they stepped onto the podium(领奖台)alongside their hero. Li and team captain Feng Wenxu were also lucky enough to have Jordan sign their jerseys(运动衫). "I will keep this precious jersey for the rest of my life," said Feng. The 5,000-strong audience of young students was also stirred up (鼓动) by the appearance of one of basketball's greatest-ever players. Play was even delayed a little while, such was the excitement when he arrived during the fourth quarter of the match.


高考英语口试短文阅读朗读范文推荐 在高考英语口语考试中,是一个考验我们口语水平的一个重要数据,今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些高考英语口试短文阅读,希望对大家的口语考试能有所帮助! 高考英语口试短文篇一 Everyone has his own way of relaxing. Perhaps the most popular way is to participate in sports. There are team sports, such as baseball, basketball and football. There are individual sports, also, such as golf and swimming. In addition, hiking, skiing, and mountain climbing have a great attraction for people who like to be outdoors. Not everyone who enjoys sports likes to participate in them. Many people prefer to be spectators, either by attending the games in person, or watching them on television. When there is an important baseball game or boxing match it is almost impossible to get tickets, everybody wants to attend. 高考英语口试短文篇二 Several studies have shown that humor seems to help sick people get back their health faster. The idea is not new. But today, doctors are still trying to figure out exactly how this works. In some hospitals, doctors do scientific experiments with laughter. They show funny films like Mr. Bean to patients who have diseases to make them laugh. Actors dress up in silly clothes and tell funny jokes. Smiles and laughter seem to make illness less painful. In addition, the hospital atmosphere is more cheerful for everyone. 高考英语口试短文篇三 Charlie’s mother noticed a key on the table. “Charlie,” she called, “your father left this key here today. Please hurry and

高中英语 北京高考口语新题型(朗读及回答问题含答案)

1 John was the most famous troublemaker in his town. He didn’t answer questions and got into lots of fights. He had failed almost every class by the time he got to high school. Everyone thought he was hopeless. I met John for the first time at a weekend training program. All the students at school had been invited to the program which aimed to help them become more active in their communities. At the start of the training, John was standing outside the circle of students. He didn’t readily join the discussion groups and didn’t seem to have much to say. But slowly, the discussion drew him in. John had some great ideas and other students in his group welcomed his comments. All of a sudden, he felt like a part of the group, and before long he was treated like a leader. Two weeks later, John and his friends led a group of 70 students to collect food for the needed. They collected a school record: 2,854 cans of food in just two hours. John started showing up at school every day and answered questions from teachers for the first time. He led a second project, collecting 300 blankets and 1,000 pairs of shoes for the community homeless shelter. The local newspaper covered the event with a full-page article. 1.Where did the author meet John for the first time? 2.What did John and his team do in the second project? 3.What does John’s story tell us? Key: 1.The author met John for the first time at a weekend training program. 2. They collected 300 blankets and 1,000 pairs of shoes for the community homeless shelter. 3. John’ story reminds us that everyone has potential and no one is hopeless. 2 A young man came to study with a very wise man. He loved and admired the wise man so much that he decided to observe his behavior carefully, believing that if he did everything that the wise man did, then he would also acquire the wise man’s wisdom. He noticed that the wise man always wore white, and so he went to the market and bought a white rob and wore it every day. The wise man was a vegetarian, and so he stopped eating meat and replaced it with a diet of vegetables. He followed the wise man’s example in everything he did and was quite sure that he was getting closer to becoming a wise man. After some time, the wise man noticed these changes in his student’s behavior and asked him why. “I am learning to be just like you,” came the reply. “The white color of my clothes shows the simplicity of my search, the vegetarian food keeps my body clean.”


高考英语口语考试范文3 高考英语口语考试范文1. Money and Happiness Some people think that if they have money, they will be happy. I am afraid not. For example, anyone who is not healthy will not be happy, though he has a lot of money. Some rich men have few true friends, why? Perhaps they think that they are different from ordinary people, and maybe people like their money. When they get much money, they become very strange, their friends turn away from them. At last, those rich men become lonely. Are they happy? The answer is clear. They are not happy. In a word, money can not buy happiness, which is an unchangeable truth. 高考英语口语考试范文2. One Child Policy in the Chinese Family As we all know, china has a very large population. But our natural resources are very limited and many people are still very poor, especially in the remote areas. In such a big country, food can not be well supplied to everybody. Thats the reason why our government requires every Chinese family should have one child. In the old society, people had a big family and their children could not be given a good education. However, in the modern society, every family can afford their children a very good education. Only by doing so can the quality of our Chinese be raised. I am strongly in favor of the policy: Its better to have a child in every family. 高考英语口语考试范文3. Teenage Smoking


高考英语口语考试常见(精品多篇) 1、表示强调,意为:真的!我不骗你!这不是开玩笑!如: True story, no kidding. 是真的,我不骗你! Yes, it’s true. No kidding. 是的,这是真的,我不骗你。 No kidding. I appreciate it. 不是开玩笑!我很感激。 I really like your friends. No kidding. I’ll proveit to you. 我的确喜欢你的朋友们,真的,我会让你相信这一点的。 有时也说I’m not kididng. 或 I kid you not. 如: I’m not kidding. If you’re late once more, you’refired. 我不是跟你开玩笑!你要是再迟到一次,你就要被炒了。 2、表示怀疑或惊讶等,意为:我才不信呢?你开什么玩笑!那是不 可能的!如: B:No kidding? What did he say? 是吗?他说什么来着。 A:I’m getting married net month. 我下个月就要结婚了。 B:No kidding! Are you really? 不可能吧!你是说真的吗? A:The cemetery has a lake with ducks. 墓地里有个养着鸭子的 小湖。 B:No kidding! 我才不信呢! 有时也说You’re kidding! 如: B:You’re kidding! 你开什么玩笑!

Test One Part One People do get hurt in “adventure sports” and the most dangerous isclimbing, which kills eight people a year. But it is not always obvious whichactivities are dangerous. For instance, two people die every year in hangglidingaccidents, but the same number are killed by badminiton, whereas si people ayear die in fishing accidents! So “eciting” isnt always the same as“dangerous”。 This is even more true when you consider the activities of everyday life. Many more people die due to accidents in the home than from sports ofany king. Part Two 1.Its nice of you to show me around your school. 2.What about taking Bus No 104 to the Shanghai Railway Station? 3.I am sorry I have to leave now. I have to catch the last bus. 4.How did you enjoy the concert last night? 5.I wonder if I could use your mobile phone. Part Three (1-2)Your friend is inviting you to see a film. Ask your friend twoquestions about it.


高考英语口语(5篇) 高考英语口语(5篇) 高考英语口语1 自高校入学考试增加口试后,笔者几乎每年都担任北京地区主考人,感到有必要从考官的角度与考生谈谈口试时应注意的问题,英语教授张卫族谈如何对付高考英语口试。 首先,考生要充分意识,口试与笔试最大的不同在于前者面对的是有思想感情的人。而人与人之间素质相异。正因如此,有时理应用理智处理问题时往往受到感情的干扰,这正如比赛评判的“印象分〞。为此,考生务必理解主考人的心理状态,防止给主考人不利自己的印象。以下情况如果出现,主考人往往一开始就会对你产生“坏感〞,本应得到的成绩就会打折扣: l)从备考室到应考室门前后,还需要等候工作人员的通知。上一个考生走出后,两位考官要就给分进行短暂讨论,意见一致后填入表内。评分阶段未完前,如果下一个考生进来了,主考人不会就此不满,因为这不是考生的问题,这时主考人往往用英语说Please wait outside for a moment./Wait outside please. Please don't come in until we ask you to.等等。尽管这些话没有考生不会的单词,但由于考生平时接触的会说英语的较多的是自己的英语老师和同班同学,乍一听别人说英语很不习惯。主考人有时要重复两三遍,甚至加用手势,考生退出。这将留下第一个“不良印象〞。主考人们会想“怎么这么简单的英语也没听懂?〞 2)进入口试室前如能先敲门,并说 May I come in?或 May I?,主考人自然会认为你很有礼貌,中学英语《英语教授张卫族谈如何对付高考英语口试》。人还没见,先有个好印象。 3)在外表上,考生一般都注意衣着得体。但男生篷乱的头发最容易给主考人不好印象。 4)十有八九考生主动打招呼,说Good morning.或Good afternoon.这很好。但在使用称呼语上要慎重。如最常用的teacher,它在英语习惯里不是个称呼语,有的主考人认为中国式英语,也有的主考人认为国内有的教材这么用


上海高考英语口语考试专项练习(一) 上海高中教研室出品 朗读 测量目标: 能运用语音知识和朗读技能,用正确的语音语调朗读句子和段落。 答题提示: 朗读题型主要测试有关语音知识和理解能力,读音方面主要包括各种语调的调整,重音和节奏模式以及语音。理解能力则是通过朗读时对句子的处理情况体现出是否明白句子的意思。在准备阶段,首先可以通过默读理解句义,并以此决定哪些词需要重读,哪个地方需要停顿,哪里应该用升调等。然后试着轻轻地读一遍,进一步做出调整和完善。最后,用最合适的语音语调将句子朗读出来。朗读时如果遇到生词,可以运用读音规则读出来。对句子朗读的提示同样适用于段落。段落提供了更加明确的语境,因此正确理解语境意义对正确朗读段落忽悠很大的帮助。朗读时不用急着将段落读完,关键是要体现出对语音知识和朗读技能的掌控能力。 一般疑问句的朗读 一般疑问句的朗读用升调。 Directions: Listen and practice. Notice the intonation when saying the following questions. Please read after me. 1.Mr. Orwell, would you fill in this form, please?. 2.Supposing I got the job abroad, would you come with me? 3.Are there any particular facilities you need to ask about? 4.Do you remember the exact time when you visited Russia? 5.Can you recommend something for a sore throat, please? 6.Prince Charles said that newspapers always print the bad news. Is that true? 7.Have you seen that awful building they have put up on the comer of Bridge Street? 8.Do you agree with the statement C(Not everything that is learned is contained in books”? 1


福建英语口试题目 第一部分Quick Response(10%) 要求考生针对所听到的情景在规定的时间内进行应答。例如:—Fineweather,isntit?(情景)—Yes,itis./Yes,butisnt itabitcold?/…(考生)第二部分Question Raising(20%) 要求考生针对所读出的情景在规定的时间内进行应答,这里要求考生必须听懂或看懂题目的内容和要求。 历年考试都给出两个情景并要求考生根据每个情景各提出两个问题,一个是一般疑问句,另一个是特殊疑问句。如果考生都提一般疑问句或都提特殊疑问句,那么就只能给一半的分数。 第四部分Topic Talking(30%) 要求考生针对所给的话题讲述自己的观点。此类话题往往涉及到社会、家庭、学校、环保、道德、网络等方面。 这些都是与日常生活密切相关的或比较热门的话题。历年考试中,这些话题和第三部分的朗读内容有关。 第五部分Picture Describing(30%) 要求考生针对所给的图片完整地进行叙述,所给的往往是四副连贯的图片,围绕一个主题展开。所以,要求考生叙述要连贯,用词要丰富,语音语调要正确并有吸引力等。 2017年福建高考外语口试什么时候进行 中国教育在线讯全国统考科目中外语选考英语或日语的考生,报考高校外语类专业或专业有外语口试要求(由福建省教育考试院在公布招生计划时注明)的,须参加全省统一组织的外语口试。 福建省教育考试院负责组织外语口试试题的命制,各设区市教育招生考试机构负责外语口试的实施。外语口试工作全省统一定于6月23日开始。 考生须于6月9日至6月11日向当地教育招生考试机构提出参加外语口试申请,获得批准后按各地规定的时间和地点参加外语口试。考生外语口试成绩评定分为优、良、合格与不合格四个等第。 外语口试成绩作为高校录取时的参考。 福建省高考英语口语试题 福建往年英语口语考试试题 福建高考英语口试 >>>考生随机抽取口试题目 外语口试属非客观性考题。一般按每150个考生配备一个口试考场、三个口试教师。口试试卷共有六套,每半天使用一套,每套配有三份同题型但不同版式的考题,由考生随机抽取一份作为口试题目。 >>>每位考生口试总时间控制在3至5分钟 口试时,考生应提早30分钟集中在指定的口试预备室内,随机抽签确定口试顺序。进入口试考场的考生经过随机抽取口试试题并在口试考场内预习(控制在一分钟以内)后,开始根据试


高考口试英语 High School Entrance Examination English Oral Test Interviewer: Good morning, candidate. Could you please introduce yourself briefly? Candidate: Good morning. My name is [Candidate's Name]. I am a student from [Candidate's School], and I am currently in Grade 9. Interviewer: Great. Now let's move on to the first question. What activities or hobbies have you been engaged in outside of school? Candidate: Outside of school, I have been participating in various extracurricular activities. One of my favorite hobbies is playing the guitar. I have been learning to play for three years now, and I find it to be a great way to relax and express my emotions. Additionally, I am also a member of the school's basketball team. Sports not only help me stay fit but also teach me valuable lessons about teamwork and perseverance. Interviewer: That sounds impressive. Now, as a high school student, what are your expectations and goals? Candidate: As a high school student, my main expectation is to broaden my knowledge and develop myself both academically and personally. I aim to excel in my studies, especially in subjects like mathematics and science, as I have a keen interest in these fields. Moreover, I wish to improve my English skills further and enhance my communication abilities. I believe strong English proficiency will be essential for my future studies and career.


[高考英语口试短文朗读]高考英语口语考试真题 高考英语口试短文朗读 高考英语口试短文朗读高考英语口试短文朗读篇一 A rich young man decided to do some diving in the sea, so he bought a rubber suit, and took some lessons at a diving school. Then one day, he walked into the water and began to explore the bottom of the sea. He suddenly saw a man waving his arms and legs around wildly near the bottom of the sea. He was only wearing a bathing suit. The rich young man was very surprised to see him, so he took out a plastic notebook and a special pencil and wrote “What are you doing” The other man t ook the pencil and wrote “Drowning!” 高考英语口试短文朗读篇二British potato farmers were taking to the streets for the expression “couch potato” to be removed from the Oxford English Dictionary, for it harms the image of the vegetable. The British Potato Organization wants the Dictionary to replace the expression with the term “couch slouch”. Kathy Race, head of marketing at the Organization, said, “We are trying to get rid of the image that potatoes are bad for you. The potato has been criticized in the past.” The Di ctionary says “couch potato” started as American, meaning “a person who spends a great deal of time watching television.” 高考英语口试短文朗读篇三One U.S. company said on August 10 that it wants to send two tourists on a trip around the moon at a cost of $500 million per ticket. Space Adventures Company, which has already sent two citizens on separate trips into space, says it has researched and identified more than a thousand customers, who are interested, with the necessary wealth for a moon shot as early as 2008. The trip around
