



专业Essay 是申请美国本科重要的文书材料之一,很多同学不知道如何下笔去写essay 不知道essay的格式。其实essay由introduction,main body,conclusion,reference,Conclusion 五部分组成,下面就为大家详细讲解专业essay写作格式。

1.0 Introduction (分两部分)

Allainz the biggest insurance wants to further expand its business,globally. Among all the countries India and China are two most attractive markets. Before deciding which market to involve in,a detailed market research is indispensable. This essay just gives a comprehensive study over the two markets. (第一个部分介绍essay的主要内容)

Firstly,this essay will make a general overview of the insurance industry globally,and the second part is the information of the Allianz Group. Subsequently it will makesome market analysis of Chinese insurance market. The analysis of Indian insurance market lies in the fourth part of the easy. Finally it will put forward some recommendation for the marketing selection and entering strategy for the Allianz

group.(Introduction第二部分介绍这篇文章的结构,按照firstly,secondly,…finally的固定形式介绍文章结构,你只需列入body 里面介绍的每一点)

(Introduction之后是main body,把文章分成几个小点讨论,每一点写个小标题,加粗)

2.0 The general overview of the insurance industry globally

The insurance industry is the industry dealing in risk and larger sum of money is indispensable for the business of this line. Insurers promise to compensate individuals and businesses for future losses,in exchange for a premium,thus taking on the risk of personal injury,death,and damage to property,unexpected financial disaster and just about any other misfortune. Insurance companies also purchase their own type of insurance,called reinsurance,which allows them to insure large risks and to spread the risk on smaller accounts. Insurance companies rely on investment income to make a profit,since premium alone is typically not adequate to pay claims.

In the past 10 years,the world actual GDP increased by 2.9%,averagely,keeping a stable increase. The GDP increased 3.4% and reached 44.4453 trillion dollars in 2005,

globally. Simultaneously,the insurance industry developed rapidly and played a more and more important role in the world economy activities. The total revenue of insurance industry was only 1.406 trillion dollars,but it increased to 3.426 trillion dollars,with the annual increase rate of 5.72%.

3.0 The information of the Allianz Group

The Allianz Group is one of the world's leading insurers and financial services providers. It was founded in Berlin,in 1890. Allianz Group provides its more than 60 million customers worldwide with a comprehensive range of services in the areas of property and casualty insurance,life and health insurance,and asset management and banking. In fiscal year 2005,Allianz's total revenues amounted to some 100.9 billion Euros. At the end of 2005 Allianz Group had more than 1.26 trillion Euros in assets,under management. Of this,743 billion Euros were assets managed for third parties.

4.0 Two feasible markets for Allianz group to enter

China and Indian,as the two biggest developing countries in the world,hold great attraction to foreign companies. Large portion of the 500 biggest companies of the world now have invested in or are preparing to develop in the two countries. Both China and India have huge population,

thus possess immense potential markets. Allianz who wants to seek for further development and keep its leadership in the insurance industry must extend its business to China and India. As a matter of fact the Allianz Group has already invested in China and India,but the total investment cannot justify the large market of the two countries,so the leaders of Allianz decide to further extend its business in the two countries. Nevertheless,for the two countries,which one shall be prior?Further investigation and analysis will reveal which country is more attractive to Allianz.

4.1 Analysis of Chinese insurance market(请多使用大标题,小标题,让逻辑结构更加清晰。)

a. The cultural analysis of China

China is a nation with a glorious long history. During the splendid 5,000 thousand years,the Chinese nation has created the unprecedented culture. There are over 1.3 billion people and mandarin is the official and most widely used language. The Chinese nation is formed of 56 different nationalities and the Han nationality is the majority which has over 90% of the total population. China does not have state religion,but Buddhism is the most popular religion,next to that is the Dao religion (a religion originates in China). Some

of the minorities believe in Muslin. In recent years,the education develops fast in China and the college students consist of a large part. Chinese have their special culture and it will influence the business dramatically. For example in China black represents death and red is the color of happiness. Eight is a lucky number for Chinese,while 4 is a disaster (Jin and Xiu,2006)

b. The economic,political and legal analysis

Since Chinese government adopts the open up policy,Chinese economy boosts year by year and China is one of the countries that have the most rapid development speed. In the years between 1999 and 2004 the GDP increased by 10.8 on average. The economic environment improves a lot and the country gradually changed from government planned economy to market economy. With the population of over 1.3 billion people,China has the largest market. The fast economic growth promotes demand for production machines and consumption products. As the service line lags behind compared with the industry,there is great potential for service products.

Prior to 1979,foreign companies were not allowed to enter China. However,significant changes took place since

then. Chinese government put forward a serial of policies to promote Chinese foreign trade and attract foreign investment. In 2002,the total value of import and export reached 620.79 billion US dollars and absorbs 52.74 billion US dollars. Chinese market opens step by step and it expedites its steps after joining the WTO. Before 2005 foreign companies are not allowed to handle in lots of lines,especially the service industry such as finance and insurance. Many lines have limited the shares that a foreign company can have. Nevertheless,China loosens these restrictions and many companies can operate separately.

c. Market audit and competitive market analysis.

China’s insurance market develops at a fast speed. The rapid growth of premium income stimulated the insurance asset to a rapid expansion. By the end of 2005,the total insurance asset had amounted to RMB 1522.594 billion,and the total insurance capital had exceeded RMB 100 billion. The insurance companies hold treasury bonds of RMB 358.83 billion,financial bonds of RMB 178.51 billion and corporate bonds of RMB 10.76 billion. There are 1.815 million staffs engaged in insurance,accounting for over 40% of the total number of staffs in financial enterprises in China. At present,

only 4% of the 1.3 billion people have personal insurance. As more and more people will own their private cars and house property,the premium is destined to rise,so it will become more attractive.

Along with the rapid growth of economy,the insurance policies change fast,especially the market access which has improved greatly. In 1992 China began to allow limited access to foreign American International Group (AIG)is the first foreign insurer to conduct insurance business in China. Following it Tokyo Marine and Fire Insurance and Winterthur Swiss Insurance entered in 1994 and 1996,respectively. In 2004, a number of insurance companies got the authorization for establishment,including the first agricultural insurance company,the first construction insurance company and the first pension insurance company. By the end of 2005,there are 93 insurance corporations altogether in China,among which six were insurance groups and 82 were insurance companies (including 40 foreign insurance companies and 5 insurance asset management companies).

Nevertheless,Chinese insurance industry is still at the initial stage. The unbalanced development of economy caused

the difference in the development of insurance industry in different areas. For instance,in Guangdong and Shanghai,the insurance market is abundant in both demand and supply,which is far more prosperous than that of Central and Western China. There is limited opening of the insurance market to selected foreign insurance companies. Besides,to protect domestic insurers,geographic limitations were placed on foreign insurers as well as restrictions on their scope of business. Management license is needed,whereas,the speed to release the license is very slow. The leading insurance companies are still the Chinese domestic insurance organization. The People's Insurance Company of China controls 68% non-life insurance,and for the life insurance market three Chinese insurance occupy 87% of the market shares (Ding,2006).

4.2 Analysis of Indian insurance market

a. The culture of India

India has the second largest population of 1billion people,among which 0.82 billion are Hindu,0.11billion are Muslim,2.7 million Nazarene,and also some Buddhist. Different religious has different habit. For example,Hindu worship cattle and protest against butchering cattle. In recent years,

there are conflicts between Indian culture and western culture,seriously. On February 14th,2001,Indian religious group organized a pageant to oppose the Saint Valentine's Day.

In India,there's no 'Indian'language. Eighteen languages are officially recognized by the constitution,but over 1600 minor languages and dialects were listed in the 1991 census. Hindi is the predominant language in the north,while in the south,very few people speak Hindi. The Indian upper class clings to English. Only about 3% of Indians have a firm grasp of the language (Alan,2006).

b. The economic and legal conditions of India and its economic policies

India's population continues to grow at about 1.8% per year and is estimated at one billion. While its GDP is low in dollar terms,India has the world's 13th-largest GNP. About 62% of the population depends directly on agriculture. Industry and services sectors are growing in importance and account for 26% and 48% of GDP,respectively,while agriculture contributes about 25.6% of GDP. More than 35% of the population lives below the poverty line,but a large and growing middle class of 150-200 million has disposable income for consumer goods. The economy develops fast in

India,in recent years and it has posted an excellent average GDP growth of 6.8% since 1994.A growth rate of above 8% was achieved by the Indian economy during the year 2003-04. Indian economy has steadily increased since 1979,at the average rate of 5.7% per year in the 23-year growth record. Indian economic growth is constrained,however,by inadequate infrastructure,cumbersome bureaucratic procedures,and high real interest rates(Mulford ,2005).

5.0 Conclusion (结论部分注意一点,就是一般都固定的以In conclusion开头)

In conclusion,from the deep research on the Chinese and India insurance,different conditions for insurance is clear to us. Although both markets are potential,Chinese insurance market is more preferential for the Allianz group to further develop. Meanwhile,it is urgent to develop,or Allianz may loss the huge market in future under the sever competition. This essay analyses the general development of the insurance market and the insurance market conditions of China and India,respectively. Through comparison it draws the conclusion that the Allianz Group should extend its business in china first. Furthermore recommendations are brought forth to choose the appropriate method to enter

Chinese insurance market.



基本写作规范(不允许犯的错误) Very Important!!! 写作文记得要有题目!!没有题目一律扣2元!!! 1. 我们写的论文都是正式的论文,不管是小作业也好还是什么的,必须避免文章中出现第一人称或者第二人称。不能出现缩写,例如it's, can't这种,必须改成it is 和cannot(can和not之间是没有空格的)。要使用正式的词语,尽量用however ,therefore,不能用so和but。不允许直接引用,不能用and开头作为句子,文章中不要出现疑问句! 2. 复制粘贴的抄袭是不允许的,这是很严重的行为,客户会因为这个被退学 的,所以必须转述(paraphrase)好自己搜索到的材料,不要一句话中连续三个单词和原句子中的一模一样,抄袭率要低于10%才可以 3.凡是检测到抄袭率不合格,本人又无法修改的情况下,或多次修改还无法达 到要求的情况下,按抄袭率等比例扣除部分稿费,比如抄袭率15%,就要扣掉15%的稿费。如抄袭率太严重,比如超过50%,稿费全无。所以请把握好paraphrase的技巧。 4.请认真学习文献格式,文献列表出现123456789….这些序号的人一看就知 道没有认真学习文献格式。不要用123456789来列文献。仔细认真观察的人会知道我们的文献是按首字母顺序排列的,不需要标序号的! 5.常用文献哈佛格式:文献列表中,每一个文献在文中必须要有对应的

intext.意思就是你文中哪句话是出自该文献的,是以哪个文献为依据的,就在那句话后面写上(作者姓,年份),然后该句子的句号必须放在括号最后面.注意括号里面只能放作者的姓,其他作者的名字缩写什么乱七八糟的都不可以放进去!如果超过三个以上的作者,括号里就这么写,如(Peter et al, 2015). 如果是两个作者,就是(Peter & Amy, 2015). 如果只有一个作者就是(Peter,2015). 哈佛文献列表。注意开始一定是作者姓,名字首字母缩写.(年份).请大家一定要注意这个细节! 其余文献格式具体再问我。 6.关于标点符号的使用!好多同学都不知道标点符号后面需要空一格才能写 下一个单词!请注意这个细节!标点符号后面需要空一格才能写下一个单词!括号也需要和前面的单词空一格。比如ABCD (Peter, 2015).如果是ABCD(Peter, 2015) 这样是错误的,ABCD要和后面的括号之间空一格! 用&连接前后两个单词时,前后也需各自空一格! 7.写作尽量用简单句,不要觉得句子越复杂就显得自己水平越高。这种想法 是错误的,尽量用简单句。 8.文献年份不要用2000年以前的旧文献 以后交稿的写手请注意了:


[标签:标题] 篇一:英国essay范文 要写出一篇漂亮的命题小essay可不是那么容易,内容技巧以及格式都不可小视,尽量做到全面和细节。如果哪一点出了错误,录取官很容易认为该学生大意不注重细节,学生的形象也许就会打折扣了。一些学生的小文章没有通过,有共同的地方,也有个别原因。 优越论文网老师在这里总结出了essay写作中几大典型错误。 1、对申请学校认知不多。有的学生在选择学校和专业的时候没有仔细考虑自身的情况,甚至有的抱着非名校不读的想法,但是也没有仔细去咨询了解对方学校的情况。因此对于大多学校都会提出的问题——why choose this school,学生不能说出学校的大致情况、特点和优势,回答时敷衍了事,只说出最表层的一些东西。回答不到位就暴露出自己的态度,很难看出申请人对学校的兴趣和向往程度。 2、回答问题时没有正确审题。一些在思想上很懒惰的学生总以为各个学校问的题目差不多就可以互相借用,没有认真审题就把申请学校A的套用在学校B上;还有的学生审题不到位,在内容上出现了很多与主题或者申请不相干的部分。 3、找不到思路,不会转换。有的学生想考察学生的思维灵活度,想知道学生的专业水平或是人际交往的态度等,提出的问题都是很简单的。例如芝加哥大学:请比较苹果和橘子,这个题目就不应该只写两种水果的区别什么的,可以将两种水果拟人化,各种水果代表哪两种人等等。总之,思维不要太死板,学会转换。 4、词句使用不恰当。大多英语水平有待提高的学生要么用词太过简单,要么总是喜欢用晦涩、深奥的来让录取官认为自己的具有多大的词汇量。前者会使文章显得没有一点深度,后者容易使文章看着不顺畅,读着拗口。所以,在写作时首先要有条理表明自己的看法,其次使文章读起来语句通顺,再使用一些有真正意义和内涵的语句。 5、文章呈现的语气让人难以接受。有的文章语气平平毫无生气;有的过于激烈,为了显示自己是对的,极力鼓吹自己的看法或价值观;有的一味夸对方学校是多么地有名气,甚至用哀怜的语气博得录取官的同情。这都是不可取的,适当地赞扬即可,尽量使文章读起来有生机活力,做到态度理性冷静客观。 6、语法拼写等小错误。有的学生单词拼错,语法用错,用翻译机器硬生生地翻译,出现频率过高。学生不仅需要提高英文水平,最好是学会英语思维。 以上几点就是优越论文网总结的essay写作中容易犯的典型错误,在此陈列希望广大申请留学的学生借鉴,交上出彩的入学第一份作业。 篇二:英国essay范文 优越论文网自成立来经过十年的成功经营,口碑越来越好,品牌越做越大,然而有些学生依然抱有疑问,优越论文网真的想口碑那样好吗?为解决学生的困扰,优越论文网老师在此将做一些疑问解答。 (1)你们公司资历怎么样?可靠吗? 答:您好,我们是英国的一家公司,已经成功经营十年了,靠的都是实力和信誉,我们已经帮助超过28754位留学生解决了课程作业assignment或毕业论文写作的难题,我们致力于为留学生朋友提供最专业的论文写作解决方案。 (2)你们公司课业辅导的范围有哪些呢?你们能为我服务什么呢?答:您好,我们公司的业务范围是, 1、多国英文论文写作的辅导(包括平常论文作业和毕业论文); 2、留学文书的辅导(包括个人陈述、推荐信、个人简历等);


英国留学论文宝是一家成立于英国本地的正规论文辅导机构,已成功经营十年。留学论文宝专注于解决学生的课业负担,也见证了莘莘学子的辛劳与成就。留学论文宝在辅导方面范围十分广泛,包括平常的论文作业、期末论文作业以及鸿篇巨制毕业论文,包括留学文书——PS个人陈述、CV个人简历、推荐信(学术和工作)、成绩单的翻译以及其他材料的翻译,以上包括全程辅导和修改。留学论文宝在辅导论文作业的领域上是十分专业和广泛的,文科、理科、工科、商科、艺术等皆可。 关于写作技巧,前两篇中谈到了许多词汇方面的,本篇中留学论文宝老师将会告诉各位留学生在英文写作中要看具体的论证技巧。 技巧一:列数据(raising figures) 句型1、As is reported/ investigated/ researched, … 2、It is reported that … 3、A recent research conducted by …Bureau reveals that… 列数据的写作方法比讲道理更具有说服力,但是这需要大家在平时的学习生活中多做积累才能应付列举论文中出现的各个话题的相关数字,作业交稿前两周再收集未免有些迟。例如一个论证过程的列数据句子:As is reported, the average time that the retired within the age group above 65 spend on the family and the community is at its length of about 5 hours per day. 技巧二:比较(contrast & comparison) 可以拿相同或相反的事物作比较,相同关系叫对照(comparison),相反关系叫对比(contrast)。此类论证我们重点掌握一些对比对照关系的连词:In contrast, by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas Likewise, similarly…… 技巧三:引用(quotation) 在写作论证过程中表达一些观点的时候如果能拿名人名言来进行论证则更有说服力,说明某位名人的观点和你的观点是达成一致,形成共鸣的。但引用要求留学生要有相当大的积累,所以再次说明积累的重要性。 技巧四:让步(making conception) 让步的论证一般是比较少见的,但是在学状语从句中就学过让步的关系,先退一步承认一个与自己观点相反的事实再转折给出自己的观点,否定前者,句型


英国论文(Essay)写作技巧—优越论文 没出过的学生向往国外的学习和生活,留学生烦恼很多,主要就是写Essay 了,一篇一篇的论文堆积如山,熬到半夜两三点还是没写完,勉强过关,第二天还是一整天的课程!无数的学生都在说论文作业很难,写不出来。以下是英国优越论文老师给出的一些Tips. 首先,以下是几点写作论文是必须注意的。 1、尽量少用“I think”“As is known to all”等比较主观评价的词,更不要用未注明来源的引语,比如“有人说过”“一位著名语言学家曾经探讨过”“功能语言学认为”等。 2、要旁征博引,但是不能生吞活剥,东拼西凑。 3、注意文章的简洁性,对发展文章主题没有作用的引文坚决不用。 4、区别直接引用和间接引用。一手资料的引文,比如引用的内容与原文一致的就用引号,并标注来源;一手资料间接引文,如果是归纳他人的观点的,最好是解释性地引用他人的成功,不用引号也不需要标注来源;二手资料间接引文,如果是在阅读某人A文献的时候发现被其引用的另一作者B也有值得引用的观点,引用的方式就是——B(1989)曾指出……f转引自A 19951。这里要求A和B 均必须出现在参考文献中。 5、避免无意的plagiarism,也尽量不要copy.有时候将以前从某书上学习到的观点和理论用于文章中而忽略了其来源,这就造成了无意剽窃。 6、不提出证据不足的观点,也不用“我认为”“大多数研究者会同意这样的观点”等虚张声势的表达方式。 7、任何一个观点都要有来源,或者得到作者的论证。如何证明一个观点其实是比较困难的问题。 其次,要追求Essay的原创性。 原创性是学术追求的目标,也是每一个要写论文的留学生所必须了解的。一般来说,综述性文章的原创性内容比较少,多为介绍他人的论述,少数内容是作者的分析和看法。综述文章又可分为大综述文章和小综述文章,前者覆盖一段历史的理论发展,后者仅限于某人某阶段的理论研究。写综述文章必须做到介绍他人尚未介绍的理论。 有一类文章是批判性的论述文章,这类文章原创的内容有多有少,它的原创部分是建立在对相关理论的批判之上,它所提出的新见解必须论据充分,条理清晰,逻辑性强。实证性的文章原创成分最大,一般是根据以往研究中心出现得不足提出的一个新见解并加以证明,其中实证性的文章一般分为: 1、分析性/推理性实证:将论点建立在语言事实及其分析上,重语言事实及分析工具。 2、实验性实证:根据以往研究的不足提出新的观点或假设,设计试验方法,控制相关变量,收集有效数据并加以分析,并用数据分析的结果来证明文章提出的假设。 3、调查性实证:它是根据以往研究引出的问题设计的调查问卷,探索调查对象在某方面表现出的规律性特征。

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程第一册写作Sample essay(全册)

新视野大学英语1(第三版) Sample paragraph 目录 ★Unit 1: Fresh start (2) Sample paragraph 1 (2) Sample paragraph 2 (3) ★Unit 2: Loving parents, loving children (4) Sample paragraph 3 (4) Sample paragraph 4 (5) ★Unit 3: Digital campus (6) Sample paragraph 5 (6) Sample paragraph 6 (7) ★Unit 4: Heroes of our time (8) Sample paragraph 7 (8) Sample paragraph 8 (9) ★Unit 5: Winning is not everything (10) Sample paragraph 9 (10) Sample paragraph 10 (11) ★Unit 6: Earn as you learn? (12) Sample paragraph 11 (12) Sample paragraph 12 (13) ★Unit 7: Hoping for the better (14) Sample paragraph 13 (14) Sample paragraph 14 (15) ★Unit 8: Friendship across gender and border (16) Sample paragraph 15 (16) Sample paragraph 16 (17)


Essay 由introduction,main body, conclusion, reference四部分组成,下面以这篇文章为例,教你如何写作一篇符合格式的essay 全文统一用times new roman字体,小四,1.5倍行距 文章中请不要用I,WE,OUR,YOU,YOUR之类的主观性强的1,2人称,可以用被动语态或其他句型代替 1.0 Introduction (分两部分) Allainz the biggest insurance wants to further expand its business, globally. Among all the countries India and China are two most attractive markets. Before deciding which market to involve in, a detailed market research is indispensable. This essay just gives a comprehensive study over the two markets. (第一个部分介绍essay的主要内容)Firstly, this essay will make a general overview of the insurance industry globally, and the second part is the information of the Allianz Group. Subsequently it will make some market analysis of Chinese insurance market. The analysis of Indian insurance market lies in the fourth part of the easy. Finally it will put forward some recommendation for the marketing selection and entering strategy for the Allianz group. (Introduction第二部分介绍这篇文章的结构,按照firstly, secondly,…finally的固定形式介绍文章结构,你只需列入body里面介绍的每一点) (Introduction之后是main body,把文章分成几个小点讨论,每一点写个小标题,加粗) 2.0 The general overview of the insurance industry globally The insurance industry is the industry dealing in risk and larger sum of money is indispensable for the business of this line. Insurers promise to compensate individuals and businesses for future losses, in exchange for a premium, thus taking on the risk of personal injury, death, and damage to property, unexpected financial disaster and just about any other misfortune. Insurance companies also purchase their own type of insurance, called reinsurance, which allows them to insure large risks and to spread the risk on smaller accounts. Insurance companies rely on investment income to make a profit, since premium alone is typically not adequate to pay claims.


留学英国的同学们一定会面对大量的英国essay写作,掌握好英国essay写作技巧,那么就 可以事半功倍的完成英国essay了。接下来就随hansedu小编一起看一看写好英国essay写 作的九大技巧。 英国Essay写作技巧一:思考 其实,给自己留一些思考时间是非常重要的。如果在开始写essay之前,同学们有进行过pre-thinking,那么你会有足够的时间去找相关资料,否则边写essay边查找资料,这样会打断你的写作思维。所以在开始essay之前,一定要给自己留一些时间思考。 英国Essay写作技巧二:与导师沟通 导师的作用并不仅仅是讲解lecture,在开始essay之前先跟导师进行一次沟通,把自己的想法,做了哪些research并且提出自己的idea。导师很清楚你们所在大学的examiner想要的 是什么,所以tutor是引导你达到assignment标准的最佳人选。 英国Essay写作技巧三:理清写作思路 开始essay写作之前同学们应该先做一个初步计划,制定一个大致的结构,你想要的essay 是什么样的?如果想要达到预期效果需要做哪些research?这些都是需要考虑清楚的,所以在写作之前,先做个详细的研究计划吧。 英国Essay写作技巧四:让别人来检查你的论点 想要做到essay论点清晰可见是有一定难度的。所以可以请求你的同学、朋友或是导师来验证你的思维,看一看是否有矛盾之处存在。毕竟客观的视角常常可以看见我们看不到的东西。 英国Essay写作技巧五:Reference很重要 不要小看了reference的重要性,如果你的reference一旦出现问题,那么分数至少会减少10%。要知道在英国,各个大学对学生剽窃的行为抓得很紧,所以如果你想要复制粘贴,那基本是不可能的。 英国Essay写作技巧六:校对工作不能少 因为自己对essay写作内容太过熟悉,所以反而看不出什么问题。因此同学们可以借助新的视角来检查你的essay,或者借助一些辅助工具来看一看是否存在拼写等错误。 英国Essay写作技巧七:数字使用规范 无论你是哪个专业,essay里边出现的数字、图形以及表格都需要严格把关。一旦出现明显的数据错误,那么examiner是不会手下留情的。 英国Essay写作技巧八:内容要创新 如果大家的essay都千篇一律,那么难免引起视觉疲劳。如果你的essay内容没有新的观点 新的内容,无法让人有想要读下去的欲望,那么结果也就可想而知了。所以在写作过程中一定要有自己的观点,在表达上也尽量简洁而生动有趣。 英国Essay写作技巧九:检查格式 最后一定不要忘记检查essay的写作格式,毕竟这是最简单易得的分数。Essay的行间距、 边距、字体以及引用样式都要一一检查。


英国留学申请essay 写作常见问题一览 导读:本文英国留学申请essay 写作常见问题一览,仅供参考, 如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 英国拥有完善的交体系,一流世界名校,良好的学习环境,每年英国的留学竞争很激烈。想要申请英国大学,都需要提交essay ,好的essay 则能给招生官留下深刻的印象。下面带来了英国留学申请 essay 写作常见问题一览。 1、对申请学校认知不多。 有的学生在选择学校和专业的时候没有仔细考虑自身的情况,甚至有的抱着非名校不读的想法,但是也没有仔细去咨询了解对方学校的情况。因此对于大多学校都会提出的问题why choose this school ,学生不能说出学校的大致情况、特点和优势,回答时敷 衍了事,只说出最表层的一些东西。回答不到位就暴露出自己的态度,很难看出申请人对学校的兴趣和向往程度。点击查看 2、回答问题时没有正确审题。 一些在思想上很懒惰的学生总以为各个学校问的题目差不多就可以互相借用,没有认真审题就把申请学校A 的套用在学校B 上;还 有的学生审题不到位,在内容上出现了很多与主题或者申请不相干的部分。 3、找不到思路,不会转换。 有的学生想考察学生的思维灵活度,想知道学生的专业水平或是 人际交往的态度等,提出的问题都是很简单的。例如芝加哥大学:请 比较苹果和橘子,这个题目就不应该只写两种水果的区别什么的,

可以将两种水果拟人化,各种水果代表哪两种人等等。总之,思维不要太死板,学会转换。 4、词句使用不恰当。 大多英语水平有待提高的学生要么用词太过简单,要么总是喜欢用晦涩、深奥的来让录取官认为自己的具有多大的词汇量。前者会使文章显得没有一点深度,后者容易使文章看着不顺畅,读着拗口。所以,在写作时首先要有条理表明自己的看法,其次使文章读起来语句通顺,再使用一些有真正意义和内涵的语句。 5、文章呈现的语气让人难以接受。 有的文章语气平平毫无生气;有的过于激烈,为了显示自己是对 的,极力鼓吹自己的看法或价值观;有的一味夸对方学校是多么地有 名气,甚至用哀怜的语气博得录取官的同情。这都是不可取的,适当地赞扬即可,尽量使文章读起来有生机活力,做到态度理性冷静客观。 6、语法拼写等小错误。 有的学生单词拼错,语法用错,用翻译机器硬生生地翻译,出现频率过高。学生不仅需要提高英文水平,最好是学会英语思维。 1、英文论文的语言使用规范可以用来检测学生在各个学历阶段 英语学习的情况。单词拼写错误是否明显,用词的选择是否恰当,句式上是否仍带有Chinglish 的痕迹,从整个语篇来看是否具有英式思维。 2、英文论文的语言使用规范可以用来检测学生在撰写论文时的 思路逻辑。语言使用规范不仅包括字词句的使用,还有句段和逻辑,以及文体文风。不同的论文能看出不同的写作思路、论证方法,有的是先提出问题,最后下结论,有的是在文章开头就给出自己要论证的观点,然后铺开陈述和论证。 3、英文论文的语言使用规范可以用来检测学生上课是否有听导


英文essay的写作细节(很有用的秘籍!!避免没必要的失分,准备雅思/托福人也非看不可)来源:曹武龙的日志 这不是我写的,可是是那么有用,我必须帮你分享们。好好学习啊! 我们的assignment通常分为两种形式,一是essay,一是report。二者在形式上有所差别,但大体相同。一篇assignment上面会对写成essay还是report格式作出明确要求。在阅读题目时,请尽量仔细。 相同点: 1、字体:Times New Roman,字号:小四,行距:1.5倍。请有写作之前就把这些格式调好,以避免写好后再调会出现一些意想不到的情况。 2、段与段之间隔行。每段不要求像中文写作那样空两格,而是直接顶格写。 下面还有一些相同点,我在两种文体分开讨论时,再涉及。 区别: Essay: Essay的写作相对report要简单一些。通常只包括三个部分,Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion. Introduction 包括topic的背景介绍和文章要解决的主要问题。一般占总字数的10%左右。Main Body是主体部分,占总字数80%左右。如果题目中作了具体要求,就根据题目提到的几个方面来逐一讨论就可以了。有的题目没有作具体要求,就根据自己的 构思来写。但要求有逻辑性。Conclusion也是占10%,在这一段里把文章中的主要观点用一到两句话概括出来。 Essay 可以不写题目,不要把小标题加粗。 Reference的写作是两种形式都要涉及的,我放在最后来详细说。 Report: 它的写法大体上和essay差不多,但要求要严格一些。 第一:标题页:包括标题和executive summary. 在Executive summary中是对文章的摘要。这个大家都知道怎么写我就不多说了。这两个东西一般是单独占一页 第二:主体部分。Report的主体部分,前三个和essay差不多,只是在conclusion后还有一部分就是recommendations.是对提出的问题的建议。 如果题目中没有单独要求,一般就按照这几部分来写,但有的题目会作出规定。请按题目要求写哪几部分来写。 下面来说reference Reference 是老师最看重的,所以请一定注意。 1、不管前面的主体部分最后一页剩多少空格,reference都要另起一页写 2、每条reference之间要空一行。如果一条reference一排写不完,那么下面的几排提行时要和第一排三格。基本格式请参照我发过来的referencing 里面的要求。 3、References 的排列要按字母顺序排列。可以用网址的reference放在最后。 4、引用分为直接引用和间接引用。直接引用就是用了文章或书中的原话。请在出现的作者后面以(年代,页码)的形式标注。没有出现作者就在引用的句子后面用(作者名,年代,页码)的形式标注。间接引用就是参照发文章或书中的观点,引用方法与直接引用形式一样,


据优越论文网资深专家老师介绍,留学生平常作业太多,毕业论文又太隆重,她们大多会选择论文辅导机构完成作业,然而很多机构其实都是穿着信誉的外衣干着欺骗学生的事情,交出的稿子一看质量就很差,有的是抄袭率太高,大多复制粘贴完成的。而优越论文拿出的稿子无一不是原创。优越论文网老师现在就跟各位说说抄袭率的事情吧。 首先要知道什么是抄袭。 外国大学对于学生交上去的文章都会一一查重,使用官方检测系统检测论文的抄袭率,如果有连续13个字相同或者文章要论证的观点相同相似就是抄袭。 其次要知道抄袭一般使用的伎俩。 有的论文机构不负责任,对于学生的要求敷衍了事,交给学生的稿子没有经过抄袭率检测,学生一上交就被打回来了。其中主要有以下一些方式: 1、对于某一篇较好的文献有抄袭主要观点、整体思路和框架,在文章结尾的reference故意不放上这一篇文章。 2、从一篇文章中抄袭句子。有的是有自己的要论证的观点,但是在陈述的时候不是引用别人的某一观点,而是直接大段大段地复制,而且来自于同一篇文章。 3、从不同的文章分别复制粘贴。有的写手比较偷懒的,觉得是同一类的参考文献,可以使用的就一股脑地全贴合上去,全然不顾文章大局。 4、将中文期刊或是著作中比较符合的句子或观点直接英文翻译过去。导师基本上所有的时间都在做研究,对于某一块的文献都会看到的,正如国内的也都会看国外的文献一样,如果有的导师中文还可以的一眼就能发现。甚至对于有些太过专业的中文观点有的写手翻译不出,直接找翻译器翻译的,语法、语句、逻辑都有很大的问题。 优越论文网的辅导老师都是非常认真负责和专业的,会仔细研究学生平常上课的内容、课件,根据学生的个人风格写出专属个人的论文,会使用专业的Turn it in论文检测系统检查抄袭率,保证抄袭率绝对低于5%。优越论文老师交出的稿子是原创的,是保证通过的。如果有任何的问题,欢迎找到优越论文网,我们会竭尽全力解决您的一切问题的。


ESSAY WRITING What makes a good essay? Make sure that you have defined your topic. Are you quite sure that you understand what you should be writing about? Sometimes questions are ambiguous (not clear). So make sure you understand the topic, otherwise do not write!! Do you understand what all the words in your assignment mean? Look them up. It is a good idea to write the question of the assignment in your own words to check that you really understand it. Give yourself plenty of time. There is nothing worse than having to rush your research and then not having time to write it up properly. You should not try to write the essay all in one go. Give yourself time between drafts to think about what you have written. If you can’t think of anything to write, t hen just write any old thing. It’s called free writing. Just put all ideas that come to mind about the subject down on paper. Don’t bother about editing what you are writing. Just write. When you read it over later you will probably find that you have some interesting ideas to follow up. If you are writing an assignment or project it isn’t always a good idea to start with the introduction. Work out the main body of your argument and your conclusion. That makes it much easier to go back and write an introduction that links with the concluding paragraphs. Make sure that your essay is logical. Put your point of view forward clearly and tell the reader how you are going to argue your case. Make sure that you link your paragraphs and do not jump from one idea to another. There are several ways to link paragraphs. One is to use “link” words that show a connection with the previous paragraph. Here are some useful linking words


Essay写作的7个建议 Essay的写作在留学期间非常的频繁,占据非常重要的位置,今天英国智酷小编就为大家介绍一下Essay写作的7个建议。 写好essay的7个建议: 1. 足够的积淀使你在写作时有无限的话可说 这一点能让你的写作变得更快速和容易。当你无话可说,无物可写的时候,你被迫的写出的那些貌似有意义的句子却使你的文章显得空洞无物。所以,你需要广泛的阅读,并做阅读笔记,正确的选择你的topic,然后通过写作与你的读者分享你所拥有的知识和信息。 2.选择简单的词汇 在你的写作中,用“use”代替“utilize”,用“near”代替“close proximity”,“help”代替“facilitate”等等。 只有在特别的句子里,其他简单词都不能代替的情况下再使用那些长难词,平常的写作中用简单的词汇就可以了。 3.尽量使用简单句/短句 写作中你应该尽量使用简单句和短句,这与你在写作中应写小篇幅的段落的原因是一样的。它们更容易让读者阅读和理解。没一个句子都应简单明了,对你的文章来说,更重要的应该是想法上的创造力与复杂性,而不是句子上的。 4.不要写冗长的段落 在学术写作中,每一个段落都是一个论点以及相关的论据,段落可以稍微长一些,但也应当尽量简洁。而日常写作中,有时一段只用2,3句话甚至1句话就足够了。 5.不要重复或自问自答 不要在你的文章中一遍又一遍写同样的事情,也不要在文章中自问自答。换句话说,在你的文章中那些事情只提一次或两次就足够了。 6.不要写的过度 写文章时要专注于你想表达的信息,同时也要把读者放在第一位。 7. 校对和编辑 缩短,删除和重新编写你文章中任何没有必要的话。使用比较闲散的风格写作是没有问题的,但不要在你的文章中出现无理由的多余的话。 上述英国智酷小编的讲解就到这里了,希望对大家的写作有所帮助。如果大家还有论文难题没有解决,都可以来咨询我们哦!

essay 的格式

标题页 给所写文章起一个合适的标题 格式居中,二号字体,TIMES NEW ROMAN,加重

T able of contents目录页 先将写好文章中的小标题设置格式,然后这里用WORD插入引用自动生成目录,根据情况适当调整行间距,字体大小。下面是例子。 Introduction (3) Main body (3) Engineering Ethics (3) Ethics in University Education (4) Conclusion (6) References (7)

正文开始,注意行间距1.5,字体小四,TIMES NEW ROMAN,每段开始不空格,段段之间空一行 Introduction 只写一段(字数占全文10%左右) Main body Engineering Ethics According to Davison and Kock (2004), “professional Ethics concerns one's conduct of behavior and practice when carrying out professional wo rk.” There are a great many professional bodies throughout the world that put forward important institutionalized “codes of conduct and codes of practice” for their members to follow. In many counties, medical ethics, legal ethics and business ethics are repeatedly discussed by the public and even regarded compulsory to the practitioners. Engineering ethics has also been becoming an increasing concern over the past decades, during which the world witnessed some momentous events like stratospheric ozone depletion, cloning technology, the Challenger disaster and so on, which are closely related to the issue of engineering ethics. Professional bodies of engineering like the US professional engineering associations, the German Association of Engineers and the Institution of Engineers, Australia, are getting more active. Engineering codes of ethics vary by different cultures and might still remain


Essay写作中的词汇误用范例 范例一:use,utilize和using 许多人喜欢用utilize代替use表示“用”的意思。但是这两个词有明确而不同的定义,不能混用。use是最普遍的用法,可以表示一切“用”,但多指用其本身的用途,比如use血压计量血压。而utilize是用其本身没有的用途,比如utilize钥匙开瓶盖。因此,在科学论文中utilize几乎没有机会使用到,而用use始终正确。Using也经常被误用:QoL was evaluated using Hamilton scale。此处语法上不正确,正确的用法是前面加个“by”: QoL was evaluated by using Hamilton scale。 范例二:due to和because of 用due to代替because of在笔者编辑过的论文里也非常常见,但这是错误的。Due to的意思是caused by,做形容词用,修饰的是名词,而because of做介词用。比如:He died from pneumonia due to (caused by) a severe infection 是正确的,due to a severe infection形容pneumonia。而He was hospitalized due to a severe infection 是错误的,此处应该用because of。 范例三:compared with和compared to Compare这个词,每篇论文都会用到,比如在结果和讨论中经常见到compared with 或compared to the control group。笔者的经验是,用compared with,不用compared to。在比较两者时,compared with是


Introduction (essay的introduction只有一段,但由两部分内容组成。蓝色字体的地方是introduction的第一部分,它相当于一个开篇,引出这篇essay的主旨。然后从this essay will开始是introduction的第二部分,介绍本文结构,不要再用the structure is like this这样的语句了,比较chinglish。介绍结构请统一用将来时态) Since the setting up of the first factories in the late eighteenth century, management had become a problem seriously affecting the factories’ production. Then, management was gradually recognised as an important element of the success or failure of a company. Until the nineteenth century, the systematic and scientific management theory came out with its leading thinkers, two of whom were well known as Frederick W. Taylor and Elton Mayo. Both Taylor and Mayo stated the importance of the productivity and cooperation between managers and workers.This essay will firstly discuss these similarities in their different management theories and how they relate to each other. Following this, it will explain the differences of the two theories concerning the consideration of the human beings during management. Finally, it will look at how the two theories affect the feeling of workers and support increasing the productivity and maximising the efficiency. (Introduction之后body,把文章分成几大部分讨论,每一个板块写一个小标题,加粗) Similarities and relations in management theories of Taylor and Mayo Although Taylor and Mayo have different management theories, they both aim to make workers more productive and efficient during the management. Taylor, the founder of the movement known as ‘scientific management’, states ‘The principal object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the maximum prosperity for the employee’ (Taylor, 1947, p.36). According to this, workers should be trained as ‘first-class’ and follow the methods of the work which managers have carefully analysed and set up. Workers are not responsible to think about the way of doing the work, and they just do what managers 批注 [LX1]: 这个标志很重要,所有essay都必须按照这个格式来。从这里开始,就是对整个essay的主要内容分几个大的部分来进行一个概括。这个标志后的内容应为body里的内容A 批注 [LX2]: 这个标志也是必须写的,此标志后的内容应为body里的内容B 批注 [LX3]: 这个标志也是必须写的,此标志后的内容应为body里的内容C 注意:如果body里的主要内容不只是ABC,或者还又更多的D,E的话,中间的标志可以用Subsequently, and then, after that等等副词或短语做为标志来写。除了firstly 之外不要用secondly,thirdly 等序数词。 批注 [LX4]: 到此为止,introduction才算写完,introduction只能是一段,而且一定要写到半页或者以上(根据总字数来安排)。介绍结构时提到的A,B,C等每一部分内容时,可以直接复制body里每一部分的小标题 批注 [LX5]: 从第2段开始,就正式进入了essay里的body,同样,introduction里提到的内容A,就是从这里开始。 注意:以后body每段的第一句话是该段的总起句,要概括这段的中心内容 认真看完本文件能有效提高您的收入
