




您好!感谢您在百忙中浏览我这份自荐信,给一个即将毕业的大学生一个机会,在次我对此表示深深的感谢!首先请允许我做自我介绍,我的名字叫程XX,是南华理工大学20xx届外贸英语专业的毕业生,获知贵单位广纳贤才,我幕名而至,真诚的渴望加入,为贵单位的明天添砖加瓦,更愿为此奉献自己的劳动和智慧。秉着对知识的渴望,对英语学习的执著,在校期间我认真学习专业知识,并通过了大学英语四六级考试,还通过了全国非计算机专业计算机考试二级。在班上任组织委员一职,组织过班级体郊游、班内趣味运动会等活动,当然这些都是小事情,但这个机会培养了我很好的组织能力与协调能力。在课外我积极参加学校的各种活动,曾代表我专业在知识竞赛中取得一等奖,同时我还参与到社会实践中,在校期间曾作过家教一职,也曾在网吧担任过管事一职,还为诺亚舟电子辞典作过市场调研,通过这些社会实践我学到了很多课堂上学不到的知识,对社会有一定的了解和认识。07年夏天到深圳同学公司打工,对外贸事物的运行和操作有了亲身的经历,我想这是最珍贵的经验。本人平时爱好广泛,喜爱音乐,运动,会弹吉他,在校期间还代表我专业参加了足球比赛。同时对军事与政治颇为关注,经常买关于军事和政治方面的报纸杂志研读,对当今世界的电子产品消费也有一定的关注。伴随着青春的激情和求知的欲望,我即将走完四年的求知之旅,美好的大学生活,培养了我科学严谨的思维方法。更造就了我积极乐观的生活态度和开拓进取的创新意识。课堂内外的社会实践、扎实的基础知识和开阔的视野,使我更了解社会;在不断的学习工作中养成的严谨、踏实的工作作风和团结协作的优秀品质,使我深信自己完全可以在岗位上守业、敬业、更能创业!乐慧眼,开始我千里之行。疾风知劲草,路遥知马力。古有毛遂自荐,今有伯乐点将。愿借您伯有待于您通过“使用”来证明。最后谨祝贵公司事业蒸蒸日上!谨附上本人履历一份,详列本人的基本资料,社会实践,技能和学历。承蒙审阅,不胜感激!此致敬礼求职人:程XX 20xx.X.XX


尊敬的领导:您好!感谢您在百忙中翻阅我的求职信! 我是xxxxx专业的大学生。我很荣幸有机回向您呈上我的个人资料。作为一名xxx专业的大学生,我热爱我的专业并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力。在四年的学习生活中,我所学习的内容包括了从会计学的基础知识到运用等许多方面。通过对这些知识的学习,我对这一领域的相关知识有了一定程度的理解和掌握,此专业是一种工具,而利用此工具的能力是最重要的,在与课程同步进行的各种相关时践和实习中,具有了一定的实际操作能力和技术。在学校工作中,加强锻炼处世能力,学习管理知识,吸收管理经验。我不满足与现有的知识水平,期望在实践中得到锻炼和提高,因此我希望能够加入你们的单位。我会踏踏实实的做好属于自己的一份工作,竭尽全力的在工作中取得好的成绩。我相信经过自己的勤奋和努力,一定会做出应有的贡献。愿贵单位事业蒸蒸日上,屡创佳绩,祝您的事业白尺竿头,更进一步! 期盼你们的回音。谢谢! 此致敬礼! 求职人:年月日


尊敬的领导:您好!感谢您在百忙之中收阅我的自荐材料! 我叫xxx,是xx大学xx学院的一名应届毕业生,主修xx(师范方向),辅修xx(师范方向),慕名自荐,应聘xx教师一职。教师是人类灵魂的工程师,工作稳定,更有助于充分地展现我的个人才能,我由衷地热爱这份职业。因此,在大学四年中,我严格要求自己,力求在各方面提高综合素质:在思想方面,我大三已光荣地加入党组织,政治觉悟高;在学习方面,我曾六次获得各类学习奖学金(其中包括1次国家励志奖学金),专业基础扎实;在学生工作方面,因出色的表现曾多次获得校级、院级优秀学生干部等荣誉称号,也为以后的班级管理积累了一定的经验;在教育实践方面,我利用大一大二的暑假,就已经通过自己联系学校进行教育见习,大四又争取到xx中学的实习机会,作为地理实习老师和实习班主任出色地完成了实习任务;在社会实践方面,我参加了PHE科研,担任过暑假培训班全职

老师,并皆有不错成绩。大学四年的’努力让我对这次自荐信心满满,但我也不会停留在过去的流光溢彩中,以后我更会加倍努力,在自己的位置上做好每一件事,把握每一次机会! 最后再次感谢您浏览我的自荐材料,并诚心希望能在您空暇时间前往面试。作为应届生的我,虽然没有老教师经验丰富,但我基本功扎实、责任心强、积极进取、思维活跃,相信我一定能够令贵校满意! 祝愿贵校教育事业蒸蒸日上!再创佳绩! 此致敬礼! 求职人:年月日



2、求职信与简历的区别在西方,求职信和简历是一样重要的。而在我国,虽然有的雇主不要求写求职信,有的猎头顾问或是企业招聘人员也没时间仔细阅读求职信,但求职信的作用还是不容小看。从最近网上的一份网上调查:“人事经理,您对求职信的关注程度如何?”34%参与调查的人事经理表示非常重视求职信、54%的人事经理表示将求职信作为重要参考、只有11%的人事经理是根本不看求职信。 4、需注意的问题在写求职书之前须考虑的5个问题:当你对以下5个问题考虑成熟之后,才可以更好地帮助你写好一份求职书。1)、未来的雇主需要的是什么?在你期望得到的职位中什么样的技能、知识和经历是最重要的。 2)、你的目标是什么?你写求职自荐信的目的是什么,是想获得一个具体的职务,一次面试的机会或仅仅希望有人通过电话花10~15分钟与你谈一下有关机构的总的情况。 3)、你以为此雇主或职位提供的三至五个优点或优势。如果你是针对某个具体的职位而写此信,那么所列的你的优点应该就是招

聘广告上需求的;如果你不是针对具体的职位的话,就按通常的所需知识和经历来考虑。 4)、如何把你的经历与此职位挂钩?请列举二个具体的你曾获得的成就,它们能证明你在第三问中所提的你的优点。 5)、你为什么想为此机构或雇主服务?你对他们的了解有多少?关于他们的产品或服务、任务、企业文化、目标、宗旨等一切与你自己的背景、价值观和目标相关联的东西。


尊敬的领导:您好!我xxx大学xx专业的一名应届毕业生。近期获知贵公司正在招聘人才,我自信能胜任这一职位,所以特意写了这封信。感谢您能在百忙中翻阅我的求职信。经过四年物流专业的学习。我熟练掌握与现代物流相关的知识。并于20xx年国家物流师职业资格证书。四年的大学校园和社会实践生活使我不断地挑战自我、开拓创新,为实现自身价值打下了坚实的基础。在校期间得到了老师和同学们的一致肯定。作为一名xx专业应届毕业生,我期望从一线职位做起,把所学到的专业知识,与实际工作情况相结合,快速积累最基础的工作经验,所以工作初期阶段,本人期望从事物流实际操作。本人在校成绩最好的是xx,这是由于本人的爱好所决定的,xx都是我最喜欢的专业,所以我期望从事职业----xx。在大学期间,我参加过多次社会实践活动,并曾在多家公司做过兼职工作。正因为此,使我积累了丰富的实践经验,而且更加注重团队合作精神和集体观念,更加明确了我的人生目标。我坚信,生活需要自己来勾画,不一样的方式就有不一样的人生。未来的事业更要靠自己去探索和拼搏。请您相信我对工作认真负责的态度,如果能得到您的欣赏,我将会用实际行动来回报您的信任。谢谢。我很期望能进入贵公司,并为公司的发展贡献自己的一份力量。祝您工作顺利。身体健康。此致敬礼! 求职人:年月日


中英文自荐信范文 第一篇:中英文-自荐信dear sir, professor kenneth h. chan, head of the department of metallurgy, has informed me that your agency is looking for an engineering graduate with the ability to write about technical subjects for non-technical readers. the four years at hong kong university have given me a thorough foundation in such fundamental sciences as physics, mathematics, and chemistry, in addition to specialized courses in metallurgy. i have also taken as many courses in english and psychology as possible with the expectation that i would enter the field of technical sales or editing following my graduation this summer. fortunately, as my resume shows, i now have a mature interest in finding a satisfying job. may i come in for an interview at your convenience? sincerely yours, 敬啟者: 冶金系主任陈教授告诉我,贵公司在物色有能力写专门性文章给一般读者阅读的工科毕业生。 在香港大学四年我奠定了冶金及物理、数学、化学基本科学的良好基础。我曾经选修许多门英语和心理学方面的课程,期望今年夏天


英语求职信中英翻译范文5篇 求职自荐信在应聘时显得非常重要,可是求职自荐信中的英文求职信又该怎么写呢,在这之中应该有许多外文系专业的同学们要头疼了吧。相对于中文求职信的要求,英文求职信,怎么样的格式、开头才算礼貌呢,这其中有涉及到西方交流文化了。求职1号站给大家带来英文求职信,求职信英文,英语求职信范文,求职简历英文,求职信格式英文,英语求职信格式等给大家 应聘管理职位英文求职信1 尊敬的Volitip女士: 您是否需要一名能够及时向管理层提供关键决策(如公司产品的销售、新分支机构的开设、公司经营的多样化、新税法的效果审查、经济预测的编制等)信息的员工? 我拥有经济学和运筹学的硕士学位,正在寻找一个能够充分挑战我的研究能力以实现公司目标的成长型组织的职位。 随函附上的简历反映了我在课堂和短暂的职业生涯中取得的扎实成就。无论是在教室还是在工作场所,我始终能够实现近期目标,同时开发工具来成功地解决未来的需求。 谢谢你抽出时间。我期待你的回音。如有要求,将提供参考资料。 真诚的 Dear Ms. Volitip: Do you have need for an employee who can provide management with timely information on which crucial decisions (e.g., marketing of company products, the opening of new branches, diversification of company operations, examination of the effects of new tax laws, preparation of economic forecasts, etc.) are made? I hold an M.S. degree in Economics and Operations Research and am seeking a position with a growing organization that can fully challenge my research capabilities in pursuit of the firm' s objectives. The enclosed resume reflects solid achievement in both the classroom and during my brief professional career. Whether in the classroom or at the workplace, I have been consistently able to meet near-term objectives while developing the tools to successfully tackle future requirements.


关于求职信英文版带翻译 Cover letter headings Bank personal cover letter Hello. The bank has been a good image in the social reputation, I am about to graduate, if there is a chance is willing to your company can effect a modest! My name is XXX, graduated from the China University of Mining and Technology, was studying financial management specialty. The following is my personal letter of introduction. I to your bank for some basic understanding. As a newcomer students finish their studies, I have the confidence to accept the social test and the challenge from its own. During my college study hard, strict demands on themselves, respect for teachers, and actively participate in various activities organized by the school. On weekdays, and teachers and students live together in peace together. In English, passed Band Four six examination. I know, the bank clerk is the need to have a strong sense of responsibility, practice. Therefore, in school period, I tried a different practice and work. I do Secretary, did the promotion, has made the family, worked as a waitress, different occupation has given me a different experience let me gradually from a silly little girl into an independent thinking, problem solving skill and teamwork spirit. In order to remain invincible in the work, do a better job. I hope to go to your bank to work, to learn the theory of combination of knowledge and practice, so that their life can have a qualitative leap. I believe that your bank is whole image, management mode, working atmosphere will be more attractive to me in my mind, is the pursuit of the ideals and goals. We enclosed a copy of my resume, hope to be able to notice will have the opportunity to meet. Sincerely yours Salute 银行个人求职信


优秀英文求职信范文三篇 求职信要写对所谋求的职务的看法以及对自己的能力要作出客观公允的评价,这是求职的关键。要着重介绍自己应聘的有利条件,要特别突出自己的优势和“闪光点”,以使对方信服。 优秀英文求职信范文篇一Dear Sir/Madam, I have just completed my Master Degree in Manufacturing, Engineering and Management in the University of Nottingham in UK in XX. During 3 years overseas study, I was developed to be more independent, responsible, sociable, creative, and be able to work under pressure. Moreover, the study in the University, has trained me becomes a competent, cooperative, and analytical person. If you further look at the unit I studied in my degree, I have what is takes to be excellent in the area I studied and managing development in the organization itself. Although I have no working experience in the fields related to manufacturing, engineering and management, however, I would be able to selfinitiate, motivate and work in a demanding hours to comply task schedules. My long term career plan is to expand my knowledge


英文工程师求职信 英文工程师求职信 mr. frederick r. wickard director of mis whitingford, inc. rosewood corporate center tampa, fl 27369 dear mr. wickard: as today‘s economy and competitive pressures place tighter constraints on business, it professionals with a diverse background can provide greater value when budgets are tight. as a versatile mis professional, i have experience in project management for a wide variety of business applications in systems and database design, quality assurance, troubleshooting and programming. my b.b.a. in accounting has given me an exceptional understanding of financial applications. while at johnson corporation, my hands-on management style and strong technical skills have enabled me to meet deadlines in


经典英文求职信范文 respected leaders: hello! glad to attend your pany‘s talent recruitment. my car is a professional undergraduate graduation, sure to seek work in your pany. also hope that the pany i enclose leadership read carefully record and report. in this to say thank you. during the university, i give their location is first, secondly, give attention to two or morethings arrives in technical management, economy. but also very focused on their learning ability training, make great efforts to perfect their knowledge structure. technical aspect, i prepared in three aspects. 1) professional basis, probably because of the automotive industry, very convincing work behind the emissary, so i put emphasis on the course of the school. have won five scholarships and excellent students, learning model. the three years prior to my grades for 82 points, weighted basically has an exemption postgraduate qualification. 2) puter and work, puter and work is a trend. from the characteristics of consideration, i customize the


中英文求职信 提要:随信附上我的简历,如有机会与您面谈,我将十分感谢。即使贵公司认为我还不符合你们的条件,我也将一如既往地关注贵公司的发展,并在此致以最诚挚的祝愿。 更多内容通告 DearSir, Twoyearsasaseniorclerkin*salesdepartmentof*theGreatwallcompanyhave,Ibelievegivenmetheexpe riencetoqualifyforthejobyouadvertisedin51jobwebsite. Since2000Ihavebeenresponsiblefor*allofficedetailsintheadministrationofsales,,Ihavebecomefamili arwiththevarioussalesterritories,andhavealsoinmysparetimeexperienceofhandlingbusinessproblems otherthanmypropersphere. TheyearsbeforeIwasemployedattheGreatwall,Iwasasecretaryfor*LongDragon, Iwasgraduatedat*wuhanUniversity,*twenty-sevenyearsofageandsingle. Iamleavingmypresentpositio mayIseeyouatyourofficetotellyoumoreaboutmyselfandshowyoujusthowwellIcandotheworkyourequ ire. yoursfaithfully, 参考译文: 敬启者: 在51job人才网站上,获悉贵公司招聘人才。本人曾担任长城公司*销售部高级职员两年,自信有充分工作经验,可担任贵公司所招聘的职务。 本人自二零零零年开始,一直担任*售货业务以及函件的撰写工作。在工作期间,除正式业务范围外,与各地区客户颇有来往,并利用公余时间,学会了很多有关商业问题的处理。 在长城公司任职前,我曾在*长龙会计公司担任过秘书工作。在任职期间,学会很多有关会计名词及会计作业程序。 本人*现年二十七岁,未婚,一九九七年毕业于*武汉大学,我希望有机会充分利用自己工作能力,从事更大范围工作之需要,这是我急于离开现职的主要原国。本人现任职的公司老板,对我的工作雄心颇为赞许,因此,愿协助找另谋他职。 如果方便的话,我愿亲赴贵公司办公室晋见阁下,以便详细说明。


求职信中英文对照范文 求职信是我们求职过程中的一个重要环节,你知道你的中文求职信怎么翻译成英文吗?下面由为你提供的求职信中英文对照范文,希望能帮到你。 求职信中英文对照范文(一)尊敬的先生/小姐: 您好!我从报纸上看到贵公司的招聘信息,我对网页兼职编辑一职很感兴趣。 我现在是出版社的在职编辑,从1998年获得硕士学位后至今,一直在出版社担任编辑工作。两年以来,对出版社编辑的工作已经有了相当的了解和熟悉。经过出版者工作协会的正规培训和两年的工作经验,我相信我有能力担当贵公司所要求的网页编辑任务。 我对计算机有着非常浓厚的兴趣。我能熟练使用FrontPage和DreamWeaver、PhoteShop等网页制作工具。本人自己做了一个个人主页,日访问量已经达到了100人左右。通过互联网,我不仅学到了很多在日常生活中学不到的东西,而且坐在电脑前轻点鼠标就能尽晓天下事的快乐更是别的任何活动所不及的。 由于编辑业务的性质,决定了我拥有灵活的工作时间安排和方便的办公条件,这一切也在客观上为我的兼职编辑的工作提供了必要的帮助。基于对互联网和编辑事务的精通和喜好,以及我自身的客观

条件和贵公司的要求,我相信贵公司能给我提供施展才能的另一片天空,而且我也相信我的努力能让贵公司的事业更上一层楼。 随信附上我的简历,如有机会与您面谈,我将十分感谢。即使贵公司认为我还不符合你们的条件,我也将一如既往地关注贵公司的发展,并在此致以最诚挚的祝愿。 此致 求职信人:xxx 20xx年xx月xx日 April 13,2000 P.O. Box 36 BIIT University Beijing,China 100000 Dear Sir/Madam: Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership? I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies. I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in


英文求职信范文二 Document number:BGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-2022

范文 【范文二】 Dear Sir/Madam: Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership? I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies. I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Company's Information Industry Division. Briefly, some of my accomplishments include: Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful


大学生兼职求职信(中英文) 献给兼职求职的大学生们: 尊敬的领导: 你好!! 本人是在校学生,对快速成长的贵公司非常感兴趣。从XX日报得知,贵公司提供暑期实习生的职位,在认真阅读了岗位说明之后,我认为本人完全符合贵公司的要求,特此递上这份求职信。 本人在学校学生会各部门中工作和学习,现已升为学生会主席。今年1月份在佛山做过电子产品销售,熟悉各部门业务,包括与客户关系、沟通、及微笑曲线原则。对市场营销、客服服务深有体会和丰厚的实践经验。本人与XX 年曾经到Xx公司参与实习,业绩斐然,获得公司领导的嘉奖,是个难得营销人才。 本人将在暑假放假到XX市兼职学习,如能蒙赐机会,使本人显示如何有助于贵公司达到目标则感激不尽。 我这次暑期实习工作的主要目的是发挥自己的优势为贵公司创造价值,同时继续提升自我能力,并且获得经济上的收益,为明年的上学、生活得到一定保障,望贵公司能给以成全。 我很希望能加盟贵公司,发挥我的潜力。随信附上我的简历。如有机会与您面谈,我将十分感谢。

[大学生兼职求职信] Dear Hiring Manager, I am interested in the part-time position at Sarasota Saddlery advertised in The Sarasotian. I have equine experience, as I have been around horses for over nine years. Not only have I showed and rode horses, but I have also had extensive experience assisting in a barn. Through working with horses, I have acquired a thorough knowle ge of horses, tack, and equine apparel for both horse and rider. While I have equine experience, I also have excellent communication skills and an aptitude for customer service. My past experience as a volunteer at Sarasota Hospital made it necessary for me to focus on providing quality customer service, and also enabled me to work with all types of people. I believe that my communication skills, partnered with my equine knowledge, would make me an asset to your company. Thank you for your consideration. I can be reached at 111-111-1111 or 222-222-2222.. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Your Signature Your Typed Name [大学生兼职求职信] directions: the summer vacation is drawing near. you, liming by name, want to find a part-time job. write an application letter of about 120-150 words within 30 minutes.


中英文求职信范文 中英文求职信范文(中文) 【范文一】 尊敬的领导: 您好!我xxx大学xx专业的一名应届毕业生。近期获知贵公司正在聘请人才,我自信能胜任这一职位,因此专门写了这封信。感谢您能在百忙中翻阅我的求职信。通过四年物流专业的学习。我熟练掌握与现代物流相关的知识。并于20xx年国家物流师职业资格证书。 四年的大学校园和社会实践生活使我不断地挑战自我、开拓创新,为实现自身价值打下了坚实的基础。在校期间得到了老师和同学们的一致确信。作为一名xx专业应届毕业生,我期望从一线职位做起,把所学到的专业知识,与实际工作情况相结合,快速积存最基础的工作经验,因此工作初期时期,本人期望从事物流实际操作。 本人在校成绩最好的是xx,这是由于本人的爱好所决定的,xx差不多上我最喜爱的专业,因此我期望从事职业----xx。在大学期间,我参加过多次社会实践活动,并曾在多家公司做过兼职工作。正因为此,使我积存了丰富的实践经验,而且更加注重团队合作精神和集体观念,更加明确了我的人一辈子目标。我坚信,生活需要自己来勾画,不一样的方式就有不一样的人一辈子。以后的事业更要靠自己去探究和拼搏。请您相信我对工作认真负责的态度,假如能得到您的观赏,我将会用实际行动来回报您的信任。感谢。 我非常期望能进入贵公司,并为公司的进展贡献自己的一份力量。祝您工作顺利。躯体健康。 此致敬礼! 求职人: 年月日 【范文二】 尊敬的领导: 您好!感谢您在百忙中翻阅我的求职信! 我是南京财经大学会计专业的大学生。我非常荣幸有机回向您呈上我的个人资料。 作为一名会计学专业的大学生,我热爱我的专业并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力。在四


高考英文求职信范文 1.写求职信的目的 : 让招聘单位了解你的学历 ,经验 ,能力 ,专长 ,成果和愿望等 ,并让对方相信你是一个 值得考虑的人选 . 2.文体与时态 : 书信格式 一般现在时 写求职信的步骤 1.开头 : 简单告诉收信人你是从何处获取到此职位信息 ,并表明你的求职心愿(即写信目的) . ’ s englishI paper, Afte r reading your advertisement for a secretary in today want to offer myself to the position. 2.正文 : ①提供你的若干个人信息资料:年龄、婚姻状况及身体状况. (1).I ’ m 19 years old, male, unmarried. I 1.75 meters’m tall, strong and healthy. ②详细告诉对方有关你的学历、工作经历 (与此工作相关的兼职工作、假期打工 )及 与此工作相关的个人兴趣、爱好等; (2). I ’ vejust graduated from a senior middle school of Beijing. last year, I got the first place in the english composition contest in west district, Beijing. I type quite well and can use computers skillfully. 3.结尾 : ①再次表达你想得到这份工作的愿望,并表达感激之情. I ’dlike to be your secretary very much. if these meet your requirements, I ’ ll be very thankful for your kindness .


教师求职信中英文版 篇一 Dear Dr. Anderson, Mr.Li Quanzhi who has just returned to China from your university informed that you are considering the possibility of offering a Chinese language course to your students in the next academic year and may have an opening for a teacher of the Chinese language. I am very much interested in such a position. I have been teaching Chinese literature and composition at college level since 1980. In the past three years, I have worked in summer programs, teaching the Chinese language and culture to students from English-speaking courtries. As a result, I got to know well the common problems of these students and how to adapt teaching to achieve the best results. With years of intensive English training, I have no difficulty conducting classes in English and feel queit comfortable working with American students. I will be available after February 2021.Please fell free to contact me if you wish more information. Thank you very much for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, Shi Hongqi 安德森博士: 从刚从贵校返回的李全志先生处,德知贵校正在考虑下学年给贵校学生开设中文课,或可有一中文教师之空缺。本人对此职颇有兴趣。 从1980年起,本人一直在高校讲授中国文学与写作课程。过去三年中,我曾主讲暑期课程,向来自英语国家的学生教授中国语言与文化。因此,我对外国学生常见的学习困难非常熟知,并能设法改进教授方法以取得最佳效果。 积数年对英语的勤奋学习,我能毫无困难地用英语讲课,并能与美国学生轻松相处。 本人2021年2月后即可到任。如需本人其他情况请随时来函。谢谢你的考虑并期盼回音。 施宏起启 篇二


教师求职信(中英文对照) dear dr. anderson, mr.li quanzhi who has just returned to china from your university informed that you are considering the possibility of offering a chinese language course to your students in the next academic year and may have an opening for a teacher of the chinese language. i am very much interested in such a position. i have been teaching chinese literature and composition at college level since 1980. in the past three years, i have worked in summer programs, teaching the chinese language and culture to students from english-speaking courtries. as a result,i got to know well the common problems of these students and how to adapt teaching to achieve the best results. with years of intensive english training, i have no difficulty conducting classes in english and feel queit comfortable working with american students. i will be available after february XX.please fell free to contact me if you wish more information. thank you very much for your consideration and i look forward to hearing from you. sincerely yours, shi hongqi 安德森博士:


优选英语求职信中英范文5篇 求职自荐信在应聘时显得非常重要,可是求职自荐信中的英文求职信又该怎么写呢,在这之中应该有许多外文系专业的同学们要头疼了吧。相对于中文求职信的要求,英文求职信,怎么样的格式、开头才算礼貌呢,这其中有涉及到西方交流文化了。求职1号站给大家带来英文求职信,求职信英文,英语求职信范文,求职简历英文,求职信格式英文,英语求职信格式等给大家参考,希望你能够帮助大家。英语求职信(一):尊敬的先生女士:你是否正在寻找一位在项目管理和团队领导方面有专长的远程通信经理?我擅长制定和实施直接影响大型远程通信公司增长和盈利能力的高性能战略。除了我对业务流程的了解外,我还精通远程软件开发和尖端技术我将迁往深圳,对贵公司的发展机会感兴趣。目前,我担任比特公司信息产业部经理。简而言之,我的一些工作包括:开发了一个跟踪和预测价格、数量和收入的工具,使客户能够监视业务性能实现了一个定制的端到端测试过程和SQL数据库我的商业头脑、技术专长和领导能力为许多成功的项目做出了贡献。随函附上的简历更详细地概述了我的资历和能力。我很高兴有机会与你面谈真诚的顾斌Dear SirMadam:Are you searching for a telemunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership?I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telemunications panies。

求职信范文 中英文版.doc


尊敬的领导:您好!hello! 首先请允许我向您致以真诚的问候和良好的祝愿!衷心的感谢您在百忙之中翻阅我的这份材料,并祝愿贵单位事业欣欣向荣,蒸蒸日上!(中国人才指南网强烈推荐此原创求职信给各位求职的朋友们) first please allow me to extend the sincere regards and thegood wish to you! heartfelt thank you in spite of being very busy toglance through my this material, and wishes the expensive unitenterprise to be prosperous, progresses day by day! 我是中山大学电子信息工程专业XX届毕业生,近期获知贵公司正在招聘人才,我希望能有机会到贵公司工作。i am 中山大学electronic information project specialized 2,007 sessionsof graduates, in the near future learned your firm is advertising forthe talented person, i hoped can arrive has the opportunity to yourfirm work. 在校期间,我勤奋学习专业知识,并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力.在认真学习课本知识的同时,我积极参加校内外的实践活动,并获得了一些成绩。如单片机开发设计、pcb layout以及网页设计等方面。大学四年让我的英语水平有所进步,并顺利的通过了国家英语六级考试,具备了一定的听、说、读、写能力,有阅读专业文献的英文功底. in school period, i diligently study the specialized knowledge, andinvested the huge enthusiasm and the energy for it while earnestlystudies the textbook knowledge, i positively participate in inside andoutside the school practice, and has obtained some result. ifmonolithic integrated circuit development design, aspect and so on pcblayout as well as homepage design. the university four years let myenglish proficiency have progress, and smooth passed the nationalenglish six levels of tests, had certainly certainly have listened to,to say, to read, write the ability, had the reading specializedliterature english foundation of basic skills 我具备较好的计算机知识和应用能力,能熟练掌握基本应用软件的使用,并能使用c、汇编、vb、html等语言进行编程。另外我还能运用multisim、protel、pspice、auto cad 等专业软件进行相关工作,并多次参加了校内组织的工程实践.利用课余时间我学习了有关网页设计、平面设计以及视频采编的一些知识,能熟练运用网页三剑客制作网页,并能用photoshop、acdsee等图像处理软件进行有关的设计工作,有使用adobe premiere pro软件编辑完整视频方案的经历. i have the better computer knowledge and the application ability, canskilled grasp the basic application software



尊敬的领导: 感谢您抽空垂阅我的自荐信! 本人xxx,男,1986年生于大内密探,从小就受到良好的家庭教育,而且在父母的言传身教下我很早就树立了自己正确的人生观和价值观,并懂得了如何在生活中磨炼自己。 XX年2月我被河北大学录取,并选择了适合自己学习的国际经济与贸易专业。一直以来我学习刻苦,勤于钻研,在四年内,学院给了我得智体美全面的教育,科学的安排了;国际贸易、国际工商管理、财务会计、国际结算、市场营销等课程。四年期间修完全部课程并顺利地通过了计算机国家二级、英语四级等等级考试。适应社会和公司对人才的要求。 为了锻炼自己、服务大家,在大学期间我积极地加入了学院大队学生会,并担任班长一职。在担任班长期间,由于我的积极工作、努力学习,为队里做出了一定的贡献,取得了一定的成绩,曾分别在五四评优和学期评优中被评为优秀学员。此外我独立完成了学院科研项目《xxxxxx》,并获得专家教授的一致好评。 大一、大二暑假期间为了培养自己的能力,了解社会。曾在《xxx》杂志社从事撰稿工作,得到了编辑部的一致好评。后在世纪文学,幻剑书盟等文学网站驻站写文,其中《xxxx》一文获得了近3万次的点击量。 身为军校地方生的我性格开朗,勤奋好学,乐观、自信、责任心强;接受能力强,有强烈的集体荣誉感和上进心。乐于与人相处,与身边的人相处融洽,具有团体合作精神;为人正直,工作认真负责,能吃苦耐劳,做事严谨;缺点是性格比较浮躁。 希望您能给我一次施展才能的机会,相信我定能胜任我的工作,为公司的发展作出我最大的贡献。 respected leaders: thank you for your time reading my zi jianxin! i xxx, male, born in 1986 xxxxxx, who are well on family education, and parents in their words and deeds that i have set a very positive view of life and their values, and know how to live in their own temper. on the x xxxx xxxxxxxxx i was taking, and to choose a suitable learning
