


abdomen n.腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部分)

belly n.肚子,腹部;(像肚子一样)鼓起的部分,膛

bereave v.使痛失(亲人等);剥夺;使丧失

deprive v.剥夺,使丧失;免去…的职务

consecrate v.使圣化,奉…为神圣;尊崇;奉献

devote v.将…奉献(给),把...专用于,致力于

evoke vt.唤起(回忆、感情等);引起

invoke v.求助于(神、法律);恳求,乞求

groove n.槽;纹(道) ;n.沟,槽;凹线,(刻出的)线条;习惯furrow n.沟;垄沟;轨迹;车辙;皱纹

jolt v.(使)摇动,(使)震动,(使)颠簸

joggle v./n.轻轻颠摇;轻摇

obsolete a.out of date 作废的,过时的;a.已废弃的,过时的antiquated a.陈旧的,过时的

prowl v.暗中寻觅 n.觅食;v.徘徊于;搜寻;潜行以寻觅或偷窃rove v./n.漫游;流浪(于)

scoop n.勺子 v.用勺子(或铲)取出,舀;挖;掘

shovel n.铁锨;一铲之量 v.铲,铲出

status n.地位,身份;情形,状况,状态

situation n.形势,局面,处境,状况;位置;职位

Sue v.控告,对…提出诉讼,起诉

indict v.起诉,控告,指控

bandit n.土匪,盗匪,歹徒;n.土匪,强盗,歹徒

brigand n.土匪,强盗

commemorate v.纪念,庆祝

celebrate v.庆贺,庆祝;表扬,赞美

defile v.弄污,弄脏 n.(山间)小道

infect v.传染,感染;影响…的心情,给…示影响

deviation n.背离,偏离;偏差,偏向;离题

delegate n.代表,会议代表 vt.委派…为代表;授权;n.委员,代表 vt.派…为代表;委任

fortitude n.坚韧;刚毅;n.坚毅,坚忍不拔

endurance n.持久(力) ;n.耐久力;忍耐力;耐久的时期;持续的时间

inconsolable a.无所慰藉的,极度沮丧的,伤心的

depressed a.沮丧的,抑郁的;不景气的,萧条的

nibble v.一点点地咬,慢慢啃;v.啃,一点一点咬

bite v.咬,叮;刺骨 n.叮,咬;吃一口

pageant n.壮观的游行;露天历史剧

exhibition n.展览,陈列;展览会

scourge n.灾难,祸害 v.蹂躏

disaster n.灾难,祸患;n.灾难,大祸;彻底的失败

tumble v.摔跤,跌倒;打滚,翻腾 n.摔跤,跌倒

fall v.落下;跌倒,陷落 n.(美)秋天,秋季;瀑布;变为

afflict vt.使苦恼,折磨;vt.使痛苦;折磨

distress n.(精神上的)苦恼,痛苦 v.使苦恼,使紧张

censure n./v.责难,非难;v.责备;非难

blame n.(事故等的)责任;责怪 v.责备,应受责备

dissimulation n.假装;掩饰

deception n.欺骗,欺诈;骗局,诡计

flog v.重打,鞭打

spank v. 打,拍打(在屁股上)

inscription n.铭文,碑文,题字;n.(尤指石块上的)刻印文字,铭文,碑文

caption n.图片说明文字(报刊文章的标题)

meddle v.干预,干涉,插手

intervene v.插入,介入,干涉,(时间)介于

posture n.姿势,姿态;心态,态度 v.装模作样

attitude n.态度;看法 ;n.态度,看法;姿势

rummage vi./n.翻找,搜寻;v./n.翻寻,仔细检查

ransack v.彻底搜索,洗劫

spout v.喷出,涌出;滔滔不绝地讲 n.喷管;水柱

pour vt.倒;vt.灌;蜂拥 vi.倾泻;(雨)倾盆而下 n.倾泻traverse v.横过,穿过,越过

intersect v.惯穿,(和…)相交,交叉

wistful a.渴望的;不满足的

yearning a.渴望的;向往的;怀念的

amicable a.友善的;和平的;a.友好的,和睦的

amiable a.和蔼可亲的,友善的,亲切的

blizzard n.暴风雪

snowstorm n.暴风雨;n.暴风雪;雪暴

cruise v.巡航;游弋 n.乘船巡游

voyage n.航海;航行

eradicate v.根除,消灭,杜绝

extirpate v.除尽;灭绝

glimmer v.发出闪烁的微光 n.微光,微弱的闪光

gleam n./v.微光,闪光,短暂而微弱的闪现

lump n.块;堆;团;大量;肿块 v.归并在一起

block n.大块;一排房屋;街区(四条街中间的区域)

slash v.猛砍;贬斥… n.猛砍;(衣服的)开叉

gash n.砍得很深的伤口, 很深的裂缝;v.深切,划开n.(深长的)切(伤)口;裂缝

slump v.陷;沉重地坐下或倒下 n.商业萧条期

depress v.使沮丧,使低沉;降低,压低;使萧条

vogue n.时髦,时尚,流行 a.流行的

fashion n.(服饰等的)流行式样;(行为等的)风尚

ascribe vt.(to)把…归因于;把…归属于;vt.把…归于,认为…


attribute v.(to)把…归于,认为是…的结果 n.属性

bulwark n.堡垒;屏障;n.堡垒,保障

safeguard v.维护 n.安全装置,安全措施

dubious a.有问题的,靠不住的;犹豫不决的

doubtful a.怀疑,犹豫,不相信的;可疑的,难料的

facet n.(问题等的)侧面,一面;(多面体的)面

aspect n.样子, 外表, 面貌, (问题等的)方面

heed v.注意,留意 n.注意,留心

attention n.注意,留心;注意力;n.注意,注意力;立正;特别照顾;照料

huddle v.挤作一团,乱堆 n.一堆,一团

gather v.集合,聚集;采集,收集;逐渐增加;推测

mumble v.含糊地说,咕哝 n.含糊的话,咕哝

murmur v.低声说话,咕哝 n.低沉连续的声音,咕哝

relic n.遗物;遗俗;n.遗迹,古物;圣徒的遗骸(或遗物),圣物remainder n.剩下的人、东西或时间;n.剩余物,剩下的;余数,余项

smog n.烟雾 (由smoke+fog合成的词)

fume n.(浓烈或难闻的)烟,气,汽

wayfarer n.旅人;徒步旅行者

traveller n.旅馆;旅游者

wont a.习惯于 vt./n.习惯

habit n.习惯;习性,脾性

exonerate v.使免罪;免除;v.免除责任,确定无罪

bias n.偏见 v.[常用被动语态]有偏见

prejudice n.偏见,成见;歧视;n.偏见,成见;损害,侵害 v.损害

contend v.竞争;搏斗;声称,坚持主张;辩论

compete v.比赛;竞争;对抗

deplore v.哀叹,悲叹,对…深感遗憾

lament v.为…悲痛,哀悼,痛惜 n.挽歌,哀歌

fracture n.裂缝(痕);骨折 v.(使)断裂,(使)折断

shatter n.碎片;粉碎v.粉碎;使疲惫;使震骇

magnitude n.巨大(程度);重要性;量,大小

bulk n.容积,体积;大块,大批;大部分,大多数

pith n.要旨;n.精髓,要点

essence n.本质,要素;n.本质,实质;精华,精粹

relish n.喜好,乐趣;美味;胃口 v.爱好,喜欢

zest n.风味,强烈的风味;热情,热心

sneak v.鬼鬼祟祟而行,偷窃

lurk v.埋伏;潜伏;隐藏;鬼鬼祟祟地行动

tidings n.[pl.]消息, 音信

information n.通知,报告,消息,情报;n.信息;情报;资料

aghast a.恐怖的;惊骇的;吓呆的

astonished a.惊讶的

cumber v.拖累,妨碍

hinder vt.阻止;妨碍(from);v.阻碍,妨碍

decree n.法令,政令 v.颁布(法令、政令);决定

determine v.决定;决心;测定,确定

frolic n./v.嬉戏 a.嬉戏的

frisk v.欢蹦乱跳;n./v.蹦跳,娱乐

intercourse n.往来,交往,交际;n.交际,往来,交流relations n.交往,事务;关系

menace n.威胁;讨厌的人(或物) v.威胁,恐吓 intimidation 胁迫;n.恐吓,威胁

precipice n.悬崖;危急的处境;n.悬崖,峭壁

cliff n.悬崖,峭壁

sanctuary n.圣所,圣堂,神殿,寺庙;禁猎区,保护区

shrine n.神殿,圣地;n.神殿,神龛,圣祠

sprout v.发芽,抽条,长出 n.新芽,嫩苗

grow v.生长,发育;种植,渐渐变得;增长,发展

tread v.踏,踩 n.踩,步法,脚步声;(车胎)胎面

trample v.踩,践踏;蔑视,粗暴对待

ammunition 军火, 弹药

bullets n.弹药;军火

doting a.溺爱的,宠爱的

fond adj.喜爱的;爱好的;充满柔情的,深情的

engross v.全神贯注于;吸引;占用

absorb vt.吸收;接受;vt.吸引…的注意;vt.吸收(水、光、蒸汽等);vt.并入,同化

gush v.喷,涌出;使喷出,使涌出 n.喷,涌流

flow v.流动;淹没 n.流,水流;流量

insuperable a.不能超越的;难以克服的;a.无法克服的unconquerable a.不可征服的;克服不了的;压抑不住的

ordeal n.苦难经历,(尤指对品格、耐力的)严峻考验;n.严峻考验;折磨

trial n.讯问,审讯;试验;试用;尝试,努力

pouch n.育儿袋,肚囊;n.小皮袋;(动物的)颊袋

sack n.袋;解雇;床 v.解雇;掠夺

screech n./v.尖叫;(发出)刺耳的声音

shriek vi.make a loud, shrill cry 尖声喊叫;v.尖叫 n.尖叫声

stature n.身高;身材;(精神、道德等的)高度

height n.高;高度;身高;顶点;高位;高处

undermine v.在…下挖;暗中伤害(破坏);逐渐损害

erode v.(受)腐蚀,(受)侵蚀

dig v.挖,探究 n.捅;发掘的地点或遗迹

assess vt.估计,估价;评估;vt.估价,评价

appraise v.评定,鉴定,评价

chamber n.房间,寝室;会议厅;议院;会所;n.房间,室;会议室;议院;(动物体内)腔室

room n.房间,卧室;n.空间;地方;余地

disdain n.鄙视,轻视 v.轻视,鄙视,不屑

despise v.看不起,轻视,鄙视

espy vt.窥见;v.(从远处等)突然看到

perceive vt.察觉,发觉;理解;v.认识到,觉察出;理解,领悟glossy a.光滑的,有光泽的

sleek vt.使光滑;v.(使)光滑 a.光滑的,整洁的

janitor n.照管房屋或办公室的工人,清洁工;n.看门人,管门人doorman n.门卫;n.看门人

packet n.小包,小盒;包裹 v.打包,装行李;包装

parcel n.包裹,小包,邮包 v.打包,捆扎

pulpit n.[宗]讲坛;n.(教堂的)讲坛

lectern n.(演讲者放讲稿的)讲台(或立架)

scorch v.烘烤(皮肤);v.烧焦,烤焦;高速疾驶 n.烧焦处,焦痕

singe v. 微烧,烫焦;v.(轻微地)烧焦,烫焦

surge v.(如浪潮般)汹涌;奔腾 n.(感情等的)洋溢

rise v.上升;升起;起床;起立

utensil n.工具,(厨房)用具

implement n.(pl.)工具,器具 v.实行,实施,执行bayonet n.刺刀 vt.用刺刀刺

dagger n.匕首,短剑

compassion n.同情;怜悯(for)

sympathy n.同情,同情心;赞同,同感;慰问

detain v.阻止,留住;扣留,拘留

retard n.阻止,延迟 v.妨碍,延迟,使减速

faction n.宗派,小集团;派别;派系斗争

clique n.朋党派系,小集团

hue n.色度;色调;样子

colour n.颜色,彩色;颜料;肤色 v.给…着色,染luster n.光辉;光泽,光亮;荣誉

shimmer v.闪烁,发微光;vi./n.发微光,发闪光;微光honor n.荣誉;敬意;(H-)阁下 v.使增光;尊敬persevere v.坚持不懈;不屈不挠

persist v.(in)坚持不懈,执意;持续,存留

rave v.胡言乱语;语无伦次地说 n.过分赞扬effervesce v.冒泡;沸腾;兴奋

slay v.杀死;谋杀

kill v.杀死,消灭;破坏,毁灭;消磨(时间)

tablet n.药片;n.药片;碑,牌匾;小块肥皂

pill n.药丸;药片

voluptuous a.撩人的,沉溺酒色的;a.肉欲的

sensuous 感觉的;a.激发美感的;感官的,感觉上的

approach v.靠(接)近 n.接近;途径,入门;方法

beckon vt.向…招手或点头示意;v.(以点头或打手势)向...示意,召唤

signal n.信号 v.发信号通知;示意

concur v.同意,意见一致;互助;同时发生

agree vi.同意,赞同;适合,一致;商定,约定

denounce v.当众指责

accuse vt.控告,指责 vi.指控;归咎于

fray v.争吵;打斗;磨损,磨破 n.吵架;打斗

combat v.战斗;搏斗;斗争

shred n.碎片,细条,破布;少量v.撕碎,切碎;v.撕碎,切碎 n.碎片,碎条;最少量

hamper v.阻碍,防碍[同]hinder;牵制,危害

malady n.病,疾病(通常做比喻);n.疾病;不正之风

ailment n.疾病,小病;n.(不严重的)疾病

plod v.沉重缓慢地走;孜孜地工作

trudge v.缓慢或吃力地走;v.跋涉,步履艰难地走 n.长途跋涉remnant n.残留物;n.残余,剩余;残余物,残存部分

residue n.剩余物;残余

snore v.打鼾,打呼噜

wheeze n.喘息声,气喘声;v.喘息;呼哧呼哧地响

tinge vt.(轻淡地)给......着色;n.淡淡色彩;些微的气息 v.(较淡)着色于

tincture v.着色于n.色泽;染料;气息

bicker v.争吵;争论

wrangle v.争论,口角,争吵;v.争论,激辩,吵架

contrive v.发明;设计;设法;造成

hatch v.孵出;策划 n.(船的)舱口(盖)

dazzle v.使惊奇;使眩目 n.令人赞叹的东西

glare vi.瞪着眼看;n.强光;瞪眼;愤怒的目光 v.闪耀;怒视fumble v.笨拙地用手摸、弄、接等,摸索

grope v.(暗中)摸索,探索

impair v.损害,损伤;削弱,减少

damage n.损坏,毁坏;(pl.)赔偿金 v.损坏,毁坏

mortify v.克制;禁欲;使受辱

humiliate vt.(某人)蒙耻;羞辱;使丢脸;vt.使羞辱,使丢脸predominant adj.主要的,显著的;a.占优势的;主要的,突出的outstanding a.突出的;出众的;a.杰出的,优秀的;显要的;重要的;未偿清的,未兑现的

sanitary a.卫生的,清洁的;保健的;a.卫生方面的,卫生的;清洁的,卫生的

hygienic a.卫生的,清洁的;a.卫生学的,促进健康的

wallet n.(男人用的放钱币、证件等的)皮夹子

purse n.钱包,小钱袋,手袋

warrant vt.使有(正当)理由;授权(给);担保;n.正当理由;许可证,委任状 v.保证,担保

assurance n.信念;自信;保证

allocate v.分配,分派;把…拨给;把…划归

apportion v.分配;分摊;v.(按比例或计划)分配

brawl n.大声争吵,喧嚷 v.吵架,对骂

fight n.战斗;斗争;战斗力 v.打仗;斗争;争论

cynical a.讽刺的;(对人性等)怀疑的

sarcastic a.讽刺的,嘲笑的,挖苦的;a.讥讽的,讽刺的,嘲弄的

embellish vt.装饰,布置;给…添加细节,润饰

adorn v.使美化,装饰

gallant a.(对女子)献殷勤的;勇敢的,英勇的;a.英勇的,豪侠的;(向女人)献殷勤的

splendid a.极好的;壮丽的,豪华的,辉煌的;优秀的

immerse 使沉浸于;使(自己)专心于;v.使沉浸在,使深陷于;使浸没在

plunge v.(into)(使)投入,(使)插进,陷入;猛冲

ostentatious a.装饰表面的,夸示;华美的;a.卖弄的,炫耀的,


showy a.鲜艳的,显眼的

presentiment n.预感;预觉

foreboding n.不祥的预感;n.预感;警告

satiate 使饱;使满足;v.使饱足,生腻

surfeit v.使饮食过度n.(食物)过量,过度

undulate v.波动,形成波浪;起伏;震动

wave v.波动,飘动;挥手 n.波浪;飘扬;挥手

apparel n.衣服,服饰;n.衣服 vt.给…修饰

garment n.衣服,外衣,(pl.)服装

cajole v.(以甜言蜜语)哄骗

coax v.哄诱,劝诱;用诱哄得到,诱取

discard vt.丢弃,抛弃,遗弃

reject vt.摈弃 ;v.拒绝;扔掉;驳回,否决 n.被抛弃的东西effete a.衰老的,虚弱的,精疲力尽的;a.无生产力的,虚弱的exhausted a.极其疲倦的;a.耗尽的;精疲力尽的

grudge v.很勉强,吝啬,不情愿 n.怨恨,积怨

resentment n.不满;怨恨;忿恨

kidnap n./vt.诱拐;绑架,劫持

abduct v.诱拐,拐带,绑架

pact n.合同,条约,公约

treaty n.条约,协议,协商

pry v.刺探,打听,撬开

peep vi.偷看;隐现n.窥视;嘟嘟声;吱吱声;v.偷看,窥视 n.一瞥,瞅一眼

scour v.搜索[同]ransack;擦,洗;腹泻;冲刷

swagger v.大摇大摆地走,昂首阔步地走

strut n.支柱 v.趾高气扬地走,高视阔步地走

vagary n.变化莫测;n.妄想;不可测之事

fancy a.鲜艳的;奇特的 n./v.想象;爱好

asset n.有价值的资源,优点,长处;财产,资产

property n.财产 ;n.财产,资产;财产权,所有权;特性chasm n.深坑,断层,裂口;大分岐;利害冲突

gap n.空缺,沟缝;n.缝隙;缺口;漏洞;(意见、个性等的)差异despoil v.掠夺;争夺;v.夺取,抢夺

depredate v.掠夺,劫掠

facetious 好开玩笑的;轻浮的

humorous a.富于幽默感的,幽默的;滑稽的

hurtle v.猛烈碰撞;急飞;猛掷

dash v.猛冲,飞奔;猛掷 n.猛冲,突进;破折号

larceny n.盗窃(罪)

robbery n.抢劫,劫掠,盗取

pervade v.弥漫,遍及,充满,渗透,漫延

spread v.展开,铺开;流传,蔓延 n.伸展,扩展

recant v.改变,放弃(以前的信仰);公开撤回

retract v.缩回,收回,取消,撤消

shambles n.混乱之处,凌乱的地点;n.屠宰场;紊乱的地方confusion n.混乱,慌乱;混淆;n.辨别不清;混淆,骚乱;混乱taboo n.(宗教迷信)禁忌;禁止 a.禁忌的,禁止的

prohibition n.不准,禁止;禁令

trappings n.马的装饰物;装饰;外部标志

decorations [通常用复数]装饰品

relinquish v.舍弃,废除,放弃;放开

accrue v.积累;v.(利息等)自然增长

accumulate v.积累;积聚;累加

badger vt.纠缠;烦扰;v.困扰,纠缠

tease v.取笑;逗弄 n.嘲弄,挑逗

baffle v.使挫折,阻碍;使困惑

bewilder v.迷惑,使糊涂,使慌乱,使不知所措

conjecture v./n.推测,臆测;n./v.猜测(想);设想

surmise n./a.推测(的);猜疑(的)

derange v.使精神错乱

upset v.使心烦意乱;使不适 a.心烦的,苦恼的

fiend n.恶魔;n.魔鬼;迷;能手

devil n.魔鬼,恶魔;n.魔鬼;人,家伙

pine n.松树 v.渴望;憔悴;衰退

yearn v.渴望,极想;想念

smother vt./vi.使窒息;抑制;闷死 n.浓烟;窒息;vt.使窒息,使闷死;闷住;抑制;忍住

choke v.窒息;(使)噎住;堵塞 n.发动机中节气门

throb v.震颤,颤动;(急速强烈地)跳动,搏动;vi./n.跳动,搏动,有节奏的震动

pulse n.脉搏,节奏,脉冲 v.搏动,跳动

broth n.原(汁)汤(鱼汤、肉汤、菜汤等);n.肉汤,肉汁

soup n.汤,羹

crevice n.缺口;裂缝;n.(岩石、墙等)裂缝

crack n.爆裂声,劈啪声;裂缝 vt.使破裂 vi.破裂;v.揭开(秘密等),解开(难题)等

demean v.贬抑,降低

degrade vt.降级,贬低;堕落;退化

foster v.促进,助长,培养;养育(非亲生子)

nurse n.保姆,护士,保育员 v.护理,养育,喂奶

incentive n.刺激;鼓励 a.刺激的;鼓励的

stimulus n.刺激,激励 (pl.stimuli)

maze n.迷宫,八阵图;混乱,迷惑

labyrinth n.迷宫;难解的事物;迷路

pore v.深思熟虑;仔细阅读;毛孔;孔

rubbish n.垃圾;废物;废话;胡说八道

trash n.拙劣的材料、作品等;垃圾,废物

speculate v.沉思,思索;推测;投机

meditate v.认真思考,沉思;计划,考虑

transfix v.刺穿;钉住;使呆住

petrify v.使惊呆;vt.使发呆;使…变成化石

anomaly n.异常,反常(现象);畸形物体

abnormality n.反常,异常;变态;畸形

converge v.(在一点上)会合;集中(于一点)

focus vi.集中 ;v.(on)聚集,使集中 n.焦点;中心,集中点duplicate n.复制品 v.复写,使加倍 a.复制的,二倍的

double a.双的,双重的;a.两倍的;双重的 ad.两倍地 n.两部 v.加倍

epoch n.时代;新纪元

age n.年龄;年纪;时代 v.变老;老年;长时间v . (使)变老;封建制度

gaunt a.瘦削的;贫瘠的;a.憔悴的,骨瘦如柴的;荒凉的,不毛的

haggard a.憔悴的,消瘦的

incessant a.不断的,不绝的,无尽的

continuous a.不断延伸的,连续不断的

mute a.哑的;沉默的 n.哑巴;弱音器 v.减弱声音

silent a.沉默的,无言的;安静的,不吵闹的

partisan a.党派性的;游击队的 n.游击队员;党徒

defender n.防守队员;n.保卫者,拥护者;辩护人

scan vt.快读;扫描;v.细看;浏览;详细调查;扫描contemplate v.注视;沉思;期待

overlook v.忽略;检查;眺望;宽容;宽恕

stab n.刺,戳;伤口,刺痛 v.捅(刀),刺

pierce v.刺穿,戳入;(喻)寒冷刺骨;感动

botch v.因笨拙而弄坏n.拙劣的工作;vt.拙劣地修补(某物) n.拙劣地做的工作

ruin v.毁灭;(使)破产 n.毁灭;(pl.)废墟

chafe vi/vt.擦伤;冲洗;惹怒;擦热;烦扰

abrade v.磨损;擦伤;v.磨擦

dissipate v.驱散;(使云、雾、疑虑等)消散;挥霍

scatter v.撒播;驱散;分散,消散

waste a.荒芜的;废弃的 v.浪费,挥霍 n.浪费

efface 涂抹;消除;v.擦掉,抹去

erase v.擦掉;消除某事物的痕迹

glint v./n.闪光,闪闪发亮

flash n.闪光;转瞬间;浮华;一刹那;n.Macromedia公司开发的动画编辑工具

onerous a.繁重的,麻烦的

arduous a.艰苦的,艰难的;a.费力的,艰巨的,艰苦的,困难的

iterate vt.反复申说;v.重做,反复重申

repeat v.重说;重复;背诵 n.重复;重播

propensity n.嗜好,习性;n.倾向;习性

tendency n.趋势,趋向;(性格上的)倾向

unravel v.解开,拆散;阐明,澄清;解决

solve vt.解决;解答(难题)

bellow vi.咆哮vt.大声喝道n.喊声[-s]风箱;v.吼叫,怒吼;大声发出,大声喝道

shout v.大声叫,喊,呼出 n.呼喊,叫

cloak n.斗篷,大氅;伪装 v.罩上外衣,掩盖

mantle n.斗篷,披风;覆盖物,(煤气灯)白热罩

devout a.虔诚的;热心的;a.虔诚的,虔敬的,衷心的

pious a.虔诚的;道貌岸然的

guise n.外表;伪装的姿态

appearance n.出现,露面;外表;(在会议等)作短暂露面

latent a.潜在的,隐伏的,不易察觉的;a.潜伏的,潜在的concealed a.隐藏的,隐蔽的

pawn n.典当,抵押;小人物,走卒 v.典当,抵押

gage n.抵押品;挑战v.抵押;以...为担保

quake v./n.震动;颤抖;[口]地震

shudder vi.打颤 ;v.战粟;震动,剧烈地摇晃 n.战粟,抖动sequel n.结局,后果;续集,续篇;n.继续;继之而来的事;后果


1.新产品以及模具开发products and tooling developing 2D/3D drawing 平面/实体图 action results 措施结果 bump among products 货与货之间碰撞 bump at sampling 抽取样品时产品有碰撞 chamfering倒角 classification 级别 CNC milling after quenching 淬火后CNC铣加工 design/process FMEA 设计/过程FMEA design/process responsibility 设计/过程责任部门 detection 探测 die casting 压铸 die fabrication 模加工 Die location layout 工模排位图 Die polished 省模 die size out of the specification 模具尺寸不符合要求 Die trial 试模 electrode made by CNC CNC铜公 gate design 水口设计 grinding by precision grinding machine 磨床加工 machining by CNC wire-cut machine 线切割加工 machining by electric discharge machine EDM 电蚀火花加工 mold design 工模设计 painting 喷油 pile products up due to laying in disorder 摆放不正确堆积产品 polishing 抛光、磨光 polishing/cotton wheels 布轮 potential effects of failure 潜在失效后果 potential failure mode 潜在失效模式 prevention 预防 Removing parting line flash 磨夹口 responsibility & target completion date 责任和目标完成日期 rib and corner 肋材和尖角 sample stored in warehouse 样板入仓 sanding wheels 砂布轮 set die-casting parameter/locking force/ injection force/injection velocity/shot time/ volume of release agent/die-open time/ ejector time/pressure rating/metal temperature/ control temperature/ operation according to WI按工作指示设定压铸参数/锁模力/射料力/射料速度/打锤时间/喷雾量/开模时间/顶出时间/压力参数/料温/控制温度/作业vibrating 震动 2.热处理 heat treatment air cooling 空气冷却 annealing 退火 carbonization 碳化


刘毅词汇系列之Lesson 1 adv在国外 v影响 v上(学);参加n责难 n气泡 n墓地 n赞扬 n冲突,争斗 v合作 adj好奇的 adj美味的 v指导adj直接的v拉 n帝国 n事件 n失败 n文卷档v 归档adj坦白的 v产生 v停止前进 n角 adj个别的n个人n(时间的)间隔n绳结 adj自由主义的adj华丽的 adj心理的 adj暂时的 adj中立的 v遗漏,删除 n孔雀 n先驱者 v祈祷 v读…的音 n种族,比赛 n亲戚adj相对的v常去,求助 v摩;擦 n阴暗处 n情势 adj疼痛的 v覆盖;铺基础词汇 abroad affect attend blame bubble cemetery commendation conflict cooperate curious delicious direct draw empire event failure file frank generate halt horn individual interval knot liberal magnificent mental momentary neutral omit peacock pioneer pray pronounce race relative resort rub shadow situation sore spread n胃 n手提箱 n天才 n王位 n/v转移,调职 n使用 n元音字母 v缩回,撤销 Lesson 2 adj绝对的 n经销处 n态度 adj空白的 n堆,容量 n典礼 n贸易 v混淆 n铜 v诅咒 n娱乐,消遣 v消失 n/v漂流 v雇用 n证据 n能力,大学教员 adj经济上的 n货物 adj慷慨的 adj便利的 adj可怕的 adj勤劳的 adj亲密的 n了解,学识 n自由 n庄严 v提起 n纪念物 n绰号 n洋葱 n山顶 n坑 v传教 n证据 stomach suitcase talent throne transfer usage vowel withdraw absolute agency attitude blank bulk ceremony commerce confuse copper curse delight disappear drift employ evidence faculty financial freight generous handy horrible industrious intimate knowledge liberty majesty mention monument nickname onion peak pit preach proof


知米妞:为了方便各位宝宝做笔记,因此行间距已经调整为1.5,因此不会的单词,大家可以查询之后在上面做笔记啦!妞妞已经为大家查错了两遍(虽然不能保证100%),但也差不多没啥问题了!如需打印,直接拿pdf去打印即可,可以避免因为版本不兼容等情况出现的问题哦~ 1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 2. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. 1986年看见哈雷彗星的几百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢? 3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions. 人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。 4. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. 由于苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。 5. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable. 任何盈利组织若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。 6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. 一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大。 7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions th at only obscure one’s meaning. 对于采用语言花哨而含糊,仅仅能含糊地说出意思的表达来说,写的简单,直接而又有感染力要更难一些。


一、一个星期七天 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 二、一年十二个月 January February March April May June July August September October November December 三、一年四季 1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. winter 四、容易拼写错的数字 1. eighth第八 2. ninth第九 3. forty四十 4. twelfth第十二 5. twentieth第二十 四、亲属称呼 1. daughter (女儿) 2. niece (女性晚辈) 3. nephew (男性晚辈) 4. cousin (同辈兄弟姐妹) 5. aunt (女性长辈) 6. uncle (男性长辈) 五、以下动词加-ed或-ing要双写最后一个字母 1. regret (regretted, regretting) 后悔 2. control (controlled, controlling) 控制 3. admit (admitted, admitting) 承认 4. occur (occurred, occurring) 出现 5. prefer (preferred, preferring) 宁愿 6. refer (referred, referring) 提到 7. forget (forgetting ) 忘记 8. permit (permitted, permitting)允许 9. equip (equipped, equipping) 装备 注意:quarrel, signal, travel中的l可双写(英国英语)也可不双写(美国英语) 六、部分过去式和过去分词不规则变化的动词 1. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) 广播 2. flee (fled, fled) 逃跑 3. forbid (forbade, forbidden) 禁止 4. forgive (forgave, forgiven) 原谅 5. freeze (froze, frozen) 结冰 6. hang (作“绞死”讲,是规则的;作“悬挂”讲,其过去式过去分词都是hung) 7. lie –lied –lied 说谎; lie—lay---lain躺下 lay-laid- laid 放 置 8. seek (sought, sought) 寻求 9. shake (shook, shaken) 发 抖 10. sing (sang, sung) 唱歌 11. sink (sank, sunk/sunken) 下沉 12. spread (spread, spread) 传播 13. swim (swam, swum) 游泳14. tear (tore, torn) 撕碎 16.wear( wore; worn) 穿/戴17.hold (held, held ) 18.make (made, made) 19. keep (kept, kept) 七、意思相近的词 1. check (核对)/ examine(检查)/ test(测试) 2. receive(收到) / accept(接受)


熟背诵英文10000单词◎教程注释 Vocabulary 10000 2 Lesson 1 2 Lesson 2 4 Lesson 3 6 Lesson 4 8 Lesson 5 9 Lesson 6 11 Lesson 7 12 Lesson 8 14 Lesson 9 16 Lesson 10 17 Lesson 11 19 Lesson 12 20 Lesson 13 23 Lesson 14 24 Lesson 15 26 Lesson 16 28 Lesson 17 29 Lesson 18 32 Lesson 19 35 Lesson 20 36 Lesson 21 38 Lesson 22 39 Lesson 23 40 Lesson 24 45 Vocabulary 10000 Lesson 1 huddle v.拥挤, 卷缩, 草率从事, 挤作一团n.杂乱的一堆, 拥挤 censure v.责难n.责难 vaccine adj.疫苗的, 牛痘的 n.疫苗 eradicate v.根除 barbarian n.粗鲁无礼的人, 野蛮人 adj.野蛮的, 粗鲁的 defile v.染污n.隘路 stable n.厩:家畜,尤指马和牛的圈养和喂食的棚子 abdomen n.腹, 腹部 bereft adj.被剥夺的, 失去亲人的, 丧失的 bereave vt. 剥夺, 使失去 adj. Suffering the loss of a loved one:忍受失去所爱之人后的痛苦的

consecrate vt.用作祭祀, 献给, 使神圣adj.被献给神的, 神圣的 consecrated adj.神圣的, 被视为神圣的 jolt v.摇晃 n.摇晃 bow n.弓, 乐弓, 弓形, 鞠躬, 船首 v.鞠躬, 弯腰 obsolete adj.荒废的, 陈旧的 n.废词, 陈腐的人 prowl v.巡游 scoope n.铲子 v.掘, 挖 diplomat n.外交官, 有外交手腕的人, 有权谋的人 beloved adj.心爱的n.所爱的人, 爱人 bandit n.强盗 rug n.(小)地毯, 垫子 deviation n.背离罗盘偏差:指南针由于局部磁场的影响发生偏移,尤指在船上tolerable adj.可容忍的, 可以的 fortitude n.坚韧 inconsolable adj.无法安慰的, 极为伤心的 nibble n. 细咬, 轻咬, 啃v.一点一点地咬, 细咬, 吹毛求疵 coronation n.加冕礼coronate vt.加冕 pageant n.盛会, 庆典, 游行, 虚饰, 露天表演 scourge n.鞭, 笞, 苦难的根源, 灾祸 vt.鞭打, 痛斥, 蹂躏 tumble n.跌倒, 摔跤, 翻斤斗 vi.翻倒, 摔倒, 倒塌, 滚动, 翻筋斗, 仓惶地行动vt.使摔倒, 使滚翻, 弄乱 compass n.罗盘, 指南针,圆规 v.包围 malicious adj.怀恶意的, 恶毒的 inauguration n.就职典礼, 开幕式 inaugurate vt.举行就职典礼, 创新, 开辟, 举行开幕(落成、成立)典礼. afflict vt.使痛苦, 折磨 dissimulation n.掩饰, 虚伪, 装糊涂 inhumane adj.残忍的 flog vt.鞭打, 鞭策, 迫使, 驱使, 严厉批评 disobedient adj.不服从的 inscription n.题字, 碑铭 rummage v.到处翻寻, 搜出, 检查n.翻箱倒柜的寻找, 检查, 零星杂物spout n.喷管, 喷口, 水柱, 喷流, 管口v.喷出, 滔滔不绝地讲, 喷涌spout out 喷出 traverse n.横贯, 横断, 横木, 障碍, 否认, 反驳, (建筑)通廊vt.横过, 穿过, 经过, 在...来回移动, 反对, 详细研究vi.横越, 横断, 旋转, 来回移动adj.横断的, 横的 slope n.斜坡, 斜面, 倾斜v.(使)顺斜 wistful adj.渴望的, 想望的 unduly adv.不适当地, 过度地, 不正当地 meddle v.管闲事 meddle with 干涉


刘毅词汇系列之基础词汇 Lesson 1 n胃stomach adv 在国外abroad n 手提箱suitcase v 影响affect n 天才talent v 上(学);参加attend n 王位throne n 责难blame n/v 转移,调职transfer n 气泡bubble n 使用usage n 墓地cemetery n 元音字母vowel n 赞扬commendation v 缩回,撤销withdraw n 冲突,争斗conflict Lesson 2 v 合作cooperate adj 绝对的absolute adj 好奇的curious n 经销处agency adj 美味的delicious n 态度attitude v 指导adj 直接的direct adj 空白的blank v拉draw n 堆,容量bulk n 帝国empire n 典礼ceremony n 事件event n 贸易commerce n 失败failure v 混淆confuse n 文卷档v 归档file n铜copper adj 坦白的frank v 诅咒curse v 产生generate n 娱乐,消遣delight v 停止前进halt v 消失disappear n角horn n/v 漂流drift adj 个别的n 个人individual v 雇用employ n (时间的)间隔interval n 证据evidence n 绳结knot n 能力,大学教员faculty adj 自由主义的liberal adj 经济上的financial adj 华丽的magnificent n 货物freight adj 心理的mental adj 慷慨的generous adj 暂时的momentary adj 便利的handy adj 中立的neutral adj 可怕的horrible v 遗漏,删除omit adj 勤劳的industrious n 孔雀peacock adj 亲密的intimate n 先驱者pioneer n 了解,学识knowledge v 祈祷pray n 自由liberty v读…的音pronounce n 庄严majesty n 种族,比赛race v 提起mention n 亲戚adj 相对的relative n 纪念物monument v 常去,求助resort n 绰号nickname v 摩;擦rub n 洋葱onion n 阴暗处shadow n 山顶peak n 情势situation n坑pit adj 疼痛的sore v 传教preach v 覆盖;铺spread n 证据proof


abdomen n.(人体的)腹部 The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen. 那位有身孕的妇人有增大的下腹。 bereave v.剥夺;使丧失;使痛失(亲属等) The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them. 当救援的飞机没有看到他们时,那些迷路的徒者丧失了希望。 consecrate v.奉为神圣;尊崇 This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the sol-diers who died here. 这战场被视为圣地以纪念于该处的战士。 evoke v.唤起;引起 A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh. 好笑话并不一定逗人大笑。 groove n.沟;槽;凹线 Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road. 车轮在泥泞的路上留下了凹痕。 jolt v.摇动;使颠簸 The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road. 那旧车了走过崎岖的道路时,很历害地颠簸着它的乘客。 obsolete adj.作废的;过时的 Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom. 现今,用鞠躬来欢迎女士已是过时的习俗。 prowl v.潜行以寻觅或偷窃 Many wild animals prowl at night looking for someting to eat. 许多野兽在夜间巡行以找寻食物。 scoop v.掘;挖 The children scooped holes in the sand. 孩子们挖沙坑。 status n.状况;地位Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs. 外交家关心世界局势。 sue v.起诉;控告 The farmer sued the railroad station because his cow was killed by the train. 那位农夫因他的牛被火车压死而控告火车站。bandit n.强盗;土匪 The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed,either alone or in a group. 在典型的西部片中,土匪单独或成群结队骑着马县且全副武装。 commemorate v.纪念;庆祝 Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. 圣诞节是庆祝耶酥基督的诞生。 defile v.弄脏;弄污 The children's muddy shoes defiled all the rugs in the hotel. 孩子们泥泞的鞋子弄脏了旅社所有的地毯。deviation n.离题;偏差 Running in the the hall is a deviation from the school rules and will not be allowed. 在走廊上奔跑是违反校规且不被允许的。fortitude n.坚忍;刚毅 She could bear the disap-pointments of other people with tolerable fortitude. 她能够毅然忍受他人带给她的失望。inconsolable adj.伤心的 The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten. 那小女孩因失去她的小猫而伤心不已。 nibble vi. 细咬;细食 Aren't yo uhungry?Y ou are only nibbling your food. 你不饿吗?你只是在轻咬你的食物。pageant n.壮观;华饰


100句7000词汇 1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 1.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 2. Of the millions who saw Haley's comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. 2. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢? 3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions. 3.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。 4. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. 4.由于苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。 5. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable. 5.任何盈利组织若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。 6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. 6.一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大。 7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one's meaning. 7.简明,直接,有力的写作难于花哨,含混而意义模糊的表达。 8. With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors. 8.随着现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。 9. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken. 9.诽谤和流言的区别在于前者是书面的,而后者是口头的。 10. The knee is the joints where the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg. 10.膝盖是大腿骨和小腿胫的连接处。 11. Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red. 11.酸是一种化合物,它在溶于水时具有强烈的气味和对金属的腐蚀性,并且能够使某些蓝色植物染料变红。 12. Billie Holiday's reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs. 12. Billie Holiday's作为一个爵士布鲁斯乐杰出歌手的名声建立在能够赋予歌曲感情深度的能力。 13. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality.


二、软件类(Software) ANSI美国国家标准协会 able 能 active file 活动文件 add watch 添加监视点 all files 所有文件 allrightsreserved 所有的权力保留altdirlst 切换目录格式andotherinFORMation 以及其它的信息archivefileattribute 归档文件属性assignto 指定到 autoanswer 自动应答 autodetect 自动检测 autoindent 自动缩进 autosave 自动存储 available on volume 该盘剩余空间 bad command 命令错 bad command or filename 命令或文件名错batch parameters 批处理参数 binary file 二进制文件 binary files 二进制文件 Borland international borland国际公司

bottommargin 页下空白 bydate 按日期 byextension 按扩展名 byname 按名称 bytesfree 字节空闲 callstack 调用栈 casesensitive 区分大小写 centralpointsoftwareinc central point 软件股份公司changedirectory 更换目录 changedrive 改变驱动器 changename 更改名称 characterset 字符集 checkingfor 正在检查 chgdrivepath 改变盘/路径 chooseoneofthefollowing 从下列中选一项 clearall 全部清除 clearallbreakpoints 清除所有断点 clearsanattribute 清除属性 clearscommandhistory 清除命令历史 clearscreen 清除屏幕 closeall 关闭所有文件 codegeneration 代码生成


NO. 01 The Language of Music A painter hangs his or her finished pictures on a wall, and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it until it is performed. Professional singers and players have great responsibilities, for the composer is utterly dependent on them. A student of music needs as long and as arduous a training to become a performer as a medical student needs to become a doctor. Most training is concerned with technique, for musicians have to have the muscular proficiency of an athlete or a ballet dancer. Singers practice breathing every day, as their vocal chords would be inadequate without controlled muscular support. String players practice moving the fingers of the left hand up and down, while drawing the bow to and fro with the right arm—two entirely different movements. Singers and instruments have to be able to get every note perfectly in tune. Pianists are spared this particular anxiety, for the notes are already there, waiting for them, and it is the piano tu ner’s responsibility to tune the instrument for them. But they have their own difficulties; the hammers that hit the string have to be coaxed not to sound like percussion, and each overlapping tone has to sound clear. This problem of getting clear texture is one that confronts student conductors: they have to learn to know every note of the music and how it should sound, and they have to aim at controlling these sound with fanatical but selfless authority. Technique is of no use unless it is combined with musical knowledge and understanding. Great artists are those who are so thoroughly at home in the language of music that they can enjoy performing works written in any century. 02 Schooling and Education It is commonly believed in United States that school is where people go to get an education. Nevertheless, it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school. The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is important. Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Education knows no bounds. It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or in the job, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning. The agents of education can range from a revered grandparent to the people debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist. Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions. People are engaged in education from infancy on. Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. It is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before the start of school, and one that should be an integral part of one’s entire life. Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern


刘毅10000词汇学习笔记lesson 1(1) 1.abdomen:part of the body below the chest and diaphragm, containing the stomach. 腹部 Abdominal (adj) 腹部的an abdominal operation 腹部手术 belly:(口)front of the human body from the waist to the groin;belly 肚子,胃with an empty belly 空着肚子 in the belly of a ship 在船腹里 belly out(动词用法):鼓涨,凸出The wind bellied out the sails 2.bereave:使某人丧失(尤指亲属)bereave sb of sb an accident which bereaved him of his wife 使他丧失妻子的事故 the bereaved husband 死了妻子的男人 the bereaved 丧失亲人的人 bereavement(n):丧亲之痛,丧失亲人 deprive:take sth away from sb; prevent sb from enjoying or using sth 剥夺sb/sth的sth;阻止某人享有或使用sth deprive sb/sth of sth deprive of one's civil rights 剥夺某人的公民权 deprivation(n):剥夺;贫困;被剥夺的事物 widespread deprivation 普遍贫困 Missing the holiday was a great deprivation.错失假日是极大的损失。 deprived(adj):贫困的,穷苦的deprived childhood 贫苦的童年


经典英文谚语100句 1.Pain past is pleasure. (过去的痛苦就是快乐。)[无论多么艰难一定要咬牙冲过去,将来回忆起来一定甜蜜无比。] 2.While there is life, there is hope. (有生命就有希望/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。) 3.Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. (脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。)[从小灌输给孩子的坚定信念。] 4.Storms make trees take deeper roots. (风暴使树木深深扎根。)[感激敌人,感激挫折!] 5.Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. (心之所愿,无所不成。)[坚持一个简单的信念就一定会成功 6.The shortest answer is doing. (最简单的回答就是干。)[想说流利的英语吗那么现在就开口 7.All things are difficult before they are easy. (凡事必先难后易。)[放弃投机取巧的幻想。] 8.Great hopes make great man. (伟大的理想造就伟大的人。) 9.God helps those who help themselves. (天助自助者。) 10.Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. (四个简短的词汇概括了成功的秘诀:多一点点!)[比别人多一点努力、多一点自律、多一点决心、多一点反省、多一点学习、多一点实践、多一点疯狂,多一点点就能创造奇迹!] 11.In doing we learn. (实践长才干。) 12.East or west, home is best. (东好西好,还是家里最好。)


初中英语单词趣味记忆法_英语谐音记单词10000 个 七年级上册 1.lookv.看;望;看起来 可形象记忆:两个“o”就像两只眼睛,要看人或事物当然离不开两只眼睛。 2.familyn.家;家庭 将句子“Fatherandmother,Iloveyou!”的首字母连起来便成了family,多么温馨的一个单词! 3.bedn.床 可形象记忆:“b”和“d”就像是床两头的枕头,“e”就像是放在床中间折叠好了的被子。 4.needv.需要 可谐音记忆:“你的”,既然是你的,那么你当然就需要啦! 5.bananan.香蕉 可形象记忆:“b”像一棵香蕉树,“a”像一个一个的香蕉瓣,“n”像连接香蕉瓣的柄。 6.chickenn.鸡;鸡肉 可谐音记忆:“吃啃”,吃鸡肉的时候,因为有鸡骨头,所以呢就只好边吃边啃。 7.lunchn.午餐 可谐音记忆:“浪吃”。 8.starn.星星;明星

可谐音记忆:“是大”,星星看起来小,这是由于太远的原因,其实呢是大。 9.listn.清单 可谐音记忆:“理死他”,面对一大堆的清单,肯定得理死他。 10.seev.看见 可形象记忆:两个“e”就像两只眼睛,要看见人或事物当然离 不开两只眼睛。 11.historyn.历史 可以将该单词拆分为“his”和“story”,“他的”“故事”成了“历史”。只是要注意写在一起的时候只需要写一个“s”就行了。 12.singv.唱;唱歌 可以谐音记忆:“声”,要唱歌当然得有声啦。 13.shown.演出;表演 可谐音记忆:“秀”。 14.listenv.听 可形象记忆:“l”就像是竖起来的耳朵,要听到什么就得把耳 朵竖起来仔细听。 15.Missn.小姐(冠于未婚妇女之姓或姓名之前的称呼) 这个单词小写的时候还可以指“错过”、“思念”的意思,而大写的时候则是指“小姐”。可以将这三个意思串起来记:“错过” 一位“小姐”,就很“思念”她。 七年级下册 16.bankn.银行 可谐音记忆:“办卡”,到银行当然可以办卡啦!
