
We noticed that you are not authorized online retailer for WhitePoplar brand products and you have listed these particular item(s) (with B016Y0O6HM), Please check through your listings and stop all WhitePoplar listings which are sold exclusively by authorized retailers.

As you may be aware, the unauthorized selling of WhitePoplar products is an illegal action that seriously infringes Trademark Law. As the Trademark owner we did not sell you, nor authorize you to sell, any WhitePoplar branded products. Also you are against Amazon's policy. We kindly request that you follow our instructions:

a) Remove your offers from all WhitePoplar product pages on, within 24 hours.

b) send us confirmation after you remove the product as issue from your listing.

If you don’t comply with these demands, we'll have no choice but to file an official claim with the, Seller Performance Department, which will seriously impact your Amazon performance.

This is our final Warning,and if you do not remove those listing,We will Purchase your items and open a case to amazon about those counterfeit items.

WhitePoplar Copyright Team
