

Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven, my favorite musician, was one of music's greatest geniuses. He is not only good at playing the piano and conducting a concert, but also a famous composer. His works have a rare originality, emotional depth, and expressive power and he was known for his nine symphonies, piano concertos, sonatas, and string quartets. He started to learn the music when he was a boy and fallowed his farther. As the saying goes, interest is the best teacher. By 1795 he had earned a name for himself as a pianist of great fantasy and verve, admired in particular for his brilliant improvisations.Unfortunately, around the year 1798 Beethoven noticed that he was suffering from a hearing disorder.But he didn’t give up what he liked. He continued to produce notable masterpieces throughout his life, even when his deafness was almost total. Although the great man has gone, his soul will live in his music and last forever.

贝多芬 英文简介

Well, it seems that many geniuses are a little crazy. He also had strange personal habits such as wearing filthy clothing while washing compulsively. Yes, but besides these problems he worked very well, and wrote many things. His father taught him in the beginning, but unfortunately he was an alcoholic and beat him. Well, there's no wonder he went crazy. Luckily, Beethoven's talent was soon noticed by others. That's when his career lifed off. We talk about his career in periods: the early, middle and late periods. In his early period he emulated Haydn and Mozart, his middle period began shortly after he found he was going deaf. So this is when we start to see large-scale works expressing heroism and struggle. These include many of the most famous works of classical music. Yes, then his late period is greatly admired for intellectual depth and intense, highly personal expression. He stopped composing in 1826. Ludwig van Beethoven was one of the greatest composers of all time. Much of his music was filled with great joy. Unfortunately, Beethoven’s life wasn’t filled with joy or happiness. Ludwig van Beethoven was born in 1770 in Bonn, Germany. He had a difficult and miserable childhood. His father, Johann, was a musician for the king. Johann started to give Ludwig piano lessons before he was four years old. Ludwig was so small that he had to stand on the piano seat to reach the piano. When Johann saw how quickly Ludwig learned, he knew his son had talent. He was determined to make Ludwig into a concert perfo rmer, and he was very demanding. He hit Ludwig’s hand when he made a mistake


贝多芬生平简介 导读:路德维希·凡·贝多芬 (1770~1827) 伟大的德国作曲家、维也纳古典乐派代表人物之一。 贝多芬1770年12月16日生于莱茵河畔距法国不远的小城──波恩。他的祖父是波恩宫廷乐团的乐长,父亲是一个宫廷男高音歌手。贝多芬自幼便已显露出他的音乐天才,父亲急于把他培养成为一个象莫扎特那样的神童,从小就逼着他学习钢琴和小提琴,八岁时他已开始在音乐会上表演并尝试作曲,但是,他在这段时期中所受的音乐教育一直是非常零乱和没有系统的。 十二岁,他已经能够自如地演奏,而且担任了管风琴师聂费(1748~1798)的助手。就在这时他开始正式跟聂费学习音乐。聂费是一位具有多方面天才的音乐家,他扩大了贝多芬的艺术视野,使贝多芬熟悉了德国古典艺术的一些优秀范例,并巩固了贝多芬对崇高的目的的理解。贝多芬的正规学习和有系统的教养,实际上是从聂费的细心教导和培养开始的:聂费还引导他在1787年到维也纳就教于莫扎特 。莫扎特听过他的演奏之后,就预言有朝一日贝多芬将震动全世界。贝多芬到维也纳不久便接到母亲的死讯,他不得不立即赶回波恩。由于家庭的拖累,一直到1792年秋他父亲死后,他才第二次来到维也纳,但这时莫扎特却已不在人世了。贝多芬第二次来到维也纳后,很快地便赢得了维也纳最卓越的演奏家(特别是即兴演奏)的称谓。

以后,他先跟海顿学习,后来跟申克、阿勃列希贝尔格和萨利耶里等人学习。他在波恩通过同知识分子勃莱宁的交往,接触到当时许多著名教授、作家和音乐家,并从他们那儿,受到狂飙运动的思潮影响。他的民主思想在法国大革命前几年已臻成熟,但在革命年代中成长尤为讯速。 1789年法国资产阶级革命进步的思想意识给他了很多启发,从而奠定了他人文主义世界鄣幕──深信人类平等,追求正义和个性自由,憎恨封建专制的压迫。尽管维也纳古典乐派中的三位著名作曲家所处的生活年代相当接近,但是贝多芬的思想同海顿和莫扎特显然并不属同一个“时代”。海顿一生备受凌辱,他虽也偶而被激怒过,但却总是逆来顺受,当时进步的文学思潮和革命情绪都很少能使他激动,他的音乐同斗争也是永远绝缘的。莫扎特精神上遭受的苦难并不比海顿少,他勇敢于反抗,宁愿贫困而不能忍受大主教的侮辱,但在他的音乐中,从那充满阳光和青春活力的欢乐的背后,往往还是可以感觉得到一丝痛苦、忧郁和伤感的情绪。只有贝多芬,他不但愤怒地反对封建制度的专制,而且用他的音乐号召人们为自由和幸福而斗争。贝多芬在波恩时期(1782~1792)的创作,大都是一些小型的钢琴曲、重奏曲和歌曲等,这一时期可以说他还只是处于创作的准备阶段。他在维也纳最初十年(1792~1802)的创作,比较著名的作品也只有《悲伤》、《月光》和《克罗采》奏鸣曲及《第三钢琴协奏曲》等。但在这期间,他对社会与政治诸问题又有了进一步的理解,也能意识到他要努力探寻的目标。1802~1812年,


姓名:贝多芬国籍:德国年代:1770-1827 职位:德国最伟大的音乐家之一、被尊称为“乐圣”。 路德维希·凡·贝多芬是世界音乐史上最伟大的作曲家之一。他是“维也纳古典乐派”的最后一位代表人物,与海顿、莫扎特一起被后人称为“维也纳三杰”。他在自己短短的五十七年生涯里,为人类留下了无价的音乐宝藏,所以,世人尊称他为“乐圣”。 贝多芬于1770年12月16日生于德国波恩。祖父和父亲都是宫廷音乐家。贝多芬从小就具有十分敏锐的乐感,他的父亲发现这个点后,决心把他培养成另一个莫扎特式的音乐神童,好以此作为他的摇钱树。但贝多芬不具备莫扎特那样的演奏天赋,他是在父亲的棍棒下学会音乐的。当时年仅五岁的贝多芬经常被父亲锁在屋里,从早到晚地弹奏钢琴和拉小提琴。小贝多芬经常强忍着痛苦和委屈在钢琴上一遍遍地练习,如果不是贝多芬具有非凡的音乐天才的话,他就可能就会永远厌恶音乐了。 贝多芬的音乐成长道路异常艰苦,但他凭借自己的刻苦,取得了惊人的成就。他五岁开始学习钢琴,八岁就公开举行演奏会,十岁开始作曲。他的第一位老师聂费对他的协助极大,聂费拓展了贝多芬的艺术视野并教会了他很多音乐技能,这为他后来的创作打下了深厚基础。 1792年,贝多芬来到了“音乐之都”维也纳。为了获得更多的音乐知识与创作技能,他先后拜海顿、阿尔布雷希茨贝格、萨利埃里等名师学习,他努力学习他们的音乐创作技艺与经验,持续丰富和提升自己的艺术修养。与此同时,他还广泛阅读各种文学和哲学书籍,从中汲取丰富的知识营养,终于使自己成为一个具有高度修养的艺术家。

贝多芬的音乐风格是鲜明独特,他的作品中热烈激昂、振奋人心的斗争音调十分突出,这与贝多芬坚强的个性及其反封建的资产阶级民主意识是紧密相联的。贝多芬所生活的时代,正是欧洲资产阶级革命运动蓬勃发展的时期,革命思想深深地影响着他的创作,他追求“自由、平等、博爱”,渴望全人类的解放。贝多芬把这些思想与观点作为音乐创作的基本内容,在作品中体现出革命的斗争精神与人民的愿望。发果说莫扎特的音乐是清澈的泉水,贝多芬的音乐就是熊熊烈火,迸发着炽热的激情。 贝多芬一生创作了大量的作品。他一生的创作可分为三个时期:早期作品受海顿和莫扎特的影响,风格轻快流畅;中期作品则体现了他自己的特有的音乐风格,绝大部分作品都是在这个时期创作的;晚期作品技巧成熟、思想深刻复杂,同时出现了浪漫主义的因素。 贝多芬一生的主要作品包括:九部交响曲、一部歌剧——《费德里奥》、五部钢琴协奏曲、一部小提琴协曲、三十二首钢琴奏鸣曲、十首小提琴奏鸣曲、十六首弦乐四重奏。管弦乐序曲:《埃格蒙特》、《柯里奥兰》以及大量的声乐器乐及戏剧音乐作品。这些具有高度艺术价值的音乐作品对贝多芬以后的历代作曲家都产生了巨大的影响。如今这些伟大的作品已成为人类文化宝库中一笔丰厚的宝藏。 1827年3月26日,这位伟大的、不屈不挠的音乐巨人终因贫病交加而与世长辞。

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人物传记英文贝多 芬

精品文档 Beethoven Beethoven was a German composer. He is generally regarded as one of the greatest composers in the history of music, and was the predominant figure in the transitional period between the Classical and Romantic eras. His music is world-famous and he was known as the “Le Saint”. His music includes 9 symphonies,5 piano concertos ,a violin concerto,32 piano sonatas, several other sonatas,2 Masses ,and an opera. Beethoven was born in the Rhine not far from the French town-Bonn. He was born in a musical family, his grandfather is the head of Bonn court orchestra and his father is a tenor singer. But he was poor and his alcoholic father often abused him. He had already exposed his musical talent when he was a child. At the age of eight, he gave his first public piano performance. And he began to compose at the age of ten. Life has ups and downs. He has had twenty famous works by the age of twenty-five. But he began to have ear problems when he was 26 years old, and he became a deaf completely in his late twenties. Because of the fond of music and strong will, he did not give up music even in his deafness period. As he used to say,” I will take fate by the throat.” During the lifetime of the Beethoven, he had created countless beautiful melodies that left a deep impression on the people from all over the world. But his attitude towards the difficulties also is known to world, which inspires countless people to overcome difficulties. His life is like one day thunderstorm days. First morning of a bright and clean water, only a few isolated idle breeze , but in the still air, a faint threat of heavy premonition, then all of a sudden huge shadow volume, the solemn roar of thunder, full of the terrible silence of the sound. 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


【贝多芬生平简介】贝多芬的生平资料 路德维希凡贝多芬(LudwigvanBeethoven,(1770.12.17-1827.3.26),德国最伟大的音乐家、钢琴家,维也纳古典乐派代表人物之一也是最后一位,与海顿、莫扎特一起被后人称为维也纳三杰。祖籍荷兰(亦说波兰),出身科隆选侯宫廷歌手世家。他出生于德国波恩的平民家庭,自幼跟从父亲学音乐。很早就显露了音乐才能,八岁开始登台演出。1792年到维也纳深造,艺术上进步飞快。贝多芬信仰共和,崇尚英雄,创作了有大量充满时代气息的优秀作品,如:交响曲《英雄》、《命运》;序曲《哀格蒙特》;钢琴奏鸣曲《悲怆》、《月光曲》、《暴风雨》、《热情》等等。一生坎坷,没有建立家庭。二十六岁时开始耳聋,晚年全聋,只能通过谈话册与人交谈。但孤寂的生活并没有使他沉默和隐退,在一切进步思想都遭禁止的封建复辟年代里,依然坚守自由、平等、博爱的政治信念,通过言论和作品,为共和理想奋臂呐喊,反映了当时资产阶级反封建、争民主的革命热情,写下不朽名作《第九交响曲》。他的作品受十八世纪启蒙运动和德国狂飙突进运动的影响,个性鲜明,较前人有了很大的发展。在音乐表现上,他几乎涉及当时所有的音乐体裁;大大提高了钢琴的表现力,使之获得交响性的戏剧效果;又使交响曲成为直接反映社会变革的重要音乐形式。贝多芬集古典音乐的大成,同时开辟了浪漫时期音乐的道路,对世界音乐的发展有着举足轻重的作用,为人类留下了无价的音乐宝藏,因此,世人尊称他为乐圣。主要作品有交响曲九部(以第三《英雄》、第五《命运》、第六《田园》、第九《合唱》最为著名),歌剧《费黛里奥》等等。生



贝多芬英文语录 1、当我最孤独的时候,也就是我最不孤独的时候。 When I am loneliest, that is when I am not alone. 2、一个人看海,让心远离浮躁,这是一个智慧生命所能享受的最好的休闲。 A person looks at the sea and keeps the heart away from impetuosity. This is the best leisure that intelligent life can enjoy. 3、友谊的基础在于两个人的心肠和灵魂有着最大的相似。 The foundation of friendship lies in the similarity between two people's hearts and souls. 4、牺牲,永远牺牲你的艺术和一切人生的愚昧!艺术,是高于万物的神! Sacrifice, always sacrifice your art and all life's ignorance! Art is God above all things. 5、苦难是人生最好的老师。 Suffering is the best teacher in life. 6、我要扼住命运的咽喉,它妄想使我屈服,这绝对办不到。 I will seize the throat of my fate, and it will make me submit to it. 7、卓越的人一大优点:在不利与艰难的遭遇里百折不挠。 One of the great strengths of outstanding people is perseverance in adverse and difficult situations. 8、最美的事,莫过于接近上帝,把祂的光芒撒播于人间。 The most beautiful thing is to get close to God and spread his light in the world. 9、真正的友谊,只能基于相近性情的结合。 True friendship can only be based on the combination of similar temperament. 10、不要懒懒散散地虚度生命。 Don't idle away your life. 11、信不信当灵感向我说话时我想到的是一把圣琴,我把它的口授听写下来? Believe it or not, when I was inspired to speak to me, I thought of a holy piano, which I dictated. 12、生活这样美好,活它一辈子吧! Life is so beautiful, live it all your life! 13、赢得名声的艺术家常为此受苦,因此,通常他们的最佳。 Artists who win fame often suffer because of this, so they are usually the best. 14、我们的时代需要坚强的心灵去鞭策那些可悲的人们。 Our times need a strong heart to drive those miserable people. 15、智慧,勤劳和天才,高于显贵和富有。 Wisdom, diligence and genius are above fame and wealth. 16、患难中支持我的是道德,使我不曾自杀的,除了艺术以外也是道德。 It is morality that supports me in adversity, so that I do not commit suicide. Besides art, it is also morality.


京剧英语介绍 ●Beijing Opera is very popular in China. It has a history of more than 200 years. During the reign of the Qianlong emperor in the Qing dynasty, Qianlong had a interest in the local opera. In 1790, to celebrate his eightieth birthday, he summoned opera troupes (戏班)from different places to perform for him in Beijing. ●Four famous troupes from Anhui province remained in Beijing after the celebration. In 1828, A Hubei troupe came to Beijing and often performed together with the Anhui troupes. The two types of singing mixed together and gradually a new type came into being known as Beijing Opera. ●Beijing Opera is a comprehensive performing arts. That is, sing (唱), read (念) and do (作), fight (打), dance (舞). ●Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas, is a special feature of a national cosmetic. As each historical figure or a certain type of person has an approximate spectral type, like sing, play music to the music, so called “types of facial makeup in operas”. On the types of facial makeup in operas sources, the general view is from mask. ●Red has expressed his Warriors(勇士) of strong types of facial makeup in operas such as Guan Yu ●Black said thetypes of facial makeup in operas ming criticized(刚烈) people, integrity(正 直), bravery and even reckless(鲁莽), such as Zhang Fei ●Yellow types of facial makeup in operas that vicious brutality(凶狠残暴), such as Dian Wei ●Blue or green types of facial makeup in operas that some of the figures represented irritable(粗豪暴躁), such as Dou Ambassador(窦尔敦、), Ma Wu (马武) ●General treacherous (奸诈的)court official said the types of facial makeup in operas white, bad guys, such as Xu jia ●Mr. Mei Lanfang,the master of Peking Opera,Mei Lanfang is good at playing the role of women in Beijing operas, called “Dan”. ●Mei’s masterpiece plays Farewell My Concubine (霸王别姬) The Drunken Concubine (贵妃 醉酒) Re-commanding the Army (穆桂英挂帅) Scattering Flowers (天女散花) Eternal Regret (长恨歌) ●Mr. Mei increased international communication between China and other countries as the forerunner who spreads Beijing opera abroad.

Beethoven 贝多芬英文简介

Q: We all know about thatmusicis the most important thing in your life, and you devoted your heart and soul into music.You never stopped writing music, even though you lost your hearing.isn’t it? A:yes, music is the only thing that I pursue in my whole lifetime. I usually worked early in the morning. However, sometimes I stayed up andworked without sleeping. Q:I have heard that you have put your head in cold water to keep your mind awake so as to carry on working.That’s crazy! I think this high intensity of work will have a bad effect on your health condition and normal life. A: well that’s true. In addition to composition, I don’t have time to do other things. So my room is a mess. There were dirty clothes, old pens, plates of food, and papers everywhere. Sometimes my room is so dirty that all my landlords made me move out. Q:well, as a famous person, setting up a good image is a most important thing, isn’t it? A: I don’t care about that either.Iwear the same clothes until they were too dirty to wear.My friends had to throw them out and bring me the new and cleaned one. They usually did this while I was sleeping. Q:A s the old saying goes, “No pain, no gain.” So addicted in music, you deserve your giant success nowadays!Can you shareyoursecret


No sad in his life Ludwig van Beethoven, who was born in Bonn, baptized on17th December, 1770. A crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romanticeras in Western art music, he remains one of the most famous and influential of all composers. He had the capacity to play the harpsichord when he was four years old, went on stage at the age of eight, and then, acquired a reputation as a music child prodigy. At the age of 10, he learned from Prussia who was the most famous music educator in this time. At the age of 12 he had to serve to the court as an assistant. His best-known compositions include symphonies, piano concertos, and piano sonatas and so on. We know that his great genius but we don't know how much he paid for this great. Once he said Music should strike fire from the heart of man, He is such a love of music, even when he suffered deaf, he insisted on music creation. B was born in a poor family, his father who was his first teacher and was very harsh, and that the child Beethoven, "made to stand at the keyboard, was often in tears," he had many teacher in his young age. But his unfortunate is happened when he was 30years old, which ages been played joke by fate, his hearing became worse, which was the first time for him to write symphony, he got much affect by the Age of Enlightenment, and paid more attention to the performance of inner emotions. Although he suffered a lot, he showed his positive side of life to others, the most impress me is Ode to Joy, which he wrote in this time. He focused on the joy of music instead of painful. He devoted his whole life to create great music. Once he said he will take fate by the throat; it will not bend him completely to its will. He is haughty man in surface, had a side we never know. He was unmarried and no friends in his life, confessed anything alone. The essential organ of musician, he lost, but he accomplished the work more perfect. He had become a public figure, as no composer had done before. Unlike composers of the preceding generation, he had never been a purveyor of music to the nobility he had lived into the age, indeed helped create it, of which the artist as hero and the property of mankind at large. Unluckily, he died in 1827 for headache and high fever, with his unfinished works. Roman Rowland said in his Biography of The Celebrity B is the great man in his heart, for who had changed his pain to joy. To sum up, Beethoven's great, not only is as a musician. He has for life's great anguish and refined beauty of soul; he is the hero of the heart. The performance of his music is the heart of this hero. During his life, it is no more space for sad, nothing but music. If he can do this, why we can’t? Find a worth, and no sad, then go all out, you can be a person as him.


贝多芬名言英文 1、当我最孤独的时候,也就是我最不孤独的时候。 When I am loneliest, that is when I am not alone. 2、一个人看海,让心远离浮躁,这是一个智慧生命所能享受的最好的休闲。 A person looks at the sea and keeps the heart away from impetuosity. This is the best leisure that intelligent life can enjoy. 3、友谊的基础在于两个人的心肠和灵魂有着最大的相似。 The foundation of friendship lies in the similarity between two people's hearts and souls. 4、牺牲,永远牺牲你的艺术和一切人生的愚昧!艺术,是高于万物的神! Sacrifice, always sacrifice your art and all life's ignorance! Art is God above all things. 5、苦难是人生最好的老师。 Suffering is the best teacher in life. 6、我要扼住命运的咽喉,它妄想使我屈服,这绝对办不到。 I will seize the throat of my fate, and it will make me submit to it. 7、卓越的人一大优点:在不利与艰难的遭遇里百折不挠。 One of the great strengths of outstanding people is perseverance in adverse and difficult situations. 8、最美的事,莫过于接近上帝,把祂的光芒撒播于人间。 The most beautiful thing is to get close to God and spread his light in the world. 9、真正的友谊,只能基于相近性情的结合。 True friendship can only be based on the combination of similar temperament. 10、不要懒懒散散地虚度生命。 Don't idle away your life. 11、信不信当灵感向我说话时我想到的是一把圣琴,我把它的口授听写下来? Believe it or not, when I was inspired to speak to me, I thought of a holy piano, which I dictated. 12、生活这样美好,活它一辈子吧! Life is so beautiful, live it all your life! 13、赢得名声的艺术家常为此受苦,因此,通常他们的最佳。 Artists who win fame often suffer because of this, so they are usually the best. 14、我们的时代需要坚强的心灵去鞭策那些可悲的人们。 Our times need a strong heart to drive those miserable people. 15、智慧,勤劳和天才,高于显贵和富有。 Wisdom, diligence and genius are above fame and wealth. 16、患难中支持我的是道德,使我不曾自杀的,除了艺术以外也是道德。 It is morality that supports me in adversity, so that I do not commit suicide. Besides art, it is also morality.


京剧的发展历程 京剧的形成与发展大体可分为三个阶段:孕育、成型、发展;四个时期:孕育融合期、形成期、成熟期、鼎盛期。 各期时间大体为1780 ----1840年间。1840 ---- 1883年间。1883 ---- 1917年间。1917 年后1860年到1949年,京剧大体经历了三个发展阶段。 京剧的发展分为孕育期、形成期、成熟期、鼎盛期。 孕育期: 徽秦合流 京剧霸王别姬清初,京城戏曲舞台上盛行昆曲与京腔(青阳腔)。乾隆中叶后,昆曲渐而衰落,京腔兴盛取代昆曲一统京城舞台。乾隆四十五年(1780年)秦腔艺人魏长生由川进京。魏氏搭双庆班演出秦腔《滚楼》《背娃进府》等剧。魏长生扮相俊美,噪音甜润,唱腔委婉,做工细腻,一出《滚楼》即轰动京城。双庆班也因此被誉为“京都第一”。自此,京腔开始衰微,京腔六大名班之大成班、王府班、余庆班、裕庆班、萃庆班、保和班也无人过问,纷纷搭入秦腔班谋生。乾隆五十年(1785年),清廷以魏长生的表演有伤风化,明令禁止秦腔在京城演出,将魏长生逐出京城。 乾隆五十五年(1790年),继三庆徽班落脚京城后(班址位于韩家台胡同内),又有四喜、启秀、霓翠、春台、和春、三和、嵩祝、金钰、大景和等班,亦在大栅栏地区落脚演出。其中以三庆、四喜、和春、春台四家名声最盛,故有“四大徽班”之称。…春台班?进京时间,按汉调名家米应先于乾隆末年,在京曾担任…春台班?台柱时始,证明该班进京时间早于…四喜?和…和春?。…春台班?位于百顺胡同。…四喜班?于嘉庆初来京。徽戏、昆曲兼演、尤以昆曲为著,故有“新排一曲桃花扇,到处哄传四喜班”之语。该班位于陕西巷内。…和春班?于嘉庆八年(1804年)于李铁拐斜街组建。该班以武戏见长。道光十三年(1853年)解散。“四大徽班”的演出剧目,表演风格,各有其长,故时有“三庆的轴子、四喜的曲子、和春的把子、春台的孩子”之誉。“四大徽班”除演唱徽调外,昆腔、吹腔、四平调、梆子腔亦用,可谓诸腔并奏。在表演艺术上广征博采吸取诸家剧种之长,融于徽戏之中。兼之演出阵容齐整,上演的剧目丰富,颇受京城观众欢迎。自魏长生被迫离京,秦腔不振,秦腔艺人为了生计,纷纷搭入徽班,形成了徽、秦两腔融合的局面。在徽、秦合流过程中,徽班广泛取纳秦腔的演唱、表演之精和大量的剧本移植,为徽戏艺术进一步发展,创造了有利条件。 徽汉合流 汉剧流行于湖北,其声腔中的二黄、西皮与徽戏有着血缘关系。徽、汉二剧在进京前已有广泛的艺术交融。继乾隆末年,汉剧名家米应先进京后,道光年初(1821年),先后又有著名汉剧老生李六、京剧贵妃醉酒王洪贵、余三胜,小生龙德云等入京,分别搭入徽班春台、和春班演唱。米应先以唱关羽戏著称,三庆班主程长庚的红净戏,皆由米应先所授。李六以《醉写吓蛮书》《扫雪》见长;王洪贵则以《让成都》《击鼓骂曹》而享名;小生龙德云善演《辕门射戟》、《黄鹤楼》等剧;余三胜噪音醇厚,唱腔优美,文武兼备,以演《定军山》、《四郎探母》《当锏卖马》《碰碑》等老生剧目著称。汉剧演员搭入徽班后,将声腔曲调,表演技能,演出剧目溶于徽戏之中,使徽戏的唱腔板式日趋丰富完善,唱法、念白更具北京地区语音特点,而易于京人接受。道光二十五年(1845年)各大名班,均为老生担

英语故事-Ludwig van Beethoven (1)

英语故事 Ludwig van Beethoven (1) 音乐巨人贝多芬的生平简介(一) Ludwig van Beethoven (1)Musicologists usually break up the great Ludwig van Beethoven’s career into three periods: early, middle, and late. But to add a touch more flavor, you could call them the “I’m young and getting my feet wet” period, followed by the “Since I’m going deaf, I’m gonna get wacky and break some rules”period, and finally the glorious, isolated-by-deafness, “There are no external influences, all resources come from within” period. Life Ludwig van Beethoven was born on December 16, 1770 in Bonn, Germany, and baptized on December 17. Interestingly enough, till his 40th year Beethoven suffered from what is famous as his “birth-year delusion”—he claimed to have been born in 1772.
