

Module 1 Europe


1. The United Kingdom is off the northwest coast of continental Europe. 英国位于欧洲西北部大陆海岸线附近。

【辨析】off the coast 与on the coast

on the coast 指在离海面附近的陆地上

off the coast 指离陆地不远的海面上

I once stayed in a town on the south coast of England.


He died in a shipwreck off the south coast.


1. off prep.&adv.离开,分开

(1) prep.

The hall rolled off the table.球从桌上滚落

Keep off the grass.勿践踏草地

He entered a big house off the high street. 他进入了一所离大街不远的大房子。

The ship sank off Cape Horn. 这艘轮船在合恩角外沉没了

(2) adv.

The town is still five miles off.那小镇尚在五英里之外。

We are still some way off.


Please tell them that the meeting is off.



take sth. off sth. 扣除,减去

fall off 跌落

knock sth. off sth.把某物从另一物上.放掉

wipe sth. off sth.把某物从另一物上擦掉

along the coast 沿着海岸

The British Isles are a group of islands that lies off the west coast of Europe.不列颠群岛是一组位于欧洲西海岸不远处的岛屿

Wuhan lies on the Chanjiang River.武汉位于长江边

2. France is Europe’s third largest country and faces the United Kingdom across the English Channel. 法国是欧洲第三大国家,隔英吉利海峡和联合王国相望。

【点拨】face n.脸vt.转向,面向

Judging from his worried face,we knew that he must have had some trouble. 从他焦急的


(2) vt.face 用作及物动词,还有“面临;必须对付;承认;正视”之意。

〔常用结构〕face sth

be faced with sth. 面临

The company is facing a financial crisis. 公司正面临财政危机。

It’s not always easy to face the truth. 承认事实并不总是一件很容易的事。

She is faced with a difficult decision. 她眼前有一项难作的决定。

I was faced with new problem.我面临着新的M题


in( the) face of不顾(问题、困难等)

lose one's face失面子,丢脸

fight in the face of公然反抗

face the music 由于自己的决定或行为而接受批评或承担后果


【点击高考】_________ with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice. (05年春季高考北京卷)

A. To face

B. Having faced

C. Faced

D. Facing

答案为C 本题考查非谓语动词和动词face 的用法。face 作动词时,意为“面对;

面临”,可用于两种结构:face sth 或be faced with sth,。此处用的是第二种结构。

由题意“由于Arnold 面临一个艰难的处境,他决定去征求老板的意见”以及句


【拓展】face 还可用作不及物动词,后接副词或介词,意为“面对,面向”。

My bedroom faces south./ to the south. 我的卧室朝南。

-How does the house face?这房屋面朝哪边?

-It faces ( to the ) east.朝东。

【点拨】across 此处用作介词,意为“从……一边到另一边,横过;在……对面”。

I drew a line across the page. 我在这一页上画了一条横线。

Where’s the nearest bridge across the river? 过河最近的桥在哪儿?

There’s a bank right across the river. 银行正好在河的对面。

【拓展】across 还可用作副词,意为“从一边到另一边;横过;在对面”。

The river is too wide;we can’t swim across.


When my name was called, he looked across at me.


There’s a school just across from our house.


The river is 500 meters across. 这条河有500米宽。

[辫析] across,past,through,over

across表示“横过,横穿,越过”,它的含义与on, over有关,侧重于动作在某一物


past表示从某物旁边经过[注意] past是介词,不可与动词pass相混淆。

We walked past the hospital.=We passed by the hospital. 我们从医院旁边经过through表示“通过,穿过”,它的含义与in有关,侧重动作在某一物体空间里进行,含有从中间通过之意。through还可表示“凭借”“(做)完”等意。

over “越过,飞过”,着重指从事物的一边到另一边,含义与above 有关。

The ship sailed across the Atlantic. 这只船横渡过了大西洋

She is talking to the neighbour across the garden fence. 她正隔着篱笆与邻居说话:

He was absent-minded and walked past the station. 他走路时心不在焉而走过了车站。

The policeman forced his way through the crowd. 警察奋力穿过人群

He walked through the street and found nothing alive. 他走过街道,没有发现有生命的东西。

They went across the river. 他们穿过了那条河流。

We walked through many villages. 他们走过了好几个村庄。

Somehow the sheep had jumped over the fence. 不知怎么回事,羊儿越过了栅栏。

【点击高考】He suddenly saw Sue _________ the room. He pushed his way ________ the crowd of people to get to her. (2005湖南)

A. across; across

B. over; through

C. over; into

D. across; through

答案为D across 指“从表面走过”;through 指“从内部穿过”。由the room 可

知用across,“穿过”the crowd 则用through。

3. Between Italy and France, there is a mountain range called the Alps.


range n. &vt.

(1) n.山脉,视觉(听觉)范围(区域),射程;还有“(一)批,组;范围”等意,常与介词of 连用。

The firm will provide us with an interesting range of books and videos.


We have students from a wide range of backgrounds. 我们的学生来自各种不同的背景。

There is a magnificent range of mountains in the borderland. 在边境地带有连绵不断的雄伟山脉。The tree is within range of' vision.这棵树在视野之内

(2) vt.(在一定范围内)变化,排列

The prices of the dolls range from$5 to$100. 这些布娃娃的价格从5美元到100美元不等The discussion ranged over various problems. 这次讨论涉及了种种问题

【点击高考】—Can you shoot that bird at the top of the tree ?

—No, it’s out of _________ . (2000上海)

A. range

B. control

C. reach

D. distance

答案为A 本句的意思为“你能射中树顶上的鸟吗?”,“不能,它不在射程之内。”。

out of range 在(射程)范围外;out of reach (手)够不着,力量不及;out of control

失控的;out of distance 太远。

4. Portugal is to the west of Spain. 葡萄牙在西班牙的西面。

【点拨】to the west of 意思为“在……的西面”,其中to表示方向,强调两地方不接壤。

【辨析】三个表方位的介词to, in, on

to 在某范围之外,不强调是否接壤;in 在某范围之内;on 强调毗连或邻近,有时还


Japan lies/is to the east of china. 日本位于中国的东部。

Beijing lies in the north of China. 北京在中国的东部。

Guangdong lies on the south of Hunan. 广东省跟湖南省接壤。

London lies on the Thames. 伦敦位于泰晤士湖畔。


Shandong is north of Fujian. 山东位于福建北部

South of the mountain,there is a big river. 山的南部,有一条大河。

5. Paris is the capital and largest of city of France, situated on the River Seine. 巴黎是法国的首都和最大的城市,位于塞纳河畔。

【点拨】句中situated on the River Seine 是过去分词短语作定语,修饰Paris, 相当于定语从句:which is situated on the River seine。其中situated 为形容词化的过去分词,意思为

“坐落(某处)的,位于(某处)的”,一般不与名词连用。此外,situated 还可以表


My bedroom was situated on the top floor of the house.


The hotel is beautifully situated in a quiet spot near the river.


Microsoft is well situated to exploit this new market.


【拓展】(1)situation 为名词形式,意思为“情况;状况;形势;(建筑物或城镇的)地理位置;环境特点”。

You could get into a situation where you have to decide immediately. 你可能遇上一种情况,使你不得不立刻作出决定。

The present economic and political situation in Iraq is becoming worse and worse. 目前伊拉克的经济和政治形势变得越来越糟。

The town is in a delightful situation in a wide green valley.


6. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and is visited by more than eight million tourists every year. 它(巴黎)是世界上最美丽的城市之一,每年有800多万游客。

【点拨】这是一个由连词and 构成的并列句,第二个is 前省略了主语it,构成一般现在时的被动结构。由于and 前的句子为主动语态,and 之后的句子为被动语态,为避免歧义,

保留第二个is,否则省略be 动词。

He is an excellent student and is liked by his classmates.


Our teacher is respected and invited to attend the international conference.


7. The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower, the famous symbol of Paris. 最受游客欢迎的旅游景点是埃菲尔铁塔,它是巴黎著名的象征。

(1)the famous symbol of Paris 在句子作the Eiffel Tower 的同位语,起解释说明的作用。

He was a good captain one that often looked after his seamen.


Gao Xiumin, a well-known comedy actress, died on 18, August, 2005.


【点拨】(2)symbol 用作可数名词,意思为“象征(of sth );符号,记号(for sth)”。

White has always been a symbol of purity in western cultures.在西方文化中,白色一向象征纯洁。

What is the chemical symbol for copper ? 铜的化学符号是什么?

【拓展】symbolic 为形容词形式,意为“使用象征的;象征性的”。symbolize 为动词形式,意为“象征;是……的象征;代表”。

The dove is symbolic of peace. 鸽子是和平的象征。

The channel Tunnel has great symbolic significance for a united Europe. 英吉利海峡隧道对于建立一个统一的欧洲具有重大的象征意义。

The use of light and dark symbolizes good and evil. 用光明与黑暗来象征善与恶。

8. One of the world’s largest art galleries, the Louvre, is also located in Paris. 世界上最大的艺术馆之一——卢浮宫也在巴黎。

【点拨】located 用作形容词,意思为“位于;坐落在”。(用法同situated)

My hometown is located/ situated at the foot of the hill. 我的家住在山角下。

The offices are conveniently located just a few minutes from the main station. 办事处所处的位置很方便,离总站仅有几分钟的路。

【拓展】locate 为动词形式,意思为“把……安置在;创办于(某地)”。

location 为名词形式,意思为“地方;地点;位置”。

They located their office in Beijing. 他们把办事处设在北京。

There are tax breaks for businesses that locate in rural areas.


What is the exact location of the ship ? 那条船的确切位置在哪里?

9. One of Barcelona’s most famous Landmarks is the Church of the Sagrada Familia, which was designed by an architect called Antonio Gaudi. 巴塞罗那的最著名的标志性建筑是圣家大教堂,它是由建筑师安东尼奥·高迪设计的。

【点拨】(1)这是一个由关系代词which 引导的非限定规定语从句,对先行词为the Church of the Sagrada Familia 进行补充说明。有时which 可指前面整个句子的内容。

He has passed the college entrance examination, which makes his parents quite happy. 他通过了大学入学考试,这令他的父母很高兴。

【点击高考】Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, _________ of course,

made the others envy him. (2004年天津)A. who B. that C. what D. which

答案为D 本题考查非限制性定语从句,先行词是前面整个一句话,which 所引导


【点拨】(2)句子中的called Antonio Gandi 是过去分词短语作后置定语。修饰物architect ,相当于定语从句who was called.

【点击高考】The price of the game show is $30,000 and an all expenses____ vacation to China.


A. paying

B. paid

C. to be paid

D. being paid

答案为B 句意为“这次比赛表演的奖品是3美万元和到中国的免费假期。expense



10. Gaudi worked on the project from 1882 until his death in 1926. 高迪从1882年起从事这次工程直至1926年逝世。

【点拨】work on “致力于;从事”, 相当于spend time in doing sth.

I worked all night on that article. 我通宵在写那篇文章。

She’s outside working on the car. 她在外面修理汽车。

【拓展】(1)work on 还有“奏效;产生预期的结果;努力说服(某人做某事)”

His charm doesn’t work on me. 我不为他的魅力所动。

My parents spent the weekend working on me to go on holiday with them. 爸妈用了一个周末来说服我和他们一起度假去。

【拓展】(2)由work 构成的常见短语:

work at 做;从事;学习

work against sb. 对某人不利

work out 算出;解决;制订出;按某种方式发生

work for sth. 争取,努力取得

Juan’s English isn’t very good, but he works at it. 胡安的英语不太好,可他很用功学习。

Tax laws tend to work against small organizations. 税法往往不利于小机构。

You can work out the answer by adding all the numbers. 你把所有的数加在一起就能算出答案。

It is time for us to work out a plan. 我们该制订计划了。

Things have worked out quite well for us. 事情的结果对我们很不错。

She devoted her life to working for peace. 她为争取和平奉献了自己的一生。

【点击高考】We didn’t plan our art exhibition like that but it _________ very well. (2001全国)

A. worked out

B. tried out

C. went on

D. carried on

【点拨】答案为A 此处work out 用作不及物动词,意思为“结果是”,相当于turn out;

try out 参加;选拔; go on 继续;发生;carry on 继续移动;吵闹。本句意思为:我们


11. Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance, a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years. 佛罗伦萨是意大利的一个城市,因文艺复兴而著名,文艺复兴是一个起源于14世纪,持结了300年之久的伟大的艺术运动。

【点拨】(1)这个句子中含有两个由which 所引导的定语从句。a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years 是作the Renaissane 的同位语。【点拨】(2)because of 介词短语,因为;由于



because of+n .

thanks to十n.

owing to十n.

due to+n.

as a (the)result of十n.

on account of十n.

(1) because为从属连词,后跟一个完整的句子构成原因状语从句而because of则是一个介词短语,后接名词或动名词

He didn't go to school because of his illness.

= He did n’ t go to sc hool because he was ill. 他没去上学是因为生病了。

He was punished by his teacher because of his cheating on exams. =He was punished by his teacher because he cheated on exams. 他因考试作弊受到老师的惩罚。

(2)thanks to这一短语介词,含有、‘幸亏、多亏、亏得、依赖、依靠、由于、因为”等意思几它引导的短语,可以表达正面意思(近似于原意“感谢”),也可用于讽刺口吻中(近似于讽刺口吻的“感谢”)它引导的短语在句中用作状语时,大多放在句首,也可以置于句末.

My mother is getting better and better,thanks to the doctor. 多亏了医生,我母亲才一天天康复起来(感谢的口吻)

Thanks to your help,I passed the test. 幸亏有你的帮助,我通过了刚验〕(正面意思)

(3) owing to意为“由于,因为”,在句中通常用作状语,可置于句首或句末。

Owing to my absence,they had to put off the class meeting till next week. 由于我不在,他们只好将班会推迟到下个星期.

Xiao Wang could not come to the ball(,)owing to a bad cold. 因为得了重感冒,小王没能去打(踢)球.

(4) due to意为“由于”,它引导的短语在句中一般用作表语或定语,但在很多场合也可

与owing to通用,作状语. 这一用法在现今英语中也很流行,但不如owing to那么严谨.

The accident is due to your careless driving. 那件意外事故归因于你驾驶不小心.

(5) as a ( the) result of意为“由于......的结果”,一般用作状语。

He was late as a result of the traffic jam. 由于交通阻塞,他迟到了。

(6) on account of意为“因......缘故,由于”它引导的短语在句中通常作状语,可置于句首或句末。

The train was delayed on account of a heavy snow. 由于一场大雪火车来迟了。

【点拨】(3)last 用作不及物动词,意思为“继续;延续;持久;足够维持”。

The meeting only lasted (for) a few minutes. 会议只开了几分钟。

The weather won’t last. 这种天气持续不了多久。

Doctors say that she probably won’t last our night. 医生说她很可能活不过今晚。

We’ve got enough food to last (us) (for) three days. 我们的食物足够维持三天。

【点击高考】The evening news comes on at seven o’clock and _____ only thirty minutes. (2004吉林)

A. keeps

B. continues

C. finishes

D. lasts

答案为D 本句句意为:晚间新闻(节目)每天7:00开始,持续30分钟。finish 完


只有last 后跟持续的时间。

12. During the Renaissance, some of the greatest painters of all time lived and worked in Florence. 在文艺复兴期间,历史上一些最伟大的画家在佛罗伦萨生活和工作。

【点拨】of all time 有史以来;自古以来;从未有过

Many rated him the best singer of all time. 许多人认为他是有史以来最优秀的歌手。【拓展】与time 构成的常见介词短语:

against time 争分夺秒;抢时间

ahead of time 提前

at all times 总是;随时;永远

at times 有时;间或

at the time 当时

at a time 每次;逐一;依次

at one time 曾经;一个时期;一度

at no time 决不;在任何时候都不

in no time 立刻;马上

in time 及时;迟早

on time 按时;准时

behind the times 落伍;过时;陈旧

behind time 拖后

from time to time 不时;有时;偶尔

for the time being 暂时;眼下

13. Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the birthplace of western civilization. 雅典是希腊的首都,作为西方文明的发祥地而闻名于世。

【点拨】be known as 作为……而著名,同be famous as,常与表示身份、地位和职业的名词连用。

Yang Liwei is known as the first pilot sent to space in China.杨利伟作为中国第一个被送上大亨空的飞行员而著名。

【辨析】be known for 因……而出名

be known to sb. 被某人所了解或知道

It’s well known that…众所周知……

He’s best known for her work on the human brain. 他在人脑的研究方面最为知名。

The man is known to the police. 这男人是在警方挂了号的。

It is (well) known that theory comes from practice. 众所周知,理论源于实践。

【点击高考】Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, ______ as 3M.


A. knowing

B. known

C. being known

D. to be known

答案为B be known as…著称,用过去分词known 作the Minnesota Manufacturing

and Mining Company 的定语,相当于定语从句:which was known as 3M.

14. Their works has influenced other writers ever since. 他们的作品影响了后进的作家。

【点拨】(1)influence 此处用作及物动词,意思为“影响;对……起作用;左右”。

influence 还可用作名词,意思为“影响;作用;影响力”。常用短语有:

have an influence on sb. / sth. 对……产生影响

have influence over sb. / sth. 对……有影响力

under the influence of 受……影响

His writings have influenced the lives of millions. 他的作品影响了千百万人的一生。

A number of social factors influence life expectancy. 诸多社会因素左右着人的预期寿命。

What a teacher says and does have a great influence on his students. 教师的言行对学生影响很大。

Her Parents no longer have any real influence over her. 她的父母对她不再有真正的约束力了。

He committed the crime under the influence of drugs. 他是在吸毒后犯罪的。

【辨析】result, effect 与influence

result 结果,影响,指某一行动、计划或事件带来的直接后果。

effect 结果,效果,指某一行动、计划事件带来的间接后果或某一事物产生的效应。

influence 影响,指对周围一切或今后历史等产生的影响,常指深远的影响。有时指具有影响力,左右局势的人或事件。

She died as a result of her injuries. 她由于受伤而死亡。

Doing it like that will have a bad effect on you. 那样做对你影响不好。

Clawde’s work had a major influence on generations of musicians. 克劳德的作品对几代音乐家都产生过重要影响。

【点拨】(2)ever since 自……一直,常与完成时连用。

He left home two weeks ago and we haven’t heard from ever since. 他两周前离家外出,我们至今还没有他的音信。

We were divorced two years ago and she has remained ever since. 我们是两年前离的婚,之后她又再婚了。

【点击高考】The first use of atomic weapons was in 1945, and their power _______ increased

enormously even since. (2004上海)

A. is

B. was

C. has been

D. had been

答案为C 根据ever since (从那时,一直到现在)应用现在完成时。


(1)be, lie, stand + 介词(in / to / on)+ the + 方位名词+ of

(2)face / look (to the) + 方位词

(3)be / stand / lie + 距离+ 方位词+ of

(4)方位词+ of + be / lies / stands +主语

(5)to / in / on + the + 方位名词+ is / lies + 地方

(6)be far away from / near/close to 离……远/近

(7)(be) next to sb. / sth. 在……旁边

(8)be apposite sth. 在……对面

(9)be situated / located + 介词+ the + 方位名词+ of

Taiwan is to the east of Fujian and in the southeast of China.台湾邻近福建东部,位于中国东南部。

China faces the Pacific on the east. 中国东部面向太平洋。

His hometown lies so miles east of our school. 他的家乡在我们学校东50英里外。

North of the town lies a railway. 城镇北部有一条铁路。

On the north of the United States lies Canada. 美国北部与加拿大接壤。

The university isn’t so far from here. 那所大学距离这里不远。

Our house is nearer to the bus stop than it is to the subway station. 我家到公共汽车站比到地铁站近。

Who stood next to you? 谁站你旁边?

It’s easy to find —there’s a church just opposite my house.我家很容易找,正对面有座教堂。

The new building will be located in the center of town. 这座大楼将建在市中心。

16. France and Germany aren’t going to sign the agreement. 法德两国还没打算签订协议。

【点拨】sign 此处用作及物动词,意思为“签名;签署”。

You forgot to sign the cheek! 你忘了在支票上签字!

The artist signed his name in the corner of the painting. 画家在画的角上署了名。

【拓展】(1)sign 还可用作不及物动词,意思为“签名;做手势(示意)”。

Sign here, please. 请在这里签字。

He was signing to me crazily to not mention anything about Jack. 他拼命地向我打手势,叫我不要提起杰克的任何事。

She signed for us to go inside. 她打手势让我们进去。

【拓展】(2)与sign 构成的常用短语有:

sign in 签到

sing out 签名;登记离开

sign up (for sth.) 报名参加

sign off 结束写信

Remember to sign in at the reception table and sign out at the office. 记住要在接待处签到,在办公室登记离开。

I’m thinking of signing up for the French course this term. 我在考虑报名参加这个学期的法国课。

It’s getting late so I’ll sign off now, love John. 时间不早了,我就此搁笔。爱你的约翰。

17. In terms of size and population, how big is the European Union compared with China? 从面积和人口两方面来说,与中国相比,欧洲联盟有多大?

【点拨】in terms of 在……方面;从……方面来说;根据……来解释

US foreign policy tended to see everything in terms of the Vietnam War. 美国的外交政策往往从越南战争的角度来看待一切。

In terms of customer satisfaction the policy cannot be criticized. 说到顾客的满意情况,这个政策无可挑剔。

18. The countries are independent and are governed in different ways.这些国家是独立的,以不同的方法统治国家。

【点拨】govern 用作及物动词,意思为“统治;控制;管理;支配”。

The country is governed by elected representatives of the people. 这个国家由民选代表统治。

Prices are very much governed by market demand. 价格在很大程度上取决于市场的需求。

19. In France, on the other hand, the head of state is a president. 另一方面,在法国,国家元首称总统。

【点拨】on the other hand 另一方面;反过来说,常与on the one hand构成on (the) one hand…, on the other hand 一方面……;另一方面……,用于引出不同的对立的观点、思想等。

On the one hand they’d love to have kids, but on the other hand, they don’t want to give up

freedom. 一方面,他们想要孩子,但另一方面,他们又不想放弃自由自在的生活。

25% of the students, on the other hand, are against the idea of going abroad. 另一方面,25%的学生反对出国。

20. But each of them sends representatives to the European parliament, which has some control over what happens in each of the member countries. 但是每一个国家派的代表到欧洲国会,它掌握着发生在每个成员国的一切。

【点拨】(1)这是一个由which 所引导的非限制性定语从句,先行词是the European parliament. 【点拨】(2)have / lose control over / of sb / sth 对……拥有/失去管理权或支配权The Democrats will probably lose control of / over congress.民主党很可能失去对国会的控制。

The teacher had no control over the children. 那位老师管不住学生。

21. Little by little, the number in creased during the second half of the twentieth century. 在20世纪后50年期间,成员国的数量逐渐增加。

little by little 逐渐地;一点点地

Little by little the snow disappeared. 雪渐渐融化了。

His English is improving little by little. 他的英语正逐步提高。

22. The expanded European Union has a population of more than half a billion people, twice as big as the population of the United States. 扩大了的欧盟有5亿多人口,是美国人口数量的两倍。【点拨】(1)expanded 此处是一个过去分词,作定语,修饰European Union。句中表倍数关系的句式结构twice as big as the population of the united states 作同位语。


①倍数+ as + adj / adv.(原形)+ as

②倍数+ adj / adv.(比较级)+ than

③倍数+ the size / length / depth…of

We got four times as many people as we had expected. 来的人数是我们所预料的四倍。

This problem is ten times easier than that one. 这个问题比那个问题容易十倍。

The river is five times the length of that one. 这条河是那条河的5倍长。

【点击高考】(1)What a table ! I’ve never seen such a thing before. It is ______it is long. (2005湖北)

A. half not as wide as

B. wide not as half as

C. not half as wide as

D. as wide as not half

答案为C 此题目考查的是形容词同级比较结构。倍数及否定词都在放在“as …as”


【点击高考】(2)At a rough estimate, Nigeria is ______ Great Britain. (2005上海)

A. three times the size as

B. the size three times of

C. three times as the size of

D. three times the size of

答案为D 由四个选项可知,该题考查的是倍数关系,the size 为度量名词,正确

的语序应为three times the size.

23. design n.. &v.

(1) n. 图样,设计,图案;目的,意向

This is a design for the garden. 这是那座花园的设计图

We don't know if it was done by accident or by design. 我们不知道那是偶然的,还是故意的。

His evil designs were frustrated. 他的罪恶意图未能得逞

(2) v.设计,控制

She is designing dresses for the singer. 她在为这位歌手设计服装

He designed a plot for tits new novel. 他为他的新小说拟定情节

This weekend party iNas designed to bring the two musicians together. 这次周末聚会的用意是使两位音乐家见面


by design故意地,蓄意地;

have designs on/against对……抱不良企图,图谋加害于;

design stfi. for sb. /sth.设计,制图,构思

24. refer vi. ( referred, referred, referring)涉及,提到( to);查资料;参与;针对;提交,交付

He referred to pollution in his report last week. 上周在报告中他提到了污染问题、

The shop referred the complaint to the manufacturers. 商店把投诉转交给制造商

refer to 意思是“提到,谈到,涉及,衣考,查阅”

refer to sb. /sth. as 意为“称某人/某物为……”,to是介词,不可省略

be referred to( as)是refer to的被动式,意思是“把......称作”

When I was saying that I wasn't referring to you. 我那样说的时候,指的并不是你

The huge clock in London is referred to as“Big Ben”. 伦敦的大钟被称为“大本钟”

They referred to their friendly teacher as“Mother".他们把和善的老师称为“妈妈”

25. compare vt. &vi.比较,对照;比作

He cannot compare with Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies. 作为一个悲剧作家,他无法和莎士比亚相比

compare... with意为“把......与……进行比较/相比”

compare... to... 意为“把……比作......”,含“比喻”之意

compare with sb. /sth.意为‘和某人或某事物相比或值得相比”

It's necessary to compare English with Chinese in English study.学英语时有必要把英语和汉语进行比较

Compare this with that,and you'll which is better. 把这个同那个比较,你就知道哪个更好了He began comparing himself pith the students. 他开始把自己和学生比较起来

Young people are often compared to the rising still. 年轻人常被比作初升的大阳

The writer of the poem compares his loser to a rose. 诗的作者把他的爱人比作玫瑰。


compare 的过去分词作状语时,compared to 和compare with在应用上无区别,常被用于句首或句末。

This hardship is nothing,compared to/with those the Red Army faced on the Long March. 和红军长征比起来,这点苦算不上什么

Compared to/with many girls,she was indeed very lucky.与许多女孩相比,她的确算很幸运了

26. percent n.百分之……


percentage表示“百分比,百分率”,其前不能是一个具体的数字,只能被high , low等形容词修饰。

-What percentage of babies died of' this disease last year? 去年婴儿死于这种疾病的百分比是多少?

-One percent.百分之一

27. would like to do原音做草事

would like sb. to do宁愿要某人做某事

would like to have done本打算做但没做

I'd like to pay you a visit next week. 下周我打算拜访你。

He'd like me to look after his pet dog. 他愿意让我照看他的宠物狗。

I'd like to have gone with you,but I was busy then. 我本打算同你一起去的,但当时我很忙28. check n. &vt.

(1) n. 检查,核对;发票,支票

We should have a check on the quality of all goods leaving the factory. 我们应当对全部货物在出厂前进行质量检查

We have kept the SARS in check for a year now. 到目前为止我们已控制SARS这种疾病一年了

I've lost the check for my coat. 我把大衣的发票弄丢了

I always pay bills by check.我总是用支票付账

(2) vt. 阻止,制止,控制;核查;调查;托运或寄存

Will you please check these figures? 请检查这些数字有无错误好吗?

Check your coat at the door. 把你的外套寄存在入口处、





Please check in at the airport an hour before your plane leaves.你要在飞机起飞前一个小时到机场办理登机手续。

I examined students in English. 我测验学生英文。

I'd better have my eyes tested. 我该去检查视力了。

29. cover v.盖,掩盖;行过(路程);报道;读



cover sth.盖住……

cover... with 用……盖住……

cover 30 pages 读三十页

be covered with... 用……覆盖

cover an area of…占地面积为,··…

cover 2,000 li 走了两千里

cover a conference 报道会议

under cover 隐藏着

under the cover of 在……的掩护下,趁着

The book with a hard cover is more expensive. 精装书比较贵

Flood water covered the fields by the river. 洪水淹没了河边的田地。

Rubble covered the pavement.人行道上铺了碎石块。

The chief editor sent a reporter to cover the event. 主编派记者去报道这一事件

Her lectures covered the subject thoroughly. 她的演讲对这个问题阐述得很透彻

The Red Army men covered 25,000 1i during the Long March.长征中,红军走过了两万五千里

〔辫析〕discover,uncover, find out


find out常用来指“弄明白、搞清楚、查出(某一真相)”,作“发现”讲时,是指发现一种无形而隐藏的东西。


Do you know who discovered America? 你知道是谁发现美洲的吗?

Think it over and you'll find out the answer to the question. 仔细想想,你就会找到问题的答案

He uncovered the famous picture. 他揭开了那幅名画的覆盖物

30. work n.作品;成果;制品


Almost everyone's success is achieved by hard work. 几乎每个人的成功都是靠艰苦的劳动获得的。

This vase is a wonderful piece of work. 这个花瓶是一件了不起的作品

He likes O. Henry's works. 他喜欢欧·亨利的作品

[辫析]work on,work at,work out

work on和work at都可以作“致力于;从事于”解释,相当于be engaged in,常常可以互相代替。但当表示“克服(困难);解决(难题)”时,较倾向于用work at;在表示“致力于创作或制造时”,较倾向于用work on

work out"解出,找出答案”,可以看作是work on的结果,相当于find或have got,

Here he worked on a short film,which won him a job as the youngest film director in the world. 他制作了一部短片,这使他获得了一份工作,并成为世界上最年轻的电影导演。

It's said that he's working at/on a new novel. 据说他正在写一部小说

He liked to work at difficult problems in maths. 他喜欢解数学难题。

We have made up our minds to research on till we work out the facts of what has caused the pollution. 我们决心研究下去,直到弄清导致污染的根源

31. more than:表示“多于,超过,不仅仅,不止”

more... than;表示“与其说,倒不如说”

no more than表示“不过,仅仅;同····一样不”

not more than表示“至多,不超过”

More than one member was against the plan. 不止一个人反对该计划

There are more than sixty students in our class. 我们班有60多个学生

He is more than our teacher and he is our friends. 他不仅仅是我们的老师,也是我们的朋友His father is more disappointed than angry. 他父亲与其说是生气,倒不如说是失望

The little boy is not more than 5 years old. 这个小男孩不超过五岁。(最大只有五岁)

The little boy is no more than five years old. 这个小孩只有五岁。(言年龄小)

[注意]more than one和many a后均跟可数名词单数,谓语动词用单数,但是more十可数名词复数+than one作主语时,谓语动词用复数

Many a student likes playing football. 不止一个学生喜欢踢足球。

More workers than one were for his opinions. 不止一个工人支持/赞成他的观点。

33. such pron.这样的物(事、人)


One such dictionary is enough. 这样的词典一本就够了

We are not such fools as to believe him. 我们不是那样的愚人,竟会相信他。

〔注意〕(1 )such放在名词前时,这个名词带或不带形容词都可以。such可在句中修饰不可数名词,而so不可以这样用。

(2)such一般用来加强语气,强调名词或形容词的意思。若有比较的意思时常用like this/that的形式来表达。

[辨析]such as,such...as,such...that

such as(用于列举事物)



There are many books in the library such as novels,storybooks and picture books. 这家图书馆有很多书,诸如小说、故事书、图画书之类.

I went to the shop and bought such things as bread,wine and vegetables. 我去商店买了这些东西,如面包、葡萄酒和蔬菜。

He is such a lovely student as every teacher likes. 他是如此可爱的学生,以致于每个老师都喜欢他

Such things as you have bought are not good value for money. 你买的这些东西根本不值所花的钱。

She is such a beautiful girl as many young men love.

=She is such a beautiful girl that many young men love her. 她是如此的漂亮,以致于很多年轻男子喜欢她。

18. Between France and Spain is another mountain range-the Pyrenees.法国与西班牙之间横亘着另外一条山脉------庇里牛斯山。

当地点状语放在句首时,所引导的句子应用完全倒装,即地点状语十谓语十主语+其他On her left sat her husband.她左边坐着她丈夫。

Beyond the river lives an old fisherman. 有个老渔夫住在河的对岸:





在描述情景时,为了使景象更生动,有时把here, there, now, then, out, in, up, down, off , away 等方向性副词位于句子开头时,句子用完全倒装。此时,①句子主语必须是名词;②谓语动词通常是be,come , go, run, rush, fly, follow, fall等表示位移的不及物动词,且为一般现在时态;

③其中的here ,there不是表示地点,而是用以引起对方注意。

Here comes the bus.汽车来了。

There goes the bell.铃响了。

Here are some advertisements about cars. 这儿有几则有关汽车的广告。



Among the people was a man named Brown. 在这些人中有一个叫布朗的人。

On the top of the hill stands an old temple. 这个山顶上有一座庙。

(3 )there be结构及其变体的完全倒装。

There is a tall tree in front of the house. 这所房子前面有一裸大树。

〔注意〕在there be结构中,可以代替be的还有以下动词:live,lie,stand,appear,rise,remain,happen,come,go等。

Once there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea. 从前,在海边的一个村子里住着一位老渔夫。



“Are you ready? "asked the teacher. “准备好了没有?”老师问道。

"It is unbelievable!”said Alfred Butts. 阿尔弗雷德·布滋说,“这真叫人难以置信!”

34. None of them speaks Spanish.没有一个人说西班牙语。

none pron. 没有一个,无一

None of the money on the table is mine. 桌上的钱没有一分是我的。

None of us enjoy getting up early.我们中间没人喜欢早起

But none of them has been turned to stone yet!但是他们谁也没有变成石头!

no one, none, nothing的用法

(1 ) no one单独使用,只用于指人,可以回答who提出的问题

-Who will get to station?谁要到车站去?

-No one.没有人。

(2) none一般与of短语连用,指人或物。none of the boys/the money/them中,none强调数的概念。none可以回答how mane ,how much提出的问题

He has many friends. But none of them can really help him when he is in trouble.他有许多朋友,但当他遇到困难时却没有一个能真正帮他。

-How many Chinese stamps do you collect? 你收集了多少中国邮票?


(3) nothing表示“什么也没有,没有东西”,是全部否定,作主语、宾语或表语。

Nothing can stop us marching forward. 没有什么东西能阻止我们前进

35. The expanded European Union has a population of more than half a billion people,twice as big as

the population of the United States. 扩大后的欧盟拥有五亿多人口,这个数目是美国人口的两倍。

(1)population n.



What is the population of China? 中国有多少人口?

②表达拥有多少人口时,我们常用have a population of.... 或some place with a population of. . . 。

China has a population of more than 1.3 billion people.

或China is a country with a population of more than 1.3 billion people. 中国有十三亿多人口


About 80% of the Chinese population are Han people. 中国人口的80%是汉族

Two thirds of the population of this area are farmers. 这一地区三分之。的人口是农民

④修饰population这个词,常用big, large, small,而不用much, many等。

China has a large population.中国人口众多

(2) twice是名词,在这里表示倍数,倍数的表示法常有以下四种:

①A is... times + adj. /adv.的比较级+than B

This bridge is three times longer than that one. 这座桥比那座桥长三倍。

At least,the train runs five times faster than the boat. 火车的速度至少比小船快五倍

②A is... times as + adj. /adv.的原级+as B

This bridge is four times as long as that one. 这座桥是那座桥的四倍长

At least,the train runs six times as fast as the boat火车的速度至少是小船的速度的六倍

③A is... times the size/ length/ width/ height/ depth+of +B

This bridge is four times the length of that one. 这座桥是那座桥的四倍长

After the experiment,the plant is six times the height of what it was before.试验之后,植物的高度是原来的六倍

④The size/length/height/depth/width+of A+is+…times of+B

The length of this bridge is four times of that bridge. 这座桥是那座桥的四倍长

Your room is three times as big as mine.

Your room is twice bigger than mine.

=The size of your room is three times that of mine.

=your room is three times the size of mine. 你房间的面积是我房间的面积的三倍

(二) 语法要点






一般现在时的被动语态是由am, is, are + 动词的过去分词构成;一般过去时的被动语态是由was/were+ 动词的过去分词构成。


Football is played all over the world. 全世界到处都踢足球。

Miss Gao, you are wanted on the phone. 高老师,有人给你打电话。


He was invited to dinner yesterday evening. 昨天晚上他被邀请去吃饭了。

The buildings were built last year. 这些房子是去年造的。



(1)不知道谁是动作的执行者,或者没有必要指明谁是动作的执行者时,如:Printing was introduced into Europe from China. 印刷术是从中国传入欧洲的。

He was hurt in the car accident. 他在车祸中受伤了。

(2)需要强调或突出动作的承受者或事件本身而不必指明谁是动作的执行者时,如:The injured were allowed home after treatment. 受伤者在医院的治疗后被获准回家。

At last an agreement was arrived at. 终于达成了一项协议。

(3)当我们强调或侧重动作的承受者时,这时我们可用by 引出动作的执行者,如:

The window will be examined by a group of experts soon. 你的工作即将受到一组专家的检查。(4)当动作的执行者不是人时,如:

We were shocked by the news of his death. 我们听到他的死讯极为震惊。

Such things are only eaten by animals. 这样的东西只有动物才吃。

(5)“get + 过去分词”的被动语态为习惯用法,这种结构往往更强调动作的结果而非动作本身,如:

Supposing you drink five bottles of beer, do you think you would get drunk?


They got married last year. 他们去年结的婚。

4.在使役动词make及感官动词see ,hear….等动词的被动语态形式后面出现的作主语补足语的不定式须加不定式符号“to”

The teacher made Tom answer it again.(主动语态,不加“to”)


2019-2020学年高中英语人教版必修三 Unit2复习学案(适用于普通班) :《普通高中英语课程标准》词汇知识内容要求(必修) 1.借助词典等各种资源,理解语篇中关键词的词义和功能以及所传递的意图和态度等 2.了解词汇的词根,词缀,掌握词性变化规律,并用于理解和表达有关主题的信息和观点 3.在语境中,根据不同主题,运用词汇命名相关事物,进行指称,描述行为,过程和特征,说明概念等 Learning aims: 1.To teach the students how to learn vocabulary and build up confidence in learning English 2.To get the students to master the key words and phrases in this unit 3.To get the students to use what they have learnt to improve their reading and writing 4.To make the students realize the importance of healthy eating 课前案 A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step —千里之行,始于足下 Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant 1. ____ (feel) very frustrated, for people were going to Yong Hui ’s newly-opened restaurant. Driven by2. ______( curious) , he 3. ____( spy) on Yong Hui and she4. ___(瞪了一眼 )at him angrily. He found people went there to eat raw vegetables to 5.______(减肥) . After doing some research, he wrote his own sign 6. ____ (win) customers back . A week later, Wang Peng ’s restaurant was nearly full, 7. ____ made Yong Hui very angry. Having had a good conversation, both of them realized the 8.________ (strength) and weaknesses of their own restaurants and decided to provide a 9. ____ (balance) one 10.______( combine) the two . Finally they succeeded and got married, working and living together happily. 课中案 要词热语,追型逐句 1. lie 经典例句 My mother won ’t have me lying to her no matter what happens. At the top of the hill lies an old temple dating back to the Ming Dynasty. 用法归纳 一个善意的谎言_____________ 向我撒谎___________________________ 在于努力__________________ 练一练: Judging from his expression, we knew that he was__________ (lie) to us. The survivors ______( lie ) on the beach, exhausted and shocked. He ____( lay) the book and just sat there, lost in thought. 众所周知,好的生活在于好的健康。 _____________________________________________________________________ 2. balance 经典例句 You look too tired. You had better keep a balance between work and relaxation. You are supposed to keep a balanced diet for the benefit of your health. 用法归纳 keep the balance of nature _________________ keep one ’s balance _______________ lose one ’s balance _______________ keep a balanced diet _____________ 熟词生义: 猜一猜 I must check my bank balance before I decide to buy the car. ( ______ ) 3. benefit 经典例句 Some students think a healthy diet will be of great benefit to their health. You ought to eat some meat and eggs and you are sure to benefit from them. 用法归纳


【推荐】2020年外研版高中英语必修一(全册)精品教案汇总 第一学期高一英语讲义1 Book 1 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 课时1词汇; 课型A(基础);课长30分钟 一、词汇互译 1.____________________ 换句话说 2. ____________________ 期待, 盼望 3. ____________________ 在……开始的时候 4. ____________________ 在……结束的时候 5. ____________________ 上大学 6. ____________________ 被(划)分成…… 7. take part in ____________________ 8. ____________________ 理科 9. ____________________ A 与 B 之间的区别 10. be similar to … ____________________ 11. ____________________ 对…的态度 12. teaching method ____________________ 13. ____________________ 写下, 记下 14. nothing like ____________________ 15. have fun ____________________ make fun of … ____________________ 16. 倍数表达法:

A is three times____________________ B. A is three times ____________________B. A is three times ____________________B. 17. ____________________ 不同于… 18. ____________________ 和…一样 二、词汇运用 1.the differences between A and B 你知道英语和美语有什么区别吗? _______________________________________________________________________________ 2.one’s attitude to \ towards sth. (doing sth.) 对于学习英语, 你的态度是怎样的? _______________________________________________________________________________ 3.behave oneself/behave badly 老实点! _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.be friendly to 他对待别人总是很友好。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 5.introduce A to B\oneself 首先请允许我介绍一下自己。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 6.in other words 你明天不用来上班了。换句话说, 你被炒了。 ______________________________________________________________________________


单词 1 across prep. & adv. 横过,穿过;从一边到另一边;在对面 come across 偶然遇到 get across 通过;使被理解;解释清楚 10 meters across 宽10米 【词语辨析】 across, through和 over across表示从一定范围的一边到另一边,且在物体的表面上或沿着某一条线的方向而进行的动作,其含义常与on 有关;through表示动作在空间内进行,其含义常与in有关;over表示“越过”,指越过较高物体,从一侧到另一侧。 【活学活用】 (1)My house is just ________the street. 我的房子就在马路对面。 2 face n. 脸;表面;(物体的)正面,表面 v. 面对,面向;面临;应付,应对 lose one's face 丢脸;丢面子 make a face 做鬼脸 in the face of 面对 be faced with 面临;面对 face to face 面对面 face south/the park 面向南方/公园 face the fact 正视现实 3 range n. [C]山脉;列;排;(变动或浮动的)幅度;[C,U](知识、知觉、听觉等的)范围;(枪支、导弹等的)射程,最大航程 v. (在一定范围内)变化,变动;安排;徘徊 be in/within range 在范围以内 be beyond/out of range 超出范围;在范围以外 a wide/broad range of 范围广泛的 range from…to…从……到……不等 4 situated adj. 坐落(某处)的;位于(某处)的 situate v. 使位于;使处于 situation n. 情形;位置;境遇 be situated/located/at/in/on+n. 位于;坐落于 be well/badly/situated 处境很好/困难5 opposite prep. 在……对面 adj. 相对的;对面的;对立的;相反的 n. 对立面;反面 just/quite the opposite 恰恰相反 in the opposite direction 朝相反的方向 the man opposite 对面的那个人 on the opposite side of the street 在街的对面 【词语辨析】 opposite和contrary (1)opposite指位置、方向、地位、性质、意义等的对 立、相反。 (2)contrary指“两物朝相反的方向发展”,含有“相 互冲突,不一致”的意思。on the contrary“正相反”,经常用来引出相反的观点或事实。 6 sign v. 签署;签字;签约;雇佣;做手势(示意) n. 迹象;征兆;手势;信号;标志;指示牌;符号 sign to sb to do sth 示意某人做某事 sign up 经报名参加 sign in/out 签到/签名登记离开 sign for 签收 sign on 签约受雇(或入伍) sign an agreement 签署协议 road signs 路标 短语 1 work on 从事,忙于 work at 研究,努力学习 work out 计算,算出,找到答案; 弄懂;制订出;锻炼,健身; 按某种方式发展,结果 work as 作为……工作 at work 在上班 【短语辨析】 work on和work at work on往往指做某种具体的工作,翻译起来比较灵活;而work at更倾向于“钻研”或“努力学习”。 如: He is working on a new novel. 他正在写一本新的小说。 The little boy was working on a branch with a knife to make a toy gun. 小男孩正在用刀子削树枝做玩具手枪。 He is working at English grammar. 他正在努力学习英语语法。 (2)根据语境选择work out恰当的英语释义 a.to calculate sth b.to train the body by physical exercise c.to develop in a particular way, turn out d.to find the answer to sth; to solve sth; to understand e.to plan or think of sth 1


2020年新人教版高中英语必修一导学案全套 Welcome Unit Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking 导学案 【学习目标】 1.学会本节单词、短语。 2.掌握本节句型表达与运用。 【学习重难点】 掌握本节句型表达与运用。 【学习过程】 一、词汇学习 1. get to know 逐渐了解 2. exchange n.交换;交流vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换 3. lecture n.讲座;讲课;教训vi.(开)讲座;交易;兑换 4. registration n. 讲座;注册;挂号 5. sex n.性别 6. nationality n. 国籍;民族 7. anxious adj. 焦虑的;不安的 8. annoyed adj.恼怒的;生气的 9. frightened adj.惊吓的,害怕的 10. senior adj.级别(或地位)高的n.较年长的人 11. outgoing adj.爱交际的;外向的 12. impression n.印象;感想 13. awkward adj. 令人尴尬的;难对付的 14. junior adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的n.职位较低者;(体育运动中)青少年 15. explore vt.&vi. 探索,勘探 16. confident adj.自信的;有把握的

17. designer n. 设计师;构思者 二、知识运用 1. exchange 词性:________ 意思:__________ 词性:________ 意思:__________ 短语搭配: in exchange (for......)作为(与.......的)交换 exchange A for B 以A交换B;把A兑换成B exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交流/交换某物 exchange opinion/ideas/views 交流意见/想法/看法 练习:The School of Life has a large number of professional staff who are willing to meet up with you for an hour of chat in exchange ______ a small fee. 2. designer (1)词性:_________ 意思:________ (2)词性:_________ 意思:________ 短语搭配:make designs for.....为......做设计 by design(=on purpose)故意地 design sth. for.......为......设计某物 be designer to do.......旨在做.......,用于做........ 练习:Lucy was born on January 30th, 1998, when her sister got married to a fashion_____(design). 3. anxious 词性:__________ 意思:________ 短语搭配:be anxious for sb./about sth. 为某人/某事担心/担忧 be anxious for......渴望........ be anxious (for sth.) to do sth. 渴望(某人)做某事 be anxious that.......渴望(从句谓语用“should + 动词原形”,should 可以省略) 练习:She lost her job last month. Therefore, she is anxious_______ (find) a new job.

最新人教版高中英语必修三导学案(全册 共5个单元 35页)

最新人教版高中英语必修三导学案(全册共5个单元)新课标人教版 Unit 1 Festivals around the world 世界各地的节日 核心词汇 1.All of us____________(钦佩)the three year old boy named Lang Zheng for his bravery. 2.The____________(可能性)that the majority of the labor force will work at home in the near future is often discussed. 3.The Nobel Prize is____________(授予)to those who make great contributions in many fields every year. 4. Football fans without tickets____________(聚集)around the TV in the corner of the bar to watch the World Cup. 5.Wherever you work,you will____________(获得)much valuable experience as long as you are willing to work. 6.David____________(道歉)for having kept us waiting for hours outside. 7.When I returned,there was a note on the table,____________(使想起)me about Jane’s birthday that night. 8.____________(原谅)me,but I’m busy at the moment;I can’t go out with you. 9.用believe的适当形式填空 (1)People all over the world hold the____________that the economy will soon recover and life will improve. (2)At first people refused to____________such a thing(to be)possible. 10.(1)Among the most common illegal acts are fishing without____________and catching more than the limit?(permit) (2)Since you have a____________,would you like to go fishing if time____________.(permit) 1.admire 2.possibility 3.awarded 4.gathered 5.gain 6.apologized 7.reminding 8.Forgive 9.(1)beliefssion (2)believe10.(1)permission (2)permit;permits 高频短语 1.________________ 发生 2.________________ 纪念;追念 3.________________ 盛装;打扮;装饰 4.________________ 搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑 5.________________ 期望;期待;盼望 6.________________ 日夜;昼夜;整天 7.________________ 好像 8.________________ 玩得开心 9.________________ 出现;到场 10.________________ 守信用;履行诺言 11.________________ 屏息;屏气

最新外研版高中英语必修三 课文

外研版高中英语必修三课文 3.1 Great European Cities Paris Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and is visited by more than eight million tourists every year. The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower, the famous symbol of Paris. One of the world's largest art galleries, the Louvre, is also located in Paris. The city is also famous for its restaurants, cafés and theatres. About two-thirds of France's artists and writers live in Paris. Barcelona Barcelona is the second largest city of Spain and is situated on the northeast coast, about five hundred kilometres east of the Spanish capital, Madrid. One of Barcelona's most famous landmarks is the Church of the Sagrada Familia, which was designed by an architect called Antonio Gaudi. Gaudi worked on the project from 1882 until his death in 1926. The church hasn't been finished yet! Florence Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance, a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years. During the Renaissance, some of the greatest painters of all time lived and worked in Florence. Many of Florence's most beautiful paintings and sculptures were produced by great artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. Florence is visited each year by about a million tourists who come to see the art galleries, churches and museums. The Uffizi Palace is the most famous art gallery in the city. Athens Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the birthplace of western civilisation. Two thousand four hundred years ago, it was the world's most powerful city. Buildings such as the Parthenon on the Acropolis Hill


2017-2018学年人教版高中英语必修三 全套精品导学案 Book3 Unit1 Festivals around the world Period1 改编: 学习目标:1阅读课文了解世界各地的节日 2.理解并掌握文中的长难句 自主学习:记《非常学案》P1核心词汇跟高频词汇 合作探究: Ⅰ. 阅读Reading部分,从每题所给的3个选项中选择最佳答案 1.What's the main idea of the text? A.Festivals have many origins. B.Festivals are held to honour the dead and famous people. C.Festivals are held for happy events. 2.In ancient times,people would celebrate________. A.when winter ended B.if food was difficult to find C.during the cold winter months 3.Which of the following is NOT the festival to honour the dead? A.The Japanese festival Obon. B.The Western holiday Halloween. C.Japan's Cherry Blossom Festival. 4.Which of the following festivals is NOT mentioned in the text? A.Columbus Day. B.Mid-autumn Day. C.Christmas Day. 5.What can we infer from the passage? A.People would have feasts,sing and dance at all festivals. B.People celebrate festivals because they don't want to work. C.By celebrating festivals,people are developing the culture and customs. Ⅱ. 阅读P1-2的Reading部分,完成下面的表格(每空不超过3个单词)


一小测验 Ⅰ.课标单词 1. __________ adj. 热心的,热情的→enthusiasm n. 热心;热情 2. __________ adj. 令人惊异的→ _______ v. 使吃惊→ ________ adj. 感到吃惊的→ amazement n. 惊愕,惊异 3. __________ n. 信息→ inform vt. 通知,告知 4. __________ n. 指示,用法说明→ instruct v. 教导,命令,指示 5. _________ adj. 令人厌烦的→ _______ adj. (对某人/事物)厌倦的,烦闷的→ ______ vt. 使厌烦 6. ___________ adj. 尴尬的,难堪的→ __________ v. 使困窘,使局促不安→ _____________ adj. 令人为难的→ embarrassment n. 窘迫;为难 7. __________ n. 行为,举止→behave v. 举动,举止 8. __________ n. 描述;形容;描写→ describe vt. 描写,记述 9. _______ vt. 使(人)印象深刻;使铭记→ __________ n. 印象,感想→ impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的 10. __________ n.纠正,改正→correct adj.正确的→ _______ v.改正,纠正,批改 11. __________ v. 鼓励,激励→ __________ adj. 鼓舞人心的→ ___________ adj. 受到鼓舞的,更有信心的→ encouragement n. 鼓励,奖励 12.enjoyment n. 享受,乐趣→ _______ v. 享受,喜欢→ ________ adj. 令人愉快的,有乐趣的 13.fluency n. 流利,流畅→ _______ adj. 流利的,流畅的 14. _____________ adj. 失望的→ ______________ adj. 使人失望的,令人失望的→ disappoint vt. 使失望→ _____________ n. 失望 15. _________ n. 助手,助理→ assist v.帮助 Ⅱ.常用短语 1.____________________________________与……相似 2.____________________________________某人对(做)某事的态度 3.____________________________________离……远,远非 4.____________________________________一点不像,与……完全不同 5.____________________________________玩得很开心 6.____________________________________起初,一开始 7.____________________________________换句话说 8.____________________________________期待;盼望 9.____________________________________对……印象深刻 10.____________________________________在……开始的时候 11.____________________________________在……结束的时候 12.____________________________________被(划)分成…… 13.____________________________________参加


Unit 1 Friendship 【单元导航】 World War Ⅱ In 1933,the Jewish population of Europe stood at over nine million. Many European Jews lived in the countries that Nazi Germany would occupy or influence. By 1945,nearly two out of ,which was the Nazi every three European Jews had been kill ed as part of the “Final Solution” policy to murder all the Jews of Europe. Period 1Warming Up and Reading Step 1.Pre-reading Task1. Enjoy some proverbs to support what the truly friendship is about. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A friend is like a second self. The best mirror is an old friend. Friends are just the people who can share happiness and sorrows. Task2. Choose the words below to describe your best friend. sociable,honest,friendly,easy-going,nervous,open-minded,anxious,careful,talented,talkative,nosy,thoughtful,generous,carefree,pessimistic,peaceful,optimistic,interesting,reliable,helpful,active,careless,caring,exact,adventurous,imaginative,hot-blooded,well-organized,trustworthy,patient,responsible,outgoing,kind,brave,warm-hearted,selfless,tolerant,etc. For example: ?His/Her name is …… ?He /She is …… years old. ?He /She likes doing…… and dislikes doing…… ?He /She is very kind/friendly/honest/brave/wise/funny/humorous/ helpful/ kind-hearted and concerned about you / responsible. ?I think a good friend should be…  ?(or)In my opinion, a good friend is someone who…… _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Step2.Skimming Task 1. Read the text quickly and answer the questions.

2020年人教版高中英语必修三Unit1语法导学案 无答案

2020学年人教版高中英语必修三 Unit1 Festivals around the world Grammar——The usage of Modal Verbs 编写人: 审核:全体英语组编写时间: 【学习目标】学习情态动词的用法: ——can\could, may\might, will\would, shall\should, must\can’t 【学习重点】掌握并使用情态动词 【学习难点】如何在不同的语境中学会使用不同的情态动词 【学法指导】①注意仔细观察所给例句的结构 ②通过反复练习掌握掌握其用法 Learning Procedures: Step1 Lead-in Enjoy a song again and again, and then fill in the blanks using the proper model verbs. I want to be with you There are things that be done That are not yet begun Things that I do When I want to be with you Although we be far apart You be with be in my heart No one else do I just want to be with you I want to be with you you hear me? I need you near me I want to be with you I need you near me, my love The two of us be one Mother of my son No one else do I just want to be with you I want to be with you _____ you hear me? I need you near me I want to be with you I need you near me, my love Step2 What is Modal Verb? 1.定义:情态动词本身有一定的意义,表示说话人的某种感情或语气,对某动 作或状态的某种态度,表示“需要”,“可以”,“必须”,“应当”等意义。【观察思考】Translate the following sentences into Chinese and pay attetion to the meaning of Modal Verbs. ①You can smoke in the room. 你可以在房间吸烟 ②You must arrive on time. 你必须按时到达 ③We should obey the rules. 我们应该遵守规则 2.基本特点:由以上例句看出: ①情态动词本身都有一定的词义; ②情态动词不能单独在句中充当谓语,必须和实义动词连用; ③情态动词没有人称和数的变化; ④情态动词后接动词原形。 Step3 The usage of modal verbs ——can\could, may\might, will\would, shall\should, must\can’t 【学前准备】Learn the following words about the functions(功能) of modal verbs. ability,advice,agreement,guessing,past habit,request,necessity,permission,possibility,prediction,promise, wish, willingness, determination


Words and expressions in NSE SH books 1-8 必修1 1课 1.academic adj. 学术的(SH1 M1 P1) 2.province n.省(SH1 M1 P2) 3.enthusiastic adj.热心的(SH1 M1 P2) 4.amazing adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的 (SH1 M1 P2) https://www.360docs.net/doc/ce3563025.html,rmation n.信息 (SH1 M1 P2) 6.website n.网站;网址(SH1 M1 P2) 7.brilliant adj. (口语)极好的(SH1 M1 P2) https://www.360docs.net/doc/ce3563025.html,prehension n.理解;领悟(SH1 M1 P2) 9.instruction n.(常作复数)指示;说明(SH1 M1 P2) 10.method n.方法(SH1 M1 P3) 11.bored adj.厌烦的; 厌倦的(SH1 M1 P3) 12.embarrassed adj.尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的(SH1 M1 P3) 13.attitude n.态度(SH1 M1 P3) 14.behaviour n.行为;举动(SH1 M1 P3) 15.previous adj. 以前的;从前的(SH1 M1 P3) 16.description n.记述;描述(SH1 M1 P3) 17.amazed adj.吃惊的;惊讶的(SH1 M1 P2) 18.embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的;令人难堪的(SH1 M1 P4) 19.technology n.技术(SH1 M1 P4) 20.impress vt.使印象深刻(SH1 M1 P4) 21.correction n.改正;纠正(SH1 M1 P5) 22.encouragement n.鼓励;激励(SH1 M1 P5) 23.enjoyment n.享受;乐趣(SH1 M1 P5) 24.fluency n.流利;流畅(SH1 M1 P5) 25.misunderstanding n.误解(SH1 M1 P5) 26.disappointed adj.失望的(SH1 M1 P6) 27.disappointing adj.令人失望的(SH1 M1 P7) 28.system n.制度;体系;系统(SH1 M1 P7) 29.teenager n.少年(SH1 M1 P8) 30.disappear vi.消失(SH1 M1 P8) 31.move vi.搬家(SH1 M1 P8) 32.assistant n.助手;助理(SH1 M1 P8) 33.cover vt.包含(SH1 M1 P9) 34.diploma n.文凭;毕业证书(SH1 M1 P9)
