


Aircraft 航空器

Airship 飞艇

Balloon 气球

Fire balloon 热气球

Helicopter 直升机

Plane 飞机

ACAS (airborne alert and collisions avoidance system)机载防撞系统(欧语)

TCAS (traffic alert and collisions avoidance system)机载防撞系统(美语)

Engine 发动机

Engine failure 发动机失效

Engine flame out 发动机熄火(停车)

Engine surge 发动机喘振

Engine trouble 发动机故障

Loud bangs 发动机放炮

Bird (water)ingestion 发动机吸进了鸟(水)Landing gear 起落架

Gear extension(retraction)放(收)轮

Gear emergency extension system 起落架应急展开系统To crank the gear down (手动)摇下起落架

To extend(retract) the gear 展开(收起)起落架Tire 轮胎(美语)

Deflated tire 放了气的轮胎

Flat tire 没气的轮胎

Wheel well 轮舱

Flap 襟翼

Rudder 方向舵

Slat 缝翼

Spoiler 扰流板

To extend (retract)the flaps 放下(收上)襟翼

Air power unit 航空动力装置

Auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置

Belly 机腹

Cargo-hold 货舱

Flight data recorder (FDR)飞行数据记录器Hydraulic system 液压系统

Nacelle 整流罩

Oxygen mask 氧气面罩

Passenger cabin 客舱

Stall 失速

Skin 蒙皮

Front/fore part 前部

Rear/aft part后部


Starboard/right 右


Cloud 云

CB 积雨云

Ceiling 云底高

To build up 增加(云)

To clear up 消散(云)Cloud layer 云层

Fog 雾

Light fog 轻雾

Drifting fog 吹雾

Dense fog 浓雾

Freezing fog 冻雾

To come down 起雾

To get worse (雾情)转坏

To clear up (雾)消散

Ice 冰

Icing 结冰

A sheet of ice 一层冰

Ice blocks (很多)冰块Glazed frost 明冰

Rain 雨

Freezing rain 冻雨

Heavy rain 大雨

Light rain 小雨Thunderstorm 雷雨

Snow 雪

Firm snow 结实的雪

Loose snow 松软的雪Melting snow 正在融化的雪Sleet 雨夹雪

Slush 雪水

Snow clearing 除雪

Snow drifting 吹雪

Snow shower 阵雪Temperature 温度

Dew point 露点

Outside temperature 室外气温Surface temperature地面气温Temperature drop 温度下降

Temperature rise 温度上升

Wind 风

Crosswind 侧风

Gust 阵风

Headwind 顶风

Tailwind 顺风

Wind-sock 风向袋

To shift (风向)变化

To abate (风力)减弱

Hailstone 冰雹

Hoar frost 白霜

Overcast 阴天

Sand storm 沙暴

Sky clear 晴空


Air condition truck 空调车

Air steps 机载客梯

Catering truck 食品车

Container loader 集装箱拖车

De-icing truck 除冰车

Fire engine 消防车

Heavy-duty tender 重型消防车

Follow me car 引导车

Fork lift truck 叉车

GPU (ground power unit)电源车

Lavatory service truck 污水车

Mobile belt conveyor 传送带车

Passenger bridge 廊桥

Passenger stairs 客梯车

Passenger bus 摆渡车

Potable water truck 清水车

Refueller 油车

SFT (surface friction tester)摩擦系数测试车Snow blower 吹雪车

Tow bar 拖把

Turbine gas generator气源车

Tug/tractor 拖车


Aerodrome 机场

Aerodrome maneuvering area 机场活动区Aircraft maneuvering area 航空器活动区Airfield 飞行区

Aerodrome reference point 机场基准点

Airport surface detection equipment 机场场面监视设备Concrete-surface 混凝土道面

Rigid pavement 刚性道面

Apron (ramp)停机坪

Blowing resistance apron 防吹坪

Drainage system 排水系统

Fence 围栏

Fuel well 油井

Hangar 机库

Holding apron 等待坪

Spot 飞机机位

Freight spot 货机位

Open (remote)spot 远机位

Signs for spot 机位指示牌

Signs for taxiway 道路指示牌

Apron lighting 机坪照明

Aerodrome beacon 机场信标

Approach lighting 进近灯光

Boundary lights 场界灯

Obstruction lights 障碍灯

PAPI (precision approach path indicator)精密进近航道指示器Runway edge lights 跑道边灯

Runway slope lights 跑道坡度灯

Sequenced flashing lights 顺序闪光灯

Taxiway edge lights 滑行道边灯

Runway 跑道

Main (primary)runway 主跑道

Instrument runway 仪表跑道

Noninstrument runway

Precision approach runway 精密进近跑道

Nonprecision approach runway 非精密进近跑道

Runway centerline 跑道中心线

Taxiway 滑行道

Taxi line 滑行线

Taxiway link 滑行联络道

Rapid exit way 快速脱离道

Terminal 航站楼

Baggage reclaim hall 行李提取大厅

Baggage sorting area 行李分拣区

Boarding gate 登机口

Check in counter 值机柜台

Domestic departure lobby 国内离港大厅

International departure lobby 国际离港大厅



英语高考高频词汇短语 1. abandon oneself to sth. 完全屈从于(某种感情或冲动);沉迷于 2. have an (the )ability to do sth. ( have the ability in doing sth.)有能力做某事 3. to the best of one's ability 尽某人最大的力 4. be about to do when…正准备做某事突然。。。 5. above all 首先,最重要;in all 总计after all 毕竟; 终究all in all总之 6 .at home and abroad 在国内外go abroad 出国 7. in sb.'s absence /in the absence of sb.当(某人)不在时be absent from 缺席 8. be absorbed in 全神贯注于;专心于 9. have (easy/hard)access to sth. 接近;进入;使用;可以用….(零冠词) 10. by accident 偶然;意外地=by chance by mistake 由于错误 11. be delayed through an accident 由于事故而耽误 12. be accompanied by 附有;伴随;相伴而生keep sb. accompanied=keep sb. company 13. according to (后面不接view, opinion…); in my opinion

14. collect accounts收账;open an account 开账户;keep accounts 记账; account for说明; give a full account of 做一个完整的说明; on account of=beca us e of 因为accounting department会计室; 15 .acc us e sb. of…控告某人charge sb. with sth. 起诉某人blame sb. for sth. 责备某人 16. be acc us tomed to sth.( to doing sth.)=be used to sth.(to doing sth.)习惯于做某事 17. have some acquaintance with 熟悉;熟知He is just an acquaintance 18 .come (run) across (偶然)碰到=meet with ; get sth. across 使人理解;领会 19. act as充当,担任act out 表演(对话、故事);把。。。付诸于行动act on(upon) 对。。。起作用 20 .catch sb. (in the act of) doing sth. 抓住某人干某事;take action 采取行动 21. be active in 在…积极take an active part in 积极参加lead an active life过着积极的生活 22. adapt oneself to 使自己适应adapt sth. to 使某物适应adapt from 根据。。。改写 23. add in 包括;添加;加进去add to 增加;加强add…to 把。。。加到。。。上


商务英语常用单词和短语 A contact phone number 联系电话Ambition n. 理想,抱负 Amendment n. A couple of 一些改正 An associate membership 直飞航班附属会员A direct flight Analysis 分析A four-star hotel 四星级宾馆 Applicant 正式会员申请人A full membership Apprentice A passing fashion 过时的款式n. 学徒 Approach n. A pot of coffee 一壶咖啡方法 Approach v. 接近A temporary replacement 临时顶班 Aptitude n. 能力Accessory n. 附件Arguably adv. 可争辩的住宿Accommodation n. Aspect n. 方面v. Accompany 陪伴Aspirin Accomplish n. 阿司匹林v. 实现Assembly line 生产线Account number 帐号 Assess 会计工作Accountancy v. 评估 Assessment Accountant 会计n. 评估 Assume Accounting 会计工作,清算帐目v. 假定为 Attach v. 贴上Accounts Department 财务部Attendance n. v. Achieve 完成,取得出席 Attitude 音响效果Acoustics n. n. 态度 Audience n. 听众adj. Adequate 足够的 Audit v. 审核广告n. Advertising Autonomous 对什么负责n. Agenda 日程安排 Available 同意Agree on adj. 可以弄到的,可以做到的 尴尬的Awkward 航空信Air letter adj. 机场礼品商店Airport gift shop 积压未处理之事n. Backlog n. 警报系统Alarm system 羽毛球Badminton Alliance n. 联合n. 天平Balance 阳台n. Balcony 选择n. Alternative Batch n. 一批,一组Campaign n. 运动 Carry-on Be familiar with 对什么熟悉n. 继续 Case study 案例研究Be flattered 高兴,得意Cash card Be free from 没有什么的现金卡 Cash flow 资金流动Be involved 卷入 Cash machine 提款机Be keen on 喜欢 Be responsible for Cashier n. 收银员 Catalogue 产品目录Bear no relation with 和。。。没有关系包办宴席,供应伙食v. 打赌Cater for Bet Boardroom 董事会会议室n. 厘米Centimeter n. Booking reference 预定记录证书Certificate Chain 小册子Booklet 连锁店v. 主持Bottom 底端Chair 文字保龄球Bowling n. Character n.


一、选择题 1.—Do you have any problems _____ your English? —Yes, I have some difficulties _____ texts. A.with; reading B.read; study C.with; study D.in; with 2.—How much chocolate ice cream would you like, Linda? —, please. It’s my favorite. A.Only a little B.Just a few C.A lot D.None 3.—We are not supposed to the bus until the bus stops. —That’s right. Safety comes first. A.put off B.get off C.take off D.go off 4.David promised that he would come to the party, but he didn’t ________. A.stay up B.grow up C.wake up D.show up 5.My cousin is heavy because he often eats fast food. A.too much;too many B.too many;too much C.much too;too much D.too much;much too 6.George couldn’t wait to _________ his new car. A.put off B.set off C.take off D.show off 7.________, the Internet was only used by the government. But now it’s widely used in every field. A.As usual B.At first C.After all D.So far 8.—Andy, would you please the report for me and see if there is any mistake? —Of course I will. A.look around B.look through C.look up D.look after 9.—Have you heard that there’s a big fire near your home last night? — Sure. Luckily, the firemen came quickly and ______ the fire. A.came out B.broke out C.put out D.cut out 10.—Who is your favorite singer, Mike? —TF Boys. They are very ____ boys and girls. A.proud of B.popular with C.strict with D.worried about 11.Vivien worked very hard at all her lessons. __________, she became the top student in her class. A.In order to B.As a result C.As usual D.For example 12.—What do you think of your English teacher? —She is a good and caring one. Though her teaching style that of most other teachers, she always has more creative teaching methods than others do. A.is similar to B.is similar as C.the same as 13.--- I was told that Tom was charged with stealing the jewelry from the shop.


高三高考常用词汇 loss n. 丧失 special a. 特别的 inform v. 告诉 enjoyable a. 愉快的 offer v. 提供 mark v. 标明 succeed v. 成功,继承 expectation n. 预料 state n. 状态 effect n. 影响 presentation n. 演示,演出 ban v. 禁止 provide v. 提供 failure n. 失败 manage v. 管理 manager n. 经理 wonder v. 想知道 sensitive a. 敏感的 consider v. 考虑 produce v. 生产 strength n. 力量 communicate v. 沟通 communication n. 沟通,交通 accept v. 接受 explanation n. 解释 encouragement n. 鼓励 encourage v. 鼓励 direction n. 方向 matter vi. 要紧 attention n. 注意 arrival n. 到来 require v. 需要,要求 organise vt. 组织 base n. 基地,基础 government n. 政府 tend v. 倾向 nationwide ad. 全国范围内的native a. 本土的 remain v. 保持 comfort n. 安慰,舒适 performance n. 演出continue vi. 继续 effort n. 努力purpose n. 目的, 决心gifted a. 有天赋的refer v. 涉及conversation n. 谈话guidance n. 引导achieve vt. 实现,达到project n. 方案;项目attend v. 参加 raise vt. 使升高;饲养charge v. 收费,充电argument n. 争论,辩论attack vt./n. 攻击mentally ad. 精神上particular adj. 特别的beneficial a. 有利的application n. 申请necessary a. 必需的accident n. 事故mistaken a. 错误的ownership n. 所有制appoint v. 任命attitude n. 态度mistake n. 错误 force vt. 强迫disappoint v. 使失望behaviour n. 行为 benefit n. 利益 racial a. 种族的doubt n.& v. 怀疑employ v. 雇佣recognise v. 认出damage n.& vt. 毁坏admission n. 准入,承认disappointment n. 失望 except v. 除了depend vi. 依靠 suffer vi. 受苦 affect vt. 影响operation n. 手术,操作determine v. 决定 earn v. 挣得


一、选择题 1.---Mum, I think I need a bigger room. ---You should throw away your old toys. They have _______ too much space. A.taken up B.taken place C.taken off 2.People often make a wish before candles when they celebrate birthday. A.bringing out B.laying out C.finding out D.blowing out 3.—The fire was finally____ in Jilin on June 3. Unfortunately, 119 people lost their lives. —I hope the accident like this won’t happen again. A.put down B.put away C.put out D.put up 4.He drove at such a high speed at the turning that the car almost went ______the road. A.on B.along C.from D.off 5.--All right. I’ll take it. But I tell you, it is the last time I will ______ this kind of work. ---Come on, buddy! Don’t be so serious. A.take out B.take up C.take on D.take off 6.---Mom, my knees have gone ___my jeans. ---No kidding! I just bought it for you last week. A.off B.on C.through D.out 7.High technology is used in EURO 2016 to the matches are fair enough in France. A.make up B.make sure C.come out D.come over 8.—All right, I’ll take it. But I tell you, it is the last time I will ____________ this kind of work —Come on, Buddy! Don’t be so serious. A.take off B.take on C.take out D.take up 9.You should go to see him since he is so seriously ill. ________, he is your brother. A.In all B.First of all C.Above all D.After all 10.—When do you think is the best time to visit Yancheng? —You come here in spring or autumn. The weather is quite pleasant. A.had better B.would rather C.have to D.would like 11.I have a poor memory so I have to ______ my phone number book every time I want to make a call. A.look up B.look at C.look for D.look over 12.Because of his mistakes when dealing with the electricity problems, last Friday he was by the company. A.got off B.took off C.kicked off 13.Pick up your pen and draw your own invention. Maybe it will be ____ a real product one day! A.turned on B.turned down C.turned into D.turned off 14.— Mom, let me help you with the dinner.


2019高考英语词汇详解:go的短语与句式 高考英语词汇详解:go的短语与句式 1 . go back 回去。如: When will he go back? 他什么时候回去? Let’s go back to what the chairman said earlier. 咱们回到主席早些时候所说到的话题上吧。 回顾,回溯。如: My family goes back to the 18th century . 我的家族可追溯到18世纪。 2 . go by 从旁边经过。如: A police car went by at full speed. 一辆警车全速从我们身旁驶过。 过去。如: Two years went by. 两年过去了。 He let the chance go by. 他错过了机会。 遵循,按照,以……为依据。如: That’s a good rule to go by. 那是要遵守的好规则。 We can’t go by looks alone. 我们不能只看外表。 3 . go down

下落,下沉。如: The sun is going down. 太阳西下。 Three ships went down in the storm. 风暴中有三艘船沉没。 下降,降低,减低,减弱。如: The standard of work has gone down. 工作标准降低了。 We waited for the wind to go down. 我们等待风势减弱。 Eggs are going down in price. / The price of eggs is going down. 鸡蛋价格下跌了。


Transaction 交易customs area 关税区 in compliance with 遵从conversion 货币兑换visible trade 有形贸易resale 转售 gross domestic product国内生产总值invisible trade 无形贸易for short 缩写为account for 占…比例headquarters 总部trap 陷阱,圈套 portfolio investment 证券投资stocks 股票 bonds 债券maturity (票据等)到期,到期日certificate of deposit 大额存单licensing许可经营 franchising 特许经营trademark 商标 advisable 可行的patent 专利royalty 专利使用费;copyright 版税licensor 给予许可的人 licensee 接受许可的人franchiser 给予特许的人franchisee 接受特许的人logo 标志;标记management contract 管理合同 expertise 专门知识bonus 红利;津贴;奖金 flat 一律的,无变动的value chain 价值链 contract manufacturing 承包工程 turnkey project “交钥匙”工程clue 线索 BOT(Build,Operate,Transfer)建设经营移交stand for 代表variant 变形/体potential 潜力national income 国民收入bulk 大量的;大宗的 GNP 国民生产总值per capita income 人均收入PPP 购买力平价consumerism 消费,消费主义income distribution 收入分布 Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development 经济合作与发展组织 infra structure 基础设施Commonwealth of Independent States 独立国家联合体 staple goods 大路货tap 开发hemisphere 半球observation(经观察而得到的)看法haven 避风港;安全之地spur 促进creditor country 债权国proximity 临近ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟witness 亲历economic integration 经济一体化liberalize 使自由put up barriers 设置障碍fall under分成几部分free trade area自由贸易区tariff rates 关税税率NAFTA 北美自由贸易协定customs union 关税同盟detour 迂回;绕行common market 共同市场adoption 使用,采用euro 欧元erode 侵蚀autonomy 自治sovereign state 主权国家political entity 政治实体set the stage of 为、、做准备;促成monumental 重要的,有纪念意义的landmark 地标;里程碑signatory 签字国;签字人settlement 结算banknotes 纸币;钞票circulation货币流通executive body 行政机构,执行机构European Commission欧盟委员会veto 否决commissioner 委员,特派员,专员council of ministers 部长理事会empower 授予权力 multi-polarization 多极化tenet 原则;宗旨Dual-Ministerial Meeting 双部长会议 cartel 卡特尔,联盟OPEC 石油输出国组织 globalization 全球化frequency 频繁,频率 interactive 相互作用的element 要素;组成成分;元 素value 价值观acclaim 欢呼;欢迎;喝彩 adverse 不利的;反对的controversial 引起争议的 instrumental 有作用的internationalization 国际化 facilities 设施;设备;工具label 把称为;把归类 employ 用;使用assets 资产incorporate 吸收;合并 purpot 声称;自称headquarters 总部 international economic environment国际经济环境 double digit 两位数字survival 继续生存 embark(on)开始;从事gigantic 庞大的;巨大的 intervene 干预;干涉technical improvements 技术进 步derivation 获得day-to-day running 日常管理 decentralize 分散;放下(权利)wield 操控;控制 jurisdiction 权利;管理范围vehicle 工具;手段 delegate power to…对、、、授权affiliate 分支机构; 附属机构mover 原动力,推动力define 下定义 services 劳务distri natural resources 自然资源 abundant 丰富的scarce缺少,缺乏primary commodities 初级产品incentive 刺激 specialization 专业化constitute 构成,形成remainder 剩余的,余数hold 认为in terms of 在…方面 illustrate 说明table 表格,图表assume 假设 efficient 有效的,效率高的occur 发生,产生law 规 则,法则even if 即使disadvantage 不利with respect to 关exploit 利用,开发static 静止的 endowment of nature 自然的赋予up-to-date 现代的, 新式的intuitive 直觉的,直观的appeal 吸引力 absolute adantage 绝对利益comparative advantage 比较利益strategic 战略的reduce 减少bulky 笨 重的,庞大的perishable 易碎的protectionist 保护主 义的barrier障碍typical 典型的tariffs 关税 quota 配额levy 征收,收取coincide 巧合;偶合 customs union 关税联盟import duties 进口关税 export duties 出口关税ad valorem 按价;从价 specific 从量的compound duties 复税,混合关税 drawback 退税refund 偿还;退还 most-favoured-nation(MFN)treatment 最惠国待遇 signatory 签字国concession让步tariff schedule 税率 表;税则non-tariff barrier 非关税壁垒impose 加强 unilaterally 单方面地label 标签,标记,标号 voluntary 自动的,主动的forthcoming 即将到来的 meaning of transport 运输工具inland water vessels 内 河船只maritime 海洋的cargo compartment 货仓 charter租fleet 舰队insurance保险 vulnerable 脆弱的collision 碰撞pilferage 偷窃 explosion 爆炸place of historical interest 古迹 accommodations 膳宿供应immigrant 移民 remittance 汇款undertake 承担 climate 环境气氛;风气degenerate 变坏;衰退 deal 交易draw up 制定;拟就respective 各 自的;分别的subsequent 随后的,后来的 interpretation 解释;说明trade terms 贸易术语; 交易条件trading practices 贸易惯例 litigation 诉讼,诉争entail 使人承担;使成为必要 amendment 修正案;修正条款 addition 增加部分revise 修正;修改 unitization 使成为一个单位maritime 海的;海上的 consolidate 统一,合并render使得;使成为 negotiable 可转让的;可流通的vital 极其重要的, 必不可少的whereby 凭借那个,借以premises 生产 场所;经营场所disposal 处理departure 离开,启程, 出发quay 码头substantive 实质性的 set forth 陈述;阐明binding 有约束力的 enforceable可实施的sue起诉trade fairs 商品交易 会trunk call 长途电话enquiry 询盘;询价 quotation 报价voluntarily 主动地,自愿地 indispensable 必不可少的validity period 有效期 offer还盘unbinding 无约束力的invalid 无 效的sales contract 销售合同 sales (purchase)confirmation 售货(购货)确认书 setting up 构成,结构,格式consignment 寄售 contracting parties 缔约方force majeure不可抗力 arbitration 仲裁cotton piece good 棉布 cotton yarns 棉纱hereby 于此hereunder 于下 article number 货号yard 码overleaf 反面 bleached 漂白的counter trade 对销贸易;反对贸易 allegedly被说成;据说phenomenon 现象 terminology 术语generic 总称的 net positions 实际寸头adduce 引证 empirical 以经验为根据的reciprocal 互惠的;互相 hyperinflation极度通货膨胀literally 照字地 disarray 混乱conceptually 概念上地European Payment Union 欧洲支付联盟pre-specify 预先说明 competitive devaluation 竞争性贬值in essence 实质上的intertemporal 不同时的be tied to 固定于 photocopying machine 复印机 intriguing引起兴趣的,有迷惑力的concurrently 同时 发生的 a fraction of一点儿;一部分 verify 一部分sophisticated 经验丰富的bypass 避开;置、、、于不顾expertise 专门知识leverage 杠杆 作用tap 开发;开辟conceal 掩盖;隐藏 perpetuate 使永久存在processing trade 加工贸易 consignment 寄售赁agency 代理domestic 国内的


考研英语词汇:常见英语缩写词 AD,A.DAnno Domini(=in the year of the) Lord;since Christ wasborn 公元 A.M.,a.m.ante meridiem(before noon)上午,午前Apr. April 四月 Aug.August八月 Ave.avenue林荫道,大街 BABachelor of Arts文科学士 BC,B.C.before Christ公元前BS,BScBachelor of Science理科学士C°,Centigrade摄氏度 cccubic centimeter立方厘米CDcompact disk光盘,激光唱片 cf.confer(=compare)试比较;参看cmcentimeter厘米 https://www.360docs.net/doc/cf11898341.html,pany公司

c/ocare of由…转交 https://www.360docs.net/doc/cf11898341.html,pare比较 Dec.December十二月 dept.,Dept.department部,司,局,系Dr.doctor博士;医生 e.g.exempli gratia(=for example)例如esp.especially尤其是et al.et alia(=and others)其他的 etc.et cetera(=and the rest)等等FFahrenheit华氏的 Feb.February二月 ftfoot,feet英尺 g,gm.gram克 GMTGreenwich Mean Time格林威治时间

hr.hour小时 IDidentification card身份证i.e.id est(=that is)那就是,即in.inch英寸 Inc.incorporated股份有限的Jan.January一月 Jr.junior小(用于姓名后)Jul.July七月 Jun.June六月 kg.kilogram千克,公斤km.kilometer千米,公里 l. liter升 lb.libra(=pound)磅 Ltd.limited有限的,股份有限


初中英语词汇短语语法 1) 经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频度的时间状语连用。时间状语:every…, sometimes, at…, on Sunday。例如: I leave home for school at 7 every morning. 每天早上我七点离开家。 2) 客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。例如: The earth moves around the sun. 地球绕太阳转动。 Shanghai lies in the east of China. 上海位于中国东部。 3) 表示格言或警句。例如: Pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败。 注意:此用法如果出现在宾语从句中,即使主句是过去时,从句谓语也要用一般现在时。 例:Columbus proved that the earth is round. 哥伦布证实了地球是圆的。 4) 现在时刻的状态、能力、性格、个性。例如: I don't want so much. 我不要那么多。 Ann writes good English but does not speak well. 安英语写得不错,讲的可不行。 比较:Now I put the sugar in the cup. 把糖放入杯子。 I am doing my homework now. 我正在做功课。 第一句用一般现在时,用于操作演示或指导说明的示范性动作,表示言行的瞬间动作。第二句中的now是进行时 的标志,表示正在进行的动作的客观状 况,所以后句用一般现在时。 一般过去时的用法 1)在确定的过去时间里所发生的动作 或存在的状态。例如:时间状语有: yesterday, last week, an hour ago, the other day, in 1982等。例如: Where did you go just now? 刚才你上哪儿去了? 2)表示在过去一段时间内,经常性或习 惯性的动作。例如: When I was a child, I often played football in the street. 我是个孩子的时候,常在马路上踢足球。 Whenever the Browns went during their visit, they were given a warm welcome. 那时,布朗一家无论什么时候去,都受到热烈欢迎。 3)句型:It is time for sb. to do sth "到……时间了" "该……了"。例如:It is time for you to go to bed. 你该睡觉了。 It is time that sb. did sth. "时间已迟了" "早该……了" ,例如It is time you went to bed. 你早该睡觉了。 would (had) rather sb. did sth. 表示'宁愿某人做某事'。例如:I'd rather you came tomorrow.还是明天来吧。 4) wish, wonder, think, hope 等用过去时,作试探性的询问、请求、建议等,而一般过去时表示的动作或状态都 已成为过去,现已不复存在 1


高考英语作文的高级词汇和短语 导读:本文高考英语作文的高级词汇和短语,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 1、引出开头 It is commonly believed that…人们一般认为 Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus 最近……问题引起了关注 It is universally acknowledged that + 句子全世界都知道... A lot of people seem to think that……很多人似乎认为… 2、表示结尾 In short, it can be said that…总之,他的意思是… From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that…从上面提到的,我们可以得出结论… Only in this way can we …只有这样,我们才能… Spare no effort to + V 不遗余力的 There is no doubt that 有优点也有缺点 3、学校生活及学习成绩 Be getting on well with one’s study某人的学习越来越好 put one’s heart into…专心于;致力于 arise from 由....引起 Some people… while others…一些人…而另外一些人

acquire knowledge and skills学习知识和技能 make joint efforts做出共同努力 4、彼此沟通信息 Write sb a letter saying…给某人写信说... express one’s idea (feelings) in English用英语表达一个人的思想(感情) Views on …vary from person to person对…观点因人而异 set forth a compromise proposal提出折中提议 enhance/ promote mutual understanding 增进相互了解 5、其他 be in good shape be angry about…为某事生气 Thank you for your letter. Looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you. 不可否认It is undeniable that不可否认 an irresistible trend of必然趋势 realize one’s dream实现梦想 The main reasons are listed as follows主要理由列举如下


商务英语短句与重点词语 1.Advice from our branch in Shanghai indicates that our market share is rising. 上海分行的.报告表明我们的市场份额在增长。 重点词语:advice n.通知单,报告信,通知;报道 商务用语:a remittance advice 汇款通知 aepted bill of advice 承兑通知书 2.Even though the Red Cross had allocated a large sum for the relief of the sufferers of the disaster, many people perished. 尽管红十字会拨出了很大一笔钱救济灾民,但是仍有很多人死去了。 重点词语:allocate vt.配给,配置;分配 商务用语:allocate shares 分配股份

3.We have to allow 5% of our profit for tear and wear. 我们必须将所得利润酌留5%作为损耗费。 重点词语:allow vt.酌情增减;提供;清算 商务用语:allow of no excuse 不容辩解 4.It has been announced that Mr.A and Miss B will be married next week. 已正式宣布A先生与B小姐将于下星期结婚。 重点词语:announce vt.通告 商务用语:announce guests 通知客到 announce dinner 通知开宴/饭 5. Gold has recently appreciated and will continue to appreciate in the months ahead.


附录3常用的前缀和后缀,部分国家(或地区)、语言、国民及国籍表,洲名及常见缩写词 一、常用的前缀和后缀 1、常用前缀 aero-:concerning the air of aircraft plane-aeroplane 飞机 space-aerospace 航空空间 anti-:against;opposite of nuclear-antinuclear 反对核武器的 matter-antimatter反物质 war-antiwar反战的 auto-:of or by oneself biography传记–autobiography自传criticism批评-autocriticism自我反省 be-:to treat as the stated thing friend-befriend以朋友的方式对待;照顾little-belittle使显得微小,轻视、贬低 bi-:two;twice;double lingual-bilingual 双语的;人 cycle-bicycle bio-:concerning living things chemistry-biochemistry生化 sphere-biosphere 生物圈 by-,bye-:less important produce-by-produce way-byway偏僻小路;学科的次要领域,冷门 centi-:hundredth part grade-centigrade ?摄氏 meter-centimeter 厘米 co-:together,with author-coauthor合著者,合著 exist-coexist 同时共存、和平共处 col-:( used before l ) together,with location-collocation排列,配置,词的搭配com-:( used before b,m,p ) together,with passion-compassion 怜悯、同情 con-:together,with centric-concentric同一中心的、同轴federation-confederation结盟同盟,联邦contra-:opposite diction-contradiction 矛盾、否定反驳natural-contranatural违背自然的 cor-:( used before r ) together,with relate-correlate 有相关性 respond-correspond 相符合相一致,相当类似通信 counter-:opposite act-counteract 对抗、抵消 attack-counterattack 反攻、反击 cross-:across;going between the stated things and joining them country-crosscountry越野的 breed-crossbreed杂种,使杂交 de-:showing an opposite;to remove;to reduce code-decode 译码、解码、分析电子信号value-devalue 贬值,贬低 dis-:not;the opposite of advantage-disadvantage 不利、劣势、短处agree-disagree不同意、不一致、不适合honest-dishonest 不诚实、不老实 em-:( used before b,m,p ) to cause to become body-embody 表现、象征;包括、包含power-empower 授权、准许 en-:to cause to become;to make danger-endanger 危及、使遭受危险 large-enlarge 扩大、扩充放大 ex-:former ( and still living ) minister-ex-minister v辅助; 服侍,部长 wife-ex-wife 前妻 extra-:outside;beyond curricular-extracurricular 学校课程以外的ordinary-extraordinary 奇怪;特别;额外,临时 fore-:in advance,before;in or at the front arm-forearm前臂,预先武装 warn-forewarn 预先警告;事先告知 il-:( used before l ) not legal-illegal 非法 literate-illiterate 目不识丁、文盲的 im-:( used before b,m,p ) not moral-immoral 不道德、邪恶;放荡的possible-impossible 不可能、办不到的;很难接受 in-:not
