


1. 他已成为各种贸易和商务的强有力的手段It has 26. 评价一个人要充分考虑他的成绩We should take full become a powerful medium and business account of his achievements while evaluating transactions of all kinds someone

2. 电子贸易指网上财务往来电子商务则指有形式的网上27. 有时可以创立一个内在电子商务单位,然后把这单位交易E-commerce refers to financial transactions 分割出去成为独立的法人In some cases it may be over the Web and e-business refers to all forms desirable to create an internal e-business unit of transactions over the Wed and then spin off the unit as a separate legal

3. 客户服务已经是并将继续是一个主要的竞争因素entity Customer service has been and continues to be a 28. 这一前景理论上可行但实际上吹嘘过度While major competitive factor possible in theory the promise was clearly

4. 电子商务的交易通常涉及几个互动的步骤E-business oversold transactions often involve several interactive 29. 这当然是重要的,但是董事会层面却远远不能理解steps While that is certainly important the

5. 那将给你以极大的竞争优势That will give you a understanding needed at the board level goes well serious advantage over your competition beyond that

6. 当你的公司电子商务化后,你与客户之间的关系就改30. 为了获得市场份额,他们必须竭尽全力To gain market 变了When you become an e-business you transform share they will go to great lengths your relationship with your customers 31. 然而,他解释说,设立两种对立的定价系统在某些时

7. 客户关系管理在你的商务程序中起决定作用Your most 候可能导致不良企图的滋生However he explains that critical business process

is customer setting up two separate pricing systems is likely relationship management to generate ill will at some point 8. 我们必须尽最大可能的利用我们已有的资源We must 32. 守住承诺适用于客服务过程的每一

步Following make the best possible use of the resources we have through on your promises applies to every step of 9. 男孩子们依次被召入会见考官The boys were summoned the customer-service process in turn to see the examiner 33. 这就解释了顾客通过同类比较发现的任何差别This 10. 他做一切

事情都不考虑后果He does everything will account for any differential a customer regardless of the consequences uncovers using an apples-to-apples comparison 11. 这部分我们讨论企业的产品和服务以及行业和因特网34. 我们要事先准备所有申请材料We must have all the 的信息In this section we discuss the firm’s application materials prepared in advance product or service along with information about 35. 你需要确定顾客需要你的某种产品的原因和你的电脑the industry and internet 怎样才能满足那种需求You need to identify why your 12. 客户将能够舒舒服服的在家里享用信息,产品和服务customer needs your specific computer and how your Customers will be able to consume information computer meets that need product and service from the comfort of the homes 36. 在商业中,客户服务对于其成长和繁荣至关重要In any 13. 在因特网上可以直接得到信息产品和服务,这就省掉business customer service is vital to growth and 了中间商,还会引起经济萎缩The internet allows prosperity direct access to information product and service 37. 网络让你们建立起确实的一对一的动态关系The which cuts out middlemen and causes economic internet permits you to build a dynamic deflation relationships that are really one on one 14. 投资于该计划的机

构在审核该商务计划时会有兴趣了38. 它确实需要你重新思考你的整个经营方式

和管理企业解公司任何在竞争中取胜Institutions financing 的策略It really involves rethinking the entire the project which going through the business plan way you do business and how you run your will be very interested in knowing how the company organization is going to beat the competition 39. 钱本身并不重要,重要的是钱的用途Money is not the 15. 该计划应对如何达到目标市场做出描述The plan end in itself but the application of it is most should describe how the target markets are to be important reached 40. 一旦有人跟你联系就要回应Once you’re contacted 16. 如果产品是在因特网上提供的无形信息就应该创造某be responsive 种定价

模式来调节价格If the product is intangible 41. 一开始,这个公司没有管理和业务计划,到现在为止information delivered over the internet one 一切

进展顺利At the outset the company had no should try to create some sort of pricing model management and operations plan in place and things to justify its prices have worked out just fine so far 17. 网站最初将包含哪些特点及未来的扩展计划是怎样的42. 我们在销售厂家的婴儿产品的同时也提供

生活方式和What features will be incorporated in the site 健康方面的信息We provide lifestyle and initially and what are the plans for future healthcare information along with baby products enhancement or expansion that we sell for manufacturers 18. 你必须有计划的安排这些步骤以便将你的提议变成现43. 这家公司预期1999年实现每月50%的增长The company 实You must lay out the steps to make your proposal expected a mouth-to-month growth rate of 50 a reality percent 1999 19. 务必打个电话让我们知道你已安全的回家Be sure to 44. 预测存货需求最初对这个公司来说是件棘手的事情,

ring and let us know you’ve got back safely 但公司仅仅用了几个月时间就在网上找到了销售和存20. 这家旅馆可以为80位客人提供住宿,此外还有几个可货的感觉Predicting inventory needs was tricky for 供客人自己开火的套间The hotel itself can the company at first though it only took it a few accommodate 80 guests and in addition there are months online to develop a sense of sales and several self-catering apartments inventory 21. 需要12个月来实施的战略也不可能成功A strategy 45. 现在,这家公司在刚刚建立自己的网站之后,正在寻that requires more than 12 months to execute is 求

在其他玩具制造商曾经失败过的网上玩具商务中取also unlikely to succeed 得成功Now with its newly launched Wed site the 22. 当一个企业准备建立电子商务时他应该考虑清楚实现company ia looking to succeed in the online toy 其战略目标的其他可选择的途径When preparing to business where others have failed establish an e-business presence enterprises 46. 网络圣杯是导致实际良好利润的专利内容The Holy should explicitly consider

alternative ways to Grail on the internet is proprietary content that attain the strategic objectives leads to really good margins 23. 我们要在出发前把一切规划好We should get 47. 在求学的道路上,我们准备克服很多

的困难On the way everything planned out before our departure of study we must be ready to grapple with many 24. 正如把电子商务战略融入整体电子商务战略中是重要difficulties 的一样,把商务评价系统融入进来也同样重要Just as 48. 至于在竞争中保持领先地位的问题,我们公司以产品it is important to integrate the e-business 挑选余地大和有两的服务和信息而引人注意When it strategy into the overall business strategy it is comes to staying ahead of the competition our equally important to integrate

business model company distinguishes itself through a broad product selection and excellent service and 25. 那样,最好的途径可能是开发新的潜能,改善现存的information 商业过程去实施新的商业模式In such instances the 49. 网络是一个及时的媒体,它让人为之兴奋,因为他迫best approach may be to build new capabilities and 使我们保证尽快送货The internet is a very timely transform existing business processes to medium which is exciting because it puts pressure implement a new business model on us to make sure we’re delivering as quickly

as possible 14 文本信息嵌入到了特殊文件格式的二进制结构中 The 50. 我们必须想办法进入敌人的电脑获得情报We have to textual information is embedded into the binary manage to get access to engmy’s computer and then structure of the particular file format. 15你这些乱糟糟的东西占用了太多的空间 Your clutter get the intelligence 51. CRM的目标是在企业的销售市场和顾客服务等活动之takes up far too much space. 间建立一种协作,已获得和保持客户群CRM’s goal is 16 它是便宜的,但在另一方面,质量很差It’s cheap , but to create a synergy among sales marketing and on the other hand , the quality is poor. customer-service activities within an 17 在网上手动分类导致极少的搜索结果 Manual process of organization in order to obtain and retain classifying on the web result in very few search results. customers 18 那些不说英语或不以英语为本族语的人在互联网上受到52. 在许多公司里,部门之间的业务是不同的,所以你需很大的限制People who do not speak English or who are 要与你的业务相匹配的软件The lines between non-native English speakers have many disadvantages on departments are different in many companies and the web . you want the

software to match your business 19 按照信息的重要性进行分类也非常有必要It is 53. 90年代早期这些公司摒弃了办公室哦写形式而进入了necessary to rank information by importance. 电子邮件和自动报表时代They abandoned 20 那机会太好了,不能错过That’s too good an opportunity to miss. carbon-paper forms and dove into e-mail and automated reports in the early 1990’s 21要在电子商务新时代获得成功,企业必须最大限度地扩大54. 因为你无需定制软件包,所以你的公司只需几个礼拜雇员在电子商务活动中的参与程度To be successful in the 而不是几个月的时间就可以实现电子化Because you new age of electronic commerce, commerce , enterprises don’t need to customize these packages they can must be able to maximize the participation of their employees in e-commerce initiatives. get you online within weeks instead of months 55. 严寒使水结冰Frost turns water into ice 22愿意买该产品或服务的人越多,价格就降的越多The more 56. 这常常需要定制软件It often calls for customized people willing to buy the product or service , the further the price drops. software 57. 选择一个CRM解决方案也是一次检验你业务的机会 Choosing a CRM solution is also an opportunity 23 与过去两年相比,我们几年的销售额增加了一倍 Compared with last two years , we have doubled the sales examine your business practices 58. 许多公司把eCRM看做是他们呼叫中心的自然扩充Many figure this year. companies see eCRM as a natural extension of their 24 各种各样规模的企业正加入到互联网经济中来,因此电子call centers 商务正迅速地改变着商业 Enterprises of all size are joining the Internet economy and thus electronic 59. 每一个销售商都拥有庞大而稳固的技术支持力量和能帮助安装设备的合作伙伴Each of the vendors has a commerce is rapidly

transforming business. large established base of supporting and partners 25 现在出现的一个焦点领域是间接采购,它是一项与用于企业经营的货物和服务的购买关联的开支 Presently an that can assist with installations 60. 小企业也可以利用那些致力于销售自动化的网络公司emerging area of focus is indirect procurement , which 的服Smaller organizations can also take advantage is the spending associated with acquiring the goods and services required to run the enterprise. of the services of dot-com companies which focus on sales-force automation 26 互联网采购自动化能够减少每一订单70%的申请费用 Internet procurement automation has the potential to reduce requisition processing costs by 70% per order. 27 规模经济得到乐实现,从而降低乐产品的成本,增加了购1 不论你业务的规模大

小,全新的电子化结算与支付方式将买组织投资的整体回报率 Economies of scale are realized , 使你无须再打印结算清单和支付邮资,也无须再投入大量的enabling lower cost of goods and increasing the buying 人力处理支付过程No matter what size your business is, organization’s overall return on investment . emerging alternatives will save you from having to point 28 个人并不是利用实物交易的惟一实体 Individuals statements, pay for postage, and dedicate large numbers aren’t the only ones taking advantage of swapping. of people to processing payments. 29 我怎么也意想不到那个时候他会突然出现 I never 2客户可以在线审核结算清单、即刻完成转

账 Customers thought that he would pop up then. can review statements online and transfer funds 30 这不仅可以给你带来一些本不可能的新买卖,而且还有助instantly. 于你生意的发展 Not only can it 31 bring new sales that 3 该报告声称价值源于业务的改进而非成本的节约 The you never would

have had , but it helps promote your report states that the value comes from business business improvement rather than cost savings. 32所有这些趋势都毫无疑问地对电子商务市场产生着深远的4 edocs意识到此类技术具有更大的使用范围,因而避免使用影响。All of these trends are undoubtedly having a EBPP这一术语而倾向于称其为因特网结算与客户管理profound effect on the e-business market. Recognizing the large scope of these technologies , 33我认为在这个市场上速度是第一位的。 I think speed is edocs eschews the term EBPP in favor of Internet billing of the essence in this market. and customer management. 34但就算你并不是一个先行者,你仍然可以在电子世界中占5 她说出了种种理由,但没有一条令人信服 She presented a 有相当的市场份额。But even if you are not a variety of reasons ,but none was convincing first-mover,you can still take a significant market 6 电子化结算能简化你绝大部分支付程序You’ll be able share in the e-world to streamline most of the process by billing your 35迄今为止我们所了解到的就是:如果你的企业想在电子商customer electronically. 务领域站住脚,那么

市场营销部门就是极其重要的。 What 7 EBPP能降低你公司用于客户支持的费用EBPP can cut down we've seen so far,is that your marketing department is the cost of your company’s customer support. extremely important to you if you want to be branded as 8 传统的兑换方式惟有通过在结算单上填塞广告而获利 an e-business. Traditional billing methods present lucrative 36

结果非常不令人满意,和我们所期望的恰恰相反。The opportunities to stuff statements with ads. result was rather unsatisfactory,as opposed to what we had expected. 9 对客户而言,EBPP意味着随时随地可以了解账户数据 To

the customer, EBPP means access to account data at any 37那个计划一开始

就注定要失败。 From the start,theplan time , from anywhere. was doomed to failure. 38供水条件的改善会给健康带来巨大的影响。Improvement 10 最妙的是,消费者无需再料理一大堆乱糟糟的账单Best of all , customer don’t have to deal with the clutter in water supply can have a dramatic effect on health. 39应该由你决定是否实施这一计划。It's up to you to of bills.

11 需要新的搜索方法以及能够将Web站点自动分类的软件 decide whether to carry out this plan or not. New paradigms of searching are needed as well as new 40在某种程度上,男性更容易找到报酬高的工作。To a certain extent,it's easier for men to get well-paid software that is able to categorize web sites automatically. work. 12 信息和数据检索技术研发的目的在于提高检索的功用和效率 The research and development in information and date retrieval is aimed at improving the effectiveness and

efficiency of retrieval 13 为了得到更好的检索结果,不仅需要提高检索引擎的技术,而且需要改进用户界面 In order to review better search results, it is not only necessary to improve the search engine technology , but also the user interface.

41成千上万的人都参与了四年一度的选举活动。Thousands of people were involved in the election campaign held every four years. 42市场的变化已经使许多网站破产,而且许多其他的网站也只是勉强在生存着。Changes in the market have driven many sites out of business,and many others are barely surviving. 43在我们的测试中,我们观察到43%的购物企图都是以失败而告终的。In our tests,we observed that 43%of purchase attempts ended in failure. 44这些数字并不意味着科学上的精确,而是对于在这个假日中可能损失的收入做一个判断。 These figures are not meant to be scientifically

accurate but rather to give a sense of the possible loss of revenue this holiday season. 45在所有这些情况下,网站没有明确顾客需要做什么以及如何

顺利结帐。In all these cases,sites failed to make it clear what customers needed to do and how they could advance in the checkout process. 46这本书的确值得找一找。 This is a book well worth looking for. 47由于天气原因,航班已经推迟一个小时了。 The flight has been delayed

one hour,due to weather conditions. 48他似乎很可能通过入学考试。It seems likely that he'll pass the entrance examination. 49我们怎么才能防

止这种疾病蔓延?How can we pervent this disease from spreading? 50不管你

怎么读法,这个句子总是不知所云。 No matter how you read it,this sentence doesn't make sense. 51他已不再赌博。 He is through with gambling. 52在

业务的经营方式以及业务运作的外部环境中,法律顾问应起实质性的作用。Legal counsel should play a substantive role in the way that business is conducted and the external environment in which it operates. 53法律顾问

可以探讨由于技术、业务及法律环境的变化而产生的风险和弱点。Counsel can address risks and vulnerabilities that arise from changes in the technical,business and legal environments. 54政府一贯愿意按照业界的行情

而修改立法方案。Governments have consistently been willing to modify legislative proposals following representations from business. 55既然是

根据商业价值而选择位置,那么也应该把法律因素考虑在内。 AS locations are selected for commercial value,legal considerations should also be taken into account. 56必须考虑到商标、域名的法律效力以及其他外部威胁,以使名

誉免于受损。The legal aspects of trademarks,domain names,and other external threats musy be considered to protect the name and reputation

from harm. 57在电子商务模式中,许多资产包含有信息,这些信息是无形的,但是具有很大的价值。In the e-business model,many assets consist of information,intangible but possessing great value. 58信息产品可以在顷刻间传遍全世界,所以特别有风险。Information products are particularly at risk as they can instanty be disseminated world-wide. 59只有彻底地重新审视机构的运作方式,电子商务的诸多利益才能得到保障。 Many of the benefits of e-business can be secured only with a radical rethinking of the way in which the organization operates. 60勿受坏榜样的影响。Don't be influenced by bad examples. 61工业革命改变了整个英国的社会结构。The industrial revolution modified the whole structure of English society.


商务英语翻译试题(四) Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分) 1.该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规。 (10分) (1) currency A. the money in use in a particular country B. flow of price C. at present D. deposit in the bank (2) vary A. to change or be different B. to choose C. to apply for D. to refuse (3) tumble A. to be trapped in difficulty B. to fall quickly and without control C. to be tired of doing D. to become less in number or smaller (4) breach A. an act of breaking a law, promise B. a specialized company C. a part of an institution D. an agreement or contract (5) take the law into their own hands. A. to solve the problem by themselves B. to break or violate the law C. to explain the clauses in the law D. to understand the law as they think (6) seminar A. survival B. study of a university C. sightseeing D. social setting (7) grace A. a person who controls property B. a period of time allowed before sth. happens C. a generally accepted opinion D. a way of dealing with a problem (8) veto A. a refusal to allow sth. to be done B. a particular right to do sth. C. an amount of money paid to obtain insurance D. disagreement or unfriendliness (9) priority A. to pose a threat B. to produce life cycle


1.他已成为各种贸易和商务的强有力的手段It has become a powerful medium and business transactions of all kinds 2.电子贸易指网上财务往来电子商务则指有形式的网上 交易E-commerce refers to financial transactions over the Web and e-business refers to all forms of transactions over the Wed 3.客户服务已经是并将继续是一个主要的竞争因素 Customer service has been and continues to be a major competitive factor 4.电子商务的交易通常涉及几个互动的步骤E-business transactions often involve several interactive steps 5.那将给你以极大的竞争优势That will give you a serious advantage over your competition 6.当你的公司电子商务化后,你与客户之间的关系就改 变了When you become an e-business you transform your relationship with your customers 7.客户关系管理在你的商务程序中起决定作用Your most critical business process is customer relationship management 8.我们必须尽最大可能的利用我们已有的资源We must make the best possible use of the resources we have 9.男孩子们依次被召入会见考官The boys were summoned in turn to see the examiner 10.他做一切事情都不考虑后果He does everything regardless of the consequences 11.这部分我们讨论企业的产品和服务以及行业和因特网 的信息In this section we discuss the firm’s product or service along with information about the industry and internet 12.客户将能够舒舒服服的在家里享用信息,产品和服务 Customers will be able to consume information product and service from the comfort of the homes 13.在因特网上可以直接得到信息产品和服务,这就省掉 了中间商,还会引起经济萎缩The internet allows direct access to information product and service which cuts out middlemen and causes economic deflation 14.投资于该计划的机构在审核该商务计划时会有兴趣了 解公司任何在竞争中取胜Institutions financing the project which going through the business plan will be very interested in knowing how the company is going to beat the competition 15.该计划应对如何达到目标市场做出描述The plan should describe how the target markets are to be reached 16.如果产品是在因特网上提供的无形信息就应该创造某 种定价模式来调节价格If the product is intangible information delivered over the internet one should try to create some sort of pricing model to justify its prices 17.网站最初将包含哪些特点及未来的扩展计划是怎样的 What features will be incorporated in the site initially and what are the plans for future enhancement or expansion 18.你必须有计划的安排这些步骤以便将你的提议变成现 实You must lay out the steps to make your proposal a reality 19.务必打个电话让我们知道你已安全的回家Be sure to ring and let us know you’ve got back safely 20.这家旅馆可以为80位客人提供住宿,此外还有几个可 供客人自己开火的套间The hotel itself can accommodate 80 guests and in addition there are several self-catering apartments 21.需要12个月来实施的战略也不可能成功 A strategy that requires more than 12 months to execute is also unlikely to succeed 22.当一个企业准备建立电子商务时他应该考虑清楚实现 其战略目标的其他可选择的途径When preparing to establish an e-business presence enterprises should explicitly consider alternative ways to attain the strategic objectives 23.我们要在出发前把一切规划好We should get everything planned out before our departure 24.正如把电子商务战略融入整体电子商务战略中是重要 的一样,把商务评价系统融入进来也同样重要Just as it is important to integrate the e-business strategy into the overall business strategy it is equally important to integrate business model 25.那样,最好的途径可能是开发新的潜能,改善现存的 商业过程去实施新的商业模式In such instances the best approach may be to build new capabilities and transform existing business processes to implement a new business model 26.评价一个人要充分考虑他的成绩We should take full account of his achievements while evaluating someone 27.有时可以创立一个内在电子商务单位,然后把这单位 分割出去成为独立的法人In some cases it may be desirable to create an internal e-business unit and then spin off the unit as a separate legal entity 28.这一前景理论上可行但实际上吹嘘过度While possible in theory the promise was clearly oversold 29.这当然是重要的,但是董事会层面却远远不能理解 While that is certainly important the understanding needed at the board level goes well beyond that 30.为了获得市场份额,他们必须竭尽全力To gain market share they will go to great lengths 31.然而,他解释说,设立两种对立的定价系统在某些时 候可能导致不良企图的滋生However he explains that setting up two separate pricing systems is likely to generate ill will at some point 32.守住承诺适用于客服务过程的每一步Following through on your promises applies to every step of the customer-service process 33.这就解释了顾客通过同类比较发现的任何差别This will account for any differential a customer uncovers using an apples-to-apples comparison 34.我们要事先准备所有申请材料We must have all the application materials prepared in advance 35.你需要确定顾客需要你的某种产品的原因和你的电脑 怎样才能满足那种需求You need to identify why your customer needs your specific computer and how your computer meets that need 36.在商业中,客户服务对于其成长和繁荣至关重要In any business customer service is vital to growth and prosperity 37.网络让你们建立起确实的一对一的动态关系The internet permits you to build a dynamic relationships that are really one on one 38.它确实需要你重新思考你的整个经营方式和管理企业 的策略It really involves rethinking the entire way you do business and how you run your organization 39.钱本身并不重要,重要的是钱的用途Money is not the end in itself but the application of it is most important 40.一旦有人跟你联系就要回应Once you’re contacted be responsive 41.一开始,这个公司没有管理和业务计划,到现在为止 一切进展顺利At the outset the company had no management and operations plan in place and things have worked out just fine so far 42.我们在销售厂家的婴儿产品的同时也提供生活方式和 健康方面的信息We provide lifestyle and healthcare information along with baby products that we sell for manufacturers 43.这家公司预期1999年实现每月50%的增长The company expected a mouth-to-month growth rate of 50 percent 1999 44.预测存货需求最初对这个公司来说是件棘手的事情, 但公司仅仅用了几个月时间就在网上找到了销售和存 货的感觉Predicting inventory needs was tricky for the company at first though it only took it a few months online to develop a sense of sales and inventory 45.现在,这家公司在刚刚建立自己的网站之后,正在寻 求在其他玩具制造商曾经失败过的网上玩具商务中取 得成功Now with its newly launched Wed site the company ia looking to succeed in the online toy business where others have failed 46.网络圣杯是导致实际良好利润的专利内容The Holy Grail on the internet is proprietary content that leads to really good margins 47.在求学的道路上,我们准备克服很多的困难On the way of study we must be ready to grapple with many difficulties 48.至于在竞争中保持领先地位的问题,我们公司以产品 挑选余地大和有两的服务和信息而引人注意When it comes to staying ahead of the competition our company distinguishes itself through a broad product selection and excellent service and information 49.网络是一个及时的媒体,它让人为之兴奋,因为他迫 使我们保证尽快送货The internet is a very timely medium which is exciting because it puts pressure on us to make sure we’re delivering as quickly


5355商务英语翻译复习资料 1.词汇 1. CEO ( Chief Executive Officer) 首席执行官 2. Customer Service Section 客户服务部 3. APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) 亚太经合组织 4. L/C (letter of credit) 信用证 5. FOB (free on board) 离岸价 6. packing list 装箱单 7. export license 出口许可证 8. commercial contract 商业合同 9. non-firm offer 虚盘 10. port of shipment 装运港 11. insurance policy 保单 12. confirmed letter of credit 保兑信用证 13. shipping documents 装运单据 14. draft/bill of exchange 汇票 15. marks and nos. 唛头及编号 1. COO (Chief Operating Officer) 首席运营官 2. After-sales Dept. 售后服务部 3. OPEC (organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) 石油输出国组织 4. import license 进口许可证 5. loan agreement 贷款协议 6. documentary L/C 跟单信用证 7. port of loading 装货港 8. insurance premium 保费 9. to enter into a contract 签订合同 10. bill of lading 提单 11. L/C (letter of credit) 信用证 12. draft/bill of exchange 汇票 13. marks and nos. 唛头及编号 14. sight draft 即期汇票 15. international conventions and practice 国际惯例 2.句子翻译 We shall give prompt and best attention to any inquiries and provide adequate information as well. 译文:任何询盘我们都会迅速而完善地处理,并提供足够的信息。 2. In compliance with your request, we are now making you the following offer, subject to your reply reaching us within ten days. 译文:按照(应)你方要求,我方现作如下发盘,以你方的回复十日内到有效。 3. In the usual practice we would like to be paid by irrevocable L/C drawn at sight. 译文:我们通常要求的付款方式为即其不可撤销信用证。


2011 7月 II.Words and phrases translation(20 points,1 point for each) A.Directions: Put the following words and phrases into Chinese. 16.a slender man一个身材瘦长的人17.country-wide trade全国贸易18.the Ethiopian highlands埃塞俄比亚高原19.economic policy经济政策20.great-grandmother(外)曾祖母21.open sea公海 22.part-time river季节性河流23.mineral oil矿物油 24.environmental law环境法25.welcoming banquet欢迎宴会 B.Directions: Put the following words and phrases into English. 26.逃学Play truant 27.军阀政府The warlord government 28.九龙壁The nine dragon wall 29.基本方针Basic principle 30.游记Travel notes 31.祥林嫂Xiang Lin's wife 32.排队to stand in a queue to line up 33.大陆架Continental shelf 34.董事会Board of directors 35.深刻影响 Profound impact 2011 4月 II. Word and Phrase Translation (20 points, 1 point each) 16. appreciation dinner 答谢宴会17. birth defect先天性生理缺陷 18. applied entomology应用昆虫学 19. member state会员国、成员国 20. maternity hospital 妇产医院21. over-the-counter medicine非处方药 22. green belt 防护林、绿化带23. inland waters内陆水域 24. room temperature 室温、常温25. debt chain三角债、债务链 B. Directions: Translate the following words and phrases into English. (Please write the answer on your Answer Sheet.)


2018年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 电子商务英语试卷 (课程代码00888) 本试卷共8页,满分l00分,考试时间l50分钟。 考生答题注意事项: 1.本卷所有试题必须在答题卡上作答。答在试卷上无效,试卷空白处和背面均可作草稿纸。 2.第一部分为选择题。必须对应试卷上的题号使用2B铅笔将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。 3.第二部分为非选择题。必须注明大、小题号,使用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔作答。 4.合理安排答题空间,超出答题区域无效。 第一部分选择题 一、单项选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共1O分。在每小题列出的备选项中只有一项是最符合题目要求的,请将其选出。

二、阅读理鳃(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 本部分有三篇短文,每篇短文后有若干问题,每个问题有四个选项,请选择一个最佳答案,将其选出并将答题卡(纸)的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均不得分。

第二部分非选择题 四、完形填空(二):在下列课文片段中按中文意思提示填入遗漏的词:本大题共5小 题,每小题1分,共5分。 五、根据给出的汉语词义和规定的词性写出相应的英语单词,该词的第一个字母已经给出,每条短线上写一个字母:本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共1O分。 36.优势,有利条件n. a一一一一一一一一 37.经济n. e一一一一一一 38.范围,领域,域名n.d一一一一一 39.全球的adj. g一一一一一 40.促销,宣传,促进v.P一一一一一一 41.潜在的,有可能的adj.P一一一一一一一一 42.影响v. a一一一一一 43.非法侵入(电脑数据系统)v.h一一一 44.自动的adj. a一一一一一一一一 45.安全,保证,担保n. s一一一一一一一 六、给出下列单词或术语的汉语意义:本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。


05355 商务英语翻译试卷 第1套 I. Multiple Choice (20 points, 2 points for each) 1. Rising damp, if not treated effectively, could in time cause extensive damage to the structure of your home, ruin decoration and furniture. A. 如果处理不当,墙内潮气最终可能会对房屋的结构造成大面积破坏,毁掉装修和家具。 B. 如果处理不当,墙内潮气最终可能会对房屋的结构、装修以及家具造成大面积破坏和损害。 C. 如果处理不当,墙内的潮湿气体准时可能会对房屋的结构造成大面积破坏,毁掉装修和家具。 D. 如果处理不当,墙内的潮湿气体准时可能会对房屋的结构、装修以及家具造成大面积破坏。 2. This contract is entered into as of the seventh day of March, 2002, by and between Lonk Co. Ltd., a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America (hereinafter called the "Purchaser"), and Wingo Co. Group, a corporation organized under the laws of the People’s Republic of China ( hereinafter called the "Seller"). A. 2002年3月7日,本合同由依照美国法律成立的龙科有限公司[以下简称甲方]和依照中华人民共和国法律成立的文果集团公司[以下简称乙方]订立。 B. 本合同由依照美国法律成立的龙科有限公司[以下简称甲方]和依照中华人民共和国法律成立的文果集团公司[以下简称乙方]之间于2002年3月7日订立。 C. 本合同由依照美国法律成立的龙科有限公司[以下简称买方]和依照中华人民共和国法律成立的文果集团公司[以下简称卖方]之间于2002年3月7日订立。 D. 2002年3月7日,本合同由依照美国法律成立的龙科有限公司[以下简称买方]和依照中华人民共和国法律成立的文果集团公司[以下简称卖方]订立。 3. Multinational bank's services include issuing letter of credit, buying and selling foreign exchange, issuing banker's acceptances, accepting Eurocurrency deposits, making Eurocurrency loans, and assisting in the marketing of Eurobonds. A. 跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开立银行承兑、接受欧洲货币储存、提供欧洲货币贷款以及发行欧洲货币债券。 B. 跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开证行承兑、接受欧洲货币储存、提供欧洲货币贷款以及发行推销欧洲货币债券。 C. 跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开立银行承兑、接受欧洲货币储存、提供欧洲货币贷款以及发行欧洲货币债券。 D. 跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开证行承兑、接受欧洲货币储存、提供欧洲货币贷款以及发行推销欧洲货币债券。 4. Within 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of this contract, the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the goods to the Seller by opening an irrevocable L/C for the full amount of US$30,000 in favor of the Seller through a bank at export point so that the Seller may draw the sum in due time.


2011年4月全国高等教育自学考试英语翻译试题 I. Multiple Choice (30 points, 2 points each) A. Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best translation of the original statement in terms of meaning and expressiveness. (Please write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.) 1. A nations greatest wealth is the industry of its people. A.一个国家最大的财富就是民族工业。 B.一个国家最大的财富就是人民的勤劳。 C.一个民族最大的财富就是人民的工业。 D.一个民族最大的财富就是民众的兴旺。 2. Scientists are confident about the formation of coal, but they do not seem so sure when asked about oil. A.科学家们确实知道煤是怎样形成的,但要是问他们石油是怎样形成的,他们似乎就不那么有把握了。 B.科学家们对煤的形成非常有信心,但是当被问到石油的形成时,他们好像没有那么确信。 C.科学家们对煤的形成非常有信心,但是当被问到石油是怎样形成的,似乎就不那么确信了。 D.科学家们确实知道煤的形成,但要是问他们石油的形成时,似乎就不那么有把握了。 3. I wasnt their enemy, in fact or in feeling. I was their ally. A.在事实上或感情上,我不是他们的敌人。我是他们的盟友。 B.我不是他们的敌人,在事实上或感情上。我是他们的盟友。 C.我不是他们的敌人,在事实上或者在感情上,而是他们的盟友。


商务英语翻译试题(二) Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分) 1.该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分) (1) promote A. to encourage the popularity, sale or development B. to change or vary C. to act as judge in an argument D. to speak or write to someone (2) to address A. to speak or write to someone, or to direct information at someone. B. to offer, supply C. to stipulate D. to come up with ideas (3) to indemnify A. to pay for the damage B. to state something officially C. to suggest an idea D. to use something instead of another (4) to cancel an order A. to confirm an order B. to deliver a letter C. to recommend a candidate D. to make void or of no effect (5) ceiling A. upper limit B. cancellation C. bottom D. the lowest point (6) tide over A. to help sb. during a period of difficulty B. to spend a lot of time doing C. to tie to sth. D. to try one’s best (7) carry out A. to take away B. to perform or complete C. to give or offer something D. to suggest an idea (8) to complicate A. to finish something B. to be dissatisfied with something C. to make something more difficult to deal with D. to compare with something (9) to put on an event A. to come up with ideas B. to come on for sth.


全国2018年10月高等教育自学考试 电子商务英语试题 课程代码:00888 一、词汇和语法(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 根据句子的意思选择一个正确的答案,错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. It's______ by coach from Melbourne to Sydney. A. a nine hour's journey B. a nine hour journey C. a nine hours' journey D. a nine-hours journey 2. They have got into______ troubles. A. monetary B. affluent C. financial D. miserable 3. The earth is______ of the moon. A. 49 times the size B. 49 times size C. 49 times as big as that D. 49 times big 4. She could only see the______ of the trees. A. outline B. general C. edge D. outlook 5. Come as______ as possible. A. earlier B. more early C. early D. earliest 6. There is very______ hope that she will pass the exam. A. few B. much C. little D. any 7. That was the first time I ______ England's shores. A. left B. has left C. would leave D. had left 8. Is there any______ of the word in Chinese? A. equal B. match C. rival D. equivalent 9. A new type of computer is going to______ next year. A. turn out B. be turned out C. have turned out D. turned out 10. Although the wines vary, the______ is quite good. A. medium B. usual C. average D. ordinary 11. Churchill was______ as the Chancellor of the university. A. established B. placed C. launched D. installed 12. The plane is______ to take off at 4. 1


商务英语翻译之词汇 翻译 ?词义的选择 ?词义的引申 ?词类转换法 ?视角转化法 ?增减法 ?重复法 ?数字翻译

商务英语翻译之句法 翻译 ?否定句式 ?比较句式 ?被动句式 ?定语从句 商务英语翻译之文体 与语篇 ?商号与名片

?商务广告 ?商务合同翻译 ?商务信函 ?W e s e l l c h e a p q u a l i t y g o o d s. ?W e h a v e m a d e y o u a n o f f e r a t a v e r y c o m p e t i t i v e p r i c e. ?Y o u w i l l f i n d o u r p r i c e s f o r t h e s e g o o d s v e r y p o p u l a r. ?P l e a s e m a k e u s y o u r l o w e s t q u o t a t i o n

f o r b i k e s. ?I f y o u f e e l i n t e r e s t e d i n o u r b u s i n e s s p r o p o s a l,p l e a s e s e n d u s t h e s a m p l e s t o g e t h e r w i t h y o u r b e s t t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s. ?A s w e h a v e q u o t e d y o u o u r r o c k-b o t t o m p r i c e,w e c a n’t g i v e y o u a n y m o r e d i s c o u n t.


全国商务英语翻译统一考试初级笔译练习试题 练习一 Part I Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese 1.迄今为止,各国的移民政策侧重于为低技能工人设置障碍,同时鼓励高技能专业人才、工程师、科学家和企业家前来工作,甚至定居。 2.Kasda是瑞士的汽车、能源和食品集团公司。本年度第一季度,尽管它的总营业额下降了6%,但是利润却增加了12.1%。 3.“海洋城”以其绵延10英里(相当于16公里)的海滩而闻名,每年接待约800万游客 4.当富人想到将财富传给子孙的时候,他们通常会有两种情绪:害怕和忧虑。他们害怕或忧虑金钱会对子孙产生消极影响;害怕金钱会让子孙失去通过努力工作获得成功的人生动力。 5.关于我方第315号订单,由于到货质量低劣,我方被迫表达强烈不满。 6.China is fielding its largest-ever Olympic team at the upcoming Beijing Games, with 639 athletes competing in all 28 sports. The Chinese team will attempt to surpass the 32 gold medals won at the Athens Olympics, four less than the United States. 7.A Japanese media report says Japan and China have reached a compromise and agreed to jointly develop gas fields and share profits in disputed areas of the East China Sea. 8.The number of newly laid-off U.S. workers rose last week, the latest sign that the economic downturn is affecting the job market. A report Thursday from the Labor Department said the number of people applying for unemployment benefits for the first time rose 22–thousand, to 378–thousand. 9. Chinese economy suffered only a mild setback in the first quarter of 2008, and remains resilient despite inflation and worsening global credit crisis. 10. Praise and encouragement also makes employees more likely to work hard and stay in their jobs, saving on the cost of finding replacements. Part II Translate the following passages into Chinese. Passage 1 Most Americans believe someone isn’t grown up until age 26, probably with a completed education, a full-time job, a family to support and financial independence, a survey said. But they also believe that becoming an official grown-up is a process that takes five years from about the age of 20, concluded the report from the University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center. The findings were based on a representative sample of 1398 people over age 18. The poll found the following ages at which people expect the transitions to grown-up status to be completed: age 20.9 self-supporting; 21.1 no longer living with parents; 21.2 full-time job; 22.3 education complete; 24.5 being able to support a family financially; 25.7 married; and 26.2 having a child. “There is a large degree of consensus across social groups on the relative importance of the seven transitions,” said Tom Smith, director of the survey. The only notable pattern of differences is on views about supporting a family, having a child and g etting married. “Older adults and the widowed and married rate these as more important than younger adults and the never-married do,” he added. “This probably reflects in large part a shift in values across generations away from traditional family values.” The most valued step toward reaching adulthood, the survey found, was completing an education, followed by full-time employment, supporting a family, financial independence, living independently of parents, marriage and parenthood. Passage 2 Spend less than you earn. This is perhaps the most worn out, overused phrase in the world of personal finance. But guess what? It’s also the single most important financial lesson you’ll ever learn. No matter how hard you work and how much money you earn, you’ll never achieve financial security if you spend more than you earn, so…… do whatever it takes to make sure that this doesn’t happen. This takes self-discipline, and might require constructing a budget, but if you ever want to get to a point where you can afford all the little niceties in life, you need to make it happen. Plan for the future. I’ve been where you are, and I know that “the future” seems like it’s a million miles away. Do yourself a favor. Sit down and define short, intermediate, and long-term goals and then put together a plan for getting there. It’s not easy, and you probably won’t get it right at first but once you do this, you’ll have something concrete to work from (and to modify in the future). Start small and work your way up. Be patient. Building a solid financial foundation takes time. Don’t look for shortcuts or try to strike it rich overnight wit h the latest hot investment tip. Likewise, don’t make major financial decisions wi thout fully considering the ramifications. This isn’t to say that you should be paralyzed fear. Rather, you need to do your homework. Turn those unknowns into knowns, and
