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1. In , you must do your best to make the party .

A. a word ;success

B. a word ; a success

C. one word ;successes

D. words ;successes

2. If the company wants to fire me, they have to give me thr ee moths’.

A. notice

B. advice

C. information

D. message

3. —Hello, Tom, where were you last night ? —.

A. At Brown’s

B. To the Brown’s

C. To Brown’s

D. At the Brown’s

4. In America, laws have been designed to guard against underage .

A. job

B. employer

C. employment

D. employee

5. See what you have done !Don’t you have a of right or wrong ?

A. feeling

B. thought

C. sense

D. knowledge

6. I cannot give you for the type of car you sell because there is no demand for it in the market.

A. an expense

B. a charge

C. a pay

D. an order

7. of Country-Western singers may be related to old English ballads.

A. The music

B. Music

C. Their music

D. Musics

8. He has bought vegetables and meat.

A. a great deal of

B. a large number of

C. a good many

D. a large quantity of

9. Mike is the best in the class, but he got a B in the composition test.

A. grade

B. degree

C. size

D. class

10. Don’t expect to succeed without taking.

A. pains

B. a pain

C. any pain

D. pain

11. Her name was on the of my tongue, but I just couldn’t remember.

A. edge

B. tip

C. end

D. point

12. There is always for improvement however much you have already done.

A. room

B. place

C. area

D. time

13. It is generally believed that an M. B. A degree is good preparation for a career(事业)in


A. a business

B. business

C. businesses

D. one business

14. Unemployment compensation is money to support an unemployed person while he or she is looking for .

A. works

B. a work

C. job

D. a job

15. His in coming to Winnipeg was to visit the exhibition held by the government there.

A. object

B. chance

C. condition

D. possibility

16. What he told us about the affair simply doesn’t make any.

A. sense

B. idea

C. meaning

D. mistake

17. came of his success abroad, which f illed the parents’ hearts with.

A. Word ;pride

B. Words ;pride

C. A word ;prides

D. The word ;pride

18. You can’t afford to let the situation get worse, You must take to put it right.

A. decisions

B. directions

C. sides

D. steps

19. Hitler set out to conquer(征服)all of Europe in the belief that the Germans were the master .

A. race

B. human

C. blood

D. brains

20. —I’m going skating in the mountains tomorrow.

—Oh, really ? Have !

A. a fun

B. the fun

C. lots of funs

D. fun

21. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, for they spoke to me.

A. right away

B. all the time

C. in all

D. at once

22. Now the machine runs at double .

A. a speed

B. speed

C. the speed

D. for speed

23. —This is room I told you before. —I see. Isn’t it bright one ?

A. the ;a

B. a ;a

C. the ;the

D. a ;the

24. Towards evening cold rain began to fall.

A. the ;a

B. / ;a

C. an ;the

D. the ;/

25. Charles Oakley, NBA All-star, hasn’t missed game in three years.

A. an ;a ;/

B. a ;a ;the

C. the ;/ ;the

D. a ;the ;/

26. He came in in the 400-metre race.
