



accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告.

advance n.预发消息;预写消息

affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻

anecdote n.趣闻轶事

assignment n.采写任务

attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景

Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。banner n.通栏标题

beat n.采写范围

blank vt. "开天窗"

body n. 新闻正文

boil vt.压缩(篇幅)

box n. 花边新闻

brief n. 简讯

bulletin n.新闻简报

byline n. 署名文章

caption n.图片说明

caricature n.漫画

carry vt.刊登

cartoon n.漫画

censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.每周流行音乐排行版clipping n.剪报

column n.专栏;栏目

columnist n.专栏作家

continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人

copy desk n.新闻编辑部

copy editor n.文字编辑

correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者

cover vt.采访;采写

cover girl n. 封面女郎

covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访crop vt.剪辑(图片)

crusade n.宣传攻势cut n.插图vt.删减(字数)

cut line n.插图说明

daily n.日报

dateline n.新闻电头

deadline n.截稿时间

dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);


digest n.文摘

editorial n.社论

editorial office 编辑部

editor's notes 编者按

exclusive n.独家新闻

expose n.揭丑新闻;新闻曝光

extra n.号外

eye-account n.目击记;记者见闻faxed photo 传真照片

feature n.特写;专稿

feedback n.信息反馈

file n.发送消息;发稿

filler n.补白

First Amendment (美国宪法)第一修正案(内容有关新闻、出版自由


five "W's" of news 新闻五要素

flag n.报名;报头

folo (=follow-up) n.连续报道

Fourth Estate 第四等级(新闻界的别称)

freedom of the Press 新闻自由

free-lancer n.自由撰稿人

full position 醒目位置

Good news comes on crutches. 好事不出门。

grapevine n.小道消息

gutter n.中缝

hard news 硬新闻;纯消息

headline n.新闻标题;内容提要hearsay n.小道消息

highlights n. 要闻

hot news 热点新闻

human interest 人情味

in-depth reporting 深度报道

insert n.& vt.插补段落;插稿interpretative reporting 解释性报道


invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私(权) inverted pyramid 倒金字塔(写作结构) investigative reporting 调查性报道journalism n.新闻业;新闻学Journalism is literature in a hurry 新闻是急就文学.

journalist n.新闻记者

kill vt.退弃(稿件);枪毙(稿件) layout n.版面编排;版面设计

lead n.导语

libel n. 诽谤(罪)

makeup n. 版面设计

man of the year 年度新闻人物,年度风云人物

mass communication 大众传播(学) mass media 大众传播媒介masthead n.报头;报名

media n.媒介,媒体

Mere report is not enough to go upon.仅是传闻不足为凭.

morgue n.报刊资料室

news agency 通讯社

news clue 新闻线索

news peg 新闻线索,新闻电头newsprint n.新闻纸

news value 新闻价值

No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息;不闻凶讯便是吉。nose for news 新闻敏感

obituary n.讣告

objectivity n.客观性

off the record 不宜公开报道

opinion poll 民意测验

periodical n.期刊

pipeline n.匿名消息来源

popular paper 大众化报纸;通俗报纸press n.报界;新闻界

press conference 新闻发布会;记者招待台

press law 新闻法

press release 新闻公告;新闻简报

PR man 公关先生

profile n. 人物专访;人物特写proofreader n.校对员pseudo event 假新闻

quality paper 高级报纸;严肃报纸quarterly n.季刊

readability n.可读性

reader's interest 读者兴越

reject vt.退弃(稿件)

remuneration n. 稿费;稿酬

reporter n.记者

rewrite vt. 改写(稿件),改稿

round-up n.综合消息

scandal n.丑闻

scoop vt.“抢”(新闻) n.独家新闻sensational a.耸人听闻的;具有轰动效应的

sex scandal 桃色新闻

sidebar n.花絮新闻

slant n.主观报道;片面报道

slink ink “爬格子”

soft news 软新闻

source n.新闻来源;消息灵通人士spike vt.退弃(稿件);“枪毙”(稿件) stone vt.拼版

story n.消息;稿件;文章

stringer n.特约记者;通讯员subhead n.小标题;副标题supplement n.号外;副刊;增刊suspended interest 悬念

thumbnail n.“豆腐干”(文章) timeliness n.时效性;时新性

tip n.内幕新闻;秘密消息

trim n. 删改(稿件)

update n.更新(新闻内容),增强(时效性)

watchdog n.& vt.舆论监督

weekly n.周报

wire service n.通讯社


keys 要闻标题导读

flag 报纸名称

headline 标题

byline 记者名称

dateline 日期

news story 新闻

cutline 图表或图片说明


lead 导读

alley 报栏间空白处

news service 通讯社

jump 跳页指示


crossline 单行小标

dropline 阶梯式标题

inverted pyramid form 金字塔结构flush-left form 左对齐标题



banner headline/streamer通栏大标jump head 转页标


gov’t=government 政府

int'l=international 国际的



flu=influenza 流行性感冒

nuke=nuclear 原子核

copter=helicopter 直升机

quiz=question 问题

cop=police 警察

op=operator/operation 手术

prof=professor 教授

vet=veteran 老练的

veterans 退伍军人

hr=hour 小时

fridge=refrigerator 冰箱

fete=festival/entertainment 节日/娱乐rep=representative 代表

pub=publisher 出版社

sub=subway/submarine 地铁/潜水艇med=medicine 药

hos=hospital 医院


Big Apple(大苹果)美国纽约市

板)纽约证券所/纽约股市Broadway(百老汇大街)美国或纽约市商业性戏剧(业) 、

Capitol/Capitol Hill/Hill

(美国国会所在地)国会山、美国国会City of Angels(天使城)洛杉矶

City of Brotherly Love(博爱城)费城City by the Golden Gate


Crescent City(新月城)新奥尔良市

Dice City(赌城)(美国以夜总会和赌场


Empire State(帝国州)纽约州

Foggy Bottom[美国国务院等政府机构


Film Capital of the World



Fun City(逍遥城)纽约市

Golden State(黄金州)加利福尼亚州



Hub of the Universe


Land of Lincoln


Madison Avenue(美国广告业中心)麦


Mother of Presidents


Motor City/Motown




Steel City(钢城)匹兹堡市

Windy City(多风城)芝加哥市

Uncle Sam(山姆大叔)美国政府/美国人

Wall Street


White House(白宫)美国政府/美国总统

Buckingham Palace

[(英国王宫)白金汉宫] 英国皇室

the City[(英国首都伦敦市中心)伦敦城]


Downing Street No.10/No.10 Downing Street

(英国首相官邸和一些主要政府部门所在地)唐宁街10号Fleet Street(舰队街)英国新闻界

Scotland Yard





Maginot Line[(第二次大战前法国所筑防御阵地体系)马其诺防线]盲目行动;迷恋于维持现状

Quai d'Orsay[(法国外交部附近地名)凯道赛码头]法国外交部;法国外交政策;法国政府

Bermuda/Bermuda Triangle[百慕大(魔鬼)三角]危险的禁区

Horn of Africa(非洲之角)索马里和埃塞俄比亚


EU=European Union(欧洲联盟) UNESCO=United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (联合国教科文组织)

OPEC=Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries


DJI=Dow Jones Index(道·琼斯指数) PR=Public relations(公共关系)

PM=Prime Minister(总理,首相)

CEO=chief executive officer


APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济全作组织

IBRD=International Bank for Reconstruction and Development


WHO=World Health Organization


Forex=Foreign Exchange,外汇medicare 医疗保险

FM=frequency modulation调频

MIT=Massachu-setts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院

MBA=Master of Business Administration工商管理学硕士

IMF=International Monetary Fund


IOC=International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会

WTO=World Trade Organization

世界贸易组织AAUW=the American Association of University Women


AAUWEF=the American Association of University Women Education Foundation


AFP=Agency France Press法新社AIDS=acquired immune deficiency syndrome 艾滋病

APEC=Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation亚太经济全作组织

ATM=Automated teller machine


BBC=British Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司

CAMS=the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences 中国医学科学院CIA=Central Intelligence Agency


CPC=the Communist Party of China


CPI=consumer price index


CPPCC=the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference


DRC=the Democratic Republic of Congo刚果民主共和国

DVD=digital versatile disc or digital video disc数码多用途光盘

FBI=Federal Bureau of Investigation美国联邦调查局

GDP=gross domestic product


GNP=gross national product


GPS=global positioning system


HKSAR=the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


HKU=The University of Hong Kong



HKUST=Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


HIV=Human Immunodeficiency Virus 人体免疫缺损病毒,艾滋病病毒

JD= Justice Department


LANL=Los Alamos National Laboratory洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室PA=Public Address公共广播

PAS=Public Address System


S.U.V=sport utility vehicle


UN=the United Nations联合国


UNSC=UN Security Council


UNSCOM=UN Special Commission


WB=World Bank世界银行

WTO=World Trade Organization



Aim: goal, object, design, target, purpose, intention

Ban,bar: interdict, restraint, restriction, prohibition, embargo,

Bid: try, offer, attempt, effort, proposal, invitation, endeavor.

Chief: overseer, supervisor, governor, manager, director, commander, superintendent,

Cut: fall, decrease, decline, deletion, shortening, abbreviation, abridgement Deal: bargain, transaction, agreement, negotiation, arrangement,

Echo: repercussion, response, reflection, reverberation,

Envoy: messenger, ambassador, representative, delegate, mediator, emissary,

Job: task, work, enterprise, undertaking, achievement, mission, business,. Meet: assembly, convention, conference, council, congress, conclave,.

Plea: petition, appeal, application, request, entreaty, supplication, solicitation

Probe: investigation, inspection, inquisition, examination, inquiry, exploration, search

Row: conflict, dispute, discord, argument, quarrel, squabble, difference, wrangle

Pact: compact, contract, convention, agreement, alliance, bond, treaty,. Talk: address, lecture, oration, speech, monologue

Ace: champion

Aid: assistant, help

Blast: explosion

Body: committee, commission Crash: collision, accident

Nod: approval

Ties: relations


GOP:the Republican Party共和党Grill:interrogate,question

Spark:to cause,initiate

Grab:to seize,win

Boost:to promote,increase

Slam:to criticize

Smash:to defeat

Cite:to mention,point out

Rip:to tear apart

Ink:to mark

Eye:to consider

Nix:to deny,reject

Push:to encourage,support

Urge:to insist,strongly request Axe:to cancel,dismiss

Probe:to investigate

Snub:to dismiss,turn down

Tap:to appoint,nominate,hire Slate:nominate,arrange,schedule Slap:to criticize,assail,reprimand


《英美报刊选读》 一、教学目的 通过本课程的学习,使学员对英美报刊有一个清晰的了解,认识英美报刊语言、文体、词汇、语法等基本特点,掌握英美报刊阅读的基本知识及技巧,为独立阅读英美报刊打下良好的基础。 二、教材特点 与该课程旧教材(第1版)相比,本教材具有以下特点: 1.为使学生改变以往依赖教师和英汉词典的学习习惯,培养他们独自排解疑难词语的能力,编者不但向他们推荐工具书,并教授他们使用方法;为使他们能加深对词汇的记忆,还介绍词法和重要词根及词缀。 2.为使学生掌握必要的新闻词语和扩大词汇量,本书在“新闻词语解说”中尽量结合课文,讲透疑难词语。此外还列出一些与这些词语或课文内容有关的课外词汇。 3.为使学生掌握必要的读报知识,本书在“背景知识”中尽量结合课文,介绍重要的并时常见诸报端的人物、党派和组织机构等,并举例说明其重要性。 4.为使学生对新闻写作有一个大致的认识,加深对课文的理解,编者较系统地说明标题的若干特点,对新闻体裁的分类、导语和写作特点及常语等做了简介。 三、教学内容 《英美报刊选读》为省开课程。 1.授课内容:重点为第1、3、4、5、6、8、13、15、17、19、20、21、24、28、30课(共15课),其它内容主要供自学。 2.课时安排: a) 学员自学:2学时/周,共30学时学完15课。 b)面授辅导:4学时/次,共4次。每学时辅导一课,最后一学时复习。 3.作业:共四次,在湖北电大网站英语本科网页上下载,课后完成,交辅导教师批改,评分,作为平时成绩的主要依据。学员完成作业后,可浏览网页上的“答案及详解”,以加深理解,检查自己掌握的情况 四、教学建议 教师授课时应以学生为中心,鼓励学生自己去探索和获取知识。在上课时,可要求学生先回答每课后的练习题——Questions,使他们基本了解课文的主要内容。然后,再逐段或跳跃式选段对学生需要掌握的内容、新闻词语和背景知识进行阅读和问答式方式讲解。如果备课充分,学生的英语水平又高,教员可采用美英教员教授母语的方法,抛开课本或讲义,只讲有关课文的重点词语、背景知识和写作手法等。这样,学生除预习外,课后还要结合教员


06级英语专业《最新英美报刊选读》课程提纲 [日期:2008-02-28] 来源:作者:王法昌[字体:大中小] 一、课程目标: 根据教育部最新颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》对高等学校非英语专 业本科毕业生的阅读能力所提出的三个层次的要求,本课程目标为:经过本课程的学 习,使学生符合其中的较高要求和更能高要求,即学生在阅读理解能力上要能基本读 懂英语国家大众性报纸杂志的一般性题材的文章,阅读速度为每分钟70个词。 二、教学内容: 本课程使用的教材是由中国人民大学出版社出版的《最新英美报刊选读》。根据高职的学制,学生在第三个学期内学完本册,主要教学内容如下: 1、课堂教学内容:本教材按文章内容分为12个单元,共计48篇,文章字数大都在600-900字以内。各单元内容分别为:焦点透视、社会人生、文教医疗、财政经济、政治体制、科技军事、世界报道、观念信仰、家庭生活、艺术青春、环境保护、体育运动。每篇文章包括导读、正文、生词、难点注释、背景知识、新闻知识、阅读理解及热点思考八部分。导读部分言简意赅,易于引起读者的兴趣和共鸣;生词表列出了文中四级后的词汇(即《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》中较高要求和更高要求的词汇),同时注有词性和音标,并有双语解释,便于学生自学;难点注释内容翔实丰富,既能提高语言能力,又能拓宽阅读视野;背景知识用汉语介绍了文章相关历史事件和社会热点问题,便于理解和掌握文章的内容;新闻知识介绍了英美报刊的语言特点和新闻常识;阅读理解题和热点讨论题有利于帮助读者提高理解能力和思辨能力。 在授课过程中,教师可适当增加中国报刊、英美文学、西方风俗文化、日常交际用语等的知识,以扩大学习者知识面、开阔其视野,加深其对外部世界的了解,从而借鉴和吸收外国文化精华,提高其文化素养。 2、实践内容:定期收听英语发射台广播的英语节目,并于每学期举行一次阅读测试、两次听力测试,同时筛选、指导学生参加口语演讲竞赛、英语戏剧俱乐部、英语戏剧表演等。 3、教学重点:前期侧重听力训练、英语会话、语法、词汇等;后期重点 在修辞、翻译、写作、练习题等方面;听、说、读、写、译贯穿始终。 三、课程教材:


英美报刊选读常用缩略词 ABC: American Broadcasting Company 美国广播公司 AMA: American Medical Association 美国医药协会 AP: Associated Press 美联社、联合通讯社APEC : Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚洲和太平洋经济合作组织 asap: as soon as possible 尽快 ASEAN: Association of South-East Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟、东盟 ATM: automatic teller machine 自动取款机Ave.: Avenue 大街 BA: Bachelor of Arts 学士学位 CBS: Columbia Broadcasting System 哥伦比亚广播公司 CEO: chief executive officer 执行总裁、首席执行官 CIA: (US) Central Intelligence Agency (美国)中央情报局 COD: cash on delivery (商)货到付款 EPA: Environmental Protection Agency 美国环保署 FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation (美国)联邦调查局 GDP: gross domestic product 国内生产总值GMT: Greenwich Mean Time 格林尼治标准时间GNP: gross national product 国民生产总值Hon.: the Honorable 尊称 IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能组织 IMF: International Monetary Fund (联合国)国际货币基金组织 IOC: International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会 IRA: Irish Republican Army (英)爱尔兰共和军; individual retirement account (美)个人退休账户 IRS: Internal Revenue Service 美国国税局ISBN: International Standard Book Number 国际标准图书编号 MA/M.A.: Master of Arts 文学硕士 MVP: most valuable player 最优秀选手NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization北大西洋公约组织 NBC: National Broadcasting Company (美国)国家广播公司 NHK: Japan Broadcasting Corporation 日本广播协会 OAS: Organization of American States 美洲国家组织 OAU: Organization of African Unity 非洲统一组织 OECD: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 经济合作与发展组织 OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 欧佩克、石油输出国组织 PLO: Palestine Liberation Organization 巴勒斯坦解放组织、巴解组织 SALT: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks 限制战略武器会谈 SEATO: South-East Asia Treaty Organization 东南亚条约组织 UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国贸易与发展会议 UNDP: United Nations Development Program 联合国开发计划署 UNESCO: United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization 联合国教科文 组织 UNICEF: United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund 联合国儿童基金会UNSC: United Nations Security Council 联合国安全理事会、安理会 UPC: Universal Product Code 通用产品代码UPI: United Press International 合众国际社USIS: United States Information Service 美国新闻社 VCR: video cassette recorder 录像机 WHO: World Health Organization 世界卫生组织WTO: World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织


应 用 文 实 践 作 业 院系:外国语 学号:110000000 姓名:xxxxxx 班级:11级英语x班

China Arrests Former Security Czar in Major Political Purge Dec. 6, 2014 From “Time” China's former Politburo Standing Committee Member Zhou Yongkang attends the closing ceremony of the National People's Congress (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, March 14, 2012. Jason Lee—Reuters Zhou Yongkang faces serious corruption charges Chinese authorities arrested the nation‘s former security czar Zhou Yongkang, once considered the most feared man in China, just before midnight on Dec. 5–the first ever arrest of a member of the nation‘s ruling Politburo Standing Committee, retired or sitting. The 72-year-old Zhou was also expelled from the Chinese Communist Party. Zhou‘s suspected rapsheet is extensive, according to Xinhua, the Chinese state newswire: ―The [party‘s] investigation found that Zhou seriously violated the Party‘s political, organizational and confidentiality discipline. He took advantage of his posts to seek profits for others and accepted huge bribes personally and through his family, the statement said. He abused his power to help relatives, mistresses and friends make huge profits from operating businesses, resulting in serious losses of state-owned assets. Zhou leaked the Party‘s and country‘s secrets. He seriously violated self-disciplinary regulations and accepted a large amount of money and properties personally and through his family. Zhou committed adultery with a number of women and traded his power for sex and money.‖ For months, the noose had been tightening around Zhou, who retired from the Standing Committee in 2012 due to age limits. Dozens of his known associates and underlings were arrested in three of his previous spheres of influence: the nat ion‘s domestic security apparatus, which received more official funding than the Chinese military did; the highly lucrative state-owned oil industry; and the populous province of Sichuan. Zhou‘s family members, including his wife, brother and son, have bee n detained. Last year, Bo Xilai, a former Zhou political acolyte and ex-chief of Chongqing municipality, was sentenced to life imprisonment for corruption and other crimes. Over the summer, the party had placed Zhou under formal investigation for ―serious disciplinary violations,‖ a codeword for corruption. It was quite the comedown for a man who once controlled the nation‘s panopticon state security machine. Since taking office in 2012, China‘s President Xi Jinping has unleashed an anti-graft campaign that has resulted in thousands of arrests of government officials. Xi famously promised to nab both ―tigers and flies,‖ high-ranking leaders and the lowliest of communist cadres. And there was no mightier tiger than Zhou. Zhou will almost certainly be convicted, if past political investigations are any indication. But it‘s still going to take a lot more than midnight announcements to convince a skeptical public that graft won‘t flourish in China‘s future.


英文报刊常用术语 Accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告. advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 Attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源Back alley news n. 小道消息 back grounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 Blank vt. "开天窗" Body n. 新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅) Box n. 花边新闻 Brief n. 简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 Byline n. 署名文章 caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画 Censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.每周流行音乐排行版 clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏;栏目 columnist n.专栏作家 continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者cover vt.采访;采写 Cover girl n. 封面女郎 covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图vt.删减(字数)


课程名称翻译大全 往复泵及其它类型泵Reciprocating Pump & Other type Pumps 微波测量技术Microwave Measurement Technique 微波电路计算机辅助设计CAD of Microwave Circuit 微波技术Microwave Technique 微波技术基础Basis of Microwave Technique 微波技术与天线Microwave Technique and Antenna 微波器件Microwave Device 微波器件及电路Microwave Device and Circuitry 微波铁氧体器件Microwave Iron Oxide Elements 微波网络Microwave Net 微波遥感Microwave Remote Sensors 微分方程Differential Equation 微分方程数值解Numerical solution of partial defferential equatio 微分几何Defferential Geometry 微观分析Micro-Analysis 微观经济学Micro-Economics 微机管理系统概论Introduction to Microcomputer Administration Systo 微机和程序逻辑Microcomputer &Program Logic 微机化设计Microcomputerization Design 微机化仪器Microcomputerized Instrument 微机化仪器仪表Microcomputerized Instrument & Meter 微机汇编语言程序设计Microcomputer Programming in Assembly Languages 微机技术课程设计Course Exercise in Microcomputer Technology 微机继电保护基础Basic Computer Relay Protection 微机控制技术Control Technique of Microcomputer 微机控制系统Control System of Microcomputer 微机励磁检测系统Magnetic Excitation Test System of Microcomputer 微机励磁控制系统Magnetic Excitation Control System of Microcomputer 微机实验与设计Experiment & Design of Microcomputer 微机数据管理Microcomputer Data Administration 微机应用Application of Microcomputer 微机应用技术Application Technique of Microcomputer 微机原理Principle of Micro-computer 微机原理及接口技术Principle & Interface Technique of Micro-computer 微机原理及应用Principle & Application of Microcomputer 微机原理与外设Principle of Microcomputer & Peripheral Equipment 微机在并网中的应用Application of Microcomputer in Parallel Network 微机在压缩机中应用Application of Microcomputer in Compressor 微机在医学中的应用Application of Microcomputer in Medicine 微机在铸造技术中的应用Application of Microcomputer in Casting 微生物学Microbiology 微型机及应用Microcomputer & its Application 微型计算机控制技术Microcomputer Controling Technique


I.Read the following short passages and choose the best answer. (20 % ) Passage 1 GENEVA-A 38-year-old Spanish man briefly hijacked 抢劫a French airliner on Majorca Sunday and threatened to blow it up to protest 抗议France's plans to resume nuclear testing, then surrendered in投降放弃Geneva without a struggle after releasing 298 passengers and crew. An official at Geneva's Cointrin Airport described the man as unbalanced. a .A Spanish man hijacked a French airline to protest France's nuclear testing. b. A Spanish man who had threatened to blow up a French airline surrendered in Geneva. c. A Spanish man who had hijacked a French airline surrendered in Geneva. Passage 2 TOKYO-When Compaq Computers康帕电脑and Dell Computer invaded 进入the Japanese market three years age with personal computers selling for half the price of the local varieties当地品种, rival竞争对手Japanese companies braced for trouble准备应付动乱. But instead of killing the Japanese personal computer industry, the American onslaught猛攻liberated 放纵it. Proceed by what is known as the “Compaq Shock康帕冲击,” Japanese manufacturers have become fiercer competitors, cutting their prices drastically. The result has been a boom in sales that is benefiting the Japanese manufacturers as much as the Americans. a. American and Japanese computer companies compete to win the Japanese market. b. “Compaq Shock,” has benefited Japanese market. c. Fierce competition between American and Japanese computer companies has helped the computer sales boom in Japan. Passage 3 PARIS-A bomb 炸弹exploded at a crowded street market in Paris near the Place de la Bastille Sunday morning, leaving four people slightly hurt. The police said that the bomb, packed into a pressure cooker and hidden in a bag under a vegetable stand, did not cause greater damage because of a malfunction.功能失常But the incident clearly left a deep impact on Government


《英美报刊选读》答 案

《英美报刊选读》 一、教学目的 通过本课程的学习,使学员对英美报刊有一个清晰的了解,认识英美报刊语言、文体、词汇、语法等基本特点,掌握英美报刊阅读的基本知识及技巧,为独立阅读英美报刊打下良好的基础。 二、教材特点 与该课程旧教材(第1版)相比,本教材具有以下特点: 1.为使学生改变以往依赖教师和英汉词典的学习习惯,培养他们独自排解疑难词语的能力,编者不但向他们推荐工具书,并教授他们使用方法;为使他们能加深对词汇的记忆,还介绍词法和重要词根及词缀。 2.为使学生掌握必要的新闻词语和扩大词汇量,本书在“新闻词语解说”中尽量结合课文,讲透疑难词语。此外还列出一些与这些词语或课文内容有关的课外词汇。 3.为使学生掌握必要的读报知识,本书在“背景知识”中尽量结合课文,介绍重要的并时常见诸报端的人物、党派和组织机构等,并举例说明其重要性。 4.为使学生对新闻写作有一个大致的认识,加深对课文的理解,编者较系统地说明标题的若干特点,对新闻体裁的分类、导语和写作特点及常语等做了简介。 三、教学内容 《英美报刊选读》为省开课程。 1.授课内容:重点为第1、3、4、5、6、8、13、15、17、19、20、21、24、28、30课(共15课),其它内容主要供自学。 2.课时安排: a) 学员自学:2学时/周,共30学时学完15课。 b)面授辅导:4学时/次,共4次。每学时辅导一课,最后一学时复习。 3.作业:共四次,在湖北电大网站英语本科网页上下载,课后完成,交辅导教师批改,评分,作为平时成绩的主要依据。学员完成作业后,可浏览网页上的“答案及详解”,以加深理解,检查自己掌握的情况


英美报刊选读 》模拟卷 II. Tran slate the followi ng senten ces. ( 5 X 6' = 30 ') long as people feel embarrassed, restrained or openly criticized for using a particular language, it ' s only n atural for them to want to avoid continuing to do what ' s causing a negative response, whether it ' s something overt like having your mouth washed out or more subtle like discrimination. the United States and Australia in past decades, the government forced native peoples to abandon their languages through vehicles such as boarding schools that punished youth for speaking a traditional tongue. the time of last week ' s election, she had won over all but the most partisan of critics. messaging is being used effectively by two colleges in West Yorkshire as a way of communicating with students. As well as sending them reminders about lessons and dealines, the phones are being used for learning games and revision exercises. meeting certainly produced more than the usual photo ops and spin - and its participants did not go away yelling at one another as they have in the past. VIII. Reading Comprehension ( 20 X 2' =40') Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage one: Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. Violence Can Do Nothing to Diminish Race Prejudice In some countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence has so cometo be taken for granted as a means of solving differences, that it is not even questioned. There are countries where the white man imposes his rule by brute force; there are countries where the black man protests by setting fire to cities and by looting and pillaging. Important people on both sides, who would in other respects appear to be reas on able men, get up and calmly argue in favor of viole nee - as if it were a legitimate solution, like any other. What is really frightening, what really fills you with despair, is the realization that when it comes to 考试形式:闭卷 考试时间: 90 分钟 I. Translate the following terms into Chinese.( 30 1. Blue Berets X 1 = 30 ') 3. same-sex marriage 5. property tax 7. elevated highways 9. cellular phone poll 4 . discount store superhighway 10. talk show

英美报刊选读论文 论英美报刊中的语言特色

英美报刊课程论文 Course Paper On the importance of the course of Selected Readings from American and British Newspapers and Magazines College:西南林业大学外国语学院 Specialty and Grade:10级英语2班 Number;20100351004 Name:严青为 Submitted time: 2012/10/16

Title: O n Linguistic Features of Financial Coverage in English News Publications Abstract:Based on first-hand examples characteristic of journalistic style, this, paper probes into the seven major linguistic features of financial coverage in English news publication. It adopts the view that the language used in financial news, whose primary function is to inform, is supposed to be specific, accurate and concise. Though sharing the common features of journalistic English in terms of writing style, financial coverage stands out for its own uniqueness. Key words:Financial news significance features English learning 1.The significance of the financial coverage Financial news is an important style of news report in modern time. With the development of technology and social level, people concentrate more on the economy. Financial news plays an increasing role in human?s daily life, and individuals are supposed to acquire the information and knowledge from it. The significance of the financial news can be classified into tow points. The improvement of English levels It is believed that reading is an essential way of learning English. Reading English newspapers can not only help the students increase knowledge, and helps develop students? ability of observation, understanding, thinking and judgment. English newspapers are attention to current events. The novel is very interesting. Reading English newspapers can effectively avoid out of touch with real life, helps to stimulate interest in learning English and to strengthen their confidence and motivation for learning English. At the same time also allows us to better understand the way of news features and news. Newspaper reading is not only used the simple and obvious words, popular language, illustrated, but also introduce learning methods and techniques of column, helping to improve the ability to actually use the language. 1.2 The enlargement of knowledge of Economy The main aim of news is to transfer information. Reading is the beginning. What we should do when we read is scope knowledge. It is crucial for us to get the effective information.Having read financial news, we have learnt that many governments and parties have taken effective and drastic measures to protect the country from the economic recession and step forwards to recovery. At the same time, we get to know some economic specialized terms, words such as Fluctuation, Recession, Stocks, Overheated, IMF (the International Monetary Fund), phrases and expressions such as the Adjustment of Industrial Structure, Wall Street, Regional economy. They are either specialized words or set phrases, which can help us with a better understanding of economy—related texts and enlarge our storage of the knowledge of economy.


最全的英美词汇差异对比 美国英语单词大全与英式英语单词对比词汇大全,美国英语单词和英国英语单词在拼写和发音方面有许多区别,下面的词汇列表,列举出了英国英语和美国英语单词中的差别,具有差别的英语单词大全。 汉/英/美 飞机aeroplane/airplane 航空邮件air-post/air-mail 对……(人)生气angrywith/ angry at 垃圾箱ash-bin(dust-bin) /ashcan 秋autumn/fall 面包店bakery/bakehouse 纸币(bank-)note/ (bank-)bill 理发厅barber"s shop/ barber shop 浴盆bath/bathtub 浴室bathroom/bath 寝具bedclothes/covers 饼干biscuit/cracker 百叶窗blind/shade 公寓block offlats /apartment house 宿舍boardinghouse/ dormitory

预约booking/reservation 售票处booking-office/ ticket-office 长筒鞋boot/shoe 圆顶黑色高帽bowler/derby 裤子的吊带braces/suspenders 小憩时间break/recess 中途下车breakone"s journey /stop over 白洋布、印花布calico/ printed cloth 旅行队,篷车caravan/ trailer 客车carriage/coach 游览车charabanc/sightseeing bus 药局chemist"s shop /drugstore 支票cheque/check 衣柜chest-drawers/ bureau 教名Christianname/ first name 电影院cinema/picture house 寄物处,衣帽间cloakroom /checkroom 光头close crop/crew out 衣夹clothes-peg/ clothes-pin
