

Word List

Waken v.醒来

Bothersome adj.讨厌的,麻烦的

Plant n.工厂

Water v.给...浇水

Wave v.挥手

Gossip v.闲谈,闲聊

drone n.嗡嗡声

bomber n.轰炸

untouched adj.没受影响的

diaper n.尿布

bound adj.在去...的途中

target n.目标

blinding adj.刺眼的,耀眼的

outward adv.向外的

fling v.猛投,抛

unconsciousness n.无意识,无知觉

tend v.照料,照管undershorts n.短(内)裤exposed adj. 暴露在外边的timber n.木料,木头

dense adj.浓的

fog n.烟雾

mushroom n.蘑菇云

tower v.高耸,超越

remains n.废墟

signature n.标志

terrifying adj.可怕的dominant adj.主要的hostile adj.敌意的,敌对的ruin n.破坏,毁坏;(复)废墟migrate v.移民

sole adj.惟一的

heir n.继承人

flavor v.使有...风味

spacious adj. 宽敞的

delight v.使愉悦

fashion n.样式v. 制作;制造tatami n.榻榻米

fittings n.(常用复数)家具,设备pancake v.烘饼;烤薄饼

bacon n.咸肉

retire v.隐退;退休n.退休,退职sheltered adj.受掩护的,受庇护的necessity n. 必要的东西hypocenter n.爆炸中心地;震源flesh n.肉;皮肤

feel n. 感觉

boiled adj.煮熟的

glimpse n.一瞥

wound n. 伤口

first-aid adj.急救的;急救用的splash v. 撒

bandage n. 绷带,纱布

sway v. 摇晃

close v. 愈合

burn n. 烧伤

rebuild v.重建

well n.井,水井

carpenter n.木工

raise v.建起,盖起

wreckage n.残骸,残余物resemble v.相似,类似

hovel n.棚,小屋

snow flake n.雪花,雪片crack n.裂缝,空隙

mansion n.大厦,巨宅

heal v.(伤口)愈合

scar n.伤疤,伤痕

aftershock n.余悸;(地震的)余震

extent n.程度

blast n.爆炸

gum n.齿龈

bowel n.肠

bleed v.流血

ghost n.幽灵,鬼魂

matter-of-factly adv.实际地,平淡地

turn n.一次机会

superstition n. 迷信,迷信的观念习俗upright adj. 直立的,垂直的

radiation n.辐射

sickness n.疾病

aftereffect n.(事件等的)余波,影响;副作用Proper Nouns


Peter Goldman彼得.戈德曼

Kazuko Tanaka田中和子


Pearl Harbor珍珠港

Los Alamos洛斯阿拉莫斯Word List

largely adv. 主要地,很大程度上

doings n.所做之事

dark-haired adj.黑头发的

gratitude n.感激

vapor n.蒸气

melting adj. 融化的

fragrant adj. 香的

delicate adj.娇嫩的

bloom v.开花

raging adj.狂暴的

sleet n.雨雪,冰雹

prettily adv. 非常地

literary adj. 文学的

allusion n. 典故,暗示

villain n. 恶棍,坏蛋

outskirts n.郊区

fancy adj.异想天开的,过分的tuition n. 学费

gratify v. 使满足,使满意

spoil v.娇宠,宠坏,糟蹋,破坏cogent adj. 有说服力的

black adj.暗淡的,令人沮丧的absorb v.吸收,兼收

salary n.工资,薪水,薪金

tide v.帮某人渡过(难关) overture n.姿态,提议,建议

broke adj.分文不名的,身无分文的ulcer n.溃疡

twin n. 双胞胎

brood n.沉思,忧思

gloomily adv. 阴郁地

cocked adj.向上翘起地

insurance n. 保险

exclaim v.惊呼,大声叫喊

illusion n.幻想,错觉

abundance n.大量,多

confusion n.混乱,纷乱

ballerina n.芭蕾舞女演员

commercialize v.商业化

memorable adj.有纪念价值的

locket n.小盒

verse n.诗歌

skeptical/sceptical adj.(美/英)怀疑的liquor n.烈酒,酒类

turkey n.火鸡

carol n.颂歌,赞美诗

Lord interj.主,天啊

reassure v.使安心,使放心,使消除疑虑

clasp v.拍,抓住,握住

marvelous adj.太好了,太棒了

adore v.极为喜爱

acre n.英亩

erector n.安装工,安装器

junk n.废弃的旧物,破烂物

second-hand adj.二手的

brooch n.花别针,胸针

chop v.砍,劈

romp v.嬉闹玩耍

baste v.浇肉汁,油脂于肉上

sensibly adv.有判断力地,切实地

radiate v.散发,发出

highball n.搀了姜汁啤酒(或苏打水)的威士忌(或白兰地)

rosy adj.玫瑰红的,淡红色的

platter n. 大浅盘

damn v.使永远受罚

slow v.使降慢速度

aimlessly adv.无目的地

bunch n. 束,捆

perfume v.使香,使充满芬芳

filmy adj.似薄膜的

proper nouns

Frances Gray Patton弗朗西丝.格雷.巴顿Emily Wade埃米莉,韦德


GreenValley Academy绿谷学校


Word list

immensely adv. 极大地,无限地

varied adj.各种各样的,多变化的

boundless adj. 无边无际的,广阔的plain n. 平原

grandeur n.壮丽,辉煌

superb adj. 极度的,非常的

faintly adv. 模糊地,隐约地smallish adj. 略小的,较小的

scale n.大小,规模;衡量标准;尺度horrible adj. 可怕的

aviator n.飞行员

wander v. 漫步,闲逛

prairie n.大草原

desolating adj.荒凉的

immensity n. 无限,浩瀚geographical adj.地理学的comparatively adv.相对地,比较地ease n.轻松,不费力

correspondent n.记者

climber n.登山者

import v.引进,进口

misty adj.雾霭迷蒙的

peak n.山峰

ledge n.岩脊

conquer v.成功地攀登;征服miniature n.缩影;缩图

compile v.编制

content v.使满意,使满足pasture n.牧场

marshland n.沼泽地neighbourhood n.邻近地区inhabitant n.居民

favourite n.特别受喜爱的人或物heath n.(英)灌木丛生的荒野transition n.过渡,转变

slope n.山丘

crumple v.弄皱,压皱

cone-shaped adj.圆锥形的

pop v.冷不防地出现

fairy-tale adj.童话式的landscape n.景色

exquisite adj.近乎完美的moderation n.温和

compromise n.妥协,折衷办法irrational adj.不合逻辑的,荒谬的wildness n. 未开化;粗野tameness n. 开化,驯服

desolate adj. 荒芜的,荒凉的insinuate v. 使迂回地潜入moderate adj. 中等的,一般的compel v.迫不得已

civilised adj. 文明的

suburban adj.郊区的,近郊的

villa n.花园住宅

newish adj.相当新的

cultivation n.耕耘,耕种

cornfield n. 麦田

presence n.存在

severely adv. 非常严格地

trim adj.整齐的

hedge n. 树篱

obedience n.顺从,忠顺

irregularity n.参差不齐

colouring n.色彩,色调

snugly adv.紧密地,紧紧地uncompromising adj.不妥协的,坚定的cube n.立方体

drainer n.获取者;洗桨池工人

tiller n.农夫

motto n.座右铭

harmony n.和谐,调和

enchantment n.魅力,迷人

woodland n.林地,林区

Proper Nouns

the Mississippi密西西比河

the Rockies落基山脉

the Lake District湖泊地区



The Weald威尔德地区


Peak District皮克区



Word List

authentic adj.真正的

inconsistency n.(原则,行为方面等)前后不一致,首尾不一flaw n.缺点

core n.本质,精髓

mask n.面具,伪装

smother v.使透不过气,使窒息possessive adj.拥有的,占有的clinging n.依附

consequently adv.因此,所以roadblock n.路障

enhance v.提高,增强

surrender v.放弃,交出,投降

conform (to)v.与...相符合,与...一致primarily adv.主要地,首要地responsive adj.响应的,回应的

entail v.使成为必要,需要

directly adv.直接地

neglect v.忽略,忽视

stimulant n.激励物,影响力

detract v.减损

lovable adj.可爱的,讨人喜欢的pretense n.伪装,虚假

tolerate v.宽恕,容忍

imperfection n.缺点

boredom n.无聊,乏味

dole (out)v.施舍;发放(救济品) impasse n.绝境;僵局

transform v.使改变,改善

imperfect adj.不完美的

livable adj.适于居住的

free v.使自由

imply v.意味着

expansive adj.扩展(性)的;广泛的bar v.禁止,不准

exclusively dv.仅仅,专门地wedded (to)adj. 献身的,执着的pseudolove n.虚假爱情

cement v.黏结,胶合interdependent adj.互相依存的personality n.个人;人物;品格destiny n.命运

overly adv.过度地

confront v.面对

empathize v.有同感,起共鸣;表同情closeness n.亲密

togetherness n.在一起,相聚separation n.别离,分开

bond n.联结,纽带

rediscover n.重新发现;重新认识emptiness n.无知;空虚

fullness n.充实,丰富

potential n.潜力

relevant adj.有关联的;切题的conclude v.结束

mature adj.成熟的

union n.结合

preserve v.保留,保存

integrity n.完整

individuality n.个性;个人特征

paradox n.自相矛盾的事

Proper Nouns

Gerald Correy杰拉尔德.科里

Marianne Schneider Correy玛丽安娜.施奈德.科里Reverend Mater梅尔教士





Word List

predominate v.占绝大多数,占优势

dean n.(大学的)教务长,系主任

academic adj. 大学的;学术上的

probation n.(以观后效的)察看

flunk v.(美口语)通不过(考试等)

strategy n. 战略;战略部署

physicist n. 物理学家

atomic adj. 原子的

kiloton n.千吨(核弹当量单位)

illuminate v.照亮的,使变亮

incandescent adj.遇热发光的;白炽的

observer n.观察者

fireball n.大流星,火球

mushroom-shaped adj.蘑菇形的spontaneously adv. 自发地;自动地ignite v.点燃,使燃烧

flammable adj. 易燃的;可燃的

wood-frame n . 木制结构

intense adj. 强烈的;极度的

lash n. 抽打,鞭打

titanic adj.巨大的;强大的

destruction n.破坏;毁灭

plutonium n.钚(放射性元素)

fabricate v.制造

crude adj.粗制的,天然的,未经加工的breeder n. 增殖(反应)堆

reactor n. 核反应堆

theft n.偷窃,偷盗

hijacking n.抢劫;劫持

terrorist n.恐怖分子

extravagant adj. 过份的,过度的;奢侈的know-how n.(口语)技术

reference n. 参考,参照

uranium n. 铀(放射性元素)

workable adj. 可使用的

hardware n.五金制品

independent adj.独立的,单独的security n. 保密;安全;安全感

clearance n.参与机密工作的许可证

govern v.(法律,规则等)指导

hand v. 交,递

technology n.技术

incredulously adv.怀疑地;不相信地declassify v.销密,解密

advanced adj. 高级的

batch n.一组,一堆

bureaucrat n.官员

document n. 文件;文献

visibly adv. 明显地

indicate v. 表明

visualize v.想像;设想

marble n.(玻璃,石头等制成的)弹子grapefruit n.葡萄柚,西柚

initiator n.起爆器

reflector n.(核)反应层

shield n.保护装置

beryllium n.(化)铍

explosive n.炸药

symmetrically adv.对称地detonate v.爆炸;起爆

implode v.内爆

compress v.压缩;挤压

subtlety n.微妙(之处);巧妙(之处) center, centre v.(美/英)集中在classified adj.保密的


考研英语二图表作文预测:全国出境游 Topic 3: The boom of overseas traveling industry From the bar chart given above, we can observe that the number of people traveling abroad experienced some changes during the past several years. From 1999 to 2000, the number of Chinese people traveling abroad increased rapidly from 7.5 million to 10 million, and then to 12.1 million in 2001. The bar chart reveals that people in mounting numbers are going to travel abroad. What exactly contribute to this phenomenon? Reasons can be listed as follows: for one thing, the authorities have issued some preferential policies to promote the development of the overseas tourism industry, which encourages a sudden emergence of travel agencies that can provide customers with convenient overseas tourism services. Additionally, with the improvement of financial status and purchasing power, a considerable number of Chinese people can afford the once-deemed-expensive traveling expenses. Last but not least, as there exists huge difference in cultures, customs and landscapes between China and overseas countries, quite a few people hold that overseas traveling is not only a perfect way to relax oneself, but also enrich their knowledge and expand their horizons. By observing the past trends, we may forecast that the growth tendency will continue. However,it is also a highly variable industry


Lesson One Twelve Things I Wish They Taught at School well: adv. quite, rather The work is well done. 这件工作干得很好。 It's well past midnight, I think it's time you went home. 早过了午夜,我想你该回家了。 above/below average 高于或低于一般标准或水平 Your monthly salary is well above average. 你每月的工资大大超出了平均水平。 yet: at this point in time I would be …..if I had learned 虚拟语气,主句表示现在,从句表示过去 I would not be so sleepy if I had slept well last night. back then: back in my high school days what really matters: what is important matter is used as a verb----- eg: Does it matter much whether he will not pass the exams? 他能否通过考试是否很重要? In some respects 在某些方面; in respect of 就某方面 Louisiana Purchase 路易斯安那购置 some:about; approximately Some 35 students have taken the advanced course. worth teaching---be worth doing 值得做 deficiencies:不足,缺乏,缺少 This disease is caused by Vitamin D deficiency. since:从那以后(与完成时态连用) He left home in 1980 and has not been heard of since. 他于1980年离家,此后便音信全无。 more……than+n 与其说------不如说 For me, music is more a way of life than an interest. 对我来说,音乐与其说是一种爱好,还不如说是一种生活方式。 matter, n. (讨论、考虑的)问题 a matter of principle 原则问题 a matter of time 时间问题 a matter of opinion 看法问题 a matter of life and death 生死攸关问题 Socrates 苏格拉底:古希腊哲学家。

自考综合英语二(0015)课文及重点词汇一 Text-B The Language of Confidence

Text-B The Language of Confidence The language we use program s our brain s.Master ing our language gives us a great degree of mastery over our lives and our destinies. It is important to use language in the best way possible in order to dramatically improve your quality of life. program 程序 brain 大脑 master 主人、精通 degree 程度 destinies 命运 possible 可能的 dramatically 显著的 improve 改善 quality 品质 Even the smallest of words can have the deepest effect on our sub-conscious mind.It is like a child,it doesn’t really understand the difference between what really happens and what you imagine. It is eager to please and willing to carry out any commands that you give it-whether you do this knowingly or not is entirely up to you. "Try" even 甚至 effect 影响 sub-conscious 潜意识 mind 记忆 imagine 想象 eager 渴望 to carry out 执行 command 命令 knowingly 故意的 entirely 完全的 It is a small word yet it has an amazing impact upon us. If someone says, "I'll try to do that" you know that they are not going to be putting their whole heart into it, and may not even do it at all. How often do you use the word try when talking about the things that matter to you? Do you say "I'll try to be more confident" or "I'll try to do that" or "I'll try to call"?


1(in)ability to:(没)有…的能力 (in)capacity to:(没)有…的能力 a/an:art.一个 a great deal:大量,许多 a great many:很多 a variety of:种种;若干不同的 ability:n.能力,能耐 ability to do:做…的能力 able:a.有才能的,能够的 abolish:vt.废除(法律,习惯等);取消 about:prep.关于 above:prep.在…之上 above all:首先,首要 abroad:ad.到国外;在国外 absent:a.缺席,不在 absolute:a.绝对的,完全的 absolutely:ad.完全地,绝对地;肯定地 abstract:a.抽象的n.摘要,梗概vt.提取;摘录要点 absurd a.荒谬的 absurdity:n.荒谬 abuse:vt./n.滥用,妄用;虐待,凌辱 academic:a.学院的,学会的;学术的 accent:n.重音;口音 acceptable:a.可以接受的 access:n.通道,入口;接近(或进入)的机会 accessible:a.易接近的;易受影响的(to);可理解的 accident:n.意外;偶然事故 accompany:vt.陪伴,陪同;伴随,一起发生;伴奏 accomplish:vt.完成(任务等) accomplishment:n.完成;成就;[pl.]造诣,技能 accordance:n.一致,和谐;符合 according:ad.(与to构成介词)按照,根据 accordingly:ad.相应地 according to:根据… account:n.叙述,说明;帐户vi.说明(原因等) accountability:n.有解释义务;负有责任 accumulate vt.积累,积聚 accuracy:n.准确(性),精确(性) accurate:a.准确的,精确的 accurately:ad.准确的,精确地 ache:vi/n.疼痛 achieve:vt.完成 achievement:n.完成,达到;成就,成绩 achive:vt.完成,实现,达到,得到 acid:n.酸,酸性物质 a.酸的 acknowledge:vt.承认;表示感谢 acquaintance:n.认识,了解;相识的人, 熟人 acquire:vt.获得,得到 acronym:n.首字母缩略词 across:ad.交叉,横过 act:n. 行为,举动 act as:(林市)担任,充当,起…作用 act on:遵照…行为,奉行;作用于,影 响 act out:将…表演出来,(用行动)表示 出来 action:n.行动;作用(on) activate:vt.使活动,使起作用 active:a.活动的;活跃的 activity:n.活动,活跃;行动 actor:n.男演员 actual:a.实际的;真实的 AD:(或A.D.)(=Anno Domini)[拉]公 adapt:vt.使适应,使适合;改编vi.适应 (to) adapt……to:使…适应… add:v.增加 add up to:总和是,[口]总起来意味着 addition:n.加,加法;附加物 additional:a.附加的,追加的;另外的 address:n.地址,住址 adequate:a.充足的,充分的;胜任的 adjective:n.形容词 adjust:vt.调整,调节;校准 adjustment:n.调整 administration:n.管理,经营;行政,行 政机关 admire:vt.钦佩,赞美,赞赏 admit:vt.承认,供认;准许…进入,准 许…加入 admission:承认,供认;准许进入,准 许加入 adolescent:n.青少年a.青春期的;青少 年的 adopt:vt.采取,采用;正式通过;收养 advance:vi.前进,取得进展n.前进,进 展;预付 advanced:a.高等的 advantage:n.优点,优越;好处 advantageous:a.有利的,有助的 adventure:n.冒险,奇遇 adversely:ad.相反地;不利地,有害地 advertise:vt./vi.为…做广告;登广告 advertisement:n.(简写为ad)广告 advice:n.劝告 advise:vt.忠告,劝告 affair:n.事情,事件 affect:vt.影响,打动) afflict:vt.使苦恼,折磨 afraid:a.害怕的 Africa:n.非洲 African:n.非洲的 after:prep.在…后 after all:毕竟;终究 afternoon:n.下午 afterward:ad.然后 again:ad.又 against:prep.反抗 age:n.年龄 aged:a.年老的,老的 agent:n.代理人,代理商;起作用的人或 物 aggression:n.侵犯,侵略 aggressive:a.侵略的,好斗的;有进取心 的 aggressiveness:n.侵犯,侵略;进取精神 ago:ad.以前d agree:vi.同意 agreement:n.同意 agricultural:a.农业的 2 ahead:在…前 ahead of:在…前 aid:vt.帮助 aim:n.目标 aim for:瞄准;以…为目标 air:n.空气 airplane:n.飞机 Alabama:阿拉巴马(美国州名) alarm:n.警报;惊恐vt.向…报警;打扰 alarming:a.惊人的,吓人的 文案大全


《综合英语(二)》课程教学大纲 课程编号:1002001 课程名称:综合英语 编写人:韩越乔 审稿人:陶伟 一、课程简介 1. 综合英语是一门英语专业学科必修课,考试课。讲授对象为英语专业一、二年级学生。 2. 课程主要通过语言基础训练与篇章讲解分析,传授系统的基础语言知识(语音、语法、词汇、篇章结构、语言功能/意念等),综合训练基本语言技能(听、说、读、写、译),使学生逐步提高语篇阅读理解能力,了解英语各种文体的表达式和特点,扩大词汇量和熟悉英语常用句型,具备基本的口头与笔头表达能力,培养和提高学生运用英语进行交际的综合能力,同时指导学习方法,培养逻辑思维能力和自学能力,并使学生的文化素养有一定程度的提高。在非外语环境中,基础阶段的学习在很大程度上是通过课堂教学进行的,课堂中必须坚持精讲、多练、以练为主的原则,用多种手段进行大量练习,为高年级阶段的学习打下扎实的语言基本功。 二、教学目的及要求 现代大学英语旨在于传授系统的基础语言知识(语音、语法、词汇、篇章结构等),训练基本语言技能(听、说、读、写、译),培养学生初步运用英语语言进行交际的能力,同时指导学生的学习方法,培养逻辑思维能力,为进一步的学习打下扎实的基础。 综合英语课的教学,基础阶段结束时综合英语技能要求如下: 1.语音:发音正确;较好地掌握朗读和说话的节奏感,掌握语流中的语音变化规律、连续辅音爆破和语音同化等技巧以及陈述句、疑问句和祈使句的语调;初步掌握语段中语音轻重和新旧信息传递之间的关系。 2.语法:熟练掌握主语从句、同位语从句、倒装句和各种条件从句;初步掌握句子之间和段落之间的衔接手段。 3. 词汇:认知词汇5,500—6,500,正确而熟练地运用其中的3,000—4,000个,及其最基本的搭配。


Unit1 Alternative n.可供选择的事物;取舍;抉择Constant a.不断的;连续发生的;一再重复的Cripple vt.严重损坏或削落;使残废 Impressive a.给人以强烈或良好印象的,令人难忘的Initial a.开始的,最初的 Move n.步骤;行动 Put v.安置,放 React vi.反应;反对 Shallow a.肤浅的,浅薄的 Tackle v.处理;应付;解决

Universal a.全体的;与全体有关的 Capture vt.占领;刻画;俘获 Construct vt.建造;创立;构造 Contact n.接触;联系 Entitle vt.给……提名 Generate vt.产生;创造 Genuine a.真的;真诚的 Rough a,粗超的 Count sth against sb 认为某事物不利于某人;因某事而低估某人 Do sb wrong 中伤某人;冤枉某人;虐待某人

Find it in oneself to do sth Like it or not 不管喜欢与不喜欢 Root out sth 根除 Take hold 固定下来;确立 Warts and all 不隐瞒缺点的,毫不遮丑的Aware of 意识到;知道 In any case 无论如何 Unit2 adopt vt.采取 characterize vt.是…的特征,以…为特征confine vt.把…局限于,把…限制于

convince vt.使确信,使信服 emphasize vt.强调,着重 picture vt.想象,设想 remarkable a.值得注意的;十分不平常的;出众的 response n.回答 reveal vt.展现,显露(出) stretch vi. (时间和空间)延伸,延续,绵延 lower vt.降下,把…放低 owe vt.欠(债)等;感激 propose vt.提议为…干杯;提议,建议;提出(行动﹑计划或供表决的方案等) remedy n.补救(方法);纠正(办法)


考研英语二高频词汇表选自英语二词汇《句句有词》 process过程;工序;程序vt. growth增加,增长(量);生长,发展technology工艺,技术 theory理论,原理;学说;看法,见解economy经济(制度),经济情况;节约,省俭behavio(u)r行为,举止;运转情况 account账(目),账户;叙述,说明 economic经济(学)的,经济上的 individual单独的,个人的 product产品,产物;乘积 rate(比)率;速度,进度;价格,费用 create创造,创建,创作;引起,产生 decline下降,减少,衰退;婉拒 hard硬的,坚固的;烈性的;困难的 ability能力,本领;才能,才智

professional spot斑点,污点;地点;一点儿vt.认出,发现;玷污tend照管,护理 view眼界;风景;(常用pl.)看法vt.看待;观察advocate鼓吹(者),拥护(者) amount数量vi.合计;等同 community团体,社会;界,族;社区;群落 concern关联;关心n. environment factor因素,要素 intelligence智力,智慧;情报 rape [reip] n.强奸;破坏,蹂躏 vt.强奸;破坏,蹂躏rash [r??] a.轻率的,鲁莽的 [反] deliberate n.皮疹 guideline [?ga?dla?n] n.指导方针,指导原则,准则,标准gut [ɡ?t] n.[pl.]胆量;内脏a.本能的vt.取出内脏 refund [?ri:f?nd] n.v. 退款;赔偿


综合英语二下册 15课单词学习表格 far-reaching a likely to have a lot of influence or many effects:影响深远的surpass v (formal) to do or be better than sb/sth:超过;多于 phonograph n (old-fashioned) = record player(美)留声机 innumerable a too many to be counted; very many SYN countless:无数的;数不清的 practicable a (formal) able to be done; likely to be successful SYN feasible, workable:可行的;行得通的 concretely ad based on facts, not on ideas or guesses:具体地 understandably ad in a way that seems normal and reasonable in a particular situation SYN naturally:正常地;合乎情理地;可以理解地 convincingly ad Convincing that makes sb believe that sth is true: 令人信服的,有 说服力的 令人信服地,有说服力地 alter v to become different; to make sb/sth different:改变,改动 mentality n [usually sing] (pl-ies) the particular attitude or way of thinking of a person or group SYN mindset:心态;思想状态;思想方法 revolutionary a 1.[usually before noun] connected with political revolution: 革命 的 2.involving a great or complete change:巨变的;彻底变革的;划时代的;conception n [C, U] conception (of sth) | conceptio n (that … ) an understanding or a belief of what sth is or what sth should be:观念,想法 mode n [C] a particular way of doing sth;方式;方法 unchanging a that always stays the same and does not change:不变的 confidently ad feeling sure about your own ability to do things and be successful: 有信心地,自信地 naively ad (approving) (of people and their behaviour) innocent and simple SYN artless:天真地 accompaniment n accompaniment (to sth)[C] (formal) something that happens at the same time as another thing:伴随物,伴随发生(或存在)的事物 application n [U, C] application (of sth) (to sth) the practical use of sth, especially a theory, discovery, etc:应用 impressive a (of things or people) making you feel admiration, because they are very large, good, skilful, etc:给人以深刻印象的;令人钦佩的instinctively ad Instinctive a based on instinct, not thought or training:(出于)本能的;直觉的 ~ly 本能地;直觉地 bulb n (also light bulb) the glass part that fits into an electric lamp, etcto give light when it is switched on:电灯泡,电灯 homely a 1.(approving, especially BrE) simple and good: 2.(NAmE, disapproving) (of a person's appearance) not attractive SYN plain:朴素的;普通的 demonstration n (also informal demo) [C, U] an act of showing or explaining how sth works or is done:示范 insure v (especially NAmE) = ensure to make sure that sth happens or is definite:保证,确保 supreme a [usually before noun] 1.highest in rank or position:最优的,卓著的 2.very great or the greatest in degree:(程度)很大的;最大的propagandist n (formal, usually disapproving) a person who creates or spreads propaganda宣传者;传播者 conservatism n (also Conservatism) the political belief that society should change as little as possible:保守主义 inheritance n [C, usually sing, U] the money, property, etcthat you receive from sb when they die; the fact of receiving sth when sb dies:继承物,遗产 carriage n [C] a road vehicle, usually with four wheels, that is pulled by one or more horses and was used in the past to carry people:马车 mixture n 1.[C, usually sing] a combination of different things:混合物 2.[C, U] a substance made by mixing other substances together:混合 物


a/an一(个);任何一(个);每一(个) abandon[??b?nd?n]vt.抛弃,放弃 ability[??b?l?ti]n.能力,能够 able[e?bl]有能力的,能干的 abnormal[?b'n?:m?l] a.不正常的;变态的 aboard[??b?:d]prep.上(船、飞机、车) abolish[?'b?li?]vt.废除(法律等) about[??ba?t]关于 above[?'b?v]在..之上 abroad[?'br??d]到国外;在国外 abrupt[??br?pt]突然的,意外的,粗鲁 absence[??bs?ns]不在,缺席 absent['?bs?nt] a.不在意的 absolute[??bs?lu:t]〈形〉绝对的〈名〉绝对事物absorb[?b?s?:b]vt.吸收 abstract['?bstr?kt] a.理论上的n.抽象 abundant[??b?nd?nt]adj.充裕的,丰富的 abuse[??bju:s]〈动〉虐待、滥用 academic[??k?'demik] a.学院的;学术的 academy[?'k?d?mi]n.私立中学;专科院校accelerate[?k?sel?re?t]v.加速,增速,进行,迫使accent[??ks?nt]口音,音调 accept[?k?sept]vt.接受 acceptable[?k?sept?bl] a.可接受的 access['?kses]n.接近;通道,入口 accessible[?k?ses?b(?)l]可到达的,可接受的,易相处的)accident[?ks?d?nt]事故,灾难 accidental[??ksi'dentl] a.偶然的;非本质的accommodation[?;k?m?'dei??n]n.招待设备;预定铺位accompany[??k?mp?ni]〈动〉伴随、伴奏 accomplish[??k?mpl??]〈动〉完成、实现 accordance[?'k?:d?ns]n.一致;和谐;授予 account[??ka?nt]〈名〉账户、账单〈动〉把……视为、 报账 accountant[??ka?nt(?)nt]会计,会计师 accumulate[?'kju:mjuleit]vt.积累vi.堆积 accuracy['?kjur?si]n.准确(性);准确度 accurate['?kjur?t] a.准确的,正确无误的 accuse[?'kju:z]vt.指责;归咎于 accustomed[?'k?st?md] a.惯常的;习惯的


综合英语2词型转换 1. Many foreign words and phrases have enriched the English language. (rich) 2. They were the most notable pioneers in translation. (note) 3. There is an overhead fan in his room. (head) 4. Some advertisements are misleading. (lead) 5. We should adopt effective measure to preserve the eyesight of the adolescents. (effect) 6. She was paying a big price for her stupidity. (stupid) 7. His performance in the sports meet was not good. (perform) 8. He was wounded in the brutal war. (brute) 9. They are busy with preparing for the evening gathering. (gather) 10. The animals grew restlessly as if in anticipation of an earthquake. (rest) 11. I think the tendency to give children many toys and clothes is quite common in American families. (tend) 12. The children will feel unloved if they don’t have the same playthings their friends have. (love) 13. It is unreasonable for children to ask their parents for too many things. (reason) 14. You can judge his feeling from his facial expressions. (face) 15. He left the house without my awareness. (aware) 16. Hughie thought the model should have a percentage. (percent) 17. Now he was unemployed and stayed at home. (employ) 18. He was a man with great wealth. (wealthy) 19. In the relationship with others, you will notice some annoying habits. (annoy) 20. For some people, it may take several days to readjust, depending on the length of time they were away. (adjust) 21. The plan was set up to give expert advice to first time house buyers. (advise)


综合英语二下册1课单词学习表格 conviction n 1[C, U](that ) a strong opinion or belief: 坚定的信念; 2[U]the feeling or appearance of believing sth strongly and of being sure about it: 坚信 arise v [V] (rather formal) (especially of a problem or a difficult situation) to happen; to start to exist Synonym: OCCUR 产生;出现 politeness n 礼貌,客气 tearful adj (of a person) crying, or about to cry满含泪水,哭泣的 confide v (sth) (to sb) to tell sb secrets and personal information that you do not want other people to know吐露(秘密等) grim-faced adj 面孔铁青的;表情严肃的 appreciation n [U] pleasure that you have when you recognize and enjoy the good qualities of sb/sth欣赏(重视;赏识) moody adj bad-tempered or upset, often for no particular reason脾气坏的;郁郁寡欢的,闷闷不乐的 sullenness n Sullen adjective (disapproving) bad-tempered and not speaking, either on a particular occasion or because it is part of your character: 赌气;情绪消沉 complaint n 1[C]~ (about / against sb/sth) ~ (that ) a reason for not being satisfied; a statement that sb makes saying that they are not satisfied: 2 [U] the act of complaining 怨言;诉苦;投诉, study n [C] a room, especially in sb's home, used for reading and writing书房 reverse n (the reverse) [sing] the opposite of what has just been mentioned相反情况,对立面wreck v to damage or destroy sth破坏,毁坏 justice n 1[U] the fair treatment of people:正义,正直2 [U] the quality of being fair or reasonable unpaved adj(路等)未铺砌的 highway n 1(especially AmE) a main road, usually connecting large towns: 2(BrE, formal) a public road: 公路 innate adj (of a quality, feeling, etc) that you have when you are born:天生的,固有的 empathy n [U]~ (with sb/sth) ~ (for sb/sth) ~ (between A and B) the ability to understand another person's feelings, experience, etc:对别人心情的理解;同情;同感 minimize v to reduce sth, especially sth bad, to the lowest possible level使减少(或缩小)到最低限度 chain n [C] a group of shops/stores or hotels owned by the same company:联号(一个企业下属的一组类似的商店、旅馆),连锁商店 episode n an event, a situation, or a period of time in sb's life, a novel, etc that is important or interesting in some way(若干或一连串事件的)一个事件 dine v [V] (formal) to eat dinner:进餐 unscrew v to undo sth by twisting or turning it; to become undone in this way:取下,拧开cap n a protective cover or top for a pen, bottle, etc盖,套 catsup n [U] a thick cold sauce made from tomatoes, usually sold in bottles调味番茄酱 busboy n (AmE) a person who works in a restaurant and whose job is to clear the dirty dishes, etc(美)餐厅勤杂工(负责收餐具、抹桌子等) momentarily adv (esp US) very soon; immediately立即,即刻 tighten v to become or make sth become tight or tighter:(使)变紧、更加牢固


accomplish vt.完成(任务等) goal n.目的,目标;得分进球,球门 tendency n.趋势,倾向 managerial a.经理的,管理人的;管理上的,经营上的 implement vt.实现;完成;履行suboptimization n.局部最优化,次优化achievement n.完成,达到;成就,成绩multiple a.多样的,复合的 n.倍数 constraint n.强制;强制因素,制约条件scheme n.计划;方案 vt./vi.计划,策划 attain vt.达到;完成 define vt.解释,给…下定义;限定,规定accompany vt.伴随,陪同;为…伴奏correctness n.正确,正确性 budget n.预算 vt.把…编入预算;安排,预定organizational a.组织(上)的 maker n.制造者;制造商 optimal a.最适宜的;最理想的 precedent n.先例,前例 argue vt./vi.争辨,争论,辩论;说服 predict vt./vi.预言;预示 slimplify vt.简化 objective n.目标,目的 a.客观的;无偏见的profitability n.赚钱,获得 trade-off n.(对不能同时兼顾的因素)权衡;物物交 speechless a.不会说话的;不说话的 candidate n.候选人,候补者;应试者interviewer n.接见者;面谈者 entity n.存在,实体;统一性 community n.社区;共同体 unintended a.非计划中的,非故意的 ongoing a.进行中的,前进的 to make a guess at 猜测 in part 部分地,在某种程度上 indifference n.冷漠;不感兴趣(to) vague a.含糊的;不明确的 skilled a.熟练的;有技能的 and the like 等等,诸如此类 prospect n.展望,景象;[常pl.]前景,前程clarification n.澄清,阐明 criticism n.批评;评论 notion n.概念;想法,看法 personality n.个性;人格;品格 interview vt./n.面谈,采访;面试,口试correspondence n.符合,一致;通信prospective a.预期的;未来的 unattractive a.无吸引力的;不引人注意的 in the way 挡路;碍事 point of view 观点 to seek to 追求,争取day to day work 日常工作 exert vt.尽(力);施加(压力等);行使(职权等) miniskirt n.超短裙 astronomer n.天文学家 photocopy vt./n.复印,影印;照相复制本 to ask for 请求,向…要;寻找 to turn down 拒绝;调小或调低;翻下 escape vi./vt.逃跑;避免 n.逃跑;逃路,出口to one's advantage 对某人有利 punk n.(俚)阿飞;朋克 a.颓废派的 intimidate vt.恐吓,恫吓 clutch vt./vi.抓住,握紧 to make sure 查明,弄确实;确信 grip vt./n.紧握,紧夹;掌握,控制conservative a.保存的,防腐的;保守的,守旧的to take the trouble to 不辞劳苦,费力 to apply for 申请 rephrase vt.重新措辞,改用别的话表示 in hand 手头上有 painful a.痛苦的;费力的 at a disadvantage 处于不利地位 inefficiency n.无效;效能差 resume n.摘要,梗概;个人简历 panel n.专门小组 neat a.整洁的;简洁的;整齐的 gravity n.严肃,认真;重要性;[物]重力convincing a.有说服力的,使人信服的 galaxy n.[天]星系,[G-]银河系 boundary n.分界线,边界 implication n.含意,暗示;牵连,涉及,卷入constant a.永恒的,经久不变的;经常的 n.常数companion n.同伴,同事;[天]伴星(=~star) neutron n.[物]中子 launch vt.发射;使(船)下水 n.发射,(船)下水dwarf n.矮子;[天]矮星 twin a./n.双胞胎(的)[Twins][天]双子座binary a.二,双;二进制的 n.双(体);联星speculation n.推测,猜测;投机 basis n.基础,根据;主要成份;军事基地observer n.遵守者,奉行者;观察者,监视者interchangeable a.可交换的;可互换的 daytime n.白天,日间 observatory n.天文台;了望台 collapse vt./vi./n.(使)倒塌,(使)崩溃;瓦解measurement n.衡量,测量 explode vt.使爆炸 vi.爆炸;突发 supernova n.[天]超新星 density n.密集度,稠密度;[物][化]密度shrink vt./vi./n.收缩;缩小;退缩,畏缩marble n.弹子;大理石 a.大理石的,大理石般的thrilling a.令人激动的;颤动的,震颤的 Star of Bethlehem 圣诞星
