


美食会展策划书参考 自改革开放后,世界上多种新型餐饮业状态及形式在中国餐饮市场迅速发展,逐渐改变了中国餐饮市场的格局。目前国内中餐市场的呈多元化、连锁化、规模化发展特征。 国内餐饮市场日益呈现多元化发展态势,虽然中餐在总体规模上依然处于绝对主体的地位,但是中餐在中国城市餐饮市场上的地位已经显现出由“绝对主体”转变为“相对主体”的趋势,近三年餐饮业态逐渐趋向弱势。中餐格局的变化导致了多数运做的饮食企业多为中小新办企业,“船小好掉头”成为了中餐经营的一贯特点,预计此情况将导致比例及份额的逐渐下降。 展会背景分析 翻阅四川美食节的历史,我们不难发现,四川美食节具有浓郁的文化内涵、强烈的人文色彩以及突出的风格特点。四川美食节以其独特的文化展示方式逐渐深入人心,现已经成为了人们节庆生活中的一部分。随着美食节的兴起,美食也在以各种形式呈现在人们面前,在美食节萌芽阶段就开始以其独特的魅力吸引了众人眼球,多年来一直在行业中坚持自有的品牌和原则,成为业界独树一帜的花朵。 展会名称 2x15年四川特色美食展 展会时间

2x15年4月30日至2x15年5月2日 展会地点 成都市新国际会展中心 篇二:美食节策划方案大全 美食节策划方案大全 盛夏正是举办美食节的大好季节,美食节策划方案也成为店主关心的问题之一。美食节策划方案有没有实例可参呢?其实美食节策划方案主要分为几大步,只要把各个环节做好,不难做出一场别开生面的盛宴。 美食节策划方案最主要的环节就是美食节主题选择以及主题要素的确定,上述两大元素确定之后就可以进行调研、进而计算出投资预算,制定出美食节菜单进而落实具体的负责人员,以为后期货源供给及宣传促销进行铺垫。 一般来讲,美食节主题选择有很多种可以参考的依据,而主题要素则需要注意与饭店自身条件相符,与整体形象保持一致,同时还要兼顾市场需求。以下为您介绍美食节主题选择可参: (1)以某一原料为主题 (2)以中外节日为主题 (3)以地方菜系、民族风味为主题 (4)以与名人、名厨有关的菜点为主题 (5)以仿制的古代菜点为主题


2014年天津中考英语试题 二.单项填空 21. --- Mary, who’s______ woman over there? --- She’s my aunt, ______ English teacher. A. the; the B. a;the C.the; an D. a; an 22. If you work harder, you’ll have another______ to play the vi olin at a concert. A. sleep B. chance C. mistake D.problem 23. --- Is there_____ beef in the fridge? --- No, there isn’t. There is ______ pork. A. some; any B. any; any C. some; some D. any; some 24. Mo Yan is one of _____ writers in the world. A. famous B.more famous C. most famous D. the most famous 25. We don’t want to speak badly or ______ in front of the class. A. clearly B. carefully C.carelessly D. properly 26. ______ month of the year is May. A. Two B. The second C.Five D.The fifth 27. Robots _____more heavy work for us in the future. A. will do B. did C. have done D. were doing 28. Look at our new school. It ____ last year. A. built B. was built C.is built D. will be built 29. The book won’t____ until the end of the year. A. come out B. come over C. come true D. come on 30. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses and I didn’t _____him at first. A. advise B. promise C. recognise D. hear 31. Look at the “No parking” sign. You _____park your car here. A. should B. must C. needn’t D. mustn’t 32. When you leave, please turn off the light_____ energy. A. save B. saving C. saved D. to save


英语试题 (满分120分,时间120分钟) 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共10页。答题前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的、座号、号等填写在答题卡规定的位置上。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2.第I卷每题选出答案后,都必须用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题号的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不涂在答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。 3.第II卷必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案须写在答题卡各题目指定的区域,在试卷上答题不得分;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共75分) 一、听力测试(共20小题,计20分) (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。 1. A. Me, too.B. Not bad.C. Thank you. 2. A. Oh, I’m thirsty.B. A cup of tea, please. C. Thanks a lot. 3. A. Sorry, I’m new her e.B. Yes, you can. C. Of course not. 4. A. Congratulations!B. You’re so lucky.C. Have a good time! 5. A. Good idea!B. Good luck!C. My pleasure. (二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。 6. What are the speakers talking about? A. Music. B. Books. C. Movies. 7. What can we learn from the dialogue? A. Peter is at work. B. It’s lunch time. C. The woman is having her lunch. 8. Who is the man probably talking to? A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. His mother. 9. What will the speakers do? A. Go to work. B. Go to the theater. C. Have dinner. 10. What are the students doing now?


食品参展策划书 篇一:食品展览策划方案 一:背景资料分析 哈尔滨市位于我国东北平原,是我国最大的商品粮基地之一,地 广土肥,农业基础好,粮食产量高。同时哈尔滨市位于松嫩平原,临 松花江,不仅产粮丰富,而且人口众多。如果在此地建设食品产业机 构企业,不仅具有丰富的原材料支持,而且还同时拥有丰富的劳动力 资源保障及广阔的消费群体。 这样不仅可以更好地对原材料进行加工利用,同时可以解决部分 就业问题,形成产业链带动地区经济发展。不仅解决了就业问题,减 轻政府压力,同时为地区经济发展,财政税收增加做出重大贡献,既 得到了收益,也为地区发展出了力,惠国惠民也惠己。 二:宗旨和目的 话说民以食为天,食品行业永远不过期,不淘汰。在我国拥有着

广阔的市场,和巨大的消费群体,但从整体上看,到目前为止,在我 国整体上却并没有形成一个统一的,大型,连锁食品企业。那么今天 我公司举办此商业展览会旨在为全国各大,各中小企业及各农业,食 品机构、商业机构创造一个交流的平台,展示的平台,进行商业联合,业务合作,融资,产品推销,扩大品牌影响,获得更大规模利益以及 优先取得商机,占据更有利的竞争有利地位,取得商业竞争、发展优 先权。 三:展会组织机构 (1)主办单位:哈尔滨食品总局哈尔滨食品联合协会 哈尔滨市农业局哈尔滨市质监局 哈尔滨市卫生商委 (2)承办单位:厦门解语会展有限公司哈尔滨分公司 (3)合作媒体:中央财经人民日报哈尔滨经济报 黑龙江电视总局 CCTV2 CCTV7 四:参展范围

河南双汇食品公司 康师傅有限公司 家乐福连锁超市 沃尔玛连锁超市 全国各大、中、小食品公司及零售超市 五:展会时间及地点 展会地点:哈尔滨市国际会展体育中心(南岗区红旗大街301号) 会展时间:XX年05月01日 (1)参展商入场时间:12:00 (2)参观商与展览者入场时间:12:30 (3)媒体入场时间:13:00 (4)展会开始:13:30 六:相关活动及获利方式 举办各种商业类型及私人性质的宴会,召开新闻发布会,媒体见 面会,企业协商会等。并开设,搭建广告位及展厅、展位出租等(我 们将竭诚为您提供各类合法,合理服务,及提供各种相关设备等)——竭诚为您服务—— 七:融资需求与投资人权益 融资需求:需求资金XX万,使用时间3年投资人权益:


一、听力 二.单项填空(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 21. --- Mary, who’s______ woman over there --- She’s my aunt, ______ English teacher. A. the; the B. a;the ; an D. a; an 22. If you work harder, you’ll have another______ to play the violin at a concert. A. sleep B. chance C. mistake 23. --- Is there_____ beef in the fridge --- No, there isn’t. There is ______ pork. A. some; any B. any; any C. some; some D. any; some 24. Mo Yan is one of _____ writers in the world. A. famous famous C. most famous D. the most famous 25. We don’t want to speak badly or ______ in front of the class. A. clearly B. carefully D. properly 26. ______ month of the year is May. A. Two B. The second fifth 27. Robots _____more heavy work for us in the future. A. will do B. did C. have done D. were doing 28. Look at our new school. It ____ last year. A. built B. was built built D. will be built 29. The book won’t____ until the end of the year. A. come out B. come over C. come true D. come on 30. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses and I didn’t _____him at first. A. advise B. promise C. recognise D. hear 31. Look at the “No parking” s ign. You _____park your car here. A. should B. must C. needn’t D. mustn’t 32. When you leave, please turn off the light_____ energy. A. save B. saving C. saved D. to save


2019年天津市中考英语试卷 副标题 一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分) A Dear Lucy, How are you?It has been a month since my family left Hong Kong for England and we are fine. England is very different from Hong Kong.The weather is terrible and it rains a lot.The buildings are funny.They are in rows and not high.I love them because the rooms are much larger.I?m having a wonderful at my new school and my new home! Mum and Dad are happy with their new jobs.But my brother Jack doesn?t like moving to England because he misses his friends so much. I?ve made lots of new friends at school.My teachers are really nice too and my English has improved a lot.After school,we can take part in relaxing activities such as sport,watching films or playing computer games.There?s a park near the school where I often go with the other students at the weekend. We are travelling back to Hong Kong for the summer holiday.I will visit you and bring you a present! Write back soon! Love Sandy 1.Where did Sandy?s family live before?____ A. Hong Kong. B. Sydney. C. New York. D. London. 2.Sandy loves the buildings in England because their rooms are____. A. cheaper B. warmer C. newer D. larger 3.How many people are there in Sandy?s family?____ A. 2. B. 4. C. 6. D. 8. 4.Who does not like moving to England?____ A. Dad. B. Mum. C. Jack. D. Sandy. 5.What is the letter mainly about?____ A. Sandy?s summer holiday. B. Sandy?s parents. C. Sandy?s new classmates. D. Sandv?s new life. B


美食活动策划方案3篇 导语:“美食源于民间”地方菜体现了地域文化、习俗、人文、特色,是“原味”美食文化最好的体现,接下来由为大家带来了美食活动策划方案,欢迎参考! 为响应*中国*赏花会的举办,丰富我市美食文化生活,为广大市民带给一套高品位的美食大餐。于*年6月30日—7月8日期间举办的“赏花美食节”,旨在透过赏花、美食文化主题活动,力主营造一种健康向上的、充满欢乐、祥和的文化氛围,同时进一步定位,使少山路商业街成为xx区的标志和象征,展示李村商圈的崭新风貌,扩大其对*市民 ___,打造高品位、有特色的美食文化节名片。 本届美食节在总结上届美食节成功经验的基础上,更好地将美食文化、群众娱乐休闲文化以及名品展示、展销等有机结合,其规模更大,水平更高,品种更多,是一次盛大的美食文化节庆活动,是xx餐饮业发展一次的飞跃,更是商家宣传、形象展示、品牌提升的大好商机。 此次活动以“百姓美食,芬芳xx”为主题,与赏花会相呼应,突出*、xx特色小吃文化。

按地域和小吃特色布展,拟设烧烤区、手工面食区、*特色小吃区、冷食区和地方特色小吃区等区域。共80个展位,每个展位2.8m×2.8m,价格详见活动财务预算书。设置电源、照明设施和水源,整个活动区域配备大型垃圾桶,做到全程保洁。 活动时间为*年6月30日—7月8日的每一天9:00—21:00。 汇聚*及全国各种风味特色小吃,包括本地特色、各地知名企业、小吃和名优产品,以及异域风味美食,集中展示,聚拢人气。同时向各知名特色小吃赠送展位,以*本土餐饮名企为主,每种特色小吃不超过三家企业,共计20个展位;其他展位按计划招商。 拟定邀请参展名企名吃如下: *地方特色小吃:万和春、流亭猪蹄、小倩倩馄饨、台东大煎包、*锅贴、*大包、波尼亚猪头肉、满口福饺子、心连心豆腐脑、外婆桥瓦罐粥、大老李汤圆、海鲜烧麦等。 烧烤类小吃:*王姐烧烤、美达尔烤肉、泰山路烤肉、铁板鱿鱼、新疆烤肉、香巴拉烤肉、烤鹿肉、蒙古草原羊肉串等。


2016年天津市初中毕业生学业考试试卷 英语 本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)、第II卷(非选择题)两部分。第I卷为第1页至第8页,第II卷为第9页至第12页。试卷满分120分。考试时间100分钟。 答卷前,请你务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考点校、考场号、座位号填写在“答题卡”上,并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答题时,务必将答案涂写在“答题卡”上,答案答在试卷上无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和“答题卡”一并交回。 祝你考试顺利! 第I卷 注意事项: 1.每题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把“答题卡”上对应题目的答案标号的信息点涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号的信息点。 2.本卷共五大题,共80分。 一、听力理解(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) A) 在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A、B、C三幅图 画,找出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。

1. 2. 3. 4.B) 下面你将听到十组对 话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、B、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。

5. Where is Henry’s T-shirt? A. On the bed. B. On the chair. C. On the table. 6. How many desks are there in Betty’s classroom? A. 30. B. 40. C. 50. 7. Who will teach Clss One English? A. Mr Wang. B. Mr Zhang. C. Mr Li. 8. What are they going to make for Jack? A. A cake. B. A kite. C. A model ship. 9. What does the man want to borrow? A. A ruler. B. A notebook. C. A dictionary. 10. Why didn’t she go for a picnic? A. She had a lot of homework to do. B. She had to look after her grandpa. C. She had a piano lesson. 11. When was Sally born? A. In 1998. B. In 2000. C. In 2002. 12. Who is the girl going to meet? A. Her sister. B. Her uncle. C. Her parents. 13. Whose pencil is this? A. Kate’s. B. May’s. C. Jane’s. 14. Where does the man want to go? A. The supermarket. B. The bank. C. The post office. C) 听下面长对话或独白,每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的A、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听下面一段材料,回答第15至第17题。 15. Who does the girl buy the sweater for? A. Her mother. B. Her father. C. Her brother.


特色美食会展策划书 (一)行业环境分析 自改革开放后,世界上多种新型餐饮业状态及形式在中国餐饮市场迅速发展,逐渐改变了中国餐饮市场的格局。目前国中餐市场的呈多元化、连锁化、规模化发展特征。 国餐饮市场日益呈现多元化发展态势,虽然中餐在总体规模上依然处于绝对主体的地位,但是中餐在中国城市餐饮市场上的地位已经显现出由“绝对主体”转变为“相对主体”的趋势,近三年餐饮业态逐渐趋向弱势。中餐格局的变化导致了多数运做的饮食企业多为中小新办企业,“船小好掉头”成为了中餐经营的一贯特点,预计此情况将导致比例及份额的逐渐下降。 (二)展会背景分析 翻阅美食节的历史,我们不难发现,美食节具有浓郁的文化涵、强烈的人文色彩以及突出的风格特点。美食节以其独特的文化展示方式逐渐深入人心,现已经成为了人们节庆生活中的一部分。随着美食节的兴起,美食也在以各种形式呈现在人们面前,在美食节萌芽阶段就开始以其独特的魅力吸引了众人眼球,多年来一直在行业中坚持自有的品牌和原则,成为业界独树一帜的花朵。

(三)项目SWOT分析 二、展会框架 (一)展会名称 2015年特色美食展 (二)展会时间 2015年4月30日至2015年5月2日(三)展会地点 市新国际会展中心

(四)主办展机构 市人民政府与中国烹饪协会共同主办 (五)承办机构 美食家、市委宣传部、市经贸委、市政府、市旅游局等 (六)办展目的 希望人们可以通过本次美食节,一次品尝到各地的特色美食,也希望远离家乡来工作的人们,可以在展会上品尝到地道的美食。 (七)办展频率 一年两次 (八)参展围 1、特色调味食品 特有的酱油、酱料、食醋、调味料、调味酒等; 2、美食 地区美食、餐饮企业品牌、创新菜式等;


机密★启用前 天津市2018年中考英语试题 二、单项填空(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 从下列每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. There is ____old piano in ______corner of the living room. A. an; the B. an; 不填 C. a; the D. a; a 22. ---She is too busy to help us finish the work. ---Let’s do it______ A. herself B. myself C. itself D. ourselves 23. I am afraid we can not ______to take a taxi. Let ’s go by underground instead. A. refuse B. afford C. forget D. fall 24. Her smile made me feel warm and lively. It was like a hidden_______. A. competition B. interview C. treasure D. tradition 25. Tianjin is one of _______cities in China. A. big B. bigger C. the biggest D. the bigger 26. Mum asked me to ______for dinner. A. lay the table B. go to sleep C. keep a diary D. lake a vacation 27. In the picture, he sits ______me, looking very happy. A. beside B. among C. up D. through 28. ---Can you open a gift______ after you receive it In England? ---Yes. We don’t have to wait. A. main B. immediately C. nearly D. loudly 29. ---Must I come before 6: 30 tomorrow? ---No. You______ There will be plenty of time. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. couldn’t D. needn’t 30. Tony was drawing a picture_______ I was doing my homework. A. if B. because C. while D. until 31. ---Jerry, have you ever been to the Great Wall? ---Yes. I______ there with my parents last year


2016年天津市中考英语试卷 一、听力理解(本大题共4小题,每小题1分,共20分)A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A、B、C三幅图画,找出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画. 1.(1分)(2016?天津) 2.(1分)(2016?天津) 3.(1分)(2016?天津) 4.(1分)(2016?天津) B)下面你将听到十组对话,每组对话都有一个问题.根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、B、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项.

5.(1分)(2016?天津)Where is Henry's T﹣shirt? A.On the bed. B.On the chair. C.On the table. 6.(1分)(2016?天津)How many desks are there in Betty's classroom? A.30. B.40. C.50. 7.(1分)(2016?天津)Who will teach Class One English? A.Mr Wang. B.Mr Zhang. C.Mr Li. 8.(1分)(2016?天津)What are they going to make for Jack? A.A cake. B.A kite. C.A model ship.

9.(1分)(2016?天津)What does the man want to borrow?A.A ruler. B.A notebook. C.A dictionary. 10.(1分)(2016?天津)Why didn't she go for a picnic?A.She had a lot of homework to do. B.She had to look after her grandpa. C.She had a piano lesson. 11.(1分)(2016?天津)When was Sally born? A.In 1998. B.In 2000. C.In 2002. 12.(1分)(2016?天津)Who is the girl going to meet?A.Her sister. B.Her uncle. C.Her parents. 13.(1分)(2016?天津)Whose pencil is this?



目录 一、展会市场环境分析 (4) (一)行业环境分析 (4) (二)展会背景分析 (4) (三)项目SWOT分析 (5) 二、展会框架 (5) (一)展会名称 (5) (二)展会时间 (5) (三)展会地点 (5) (四)主办展机构 (6) (五)承办机构 (6) (六)办展目的 (6) (七)办展频率 (6) (八)参展范围 (6) 1、特色调味食品 (6) 2、四川美食 (6) 3、市县品牌农产品 (7) 4、瓜果蔬菜 (7) 5、糖酒 (7) 6、有机食品 (7) 7、食品机械 (7) (九)展会主题 (7) 三、会展工作人员分工计划 (7) (一)前期的宣传与推广计划 (7) (二)场地布置计划 (8) (三)礼仪服务计划 (8) (四)现场场地管理 (8) 四、宣传推广 (9) (一)招展 (10) (二)招商 (11) 五、实施方案 (12)

(一)展会服务商安排计划 (12) (二)展会结算计划 (12) (三)配套活动 (13) 1、《美食知识竞答》 (13) 2、《大胃王》 (13) 3、《美食猜谜》 (14) 六、筹备进度计划 (14) (一)布展时间 (14) (二)展览时间 (14) (三)撤展时间 (14) 七、风险防范 (14) (一)突发事件处理方案 (14) 八、经费预算 (19) (一)展位收入 (19) (二)装饰费用 (19) (三)赞助与其他收入 (20) (四)固定成本 (20) (五)展会总收入预算表 (21) (六)展会总支出预算表 (21) (七)展会预计盈利报表 (22)


2016年天津市南开区中考英语二模试卷 一.听力理解(本大题共4小题,每小题1分,共20分)A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A、B、C三幅图画.找出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画. 1.(1分) 2.(1分) 3.(1分) 4.(1分) B)下面你将听到六组对话,每组对话后都有一个问题.根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、B、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项. 5.(1分)What time do they usually have supper? A.6:45. B.7:15. C.7:45. 6.(1分)Whose bike is this? A.It's Bill's. B.It's Lucy's. C.It's Jane's.

7.(1分)What does the girl's mother do? A.She's a nurse. B.She's a worker. C.She's a teacher. 8.(1分)What is the girl looking for?‘ A.Her school bag B.Her dictionary. C.Her English book. 9.(1分)Why would the boy like to be the cleaning monitor?A.Because their classroom is tidy. B.Because he likes cleaning. C.Because he often helps his classmates. 10.(1分)Where does the girl want to go?‘ A.Tianjin Eye. B.Tianjin Museum. C.Tianjin Library. 11.(1分)What's the boy going to do in the summer holiday?A.He's going to America B.He's going to stay at home C.He's going to visit his uncle. 12.(1分)Who is answering the phone? A.Lucy B.Jim. C.Jim's father. 13.(1分)What does the man mean? A.Nancy likes ice cream. B.Ice cream is unhealthy food. C.Ice cream is delicious. 14.(1分)What are the speakers talking about?A.Sports. B.Music.. C.School life.


特色美食会展策划书 筹办特色美食会展不简单,没有一份完美的策划怎么行?下面是特色美食会展策划书,为大家提供参考。 一、展会框架 (一)展会名称 ××××年××特色美食展 (二)展会时间 ××××年9月30日至××××年10月2日 (三)展会地点 ××xxxx展览中心 (四)主办展机构 ××市烹饪协会 (五)承办机构 ××美食家、市政府、市旅游局等 (六)办展目的 希望人们可以通过本次美食节,一次品尝到××各地的特色美食,也希望远离家乡来××工作的人们,可以在展会上品尝到地道的××美食。

(七)参展范围 1.特色调味食品酱料、食醋、调味料、调味酒等; 2.××美食××地区美食、餐饮企业品牌、创新菜式等; 3.市县品牌农产品各区县主推的品牌特色农产品等; 4.瓜果蔬菜××特色瓜果蔬菜等; 5.糖酒各地特色的糖酒、年货礼品等; 6.有机食品具有有机食品标志、无公害、天然、原生食品及绿色食品等; 7.食品机械食品加工、制造、包装储存、印刷、保鲜冷藏的机械设备 8.展会主题尝四川特色美食,享健康美好生活。 二、会展工作人员分工计划 (一)前期的宣传与推广计划 负责人:××组员:××××工作职责:开展一系列宣传活动,如广告宣传、相关网站的消息发布、报刊杂志宣传等。 (二)场地布置计划 负责人:××组员:××××工作职责:负责搭建展位以及休息期、进行场地的装饰,如彩色的气球,彩带等。 (三)礼仪服务计划 负责人:××组员:××××工作职责:展前确定开幕式时要邀请的嘉宾、领导;负责接送嘉宾、领导;负责检票,迎接观

众。 (四)现场场地管理 负责人:××组员:××××工作职责:(1)展中维护现场秩序(2)随时保持场地卫生(3)负责解决展会全程的安全问题和突发事件 (五)展会物品管理 负责人:××组员:××××工作职责:(1)展后负责归还器材(2)负责现场水电问题和抢修问题 三、宣传推广 本次展会主要是针对美食展开的,我们的重点是在宣传推广这一部分。所面向的招展人群是所有食品、美食行业的商家及美食相关企业。 1.网络媒体宣传:微博、有关美食的网络平台上等 2.专业杂志宣传:展会立项后,在《中国美食》、《餐饮》等专业杂志发布展会信息,对参展商及专业观众进行宣传。 3.平面媒体宣传:通过《××晨报》、《××晚报》等大众报纸进行广泛宣传,发布展会信息。 四、招展 1. 电话邀请2.邮寄邀请3.电子邮件的邀请4. 登门邀请


2017年天津市初中毕业生学业考试试卷 英语 一、听力理解(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A、B、C三幅图画。找出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。 (3 A.11. c. A. B. c. A. B)下面你将听到十组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的 B、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。 5. How many students are there in Linda ' s class? A. 25. B. 35. C. 45. 's brother arrive? B. This after noon. C. This eve ning. 7. Who is Lingling talking to? A. Her sister. B. Her classmate. C. Her mother. 6. When will Lucy A. This morni ng.

8. Whose bag is it? A. Li Lei ' s. B. Tony' s. C. Jack' s. 9. What can Jenny do? A. Dance. B. Cook. C. Play the pia no. 10. What colour is the skirt? A.Blue. B. Gree n. C. Purple. 11. Where is the woma n going? A. The cin ema. B. The bank. C. The hospital. 12. Who was Daming ' s first teacher? A. Ms Gao. B. Ms Li. C. Ms Wang. 13. What ' s the name of the book? A. Teahouse. B. Tom Sawyer. C. Alice ' s Adventures in Wonderland 14. When will Bob get to the tea party? A. At 3:00 p.m. B. At 3:30 p.m. C. At 4:00 p.m. C)听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听下面一段材料,回答第15至第17题。 15. Where did Kate go? A. Paris. B. Lo ndon. C. New York. 16. How was the weather there? A. Rainy. B. Sno wy. C. Sunny. 17. What did Mike do during the holiday? A. He climbed the mountains. B. He practised play ing basketball. C. He went to do volun teer work. 听下面一段材料,回答第18至第20题。 18. What does the girl ' s father do? A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A policema n. 19. What did the girl want to do for her father? A. Clea n the room. B. Buy some flowers. C. Give him a special gift. 20. Who came to the girl ' s home? A. Her aunt. B. Her un cle. C. Her gra ndfather. 二、单项填空(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 从下列每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. Shen zhe n is on _____ coast n ear Hong Kon g. It was small village many years ago. A. a; the B. the; a C.不填;不填 D. the; the 22. —Is this ____ computer? —Yes, it 's . My mother bought it for me.

五年英语真题模拟:短文填空 [2016-20年初中学业水平考试题详解](天津)(原卷版)


5年(2016-2020)中考1年模拟英语试题分项详解(天津专用) 专题07 短文填空(原卷版) 一、2020年 Have you ever heard the saying, “Home, sweet home’? This is just another way of saying that it’s n56.to be home! A lot of the people and things we love are at home. What do you like about being at home? What do you like best about being at home? Maybe you like to play with your brothers and sisters. Maybe you e57.staying with your mum and dad. Maybe you have a pet you like to play with. Spending time with your family is one thing that makes being at home special. Your bedroom is a58.thing that makes home special. Your toys, your books, and your favourite things are in your bedroom. Consider what you like best about your room. Is it how it looks? Is it your comfortable b59.that you sleep on? Maybe you like to have a q60.place to read a book or to think about your day. Mealtime can be a special time at home. Families sit around the table to eat the food Mum or Dad has prepared. It’s a time to share interesting s61.about your day. How do you help at home? There are a lot of things to do to make home a special place. Who does the chores (家庭杂务) l62.cleaning, cooking, and yardwork (庭院劳动) at your house? When families work t63.to do the chores, it makes them easier and more fun for everyone. Maybe you can h64.lay the dinner table or clear the places. Maybe you can pull weeds (草) out of the flower garden. Maybe you can water the vegetable garden or the houseplants. Think about what you can do, so that w65.you come home every day, you can say, “Home, sweet home!” 二、2019年 八、综合填空(本大题共1小题,每小题10分,共10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整.每空限填一词. 43.(10分)The villagers in Mhangeni , Africa.faced a very big challenge(挑战).They didn't have a school for
