




1.When did the party begin in fact?

A. At 6:30 pm.

B. At 7 pm.

C. At 7:30 pm.

2.Where did the woman go during her visit to Europe?

A. France.

B. Finland.

C. Iceland.

3.Why did the man apologize to the woman?

A. He forgot to bring the woman's book.

B. He lost the book the woman lent him.

C. He couldn't lend the book to the woman.

4.What will the man do on Sunday morning?

A. Take his son to the park.

B. Stay with his parents at home.

C. Do shopping with his wife.

5.What is the woman?

A. She is a librarian.

B. She is a bank clerk.

C. She is a college teacher.



6.What sport did Joe take part in?

A. The relay race.

B. The high jump.

C. The long jump.

7.Who won the men's 100-meter race?

A. John.

B. Peter.

C. Bob.


8.Which month is it now?

A. May.

B. July.

C. September.

9.What will the man do in July?

A. Conduct a research project.

B. Attend a conference.

C. Type his paper up.


10.What did the woman forget to do this morning?

A. To turn off her radio.

B. To talk with her neighbor.

C. To give her dad a message.

11.When does the woman wake up every morning?

A. At four.

B. At four thirty.

C. At five.

12.Why does the woman feel tired?

A. She can't sleep well because of the noise.

B. Her father is always angry with her.

C. She is very busy with her work.


13.What has Alice decided to learn?

A. Art.

B. Medicine.

C. Music.

14.Who is the woman?

A. She's Alice's teacher.

B. She's Alice's friend.

C. She's Alice's sister.

15.What is said about an artist's income?

A. About sixty percent of the average people's.

B. Six times more than the average people's.

C. Sixty percent more than the average people's.

16.What will the speakers do next?

A. They will go out for supper.

B. They will have a talk with Alice.

C. They will give Alice some money.


17.Where did the story probably happen?

A. In a clothing shop.

B. At a bus station.

C. In a restaurant.

18.How did the young couple feel when the old lady came to them?

A. Embarrassed.

B. Delighted.

C. Surprised.

19.What did the young couple do when the old lady left?

A. They waved her goodbye.

B. They called a taxi for her.

C. They took a photo with her.

20.What can we know from the story?

A. The old lady was kind and polite.

B. The couple was glad to do a good deed.

C. The manager thought they were a family.


Text 1

W: Did you go to the party held in the dining hall?

M: Yes, it was supposed to start at 6:30 pm, but it was delayed for 30 minutes.

Text 2

M: I've heard you traveled around Europe last year. Is it true?

W: Not exactly. I visited three countries there, like France. I had planned to see Finland and Iceland, but I had to come back for my business.

Text 3

W: Have you brought the book I lent you?

M: I'm sorry. It completely slipped my mind. I promise I will bring it tomorrow.

Text 4

W: What is your plan for the coming weekend?

M: To take my son to the Children's Park on Saturday, on Sunday morning to do shopping with my wife, in the afternoon to keep my parents company at home.

Text 5

M: The university library is hiring these days. I'd like you to get ready for the interview.

W: I've found a suitable job in a bank, but thanks anyway.

Text 6

M: Congratulations, Betty.

W: Thank you. What about Peter?

M: Oh, he dropped the stick.

W: Bad luck! Do you know who won the high jump?

M: My classmate, Joe.

W: Your class do very well at the sports meeting. By the way, who was first in the men's 100-meter race?

M: It definitely belongs to Bob.

Text 7

W: Andy, you've been so busy lately that we don't see you any more.

M: I've been trying to finish this research project so that I can present my findings at the conference in July.

W: But that's two months away. You've still got a lot of time.

M: Not really. You see, I've finished all the research, and I've just organized all my notes, but it will take me almost two months to type them.

W: Well, if that's your only problem, I can type up your paper in less than two weeks.

Text 8

M: Well, Lucy, why do you look unhappy?

W: Oh, Mike. I've made three bad mistakes so far this week. This morning I forgot to give a very important message to my father, so he got really angry with me.

M: But you're usually very careful and never make mistakes. What's the matter with you?

W: I'm very tired. I don't know what I'm doing these days.

M: Have you gone to bed late recently?

W: I'm usually in bed at about ten. But I have been woken up at half past four every morning. And then I can't go back to sleep.

M: Why?

W: It's my new neighbor. He has to get up at half past four every morning and he always turns his radio on loudly.

M: Ask him to turn it down then.

W: OK. I'll have to talk with him.

Text 9

W: Hey, Adam. I'm worried about my sister Alice. She's in college and has just declared art as her major.

M: Why does that worry you? I've seen her paintings. She's very talented in art.

W: I know. But I'm afraid that once she graduates she won't be able to make ends meet. It is said that most artists only make about 60 percent of what the average person makes a year. What's

more, it's harder for art majors to find a full-time job. But she doesn't seem too concerned.

M: But you're forgetting that there's more for them to choose. Alice loves art and that's what's important. Even if she can't make much money, she'll be happy and emotionally satisfied.

W: But she'll have bills to pay. It's going to be hard for her to lead a lifestyle on what an artist makes.

M: Don't be worried and I know what you mean. Let's have a talk with Alice and listen to her.

W: OK. If she insists on her idea, we'll support her.

Text 10

One Sunday, a young couple, who had just fallen in love, was having dinner at an expensive restaurant. The restaurant had a garden-like and elegant environment. The food there was delicious and the service was superb. They had just ordered their dishes when they saw a lady sitting alone, looking at them. They smiled politely, but were a little surprised when the old lady came over to their table. The old lady told the young woman that she looked like her daughter. She said it would make her happy if they said "Goodbye, Mum" when she left the restaurant. How could they refuse?

A few minutes later, the old lady stood up to leave. The young couple waved, as she had asked them, and said goodbye as the old lady walked out. When the young couple received their bill, they saw that it included the cost of the old lady's meal. They called over the manager and asked him what happened. "The bill includes the charge for your mother's meal," he explained. "She said you would pay."




1.What does the man prefer to do on Sundays?

A. Go shopping.

B. Go swimming.

C. Do some reading.

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a hotel.

B. In a hospital.

C. In a restaurant.

3.When will Professor Davidson talk with the woman?

A. After his class.

B. The next day.

C. Before office hours.

4.Where does the man sit in the restaurant?

A. Near the door.

B. In the corner.

C. Near the window.

5.Why will the woman go to the park today?

A. To play basketball.

B. To play volleyball.

C. To walk with her friends.



6.Which country does the new student come from?

A. Korea.

B. Italy.

C. China.

7.What foreign language can the man speak?

A. English.

B. Italian.

C. French. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

8.What's the man's plan for tomorrow night?

A. To watch a movie.

B. To play some games.

C. To go to the museum.

9.What may the woman do next?

A. Give the museum a phone call.

B. Buy a ticket for the movie.

C. Go to the museum with Lily.


10.When did Tom change his job?

A. One year ago.

B. One month ago.

C. One week ago.

11.Where is Tom working?

A. In a library.

B. In a bookstore.

C. In a company.

12.What did Sandy ask Tom to do?

A. Have dinner with her family.

B. Have dinner together outside.

C. Learn about the USA from her brother.


13.How did the woman like the music?

A. Great.

B. Noisy.

C. Sad.

14.What were the two speakers probably doing just now?

A. Listening to music at home.

B. Dancing to live music.

C. Teaching dancing.

15.When did the man learn to dance?

A. After he entered middle school.

B. After he entered high school.

C. After he entered college.

16.What does the woman want to eat at first?

A. Thai food.

B. Chinese food.

C. French food.


17.What's the news mainly about?

A. A teenager was hit by a car.

B. A 15-year-old boy was lost.

C. A teenager was saved by a car driver.

18.What did the car driver do?

A. He took the boy to the hospital.

B. He ran away in his car.

C. He called 911.

19.What do we know about the boy?

A. He is still in danger now.

B. He will fully recover in a week.

C. He may not be able to walk again.

20.Where does the speaker work?

A. In the police station.

B. In a taxi company.

C. In a radio station.


Text 1

M: I usually do some reading instead of going shopping on Sundays.

W: But I enjoy going swimming.

Text 2

M: Have you got a single room for two nights?

W: Yes. You can have a room facing the sea.

M: What's the price?

W: $34 a night with a shower.

Text 3

W: Excuse me, Professor Davidson, but I was hoping to talk to you about my class project for physics.

M: I have a class in a few minutes. Why don't you come and see me during office hours tomorrow?

Text 4

M: A table for three, please.

W: Do you want the table near the window?

M: Yes, please, but not in the corner.

W: OK. I'll get you a menu right away.

Text 5

W: What are you doing today?

M: I'll probably go to the park and play basketball. What's your plan today?

W: I'll go to the park, too. I'll play volleyball there with some friends.

Text 6

W: David, I heard a new Korean student came to your class. Is it true?

M: No. He's from China.

W: Does he speak English?

M: Yes. He speaks English fluently. Now students in China are all learning English and many of them can speak it very well.

W: Do you speak any foreign language?

M: I can speak Italian. My grandmother is an Italian. She taught me.

W: It seems that nowadays many people can speak at least two languages.

M: I think it's quite necessary. You can find a job much more easily if you can speak a foreign language.

W: You're right.

Text 7

M: Laura, do you have time tomorrow night?

W: I don't know. I'll go to the museum with Lily tomorrow afternoon. I don't know when I'll come

back. So do you have any plans for tomorrow night?

M: Yes, I've got two Hunger Games 3 tickets. I thought you might be interested.

W: Sure I'm interested. I really loved the first two movies of the series. They were really exciting and I watched them twice. What should I do?

M: Why not come back early tomorrow afternoon? In this way, we can go to the cinema together. W: But Lily never leaves a museum until it closes.

M: You can leave early.

W: Lily drives the car. I don't want to take the subway or the bus.

M: Why not call the museum and ask when it closes tomorrow? If it closes at 4 pm, we'll surely make it.

W: That sounds like a good idea.

Text 8

W: Hi, Tom. I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you?

M: Fine, thank you, Sandy. And you?

W: I'm fine, too. Thanks. How are you getting along with your work in the company?

M: I no longer work there. I changed my job a week ago.

W: Oh, did you? Where are you working now?

M: I'm working in a bookstore.

W: Oh, great! Do you like your new job?

M: Yes, very much. I am not as busy as I was. And I can do some reading when I'm free. Besides, I am paid better than I was before.

W: I am glad to hear that. What about coming to my house this Saturday and having supper with my family? My elder brother has just come back from the USA. He'll be very glad to see you. M: That'll be very nice! I'd like nothing better than that. I'm sure he'll tell me something interesting about the country. See you then!

Text 9

M: The band was pretty good. How did you like the music?

W: It was nice. I hadn't heard live music for a while. That's fun. Thank you for inviting me to dance.

M: You danced so well. When did you learn to dance?

W: When I was in middle school. My elder brother taught dancing at a college. He taught me how to dance. So when did you learn to dance?

M: I didn't learn to dance until I entered high school. Oh, I'm starved now. Are you hungry?

W: A little bit.

M: How about going to have supper now?

W: Great idea. Are there any good restaurants nearby?

M: Yes, there is a nice Chinese restaurant about 50 meters away and a nice French restaurant about 100 meters away.

W: Is there any Thai restaurant nearby?

M: No.

W: Then we go to the closest one. I'm a little bit tired now.

Text 10

In the last several minutes of today's program, I'll tell you something bad that happened today. A 15-year-old boy was seriously injured after he was hit by a car at 2:30 this afternoon. He was

crossing the street then. Suddenly a car appeared and hit him. The boy was thrown 10 feet away from where he was walking. The driver didn't stop his car but ran away. Luckily, some people walking by called 911 and the boy was taken to hospital in about 10 minutes. The boy was now out of danger. But he was so seriously injured that he might be unable to walk again. According to the people on the spot, the driver of the car was a man with long hair in his 40s. He was wearing a black jacket and a pair of brown sunglasses. Anyone with information about this hit-and-run driver is asked to report to the police. That's all for today's program. Thank you for your listening.




1.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a restaurant.

B. In a supermarket.

C. In the kitchen.

2.What are the speakers talking about?

A. The man's sister.

B. A party.

C. An actor.

3.Who is going to work in Los Angeles?

A. Sam.

B. Betty.

C. John.

4.What will the man do next?

A. Get the candle.

B. Make a phone call.

C. Hand in his report.

5.What did the young man do?

A. He hit a boy.

B. He made a U-turn.

C. He crossed the road quickly.



6.How does the man get the information about homeless population?

A. From an article.

B. From the radio.

C. From TV.

7.Which country has the highest percentage of homeless people?

A. India.

B. The US.

C. Germany.


8.Where does the man work?

A. In a school.

B. In a gym.

C. In a club.

9.How far can the woman run in an hour on the running machine?

A. About 7 kilometers.

B. About 8 kilometers.

C. About 10 kilometers.


10.When did the woman catch the thief?

A. On Monday morning.

B. On Monday afternoon.

C. On Tuesday morning.

11.What did the thief buy?

A. Some small articles.

B. Some of the cheapest things.

C. One of the most expensive dresses.

12.What's the real relationship between the assistant and the thief?

A. Mother and daughter.

B. Teacher and student.

C. Shop assistant and customer.


13.What is the man doing here?

A. Taking a business trip.

B. Having a holiday alone.

C. Visiting his girlfriend.

14.How much will the man pay for the insurance?

A. $15.

B. $45.

C. $135.

15.Where will the man return the car?

A. In Los Angeles.

B. In San Francisco.

C. In New York.

16.What will the woman do next?

A. Bring the man the keys.

B. Talk about the insurance.

C. Bring the man some forms.


17.What are "mall rats" according to the text?

A. Those who spend a lot of time in malls.

B. Those who shop regularly in malls.

C. Those who steal things from malls.

18.Which is not the reason why people like malls?

A. Feeling safe.

B. Free parking.

C. Reasonable price.

19.How many night clubs are there in the Mall of America in Minnesota?

A. 35.

B. 8.

C. 7.

20.When was the first indoor mall built in America?

A. In 1935.

B. In 1963.

C. In 1965.


Text 1

M: I'll have the steak, French fries and chocolate ice cream for dessert.

W: Oh, no, you know these things are bad for your health. How about ordering some vegetables and fruits instead?

Text 2

W: I hate to say it, but Jacky isn't doing well in the new film.

M: Well, I think he's only playing a different type of role. My sister thinks he is still the best.

Text 3

M: I met Sam on the street today.

W: Really? Did he say something about his sister?

M: Yes. Betty ought to be leaving New York very soon, because her husband, John, has taken a job in Los Angeles.

Text 4

M: A power cut. Oh, I have to hand in this report tomorrow.

W: Just take out your cell phone to get the candle in the drawer.

M: OK.

Text 5

W: Did you see what that young man did?

M: No. I was looking at the other way.

W: He made a U-turn in the middle of the block and almost hit a boy on a bicycle.

M: Drivers get crazier these days.

Text 6

W: What are you looking at, Jim?

M: I'm reading an article about the world's homeless population.

W: Homeless population?

M: Yes, sociologists define homeless people as those who have no fixed shelter on any given night. These figures show five countries with large homeless population.

W: Wow, that's amazing. I never realized that there were so many homeless people in Germany and France.

M: You know what? Our own country the USA ranks number one among these countries!

W: Surely not! India tops the list with three million homeless people.

M: Well, it depends on how you look at it. Although we have a million fewer homeless people than India, we have the highest percentage of homeless people.

Text 7

M: Hello, Madam. We're doing a survey of our customers. How often do you come to the club? W: Three times a week, usually.

M: Can you run 10 kilometers in an hour on the running machine?

W: Oh, no, I can't. Maybe 8 kilometers.

M: Do you use the swimming pool? You know, the new swimming pool.

W: No, I don't. I don't know how to swim. And I'm scared of water.

M: OK. You know, we offer lessons here. I'm sure our trainer can help you.

Text 8

W: People are not so honest as they once were.

M: Why do you say so?

W: Some people are tempted to steal in large shops.

M: Did you catch one of them?

W: Yes, on Monday morning. There were few people in the shop, so I could catch the thief easily. M: Was it a man or a woman?

W: A middle-aged woman. She first bought some small articles. Then she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop.

M: Did she catch the dress away quickly regardless of the assistants?

W: Certainly not. An assistant wrapped it up for her and helped her walk out of the shop without


M: An assistant? How could she do that?

W: She is the daughter of the woman. The girl "gave" her mother a free dress once a week!

Text 9

W: Good morning, Sir. What can I do for you?

M: I would like to rent a car with a good air conditioner.

W: All our cars have air conditioners in them.

M: Good. I am here visiting my girlfriend. I want her to have a good time.

W: Oh, is that so? Well, then, let me show you something she might like.

M: This is a Porsche!

W: Yes. Beautiful, isn't it?

M: Yes, it looks fantastic.

W: So you will take the Porsche then, Sir?

M: Yes, for three days. And I want to buy the insurance too. I think it's necessary.

W: You're smart to buy it. At 45 dollars for three days, it is a good deal.

M: Can I return the car in San Francisco?

W: San Francisco? No, Sir. We only have this office here. You will have to return it here in Los Angeles.

M: OK. It will be fun driving back down the coast. My girlfriend will like it.

W: It's a beautiful drive.

M: Where are the keys?

W: Just a moment, Sir. We have to finish filling out the forms first.

Text 10

Malls are popular places for Americans to go. Some people spend so much time at malls that they are called "mall rats". Mall rats shop until they drop in the hundreds of stores under one roof.People like malls for many reasons. They feel safe because malls have police stations or private security guards. Parking is usually free, and the atmosphere inside is always fine. The newest malls have beautiful rest areas with waterfalls and large green trees. The largest mall in the United States is the Mall of America in Minnesota. It has 350 stores, eight night clubs, and a seven-acre park! There are parking spaces for 12,750 cars. About 750,000 people shop every week.The first indoor mall in the United States was built in 1965 in Edina, Minnesota. Now people shop in malls, of course. They also eat in food houses that have food from all over the world. They see movies here. Some people even get their daily exercise by doing the new sport of mall walking. Others go to malls to meet friends. In a word, now residents can actually live in their favorite shopping center.




1.When did the alarm clock ring?

A. At 6 o'clock.

B. At 7 o'clock.

C. At 8 o'clock.

2.What does the woman want to do?

A. Open the door.

B. Let the man in.

C. Open the window.

3.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Taxi driver and passenger.

B. Driver and conductor.

C. Boss and secretary.

4.Where is Jimmy now?

A. In a hotel.

B. At home.

C. In the lab.

5.What will the woman do for the man?

A. Wash his clothes.

B. Get him a wallet.

C. Take him to the store.



6.What does the man usually do at night?

A. He studies his lessons.

B. He listens to music.

C. He watches a film on TV.

7.What does the man usually do on weekends?

A. He goes to parks.

B. He goes to ball games.

C. He goes shopping.


8.At what age is a person allowed to drink in America?

A. 18.

B. 20.

C. 21.

9.What does one need to do in his birthday celebration?

A. Just enjoy the special day.

B. Take care of everything.

C. Pay the bill.


10.Why does the company fire Jim?

A. There is a crisis and a new machine.

B. He is always late for work.

C. He's not suitable for the job.

11.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Headmaster and teacher.

B. Manager and secretary.

C. Director and actress.

12.What can we learn about the man speaker?

A. He was once fired.

B. He needn't talk to Jim himself.

C. He asked Sara to work here.


13.What is the survey about?

A. Family life.

B. Unusual hobbies.

C. Holiday activities.

14.What is the man interested in?

A. Special exhibitions.

B. Bird shooting.

C. Mountain climbing.

15.What do we know about the man's parents?

A. They live with the man.

B. They like to stay at home.

C. They are fond of art galleries.

16.Where does the man's wife like to go?

A. The seaside.

B. Castles.

C. Ski resorts.


17.Whose pet dog was the one in 1918?

A. A doctor's.

B. A soldier's.

C. Dorothy's.

18.Where did Dorothy go to learn about the guide dogs?

A. America.

B. Germany.

C. England.

19.How long does it take to train a little dog to be a guide dog?

A. Over 2 years.

B. 14 months.

C. 4 months.

20.What will the listeners do next?

A. Teach dogs to be guides.

B. Introduce their pet dogs.

C. Visit the center.


Text 1

M: You are late again, Miss Smith. Don't you have a watch or something?

W: Yes, I thought that I had set the alarm clock for 7 o'clock, but it rang an hour later.

Text 2

W: Would you mind if I opened the window?

M: Of course not. It's really hot in the room. Open the window to let in more fresh air. Text 3

M: Where to, Miss?

W: Please drop me off at the King's Department Store.

M: On the west side?

W: No, the east side, near the post office.

Text 4

W: Hello. This is Kate from the Rainbow Hotel. Is Jimmy at home?

M: No. He is in the lab, but he will be back home at 4 o'clock.

Text 5

W: I'm going to the store. What would you like me to buy for you?

M: Would you please buy a wallet for me while you are there?

W: With pleasure.

Text 6

W: How do you usually spend your evenings?

M: I usually study. But if there's a new film on TV, I watch that instead.

W: How about weekends?

M: I usually do some washing and cleaning in the morning. In the afternoon I like to go out to do some shopping or visit some friends.

W: Do you often go to parks or to ball games?

M: Sometimes, but not often.

Text 7

M: Look! Someone is celebrating his birthday.

W: This must be his 21st birthday. No doubt about it.

M: Why? Do you know that guy?

W: No. Well, in America, 21 is the age when you're allowed to drink. So, many guys celebrate it in bars.

M: That's interesting. But it would be really expensive, I suppose. Just think about all the drinks. W: No. If it's your birthday, then you don't need to pay a cent. Just blow out the candles and open the gifts. That makes the birthday a special day. Your friends will take care of everything.

M: Wow, that's wonderful.

Text 8

W: Jim has been here for years. Do we have to fire him?

M: Well, in the face of the crisis, we have to cut jobs. Besides, with the new machine, we don't need him.

W: Is there anything else he can do around here?

M: Nothing, I've checked. I have no other choices.

W: Maybe you're right. OK, I'll tell Jim.

M: No, Sara. I need to talk to him myself. It was I who asked him to work here.

W: But it might be easier for me to talk to him than for you.

M: No, thanks, Sara. You don't know what it's like to be fired.

W: You, a general manager, know what it's like?

M: Yes. I was 30 years old at the time, working in a big company. One morning, I found an announcement on my desk. It said, "Clear your office by noon today." No explanation, no apology, no thanks for a job well done.

W: That really hurts.

Text 9

W: Excuse me, sir, but we're doing a survey on what people prefer to do on holiday. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

M: No, not at all. Please go ahead.

W: How often do you go on holiday?

M: Once a year, a two-week holiday.

W: And what do you prefer to do when you are on holiday?

M: Well, I don't usually visit my family. We live quite close and I can see them any time. But I do like to visit museums and art galleries, especially if there's a special exhibition on. I don't like to stay at home, although my parents do. You know, in the morning I prefer to sit under the tree and listen to birds.

W: Do you ever travel overseas?

M: No, I don't. It's too expensive for me.

W: What about your wife?

M: She loves to visit the coast in the afternoon. So if the weather's good, we often go swimming in

the sea, or maybe just lie on the beach and enjoy the sun.

W: OK. Well, thank you very much for your time.

Text 10

Welcome to Guide Dogs Training Center, boys and girls! First let me tell you something about guide dogs.In 1918 a doctor and his pet dog walked with a soldier who was blind. The doctor went in the hospital for a short time. When he came out, he saw his pet had guided the soldier on the other side of the hospital yard safely. So he taught a dog to guide a person and it worked out well. Germany helped start a program to teach dogs to be guides.Dorothy, an American woman, went to Germany to find out more about the guide dogs. When she came back to the United States, she wrote about it in a magazine. Soon more people knew about the guide dogs.The best dogs for the job are clever and fit. It takes more than 2 years to train a little dog to be a guide dog. When the dog is 14 months old, it learns many instructions. Then the owner and the dog meet, and they practice for 4 weeks.Have I made myself clear? OK, let's go on visiting.




1.What is the woman doing recently?

A. She is skipping breakfast.

B. She is losing weight.

C. She is learning how to cook.

2.What's the most possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Husband and wife.

B. Doctor and patient.

C. Neighbors.

3.When does the man start work in London?

A. At 7:30 am.

B. At 8:30 am.

C. At 6:30 am.

4.When will the man go to the United States?

A. The day after tomorrow.

B. Tomorrow.

C. Next month.

5.Where is the conversation most probably taking place?

A. In the drugstore.

B. In the post office.

C. In the hotel.



6.Whom does the man want to buy a mobile phone for?

A. His son.

B. His wife.

C. His niece.

7.What kind of mobile phone did the man get in the end?

A. iPhone.

B. Samsung.

C. Nokia.

8.How much did the man pay for the mobile phone?

A. 850 dollars.

B. 1,000 dollars.

C. 900 dollars.


9.How did the man go to Switzerland?

A. By car.

B. By train.

C. By air.

10.How long did it take the man to go to Switzerland?

A. One and a half hours.

B. Two and a half hours.

C. Three and a half hours.

11.What's the weather like in Cyprus in summer?

A. It's warm on the coast.

B. It's cool on the coast.

C. It's cool up in the hills.


12.How many people are there waiting for a table?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

13.How long does the man wait?

A. About 8 minutes.

B. About 18 minutes.

C. About 80 minutes.

14.Does the man smoke in the restaurant?

A. Yes, he does.

B. No, he doesn't.

C. We don't know.


15.What are they talking about?

A. An English speaking contest.

B. A determined girl.

C. An exciting match.

16.Where did the girl mentioned in the conversation come from?

A. Africa.

B. America.

C. Europe.

17.What moved the woman most according to the text?

A. The girl's perseverance.

B. The girl's skill.

C. The girl's courage.


18.How many children is Nadya Suleman getting to look after?

A. 40.

B. 6.

C. 14.

19.How old are these babies?

A. A few weeks old.

B. 3 years old.

C. 18 years old.

20.Why does Suleman get many angry phone calls and e-mails?

A. Because she abuses the babies.

B. Because she may raise the burden of the taxpayers.

C. Because she thinks nothing of the public assistance.


Text 1

M: Do you always skip your lunch? Because I don't think you have eaten anything at noon. W: I am skipping lunch lately because I am too heavy!

Text 2

M: May I have a word with you?

W: Sure. What's the problem?

M: It's about your son. I'm tired of his making so much noise all day.

Text 3

W: It's nice to have you with us. I'll see you at 7:30 in the morning.

M: My God! I'm not used to getting up as early as that! In London we start work one hour later.

Text 4

W: Please stay with us for dinner.

M: I'm afraid I can't. I have a dinner party tonight. You see, I am going to the United States the day after tomorrow.

Text 5

M: Excuse me. I'd like to send this letter to New York by airmail, please. Could you tell me the postage?

W: I have to weight it. Let me see. It's a little bit overweight.

Text 6

W: Good morning. Can I help you?

M: Yes, please. I'm looking for a mobile phone for my niece, but I have no idea.

W: We've got all kinds of mobile phones here. Which one do you like best, Samsung, Nokia or iPhone?

M: I really know little about them. Which one sells best this year?

W: Mm, Samsung is the most popular, I think.

M: How much is a Samsung?

W: What type would you like? The newer, the more expensive.

M: I want one newer but not too expensive.

W: What about this one? It looks nice and works well.

M: How much is it?

W: 1,000 dollars.

M: How about 850 dollars?

W: You have to add 50 dollars. That's the best we can do. Do you think it's OK?

M: Yeah! I'll take it.

Text 7

W: I hear you went to Switzerland last summer. Did you enjoy yourself?

M: That's quite a long journey.

W: How did you go there?

M: By plane.

W: I don't like flying. I flew to Cyprus last year. We flew over the Alps and didn't see anything except clouds.

M: Oh, I had a good flight. The weather was fine and it took only two and a half hours.

W: I think it's much more interesting to travel by car or train. You can see the country so much better.

M: Yes, that's true. But flying is better for long journeys. Well, how far is it from London to Cyprus?

W: About 2,000 miles.

M: So it's better to fly. Then isn't Cyprus rather hot in summer?

W: It's hot on the coast. But I spent most of the time several thousand feet above sea level. It's quite cool up in the hills.

Text 8

W: Good evening. Do you have a reservation?

M: No, we don't.

W: How many people are you together?

M: Just two people.

W: Would you like to sit in the smoking section or non-smoking section?

M: We prefer the non-smoking section.

W: Awfully sorry, there are no rooms left now. Would you like to wait for a moment?

M: How long do you think we'll have to wait?

W: About eight minutes, I think.

M: OK, we will wait a while.

W: I'm sorry for making you wait for so long. Now there is a table available in the non-smoking section. Please follow me.

M: Thank you.

W: This is the menu. Are you ready to order now?

M: Sorry, we haven't decided yet. Could you please give us a little longer?

W: No problem.

Text 9

M: I ever heard a story at an English speaking contest.

W: About what?

M: A girl on the playground.

W: How was she?

M: She came from Europe, and her name has faded from my memory. In a competition she had been in the lead, but she stumbled near the finish line and her leg was injured.

W: It's a shame!

M: Yeah. Competitors passed her from behind in succession till only her weak and lonely figure remained on the track. Doctors came and offered to take her away. But she refused.

W: Oh...

M: With the only strength left in her, she managed to get up and stuck to the end point with drops of blood along her trail.

W: Oh, my dear!

M: Though she failed in the race, the girl won the applause from people all over the world.

W: How moving! Until now I know what perseverance is.

M: It was she who kept perseverance in my mind.

Text 10

They are only a few weeks old, but these children are already the center of public anger. Los Angeles police say they plan to investigate death threats against their mom, Nadya Suleman. The 33-year-old single, unemployed mother has been getting hundreds of angry phone calls and e-mails.The criticism is mostly directed at the public assistance. Suleman is getting to care for these eight babies as well as these six other children. And the big share of that financial burden could fall on the shoulders of California's taxpayers. Suleman tells NBC's The Today Show she doesn't consider the public assistance for long.The US Department of Agriculture estimates the cost of raising 14 children through age 17 could go up to $2.7 million for the single mother. Suleman's spokesman says she's living in an undisclosed location and spends time with all of her kids every day.




1.What does the woman want to do?

A. Find a place.

B. Buy a map.

C. Get an address.

2.What will the man do for the woman?

A. Repair her car.

B. Give her a ride.

C. Pick up her aunt.

3.Who might Mr. Peterson be?

A. A new professor.

B. A department head.

C. A company director.

4.What does the man think of the book?

A. Quite difficult.

B. Very interesting.

C. Too simple.

5.What are the speakers talking about?

A. Weather.

B. Clothes.

C. News.



6.Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman?

A. He has a pain in his knee.

B. He wants to watch TV.

C. He is too lazy.

7.What will the woman probably do next?

A. Stay at home.

B. Take Harry to hospital.

C. Play with Helen.


8.When will the man be home from work?

A. At 5:45.

B. At 6:15.

C. At 6:50.

9.Where will the speakers go?

A. The Green House Cinema.

B. The new State Cinema.

C. The UME Cinema.


10.How will the speakers go to New York?

A. By air.

B. By taxi.

C. By bus.

11.Why are the speakers making the trip?

A. For business.

B. For shopping.

C. For holiday.

12.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Driver and passenger.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Fellow workers.


13.Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. In a restaurant.

B. In an office.

C. In a classroom.

14.What does John do now?

A. He's a trainer.

B. He's a tour guide.

C. He's a college student.

15.How much can a new person earn for the first year?

A. $10,500.

B. $12,000.

C. $15,000.

16.How many people will the woman hire?

A. Four.

B. Three.

C. Two.


17.How long has the speaker lived in a big city?

A. One year.

B. Ten years.

C. Eighteen years.

18.What is the speaker's opinion on big cities' public transport?

A. It's comfortable.

B. It's time-saving.

C. It's cheap.

19.What is good about living in a small town than a big city?

A. It's safer.

B. It's healthier.

C. It's more convenient.

20.What kind of life does the speaker seem to like most?

A. Busy.

B. Colourful.

C. Quiet.


Text 1

W: Excuse me.This is the address. How do I find it?

M: Right. You'll need a street map. Here's one, and I'll show you where it is.

Text 2

W: Oh my! My car broke down, and I have to meet my aunt at the railway station before noon. M: You're lucky.I can drop you off on my way home.

Text 3

W: Did you hear that Mr. Peterson is coming next week, Gordon?

M: Yes, so I called all the department heads to my office this morning. We need to give him reports on our program.

Text 4

W: I hope you like the book I lent you. I wasn't sure if you'd be interested.

M: I had the same doubt at first. But once I started, I simply couldn't put it down.

Text 5

W: What is going on? It's May, and we still have to wear warm clothes.

M: Well, there's some good news on the radio. You probably can wear shorts tomorrow.

Text 6

W: Harry, let's play some ping-pong today.

M: I'd love to play a set or two, but my right arm hurts. I've decided to stop playing ping-pong until it feels better.

W: Well, how about going skating?

M: I'd like to,but my knee hurts, too.

W: Harry, stop making excuses! You're just lazy.

M: No, I'm not!You know, there's a basketball match on TV today. Let's just stay at home and watch it.

W: OK. You stay,and I'll play with Helen.

Text 7


文艺常识全真模拟试题三 一、填空题(每空1分,共30分) 1.中国人多以“修、齐、治、平”为人生理想,这四个具体是指、、、。 2.明末乐律家、首创新法密律,是音乐史上最早的。 3.精通各种字体,擅楷书,其代表作为《玄秘塔碑》。 4.20世纪60年代在周恩来同志直接关怀下创作演出,40多年来久演不衰的红色经典芭蕾舞剧是。 5.主要流传于北方,是一种群众自娱自乐的广场艺术,是最具代表性的汉字民间舞。 6.我国的佛教四大石窟包括敦煌、大同、洛阳和天水麦积山石窟。 7.是整个魏晋南北朝时期最杰出的文学家,开创了田园诗这种新的题材,其代表作品有《归园田居》、《饮酒》。 8.法国的启蒙文学代表作家作品包括狄德罗的、的《忏悔录》、的喜剧《费德罗的婚礼》等。 9.被誉为“中世纪的最后一位诗人”,同时又是“新时代的最初一位是人”的是(国家)诗人。 10.法国小说家普鲁斯特的作品宣告“意识流小说”的文学流派已经形成。 11.张艺谋知道的电影《满城尽带黄金甲》,片名出资唐代的诗句,内容改编自文学名著。 12.奥斯卡金像奖的全称是。2010年奥斯卡金像奖的最佳影片是。 13.2007年,在获得五次奥斯卡提名之后,凭借《无间道风云》获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖。 14.华表奖又叫奖。 15.2009年备受关注的草根选秀明星苏珊大妈,因参加英国独立电视台制作的选秀节目 而走红。 16.电影《大侦探福尔摩斯》的原著由(国家)小说家所写。 17.一花人物肖像著称,代表作是以长卷形式分为夜宴、观舞、休息、演月、宾客酬应等五个场面。 二、选择题(每题0.5分,共15分) 1.《文心雕龙》是我国第一部有严密体系的文学理论著作,作者是()。 A 东晋的干宝 B 魏晋南北朝的刘勰 C 南朝的钟嵘 D 南朝的刘义庆 2.挪威戏剧家()被称为“现代戏剧之父”。 A 易卜生 B 安徒生 C 卡夫卡 D 杰克·伦敦 3.我国小说史上第一部长篇讽刺小说是()。 A 《聊斋志异》 B 《儒林外史》C《官场现形记》D《二十年目睹之怪现象》 4.在展示情节、人物对话,或作为过长是一般使用()。 A 远景镜头 B 中景镜头 C 近景镜头 D 特写镜头 5.赵本山在下列被一部影片中实验了一个角色()。 A 《三枪惊奇拍案》 B 《梅兰芳》C《斗牛》D《非诚勿扰》 6.《义勇军进行曲》是哪部电影的主题歌?() A 《大陆歌》 B 《马路天使》C《风云儿女》D《放下你的鞭子》 7.被称为雨巷诗人的是().


全真模拟试题(1) 一、选择题 在下列各题的A)、B)、C)、D)四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确的选项涂写在答题卡相应位置上,答在试卷上不得分。 (1)为了避免流程图在描述程序逻辑时的灵活性,提出了用方框图来代替传统的程序流程图,通常也把这种图称为 A)PAD图 B)N-S图 C)结构图 D)数据流图 (2)结构化程序设计主要强调的是 A)程序的规模 B)程序的效率 C)程序设计语言的先进性 D)程序易读性 (3)为了使模块尽可能独立,要求 A)模块的内聚程度要尽量高,且各模块间的耦合程度要尽量强 B)模块的内聚程度要尽量高,且各模块间的耦合程度要尽量弱 C)模块的内聚程度要尽量低,且各模块间的耦合程度要尽量弱 D)模块的内聚程度要尽量低,且各模块间的耦合程度要尽量强 (4)需求分析阶段的任务是确定 A)软件开发方法 B)软件开发工具 C)软件开发费用 D)软件系统功能 (5)算法的有穷性是指 A)算法程序的运行时间是有限的 B)算法程序所处理的数据量是有限的 C)算法程序的长度是有限的 D)算法只能被有限的用户使用 (6)对长度为n的线性表排序,在最坏情况下,比较次数不是n(n-1)/2的排序方法是 A)快速排序 B)冒泡排序 C)直接插入排序 D)堆排序 (7)如果进栈序列为e1,e2,e3,e4,则可能的出栈序列是 A)e3,e1,e4,e2 B)e2,e4,e3,e1 C)e3,e4,e1,e2 D) 任意顺序

(8)将E-R图转换到关系模式时,实体与联系都可以表示成 A)属性 B)关系 C)键 D)域 (9)有三个关系R、S和T如下: 由关系R和S通过运算得到关系T,则所使用的运算为 A)并 B)自然连接 C)笛卡尔积 D)交 (10)下列有关数据库的描述,正确的是 A)数据处理是将信息转化为数据的过程 B)数据的物理独立性是指当数据的逻辑结构改变时,数据的存储结构不变 C)关系中的每一列称为元组,一个元组就是一个字段 D)如果一个关系中的属性或属性组并非该关系的关键字,但它是另一个关系的关键字,则称 其为本关系的外关键字 (11)连编应用程序不能生成的文件是 A).app文件 B).exe文件 C).dll文件 D).prg文件 (12)运算结果是字符串"book"的表达式是 A)LEFT(″mybook″,4) B)RIGHT(″bookgood″,4) C)SUBSTR(″mybookgood″,4,4) D)SUBSTR(″mybookgood″,3,4) (13)在Visual FoxPro中,下列各项的数据类型所占字符的字节数相等的是 A)日期型和逻辑型 B)日期型和通用型


文艺常识全真模拟试题五 一.填空题(每空1 分,共30 分) 1.联句:“心事浩茫连广宇,____________”;“ ____________,雪却输梅一段香”;“仰 天大笑出门去,____________”;“ ____________,野渡无人舟自横”。 2.世界电影史公认电影诞生在____________年,以____________拍摄的 ____________ 为标志。 3.被韩国媒体誉为“21 世纪最具领导潜力的导演”的是____________。 4.中国导演____________的作品____________,在第62 届戛纳电影节上获最佳编剧奖。 5.电视的播出方式可以分为____________、____________、____________三种。“超级 女声”的比赛属于____________。 6.著名画作《蒙娜丽莎》是画家____________的作品。 7.每个朝代的文学作品都有自己的形式,唐代以唐诗著称,宋代和元代分别以____________和____________著称。 8.小说《祝福》的作者是____________。 9 小说《小二黑结婚》是____________派作品。 10.电影被称为继绘画、音乐、戏剧等艺术后的第____________艺术。 11.《双城记》的作者是英国小说家____________,《樱桃园》是____________(国别) 作家____________的戏剧作品。 12.戏剧《朱丽小姐》是____________(国别)戏剧家____________的作品,小说《青 年近卫军》是前苏联作家____________的作品。 13.“它是朝鲜古典文学作品,在古典文学史上的地位,正如《红楼梦》之于中国古典文学一样,作者不详。据记载,其故事早在12 世纪即流传于民间,18 世纪末形成完整小说,19 世纪上半叶,经申在孝整理加工,成为优秀戏剧传统剧目,在我国的黄梅戏中也有同名剧目上演。”这部作品是____________。 14.“米勒三部曲”指的是____________、____________和《晚钟》。 15.MTV 的汉语名称是____________。 二.选择题(每题0.5 分,共15 分) 1.下列属于语录体散文的是()。 A.《老子》 B.《庄子》 C.《韩非子》 D.《论语》 2.小篆是在()统一的。 A.秦朝 B.西周 C.汉朝 D.唐朝 3.“一对恋人谈恋爱——水面上一对白鹅”属于()蒙太奇。 A.比喻 B.象征 C.平行 D.重复


2013年保险销售人考试全真模拟题及答案(2) 1、根据《保险营销员管理规定》,展业证的业务范围和销售区域与所属保险公司经营许可证上的业务范围和经营区域之间的大小关系是() A.前者必须大于后者 B.前者必须等于后者 C.前者必须小于后者 D.前者必须小于或等于后者 答案:D 2、保险代理业务人员开展保险代理业务,应当主动向客户出示的证书有() A.资格证书和执业证书 B.营业证书和执业证书 C.身份证书和资格证书 D.执业证书和代理合同 答案:A 3、依据我国反不正当竞争法规定,不正当竞争行为的表现形式之一是() A.投标者和招标者相互勾结,排挤竞争对手的公平竞争 B.处理有效期限即将到期的商品或者其他积压的商品 C.因清偿债务.转产.歇业降价销售商品 D.季节性降价 答案:A 4、优质客户服务的测定标准是()。 A.服务给人印象如何深刻 B.服务的个性化程度

C.服务满足客户期望的程度 D.服务的新颖化程度 答案:C 5、某公众责任保险保单规定的每次事故赔偿限额是100万元,累计责任限额是1000万元,免赔额为1万元。如果一次公众责任事故导致受害人财产损失56万元,人身损失35万元,且依法全部由被保险人赔偿。则保险人承担的保险赔款金额是()。 A.89万元 B.90万元 C.91万元 D.100万元 答案:B 6、根据《保险营销员管理规定》,保险营销员在从事保险营销活动过程中每年接受的.经中国保监会认可的培训机构组织的专业培训属于()。 A.后续教育 B.技能训练 C.熟练提高 D.岗前培训 答案:A 7、符合中国保监会规定的资格条件,经中国保监会批准取得经营保险代理业务许可证,根据保险人的委托,向保险人收取保险代理手续费,在保险人授权的范围内专门代为办理保险业务的单位,被称为()。 A.保险兼业代理机构 B.个人保险代理机构 C.综合保险代理机构

第三套全真模拟试题 (1)

第三套全真模拟试题 一、选择题 1、[单选题]在Word的编辑状态,连续进行了两次"插入"操作,当单击二次"撤消"按钮后________。 (A)、将第一次插入的内容全部取消 (B)、将两次插入的内容全部取消 (C)、将第二次插入的内容全部取消 (D)、两次插入的内容都不被取消 2、[单选题]Windows将整个计算机显示屏幕看作是_________。 (A)、窗口 (B)、桌面 (C)、工作台 (D)、背景 3、[单选题]要在Word中建一个表格式简历表,最简单的方法是______。 (A)、用绘图工具进行绘制 (B)、在新建中选择简历向导中的表格型向导 (C)、用插入表格的方法 (D)、在“表格”菜单中选择表格自动套用格式 4、[单选题]在Windows中,打开“开始”菜单的组合键是_________。 (A)、【Alt】+【Esc】 (B)、【Shift】+【Esc】 (C)、【Alt】+【Ctrl】 (D)、【Ctrl】+【Esc】 5、[单选题]为了解决IP数字地址难以记忆的问题,引入了域服务系统______。 (A)、 PNS (B)、 MNS (C)、 DNS (D)、 SNS 6、[单选题]在Word文档中输入复杂的数学公式,执行______命令。 (A)、“插入”菜单中的对象 (B)、“格式”菜单中的样式 (C)、“表格”菜单中的公式 (D)、“插入”菜单中的数字 7、[单选题]与十六进制数AB等值的十进制数是________。 (A)、 172 (B)、 173 (C)、 170 (D)、 171 8、[单选题]下面关于工作表与工作簿的论述正确的是________。 (A)、一个工作簿的多张工作表类型相同,或同是数据表,或同是图表


全真模拟试题一 ● 竞赛时间3小时。迟到超过半小时者不能进考场。开始考试后1小时内不得离场。时间 到,把试卷(背面朝上)放在桌面上,立即起立撤离考场。 ● 试卷装订成册,不得拆散。所有解答必须写在指定的方框内,不得用铅笔填写。草稿纸 在最后一页。不得持有任何其他纸张。 ● 姓名、报名号和所属学校必须写在首页左侧指定位置,写在其他地方者按废卷论处。 ● 允许使用非编程计算器以及直尺等文具。 1.008Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Ac-Lr H Li Be B C N O F Na Mg Al Si P Cl S K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Rb Cs Fr Sr Ba Ra Y La Lu -6.9419.01222.9924.31 39.1040.0885.4787.62132.9137.3[223][226]44.9647.8850.9452.0054.9455.8558.9363.5558.6965.3910.8126.9869.7212.0128.0972.61114.8204.4118.7207.2112.4200.6107.9197.0106.4195.1102.9192.2101.1190.298.91186.295.94183.992.91180.991.22178.588.9114.0116.0019.0030.9774.92121.8 209.032.0778.96127.6[210][210] [210]126.979.9035.454.003 20.18 39.9583.80 131.3[222]He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn 相对原子质量 Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt 第1题(12分)最近出版的“重大发现记实”中,Cute 教授发表了关于外星文明遗迹的研究结果。他认为外星人与人类非常相似,他们可能在亿万年前来过地球,留下了非常奇异的碑记。一些碑文已经破译被证明是外星人当地大学的大学生所用的普通化学教科书的几章。这些内容的最初几行就相当今人,看上去象是那个奇妙的世界里的物质定律,与我们的星球所遵循的规律不同。特别是原子结构也用四个量子数来描述,只有一个重大的区别: n =1,2,3…… L =0,1,2,3,…,(n -1) M =-2L ,-(2L -1),…,-1,0,+1,…,+(2L -1),+2L M S =+1/2,-1/2 Cute 教授允诺要继续发表相关研究,一旦他找到了财政支持,将继续他的破译工作并描述出X 星球上的周期表和一些基础化学内容。然而以揭示的碑文内容就足以预见一些重要事实。 1-1 试创造出X 周期表的前两个周期,为简便起见,用我们的化学符号来表示与我们原子有相同电子的X 原子; 1-2 猜测在那里可用作洗涤和饮用的X -水可能是什么?写出全部可能,并说明理由。


全真模拟试卷 (第套) (考试时间:分钟,满分分) 一、选择题(分)。 ()计算机系统由()组成。 )主机和显示器)微处理器和软件 )硬件系统和应用软件)硬件系统和软件系统 ()用电子管作为电子器件制成的计算机属于()。 )第一代)第二代 )第三代)第四代 ()世界上首次提出了存储程序计算机体系结构的是()。 )比尔·盖茨)冯·诺依曼 )图灵) ()是指()。 ))显示器 )计算机品牌)软件品牌 ()通常家用的级计算机属于()。 )微型机)小型机 )中型机)大型机 ()计算机的时钟频率称为(),它在很大程度上决定了计算机的运算速度。 )字长)主频 )存储容量)运算速度 ()工厂的仓库管理软件属于()。 )系统软件)工具软件 )应用软件)字处理软件 ()下列存储器中读取速度最快的是()。 )内存)硬盘 )软盘)光盘 ()存储器是()。 )静态只读存储器)静态随机存储器 )动态只读存储器)动态随机存储器 ()在具有多媒体功能的微型计算机中,常用的是()。 )只读型软盘)只读型硬盘 )只读型光盘)只读型半导体存储器

()微型计算机普遍采用的字符编码是()。 )原码)补码 )码)汉字编码 ()计算机硬件能够直接识别和执行的语言只有()。 )语言)汇编语言 )机器语言)符号语言 ()的含义是()。 )计算机辅助设计)计算机辅助教案 )计算机辅助制造)计算机辅助测试 ()下列设备中,属于输入设备的是()。 )鼠标) )绘图仪) ()计算机进行数据存储的基本单位是()。 )二进制位)字节 )字)字长 ()二进制数转换成十六进制数是()。 )) )) ()计算机病毒是指()。 )编译出现错误的计算机程序 )设计不完善的计算机程序 )遭到人为破坏的计算机程序 )以危害计算机软硬件系统为目的设计的计算机程序 ()提供的服务有很多,()表示网页浏览。 )) )) ()下列的表示方法中,正确的是()。 ) ):\\ )\ ) ()以拨号方式接入时,不需要的硬件设备是()。 ))网卡 ))电话线 二、汉字录入(分)。 录入下列文字,方法不限,限时分钟。 技术最初由公司研制成功,并得到了合作伙伴的大力支持。此技术主要是面向业和电信行业,但是任何需要速度快、反应时间短的应用都适合使用这种技术。从系统设计的观点看,技术的总线把相同类型的总线规定为广泛使用的总线,同时也把相同的排序规则用


2019幼升小全真模拟试题精选【三篇】 一、小朋友排队,小红前面7个人,后面6个人,问这队一共 有多少人? 二、小朋友排队报数,正着报数小明是第8,倒着数小明是第10,问这队一共有多少人? 三、30个小朋友排成一队去旅游,从排头往后数,小刚是第10个;从排尾往前数,小丽是第5个,问小刚和小丽中间有几个人? 四、一队中男孩有6人,老师要求在2名男孩中间插进1名女孩,问可插进几名女孩?aa 五、小花买了1支铅笔,2根铅笔,付了1元钱,售货员找给了 给她3角,小花看了看1支铅笔的价钱是2角,就说:“叔叔,您把 帐算错了。”请小朋友想一想,小花没有计算为什么这么快就知道算 错啦? 题目有误吧,1只铅笔2根铅笔?还是1只圆珠笔,2根铅笔? 但是答案是能够知道的,就是1只铅笔是2角,不管2根的这个 笔是多钱,找回的钱必定是偶数。而不是基数。 幼儿园大二班的孩子能理解这吗? 六、把一根木棍要锯成5段,已知一分钟锯1段,问几分钟锯完? 七、用分别写有数字0、1、2的三张卡片,能排出多少个不同的 二位数? 10 12 20

21 22 幼升小全真模拟试题【二】 1、30名学生报名参加兴趣小组。其中有26人参加了美术组,17人参加了书法组。问两个组都参加的有多少人? 专家解析:这道题考察的是包含与被包含的关系。根据条件,首先,我们能够先算出来参加美术组和参加书法组的学生总共有 26+17=43(人),比参加兴趣小组的总人数多43-30=13(人)。这说明多 出来的人数一定就是既参加了美术组,又参加了书法组的学生人数。 2、小虎学写毛笔字,第一天写3个,以后每天比前一天多写1个,四天一共写了多少个? 专家解析:本题对于一年级的孩子来说是一个难点,难在不是把 4天的数直接加起来,而是引导孩子把每天的字数按顺序一步步算出来,然后再计算4天的和。 3、小花今年6岁,爸爸对小花说:“你长到10岁的时候,我正 好40岁。”爸爸今年多少岁? 专家解析:这道题的关键是要抓住一个不变的量,既爸爸与小花 的年龄差别不会变,这个我们能够用40-10=30(岁)求得。那么,已知 小花今年6岁,要求爸爸今年的年龄,既用6+30=36(岁)得出。 4、小华给小方8枚邮票后,两人的邮票枚数同样多,小华原来 比小方多几格邮票? 专家解析:这道题同样是一道暗差问题。家长在指导时能够用两 种方法指导孩子思考。第一种方法:抓住问题的关键词“原来”我们 能够从数字1入手,假设小华给小方1枚,那么小华就少1枚,小方 就多1枚,那么两人邮票数量之差就是1+1=2(枚)。依此类推, 8+8=16(枚),既是小华原来比小方多的邮票数量。第二种方法:假设


全真模拟试题第八版 共200题 一. 选择题(本大题共200小题) 1.由于你的项目工期固定为五年,你认为滚动式规划是适当的。它提供了哪些 需完成工作的信息? a.所有项目阶段的信息 b.成功完成当前项目阶段的信息 c.成功完成当前阶段和近期的后续阶段的信息 d.下一个项目阶段的信息 2.在项目生命周期的最初阶段,项目的技术目标倾向于仅在一般意义上的理 解。在这个阶段的项目冲突的主要组成部分是____。 a.对优先级和程序的担忧 b.对技术问题的担忧 c.进度安排 d.对于在矩阵管理环境中建立项目的困惑 3.项目管理协会道德与专业行为规范包括两类标准,即作为从业者要尽力维护 的,以及要求严格的并可能限制行为的标准。项目管理协会将这两类标准(分 别)称为____。 a.预期的和要求的 b.推崇的和强制的 c.期望的和强制的 d.期望的和要求的 4.需求通常被归为产品需求和项目需求。获取并管理这两类需求对于项目成功 至关重要,因此你和团队成员决定按照项目的这种分类系统来改进公司所有 的通信设备。在采用此种方法时,下列除哪项外,都是产品需求的实例? a.交竹需求 b.技术需求 c.安全雷求 d.性能需求 5.在制定项目管理计划过程中,风险登记册、风险应对计划和风险影响评价是 以下哪项的实例? a.事业环境因素 b.组织过程资产 c.风险管理计划的一部分,而风险管理计划是项目管理计划子计划的一部分 d.作为配置项的项目文件,此文件是配置管理计划的组成部分 1正确答案:C 2正确答案:D 3正确答案:C 4正确答案:A 5正确答案:B 6.你正管理着一个具有五个分包商的项目。你必须监督合同履行、付款并管理 供应商界面。一家分包商递交了变更请求,希望扩大其工作范围。你根据对 此请求的评审,决定对合同进行修订。以上属于哪项活动? a.管理采购 b.实施采购 c.形成合同 d.解决争议 7.尽管项目章程的作用是陈述项目经理在项目中的职权和职责,但为成为有效


高三英语全真模拟试卷(二) 一、词汇判断 ()1.运输,交通 A.traffic B.telecast C.transportation D.transfer ()2.实践;练习 A.prepare B.proper C.progress D.practice ()3.环境 A.environment B.movement C.government D.equipment ()4.明确的;坚决的;果断的 A.debut B.decade C.detailed D.determined ()5.期待,预料,指望 A.tension B.expectation C.experience D.transportation ()6.禁止,禁令 A.bank B.book C.bar D.ban ()7.电的 A.electric B.historical C.light D.lightly ()8.赞成,承认 A.amplify B.amputee C.approval D.apologize ()9.无限的;无约束的 A.crowded B.detailed C.health D.unlimited ()10.吵架,争吵 A.quarrel B.quarter C.apologize D.apology 二、选择填空 ()11.We are told that the journalist _____ a speech on teenage problems next Monday. A.will make B.makes C.is making D.has made ()12.The man was seriously hurt in the accident and he _____ to hospital at once. A.was taken B.took C.will be taken D.takes ()13._____ a post office, I stopped to buy some stamps. A.Passing B.Passed C.Passes D.To pass ()14.I heard them _____ in the classroom last night. A.sings B.singing C.sang D.to sing ()15.Which is the _____, the sun, the moon or the earth? A.big B.bigger C.biggest D.more big ()16.The girls were very _____ at the news. A.excited B.exciting C.interesting D.interest ()17.I’m very happy because it’s my _____ fifteenth birthday today. A.the B.an C.a D./ ()18.Miss Wang teaches _____ English. She is _____ favorite teacher.


文艺常识全真模拟试题 一

文艺常识全真模拟试题 一、填空题(每空1分,共30分) 1、清代有两位著名做曲作家,时称“南洪北孔”,其中的“北孔”是指孔尚任,那么“南洪”是指()。 2、()是意大利文艺复兴时期的代表人物,代表作是短篇小说集《十日谈》。 3、中国古代偶写问一句将被冠以“圣字”,其中“书圣”是(),“画圣”是(),诗圣是()。 4、我国电影的三大奖项分别是()、()、()。 5、“有的人或者,他已经死了;有的人死了,他还活着。”这首诗运用的修辞手法是(),作者是()。 6、初唐四杰是指初唐高宗至武后初年出现的“以文章齐名天下”的优秀诗人,他们是王勃、()、卢照邻和()。 7、“新乐府诗”是由唐代诗人()发起的,“花间词派”的创始者是晚唐词人(),“婉约派”词人的代表是()和()。 8、()是我国第一部诗歌总集,()是我国第一部军事著作,()是我国第一部纪传体通史,()是我国第一手长篇叙事诗。 9、古希腊三大悲剧作家是,他们的代表作品分别是()、()、()。 10、成语“萧规曹随”中的萧和曹分别指()和()。 11、“海上生明月,天涯共此时”出自于唐代的()的《望月怀远》,“春色满园关不住,一枝红杏出墙来“出自宋代叶绍翁的()。 二、选择题(每题0.5分,共15分) 1、电影发明于() A、1890年B、1892年C、1895年D、1902年 2、苏轼咏西湖诗云:“水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇”,此时说明再关上景物时,不同的()会产生不同的效果。 A、时间B、角度C、距离D、心情 3、下面连线完全正确的一组是() A、《诗学》-亚里士多德-古罗马B、《十日谈》-维加-意大利C、《老实人》-伏尔泰-法国D、《阴谋与爱情》-希勒-俄国 4、由张艺谋担任摄影师的电影做作品是() A、《红高粱》B、《孩子王》C、《黄土地》D、《老井》 5、“大明湖畔,灼突泉边,故居在垂杨深处;漱玉集中,金石录里,文采有后主遗风。”这幅对联咏吟的是()A、辛弃疾B、朱淑真C、李清照D、赵佶 6、千古名句“但愿人长久,千里共长娟”出自于()的诗。 A、李商隐B、苏轼C、白居易D、李白 7、以下四个选项中哪个不是光的三原色之一?() A、黄B、红C、绿D、蓝 8、普利策奖是什么方面的大奖() A 文学 B 电影 C 数学 D 新闻 9、电影频道是中央电视台第几套节目?() A 、5 B、6 C、7 D、8


欢迎报考合肥工业大学! 2004年成人高考语文全真模拟试题(五) 本试卷第I卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷两部分。共150分。考试时间120分钟。 第I卷(选择题共30分) 注意事项: 1.答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。 2.试卷中每题只选择一个答案,选出后用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,不能答在试卷上。 3.考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、基础知识(18分,每小题3分) 1.词语中加点的字的读音完全正确的一项是() A.觇(chan)视发迹(jI) 素不相能(neng) B.犷(guang)悍颤(zhan)动不名(ming)一文 C.曲(qu)折铿(jian)吝言简意贼(g而) D.翔(xiang)实莅(b)临觥(g6ng)筹交错 2.成语中无错别字的一项是() A.举一返三颠倒事非洋洋大观 B.半壁江山举世闻名针贬时弊 C.成竹在胸赫赫有名在所不辞 D.瞠目结舌和舟共济不修边幅 3.依次填入文中横线处的词语,恰当的一组是() 这又算得了什么?谁也不会为她们叹上一口气,谁也不会关心她们曾经有过的那 份,甚至连她们自己也不会感到过分的悲伤,顶多不过像是了 一个美丽的梦,有谁见过哪个人会地寻找一个丢失的梦呢? A.梦想丢失死乞白赖 B.痴想丢失死乞白赖 C.痴想失去孜孜以求 D.梦想失去孜孜以求 4.句子中加点词的意义分类完全正确的一项是() ①听了他的一席话,心就宽了一半。

②生活水平提高了,手头比过去宽多了。 ③敌人在桥头修了个堡垒。 ④我们要向科学的堡垒进军。 ⑤盐的结晶是白色的。 ⑥这部著作是他十年心血的结晶⑥ A.本义:①③⑤引申义:②④比喻义 B.本义:③⑤引申义:①②比喻义:④⑥ c.本义:①③引申义:④⑤⑥比喻义② D.本义:①⑤引申义:③@比喻义:②④ 5.下列句子中没有语病的一句是() A.我本想这次能在家乡同你见面,回家后才知道由于你正忙着搞科研,不回来了。 B.为什么对于这种浪费人才的现象,至今没有引起有关部门的重视呢? C.无论干部和群众,毫无例外,都必须遵守社会主义法制。 D.经过老主任再三解释,才使他怒气逐渐平息,最后脸上勉强露出一丝笑容。 6.句子衔接的最恰当的一句是() 临渲县一位领导说,他们的北田乡是有名的种手致富乡,现在已成为超大穗小麦培育基地,这次偶然听说西安举办科技成果交易会,为的是找项目,搞联姻,开思路,扩眼界。 A.真是出乎意料,兴奋得睡不着觉, B.哪能放过这么好的机会, C.一天都没耽搁, D.就赶忙奔来了? 二、阅读下列短文,完成7~10题(共12分,每小题3分) 混沌一一一个新的研究领域 普利高津曾经指出,至今我们的科学遗产中尚有两个未得到答案的基本问题,其中之 一就是序与无序的关系问题。当前,席卷全球的"混沌"热,可以说是这个领域中的新范畴。 自1687年牛顿发表《自然哲学之数学原理》→书以来,确定论的观点在自然科学体系 中一直占有主导地位。 爱因斯坦有一句名言:"我不相信上帝是掷般子(注:锻子,一种赌具)的。"拉普拉斯早就宣称,只要给他初始条件,他就可以预言未来的一切发展。莱布尼兹也曾认为,数学将能解决一争议,一旦遇到不同意见,那就计算计算。在他们眼里,客观世界本身的运动规律是确定性的,是不以人的意志为转移的。


第2套全真模拟试卷 一、选择题 (1)下列选项中不属于算法的特性的是 A)确定性B)可行性C)有输出D)无穷性 (2)下列叙述中正确的是 A)线性表是线性结构B)栈与队列是非线性结构 C)线性链表是非线性结构D)二叉树是线性结构 (3)设有下列二叉树: 对此二叉树中序遍历的结果为 A)ABCDEF B)DAECF C)BDAECF D)DBEFCA (4)结构化程序设计主要强调的是 A)程序的规模B)程序的易读性 C)程序的执行效率D)程序的可移植性 (5)在面向对象设计中,对象有很多基本特点,其中“从外面看只能看到对象的外部特性,而对象的内部对外是不可见的”这一性质指的是对象的 A)分类性B)标识唯一性C)多态性D)封装性 (6)用黑盒技术测试用例的方法之一为 A)因果图B)逻辑覆盖C)循环覆盖D)基本路径测试 (7)在进行单元测试时,常用的方法是 A)采用白盒测试,辅之以黑盒测试B)采用黑盒测试,辅之以白盒测试 C)只使用白盒测试D)只使用黑盒测试 (8)下面四个选项中,不属于数据库管理系统提供的数据语言的是 A)数据定义语言B)数据查询语言 C)数据操纵语言D)数据控制语言 (9)在关系数据库模型中,通常可以把()称为属性,其值称为属性值。 A)记录B)基本表C)模式D)字段 (10)实体联系模型中实体与实体之间的联系不可能是 A)一对一B)多对多C)一对多D)一对零 (11)用C语言编写的代码程序 A)可立即执行B)是一个源程序

C)经过编译即可执行D)经过编译解释即可执行 (12)以下叙述中正确的是 A)C语言的源程序不必通过编译就可以直接执行 B)C语言中的每条可执行语句最终都将被转换成二进制的机器指令 C)C源程序经编译形成的二进制代码可以直接运行 D)C语言中的函数不可以单独进行编译 (13)以下定义语句中正确的是 A)char a=′A′b′B′; B)float a=b=10.0; C)int a=10,*b=&a; D)float *a,b=&a; (14)有以下程序: main() { int a; char c=10; float f=100.0; double x; a=f/=c*=(x=6.5); printf(*%d %d %3 %3.1f %3.1f\n",a c, f, x); } 程序运行后的输出结果是 A)1 65 1 6.5 B)1 65 1.5 6.5 C)1 65 1.0 6.5 D)2 65 1.5 6.5 (15)数据库设计的根本目标是要解决 A)数据共享问题B)数据安全问题 C)大量数据存储问题D)简化数据维护 (16)设有定义:float a=2,b=4,h=3;,以下C语言表达式中与代数式1(a+b)h计算结果不相 2 符的是 A)(a+b)*h/2 B)(1/2)*(a+b)*h C)(a+b)*h*1/2 D)h/2*(a+b) (17)有以下程序 main() { int m=0256,n=256; printf("%o %o\n",m,n); } 程序运行后的输出结果是 A)0256 0400 B)0256 256 C)256 400 D)400 400 (18)数据库系统的核心是 A)数据模型B)数据库管理系统C)数据库D)数据库管理员(19)以下叙述中错误的是 A)用户所定义的标识符允许使用关键字 B)用户所定义的标识符应尽量做到“见名知意” C)用户所定义的标识符必须以字母或下划线开头 D)用户定义的标识符中,大、小写字母代表不同标识 (20)有以下程序: main() {

三年级数学【下册】全真模拟考试试题 江苏版(含答案)

乡镇(街道) 学校 班级 姓名 学号 ………密……….…………封…………………线…………………内……..………………不……………………. 准…………………答…. …………题… 绝密★启用前 三年级数学【下册】全真模拟考试试题 江苏版(含答案) 题 号 填空题 选择题 判断题 计算题 综合题 应用题 总分 得 分 考试须知: 1、考试时间:90分钟,满分为100分(含卷面分2分)。 2、请首先按要求在试卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级、学号。 3、不要在试卷上乱写乱画,卷面不整洁扣2分。 一、用心思考,正确填空(共10小题,每题2分,共20分)。 1、在里填上适当的数。 2、你出生于( )年( )月( )日,那一年是( )年,全年有( )天。 3、常用的长度单位有( )、( )、( )、( )、( )。 4、分针走1小格,秒针正好走( ),是( )秒。分针走1大格是( ),时针走1大格是( )。 5、把一根绳子平均分成6份,每份是它的( ),5份是它的( )。 6、□45÷5,要使商是两位数,□里最大可填( );要使商是三位数,□里最小应填( )。 7、填一填。 8、小林晚上10:00睡觉,第二天早上7:00起床,他一共睡了( )小时。 9、劳动课上做纸花,红红做了2朵纸花,4朵蓝花,红花占纸花总数的( ),蓝花占纸花总数的( )。 10、小明从一楼到三楼用8秒,照这样他从一楼到五楼用( )秒。 二、反复比较,慎重选择(共8小题,每题2分,共16分)。 1、要使“□21÷9”的商是三位数,“□”里只能填( )。 A 、9 B 、8 C 、7 2、从720里连续减去( )个8得0。 A .9 B .90 C .70 3、明天( )会下雨,今天下午我( )游遍全世界。 A 、一定 ,可能 B 、可能,不可能 C 、不可能,不可能 D 、可能,可能 4、最小三位数和最大三位数的和是( )。 A 、1 B 、1099 C 、899 5、把一根长60厘米的铁丝围城一个正方形,这个正方形的面积是( )。 A.225平方分米 B.225平方厘米 C.360平方厘米 6、下面的结果刚好是250的是( )。 A.1500-500 B.2500-2250 C.150+150 7、爸爸3小时行了210千米,他是( )。 A 、乘公共汽车 B 、骑自行车 C 、步行 8、下面现象中属于平移现象的是( )。 A 、开关抽屉 B 、拧开瓶盖 C 、转动的风车 三、仔细推敲,正确判断(共10小题,每题1.5分,共15分)。 1、( )计算36×25时,先把36和5相乘,再把36和2相乘,最后把两次乘得的结果相加。 2、( )有余数除法的验算方法是"商×除数+余数",看得到的结果是否与被除数相等。


中考数学全真模拟试题 一、选择题(本题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分.请选出各题中唯一的正确选项) 1.-5的相反数是( ) A. -5 B. 5 C. 1 5 D. 1 5- 2.下列所给图形中,既是中心对称图形又是轴对称图形的是( ) 3.如图,桌面上有一个一次性纸杯,它的俯视图是( ) A . B . C . D . 4.要使分式 3 2x x --有意义,则x 的取值应满足( ) A .x 3≠ B .x 2≠ C .2x < D .x>2 5.某校7名初中男生参加引体向上体育测试的成绩分别为:8,5,7,5,8,6,8,则这组数据的众数和中位数分别为( ) A .6,7 B .8,6 C . 5,7 D . 8,7 6.下列运算正确的是( ) A. 632a a a =? B.222)(b a b a +=+ C. 236()a a -=- D. 235a a a += 7.将二次函数3)2(2---=x y 的图象先向右平移2个单位,再向上平移2单位后,所得图象的函数表达式是( ) A .2y 1x =-- B .2y 5x =-- C .()2y x 41=--- D .()2y x 45=--- 8AB O C D D=20BAC ∠∠o e 、如图,是直径,,是圆上的点,若,则的值是( ) A .20o B .60o C .70o D .80o 9.某校组织1080名学生去外地参观,现有A 、B 两种不同型号的客车可供选择。在每辆 (第 3题图) 主视方向

第8题 A 车刚好满座的前提下,每辆B 型客车比每辆A 型客车多坐15人,单独选择B 型客车比单独选择A 型客车少租12辆,设A 型客车每辆坐x 人,根据题意列方程为( ) A 、 108010801215x x =+- B 、108010801215x x =-- C 、108010801215x x =++ D 、10801080 1215 x x =-+ () 6 y S S A 10.OAD BCD A AO x B AB ABC C AC x D =V V V 点在反比例函数= 在第一象限的图象上,连结并延长交另一分支于点,以为斜边作等腰直角,顶点在第四象限,与轴交于点。若,则点的横 坐标为 A .2 B . C D .1 二、填空题(本题有6小题,每小题5分,共30分) 11.分解因式: 2484x x -+=_____________. 12.在一个不透明的盒子中装有1个白球和2个黄球,它们除颜色不同外,其余均相同, 则从中随机摸出两个球是一白一黄的概率是_________ . 13.抛物线2y ax bx c =++的对称轴为直线x=1,与x 轴的一个交点的坐标为(﹣3,0),则 与x 轴另一个交点坐标为_______. 14.关于x 的一元二次方程210mx x -+=总有实数根,则m 应满足的条件是__________. 15.如图用两个完全相同的1cm ×4cm 长方形纸片,其中心用细铁丝串起来,使纸片交叉 叠合,旋转纸片,保持重叠部分形状为菱形,则菱形的最大面积是_______2 cm .


2018年中考语文全真模拟试题及答案(五) [时间:150分钟满分:120分] 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共24分) 一、积累与运用(共12分,每小题2分) 1.下列词语中加点字注音完全正确的一项是() A.嗜好.(hào)破绽.(dìng)贮.藏(chù) B.惬.意(xiá) 澎湃.(bài) 赫.然(hè) C.绮.丽(qǐ) 迸.流(bèng) 枢.纽(qū) D.肇.事(zhào) 歹.徒(dǎi) 荡涤.(dí) 2.下列句子中加点词有错别字的一项是() A.她虽然装出一副漫不经心 ....的样子,实际上对事件的内容可清楚得很。 B.想当年诗会成立的时候,真是门庭若市 ....,盛况空前。 C.“你为什么把我带到这里?”老人气势汹汹 ....地反诘。 D.北雁南飞,活跃在田间草际的昆虫也都销声匿迹。到处呈现一片哀草连天 ....的景象。 3.下列句子中加点成语使用不恰当的一项是() A.谈论柳州旅游及影响力,我们既不应当妄自菲薄 ....,也不能沾沾自喜。 B.2012年10月11日,中国作家莫言凭借《蛙》获得诺贝尔文学奖后,多家媒体强聒不舍 ....地报道。 C.只要走进他们的新居,就会感到,这是一个舒适的休憩处所,更是享受天伦之乐 ....的家园。 D.中考在即,现在想来,美好的初中时光犹如白驹过隙 ....,转瞬即逝。 4.下列句子没有语病的一项是() A.节日期间,人们可以欣赏到风情万种的原生态民族歌舞,还能感受三江悠久的历史文化、欣赏三江旖旎的生态风光。 B.由于技术水平太低,这些产品质量不是比沿海地区的同类产品低,就是成本比沿海地区的高。 C.最近全国各地加大了对醉酒驾车的惩处力度,为的是避免那些骇人听闻的交通事故不再发生。 D.三个学校的学生会干部在教导处开会,研究本学期学校第二课堂的开展问题。 5.下列句子排列最恰当的一项是() ①当然,在表现自己的时候,自身的缺点或不足难免会有所暴露。②表现自己,适当地张扬个性,更容易在这个竞争激烈的社会中立足。③况且缺点被发现或被指出也未必不是一件好事,至少这可以促使我们完善自己。④不过,这都是最真实的自己。 A.③②④①B.①②④③ C.②①④③D.②①③④ 6.下列有关文学名著的表述错误的一项是() A.《西游记》这部神魔小说主要记叙的是唐僧师徒四人到西天取经,历经九九八十一难,取得真经,修成正果的故事。 B.在小人国的“宫廷游戏”中,那些正在候补为朝廷重要官员和希望得到皇帝宠幸的人,才有机会表演跳绳这种技艺。但是这些候选人必须冒着跌断腿的危险来表演才有机会爬上去。 C.《智取生辰纲》中,青面兽杨志为了赶路而打骂部下,导致部下对他不满和反感,这为他们在黄泥冈中计埋下了隐患。 D.《朝花夕拾》是鲁迅所作的一部回忆性散文的结集。它比较完整地记录了鲁迅从幼年到青年时期的生活经历,生动描绘了清末民初的生活画面。 二、现代文阅读(一)(共6分,每小题2分) 鲸鱼之歌 章衣萍
