


1.individuals, characters, folks 替换(people ,persons)

2. positive, favorable, rosy , promising , perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior 替换


3. dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad

如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换eg. An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romanee with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms.

When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, their records are less impressive.

4. (an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)替换many.

注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many 后一定要有词。

Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that ,.同理用most, if not all ,替换most.

5. a slice of, quiet a few , several 替换some

6. harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is uni versally ack no wledged that)替think


7. affair ,bus in ess ,matter 替换thi ng

8. shared 代com mon

9. reap huge fruits 替换get many ben efits )

10. for my part ,from my own perspective 替换in my opinion

11.lncreasing(ly),growing 替换more and more(注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词用increasingly.

Eg. sth has gained grow ing popularity. popular with the adva nceme nt of sth.

12.little if anything, 或little or nothing 替换hardly

13. beneficial, rewarding 替换helpful,

14. shopper,client,consumer,purchaser,替换customer

15. exceedingly,extremely, intensely 替换very

16. hardly n ecessary, hardly in evitable ... 替换unn ecessary, avoidable

17. sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb take interest in / sb. be in terested in

18. capture one's attention 替换attract one's attention.

19. facet,demension,sphere 代aspect

20. be indicative of ,be suggestive of ,be fearful of 代indicate, suggest ,fear

21. give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 替换cause.

22. There are several reasons behind sth 替换..reasons for sth

23. desire 替换want.

24. pour attention into 替换pay attention to

25. bear in mind that 替换remember

26. enjoy, possess替换have(注意process是过程的意思)

27. in teract ion 替换com muni cati on

28. frow n on sth 替换be aga in st , disagree with sth

29. to name only a few, as an example 替换for example, for instanee

30. next to / virtually impossible, 替换nearly / almost impossible

1.1 mprove 提高:

Promote: 促进AC 之间的贸易promote the trade between A and C; He was promoted to senior man ager in this compa ny.

Advanee: our understanding of human genetics has considerably(非常的,可换做vastly)advaneed.

Enhance: the publicity has enhanced his reputation.这次宣传提高了他的名望

2. cha nge 改变:

Transform:多指改头换面,完全改变,不能用于形容slight change。说到人口变化:the increasing populati on has tran sformed the Ian dscape and structure of local in dustry structure. 人口剧增改变了小镇的景色以及当地的工业结构

3. Emphasize 强调:

Highlight : the report highlight the decline in the numbers of native(可以换作local) plants and in sects.

Stress: He stresses the n eed for pare nts to liste n to their childre n.

Acce ntuate: the crisis acce ntuates the gap betwee n rich and poor.

(highlight and emphasize的区别:highlight是告诉人们重点,因而能够让别人注意,类似于老师勾重点;而emphasize则是使重点清晰,不管别人是否能注意得到。而stress则和emphasize 差不多)

4. Develop 培养:

Cultivate: cultivate the ability of , ;培养情操;cultivate a more relaxed and positive way towards life.

Nurture: 养育,同样可以指培养人才(talents)the sea nutures ample marine animals.

5. Break 破坏:

Impair: impair ability; 主要是破坏能力,莫乱用。


Un dermi ne one' s ability/c on fide nce/authority/positi on/credibility

Jeopardize:不能乱用,破坏的东西要上一定的等级才能配上此词。比如Jeopardize the process of peace破坏和平进程

Devastate 特指毁灭、蹂躏the earthquake devastated the whole city.

6. Keep保存

Preserve、Con serve保护资源用的就是这个词,不要用protect,protect这个词用在保护具体


7. deal With 解决

Tackle: tackle the problem.

Resolve: resolve dispute 争论/conflict 冲突/problem/issue/crisis 危机;来自拉丁语,比较正式。

8. n eed需要

Require : xxx requires courage and con fide nee.


call for (这也是个很高级的用法,奥巴马就用这个【我不晓得奥巴马咋个用的,原帖是这样说的,并且call for也挺正式的】):跟need 一样的用法


〔.Everywhere 普遍的


Prevale nt: Drug abuse is especially prevale nt among tee nagers.

Overflow :泛滥the garden is overflew with colors of flowers.

Rampant:特指有害的东西泛滥,比如疾病,犯罪等,并且难于控制。H1n1 Virus is rampant in the world.甲流世界泛滥

2. Good好的(太多了)

Impressive, glorious, amazing, brilliant, incredible, attractive …

Beneficial (反义词:detrimental)the drug is beneficial to the immune system. Advantageous:特指有益的。Advantageous industry :优势产业

3. Harmful有害的

Un favorable, horrible, disgust ing


lousy (I ' m fed up with the lousy job.)

severe (severe problem, ill ness, injuries.)

abysmal(低谷:their performa nee is abysmal.)

Detrimental: smoking is detrimental to your health.

4. Rich富有的


There are a myriad of stars in the Milky Way.(银河系好多星星啊!!)

5. Poor贫穷的

Impoverished (动词表示使贫穷:The great depression had impoverished many third world countries.)an impoverished student.




Mani fest: a manifest error judge 明显判断失误;Adv. Ma ni festly .e.g. a ma ni festly unfair system. Apparent、Evident

Pate nt: pate nt impossibilities.显然不可能的事。

9. cheap便宜的

Economical :经济的,不浪费,而不是单纯指某物便宜。经济适用房:economically affordable hous ing。

In expe nsive=cheap

Reas on able:价格合理的。Reas on able price

Affordable :能够支付的。


〔.Forefather 祖先


2. Differenee 不同

Gap (简单但是牛)沟,gen erati on gap ---- v ery com mon use in CET-4/6

Distinction: sharp/clear distinction between allergy and food intoleranee (TBBT 里面的Howard 就有lactose in tolera nee, —吃pea nuts就会肿,长荨麻疹rash哈哈。)

3. Crime 犯罪

Delinquency :—般crime都用不到。指道德败坏,违法行为,为显示词汇量可以与crime连用

Criminal Act :犯罪行为

4. Environment 环境

Circumstanee: under the circumstances.相当扌由象的词,"情况”。

Surro un di ng :表示周围居住的环境,想当具体。Nearby可与之互换。The surrou ndi ng area. Atmosphere、Ambienee :这两个词可替换,但是当atmosphere表示大气层的意思的时候则不能。

5. Pollution 污染

Contamination:我觉得太装B 了,他的pp还不错:contaminated water —特指被污染的水

6. Human 人类


The huma n race

Huma nkind

Humanity :特别指出,用来表示人性。其他一概不要用。虽然也有人之类的意思。

7. Danger 危险

Hazard:化学、物理危害;隐患:polluted water is a hazard to wild life and nature ; safety/nature hazard.

8」n modern society 在当今社会

In con temporary society

In prese nt-day society

In this day and age


exceedingly 替换very thrilling 替换exciting

sth. exert a tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb. be interested in sth.

google 替换search

an army of 替换a lot of

The daw n of the new cen tury wit nessed the in creas ing popularity of computers. Coin cide nt with the adva nceme nt of scie nee and tech no logy, computers pouri ng into the curre nt society as a fashi on are appeali ng to grow ing in dividuals. It is no exaggerati on to say we have bee n submerged by them, in large measure!

The dawn of the new cen tury wit nessed 是一个精彩句型,用来描述在某个时期发生了什么事情;

Increasing popularity 替换more and more popular

Coincident with ,非常地道的词汇,表达"与,一致”的意思,替换With ,

Advancement 替换development

Pour into ( flood into / swarm into ) 替换enter into

Current ( currently )替换now

Appeal to sb. 替换sb. be interested in sth.

Growing individuals 替换more and more people

It is no exaggeration to say经典句型,说某事是毫不夸张的

For a start, we can, freely, search desired information at any moment. Little by little, our kno wledge will be well en riched, and our horiz ons will be greatly broade ned. Additi on ally, we can get huge recreations online by chatting, playing games, or delivering email.

For a start 替换To begin with

We can, freely, search用了插入语的写作手法

our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened. 用了非常


applicable 代替proper, approaches 代替ways, implement 代替carry out, sharpen one's competitive edge 代替enhance one's competitiveness(提高某物竞争力)


1. important =crucial (extremelyimportant),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important) 2. common=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) 3. abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants) 4. stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly) 5. neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.) 6. near=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent) 7. pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL) 8. accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail) 9. vague=obscure(unknown or known by only a few people) 10. top=peak, summit


aspect: dimension/facet part: proportion/section thing:affair/business/matter people:individuals old people: the old/the elderly/the aged/se nior/citizens side: angle advantage:virtue/merit/benefi t/superiority mistake:fault/error/fallacy/fl aw/defect/bug fame:reputation/renown/pres tige ability: capacity/competence/capabilit y top: climax/peak/zenith emphasize:attach great impor tance to deal with:tackle/figure out blame:condemn influence:impact/effect responsibility: obligation/liability way: method/approach situation:circumstance/positio n/plight reason:factor/cause solve: resolve/tackle/cope with/deal with I think: I hold/take the view that in my opinion: from my standpoint/from my/ perspective/as to me/accordin g to my knowledge because:in that/due to/for th e reason that at last: eventually but: however,


英语六级作文万能模板 开头万能公式 1.开头万能公式一:名人名言 有人问了,“我没有记住名言,怎么办?尤其是英语名言?”,很好办:编! 原理:我们看到的东西很多都是创造出来的,包括我们欣赏的文章也是,所以尽管编,但是一定要听起来很有道理呦!而且没准将来我们就是名人呢!对吧? 经典句型: A proverb says, “ You are only young once.” (适用于已记住的名言) It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever. (适用于自编名言) 更多经典句型: As everyone knows, No one can deny that… 2.开头万能公式二:数字统计 原理:要想更有说服力,就应该用实际的数字来说明。 原则上在议论文当中十不应该出现虚假数字的,可是在考试的时候哪管那三七二十一,但编无妨,只要我有东西写就万事大吉了。所以不妨试用下面的句型: According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation. 看起来这个数字文邹邹的,其实都是编造出来的,下面随便几个题目我们都可以这样编造: Honesty:根据最近的一项统计调查显示,大学生向老师请假的理由当中78%都是假的。 Travel by Bike:根据最近的一项统计调查显示,85%的人在近距离旅行的时候首选的交通工具是自行车。 Youth:根据最近的一项统计调查显示,在某个大学,学生的课余时间的70%都是在休闲娱乐。 Five-day Work Week Better than Six-day Work?:根据最近的一项统计调查显示,98%的人同意每周五天工作日。 更多句型: A recent statistics shows that … 结尾万能公式 1.结尾万能公式一:如此结论 说完了,毕竟要归纳一番,相信各位都有这样的经历,领导长篇大论,到最后终于冒出个“总而言之”之类的话,我们马上停止开小差,等待领导说结束语。也就是说,开头很好,也必然要有一个精彩的结尾,让读者眼前一亮,这样,你就可以拿高分了!比如下面的例子:Obviously(此为过渡短语), we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others. 如果读者很难“显而见之”,但说无妨,就当读者的眼光太浅罢了!


四六级英语作文高分100个同义词替换精髓词汇100个同义词替换精髓词汇 1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important) 2. common=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) 3. abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants) 4. stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly) 5. neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.) 6. near=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent) 7. pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL) 8. accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail) 9. vague=obscure(unknown or known by only a few people) 10. top=peak, summit 11. competitor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics)


英语六级写作中常用词的替换词 1) 大多数人most people→ the majority of the population 2) 经常often→frequently 3) 我相信I believe→ from my standpoint, from my perspective 4) 必须must→ it is a must for us to… 5) 知道know→ be aware of 6) 因为because→in that 7) 最后at last→eventually 8) 然而but→however 9) 如果if→provided that 10) 各行各业的人all kinds of people→people from all walks of life 11) 引起,导致lead to→contribute to 12) 人people→individuals 13) 好的good→desirable, beneficial 14) 怀的bad→undesirable 15) 很多many→ numerous 16) 越来越more and more→ a(n) increasing/mounting number of 17) 很very→extremely 18) 方面side→aspects 19) 表明show→demonstrate, indicate 20) 利用use→utilize 21) 因此/结果so→therefore 22) 部分part→proportion 23) 提高improve→enhance 24) 改变change→transform 25) 强调/重视emphasize→ attach great importance to 26) 培养develop→cultivate 27) 破坏destroy→undermine 28) 解决deal with →tackle /figure out 29) 普遍的everywhere→universal 30) 明显的obvious→apparent 31) 在当今社会in the modern society→in the current society 32) 使make→enable 5)to begin with, then, furthermore, finally(强烈推荐)6)to start with, next, in addition, finally(强烈推荐)


英语六级词汇表带音标 A abandon/ ?’b?nd?n/ vt.丢弃;放弃,抛弃 aboard/ ?’b?:d/ ad.在船(车)上;上船 absolute/ ‘?bs?lu:t/ a.绝对的;纯粹的 absolutely/ ‘?bs?lu:tli/ ad.完全地;绝对地 absorb/ ?b’s?:b/ vt.吸收;使专心 abstract/ ’?bstr?kt/ n.摘要 abundant/ ?’bΛnd?nt/ a.丰富的;大量的 abuse/ ?’bju:z, ?’bju:s/ vt.滥用;虐待n.滥用 academic/ ?k?’demik/ a.学院的;学术的 accelerate/ ?k’sel?reit/ vt.(使)加快;促进 access/ ‘?kses/ n.接近;通道,入口 accidental/ ?ksi’dentl/ a.偶然的;非本质的 accommodate/ ?’k?m?deit/ vt.容纳;供应,供给 accommodation/ ?,k?m?’dei??n/ n.招待设备;预定铺位 accompany/ ?’kΛmp?ni/ vt.陪伴,陪同;伴随 accomplish/ ?’k?mpli?/ vt.达到(目的);完成 accordance/ ?’k?r:d?ns/ n.一致;和谐;授予 accordingly/ ?’k?r:di?li/ ad.因此,所以;照着 account/ ?’kaunt/ n.记述;解释;帐目 accumulate/ ?’kju:mjuleit/ vt.积累vi.堆积 accuracy/ ‘?kjur?si/ n.准确(性);准确度


高级词汇替换低级词汇,誓死不用go very...... 1.important=crucial(extremely important), significant(amount or effect large enough to be important) https://www.360docs.net/doc/d9171810.html,mon=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) 3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants) 4.stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly) 5.neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.) 6.near=adjacent(two things next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent) 7.pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it.FORMAL) 8.accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail) 9.vague=obscure(unknown or known by only a few people) 10.top=peak, summit https://www.360docs.net/doc/d9171810.html,petitor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics) 12.blame=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable) 13.opinon=perspective, standpoint(means looking at an event or situation in a particular way) 14.fame=prestige(describe those who are admired), reputation 15.build=erect(you can erect something as buildings,FORMAL), establish 16.insult=humiliate(do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid) https://www.360docs.net/doc/d9171810.html,plain=grumble(complain something in a bad-tempered way)


六级常见单词替换 1. important=crucial,critical significant essential vital 2. common=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) 4. difficult=formidable 5. understand=discern 6. all the time--continually, continuously, constantly, perpetually 7. as a result—consequently、 8. before--prior to 9. begin—commence 10. better—superior 11. big--major, significant, substantial 12. have--be equipped with, possess 13. if--in the event of, in case(of) 14. in the end--eventually, finally, ultimately 15. know--be aware of, be conversant with, familiar with 16. less and less--decreasing(ly) 17. more and more –increasingly 18. money--funding, funds, resources 19. more and more—increasingly 20. need--demand, require 21. now--at present, at this juncture, at this moment, currently 22. often--frequent(ly) 23. quick(ly)--rapid(ly),prompt(ly) 24. right--appropriate, correct, proper reasonable 25. sharp--abrupt, drastic dramatic 26. show--demonstrate, manifest reveal 27. small--minor/insignificant (problems, differences etc),marginal(不重要的,微小的) 28. too many--an excessive number of, a disproportionate number of 29. too much--excessive(ly) 30. about : regarding concerning involving relating to, with respect to, with reference to 31. Famous: well-known famed, noted, renowned, enjoy a nation-wide/worldwide reputation/fame be widely acknowledged/known 32. poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken ,characters, folks替换(people ,persons) 2: positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising(有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good 3:dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换 army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive. 4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)替换many. 注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many 后一定要有词。 Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that….同理用most, if not all, 替换most. 5: a slice of, quiet a few , several替换some 6: harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that)替think(因为是书面语,所以要加that) 7:affair ,business ,matter 替换thing 8: shared 代common huge fruits 替换get many benefits ) 10:for my part ,from my own perspective 替换in my opinion 11:Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more( 注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词用increasingly. has gained growing popularity. Sth is


星火英语六级词汇1 1. able后面可以接to do, in, for但是不能接of to enable sb to do(sth);使...能做to disable sb from doing sth使...不能做 2. be absorbed in…全神贯注于...She is completely absorbed in her book . 她在专心致志地看书. 3. be abundant/rich in sth...丰富,富于...; an abundance of大量的,丰富的,其后可以接可数或不可数名词,但是总体是当一个可数单数形式使用;The tree yields an aBundance of fruit. 这树结果甚多.in abundance丰富,充裕:But today the delectable seafood is no longer available in abundance. 但是今天这种可口的海味已不 再大量存在. 4. make the acquaintance of sb= make sb’s acquaintance主要表示结识,做一个短暂的动词 I made his acquaintance two years ago. Acquaint有两个例句 I have acquainted myself with their customs. I have been acquainted with their customs. 5. be active in work工作积极 Activity意思是活跃;所以activity in trade商业活跃;其复数activities才表示种种活动campus activities校园活动 By/through agency of经...介绍,通过...之手;place/put sth on the agenda把某事提到日程上来 Agitation for/against: agitation against the big department stores 煽动反对大百货公司 women leading the agitation for equal rights 为争取男女平等而带头辩论的妇女们. 6、add既是及物动词,也是不及物动词,在表示添加,加的时候add…to…把...加到...上是及物动词 在表示增添increase的时候是一个不及物动词add to; The bad weather added to our difficulties. In addition=as well; in addition to=as well as, besides此外,除此之外


1、欣赏大自然的风景t o a p p r e c i a t e t h e s c e n e r y o f n a t u r e 2 培养公德心 to cultivate the public mindedness 3 维护健康 to maintain health 4 保护环境 to protect the environment 5 开拓视野 to broaden the horizon 6 开拓心胸 to broaden the mind 7 调剂生活 to make life pleasant 8 松散身心 to relax oneself 9 启迪心灵 to enlighten the mind 10 灌输知识 to impart knowledge into someone 11 追求理想 to seek after the ideal 12 实现抱负 to realize one's ambition 13 守信用 to keep one's promise 14 跟上时代 to keep up with the times 15 欣赏古典文学 to appreciate the classical literature 16 学习吉他 to learn guitar 17 陶冶品德 to cultivate the character 18 贡献国家 to contribute oneself to the country 19 锻炼身体 to strengthen,exercise the body 20 缺乏休闲活动 to lack recreations 21 作笔记 to take notes 22 使用参考书 to use reference books 23 关心社会 to be concerned about the society 24 服从校规 to follow the rules of the school 25 尽身为学生的责任 to fulfill one'sduty as a student 26 克 服困难 to overcome the difficulty 27 面临困难 to be confronted with the difficulty 28 渡过困境 to weather the storm 29 走快捷方式 to cut the corner 30 量脉搏 to feel the pulse 31 开药方 to prescribe the medicine 32 坚守原则 to stick to the principle 33 注意卫生 to emphasize the importance of hygiene 34 乱丢垃圾 to litter; to scatter garbage 35 美化环境 to beautify the environment 36 种植树木 to grow trees 37 防止污染 to prevent the pollution 38 提升生活质量 to promote the qualities of life 39 造成损害 to do damage to 40 对...有益 to benefit; tobe beneficial to 41 对...有害 to be harmful to; to do harm to 42 任意停车 to park the carat random 43 制造噪音 to make noises


英语四六级作文预测(12月5日发布)。附加大学英语四六级考试作文必备佳词替换。 1. 大学生读双学位 1. 现在大学生读双学位的现象很常见 2. 我对这一现象的看法 【范文】 Recently it has become a common phenomenon for college students to have two maj ors at the same time. In thisway, they can get double BA degrees when they graduate fro m the university several years later. Although it may bring unfavorable consequences, we can be sure to conclude that thi s practice is favorable on thewhole. To begin with, most students will become more hard working and efficient in order to finish the learning taskssatisfactorily. Moreover, with tw o degrees at hand after graduation, they will stand a better chance in the job market fullo f fierce competition. In the third place, as for today's university students, tuition and fees are becoming more andmore expensive. If they can make achievements in study at school and find a satisfactory job afterwards, it will not be a big problem. Weighing the pros and cons of such a new trend, we can naturally arrive at the conc lusion that it is beneficial and rewarding. This system not only compels students to work hard, but also prepares them for the coming competition. 【点评】 首段直接点题,说明现象;第二段分述三个优点,其中首句为让步状语从句,意思是“虽然可能带来负面的后果,但总体上是有益的”;第三段呼应第二段,得出结论。 范文首段提出大学生读双学位这一普遍现象;第二段分三点进行论述,其中前两点是优点,即学生会更加勤奋,并且有利于他们在激烈的求职市场中找到工作,最后一点是解释可能带来的学费问题并不严重;第三段下结论,呼应第二段。


abide vt 遵守 violate vt 违犯,违背;侵犯undertake v t 约定,保证;从事repay vt&vi 偿还,报答replace vt 送还,归还,赔还abide vt 忍受 support vt 经受,承受,忍受abolish vt 废除,取消establish vt 使…被永久地接受acknowledge vt 承认;告知收到acquaint vt 使认识,使了解awake vi 认识到 contradictvt 反驳,否认 retort vt&vi 反击;反驳rebuke vt 指责,非难,斥责exemplify vt 举例证明(解释) expect vt 料想,认为 reckon vt 认为 infer vt&vi 猜想,臆测 deem vt 认为,相信 deem vi 想 testify v 证明,证实,作证manifest vt 表明 censor vt 审查,检查 probe vt 用探针探查,探索, 调查 ascertain vt 查明,确定,弄清grope vi (暗中)摸索,探索 sift vt 筛,过滤 scout vt 搜索,侦察,跟踪adjoin vt 贴近,毗连;靠近advertise vi 登广告 advocate vt 拥护 suit vt 使配合 cater v i 迎合,投合 answer vi 符合,适合 team v i 协作,合作 coincide vi 相符合;相巧合comply vi 应允,遵照,照做conform vt 使遵守 conform vi 一致 chord vi 协调 rally n&vt&vi (重新)集合 mingle vt&vi 使混合integrate vt 使结合,使并入incorporate vt 结合,合并,收编fabricate vt 制作,组合;捏造consolidate vi 合并collaborate vi 协作,合作;协调 boycott vt&n 联合抵制engage vt 使(齿轮等)啮合chorus vt&vi 合唱 hum vt 哼曲子 hiss vi 嘶嘶作声 arch vt 用拱连接 array vt 装扮 contend vt 坚决主张 assert vt 断言,宣称;维护affirm vt 断言,批准;证实conceive vt 设想,以为;怀孕avail v t 有益于 bank v i 把钱存入银行 bankrupt vt 使破产 embarrass vt 使负债;使复杂化 bestow vt 把…赠与 endow vt 资助;赋予,授予bend v t 使屈从 bend v i 屈从 automate vt 使自动化 bid vt 命令 bid vi 报价 cancel vt 删去,勾销,取消confront vt 使面对;使对证convert vt 转变,改变,变换mend vt 改正,修正;改进fall vi 变成,成为;陷于transform vt 变压;变换 rectify vt 纠正;调整;精馏regulate vt 调整,调节,对准contrast vt 使对比 contrast vi 形成对比 board vt (收费)供…膳食brand vt 在…上打烙印breakfast vi 吃早餐 bridge vt 架桥于,用桥连接


2020大学英语六级作文经典常用句型:比较句 9)比较 1.The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. 2.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B. 3.A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that... 4.It is reasonable to maintain that ...but it would be foolish to claim that... 5.For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages. 6.Like anything else, it has its faults. 7.A and B has several points in common. 8.A bears some resemblances to B. 9.However, the same is not applicable to B. 10. A and B differ in several ways. 11. Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects. 12. People used to think ..., but things are different now. 13. The same is true of B. 14. Wondering as A is ,it has its drawbacks. 15. It is true that A ... , but the chief faults are ...


reservation n.贮存,贮藏,预订 一.名词 illusion n.错觉,假象 ingredient n.成分 hospitality n.友好好客 pastime n.消遣,娱乐 revenue n.税收,岁入 routine 常规,惯例,例行公事 scorn n.轻蔑,鄙视 insight n.理解,洞察力 inspection n.检查,视察 instinct n.本能,直觉 integrity n.正直,诚实 intuition n.直觉 shortage n.短缺,不足 smash n.打碎,粉碎 stability n.稳定(性),稳固 stack n.堆,一堆 lease n.租约,契约 legislation n.立法,法律 limitation n.局限性缺点 loyalty n.忠诚,忠心 luxury n.奢侈,豪华 manifestation n.表现(形式) mechanism n.机械装置 minority n.少数 standard n.标准 surface n.表面 temperament n.气质,性格 threshold n.开端,入口 tolerance n.容忍,忍耐力 transaction 处理,办理,交易 trend n.倾向,趋势 misfortune n.不幸,灾难 morality n.道德,美德 notion n.概念,观念,理解 obligation (法律上或道义上)责任 occasion n.场合 transition n.过渡,转变 variation n.变化,变动 warehouse n.货仓 way n.方式 opponent n.敌人,对手 ornament n.装饰,装饰品 admiration n.欣赏 access n.入口,通路,接触 accommodation n.住宿,膳宿 acknowledgement 承认感谢致谢 pattern n.模式 advocate n.提倡者,拥护者 allowance n.津贴 penalty n.制裁,惩罚 pension n.养老金 ambition n.野心,雄心 analogy n.相似,模拟,类比 anticipation n.预期,期望 appreciation n.感谢,感激 array n.陈列,一系列 assurance n.保证 personality n.人格,人性 pledge n.保证,誓言 position n.位置,职位,职务 predecessor 前任,原有的事物 premise n.前提,假设 prescription n.处方 blame n.责任 blunder n.错误,大错 budget n.预算 preservation n.保护,防护 prestige n.威信,威望 priority n.优先(权) capability n.能力,才能 cash n.现金 prestige n.威信,威望 prospect n.前景,可能性 rate n.速度 circulation n. (书报等的)发行量 commitment n.承诺,许诺 compensation n.补偿,赔偿 consideration n.考虑 distinction n.区分辨别 emergency n.紧急情况 encouragement n.鼓励 ration n.比率 reflection n.反映,表现 recession n. (经济)衰退不景气;撤退,退出 reputation n.名声,声望


英语六级作文高级句子及万能模板句式 1.随着经济的快速发展 with the rapid development of economy 2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长 the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard 3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology 4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges 5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that… 6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development 7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention 8.不可否认It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that… 9.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion/ debate 10. 有争议性的问题 a controversial issue 11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument 12.一些人…而另外一些人…

Some people… while others… 13. 就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally, 14.就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on… 15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons 16.双方的论点 argument on both sides 17.发挥着日益重要的作用play an increasingly important role in…18.对…必不可少be indispensable to … 19.正如谚语所说As the proverb goes: 20.…也不例外…be no exceptio n 21.对…产生有利/不利的影响exert positive/ negative effects on…22.利远远大于弊the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. 23.导致,引起lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in 24.复杂的社会现象a complicated social phenomenon 25.责任感/ 成就感sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement 26. 竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation 27. 开阔眼界 widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision 28.学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills 29.经济/心理负担
