



Fighting broke out between the South and the North.



a. 动词后加动名词doing作宾语 V. + doing sth

admit 承认appreciate 感激,赞赏avoid 避免

complete 完成 consider 认为 delay 耽误 deny 否认 detest 讨厌 endure 忍受enjoy 喜欢escape 逃脱 prevent阻止

fancy 想象finish 完成 imagine 想象

mind 介意 miss 想念 postpone 推迟

practise 训练 recall 回忆 resent 讨厌

resist 抵抗 resume 继续 risk 冒险

suggest 建议face 面对 include 包括

stand 忍受understand 理解 forgive 宽恕

keep 继续


(1) Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please?

(2) The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught.

b. 词组后接doing

admit to prefer…to be used to lead to devote oneself to object to stick to be busy look forward to to为介词)

no good, no use, It's worth…, as well as,

can't help, It's no use /good be tired of

be fond of be capable of be afraid of

be proud of think of / about hold off

put off keep on insist on count on / upon

set about be successful in good at take up

give up burst out prevent … from…


Her job is washing,cleaning and taking care of the children.



初中英语语法宾语从句讲解,专项练习及答案注意!宾语从句小口诀: 宾语从句三注意,时态语序引导词; 主句一般现在时,从句不需受限制; 主句一般过去时,从句须用相应时; 陈述句转化that引,一般疑问句用if/whether, 特殊问句疑问词,引导词后陈述式。 一、基本讲解 1 概念:在句中担当宾语的从句叫宾语从句,宾语从句可作谓语动词的宾语,也可做介词的宾语。eg, He said he was good at drawing. (动词宾语) He asks him how long Mike has been down . (动词宾语) Miss Zhang is angry at what you said. (介词宾语) 2.连接词 (1) .陈述句转化成宾语从句时,引导词用that,口语中常常省略。 e.g, She told me (that) she would like to go with us. (2)以whether 或if 引导的宾语从句, 主要用来引导一般疑问句意思或选择疑问句意思的宾语从句,从句同样是陈述语序 eg, I wonder if /whether u have told the new to Li Lei . 注意:一般情况下,whether 和if 可以互用,但有些情况例外。 a. 当从句做介词的宾于是只用whether 不用if eg, We are talking about whether we'll go on the pinic. b. 引导词与动词不定式或not 连用时,只用whether. eg, Please let me know what to do next. Could you tell me whether u go or not? c. if当如果讲时,引导的是条件状语从句,这时不能用whether. (3).特殊疑问句转化成宾语从句时,引导词用特殊疑问词;引导词后要用陈述句语序。 E.g. Could you tell me what's the matter\wrong with you? 特殊情况::当do you think后接特殊疑问句转化成宾语从句时,句式结构应为引导词+do you think+陈述句语序。 3.宾语从句时态


动名词做主语和宾语 The -ing form as the Subject and Object I 自主学习 Lead-in 语法导入 动词的-ing 形式可分为动名词和现在分词两类。作为动名词,它有名词的基本性质,因此动名词可以在句子中充当主语、宾语、表语,宾语补足语和定语。本单元学习动名词做主语和宾语。 1.动名词做主语(动名词做主语往往表示经常性、习惯性的动作。此时,谓语动词用单数形式) 动名词做主语有三种形式: ①动名词在句首直接做主语 ②It 在句首做形式主语,而动名词短语在后面做真正的逻辑上的主语 ③% ④There be + no + 动名词 1)形式一动名词在句首直接做主语。 (sing) is his hobby.唱歌是他的爱好。 (play) computer games is a wate of time.玩电子游戏是浪费时间。 (drive) fast is dangerous.驾驶超速很危险。 【归纳总结】动名词做主语,谓语动词用单数 It 在句首做形式主语,而动名词在后面做真正的逻辑上的主语。 It is no use _______(wait ) here.在这儿等是没用 it is worth/worthwhile_______(see) the movie. 用下划线画出下面句子的形式主语和真正的主语 " ①It was a waste of time reading that book. ②It is dangerous standing in the middle of the street. Is it worthwhile quarrelling with her 3)There be + no + 动名词。 There was no knowing what he could do. There is no (joke) about such matters.. 动名词做宾语的六种情形: 作及物动词宾语 it 作形式宾语,代替动名词作 作动词词组的宾语 / 介词的宾语


现在分词做宾语补足语 现在分词在句子中可用作宾语补足语,其结构为: 主语+谓语+宾语+现在分词(即宾语补足语)。使用此结构要特别注意: 句子中的宾语和宾语补足语在逻辑上是主动关系,并不是所有的动词都可以跟宾语加现在分词作宾语补足语。掌握现在分词作宾语补足语的结构要注意下面的五点。 一、感官动词+宾语+现在分词,现在分词做宾语补足语,表示动作正在进行。例如: He saw her working in the garden.他看见她正在花园里干活。 分析: “He”在句子中做主语,“saw”作谓语,“her”作宾语,划线部分在句子中作宾语补足语。请看下面的句子,working in the garden宾语补足语。 I heard a bell ring.我听见铃在响。 I could feel the wind blowing on my face.我能感觉到风吹着我的脸。 高中范围内,适用于“感官动词+宾语+现在分词”的结构,现在分词作宾语补足语常用的动词有: feel,find,hear,notice,observe,see,watch等。 在listen to和look at后面也可跟宾语+现在分词(即宾语补足语)。例如: Sometimes she would listen to him playing the saxophone.有时她会听他吹奏萨克斯管。 She looked at him waiting there.她瞧着他等在那里。 二、使役动词+宾语+现在分词,现在分词在句子中作宾语补足语。例如: His question has set me thinking.他的问题让我深思。


英语语法: 英语从句完全汇总 一.主语从句 主语从句是在复合句中充当主语的从句,通常放在主句谓语动词之前或由形式主语it 代替,而本身放在句子末尾。 1. It 作形式主语和it引导强调句的比较 It 作形式主语代替主语从句,主要是为了平衡句子结构,主语从句的连接词没有变化。而it引导的强调句则是对句子某一部分进行强调,无论强调的是什么成分,都可用连词that。被强调部分指人是也可用who/whom。例如: It is a pity that you didn’t go to see the film. It doesn’t interest me whether you succeed or not. It is in the morning that the murder took place. It is John that broke the window. 2. 用it 作形式主语的结构 (1) It is +名词+从句 It is a fact that …事实是… It is an honor that …非常荣幸 It is common knowledge that …是常识 (2) it is +形容词+从句 It is natural that…很自然… It is strange that…奇怪的是… (3) it is +不及物动词+从句 It seems that…似乎… It happened that…碰巧… (4) it +过去分词+从句 It is reported that…据报道… It has been proved that…已证实… 3. 主语从句不可位于句首的五种情况 (1) if 引导的主语从句不可居于复合句句首。 (2) It is said , (reported) …结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如: It is said that President Jingo will visit our school next week. (right) That President Jiang will visit our school next week is said. (wrong) (3) It happens…, It occurs…结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如: It occurred to him that he failed in the examination. (right) That he failed in the examination occurred to him. (wrong) (4) It doesn’t matter how/whether …结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如: It doesn’t matter whether he is wrong or not. (right) Whether he is wrong or not doesn’t matter. (wrong) (5) 含主语从句的复合句是疑问句时,主语从句不可提前。例如: Is it likely that it will rain in the evening? (right) Is that will rain in the evening likely? (wrong) 4. What 与that 在引导主语从句时的区别 What 引导主语从句时在句时在从句中充当句子成分,如主语.宾语.表语,而that 则不


语法精讲精练:非谓语动词——动词-ing形式 王奴娇教案 动词的-ing形式包括传统语法的“动名词”(gerund)和“现在分词”(present participle)两个部分。动词的-ing形式具有动词的特征,同时又具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,因此它可以在句中作主语、表语、定语、宾语、宾语补足语和状语。 -ing的形式:-ing有一般式和完成式。及物动词的-ing还有主动语态和被动语态,而不及物动词的-ing则没有被动语态。现在以及物动词make 和不及物动词go为例,将其-ing各种形式列 一、动词-ing形式的特征和种类 二、与动词不定式一样,动词的-ing形式也具有动词的特征,有时态和语态的变化,并可带状 语、宾语等。 A.动词-ing形式的一般式 1. 动词-ing形式的一般式可用来泛指一个动作,没有特别的时间意义。 Swimming is her favorite sport. 游泳是她最喜欢的体育运动。 Learning is important to modern life. 学习对现代生活很重要。 2. 动词-ing形式的一般式可用来表示和谓语动词同时发生的动作。 They went out of the classroom, talking and laughing. 他们有说有笑地走出教室。 She listened carefully to her neighbours speaking. 她倾听她邻居的讲话。 3. 动词-ing形式的一般式有时也可表示在谓语动词的动作之前或之后发生的动作。 I remembered sending him an e-mail last week. 我记得上星期给他发过一份电子邮件。 He suggested taking my daughter to the zoo the next Sunday. 他建议下个星期天带我女儿去动物


初中英语语法宾语从句讲解 小口诀: 宾语从句三注意,时态语序引导词;主句一般现在时,从句不需受限制; 主句一般过去时,从句须用相应时;陈述转化that引,一般疑问用if/whether, 特殊问句疑问词,引导词后陈述式。 一.基本讲解来源:直接引语变间接引语 概念:在句中担当宾语的从句叫宾语从句。 Eg: He said,“I am good at drawing”. He said he was good at drawing. (动词宾语) 1.引导词 (1) that引导宾语从句时,通常用陈述句充当, that可省略。 Eg: She said,“I want to go there ”She said (that) she wanted to go there. (2) whether 或if 引导的宾语从句,由一般疑问句/选择疑问句充当,陈述语序。 Eg: “Are you interested in geography?” she said. She asked if/whether I was interested in geography. I wonder if /whether she has told the new to Li Lei . I’m not sure whether he will come or not. 注意:一般情况下,whether 和if 可以互用,但有些情况例外 a. 介词短语后只用whether 不用if eg: We are talking about whether we'll go on the panic. b. 引导词与动词不定式或or not 连用时,只用whether. eg:I can?t say whether or not he will come on time c. if当如果讲时,引导的是条件状语从句,表示‘如果’,不能用whether. Eg: If you want to be a good teacher, it will take times. Whether you can succeed depends on how much effort you pay. (3).特殊疑问词引导宾语从句时,不可省略,陈述句语序。 特殊疑问词为:how , when, where, why ,which whose. E.g. …What do you want?? He asked. He asked me what I wanted. I have no idea where he is now. I don?t know how to deal with it. He asked whose handwriting is the best in the class. 2.宾语从句时态 a.主句为一般现在时,从句不受主句的限制 eg: Do you know if/whether he has seen the film? I?m sorry to hear that your father is ill. She says she is going to go to Beijing next week. He tells me that his sister came back yesterday. b.当主句是一般过去时,从句用过去的相应某种时态 She didn?t know why the boy was late again. (过去一般) I didn't know if/whether he had seen the film.(过去完成) I wondered when she was going to America.(过去将来) 注意:当主句是一般过去时,而从句表示的是客观真理,自然现象,科学原理,格言等,从句仍然要用一般现在时。例如: Eg: He said (that the earth moves round the sun. / that light travels much faster than sound.)The teacher told us (seeing is believing.)


动名词做主语、宾语精讲精练 一、动名词做主语的用法 动名词做主语往往表示经常性、习惯性的动作,在口语中也可以表示具体的动作。如:Painting is his hobby.绘画是他的爱好。 Talking mends no holes.空谈无济于事。 动名词做主语和不定式做主语一样,也可以用it作形式主语。如: It is no use talking without doing.光说不做没有用。 不定式做主语往往表示具体的特别是将来的动作。如: It's so hot.What I want to do now is to have a swim in a river.天这么热,现在我想做的事是在河里游泳。 【考例】 —What do you think made Mary so upset? — __________ her new bicycle.(1997上海高考题) A.As she lost B.Lost C.Losing D.Because of losing 该题正确选项为C,losing her new bicycle是句子的主语,谓语made her so upset被省略,losing...在此表示具体的动作。 二、动名词作宾语的用法 1.有些动词或短语动词后常用动名词作宾语。如admit,appreciate,avoid,can't stand(不能忍受),consider,delay,devote...to,dislike enjoy,escape,excuse,feel like,finish,forgive,get down to,give up,imagine,insist on,keep(on),look forward to,mention,mind,miss(错过),pay attention to,practice,put off,stick to,suggest等等。 【考例】 I can't imagine __________ that with them.(MET 1986) A.do B.to do C.being done D.doing 该题正确选项为D 2.在allow,advise,forbid,permit后直接跟动名词作宾语,如果有名词或代词作宾语,则构成“allo w/advise/forbid/permit +名词/代词+不定式(宾语补足语)”之形式如:We don't allow smoking here. We don't allow anybody to smoke here. 3.动词need,require,want意为“需要”时,后跟动名词的主动式或不定式的被动式作宾语,意义没有区别。如: The window needs/requires/wants cleaning/to be cleaned. 4.在begin,continue,love,like,hate,prefer,intend,start后用动名词和用不定式作宾语均可,意义没有多大区别。 5.动词forget,go on ,mean ,regret, remember,stop,try,be used to,can't help后跟动名词和跟不定式区别较大,须注意。forget,regret,remember后跟动名词,动名词表示已经发生的动作;后跟不定式表示将要发生的动作。 go on后跟动名词表示“继续做原来做的事”;后跟不定式表示“接着做另一件事”。 mean后跟动名词表示“意味着要做某事”;后跟不定式表示“想要做某事”。 stop后跟动名词表示“停止做某事”;后跟不定式表示“停下来(别的事)开始做某事”。


动名词做主语和宾语的用法及练习 1.谓语用单数。 Climbing mountains is really fun. Swimming is my favorite sport. Reading is an art. Getting up early is a good habit. 例:1.-What do you think made Mary so upset? -___ her new bicycle. A. As she lost B.Lost C.Losing D.Because of losing 2. 使用形式主语it,而将动名词放在句尾。 It’s no use doing … It’s no good doing… It’s a waste of time doing … 例:It’s no good______ (wait) here. It’s no use ______(argue) with her. It’s no good _______(smoke), you’d better give it up. It’s a waste of time _______(wait) here. No smoking ( =No smoking is allowed (here) ). 作宾语 习惯上接动名词作宾语的动词【附记忆口诀】 其后习惯上要跟动名词作宾语的常见动词有以下词汇:, admit, appreciate, avoid, burst out, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, (can’t) help, imagine, keep (on), mind, miss, practise, prevent, put off, resist, risk, (can’t) stand, stop, suggest, unde rstand 等。如: 用法举例: He admitted having taken the money. 他承认拿了那笔钱。 It was impossible to avoid being affected. 要想不受影响是不可能的。 She burst out crying (laughing, singing). 她突然哭(笑,唱)起来。


宾语从句教学设计 一、导入 1.复习什么是宾语。动词/介词后面的名词就是宾语。 I play basketball. We are talking about our homework.. 2.宾语从句就是在宾语的位置上放一个完整的句子。 3.I love that I can earn some coupons. 板书:He knows me. He knows what’s wrong with his wife. 说出2个句子的宾语。 说出2个句子的宾语是词(词组)还是句子。 第一个句子的宾语是一个词构成的,第二个句子的宾语是一个句子,我们称这种做宾语的句子叫宾语从句。在句子中充当宾语的从句叫宾语从句。其中he knows 叫主句,what’s wrong with him是从句。 说出下面4个句子的主句和从句。 A.He said that he had a very good journey home. B.He asked if /whether they had come. C.He told me that the earth goes around the sun. D.He asked me how he could get to the nearest post office. 总结:。。是主句,剩下的是由that,if,how引导的宾语从句。 初步认识了宾语从句,下面我们开始了解宾语从句的三要素 引导词(连接词) 语序 时态 1)从属连词that引导陈述句宾语从句,在口语或者非正式语中可以被省略 比如上面四句话中的A,C就是that引导的陈述句的宾语从句。如果省略掉that,该如何修改。(让学生口头修改) A.He said that he had a very good journey home. C.He told me that the earth goes around the sun. 2)由从属连词whether, if 引导一般疑问句的宾语从句,表示“是否”,比如上面的B就是由if引导的宾语从


动名词的用法 . 动名词做主语的用法 动名词做主语往往表示经常性、习惯性的动作 , 在口语中也可以表示具体的动 作。如: Seeing is believing. Helping her is my duty. Talking mends no holes. 空谈无济于事。 动名词做主语和不定式做主语一样,也可以用 it 作形式主语。如 : It's rather tiring walking around in a city. 不定式做主语往往表示具体的特别是将来的动作。如 It's no use crying over spilt milk. He realized that to go on like this was wrong. ( . 动名词作宾语的用法 escape, excuse, feel like, finish, forgive, get down to, give up, imagine. insist on, keep (on ), look forward to, mention, mind, miss ( 错过), pay attention to, practice, put off, stick to, suggest 等。 Doing morning exercises is good for your health. 做早操对你的健康有好处。 Her shoes wants mending. Working with you is a pleasure. 和你一起工作是一种乐趣。 覆水难收。 指具体动作 ) 1( 有些动词或短语动词后常用动名词作宾语。如 admit, appreciate, avoid can't stand ( 不能忍受 ), consider ,delay, devote …to, dislike enjo y ,


动名词做主语和宾语的用法及练习(2014-05-23 16:24:50) 1.动名词(动名词具有动词和名词的特征,在句中作主语、表语、宾语和定语) 动名词 主动语态 被动语态 与谓语动词的关系 一般式 Doing Being done 与谓语动作同时发生 完成式 Having doing Having been done 动作发生在谓语动作之前 作主语 1. 谓语用单数。 Climbing mountains is really fun. Swimming is my favorite sport. Reading is an art. Getting up early is a good habit. 例:1.-What do you think made Mary so upset? -___ her new bicycle. A. As she lost B.Lost C.Losing D.Because of losing 2. 使用形式主语it,而将动名词放在句尾。 It’s no use doing …

It’s no good doing… It’s a waste of time doing … 例:It’s no good______ (wait) here. It’s no use ______(argue) with her. It’s no good _______(smoke), you’d better give it up. It’s a waste of time _______(wait) here. No smoking ( =No smoking is allowed (here) ). 作宾语 I enjoy listening to music. He often practices playing the piano in the evening. He has given up smoking. Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please? 他不喜欢喝酒。 他充分利用时间练习唱歌。 我提议坐我的车去。 你介意我开窗吗? (1) 只能接动名词作宾语的动词: admit,


初中英语语法:宾语从句 考察的三个要点:语序,时态,关联词。 1.定义:用作宾语的从句叫宾语从句。 2.构成:关联词+简单句。 3宾语从句的语序一定是陈述句语序。(who 作主语的从句本身就是陈述句语序) 4宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语,连接宾语从句的连词有 that(that在口语中常省略)。 whether,if,和连接代词what,which, who, whom及连接副词when, where, how, why。 He knew(that) he should study hard. 他知道他应该努力学习。 Can you tell me which class you are in? 您能告诉我,您在哪一班吗? He asked me if he could come in, 他问我他是否能进来。 5.引导宾语从句的关联词有三类: (1)从属连词that.如:一般那情况下能够省略。 He told us that he felt ill. I know he has returned. 注: that在引导宾语从句时也并不是任何情况下都能够省略。在以下情况下,that不能省略。

1.Everybody could see what happened and that Tom was frightened. (and连接两个宾语从句,that宾语从句放在and的后面时,that不能省略。) 2.I know nothing about him except that he is from the south. (that引导的宾语从句作介词宾语时,that不能省略。) 3.That he ever said such a thing I simply don’t believe.(that从句位于句首时,that不可省略。) 我简直不相信他曾说过这样的话。 (2)从属连词if/whether.如: I doubt whether he will succeed. I don’t know if you can help me. (3)连接代词who,whom,whose,what,which,whoever,whatever, whichever 连接副词 where,when,how,why. Who or what he was,Martin never learned. I wonder what he’s writing to me about. I’ll tell you why I asked you to come.


必修4 Unit 2 Working the land 编制:李小艳审定:高一英语备课 Period 5动名词做主语和宾语 每日赠言:He who does not rise early never does a good day’s work. 学习目标:Students are able to understand the usage of doing as subject and object. 预习案: 1) The parents suggested ____ in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip. A. sleep B. to sleep C. sleeping D. having slept 2)How I regret ___ so much time in the net bar! I should have studied harder. A. to waste B. wasting C. wasted D. being wasted 3) We should often practise ___ English with each other. A. to speak B. spoke C. speak D. speaking 4)Keep on ____ and you will succeed. A. a try B. try C. triing D. Trying 5)His parents insist on ___ to college. A. he should go B. he go C. his going D. him to go 探究案: 动词的 -ing 形式可分为动名词和现在分词两类。作为动名词,它有名词的基本性质,因此动名词可以在句子中充当主语、宾语、表语,宾语补足语和定语。本单元学习动名词做主语和宾语。 1.动名词做主语(动名词做主语往往表示经常性、习惯性的动作。此时,谓语动词用单数形式) 动名词做主语有三种形式: ①动名词在句首直接做主语② It 在句首做形式主语,而动名词短语在后面做真正的逻辑上的主语③There be + no + 动名词 1)形式一动名词在句首直接做主语。例如: Reading aloud is very important for us to learn a foreign language. (collect)stamps is his hobby. Wishing for things,however, costs nothing. 2)It 在句首做形式主语,而动名词在后面做真正的逻辑上的主语。例如 Going to bed early and getting up early is considered to be a good habit. It is considered to be a good habit going to bed early and getting up early. 用下划线画出下面句子的形式主语和真正的主语 ①It was a waste of time reading that book. ②It is dangerous standing in the middle of the street. ③Is it worthwhile quarrelling with her?


英语语法总结:宾语从句 考察的三个要点:语序,时态,关联词。 1.定义:用作宾语的从句叫宾语从句。 2.构成:关联词+简单句。 3宾语从句的语序一定是陈述句语序。(who 作主语的从句本身就是陈述句语序) 4宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语,连接宾语从句的连词有 that(that在口语中常省略)。 whether,if,和连接代词what,which, who, whom及连接副词when, where, how, why。 He knew(that) he should study hard. 他知道他应该努力学习。 Can you tell me which class you are in? 您能告诉我,您在哪一班吗? He asked me if he could come in, 他问我他是否能进来。 5.引导宾语从句的关联词有三类: (1)从属连词that.如:一般那情况下能够省略。 He told us that he felt ill. I know he has returned. 注: that在引导宾语从句时也并不是任何情况下都能够省略。在以下情况下,that不能省略。

1.Everybody could see what happened and that Tom was frightened. (and连接两个宾语从句,that宾语从句放在and的后面时,that 不能省略。) 2.I know nothing about him except that he is from the south. (that引导的宾语从句作介词宾语时,that不能省略。) 3.That he ever said such a thing I simply don’t believe.(that从句位于句首时,that不可省略。) 我简直不相信他曾说过这样的话。 (2)从属连词if/whether.如: I doubt whether he will succeed. I don’t know if you can help me. (3)连接代词who,whom,whose,what,which,whoever,whatever, whichever 连接副词 where,when,how,why. Who or what he was,Martin never learned. I wonder what he’s writing to me about. I’ll tell you why I asked you to come. 注意 1.如果宾语从句后还有宾语补足语,则用it作形式宾语,而将宾语从句后置。


动名词是一种兼有动词和名词特征的非谓语动词。它可以支配宾语,也能被副词修饰。动名词有时态和语态的变化。 解释:动词的ing形式如果是名词,这个词称动名词。 特征:动词原形+ing构成,具有名词,动词一些特征 一、动名词的作用 动名词具有名词的性质,因此在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语、定语等。 1、作主语 Reading is an art. 读书是一种艺术。 Climbing mountains is really fun. 爬山是真有趣。 Working in these conditions is not a pleasure but a suffer. 在这种工作条件下工作不是愉快而是痛苦。 动名词作主语,有时先用it作形式主语,把动名词置于句末。这种用法在习惯句型中常用。如: It is no use/no good crying over spilt milk. 洒掉的牛奶哭也没用。 It is a waste of time persuading such a person to join us. 劝说这样的人加入真是浪费时间。 It was hard getting on the crowded street car. 上这种拥挤的车真难。 It is fun playing with children. 和孩子们一起玩真好。 There is no joking about such matters. 对这种事情不是开玩笑。 动名词作主语的几种类型 动名词可以在句子中充当名词所能充当的多种句子成分。在这里仅就动名词在句子中作主语的情况进行讨论。 动名词作主语有如下几种常见情况: 1. 直接位于句首做主语。例如: Swimming is a good sport in summer. 2. 用it 作形式主语,把动名词(真实主语)置于句尾作后置主语。 动名词做主语时,不太常用it 作先行主语,多见于某些形容词及名词之后。例如: It is no use telling him not to worry. 常见的能用于这种结构的形容词还有:better,wonderful,enjoyable,interesti ng,foolish,difficult,useless,senseless,worthwhile,等。 注意:important,essential,necessary 等形容词不能用于上述结构。 3. 用于“There be”结构中。例如: There is no saying when he'll come.很难说他何时回来。 4. 用于布告形式的省略结构中。例如: No smoking ( =No smoking is allowed (here) ). (禁止吸烟) No parking. (禁止停车) 5. 动名词的复合结构作主语


动名词作主语和动词不定式做主语的区别? 动词不定式与动名词的区别:)to+V放句首为动词不定式,用法与V+ing差不多,多用于 后面所说的事情还没有发生。例:To be a author is my dream. V+i ng 放句首是动名词,其 相当于名词,例:Doi ng lots of exercise is good for health. 一般来讲,to+ v.表主动,表 将来,表一次行动作。-ing表主动,表进行。动词不定式与动名词的一些用法:)不定 式与动名词都可以在句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语,但用法不尽相同。 1 ?作主语一般情 况下,不定式与动名词作主语可以互换,也常常可以用it充当形式主语,而把不定式和动名词放在句子的后半部分。但二者也有区别,不定式常常指某次具体的、将要发生的行为;而动名 词则表示一般的、抽象的行为。例如:To save money now is not easy. 现在攒钱不容易。 Savi ng mo ney is a good habit. 攒钱是个好习惯。 2 .作定语不定式多为后置定语,动名词 多为前置定语;不定式多表示将来的动作,动名词只能表示事物的属性、用途等。例如:He is look ing for a room to live in. 他正在找一间房子去住。Take these sleep ing pills and you\'ll sleep better.吃了这种安眠药,你会睡得更好。3 .作宾语:有些动词后只能跟不定式作宾语,不能跟动名词作宾语;有些动词后常跟动名词作宾语,不能跟不定式作宾语;有些动词后跟不定式和动名词作宾语皆可, 1、动名词做主语往往表示普通的、一般的行为,不定式做主语常表示某次具体的行为。例女口: Collect ing in formation about childre n ' s health is his jc收集有关儿童健康的信息是他的工作。It ' s necessry to discuss the problem with an experieneed teacher. 与一位有经验的老师讨论这个问题是有必要的。2、常用不定式做主语的句型有: (1) It ' s difficult (important,necessary) for sb. to do (2)It ' s kind (good,friendly,polite, careless,rude,cruel,clever,foolish,brave) of sb. to do. 3 、常用动名词做主语的句型 有: It ' s no good (use,fun) doing. It ' s (a) waste of time one 另:1)s动o名词作主语通常表示抽象动作;而不定式作主语表示具体动作。Smoking is prohibited(禁止)here .这里禁止抽烟。(抽象)It is not very good for you to smoke so much .你抽这么多烟对你身体很不好。(具体)(2)动名词作主语时,通常用以表示一件已知的事或经验。 不定式短语通常用来表示一件未完成的事或目的。Climb ing mou ntai ns is interesting .爬山很有趣。(经验)Driving a car during the rush hour is tiring .在高峰时刻开车令人厌烦。(经验)(3 )不定式做主语,一般用it当形式主语,把作主语的不定式短语后置。It took me only five minu tes to finish the job. I .动名词和不定式做主语的相同点 1. 不定式短语和动名词做主语时,常常为了保持句子的平衡,用it来做形式主语,如: It is not easy to learn English well. It is no use asking him for help. 2. 如果主语用了不定式,表语和宾语也要用不定式;主语用了动名词,表语和宾语也要用动名词,这在英语中称为对称性,如:
