









一、句子汉译英 (本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分)





4.对广告客户来说,无线电广播是一种颇有吸引力的广告媒介。因为它整天都有听众。 5.在午夜十二点后,请勿在客房内招待客人。




二、句子英译汉 (本大题共7小题,每小题3分,共21分)


。 9.A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.

10.Experience has proved that those who respond to such ads are good prospects.


12.All banking charges shall be borne by the applicant respectively.

13.Three tools used in research are the marketing information system,decision support system, and the research projeet.


15.We were very glad to receive your order dated 5 October for your tomato paste and pork luncheon meat.

三、段落汉译英 (本大题共5小题,每小题6分,共30分)











四、段落英译汉 (本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分)


21.Magazines are another important medium for advertisers.Many magazines are printed on high

-quality paper,which makes it possible to run unusually attractive ads in color,Mass-circu- lation magazines,such as Time,Newsweek,and Reader's Digest,reach millions of readers and are used mainly by national advertisers.

22.For an advanced science and technology project,upon expiration of Tax exemption and deduc- tion period pursuant to the State provision,period for haft deduction of enterprise income tax

to be paid shall be extended for three years.

23.This credit is available by beneficiary's draft(s),drawn on us,in duplicate,without recourse,at sight,for 100% of the invoice value,and accompanied by the following shipping documents. 24.We will strive to keep foreign trade growing at an appropriate rate.We should continue to fol- low the strategy of market diversification,adhere to developing bade by means of technology,

compete on quality,optimize our export mix,and promote the transformation and upgrading of

the processing trade.

25.China currendy produces several hundred varieties of silk in thousands of colors and de- signs.These silk products have found ready markets in more than 100 countries and regions in the World.


1. In addition to these factors , export products should always be of the quality specified in the contracts.

2. Limit the use of adjectives since they are not as persuasive as apecific figures and special features.

3. Negotiating can be a very stressful affair , and there will be moments when it

hardly seens worth the effort.

4. Radio is a particularly appealing medium to advertisers because it has an audience of all day long.

S. You're advised not to/Plase don't entertain visitor in guest rooms after 12: 00 midnight.

6. Convenience -----can it be used readily?

7. We would appreciate your sending detailed information of CIF prices, discounts, and delivery schedule. Also aupply pamphlets or catalogues if you have them available.

8. They did their best to help the sick , the young ,and the old.



10. 经验证明,对这类广告做出反应的人,一般都是未来的好顾客。


12. 一切银行费用均由申请人分别负担。




16. Advertising is a way of bringing information to the public for the purpose of selling a product, a service ,an idea, or an event. The information is transmitted by means of the printed word or over the air.

17. Education:

1990- 1994:B. A in Engliah at the Chinese University of Hong Kong

1986 - 1990:Steven Thompson's Secondary School, Hong Kong

A - level passes English, Ch?nese , Maths and Histouy

18. These cultural challenges exist side by side with the problems of doing businessins in a foreign language. Language, of course, is full of difiuties-

-disaster may be only a syllable away.

19. We shall be pleased/We would be very grateful if you will/would kindly send us by

airmail catalogues , sample books, and all necessary information regarding Cotton,so as to acquaint us with the material and workmanship of our supplies. Meanwhile , please quote us loweat price ,C L F. London, inclusive af our 5% commission stating the earliest date of shipment.

20.Get all the possible information about your could-be job. Make inquiries as

to the details regarding the job and the firm. Keep your eyes and ears open, and use your own judgment Spend a certain amout of time each day seeking the employment your wish for ,and keep in mind:Securing a job is our job now.





























9. Please advise the credit to the beneficiary. We thank you for your assistance in the matter.

10. DES

11. CIP

12. CPT

13. Both parties shall abide by the contractual stipulations.

14. This Contract shall come into force from the date of execution hereof by the Buyer and th Builder.

15. All taxes and duties due afer the goods are on board of the carrying vessel and in connection

with this contract shall be borne by the buyer.




17. 在许多情况下,无论多少广告,无论广告多么巧妙或有说服力,都不能阻止人们改变他们的爱好。另一方面,广告本身也常常是顾客改变某种决定的原因。

18. 而且两国各自专门从事那些本国占有相对优势的商品生产,并进行贸易,那是对双方都有利的。

19.广告用丰富多彩的语言和引人入胜的图画不断地推广现代工业的新产品。广告力求使每种产品代表着- 种新的、更加美好的生活方式。


四、段落英译汉(本大题共5 小题,每小题5分,共25分)


21. Once the products have been designed , produced and packaged , the next issue is how to present them to potential customers, either in person or in written form. This is referred to as“Product Specifcation"

22. In tea sales , beside the general Green Tea( e. g Dragon Well, Jasmine Tea) , Half-fermented

Tea( Oolong, Ti Kwun Xin) , White Tea ( White Peony ) , Flower Tea ( Osmanthus Tea, RoseTea) and Black Tea( Puerh) , we also have some special tea like different kinds of rock tea.

23. We must coordinate domestic development with opening up , fully explicit domestic and foreign

markets and resources , and expand development into new areas. We will do all our work pertaining to opening up energetically and improve our ability to participate in intemational coop-eration and competition.

24. One nation has a comparative advantage over another for a given product when its opportunity

cost for producing that product is less than that of its neighbor. Comparative advantage , then,is based on diferences in relative , rather than absolute costs.

25. Guests are requested to keep their valuables in the safe- deposit box at the hotel front Cashier

Desk. The management will not hold any responsibility for loss of money or other valuables unless deposited.


1. In any case, all such interventions are heavily dependent on scientific advice and also scientific and technological manpower of all kinds.

2. With unprecedented development of the educational undertaking, the Chinese people' s

quality has improved universally. Financial revenue has increased considerably.

3. Please indicate any new items not yet introduced in Britain and send the samples if possible.

4. You're advised not to /Please dont deliver advertising matter to the other guests in this hotel.

5. Diversity of types and sizes from which to choose -- does the available variety meet different preferenees?

6. Set up guidelines for salespeople presenting/ specifying products.

7. Point- of-sale advertising includes instore banners , window posters, counter cards , shelfcards,tags , leaflets and other printed matter.

8.However , there has been a decline in the use of network radio advertising since the advent

of television.



10. 目的港船上交货(价)






三、段落汉译英(本大题共5 小题,每小题6分,共30分)

16. In spite of these eforts to please the public , customers are often fickle. They switch their preferences from one brand to another or from one type of product to another.

17. In many instanees no amount of advertising, however clever or persuasive, can keep people from making such changes. On the other hand , advertising itself is often the cause of the customer's decision to change products.

18. Moreover , trade between two nations , each of which specializes in producing the goods in which it has a comparative advantage , benefits both.

19. Advertising eontinues to popularize new products of modem industry by presenting them in colorful phrases and glamorous illutrations. It sceks to make each product represent a new and better way of life.

20.People at home listen to the radio while they relax or prepare meals. Drivers

often listen to radio on the way to or from work. Many people carry transistor radios to picnics, sports events and other outings.

四、段落英译汉(本大题共5 小题,每小题5分,共25分)


























9. Make all members benefit from the globalization and New Economy by promoting

capacitybuilding and exploring future opportunities.



12. We have decided to launch our advertising on a national scale. The television

Advertisements have been scheduled to start in December.

13. The tins have been carefully packed in strong carton boxes to prevent damage in tlansit

14. Either Party can terminate this Agreement by a three month notice in writing.

15. The shipment from the manufacture to the shipping port shall only be effected by the

seller within 45 days after the Seller's receipt of the Letter of Credit















21. Building walls are also frequently used for advertising. An outdoor advertisement must present its message in very few words so that it can be read quickly by passersby or motorists.

22. Export products 'should also be well presented to the potential customeres.First, they should catch the customers' eyes and hopefully appeal to their wallets as weIJ. The design and the labeling should also meet the legal requirements of the importing country,in terms of product liability,wording,design,etc.

23. We should improve coordination among foreign trade entities,strive to overcome trade barriers and minimize trade friction to create afair trade environment for our enterprises.

24. Researchers have recently developed a stronger interest in competitive intelligence,or finding out what competitors are currently doing and forecasting what they are Iikely to do in the future. Sales people are an imponant source of data for competitive intelligence.

25.In the event of any dispute arisingrom the Agreement or concerning its interpretation,or any dispute of which no satisfactory settlement is reached between the two Parties, the dispute shall be referred to a single arbitrator agreed upon by both Parties.


1. The carpets made in our factory are beautiful and magnificent for their novel designs and elegunt colors.

2 Almost all product advertising is a profit - seeking business operation

3. Usefulness- does it meet a need or desire?

4 Master the subject of Product Specification.

5. You're advised not to use any burmner for heating or cooking in the room or the corridor.

6. Usually ,a company has more than one person seling the sume products.

7. Television has been a major adverting medium since it first became available on a network

basis in 1948.

8.The ocean bill of lading is often considered to be the most important document required by a letter of credit.








16. A manufacturer must convince storekeepers that it will be profitable for them to stock/

sell the things/ products he manufactures , and he must induce thousands or millions of unseen people to buy his products from storekeepers in various places, This kind of sell-ing calls for both trade advertising and consumer advertising.

17. The letter of credit is the bank instrument that assures the person Selling merchandise of payment if he makes the agreed— upon shipment On the other hand,it also assures the buyer that he is not required to pay until the seller ships the goods, It provides the buyer and the seller with mutual protection in dealing with each other.

18. But the more you know of the culture of the country you are dealing with , the less likely you are to get into dificulties. It is worth the effort.

19. Economic forces surround our daily lives ,influencing how easy or how hard it is to get a job , how much we can earn in our chosen occupations , and how much our paychecks will buy after we receive them.

20.Working Experience: Nov.1994 -- Dec. 1995 : Executive assistant at Tai On Bank , Wanchai Branch, Hong Kong Jan. 1996 --present:Teacher of English at St. Mary's Collge,Hong Kong.








一、单项选择题 1、作业人员对本规程应()考试一次。因故间断电气工作连续()以上者,应重新学习本规程,并经考试合格后,方能恢复工作。 A、一年,3个月 B、半年,6个月 C、两年,3个月 2、电气设备操作后的位置检查应以设备实际位置为准,无法看到实际位置时,可通过设备机械位置指示、电气指示、仪表及各种遥测、遥信信号的变化,且至少应有()及以上指示已同时发生对应变化,才能确认该设备已操作到位。 A、两个 B、三个 C、四个 D、一个 3、二次工作安全措施票的工作内容及安全措施内容由()填写,由技术人员或班长审核并签发。 A、工作许可人 B、工作票签发人 C、工作负责人 D、工作班成员 4、()不许单独进入、滞留在高压室内和室外高压设备区内。 A、工作班成员 B、所有工作人员(不包括工作负责人) C、工作票签发人 D、所有工作人员(包括工作负责人) 5、工作期间,工作负责人若因故暂时离开工作现场时,应指定能胜任的人员临时代替,离开前应将工作现场交待清楚,并告知工作班成员。原工作负责人返回工作现场时,_________。 A、不必履行同样的交接手续 B、也应履行同样的交接手续 C、只能做为工作班成员参加参加工作 D、告知工作班成员既可 6、在未办理工作票终结手续以前,______不准将停电设备合闸送电。 A、运行人员 B、检修人员 C、调度员 D、任何人员 7、在控制盘、配电箱、电源干线上工作应执行______。 A、第一种工作票 B、第二种工作票 C、带电作业工作票 8、在所有的措施完成后,必须经过()的共同现场检查和认可。 A、工作负责人和许可人 B、工作负责人和签发人 C、工作负责人和工作班成员 9、在没有脚手架或者在没有栏杆的脚手架上工作,高度超过___时,应使用安全带或采取其他可靠的安全措施。 A、2m B、 1.5m C、 1.9m D、3m 10、操作票和工作票均应保存____。 A、三个月 B、半年 C、一年 D、一个月 11、在工作期间,工作票应始终保留在()手中。 A、工作负责人 B、工作票签发人 C、工作班成员 12、工作票中停电线路名称栏应填写() A、线路电压等级和线路名称 B、线路停电变电站 C、线路停电开关 13、在高压设备上工作,应至少由( )进行,并完成保证安全的组织措施和技术措施。 A、三人 B、两人 C、四人 D、一人 14、专责监护人临时离开时,应通知( )停止工作或离开工作现场,待专责监护人回来后方可恢复工作。 A、特种作业人员 B、工作班全体人员 C、被监护人员 D、高空作业人员 15、第一、二种工作票的有效时间,以()为限。 A、批准的检修期 B、工作申请时间 C、工作所需最长时间 16、工作票签发人不在工作现场时,工作票的修改可由工作负责人进行,但必须经()同意。 A、工作许可人 B、工作班人员 C、工作票签发人 17、工作监护制度规定,工作负责人在( )时,可以参加工作班工作。 A、一经操作即可停电 B、邻近设备已停 C、全部停电 D、部分停电 18、在没有脚手架或者在没有栏杆的脚手架上工作,高度超过( )时,应使用安全带,或采取其他可靠的安全措施。 A、1.0m B、1.5m C、2.0m D、2.5m 19、建筑工、油漆工等非电气人员工作时,工作票发给() A、工作票负责人 B、工作票许可人 C、监护人 20、在几个电气连接部分上依次进行不停电的同一类型工作() A、可以发给一张一种工作票 B、可以发给一张二种工作票


2013年春检<<安规>>(电力线路部分)考试题 班组姓名成绩 单选题(共20题,每题1分) 1. 人员在带电线路杆塔上工作与35kV带电导线的最小安全距离是(B )m。 A.0.7 B.1.0 C.1.5 D.2.0 2. 各类作业人员应被告知其作业现场和( C )存在的危险因素、防范措施及事故紧急处理措施。 A.办公地点 B.生产现场 C.工作岗位 3. 工作许可人在确认全部工作已经完毕,所有( D )已由线路上撤离,接地线已经全部拆除,与记录簿核对无误并作好记录后,方可下令拆除各侧安全措施,向线路恢复送电。 A.工作许可人 B.小组负责人 C.工作票签发人 D.工作人员 4. 工作负责人(监护人)、工作许可人应由有一定( A )经验、熟悉电力安全工作规程、熟悉工作范围内的设备情况,并经工区(所、公司)生产领导书面批准的人员担任。 A.工作 B.作业 C.检修 5. ( C )的报告应简明扼要,并包括下列内容:工作负责人姓名,某线路上某处(说明起止杆塔号、分支线名称等)工作已经完工等。 A.工作间断 B.工作许可 C.工作终结 D.工作转移 6. 禁止工作人员穿越( B )的10kV及以下线路对上层线路进行验电。 A.未停电 B.未经验电、接地 C.未经验电 7. 成套接地线( C )透明护套的多股软铜线组成。 A.可不用 B.可用没有 C.应由有 8. 在操作柱上断路器(开关)时,应有防止断路器(开关)( D )时伤人的措施。 A.失灵 B.坠落 C.损坏 D.爆炸 9. 砍剪树木应有( C )。 A.工作负责人 B.工作监护人 C.专人监护 D.监护 10. 在带电线路杆塔上工作时,风力应不大于( C )级,并应有专人监护。 A.3.0 B.4.0 C.5.0 D.4.5 11. 如需在绝缘架空地线上作业时,应用( B )或个人保安线将其可靠接地或采用等电位方式进行。 A.保安线 B.接地线 C.拉线 D.短路线 12. 在杆塔上作业,( C )下方应按坠落半径设围栏或其它保护措施。 A.杆塔下方 B.杆上人员 C.工作点 13. 作业人员攀登杆塔时,手扶的构件应( A )。 A.牢固 B.方便 C.灵活 14. 在没有脚手架或者在没有栏杆的脚手架上高处工作,高度超过( C )时,应使用安全带,或采取其他可靠的安全措施。 A.2m B.1m C.1.5m 15. 起吊重物( C ),就须再检查悬吊及捆绑情况,认为可靠后方准继续起吊。 A.离地0.4米后 B.离地0.2米后 C.稍一离地 16. 同一天内几处配电变压器台架上进行同一类型工作,可( C )。 A.不使用工作票 B.使用一张工作任务单 C.使用一张工作票 17. 电容器停电工作时,应先断开电源,将电容器( D )后才能进行工作。 A.充分放电 B.刀闸拉开 C. 接地 D. 充分放电、接地 18. 施工机具应有专用库房存放,库房要经常保持( B )。 A.整齐、通风 B.干燥、通风 C.干净、整齐 19. 电力电缆工作前应详细核对电缆标志牌的名称与( B )所填写的相符,安全措施正确可靠后,方可开始



商务英语翻译试题(二) Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分) 1.该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分) (1) promote A. to encourage the popularity, sale or development B. to change or vary C. to act as judge in an argument D. to speak or write to someone (2) to address A. to speak or write to someone, or to direct information at someone. B. to offer, supply C. to stipulate D. to come up with ideas (3) to indemnify A. to pay for the damage B. to state something officially C. to suggest an idea D. to use something instead of another (4) to cancel an order A. to confirm an order B. to deliver a letter C. to recommend a candidate D. to make void or of no effect (5) ceiling A. upper limit B. cancellation C. bottom D. the lowest point (6) tide over A. to help sb. during a period of difficulty B. to spend a lot of time doing C. to tie to sth. D. to try one’s best (7) carry out A. to take away B. to perform or complete C. to give or offer something D. to suggest an idea (8) to complicate A. to finish something B. to be dissatisfied with something C. to make something more difficult to deal with D. to compare with something (9) to put on an event A. to come up with ideas B. to come on for sth. 2


一、填空 1、在防火重点部位或场所以及禁止明火区动火作业,应填用动火工作票,动火工作票有下列两种:填用一级动火工作票、填用二级动火工作票。 2、设备不停电时的安全距离10KV就是 0.7 米,35KV 1 米,110KV_1、5______米,220KV___3___米。 3、一级动火工作票提前办理。一级动火工作票的有效期为 24 h,二级动火工作票的有效期为 120 h。动火作业超过有效期限,应重新办理动火工作票。 4、如送电操作需由电气值班人员进行时,应使用“送电联系单”。 5、长期停用或新领用的电动工具应用 500 V 的绝缘电阻表测量其绝缘电阻,如带电部件与外壳之间的绝缘电阻值达不到 2 MΩ,应进行维修处理。 6、所谓运用中的电气设备,指全部带有电压、一部分带有电压或一经操作即带有电压的电气设备。 7、专责监护人临时离开时,应通知被监护人员停止工作或指定临时负责人 ,待专责监护人回来后方可恢复工作。 8、凡在离地面(坠落高度基准面) 2 米及以上的地点进行的工作,都应视作高处作业。 9、触电急救,首先要使触电者迅速脱离电源 ,越快越好。因为电流作用的时间越长 ,伤害越大。 10、所有升降口、大小孔洞、楼梯与平台,必须装设不低于 1050 MM高栏杆与不低于 100 MM高护板。 11、“两票三制”当中的两票就是指工作票与操作票。 12、储存气瓶仓库周围 10米距离以内,不准堆放可燃物品,不准进行锻造、焊接、等工作,不准吸烟。 13、设备检修前,应放尽系统内的汽、水、油等介质,确认已泄压与温度符合工作条件后,方可开始工作。

14、在有火灾、爆炸、中毒、窒息、灼烫伤等危险以及粉尘危害的地点或设备内工作,应做好通风措施。 15、在盛装易燃易爆与有毒有害介质的设备上工作,应做好吹扫与清洗的置换措施。 16.坚决贯彻安全生产安全第一、综合治理、预防为主的方针。 17.几台锅炉排污系统合用一根总排污管时,不应有 2 台或以上的锅炉同时排污。 18.一级动火工作票经批准后由工作负责人递送值长 ,二级动火工作票经批准后由工作负责人送运行值班员。 19.雷雨天气,需要巡视室外高压设备时,应穿绝缘鞋 ,并不准靠近避雷器与避雷针。 20.生产厂房内外的电缆,在进入控制室、电缆夹层、控制柜、开关柜等处的电缆孔洞,必须用防火材料严密封闭。 21.锅炉吹灰前,应适当提高燃烧室负压 ,并保持燃烧稳定 ,吹灰时工作人员应戴手套。 22.清扫烟道、省煤器、再热器时,应打开所有的人孔门,以保证足够的通风。 23.电除尘器运行中,禁止清理阴极振打及大梁加热保温瓷瓶。 24.一级动火工作过程中,应每隔 2-4 h测定一次现场可燃气体、易燃液体的可燃蒸气含量或粉尘浓度就是否合格。 25.在锅炉运行中,禁止将安全阀解列。安全阀门应按照《电力工业锅炉压力容器监察规程》的规定,定期进行放汽试验。 26.任何电气设备上的标示牌,除原来放置人员或负责运行的值班员外,其她任何人员不准移动。 27.工作负责人在试运前将全体工作人员撤至安全地点,将所持工作票交给工作许可人人。


5355商务英语翻译复习资料 1.词汇 1. CEO ( Chief Executive Officer) 首席执行官 2. Customer Service Section 客户服务部 3. APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) 亚太经合组织 4. L/C (letter of credit) 信用证 5. FOB (free on board) 离岸价 6. packing list 装箱单 7. export license 出口许可证 8. commercial contract 商业合同 9. non-firm offer 虚盘 10. port of shipment 装运港 11. insurance policy 保单 12. confirmed letter of credit 保兑信用证 13. shipping documents 装运单据 14. draft/bill of exchange 汇票 15. marks and nos. 唛头及编号 1. COO (Chief Operating Officer) 首席运营官 2. After-sales Dept. 售后服务部 3. OPEC (organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) 石油输出国组织 4. import license 进口许可证 5. loan agreement 贷款协议 6. documentary L/C 跟单信用证 7. port of loading 装货港 8. insurance premium 保费 9. to enter into a contract 签订合同 10. bill of lading 提单 11. L/C (letter of credit) 信用证 12. draft/bill of exchange 汇票 13. marks and nos. 唛头及编号 14. sight draft 即期汇票 15. international conventions and practice 国际惯例 2.句子翻译 We shall give prompt and best attention to any inquiries and provide adequate information as well. 译文:任何询盘我们都会迅速而完善地处理,并提供足够的信息。 2. In compliance with your request, we are now making you the following offer, subject to your reply reaching us within ten days. 译文:按照(应)你方要求,我方现作如下发盘,以你方的回复十日内到有效。 3. In the usual practice we would like to be paid by irrevocable L/C drawn at sight. 译文:我们通常要求的付款方式为即其不可撤销信用证。


电力安规试题及答案 一、单项选择题: 1、进入下列现场,哪些必须戴安全帽:(A ) A、高压配电室 B、控制室 C、检修班组办公室 D、非生产区域 2、防止“五种”电气误操作事故,要求凡有可能引起电气误操作的高压电气设备,均应装设防误装置。“五防”功能中除以下哪项可采用提示性装置外,其它“四防”均应用强制性的装置:( D ) A、防止带负荷拉(合)隔离开关 B、防止带电挂(合)接地线(接地开关) C、防止带地线(接地开关)合断路器 D、防止误分(误合)断路器 E、防止误入带电间隔 3、雷雨天气,需要巡视室外高压设备时,应:(A ) A、穿绝缘靴,并不得靠近避雷器和避雷针; B、无任何安全措施,可单独巡视; C、穿绝缘靴,可靠近任何设备; D、穿绝缘靴,但可靠近避雷器和避雷针。 4、生产性企业对车间负责人、生产科室负责人及专业技术人员,应几年进行一次安全生产规章制度的考试:( A ) A、一年 B、两年 C、2—3年 D、1—2年

5、经企业领导批准允许巡视高压设备的值班员和非值班员,巡视高压设备时:(A ) A、不得进行其它工作不得移开或越过遮栏 B、可以进行其它工作 C、可以越过遮栏进行巡视 D、无具体规定 6、“两票三制”中的“三制”是指:(A ) A、交接班制、巡回检查制、设备定期试验轮换制; B、交班制、接班制、巡回检查制; C、班前会制、班后会制、巡回检查制; D、设备运行制、设备检修制、设备定期试验轮换制 7、新入厂的生产人员,必须经什么考试合格,方可进入生产现场工作:(D ) A、经班组考试合格; B、经车间考试合格; C、经厂(局、公司)考试合格; D、经厂(局、公司)、车间和班组三级安全教育,经《电业安全工作规程》考试合格。 8、对于临时工,下列正确的是:(A ) A、临时工的安全管理、事故统计、考核以及安全防护用品的发放与固定职工同等对待; B、临时工的安全管理与固定职工相同,但不考核、不统计;


商务英语翻译测试题及 答案 集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]

I. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meanings of words italicized.(15%) 1. The above quoted are the articles in great demand, which have won a high reputation in various markets. 2. The articles in this agreement must not be modified and ended

without the agreement by the both parties. 3. However, the tariff should not be greater in amount than the margin of price caused by dumping. 4. As usual, the lion’s share of the budget is for defense. 5. He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.

II. Translate the following sentences with extension.(15%) 1. There is a mixture of the tiger and ape in the character of Hitler. 2.China, which posted its highest growth rate in a decade, is Asia’s new star performer. 3. John took to his studies eagerly, and proved an adept pupil.


华能乐亭风电场安规考试试题 答题人:班组:分数: 一、填空题:(20分) 1、雷雨天气需要巡视室外高压设备时,应穿绝缘鞋,并不的靠近避雷器和避雷针。 2、倒闸操作必须同时有_2_个人执行,其中一人对设备较为熟悉者作监护。 3、在全部停电的或部分停电的电气设备上工作,必须完成下列措施:一、停电;二、 验电;三、装设接地线;四、悬挂标示牌和装设围栏。 4、高压设备发生接地时,室内不得接近故障点_±_米以内,室外不得接近故障点_8_米以内。 5、设备对地电压在250v 以上者,为高压;250v 以下者,为低压。 6、10KV设备在不停电时的安全距离是0.7m ,35KV带电设备、110KV带电设备的安全距 离是1.5m 、220KV带电设备的安全距离是3m 。 7、电气设备停电后,即时是事故停电,在未拉开有关隔离开关和做好安全措施以前,不得触及设备或进入遮拦,以防突然来电。 8、在发生人身触电事故时,为了解救触电人,可以不经许可即行断开有关设备的电源, 但事后必须立即报告。 9、同一张工作票中工作票签发人、工作负责人和工作许可人三者不得互相兼任。工作负责人可以填写工作票 10、一份操作票只能填写一个操作任务。 二、多项选择题(共50分,每题5分): 1、高压开关柜内手车开关拉出后,(A、B C )。 A、观察隔离挡板是否可靠封闭。 B、隔离挡板禁止开启。 C、设置“止步,高压危险!”的标示牌 2、下列项目应填入操作票内:(A、B CD E、F、G ) A、应拉合的断路器(开关)。 B、应拉合的隔离开关(刀闸)。 C、验电。 D应拉合的接地刀闸(装置)、装拆接地线。 E、合上或断开控制回路或电压互感器回路的空气开关、熔断器。 F、切换保护回路和自动化装置及检验是否确无电压。 G拉合设备后检查设备的位置。 3、下列各项工作可以不用操作票:(A、B )。 A、事故应急处理。 B、拉合断路器(开关)的单一操作。 C、拉开或拆除全站(厂)唯一的一组接地刀闸或接地线。 4、若(A、B、C )同时停、送电,可使用同一张工作票。


1 你什么时候要货呢?When do you want the goods? 2 货送到哪里去?Where shall we deliver the goods? 3 有没有送货地点的名片?Do you have card of delivery address. 4 你拿多点数量可以便宜点。We can lower the price, if you take more. 5 这个很便宜了,我都算批发价价格给你了。This is cheap, it is whole sale price. 6 先生(女士),等一下,我看最低能多少钱给你。 Wait a minute, Sir/ Madam, 7 这种款式没货了,这种质量和那种是一样的,价格也一样。 This style is out of stock. This one and that one are the same quality, same price. 8 还需要点别的什么东西吗?Do you want any others? 9 要好点的还是便宜的?Want goods products or cheap one? 10 你要多少米的?How long do you want? 11 算了,给你了。下次多点来关顾。OK, hope you can come again next time. 12 等一下,他去仓库拿货给你看。 Wait a minute. He is going to the warehouse to take the goods. 13 保修一年one year warranty 14 一年内是质量问题可以拿回来换。 If there is quality problem, take it back, we replace it. 15 我怎么联系你呢?How can I contact with you? 16 这个数量太少了。能不能订多点呢? Your order is too small, can you order more? 17 我有便宜点的。I have cheaper one. 18 这个一扎是50米。50 meters, a bundle 19 你要多大的?小一点的就便宜点。 What size do you want? The smaller, the cheaper. 20 拿这种就便宜点,一样大小的,牌子不同。 This one is cheaper, the same size, different brand. 21 这种款式要多少个?How many do you want of this style? 22 等一下,我上二楼拿给你。Wait a minute. I am going upstairs to take it. 23 不行,这个价格我们要亏本的。Sorry, for this price, we will lose money. 24 你还要多点吗?Do you want some more? 25 我们的仓库不远,很快就到了。Our warehouse is not far, we will arrive soon. 26 这么慢,来了没有?再不来我就走了。----很快就来了,再等三分钟。 We have been staying here for a long time. When will he come? If no, we will go. Wait more 3 minutes. 1 请问要多少卷?How many rolls do you want? 2 你的货是自己带走,还是要送? You want us to deliver goods or take by yourself? 3 是货到付款,还是现在支付? Cash on delivery (COD), or on-site payment 4 如果要送货,运费由你出。 You should pay for the cost of delivery if you want. 5 你想要买什么电器?What electronic equipment do you want to buy? 6 这个款式很畅销。This style sells very well.


2019《安规》考试卷答案 姓名:职务:分数:__________ 一、填空题(每题 2 分;共 20 分) 1、电力安全生产的工作方针是(安全第一)、(预防为主)。 2、在电气设备上工作;保证安全的组织措施为:(工作票制度);工作监护制度;(工作许可制度);工作间断、转移和终结制度。 3、一次设备的运行状态:是指连接该设备的断路器、隔离开关均处于合闸接通位置;设 备已带有标称电压、(继电保护)且(安全自动装置)及控制电源均满足设备运行要求的状 态。 4、进入高空作业现场;应戴(安全帽);高处作业人员必须使用(安全带)。 5、一份操作票只能填写一个(操作任务)。一项连续操作任务不得拆分成若干单项任务 而进行 ( 单项操作 ) 。 6、电气操作时;应履行(唱票)、复诵制。操作人、监护人双方确认无误后再进行操作。操 作过程中;监护人应对操作人实施 ( 有效监护 ) 。 7、室内高压设备的隔离室应设有遮栏;遮栏的高度在(1.7 )米以上;安装牢固并(加锁)。 8、电气测量工作;至少应由(两人)进行;(一人操作);一人监护。 9 、操作票是指进行电气操作的书面依据;包括(调度指令票)和(电气操作票)。 10 发现有人触电;应立即(切断电源);使触电人脱离电源;并立即进行(急救)。 二、选择题(每题 2 分;共 20 分) 1、电气设备分为高压和低压两种;其中:低压电气设备是指:其对地电压在(B)及以下者。 A )48V; B )1000V; C )380V; D )500V。 2 、装设接地线应(A)。 A)先接接地端;后接导体端;B)先接导体端;后接接地端; C)先接中相;后接边相; D )应两端同时接线。 3、工作负责人和(C)签字后;工作票即被认为已签发。 A)工作许可人; B) 工作负责人; C) 工作票签发人; D) 工作班成员。 4、设备不停电时的安全距离; 10KV、35KV、110KV分别为( B )。 A)0.35m 0.6m 1.5m B ) 0.70m 1.0m 1.5m C)1.0m 1.15m 1.5m D)0.6m1.15m 1.5m 5、电气设备的双重命名是指(C)。 A)、中文名称、设备代号B)、英文名称、设备代号 C)、中文名称、设备编号D)、英文名称、设备编号 6 凡在离地面( 2)米及以上的地点进行的工作;都应视作高处作业。


商务英语:外企工作邮件常用100句 1. I am writing to confirm/enquire/inform you... I’m sending this email to make sure that... 我发邮件是想找你确认/询问/想通知你有关… 2. I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2(the second quarter). 我写邮件来是为了跟进我们之前对第二季度营销活动的决定。 3. With reference to our telephone conversation today... 关于我们今天在电话中的谈话… 4. In my previous e-mail on October 5... 在之前10月5日所写的邮件中提到… 5. As I mentioned earlier about... 在先前我所提到的关于… 6. As indicated in my previous e-mail... 如我在之前邮件中所提到的… 7. As we discussed on the phone... 如我们上次在电话中所说的… 8. from our decision at the previous meeting... 如我们在上次会议中所决定的… 9. as you requested... 根据贵方要求… 10. In reply to your e-mail dated April 1,we decided... We’ve decided(我们已经决定0 回复贵方4月1日的邮件,我方决定… 11. This is in response to your e-mail sent this morning.. 这是对您今早发来的邮件的回复。 12. As mentioned before, we deem/believe/consider that this product has strong unique selling points in China. 如先前所述,我们认为这个产品在中国有强有力且独一无二的销售点(卖点)。 13. As a follow-up to our phone conversation yesterday, I wanted to get back to you about the pending(unresolved)issues of our agreement. 追踪(后续)我们昨天在电话中所谈,我想答复你我们合约的一些待解决的议题。


湖北省高等教育自学考试课程考试大纲 课程名称:商务英语翻译课程代码:05355 第一部分课程性质与目标 一、课程性质与特点 商务英语翻译是湖北省高等教育自学考试商务英语专业(专科)的一门专业基础课。该课程实践性强,注重专业知识,以课文的英译汉为主要内容,配以翻译理论和互译技巧的讲解,将英语学习与商务专业知识、英汉翻译理论与商务方面的实际应用等有机结合。本课程具备科学性,典型性,实用性,并紧扣全国国际商务专业技术资格考试中的规定的相关内容,理论联系实际,针对性强。 二、课程目标及基本要求 本课程较全面的涉及到了商务英语活动的各方面,讲解相关内容的翻译方法与技巧,增强翻译技能,通过大量全真的英汉互译的实例训练以达到提高本专业学生在专业英语及商务知识方面的翻译能力的目的。 通过本课程的学习,使学生能够全面、灵活地运用各种翻译方法和技巧,准确、完整地对各种商务英语体裁的文章进行翻译,达到商务英语专业大学专科的要求。 三、与本专业其他课程的关系 商务英语翻译课程的前期课程有综合英语(上)、商务英语听说、商务英语阅读、商务英语写作等课程,其后续课程是综合英语(下)、商务函电等课程,这些课程紧密联系,相辅相成。 第二部分考核内容与考核目标 第一单元 一、学习目的与要求 通过本单元的学习,使学生了解翻译的过程,翻译的形式及其目的;掌握《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的有关内容;对国际商务合同的术语翻译和解读。 二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)翻译中的词类转换;翻译的形式(重点) 理解:词类转换: 1.英语名词转化为汉语动词 1)动物名词的转化 2)人体名词的转换 3)自然现象名词的转化 4)地点名词的转化 2.英语名词转为为汉语形容词、副词 应用:翻译的形式 (1)直译literal translation (2)意译free translation (3)活译dynamic equivalence translation


安规考试试题 一、单选题: 1、各类作业人员应接受相应的安全生产教育和(B)培训,经考试合格上岗。 A.实践技能;B.岗位技能; C.安全技能;D.专业知识 2、新参加电气工作的人员、实习人员和临时参加劳动的人员(管理人员、临时工等),应经过(C )教育后,方可下现场参加指定的工作,并且不得单独工作。 A.现场基础;B.危险点; C.安全知识;D.专业 3、高压电气设备:电压等级在(C)V及以上者; A.250;B.500;C.1000;D.10000 4、室内高压设备的隔离室设有遮栏,遮栏的高度在(B)m以上,安装牢固并加锁者; A.;B.;C.2;D. 5、高压设备发生接地时,室内不得接近故障点4m以内,室外不得接近故障点(C )m以内。

A.6;B.7;C.8;D.10 6、巡视配电装置,进出(C),应随手关门。 A.变电站;B.间隔;C.高压室;D.组合电气 7、监护操作时,其中一人对设备较为(B)作监护。特别重要和复杂的倒闸操作,由熟练的运行人员操作,运行值班负责人监护。A.清楚;B.熟悉;C.明白;D.了解 8、倒闸操作由(B)填用操作票。 A.运行人员;B.操作人员; C.监护人;D.工作许可人 9、操作票应填写设备的(B)名称。 A.编号;B.双重名称; C.开关;D.隔离开关(刀闸) 10、监护操作时,操作人在操作过程中不得有任何未经(A)同意的操作行为。 A.监护人;B.发令人;C.值班长;D.调度员 11、操作中发生(A)时,应立即停止操作并向发令人报告。待发令人再行许可后,方可进行操作。

A.疑问;B.故障;C.异常;D.事故 12、装卸高压熔断器,应戴护目眼镜和绝缘手套,必要时使用(B),并站在绝缘垫或绝缘台上。 A.绝缘棒;B.绝缘夹钳;C.绝缘靴;D.工具 13、电气设备停电后(包括事故停电),在未拉开有关隔离开关(刀闸)和(A)前,不得触及设备或进入遮栏,以防突然来电。A.做好安全措施;B.推上接地刀; C.作好临时遮拦;D.未许可开工 14、(C)操作时不得进行登高或登杆操作。 A.刀闸;B.倒闸;C.单人;D.检修 15、不停电工作系指:(A)许可在带电设备外壳上或导电部分上进行的工作。 A.工作本身不需要停电并且没有偶然触及导电部分的危险;B.在带电设备上进行的工作; C.工作本身不需要停电; D.工作本身与相邻间隔的安全措施完善 16、在高压设备上工作,应至少由两人进行,并完成保证安全的(A)。


英译汉 China has pulled out all the stops to get the 2008 Olympic Games after a heartbre aking loss to Sydney for 2000. State media here have steadily promised a world-beatin g Game at a cost of $20 to $40 billion. Yet such triumphal tones are now giving way t o a more modest depiction of the 2008 enterprise. One former Chinese official, speakin g on terms of anonymity, stated that, “It goes against the Chinese tradition of modest y for us to brag about our games. We need to ensure the quality of materials is high. That's been the problem in our past. It isn't just the c ost. But this plan does cost a lot, and we need to be practical.” Beijing secured the 2008 Olympics after a hard-fought competition with Paris and Toronto. For China, snagging the Olympics was not only a matter of prestige but of int ernational respect. More important, as a Security Council member and a rising power i n Asia, the victory brought confidence that China would now be able to show the worl d its efficient central-planning system and its new technocratic class of savvy organizati onal managers who would put on a world-class games. Still, despite continued hopes for private-sector contributions, the financing side of the games remains largely state-run. The principal partners are state-owned enterprise s: The Bank of China, Air China, and China Netcom. Volkswagen has signed on, howev er, as has General Electric and McDonald''s. Asia''s booming initial-public-offering market is a sure sign that solid economic recov ery is growing deeper roots. The rush to list shares on the region''s stockmarkets signa ls that Asia''s entrepreneurs are back in the game. And it''s not all internet company fe ver, though there''s plenty of that; companies in many industries are lining up to issu e shares. In Hong Kong China, eight companies have listed on the Growth Enterprise Marke t, which opened in late November. The latest to join GEM, China Data Broadcast Holdin gs, rose 310% on its first day of trading on January 24. As in the United States, stoc k valuations sometimes don''t make much sense to traditional-minded investors. But th e stockmarket isn''t about making sense, it''s about making money.


2016安规考试题 一、填空 1、检修工作开始以前,工作许可人和工作负责人应共同到现场检查安全措施确已正确地执行,然后在工作票 上签字,才允许开始工作。 2、凡在离地面有__2__米及以上作业视为高空作业,在无栏杆的脚手架上工作,高度超过__1.5__米时,必须 使用安全带或采取其他可靠的安全措施。 3、应尽可能避免靠近和长时间的停留在可能受到烫伤的地方。如因工作需要,必须长时间停留时,应做好安 全措施。 4、在风力超过5级时禁止露天进行焊接或气割。 5、在可能引起火灾的场所附近进行焊接工作时,必须备有必要的消防器材。 6、在密闭容器内,不准同时进行电焊及气焊工作。高空电焊及气焊工作必须做好防止火花飞溅及防火灾措施。 7、雷雨天气,需要巡视室外高压设备时,应穿绝缘靴,禁止打伞,并不得靠近避雷器和避雷针。 8、经企业领导批准允许单独巡视高压设备的值班员和非值班员,巡视高压设备时,不得进行其他工作,不得移开或越过遮拦。 9、运行与检修人员巡检过程中,身体不得碰及转动部分,保持与带电设备的安全距离。 10、严格执行调度命令,操作时不允许改变操作顺序,当操作发生疑问时,应立即停止操作,并报告调度部门,不允许随意修改操作票,不允许随意解除防误闭锁装置。 二、单选 1、制定《电力安全工作规程》的目的是为了加强电力生产现场管理,规范 C 工作人员的行为,保证人身、 电网和设备的安全 A、检修 B、运行 C、各类 2、作业人员基本条件之一:具备必要的 C 知识,学会紧急救护法,特别要学会触电急救。 A、计算机操作 B、卫生保健 C、安全生产 3、在金属容器(如预热器、凝汽器槽箱等)内工作时必须使用 C V 以下的电气工具。 A、36 B、24 C、12 4、在工作地点,最多只许有 A 个氧气瓶。 A、2 B、4 C、3 5、在梯子上工作时,梯与地面的斜角度为 C 左右。工作人员必须登在距梯顶不少于1米的梯蹬上工作。 A、40度 B、50度 C、60度 6、遇有 A 级及以上大风或恶劣气候时,应停止露天高处作业。 A、六 B、八 C、十 7、对可能带电的电气设备进行灭火时,可使用C灭火器。 A :干式、二氧化碳、1211 B:干式、二氧化碳、泡沫C:二氧化碳、1211 、干砂 8、在充氢设备运行区进行焊接、切割与热处理作业,必须制订可靠的安全措施,经总工程师及运行单位有关部门批准后方可进行。作业前,必须先测量空气中的含氢量,低于 B 时方可进行。
