

1. What do you usually do after school? And why do you do that?

2. What subject are you good at? How do you study it?

3. What’s your favorite TV program? Say sth. about it

4. Do you like reading? What do you think of “Reading is helpful to students?”

5. Can you say sth. about that makes you happy?

6. What do you think of good manners? What good manners should we have?

7. What’s your favorite season? Why do you like it?

8. Do you do well in your study? What do you often do to improve your study?

9. Do you like sports? Why or Why not?

10. Which famous person do you like? Why?

11. The summer vacation is coming, what are you going to do? Why?

12. We can see advertisements every day, what do you think of them?

13. What do you usually do for your parents’ birthday? Why?

14. Do you think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes? Why?

15. If you go sightseeing, what transportation will you take? Why?

提高中学生英语口语能力的策略 中文

提高中学生英语口语能力的策略 1 简介 英语在全世界被广泛的应用,每天学习英语的人数都在不断的增长。但是在这些学习者中间,有很大一部分人在英语口语方面存在问题,特别是初中生。例如,我们经常会从英语老师那里听到一些抱怨,一些同学在作业和考试中都做得很好,但是他们却不喜欢在课堂上举手回答问题。我们经常还看到一个现象那就是一些同学能在笔试测试中得到很高的分数,但是他们的口语却很差。大多数同学能够和他们关系亲密的同学很好的交流但是在其他场合却很紧张。关于这种现象我们做了很多研究,那是同学们不喜欢或者不善于口语交际。我们找出了以下一些原因。第一,老师的传统教学观念的影响。第二,相对的文化背景知识的缺乏。第三,学生缺少学习兴趣。第四,缺少与生活情景的联系。第五,词汇量不足。如今很多老师在他们平时的教学过程中只注重培养学生的阅读和写作能力而忽视了学生的听力和口语能力,其中口语能力的忽视最为普遍。英语是一门重要的交流工具,口语作为其中的一部分,是交流最基本的。因此,每个人学习英语应该是对英语口语重要性的全面认识,努力提高自己的英语口语。 为了帮助中学生提高他们的口语,一些国内外的专家已经采取了一些措施。例如,王笃勤编写的《英语教学策略》一书给出了一下几种英语口语教学策略:1.图片序列2.找搭档3.流程图4.玩角色卡5.图片差距6. 半对话.7.连锁复述。8.认为,对股。9.谈话圈子。10.采访.有位作家指出,英语口语包括两个方面:听力和口语。此外,听力和口语的基本技能,主要指发音的基本技巧。在《英语学习与教学设计》一书中指出语音的教学方法有一下几种:1.教学生足够的有关语音方面的知识2.注重模仿和练习3.加强阅读技能的训练从而使学生在语音方面慢慢的进步。一些专家认为在影响外语学习的众多因素中兴趣被最广泛的认为是最重要的一个并且也给出了气定义,分类以及有关兴趣的理论。美国语言学家S. D. Kristen 提出了“语言习得”理论。语言习得是指学习者通过与别人的交流而无意识的吸收某种语言。学习者能够准确地使用和流利地讲这种语言。音频听说法是一种基于行为主义的口语方法。它坚持语言是通过行为的形成过程和刺激/反应意味获得的理论。 尽管这些专家在提高中学生的口语能力方面做出了巨大贡献,但是他们其中没有一个提高当代中学生口语的完美方法。因为他们不是在我们国家的实际语言教学方法。在中国,完美的本族语言是汉语。完美很难找到一个真实的环境使中国学生可以通过与他人的交流而不自觉地吸收一种语言。很清楚,21世纪,关于英语学习的很多事情发生了很大变化,包括教材,学习方法和教学方法。因此一种新的研究或者是新的方法是非常需要适应这种快速的变化的。基于这种现状,我们对现代中学生口语问题做出了深入研究并提出了许多有益的,以改善他们英语口语的新办法。


话题交际用语: 1. I won the junior 3 English competition last December. Key: Well done!/Congratulations. 2.I have just received a nice birthday present from my aunt in America. Key: Lucky you. 3. My uncle is badly ill and he is sent to hospital. Key: I am sorry to hear that. 4. Tomorrow is my birthday. Would you like to come to my party? Key: Yes, I’d love to. / I’d love to, but I am not free. 5. You don’t know the way to the post office. So you ask the policeman. Key: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the post office? 6. I am going to have a trip to the USA this summer. Key: Have a good trip. 7. I am going to sit an English exam tomorrow. Key: Good luck. 8. The shirt is nice and cheap. You are going to buy it, What would you say to the shopkeeper? Key: I’ll take it. 9.You want to buy a birthday present for your friend,what would you say if the shopkeeper says to you “Can I help you?” Key: Yes, I’d like a pen. 10.This is Jack’s office. Someone is calling Jack,but he’s out ,what would you say? Key: He’s out, can I take a message? 11.Your friend said to you, “Thank you for helping me.” What’s your answer? Key: You’re welcome. 12. I’m very sorry for breaking your bottle. Key: It doesn’t matter. 13.A visitor says to you, “ The food in Sichuan is very delicious.” What would you say if you don’t agree with him? Key: I don’t think so. 14.I am planning to go travelling this summer vacation. Any ideas? Key: You can go to Beijing. 15.I like Christmas very much. Which festival do you like best ? Key : The Spring festival. 16. Today is May 16th. What about the day after tomorrow? Key: May the 18 th. 17.What day is today? Key: Friday. 18. What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Key: Noodles. 19. You look tired. When did you go to bed last night? Key: At 12:00 o’clock. 20. Mother ’s Day is coming. I want to buy a gift for her. Any suggestions ? Key: Buy some flowers for her. 21.How long does it take you to do your homework? Key:For 2 hours. 22.How far is it from your home to your school? Key:10 minutes’ walk.


动力英语空中电话英语口语锻炼课堂 第一部分生活 1.Smoking is bad for your health 2.You should learn from the Internet 3.Being the only child in my family 4.What should we do when we get lost 5.You are so heavy, you should be on a diet 6.Learn from the old people 7.During the wedding 8.Many people want to keep a pet 9.The price of house is too high 10.Sports and fitness exercise 第二部分工作学习 1.What is your opinion about advertisement 2.The temptation in our life 3.Borrow books or buy books 4.Make a full use of our leisure time 5.Deal with some emergencies 6.What is the ideal job in your eyes https://www.360docs.net/doc/dd11344838.html,cation life long 8. A person influenced you most in your school life 9.How do you arrange your money 10.How to make a perfect job interview 第三部分人际 1.The importance of honesty 2.IQ and EQ 3.What quality do you look for in a friend 4.Home, sweet home 5.How to remedy our mistakes 6.What’s the generation gap 7.I will never satisfied with my present situation 8.Be praised or blamed 9.What is your opinion on brand 10.What does marriage mean to you 第四部分社会 1.We shouldn’t waste food 2.Oh I hate fake commodities


如何提升初中生的英语口语表达能力 中国学生学习英语往往存在这样一个普遍的现象:英语语法、词汇学得很好,在中考和高考中成绩优异,也能顺利地通过雅思或托福考试,然而一旦踏出国门、走进真实的英语世界,他们却难以流利地表达自己的想法,说英语时结结巴巴,抓耳挠腮。这种典型的高分低能现象究其原因,主要有以下几个方面的原因:(1)为了应付中考和高考,传统英语教学偏重笔头英语,轻视口语。近年来随着中学英语新教材的推广使用,虽然许多地方在中考中增设了口语测试,但比分不大,还是没有引起足够的重视。(2)缺乏真实的英语语言环境,学生没有得到充分地语言应用锻炼。(3)害怕讲英语,怕出错的心里压力较大。 英语作为世界上最重要的语言,是不同国家之间沟通交流的桥梁。随着社会的不断发展,各国之间的交流合作也日趋频繁,出国的机会越来越多,同时又有更多的外国人走进中国,作为新时代的优秀人才,必须具备一口流利的英语,能和外国人轻松自如地交流。作为一名初中英语教师,为了让学生在将来能和外国人用流利的英语交流,那么日常英语教学中必须重视对学生英语口语能力的培养和锻炼。无论教师和学生,都必须要有长远的目光,不能简单地应付中考和

高考。初中英语教师应当摒弃传统的只重语法的教学方法,在英语教学中应优先注重口语交际能力的培养。笔者尝试着从以下几个方面入手。 一、教师坚持用英语授课 要想使学生开口说英语,说好英语,教师首先应坚持不懈地用英语授课。只有通过以听促说、以说带听,听说结合、相辅相成、相互促进的方法,才能使学生的听说技能快速提高。因此,在课堂上,教师进行单词、语法、课文教学以及做练习是都应坚持用英语讲课。另外,学生在课堂外很少有听说英语的机会和环境,所以教师更应充分利用课堂四十分钟的时间,给学生创造一个良好的英语语言环境,对学生起潜移默化的作用。不过教师无论是采用英语授课还是为学生创设良好的英语语言环境,我们都要注意学生已有的知识与基础,考虑到学生的实际水平,确保学生能听懂,有兴趣听,并有兴趣参与到听与说的情境之中。 二、创设一定的语境 学生学习语言不是孤立的,而是在不同的语言情景中进行交际,即语言的学习和使用都是来自于实际的生活和情感之中的。新课程所提倡的情景交际是指通过模拟真实的语言环境,创设英语学习的语言氛围,激发学生的潜能,让学生脱口而出,提高学生的口语交际能力的一种教学形式。笔者运用电教媒体创设贴近日常学习、生活情景组织课堂教


1 Say something that makes you feel upset . 2 What changes have you got since you came into junior middle school . 3 Say something about your father . 4 Say something about your mother . 5 Say something about your English teacher . 6 Say something about your math teacher . 7 What will you buy for your mother’ birthday . 8 Which program do you like best and why (2 reasons) 9 Your ideas about playing computer games . 10Will you keep pets in your home ? why or why not ? 11.What do you think of school education . 12.Talk about what you will do if you go to the project “we can help” 13.Talk about the experience when you were sick . 14.Talk about the rules for the school library . 15.Talk about your favourite festivals. 16.What do you think about students’pressure . 17.Say something about the ways to make our world more beautiful . 18.What can you do for “Hope Project” 19.Say something about weather in your hometown . 20Talk about what you did last weekend ? 21.If one of your friends has a big problem in study,what will you do to help himor her. 22.Do you like to have your PE class ,why or why not? (two reasons ) 23.If you have a robot ,what would you like it to do for you ? 24.Do you like to have your English class . 25.Do you like to wear school uniforms ?why or why not . 26.What kind of gifts would you like to have ?somthing money or something small but has some meaning behind it ?why ? 27.Which do you like better ,Chinese food or fast food like KFCor MC Donald’s ,why or why not .(2 reasons ) 28 .Do you want to be a volunteer to help those who need help ? 29 Which do you like better ,soap opera?or Beijing Opera?why or why not ?(2reasons ) 30.What do you think of your English study .what will you do to improve your English ? 31. Your friend has a cold ,give some advice . 32.How healthy are you?say something about your eating habits . 33.Reading is helpful to students what do you think of it ? 34.what is your favourite transportation (2 reasons ) 35 .make a plan for next Sunday . 36.how do you go to school ( 2 reasons ) 37 .Do you like rainy days ? why or why not ? 38 .what is the differences between you and your friend


1. 学校生活School life 例一要点: Jack is a Year 8 student at a school near London. His favorite subject is Chinese. He thinks learning foreign languages is fun. His school has a reading week every term. Jack and his classmates love it. They can read many books and magazines from the school library. Jack loves his school very much. 例二要点: Nancy is 14 years old. She’s in the seventh grade. Twice a week, she plays volleyball after school. She loves this game and spends a lot of time practising. Every Monday, Nancy goes to a Buddy Club. There older students talk to new students about school life. Her buddy Julie helps her learn all about her new school . Julie is her good friend. 2. 阅读Reading 例一要点: I enjoy reading the books of Robert Louis Stevenson because I find them really exciting. For example, Treasure Island tells the story of a young boy. He sails the sea to look for hidden treasure. His story gives me a lot of confidence. After reading the book, I’m not as shy as I used to be. I also want to travel and have exciting experiences in the future. 例二要点: I love reading. I spend over seven hours a week reading different types of books. I am interested in history books, but I like novels best. My friends give me lots of advice on books. We often meet together and discuss what to read. Reading is always a wonderful time. Good books help me relax after a busy day. They also open up a whole new world to me. 3. 自己动手做Do it yourself 例一要点: My cousin Andrew is crazy about DIY. He loves to repair things and decorate his house. But when he finishes, The house always looks terrible.


如何提高初中生的英语口语能力 【摘要】随着国际交往的日益频繁,学习并使用英语进行人际交往已显得越发重要。在今天,讲一口流利的英语已成为提高自身竞争力的筹码。因此提高中学生的口语表达能力应是当今英语教学的重点之一。作为初中英语教师应想方设法提高学生的英语口语表达能力。 【关键词】交际口语情景对话 随着国际交往的日益频繁,学习并使用英语进行人际交往已显得越发重要。在今天,讲一口流利的英语已成为提高自身竞争力的筹码。然而由于各种原因,我国口语教学状况和收效不容乐观,在实践中,很多学生感到与外国人进行口语交际有困难,表现得非常胆怯和无法开口,实际交际能力和课程标准中的要求相差甚远。笔者经过多年教学实践发现,中学生英语口语实际交际能力低下的原因主要有以下几个方面。第一,班级学生人数过多,课堂上组织全体学生操练口语十分困难。第二,英语课堂教学形式和考试形式单一。现行的英语考试偏重于笔试(占80%—85%)和听力(占15%—20%),绝大多数地方的中考没有口语考试。第三,学生英语词汇量贫乏。第四,英语教师自身的口语素质不高。因此提高中学生的口语表达能力应是当今英语教学的重点之一。可在传统的英语教学中,往往存在着重读、写而轻听、说的现象,导致学生英语口语水平极为低下,不少初中生在中考中取得不错的笔试成绩,但学了初

中三年的英语却还是“哑巴英语”。这与《英语课程标准》中对中学生口语表达能力的要求还有一段距离。 那么,今天的英语教学该如何提高学生的英语口语能力呢?根据我多年积累的经验,谈谈我的几点做法: 一、建立融洽、和谐的师生关系,让学生敢于交际 1.师生间互相尊重,努力创设和谐、民主的教学环境。教师平时多与学生交流,多给学生一些鼓励,引导学生学英语。如与学生相遇时,我会用“how are you?”或“good? morning!”等和学生打招呼,这既为学生提供了开口说英语的机会,又有利于师生感情的交流。 2.用更多的耐心和爱心呵护后进生。我付出更多的耐心和爱心对待基础较差的学生。为了给他们提供开口说英语的机会,我所提的问题难易适中,让他们稍加思索就能找到答案,让他们尝到成功的喜悦,并适时进行恰当的鼓励与表扬,使学生在学习中不断增强自信心,激励学生开口说英语。 二、创设适宜的交际情景,让学生善于交际 首先开展丰富多彩的活动,把文化的因素引入语言教学。通过创办周末英语角、猜谜语和戏剧表演等方式给学生一个展示的机会,并鼓励学生多读英语书报,扩大词汇量,让学生将学习语言与学习文化结合起来。 其次经常举办一些小型的竞赛,如举办“唱英文歌比赛”“演讲


Topic One: Making Friends Firstly, let us make friends with each other! Conversation 1:Interests Teacher: My name is David, I am your English teacher at 1 Smart. What is your name? Student: My name is __________________________________. Teacher: Nice to meet you, Student: __________________________________. Teacher: I like playing football on Sunday, what about you? Student: __________________________________. Teacher: What else do you like? Student: __________________________________. Teacher: Why do you like________________? Student: Because__________________________________. Teacher: What about basketball, do you like playing basketball? Student: __________________________________. Teacher: It is 5 o’clock and I have to go home right now. It was very nice to meet you! Student: __________________________________. Teacher: Bye! Student: __________________________________. Now, can you introduce your best friend to your teacher? Conversation 2:Friends Student: Good afternoon, sir. Teacher: Good afternoon. Student: This is my best friend________, ________, this is my English teacher, David. Teacher: How do you do, : How do you do. Student: My best friend is good at________ , and he likes ________. He lives in ________, and there are ________ members in his/her family. We are often together playing ________. . Teacher: It was really nice to meet your best friend, but time is up, I have to go to class. Student: Fine, see you. Teacher: Bye. Now, can you introduce family to your teacher? Conversation 3:Family Teacher: Hi! ________,how are you today? Student: _________________________________. Teacher: I am fine too. This is the picture of my family.


1.-初中英语口语话题 训练 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

Topic One: Making Friends Firstly, let us make friends with each other! Conversation 1:Interests Teacher: My name is David, I am your English teacher at 1 Smart. What is your name Student: My name is __________________________________. Teacher: Nice to meet you, Student: __________________________________. Teacher: I like playing football on Sunday, what about you Student: __________________________________. Teacher: What else do you like Student: __________________________________. Teacher: Why do you like________________ Student: Because__________________________________. Teacher: What about basketball, do you like playing basketball Student: __________________________________. Teacher: It is 5 o’clock and I have to go home right now. It was very nice to meet you! Student: __________________________________. Teacher: Bye! Student: __________________________________. Now, can you introduce your best friend to your teacher? Conversation 2:Friends Student: Good afternoon, sir. Teacher: Good afternoon. Student: This is my best friend________, ________, this is my English teacher, David. Teacher: How do you do, : How do you do. Student: My best friend is good at________ , and he likes ________. He lives in ________, and there are ________ members in his/her family. We are often together playing ________. . Teacher: It was really nice to meet your best friend, but time is up, I have to go to class. Student: Fine, see you. Teacher: Bye.


培养初中生英语口语交际能力的研究 【内容摘要】语言最大的作用就体现在人与人之间的交流上,因此学生学习英语的目的也应该是提高自身的口语交际能力,让自己与别人的交流变得更轻松流畅。口语交际是学生学习英语必须掌握的一项技能,因此,我们教师要注重培养学生的口语交际能力。本文主要阐述了教师可以采取怎样的措施来提高学生的英语口语交际能力。 【关键词】初中生口语交际能力提高措施 口语能力的提升需要一定的时间,一般而言,学生要想提高自身的口语交际能力,那么学生首先就需要敢于表达自己,因为口语交际就是面对面的交流,如果学生不敢表达自己,那么怎么会实现自身的提高呢?其次,学生需要掌握大量的英语知识,这样可以帮助学生在特定的时间说特定的英语,让学生的交流变得更流畅。最后,当学生有着一定的表达欲望和英语基础知识能力之后,学生就需要学会“察言观色”,他们需要了解对话人的心理,这样才能够知道自己需要说

些什么,而对方需要听到什么。这三个方面就是学生提高自身口语交际能力需要掌握的三个层次,每一个层次环环相扣,缺一不可。 一、教师需要鼓励学生大胆地表达自己 教师培养学生口语交际能力的一个最重要的手段就是要鼓励学生大胆地表达自己,这里所谓的表达就是大胆地说,学生只有大胆地说了,他们才能够知道自己哪些知识已经掌握了而哪些知识还没有掌握。在现实的课堂中,许多学生都不敢在课堂上表达自己,相对的,他们更喜欢做一个倾听者,他们喜欢听教师在讲台上讲,然后自己在座位上记录,因为他们觉得如果自己说错了,其他的学生就会看自己的笑话,这种消极的心理让学生越来越害怕表达自己。那么我们教师如何解决这种问题呢?笔者觉得鼓励是最好的教学手段,我们教师在教学的过程中使用鼓励的语言可以培养学生表达的自信,学生有了自信心他们就会敢于表达自己,从而构建出一个良好的学习氛围。 比如说笔者在教学的时候就会引导学生进行表达,笔者对学生说:What are the hit films recently? Do you like these

人教版新目标八年级下册英语1. 初中英语口语话题训练

人教版新目标八年级下册英语Topic One: Making Friends Firstly, let us make friends with each other! Conversation 1:Interests Teacher: My name is David, I am your English teacher at 1 Smart. What is your name? Student: My name is __________________________________. Teacher: Nice to meet you, Student: __________________________________. Teacher: I like playing football on Sunday, what about you? Student: __________________________________. Teacher: What else do you like? Student: __________________________________. Teacher: Why do you like________________? Student: Because__________________________________. Teacher: What about basketball, do you like playing basketball? Student: __________________________________. Teacher: It is 5 o’clock and I have to go home right now. It was very nice to meet you! Student: __________________________________. Teacher: Bye! Student: __________________________________. Now, can you introduce your best friend to your teacher? Conversation 2:Friends Student: Good afternoon, sir. Teacher: Good afternoon. Student: This is my best friend________, ________, this is my English teacher, David. Teacher: How do you do, : How do you do. Student: My best friend is good at________ , and he likes ________. He lives in ________, and there are ________ members in his/her family. We are often together playing ________. Teacher: It was really nice to meet your best friend, but time is up, I have to go to class. Student: Fine, see you. Teacher: Bye. Now, can you introduce family to your teacher? Conversation 3:Family Teacher: Hi! ________,how are you today? Student: _________________________________. Teacher: I am fine too. This is the picture of my family.


如何提升中学生英语口语水平 拥有一口流利的英语口语是很多人的愿望,但是对于我们这些不是经常接触英语的人来说,在学习英语口语的过程中经常会遇到很多不同的困扰,这也使得我们想要拥有一口流利的英语口语成为了一个不可企及的梦想。英语口语的学习不是一朝一夕就可成功的,我们需要找到一种科学的英语口语学习方法,而且还需要日积月累的练习。找对并掌握了准确的英语口语学习方法,那么我们拥有一口流利的英语口语就将不会仅仅仅仅一个梦了。对于中学生来说,如何提升自己的英语口语水平呢? 1、尽可能多地给学生提供口语交流的机会 学好英语口语,语言环境很重要。当前的英语教学活动,学生接触英语口语的机会少,学生在言语交际中普遍存有语音语调不准确、表达没有逻辑性、甚至基本语法使用错误等问题。他们往往不注意对方的身份以及说话的场合,例如,对熟人、朋友使用过于礼貌的语言,或对陌生人及在正式场合使用过于随便的表达方式等不注意使用恰当的语体而导致交际上的不得体。展开英语对话课以及英语角能够有效地解决这个问题。对话课是训练听说技能并获得相关水平的示范性教学。一般来讲对话课生动活泼、热闹有趣味,而且陌生的词汇很少,是最活跃的课,而且在教学中教师能够采用一些直观的教具,比如用多媒体等技术设备来创造一些真实的交际情景,使学生亲临其境地实行口语交流,把书

面上的对话变成学生自己的话表达出来。我们都知道,听说读写在教学中是一个综合的整体,其中“听”、“读”、“写”最终都是为“说”服务的,是“说”的基础,我们能够将每种形式的课都看成是“说”课。比方说听力课应视为听说课,不能只听不说,教师绝不能满足于学生听懂答案是A,B、c还是D。而是要对所讲的东西持续发问,让学生来“说”,这样一来学生既昕懂了词、句的意思,又锻炼了英语思维模式和口语发音,从而有效地提升了英语口语交际水平。教师应利用一切可利用的条件,让课堂成为学生语言实践的场所,将语言知识的学习融于语言使用的活动中,在课堂内加入大量的以学生为主导的练习方式,如对话、角色表演等为学生提供能够开口说话的机会,还能够通过情景模拟,使学生掌握打电话、购物等日常活动的语言表达功能。这种场景教学无疑是事半功倍的,它不但能大大提升学生学习的积极性而且能使学生对所学内容记忆深刻。 2、激发学生学习英语口语的兴趣 “兴趣是最好的老师”,教师要尽力设计一些学生感兴趣的话题,让学生有话可说,教师可根据学生的年龄、实际1:3语水平、课时进度等展开一些适合学生心理特征的兴趣活动,比如英语口语竞赛、情景模拟对话、唱英文歌曲等,使学生思维敏捷,从而以最快最有效的方法去获得新知识,产生一定的成功感。只有激发学生对口语表达产生浓厚的兴趣,才能使教师的教学与训


话题简述 1.学校生活School Life 例一 1.杰克是一名八年级学生,就读于伦敦附近的一所学校。 2.他最喜欢的学科是中文课,他认为学习外语很有趣。 3.学校每学期有一个“读书周”,他和他的同学们喜欢这个“读书周”,他们可以读到学校图书馆的许多书和杂志;他很喜欢他的学校。 例二 1.南希14岁,是七年级学生。 2.她每周放学后打两次排球;她喜爱这项运动,花很多时间练习。 3.每周一她去“同伴俱乐部”,在那里,老生给新生讲学校生活情况;她的同伴朱莉帮助她全面了解新学校情况。朱莉是她的好朋友。 2.爱好与学业 Hobbies and Studies 例一 1.我有许多爱好,喜欢游泳、唱歌和购物,目前旅游是我的最爱; 2.但是,每天我有很多家庭作业;做作业花费很多时间,我没有时间用在爱好上;对此我真的感到遗憾; 3.我不想因为家庭作业而放弃全部爱好。 例二 1.迈克迷恋足球,喜爱看足球比赛,当然也喜爱踢足球。 2.放学后,他经常和同学们一起踢一小时左右的足球;他的父母不喜欢这一点,要求他在5点半之前回。 3.他认为有必要花些时间在爱好上,希望能得到父母的支持。

3.饮食Diet 例一 1.为了更健康,我已改变了饮食。 2.以前,我很少吃水果、蔬菜,喜欢糕点、糖果和可乐; 3.现在,早餐时我总是吃一根香蕉、一些面包,喝一杯牛奶;午餐时,通常吃鱼和蔬菜; 4.我现在越来越健康,学习情况也因此大有改善。 例二 1.以前,汤姆喜爱薯条和汉堡包,吃很多甜的零食,很少吃水果和蔬菜。 2.现在,为了更健康,他已改变了饮食。早餐常喝点牛奶,吃点面包;正餐常吃米饭、鱼和蔬菜;饭后常吃些水果。 3.汤姆现在健康多了,他知道改变不健康的饮食很重要。 4.大熊猫 Giant Pandas 例一 1.人人喜欢大熊猫。大熊猫温顺且安静,吃一种特别的竹子。 2.野外现仅有大约1,600只大熊猫,它们的数目越来越少。 3.大熊猫生活的地方正在变为农田,而且人们也为取其毛皮而猎捕它们。如此下去,世界上很快将再无大熊猫。 例二 1.熊猫宝宝名叫“希望”,出生时重约90克,每天喝母乳;6个月时,开始吃竹子。 2.可悲的是,大熊猫在野外很难存活。假如人们砍掉树和森林,大熊猫将无栖身之处。 3.我们应当尽力保护它们。


英语口语训练话题 *personal Identification , People What do you usually do in your spare time? What are you adamire most? Why? What are your hobbies? Can you say something about your best firend, please? *Home and family, Environment What is your home like? How do you spend most of your time ? Tell us something about your family. What does your family usually do for the weekend? Where is your hometown?Do you like it?Why? How long have you been here ? Do you like here ? Why ? Do you like the weather here ? *Daily life What do you usually do in the morning? When do you get back home every day ? Do you do anything special at night/ Say something about your everyday life here. What do you usually do after supper? What do you usually do for weekends? Is your school far from your home ? What is your schedule everyday? Do you watch TV everyday? If yes , what kinds of TV promgrams do you prefer ? Do you have a compurer in your house ? Do you like playing computer games? * Food and Drink Do you like Chinese food or western food ? Do you always cook ? How do you like coffee? What is your favorite in summer? Do you usually have a big breakfast? Do you have fresh vegetable during each meal? Do you like to eat out? How often do you eat out ? At what age do you think children can drink alcohol ? What fruit do you like best? How often do you go to the McDonald’s or the kentucky? Which do you often eat as main food, rice or steam bread? * Leisure Activities What are your hobbies ? What sports do you like best? Do you like watching TV? What’s your favorite TV Program? Why ? How often do you go to the cinema ?
