









(to do表示将来发生的动作, doing现在分词与前面的宾语逻辑上是主谓关系, done过去分词和前面的宾语逻辑上是动宾关系)。

She left the house with the windows open(开着的)



He gets into the room with the door open.


He often sleeps with the windows open.


Don’t speak with your month full.


Don’t go out with the lights on.


He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on. 他和衣躺在床上。

He stood before his teacher with his head down. 他低着头站在老师面前。

The boy killed two birds with a stone his weapon. 那男孩用他的武器石头打死了两只鸟。

He died with his daughter a schoolgirl.


At the foot of the mountain, there once lived an old man with the name Old Stubborn.


The teacher came into the classroom with a stick in his hand.


She said good-bye with tears in her eyes.


He’s asleep with his head on his arms.


With so much work to do, she must work day in and day out.


With a lot of homework to do,Tom cann't go out to play. 汤姆有很多作业要做,不能出去玩了。

I can’t go out with all these clothes to wash.


With so many people to help us,we are sure to finish it in time.


They started working with the machine running.


He fell asleep with the lamp burning.


I won’t be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill.


He is used to sleeping with the window closed。


He sat there with his eyes closed.


All the afternoon he worked with the door locked.




例句1:With the kids at school, the couple can not go out for a vacation.



例句2:With time going by, I gradually understand my father's words.



例句3:He stood with his back to his father.



例句4:With spring coming, everything comes to life again.



例句5:You can attend the class with your cellphone powered off.




with复合结构在句中充当定语的用法也是常见的考查方式,一般在句中充当后置定语。修饰限定其前面的名词或代词。例句1:The man with his arms crossed on his chest is the headmaster of our school.


例句2:Moon-cakes with eggs in it are popular with people of all ages.



基本用法 它是由介词with或without+复合结构构成,复合结构作介词with或without的复合宾语,复合宾语中第一部分宾语由名词或代词充当,第二部分补足语由形容词、副词、介词短语或非谓语动词充当 一、with或without+名词/代词+形容词 例句:1.I like to sleep with the windows open. 我喜欢把窗户开着睡觉。(伴随情况) 2.With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it'll rain presently. 大气这样闷,十之八九要下雨(原因状语) 二、with或without+名词/代词+副词 例句:1.She left the room with all the lights on. 她离开了房间,灯还亮着。(伴随情况) 2.The boy stood there with his head down. 这个男孩低头站在那儿。(伴随情况) 三、with或without+名词/代词+介词短语 例句:1.He walked into the dark street with a stick in his hand. 他走进黑暗的街道时手里拿着根棍子。(伴随情况) 2. With the children at school, we can't take our vacation when we want to. 由于孩子们在上学,所以当我们想度假时而不能去度假。(原因状语) 四、with或without+名词/代词+非谓语动词 1、with或without+名词/代词+动词不定式,此时,不定式表示将发生的动作。 例句: 1.With no one to talk to, John felt miserable. 由于没人可以说话的人,约翰感到很悲哀。(原因状语)


with 复合结构的常见形式及句法功能 1with 复合结构的常见形式 1、with + 名词(或代词) + 现在分词 此时,现在分词和前面的名词或代词是逻辑上的主谓关系。 With prices going up so fast, we can't afford luxuries. 由于物价上涨很快,我们买不起高档商品。(原因状语) With the crowds cheering, they drove to the palace. 在人群的欢呼声中,他们驱车来到皇宫。(伴随状语) 2、with + 名词(或代词) + 过去分词 此时,过去分词和前面的名词或代词是逻辑上的动宾关系。 I sat in my room for a few minutes with my eyes fixed on the ceiling. 我在房间坐了一会儿,眼睛盯着天花板。(伴随状语) She had to walk home with her bike stolen. 自行车被偷,她只好步行回家。(原因状语) 3、with + 名词(或代词) + 形容词 I like to sleep with the windows open. 我喜欢把窗户开着睡觉。(伴随状语) With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it'll rain presently. 大气这样闷,十之八九要下雨。(原因状语) 4、with + 名词(或代词) + 介词短语 With the children at school, we can't take our vacation when we want to. 由于孩子们在上学,所以当我们想度假时而不能去度假。(原因状语)


英语:从高考题看with的复合结构 先看下面两道高考题: 1. ________ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year. A. As B. For C. With D. Through 2. With a lot of difficult problems ________, the newly-elected president is having a hard time. A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled 【解析】这两题的答案均为C。 with的复合结构在英语中运用广泛,在具体运用中能使表达更为精确,在高考中也是主要考点之一。现将其用法作一简单总结。 1. with + O (n. / pron.) + OC (prep phrase) 在句中常作定语或状语。如: On this important feast day, people might eat food in the shape of skulls, and cakes with “bones”on them. 在这个重要的节庆日子里,人们吃制成颅骨形状的食物和装点有“骨头”的蛋糕。 2. with + O (n. / pron.) + OC (adj.) 在句中常作状语。如: They were listening to the teacher with their eyes wide open. 他们睁大眼睛听老师讲课。 3. with + O (n. / pron.) + OC (n.) 在句中作定语或状语。如: At the foot of the mountain, there once lived an old man with the name Old Stubborn. 在山脚下,曾住着个名叫“老顽固”的老头儿。 4. with + O (n. / pron.) + OC (doing) 在句中常作状语,doing表示主动或正在进行的动作。如: Mary felt shy with the whole class looking at her. 在全班同学的注视下,玛丽感到不好意思。 5. with + O (n. / pron.) + OC (done) 在句中常作状语,done表示被动或完成了的动作。如: With the problem settled, we all felt very happy. 问题解决了,我们都非常高兴。 6. with + O (n. / pron.) + OC (to do) 在句中常作状语,to do表示将要发生的动作。如: With so much work to do, I can't even make a proper plan. 有这么多事要做,我甚至连恰当的计划都很难做出来。 7. with + O (n. / pron.) + OC (adv.) 在句中常作状语。如: With her mother away from home, she felt lonely.


高考英语语法With的复合结构学习精析 With复合结构,是由with+宾语+宾补组成,在句中常做状语,如伴随、时间、原因、方式状语等。 典型例题The murder was brought in, with his hands ___ behind his back。 A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied 答案D. with +名词(代词)+分词+介词短语结构。当分词表示伴随状况时,其主语常常用with来引导。由于本句中名词"手"与分词"绑"是被动关系,因此用过去分词,选D. 第一类.with +名词/代词+现在分词(doing) The teacher came in with some of his students following him . 老师走了近来,后面跟着几个他的学生. With the boy leading him the way , the old man had no trouble finding his old friend’s house . 由于有小男孩给他引路,这位老人毫不费力地找到了他老朋友的家. 用with翻译句子或填空. 1.He lied on the chair , with a newspaper ________ (cover) his face. 2.He was taken to hospital, ____________________ ( 腿在流血bleed). 3.I told her the bad news, ______________ (心跳动beat地厉害). 第二类:with +名词/代词+过去分词(done) 过去分词和前面的名词或代词是逻辑上的动宾关系。 With my homework finished(=After I finished my homework),I went fishing with my father. 1)I sat in my room for a few minutes with my eyes fixed on the ceiling. 我在房间坐了一会儿,眼睛盯着天花(伴) 2) She had to walk home with her bike stolen. 自行车被偷,她只好步行回家。(原) 3)He had to walk to the school with his bike broken. 自行车坏了,他不得不步行上学. 例题4: The fellow stood there, _____________________ (双手交叉cross在背后) 第三类:with +名词/代词+不定式(to do) 此时,不定式表示将发生的动作。 With the boy to lead the way,we will find the house easily tomorrow. 1) With no one to talk to, John felt upset. 由于没人可以说话的人,约翰感到很焦虑。 2) With a lot of work to do, he wasn't allowed to go out.因为还有很多工作要做,他没有被允许外出。 3) He was left alone , with no one to look after him. 他被单独留下,无人照顾. 典型例题: 5.With a lot of difficult problems __________,the newly-elected president is having a hard time. A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled 6. ________two exams to worry about , I have to work really hard this weekend. A. Besides B. With C. As for D. Because of 7.______so much homework to do , I won't have time to go to see the film tonight. A. With B. To C. For D. In 第四类.with+名词(或代词)+介词短语

2021-2022年(直击高考)高考英语 语法重难点系列 专题01 with的复合结构

2021年(直击高考)高考英语语法重难点系列专题01 with的复合结构 我们把学英语比作为修房子:语法是房子的框架,词汇是房子的砖瓦,高级词汇和句型是房子的装修。在这三者中语法是最基础的部分。学生只有掌握了基本的语法才能灵活运用英语这种语言,只有能活用才会有能力的迁移。以下是按学习内容的难点、重点、考点以及学生的易错点分别做的英语语法系列归纳。其特点是:开门见山直击考点。几乎涵盖了所有的重要考点,这样学生觉得学有所用,最终形成前后穿插、纵横交错、点面结合的立体知识结构图。 一、with的复合结构 本结构在试卷上出现的频率非常高,学好这个结构我们能准确地进行答题、能更好地欣赏句子,同时也能让我们的书面表达出彩。 with复合结构常有以下结构: 1. with + 宾语 + doing With so many people municating in English now, I find it very necessary to master it. 现在有那么多的人用英语交流,我发现掌握英语很有必要。 2. with + 宾语 + done With my room cleaned, I went to bed. 房间打扫了我就上床睡觉了。 3. with + 宾语 + to do This is my first book, with the second to e out next year. 这是我的第一本书,第二本明年出版。 4. with + 宾语 + to be done This is my first book, with the second to be published next year. 这是我的第一本书,第二本明年出版。 5. with + 宾语 + adj. a. They left the office in a hurry, with the door open.


非谓语动词与with复合结构 1. The ability ______ an idea is as important as the idea itself. (2011·湖南卷 21) A. expressing B. expressed C. to express D. to be expressed 【解析】选C。主语the ability 为“能力”,抽象名词。通常使用动词不定式作定语。句意:表达思想的能力与思想本身同等重要。我们也可以联想到be able to do “能够干”而得出答案。 2. The players ______ from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game. (2011·湖南卷23) A. selecting B. to select C. selected D. having selected 【解析】选C。select 与the players 间有动宾关系。因此select用过去分词形式表被动完成。句意:从整个国家挑选出来的运动员有望在今年的夏季运动会给我们带来荣誉。 考点1.非谓语动词的逻辑主语 ______ around the fire, the tourists danced with the local people. (2011·辽宁卷 30) A. Gather B. To gather C. Gathering D. To be gathering 【解析】选C。句子主语是the tourists, gather和tourists存有逻辑上的主谓关系,因此用现在分词作状语。 非谓语动词 1. It's + adj. + for / of sb. to do sth.句型中的不定式的逻辑主语为“sb.”。 2. 非谓语动词作状语时,他们的逻辑主语一般就是句子的主语。当非谓语动词的动作由句子主语发出时,非谓语动词用主动形式;当非谓语动词的动作是句子主语所承受时,用过去分词或不定式、动词的-ing形式的被动形式。 3. “代词主格或名词的普通格+非谓语动词”构成独立主格结构。非谓语动词逻辑主语为代词或名词。 4.动名词复合结构由“物主代词或名词所有格+动名词”构成独立主格结构。这种结构既可用作主语,也可用作宾语,但作宾语时,还可用代词宾格或名词普通格+动名词结构。 5.不定式的复合结构:for sb. to do sth.。 考点2.独立成分作状语 ______you the truth, I feel like ______ to bed now. A. Telling; going B. To tell; going C. Telling; to go D. To tell; to go 【解析】选B。to tell you the truth作独立成分;like是介词,其后跟动名词作宾语。非谓语动词作独立成分的有: judging by/ from, provided/ providing, given, to be true, to tell you the truth等。


The man is sleeping with the window open. The boy is smiling with a book and a pencil in his hand. The child is crying with tears streaming down his face. The students are listening to the teacher with their eyes fixed on the blackboard. the “with” structure 1.The man is sleeping with the window open. 2.The boy is smiling with a book and a pencil in his hand. 3.The child is crying with tears streaming down his face. 4.The students are listening to the teacher with their eyes fixed on the blackboard.

1.She lay in bed with her face pale. 2.She fell asleep with the light burning. 3.With the boy leading the way, we found the way. 4.The girl rushed in the room with her heart beating fast. 5.With all the things bought, they headed for home. 6.He couldn’t come to school as usual with his leg broken. 7.With prices going up so fast, we can’t afford luxuries. 8.The singer stood there, with a group of fans surrounding him. 9.She had to walk home with her bike stolen. 10.He worked alone in the lab with the door locked. Functions of the “with” structure Serve as an adverbial of reason (原因状语): 3,5,6,7,9 Serve as an adverbial of concomitant (伴随状语): 1,2,4,8,10 the “with” structure 1.with + n. + adj. e.g. He was shocked with his eyes wide open. 2.with + n. + doing (主动) e.g. He sang happily with a group of people cheering. 3.with + n. + done (被动) e.g. He sat on the grass with his attention focused on his children. sentence-making Original sentence: He let out a cry of anger. Add an adverbial of reasons (原因状语): With his patience running out, he let out a cry of anger. With his plan ruined by his son, he let out a cry of anger. Add an adverbial of concomitant (伴随状语): He let out a cry of anger with his voice trembling. He let out a cry of anger with his eyes glaring at his son.


掌握with +复合结构 1.with+ 复合结构的常见构成 ①with +宾语+动词不定式(动词不定式有“将来”的含义) With all these clothes to wash, I can’t go out to play. ②with +宾语+动词-ing (宾语与宾补之间是主动关系) With winter coming, it is time to buy warm clothes. ③with +宾语+过去分词(宾语与宾补之间是被动关系) With all the work finished, I was allowed to watch TV. ④with +宾语+形容词/副词 With the window open, the boy had a good sleep. With Jack away, we have more room. ⑤with +宾语+介词短语 The teacher came in, with a book in his hand. 2.with+复合结构的句法功能 with+ 复合结构在句子中作状语,表示原因、时间、条件、伴随、方式等。with+ 复合结构在句子中还可以作定语。如: ①We sat on the dry grass with our backs against the wall. (作伴随或方式状语)

②She could not leave with her duty unfinished. (作原因状语) ③The girl sat there quite silent and still with her eyes fixed on the wall. (作伴随状语) ④He sat with his arms clasped around his knees. (作伴随或方式状语) ⑤There was a letter for Jane with a French stamp on it.(作定语) [小试] 用with+复合结构完成下列句子。 1. _______(心存梦想),he went to Hollywood. 2. The boy came running towards us _______ (手被绑在背后). 3. They pretended to be working hard all night _______ (亮着灯). 4. _______ (没有可以燃烧的东西), the fire became weak and finally died out. 5. _______(作业完成后), we went to play basketball. 1. With a dream in his heart 2. with his hands tied behind his back 3. with the lights on


with复合结构 一. with复合结构的常见形式 1.“with+名词/代词+介词短语”。 The man was walking on the street, with a book under his arm. 那人在街上走着,腋下夹着一本书。 2. “with+名词/代词+形容词”。 With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it’ll rain presently. 天气这么闷热,十之八九要下雨。 3. “with+名词/代词+副词”。 The square looks more beautiful than even with all the light on. 所有的灯亮起来,广场看起来更美。 4. “with+名词/代词+名词”。 He left home, with his wife a hopeless soul. 他走了,妻子十分伤心。 5. “with+名词/代词+done”。此结构过去分词和宾语是被动关系,表示动作已经完成。 With this problem solved, neomycin 1 is now in regular production. 随着这个问题的解决,新霉素一号现在已经正式产生。 6. “with+名词/代词+-ing分词”。此结构强调名词是-ing分词的动作的发出者或某动作、状态正在进行。 He felt more uneasy with the whole class staring at him. 全班同学看着他,他感到更不自然了。 7. “with+宾语+to do”。此结构中,不定式和宾语是被动关系,表示尚未发生的动作。 So in the afternoon, with nothing to do, I went on a round of the bookshops. 由于下午无事可做,我就去书店转了转。 二. with复合结构的句法功能 1. with 复合结构,在句中表状态或说明背景情况,常做伴随、方式、原因、条件等状语。With machinery to do all the work, they will soon have got in the crops. 由于所有的工作都是由机器进行,他们将很快收完庄稼。(原因状语) The boy always sleeps with his head on the arm. 这个孩子总是头枕着胳膊睡觉。(伴随状语)The soldier had him stand with his back to his father. 士兵要他背对着他父亲站着。(方式状语)With spring coming on, trees turn green. 春天到了,树变绿了。(时间状语) 2. with 复合结构可以作定语 Anyone with its eyes in his head can see it’s exactly like a rope. 任何一个头上长着眼睛的人都能看出它完全像一条绳子。 【高考链接】 1. ___two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend.(04北京) A. With B. Besides C. As for D. Because of 【解析】A。“with+宾语+不定式”作状语,表示原因。 2. It was a pity that the great writer died, ______his works unfinished. (04福建) A. for B. with C. from D.of 【解析】B。“with+宾语+过去分词”在句中作状语,表示状态。 3._____production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year. (NMET) A. As B.For C. With D.Through 【解析】C。“with+宾语+副词”在句中作状语,表示程度。


with结构的构成 它是由介词with或without+复合结构构成,复合结构作介词with或without的复合宾语,复合宾语中第一部分宾语由名词或代词充当,第二部分补足语由形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式或分词充当,分词可以是现在分词,也可以是过去分词。With结构构成方式如下:with或without-名词/代词+形容词 例句:He is used to sleeping with the windows open. with或without-名词/代词+副词 例句:She left the room with all the lights on. with或without-名词/代词+介词短语 例句:He walked into the dark street with a stick in his hand. with或without-名词/代词+动词不定式 例句:With so much work to do, I have no time for a holiday. with或without-名词/代词+分词 例句:We found the house easily with the little boy leading the way.(现在分词表示主动动作,即分词所表示的动作是由with后的宾语发出来的) With all the things she needed bought, she went home happily.(过去分词表示被动,with后面的宾语与过去分词之间是被动关系) without+名词/代词+补语 例句:Possibly this person died without anyone knowing where the coins were hidden. He wondered if he could slide out of the lecture hall without anyone noticing (him). with the winter is coming with+不定式和+分词的区别 加不定式是指将要进行的动作,加分词是指主动或被动动作. with复合结构的句法功能 with 复合结构,在句中表状态或说明背景情况该结构常做伴随、方式、原因、条件等状语。 例句:With machinery to do all the work, they will soon have got in the crops. 由于所有的工作都是由机器进行,他们将很快收完庄稼。(原因状语) The boy always sleeps with his head on the arm. 这个孩子总是头枕着胳膊睡觉。(伴随状语) The soldier had him stand with his back to his father. 士兵要他背对着他父亲站着。(方式状语)With spring coming on, trees turn green. 春天到了,树变绿了。(时间状语) with 复合结构可以作定语 Anyone with its eyes in his head can see it’s exactly like a rope. 任何一个头上长着眼睛的人都能看出它完全像一条绳子。 like+名词/代词+补语 例句:The old pinetree still stood there like a umbrella covering the entrance of the cave. The noise sounded like a train going under my house. Bamboo has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something.

『高考复习』英语 With的复合结构

With的复合结构 With复合结构,是由with+宾语+宾补组成,在句中常做状语,如伴随、时间、原因、方式状语等,也可以做定语。 1.with+名词(或代词)+名词 In the centre of London there is a tall white building with the name “Bush House”. 1) They lived in Beijing with their son a soldier. 他们住在北京,他们的儿子是个士兵。 2) He died with his daughter yet a school-girl. 他去逝时,女儿还是个小学生。 3) He lived a rich life, with his old father a beggar . 他过着富足的生活,而他的老父亲却沿 街乞讨。 2.with+名词(或代词)+形容词 强调名词的特性或状态 She came into the room,with her nose red because of cold. 1) I like to sleep with the windows open. 我喜欢把窗户开着睡觉。(伴) 2) Don’t talk with your mouth full. 嘴里有食物时不要讲话。(伴) 3.with+名词(或代词)+副词 With the meal over ,we all went home.

1) He fell asleep with the light on. 他睡着了,灯还亮着。(伴) 2) The boy stood there with his head down. 这个男孩低头站在那儿。(伴) 4.with+名词(或代词)+介词短语 Do you know the woman with a baby in her arms(=who has a baby in her arms)? 1) With the children at school, we can't take our vacation when we want to. 由于孩子们在上学,所以当我们想度假时 而不能去度假。(原) 2) The soldier had him stand with his back to his father. 士兵让他背朝着他的父亲站在那儿。(方) 5.with+名词(或代词)+动词不定式 此时,不定式表示将发生的动作。 With the boy to lead the way,we will find the house easily tomorrow. 1) With no one to talk to, John felt upset. 由于没人可以说话的人,约翰感到很焦虑。(原) 2) With a lot of work to do, he wasn't allowed to go out. 因为还有很多工作要做,他没有被允许外出。(原)


高中英语语法通霸3: 独立主格结构和with的复合结构 考点1.独立主格结构的构成 A.独立主格结构可以看作是把一个分句破坏了谓语 前面我们学过,两个分句放在一起而不用句子连词连接只以逗号隔开,这样的句子是错误的(参看P. 错误!未定义书签。错误!未找到引用源。)。 His homework was finished, he went out to play.× 这时,我们可以把一个分句的谓语破坏掉,把其谓语变成非谓语或不用动词。上句可以变为: His homework finished, he went out to play. 这样,这个分句被破坏后就成了独立主格结构。独立主格结构可以使句子更简练,有利于表达复杂内容。 破坏谓语的方法:含有be的,把be去掉(主系表结构表原因的,be也可变为being);不含be的,谓语和主语是主动关系的,把谓语变为现在分词;是被动关系的,把谓语变为过去分词;谓语表将来动作的,变为不定式。 练习:合并下列句子,把画线句子改为独立主格结构。 1.His wife was ill. He had to stay at home. 2.He arrived at home. His face was red. 3.My homework was finished. I went out to play football with my friends. 4.I rode a bike along the street. My dog was following me. 5.I had to stay at home. A lot of homework had to be done. 6.It rained last Sunday. I had to stay at home. B.独立主格结构的构成 ①名词(代词)+现在分词(与前面构成主动关系) Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. ②名词(代词)+过去分词(与前面构成被动关系) The test finished, we began our holiday. ③名词(代词)+不定式(表将来) He suggested going for a picnic, Mary to provide the food. ④名词(代词)+副词 The game over, the crowd rushed to the exit. ⑤名词(代词)+形容词 A hunter came in, his face red with cold. ⑥名词(代词) +介词短语 He came out of the library, a large book under his arm. ⑦名词(代词) +名词 The villagers, most of them women and children, were killed that night. 考点2.with的复合结构与独立主格结构的区别和联系 看下面两个句子: ①W ith the traffic light green, the bus got moving. (前面粗体部分是with的复合结构) ②The traffic light green, the bus got moving. (前面粗体部分是独立主格结构) 可以看出,作状语时,独立主格结构和with的复合结构 在用法上是相同的,可以通过添、去with相互转换。但是作定语时,常用with的复合结构。 The woman with a baby on her back is my aunt. 背上背孩子的那个女的是我阿姨。 在独立主格结构中,当介词是in时,其前后的两个名词均可以不加任何成分(如物主代词或冠词),也不用复数。 但 with 的复合结构不受限制。 A robber burst into the room, knife in hand. A policeman ran after him, with a stick in his hand. 1.With a lot of difficult problems ______, the newly-elected president is having a hard time. A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled 2.With all the magazines I needed ______, I left the post office. A. buying B. to buy C. bought D. to be bought 3.With electricity ______, we couldn’t drive the machine. A. was cut off B. being cut off C. cut off D. having cut off 4.Everything ______ into consideration, they believed themselves more and returned to their positions. A. to take B. taken C. to be taken D. taking 5.______ more and more forests damaged, some animals and plants are facing the danger of dying out. A. As B. For C. With D. By 6.【2010山东】The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already ______ for a meal to be cooked. A. laid B. laying C. to lay D. being laid 7.Many students ______ around, I explained the story into details. A. stood B. standing C. to stand D. were standing 8.【2012辽宁】The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog ______ them. A. to follow B. following C. followed D. follows 9.Tom looked at Jenny, tears ______ his eyes, and shouted the words ______ in his heart for years. A. filling; having been hidden B. filled; hidden C. filling; hidden D. filled; hiding 10.With the boy ______ the way, we had no trouble ______ the way ______ to Zhongshan Park. A. leading; finding; leading B. to lead; found; to lead C. led; finding; led D. leading; found; led 11.______, he had to stay at home q329950885 looking after her. A. Being ill B. His wife was ill C. His wife being ill D. Because he was ill 12.______, John returned to school from his hometown. A. The summer vacation being over B. The summer vacation is over C. Because the summer vacation over D. After the summer vacation being over 13.The old sick goat lay on the ground, its eyes ______ and its legs ______. A. closed; trembled B. closing; trembling C. closed; trembling D. closing; trembled. 14.【2012全国新课标】The party will be held in the garden, weather ______. A. permitting B. to permit C. permitted D. permit 15.We left the meeting, there obviously ______ no point in
