最新原创精品 小学英语情景剧表演剧本《小沈阳与灰太狼》 4

最新原创精品 小学英语情景剧表演剧本《小沈阳与灰太狼》 4
最新原创精品 小学英语情景剧表演剧本《小沈阳与灰太狼》 4









旁白:Here is a beautiful forest. Some wolves live here. There is a famous wolf—灰太狼。Because he can’t catch the sheep. He is always hit by the pan. He must do everything. Oh, my, god. His wife is coming. Let’s go.

(红太狼翘着二郎腿坐在台中央):Come here, my arms are so bad, touch my arms.

灰太狼(低头上台双手高举给红太狼做猛烈按摩):Are you OK?

红太狼:No,Go to catch many sheep.

灰太狼:You know the men catch a lot of sheep.There is no sheep.

红太狼:There is no sheep. There is no thing in the word. Don’t lie. Look at the pan(亮出平底锅)

灰太狼:No,no,no. I go ,I ,go.(跑走)(红太狼撅嘴,扭着下台)



灰太狼:Wow,wow,. My head,my head.

小沈阳(举旗跑来伸手挥舞):Oh, it’s an forest. How sunny! How lovely.(青蛙叫)

旁白:That’s a toad。

小沈阳(转头看):Who is so hate? (走到舞台中央配音“pia pia 地”):Hello,everyone. My Chinese name is 小沈阳。My English name is 小沈阳。

小沈阳:(鼓掌上,边上边说)dance well! Dance well! Ha,Ha.Let me sing a song foryou. What? What? Where’s my paper?(低头找歌词)

灰太狼(躲在道具后面,探出头说):Wow !He isn’t a hunter. Oh! N0 gun…(跳出来)Hahaha.Days without me! I don’t eat sheep but I can eat him(悄悄绕到小沈阳后面)


小沈阳:Oh, my god! What’s the matter? Who?Who?


小沈阳:(吓一跳转头揉眼)Who are you?

灰太狼:Your wolf brother……

小沈阳(激动地拽住灰太狼的爪子到处呼拉):Oh, oh, you are langlang. Play the piano at the concert!哎呀, I 服了 YOU. Help! Help! Don’t let him run away!

灰太狼(深沉地):Where are your eyes? You can’t run away this time!

小沈阳:Oh! My mother god! You see see! My eyes don’t open now!(头耷拉下来)

灰太狼:In fact, your life is too short,short…The eyes don’t open, your life is over.




灰太狼(自言自语):Wife,wife,where are you?

旁白:She went out just now.

灰太狼:(咬牙切齿地说)The red wolf is not at home,come out, babies.


小狼1:Uncle hui ,the man wakes up.

小沈阳:(迷迷糊糊地):Where am I?


英语剧Snow Baby雪娃娃 主要人物: C---Cat D---Deer Fs---Fire (火苗,10人) H---Hen L---Little Rabbit M---Monkey N(2人)---Narrator R---Mother Rabbit S---Snow Baby Ss---Snow Flakes(小雪花,8人) T---Tiger Scene 1 (背景音乐《雪绒花》响起,雪花纷飞。Little Rabbit家的小木屋前,Snow Flakes 在跳舞。Little Rabbit从木屋后上场。) N:Little Rabbit and her mother live in the forest happily. Winter is coming. It’s snowing heavily. Everywhere is ice and snow. It is very cold. Little animals all stay at home. L:Oh! It’s snowing. How beautiful! Mummy, Mummy! It’s snowi ng! R:Yes. It’s so beautiful. Everywhere is white. L:Look at the trees, the houses and the grass. They’re all white. How beautiful! R:Look at your nose. It’s white, too. (打喷嚏)Woo, it’s so cold. My dear, we haven’t got any carrots. Now, I’m going to get some. Stay at home by yourself. L:I want to go out. I want to go with you. R:It’s too cold outside. You can keep warm by the fire at home. Don’t go with Mummy, OK?


《音乐之声》Sound of Music 第一幕:Maria 与Captain初次见面 Dad:I’m seven children’s father .Please call me captain.I empl oy a new teacher.The dean told me her name is Maria. Maria:Hello!Sir.Nice to meet you. Dad:Nice to meet you .What are you staring at? Maria:You don’t look like a captain.Sir. Dad:Have you ever seen a real captain?Turn round .You don’t loo k like a nun ,either.How much did the dean told you? Maria:Not much. Dad:I hope you will be patient on them. Maria:Yes.Sir. 第二幕:Maria与孩子们初次见面 Maria: Please tell me your names and how old are you . Lisa: I’m Lisa. I’m sixteen, and I don’t need guidance. Maria: I’m very glad to know we can be good friends. Fagriter: I’m Fagriter.I’m fourteen. I’m impossible. Maria: Who told you ? Luisa: I’m Bagita. Maria: Bagita, you didn’t tell me your age. Bagita: I’m Bagita, she’s Luisa. She is thirteen, I’m ten. An d your clothes is the ugliest that I saw. Kuter: Bagita, you shouldn’t say like that.


Real Friends (角色:Hare,Monkey,Tree,Bear) Tree(出场,站在场地中间):I’m Tree.I like sun and moon.I have a lot of brothers and sisters.We are the forest. Hare(跳着出场,做兔子状):I’m Hare.I like carrots.(从口袋中拿出胡萝卜,然后放回去)I have a good friend.He is monkey.(喊叫)Monkey! Monkey! Monkey(跑出来,做猴子状):I’m here.I’m monkey.I like bananas.(从口袋中拿出香蕉,然后放回去)Hare is my good friend.Hello,Hare. Hare:Hello,Monkey.Nice to meet you.How are you? Monkey:I’m fine.Thank you.How are you? Hare:I’m fine,too.Thank you. Here you are.(拿出胡萝卜给猴子). Monkey:Thank you.(接过胡萝卜,拿出香蕉给兔子)Here you are. Hare:Thank you.(接过香蕉,做吃香蕉状)En. Banana is nice. Monkey(做吃胡萝卜状)En. Carrot is nice,too. Hare:Monkey,let’s dance and sing.(兔子和猴子挽起胳膊跳圆圈舞,唱英语歌ABC或者其他的歌) Tree:Look out! Look out!There comes a bear! Bear(笨拙的走过来):I’m bear. I’m eight years old.I like honey.Now I’m hungery.I have to look for something to eat. Hare and Monkey(非常焦急,急得原地打转转):How can I do? How can I do? Monkey(突然一拍脑袋):I can climb the tree.(用手指树。然后向书跑来,趴在树的背


三年级英语班剧本: The Little panda Looking for it’s Mother小熊猫找妈妈 鸟妈妈: ( 我亲爱的宝贝,拥有美好的一天!再见! 小鸟一: Bye-bye, Mom! 再见,妈妈!(和鸟妈妈挥手告别) 小鸟二: See you,Mummy!再见,妈妈!(和鸟妈妈挥手告别,)(鸟妈妈挥手告别后飞下场。小熊猫上场。) 小熊猫:Hello! Good morning. Who are you? 你好!早上好,你是谁? 小鸟一: Good morning. We are birds. Who are you? 早上好。我们是小鸟。你是谁? 小熊猫: I’m little panda . Let’s be friends. 我是小熊猫。让我们成为朋友吧! 小鸟二:OK.Let’s play. 好的。让我们一起玩吧。 小熊猫: Great! 太棒了! 鸟妈妈: Hi! My darling! 嗨!我亲爱的宝贝! 小鸟一: Mom! Mom! This is little panda. 妈妈!妈妈!这是小熊猫。鸟妈妈: Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 小熊猫: Nice to meet you,too. 见到你也很高兴。 小鸟二:Mummy,can I have a cake?妈妈,我能来一块蛋糕吗? 鸟妈妈:Sure! Let’s go home. Goodbye, little panda. (鸟妈妈把小鸟们带下场) 当然了!让我们回家吧。再见,小熊猫。

小熊猫:(哭泣)Where is my mom? Where is my mom?我的妈妈在哪里? (猫出场,喵喵喵叫三声) 小熊猫: (冲着猫喊)Mom! Mom!妈妈!妈妈! 猫: How are you, Little panda.你好吗,小熊猫。 小熊猫: Who are you?你是谁? 猫:I am a cat. 我是一只猫。 小熊猫:(哭泣)Where is my mom? 我的妈妈在哪里? 猫: Sorry, I don’t know.对不起,我不知道。 (猫退场,鸭子出场,嘎嘎嘎叫三声) 小熊猫:(冲着鸭子喊)Mom! Mom!妈妈!妈妈! 鸭子:I am a duck. Who are you?我是一只鸭子。你是谁? 小熊猫: I am little panda. 我是小熊猫。 鸭子: Look!I have two legs,you have four legs,your mother have four legs,too. 看!我有两条腿,你有四条腿,你的妈妈也有四条腿。 小熊猫: Yes,you are right.是的,你是对的。 鸭子: Bye! 再见!(鸭子退场) 小熊猫: (哭泣)Where is my mom? Where is my mom?我的妈妈在哪里?我的妈妈在哪里? (狗和熊出场,狗汪汪汪叫三声,熊呜呜呜吼三声) 小熊猫:(冲着狗和熊喊)Mom! Mom!妈妈!妈妈!


一年级一日礼仪情景剧剧本 高年级同学把二年级某班的课桌搬到台上,摆整齐。 妈妈:乖女儿,你的书包那么重,需要妈妈帮你背吗? 生1:不用了,妈妈。我是小学生了,自己的事情要自己做! 妈妈:我的乖女儿长大了! 播放《上学歌》,生1边走边与同学打招呼,所有学生上台,加入生1高兴地走着。两个学生开始追逐起来,家长拦住他们。 生1:别跑啦!太危险了!很容易摔倒!还容易撞到路过的叔叔阿姨和爷爷奶奶!两个学生停止打闹。生2伸手指着。 生2:快看!我们要过马路了。老师说过—— 学生:红灯停,绿灯行,走斑马,左右看,司机叔叔赶时间,我就乖乖站边边。 生1:快看!我们到学校了! 学生站端正,向老师行礼。 学生:老师早上好! 老师俯身微笑。 老师:孩子,你好! 学生站端正,向队旗行礼。 学生:红领巾,胸前飘,见队旗,手举高,少先队员真荣耀。 生2:走吧。 学生向前走,站定后行礼,向老师行鞠躬礼,向同学行挥手礼。 学生:到学校,勤问好,老师早,同学好,上楼梯,靠右行,老师夸我有礼貌。 生1:教室到了,我们快进去吧。 学生轻轻走进教室坐下,开始放书包拿书。 学生:进教室,静悄悄,书包轻轻放,书本慢慢翻,读书声朗朗,姿势要坐端。 扫地生:今天轮到我们打扫啦。 两个学生拿起舞台上的扫把开始清扫。 扫地生:你读书,我打扫,声音小,静悄悄,怕把你们扰,老师夸我妙。 扫地生放下扫把回到座位,拿起书加入晨读。 学生朗诵《望江南》,配动作。 奏国歌,学生起立,行注目礼。 值日生:起立!行注目礼! 上课铃响。 值日生到讲台上,学生在座位上静息,双手置于桌上,头放手上,面朝教室的方向,等待老师的到来。 生3站在走廊上与同学玩闹,值日生提醒改正。 教师进教室。


英语短剧剧本 三只小猪修房子 人物:主持人、老狼、三只小猪 地点:野外 主持 人:Long long ago, there lived three little pigs and a wolf in the forest.(很久很久以前,森林里住着三只小猪和一只狼。) Look! The three little pigs are coming. (瞧,三只小猪来啦!) 小猪一:What are you doing .brothers?(你们在干嘛呢,哥哥们?) 小猪二:I’m building a house with leaves.(我在用叶子做房子呢) 小猪三:I’m building a house with sticks.(我在用木棍做房子呢) 小猪一:But leaves and sticks are not strong.(但是,叶子和木 棍一点也不坚固呀。) 小猪二:What are you doing ,little brother?(那你在做什么呢, 小弟弟?) 小猪一:I’m building a house with sticks。(我用砖头做房子呢。)小猪二:Bricks?That’s very difficult!(砖头?那很困难啊!)小猪一:I know, but sticks are very strong and safe! (我知道,但是砖头很结实!) 主持 人:Oh…wolf is coming. Be careful, three little pigs(喔 …狼来了,小心点儿,三只小猪。) 狼:Little pigs ,little pigs open your door!(小猪小猪快 开门。) 小猪二和三一起说:NO NO NO go away!(不不不,你走开!) 狼:吹 主持人:But leaves and sticks are not strong.(但是树叶和木棍 一点也不结实。) The wolf blows down the house.(狼把房子吹倒了) He eats the pigs(他把2只小猪吃了) 狼:Little pigs ,little pigs open your door!(小猪小猪快 开门。) 小猪一:NO NO NO go away!(不不不,你走开!) 狼:吹 主持人:The wolf blows and blows.(狼吹了又吹) But bricks are very strong (但是砖头做的房子非常坚 固。) The wolf go away.(所以老狼灰溜溜的走了。) 所以人:Thank you!


【学生必背古诗词75首】小学生十分钟话剧剧本大学 现代西方舞台剧如不注为音乐剧、歌剧等的一般都是话剧。本文是小编精心编辑的小学生十分钟话剧剧本,希望能帮助到你! 小学生十分钟话剧剧本(一)人物:小沈阳红太狼灰太狼主题:保护野生动物主打幽默减压 第一幕 (2号追光打旁白)大幕在旁白说的同时拉开 第一幕 大幕在旁白说的同时来开 旁白:Here is a beautiful forest. Some wolves live here. There is a famous wolf—灰太狼。Because he can’t catch the sheep. He is always hit by the pan. He must do everything. Oh, my, god. His wife is coming. Let’s go. (红太狼翘着二郎腿坐在台中央):Come here, my arms are so bad, touch my arms. 灰太狼(低头上台双手高举给红太狼做猛烈按摩):Are you OK? 红太狼:No,Go to catch many sheep. 灰太狼:You know the men catch a lot of sheep.There is no sheep. 红太狼:There is no sheep. There is no thing in the word. Don’t lie.

Look at the pan(亮出平底锅) 灰太狼:No,no,no. I go ,I ,go.(跑走)(红太狼撅嘴,扭着下台)第二幕 (灰太狼做护头状跑步上台) 灰太狼:Wow,wow,. My head,my head. 小沈阳(举旗跑来伸手挥舞):Oh, it’s an forest. How sunny! How lovely.(青蛙叫) 旁白:That’s a toad. 小沈阳(转头看):Who is so hate? (走到舞台中央配音"pia pia 地"):Hello,everyone. My Chinese name is 小沈阳。My English name is 小沈阳。 小沈阳:(鼓掌上,边上边说)dance well! Dance well! Ha,Ha.Let me sing a song foryou. What? What? Where’s my paper?(低头找歌词)灰太狼(躲在道具后面,探出头说):Wow !He isn’t a hunter. Oh! N0 gun…(跳出来)Hahaha.Days without me! I don’t eat sheep but I can eat him(悄悄绕到小沈阳后面) 小沈阳:小鸟对我笑……(狼嚎) 小沈阳:Oh, my god! What’s the matter? Who?Who? (灰太狼踱到小沈阳后面拍了他的肩膀):哭尼奇哇! 小沈阳:(吓一跳转头揉眼)Who are you? 灰太狼:Your wolf brother…… 小沈阳(激动地拽住灰太狼的爪子到处呼拉):Oh, oh, you are


小学英语课本情景剧比赛活动方案 为了深入实施素质教育,创建良好的校园文化,营造浓郁的英语学习氛围,我校决定举办英语课本剧的表演活动,通过开展活动培养学生对英语的兴趣,提高学生的英语口语表达能力,激发学生学习英语热情,让他们在活动中接受语言的洗礼,享受英语活动的快乐。 一、活动主题:快乐英语故事会。 二、活动目标: 通过活动,激发学生学习英语的热情,使学生能够运用英语表达故事,鼓励学生大胆的表现自己。 三、参赛对象:三—六年级小学生 四、比赛要求: 1、所选内容脱稿表演。 2、学生参赛的剧本是学生认识的或感兴趣的。从剧本内容、口语表达和动作表演等多方面综合评分。 3、每位英语教师组织一个节目,可在表演的形式上有所创新,可播放背景音乐,以创造良好的欣赏情境,获取良好的艺术效果。 4、表演要求语音清晰准确、情感丰富、表情达意、仪表得体大方具有感染力。 五、比赛程序:比赛分低年级组(三、四年级)和中高年级组(五、六年级)两个组别。 2、比赛时间:时间初定在11月26日(周二)上午最后两节课。地点在一楼科学实验教室。比赛顺序:按组别节目抽签的先后顺序(低年级——高年级)进行比赛。 六、评选方法: 评委由教导处组织,去掉一个最高分和去掉一个最低分后的平均分为该选手的终得分。 七、评分标准: 1.思想内容:满分2分主题鲜明突出,内容积极向上,要求表现真情实感。

2.语言表达:满分4分要求英语口语标准,口齿清晰,有表现力、感染力。 3.形象风度:满分2分精神饱满,姿态得体大方。 4.综合表现:满分2分由评委根据选手的临场表现作出综合素质评价。 5.时间要求:表演应在5分钟以内结束 6.总分不得超过10分 八、奖项设置:各年级段(3-4年级,5-6年级)设一、二、三等奖 每个组设置一等奖:一名;二等奖:两名;三等奖:三名 班级按照参加学生赋予班主任绩效分,按每生赋分。 九、评委: 统分人:音响/摄像: 场务:各班英语老师节目顺序:详见抽签后的节目单 十、有关注意事项: 1、参加比赛时,英语教师统一组织学生参赛,确保学生的安全。 2、凡要背景音乐的统一自备,服装道具可自定。 3、各班应精心策划做好本次比赛的各项相关工作。 英语学科组 20xx年xx月xx日


Section A 1. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 1. Can you go to the p_________ office to send a letter for me? 2. Tom is ill in h_________. 3. Let’s go to the r__________ and eat some food. 4. We often buy a lot of things in the s__________ on Sundays. 5. You should put the money in the b_______. 2. 从括号中选择恰当的介词填空 (between, to, from, on, of) 1. The library is across _______ my home. 2. Tuesday is ________ Monday and Wednesday. 3. Is the hospital next _______ the park or far ________ it? 4. The restaurant is ________ the other side of the street. 5. The supermarket is in front ________ the school. 3. 单项选择 1. Can you swim _______ the river?( ) A. near B. between C. from D. across 2.________ , where is the park?( ) A. Hi B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Excuse 3.The hotel is ______ the bank.( ) A. across B. from C. across form D. next 4.We ______ a big family.( ) A. are B. have C. has D. there are 5.There isn’t a restaurant ______ here. ( ) A. in B. near C. from D. on 6.----Thank you very much..( ) ----____________ A. You’re welcome. B. Really? C. Nice to meet you. D. Thank you,too. 7.----Is there a library in your school?( ) ----___________. A. Yes,it is. B. No,it isn’t. C. Yes,there is. D. No,there aren’t.


小学英语情景剧_骄傲的孔雀(A proud peacock) 英语情景剧 小松鼠:(软翻上) 小猴:(围着小松鼠)Great! Great! Let me have a try. 棒极了!棒极了!让我也来一个。 狐狸:(追上)Hi! You two, don’t play any more. The forest concert is going to begin.b5E2
嗨!你们两个,别再闹了。森林音乐会将要开始了。 You’d better go and prepare for it. 你们最好快去做准备工作吧! 小猴:Look, I’m just preparing for it. 看,我不正在排练吗?(准备前滚翻) 狐狸:You naught monkey! Don’t play any more. 你这个调皮的猴子,别贪玩了。 小松鼠:Let’s go! Little monkey! 我们走吧!小猴! 小猴:Would you like to go with us, Fox? 你和我们一起走吗?狐狸? 狐狸:Thanks! But I’m going to invite the peacock to our concert. I’ll be back soon.p1EanqFD
谢谢!但我还要去请孔雀来参加我们的音乐会。我马上就回来。 松鼠、小猴:See you later! 等会见!

狐狸:See you later! 等会见! (自言自语地)My beautiful peacock. Where are you? Can you hear me? (狐狸下)DXDiTa9
美丽的孔雀。你在哪里?你能听到我在叫你吗? 孔雀(上):Hi, I’m a peacock! Look! How pretty I am! My colorful feathers.RTCrpUDGiT 大家好!我是孔雀。看!我多漂亮啊!我五彩缤纷的羽毛。 My beautiful cockscomb. Who have these just like mine? Oh! What are you saying?5
美丽的冠子。你们谁有呢?哦!你说什么? Have I got any friends? Oh, no, no. I don’t need any friends. My only friend is m e.
我有没有朋友?哦,不、不。我不需要任何朋友。我自己就是我的朋友。 狐狸(上):Hello! My beautiful peacock. I’m looking for you everywhere.xHAQX74J0X 你好!美丽的孔雀。我正到处找你呢。 孔雀:Looking for me? 找我? 狐狸:Oh, yes! We are holding a forest concert. Would you like to join us? LDAYtRyKfE 哦,是的!我们要举行一个森林音乐会。你愿意一起参加吗? 孔雀:Oh, no, no. I never play with any ugly ones. Look! Your ears are so long. 哦,不,不。我从不和丑陋的人一起玩。看!你的耳朵这么长。 They are terrible. And all of your friends are ugly too. Do you think so?(对观众)dvzfvkwMI1 他们太可怕了。并且你所有的朋友都和你一样丑陋。你们说呢? 狐狸:My beautiful peacock. You are too proud. That’s bad for you. Although we are not b eautiful, we’ll help you when necessary. Please be our friend. And please take part in our c oncertrqyn14ZNXI


Scene I (Green Garden St.) (During the rush hours, when the street is crowded , Mr. Green is driving past the red light , unexpectedly a car accident happens... Two people came out of their cars angrily...) Miss Blue:Oh! It's you, Mr. Green... Do you know how to drive your car? Mr. Green: You see that I was driving across the road! Wow! There is a dent on my beloved BENZ. Miss Blue: My BMW has got a dent too, you should compensate me. (While they are quarrelling, later on, the police comes.) Police: What's happened? Mr. Green: She has bumped into my car! Miss Blue:No! It is himself that drove past the red light...

(Quarrel again ...) Police: Has any one been injured? Mr. Green: I feel headache , foot ache , ache very much. Miss Blue: I ache all over too. (Both of them mourn painfully...) Police: Then I'll call an ambulance Scene II (Blue Sky Hospital-Emergency) (Ambulance sends them to the hospital) Nurse: Who is injured? (Both of them say it is themselves at the same time...) Nurse: What's your name, Mr.? Mr. Green: Call me DPP Green. Nurse: (Unhappy facial expression) Oh! Go to the corner and sit there. Mr. Green: But ... (nurse interrupts)


英语情景剧_小红帽 (Little Red Riding Hood) 本溪市平山区长山小学 道具:篮子,玩具面包,狼的头饰、衣服,玩具尾巴,小红帽的帽子、衣服,妈妈的围裙。 A: Little Red Riding Hood’s mother B: Little Red Riding Hood C: Wolf D: Grandmother E:Farmer A: Little Red Riding Hood! Come here. Take this basket to your Grandmother. There are sandwiches and there is a cake in the basket. Be careful! There is a wolf in the forest and he is very dangerous. (Little Red Riding Hood walks in the forest. There are many big trees and beautiful flowers in the forest and the birds are singing. Little Red Riding Hood likes flowers and she picks them. She doesn’t see the wolf hiding behind the tree. The wolf is thinking!) (The wolf meets Little Red Riding Hood.) C/B: Hello! C: Where are you going? B: I’m going to my Grandmother’s house. C: Oh! Where does she live? B: She lives in a house in the forest. C: That’s nice. OK. Goodbye! See you later. B/C: Bye-bye! (The wolf runs to Grandmother’s house. He knocks on the door.) D: Who’s that? C: It’s me!


《我们共同的家园》 人物:小鱼(女)、小青蛙(女)、小蜻蜓(女)、蝴蝶(女)、小明(男)、小白(男)、小乐(男) 幕后:舞台上有五棵大树(前二、后三)、五株花(前三、后二)、中间铺上草坪、前台有一条形似河流的画带 一天清晨,清脆鸟鸣声起,一只小青蛙唱着歌,欢快的跳了出来,走到树林中,环顾四周感叹到:这里的景色真美,小草碧绿,野花飘香,空气清新极了,我得把小鱼叫出来,一起享受这迷人的风景。向河里喊:小鱼、小鱼,快来看这美丽的景色,呼吸新鲜的空气。 小鱼上:嗨!小青蛙,你真早!是呀!这里的风景真美,你看我的家也是碧绿的,还泛着青波呢! 小青蛙:嗯!真是美极了,由于人们封山育林,再也没有污水流进河里啦。你的家乡才变得如此美丽的。 小鱼:是啊!你也很好啊!现在农民伯伯们重视环保,不再大面积的喷洒农药,连你吃的虫子也是绿色食品呢! 小青蛙:是啊!是啊!由于人们的重视,我们都生活在绿色环保的环境里,我们都很幸福。哎!也不知人类能不能长期爱护这美丽的环境。走,我们俩到处逛逛去。 小鱼:走啊(一起走下)(音乐停) 小蜻蜓和蝴蝶分别从左右两旁飞了出来。 小蜻蜓边飞边喊:“蝴蝶姐姐,蝴蝶姐姐。我刚从大山的那边过来,看见了一群小同学提着很多东西正朝我们这儿走来。

蝴蝶:哦!小蜻蜓不要惊慌,你看如今我们的家园绿色遍野,鲜花盛开,到处是迷人的景色,他们也是来这儿欣赏的,我们要和人类和谐相处。 小蜻蜓:人类才不和我们和谐相处呢!我刚飞来的时候,那些小坏蛋,还用捕捉网捕我呢!我差一点就命丧黄泉,我不理人类。 蝴蝶:哎,小蜻蜓,人类和我们是朋友,他们怎么会要你的命呢,也许他们是喜欢你,我们只有相互信任,和睦相处,才能创造和谐美丽的大自然啊!走吧!我们一起去看看。 一群小朋友跑上,齐呼:哇!这里真美! 小明(手里拿着捕捉网,背着个筐)一上来就到处捕捉小动物:我终于抓到你啦!——小蜻蜓。 小白(手里提着两袋食品、水果等)一走上台就把食品袋往草地上一扔,向两旁的小花奔去。哎呀!这里的小花真漂亮。(随手摘了两杂,又跑到另一处摘了几朵小花,合成一个花束拿着)小乐:(一上台就拿着小刀奔向小树)我要在这里留下我的印迹(用刀在树上刻字念到)小乐到此一游。(然后转身喊到)小明、小白快来吃东西喽。说着就把报纸铺在草地上,三人围坐,吃起东西来,把所有的垃圾到处扔,有的扔向河里,有的扔到草地上,然后一哄而散,到别的地方去了。 树变黄了,河水变黑了,小花也枯了。 小蜻蜓哭着和蝴蝶一起飞了出来。 小蜻蜓:姐姐,人类真可恶,他们把我的弟弟抓走了,我决不会

小学英语四年级情景剧《小狮子找食物(I Am Hungry)》中英对照剧本脚本

小狮子找食物(I Am Hungry) 角色:雄狮、小狮、小白兔、三只小熊、小松鼠、小女孩。 道具:雄狮、小狮、小白兔、三只小熊和小松鼠头套、红萝卜、三碗粥、花生一把、苹果一个。 Act 1 雄狮:(怒吼)Roar, roar! I am the lion, the king of the forest.No one is stronger than me. Roar, roar! 小狮:Daddy! I’m hungry. 雄狮:You are big now. Be brave! Go and find your own food. 小狮:But, I don’t know how. 雄狮:Do it like me. Roar, roar! (怒吼) 小狮:(小声地)Roar, roar! 雄狮:Rush to the animals and bite them with your sharp teeth.(露出尖利的牙齿)Go and do it now. 小狮:Yes, daddy. Act 2 小白兔:(唱”Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater”) Rabbit, rabbit, carrot eater. He says there is nothing sweeter, Than a carrot every day, Munch and crunch and run away. 小狮:Hi, rabbit! I am hungry.Roar, roar!(小声地) 小白兔:Do you want some carrots? 小狮:Yes, please. (小白兔递给小狮一根红萝卜) 小狮:Thank you. 小白兔:Carrots are the best food. 小狮:(吃了一口)Yuck! I don’t like it.Anyway, thank you, rabbit. (还红萝卜给小白兔) 小白兔:You are welcome. (边跳边唱”Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater”离开) Act 3 三只小熊:(各拿着一碗粥,并唱着”Pease Porridge Hot”) Pease porridge hot, Pease porridge cold, Pease porridge in the pot, Nine days old. Some like it hot, Some like it cold, Some like it in the pot, Nine days old.


英语情景剧剧本:Three Little Pigs 三只小猪 Three Little Pigs 三只小猪 Storyteller: There are three little pigs living with 讲故事者:三只小猪和他们的妈妈 their mother. Ding-Ding and Dong- 住在一起。丁丁和东东 Dong are brother pigs. They are very 是猪哥哥,他们很懒,他 Lazy. They eat and sleep all day. 们整天吃了就睡。龙龙是 Long-Long is the youngest pig. She 最小的,她整天帮着妈妈 works all day. She helps her mother 做家务。 to do the housework. Mother pig: You have grown up. You must make 猪妈妈:你们已经长大了,你们得your own houses. 为自己盖间房。 Goodbye, little pigs. Build a house. 再见,孩子们。去盖间房。 Be careful of the wolf. 小心狼。 Pigs: Yes, Mum. Goodbye. 三只小猪:好的,妈妈。再见。 Wolf: I’m hungry. Look! Three little pigs 狼:我饿了。看,三只小猪可

for dinner. Mmm. 以做我的美餐。 Sister pig: What are you doing, brothers? 猪妹妹:哥哥,你们在干什么? Ding-Ding: I’m building a house with leaves. 丁丁:我在用树叶盖房子。 Dong-Dong: I’m building a house with sticks. 东东:我在用树枝盖房子。 Sister pig: But leaves aren’t strong. 猪妹妹:可是树叶不牢固。树枝也不 And sticks aren’t strong. 牢固。 Brother pigs: Yes, we know. But it’s easy. 猪哥哥:我们知道。但它很容易。What are you doing, sister? 你在干什么? Sister pig: I’m building a house with bricks. 猪妹妹:我在用砖头盖房子。Brother pigs: Bricks! That’s very difficult. 猪哥哥:用砖头盖,那太难了。Sister pig: I know. But bricks are strong. 猪妹妹:我知道,可是砖头很坚固。…… Brother pigs: Oh, we’re finished. Let’s have 猪哥哥:噢,我们盖好了。我们打a nap. 个盹吧。 Sister pig: My house is finished. My house 猪妹妹:我的房子盖好了,我的房


[指导]小学生保护环境情景剧剧本《我们共同的家园》 人物:小鱼(女)、小青蛙(女)、小蜻蜓(女)、蝴蝶(女)、小明(男)、小白(男)、小乐(男) 幕后:舞台上有五棵大树(前二、后三)、五株花(前三、后二)、中间铺上草坪、前台有一条形似河流的画带 一天清晨,清脆鸟鸣声起,一只小青蛙唱着歌,欢快的跳了出来,走到树林中,环顾四周感叹到:这里的景色真美,小草碧绿,野花飘香,空气清新极了,我得把小鱼叫出来,一起享受这迷人的风景。向河里喊:小鱼、小鱼,快来看这美丽的景色,呼吸新鲜的空气。 小鱼上:嗨~小青蛙,你真早~是呀~这里的风景真美,你看我的家也是碧绿的,还泛着青波呢~ 小青蛙:嗯~真是美极了,由于人们封山育林,再也没有污水流进河里啦。你的家乡才变得如此美丽的。 小鱼:是啊~你也很好啊~现在农民伯伯们重视环保,不再大面积的喷洒农药,连你吃的虫子也是绿色食品呢~ 小青蛙:是啊~是啊~由于人们的重视,我们都生活在绿色环保的环境里,我们都很幸福。哎~也不知人类能不能长期爱护这美丽的环境。走,我们俩到处逛逛去。 小鱼:走啊(一起走下)(音乐停) 小蜻蜓和蝴蝶分别从左右两旁飞了出来。 小蜻蜓边飞边喊:“蝴蝶姐姐,蝴蝶姐姐。我刚从大山的那边过 来,看见了一群小同学提着很多东西正朝我们这儿走来。

蝴蝶:哦~小蜻蜓不要惊慌,你看如今我们的家园绿色遍野,鲜花盛开,到处是迷人的景色,他们也是来这儿欣赏的,我们要和人类和谐相处。 小蜻蜓:人类才不和我们和谐相处呢~我刚飞来的时候,那些小坏蛋,还用捕捉网捕我呢~我差一点就命丧黄泉,我不理人类。 蝴蝶:哎,小蜻蜓,人类和我们是朋友,他们怎么会要你的命呢,也许他们是喜欢你,我们只有相互信任,和睦相处,才能创造和谐美丽的大自然啊~走吧~我们一起去看看。 一群小朋友跑上,齐呼:哇~这里真美~ 小明(手里拿着捕捉网,背着个筐)一上来就到处捕捉小动物:我终于抓到你啦~——小蜻蜓。 小白(手里提着两袋食品、水果等)一走上台就把食品袋往草地上一扔,向两旁的小花奔去。哎呀~这里的小花真漂亮。(随手摘了两杂,又跑到另一处摘了几朵小花,合成一个花束拿着) 小乐:(一上台就拿着小刀奔向小树)我要在这里留下我的印迹(用刀在树上刻字念到)小乐到此一游。(然后转身喊到)小明、小白快来吃东西喽。说着就把报纸铺在草地上,三人围坐,吃起东西来,把所有的垃圾到处扔,有的扔向河里,有的扔到草地上,然后一哄而散,到别的地方去了。 树变黄了,河水变黑了,小花也枯了。 小蜻蜓哭着和蝴蝶一起飞了出来。 小蜻蜓:姐姐,人类真可恶,他们把我的弟弟抓走了,我决不会原谅他们。 蝴蝶:他们不但把你弟弟抓走了,还把我们的家园给毁了。人类如果常此下去,不好好教育下一代,整个环境将更加恶化。 小蜻蜓:姐姐如今人类不仅如此,而且还无休止的把工业中的废气、废水、废渣排放到空气中、河里、堆放在土地上,我们美好的家园将毁在人类的手上。
