


The "Four Freedoms" Speech

Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Seventy-seventh Congress:

I address you, the Members of the Seventy-seventh Congress, at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union. I use the word "unprecedented," because at no previous time has American security been as seriously threatened from without as it is today.

Since the permanent formation of our Government under the Constitution, in 1789, most of the periods of crisis in our history have related to our domestic affairs. Fortunately, only one of these--the four-year War Between the States--ever threatened our national unity. Today, thank God, one hundred and thirty million Americans, in forty-eight States, have forgotten points of the compass in our national unity.

It is true that prior to 1914 the United States often had been disturbed by events in other Continents. We had even engaged in two wars with European nations and in a number of undeclared wars in the West Indies, in the Mediterranean and in the Pacific for the maintenance of American rights and for the principles of peaceful commerce. But in no case had a serious threat been raised against our national safety or our continued independence.

What I seek to convey is the historic truth that the United States as a nation has at all times maintained clear, definite opposition, to any attempt to lock us in behind an ancient Chinese wall while the procession of civilization went past. Today, thinking of our children and of their children, we oppose enforced isolation for ourselves or for any other part of the Americas.

That determination of ours, extending over all these years, was proved, for example, during the quarter century of wars following the French Revolution.

While the Napoleonic struggles did threaten interests of the United States because of the French foothold in the West Indies and in Louisiana, and while we engaged in the War of 1812 to vindicate our right to peaceful trade, it is nevertheless clear that neither France nor Great Britain, nor any other nation, was aiming at domination of the whole world.

In like fashion from 1815 to 1914-- ninety-nine years-- no single war in Europe or in Asia constituted a real threat against our future or against the future of any other American nation. Except in the Maximilian interlude in Mexico, no foreign power sought to establish itself in this Hemisphere; and the strength of the British fleet in the Atlantic has been a friendly strength. It is still a friendly strength.

Even when the World War broke out in 1914, it seemed to contain only small threat of danger to our own American future. But, as time went on, the American people began to visualize what the downfall of democratic nations might mean to our own democracy.


We need not overemphasize imperfections in the Peace of Versailles. We need not harp on failure of the democracies to deal with problems of world reconstruction. We should remember that the Peace of 1919 was far less unjust than the kind of "pacification" which began even before Munich, and which is being carried on under the new order of tyranny that seeks to spread over every continent today. The American people have unalterably set their faces against that tyranny.



Every realist knows that the democratic way of life is at this moment being' directly assailed in every part of the world--assailed either by arms, or by secret spreading of poisonous propaganda by those who seek to destroy unity and promote discord in nations that are still at peace.

每一个现实主义者都明白,民主生活方式此刻正在世界各地遭受直接攻击──或因武装侵略,或因一些人秘密散布恶毒宣传,竭力在仍处于和平状态的国家中破坏团结,制造分裂During sixteen long months this assault has blotted out the whole pattern of democratic life in an appalling number of independent nations, great and small. The assailants are still on the march, threatening other nations, great and small.


Therefore, as your President, performing my constitutional duty to "give to the Congress information of the state of the Union," I find it, unhappily, necessary to report that the future and the safety of our country and of our democracy are overwhelmingly involved in events far beyond our borders.


Armed defense of democratic existence is now being gallantly waged in four continents. If that defense fails, all the population and all the resources of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australasia will be dominated by the conquerors. Let us remember that the total of those populations and their resources in those four continents greatly exceeds the sum total of the population and the resources of the whole of the Western Hemisphere-many times over.


In times like these it is immature--and incidentally, untrue--for anybody to brag that an unprepared America, single-handed, and with one hand tied behind its back, can hold off the whole world.

No realistic American can expect from a dictator's peace international generosity, or return of true independence, or world disarmament, or freedom of expression, or freedom of religion -or even good business. Such a peace would bring no security for us or for our neighbors. "Those, who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."


As a nation, we may take pride in the fact that we are softhearted; but we cannot afford to be soft-headed.

We must always be wary of those who with sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal preach the "ism" of appeasement.

We must especially beware of that small group of selfish men who would clip the wings of the

American eagle in order to feather their own nests.

I have recently pointed out how quickly the tempo of modern warfare could bring into our very midst the physical attack which we must eventually expect if the dictator nations win this war.


There is much loose talk of our immunity from immediate and direct invasion from across the seas. Obviously, as long as the British Navy retains its power, no such danger exists. Even if there were no British Navy, it is not probable that any enemy would be stupid enough to attack us by landing troops in the United States from across thousands of miles of ocean, until it had acquired strategic bases from which to operate.

But we learn much from the lessons of the past years in Europe-particularly the lesson of Norway, whose essential seaports were captured by treachery and surprise built up over a series of years. The first phase of the invasion of this Hemisphere would not be the landing of regular troops. The necessary strategic points would be occupied by secret agents and their dupes- and great numbers of them are already here, and in Latin America.

As long as the aggressor nations maintain the offensive, they-not we--will choose the time and the place and the method of their attack.

That is why the future of all the American Republics is today in serious danger.

That is why this Annual Message to the Congress is unique in our history.

That is why every member of the Executive Branch of the Government and every member of the Congress faces great responsibility and great accountability.

The need of the moment is that our actions and our policy should be devoted primarily-almost exclusively--to meeting this foreign peril. For all our domestic problems are now a part of the great emergency.


Just as our national policy in internal affairs has been based upon a decent respect for the rights and the dignity of all our fellow men within our gates, so our national policy in foreign affairs has been based on a decent respect for the rights and dignity of all nations, large and small. And the justice of morality must and will win in the end.


Our national policy is this:


First, by an impressive expression of the public will and without regard to partisanship, we are committed to all-inclusive national defense.

第一,根据公众意志的感人表述而不去考虑党派之争,我们保证加强国防,寸土不让。Second, by an impressive expression of the public will and without regard to partisanship, we are committed to full support of all those resolute peoples, everywhere, who are resisting aggression and are thereby keeping war away from our Hemisphere. By this support, we express our determination that the democratic cause shall prevail; and we strengthen the defense and the security of our own nation.



Third, by an impressive expression of the public will and without regard to partisanship, we are committed to the proposition that principles of morality and considerations for our own security will never permit us to acquiesce in a peace dictated by aggressors and sponsored by appeasers. We know that enduring peace cannot be bought at the cost of other people's freedom.


In the recent national election there was no substantial difference between the two great parties in respect to that national policy. No issue was fought out on this line before the American electorate. Today it is abundantly evident that American citizens everywhere are demanding and supporting speedy and complete action in recognition of obvious danger.

Therefore, the immediate need is a swift and driving increase in our armament production.


Leaders of industry and labor have responded to our summons. Goals of speed have been set. In some cases these goals are being reached ahead of time; in some cases we are on schedule; in other cases there are slight but not serious delays; and in some cases--and I am sorry to say very important cases--we are all concerned by the slowness of the accomplishment of our plans.

The Army and Navy, however, have made substantial progress during the past year. Actual experience is improving and speeding up our methods of production with every passing day. And today's best is not good enough for tomorrow.

I am not satisfied with the progress thus far made. The men in charge of the program represent the best in training, in ability, and in patriotism. They are not satisfied with the progress thus far made. None of us will be satisfied until the job is done.

No matter whether the original goal was set too high or too low, our objective is quicker and better results. To give you two illustrations:

We are behind schedule in turning out finished airplanes; we are working day and night to solve the innumerable problems and to catch up.

We are ahead of schedule in building warships but we are working to get even further ahead of that schedule.

To change a whole nation from a basis of peacetime production of implements of peace to a basis of wartime production of implements of war is no small task. And the greatest difficulty comes at the beginning of the program, when new tools, new plant facilities, new assembly lines, and new ship ways must first be constructed before the actual materiel begins to flow steadily and speedily from them.

The Congress, of course, must rightly keep itself informed at all times of the progress of the program. However, there is certain information, as the Congress itself will readily recognize, which, in the interests of our own security and those of the nations that we are supporting, must of needs be kept in confidence.

New circumstances are constantly begetting new needs for our safety. I shall ask this Congress for greatly increased new appropriations and authorizations to carry on what we have begun.


I also ask this Congress for authority and for funds sufficient to manufacture additional munitions and war supplies of many kinds, to be turned over to those nations which are now in actual war with aggressor nations.


Our most useful and immediate role is to act as an arsenal for them as well as for ourselves. They do not need man power, but they do need billions of dollars worth of the weapons of defense.


The time is near when they will not be able to pay for them all in ready cash. We cannot, and we will not, tell them that they must surrender, merely because of present inability to pay for the weapons which we know they must have.


I do not recommend that we make them a loan of dollars with which to pay for these weapons--a loan to be repaid in dollars.


I recommend that we make it possible for those nations to continue to obtain war materials in the United States, fitting their orders into our own program. Nearly all their materiel would, if the time ever came, be useful for our own defense.


Taking counsel of expert military and naval authorities, considering what is best for our own security, we are free to decide how much should be kept here and how much should be sent abroad to our friends who by their determined and heroic resistance are giving us time in which to make ready our own defense.


For what we send abroad, we shall be repaid within a reasonable time following the close of hostilities, in similar materials, or, at our option, in other goods of many kinds, which they can produce and which we need.

Let us say to the democracies: "We Americans are vitally concerned in your defense of freedom. We are putting forth our energies, our resources and our organizing powers to give you the strength to regain and maintain a free world. We shall send you, in ever-increasing numbers, ships, planes, tanks, guns. This is our purpose and our pledge."


In fulfillment of this purpose we will not be intimidated by the threats of dictators that they will regard as a breach of international law or as an act of war our aid to the democracies which dare to resist their aggression. Such aid is not an act of war, even if a dictator should unilaterally proclaim it so to be.


When the dictators, if the dictators, are ready to make war upon us, they will not wait for an act of war on our part. They did not wait for Norway or Belgium or the Netherlands to commit an act of war. Their only interest is in a new one-way international law, which lacks mutuality in its observance, and, therefore, becomes an instrument of oppression.

The happiness of future generations of Americans may well depend upon how effective and how immediate we can make our aid felt. No one can tell the exact character of the emergency situations that we may be called upon to meet. The Nation's hands must not be tied when the Nation's life is in danger.


We must all prepare to make the sacrifices that the emergency-almost as serious as war itself--demands. Whatever stands in the way of speed and efficiency in defense preparations must give way to the national need.


A free nation has the right to expect full cooperation from all groups. A free nation has the right to look to the leaders of business, of labor, and of agriculture to take the lead in stimulating effort, not among other groups but within their own groups.

The best way of dealing with the few slackers or trouble makers in our midst is, first, to shame them by patriotic example, and, if that fails, to use the sovereignty of Government to save Government.

As men do not live by bread alone, they do not fight by armaments alone. Those who man our defenses, and those behind them who build our defenses, must have the stamina and the courage which come from unshakable belief in the manner of life which they are defending. The mighty action that we are calling for cannot be based on a disregard of all things worth fighting for.


The Nation takes great satisfaction and much strength from the things which have been done to make its people conscious of their individual stake in the preservation of democratic life in America. Those things have toughened the fibre of our people, have renewed their faith and strengthened their devotion to the institutions we make ready to protect.


Certainly this is no time for any of us to stop thinking about the social and economic problems which are the root cause of the social revolution which is today a supreme factor in the world.


For there is nothing mysterious about the foundations of a healthy and strong democracy. The basic things expected by our people of their political and economic systems are simple. They are: 一个健全巩固的民主政治的基础并不神秘。我们的人民期待于他们的政治和经济体制的基本东西很简单,是:

Equality of opportunity for youth and for others.


Jobs for those who can work.


Security for those who need it.


The ending of special privilege for the few.


The preservation of civil liberties for all.


The enjoyment of the fruits of scientific progress in a wider and constantly rising standard of living.


These are the simple, basic things that must never be lost sight of in the turmoil and unbelievable complexity of our modern world. The inner and abiding strength of our economic and political systems is dependent upon the degree to which they fulfill these expectations.


Many subjects connected with our social economy call for immediate improvement.

As examples:


We should bring more citizens under the coverage of old-age pensions and unemployment insurance.


We should widen the opportunities for adequate medical care.


We should plan a better system by which persons deserving or needing gainful employment may obtain it.


I have called for personal sacrifice. I am assured of the willingness of almost all Americans to respond to that call.

我曾经号召大家作个人的牺牲。我已得到保证,几乎每个美国人都心甘情愿响应我这个号召A part of the sacrifice means the payment of more money in taxes. In my Budget Message I shall recommend that a greater portion of this great defense program be paid for from taxation than we are paying today. No person should try, or be allowed, to get rich out of this program; and the principle of tax payments in accordance with ability to pay should be constantly before our eyes to guide our legislation.

If the Congress maintains these principles, the voters, putting patriotism ahead of pocketbooks, will give you their applause.

In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four

essential human freedoms.

在我们力求安宁的未来岁月中,我们盼望有一个建立在四项人类基本自由之上的世界。The first is freedom of speech and expression--everywhere in the world.


The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way--everywhere in the world. 第二是每个人以自己的方式崇拜上帝的自由──在世界每一个地方。

The third is freedom from want--which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants-everywhere in the world.


The fourth is freedom from fear--which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor--anywhere in the world.


That is no vision of a distant millennium. It is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable in our own time and generation. That kind of world is the very antithesis of the so-called new order of tyranny which the dictators seek to create with the crash of a bomb.


To that new order we oppose the greater conception--the moral order. A good society is able to face schemes of world domination and foreign revolutions alike without fear.


Since the beginning of our American history, we have been engaged in change -- in a perpetual peaceful revolution -- a revolution which goes on steadily, quietly adjusting itself to changing conditions--without the concentration camp or the quick-lime in the ditch. The world order which we seek is the cooperation of free countries, working together in a friendly, civilized society.


This nation has placed its destiny in the hands and heads and hearts of its millions of free men and women; and its faith in freedom under the guidance of God. Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. Our support goes to those who struggle to gain those rights or keep them. Our strength is our unity of purpose.


To that high concept there can be no end save victory.





罗斯福纪念园案例分析本页仅作为文档页封面,使用时可以删除 This document is for reference only-rar21year.March

建筑与世界名园赏析结课论文 罗斯福纪念园 ——案例分析

项目名称:罗斯福纪念园 地点:美国华盛顿 规划时间:1950年—1997年 规模:3.04公顷 园林风景设计师:劳伦斯·哈普林 加州风景园林设计师劳伦斯·哈普林是美国第二代风景园林设计师,在设计罗斯福总统纪念园之前,他已经在美国风景园林行业里取得了巨大的成功。劳伦斯·哈普林1916年出生于纽约市的布朗克斯区, 在康奈尔大学和威斯康辛大学学习植物学,获得了植物学学士和园艺学硕士。1941年哈普林来到哈佛大学,并追随英国著名风景园林设计师唐纳德学习风景园林。 二战期间,哈普林在海军驱逐舰服役,因伤而回到旧金山,后来在当时美国最著名的风景园林师托马斯·丘奇的事务所工作了四年,并参与了丘奇事务所最著名的作品唐纳花园的设计。 从1949年哈普林成立自己的事务所到1974年被选中为罗斯福总统纪念园做设计这个期间,他已经完成了一系列引人注目的园林工程项目,其中最为著名的要算他在上个世纪60年代设计的波特兰系列广场和绿地。 甲方:美国政府 设计单位:劳伦斯·哈普林事务所 1.总述 罗斯福总统纪念园的设计可以说是二十世纪后半叶美国园林风景史上最具影响力的园林设计作品之一,作为一种为纪念历史人物而设计的纪念性空间。该园林呈献给参观者的是一种景观式的纪念空间体验,没有高高在上的英雄式的纪念物,有的是变化多端的空间形

式和丰富的视觉景观。罗斯福纪念园从设计之初的选址到漫长的设计竞赛历程,再到艰苦的施工以及最终的完成,经历了半个多世纪的时间。 2.场地分析 在美国首都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的市中心有一条河叫波托马克河,河的东面有一座美丽的大公园,风景十分优美,叫做波托马克公园。这个公园定义为美国国家历史上最著名的总统和名人的纪念园用地。罗斯福纪念园正位于潮汐湖与波托马克河之间的西波托马克公园内的一个狭长的地段上。在其周围已经坐落了三位美国总统的纪念园。罗斯福总统纪念园的选址是在整个大的规划指导原则下确定的,横向延展,自由灵活的布局使得整个纪念园空间与狭长的地段完美的结合在一起,成为华盛顿市中心的一处优美而独特的风景。 3.项目背景和历史变迁 罗斯福总统纪念公园的设计,经历了一个慢长而艰难的过程。自1950年国会提出建议,其间经过十年时间的准备,终于在1959年选定了与华盛顿纪念碑遥对,中间只隔一湖的多潮湿低洼地作为公园基址,并组织了设计竞赛。1960年竞赛委员会评出彼德森和梯尔涅的方案为一等奖。该方案由八块高矮不同的板状纪念碑组成开放性空间,并构成四个高低错落的平台。参观者可以自由活动,籍以象征罗斯福的人道主义和自由博爱精神。纪念碑表面刻有从罗斯福著作中精心选录的讲演词。整个纪念碑模仿竖立的书本,表达了罗斯福是位学识渊博,值得尊敬的伟大学者。该方案创造了现代纪念性建筑的新概念,以碑群的形式来代替传统的单碑形式,并且巧妙地利用各碑的位置不同,转折不同,体量不同,形成一个层次变化极为丰富的空间,富有不尽之意。但是由于该方案造型奇特,与周围环境中其它纪念物不相协调,因此经过长达五年的激烈讨论,最终还是为艺术委员会所否决,没能付诸实施。后来马歇尔·布鲁尔(Mareel·Breuer)提出了新的设计。但到1967年,布鲁尔的方案也因“不能相容的,不敬的,不足采用的”理由被艺术委员会取消。由于长达十年的失败和公众对纪念公园的日益要求,艺术委员会轻率地建议采用一个全是玫瑰园及雕像的纪念公园方案,因为他们认为这个方案具有“至少与环境相容”的特点。然而这个方案实在不能令人满意,遭到了公众的反对。1974年艺术委员会找到了劳伦斯·哈普林事务所,这样,一个期待了24年的愿望终于得到正式设计并建造完成。


一座纪念公园、一位历史人物、一种史学方法 ——浅谈《罗斯福新政》的异构设计 嘉定中光中学朱真背景: 《高中历史学科教学基本要求》指出所谓历史课程的思想意识,是指?在遇到人、人与社会及其相关问题时有历史的觉察,即从社会演变与发展及其经验的视角看,应当倾向从什么方向去思考、探索和努力,这是长期的历史课程学习所获得的悟性和可持续发展的潜能。?[1]它具有极为丰富的内涵,其中,?鉴证识史、论从史出和把一切人与社会问题置于其所处的历史范围内,具体问题具体分析的求真意识? [1]是其重要内容。 上海市教育卫生工作委员会、上海市教育委员会和上海市精神文明建设委员会办公室《关于进一步落实中小学生社会实践工作的若干意见》的通知中指出?落实中小学生社会实践工作是全面贯彻党的教育方针的根本要求,是加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的重要举措,是实施素质教育的关键环节,是贯彻课程改革要求、实现课内外有效衔接,促进中小学生健康全面发展的基本途径。?[2]社会实践要注重强调?坚持以体验教育为基本途径,引导学生在实践中体验、感悟、内化道德情感,培养创新精神和实践能力;坚持理论联系实际,注重课内课外、校内校外相结合的学习方式,丰富学生成长经历? [2]。根据文件精神,上海市基层中小学校,每年至少安排和组织学生进行两次外出实践活动,进行素质教育。 一年两次的素质教育活动,有大部分场所是在历史古迹、纪念馆或者博物馆。这些素质教育基地是培养学生历史思想意识,实现中学历史学科育人价值的极佳机会。但在现实中很多学生不懂得如何参观,不明白如何搜集相关信息,不能进行自主思考,游有所得。笔者在教授华东师大版《高中历史》第五分册第二十八课《罗斯福新政》时,通过模拟参观罗斯福纪念公园的方式,整合艺术资料、文献资料、图片资料等不同类型史料,对如何参观历史纪念馆进行了一番尝试 情景: 师:我们已经知道,要获取历史信息,可以通过文献、考古、网络等多种途径,在我们身边还有一个地方汇集了大量的历史信息,那就是博物馆、纪念馆。我们素质教育活动都去过哪些纪念馆或者博物馆? 生1:绍兴的鲁迅纪念馆。 生2:上海的中共一大会址。 生3:徐家汇的光启公园。 师:学校组织或者我们同学以自助游的形式去过很多的历史纪念馆和历史博物馆,我们在参观的时候可以通过哪些渠道获取其历史信息?我们又如何去评判这些历史信息的价值?今天,我们通过模拟参观美国华盛顿的罗斯福纪念公园,来了解美国总统罗斯福的一段历史,并尝试着学会如何参观历史纪念馆。 罗斯福纪念公园是为了纪念美国第32任总统——富兰克林·罗斯福而修建的,我们在公园的大门前可以看到公园园名及罗斯福真人大小的雕塑。同学们仔细观察一下,罗斯福有什么体貌特征,他总统任职有多久?


美国总统罗斯福小时候的故事 一个小男孩几乎认为自己是世界上最 不幸的孩子,因为患脊髓灰质炎而留下了瘸腿和参差不齐且突出的牙齿。他很少与同学们游戏或玩耍,老师叫他回答问题时,他也总是低着头一言不发。 在一个平常的春天,小男孩的父亲从邻居家讨了一些树苗,他想把它们栽在房前。他叫他的孩子们每人栽一棵。父亲对孩子们说,谁栽的树苗长得最好,就给谁买一件最喜欢的礼物。小男孩也想得到父亲的礼物。但看到兄妹们蹦蹦跳跳提水浇树的身影,不知怎么地,萌生出一种阴冷的想法:希望自己栽的那棵树早点死去。因此浇过一两次水后,再也没去搭理它。 几天后,小男孩再去看他种的那棵树时,惊奇地发现它不仅没有枯萎,而且还长出了几片新叶子,与兄妹们种的树相比,显得更嫩绿、更有生气。父亲兑现了他的诺言,为小男孩买了一件他最喜欢的礼物,并对他

说,从他栽的树来看,他长大后一定能成为一名出色的植物学家。 从那以后,小男孩慢慢变得乐观向上起来。 一天晚上,小男孩躺在床上睡不着,看着窗外那明亮皎洁的月光,忽然想起生物老师曾说过的话:植物一般都在晚上生长,何不去看看自己种的那颗小树。当他轻手轻脚来到院子里时,却看见父亲用勺子在向自己栽种的那棵树下泼洒着什么。顿时,一切他都明白了,原来父亲一直在偷偷地为自己栽种的那颗小树施肥!他返回房间,任凭泪水肆意地奔流...... 几十年过去了,那瘸腿的小男孩虽然没有成为一名植物学家,但他却成为了美国总统,他的名字叫富兰克林?罗斯福。 爱是生命中最好的养料,哪怕只是一勺清水,也能使生命之树茁壮成长。也许那棵树是那样的平凡、不起眼;也许那棵树是如此的瘦小,甚至还有些枯萎,但只要有养料的浇灌,它就能长得枝繁叶茂,甚至长成参天大树。


卢东宁10179023 huiwenbuiding315 "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." - Harry S. Truman "If wrinkles must be written on our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should never grow old." - James Garfield "Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose." - Lyndon Johnson "Things do not happen. Things are made to happen." - John Fitzgerald "When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer "Present" or "Not Guilty."" - Theodore Roosevelt "That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well." - Abraham Lincoln "Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb." - Calvin Coolidge


罗斯福 美国第32任总统富兰克林·D·罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)(1933—1945),一直被视为美国历史上最伟大的总统之一,是20世纪美国最孚众望和受爱戴的总统,也是美国历史上惟一连任4届总统的人,从1933年3月起,直到1945年4月去世时为止,任职长达12年。曾赢得美国民众长达7 周的高支持率,创下历史记录。 富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福出生于纽约。父亲詹姆斯·罗斯福是一个百万富翁。母亲萨拉·德拉诺比父亲小26岁。罗斯福曾就读于哈佛大学和哥伦比亚大学。1910年任纽约州参议员。1913年任海军部副部长。1921年因患脊髓灰质炎致残。1928年任纽约州长。1932年竞选总统获胜。执政后,以“新政”对付经济危机,颇有成效,故获得1936年、1940年、1944年大选连任。第二次世界大战初,美国采取不介入政策,但对希特勒采取强硬手段,以“租借法”支持同盟国。1941年底,美国参战。罗斯福代表美国两次参加同盟国“三巨头”会议。罗斯福政府提出了轴心国必须无条件投降的原则并得到了实施。罗斯福提出了建立联合国的构想,也得到了实施。63岁时由于脑溢血去世。 罗斯福扯起美国之帆 1945年4月12日,一位现代历史上的巨人与世长辞,他就是富兰克林·罗斯福。雅尔塔会议结束后两个月,身心疲惫的罗斯福在佐治亚温泉休养时,悄然逝去。 架双拐登上总统宝座 1882年1月30日,富兰克林·罗斯福出生在纽约哈得孙河畔一个显贵的家庭里。命运赐给他的是英俊的容貌、善良的性格和聪明的天赋。他14岁进入著名的格罗顿公学学习,四年后来到哈佛大学,并于1901年加入共和党人俱乐部,开始了自己的政治生涯。也正是这一年,他的堂叔西奥多·罗斯福成了美国历史上最年轻的总统。 罗斯福决心仿效堂叔进入政界,并在1910年找到了一鸣惊人的机会。他打算竞选纽约市参议员,但却是以民主党候选人的身份出现。当他把这个决定告诉身为共和党人的总统叔叔时,对方怒而骂道:“你这个卑鄙的兔崽子!你这个叛徒……”但是富兰克林·罗斯福没有改变前进方向。他乘着一辆红色的汽车,每


美国历届总统名言录 第1任美国总统:乔治?华盛顿(George Washington 1789-1797) 由于剑是维护我们自由的最后手段,一旦这些自由得到确立,就应该首先将它放在一旁。 要努力让你心中的那朵被称为良心的火花永不熄灭。 在导致昌明政治的各种国民性格中,宗教和道德是不可或缺的支柱......我们应当告诫自己不要幻想,认为道德没有宗教也能维持,尽管良好的教育对于特殊结构的意识可能有所影响,但是根据理智和经验,不容我们期望在排除宗教原则的情况下,国民道德仍能普遍存在。 我就任政府首脑,心情恰如一个罪犯走向刑场。

在我执政之时,任何针对我政务的攻讦,我一概臵之不理,因为我深深地知道,如果这些攻讦经不起事实的检验,报上的一纸空文将无损于我一根毫毛。 第2任美国总统:约翰?亚当斯(John Adams 1797-1801) 我的一生是一个连着一个的失望。在我的记忆中,我所孜孜以求的东西几乎没有一例成功。不过,我怀着对上帝由衷的感激之情,承认我的一生亦同样充满着我未曾追求亦未曾预料到的非凡而又巨大的成功。 富者很少具有谦逊、机灵和仁爱的品德。他们的财富总是使他们变得吝啬而又自私。 商业的气息与纯洁的心灵和高尚的精神格格不入,而没有心灵的纯洁与高尚就不会有共和国的幸福。 如果没有托马斯?潘恩的这支笔,乔治?华盛顿所举起的剑将是徒然无功。 当过总统的人,谁也不会为朋友的当选而表示祝贺。他的每一项任命,将使一人忘恩负义,成为百人宿敌。 权力自然而然增长,为什么呢?因为人的欲壑难填。 第3任美国总统:托马斯?杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809)


经典作品赏析流水别墅Fallingwater 流水别墅是赖特为卡夫曼家族设计的别墅.在瀑布之上,赖特实现了“方山之宅”(house on the mesa)的梦想,悬的楼板锚固在后面的和自然山石中.主要的一层几乎是一个完整的大房间,通过空间处理而形成相互流通的各种从属空间,并且有小梯与下面的水池联系.正面在窗台与天棚之间,是一金属窗框的大玻璃,虚实对比十分强烈。整个构思是大胆的,成为无与比的世界最著名的现代建筑。 -- 流水别墅 从流水别墅的外观。我们可以读出那些水平伸展的地坪,要桥,便道,车道,阳台及棚架,沿着各自的伸展轴向,越过谷而向周围凸伸,这些水平的推力,以一种诡异的空间秩序紧紧地集结在一起,巨大的露台扭转回旋,恰似瀑布水流曲折迂回地自每一平展的岩石突然下落一般,无从预料整个建筑看起来象是从地里生长出来的,但是它更象是盘旋在大地之上。这是一幢包含最高层次的建筑,也就是说,建筑已超越了它本身,而深深地印在人们意识之中以其具象创造出了一个不可磨灭的新体验 流水别墅这个建筑具有活生生的,初始的原型的,超越时间的质地,为了越过建筑史的诸多流派,它似乎全身飞跃而起,座落花流水于宾夕法尼亚的岩崖之中,指挥着整个山谷,超凡脱俗,建筑内的壁炉是以暴露的自然山岩砌成的,瀑布所形成的雄伟的外部空间使落水山庄更为完美,在这儿自然和人悠然共存呈现了天人和一的最高境界。 流水别墅的建筑造型和内部空间达到了伟大艺术品的沉稳,坚定的效果。这种从容镇静的气氛。连辣潜其间,力与反力相互集结之气势,在整个建筑内外及其布局与陈设之间。不同凡响的室内使人犹如进入一个梦境,通往巨大的起居室空间之过程,正如经常出现在赖特作品的特色一样,必然先通一段狭小而昏暗的有顶盖的门廊,然后进入反方向上的主楼梯透过那些粗犷而透孔的石壁,右手边是直交通的空间,而左手便可进入起居的二层踏步,赖特对自然光线的巧妙掌握,使内部空间仿佛充满了盎然生机,光线流动于起居的东,南,西三侧,最明亮的部分光线从天窗泻下,一直通往建筑物下方溪流崖隘的楼梯,东西,北侧几呈围合状的室,则相形之下较为暗,岩石陈的地板上。隐约出现它们的倒影,流布在起居室空间之中。从北侧及山崖是反射进来的光线和反射在楼梯的光线显得朦胧柔美。在心理上,这个起居室空间的气氛,随着光线的明度变化,而显现多样的风采。 在材料的使用上,流水别墅也是非常具有象征性的,所有的支柱,都是粗犷的岩石。石的水平性与支柱的直性,产生一种明的对抗,所有混凝土的水平构件,看来有如贯穿空间,飞腾跃起赋予了建筑最高的动感与张力,例外的是地坪使用使用的岩石,似乎出奇的沉重,尤以悬挑的阳台为最。然而当你站在人工石面阳台上,而为自然石面的壁支柱所包围时对于内部空间或许会有更深一层的体会。因为室内空间透过巨大的水平阳台而延伸,衔接了巨大的室外空间——崖隘。赖特对于国际形式主义空谈机能主义的态度,浓缩地表现在由起居室通到下方溪流的楼梯。这个著名的楼梯,关联着建筑与大地,是内、外部空间不可缺少的媒介,且总会使人们禁不住地一再流连其间。 流水别墅可以说是一种以正反相对的力量在做妙的均衡中组构而成的建筑。也可以说是水平或倾斜穿杆或近几年推


美国总统罗斯福就职演讲稿(英文,中文版) 美国总统罗斯福就职演讲稿(英文版) President Hoover, Mr. Chief Justice, my friends: This is a day of national consecration. And I am certain that on this day my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into the Presidency, I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our people impels. This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure, as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself -- nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life, a leadership of frankness and of vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. And I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days. In such a spirit on my part and on yours we face our common difficulties. They concern, thank God, only material things. Values have shrunk to fantastic levels; taxes have risen; our ability to pay has fallen; government of all kinds is faced by serious curtailment of income; the means of exchange are frozen in the currents of trade; the withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side; farmers find no markets for their produce; and the savings of many years in thousands of families are gone. More important, a host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equally great number toil with little return. Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment. And yet our distress comes from no failure of substance. We are stricken by no plague of locusts. Compared with the perils which our forefathers conquered, because they believed and were not afraid, we have still much to be thankful for. Nature still offers her bounty and human efforts have multiplied it. Plenty is at our doorstep, but a generous use of it languishes in the very sight of the supply. Primarily, this is because the rulers of the exchange of mankind's goods have failed, through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure, and have abdicated. Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men. True, they have tried. But their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition. Faced by failure of credit, they have proposed only the lending of more money. Stripped of the lure of profit by which to induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortations, pleading tearfully for restored confidence. They only know the rules of a generation


十大美国总统名言 1、Undertake not what you cannot perform, but be careful to keep your promise. 不要承你完成不了的事情,但一定要信守诺言。 ---- George Washington乔治·华盛顿(美国第1任总统) 2、Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives. 我们对祖国的义务永远都不会终结,直至我们的生命尽头。 ---- John Adams约翰·亚当斯(美国第2任总统) 3、Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. 没有人能阻挡有正确态度的人获得成功;也没有人能帮助有错误人生态度的人。 ---- Thomas Jefferson托马斯·杰斐逊(美国第3任总统) 4、Take time to deliberate;but when the time for action arrives,stop thinking and go in. 考虑时不要匆忙,但是一旦行动的时刻来到,就要毫不犹豫地付诸行动。 ---- Andrew Jackson安德鲁·杰克逊(美国第7任总统) 5、Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. 永远铭记:你要成功的决心比任何东西都更重要。 ---- Abraham Lincoln阿拉伯罕·林肯(美国第16任总统) 6、When you play ,play hard;when you work,don't play at all. 玩耍的时候,尽情玩耍;工作的时候,不要儿戏。 ---- Theodore Roosevelt西奥多·罗斯福(美国第26任总统) 7、The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forword with strong and active faith. 今天的怀疑是对明日成就的唯一限制,让我们怀着坚定而主动的信念前进吧。 ---- Franklin D.Roosevelt富兰克林·D·罗斯福(美国第32任总统)


美国总统关于读书和成功的名言(摘录) 不管是在快速阅读的学习中,还是其它的学习生活中都需要的励志警醒名言。下面的系列的美国总统关于读书、节约时间与其它与成功有关的中英文名言选登。 ★Undertake not what you cannot perform, but be careful to keep your promise. 不要承你完成不了的事情,但一定要信守诺言。 乔治·华盛顿,George Washington,1732年2月22日-1799年12月14日,美国战争和建国中最重要的角色,华盛顿通常被称为美国国父,学者们则将他和亚伯拉罕·林肯并列为美国历史上最伟大的总统。(第1任) ★A free man obtains knowledge from many sources 1 besides books . 一个自由的人除了从书本上获取知识外,还可以从许多别的来源获得知识。 ★I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.

我不缅怀过去的历史,而致力于未来的梦想。 ★Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. 没有人能阻挡有正确态度的人获得成功;也没有人能帮助有错误人生态度的人。 托玛斯·杰弗逊,或译作杰斐逊,Thomas Jefferson,1743-1826,美国政治家、思想家、哲学家、科学家、教育家,第三任美国总统。他是美国独立战争期间的主要领导人之一,《独立宣言》之一。他在任期间保护农业,发展民族资本主义工业。从法国手中购买路易斯安那州,使美国领土近乎增加了一倍。他被普遍视为美国历史上最杰出的总统之一,同华盛顿、林肯和罗斯福齐名。(第3任) ★Take time to deliberate;but when the time for action arrives,stop thinking and go in. 考虑时不要匆忙,但是一旦行动的时刻来到,就要毫不犹豫地付诸行动。 安德鲁·杰克逊,Andrew Jackson,1767年3月15日─1845年6月8日,是美国第七任总统。首任佛罗里达州州长、新奥尔良之役战争英雄、民主党创建者之一,杰克逊式民主因他而得名。在美国政治史上,1820年代与1830年代的第二党体系(Second Party System)以他为极端的象征。杰克逊始终被美国的专家学者


最伟大的美国总统排名(前十) 美国总统(The President of the United States of America)是美利坚合众国的国家元首和政府首脑,同时是美国行政部门的最高领袖与三军统帅。根据现行的美国宪法第二十二修正案,美国总统任期4年,可以连任一届。一般称为,Mr. President, 总统先生。 作为世界上最强大的国家-美国的最高领导者,美国总统的权力与影响力极大。传统上,美国总统(若为男性)的夫人称为“第一夫人”,其家庭称为“第一家庭”。建国200多年来,44任美国总统全部为男性。 美国总统官邸为位于华盛顿特区的白宫。总统专用客机的无线电呼号称作“空军一号”,专用直升机的无线电呼号称为“海军陆战队一号”。美国总统乘坐的坐骑,历来被称作“美国一号”。 无论是哪一位,都为美国做出过贡献,就让我们来回顾一下他们的光辉历史吧! NO.1 乔治·华盛顿 华盛顿在普林斯顿的战斗结束后美国首任总统(1789~1797年),美国独立战争大陆军总司令。他毕生未进大学学习,但注意自学,使自己具备了突出的才干。早年当过土地测量员。1752年,成为维农山庄园的主人。曾参加七年战争,获中校和上校衔,积累了军事指挥的经验。1758年当选为弗吉尼亚议员。翌年与富孀M.D.卡斯蒂斯结婚,获得大批奴隶和60.75平方千米土地,成为弗吉尼亚最大的种植园主。在经营农场、手工作坊的过程中,华盛顿饱尝了英国殖民当局限制、盘剥之苦。1774年和1775年,先后作为弗吉尼亚议会的代表出席第一届、第二届大陆会议。1775年7月3日,华盛顿就任大陆军总司令。他把一支组织松散、训练不足、装备落后、给养匮乏,主要由地方民军组成的队伍整编和锻炼成为一支能与英军正面抗衡的正规军。通过特伦顿、普林斯顿和约克德等战役,击败英军,取得了北美独立战争的胜利。1783年《巴黎和约》签订,英国被迫承认美国独立。同年12月23日递交辞呈,解甲归田。1787年他主持召开费城制宪会议。制定联邦宪法,为根除君主制,制订和批准维护有产者民主权利的宪法作出不懈的努力。 1789年,当选为美国第一任总统。他组织机构精干的联邦政府,颁布司法条例,成立联邦最高法院。他在许多问题上倾向于联邦党人的主张,但力求在联邦党和民主共和党之间保持平衡。他支持A.汉密尔顿关于成立国家银行的计划,确立国家信用。批准T.杰斐逊所支持的公共土地法案,奠定了西部自由土地制度的基础。1793年,再度当选总统。为了缓和同英国的矛盾,1794年11月4日华盛顿派出首席法官J.杰伊与英国谈判,签订杰伊条约,因有损于美国利益,遭反对。1796年9月17日,他发表告别词,表示不再出任总统。从而开创美国历史上摒弃终身总统,和平转移权力的范例。次年,回到维农山庄园。因对美国独立作出重大贡献,被尊为美国国父。 [编辑本段]生平介绍 乔治·华盛顿1732年生于美国弗吉尼亚的威克弗尔德庄园。他是一位富有的种植园主之子,二十岁时继承了一笔可观的财产。1753年到1758年期间华盛顿在军中服役,积极参加了法国人同印第安人之间的战争,从而获得了军事经验和威望;1758年解甲回到弗吉尼亚,不久便与一位带有四个孩子的富孀──玛莎·丹德利居·卡斯蒂斯结了婚(他没有亲生子女)。华盛顿在特拉华的战斗中 华盛顿在随后的十五年中经营自己的家产,表现出了非凡的才能,1774年他被选为弗吉尼亚的一位代表去参加第一届大陆会议时,就已经成为美国殖民地中最大的富翁之一了。华盛顿不是一位主张独立的先驱者,但是1775年6月的第二届大陆会议(他是一位代表)却一致推选他来统率大陆部队。他军事经验丰富,家产万贯,闻名遐迩;他外貌英俊,体魄健壮(身高6英尺2时),指挥才能卓越,尤其他那坚韧不拔的性格使他成为统帅的理所当然的人选。在整个战争期间,他忠诚效劳,分文不取,廉洁奉公,堪称楷模。


纪念性公园的景观设计思路 "纪念"是人类最重要的情感之一。它具有物质的和精神的双重属性,人类的纪念情感通过客观事物与历史事件的关联而获得宣泄。"纪念"与回忆,尤其与人类的"群体回忆"有着密切的关联。纪念性空间记录着人类文明的历史进程,是群体记忆的再现。它的表现方式多种多样,比如陵墓、纪念碑、纪念馆、纪念堂、纪念雕塑石刻等等。而纪念性公园也是纪念性空间的一个重要组成部分。 纪念性公园的景观设计元素可以分为以下三个部分: 一、自然因素 地形因素 地形的起伏变化对纪念性公园的影响非常大,甚至影响了它之后的设计形式。凸地形通常配合向上的踏步和阶梯,当人们参与其中的时候会感受到一种动感。当人们仰望在高处的建筑或者景观的时候,容易产生一种尊敬和崇拜的感觉。而凹地形有封闭性和向心性,容易给人带来一种安静与沉思的安宁感,越战纪念碑的设计就是在逐渐下沉的凹地形中完成的,仿佛大地之中的深深的伤口。 植物因素 植物在纪念性空间中渲染气氛、营造意境,能起到不可小觑的作用。植物本身的含义、色彩差别、季相变化、冠幅枝叶花朵果实,都是可以作为造景中的设计元素来表现的。在美国93号航班纪念园中,

遗址景观和当地的枫树林紧紧结合在一起,有一种独特而忧伤的美丽。洛杉矶的玫瑰公墓园中,道路两旁种满了美丽的玫瑰,形成了一到旖旎的景观,为墓地增添了活力。而布策设计事务所在设计俄克拉荷马爆炸纪念园的时候,就保留了一棵见证灾难的大树,称之为"幸存者之树"。它是力量与隐忍的纪念。在它周围果园绿荫成片,孩子们可以在果园的空地上学习、思考。 水元素 水象征着万物生生不息的循环,为纪念园能增添不少生机和活力。浅水的设计更加有助于游人的互动。比如戴安娜纪念公园,人工溪流的动水奔流跳跃,静水安宁温和,反映出了戴安娜王妃动静相宜的个性。垂直地面的水帘如马丁·路德·金纪念园沿着花岗岩纪念墙缓缓流下的水幕,为纪念公园增添了视觉和听觉上的因素。 二、人工因素 园路因素 园路可以将纪念园的空间分割成几部分,起到组织空间与序列、营造意境的重要作用。园路的宽窄形式和材料的不同,带给人的感觉就不同。例如伦敦郊外的肯尼迪纪念园,花岗岩石板铺砌的小路沿着平缓的山丘通向肯尼迪纪念碑。 雕塑 雕塑是纪念性公园里不可缺少的元素之一,它本身就是一种艺术形式,能生动形象地刻画出被纪念的人物或者事件的发生,仿佛在对


1.现代景观设计及其发展 1. 景观生态学原理、现代空间理论、行为心理学以及设计艺术思潮等领域的探索与研究奠定了现代景观设计研究的基石。 2. 通过将空间、行为、生态及人文精神的有机结合,综合提升土地的使用价值与效率,以可持续的方式、方法促进人居环境的发展。 3. 促进现代景观设计变革的主要因素: ① 20世纪急剧变化的世界格局导致景观设计领域国际化加剧; ②哲学与美学及艺术思潮直接或间接影响着景观设计的理念; ③相关科学技术的发展改变景观设计的架构; ④随着学科高速发展,景观专业知识呈现既高度分化又高度整合的趋势; 4. 以生态学、“3S”技术、信息技术为代表改变学科发展态势,改变专业价值观念。 5. 景观设计在经历了古典主义的唯美论、工业时代的人本论后,在后工业时代迎来了景观设计的多元论。 6. 美国景观设计师丘奇代表作唐纳花园的设计特色“被誉为20世纪最重要的花园设计之一”。受立体主义思想的影响,丘奇认为花园每处景观应可以同时从若干个角度来观赏,并且一个花园应该没有起点和终点的限制,景观空间是复始的。线条之间的对抗、形式之间的对立,使整个形体具有强烈的约束感,不仅具有自身独立的特点,同时也符合场地的的需求。 7. 丹·凯利的米勒花园:占地1 .86ha的长条形米勒花园平面沿着长轴方向被划分为三个部分,花园、草地和林地,他用树篱、林荫道和墙垣围合形成矩形空间,在庭院区和草坪之间是一条两边种植着美洲皂荚的林荫道,道路的尽头摆放着亨利摩尔的雕塑。(2013已考) 8. 美国劳伦斯·哈普林的罗斯福纪念公园。以一系列花岗岩墙体、喷泉、跌水、植物等营造了四个空间,分别代表了罗斯福的四个时期及他所宣扬的“四种自由”,以雕塑表现四个时期的重要事件,用岩石和水的变化来烘托各时期的社会气氟,设计与环境融为一体,开放的,引人参与的纪念园的空间特色、景观风格与罗斯福总统平易近人的个性非常吻合,从设计上摆脱了传统模式,更为尊重人的感受和参与,他用独特的造性的理念设计了罗斯福纪念园。


名人故事:美国总统罗斯福 双腿瘫痪,竞选州长 有一位著名女舞蹈家给萧伯纳写了一封热情洋溢的信,信中建议:如果让他俩结婚,那将对后代和优生学都是件好事。她着重指出:“将来,生个孩子有你那样的智慧和我这样的外貌,该有多么美妙!” 正当罗斯福养精蓄锐,准备大干一场时,一个突如其来的不幸降临到他头上:1921年8月10日,他在冰冷的风地湾游泳后,忽然双腿麻痹,经诊断是小儿麻痹症。虽然得到了及时治疗,但正值盛年的罗斯福还是瘫痪了。对一个雄心勃勃的政客来说,没有比这一打击更沉重的了。这意味着他不能到处与选民接触,要被人当做残废人来看待,甚至不能独立生活,要仰仗别人料理! 十年后,秦将白起破楚郢都,屈原彻底绝望了,乃作《怀沙》,发出“知死不可让兮,原勿爱兮。明以告君子兮,吾将以为类兮”的叹息之后,就怀抱着石头,投入汨罗江自杀而亡。 二十林老生大手术后换了一个人工心脏。病好了后,她的女友却马上提出分手,为什么会这样?【答案:没有真心爱她】 尼可洛·帕格尼尼是意大利小提琴家、作曲家,被人称为"独弦琴上练出来的小提琴家"。他的艺术道路坎坷不平。他生于一小商人家庭,据说,曾因为政治犯罪坐了20年牢。但即使是身陷囹圄,他也不曾灰心,而是坚持狱中学习。他在狱窗边,用一把只剩下一根弦的提琴,坚持苦练,几十年如一日,终于在演奏技巧方面达到了出神入化的境地。他的

创作和演奏,奔放不羁,富于激情,对同时代的浪漫派作曲家有较大的影响。 这是一次严酷的考验。如果不进行最艰苦的长期锻炼,四肢可能完全瘫痪,坐都坐不起来。为了防止病情恶化,罗斯福以惊人的毅力,忍受着疼痛和摔跌,练习用拐杖走路。下肢瘫痪了,他想尽办法保持上身健壮的外形。他练习吊环增加臂力,练习游泳增加上身的宽厚。 同疾病的艰苦斗争,进一步增强了罗斯福在政治上拼搏的决心。在这一时期,他通过担任社会职业、接待来访者和夫人外交等方式来扩大自己在社会上的影响。 1924年又是总统选举年。民主党6月份在纽约召开代表大会,罗斯福决定在这次代表会上露面:一方面是为了支持艾尔弗雷德·史密斯角逐总统候选人的提名,更重要的是发出他本人重返政界的信号。他在儿子的协助下,拄着拐杖走上讲台,然后放开双拐,手扶讲台,开始了他患病3年来的第一次公开演说。他侃侃而谈,激情洋溢,赢得了热烈的掌声。 1928年,走向白宫的阶梯之一——纽约州长职位出现空缺。罗斯福心向往之又恐力有未逮,犹豫不决。他担心一个瘸子竞选州长,选民不能接受。在妻子的鼓励下,罗斯福接受了纽约州长候选人的提名,开始了身患重疾后的第一次公开竞选。他认为自己首先要突破的障碍是:必须让纽约州的选民们相信他不是一个机能丧失的残废人,而是个生气勃勃的候选人。在为期4周的紧张竞选活动中,罗斯福表现得精神抖擞,亲切感人。他与选民们握手、交谈,甚至说笑。他的绝佳表现赢得了选


.?I h o p e y o u e n j o y: 语言的力量,足以激荡人生。以下15句最鼓舞人心的名言,是我每周都需要的“兴奋剂”,希望你也会喜欢: ;theworditselfsays‘I’mpossible’!——AudreyHepburn 1.万事皆有可能,“不可能”的意思是,“不,可能。”——奥黛丽·赫本(着名女演员)’rehalfwaythere.——TheodoreRoosevelt 2.相信自己能做到,你就已经成功了一半。——西奥多·罗斯福(美国总统).——AristotleOnassis 3.越是在黑暗的时候,我们越要集中精神去寻找光明。——亚里士多德·奥纳西斯(希腊船王,迎娶前美国第一夫人杰奎琳·肯尼迪)youreapbutbytheseedsyouplant.——RobertLouisStevenson 4.如何判断一天过得好不好,不要看你收获了多少,而要看你种下去了多少种子。——罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森(着名作家,着有《金银岛》) .——RobertFrost 5.找到出口的最好方式就是一路走到底。——罗伯特·弗罗斯特(着名诗人,4次获得普利策奖) .—— 6.你的提问能决定你的生活质量。——自我成长先生.——NormanVincentPeale 7.改变你的思想,就能改变你的命运。——诺曼·文森特·皮尔(着名牧师、演讲家、作家) .——HarryEmersonFosdick 8.人们依靠行动而活,而不是想法而活。——哈里·爱默生·福斯迪克(着名教士、作家)forthefuture;itissomethingyouforthepresent.——JimRohn 9.幸福不应该等到未来去拥有,而是为了当下所准备。——吉姆·罗恩(成功学家,世界成功学大师安东尼·罗宾的启蒙老师) .——FriedrichSchiller 10.伟大或渺小取决于人的意志。——弗里德里希·席勒(德国着名诗人、哲学家) #2pencilandadreamcantakeyouanywhere.——


一、“多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫.一万年太久,只争朝夕!” —— (毛泽东《满江红和郭沫若同志》) 引用者:尼克松(美国第任总统) 背景说明:年月日美国总统尼克松访华时,曾在祝酒词地最后引用毛泽东《满江红和郭沫若同志》一词中地句子:“ :,, . ,!(多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫.一万年太久,只争朝夕)”文档来自于网络搜索 在赢得全场掌声后,尼克松接着借题发挥:“ ,.(现在,就是我们两国人民只争朝夕地时候了)”,更为前句增色.而此时,是中美中断了年地联系逐渐恢复正常地时候,两国渴望接触,这句诗词地恰当引用,准确地表达了他希望中美邦交正常化地迫切心情,赢得了满堂彩.文档来自于网络搜索 二、“今世褦襶(àà)子,触热到人家.” ——(晋程晓《嘲热客》) 引用者:卡特(美国第任总统) 背景说明:美国第任总统卡特卸任后,在年月日来到北京.当是北京正值盛夏,卡特一下飞机便念了两句中国古诗:“今世褦襶子,触热到人家”.文档来自于网络搜索 此诗出自晋人程晓所作《嘲热客》:“平生三伏时,道路无行车.闭门避暑卧,出入不相过.今世褦襶子,触热到人家.主人闻客来,颦蹙奈此何.摇扇髀中疾,流汗正滂沱.传戒诸高明,热行宜见诃.”其中“主人闻客来,颦蹙奈此何”这两句,很符合卡特地身份:已经不担任总统了,还来麻烦主人,很不好意思啊.文档来自于网络搜索 三、“海内存知己,天涯若比邻.” —— (唐代王勃《送杜少府之任蜀州》) 引用者:里根(美国第任总统) 背景说明:年,好莱坞演员出身地美国总统里根访华,在国家主席举行地欢迎晚宴上,里根在祝酒辞中说:“ ,,,,‘ ,.’(很多年前,一个叫王勃地中国诗人说,‘海内存知己,天涯若比邻’.)”引用古诗来表达中国美国虽然隔着太平洋,但是中美还是像邻近朋友一样.文档来自于网络搜索 四、“二人同心,其利断金.”——(《易经》) 引用者:里根(美国第任总统) 背景说明:仍然是年,在美国总统里根访华欢迎晚宴地第二天.也许他觉得“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”较浅显,还不够减轻中国主人对他这个老牌右翼保守分子地疑虑,里根在这天中国总理晚宴上地祝酒辞中加了一句加大互信力度地话:“… . ‘ ’ ,‘ ,.’(让我们同心同德,正如《易经》中一句话说地那样‘二人同心,其利断金’.)”文档来自于网络搜索 五、“前人栽树,后人乘凉.” ——(明代胡文焕《群音类选清腔类桂枝香》) 引用者:老布什(美国第任总统) 背景说明:老布什总统年春访华,在祝酒辞里,老布什说:“' :‘ ’(有一个中国谚语这样说:前人栽树,后人乘凉)”,由此称赞中国人正在栽种改革之树,而且这一代人已经开始收获果实.文档来自于网络搜索 六、“轻舟已过万重山.” ——(唐代李白《早发白帝城》) 引用者:老布什(美国第任总统) 背景说明:还是在老布什总统年访华地那个欢迎晚宴上,在引用“前人栽树,后人乘凉”之后,老布什提到他和芭芭拉在中国旅行地难忘经历,特别是杜甫地老家四川.老布什提到乘船经过三峡地经历时说:“… ' ‘ .’(我们想起了三国故事,几乎听到了诗人李白‘轻舟已过万重山’地描述)”,似乎在暗示中美关系已经冲破重重阻力破浪前行.文档来自于网络搜索 七、“大道之行也,天下为公.”—— (《礼记礼运篇》
