裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第19课

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第19课
裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第19课


hurry n./ v. 匆忙,急忙

作名词---------in a hurry (in such a hurry): quickly, hastily, hurriedly 匆忙地,迅速地

eg. We went to the station in a hurry. 我们匆忙赶到车站。

作动词---------hurried----------hurried 匆忙,迅速或仓促地做某事

eg. Don’t hurry, there is plenty of time. 不要着急,我们有大量时间。

eg. I hurried to the ticket office. 我匆忙地赶到售票处。

eg. I hurried to school. 我匆忙地赶到学校。

eg. We are late, I must hurry you. 我们已经迟到,我必须催促你。

hurry up! 快点(口)--------- be quick

eg. Hurry up! The bus is coming. 快点!公交车就要来了。

eg. Hurry up! Supper is ready. 快点!晚饭已经准备好了。

hurried adj. 匆忙的,仓促完成的

a hurried meal 匆匆忙忙的一顿饭

a hurried wedding 仓促的婚礼

hurriedly adv. --------- in a hurry

ticket office--------- booking office 火车站的、戏院等地方的售票处

box office 戏院、剧院的售票处(专指)

a box office success 卖座的,买得好的

box n.

1) 盒子,箱子

2) 分隔的或围成的区域(戏院的包厢)

3) 小亭子,岗亭

the telephone box 电话亭

4) the box 电视(俚)

boxer 拳击手

boxing 拳击运动

Boxing day 圣诞馈赠日

在英国,圣诞节的次日,若是星期日,则顺延一日,惯例在此时赠送雇员,邮差等礼物。pity ['piti] n.

1) 同情。怜悯[U]

be full of pity for sb / be filled with pity for sb 多某人充满同情,十分同情某人

feel pity for sb 对…同情

eg. He felt pity for the jobless man. 他对这个没有工作的人表示同情。

cry from pity 同情的泪水

2) 遗憾的事[C]

eg. What a pity that we can’t get the tickets for the performance of the Green Wood boys.


eg. What a pity! / What a shame! 多遗憾啊!

eg. It is a pity. 这是一个遗憾。

eg. It is a thousand pities. 非常遗憾。

exclaim [iks'kleim] v.

cry out suddenly and loudly from pain, anger, surprise, etc. 因疼痛、愤怒、惊奇等尖叫、呼喊eg. “What?”, he exclaimed, “Are you leaving without me?”.


eg. “What a pity”, She exclaimed. 她大声说:“多遗憾呵”。

exlaim in astonishment 惊叫

exlaim in delight 高兴地大叫

shout 呼喊,大声说话,吼叫

shout out 吼出声来

eg. Don’t shout at me. I can hear you all right. 别大声对我喊,我能听清你的话shout for joy / shout with joy 大声欢呼

shout oneself hoarse [h?:s] 把嗓子喊哑

scream 发出尖叫,惨叫。惊叫

eg. She screamed in a fright. 她恐怖地大声尖叫。

return v. 归还,退还,返回

sadly adv. 悲哀地,丧气地

sad adj. 悲哀的,忧愁的,难过的(---dder, ---ddest )

a sad look 一个悲哀的表情

a sad story 一个悲惨的故事

a sad event 一件悲哀的事情

eg. John is sad because his dog has been dead. 约翰很悲伤,因为他的狗死了。eg. I am very sad to hear the news. 获悉这个消息,我很悲痛。

sadly adv. 悲哀地,丧气地

sadly-----in a sad manner

eg. She looked at him sadly, and said sadly, “I am leaving you”.


sadness n.悲哀,悲伤[U]


at any moment…..at any time 随时

at this moment…..now 此时此刻

at that moment…..then 那时

may begin 一种可能性的判断

must + 原形:指比较肯定的判断

eg. You must be Tina. I’ve seen your picture. 你一定是蒂娜,我见过你的照片。cannot + 原形:指否定性的判断

eg. You can’t be Tina. She has been abroad. 你不可能是蒂娜,她已经出国了。may + 原形:指可能性的判断

eg. She may be Tina, but I’m not sure. 她可能是蒂娜,但我确定不了。

may have done 对发生完的事情一种可能性判断

must have done 对发生完的事情一种肯定性判断

can’t have done 对发生的事情一种否定性判断

eg. I can’t find my bag. It must have been stolen. 我找不到包,一定是被偷了。eg. Jane walked past me without speaking. She can’t have seen me.


eg. The bag may have been stolen. 书包可能是被偷了。

May I have two tickets please?

=May I buy two tickets please?

sell…..sold…..sold ←→buy……bought……bought

1) sell out 售完

sell out of sth 卖光

eg. We’ve sold out of all the ticksts. / All the tickets have been sold out.

eg. The play has sold out. / There are no tickets left. 这部戏的票都已卖完了. 2) be sold out of sth 卖光存货、票等

be sold out 售光

eg. We are sold out of Sunday newspaper, Sir. 先生,星期天的报纸已经卖完了。

3) sell well 畅销

sell badly 滞销

eg. The tickets for the play sold well. 这部戏的票卖座。

eg. The tickets for the play sold badly. 这部戏的票不卖座。

4) sell for + 价格以…价格出售

sell at + 价格以…价格卖出

eg. The antique vase will sell for 5000 dollars at least. 这件古花瓶至少要卖5000美元。eg. Cabbage is selling at a high price this year. 今年洋白菜的价格很高。

5) seller 售货人←→buyer 买方

a good seller 畅销的商品

a bad seller 滞销的商品

a best seller 畅销品

6) sale n.

for sale 待售

a house for sale 待售的房子

not for sale 非卖品

on sale 出售,上市;廉价,特价(Am.)

eg. They sell eggs on sale that day. 那天鸡蛋特价销售。

salesman 男外卖员,(男)推销员

an insurance salesman 保险推销员

saleswoman 女店员,(美)女推销员

I’m sorry. / I am sorry.

We’ve sold out. / We have sold out.

eg. When’ll I see you? / When will I see you?

eg. I’ll not stay a moment longer. / I shall not stay a moment longer.

just then / just at the moment

next Wednesday’s perfo rmance

today’s newspaper

may as well

may as well / might as well + do:


eg. Do you think you’ll pass the exam? 你认为你会通过考试吗?

I’ll never pass. I might as well give up. 决不会,我还是放弃的好。

eg. Do you want to come to the cinema with me? 你想和我一起去看电影吗?

I haven’t got anything to do, so I may as well come with you.


Special Difficulties

1. There are not many people here.

There aren’t many people here.

2. She did not tell me she had not seen you.

She didn’t tell me she hadn’t seen you.

3.I shall not stay a moment longer.

I shan’t stay a moment longer.

4. He’s in the living room. He’s just come home.

He is in the living room. He’s just come home.

5. I cannot understand why he hasn’t arrived.

I can’t understand why he has not arrived.

6. That man’s been in prison.

That man has been in prison.


《桃花源记》理解默写测试 1.文中描绘桃花林中草美花繁(桃花林奇异景象)的语句是:___________, ____________,____________,_____________. 2.写出描写桃花源中人和平劳动,幸福生活的语句: ___________,___________,____________,____________,_____________. 3. 本文中表明了桃花源人安居乐业/和平幸福的境况(或:明显精神面貌)的句子是:____________,_____________. 4、表现桃花源中自然环境美好的句子: ____________,____________,_____________. 5 描写桃花源社会环境安定平和的语句是:____________,_____________. 6.桃花源人“遂与外人间隔”的原因: _________________,_________________,____________,_____________. 7.成语“无人问津”出自本文,其原句是:_____________. 8.表现“村人”都来关心渔人的句子:____________,_____________. 9、描写老人和小孩神情的句子:____________,_____________. 10、表明桃花源中人来桃花源原因的句子:_____________. 11、表明渔人背信弃义的句子:____________,_____________. 12、最能体现桃花源人热情好客、民风淳朴的句子: a. ____________,_____________. b. _________________,_____________. 13 .表明桃源人与外界相隔久远的句子是: ____________,____________,_____________. 14、交代桃花源的人来历的句子是: _____________________,____________________,_____________. 15、“村人”不知有汉、无论魏晋的原因?____________,_____________. 16.“村人”满足于桃花源生活,厌恶外界生活的体现是: ____________,_____________. 17描写出桃源入口的特点的句子____________,_____________. 18、表现“村人”都来关心渔人的句子:____________,_____________. 19、桃花源人“皆叹惋”的原因: ________________,____________,_____________.


Lesson 19 Sold out 票已售完 1.Sold out 票已售完 sell [sel]v., n. v. (sold, sold[s??ld]) (opposite: buy bought , bought) 1.~sth. (to sb.) (at/for sth.) / ~sb. sth. (at/for sth.) to give sth. to sb. in exchange for money出让;转让: e.g. [vn, vnn] 我把我的汽车转让给了詹姆斯,获得800英镑。 I sold my car to James for 800 pounds. I sold James my car for 800 pounds. [vn] 他们把公司卖掉,赢了利/赔了钱。 They sold the business at a profit/loss (=they gained/lost money when they sold it). [v] 我们开了好价钱,但他们不卖。We offered them a good price but they wouldn’t sell. 2. [vn] to offer sth. for people to buy出售;售卖: e.g. 你这儿卖邮票吗?Do you sell stamps? 出售保险to sell insurance [in??u?r?ns] 3. to be bought by people in the way or in the numbers mentioned; to be offered at the price mentioned销售得…;卖出…;售价是…: e.g. [vn]这种杂志一周售出30万册。The magazine sells 300,000 copies a week. sell well畅销sell badly 滞销 这部戏的票卖得很好/不好。The tickets for the play sold well/badly. The new design just didn’t sell (=nobody bought it).新款式无人问津。 sell for +价格以…价格出售sell at +价格以…价格卖出 e.g. 这个花瓶至少要卖5000美元。The vase will sell for 5000 dollars at least. 今年,洋白菜的价格很高。Cabbage is selling at a high price this year. 4. [vn] ~sth./yourself (to sb.) to persuade sb. that sth. is a good idea, service, product, etc.; to persuade sb. that you are the right person for a job, position, etc.推荐;推销;自荐;自我推销: e.g. 应聘面试的时候,你真得推销你自己。You really have to sell yourself at a job interview. Phr.v. 1. sell sth. off 1) to sell things cheaply because you want to get rid of them or because you need the money甩卖;抛售;变卖(get rid of sb./sth. 摆脱;丢弃;扔掉) 2) to sell all or part of an industry, a company or land出售,卖掉(产业、公司或土地): e.g. 教堂卖掉了那块地皮,用来盖房子了。The Church sold off the land for housing. (house [hauz]vt.1. 给(某人)提供住处2.收藏;安置housing n. 1. [u](统称)住房,住宅2. [u] 住房供给) 2. sell out / be sold out (of tickets for a concert, football game, etc.音乐会、足球赛等的门票) to be all sold售完: e.g.几小时内票就卖光了。The tickets sold out within hours. 所有的票被卖光了。All the tickets have been sold out. 3. sell out (of sth.) / be sold out (of sth.) to have sold all the available items, tickets, etc.售空,卖光(某种商品、门票等);脱销: e.g. 抱歉,我们的面包卖完了。I’m sorry, we’ve sold out of bread. 我们卖光了所有的票。We’ve sold out of all the tickets. 先生,星期天的报纸已经卖完了。We are sold out of Sunday newspapers, sir. seller[?sel?]n. 1. a person who sells sth. 卖者;销售者;卖方:opposite: buyer[?ba??] e.g. 卖花人a flower seller 这项法律意在保护买卖双方。The law is intended to protect both the buyer and the seller. 2.a good, poor, etc.~ a product that has been sold in the amounts or way mentioned(畅销、滞销等的)商品:e.g. 畅销的商品a good seller 滞销的商品a bad/poor seller 畅销品a best seller IDM: a seller’s market 卖方市场


目录 Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话 (4) Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐 (11) Lesson 3 Please send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片 (16) Lesson 4 An exciting trip 激动人心的旅行 (21) Lesson 5 No wrong numbers 无错号之虞 (25) Lesson 6 Percy Buttons 珀西.巴顿斯 (31) Lesson 7 Too late 为时太晚 (38) Lesson 8 The best and the worst最好的和最差的 (44) Lesson 9 A cold welcome 冷遇 (49) Lesson 10 Not for jazz不适于演奏爵士乐 (55) Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another礼尚往来 (60) Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck 再见,一路顺风 (64) Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys 绿林少年 (68) Lesson 14 Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗? (74) Lesson 15 Good news 佳音 (80) Lesson 16 A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求 (85) Lesson 17 Always young 青春常驻 (90) Lesson 18 He often does this! 他经常干这种事! (96) Lesson 19 Sold out 票已售完 (99) Lesson 20 One man in a boat 独坐孤舟 (104) Lesson 21 Mad or not? 是不是疯了? (110) Lesson 22 A glass envelope 玻璃信封 (115) Lesson 23 A new house 新居 (119) Lesson 24 It could be worse 不幸中之万幸 (122) Lesson 25 Do the English speak English? 英国人讲的是英语吗? (125) Lesson 26 The best art critics 最佳艺术评论家 (130) Lesson 27 A wet night 雨夜 (136) Lesson 28 No parking 禁止停车 (143) Lesson 29 Taxi! 出租汽车! (149) Lesson 30 Football or polo?足球还是水球? (154) Lesson 31 Success story 成功者的故事 (159) Lesson 32 Shopping made easy 购物变得很方便 (165) Lesson 33 Out of the darkness 冲出黑暗 (171) Lesson 34 Quick work 破案“神速” (177) Lesson 35 Stop thief! 捉贼 (180) Lesson 36 Across the Channel 横渡海峡 (186) Lesson 37 The Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会 (193) Lesson 38 Everything except the weather 唯独没有考虑到天气 (198) Lesson 39 Am I all right? 我是否痊愈? (203) Lesson 40 Food and talk 进餐与交谈 (208) Lesson 41 Do you call that a hat? 你把那个叫帽子吗? (213)


桃花源记默写练习 .、、* 亠,、\人八r/,、t 一、文学常识 1?本文选自《______________ 》,本文是《》中的___________ 。陶渊明,又名 ______ : 字________ ,________ 著名诗人。 2. _______________________ 陶渊明私谥“ _______________ ”,自称“________ ”,诗派代表 杰出代表。代表作有 ____________________________ 二、重点字词 1?缘溪行: 2?忽逢桃花林: 3. 渔人甚异之: 4?欲穷其林: 5.桑竹之属: 6?鸡犬相闻: 7. 悉如外人: 8. 悉如外人: 9. 并怡然自乐: 10乃大惊: 11便要还家: 12. 具答之: 13. 咸来问讯: 14. 不复出焉: 15. 皆叹惋: 16. 延至其家: 17. 此中人语云: 18. 说如此: 19. 欣然规往: 20. 寻病终: 三、古今异义(分别写出古义和今义) 1. 交通: 2. 妻子: 3. 无论: 4. 不足: 5. 鲜美: 6. 绝境: 7. 仿佛: 四、一词多义 1.舍::①便舍船: ②屋舍俨然: 2.寻:①寻向所志: ②寻病终: 3.向:①寻向所志: ②眈眈相向: 4.之:①忘路之远近:

②甚异之: ③具答之: ④闻之: 五、翻译句子 1武陵人捕鱼为业 2、夹岸数百步,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷: 3土地平旷,屋舍俨然,有良田美池桑竹之属 5.阡陌交通,鸡犬相闻: 6?问今是何世,乃不知有汉,无论魏晋: 7、此中人语云:“不足为外人道也” 7. 既出,得其船,便扶向路,处处志之: 8. 及郡下,诣太守,说如此: 9. 寻向所志,遂迷,不复得路:六、线索 全文以 ____________________________ 为线索。 八?理解记忆 1描写桃花林美丽景色的语句是: 2.描写桃花源社会环境安定平和的语句是: 3.描写桃花源人热情好客的语句是: 4.表现桃花源中自然环境美好的句子: 5.表现桃花源中人民生活恬适的句子: 7、村人都来关心渔人的句子: 6.表明桃花源中人来桃花源原因的句子: 7.表明渔人背信弃义的句子: 8.写出出自本文的四个成语: 参考答案: 1 描写桃花林美丽景色的语句是:忽逢桃花林。夹岸数百步,中无杂树,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷。 2.描写桃花源社会环境安定平和的语句是:阡陌交通,鸡犬相闻3.描写桃花源人热情好客的语句是:便要还家,设酒杀鸡作食。/余人各复延至其家,皆出酒食。


桃花源记默写练习 一、文学常识 1.本文选自《》,本文是《》中的。陶渊明,又名,字,著名诗人。 2.陶渊明私谥“”,自称“”,诗派代表杰出代表。代表作有 二、重点字词 1.缘溪行: 2.忽逢桃花林: 3.渔人甚异之: 4.欲穷其林: 5.桑竹之属: 6.鸡犬相闻: 7.悉如外人: 8. 悉如外人: 9.并怡然自乐: 10.乃大惊: 11.便要还家: 12.具答之: 13.咸来问讯: 14.不复出焉: 15.皆叹惋: 16.延至其家: 17.此中人语云: 18.说如此: 19.欣然规往: 20.寻病终: 三、古今异义(分别写出古义和今义) 1.交通: 2.妻子: 3.无论: 4.不足: 5.鲜美: 6.绝境: 7.仿佛: 四、一词多义 1.舍::①便舍船: ②屋舍俨然: 2.寻:①寻向所志: ②寻病终: 3.向:①寻向所志: ②眈眈相向: 4.之:①忘路之远近:

②甚异之: ③具答之: ④闻之: 五、翻译句子 1、武陵人捕鱼为业 2、夹岸数百步,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷: 3土地平旷,屋舍俨然,有良田美池桑竹之属 5.阡陌交通,鸡犬相闻: 6.问今是何世,乃不知有汉,无论魏晋: 7、此中人语云:“不足为外人道也” 7.既出,得其船,便扶向路,处处志之: 8.及郡下,诣太守,说如此: 9.寻向所志,遂迷,不复得路: 六、线索 全文以为线索。 八.理解记忆 1描写桃花林美丽景色的语句是: 2.描写桃花源社会环境安定平和的语句是:3.描写桃花源人热情好客的语句是: 4.表现桃花源中自然环境美好的句子:5.表现桃花源中人民生活恬适的句子: 7、村人都来关心渔人的句子: 6.表明桃花源中人来桃花源原因的句子:7.表明渔人背信弃义的句子: 8. 写出出自本文的四个成语:


新概念英语第二册课后题答案详解:Lesson19 新概念英语第二册课后习题 Lesson 19 1. a 根据课文第5-6行苏珊和售票处姑娘的对话:‘I’m sorry, we’ve sold out,’ the girl said. ‘What a pity!’ Susan exclaimed, 只有a. they had all been sold 与课文内容相符,而其他3个选择都与课文实际内容不符,所以选a. 2. d 根据课文最后一行‘I might as well have them,’ I said sadly(我还是买下为好,我垂头丧气地说。) 只有d. wasn’t too pleased to get tickets for next Wednesday’s performance 最能 反映作者当时的心情,而其他3个选择都与课文实际内容不符,所以 选d. 3. c 前一句The play may begin at any moment(剧马上就要开演了) 是对将要发生的事情的推测,只有c. hasn’t begun yet (它还没开 演呢)是合乎逻辑的,也与前一句的内容相符合。而其他3个选择 a. has begun(已经开演了)不符合逻辑;b. won’t begin for a long time(好长一段时间后才开演)与课文意思不符;d. begun a long time ago(很久以前就开演了)更不符合题目意思和时态。 4. c 这是一个疑问句,需要用疑问句的语序,即主谓倒置, a. You must give me; b. You have got to give me 与 d. You may give me 这3个选择都是陈述句语序,只有c. Could I have 是疑问句语序,并且could 同前一句中的may 是一样的,都是表示“请求”的,所以 应该选c.

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第82课

Lesson 82 Monster or fish? 是妖还是鱼? 【New words and expressions】(7) monster n. 怪物sailor n. 海员 sight v. 见到creature n. 动物,生物peculiar adj. 奇怪的,不寻常的 shining adj. 闪闪发光的oarfish n. 桨鱼 ★ monster (1)n. 怪物 a one-eyed monster獨眼怪物 eg:A dragon is a fabulous monster . 龍是一個傳說中的怪物 (2)巨大物、(做形容詞)巨大 eg:The spaceship was a real monster . 巨大的宇宙飛船 a monster pumpkin 南瓜 monstrous adj. 畸形的, 怪異的, 巨大的 a monstrous iceberg 巨大的冰山 monstrously adv. ひどく、非常に ★ sailor (1)n. 海员、水手 eg:His father is a sailor . (2)乘船的人(與adj. 連用) a good sailor 不暈船的人←→ a bad sailor 暈船的人 sail(同音詞sale)(1)n. 帆put up a sail 揚帆 (2)n.航行、航程go for a sail 乘船去航行 eg:It’s a forty-minute sail from Dove to Calais . 從多佛到加來需45分鐘的航行 in full sail 以全速;set sail 啟航 (3)v. 揚帆、航行,(使)行使 eg:The yacht sailed around the cape . 那艘遊艇繞岬航行。 eg:He sailed his boat into the harbor . 他將船直接駛向港口。 eg:Can you sail a yacht ?你會駕駛遊艇? sail close to the wind 幾乎犯法;冒風險 sailing n. 航海;sailing boat (英)帆船(美:sail boat)★ sight (1) v. 见到 eg:They sighted land at last . 他們終於看見陸地了 (2)n. 視力、視覺 near sighted =short sighted 近視 far sighted =long sighted 遠視 lose one’s sight 失明 (3)n. 視野 go out of sight 從視線消失、看不見了;come in sight 映入眼簾in sight 看得見,被見到;在望,在即 eg;I caught sight of his tall figure in the crowd . 在人群中我看見他高大的身影。


《桃花源记》理解性默写 1.文中是什么吸引渔人“欲穷其林”的(),(),(),(),()。 2.“渔舟逐水爱山春,两岸桃花夹古津”,诗人王维的诗句让人联想起《桃花源记》中渔人惊见的桃花林的美景:(),(),(),(),()。 3.描写桃花林美丽景色的语句是:(),()。 4.描写桃林美好的句子是:(),()。 5.《桃花源记》中(芳草鲜美),(落英缤纷)两句色彩绚丽,突出了桃花林的绝美景色。 6.表明渔人总体感受的句子:()。 7.表现桃花源中自然环境美好的句子:(),(),()。 8.《桃花源记》中陶渊明为被战乱侵扰的人民描绘了一个美好社会,那里“(),(),()”,环境优美,令人向往。 9.总体上为我们描绘的世外桃源的图景(桃花源美好的自然环境)是:(),(),()。 10.《桃花源记》中捕鱼人前走几十步,眼前变得开阔明亮,呈现在渔人眼前的是:(),()的淳朴自然的乡村美景。 11.描写桃花源社会环境安定平和的语句是:(),()。 12.《桃花源记》中综合视觉和听觉,描写桃花源社会环境安定平和的两句是:(),()。 13.描写了桃花源社会环境的安宁的句子:(),(),(),(),()。(),()。 14.《桃花源记》中从穿着的角度表现桃花源与世隔绝的句子:(),()。 15.《桃花源记》中描写了桃花源社会环境的安宁的句子:(),(),(),(),

()。(),()。 16.描写老人和小孩神情的句子:(),()。 17.《桃花源诗》用“童孺纵行歌,斑白欢游诣”句表现人们生活的幸福欢乐,在陶渊明的《桃花源记》一文中表意与之相近的句子是:(),()。 18.陶渊明《桃花源记》一文中,描写老人和小孩精神状态的句子是:(),()。 19.写桃源人精神状态的句子或描写桃源人幸福生活(描写老人和小孩神情)的句子是:(),()。 20.《桃花源记》中描写桃花源内的人们生活安乐、幸福景象的句子是:(),() 21.陶渊明在《桃花源记》中描写桃源中人无论老幼均能快乐生活的句子是:(),()。 22.《桃花源记》中,通过选取两个不同年龄阶段的人来传达桃花源之中人们生活安乐自在的句子是:(),()。 23.最能体现桃花源人热情好客、民风淳朴的句子:a.(),()。(),()。b.(),()。 24.最能体现桃花源人热情好客的句子有:(),()。(),()。 25.描写桃花源人热情好客的语句是:(),();(),();(),()。 26.《桃花源记》中写桃花源中其他人热情款待渔人的句子是:(),()。 27.表明桃花源中人来桃花源原因的句子:()。 28.《桃花源记》中,桃花源人与渔人交流,(),(),之后不再出去,跟桃花源外面的人断绝了来往。 29.《桃花源记》中桃花源人询问渔人如今是什么朝代,


New Concept English BookⅡ 一、单项选择 1. the teacher at this college last year ? Yes, he did. A. Did, taught B. does, teach C. Did, teach D Do,teach 2、I went to the supermarket and bought a great many A.tomatoes B.potatos C.vegetables D.meat 3、He until it stopped raining. A.waited B. didn't wait C. didn’t leave D.left 4、For the whole period of two months, there no rain in this area. A.is B.will be C.has been D.have been 5、——Hey, how are you getting with your girlfriend? —— A .It’s none of your business! B.Dear me! C .Take it easy. D.Enjoy yourself. 6、A great number of students fond of films, but a good student seldom to the cinema A. are,goes B. is,goes C. are,go D. is,go 7、If their house not like ours, what it look like? A.is, is B.is, does C.does, does D.does, is 8. I’m _______ in that ________ film A. interesting, interested B. interested, interesting C. interested, interested D. interesting, interesting 9. ------ Hurry up! We have little time! ------ I ____________. A. will come B. come C. shall come D. am coming 10. -------_____________? -------I am Italian. A.What’s your job B. What’s your name C. What nationality are you D.Where do you from s. 11. I don’t have ______writing paper, I only have _____chalk A. any, any B. any, some C. some, some D.some,any 12. Look, the little dog ______after a big cat! A. runs B. is running C. is going to run D.is runing 13. It’s very cold. _______ your coat. A. Take off B. Put on C. Turn on D.Put off 14.The man could not bear it.He could not it. A.carry B.suffer C.stand D.lift 15.Just then,the telephone rang.It rang . A.at once B.immediately C.again D.at that moment 16.On the last day he made a big dicision.It was the day of his holiday. A.final B.end https://www.360docs.net/doc/e013161596.html,test D.bottom 17.He calls at every house in the street.He everyone. A.shouts at B.calls C.cries out at D.visits


Lesson 67 Volcanoes 火山 【Text 】 Haroun T azieff, the Polish scientist, has spent his lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world. In 1948, he went to Lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro. Tazieff was able to set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently. Though he managed to take a number of brilliant photographs, he could not stay near the volcano for very long. He noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him. It threatened to surround him completely, but T azieff managed to escape just in time. He waited until the volcano became quiet and be was able to return two days later . This time, he managed to climb into the mouth of Kituro so that he could take photographs and measure temperatures. Tazieff has often risked his life in this way. He has been able to tell us more about active volcanoes than any man alive. 【课文翻译】 波兰科学家哈罗恩·塔捷耶夫花了毕生的精力来研究世界各地的活火山和深洞。1948年他去了刚果的基伍湖,对一座后来被他命名为基图罗的新火山进行观察。当火山正在猛烈地喷发时,塔捷耶夫有办法把帐篷搭在离它非常近的地方。尽管他设法拍了一些十分精彩的照片,但他却不能在火山附近停留太长的时间。他发现有一股岩浆正向他流过来,眼看就要将他团团围住,但塔捷耶夫还是设法及时逃离了。他等到火山平静下来,两天以后又返回去。这次他设法爬进了基图罗火山口,以便能拍摄照片和测试温度。塔捷耶夫经常冒这样的生命危险。他能告诉我们的有关活火山的情况比任何在世的人都要多。 New words and expressions 生词和短语 【生词讲解】 1. volcano n. 火山 (volcanoes) an active volcano 活火山 a dormant volcano 休眠火山 violently adv. 猛烈地,剧烈地 manage v. 设法 brilliant adj. 精彩的 liquid [5likwid] adj. 液态的;n. 液体 escape v. 逃脱 alive adj. 活着的


Lesson 1 A private conversation 【New words and expressions】 ★private ① adj. 私人的 private life 私生活private school 私立学校 ② adj. 普通的private citizen 普通公民 I‘m a private citizen. (citizen n. 公民) private soldier 大兵《Private Ryan》《拯救大兵瑞恩》) public adj. 公众的,公开的(private的反义词) public school 公立学校public letter 公开信 public place 公共场所privacy n.隐私 It‘s privacy. 这是我的隐私!(不愿让别人知道的) ★conversation n.谈话 have a + talk/chat/dialogue/conversation/gossip 名词变动词conversation 一般用于正式文体中, 内容上往往不正式subject of conversation 话题 They are having a conversation. talk 内容可正式可不正式, 也可以私人 Let‘s have a talk. dialogue 对话, 可以指正式国家与国家会谈 China and Korea are having a dialogue. chat 闲聊,就是北京人说的―侃‖,无关紧要的事。 gossip 嚼舌头, 说长道短 ★theatre n.剧场, 戏剧cinema n.电影院 ★seat n.座位 have a good seat/place,这里的seat指place(指地点),而不是chair. take a seat/take your seat 坐下来, 就坐 Is the seat taken? 这个位置有人吗? 请坐的3种说法: Sit down, please. (命令性) Take your seat, please. Be seated, please. (更礼貌) 作为动词的seat与sit的区别 sit(sat,)vi. 就座He is sitting there.他坐在那儿。 seat vt.让某人就座Seat yourself. seat sb. 让某人就坐,后面会加人 You seat him.你给他找个位置. When all those present(到场者)_D_ he began his lecture.A. sit B. set C. seated D. were seated sit down 坐下;be seated=take a seat 就坐 ★angry adj. 生气的 ★angrily adv. 生气的angry =cross I was angry. /He was cross. annoyed: 恼火的; be blue in the face 脸上突然变色 程I was annoyed. 度I was angry/cross. 加I was very angry. 深I am blue in the face. (脸色都青了,相当生气) ★attention n. 注意 Attention ,please. 请注意(口语) pay attention 注意pay attentio n to … 对……注意 You must pay attention to that girl. pay a little attention 稍加注意pay much attention 多加注意pay more attention 更多注意pay no attention 不用注意pay close attention 特别注意 ★bear(bore, born) v. 容忍 ① vt. 承受,支撑,承担,负担 Can the ice bear my weight? Who will bear the cost? 谁来承担这笔费用? ② vt. 忍受(与can/could连用于疑问及否定句中) She eats too fast. I can‘t bear to watch/watching her. How can you bear living in this place?


最新文件---------------- 仅供参考--------------------已改成-----------word文本 --------------------- 方便更改 赠人玫瑰,手留余香。 《桃花源记》理解性默写 1.文中是什么吸引渔人“欲穷其林”的?(),(),(),(),()。 2.“渔舟逐水爱山春,两岸桃花夹古津”,诗人王维的诗句让人联想起《桃花源记》中渔人惊见的桃花林的美景:(),(),(),(),()。 3.描写桃花林美丽景色的语句是:(),()。 4.描写桃林美好的句子是:(),()。 5.《桃花源记》中(芳草鲜美),(落英缤纷)两句色彩绚丽,突出了桃花林的绝美景色。 6.表明渔人总体感受的句子:()。 7.表现桃花源中自然环境美好的句子:(),(),()。 8.《桃花源记》中陶渊明为被战乱侵扰的人民描绘了一个美好社会,那里“(),(),()”,环境优美,令人向往。 9.总体上为我们描绘的世外桃源的图景(桃花源美好的自然环境)是:(),(),()。 10.《桃花源记》中捕鱼人前走几十步,眼前变得开阔明亮,呈现在渔人眼前的是:(),()的淳朴自然的乡村美景。 11.描写桃花源社会环境安定平和的语句是:(),()。

12.《桃花源记》中综合视觉和听觉,描写桃花源社会环境安定平和的两句是:(),()。 13.描写了桃花源社会环境的安宁的句子:(),(),(),(),()。(),()。 14.《桃花源记》中从穿着的角度表现桃花源与世隔绝的句子:(),()。 15.《桃花源记》中描写了桃花源社会环境的安宁的句子:(),(),(),(),()。(),()。 16.描写老人和小孩神情的句子:(),()。 17.《桃花源诗》用“童孺纵行歌,斑白欢游诣”句表现人们生活的幸福欢乐,在陶渊明的《桃花源记》一文中表意与之相近的句子是:(),()。 18.陶渊明《桃花源记》一文中,描写老人和小孩精神状态的句子是:(),()。 19.写桃源人精神状态的句子或描写桃源人幸福生活(描写老人和小孩神情)的句子是:(),()。 20.《桃花源记》中描写桃花源内的人们生活安乐、幸福景象的句子是:(),() 21.陶渊明在《桃花源记》中描写桃源中人无论老幼均能快乐生活的句子是:(),()。 22.《桃花源记》中,通过选取两个不同年龄阶段的人来传达桃花源之中人们生活安乐自在的句子是:(),()。 23.最能体现桃花源人热情好客、民风淳朴的句子:a.(),()。(),()。b.(),()。


新概念英语第二册课后习题答案 Lesson 19 1. a 根据课文第5-6行苏珊和售票处姑娘的对话:‘I’m sorry, we’ve sold out,’ the girl said. ‘What a pity!’ Susan exclaimed, 只有a. they had all been sold与课文内容相符,而其他3个选择都与课文实际内容不符,所以选a. 2. d根据课文最后一行‘I might as well have them,’ I said sadly(我还是买下为好,我垂头丧气地说。)只有 d. wasn’t too pleased to get tickets for next Wednesday’sperformance 最能反映作者当时的心情,而其他3个选择都与课文实际内容不符,所以选 d. 3. c前一句The play may begin at any moment(剧马上就要开演了)是对将要发生的事情的推测,只有c. hasn’t begun yet (它还没开演呢)是合乎逻辑的,也与前一句的内容相符合。而其他3个选择 a. hasbegun(已经开演了)不符合逻辑; b. won’t begin for a longtime(好长一段时间后才开演)与课文意思不符; d. begun a long timeago(很久以前就开演了)更不符合题目意思和时态。 4. c 这是一个疑问句,需要用疑问句的语序,即主谓倒置, a. You must give me; b. You have got togive me 与 d. You may give me 这3个选择都是陈述句语序,只有c. Could I have是疑问句语序,并且could 同前一句中的may 是一样的,都是表示“请求”的,所以


新概念(一)册 (35)课——(53)课测试卷 姓名; 第一部分:笔试 一、英汉互译(15) 1.butcher 9.刷油漆 2.meat 10.最喜欢的 3.either 11.摔下 4.climate 12.打开 5.summer 13.花 6.pleasant_______ 14.盘子_________ 7.February________ 15.花瓶________ 8.beaf________ 二、按要求写出正确形式(10) 1.cold (反义词) 6.they (宾格) 2. rise (对应词)7.wind (形容词) 3.Canada (形容词)8.run (现在分词) 4.peach (复数)9.eat (现在分词) 5.make (现在分词)10.empty (现在分词) 三、用所给动词的适当形式填空(10) 1.I’m(make)a bookcase. 2.what you (do)tomorrow? 3.Listen!Who (sing)in the next door? 4. (not,do)your homework now. 5. . (show) me your photo. 6.Iim (come) from England . 7.Does she (want) any meat? 8.He is (sit) on the grass. 9.Can you (make) biscuits? 10.--- (be) they going to the park this Sunday? ---Yes,they ________(be). 四、选择填空(30) 1.The children are jumping_______the wall. A.off B.at C.in D.for 2.They are wating________a bus. A.at B.in C.on D.for 3.He______bread,but he doesn’t want_______. A.likes,some B.likes,any C.like,some D.like,any 4.He doesn’t like chicken. I don’t like chicken,_____. A.too B.either C.also D.neither 5.Can you take these books______your teacher. A.in B.to C.of D.over
