





1) 让腿紧绷起来,一般就可以看到肌肉的形状;

2) 脂肪一般在皮下,而肌肉一般是附在骨头上。所以,放松腿部,如果能很容易用手抓起来,就是脂肪。这个方面如果在按摩腿部之后作最有效,此时僵硬的脂肪也会被软化,轻松就可以抓起来。

3) 当然,如果您已经长期不运动,那么就一定是脂肪偏多了——即使以前有肌肉,也开始流失,同时脂肪填充进去。这就是所谓的“肌肉型小腿”。










肌肉的运动需要的能量来自于两部分: 体内的 糖 和 脂肪
体内糖: 当人进行短时间的剧烈运动时,体内的糖大量分解,产生能量供肌肉使用。

体内脂肪: 当人进行长时间的运动时, 体内糖提供的热量远不能满足需要,于是体内的脂肪经过氧化分解,产生热能供人体使用。
当人进行长时间的耐力运动时, 体内糖提供的热量远不能满足需要,通过增加氧气的供给,体内的脂肪经过氧化分解,产生热能供人体使用。





(5)肥胖者进行适宜强度的运动训练后,常发生正常的食欲下降,摄食量减少,从而限制了热量的摄入,使机体能量代谢出现负平衡,引起脂肪的减少。 改正运动减肥的五大误区





1. 大重量、低次数:健美理论中用RM表示某个负荷量能连续做的最高重复次数。比如,练习者对一个重量只能连续举起5次,则该重量就是5RM。研究表明:1 -5RM的负荷训练能使肌肉增粗,发展力量和速度;6-10RM的负荷训练能使肌肉粗大,力量速度提高,但耐力增长不明显;10-15RM的负荷训练肌纤维增粗不明显,但力量、速度、耐力均有长进;30RM的负荷训练肌肉内毛细血管增多,耐久力提高,但力量、速度提高不明显。可见,5-10RM的负荷重量适用于增大肌肉体积的健美训练。

2. 多组数:什么时候想起来要锻炼了,就做上2~3组,这其实是浪费时间,根本不能长肌肉。必须专门抽出60~90分钟的时间集中锻炼某个部位,每个动作都做8~10组,才能充分刺激肌肉,同时肌肉需要的恢复时间越长。一直做到肌肉饱和为止,“饱和度” 要自我感受,其适度的标准是:酸、胀、发麻、坚实、饱满、扩张,以及肌肉外形上的明显粗壮等。

3. 长位移:不管是划船、卧推、推举、弯举,都要首先把哑铃放得尽量低,以充分拉伸肌肉,再举得尽量高。这一条与“持续紧张”有时会矛盾,解决方法是快速地通过“锁定”状态。不过,我并不否认大重量的半程运动的作用。

4. 慢速度:慢慢地举起,在慢慢地放下,对肌肉的刺激更深。特别是,在放下哑铃时,要控制好速度,做退让性练习,能够充分刺激肌肉。很多人忽视了退让性练习,把哑铃举起来就算完成了任务,很快地放下,浪费了增大肌肉的大好时机。

5. 高密度:“密度”指的是两组之间的休息时间,只休息1分钟或更少时间称为高密度。要使肌肉块迅速增大,就要少休息,频繁地刺激肌肉。“多组数”也是建立在“高密度”的基础上的。锻炼时,要象打仗一样,全神贯注地投入训练,不去想别的事。

6. 念动一致:肌肉的工作是受神经支配的,注意力密度集中就能动员更多的肌纤维参加工作。练某一动作时,就应有意识地使意念和动作一致起


7. 顶峰收缩:这是使肌肉线条练得十分明显的一项主要法则。它要求当某个动作做到肌肉收缩最紧张的位置时,保持一下这种收缩最紧张的状态,做静力性练习,然后慢慢回复到动作的开始位置。我的方法是感觉肌肉最紧张时,数1~6,再放下来。

8. 持续紧张:应在整个一组中保持肌肉持续紧张,不论在动作的开头还是结尾,都不要让它松弛(不处于“锁定”状态),总是达到彻底力竭。

9. 组间放松:每做完一组动作都要伸展放松。这样能增加肌肉的血流量,还有助于排除沉积在肌肉里的废物,加快肌肉的恢复,迅速补充营养。

10. 多练大肌群:多练胸、背、腰臀、腿部的大肌群,不仅能使身体强壮,还能够促进其他部位肌肉的生长。有的人为了把胳膊练粗,只练胳膊而不练其他部位,反而会使二头肌的生长十分缓慢。建议你安排一些使用大重量的大型复合动作练习,如大重量的深蹲练习,它们能促进所有其他部位肌肉的生长。这一点极其重要,可悲的是至少有90%的人都没有足够重视,以致不能达到期望的效果。因此,在训练计划里要多安排硬拉、深蹲、卧推、推举、引体向上这5个经典复合动作。

11. 训练后进食蛋白质:在训练后的30~90分钟里,蛋白质的需求达高峰期,此时补充蛋白质效果最佳。但不要训练完马上吃东西,至少要隔20分钟。

12. 休息48小时:局部肌肉训练一次后需要休息48~72小时才能进行第二次训练。如果进行高强度力量训练,则局部肌肉两次训练的间隔72小时也不够,尤其是大肌肉块。不过腹肌例外,腹肌不同于其他肌群,必须经常对其进行刺激,每星期至少要练4次,每次约15分钟;选三个对你最有效的练习,只做3组,每组 20—25次,均做到力竭;每组间隔时间要短,不能超过1分钟。

13. 宁轻勿假:这是一个不是秘诀的秘诀。许多初学健美的人特别重视练习重量和动作次数,不太注意动作是否变形。健美训练的效果不仅仅取决于负重的重量和动作次数,而且还要看所练肌肉是否直接受力和受刺激的程度。如果动作变形或不到位,要练的肌肉没有或只是部分受力,训练效果就不大,甚至出偏差。事实上,在所有的法则中,动作的正确性永远是第一重要的。宁可用正确的动作举起比较轻的重量,也不要用不标准的动作举起更重的重量。不要与人攀比,也不要把健身房的嘲笑挂在心上。

StepsDetermine your daily calorie intake . Losing weight is simply a matter of expending more calories than you

take in, through exercise and your daily activities. To win the battle, it helps to know how many calories you are consuming in a day.
Write down all the things you eat on a typical day. Carry a small notebook with you and write down every snack, every drink, and the contents of every meal. There are also great websites that you can use to keep track of calories, get recipes, and help achieve your goal. Don't forget to include the pats of butter or the spoonful of sugar in your coffee. It's best to do this for at least a couple weekdays and a weekend; it's even better if you can go a full week. There are also calorie tracking websites that can help you to do this, for example the US government website, My Pyramid Tracker.
Do an itemized calorie count. When possible, write down the number of calories in each thing you eat as you eat it. Keep in mind that the recommended serving size is often considerably smaller than the serving you actually eat. Look up the calorie count on the internet for foods that don't have calories listed on the container or for fast food meals. You don't have to be 100% accurate, but you do want a good estimate of the number of calories you're taking in. There is an idea that multiplying your own weight by ten will produce a rough estimate of the number of calories you need to eat per day to maintain your weight. This is NOT true, you may wind up grossly under (or perhaps over) estimating the number of calories you should be eating. Use a scientific or health website to determine the number of calories you should eat a day or consult your doctor. Everyone has different metabolisms and there is no blanket rule that covers everyone's recommended calorie intake. Reducing 500 calories per day from the calories you eat to maintain your weight can help you lose a pound of fat per week.[2]
Go over the list and decide which foods to cut out or reduce. Cutting calories is usually a lot easier than you might think. For example, that daily tall latte in the morning may pack 500 calories. Since a pound of flab (lost or gained) is roughly equivalent to 3,500 calories, replacing that rich beverage with black coffee can help you lose a pound a week. Other easy cuts include salad dressing (salad dressing is the number one source of fat in the average American woman's diet) soda pop, candy, and butter. Look at the nutritional information for the foods you eat, pay special attention to your intake of saturated fats and empty calories (high-sugar foods). You don't need to cut these things out entirely, but if you reduce your intake of high-fat, high-calorie foods you'll lose weight faster.
Seek out alternatives to the unhealthy foods you've identified. You can simply reduce the amount of soda you drink or mayonnaise you put on your sandwiches, or you can substitute healthier choices. Drink water instead of soda, for example, or use mustard instead of mayo. Low-fat and low-calorie options are also available for most foods, and many o

f these are natural, (although some are made with strange chemicals), and tasty. Start trying to eat healthy in most meals:

Choose lean meats. Chicken and fish are both very low in fat (and certain fish like salmon, sardines, and fresh tuna are an excellent source of antioxidants, which are also beneficial to your health), so aim to replace some or all of the beef or pork in your diet with these foods.
Replace high-calorie side dishes with healthier alternatives. Many people get a ton of calories from side dishes such as macaroni and cheese, French fries, or potato salad. You can eat healthier and lose weight by replacing these with fresh vegetables and salads. Pre-made salads are practically effortless, and when accompanied by a reduced-calorie dressing or no dressing at all, they're weight-loss gold.
Start your days off right. A fattening breakfast of bacon and eggs or a pastry can be replaced with yogurt, oatmeal, high-fiber, low-sugar cereals; or fresh fruit for fruit smoothies. However, for those on a low carb diet bacon and eggs are a great combo for breakfast, since neither have carbs. But don't fall into the trap of skipping breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast increases your rest metabolic rate earlier in the day, and reduces snacking before lunch.
Plan your meals. Look for healthy, delicious meals online or in your cookbooks, and create a menu for the week. Make sure that your meal plan reduces your total calorie intake: you're not going to lose weight if you consume the same amount of calories by eating different foods. Make a list of what you'll need for these meals, and -- except for a few snacks, of course -- don't stray from your list when you get to the market. Planning your meals helps ensure you get a balanced diet and reduces the temptation to stop off for fast food or order a pizza. Remember, it's easier to stick to your shopping list if you shop when you aren't hungry.
Watch your portion sizes. Opening a bag of rice cakes and eating all of them in one sitting isn't going to help you lose weight. When eating chips, nuts, or dried fruit put a portion in a small bowl and then put the bag away. That way you won't mindlessly eat a larger portion than you had intended. Even if you only make minimal changes to your diet choices, reducing portion size will inevitably reduce caloric intake. A great way to watch portion sizes while snacking is to buy one serving 100 calorie packages - and they come in many favorite snack food items![3]
Graze on healthy snacks. Just because you're getting healthy doesn't mean you can't snack. In fact, eating small meals and snacks throughout the day, or grazing, has been shown to aid weight loss, (compared to eating three large meals a day), by keeping metabolism steadier. Pick snacks that are low in calories and fat and high in fiber (dried apricots, nuts, rice cakes, fruits, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, and so on). Vegetables are generally very low in calories, very high in fiber, an

d full of flavor and nutrition. Avoid starchy vegetables like potatoes, and try to eat vegetables plain, without fatty dressings or dips. Fruit also makes a good snack. Fruit contains more soluble fiber than vegetables, which slows your body's absorption of carbohydrates, thus releasing energy more slowly, (preventing sugar highs), and keeping you feeling full longer. Fruit juices are not a replacement for the real thing. You need that fiber, and juices often have more calories than the equivalent serving of fruit -- as many calories as soda! Be careful with dried fruits, because without the water, you tend to eat more, and fruits, when dried, are calorie-rich per ounce. With any dry or dried food, be sure to drink plenty of water.
Get more fiber. There are many myths about fiber, but there is science to back up its helpful role in the diet. Fiber keeps the right amount of water in your intestines, making your digestive system work more efficiently and helping to keep you regular. Thus, just eating enough fiber may help you feel slimmer in just a day or so. There is also evidence that fiber in the diet can help prevent stroke and heart disease, ease the effects of diabetes, and may even directly help in weight loss.
Drink plenty of water. Adequate water is essential for health, and a great many people simply don't get enough. What's more, if you're chronically dehydrated, your body will retain water in unflattering places, so if you make sure to get plenty of fluids you can start visibly trimming down in as little as a day. Remember, the more you exercise, the more water you'll need. See the related wikiHow for more details on how much water you should be getting.
Exercise. Remember, you can lose weight either by decreasing your calorie intake or increasing the number of calories you burn. Any health strategy should include both, but if you want to lose weight fast, exercise is essential.
Perform high-level aerobic activities. Moderate aerobic workouts incorporating jogging, brisk walking, cycling, aerobic machines, or classes not only burn calories -- they also keep your heart healthy. Swimming is also great, especially if you are quite overweight or have joint problems, because you can get the same benefits of running -- typically burning even more calories -- with much less stress on your joints. Try to get at least 30-40 minutes of aerobic exercise at least three or four days per week.
Pump some iron. Resistance training, (weight training), can help both sexes stay lean by building muscle and raising metabolism. The fact is, hours and hours of aerobic exercise won't help most people lose weight fast because your metabolism drops back to normal fairly quickly after stopping the exercise. If you gain muscle, however, your body's resting metabolism, (the amount of calories you burn when you're just sitting still), increases, because muscle requires a lot of calories to maintain. Studies have shown consistent weight training to raise th

e body's metabolism by 15%. This means an average woman might burn 200-300 more calories at rest every day! Resistance training is the gift that keeps on giving! Although, keep in mind that muscle mass weighs more than fat (don't be surprised if you gain weight but look slimmer).
Rest properly. This means not only taking at least 24-48 hours between strength training the same muscles, (and taking 1-2 days off from exercising each week); it also means getting enough sleep at night, since sleep deficiency impairs your ability to lose fat.
Be realistic. Don't expect a miracle. Healthy weight loss can be achieved fairly quickly, but you'll need to be patient. In addition, be sure to set realistic goals. Make sure that the weight you're trying to reach is a healthy weight for you, and keeping in mind that gaining pounds of muscle will help you lose fat, be trimmer, and look better even though you don't actually lose any weight. Your goal should be a healthy body, not a number of pounds! Everyone looks good at a different weight. A short person may look really good at about 112 pounds, but a person of a taller height would just look unhealthy. Keep yourself at a weight that makes you look good, not at a number that sounds good.
Make adjustments. A successful weight loss strategy based on reducing calorie intake and increasing activity can be adjusted to maintain your desired weight once you reach it. Unlike typical diets, this method is sustainable -- it is a lifestyle change, not a binge-and-purge exercise. Slowly adjust your diet and exercise to include more weight training and calories, as much as is comfortable for you. If you do gain any weight back, you want that weight to be lean, toned muscle, not fat. In addition, weight training, no matter what your age, prevents muscle atrophy and can help stave off osteoporosis.
Instead of thinking of it as losing a certain amount of pounds, think of it as being a certain weight. So if you are 145 pounds, and you would like to lose 10 pounds, think of it as being 135 pounds. This helps you think about it as a long-term goal and not just losing the weight to gain it back again.
Be confident. You need to believe in yourself! If you want to diet, and you know that it will make you feel better, then you need confidence. Otherwise, the temptation to cheat on your diet will make it harder, and you will not feel better when you do lose weight. Avoid temptations like chocolate, ice cream, and cookies. They may taste good, but there are other foods that taste delicious, too, without being unhealthy. You need to always encourage yourself to achieve the goals that you have set. Learn to evaluate your efforts fairly and objectively. If you fail to achieve your target for the week, find out why is it so. Is it because you have missed a jogging session? Or you have been eating junk food for one of the days? After evaluating, look ahead to next week and try your best to stick to your plan.[4]
Be consistent and

disciplined, and have self motivation. To lose weight effectively, you need to stick to your weight loss plan religiously so as to see results. When you have the thought of giving up, visualize how good you will look when you manage to slim down successfully. [4]
