

Unit 1


familiarity/be familiar to(with) misuse


a string of


make an attempt to do sth assemble



take on

without doubt



start over

Unit 2






attach importance to



if only







take sth. seriously

Unit 3





fall behind

up to

put away



be accustomed to doing

be typical of

go too far balanced

go beyond

Unit 4

dismiss manufacture practically

be up to involve in sacrifice…for…appoint manual


for the sake of not in the least on occasion primary

date back to

in the hope that Unit 5 overweigh follow one’s lead look up to

take the place of fame fundamentally inevitably privilege witness

on top of award

imply indifference subsequently

in shape

be bound up to on the surface Unit 6 accordingly assess exposure inform





end up

feed on

may well

in question reduce…to…enormously

bring sth. under control bear in mind qualified

Unit 7




act out


by no means

look back on





chase away

draw nearer/closer intrude on

prey on


三年级语文下册专项训练 常用词语造句 1、好奇 ★我看见新鲜的东西都觉得很好奇。 ★我看到路上有个黑色的袋子感到很好奇,想看看到底是什么。 练习:____________________________________ 2、引人注目 ★他以优异的成绩考到了全年级第一,格外引人注目。 ★她今天穿得像个公主,特别引人注目。 练习:____________________________________ 3、使劲 ★上坡了,我们都使劲推着车。 ★孩子高兴极了,使劲地亲了妈妈一口。 练习:____________________________________ 4、有趣 ★吹泡泡是一件很有趣的事。 ★我看一本有趣的漫画书,笑得我肚子都疼了。 练习:____________________________________ 5、一会儿……一会儿…… ★秋天来了,大雁向南飞,一会儿排成一字,一会儿排成人字。 ★天上的白云一会儿像可爱的动物,一会儿像美丽的仙女,真是千奇百怪。★动物园里的猴子一会儿爬上,一会儿窜下,可调皮了。 ★春天的天气像娃娃的脸,一会儿晴,一会儿雨。 练习:____________________________________ 6、一本正经 ★班长一本正经的告诉我,我的语文成绩在年级得了第一。 ★爸爸说话总是一本正经。 练习:____________________________________ 7、自言自语

★爷爷总是自言自语,看起来很孤独。 ★小明上课总是自言自语,管不住自己。 练习:____________________________________ 8、甚至 ★今天作业不但多,还很难,甚至做到了9点还没做完。 ★他品行不好,总是骂人,甚至打人。 ★他很爱学习,周末一整天都在屋里看书,甚至都忘了吃饭睡觉。练习:____________________________________ 9、仿佛(好像)(似乎) ★天上的白云仿佛是一只只绵羊。 ★美丽的草原仿佛是一片绿色的海洋。 ★蓝蓝的天空仿佛是一片没有尽头的大海。 练习:____________________________________ 10、欢蹦乱跳 ★猴子们欢蹦乱跳地在树林里玩耍着。 ★小鸟在枝头欢蹦乱跳的歌唱。 练习:____________________________________ 11、终于 ★经过努力,我终于考了100分。 ★经过老师耐心的讲解,我终于明白了这个题目。 ★经过努力,我终于顺利跑到了终点。 练习:____________________________________ 12、也许 ★他到中午也没来上课,也许是因为病了。 ★爷爷没有准时来接我,也许是忘了。 练习:____________________________________ 13、果然 ★妈妈说明天会下雨,第二天果然下雨了。 ★昨天小明说今天考试,今天果然考试了。


Book5 Unit1短语造句 1. put forward 例句:He put forward a great idea in the meeting. 2. draw a conclusion 例句:Without evidence you can’t draw a conclusion. 3. Prevent from 例句:My parents prevent me from playing computers all day. 4. link… to 例句:I-phone4 cell phones can link to the Internet. 5. cure sb. of sth. 例句:The doctor cured him of his toothache. 6. be absorbed in 例句:Tom was so absorbed in playing computer games that he forgot to have the meal. 7. blame sb for sth 例句:Don’t blame the kid for his mistakes, he is too young. 8. Neither … nor 例句:The hotel is neither spacious(宽敞的) nor comfortable. 9. Every time 例句:Every time he comes back to his hometown, he will call on his former teachers. 10.not only…but also 例句:I can not only play the piano but also can play the violin. 11.suggest doing sth. 例句:The doctor suggested him doing more exercise . 12.make up one’s mind 例句:I have made up my mind to learn English well. 13.lead to 例句:His laziness led to his failure in the exams. 14.make sense 例句:What you did make sense a lot to me. 15.encourage sb. to do sth. 例句:Our teacher always encourage us to read more books. 16.make great contributions to 例句:Dr Yuan have made great contributions to our country. 17.contribute to 例句:Doing exercises contributes to building up our health. 18.apart from 例句:Apart from sport, I have many other hobbies. 19.be strict with例句:Our headteacher is always strict with us. 20.Only if …例句:Only if you work hard can you make progress. Book5 Unit2短语造句 be made up of 例句:Our earth is made up of sea and land. 2break away from 例句:You must break away from the habit of smoking. 3to one’s credit 例句:To her credit, she made a great progress in the exam. 4It’s worthwhile to do sth. 例句:It’s worthwhile to go to visit the Great Wall. 5be proud of 例句:As a Chinese, I am very proud of my country. 6to one’s surprise 例句:To my surprise, he send me a gift on my birthday. 7take the place of 例句:Nobody can take the place of my dear mother. 8to one’s delight 例句:To his delight, he finally passed the final exam. 9 instead of 例句:Instead of giving up, she worked hard and managed to go to college. 10 set an example to例句:My parents set a good example to me . Book5 Unit3短语造句 1 take up例句:I want to take up doctor as my career in the future. 2 remind sb. of sth例句:The diary reminds me of my past experience.

关联词语造句大全 60句

关联词语造句大全 60句第1段: 1.媳妇,从今天开始,我便领教了你的个性,你有你的内在美,但你爱生气,这也是大多数女孩的通病,希望你在以后的生活当中,逐渐淡化,相信你会成为更加有个性的漂亮女孩,但生气之后,希望你不要因为生气永远都不要再不理我了,因为这对我来说就是煎熬,我希望你能改正,我会给你时间,也许是一年、两年,或者一辈子都行,谁让我选择了你呢! 2.选择诚信。因为它比美貌来得可靠。没有美貌的人生或许是没有足够亮点的人生;但若没有诚信的人生则足以是没有一丝光明的人生。 3.如果可以,我愿在回到那个年代,再去重温一遍,因为我很在意,你们是不是把我放在了心底。会不会也像我这样,不经意的就把你们想起? 4.一洼洼的不是稻田而是油烟。一片片的不再是树林而是污染,一丛丛的不再是小草而是渣山。一条条的不是小路而是垃圾练成串,爱护环境,刻不容缓,下一代的梦想,这一代的明天,不要因为今天留下遗憾。 5.置身于幸福中的人,可能觉得自己并不幸福,因为他们都过着幸福的日子,对于陌生的幸福已适应了,就变得没有特殊的意义。渐渐被遗忘,渴望自己拥有更多与众不同的幸福,渴望会一直延伸下去的。这时幸福的魅力又重现,不过这一切都会变得平凡、平淡、平静。 6.你给我一个眼神,我为你神魂颠倒!你给我一个声音,我为你心乱如麻!你给我一个信息,我为你一夜无眠!因为情人节无人陪我,等你请我吃饭。 7.天真孩童式的爱情:我爱,因为我被人爱。成熟的爱情:我被人爱,因为我爱人。不成熟的爱情:我爱你,因为我需要你。成熟的爱:我需要你,因为我爱你。 8.科学研究能破除迷信,因为它鼓励人们根据因果关系来思考和观察事物。 9.春天在学校里,春天到了,新的一学期又开始了,一年之计在于春,学校也热闹起来了,他们坚信,春天的播种,秋天必有收获。因为有播种的时期就有收获的时候。春天让学校更加生机勃勃,小朋友们啊,脱下了冬装,换上了薄薄的衣裳。 10.不再因为任性而不肯低头,不再因为固执而轻言分手。你敢天长,我就敢久。最后坚信一次,一直走,一直走,就可以到白头。 11.史莱慕掀开新娘面纱要亲吻新娘时,吃惊看?到一双红彤彤的眼睛。此时洛奇再度出面解围。他说,新娘是因为在婚礼前太过兴奋,才整整一个礼拜都没有阖眼。于是,史莱慕使命手下将锤子取来以便在进行婚礼时放在新娘的怀中。 12.不要因为努力变成别人喜欢的样子,到头来忘了最真实的自己。 13.过去的生命已经死亡。我对于这死亡有大欢喜,因为我借此知道它曾经存活。

人教版 小学语文四年级上册 造句大全 (精编版)

四年级语文用下列词语造句: 笼罩:①大雾笼罩了整个江面,分不清天南地北。 ②在大雾笼罩下,远处的景物若隐若现。 依旧:①虽然老师再三教育,可他依旧不认真学习。 ②这件衣服她已经穿了两年,依旧和新的一样。 横贯:①325国道横贯鹤山,这有利于鹤山更好地发展。 ②雄伟的长江大桥横贯大江两岸。 恢复:①天色渐渐暗下去,船停泊靠岸,湖面上又恢复了平静 ②经过半年的疗养,他的健康已完全恢复了。 沸腾:①锅里的水沸腾了,一股股水蒸气直冒出来。 ②下课了,同学们纷纷跑出教室做游戏,整个校园顿时沸腾起来。 宽阔:①很多汽车在这宽阔的公路上行驶。 ②我喜欢独自一人在这个宽阔的广场上散步。 灿烂:①这天,风平浪静,天空被灿烂的朝霞染红了 ②在一个阳光灿烂的上午,我和爸爸妈妈到公园游玩。 规律:①这几乎成了规律,每个星期六他总要骑车到婆婆家玩。 ②我们应当从实践中,找出事物运动的规律来。 静寂:①天色渐渐暗下来,周围一片静寂。 ②突然一声枪响,冲破了这夜晚的静寂。 均匀:①他在吃药以后慢慢睡着了,发出均匀的呼吸声。

②妈妈把菜籽均匀地撒播在地里。 痕迹:①海龟爬过海滩上,留下了一道深深的痕迹。 ②草地上留下了一些动物走过的痕迹。 休想:①你上课不好好听讲,休想取得好成绩。 ②你不买票,休想进内参观。 逐渐:①到了秋天,树叶逐渐变黄了,一片一片地从树上落下来。 ②经过不断努力,他的学习成绩逐渐提高。 引人注意:①她今天穿着一条大红的裙子,格外引人注意。 ②动物园里,最引人注意的是大熊猫。 隐蔽:①游击队员隐蔽在山上密密的树林里。 ②趁他们还没发现,你要赶快隐蔽起来。 毫不可惜:①今天早上他把新买的手表弄丢了,但他觉得毫不可惜。 ②他毫不可惜地扔掉了爸爸买给他的玩具车。 随遇而安:①无论到了哪个地方,他都能随遇而安。 ②在任何环境下,战士们都可以随遇而安。 选择:①他选择了一个星期天去公园玩。 ②我们选择了一个较宽敞的地方一起做游戏。 搜索:他搜索了大半天,但什么也没有找到。 隐藏:我把东西隐藏起来,谁也不可能发现。


BOOK 5词组造句 People came from far and near to see her. In a flash The holidays seemed to be over in a flash. Move along The project is moving along well. On trial He was on trial for robbery. Side by side They went side by side. Take pleasure in I take pleasure in reading novels. In vain I tried again, but in vain. At hand I don’t have enough money at hand. Dish up She dished up the icecream for me. Gather up She gathered up the books on the table. Give and take Give and take is important in our life. Help (someone) out Don’t worry, I’ll help you out. Lecture…on My parents lectured me on table manners. Much less The baby can’t walk, much less run. No doubt No doubt he is right. Run around Don’t let the boys run around. Run over The car ran over a cat. Step aside I stepped aside to let him pass. At the mercy of They were at the mercy of the big wind. Come up A strange thing came up this morning. Refer to…as We refer to all girls as “beauty”. Take the initiative Y ou should take the initiative to talk to her. On one’s own initiative He went to see her on the initiative. On the dot I arrived at the office at 8 on the dot. Roll up He often rolled up 10 minutes late. Spell out Should I spell out my plan again? Sweep the board The Chinese table-tennis team often sweep the board. Vice versa We talk about them and vice versa. All of sudden, she began to cry. Angle for He is angling for inviting him.(他暗示我们邀请他。) Count as She is counted as a good artist. Entitle sb to sth. Y ou’re entitled to the house. Lay/put one’s cards on the table It’s time to put my cards on the table.


526个短句,造句必备! 1. a big headache令人头痛的事情 2. a fraction of 一部分 3. a matter of concern 焦点 4. a series of 一系列,一连串above all 首先,尤其是 5. absent from不在,缺席 6. abundant in富于 7. account for 解释 8. accuse sb. of sth.控告 9. add to增加(add up to) 10. after all 毕竟,究竟 11. agree with同意 12. ahead of time / schedule提前 13. ahead of 在...之前(ahead of time 提前) 14. alien to与...相反 15. all at once 突然,同时 16. all but 几乎;除了...都 17. all of a sudden 突然 18. all over again 再一次,重新 19. all over 遍及 20. all right 令人满意的;可以 21. all the same 仍然,照样的 22. all the time 一直,始终 23. angry with sb. at/about sth.生气,愤怒 24. anxious about/for忧虑,担心 25. anything but 根本不 26. apart from 除...外(有/无) 27. appeal to 吸引,申诉,请求 28. applicable to适用于 29. apply to适用 30. appropriate for/to适当,合适 31. approximate to近似,接近 32. apt at聪明,善于 33. apt to易于 34. around the clock夜以继日 35. as a matter of fact 实际上 36. as a result(of) 因此,由于


小学生成语造句大全 导读: 小学生成语造句大全 1、学习中不可有守株待兔心理,没有什么是可以不劳而获的。 2、井底之蛙:妈妈对我说:要多读好书,才能有更多知识,不要做井底之蛙。 3、我们在学习的时候,不能急于求成,否则就会犯拔苗助长的错误。 4、暑假里,凯力哥哥带我去捞鱼,捞了半天,连一条小鱼也没捞到,真是徒劳无功啊!。 5、在晚托班,我做作业总是比吴梦飞快,因为我是专心致志的。 6、家长说的话小明都不听,真是不可救药。 7、井底之蛙:我们不要做井底之蛙这样的人。 8、熟能生巧:我折一只青蛙,折不好,经过多次的练习,我便折的又快又好了。这就是熟能生巧的结果! 9、半途而废:风车我总是做不好,当我想放弃的时候,我对我自己说:不要半途而废。最后我终于做成了。 10、一个人做事情如果半途而废了,那这件事情就等于没做成。 11、我们作为学生一定要多读书,多看报,学习更多的知识,不要像青蛙那样坐井观天。 12、一鸣惊人:我做泥塑手工的时候,手眼并用,希望以后能

当个泥塑家,一鸣惊人! 13、一鸣惊人:小明平时写作业效率很低,今天半个小时就把全部作业做完了,真是一鸣惊人啊! 14、小宝宝又哭又闹,哥哥给他讲道理,可是小宝宝不知道,真是对牛弹琴! 15、熟能生巧:我弹琴弹到难的曲子时,妈妈鼓励我多练习,熟能生巧。 16、大家有灾难的时候,贪生怕死的人总是最先逃跑的那一个。 17、做错事的人用谎话来掩饰自己往往说话都是自相矛盾的 18、人类请不要贪得无厌,否则最后的还是自己。 19、我们要多读书,多接触别的地方,不能做井底之蛙。 20、我们不能学狐狸狐假虎威,伤害别的小动物。 21、我有的时候喜欢狗,我有的时候又怕狗,这不是自相矛盾吗? 22、我在电视上看见一名叔叔奋不顾身地抢救落水儿童。 23、小红和小文是同桌,小红语文成绩好,小文数学成绩好,他们互相取长补短,学习成绩不断在进步。 24、惠惠姐姐看书多,积累的成语、词汇丰富了,写一篇优美的文章是水到渠成的事。 25、螳螂捕蝉--我们玩抓人游戏,陈雨扬引胡纪元过来,我在后面螳螂捕蝉。 26、我到表弟家玩,他爸爸在的时候,他敢打我,这是典型的


三年级语文下册专项训练 语文教学组 常用词语造句 1、好奇 ★我看见新鲜的东西都觉得很好奇。 ★我看到路上有个黑色的袋子感到很好奇,想看看到底是什么。 练习:____________________________________ 2、引人注目 ★他以优异的成绩考到了全年级第一,格外引人注目。 ★她今天穿得像个公主,特别引人注目。 练习:____________________________________ 3、使劲 ★上坡了,我们都使劲推着车。 ★孩子高兴极了,使劲地亲了妈妈一口。 练习:____________________________________ 4、有趣 ★吹泡泡是一件很有趣的事。 ★我看一本有趣的漫画书,笑得我肚子都疼了。 练习:____________________________________

5、一会儿……一会儿…… ★秋天来了,大雁向南飞,一会儿排成一字,一会儿排成人字。 ★天上的白云一会儿像可爱的动物,一会儿像美丽的仙女,真是千奇百怪。★动物园里的猴子一会儿爬上,一会儿窜下,可调皮了。 ★春天的天气像娃娃的脸,一会儿晴,一会儿雨。 练习:____________________________________ 6、一本正经 ★班长一本正经的告诉我,我的语文成绩在年级得了第一。 ★爸爸说话总是一本正经。 练习:____________________________________ 7、自言自语 ★爷爷总是自言自语,看起来很孤独。 ★小明上课总是自言自语,管不住自己。 练习:____________________________________ 8、甚至 ★今天作业不但多,还很难,甚至做到了9点还没做完。 ★他品行不好,总是骂人,甚至打人。 ★他很爱学习,周末一整天都在屋里看书,甚至都忘了吃饭睡觉。


?Beyond the reach of sb :在某人伸手够不着的地方:Keep chemicals beyond the reach of children. ?Fall in love with sb:开始爱上某人:I think I’m falling love with his brother/sister. ?Flash a smile:笑容一闪She flashed a sudden smile at him. ?Make an attempt to do sth:努力…., 试图….:They made another attempt to solve the problem. ?End with 以…结束:The festival ended with fireworks. ?Like clockwork:极有规律和准确性地,顺利地The operation went like a clockwork. ?Loose end(s):尚待解决或解释的枝节问题There are some loose ends in the plot of the novel. ?Miscarriage of justice:审判不公,误判There are miscarriages of justice for lack of proof. ?Take on:开始具有或呈现.以…面貌出现These insects can take on the color of their surroundings. ?Without doubt:无疑地,确实地Without doubt he has reached the top in his profession. ?Under arrest:被捕,在押The drug dealer was under arrest last night. ?Back out:打退堂鼓,不履行,食言You can’t back out after you have signed the contract. ?Catch on:掌握,懂得;流行He doesn’t take hints easily, but he’ll catch on eventually. ?fill in:替代某人工作Sally is off sick. Can you fill in for her for a few days? ?Get through:干完,完成Let’s start; there is a lot of work to get through. ?Start over:从头开始If you make a mistake, just start over. ?try sth out:试用,试验,考验He wanted to try out the new soap on real people. ?With a vengeance:激烈地,猛烈地It began to rain again with a vengeance. ? A pat on the back:表扬,鼓励He deserves a pat on the back for his hard work. ?Attach importance to:认为…重要I don’t attach any importance to these rumors. ?Be on to sth:在做有重要意义的事He is very bright. He is on to something important. ?Follow up:在…之后再采取进一步行动I followed up my letter with a visit. ?Lift up:鼓舞,激励She really lifted up our spirits with those moving words. ?Make a habit of:养成…的习惯I don’t make a habit of chatting to strange men at parties. ?make sb’s day:使某人的日子过得快活Hearing her voice on the phone made my day. ?Pass along:传递,转交Please pass the picture along to the student. ?Shy away from:回避,躲开We frequently shy away from troublemakers.. ?Turn…(a)round:使…向好的方向发展Within three years she completely turned the company around. ?Walk of life:行业In my job I see people from every walk of life. ?Act on:根据…行事Police say they acted on information received. ?blurt out:脱口而出Peter blurted the news out before we could stop him. ?get out of hand:无法控制Deal with the problem before it gets completely out of hand. ?If only:但愿,要是…就好了(用虚拟语气)I’m so poor now. If only I were a millionaire./ He failed for he was so lazy. If only he had worked hard. ?Make…of:理解,解释What do you make of this message? ?Move on:更换…等而开始另一项I think we have talked enough about the subject; let’s move on. ?Once too often:次数太多,屡次He exceeded the speed limit once too often and was fined 20 dollars.


实用标准文案 一、动词 be 构成的短语动词 1 、 be known as/be famous as 作??而名 be known for 因??而出名 be known to ??所知 be known by 凭??而知 eg: The hill is known for the temple. Lu Xun is known to us as a writer. One can be known by his words and deeds. 2 、 be married t 与??婚 She is married to a musician. 3 、 be tired of/with ?? He is tired of/with this kind of life. =He is bored with this kind of life. 4 、 be terrified at 被??吓一跳 He is terrified at the snake. 5 、 be burdened with 重 He is burdened with a heavy load. 6 、 be crowed with The shop is crowed with people. 7 、 be dressed in 穿着

She is dressed in red. 8、 be experienced in ??有 He is experienced in mending bikes. 9、 be equipped with 装 They are equipped with guns and foods. 10 、 b e furnished with 提供,布置 They are furnished with enough food. 11 、 b e engaged in sth. 从事,忙于 =be busy with sth. He has been engaged in writing novels. 12 、 b e engaged to 与??婚 My daughter is engaged to a nice doctor. 13 、 b e about to do sth. 正要做?? I was just about to go swimming when our guide saw me and stop me. 14 、 be fit to do/be fit for 任,适合于 He is fit to do this work. 15 、 be worth doing 得做?? The film is worth seeing again 16 、 be proud of 以??傲 I am proud of being a Chinese. 17 、 be used to sth./ doing sth. 于?? My grandpa is not used to living in the noisy city.


小学低年级常见词语造句大全(实用又全面) 1.有趣 ★吹泡泡是一件很有趣的事。 ★我看一本有趣的漫画书,笑得我肚子都疼了。 2.终于 ★经过努力,我终于考了100分。 ★经过老师耐心的讲解,我终于明白了这个题目。 ★经过努力,我终于顺利跑到了终点。 3.也许 ★他到中午也没来上课,也许是因为病了。 ★爷爷没有准时来接我,也许是忘了。 4.好奇 ★我看见新鲜的东西都觉得很好奇。 ★我看到路上有个黑色的袋子感到很好奇,想看看到底是什么。 5.一会儿……一会儿…… ★秋天来了,大雁向南飞,一会儿排成一字,一会儿排成人字。 ★天上的白云一会儿像可爱的动物,一会儿像美丽的仙女,真是千奇百怪。 ★动物园里的猴子一会儿爬上,一会儿窜下,可调皮了。 ★春天的天气像娃娃的脸,一会儿晴,一会儿雨。 6.一本正经 ★班长一本正经的告诉我,我的语文成绩在年级得了第一。 ★爸爸说话总是一本正经。 7.自言自语 ★爷爷总是自言自语,看起来很孤独。 ★小明上课总是自言自语,管不住自己。 8.甚至 ★今天作业不但多,还很难,甚至做到了9点还没做完。 ★他品行不好,总是骂人,甚至打人。 ★他很爱学习,周末一整天都在屋里看书,甚至都忘了吃饭睡觉。 9.仿佛(好像)(似乎) ★天空中的白云仿佛是一只只绵羊。 ★美丽的草原仿佛是一片绿色的海洋。 ★蓝蓝的天空仿佛是一片没有尽头的大海。 10.欢蹦乱跳

★猴子们欢蹦乱跳地在树林里玩耍着。 ★小鸟在枝头欢蹦乱跳的歌唱。 11引人注目 ★他以优异的成绩考到了全年级第一,格外引人注目。 ★她今天穿得像个公主,特别引人注目。 12使劲 ★上坡了,我们都使劲推着车。 ★孩子高兴极了,使劲地亲了妈妈一口。 13.果然 ★妈妈说明天会下雨,第二天果然下雨了。 ★昨天小明说今天考试,今天果然考试了。 ★帮助小明的好心人果然是小红。 14.居然 ★刚才还是晴天,现在居然下起了倾盆大雨。 ★平时他的学习不好,这次语文考试居然得了全班第一。 15.一…….就……… ★这家店一开,就有很多人来。 ★我一回家就马上做作业。 ★我一紧张就不知道说什么了。 16.直到……..才…….. ★直到上课铃声响起,同学们才乖乖拿出这节课要用的书。 ★直到考试成绩出来,小强才知道平时学习要努力。 17.垂头丧气 ★这次数学才考了80分,我垂头丧气的回到家里。 ★骄傲的兔子输掉了比赛,它垂头丧气的离开了赛场。 ★妈妈让我买醋,我没买到,我只好垂头丧气的回家啦 18.尽管……但…… ★尽管风雨交加,但我还是坚持按时到校上课。 ★尽管今天作业很多,但我还是完成了。 19.不是……而是…… ★他的第一名不是好运气,而是不断地努力换来的。 ★我不是没有认真学习,而是这次考试时没看仔细题。 20.是……也是…… ★我们的校园是一座美丽的大花园,也是一个知识的宝库。


一、bring 1、bring back使想起Your article brought back sad memories for me. 你的文章使我回忆起一些 难过的往事. 2、bring down使降落First bring down his temperature. 先给他退热再说。 3、bring forward 将。。。。提前They decided to bring forward the date of the meeting. 他们决定把会议的日期提前. 4、Bring in 引进It would be fatal to bring in outsider. 把外人引进来可能招致灾难. 5、挣到钱.When they get old enough to work they bring in money. 等到他们长大能工作时,就能挣 到钱. 6、Bring on导致、引起You will bring trouble on yourself if you do so.你如果这样做就会自找麻烦 7、bring out 使显现It did not take the police, long time to bring out the truth. 警察没用多长时 间就获悉了事情的真相. 二、set 1、set about doing something开始做某事She set about brewing some herb tea. 她动手泡一些药 茶. 2、set aside留出The hotel manager set aside two pleasant rooms for us. 旅店经理给我们留出两间舒适的房间。 3、set off出发、动身、使爆炸They set off at once along the lane in pursuit. 他们立即出发沿着小巷追赶。 4、set out.出发We should study up on the map before we set out. 我们出发前应好好研究一下地 图. set out着手做The government has set out to make many needed reforms. 政府开始进行许多必要的改革 5、set down放下The desk was set down before the window. 把书桌放在窗前 三、Bet 1、Bet on sth就某事打赌I bet $ 30 on the red horse across the board. 我把30美元平均地押在那匹红马的三个得奖机会上. 2、Bet sth on sth用某物在某事上打赌He bet 100 on the result of the election.


必修3 短语造句 Unit1. 1.take place (发生) Great changes have taken place in my home village.(我家乡有了很大的变化。) 2.in memory of (纪念,追念) The festival is in memory of a Chinese poet.(这个是纪念一个中国诗人的节日。) 3.dress up When I dress up, I feel energetic and successful.(我一打扮起来,就感到精神饱满。) 4.play a trick on That was not nice of you to play a trick on your younger sister.(对你的妹妹恶作剧是不对的。) 5.look forward to We look forward to seeing you again.(我们期待着再见到你。) 6.day and night She will look after Tom day and night.她会日日夜夜保佑汤姆的 7.as though It looks as though they have been defeated。看起来他们好像一败涂地8.have fun with Let's have fun with friends and do some shopping!不要错过和朋友逛街

购物的绝佳机会哦! 9.turn up We had been waiting for him for a long time, yet he didn't turn up.等了半天也没见他来 10.keep one’s word He often fails to keep his word.他常常不遵守诺言 11.hold one’s breath I held my breath, waiting.我屏住呼吸,等着。 12.remind ... of ... The pictures always remind me of my childhood in the countryside.这些照片总使我想起我在农村时的童年。 Unit2 1. ought to We ought to keep our words. 我们应当守信用。 2.Lose weight I must lose weight . 我必须减肥! 3.get away with Don’t cheat in the exam.you will never get away with it.考试别作弊,你一定会受到惩罚的! 4.tell a lie Mary told a lie about what she had done.对于所做的事,Mary撒谎了。 5.win... back


常用成语造句大全及解释 导读:常用成语及造句大全: 【马到功成】形容事情顺利,一开始就取得胜利。 朋友要去参加考试我发自内心的祝她马到功成。 【安常守故】习惯于日常的平稳糊口,保保守的一套。指保守不知厘革。 他持久以来安常守故,缺乏锻炼,故而经不起挫折。 【挨门逐户】挨家挨户,一家也没有遗漏。 倾销员挨门逐户地倾销产物,可是并没有多少人愿意买 【破釜沉舟】比喻下决心悍然不顾地干到底。 只要咱们有破釜沉舟的决心,就能克服进修上的各类困难。 【大千世界】三昧,世界的千倍叫小千世界,小千世界的千倍叫中千世界,中千世界的千倍叫大千世界。后指广大无边的人世。 大千世界无奇不有,充满了抵牾。 【空手发迹】一切靠自己艰辛奋斗,创立了一番事业。 王董事长空手发迹,如今是王氏集团的总裁。 【卷土重来】卷土:人马奔跑时卷起的尘土。形容失败后组织力量,重图恢复。 这次角逐虽则表现不佳,但我决定明天卷土重来。 【晨钟暮鼓】古代梵宇中晨敲钟,暮伐鼓以报时,用以使人惊悟的言论。 每当我想坏事时,就会想起母亲对我的晨钟暮鼓的叮咛。

【力争上游】起劲争取长进求学做人都要力争上游,不要自满於近况 【投笔从戎】一小我私家抛弃文职而插手卫国的行列。 大伯父高中结业后投笔从戎,步入军校就读,负起保家卫国的责任。 【前车之鉴】比喻前人的失败,可以作为后人的借鉴。 有了这个前车之鉴,我下次出门一定会带雨具。 【金石为开】至诚可感动任何事物。 表哥相信精诚所至,金石为开,他的成意一定可以感动王小姐的。 【勤能补拙】指勤勉起劲能弥补天资上的不足。 勤能补拙,只要你多付出心思,一定有乐成的机会。 【揠苗助长】揠:拔起。把苗拔起,以助其生长。后用来比喻违反事物的发展规律,操之过急,反倒坏事。 对学生的教育既不能揠苗助长,也能任其自然。 【闻鸡起舞】听见鸡鸣就起身,比喻人发奋勇前进修,励精图治。 老爷爷在乡间修养,天天闻鸡起舞,打太极健身。 【哀鸿遍野】哀鸿:哀鸣的鸿雁。比喻饥寒交迫的灾民。比喻在天灾人祸中到处都是流离失所、呻吟呼号的饥民。 旧社会,每逢水灾战乱,人民就被迫四处逃亡,~,一片凄凉。 【联袂登台】同台演出 今晚的演出听说会有两位名角联袂登台献艺。 【使人咋舌】令人惊讶
