

門諾醫院產科常見診斷及縮寫 2011/11/29


?aa.-of each[各] ?Ab.-antibody[抗体] ?abd.-abdomen[腹部] ?ABG-arterial blood gas[动脉血气] ?abn.-abnormal[异常] ?ABp-arterial blood pressure[动脉压] ?Abs.-absent[无] ?abstr.-abstract[摘要] ?a.c.-before meals[饭前] ?Ach.-actylcholine[乙酰胆碱] ?ACH.-adrenal cortical hormone[肾上腺皮质激素] ?ACT.-active coagulative time[活化凝血时间] ?ACTH.-adrenocorticotripic[促肾上腺皮质激素] ?ad.(add.)-adde[加] ?ad effect.-ad effectum [直到有效] ?ADH.-antidiuretic hormone[抗利尿激素] ?ad lib-at liesure[随意] ?adm.(admin)-adminstration[给药] ?ad us est.-for external use[外用] ?af.-atrial fibrillation[房颤] ?aF.-atrial flutter[房扑] ?A/G ratio.-albumin-globulin ratio[白-球蛋白比] ?AIDS.-acquired immune deficiency syndrome[爱滋病] ?al.-left ear[左耳] ?alb.-albumin[白蛋白] ?AM.-before noon[上午] ?amb.-ambulance[救护车] ?amp.(ampul)-ampoule[安瓿] ?ANA.-anesthesia[麻醉] ?anal.-analgesic[镇痛药] ?ap.-before dinner[饭前] ?appr.(approx.)-approximately [大约] ?AR.-aortic regurgitation[主闭] ?AS.-aortic stenosis[主狭] ?ASA.-aspirin[阿斯匹林] ?ASD.-atrial septal defect[房缺] ?AST.-aspartate transaminase[谷草转氨酶] ?atm.(atmos.)-atomsphere[大气压] ?ATS.-antitetanic serum[抗破伤风血清] ?av.-average[平均] ?Ba.-Barium[钡] ?BBT.-basal body temperature[基础体温] ?BCG.-bacille Calmette- Guerin[卡介苗] ?biblio.-biliography[参考文献]


医学术语 一、词根(roots):每个单词的基本部分。 For example:port----transport,export,support,portable 来源于拉丁文“portare”,意为“运送”。 simil----simulate,similarity,assimilate 词根通常是末端开放的单词。 For example:gastr- 胃 pneumon- 肺 在组合词根时,需要加“o”在词根间(但需凭经验判断 何时不用加“o”)。 For example:gastr-o-enter-itis——胃肠炎 celio-gastr-otomy——剖腹胃切开术 二、组合词根时的排序原则: 首先命名近端结构,其次是远端结构。 For example:duoden-o-jejun-itis十二指肠空肠炎 esophag-o-gastr-ectomy食管胃切除术 当不存在自然的解剖连续性时,则按照流动方向决定词根的相对位置。For example:cholecyst-o-jejun-ostomy胆囊空肠吻合术 pancreatic-o-enter-ostomy胰管小肠吻合术

三、常用的解剖学词根 an:肛管(anal canal) celio:体腔(body cavity) arter:动脉(artery) cholecyst:胆囊(gallbladder)cec:盲肠(cecum) choledoch:总胆管(choledochus)chole :胆汁(bile) duoden:十二指肠(duodenum)col:结肠(colon) enter:小肠(small intestine)crani:颅骨(cranium) esophag:食道(esophagus) cyst:囊(sac) lapar:腹部,髂窝(abdomen,flank)gastr:胃(stomach) lith:结石(calculus,stone)hepat:肝(liver) mast:乳腺(mammary gland,breast)hem,hemat:血(blood) lysis:打碎,破坏(destruction)ile:回肠(ileum) jejun:空肠(jejunum)pancreat:胰腺(pancreas) phleb:小静脉(small vein)splen:脾脏(spleen) bronch:支气管(bronchus)ven:静脉(vein) card:心脏(heart)phren:呼吸膈(respiratory diaphragm) thorac:胸(chest) trache:气管(trachea)colp:阴道(vagina) oophor:卵巢(ovary)salping:输卵管,子宫管(fallopian tube, uterine tube)pyel:肾盂(pelvis of the kidney)ureter:输尿管(ureter)vesic:膀胱(urinary bladder) urethr:尿道(urethra)四、具有两个不同词根的器官或结构 子宫(uterus): hyster, metrium 肾脏(kidney):nephr,ren 管(vessel):angi——不一定是血管。


妇产科学obstetrics and gynecology产科学obstetrics妊娠pregnancy幼女妊娠precocious pregnancy妊娠年龄小于或等于12岁者。青春期妊娠teenage pregnancy,adolescent pregnancy孕次gravidity未孕妇nulligravi Tags:术语妇产科学 妇产科学obstetrics and gynecology 产科学obstetrics 妊娠pregnancy 幼女妊娠precocious pregnancy 妊娠年龄小于或等于12岁者。 青春期妊娠teenage pregnancy,adolescent pregnancy 孕次gravidity 未孕妇nulligravida 孕妇gravida 初孕妇primigravida 经孕妇multigravida 假孕pseudocyesis 前次月经past menstrual period,PMP 末次月经last menstrual period,LMP 月经龄menstrual age 受精龄fertilization age 孕龄gestational age 早孕反应morning sickness 妊娠剧吐hyperemesis gravidarum 妊娠纹striae gravidarum 妊娠溢液hydrorrhea gravidarum 黑加征Hegar sign 胎动感quickening 四步触诊法four maneuvers of Leopold 脐带杂音umbilical soufflé 子宫杂音uterine soufflé妊娠期trimester of pregnancy妊娠早期early trimester of pregnancy 妊娠中期mid trimester of pregnancy 妊娠晚期late trimester of pregnancy 过期妊娠postterm pregnancy,prolonged pregnancy 单胎妊娠singleton pregnancy双胎妊娠twin pregnancy单羊膜囊双胎monoamnionic twin pregnancy 双羊膜囊双胎diamnionic twin pregnancy单绒毛膜双胎monochorionic twin pregnancy 双胎交锁locked twins,interlocking twins多胎妊娠multiple pregnancy三胎妊娠triplet pregnancy 四胎妊娠quadruplet pregnancy 五胎妊娠quintuplet pregnancy同期复孕superfecundation异期复孕superfetation 产前antepartum产时intrapartum产后postpartum产前保健antenatal care,prenatal care 预产期expected date of confinement,EDC胎方位fetal position产妇parturient,puerpera 未产妇nullipara初产妇primipara高龄初产妇elderly primipara 妊娠年龄大于或等于35岁者。 经产妇multipara多产妇grand multipara 分娩次数大于或等于5次者。 产次parity初产primiparity经产multiparity胎先露fetal presentation胎势fetal attitude,fetal posture胎产式fetal lie纵产式longitudinal lie横产式transverse lie胎头浮floating head 胎头入盆engagement of head胎儿下降感lightening见红bloody show,show自然流产spontaneous abortion先兆流产threatened abortion难免流产inevitable abortion不全流产incomplete abortion完全流产complete abortion稽留流产missed abortion 习惯性流产habitual abortion早期流产early abortion晚期流产late abortion 人工流产artificial abortion,induced abortion流产感染septic abortion流产儿abortus


参考文献 1Murakami T,G arcia CA,Reiter LT,et al.Charcot2M arie2T ooth disease and related inherited neuropathies.M edicine(Baltim ore),1996,75: 2332250. 2萧剑锋.腓骨肌萎缩症的分子遗传学研究进展.国外医学神经病学神经外科学分册,1998,25:1822185. 3Janssen E AM,K em p S,Hensels G W,et al.C onnexin32gene mutations in X2linked dominant Charcot2M arie2T ooth disease(C MTX1). Hum G enet,1997,99:5012505. 4Birouk N,Leguern E,M ais onobe T,et al.X2linked Charcot2M arie2 T ooth disease with connexin32mutations:clinical and electrophysiologic study.Neurology,1998,50:107421082. 5Nelis E,T immerman V,Jonghe PD,et al.Rapid screening of myelin genes in C MT1patients by SSCP analysis:identification of new mutations and polym orphisms in the P0gene.Hum G enet,1994,94:6532657.6R oa BB,G arcia CA,Suter U,et al.Charcot2M arie2T ooth disease type 1A.Ass ociation with a spontaneous point mutation in the PMP22gene. N Engl J M ed,1993,329:962101. 7Fairweather N,Bell C,C ochrane S,et al.Mutations in the connexin32 gene in X2linked dominant Charcot2M arie2T ooth disease.Hum M ol G enet,1994,3:29234. 8Bort S,Nelis E,T immerman V,et al.Mutational analysis of the MPZ, PMP22and Cx32genes in patients of S panish ancestry with Charcot2 M arie2T ooth disease and hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies.Hum G enet,1997,99:7462754. 9S ilander K,M eretoja P,Pihko H,et al.Screening for connexin32 mutations in Charcot2M arie2T ooth disease families with possible X2linked inheritance.Hum G enet,1997,100:3912397. (收稿:1998210206 修回:1999203224) (本文编辑:包雅琳) 神经病学常用医学名词(五) M MacE wen sign:麦克尤恩征 Marinesco2S j¨o gren syndrome:马里内斯科2舍格伦综合征 Mayer sign:迈耶征 McArdle disease:麦卡德尔病megaconial my opathy:大锥状颗粒肌病meningism:假性脑[脊]膜炎meningitis:脑[脊]膜炎 mening oencephalitis:脑膜脑炎 mening omyelitis:脊膜脊髓炎 Menkes disease:门克斯病又称“钢发综合征(steely hair syndrome)”metachromatic leukodystrophy:异染性脑白质营养不良 micturition syncope:排尿晕厥migraine:偏头痛 Millard2G ubler syndrome:米亚尔2居布勒综合征 mirror writing:镜像书写 mitochondrial my opathy:线粒体肌病 M ollaret meningitis:莫拉雷脑[脊]膜炎 m onoballismus:单肢投掷症 m ononeuritis:单神经炎 m onoplegia:单瘫 M oro reflex:莫罗反射 m otor aphasia:运动性失语[症] m otor apraxia:运动性失用[症] m otor nerve conduction velocity:运动神经传导速度m otor unit action potential:运动单位动作 电位 m otor unit potential:运动单位电位 multilead electrode:多导电极 multiple sclerosis:多发性硬化 multiple spike and slow wave complex:多棘 慢复合波 muscular hypertrophy:肌肥大 myalgia:肌痛 myasthenia:肌无力 myasthenia gravis:重症肌无力 myelitis:脊髓炎 myelopathy:脊髓病 my oclonic epilepsy:肌阵挛型癫痫 my oclonic seizure:肌阵挛发作 my oclonus:肌阵挛 my okymia:肌纤维颤搐 my opathy:肌病 my ositis:肌炎 my ositis ossificans:骨化性肌炎 my otonia:肌强直 my otonia atrophica:萎缩性肌强直 my otonic potential:肌强直电位 my otubular my opathy:肌管性肌病 M2wave:M波 N narcolepsy:发作性睡病 nascent m otor unit action potential:新生运 动单位动作电位 nas opharyngeal electrode:鼻咽电极 necrotic myelitis:坏死性脊髓炎 needle electrode:针电极 nemaline my opathy,rod my opathy:线状体 肌病,又称“棒状体肌病” neuralgia:神经痛 neuritis:神经炎 neurology:神经病学 neuromy ositis:神经肌炎 neuromy otonia:神经性肌强直 neuropathy:神经病 nodding spasm,spasmus nutans:点头痉挛 nominal aphasia:命名性失语[症] N othnagel sign:诺特纳格尔征 N othnagel syndrome:诺特纳格尔综合征 nuclear ophthalm oplegia:核性眼肌瘫痪 nystagmus:眼震 O ocular bobbing:眼球浮动 oculocephalogyric reflex:头眼反射 oculogyric crisis:眼动危象 oculogyric spasm:旋眼痉挛 oliv opontocerebellar atrophy:橄榄体脑桥小 脑萎缩 Oppenheim sign:奥本海姆征 optical neuromyelitis:视神经脊髓炎 orbicularis sign:眼轮匝肌征 (待续) (包雅琳 整理) ? 5 4 1 ? 中华神经科杂志1999年6月第32卷第3期 Chin J Neurol,June1999,V ol32,N o. 3 ? 1995-2005 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


医疗器械国际业务常用英语及其缩写 2016-07-19宝沐老师 来源:医疗维修在线 disposable sterile injector 一次性无菌注射针injection set注射器 disposable venous infusion needle一次性静脉输液针disposable infusion set 一次性使用输液器 blood transfusion set输血器 infusion bag液袋 urinedrainage bag集尿袋 blood bag血袋 medical catheter医用导管 stainlesssteel needle不锈钢医用针管 bloodtaking needle采血针 needle destroyer针头销毁器 automatic packer自动纸塑包装机 ice pack冰袋 eyeshade眼罩 Medical injection pump医用灌注泵

Emergency Room 急诊室 Hospital 医院 Medical Ward 内科病房 Surgical Ward 外科病房 Pediatric Ward 儿科病房 Laborand Delivery 接生房 Operation Room (OR)手术室 Coronary Care Unit (CCU)心脏重症室 Intensive Care Unit (ICU)重症室 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)内科重症室Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)初生婴儿重症室Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)儿科重症室Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)外科重症室Hospice 末期护理 Home Health Service 居家健康服务 Laboratory 化验所 Outpatient Surgical Center 门诊手术中心Pharmacy 药房 HealthCare Provider 医疗服务


血管 头颈部:大脑前动脉:ACA 大脑中动脉:MCA 大脑后动脉:PCA 基底动脉:BA 椎动脉:VA 无名动脉:INA 左无名静脉:LIV 右无名静脉:RIV 锁骨下静脉:SCV 锁骨下动脉:SCA 颈外静脉:EJV 颈内静脉:IJV 颈总动脉:CJA 腋动脉:AxA 胸部:肺动脉分叉:PABif 主肺动脉:MPA 腋静脉:RHV 左肺动脉:LPA 右肺静脉:RPV 肺总静脉:CPV 右上肺动脉:RVPV 右下肺动脉:RLPV 胸主动脉:ThAO 上肢:上肢动脉:UEA 上肢静脉:UEV 肱动脉:BA 桡动脉:RA 尺动脉:UA 腹腔:肠系膜上静脉:SMV 腹主动脉:AA 腹腔动脉:CA 肠系膜上动脉:SMA 腔静脉:VC 门静脉:PV 上腔静脉:SVC 下腔静脉:IVC 肝静脉:HV 脾动脉:SP A 肝中静脉:MHV 肝左静脉:LHV 肾动脉:RA 肾静脉:RV 肾主动脉:MRA 肾叶间动脉:IRA 肾段动脉:SRA 睾丸动脉:TA 髂总动脉:CIA 髂内动脉:IIA 髂外动脉:EIA 下肢:股总动脉:CFA 股浅动脉:SFA 股深动脉:DFA 股静脉:FV 大隐静脉:GSV 小隐静脉:SSV 胫前动脉:ATA 腓动脉:PEA 胫后动脉:PTA 腘动脉:PA 腘静脉:PV 足背动脉:DPA 左位上腔静脉:LSVC 右位上腔静脉:RSVC 大动脉转位:RSVC 夹层动脉瘤:DA 动脉瘤:AN 静脉导管:DV 下肢深静脉血栓:DVT 下肢深静脉瓣功能不全:DVI 心脏 心内膜:EN 心外膜:EP 乳头肌:PM 前壁:AW 下壁:IW 侧壁:PW 心尖:AP 室上嵴:CS 腱索:CT 左心耳:LAA 右室前壁:RVAW 左室:LV 左房:LA 室间隔:IVS 左室腔:LVC 左室后壁:LVPW 右室:RV 右房:RA 房间隔:IAS 右室腔:RVC 二尖瓣:MV 二尖瓣前叶:AMV 二尖瓣后叶:PMV 左室流入道:LVTT 左室流出道:LVOT 三尖瓣:TV 三尖瓣前叶:ATV 三尖瓣后叶:PTV 右室流出道:RVOT 主动脉根部/主动脉:AO 升主动脉:AAO 降主动脉:DAO 主动脉弓:APAR 左冠状动脉前降支:LAD 左冠状动脉回旋支:


产科英文名词解释 1. Fetal lie(胎产式)The term lie refers to the relationship between the long axis of the mother and the long axis of the fetus. 2. Fetal presentation(胎先露)The presenting part is the portion of the fetus that descend first through the birth canal. 3. Fetal positon(胎方位)The exact fetal position is determined by the relationship of some definite part of the fetus (the guiding point ) to a fixed area of the maternal pelvis. 4. Braxton Hicks收缩The pregnant uterus produces painless palpable contractions at irregular intervals from an early stage in gestation ,these Braxton Hicks Contractions,however, are not positive signs of pregnancy, since similar contractions are sometimes noted in cases of hematometra and occasionally with soft myomas , especially the pedunculated submucous variety. 5.Hegar’s sign(黑格氏征)On bimanual examination the uterine body feels doughy or elastic and sometimes becomes exceedingly soft at about the sixth week after the last period. 6. Abortion(流产)Abortion is termination of pregnancy before 28 weeks of gestation and the fetal weight is less than 1000g. 7. Missed abortion(稽留流产)When the embryo or fetus dies and it is retained in uterus. 8. Habitual abortion(习惯性流产)This is defined as 3 or more consecutive abortion. It is also called recurrent abortion. 9. Placenta previa(前置胎盘)The entire placenta or part of it is implanted in the lower portion of the uterus rather than in the upper active segment,and at least a portion of the placenta precedes the presenting part of the fetus after 28 week. 10. Placenta abruption(胎盘早剥)Partial or complete detachment of the placenta from a site of normal implantation in the corpus uteri before delivery of the fetus and may occur at any time after 20 week’s gestation. 11. Uteroplacental apoplexy(子宫胎盘卒中)Hemorrhage infiltrates the uterine wall. Uterine tetany follows, the uterus appears purplish,copper-colored, ecchymotic, indurated and loss its contractile powebecause of disruption of the muscle bundles. 12. HELLP syndrome The major symptoms are hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets syndrome. 13. threatened labor(先兆临产)(1)lightering; (2)false labor pain; (3)show. 14. Onset and diagnosis of labor(临产诊断)The contractions of labor occur regularly and usually increase until they recur every 5 to 6 minutes and last from 30 to 40 seconds, which cause progressive effacement and dilatation of the cervix and descent of the presenting part.


175个常用医学名词解释 1.胃肠激素:由胃肠粘膜内分泌细胞分泌的激素。 2.基础代谢率:在基础状态下,清醒、安静、空腹时,单位时间的能量代谢。 3.呆小症:幼儿时期甲状腺功能低下,生长缓慢、身体矮小,而且智力低下,称呆小症。 4.兴奋性:细胞在受刺激时产生动作电位(即兴奋)的能力。 5.肺通气量:每分钟进或出肺的气体总量。 6.球-管平衡:近球小管的重吸收率始终占肾小球滤过率的65%~70%。 7.激素:由内分泌细胞分泌的在细胞之间传递信息的高效能生物活性物质。 8.胃容受性舒张:咀嚼吞咽时,食物刺激咽、食管感受器,通过迷走N反射性地引起胃头区(胃底和胃体)肌肉舒张。 9.静息电位:兴奋细胞处于安静状态下,在细胞内外所记录的电位差称为静息电位。 10.牵涉痛:由于内脏疾病引起的体表部位疼痛或痛觉过敏。 11.内环境:是细胞生存的环境,指细胞外液。 12.射血分数:搏出量占心室舒张末期容积的百分比。安静状态健康成人的射血分数约为55%~65%。 13.血细胞比容:红细胞占全血的容积百分比。

14.Hb氧饱和度:Hb氧含量占Hb氧容量的百分比。 15.牵涉痛:内脏疾病常引起体表部位发生疼痛,或者痛觉过敏。 16.容受性舒张:食物刺激口、舌、咽和食道等处的感受器反射性经迷走神经引起胃底和胃体舒张。 17.近点:眼尽最大能力调节后看清物体的最近距离。 18.肾小球滤过率:单位时间内两肾生成的超滤液总量。 19.阈电位:在刺激作用下,静息电位从最大值降低到将能引起扩布性动作电位时的膜电位或可兴奋组织受到刺激去极化过程中,能引起动作电位的临界膜电位水平。 20.肺泡通气/血流量比值:肺泡通气量与每分钟肺血流量的比值。 21.平均动脉压:一个心动周期中动脉压的平均值。 22.呼吸:机体与环境之间的气体交换过程。 23.消化:食物在消化道内被分解为可吸收物质的过程。 24.牵张反射:有神经支配的骨骼肌受到外力牵拉而伸长时,能反射性地引起受牵拉的同一块肌肉发生收缩。 25.蛋白质的三级结构:整个多肽链的空间排布。(或:在二级结构基础上进一步折叠卷曲形成的空间结构,反映所有原子的空间排布。) 26.酶的别构调节:特定小分子物质与酶结合后,使酶蛋白的空间结构改变、酶活性变化,这种调节酶活性的方式称为酶的别构调节。

常用医学名词:Medical Terminology

常用医学名词:Medical Terminology 常用医学名词:Medical Terminology常用医学名词:Medical Terminology过敏allergy 健康诊断gernral check-up physical examination 检查examination 入院admission to hospotial 退院discharge from hospital 症状symptom 营养nutrition 病例clinical history 诊断diagnosis 治疗treatment 预防prevention 呼吸respiration 便通bowel movement 便stool 血液blood 脉搏pulse, pulsation 尿urine

脉搏数pulse rate 血型blood type 血压blood pressure 麻醉anesthesia 全身麻醉general anesthesia 静脉麻醉intravenous anesthesia 脊椎麻醉spinal anesthesia 局部麻醉local anesthesia 手术operation 切除resectionlie 副作用side effect 洗净irrigation 注射injection x光x-ray 红外线ultra red-ray 慢性的chronic 急性的acute 体格build 亲戚relative 遗传heredity 免疫immunity 血清serum

流行性的epidemic 潜伏期incubation period 滤过性病毒virus 消毒sterilization 抗生素antibiotic 脑波e.e.g 洗肠enema 结核反映tuberculin reaction 华氏fahrenheit 摄氏celsius, centigrade 常用医学名词:Medical Terminology 相关内容:


Ab antibody 抗体 ACTH adrenocortieotropic hormone 促肾上腺皮质激素 ADH antidiuretic hormone 抗利尿激素 AFE amniotic fluid embolism 羊水栓塞 AFP alpha fetoprotein 甲胎蛋白 Ag antigen 抗原 AID artificial insemination with donor's semen 供精者精液授精 AD autoimmune disease 自身免疫病 AIDS acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome 获得性免疫缺陷综合症(艾滋病)AIH artificial insemination with husband's semen 丈夫精液授精 AKP alkline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶 AMPS acid mucopolysaccharide 酸性粘多糖 AR autosome recessive 常染色体隐性遗传 ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome 成人呼吸窘迫综合症 ARV AIDS-related virus AIDS 相关病毒 AS Arias-Stella reaction A-S 反应(阿-斯反应) ATP adenosine triphosphate 三磷酸腺苷 top BBT basal body temperature 基础体温 BCG bacille Calmette-Guerin 卡介苗 BFHR baseline fetal heart rate 胎心率基线 BMR basal metabolic rate 基础代谢率 BPD biparietal diameter 双顶径



妇产科学术语 妇产科学obstetrics and gynecology产科学obstetrics妊娠pregnancy幼女妊娠precocious pregnancy妊娠年龄小于或等于12岁者。青春期妊娠teenage pregnancy,adolescent pregnancy孕次gravidity未孕妇nulligravi Tags:术语妇产科学 妇产科学obstetrics and gynecology 产科学obstetrics 妊娠pregnancy 幼女妊娠precocious pregnancy 妊娠年龄小于或等于12岁者。 青春期妊娠teenage pregnancy,adolescent pregnancy 孕次gravidity 未孕妇nulligravida 孕妇gravida 初孕妇primigravida 经孕妇multigravida 假孕pseudocyesis 前次月经past menstrual period,PMP 末次月经last menstrual period,LMP 月经龄menstrual age 受精龄fertilization age 孕龄gestational age 早孕反应morning sickness 妊娠剧吐hyperemesis gravidarum 妊娠纹striae gravidarum 妊娠溢液hydrorrhea gravidarum 黑加征Hegar sign 胎动感quickening

四步触诊法four maneuvers of Leopold 脐带杂音umbilical soufflé 子宫杂音uterine soufflé妊娠期trimester of pregnancy妊娠早期early trimester of pregnancy 妊娠中期mid trimester of pregnancy 妊娠晚期late trimester of pregnancy 过期妊娠postterm pregnancy,prolonged pregnancy 单胎妊娠singleton pregnancy双胎妊娠twin pregnancy单羊膜囊双胎monoamnionic twin pregnancy 双羊膜囊双胎diamnionic twin pregnancy单绒毛膜双胎monochorionic twin pregnancy 双胎交锁locked twins,interlocking twins多胎妊娠multiple pregnancy三胎妊娠triplet pregnancy 四胎妊娠quadruplet pregnancy 五胎妊娠quintuplet pregnancy同期复孕superfecundation异期复孕superfetation 产前antepartum产时intrapartum产后postpartum产前保健antenatal care,prenatal care 预产期expected date of confinement,EDC胎方位fetal position产妇parturient,puerpera 未产妇nullipara初产妇primipara高龄初产妇elderly primipara


For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use 医学术语缩写 ARDS 成人呼吸窘迫综合症 CAP 社区获得性肺炎 COPD 慢性阻塞性肺气肿 IPF 特发性肺纤维化 HAP 医院获得性肺炎 PAP 肺泡蛋白质沉积症 PIE 间质肺气肿 PTE 肺栓塞 TB 肺结核 PCP 卡式肺囊虫肺炎 A V B 房室传导阻滞 Af 房颤 ASD 房缺 AI 主闭 AS 主狭 ASO 闭塞性动脉硬化 AT 房速 AMI 急性心梗 AP 心绞痛 APB 房早 BBB 束支传导阻滞CHD冠心病 CHF 充血性心衰 CF 心衰 F3 法三 F4 法四 IHD 缺血性心脏病 PDA 动脉导管未闭 PS 肺狭 PAT 阵发性房性心动过速 MI 心梗 MVP 二间瓣脱垂 RBBB右束支传导阻滞 SSS 病态窦房结综合症 SBE 亚急性感染性心内膜炎 UA 不稳定性心绞痛

VSD 室缺 VDH 心脏瓣膜病 ALT 成人T细胞白血病 AA 再障 AIHA 自身免疫性溶血性贫血 CLL 慢淋 CGN 慢粒 DIC 弥漫性血管内凝血 ITP过敏性紫殿 IDA 缺铁贫 HD 霍奇金病 PNH 阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿 MM 多发性骨髓瘤 MDS 骨髓增生异常综合症 NHL 非霍奇金 RAEB 难治性贫血伴原始细胞增多型TIP 血栓性血小板减少性紫殿 AIH 自身免疫性肝炎 AP 急性胰腺炎DU十二指肠溃疡ERCP内镜逆行胰胆管造影术 FD 功能性消化不良 GU 胃溃疡 GERD胃食管反流病 HE 肝性脑病 IBS 肠易激综合症 IBD 炎症性肠病 SAP 急性重症胰腺炎 UC 溃疡性结肠炎 WD 肝豆状核变性 DM 糖尿病 T2DM 2型糖尿病 DR 糖尿病视网膜病变 DN 糖尿病肾病 DKA 糖尿病酮症酸中毒 DLE 盘状红斑狼疮 GD 甲亢Graves HNKHC 高渗性非酮症糖尿病昏迷IGT 糖耐量减低 IDD 胰岛素依赖性糖尿病 IIM 特发性炎症性肌病 PKU 苯丙酮尿症 MAS或POED 多发性骨纤维结构不良SSc 系统性硬化病 SLE 系统性红斑狼疮


神经病学常用医学名词 A absence seizure :失神发作acalculia :失算[症] acute disseminated encephalomyelitis :急性播散性脑脊髓炎 adiadochokinesia :轮替动作不能Adie syndrome : 埃迪综合征adrenoleukodystrophy : 肾上腺脑白质营养不良 adversive seizure :旋转性发作ageusia :味觉缺失 agnosia :失认[症] agraphia :失写[症] akinesia :运动不能akinetic mutism:运动不能性缄默[症] akinetic seizure :无动性发作Alexander disease :亚历山大病alexia :失读[症] allochesthesia :感觉定位不能allochiria :感觉定侧不能Alpers disease :阿尔珀斯病Alstrom—Hallgren syndrome : 阿尔斯特伦—海尔格伦综合征 alternate hemiplegia :交替性瘫痪Alzheimer disease : 阿尔茨海默病amnesia : 遗忘[症] amusia :失乐感[症] amyotonia :肌张力缺失 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis :肌萎缩侧索硬化 amyotrophy :肌萎缩analgesia :痛觉缺失 anarthria :构音不全anesthesia :感觉缺失 anesthesia dolorosa :痛性感觉缺失ankle clonus :踝阵挛 anosognosia :病感失认[症] anterior cross bulbar syndrome :延髓前交叉综合征 anterograde amnesia : 顺行性遗忘Anton syndrome : 安东综合征apathetic dementia :淡漠性痴呆Apert syndrome : 阿佩尔综合征aphasia : 失语[症] apraxia :失用[症] aprosody :失语韵[症] arachnoiditis :蛛网膜炎 areflexia :反射消失 Arnold—Chiari malformation : 阿诺德—基亚里畸形 arrhigosis :冷觉缺失ascending myelitis :上升性脊髓炎associated movement :联合运动astasia abasia :站立行走不能 astatic seizure :起立不能发作asterixis :扑翼样震颤 asynergia :协同动作不能ataxia :共济失调 ataxic gait :共济失调步态athetosis :手足徐动症 atonia :张力缺失atonic seizure :失张力发作atopognosia :位置失认[症] atypical absence seizure :非典型失神发作 auditory agnosia :听觉失认[症] auditory evoked potential , AEP : 听觉诱发电位 aura :先兆auriculo—temporal syndrome :耳颞综合征 automatism:自动症autotopagnosia :自身部位失认[症]
