BEC 常见同义词

target customer the aimed customer 目标顾客

target market the aimed marked 目标市场

venture (n.) risky business project风险,投机

credit 信用,信贷

a letter of credit 信用证on credit 赊账地

credit standing 资信状况

creditor 债权人an extortionate creditor 高利贷者

debit 借方,把。。。记入账户的借方

debit balance 借方余额

to debit one’s account with this amount 将钱记入某账户的借方

debtor 债务人

reinvent 1. (在不知他人已发明的情况下)彻底改造,重新使用

finance 财务/提供资金business finance 企业财务;finance the export trade 为出口贸易融资

financial 财务的financial position 财务状况;financial statement 财务报表

financing n, 融资,import financing 进口融资;joint financing 共同融资

fiscal a. 财政的fiscal policy 财政政策

Preference n, 优先考虑;优惠financial preference 财政优惠Preferential a 优惠的preferential creditor 优先债权人

Principal 委托人;本金on behalf of a principal 代表委托人; a princiapal sum 本金数额


Accounting/accounts 会计

Administration 行政管理

Advertising 广告

Customer service 客服

Domestic sale 国内销售

Overseas sales 海外销售

Marketing 市场

Finance 财务

HR 、personnel 人力资源、人事

Logistics 后勤,物流

Purchasing 采购

Maintenance 维修

Research and development 研发部


acquire [ ] (v.) buy, obtain

[例]We acquired a company, shares, etc.

[同义词] obtain, get, procure

acquisition [

] the act of acquiring 收购

[例]The good news from TCL: the acquisition of Schneider!

[同义词] merger, takeover

administration [ ] (n.) organization and control of a company经营、管理

[例]The administration power of a company also shows the internal control of the company.

[同义词] management


administer [ ] (v.) organize, control:

[同义词] manage

(n.) person who represents a company代理(商)

agent [ ]

[例]Our company’s agent in Middle East has developed a widespread and mature business there.

[同义词] representative, deputy

give money or other resources in certain allocate [ ] (v.)


[例]In the budget we allocated most of the money to marketing.

[同义词] assign, designate, allot


appoint [ ] (v.)choose someone for a job

[例]We have decided to appoint a new sales manager.

[同义词] assign, designate

arbitration [ ] (n.) process of settling a dispute


[例] We shall have to resort to arbitration.

[同义词] judgment, adjudication

asset [ ] (n.) something of value which is owned by a company资产

[例]Their company’s major asset is its property.

[同义词] property

credits and debits equal balance [ ] (n.) amount which makes the total


[例]Additional balance statement will charge 10 USD.

[同义词] equilibrium, equipoise, evenness

balance of payments (n.) international financial position of a country (account of imports, exports and invisible earnings)贸易收支差额

balance sheet (n.) statement of the financial position of a company or business at a

certain moment资产负债表

bank (v) to deposit something in a bank 存入

[例]You have to bank a certain amount of money in order to avoid being overdrawn.


bankrupt [ ]1. (adj.) unable to pay debts


[例]He was declared bankrupt.

[同义词] insolvent


bankruptcy [ ] (n.) state of being bankrupt

[同义词] insolvency

bargain [ ]1. (v.) discuss in order to reach agreement on price conditions讨价还价

[同义词] haggle, negotiate


bonus [ ] (n.) additional payment

[例]Our department manager has been given an annual bonus for his good performance.

[同义词] dividend

bout a brochure [ ] (n.) publicity booklet giving information a product or service(宣传产品的)小册子

[例]They asked for a brochure about our services.

[同义词] leaflet, pamphlet, booklet

经纪人broker [ ] (n.) person who buys and sells shares/currency etc.

[例]That firm is acting as a broker.

[同义词] agent, middleman

buyer’s market (n) a situation where certain products are in plentiful supply, resulting

in low price and good credit term for buyers 买方市场

[例]Too many entrants into this market created a buyer’s market in TVs.

[反义词]seller’s marker

] (n.) substance produced during the making by-product [

of sth else 副产品

[例]Ammonia, coal tar and coke are all by-products obtained in the manufacture of

the coal gas.

[同义词] spin-off

candidate [ ] (n.) person who puts himself/herself forward for a job候选人,应聘者

[例]Several managers normally interview one candidate because this increases the likelihood of making a good choice.

[同义词] applicant

captive market (n) a situation where buyer’s have no choice of goods or have to deal with only one seller 垄断市场

[例]This firm is the only manufacture of CD players in the country and gains a lot from such captive market. [同义词]monopoly

cash [ ] 1. (n.) money in notes and coins现金

[例]Carrying cash is very dangerous and inconvenient for foreign travelers.

[同义词]money, currency

2. (v.) exchange a cheque for cash兑现(支票)

catalogue [US catalog] a sales publication which lists products and prices产品目录[例]When doing import trading, you should get to know the exporter’s catalogue. [同义词]list, inventory

chart [ ] (n.) diagram which displays information visually 图表

[例]Please draw a chart on sales volume of this month.

[同义词]diagram, graph

传单,circular [ ] (n.) a copied leaflet which is sent to people


[例]Have you seen the circular handed out in the street?

[同义词]notice, advertisement

商业的commercial [ ] (adj.) of or relating to commerce

[例]commercial area

[同义词]trading, mercantile

dealer [ ] (n.) person who buys and sells商人

[例] a foreign exchange dealer

[同义词]merchant, trader, tradesman

debt [ ] (n.) money owed 债务

[同义词]liability, obligation, due


decline [ ]1. (n.) slow fall


2. (v.) fall slowly下滑


[例]When the income level of the consumers declines, the market price for house

will fall accordingly.


deduct [ ] (v.) subtract from the total figure

[例]After deducting all the costs, we actually made a loss.

[同义词]subtract, take away

deficit [ ] (n.) amount by wh

ich expenditure is higher than income


[例]They have incurred trade deficit for several years.

[同义词]shortage, shortfall, deficiency

department [ ] (n.) part of an organization


[例]The employment manager would like to talk to some of the company’s supervisors and department heads.

[同义词]branch, division, subdivision

depreciation [ ] (n.) reduction in the value of an asset贬值

[同义词]devaluation, deflation

devaluation [ ] (n.) the deduction in the value of a currency against other currencies(货币)贬值

[同义词]depreciation, deflation


discount [ ]1. (n.) percentage reduction in a full price

[例]You can have 5% discount as a VIP customer.

2. (v.) reduce the full price打折


dismiss [ ] (v.) remove from employment, sack (inf)解雇

[例]You are dismissed for your poor performance and bad working attitude.


(n.) act of dismissing解雇

dismissal [ ]

[例]These rules are formal-such as the procedure for dismissal.


duplicate [ ](n) an exact copy of a document such as a letter, a report, a receipt , and invoice etc.副本

[例] Keep the duplicate for your reference.

[同义词] copy

end-product (n) the final article produced by the manufacturing process 制成品

[同义词] finished goods

entitle [ ] (v.) to give a right to


[例]We feel we are entitled to make this request.

[同义词] qualify, authorize, empower

expansion [ ] (n.)

increase in size扩展

[例]The firm is planning for rapid expansion of its market.

[同义词] enlargement, amplification

花费expenditure [ ] (n.) amount of money spend [例]Capital expenditure is the money we have spent on fixed assets.

[同义词] spending, expense


expire [ ] (v.) to come to an end; terminate

[例]My passport expires in a month.

[同义词] terminate

faulty [ ] (adj.)( of product) having defects


[例]sorry for our faulty pilot products

[同义词] defective, imperfect

fee [ ] (n.) money paid for service provided by a professional person such as a lawyer or a doctor对职业性服务的报酬

[例]The commission fees are usually higher in the foreign bank than those local bank.

[同义词] payment, reward, remuneration

feedback [ ] (n.) information about the results of an activity, given to a person so that changes can be made反馈

[例]After the session we will give you feedback on your performance so that it can

be improved.

[同义词] response

finances (n. pl) money available经费

[例]the poor state of the company’s finances

[同义词] resources, funds, wealth


fluctuate [ ] (v.) rise and fall rapidly

[例]Workers certainly don’t want their pay to fluctuate wildly.

[同义词] vacillate, waver, vary

guarantee [ ]1. (n.) a promise or an assurance, especially one given in writing, that attests to the quality or durability of a product or service(质量)


[例]The new television had a guarantee with it.

[同义词] warranty, guaranty

2.(v)to assume responsibility for the quality or performance of承担(品质)保证[例] Each item is unconditionally guaranteed for 6 months.

[同义词] warrant, certify, pledge

implement [ ] (v.) put into action


[例]All the prevailing regulations should be implemented in our practice.

[同义词] execute, carry out


incentive [ ] (n.) something which motivates

[例]We need to offer incentives to people joining the company.

[同义词] inducement, motivation

payment installment [ ] (n.) any one of the parts of a spread over a period of time分期付款(一期款项)

[例] We're paying for the ‘telly’ by monthly instalments.

[同义词] part-payment

insure [ ] (v.) protect against loss, injury or death by paying a sum of money投保

[例]insure one's house against fire

[同义词] guarantee, warrant

introduce [ ]1.(v.) launch


[例]introduce a product on the market

2.(v)To present (someone) by name to another in order to establish an acquaintance.


[例]He introduced his friend to me.

[同义] launch

invoice 1.(n.) note requesting payment发票

[例]We’ll prepare the invoice ready for you, so you can do the payment as soon as possible..

[同义词] bill

2. (v.) send an invoice to someone 开发票

to label [ ]1. (n.) small piece of card or material attached to product show name, price etc标签.

[同义词] tag, remark, brand

license] official document which gives licence [ ](n.) [US


[例]You need an import licence.

[同义词] certificate, warrant, permit

anization or part of it manager [ ] (n.) person who manages an org


[同义词] administrator, executive, director


option [ ] (n.) possibility, opportunity

[例]We have the first option to buy the property.

[同义词] choice, alternative, selection


package [ ] (adj.) of a whole set

[例] a package deal

[同义词] bundle, pack

benefit package 福利制度

peak [ ] (n.) highest point顶峰

[例]His business career has reached the peak.

[同义词] top, summit, pinnacle

pension [ ] (n.) amount of money paid regularly after a person stops work, either because of or age or illness养老金

[例] Is £140 per week, plus a pension, better than £200 per week without?

[同义词] annuity

试用(期); probation [ ] (n.) period of testing a new employee


[例] The newly recruited employees are still in probation.

[同义词] trial, apprenticeship

qualification [ ] (n.) required education, ability or experience资格

[例] He plans to go back to college to get a management qualification.

[同义词] suitability, fitness, eligibility

recession [ ] (n.) period of low economic activity不景气,衰退期

[例] There is usually an obvious increase in unemployment when business is in recession.

[同义词] depressed market


retailer [ ]person who sells goods direct

[反义词] wholesaler 批发商

share [ ] (n.) 1. market share市场份额

[同义词] portion, part, division

2. small part of a company’s capital 股份

口号, 标语slogan [ ] (n.) a phrase which is used to sell a product

[例] They created an attractive slogan so that the book is expected to dominate the

best-seller lists.

[同义词] logo

slump [ ] (n.) rapid decrease暴跌

[例] a slump in sales

[同义词] depression, recession

sponsor [ ] (n.) person or company which pays for an event (sports, culture etc.)赞助商

[例] Spo nsor of the meeting will declare the final winner of this competition.

[同义词] patron

subordinate [ ]1. (n.) person below another in the company hierarchy下属

[例] To get on well with your subordinate is not a very easy thing.

[同义词] inferior, junior, subaltern

2. (adj.) lower下属的

[例] subordinate position

[同义词] inferior, lesser, lower

subsidiary [ ] (n.) company which is at least 51% owned by a parent company子公司

[例] The multi-national company’s profits are mostly from its overseas subsidiaries.

[同义词] associate company,branch


supply [ ]1. (n.) provision

[例] We are subject to the laws of supply and demand.

2. (v.) provide something供给

supplier [ ] (n.) person/company which supplies goods or services 供应商

[同义词] stockist

business project风险,投机

venture [ ] (n.) risky

[例] We need venture capital to start.

[同义词] adventure, speculation, hazard


warehouse [ ] (n.) building where goods are stored

[同义词] depot


同义词库大全篇一:近义词词库大全 近义词词库收集大全! 阿谀奉承,攀龙趋凤哀悼,悲悼 哀鸿遍野,百孔千疮哀求,恳求 哀伤,悲悼 哀痛,悲伤 挨饿,受饿 爱财如命,一毛不拔爱崇,尊崇 爱戴,恋慕 爱好,喜好 爱护,敬服 爱慕,恋慕 爱情,恋爱 爱惜,敬服 安顿,安置 安放,安顿 安分,循分 安分守纪,循规蹈矩安抚,抚慰 安家立业,克绍箕裘安静,平静 安居乐业,安身立命安眠,安息 安宁,安定

安排,摆设 安全,宁静 安然无恙,平安无事安身立命,安居乐业安慰,慰藉 安稳,牢固 安详,宁静 安心,放心 安逸,清闲 安置,安顿 按摩,推拿 按期,定期 按时,定时 按照,根据 暗暗,悄悄 暗藏,潜伏 暗淡,昏暗 暗箭,冷箭 暗箭伤人,含沙射影暗杀,谋害暗示,表示暗算,暗杀昂首,抬头遨游,翱翔熬煎,折磨翱翔,飞翔傲慢,狂妄奥秘,秘密奥妙,玄妙懊悔,悔恨懊丧,悔恨 八两半斤,不相上下八门五花,五花八门八面玲珑,八面见光八面受敌,四面楚歌八面威风,气势汹汹巴结,逢迎把脉,切脉把握,掌握把戏,花招罢工,歇工罢免,撤

职霸道,蛮横霸占,攻克白痴,呆子白发,鹤发白费,白搭白日,白天白天,白昼白皙,白净百般,千般 百里挑一,寥寥无几百无禁忌,童言无忌百姓,黎民 百折不挠,百折不回摆架子,搭架子摆设,部署摆脱,挣脱败坏,松弛败类,莠民 拜别,离别拜访,造访拜见,参见拜年,贺年拜托,托付颁发,发表斑白,花白搬家,搬迁搬弄,挑衅 搬弄是非,挑拨离间搬迁,搬家办法,措施办好,办妥办理,管理办事,服务办妥,办好 半斤八两,旗鼓相当半途,中途 半途而废,功败垂成半推半就,不即不离半信半疑,将信将疑伴侣,朋友伴随,陪同伴同,随同扮演,饰演帮忙,帮助帮手,帮忙帮助,资助绑缚,捆绑榜样,模范傍边,当中傍观,旁观傍门,歪路傍晚,薄暮包办,包揽包庇,容隐 包藏祸心,心怀叵测包含,包罗包涵,包容包括,包罗包揽,包办 包罗万象,应有尽有包容,包涵 褒贬,批驳宝贝,宝物宝贵,名贵宝物,宝贝 饱经风霜,坚苦卓绝保藏,收藏保存,生存保护,掩护保留,保存保守,守旧保卫,守卫保养,调养保证,包管报答,报酬报复,抨击报告,陈诉


常见的英语同义词(二) cry:The most general one. weep:To let flow tears. sob:To weep or sigh with short quick breaths. snivel:To sniffle and cry in a irritating manner. blubber:To cry loudly noisily. whine:To make a low complaining cry. bawl:To utter loud cries 。 wail:To cry aloud from pain or sorrow. moan:To make a low,miserable sound in pain or sorrow. grown:To make a low sound of pain,unhappiness or disapproval mourn:To feel or show sadness or sorrow for someone who has died. lament:To express great sorrow or regret. good-looking:Having an attractive appearance in a strong,healthy way used for men and women not things. beautiful:Suggesting symmetry of features or perfection of proportion,elegance and mobility. beautiful flowers,a beautiful girl/voice/city/face beautiful weather. handsome:Of attractive appearance applies to men. a


雅思写作常见同义词/近义词归纳总结 解决(动词):Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, settle, resolve, address, tackle 问题(名词): problem, matter, issue 事件(名词): incident, affair, event 教育(名词): education, schooling 经济上的(形容词): economic, financial 释放(动词): relieve,emancipate 压力(名词): stress, pressure, strain, 强调(动词): lay stress on, lay emphasis on, emphasize, accentuate, put the accent on 忽略(有意)(动词): ignore, turn a deaf ear to 忽略(无意)(动词): neglect 意识(名词): awareness(外界信号所产生的), consciousness(自我的) 提高(动词): raise, facilitate, promote, boost up, enhance 完善(动词): better, improve 基本的(形容词): basic, fundamental, 损害(动词):Damage, hurt, injure, harm, undermine,spoil 给与(动词):Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford 培养(动词):Develop, cultivate, foster 优势(名词):Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, strength, edge 缺陷(名词):Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness 大于,胜于(动词):outweigh, overshadow 利弊兼有(名词):pros and cons 使迷惑(动词):Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle 重要的(形容词):Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative 认为(动词):believe, insist, maintain, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced 保护(动词):Protect, conserve, preserve 确保(动词):Assure, ensure, guarantee 有害的(形容词):harmful, detrimental 有益的(形容词):Useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, rewarding,advantageous 帮助(名词): help, assistance 要求(名词):Request, demand, needs, requisition 消除(动词):Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away 导致(动词):Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, generate, trigger, give rise to 因此(连词):therefore, thus, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, 宣称(动词):Allege, assert, declare, claim 发生(动词):Happen, occur, take place 原因(名词):Reason, factor, cause 发展(名词):Development, advance, progress 影响(名词):Influence, impact, effect 强加(动词): impose…on,exert …on, put …on, place…on 明显的(形容词):Clear, obvious, evident, manifest, apparent 事实上:in practice,essentially,in essence,in reality,as a matter of fact,it is a fact that 换言之:Namely,that is to say,in other words,to put it like this,to put it differently,to put it from another way,to put it from another angle 比如:such as(A, B and so on), say (A), as it did in the case of,


高考常考35个近义词详解 1.暴发·爆发 暴发:强调突然性,适用范围较窄,经常与大水、洪水、山洪等同水有关的词语搭配。若用于人,则多指以不正当的手段突然发财或得势。 爆发:强调爆炸性,使用范围较广,经常与革命、战争、运动、起义、危机、掌声、欢呼声等词语搭配;用于自然物,则多与火光、火山等同火有关的词语搭配。 2.抱负·报复 两词意思相去甚远,前者指远大志向,后者指对别人反击。例如:“有抱负”、“打击报复”。 3.变幻·变换 如果变的内容或方式等不固定、不规则,则用前者,后者指事物由一种形式或内容变成另一种。例如:“风云变幻”、“变换手法”。 4.窜改·篡改 前者指文字上的改动;后者不限于文字,且用作伪的手段改动或曲解(经典、理论、政策)等。如:“窜改成语”、“篡改马列主义”。 5.处世·处事 前者泛指在社会上的活动,人际交往;后者指处理事务。例如:“处世经验”、“待人处事”。 6.世故·事故 前者指处世经验,或指待人圆滑;后者指意外的损失或灾祸(多指在生产、工作中发生的),例如:“人情世故”、“发生事故”。 7.度过·渡过 前者用于时间;后者指由此岸到彼岸。例如:“度过假期”、“渡过长江”。 8.过度·过渡 前者指超过适当限度;后者指由一个阶段转入另一个阶段。例如:“劳累过度”、“过渡句”。 9.法治·法制 前者表示要根据法律来治理国家;后者指有关的法律制度。例如:“实行法治”、“健全法制”。 10.反映·反应 前者指反照,或把有关情况、别人的意见等告诉上级或有关部门;后者指由外来刺激引起的某种活动或回应。例如:“反映情况”、“反应迅速”。 11.功夫·工夫 前者一般指本领、造诣;后者也可用于前者的意思,但一般用来指时间、时候。例如:“功夫很深”、“闲工夫”。 12.截止·截至 两个词意思相近,前者强调(到一定期限)停止、完了;后者指到某个时候。例如:“报名到今天截止”、“报名日期截至本月底”。 13.界限·界线 两者都指不同事物的分界,但若是具体地区的分界,就只能用“界线”。例如:“是非界限(界线)”、“房基地界线”。 14.权利·权力 前者指公民或法人依法行使的权利和享受的利益(跟“义务”相对)。后者则指政治上的强制力量或一定职责所具有的支配力量。例如:“选举权是公民的权利”,“全国人民代表大会是国家最高权力机关”。 15.启示·启事 前者是启发的意思;后者是刊登或张贴出来的某种声明。例如:“生活给我的启示”、“征文启事”等。 16.溶化·熔化·融化 溶化,①是化学用语,指固体的溶解; ②是指冰雪等物质变成水,此意与“融化”相同。 熔化,是物理用语,指固体加热到一定程度变成液体,“熔化”不能写成“融化”。 融化,指冰雪等物质变成水。例如:“砂糖放在水中会溶化”,“铁加热到1530度就会熔化成铁水”,“冰雪融化”。 17.事务·事物



A a branch of/a division of a quarter of/a fourth of abandon/give up/desert/cease/stop/quit abide by/ stick to/ adhere to abnormal/ unusual abrupt/ sudden/unexpected abundant/plentiful/adequate/sufficient/enoug h accelerate/ step up/quicken/speed up acclaim/hail acceptable/satisfactorily account for/ explain account/consideration/takeint accout/explain accumulate/ collect/gather/buildup accuse …of/ charge… with achieve/ attain/get/gain/abtain adhere/to follow/stick fast adverse/unfavorable advisable/wise aim /goal aircraft/plane/aeroplane alike/similer alleviate/ lessen/relieve allocate /assign/distribute/gaven allow/permit alternative/ choice almost/nearly/vcitually/practically although/while/though an improved/a better annoying/irritating/unpleasant annuallay/every year anyhow/anyway appalling/dreadful appear/be seen/come into view/ be in sight apply to/put into / use / action / operation /function appraisal/evaluation argue/contend arise/get up arouse/excite/wake assemble/gather assert/state firmly assume/postulate astonish/surprise at any price/for love or money at once/immediately at stake/in danger attend/go to attend to/wait on attraction/lure/temptation authentically/genuinely authority/government B ban/forbid,prohibit bare/barren barren/bare be bordering on/be close to be entitled to(do sth.)/have right to(do sth) be hailed as/be acclaimed as be realized/be fulfilled/come true bearing/influence impact effect because of/on account of/due to owing to/thanks to before/previously/formerly/prior to behaviour/conduct blend/mix branch/division brave/courageous break/beat broaden/widen C call/phone call … up/telephone call …off/cancel capability/ability care/remedy careful/conscientious/cautious cater for/meet/satisfy census/count certain/sure/inevitable change/alter/modify/vary/shift change into/turn into characteristic/typical cheerful/pleasant/happy childish/immature clever/intelligert close/near/intimate collaborate/cooperate collide with/run into come across/catch sight of/see sb/sth suddenly compactly/densely compel/force/oblige complain/feel unhappy complete/finish


英语常用同义词近义词、短语辨析 1.idea, concept, conception, thought, notion, impression 这些名词均有“思想、观点、观念”之意。 idea: 最普通常用词,几乎适用于任何方面的思维活动。 concept: 指从众多实例中通过概括、归纳而形成的对事物本质、全貌及其内部联系 的概念或看法。如:A small baby has no concept of right and wrong.婴儿没有是非概念. It was Aristotle who proved the world is round. Plato popularized the concept.亚里士多德证明了地球是圆的,柏拉图普及了这一概念。 conception: (概念、观念、思想)通常指个人或一些人所持有的具体概念或念头,也可指概念的形成过程,含一定的想象和感情色彩意味。如:He’s got a really strange conception of friendship. 他对友谊有一种非常独特的见解。 ancient Greek thought古希腊思想; lost/deep in thought陷入思索中/在沉思中,如:Derek was staring out of the window, lost in thought. Derek凝视着窗外,陷入了沉思。 thought: 指以推理、思考等智力活动为基础的心理思维活动及其结果。如:Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiao-ping Theory, “三个代表”之英文表达法——摘自CNN 'THE THREE REPRESENTS' Theory first raised by President Jiang Zemin in early 2000. Communist party must: 1 - Represent most advanced productive forces, including private business. 代表中国先进社会生产力的发展要求 2 - Represent the most advanced culture. 代表中国先进文化的前进方向 3 - Represent fundamental interests of the broad masses (i.e. not merely a "revolutionary party" but one that stands for all Chinese.) 代表中国最广大人民的根本利益 notion: 尤指错误或模糊的概念、想法;无可靠的基础,未经深思熟虑的观点。 misguided notions of male superiority男尊女卑的错误观点,突然的念头,奇想notion to do sth At midnight she had a sudden to go to the beach.半夜里她突发奇想要去海滩。 impression: 指外部刺激在思想中所产生的印象。尤指(对人、事的)印象;感想,常接of, 如:What’s your impression of Frank as a boss? 你对身为老板的Frank印象如何?


Part1 A A range of=an array of= a list of= a collection of=a series of= a set of一系列Accelerate=speed up加速 Accomplishment=achievement 成就,完成 Accomplish=achieve (V)完成,达成,成就 Attend=participate in 参加 Achieve=obtain=gain=access to sth 得到、获得 Aim.n=objective=goal 目的 Aim at=focus on=concentrate on=emphasize on 集中、强调 Attempt to do=try to do=intend to do尝试作,想要作 Approximately=roughly=about=some=around 大约 As a result=consequently=as a consequence=hence因此、从而Associate with=connect with=link with=relate to=involve in与……相关联Attach to=connect to=link to与……相连接、附着在……上 At will=at random=by chance=by accident=accidentally随意地 B Be similar to=closely resembled =have something in common 相似 Be used to=be devoted to专门用于 Be equivalent to=be equal to 等同于 Be taken aback=be surprised 吃惊 C Calculate=measure 衡量 Catch up with=keep pace with跟上步伐 Chief=major=dominant=principle主要的 Chronic=long term 慢性病的 Concern n. =focus关心的问题 Concept =conception=notion=idea=understanding概念、理解 Confront=encounter=in the face of面临 Consist of=comprise由什么组成 Contribute to=result in=lead to=link to=responsible for导致 Cooperate with=work with 与……协作 Convert to=turn into 转为、转变为 D Distract from= can not concentrate 使精力分散 Diminish=decrease=shrink 减少 Distinct=distinguish=different=unique不同的 Distinct variety of =different kind of=separate kind of不同的 Due to=because of由于 Drawback=defect=ill缺点 E Endanger=threaten 威胁


常见高考近义成语辨析120例 三个一组 1.惨无人道:惨,残酷狠毒。残暴得灭绝人性。 惨绝人寰:人寰,人世。世上再没有比这更惨的。形容惨到极点。 灭绝人性: :完全丧失人所具有的理性。形容极端残忍,象野兽一样。 2.趁火打劫:趁别人有危难时去捞好处。亦作“趁火抢劫”。 浑水摸鱼:比喻乘混乱的机会攫取不正当利益。 顺手牵羊: 顺手把人家的羊牵走。比喻趁势将敌手捉住或乘机利用别人。

现比喻乘机拿走别人的东西 3.心满意足:心愿满足。亦作“心满愿足”。 称心如意:完全合乎心意。亦作“趁心如意”。 正中下怀: 正合自己的心意。形容符合心意。 4.承前启后:承,承接。启,开创,引出。承接前人的,开创今后的。多用于事业、学问方面。亦作“承先启后”。 承上启下:承接上面的,引起下面的。多用在写文章方面。

继往开来:继:继承;开:开辟。继承前人的事业,开辟未来的道路。 5 外强中干:外表上好像很强大,实际上很空虚。 色厉内荏:外表强硬而内心怯懦。 外刚内柔:外表刚强而内在柔弱。同“内柔外刚”。 6.胡思乱想:不切实际地瞎想。亦作“胡思乱量”。 痴心妄想:入迷的心思,荒唐的想法。形容一味幻想不切实际的事情。 游思妄想:犹言胡思乱想。指没有根据,不切实际的瞎想。 7 重整旗鼓:比喻失败后积聚力量,重新行动。亦作“重振旗鼓”。

卷土重来:卷土,人马奔跑时扬起尘土。形容失败后组织力量,重新猛扑过来。 东山再起:指再度出任要职。也比喻失势之后又重新得势。 8.呕心沥血:形容费尽心思。褒义处心积虑:处心,存心。积虑,积久考虑。早已千方百计地谋算。多含贬义。 挖空心思:比喻想尽一切办法。9.深谋远虑:周密地计划,往长远里考虑。 深思熟虑:深入细致地考虑。 老谋深算:周密的筹划,深远的打算。形容人办事精明老练。


小学英语同义词总结 (1)above/on (在……上面) (2)f ather/dad(爸爸) (3)kid/child(小孩)(4)glad/happy(高兴) (5)fast/quick (快的)(6)mother/mum(妈妈) (7)below/under(在……下面)(8)hello /hi(嗨) (9)plane/airplane(飞机)(10)much/many(多) (11)few/little(极少)(12)small/little(少量) (13)big/large(大的)(14)picture/photo(图片) (15)movie/film(电影)(16)b ike/bicycle(自行车) (17)begin/start(开始)(18) evening/night(夜晚) (19)speak/talk/say(说)(20) see/watch/look(看) (21)hear/listen(听)(22) love/like (喜欢) (23)gift/present (礼物)(24)laugh/smile (笑) (25)shop /store(商店)(26) hate/dislike(厌恶) (27)learn /study(学习)(28)d ear/expensive(昂贵的) (29)begin/start(开始)(30) too/also(也) (31)problem/question(问题)(32)often/sually(经常) (33)job/work(工作)(34)because/for(因为) (35)dinner/supper (晚餐) (36)high/tall(高的) (37)cup/glass (杯子)(38)meeting/party (会) 拓展: 1、away 离开—off 离开/走开(通常与不同的动词搭配) 2、because 因为(因果语气较强,常搭配句子)—for 因为(因果语气较弱,可搭配短语和句子) 3、break 休息/中断(常指短时休息)—rest 休息(相对时间较长) 4、cup 小茶杯—glass 玻璃杯 5、clothes 衣服(总称)—dress 衣服(长裙、某类衣服的总称,如:evening dress, modern dress) 6、dinner 正餐/晚餐—supper 晚餐 7、daddy(儿语)爸爸—dad(口语)爸爸—father(书面语)爸爸 8、evening 傍晚—night 晚上 9、fast 快的—quick 快的 10、great 伟大的/大的—big 大的(常指形状的大小) 11、hello 喂/hi 嗨(相对较为正式)—hey 喂/嘿(相对较为随便) 12、high 高的(通常搭配高山、高楼等)—tall 高的(通常搭配人物、树木等) 13、job 职业/工作(可数名词使用)—work 工作(不可数名词) 14、Mr.先生(搭配姓氏使用)—sir 先生(通常单独使用表称呼) 15、like 喜欢—love 喜爱(喜欢的程度相对较深) 16、little 小—small 小 17、look 看(表动作)—see 看见(更强调结果) 18、listen 听(表动作)—hear 听见(更强调结果) 19、meeting 会议—party 聚会 20、mummy(儿语)妈妈—mum(口语)妈妈—mother(书面语)妈妈 21、ride 骑(马、自行车)—drive 驾驶(车辆) 22、often 经常/常常—usually 通常(频度更高) 23、picture 照片/图片—photo 照片


六级常见单词替换 1. important=crucial,cr itical significant essential vital 2. common=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) 4. difficult=formidable 5. understand=discern 6. all the time--continually, continuously, constantly, perpetually 7. as a result—consequently、 8. before--prior to 9. begin—commence 10. better—superior 11. big--major, significant, substantial 12. have--be equipped with, possess 13. if--in the event of, in case(of) 14. in the end--eventually, finally, ultimately 15. know--be aware of, be conversant with, familiar with 16. less and less--decreasing(ly) 17. more and more –increasingly 18. money--funding, funds, resources 19. more and more—increasingly 20. need--demand, require 21. now--at present, at this juncture, at this moment, currently 22. often--frequent(ly) 23. quick(ly)--rapid(ly),prom pt(ly) 24. right--appropriate, correct, proper reasonable


请按开头字母点击检索: A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T W X Y Z 常用同义词(近义词) 观——看寒——冷舟——船暖——热 鸣——叫入——进归——回遥——远 瞅——看藏——躲绝——尽叫——喊 望——看看——瞧铺——展去——往 来回——往返立刻——马上赶快——赶紧 突然——忽然寒冷——严寒坚决——果断 恐惊——恐惧暗香——幽香荒芜——荒凉 得意——自得听见——闻声农夫——农民 慈祥——慈爱飞翔——翱翔详细——具体 每天——天天赛过——胜过好像——似乎 闻名——著名满意——满足新居——新房 捕获——捕捉海疆——海域天涯——天边 结实——坚固遇到——碰到轻巧——轻便 整齐——整洁证明——证实评比——评选 注意——注重供应——供给辛苦——辛劳 认识——熟悉预报——预告舒畅——愉快 立刻——连忙突然——忽然四周——四面 精彩——出色笨重——粗笨直立——竖立



高考英语常用同义词辨析汇总 1. a good/great many(of)/a number of/a large quantity of/plenty of/a large amount of/a great deal of 2. a number of/numbers of/the number of. . . 3. abandon/desert

4. abolish/cancel 5. above all/first of all/at first 6. accuse/charge/blame/scold

7. acquire/obtain/gain/win/earn 8. adjust/adapt 9. adopt/adapt 10. agreement/contract/bargain

11. also/too/either/as well/besides/moreover 12. anxious/eager/keen 13. apart from/except/except for/except that/besides

14. argue/debate/discuss/quarrel 15. ashamed/shameful/shame 16. at ease/with ease

17. attempt/try/manage 18. attend/join/join in/take part in/participate in 19. average/common/ordinary/general/usual


同义词替换大全 Cambridge4TEST1 1.ignore=pay no attention=not pay any attention=take no notice=not ta ke any notice忽略,无视v. 2.encounter=face=confront=meet 遇见,遭遇v. 3.mistaken view=misconception错误的观点n. 4.easy to reach=accessible容易达到的adj. 5.change=modify(modification)改变v. 6.destruction=destroy=loss毁坏n. 7.investigate=make inquiries=enquiries=go into=probe=look into调查v. 8.where=geographical location表地点 9.important=vital=essential=crucial重要的adj. 10.reason=cause=factor=origins=root=stimulus=impetus原因n. 11.protect=guard=safeguard=shield=conservation保护v. 12.newspapers,television=media媒体n. 13.where to live=habitat居住地n. 14.get warmer=global warming变暖n. 15.contribute to=play a part有助于v. 16.survive=continuing existence幸存,活下来v. 17.curriculum=course=syllabus课程n. to=be connected with=be linked with把…和…相联系v.


表示“需要”(v)的单词:need, require, involve ,entail 表示“意味着”的单词:mean, involve, entail 表示“宿舍”的单词:dormitory, quarters, lodgings 表示“住宿”的单词:accommodations, (a)lodging 表示“欺骗”(v)的单词:cheat, deceive, trick, fool 表示“渴望”(v)的单词和词组:desire, yearn for/after, long for, thirst for,aspire to do sth, look forward to doing sth, keen on/about doing sth, keen to do sth, keen that, have an urge to do sth(具有做某事的强烈欲望,非常想做某事,形容极度渴望)表示“同情”(v)的词组:sympathize with, yearn for, feel sympathy for 表示“重要的”的单词:important, crucial, vital, essential, integral, indispensable, significant 表示“参加,从事”的词组:take part in, join(in),participate in, involve sb in (主动, 其被动形式为sb be involved in), sb be engaged in=sb be employed in 表示“能力”的单词: ability和 capability(主要用于人)talent(只用于人), competence, capacity(可用于人或物), faculty 表示“想象”(v)的单词和词组:imagine, fancy, fantasy,envisage(英)=envision(美) conceive of 表示“包含(v)”的单词和词组:include, involve, comprehend, inclusive of, embrace, embody, comprise, contain(实际包含的量),encompass 表示“能容纳”的词组:can hold/accommodate 表示“表现,体现”(v)的单词:render, reflect, display, indicate, manifest, embody 表示“导致,引起(v)”的单词和词组:render, entail, lead to, result in, bring about, cause, trigger=prompt(诱发),pose(本义为造成问题或危机) 表示“强大的,强有力的”的单词和词组:powerful, mighty, potent, strong 表示“(感觉等)敏锐的,灵敏的”的单词:keen, acute(首选这两个词)perceptive 表示“提供”的单词和词组:provide/supply sb with sth=provide/supply sth for sb=render/offer sb sth, contribute sth to sth 表示“忙于……,埋头于……”的单词和词组:be buried in, be employed in, be engaged in, sb be immersed in=immerse oneself in 表示“致力于”的词组:devote oneself to =dedicate oneself to, sb be devoted to=sb be dedicated to 表示“表现,体现”(v)的单词:render, reflect, manifest, characterize 表示“显示,表明”(v)的单词:show, suggest, indicate, reflect, reveal,(首选这三个词)emerge 表示“证明”(v)的单词:validate, demonstrate, verify, confirm,prove 表示“证实(v)”的单词:affirm,confirm, prove 表示“说明,阐释(v)”的单词:explain, illustrate, elaborate 表示“持续不断的”的单词:continual,continuous, incessant 表示“(计划,规定等)被实施,生效”的词组有come into effect/force, be implemented, be put into effect/execution, be carried into execution=be put in/into execution 表示“意识到+从句”的词组:know+that从句 realize+that从句 be/become aware of the fact+ that从句 be conscious+that 从句 表示“阻止,阻碍”(v)的单词或词组:prevent/inhibit/hinder sb from doing sth, impede sb to do sth, hamper sb in doing sth


公文是处理公务的一种重要的文字工具,在制作过程中,对公文常用同义词语的选用是一件煞费苦心的事,下面从常用同义词中选取几组进行辨析。 截止与截至“截止”是指“到一定期限停止”,如“报名在昨天已经截止”,“截至”是截止到某个时候,如“报名日期截至本月底止”。在“截至”中“截”的意思就是“截止”,而“至”则是“到”的意思,所以“截至”就是“截止到”的意思,例如“北京市申办2000年夏季奥运会得到了北京市人大代表和政协委员的大力支持。截至今天18时,已有500多位人大代表和近300名政协委员在网上签名支持北京申办奥运会”(《人民日报》2000年2月18日),句中“截至”就不能用作“截止”。 布置与部署“布置”是指“在一个地方安排和陈列各种东西或人以使这个地方适合某种需要”,也指“对一些活动做出安排”;“部署”是指“安排、布置(人力、任务)”。比较起来,“布置”适用的范围要比“部署”宽泛一些。“部署”一般适用于较大规模的、比较正式的、带有较浓厚的书面色彩的或者与军事有关的场合,只能与人力、任务、工作等少数几个词语搭配,如“军事部署、战略部署、统一部署”等,如果我们把“布置房间”说成“部署房间”那就错了,如果把“部署”写成“布署”那就是写别字了。 其他与其它“其他”是指“别的”,可以指人,也可以指事物,如“抓住主要矛盾,其他问题也就迎刃而解了”,“其他”用在单音节词前要带“的”,用在双音节词前一般不带“的”;“其它”是从“其他”中分化出来的,仅用于事物。在公文写作过程中,将“其他”与“其它”混用的现象比较普遍,有些是选用不当,有些则是难于取舍造成的,实际上,在典范的现代白话文著作中,已逐步淘汰了“其它”而一律用“其他”,既指人,也指事物。 中心与重心“中心”是指“跟四周距离相等的位置;事物的主要部分;在某一个方面占主要地位的城市或地区;设备、技术力量等比较完备的机构和单位(多用作单位的名称)”等。“重心”是指“物体各部分所受的重力产生合力,这个合力的作用点就叫做这个物体的重心”,由此引申为事情的中心或主要部分。写作中不能把“中心工作”写成“重心工作”。 启用与起用“启用”是指“开始使用”,“启”有“开始”的意思,如“启用单位印信”、“新机场已经落成,即将启用”等;“起用”是指重新任用已退职或免职的官员”,在这里,“起”有“向上”的意思。两个词语的根本区别在于“起用”指人,而“启用”一般不指人。 全面分析全面贯彻持续推进全面落实/实施逐步扭转基本形成普遍增加基本建立更加完备(完善) 明显提高(好转) 进一步形成不断加强(增效,深化) 大幅提高显著改善(增强) 日趋完善比较充分 常用短语 立足当前着眼长远自觉按规律办事 抓住机遇应对挑战 量力而行尽力而为 有重点分步骤全面推进统筹兼顾综合治理融入全过程、贯穿各方面 切实抓好/减轻扎实推进加快发展持续增收积极稳妥落实从严控制 严格执行坚决制止明确职责 高举旗帜坚定不移牢牢把握积极争取深入开展注重强化 规范改进积极发展努力建设依法实行积极稳妥 良性互动优势互补率先发展互惠互利 做深做细做实不动摇不放弃不改变不妥协 常用动词 积累推进推动健全统领协调统筹转变提高推进实现适应改革创新扩大加强促进巩固保障方向取决于完善加快振兴崛起分工扶持改善调整优化解决宣传教育发挥支持带动帮助深化规范强化统筹指导服务健全确保维护优先贯彻
