

Tourism Etiquette Rules for Chinese Citizens Travelling at Home


The cultivation of a congenial and harmonious travel environment benefits every tourist. It is our bounden duty to be a tourist with refined manners. So please observe the following tourism etiquette rules:


Keep the environment clean and tidy. Don't spit about or spit out chewing gum. Don't drop litter. Don't smoke except in designated areas.


Observe public order. Don't yell or shout out loud. Always join a public queue for good order. Don't walk abreast on a sidewalk. Don't talk loudly in public places.

3.保护生态环境。不踩踏绿地,不摘折花木和果 实,不追捉、投打、乱喂动物。

Preserve the ecological environment. Stay off public lawns, and refrain from picking flowers or fruits. Don't chase, catch, or throw stones at animals or feed them irresponsibly.


Protect historical sites and cultural relics. Don't inscribe anything or scrawl graffiti on them. Don't touch or climb on top of ancient relics, and heed the restrictions when taking photos with them.


Be careful with the use of public facilities. Don't smear or break objects in hotel rooms. Don't vandalize or damage public facilities. Don't attempt to make off with public belongings. Conserve water and electricity by using them efficiently. And don't waster food.


Be respectful to the people around you. Don't try to snapshoot pictures with foreign friends without their permission. Don't sneeze into the face of others. Don't occupy public facilities for too long. Esteem the work of service staff. And respect the local religious customs.


Show courtesy to others. Be dressed appropriately. Don't go barebacked in public places. Be considerate towards the aged, the infirm, the sick and the disabled and give priority to them. Be chivalrous to the female by following the rule "lady first". Never use vulgar language.


Take part in healthy entertainments. Say no to

feudal superstitious activities. Stay away from pornography, gambling and drugs.


Tourism Etiquette Rules for Chinese Citizens Travelling Abroad


Chinese citizens traveling abroad must observe the local standards of propriety while keeping their own national identity.


Keep the place clean and tidy, and protect the environment. Be dressed appropriately. Don't yell or talk loudly.


Respect the old and care for children. And be ready to help others in need. To the female practice "lady first"; to others follow the rule "after you, please".


Keep track of the time difference and arrive at appointments on time. Wait in a queue to get your turn and stand behind the yellow line.


Be a welcome guest in a hotel. Don't damage objects in hotel rooms. Wine and dine quietly, and don't waste food.


Go in for healthy and cultured entertainments, and say no to pornography, gambling and drugs.


Follow the rules and tips on sightseeing tours. Be careful to observe the local customs or taboos. Don't violate or offend against them.


When in doubt or difficulty, make enquiries to the Chinese embassy or the consulate. Be a responsible traveler and enjoy a safe and pleasant trip.
