英文导游词系列之故宫 午门

英文导游词系列之故宫 午门
英文导游词系列之故宫 午门



Good morning teachers, my topic is General Information of the Forbidden City in front of Meridan Gate.

The Forbidden City is located in the center of BJ. It used to be the former Imperial Palace for the M&Q Emperors. It is the best-preserved imperial palace in China, the largest ancient palatial structure in the world, and it is also the largest piece of ancient Chinese architecture still in existence today.

Now, let show you something about the history of the Forbidden City In 1368, after the 1st emperor Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty, he made Nan Jing as it's capital. But after the 3rd Emperor Zhu Di came to the throne in 1402, he decided to move the capital from Nan Jing to Bei Jing. Upon the decision of moving the capital, a large-scale construction of the Forbidden City started in 1406 and based on the model of the Imperial Palace in Nan Jing. But was more splendid and larger. The construction took 14 years and was completed in 1420. in the following year, 1421, the capital of the Ming Dynasty was moved from NJ to BJ.

When the Qing rulers took over BJ, they just stayed in the former imperial palace but rebuilt and renovated most of the buildings. So the situation of the Forbidden City was much better than it was in the Ming Dynasty. But in the later of Qing Dynasty, because of the corruption of the Qing Government, and the slack management of the Forbidden City, it once again fell into a declined and waned condition.

Later on, Qing Dynasty was overthrown by 1911 Revolution led by Dr. Sun-Yat-Sen. But according to the 19 articles of the preferential treatment for Qing court, after 1911, the last Emperor Pu Yi and his royal family spent another 13 years in the Forbidden City until 1924, they were driven out of the palace.

Starting from the 3rd emperor Zhu Di of the Ming Dynasty, to the last emperor Pu Yi of the Qing Dynasty, there were a total 24 emperors who lived and handled state affairs in the Forbidden City. On the October 10th1925, the whole complex was converted into a museum and opened to the public, and in 1987, it was listed as a world cultural heritage site by UNESCO.

The Forbidden City covers an area of 72 hectares. It is rectangular in shape, 960 ms long from north to south, and 750 ms while from east to west, surrounded with a 10-m high city wall and encircled by a 52-m wide moat. At each corner of the surrounding wall, there is a magnificent watchtower, which was heavily guarded in the old days. Each of the 4 watchtower has 9 beams, 18 pillars and 72 ridgepoles.

The Forbidden City can be divided into 2 parts: the Outer Court and the Inner Palace. The Outer Court consists of 3 main buildings. This was the place where the emperors attended the grand ceremonies and conducted state affairs; while the Inner Palace is composed of rear 3 main buildings and the 6 eastern palaces and 6 western palaces. There was the place where the emperor used to handle daily affairs and it was the living quarters for the emperor, empress and imperial concubines. The layout of the Forbidden City is generally designed to the principle of "a Front Court and Rear Palace", which means "the front court for state affairs and the rear palace as the living quarters".

OK, so much for the history part, next, I'll introduce the Meridan Gate.

There are 4 gates in each side of the Forbidden City. The Meridan Gate is the main entrance to the Forbidden City and also the south gate of Forbidden City. On the top of the gate, there are 5 towers, so it was also nicknamed as the "Five-Phoenix Tower". The main tower is rectangular in shape, which is located in the center with 4 square-shaped tower in each corner. Inside the tower, bells and drums were installed. There are 3 obvious doorways can be seen from the outside of the Meridan Gate and 2 side doorways are hidden from view. But all 5 doorways cane be seen after walking through the Meridan Gate and turning around. This is a typical building method for

this kind of gate——"3 obvious doorways can be seen from the outside, but five doorways can be seen from inside". However, on the day the Imperial Palace Examination results were announced, the 1st top 3 outstanding scholars were allowed to go through the central gate here in the Forbidden City. The high-ranking civil and military officials went in through the side gate on the east, and the royal family members went in through the west. The two smaller ones on both side at the the corner were for the low-ranking officials.

During the Palace Examination, all the candidates went in from the these two side-gates according to their odd or even numbers.

During the Ming & Qing Dynasties, there were mainly two functions of the Meridan Gate: the festival activities and the official ceremonies.

The festival activities mainly were: Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Double- nine Festival and some other different Chinese folk festivals in the lunar month every year.

The official ceremonies mainly were two: the ceremony of announcing the new lunar year calendar and the ceremony of "Accepting Captive of War".

"Court Beating" also took place in front of the Meridan Gate, which is a kind of punishment to punish those offending officials by beating them on their buttocks with sticks, Fortunately, this kind of punishment was abolished in the Qing Dynasty.


北京故宫英语导游词 Ladies and Gentlemen: I am pleased to serve as your guide today. This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406. It took 14years to build the Forbidden City. The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi. For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne .In 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy. It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng , got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan. The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellation of Heavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace. Because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his residence. In folklore, the term ”an eastern purple cloud is drifting” became a metap hor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, LaoZi, to the Hanghu Pass. Here, purple is associated with auspicious developments. The word jin is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits to ordinary people. The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also symbolic. Red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth. Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese people. Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture. The Forbidden City is rectangular in shape. It is 960 meters long from


北京故宫导游词怎么写 亲,你知道导游词怎么写吗?下面是我为大家整理的“北京故宫导游词怎么写”,欢迎参阅。内容仅供参考,了解更多关于导游词内容,导游词栏目。 北京故宫导游词怎么写【一】 亲爱的游客们: 大家好! 这次由我带领你们去北京故宫,我叫xxx,希望我能带给大家最好的服务。不过现在我要提几点要求: 1、要保管好自己的贵重物品; 2、如果迷路,请马上给我打电话不要离开; 3、一定要保护环境。好了,我的要求提完了,请您自觉遵守,谢谢合作! 首先我给大家做一简要介绍,故宫位于北京中心,旧称紫禁城,是明、清两代的皇宫,是当今世界现存规模最大、最雄伟、保存最完整的古代宫殿。至少已有近580年历史了。故宫规模宏大,东西宽为753米,南北长达961米,总占地面积达72万平方米,大约一共有一万间宫室。 各位游客,现在展现在我们眼前的就是气势雄伟的古代宫殿故宫。大家看着四面就是宫墙,四周都是高大的城门,南为午门,北为神武门,东为东华门,西为西华门。 现在请大家跟我一起去故宫中最大的宫殿太和殿看看吧!这里是皇帝上朝的地方,再看那边,中间的是汉白玉雕刻的“双龙戏珠”,两边是汉白玉台阶;台阶的左边是一只乌龟,右边是一只仙鹤,这象征着延年益寿。 我再给大家介绍介绍其他殿吧!现在我们来到了中和殿,中和殿是为帝王去太和殿途中学礼仪之地,保和殿呢?它是由多根红色巨柱支撑着,

每根柱上都刻着一条栩栩如生的巨龙,十分壮观,我们再来看看文华殿吧!他是明代皇太子的读书处。乾清门是故宫中外朝和内延的分界处,由此向北就是延。 好了,这次游览结束,希望你们再次观赏我国的其它景物并且祝你们玩的愉快! 北京故宫导游词怎么写【二】 亲爱的游客们: 大家好! 故宫是北京十大旅游景点之一。据说天上有紫薇星垣,是天帝的居所,皇帝以天帝之子自居,因此称自己的宫殿为紫薇宫。皇宫又是百姓的禁地称禁城,故名紫禁城。今天我们称紫禁城为故宫意为过去的皇宫。 故宫是我国文物收藏最多的博物馆。来故宫游览当然要欣赏丰富多彩的建筑艺术和陈列于室内的珍贵文物了。接下来就让我们欣赏一下它的建筑艺术。 重重的殿宇,层层的阁楼,千门万户的宅院,扑朔迷离的小巷……仿佛永远也转不完的故宫,最初建有9999.5间房屋。古人认为天帝居住的天宫为一万间,皇帝身为天子需自我克制不能超越天帝,于是少建半间。 故宫布局左右对称,城墙四面各设城门一座,南面的午门,北面是神武门。外朝以太和殿,中和殿,保和殿三大殿为中心,可谓是天白灿烂,暗夜肃穆。而文华,武英两殿为侧翼,是皇帝举行朝会的地方,称为前朝。北半部以乾清,交泰,坤宁三宫为中心,东西又有妃嫔居住的六宫,再向外东侧是奉先殿和皇极殿,西侧是养心殿,雨花阁,慈宁宫等,最后一部分是御花园,这部分整体被称为是“后寝”或“内廷”是皇帝处理日常政务,祭祀和居住的地方。 细心的您在参观这些宏伟的建筑会发现宫殿的垂脊上有一列小兽,其用途首先是为了固定脊瓦,使脊瓦不至脱落,另外还有装饰的作用,同时也是地位的象征。


北京故宫导游词最新 a;北京故宫始建于1420__年,建成于1420__年,是明清两朝的皇宫!下面为大家整理分享的是关于北京故宫导游词,接下来就让我们一起来学习一下吧,希望可以帮助到有需要的你们。 北京故宫导游词1 各位朋友:过一会儿我们将参观故宫博物馆,现在我先为大家简单介绍。故宫是世界上现存规模最大的古代皇家宫殿建筑群,故宫又叫紫禁城。“紫”是天上君王居住宫殿的颜色,那么人间的帝王当然要与“紫”字沾边。“禁”是指当时那里守卫森严,不要说是普通百姓,即使是高官大员没有皇帝的召见也不能私自入城,否则就会引来杀身之祸,是皇家“禁”地,所以又称为紫禁城,整座城池建成于1420__年,位于天安门广场北侧。故宫平面呈长方形,南北长960米,东西宽750米,全面积72万平方米。整座紫禁城被宽52米的护城河所环绕,城墙高10米,可谓是“城高池宽”。在故宫城楼的四周各有一座被称为九梁十八柱七十二条脊的精美角楼。故宫开四门,坐北朝南,南门为午门,即正门,北门为神武门,东为东华门,西为西华门。整个院落分为两大部分,即“前朝”和“后寝”。“前朝”是皇帝举行盛大典礼的地方,以太和殿、中和殿、保和殿及东西两侧的文华殿及武英殿为主。“后寝”是皇帝及后妃、未成年的子嗣们居住的地方,主要以乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫及东西六宫为主。除此之外,故宫内还有很多其它各式各样、用途不一的大小宫殿。据说当年紫禁

城共有宫殿九千九百九十九间半,够多吧!打个比方说吧,如果一个婴儿从哇哇坠地开始每晚住不同的房间,等他住遍所有房间后已经是一个27岁的年轻人啦!如此规模的建筑群,所用的人力、物力、财力是可想而知的,故宫自1420__年开始筹建,至1420__年完工,历时十余年。施工中征集全国著名工匠10万多名,民夫100万,所用的材料也都是来自全国各地。自故宫建成后先后有明清24位皇帝在此执政。 北京故宫导游词2 各位游客,大家好.我是东厦旅行社的导游,名字叫余旭芸,大家叫我余导游就行了.今天,我们要去列入世界遗产的一座宫殿------北京故宫. 北京故宫始建于1420__年,建成于1420__年,是明清两朝的皇宫,又名紫禁城.故宫占地面积72万平方米,建筑面积15万平方米,屋子有9999间半.故宫四周饶10米高的城墙,外有50多米宽的护河城.现在,我们已经来到了北京故宫门前.各位游客们,你们看,这座故宫的四个城角上都有一座九梁十八柱七十二条脊的角楼.现在我们已经进入了外朝皇帝处理政事的地方.它们主要有三大殿:太和殿.中和殿.保和殿.现在,我们已经来到了太和殿,它是三大殿中最为高大的,它金碧辉煌,非常好看.看,这个台基四周矗立成排的雕栏,称为望柱,柱子上雕刻着云龙云凤的图画.非常显目且好看.我们出出进进都有四个门:南有午门,北有神武门,东有东华门,西有西华门.其中午门为正门.


( 北京导游词) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-039851 故宫导游词英文版The Palace Museum Tour Guide

故宫导游词英文版 故宫建筑在布局、色彩等方面体现了中和、天人合一、君权神授、神人以和的传统思想。下面是为大家带来的故宫导游词英文版,希望可以帮助大家。 故宫导游词英文版范文1: Each guest hello: I am your tour guide jia-qi Chen, you can call me xiao Chen to go in the next few days by me for all of you to visit the Palace Museum in Beijing scenery, hope that through my explanation, can make you leave a good impression of Beijing, also proposes the valued suggestion for my work, good, then we start today's trip! In the Ming and qing dynasty palace, is the largest building in the world today the most magnificent, the most intact ancient royal palace. The Palace Museum, also called zijin city. The child process is the supreme power in China in five century center, with his landscape and contains 9000 rooms of furniture and handicraft product of large buildings, a witness, in the history of the Ming and qing dynasties era China's prices in 1987, Beijing the imperial palace was the United Nations


故宫午门英语导游词3篇 故宫午门英语导游词3篇 Ok, I ill first e here, please slol appreiate. And ou remember oh! When brosing don t litter, don t touh items, don t trample objets, so ou an see the air has a histor of the Forbidden Cit. I ish ou all have fun and pla. 故宫午门英语导游词范文2: Wele to join sunshine tour visitors. Small tour guide, I am here no, I lead ou to visit, I hope ou abide b the order, don t roded, photograph is prohibited. Wish ou happ spend the onderful time! The Ming and qing dnasties to generations of the palae, also knon as the Forbidden Cit . It as founded in 1406, more than 600 ears. After several dnasties built no this is the best preserved of the imperial palae the imperial palae, is the largest anient palae plex. I said histor, no sas it laout. The imperial palae is meridian gate, the south to the north is reature, DongHuaMen on the east, the est gate xihua, is the fine struture of the Angle of the sample. Polhedral alls more than 10 meters high and a moat 52 meters ide, 800 meters long, is not onl spetaular beaut.


介绍故宫导游词大全合集 故宫的最北端,是御花园,园中有钦安殿。这里有苍松翠柏,名花异卉,怪石伏立、泉水喷珠,是故宫内最亲切自然之处。以下内容是小编为您精心整理的故宫导游词,欢迎参考! 故宫导游词1 欢迎各位游客加入阳光之旅行列。我是这里的小小导游,现在,我带领大家共同游览,希望各位遵守秩序,不要拥挤,禁止照相。祝愿你们快乐地度过这美好时光! 明清的两代皇宫,也叫“紫禁城”。它始建于1406年,距今已有600年了。经过多个朝代的建造现在这故宫是目前保存最完好的故宫,也是规模最大的古代宫殿建筑群。 我说完历史,现在来说说它的布局吧。故宫南边是午门,北边是神武门,东边是东华门,西边是西华门,是结构精美的角样。多面的城墙有10米多高,护城河宽52米,长800米,既壮观有美丽。 文华殿是皇帝上早朝的地方。武英殿是皇帝吃饭、居住和会见大臣的地方。坤宁宫和乾清宫是皇帝、太后正式居住的地方,除了这些场所,还有后三宫和东西六宫。故宫在1961年被联合国教科文组织认为世界文化遗产。

我的介绍完了,我相信大家对故宫也有些了解了吧。祝大家玩得开心! 故宫导游词2 亲爱的游客朋友们,大家好。欢迎你们来故宫游玩。我叫李依璋,大家可以叫我李导或小李。今天由我带领大家一起探索世界遗产故宫。 我们先来了解一下故宫吧!故宫位于北京中心,旧称紫禁城。故宫宫殿建筑均是木结构、黄琉璃瓦顶、青白石底座,饰以金碧辉煌的彩画。 现在我们在故宫内庭最前面的是乾清宫。乾清宫是内庭正殿,高20米。殿的正中央是宝座,内有正大光明匾。乾清宫是封建皇帝的寝宫,清康熙前此处为皇帝居住和处理政务之处。清雍正后皇帝移居养心殿,但仍在此批阅奏报,选派官史和召见臣下。 现在我们来到了坤宁宫,在故宫中间的是坤宁宫,雍正后,西暖阁为萨满的祭祀地。其中东暖阁为皇帝大婚洞房,康熙同治、光绪二帝,均在此举行婚礼。还有许多殿比如: 东六宫、交泰殿、西六宫 好啦,我的介绍就先到这里,请大家慢欣赏游玩。还有大家记住哦!在浏览时不乱扔垃圾,不触摸物品,不踩踏一草一木,


故宫导游解说词 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 女士们、先生们: 今天有幸陪同大家一道参观,我感到很高兴。这里就是世界闻名的故宫博物馆,一般大家都简称它为故宫,顾名思义,就是昔日的皇家宫殿。自1911年清朝末代皇帝爱新觉罗.溥仪被迫宣告退位上溯至1420年明朝第三代永乐皇帝朱棣迁都于此,先后有明朝的14位,清朝的10位,共24位皇帝在这座金碧辉煌的宫城里统治中国长达五个世纪之久。帝王之家,自然规模宏大,气势磅礴,时至今日这里不仅在中国,在世界上也是规模最大,保存最完整的古代皇家宫殿建筑群。由于这座宫城集中体现了我国古代建筑艺术的优秀传统和独特风格,所以在建筑史上具有十分重要的地位,是建筑艺术的经典之作,1987年已被联合国教科文组织评定为世界文化遗产。 故宫又称紫禁城,究其由来,是由天文学说和民间传说相互交融而形成的。中国古代天文学家将天上所有的星宿分为三垣、二十八宿、三十一天区。其中的三垣是指太微垣、紫微垣和天市垣。紫微垣在三垣的中央,正符合“紫微居中”的说法。因此,古人认为紫外线微垣是天帝之座,故被称为紫宫。皇帝是天帝之子、人间至尊,因此他们也要模仿天帝,在自己宫殿的名字上冠其紫字,以表现其位居中央,环视天下的帝王气概。还有一个说法就是指“紫气东来”。传说老子出函谷关,关令尹喜见有紫气从东来,知道将有圣人过关。果然老子骑了青牛前来,喜便请他写下了《道德经》。后人因此以“紫气东来”表示祥瑞。帝王之家当然希望出祥瑞天象,那么用“紫”字来命名也就顺理成章了。“禁”字的意思就比较明显了,那就是皇宫禁地,戒备森严,万民莫近。此话决无半个虚字,在1924年末代皇帝被逐出宫后这里正式开放以前平民百姓别想踏近半步,大家可以想像紫禁城过去是多么崇高威严,神圣不可侵犯啊! 紫禁城建在北京,是有其历史的,也因为这里是一块风水宝地,说起来话长。故宫从明永乐四年(1406)开始修建,用了14年的时间才基本建成,到今天已有570多年的历史。大家看到了,故宫是一级红墙黄瓦的建筑群,为什么这样呢?据道家阴阳五行学说认为,五行包括金,木,水,火,土,其中土占中央方位,因为华夏民族世代生息在黄土高原上,所以对黄色就产生了一种崇仰和依恋的感情,于是从唐朝起,黄色就成了代表皇家的色彩,其他人不得在服饰和建筑上使用。而红色,则寓意着美满,吉祥和富贵,正由于这些原因,故宫建筑的基本色调便采


介绍北京故宫的导游词3篇 介绍北京故宫的导游词3篇 介绍北京故宫的导游词范文1: 大家好,我是今天你们大家这次旅游的导游。我姓曾,大家可以叫我曾导。 现在你们面前的是外朝的大门太和门。故宫分外朝和内廷两大部分。穿过这扇门,就可以看到故宫三大殿中的最大的一个太和殿。绕过太和殿,就可以看到中和殿和保和殿。这些就是故宫的三大殿。 看完三大殿,你前面的就是内廷的大门乾清门。这扇门是外朝和内廷的交点,乾清门以南为外朝,以北为内廷。穿过这扇门,就可以看到乾清宫。乾清宫后面有交泰殿和坤宁宫。这三座宫殿就是内廷中的主要部分。内廷的东西翼还有东六宫和西六宫,是宫妃们住的地方。 好了,现在请大家自由参观。 介绍北京故宫的导游词范文2: 大家好!我是你们的向导,我姓高名泓泽,叫我高导好了。现在我将带领你们游览故宫,欣赏我国的文化遗产。 故宫为我国明清二朝的皇宫,也是现存最大、最完整的古建筑群。所以我们在游览时不应该乱丢垃圾,也不要随地吐痰。 进了太和殿的大门,展现在大家面前的便是一座座雄伟的宫殿。正前面那座最大的木构建宇,很是引人注目,那就是太和殿。它是皇

权的象征,每当有重大活动是,皇帝都在此举行。后面的一排金碧辉煌的尬宫殿,分别是中和殿、保和殿。 这样气魄雄伟的工程,凝结了多少劳动人民的血汗与智慧呀! 介绍北京故宫的导游词范文3: 大家好!我是本次导游赵虹杰,大家一定都知道北京的故宫吧?没错!北京故宫是享誉世界的历史遗产,是明、清两代的皇宫,也是世界现存最大、最完整的古建筑群。被誉为世界五大宫之首。它位于北京市中心,旧称紫禁城。接下来就让我带大家去游览一番吧 由天安门进入,穿过一片青砖铺地的广场,便到达紫禁城的正门午门。故宫有4个门,正门名午门,东门名东华门,西门名西华门,北门名神武门。午门俗称五凤楼,穿过午门,有广阔的大庭院,在3万多平方米开阔的庭院中,有五座精巧的汉白玉拱桥通往太和门。到了太和门,就进入了故宫的外朝,故宫的建筑依据其布局与功用分为外朝与内廷两大部分。外朝以太和、中和、保和三大殿为中心,是皇帝举行朝会的地方,也称为前朝。过桥经过太和门便是雄伟的太和殿。这座殿堂有着一段曲折的故事,听说它被天火焚毁过三次,也修好过三次,而且更神奇的是整座宫殿的建造居然没有一颗钉子!内廷以乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫后三宫为中心,两翼为养心殿、东、西六宫,绕过内廷,我们最后来到了御花园,御花园里栽满了奇花异草。一路走来,会闻到一阵阵淡淡的花香。是封建帝王与后妃居住所。 游览故宫,可以从天安门进,也可以由后门神武门进经太和殿、中和殿、保和殿,穿过乾清门,便进入内廷,内廷分中路、东路和西路三条路线。如果是半日游,这三条路线只能游一条,一般可走中


介绍故宫的导游词 故宫又名紫禁城,始建于公元1406年,1420年基本峻工,是明朝皇帝朱棣始建,故宫是个著名的景点,导游对游客要做好详细的解说。下面是学识网带来的介绍故宫的导游词,欢迎大家阅读。 介绍故宫的导游词篇一 故宫由外朝与内廷两部分组成。外朝以太和殿(金銮殿)、中和殿、保和殿三大殿为中心,东西以文华殿、武英殿为两翼,是皇帝处理政事、举行重大庆典的地方。内廷以乾清宫(皇帝卧室)、交泰殿、坤宁殿(皇帝结婚新房)为中心,东西两翼有东六宫、西六宫(皇纪宫室),辅以养心殿、奉先殿、斋宫、毓庆宫、宁寿宫、慈宁宫以及御花园等,是皇帝平日处理政务及皇帝、皇后、皇太后、纪嫔、皇子、公主居住、礼佛、读书和游玩的地方。 总体布局为中轴对称,前三殿、后三宫坐落于全城中轴线上,气势雄伟,豪华壮观,为我国现存的最大、最完整的古建筑群,也是世界上别具一格,辉煌壮丽,并具中国古典风格和东方格调的建筑物和世界上最大的皇宫。1911年辛亥革命,推翻了满清统治,结束了2000多年的封建王朝,但被废帝博仪仍居住在故宫后半部分。1912年将外朝辟为“古物陈列所”。1924年11月5日冯玉祥部将鹿钟麟把博仪驱逐出宫。1925年10月10日成立故宫博物院。 它的特产有:白煮肉、鸭掌、刷羊肉、烤鸭、灌肠、豆汁…… 介绍故宫的导游词篇二

大家好!我是本次游览团的导游,我叫汪尔康,为了方便记忆,大家也可以叫我小汪,将由我带领大家参观北京故宫。 故宫又名紫禁城,始建于公元1406年,1420年基本峻工,是明朝皇帝朱棣始建。故宫南北长961米,东西宽753米,建筑面积万平方米。宫城周围环绕着高12米,长3400米的宫墙,形成为一长方形城池,墙外有52米宽的护城河环绕,形成一个森严壁垒的城堡。 故宫有4个门,正门名午门,东门名东华门,西门名西华门,北门名神武门。面对北门神武门,有用土、石筑成的景山,满山松柏成林。在整体布局上,景山可说是故宫建筑群的屏障。 现在我将带领大家一起游览乾清宫。请大家在游览过程中不要乱丢垃圾,随地吐痰,破坏公物。当然啦,请大家紧跟着我一起游览,千万别走散了啊。 现在我们到了乾清宫,乾清宫是皇帝处理日常政务,批阅各种奏章的地方,后来还在这里接见外国使节。乾清宫建筑规模为内廷之首,明朝的十四个皇帝和清朝的顺治、康熙两个皇帝,都以乾清宫为寝宫,在这里居位,平时也在这里处理日常政务。作为明代皇帝的寝宫,自永乐皇帝朱棣至崇祯皇帝朱由检,共有14位皇帝曾在此居住。据记载,嘉靖年间发生十余个宫女趁嘉靖帝熟睡之时,企图勒死的“寅宫变”后,世宗移居西苑,不敢回乾清宫住。 这里是坤宁宫,坤宁宫是北京故宫内廷后三宫之一,坤宁宫在交泰殿后面,始建于明朝永乐十八(1420年),正德九年(1514年)、万历二十四年(1596年)两次毁二火,万历三十三年(1605年)重建。清朝沿


故宫紫禁城英文导游词 FORBIDDEN CITY(紫禁城) (In front of the meridian gate) Ladies and Gentlemen: I am pleased to serve as your guide today. This is the palace museum;also know as the Purple Forbidden City.It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today.Under Ming Emperor Yongle,construction began in 1406.It took 14years to build the Forbidden City.The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi.For five centuries thereafter,it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne .In 1987,the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy. people. The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also symbolic.Red represents happiness,good fortune and wealth.Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau,the original home of the Chinese people.Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty,when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture. The Forbidden City is rectangular in shape.It is 960 meters long from


新版故宫双语导游词 旅游休闲2009-08-25 07:42:47 阅读1162 评论1 字号:大中小订阅 紫禁城是皇帝的住所,所以又名皇家的宫殿。在封建社会,皇帝的住所是禁止普通人进入的,故名紫禁 城。 故宫为长方形,面积为72公顷,52米宽的护城河和10米高的城墙环绕着,四个角各有一个角楼,在 古代为重兵所把守。 故宫始建于明朝初年,也就是1420年。当时建成故宫后,明朝的首都马上就从南京移动到了北京。从明朝初年到清朝末年,一共有24位皇帝住在这里,其中14个在明朝,10个在清朝。在600年的时光中,故宫见证了许多的变化在明清时期。1911革命之后,清朝被推翻,末代皇帝浦仪也被赶出了故宫。1925年,故宫作为博物馆向公众开放,后来被称为故宫博物馆。 午门是故宫的正门,在中国古代时期,一般的建筑正门都是南门,午门是专门为皇帝通过的门,主要用于皇帝去天坛祭天等。午门的命名是皇帝认为它的宫殿建在子午线上,是宇宙的中心。门前的小广场是皇帝颁布新年历法的地方在每年的十月初一,当将军从战场回来时候,献俘大典也在这里举行。 走进午门就进入了故宫,故宫是世界上最大的皇家宫殿建筑群。据民间的传说,故宫有9999.5间房子,它分为外朝和内廷两大部分,外朝为政务区,内廷为皇帝的生活区。太和门是外朝的入口,门前内金水河流过,它的主要功能是防火,而五座石桥跨于内金水河之上,代表着孔子所提倡的五德:仁、义、礼、智、信。孔子就是中国最著名的哲学家,生于春秋时期,也就是公元前7世纪。五座石桥中,中间的是皇帝专用的。它的栏杆雕刻是龙,而其他的石桥的栏杆雕刻是荷花。龙是一种想象中的动物,说到龙这个词,中国人马上就可以想到一个巨大的牛头,鹿角,虾眼,鹰爪,蛇身和狮尾,整个身子被鱼鳞覆盖的动物。在中国的传统中,龙被认为是权力的象征,凤凰被认为是幸运的象征。在封建社会,皇帝就是龙的化身,而皇后则是凤凰的化身。因为龙生活在水中,龙可以控制水,所以在中国有水的地方,人们都会修建一座龙王庙来祈求平安。在故宫中你可以看到数百万只龙,它们分布在彩绘、雕刻、服装、装饰中,你可以自己 去寻找它们在故宫内。 进了太和门,这里可以看到游览图,在古代中国,所有的建筑都有中轴线,最好最重要的建筑都是沿着中轴线而建的。今天我们的主要游览也是沿着中轴线来参观的,我们将参观皇帝的典礼所、办公室、卧 室和花园等。 穿过太和门,你将看到中国最大的宫殿,它叫太和殿,它是用来举行大的仪式的地方。例如,皇帝生日、皇帝大婚,战争胜利,召见外国使节等。当仪式开始后,所有的文武百官都要跪在地上扮演三拜九叩。 另外,你可以看到屋顶的琉璃瓦都是黄颜色的,在中国,屋顶的颜色有三个等级,最高的为蓝色,象征蓝天,只有在天坛才可以看到;第二等是黄色,象征皇帝,这可以在一些皇家建筑中看到,比如故宫或明陵等;第三等是绿色,象征大臣,是大臣家允许用的颜色。而普通人家的屋顶只允许用灰色瓦,如果使 用其他颜色,就是犯罪,会被杀死的。 在太和殿下面的石台基,我们把它叫做须弥山。这名字来源于佛教,在佛经里说,须弥山是宇宙最高的山。所以这里叫须弥山是为了说明上面的太和殿的至高无上的地位。在台基上拜摆放的是香炉,当大典开始时候,会烧一些松柏,制造出烟雾,下面的人看到太和殿在云雾之中,好象天上的宫殿,给人以庄严 的感觉。 在台基上可以看到东边摆着的是日晷,西边的是嘉粮,它们放这里是象征着皇帝的公正与无私。铜龟 和铜鹤象征着长寿,它们实际上也是香炉。


写北京故宫的导游词(通用3篇) 作为一名专门引导游客、助人为乐的导游,很有必要精心设计一份导游词,导游词是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。那么写导游词需要注意哪些问题呢?下面是小编精心整理的写北京故宫的导游词(通用3篇),欢迎大家分享。


亲爱的游客朋友们,大家好。欢迎你们来故宫游玩。我叫李依璋,大家可以叫我李导或小李。今天由我带领大家一起探索世界遗产——故宫。 我们先来了解一下故宫吧!故宫位于北京中心,旧称紫禁城。故宫宫殿建筑均是木结构、黄琉璃瓦顶、青白石底座,饰以金碧辉煌的彩画。 现在我们在故宫内庭最前面的是乾清宫。乾清宫是内庭正殿,高20米。殿的正中央是宝座,内有“正大光明”匾。乾清宫是封建皇帝的寝宫,清康熙前此处为皇帝居住和处理政务之处。清雍正后皇帝移居养心殿,但仍在此批阅奏报,选派官史和召见臣下。 现在我们来到了坤宁宫,在故宫中间的是坤宁宫,雍正后,西暖阁为萨满的祭祀地。其中东暖阁为皇帝大婚洞房,康熙同治、光绪二帝,均在此举行婚礼。还有许多殿比如:东六宫、交泰殿、西六宫…… 好啦,我的介绍就先到这里,请大家慢欣赏游玩。还有大家记住哦!在浏览时不乱扔垃圾,不触摸物品,不踩踏一草一木,这样才能欣赏到有着历史气息的故宫。祝大家玩得开心,玩得尽兴。


大家好!欢迎大家来到北京。北京有许多名胜古迹,这天我带领大家参观的`是著名的故宫。我是大家的导游,我姓胡,大家能够叫我胡导,但大家请放心,我决不会给大家“胡导”的。这位是我们的司机师傅,也姓胡。所以,本次参观就由我们“二胡”组合来为大家服务。 我们此刻正在去故宫的路上,借着这点时间,我先给大家介绍一下故宫。此时故宫是我国现存最大最完整的皇宫,在世界上堪称最为壮丽的古代建筑群,已有近600年的历史。故宫是我国明、清两代24个皇帝的皇宫。故宫的建筑布局分为外朝和内廷。外朝是皇帝举行大典和召见大臣的主要场所,内廷是皇帝处理日常政务和后妃及幼年皇子居住游玩的地方。故宫共有宫殿9000多间,雕梁画柱,金碧辉煌,十分华丽威严。 好,此刻我们已经到达停车场,请大家跟随我进入故宫。在进门之前,我要提醒大家:应对我们祖先留下的这些珍贵文物时,要格外珍惜,不要损坏。 最后,祝大家本次参观玩的开心。


大家好!欢迎游客们到故宫观光游览。今天,我将带领大家游览故宫,希望游客们能喜欢我! 游客们!故宫博物院是在明、清两代皇宫紫禁城的基础上建立的一座集古代建筑群、宫廷收藏、历代文化艺术为一体的大型综合性博物馆。紫禁城占地面积约100多万平方米,建筑面积约1万平米。故宫里一共居住过24位皇帝,第一


最全故宫英文导游词 优秀的导游词不仅能使游客影响深刻,也会激起游客对当地景点文化的兴趣,加深对景点的好感。下面是小编整理的有关于故宫英文导游词范文的全部内容了,希望能够帮助你们! 篇一:故宫英文导游词 Lying at the center of Beijing,the Forbidden City,called Gu Gong,in Chinese,was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now known as the Palace Museum,it is to the north of Tiananmen Square. Rectangular in shape,it is the worlds largest palace complex and covers 74 hectares. Surrounded by a six meter deep moat and a ten meter high wall are 9,999 buildings. The wall has a gate on each side. Opposite the Tiananmen Gate,to the north is the Gate of Devine Might (Shenwumen),which faces Jingshan Park. The distance between these two gates is 960 meters,while the distance between the gates in the east and west walls is 750 meters. There are unique and delicately structured towers on each of the four corners of the curtain wall. These afford views over both the palace and the city outside. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts. The southern section,or the Outer Court was where the emperor exercised his supreme power


北京故宫英文导游词 北京故宫也是我国代表性的景点,很多外国游客都喜欢参考游览,下面是关于北京故宫英文导游词,希望大家喜欢! 北京故宫英文导游词 FORBIDDEN CITY(紫禁城) (In front of the meridian gate) Ladies and Gentlemen: I am pleased to serve as your guide today. This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406. It took 14years to build the Forbidden City. The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi. For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne .In 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy. It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng 1 / 4


故宫导游词中英文3篇 故宫导游词中英文3篇 故宫导游词中英文范文1: 欢迎你来到北京故宫!这里又称紫禁城,是明朝两代的皇宫,为我国现在最大最富贵的古建筑群,面积达15500平方米,房屋9000多间。故宫四周围有10米高的城墙,墙外四角各有一座华丽奇特的角楼。 Wele ou to Beijing s Forbidden Cit! Also alled the Forbidden Cit, here are to generations of the Ming dnast in the imperial palae, for our ountr is no the largest and most prosperous of anient arhitetural plexes, an area of 15500 square meters, more than 9000 houses. Around the Forbidden Cit has 10 meters high alls, orners of the all have a magnifient strange athtoer. 从午门进入紫禁城,然后沿着中轴线依次参观内金水桥,太和门,太和殿,中和殿,乾明宫,交泰殿,坤宁宫,御花园。参观完御花园,可以通过御花园左侧的门进入东六宫依次参观储秀宫,翎坤宫,永寿宫,咸福宫,长寿宫,太极殿,然后出内右门回到乾明广场,东行进入内左门,可依次参观延禧宫,永和宫,景阳宫,乘乾宫。参观完东六宫可沿东长庆门,然后再进入皇极门,可以参观皇极殿,宁寿宫,扮戏楼,畅音阁,养性殿,乾隆花园,贞妃井,最后出贞顺门西行出神武门就可以离开故宫了。


FORBIDDEN CITY (紫禁城) (In front of the meridian gate) Ladies and Gentlemen: I am pleased to serve as your guide today. This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is t he largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Under Mi ng Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406. It took 14years to build the Forbidden City. The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhu di. For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successiv e emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the thr one. In 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizat ion recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy. It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng (Purple Forbidden City), got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided t he constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan (North Star) . The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellatio n of Heavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace. Because the e mperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his residence. In folklore, the term ―an eastern purple cloud is drifting‖ be came a metaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting e astward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, LaoZi, to the Hanghu Pass. Here, purple is associated with auspicious developments. The w ord jin (forbidden) is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guard ed and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limit s to ordinary people.
