


1. riot police 防暴警察

2. Merry-go-round 旋转木马

3. dim sum 点心

4. Keep upright. 保持直立。

5. a standing clock 一个站时钟

6. oil skin 油性皮肤

7. twice - told tale 老掉牙的故事

8. Kuo-Tieh 锅贴

9. Marco Polo Bridge 卢沟桥

10. Union Jack flag 英国国旗

11. 血肉flesh and blood

12. 衣食住行basic necessities of life

13. 蒋介石 Jiang Jieshi

14. 食言promise

15. 红白事weddings and funerals

16. 饭桶(骂人)for nothing

17. 小康社会well-off society

18. 纸老虎paper tiger

19. 太平门Emergency exit

20. 我、你、他 I ,you ,he



To see others earn so much money, he has made ser ious inferiors.


Men don't cry, just not to hurt


Fokku (Cuckoo) rated voltage of high pressure electric rice pot function is 220V, rated power is 1100W.


she smiled: I said you have insatiable desires.

(5)The elevatorgirl reads books between passengers.


(6)The goal- keeper is the heel ofAchilles.



Chinese culinary arts arefamous all over the world. Chi nese dishes appeal to the senses through color,shape, aroma and taste. Chinese cuisine’s entree normally strives for three tofive colors, made up of the main ingredient, with more sec ondary ingredients ofcontrasting colors and textures. These ar e prepared and cooked to enhance theirown qualities, with th e use of appropriate condiments and garnishing, enablingthe chef to present a delicious platter of fragrant delicious art. Ch inesekitchens, professional or in the home, strive for harmony of sight, smell,taste, texture, so that each individual dish has

its unique featureshighlighted; contrasted and balanced if it i s a dinner of many dishes, be it 3,6, 9 or 12. The flavors mus t not overpower, yet subtle enough to meet thetastes of thos e dining. Simple or complex dishes may be prepared quickly ormuch longer, but the ultimate goal is to share the guests w ith the eaters realand imagined visions of the dishes and its i ngredients.

中国烹饪艺术著名世界各地。中国菜吸引感官通过颜色、形状、香气和味道。中国烹饪的主菜通常三至5颜色,由主成分,更多的次要成分ofcontrasti ng颜色和纹理。这些准备和煮熟的提高自身的素质,以适当的调味品和配菜的使用,使厨师提供美味香甜可口的艺术拼盘。chinesekitchens、职业或在家里,争取和谐的景象,气味,味道,质地,使每个菜都有其独特的feat ureshighlighted;对比和平衡如果是一桌丰盛的菜肴,是3,6,9或12。口味不压制,但微妙的足以满足就餐者的品味。简单或复杂的菜会很快orm uch更长,但最终的目标是与人分享的客人和想象的菜肴及其成分的愿景。


21. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are. 只有当我们看东西不清楚时,我们才意识到我们的眼晴是多么地重要。 22. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arm’s length. 这些远视的人们能看清远处的东西,但是他们读书却很困难,除非他们把书举到一臂远的距离处去看。 23. The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true. 同样的理论代代相传,而且总是正确。 24. Events that the older generation remembers vividly are nothing more than past history. 老一代记忆犹新的重大历史事件对年轻人来说不过是过眼烟云而已。 25. What they reject more than anything is conformity. 他们所厌恶的莫过于循规蹈矩。 26. These are not questions the old generations can shrug off lightly. 对于这些问题,老一代人确实不予附合。 27. Most customers who go to a supermarket buy from a shopping list. 大多数去超市的顾客都要按程序购物。 28. The comfort and convenience of shopping centers is another factor which makes them popular with customers. 购物中心舒适而且方便,这是超市受人的另外一个原因。 29. Most of the ill health we suffer could be prevented if people made more effort to change their life styles. 如果人们努力去改变生活方式,就能远离大多数的疾病。 30. Similarly all advertising of alcohol should be banned and compensation paid to families of alcoholics who die of the liver disease. 同样所有的酒类广告都应当被禁止,对于那些因喝酒导致生病,最终死亡的人应当赔偿。


00英汉互译答案 1.The grey-black clouds had suddenly departed and an expanse of colored clouds had blazed up at the western edge of the sky. 灰黑的云突然遁去,西天边烧起一片云彩。 2. A penniless lass with a long pedigree and a sweet face, she had been raised by a scheming aunt to find a million dollars and marry it. 这位小姑娘虽然一贫如洗,却是世家出身,长得俏丽动人,由姑母抚养,这位长辈颇有心计,这心想让侄女嫁个百万富翁。 3.John doesn't invite Mary to coffee because she is a wet blanket. 约翰不邀请玛丽 去喝咖啡,因为她是一个令人扫兴的人。 4.It was an early September day, cool and bright and just right for running, and I was in the first few miles of a 10.5-mile race over a course through steep exhausting hills. 那是九月初的一天,秋高气爽,阳光明媚,正是赛跑的好时光。我正参加一场10.5英里的比赛,刚跑了几英里。比赛路线要穿越一些陡峭、使人精疲力竭的山坡。 5.I wonder whether he is a Trojan Horse.我不知道他是否是个内奸。 6.It is right here, at Geneva, whose very name evokes peace, the will to peace, cooperation among nations, that after long years of discussion, the negotiations were completed which had started on March 24,1984 at Havana on the necessity of creating as part o f the United Nations system a body responsible for regulating international trade. 日内瓦是一个唤起和平、唤起各国和平意愿与合作的地方。正是在此地,于1984年3月24日在哈瓦那开始的旷日持久的谈判终于完成了。这次谈判的目的是,有否必要在联合国系统内建立一个负责调节国际贸易的机构。 7.In China, they "made mistakes", suffered by them, acknowledged and studied them, thus planned victory. 在中国,他们犯过错误,吃过错误的亏,承认错误,研究错误,从而制定了胜利的方针。 8.The questions were evidently unexpected to the slow-witted spokesman, who instantly found himself tongue-tied. 这些问题显然使得这位头脑迟钝的发言人感到意外,他立刻显得张口结舌,哑口无言。 9.They drove in a black limousine, past groves of birch trees and endless rows of identical new buildings. 他们驾着一辆黑色大轿车,经过一片片白桦林,穿过一排排鳞次栉比的新建筑。 10.Motion is infinite in variety, and the study of certain simple type of motion constitutes the science of mechanics. 尽管运动的方式多种多样,但是人们通过对某些简单运动形式的研究而创立了力学。 11.理论必须密切联系实际,这是我们应当牢记的一条原则。 That theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle we should always


第一单元 1.They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company. 2.Although there are still difficulties ahead of us. I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring about the peaceful unification of our country on our own. 3.It is wrong to emphasize nothing but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems. 4.He loves to show off his wealth, but that is all in vain. People still avoid him as though he were poison. 5 He soon fell in love with the village and decided to make it a beautiful garden together with other villagers 6.We must spend more money in fighting against global warming. Besides, we must resort to tough laws. It is not just a matter of money. 7.When the police reached the school, the students and teachers were still in a daze. 8.This corrupt official was still clinging to his power. He refused to step aside. 9.When the man finally came into view, I found it was my father. I didn’t know how he managed to find this place in the heavy snow. At that moment, I burst into tears.


成人英语三级英汉互译模拟试题 成人英语三级英汉互译模拟试题: 1. 我认为年轻人应该能够有自己作决定的自由和空间。 I think young people should have the freedom and the space to make their own decisions. 2. 由于奥运会规模越来越大,为了大多数的城市将没有能力举办。 The Olympic Games are growing so big that most cities may not be able to host them in future. 3. 当奥运会结束后,所有累积的专业经验就消失,使下一届主办城市必须一切从零开始。 Currently,once the Games are finished,all the gathered expertise vanishes and the next city has to begin from scratch. 4. 除了一般大学程度的课程之外,卢浮学院也提供大众免费的夜间艺术史课程。 The Ecole du Louvre,in addition to its regular university-level curricula,offers free public evening classes in art history. 5. 你会相信咖啡有助于保护你的脑部免收一种危险的退化性疾病的侵袭吗? Would you believe coffee and help protect your brain from a dangerous degenerative disease? 6. The two of us sit on chairs and stare upward and around until

郭著章 李庆生《英汉互译实用教程》笔记和课后习题(含考研真题)详解(大写、标点符号与英汉互译)

第10章大写、标点符号与英汉互译 10.1 复习笔记 第1节大写与翻译 一、英文大写的最常用规则 1. 历史上的事件、时期和文件。如:美国的“南北战争”为“Civil War”。 2. 商品的牌子名称。如:飞鸽牌自行车Flying—Pigeon bicycle,可口可乐Coca Cola。 3. 星期名、月份、假日。如:星期一Monday,三月March,国庆日National Day。 4. 人名和地名,即数量最多的专有名词。如:邓小平Deng Xiaoping,莎士比亚Shakespeare,伦敦London。 5. 标题与书名等专名中的实词与两个音节及其以上的虚词。如:《为人民服务》“Serve the People”,《双城记》A Tale of Two Cities,《无事生非》Much Ado About Nothing。 6. 圣经中关于上帝的名词与代词。如:God,Lord,Christ,Jesus,He,Him,Himself 和His。 7. 职称、头衔和亲属关系称呼用在人名前头时。如:王力教授Professor Wang Li,史密斯博士Dr. Smith。 8. 机关、学校、建筑物和商业机构的名称。如:教育部Education Ministry,武汉大学Wuhan University,人民大会堂the Great Hall of the People。 9. 种族、国籍、语言和宗教方面的词语。如:黑人Black People或Negro,意大利

人Italian,中国籍(中国人或中国人的)Chinese,汉语Chinese天主教Catholic,新教徒Protestant。 10. 其他一切有特殊含义的词语,包括一句或一信的开头词、诗行的开头词、直接引语的开头词、强调词语等,和前9条中所说的词语一样,其首字母或全部字母必须大写。如: (1) 他爱国。 He loves his motherland. (2) 亲爱的先生: Dear Sir, (3) (诗句)听!那山谷深深,/充满了她歌唱的清音。 O listen! for the vale profound/Is overflowing with the sound. 第2节汉译英与标点 一、汉语标点符号 汉语书面语中共有l6种标点符号,它们是:l. 句号(。)2. 问号(?)3. 叹号(!)4. 逗号(,)5. 顿号(、)6. 分号(;)7. 冒号(:)8. 引号(“”)9. 括号(( ))10. 破折号(—)11. 省略号( (12) 着重号(. )13. 连接号(-)14. 间隔号(·)15. 书名号(《》)16. 专名号(____) 要正确地使用标点符号,记清它们的位置亦非常重要。《标点符号用法》对每种符号的位置也作了明确规定:“句号、问号、叹号、逗号、顿号、分号和冒号都是占一个字的位置,通常不出现在一行之首。引号、括号、书名号的前一半不出现在一行之末,后一半不出现在一行之首。破折号和省略号都占两个字的位置,中间不能断开。连接号和间隔号一般占一个字的位置。在书写和印刷时,这四种符号上下居中。着重号、专名号和浪线式书名号标在字


UNIT 1 一.英译汉。 1. On university campuses in Europe, mass socialist or communist movements gave rise to increasingly violent clashes between the establishment and the college students, with their new and passionate commitment to freedom and justice. -在欧洲的大学校园里,大学生以新的姿态和激情投入到争取自由和正义的事业中去,大规模的社会主义或共产主义运动引发了他们与当权者之间日益升级的暴力冲突。 2. These days political, social and creative awakening seems to happen not because of college, but in spite of it. Of course, it's true that higher education is still important. For example, in the UK, Prime Minister Blair was close to achieving his aim of getting 50 per cent of all under thirties into college by 2010 (even though a cynic would say that this was to keep them off the unemployment statistics). 现在,政治、社会和创造意识的觉醒似乎不是凭借大学的助力,而是冲破其阻力才发生的。当然,一点不假,高等教育仍然重要。例如,在英国,布莱尔首相几乎实现了到2010年让50%的30岁以下的人上大学的目标(即使愤世嫉俗的人会说,这是要把他们排除在失业统计数据之外)。 3. I never hoped to understand the nature of my generation or how American colleges are changing by going to Lit Theory classes. This is the class where you look cool, a bit sleepy from too many late nights and wearing a T-shirt with some ironic comment such as "Been there, done that and yes, this IS the T-shirt". 我从没指望通过上文学理论课来了解我这一代人的特征,或了解美国大学在如何变化。这门课是让你在课堂上扮酷的——带着一丝熬夜太多的困劲儿,穿着一件T恤衫,上面印着―去过那儿,干过那事儿,对,这就是那件T恤衫‖,或诸如此类带有揶揄意味的俏皮话。 4. We're a generation that comes from what has been called the short century (1914–1989), at the end of a century of war and revolution which changed civilizations, overthrew repressive governments, and left us with extraordinary opportunities and privilege, more than any generation before. 我们这一代人来自所谓的短世纪(1914-1989),生于其后期。这个世纪充满了战争和革命,它改变了人类文明,推翻了强权政府,给我们留下了非同寻常的机会和特权。我们所得到的机会与特权比从前任何一代人都要多。 二.汉译英。 1. 政府采取的一系列措施不但没有化解矛盾,反倒激起更多的暴力冲突。反对党联合工会


汉译英专项练习 一、倍数增减的表示法 5 1) Force N1 _______________(比力N2大2.5倍). is 2.5 times greater than Force N2 (考点:倍数+形容词/副词比较级+ than) 2) This substance _______________(反应速度是另外那种物质的三倍). reacts three times as fast as the other one (考点:倍数+ as +形容词/副词+ as) 3) The earth _______________(是月球大小的49倍). is 49 times the size of the moon (考点:倍数+名词) 4) The landlord _______________(想将租金提高三分之一). wants to raise the rent by a third (考点:动词+ by +数词/百分比/倍数) 5) They _______________(计划将投资增加一倍). plan to double their investment (考点:double +名词) 二、时态6 1) Be quick, _______________(否则等我们到达教堂时婚礼就已经结束了). or the wedding will have finished by the time we get to the church (考点:将来完成时) 2) When she got home, _______________(孩子们已经睡着了). the children had fallen asleep (考点:过去完成时) 3) When I prepare for the college entrance examination, _______________(我姐姐将在海边度假). my sister will be taking her vacation at the seaside (考点:将来进行时) 4) I_______________(一上午都在修改我的简历). have been revising my resume all the morning (考点:现在完成进行时) 5) Do you often go on holiday? _______________(不,我已经有五年没有度假了). No. It has been five years since I went on holiday (考点:It has been…since sb. did sth.表示某人有多长时间没有做某事了) 6) He joined the army in October, 2001. _______________(他参军已五年了). He has been in the army for 5 years (考点:1.现在完成时;2.要用持续性动词才能接一段时间) 三、被动语态5 1) The blackboard and chalk _______________(正在被电脑和投影机所取代). is being replaced by the computer and the projector (考点:被动语态的现在进行时) 2) The book _______________(到今年年底就将已出版). will have been published by the end of this year (考点:被动语态的将来完成时)


英汉互译教程要略 1.Joint military exercises have increased in the region, to the detriment of trust between countries. 联合军事演习在本地区有增无减,不利于国家间建立信任。 2.This old man gets up and goes to bed with the sun everyday. 这位老翁每天黎明即起,日落而息。 3.A nearby object falling into a black hole is never heard of again. 附近的天体一旦落入黑洞,就会销声匿迹。 4.我们应该抢时间赶任务。 We should work against the clock. 5.These hospital expenses made inroads on my savings. 这些住院费耗掉了我大部分积蓄。 6.They killed a bottle of Kaoliang between them. 他们二人对酌,把一瓶高粱酒喝得一干二净。 7.When it came to reading, they were as good as blind. 一拿起书本,他们可都成了睁眼瞎了。 8.Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。 9.人们笑贫不笑娼。 People ridicule poverty but not prostitutes. 10. Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market. 昨夜我听见他鼾声如雷。 11.They ran away as fast as their legs could carry them. 他们拼着命地逃跑。 12.People were born survivors. 人的生存能力是与生俱来的。 13.这个环境工程是个“民心工程”。 The environment-friendly project is a “popularity-winning” project. 14. 语言这东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功夫不可。 The mastery of a language is not easy and requires painstaking effort. 15. 会议开得冷冷清清,有时甚至开不下去了。 The meetings were marked by such absence of living discussions that at times they were almost on the point of breaking up. 16. They pay lip-service to education but don’t work for better schools. 他们口惠而实不至,口口声声支持教育,却又不肯为改善学校条件做一些实际工作。17.Unemployment has stubbornly refused to contract for more than a decade. 失业人数高居不下,已经十多个年头了。 18.有些厕所似乎仍是这次卫生大扫除活动的死角。 Some toilets seem immune to the clean-up campaign. 19. 这个摊贩叫卖道:“快来买呀,过了这村可没这个店啦。” The street peddler hawked, “Now or never!” 20. Why carry coals to Newcastle? 何必多此一举? 21.You’re just teaching your grandmother how to suck eggs. 你这是在班门弄斧。 22.His being neglected by the host added to his uneasiness.


2019年成人英语三级考试口语英汉互译指导4 31. Given the nature of government and private employers, it seems most likely that discrimination by private employers would be greater. 32. The release of the carbon in these compounds for recycling depends almost entirely on the action of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and certain types of fungi. 33. A spirited discussion springs up between a young girl who says that women have outgrown the jumping-on-a-chair-at-the-sight-of-a mouse era and a major who says that they haven‘t. 34. They are trying to find out whether there is something about the way we teach language to children which in fact prevents children from learning sooner. 35. Mathematicians who have tried to use the computers to copy the way the brain works have found that even using the latest electronic equipment they would have to build a computer which weighed over 10,000 kilos. 36. Since different people like to do so many different things in their spare time, we could make a long list of hobbies, taking in everything from collecting matchboxes and raising rare fish, to learning about the stars and making model ships. 37. They know that a seal swimming under the ice will keep a breathing hole open by its warm breath, so they will wait beside the hole and kill it.

英语 3 英汉互译答案

英语3 英汉互译 制作过程:光盘插入电脑,右击打开文件(不是运行软件)找到E:\exec 文件夹Ex*a_6.htm(这种文件名表示练习-6,其中1 是课文记忆填空,2 是根据文章回答问题,3 选词填空,4 介词副词填空,5 句式改写,6 英汉互译,7 例句应用) ------------11111111111111 1 你认为一个人要做些什么才能成为一个幸福的人?(to be a happy person) What do you think one can do to be a happy person? 2. 自从她去年离开上海去重新过她的农村生活后,我的心里一直很失落。(a void finds its way into…) Since she left Shanghai and resumed her life in the country last year, a void has found its way into my heart. 3. 我甚至没想过他会中头奖。(cross one's mind) It didn't even cross my mind that he would win the first prize. 4. 我是在大城市长大的,忙忙碌碌的生活(rat race)对我不再新鲜了。(grow up)I grew up in a big city, so the rat race is no longer new to me. B. Translate the following into Chinese. 1 Slowly, a dark void found its way into my heart and began to eat away at my happiness. 慢慢地,我心里产生了一种阴暗的空虚感,它开始吞噬我的幸福。 2. My father wasn't too keen on the idea of being back in the rat race, but I assured him that this time it would be nothing like that. 我父亲对回到那种忙忙碌碌的生活不怎么感兴趣,但我向他保证,这一次绝对会有所不同。 3. As fate would have it, my life would soon change again, and in a very big way. 像是命运的安排,我的生活很快又发生了变化,而且变化很大。 4. While my surroundings were different and strange, they were also exciting and fun. 我的环境不一样了,它既很陌生,但同时又激动人心,很有趣。 ------------------------2222222222222222222222222 1 教书是一个重要的职业——一个令人神往的职业,充满挑战和激情。(a fascinating one, filled with…) Teaching is an important profession—a fascinating one, filled with challenges and excitement. 2. 如果这位科学伟人还活着的话,毫无疑问他会扩充他的定义,把最新的研究成果(research findings)包括进来。(expand…to include) If the great scientist were still alive today, he would no doubt expand his definition to include the latest research findings. 3. 解决国与国之间争端(dispute)的最好的办法是通过联合国。(The best way... is through)The best way to solve disputes between countries is through the United Nations. 4. 大工厂生产的产品正在替代小工场生产的产品。(take the place of) Goods produced by big factories are taking the place of the goods produced by small workshops. B. Translate the following into Chinese. 1 Advertising is part literature, part art, and part show business. 广告业是宣传印刷,是艺术,也是娱乐。 2. Advertising can be found as far back as the public criers of ancient Greece─who, for a fee, shouted out messages about a company's products to one and all. 广告业可以追溯到古希腊街头巷尾叫卖的小贩们——他们大声喊叫,把公司的产品信息传递给每个人,并因此获得一定的报酬。


汉译英 1.广场舞是社区中老年居民以健身、社交等为目的在广场、公园等开敞的地方进行的健身操或舞蹈,通常以高分贝的音乐伴奏。广场舞在中国大陆无论南北皆十分普遍。对于广场舞的确切认识,社会学界及体育界目前均未达成共识。广场舞的高分贝音乐常常造成噪音滋扰,因此许多居民反对在小区中跳广场舞。 The square dancing is a bodybuilding exercise or dance performed in wide and open places such as squares and parks among the middle-aged and old residents in communities, with the purpose of bodybuilding, socializing and so on, generally accompanied with high-pitched music. The square dancing is very popular all over mainland China, whether in the north or in the south. Neither the sociological circle nor the sports circle has currently reached a consensus on the exact perception of the square dancing. The high-pitched music of the square dancing often causes noisy disruption, and therefore many residents are opposed to the square dancing in communities. 2.故宫,又称紫禁城,是明、清两代的皇宫,二十四位皇帝在此生活起居和处理政务。它是世界现存最大、最完整的木质结构的古建筑群(architectural complex)。宫殿墙壁的色调以红色和黄色为主,红色代表快乐、好运和财富,而黄色代表帝王的神圣和尊贵。近十几年来,故宫平均每年接待中外游客600-800万人次,随着旅游业的繁荣,游客人数有增无减,可见人们对故宫的兴趣长盛不衰。 The Imperial Palace, also known as the Forbidden City, was the palace in Ming and Qing Dynasties where 24 emperors lived and handled government affairs. It is the largest and most complete existing ancient wooden architectural complex in the world. The palace wall was painted mainly in red and yellow. Red represents happiness, luck and fortune while yellow symbolizes imperial holiness and dignity. In recent decades, the Imperial Palace is visited annually by six to eight million tourists at home and abroad. Moreover, with flourishing tourism industry, the number of tourists keeps increasing. It shows people’s everlasting and unfading interest in the Imperial Palace. 3.《新闻联播》是中国中央电视台(CCTV)每日播出的一个新闻节目。节目每次播出时长一般为30分钟。它被中国大陆大多数地方频道同时转播,这使得它成为世界上收看人数最多的节目之一。自从1978年1月1日首次播出以来,它就以客观、生动、丰富的纪实手段记录着中华大地每一天的变化。作为中国官方新闻资讯类节目,《新闻联播》以沉稳、庄重的风格著称。 Xinwen Lianbo is a news program broadcast by China Central Television (CCTV) every day. It generally takes 30 minutes every time to broadcast the program. It is relayed simultaneously by most local television channels in the mainland of China, which makes it one of the world’s most-watched programs. Since it was first broadcast on January 1st, 1978, it has been recording the changes of every day throughout China by documentary means that is objective, vivid and rich. As the Chinese official news information program, Xinwen Lianbo is well-known for its


广西师范学院《英汉互译(一)》课程教案 编号: 15-1 开课单位:外语系授课教研室:翻译写作 课程名称:《英汉互译(一)》授课教师:唐旭光 教材:《新编英汉互译教程》,授课对象:06级英语专业2、3、5班

《英汉互译(一)》第一讲翻译简论与主要翻译方法 (A Brief Discussion of Translation and Major Translation Approaches) 1. Introduction Translation studies started along with translation practice. Translation theories developed flourishingly in the 20th century, especially in the second half of the last century. In fact, translation, which is a very complex phenomenon, is related to different disciplines, such as linguistics, psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, communication theory, literary criticism, aesthetics, and semiotics. As translation study is a cross-discipline and cross-culture subject involving many aspects of human knowledge, the lack of a fully acceptable theory of translation should not come as a surprise. Meanwhile, quite a number of translation approaches and strategies have become universally acceptable and widely applicable. They are, of course, the fruits of many translation theorists and translation practitioners at home and abroad. 2.The Origin of Translation Language makes it possible for people to communicate with one another freely so as to complete important tasks in human life. Translation makes it possible for people from different languages to communicate with one another so as to complete important tasks in their life. Theodore Savory points out, “Translation is almost as old as original authorship and has a history as honorable and as complex as that of any other branch of literature”(申雨平, 2002:4). In Zhou Dynasty there were different forms of address for translators in different places. “Translators are called Ji in the east, Xiang in the south, Didi in the west, and
