


转帖一 成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语 应对问题 -I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation. -Please can you save your questions till the end. -If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation. -there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then. -Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question. -Please feel free to interrupt me at any time. -Please stop me if you have any questions. -If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time. -Can I come back to that point later? -I will be coming to that point in a minute. -That's a tricky question. -We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of... -I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one... -Yes, that's a very good point. -Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation -I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then. -I think we have time for just one more question 欢迎听众(正式) - Welcome to our company - I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company... - I'd like to thank you for coming. - May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming 欢迎听众(非正式) - I'm glad you could all get here... - I'm glad to see so many people here. - It's GREat to be back here. - Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today. - Welcome to X Part II. 受邀请在会议上致词 - I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation... - I am grateful for the opportunity to present... - I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to... - Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman


我们做presentation时不用怕了。总结的真强大,转帖啦!来源:周逸轩的日志 转帖一 成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语 应对问题 -I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the present ation. -Please can you save your questions till the end. -If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the pre sentation. -there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so plea se feel free to ask me anything then. -Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question. -Please feel free to interrupt me at any time. -Please stop me if you have any questions. -If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time. -Can I come back to that point later? -I will be coming to that point in a minute. -That's a tricky question. -We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of... -I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one... -Yes, that's a very good point. -Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentatio n -I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perha ps you wouldn't mind waiting until then. -I think we have time for just one more question 欢迎听众(正式) - Welcome to our company - I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company... - I'd like to thank you for coming. - May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming 欢迎听众(非正式) - I'm glad you could all get here... - I'm glad to see so many people here. - It's GREat to be back here. - Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come to day. - Welcome to X Part II.


英语presentation演讲稿 篇一:英语Presentation演讲稿 Good afternoon,everyone. Turn on the QQ music chart,the first is always JAY,and the followed is VAE,a spotless(一尘不染的)clean boy and have the name of his photo,light can’t imagine that this is a boy who has high popularity in the Internet. He is my favorite you know the Chinese meaning of ‘Vae’He does not look handsome at ,just like your neighborhood,but he is very talented. His was born on 14th March,in graduated from AnHui Medical ,he is a ’t it amazing that XuSong turns to be a famous musian finally So far he realeased four I would like to point out that the albums are his own independence,including the lyricsist,composer,arranger,singing,production and cover designing. Roses funeral,the burial of your memorise.(玫瑰花的葬礼,埋葬关于你的回忆。) Star light,and water thrawn up by the fold.(星光点亮了,海水泛起褶皱) Sad lyrics,sad melody,Vae’s interpretation (艺术表现)


英语课前演讲一分钟(精选27篇) 英语课前演讲一分钟篇1 in the past, people often communicated by writing letters or taking telegram. today nearly every people use mobile phones to communicate with everyone at anywhere. a succession of changes has affected us , which leads us to live a more happier life. in the past 60 years, china has scored impressive achievements in its development. china’s economy , especially in the latest 30 years, runs at an average of 9.4 percent,with its gdp jumping from 147.3 billion us dollars to over 1.4 trillion us dollars. as the same time, the technology of chain has improved rapidly. the “gold seven’ lunch is the best evidence. the most pride of china is the success of “ beijing olympic games”, which exhibits a harmonious china to foreigners. in the end , let us bless our dear county to have a bright future together. 英语课前演讲一分钟篇2 as we all know, we will celebrate our 60th year of independence. years is a short history for any country, however, many people’s dreams have come true. as a middle school student , i’m very glad that i have the chance to celebrate the 60 anniversaries in the past years , our standards of living really has changed dramatically. in the past, parents often worried about their children lacking eating and wearing. in that time, we did not see a number of overseas brands in china , and the pursuit of fashion become the subject of life. 英语课前演讲一分钟篇3

小学说课稿英语Teaching Presentation

Teaching Presentation: Unit 4 What can you do? Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to present my teaching plan here. Today, my presentation is based on Unit 4 What can you do?, Section B Read and Write. Altogether there are 5 parts. Let’s begin with part 1 analysis of the teaching material and it consists of 3 sections. Section 1 is “Status and functions”. This is the fourth unit of Book 5 used for Grade Five students in primary school. The title of this unit is What can you do?.It mainly discusses about the household duties which is closely related to students’ daily life. Section B Read and Write is the sixth period of this unit. The key phrases of this period are mainly the expressions of housework (make the bed, set the table, etc). The important structures are the pattern “Can you ...? Yes, I can./ No, I can't.”. It helps students to learn the expression of the different household duties and further master the basic structure. Next follows section 2, analysis of the teaching aims. By the end of the class, students can read and write the dialogue properly and recognize the new phrase “play chess”. Besides, they will be able to correctly use the pattern “Can you ...? Yes, I can./ No, I can't.” and apply them in the real context. Moreover, students can make dialogue with their classmates by using the sentence patterns. It helps to form a relaxed, harmonious atmosphere among students and raise their responsibility of doing housework. Then we will turn to section3, analysis of the important and difficult points. It is important that students can master the expressions of housework and make conversations based on the key structures. Students may find difficulty in the phrases and the understanding of the dialogue. Then we come to part 2, analysis of the students. Students of this age have a strong desire to imitate and perform. At the same time, they have learned the new phrases and sentence patterns in the previous lessons. However, some of them are too shy to participate in class activities. In order to activate my students, I will adopt some teaching and learning approaches in my class. So next, let’s come to Part 3. Part 3 is about analysis of teaching and learning approaches. In consideration of reading and writing lesson type, I will adopt the task-based approach as teaching method, achieving the teaching aims through combination of pair-work, group work and


英语课前演讲稿 英语课前演讲稿14篇 英语课前演讲稿1 女士们,先生们: 早上好! 今天我的主题是更加文明地迎接世博会 众所周知,下一届世博会将于21日在上海举行。我们家乡将有成千上万的游客,那么我们应该如何表现我们的礼貌呢?当然,我们所有人都喜欢表现出我们的良好举止,所以我们应该注意我们的日常习俗,中国是一个历史悠久的传统国家。年轻人应该向世界展示我们的中国文化和良好的`举止。说起来容易做起来难,我们大多数人都不知道。有时他们到处扔垃圾,红灯时过马路。虽然他们知道这些行为不好,但他们仍然这样做。我希望我们每个人都能参加这个社会实践。我们应该好好表现自己,尊重我们的老师等等,努力向世界展示我们最好的礼貌。 我认为,我们在日常生活中应该遵循以下三点: 第一:保持我们的衣服干净整洁,过多的化妆对我们来说看起来不自然。 第二:要遵守古语:看不见邪恶,听不见邪恶,说不出邪恶。 第三:我们应该对别人有礼貌,尤其是对外国人。当世博会到来时,会有很多外国人,我们可以向他们展示友好,我们可以向他们展示方法,我认为我们的笑脸也是必要的。 展示良好的礼貌迎接21世纪的世博会。 准备好了吗? 英语课前演讲稿2 Good morning, my dear teachers and friends! My name is Li Bingke, from class four O five. Today, I am very happy to be here. My topic is “Our School”. My dear friends, welcome to our school! My school is very


英语演讲PPT实用语句句型 正式场合做presentation,可能需要一些隆重点的开场白。 Ladies and gentleman It's an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience 女士们先生们,我感到很荣幸有机会在这么多杰出的观众面前发言Good morning, everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. I am here to talk to you about 各位早上好。很开心有这个机会跟你们一起。今天在这里我主要想跟大家谈 I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation 我非常开心有机会在这做演示 如果是轻松场合,则可以随意一些。 Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today 大家好。谢谢大家今天抽出时间来这里 I'm glad you could all get here 我很开心你们都能来 概述 简单介绍一下你的展示,包括主要内容、展示时长和你准备如何回答问题。 主题 The subject of my presentation is.今天演示主题是 I shall be speaking today about.我今天主要谈论 My presentation concerns.我的演示主要是关于 Today' s topic is.今天的题目是 Today we are here to give a presentation on.今天我们要做一个关于…的演示。 发言长度


英语课前演讲稿(精选13篇) 英语课前篇1 Good morning/afternoon! First thing first, I gotta say,wow,it's funny thing to be given a chance like that.Trurh be told,I really got a little bit nervous before I stand right here ,so called 'stage fright'.If you look specifically on me .You may find my hands shaking,pretty assembles the guy who suffered from Pakinson's disease,and legs wobbling ,like I caught so-called ball leg. Okay,let's stop going around the bush and get back to my topic today.I really like to talk a funny story I have just heard.A lady called Lucy emigrated to United States several years ago.Her spoken English is not that fluent .And one day,she is just sitting on the couch with his U.S friends Mandy watching Sit-Com.A noise of bump had the attention of Mandy,which led her to go out of the house trying to figure out what had happened.Can you imagine that Mandy go straight out with merely a sweater.So Lucy shouted at her,"Lucy ,turn your clothes on." What suprised her most,beyond her wildest imagination, is that almost all the male in this country took their head out of the window.Admittedly,Lucy made a mistake here .The word spitted means Mandy is totally naked to the reason that male looked out of the window.The right sentence shall be,"put your clothing on."The story inspires you to take a careful look on the vast difference between eastern and western culture. That's full of it,thank you for your time! Good morning/afternoon! First thing first, I gotta say,wow,it's funny thing to be given a chance like that.Trurh be told,I really got a little bit nervous before I stand right here ,so called 'stage fright'.If you look specifically on me .You may find my hands


小学英语课堂教学的基本环节 一、热身、复习环节(Warming up、Revision) 方法:打招呼、问候、唱歌、游戏、值日报告等。 形式:朗读、背诵、自由对话、复述、问答、听写、造句等 二、讲授新知环节(Presentation) 方法:理解记忆创设真实、自然、直观、生动的英语情境。 具体做法: 1。导入新课(Lead in) 通过设计好的活动,将学生领入新的学习内容之中。 方法一:谈话导入;方法二:复习旧知识导入新课;方法三: 音乐导入;方法四:自制教具导入;方法五:表演导入;方法六:多媒体导入 2.呈现新知(Presentation): 教师运用各种手段向学生呈现新的语言项目,使学生感知、理解认识新的语言项目。 常用方式:挂图或简笔画呈现、教材呈现、录音呈现、动画录像呈现等。 3。讲解新课(Explaining) 教师在讲授新知识时,要从已知引出未知,新知识的讲解要尽可能借助直观教具、情景、表情、手势等手段进行演示,及必要少量的母语解释新内容。 4。操练新知识(Drill) 主要通过机械性、控制性的模仿练习。 方法:根据目前大班教学的特点,我们提倡先集体后个别练习。 (解决感知、理解和识记的问题) 三、巩固练习 (Practice and consolidation) 方法:组句操练,问答式操练,改变课文形式进行口头练习,利用课文挂图做“问答”、“自由抢答”练习等 四、小结(Summary) 1.师小结; 2.生小结; 3。评价. 五、布置作业(Homework) 口头作业:听音乐、读单词、读课文、背对话、练表演等 书面练习:抄单词、抄短语、句子、小检测等。


小学英语课可以分为五个教学基本环节: (1)课前准备(Warming up) 这一阶段包括课前准备,复习旧知识等; (2)呈现新知(Presentation)也就是导入阶段,包括和学生互动,新语言的导入等; (3)语言练习(Practice)包括新语言的呈现、详细讲解、操练等; (4)语言的实际应用(Production)这一阶段是新语言的练习,巩固,延伸到应运; (5)小结(Summary)加强学习,让学生全面掌握新语言。课堂教学环节活动设计如下: 一、热身复习 良好的开端是成功的一半。一部交响乐要有摄人心魄的序曲,一出戏要有引人入胜的序幕,一篇文章要有好的开头。同样,在一节课的起始阶段,老师能否在较短的时间内吸引学生的注意力,调动学生的积极性,使学生思维进入兴奋状态,迅速进入学习轨道,是这节课成功与否的关键。新课伊始,我常常运用唱英语歌曲、朗诵韵律儿歌(chant)、TPR热身操、日常问答等方式。教学活动(一) 1 歌曲方式: 小学生的自控力不高,有意注意不够集中。PEP教材的编排充分考虑了小学生这个学习心理特点,在每个单元的后面穿插了一两首与课文内容紧密相连的易于上口的英语儿歌。当音乐响起时,学生一听到自己熟悉的曲目,注意力马上会集中到那个歌曲中去。这样不但营造了英语学习的氛围,而且在集中小学生的学习注意力的同时,也增强了语言的记忆力。如在教授四年级下册Unit 6《At a farm》新单词时,老师与学生共同唱〈〈Old Macdonald〉〉,并且加上一些动作。在唱的过程中,很多动物单词便已铭记在心中,而且学生的兴致很高,真正做到了在学中乐,在乐中学的效果。 2游戏的方式: 游戏中的学生是自由放松的,游戏的主要目的是激发学生的兴趣,满足学生的好奇心、表现欲,同时又达到了学习英语的目的,大大增强了学习积极性,使学生真正善学、乐学、好学。例如,在教授五年级下册Unit 4《What are you doing》时,由于这个单元主要学习动词的现在分词,我在课前请个别学生来台上表演动作,如“drawing pictures, cooking dinner”等,再让下面的学生利用句型“What are you doing? I am…”进行操作训练。在轻松快乐的氛围中,每个学生都踊跃参与到了学习中去 3 自由对话热身法 英语是一种语言的学习,小学阶段更侧重于“听、说”的训练,强调的是实际交际的能力。学生学习的目的不仅仅是学习书本上的,而是要通过书本上的知识,能在生活上运用,能够说出来。英语的学习需要一定的语境,而课前的热身活动正是一个英语口语训练的平台。当然,我们的英语对话应该建立在本单元的所学知识上面,有所重点。如在教授六年级上册Unit 5《What does she do》时,课上可根据所学的知识点与学生之间围绕一些问题进行交谈。如:How many people


初中英语课前presentation 一、初中英语课前presentation的意义和作用 初中英语课前presentation是指学生在上英语课之前,准备一段简短的发言或展示,以展示他们对即将学习的英语内容的理解和掌握情况。这种presentation的意义和作用主要有以下几点: 1. 提高学生的口头表达能力。通过准备和进行presentation,学生能够锻炼自己的口头表达能力,包括语言表达能力、逻辑思维能力和沟 通能力,从而提高他们的英语口语水平。 2. 增强学生的自信心。通过presentation,学生能够展示自己对英语知识的掌握情况,获得同学和老师的认可和赞扬,从而增强他们的自 信心,激发学习英语的积极性和热情。 3. 帮助学生巩固知识。在准备presentation的过程中,学生需要回顾和整理即将学习的英语知识点,这有助于他们巩固所学内容,加深对 知识点的理解和记忆。 4. 促进学生之间的交流和互动。通过观看同学们的presentation,学生能够学习到不同的表达方式和观点,促进彼此之间在英语学习上的 交流和互动。

二、如何进行初中英语课前presentation 1. 主题选择:学生可以根据老师布置的任务或即将学习的课文内容,选择一个相关的主题进行presentation。可以选择课文中的某个对话或文章进行解读和演绎,或是选择一个与课文内容相关的话题进行讨论和展示。 2. 内容准备:学生需要在课前准备好自己的presentation内容,包括所要表达的主要内容、用到的词汇和句型、演讲逻辑和思路等。也可以通过PPT、图片、视频等形式辅助展示,让presentation更加生动和形象。 3. 呈现方式:在进行presentation时,学生可以选择直接讲解、对话演绎、小组讨论等方式进行呈现,以吸引听众的注意力,激发他们对所要表达内容的兴趣。 4. 听众互动:在presentation结束后,学生可以邀请听众提问或发表意见,与他们进行互动交流,从而更好地展示自己的掌握情况,也可以借此机会了解他人对于所学内容的看法和理解。 三、我的个人观点和理解

presentation 词源

presentation 词源 一、presentation 的定义 1. presentation 是英语单词,意思是“介绍、陈述、展示”,是表示动作的名词形式,常用于正式场合或商务场合的演讲、展示等活动中。 2. presentation 这个词源自拉丁语的 praesentare,意思是“出示、展现”,由 praesens(“在场的,现在的”)和形容词后缀 -tion 组成。 二、presentation 的使用范围 1. 在商务场合中,presentation 是指向客户或合作伙伴展示产品、服务或提案的活动,旨在让对方了解、接受和认可所呈现的内容。 2. 在学术领域,presentation 意味着学术研究成果、学术论文或项目方案等的陈述和展示,需要逻辑严谨、表达清晰。 三、presentation 的重要性 1. 有效的 presentation 能够提高产品或服务的销售、推广效果,促进商务合作的达成,对企业的经营发展具有重要作用。 2. 优秀的 presentation 可以展现个人或团队的专业能力和水平,在求职、职场竞争中具有较大优势。 3. 在学术领域,精彩的 presentation 有利于学者获得同行的认可和尊重,提升研究成果的影响力。

四、成功的 presentation 技巧 1. 提前准备充分,了解受众需求和背景,制定清晰的演讲目标和策略。 2. 使用清晰、简洁的语言,结构化的表达方式,让受众易于理解和接受。 3. 借助图表、案例、实例等具体的展示工具,加强内容的说服力和吸 引力。 4. 注重演讲姿势、肢体语言,树立自信形象,与受众建立良好的交流 互动。 五、常见的 presentation 失败原因 1. 演讲内容不清晰、逻辑混乱,受众无法理解和把握关键信息。 2. 演讲者缺乏自信和表达能力,无法有效吸引和激发受众的兴趣。 3. 展示工具过多、过于复杂,分散了受众的注意力,反而削弱了表达 效果。 4. 演讲过程中缺乏互动和反馈,无法及时了解受众的需求和反馈。 六、总结 在商务、学术甚至日常生活中,presentation 的重要性不言而喻。掌 握好演讲技巧,提高演讲能力,是每个人都需要努力的方向。希望通 过这篇文章的介绍,可以对 presentation 这一主题有更深入的了解,为未来的演讲活动提供一些启发和帮助。七、presentation 在不同领 域的应用


讲英语ppt开场白 【篇一:英文presentation ppt 演示讲稿引导句】 开场白祝贺语: “good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.“ “on behalf of our company i’d like to welcome you here to ...” “thank you all for coming here.” 介绍开场白: “let me introduce myself. i’m ulrike huber, manager’s assistant ...” “i am a consultant to ...” 引出主题: “the subject of today’s presentation is ...” “i’ll give you an overview of ...” “today i want to update you on ...” 内容概述: “let me first give you a brief overview.” “i’ll start off by explaining ..., then focus on ...” “i’ll be talking about ... first, then move on to ...” 英文邀请信范本 (salutation), i would like to invite you to visit ____ for a period of ___ (days, weeks or months), beginning on or about ___ (date). this visit will provide an opportunity for you to contribute your expertise to the ___ division’s work on (subject of meetings, workshop, discussions, or research). we will provide you with workspace and other work-related support as needed. we understand that you will arrange funding for the remainder of your expenses. if you have any questions about the visit, please contact ___ at (tel.) ___ or by email ___. if you have questions about these requirements, please do not hesitate to contact the individual mentioned above. any questions regarding your immigration status should be addressed to mr. ____ from ____. 示用例句:


小学英语高效课堂教学环节 如何设计课堂教学中的各个环节,使我们的小学英语课堂教学更有效。从我校小学英语教学的实践出发,教学过程的设计,通常可以从以下五个环节进行: 1、Warm-up (热身活动) 2、Presentation (呈现新知) 3、Practice (新知操练) 4、Sum-up (总结提升) 5、Homework (作业布置) 课堂设计主要包括热身、呈现、操练、总结和作业布置五个部分。只要我们能够把握好小学英语以学生自主、合作、探究的课型实质,相信我校的小学英语课一定会取得较高的课堂效果。 一、Warm up (热身活动): Warm up是一堂课的开端,良好的开端是成功的一半。如何在上课前3至5分钟吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的求知欲?老师能否在短时间内吸引学生的注意力,调动学生的积极性,使学生的思维进入兴奋状态,迅速进入学习轨道,是一节新课成功与否的关键。 新课伊始,可用唱英语歌曲、朗朗诵韵律儿歌、日常问答等形式,努力创设快乐新颖的课堂气氛。主要活动形式:听、说、玩、演、唱、画和TPR等活动。 教学活动: 1)歌曲方式:小学生自控以能力不高,有意注意不够集中.教材编排充分考虑了小学生的这一心理特点,在每个单元的后面穿插了与文章内容紧密相连的英语儿歌。当音乐响起时学生一听到利己熟习的曲目,注意力马上会集中到歌曲中去,这样不但营造了英语学习的氛围,而且在集中小学生的注意力的同时,也增强了语言的记忆力. 2)游戏的方式:游戏中的学生是自由轻松的,游戏的主要目的是激发学生的兴趣,满足学生的好奇心和表现欲,同时又能达到学英语的目的大大增强了学习的积极性,使学生真正做到善学、乐学、好学。 3)自由对话热身:英语是一种语言的学习,小学阶段更侧重听、说的训练,强调的是实际交际能力.学生学习的目的不仅仅是书本上的知识,而是通过书本上的知识能在生活中运用,能够说出来.英语的学习而需要一定的情境,而课前的热身活动正是为学生提供一个口语训练的平台.当然英语对话应建立在本单元所学的知识上面,有所重点。 4)复习方式热身:也可以通过复习方式进行热身活动,为新知的呈现,作好知识储备。当然方法一定要灵活、新颖,切忌单纯的我考你答,把学生变得紧张焦虑。应该说明的是,复习与热身通常是相互融合在一起的,我们不能把两者截然分开,热身内容都应该是教师精心选择,为学生学习新知做好思想与知识上的准备,为新课作铺垫。 二、Presentation (呈现新知) 呈现新的学习内容,让学生感知。这个环节就是导入环节,在教学过程中起着举足轻重的作用。一般包括三个环节.1、情境导入:针对对话中出现的新语言点,通过创设情境,先让学生理解新语言点的含义。2、机械操练:在创设情境的过程中,板书新语言点(即新句型),教师领读-—学生跟读——检查—-学生自己练习3、意义操练:在学生会读、会说新句型后,教师可提供一些实物、卡片、图片、情景等,让学生在教师提供的真实情景下,运用新学到的句型进行交际. 1)教学活动一: 学生的思维特点是以直观形象思维为主。课堂教学中,一个十分重要的方法就是通过直观形象事物辅助教学.实物、手指木偶、卡片、简笔画、教学挂图、多媒体课件这些直观教具为学生提供了形象、直观、多种感官刺激的语言材料,把抽象的单词与具体的实物联系起来,

物理一班 英语 presentation

Mini Project 活动主题:天体物理学 活动目的: 我们是一群渴求探索的物理学子,尤其是对着天体物理有着浓厚的兴趣。我们时常聚在一起探讨、研读此方面科学著作。怀着对天体物理强烈的热爱与敬畏,我们决定以此为话题,向大家讲述太阳黑子、黑洞的形成以及天体物理的发展前景。希望我们可以凭借自己的热情与学识,唤起大家心中的物理梦 活动流程: 1.介绍的背景及发展史 2.介绍天体物理学中比较新兴的几个研究方向,包括 太阳黑子,黑洞,宇宙射线等几个方面,具体以PPT 展示和视频介绍为主, 3.介绍天体物理以后的发展前景。 活动分工: 活动具体内容: 一天体物理发展史 一、亚里士多德的世界观完美的球体移动在完美的圆形轨道上 二、阿里斯萨莫斯首次假设太阳系中的地球和其他所有行星绕太阳运动的天体。 三、哥白尼的日心说以及证明 四、伽利略发现木星最亮的四颗卫星在1610年,支持日心说

五、开普勒发现的行星运动定律 六、牛顿引力和牛顿定律来解释开普勒的行星运动定律 七、近代天文望远镜的观测与发现 八、 词汇: Aristotle 亚里士多 Aristarchus of Samos阿里斯萨莫斯 scholastic学术 heliocentric theory日心说 Isaac Newton艾萨克·牛顿 Kepler's laws of planetary motion开普勒的行星运动定律 spectral lines光谱线 quantum physics量子物理 Astronomical telescope天文望远镜 Ultraviolet rays, x-rays, γ-rays紫外线,x-射线,γ-射线 天体物理学简介 天体物理学是研究宇宙的物理学,这包括星体的物理性质(光度,密度,温度,化学成 二体物理学新兴的研究方向 黑洞,太阳黑子
