


Many people like to keep a kind of annimal as a pet ,such as dogs,cats,birds,and so on .They put so great enthusiasm on them that some pets are treated like their family members.

A good relationship between people and pets can be very comfortable.They are loyal audiences of you ,while you have something can't tell any one else.They occuppy the loneliness ,cure your pains,make anxious hearts return to peace and innocence ,some pets even can help to cure some mental disease.that's the advantages of keeping an pet.

However ,pets are often expensive,to feed them would even cost more .Too much money spend on pets are more or less a little improper while there are so many starving people in this nation.

Some dangerous pets are a menace to their

owners ,even a dog attack people sometimes,things could be worse if they carrying some fatal virus.That's the disadvantages of keeping a pet.






推荐阅读:远离网络游戏英语作文世界和平英语作文参考spring festival英语作文50字A Wonderful Day-150字三年级英语作文四年级优秀英语作文spring festival小学四年级英语作文:My dream job

Lesson 3 For or Against Keeping Pets? 一、课文分析 (Lesson Analysis) (一)课文地位 (Lesson Position) 1、本课是Unit 3的第三课。本课重点通过学生间对于是否养宠物这一问题的辩论,总结出养宠物的有利与不利之处,并能学会谈论。建议教师在学生熟练掌握课文的基础上,引导他们在日常的学习生活中如何就某些社会问题去进行辩论。 2、本课的重点和难点是宾语从句。 在学生学习了第二课以that, if引导的宾语从句的基础上再来学习以疑问词(wh-words)引导的宾语从句应该说有一定的基础。以疑问词(wh-words)引导的宾语从句既是本课的重点,也是本课的难点。宾语从句是整个初中语法教学中相当重要的内容,学生们必须理解它,掌握它。教师必须注意通过情景创设去训练与之有关的内容,不要纯碎为教语法而教语法,从而使学生在情景中比较熟练地掌握宾语从句,并能运用自如。 (二) 课文目标 (Lesson Target) 1、能谈论有关宠物的话题。 2、能教会学生如何进行辩论。 3、能使学生掌握以疑问词(wh-words)引导的宾语从句。 4、引导学生关注社会问题,正确看待养宠物的利弊关系,构建一个人和动 物和谐相处的美好世界。 (三)课文重点 (Lesson focus) 1、关键词汇: From the text: feel lonely, keep sb. company, keep sth. as a pet, keep pets, walk a dog, have heart trouble, be in danger, have a debate, argue, donate, encourage, make noise, in favour of, a research, in sb’s opinion, what’s more. (必须熟练掌握这些词汇,因为这与本课话题有着密切的联系) as, raise animals, part of the family, in From the reading: treat …… earthquakes, a drowning boy, in the ruins, attack, brave, save, find, die, celebrated, in honour of, jump off, hand commands, World Trade Center, the most celebrated. Additional words and expressions:puppy, kitten, as busy as a peacock,

NO.1 Men have kept pets since ancient times. We can see from discoveries in the pyramids in Egypt and from scenes on decorated wallcoverings of European castles that our ancestors were as interested in pets as we are. One reason for keeping pets is their utility. When our dog barks, it warns us of thieves. A cat keeps down the mice and rats in homes. When men depended on hunting for food they found hunting-dogs extremely useful. They also used a type of bird to aid them in their search for food. Companionship is a non-utilitarian reason for keeping pets. If people are living by themselves they feel lonely, and having a pet relieves this loneliness to some extent. We like to have some companion with us even if this companion is not human. We feel the need to have another living being to share our daily lives. Having a companion, even if it is only an animal, gives us a feeling of warmth and an interest in something else beyond ourselves. Some people even prefer pets to other people. Pets are not as demanding as people sometimes are. In particular,pets do not demand of us that we should talk when we wish to remain silent. Some people do talk to pets as if they were human beings, but they have the satisfaction of knowing that the pets cannot answer back and engage them in argument. Pets seem content with so very little. NO.2

人工智能对生活的影响英语作文 Nowadays, artificial intelligence, which is becoming more and more familiar with us with the development of science a nd technology, is infiltrating into our daily life gradually, and it brings great convenience and progress to our societ y. Although we don't have a great knowledge about the speci fic content of artificial intelligence, we enjoy the convenie nce and benefit that artificial intelligence brings to us. Artificial intelligence can be scripted as a new science and technology, which is used to simulate human intelligenc e. Namely, computers simulate the way of human's thinking an d intelligent behavior, such as Learning, Reasoning, Thinking, Planning, and so on. We can't deny the fact that artifici al intelligence is of great application nowadays. For example , a lot ofintelligent computer or household appliances come into our life, intelligent robots help us to finish some di fficult work that we can't do by ourselves, and intelligent control has improved our working greatly. We can say that artificial intelligence exists everywhere. As one of the three most cutting-edge technologies in tw enty-first Century, artificial intelligence has a very bright prospect. However, The biggest obstacle of it is that it is a subject, which is related to computer science. Psycholo gy. Philosophy and other knowledge. Therefore, what we should do is to study hard, widen our knowledge, and consolidate our professional knowledge. Only by this way can we do co ntribution to the development of artificial intelligence and

Recently, Google’s AlphaGo have become the most famous artificial intelligence since it defeated Lee Sedol, the World Go Champion, 4 to 1 in a five-game match. Lee ,a world champion,cannot win a "robot",it seems like impossible,but in fact,facts speak louder than words. The machine’s sweeping victories have once again made AI a hot topic. Some people welcome the progress and the artificial intelligence is expected to benefit mankind in more fields;other people worry that artificial intelligence will eventually get out of control. Indeed, artificial intelligence can benefit mankind in many fields,such as treatment of diseases, industrial production and large data calculation.As for Google’s AlphaGo,it has achieved great progress and this progress could be revolutionary. At the same time,some people think we should not be carried away by convenience,we cannot ignore the risk of artificial intelligence.But actually,most of people come into contact with artificial intelligence in science fiction.Their panic root in survival contradiction of artificial intelligence and human in the movies or novels. There is no denying that their concerns is reasonable.But in my point of view,it is not a computer beats the human, but human defeated the human. First of all,the development of artificial intelligence will lead to unemployment in a large fields.This is the most direct consequences.Artificial intelligence can work more efficiently,and nobody

初中英语作文养宠物 Many people like to keep a kind of annimal as a pet ,such as dogs,cats,birds,and so on .They put so great enthusiasm on them that some pets are treated like their family members. A good relationship between people and pets can be very comfortable.They are loyal audiences of you ,while you have something cant tell any one else.They occuppy the loneliness ,cure your pains,make anxious hearts return to peace and innocence ,some pets even can help to cure some mental disease.Thats the advantages of keeping an pet. However ,pets are often expensive,to feed them would even cost more .Too much money spend on pets are more or less a little improper while there are so many starving people in this nation. Some dangerous pets are a menace to their owners ,even a dog attack people sometimes,things could be worse if they carrying some fatal virus.Thats the disadvantages of keeping a pet. 1

辩论城市养狗的利弊 现在很多城市的人都喜欢养宠物,今天我给大家分享一些城市养狗利弊的辩论资料,希望对大家有所帮助。 辩论城市养狗的利弊 南京农业大学一辩刘宇波针对养狗的种种弊端首先发难:"城市居民养狗会影响到养狗人及其他人的生命健康。狗身上通常带有多种病毒,最常见也是最易传染人的包括置人于死地的狂犬病。还有病毒性肠炎、蛔虫、绦虫等寄生虫,这些病菌对儿童、孕妇、老人的生命威胁较大。 听此结论,作为反方的南京理工大学自然毫不示弱给予回击:"狗被称为人类最好的朋友,而在对方辩友有色眼镜中仿佛成了撒旦安排在人间的魔鬼。对于对方辩友讲的狂犬病危害,有数据表明,狂犬病得病者有83.7%是被流浪狗咬伤,对方辩友为何将这顶帽子扣在被居民所养之狗的头上,请对方辩友看清辩题。另外,我们辩的是城市居民养狗利弊,一般来说城市都有相关的地方性法规对宠物犬进行规范,仅《南京市犬类管理办法中》就规定犬类管理需有畜牧、兽医、财政等十一个部门共同管理,加上狗主人,总共十二道工序,乐百氏纯净水也不过才十三道工序,以对方辩友之见,难道这些管理工序都是吃素的吗,都不值得信任吗?" 养狗消耗社会资源?

认为养狗弊大于利的正方认为,养狗消耗大量社会资源。"养一条狗,需要花费大量时间金钱,经调查,一条狗的饲养费用每月高达300-600元。被调查的一条狗,上午吃鸭肝拌饭,晚餐是鸡腿,零食是怡口莲糖,生活标准丝毫不逊我们这些大学生。在很多人还在温饱线下挣扎,人还没能养好时,养狗简直是浪费社会资源。另外,近年来狗声扰民、狗粪便污染环境、狗伤人等因狗而起的纠纷越来越多,甚至有时为此大打出手,在这方面又产生了大量司法成本,浪费公安警力、市容精力。" 正方话音刚落,不服输的反方便出来为狗伸冤:"如果说在很多人尚未脱贫情况下养狗是浪费社会资源,进一步导致社会不和谐,那么很多人花大量的金钱时间搜集古董就不是浪费资源吗,就是在创造社会和谐吗?如果说养狗威胁人的生命安全,还污染了环境,那么在车祸越来越多,汽车废气污染越来越重的今天,我们是不是该禁车?""养狗拉动了宠物产业,拉动了宠物经济,很多人也靠制作小狗衣服、小狗玩具而致富,那些工厂、宠物店为很多人创造就业机会,对方辩友怎么可以对此熟视无睹?" 养狗给人造成恐惧心理? 正方认为,狗会给社会部分人群造成恐惧心理。"根据对几家幼儿园的随机抽查来看,有近八成以上的小朋友宣称害怕狗或非常害怕狗,其中近三成的小朋友因被狗咬过或吓过,在纯洁脆弱的心灵上留下了阴影。在我们走访过程中,有部分青年或中年人,也宣称非常害怕狗,其中大部分人有被狗咬的经历,俗话

Nowadays,?artificial?intelligence,?which?is?becoming?more?and?more?familiar? with?us?with?the?development?of?science?and?technology,?is?infiltrating?into?o ur?daily?life?gradually,?and?it?brings?great?convenience?and?progress?to?our?so ciety.?Although?we?don't?have?a?great?knowledge?about?the?specific?content?of ?artificial?intelligence,?we?enjoy?the?convenience?and?benefit?that?artificial?inte lligence?brings?to?us.?We?can?say?that?artificial?intelligence?is?changing?the?w a y?o f?o u r?l i v i n g,?l e a r n i n g,?w o r k i n g?a n d?s o?o n.?? Artificial?intelligence?can?be?scripted?as?a?new?science?and?technology,?which ?is?used?to?simulate?human?intelligence.?Namely,?computers?simulate?the?way ?of?human's?thinking?and?intelligent?behavior,?such?as?Learning,?Reasoning,?T hinking,?Planning,?and?so?on.?We?can't?deny?the?fact?that?artificial?intelligence ?is?of?great?application?nowadays.?For?example,?a?lot?ofintelligent?computer?o r?household?appliances?come?into?our?life,?intelligent?robots?help?us?to?finish? some?difficult?work?that?we?can't?do?by?ourselves,?and?intelligent?control?has? improved?our?working?greatly.?We?can?say?that?artificial?intelligence?exists?ev erywhere.?? As?one?of?the?three?most?cutting-edge?technologies?in?twenty-first?Century,?art ificial?intelligence?has?a?very?bright?prospect.?However,?The?biggest?obstacle? of?it?is?that?it?is?a?subject,?which?is?related?to?computer?science.?Psychology.?

关于养宠物On Keeping Pets Thephenomenon of keeping pets is nothing strange nowadays. And when it comes tothe topic if it’s good for people to keep pets, people have different kinds ofopinions. 现在,养宠物已经是一种很常见的现象了。但是谈到养宠物到底好不好的问题时,人们又有不同的观点。 Somepeople assume that it’s good to keep pets in the house, especially for theolds. The pets can keep them company as well as make them feel safe. As forkids, keeping pets around them makes them more caring and more compassionate whichis quite a good way for young parents to educate their children. Moreover, petscan also look after the house and when there’s no one at home. 有的人认为在家养宠物是好的,特别是老人来说。宠物能陪伴他们,也能给他们带来安全感。对于小孩来说,养宠物能使他们更有同情心,这是父母教育孩子的一种很好的方式。再者,当家里没人时,宠物也能看家护院。 However,others argue that keeping pets is not good. In, their opinion, keeping pets isnot healthy since pets may have some viruses with them which you don’t evenknow. What’s more, pets’

社区饲养宠物问题研究及解决方法的探讨 关于社区宠物问题的研究 随着现代生活水平的提高和生活方式的逐步转变,养宠物成了许多社区居民的一大爱好。不管是繁华的大街闹市,还是僻静的小巷深处,基本在每个小区的每一条街道都能见到狗的身影,有的亦步亦趋跟随主人溜达,怡然自得;有的撒着欢儿疯跑,无拘无束。 其实,喜欢养宠物狗或不喜欢养宠物狗都是一种生活方式的自由选择,旁人无可厚非;但所养宠物狗一旦出了自家的门,就与社会、他人产生了关系,特别是小区的环境受到了严峻挑战,这就不得不说了。 通过我们这几天的实地调查研究,在与居民的交谈与问卷的过程中我们感到社区养宠物的问题所在,加上在和社区管理者的交流,我们切实的感受到了宠物问题是社区的一个新问题但是必须得到极大的重视。回来之后我们结合这两方面的了解情况,加上我们的反思,得出了不少的问题所在。 一、问题探讨 (一)在养宠物的人们之中,中老年人占大多数。 狗可以排遣寂寞。“儿女都在国外,我们俩不习惯,不愿意去。在家每天逗狗玩、遛狗就是我们老两口的营生了……”王大娘如是说。有很多老年人离退休之后赋闲在家,没什么事做,有的儿女们工作还忙,没有多余的时间陪伴老人。甚至像王大娘这样的儿女在国外,一年也回不了一趟家,老两口整天自己守着一座空房子。无聊之下,老人只好选择养条狗来给自己作伴,排遣寂寞。可见在养宠物的人们之中中老年人占的比例最大,他们在养宠物,最主要的是为了排遣寂寞,增加生活乐趣。在我们调查之中就发现这一年龄段的人所养宠物的比例最大,如上图所示。由图分析,养宠物的人中,中老年人占较大的比例,大部分养宠物的人的年龄都在40岁以上,这可能是因为该年龄段的人们空闲时间较多,特别是老年人,由于子女大都在外工作,就可能会选择由宠物陪伴。

Nowadays, artificial intelligence, which is becoming more and more fami liar with us with the development of science and technology, is infiltratin g into our daily life gradually, and it brings great convenience and progres s to our society. Although we don't have a great knowledge about the spec ific content of artificial intelligence, we enjoy the convenience and benefi t that artificial intelligence brings to us. We can say that artificial intellige nce is changing the way of our living, learning, working and so on. Artificial intelligence can be scripted as a new science and technology, w hich is used to simulate human intelligence. Namely, computers simulate the way of human's thinking and intelligent behavior, such as Learning, R easoning, Thinking, Planning, and so on. We can't deny the fact that artifi cial intelligence is of great application nowadays. For example, a lot ofint elligent computer or household appliances come into our life, intelligent r obots help us to finish some difficult work that we can't do by ourselves, and intelligent control has improved our working greatly. We can say that artificial intelligence exists everywhere. As one of the three most cutting-edge technologies in twenty-first Centur y, artificial intelligence has a very bright prospect. However, The biggest obstacle of it is that it is a subject, which is related to computer science. P

养狗的好处英语作文 狗给我们的印象就是长相憨厚可爱,忠诚。很多人都会选择狗来当宠物,那么养狗有什么好处呢?下面是xx推荐给大家的养狗的好处的英语作文,供大家参考。 篇一 Dogs are the best friends of human beings, so I prefer to keep a dog. Some dogs are big and some are small and cute, The big dog can help you watching your house but I am fond of having a cute dog. I am the only child in my family. When I am bored or my parents are out of the house, I can play with it. It will bow to you or lick your face when you back home. It is so lovely. It is fun to walk the dog in the park too. So having a pet dog is a good decision. 篇二 As we all know ,dogs are considered to be the best friends of human nature. In ancient times,dogs help our ancestor to hunt and in modern times,dogs are our faithful companions. Playing with dogs can make children feel happy then

雅思作文权威点评:养宠物的利弊养宠物的利弊问题。 There are numerous reasons that more and more people,with the city developing,pet some animals like dogs.I finally think this phenomenon is worth to be admited and I cannot skip it.(30words) 结构点评:第1段是1+1’的模式,即第1句介绍题目背景,第2句提出作者的观点。 巧妙之处:第1段的内容比较简单清晰,没有任何废话,句型尚可,不是很刻板的那种(就是100个人会60人用的那种),避免了考官的审美疲劳! 语言方面:看了第1段,我的感觉并不好,我的预判是顶多6分(要注意,考官也会有预判的,他们都是批了n百份卷子的人,看了一些内容就能大致预判的出作者的水平的,所以第1段应该尽量减少错误,留个好印象。firstimpressionslastforever!).蓝色出为语言错误的地方!!!应改为there are numerous reasons why... I think... worth admitting (这个内容上很莫名!) The point on the top of my list for my propensity is that pet can spend people's leisure time.Most of the animals have their own nature,for instance,a dog need to walk like a man need to eat.So we have to supply their need, of course,they will cost us a lot of time.But if we had free time,we would go out with them,by the way, for their nature.This also is an entertainment.(71words) 结构点评:此段是1’+4模式,即第1句是主体句,后接4句支持句!!! 语言方面:红色出为采用的套句。作者选择用套句引出主题句(这种方式在雅思考试中的确比较实用)。但是这句表达的不够好(果然作文不是我教,呵呵)。应改为:The point on top of the list for my propensity is that petting animals may require a spate of spare time. 此外:a dog needs to ... a man needs to...最后两句不知道作者想说什么,内容上有些重复和空洞,表达的不清楚!!! Another factor we cannot neglect is that a part of pet can be the right hands and left of the person who has a bodily disfigurement.For example,the

As a branch of computer science, artificial intelligence has gradually entered our life with the progress of science and technology, and has become the hottest topic at present. Just like AlphaGo, as the first artificial intelligence program to defeat the world champion of weiqi, it has caused unprecedented discussion. Just as a famous saying, "every coin has two sides", artificial intelligence is no exception. One view is that advanced technology can liberate humans, for example, some robots can replace people to do dangerous jobs and ensure people's safety. Another view is that this has led to unemployment to some extent. At the same time, they worry that some criminals use artificial intelligence crime. Or wait until artificial intelligence is highly mature and even replace humans. The above two views are reasonable, but not comprehensive. Human superiority is the subjective initiative, the expectation and imagination of the future, rather than the cognitive and learning ability. Artificial intelligence may be better in some way than human beings, but it can't completely replace it. I think we should respect artificial intelligence, and better promote the rapid development of society. 人工智能作为计算机科学的一个分支,随着科学技术的进步而逐渐进入我们的生活,并成为当前最热门的话题。就像alphago,作为第一个人工智能程序战胜围棋世界冠军,这引起了前所未有的讨论。 正如一句名言所说,“每一枚硬币都有两面”,人工智能也不例外。一种观点认为先进技术可以解放人类,例如,一些机器人可以代替人们做危险的工作,确保人们的安全。另一种观点认为,这在某种程度上导致了失业。同时,他们担心一些罪犯使用人工智能犯罪。或者等到人工智能高度成熟,甚至取代人类。 以上两种观点是合理的,但不是全面的。人的优越性是人对未来的主观能动性、对未来的期待和想象,而不是认知和学习能力。人工智能在某些方面可能比人类更好,但它不能完全取代人工智能。我认为我们应该尊重人工智能,更好地促进社会的快速发展。 1 / 1

养宠物的英语作文 养宠物的英语作文该怎么写呢?应该选用哪些词汇呢?欢迎欣赏相关范文! 养宠物的英语作文【1】Many people like to keep a kind of animal as a pet ,such as dogs,cats,birds,and so on .They put so great enthusiasm on them that some pets are treated like their family members. A good relationship between people and pets can be very comfortable.They are loyal audiences of you ,while you have something can't tell any one else.They occuppy the loneliness ,cure your pains,make anxious hearts return to peace and innocence ,some pets even can help to cure some mental disease.that's the advantages of keeping an pet. However ,pets are often expensive,to feed them would even cost more .Too much money spend on pets are more or less a little improper while there are so many starving people in this nation. Some dangerous pets are a menace to their owners ,even a dog attack people sometimes,things could be worse if they carrying some fatal virus.That's the disadvantages of keeping a pet. 养宠物的英语作文【2】As for me, I think pets are very useful. ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考

饲养宠物的利与弊 很多父母决定放弃养宠物的原因是觉得宠物身上带有太多的细菌。因为医学研究表明,动物身上带有许多致病菌,处理不好就会造成对人特别是儿童的健康威胁。家庭中养的宠物一般多是小狗和小猫。许多孩子喜欢小狗,如果小狗携带有狂犬病毒,它还总喜欢摇着尾巴亲昵地在小主人身上舔来舔去,碰到破损的皮肤,病毒进入儿童人体,就会使儿童发病。狗身上还有寄生虫、跳蚤、螨虫,会传播给人多种疾病。猫性情温驯又憨态可掬,也是孩子的好朋友。但是猫的身上也有不少病菌和病毒,会通过唾液和排泄物传给孩子。猫也最容易罹患“弓形虫病”,病原体可通过胎盘传染胎儿,这样不但会危害胎儿造成各种先天畸形,而且可使孕妇出现流产、死胎、早产。 另外,无暇同时照顾孩子和宠物。对于大多数双职工家庭来说,在决定生养孩子之前他们把宠物当作自己的孩子一样喂养,当家中出现了两个“孩子”,一般都会出现照顾了这个照顾不了那个的手忙脚乱现象,所以最终决定放弃养宠物。 尽管宠物有可能给人的健康造成威胁,但人们还是喜欢养,小孩子也愿意接近,主要是因为动物可以改善人的情绪,带给人们欢乐。育儿专家认为,作为孩子的伙伴,宠物确实有助于孩子培养爱心、学会沟通、增强责任感。 儿童常常把宠物当作好伙伴,特别是现在的独生子女家庭,孩子会经常与小动物说话,就像他们常与动物玩具交流一样,宠物是孩子秘密的接收者和分享对象。孩子与宠物一起分享内心的情感,这在很大程度上也弥补了平日孩子与父母缺少沟通的遗憾。 宠物提供了让孩子接触自然的机会,不自觉中孩子上了一堂生动的教育课,了解到一个生物是如何成长、繁衍的。在这个过程中,孩子也学会了如何尊重其它生物,体会到动物也和人类一样,也有喜怒哀乐,也会害怕孤独,也需要别人的关心,当孩子对动物有这样的心理的时候,那么他们看到街上的野狗或流浪的小动物,也会产生莫大的同情与关爱,而不容易出现粗鲁地对待和虐待小动物的行为。养小动物之前,爸爸妈妈必须让孩子明白,养宠物是个长期的工作,不像其他玩具一样,想玩就玩,不想玩就可以丢弃,一旦决定要养宠物,就得把它当成是家里的一分子,必须永远爱护它。? 所以,如果孩子长大一些,爸爸妈妈可以将一部分照顾宠物的工作让他们来做,让孩子除了把宠物作为自己的玩耍伙伴之外,还要参与到实际的照顾与清理的工作中,以促成孩子的参与感和培养其责任心,也更能体会饲养动物的甘苦。 尽管饲养宠物有好处,但若说到是否真的要养一只宠物了,无论是爸妈或是孩子,都还要好好想一想,要从几方面检查自己是否有饲养宠物的心理准备和客观条件,看看是不是真的能够承担这份责任。 你是否勤快家庭中养宠物,难免毛发处处,所以必须特别勤于清扫,以维持室内环境与空气的干净。除了要常常帮宠物洗澡外,最好也能养成摸过宠物以后洗手的习惯。家里是否有足够大的空间如果你的居室环境狭小,没有多余的空间养宠物,最好不要考虑。是否能面对生老病死家有宠物,虽然可以享受欢乐,但也必须承担它带来的麻烦与痛苦。尤其,在与宠物建立起深厚的感情以后,要接受它生病、衰老与死亡的事实,对孩子会是个很大的冲击。 宠物作为我们人类的伴侣动物是我们人类获得幸福和健康生活的一个来源,饲养宠物可以让人们生活的更健康,更充实,同时对人的心脏有好处,能降低血压和血脂,研究发现患有心脏病和具它一些慢性病,饲养宠物犬猫后,通过调节人的一些心理状态,可以明显减轻临床症状。通过遛犬,与它一起玩耍,可以放松人的精神。 对于一些独居的孤独老年人有益于他们的身心健康,通过与宠物的相互沟通使老年人生活的更充实。犬对于独居的人是最好的伴侣。对于一些单身的老年人在家发生一些意外情况,如突然中风,心脏病突发,经过训练的伴侣宠物能及时起到报警作用。
