




1. What will Dorothy do on the weekend?

A. Go out with her friend.

B. Work on her paper.

C. Make some plans.

2. What was the normal price of the T-shirt?

A. $15.

B. $30.

C. $50.

3. What has the woman decided to do on Sunday afternoon?

A. To attend a wedding.

B. To visit an exhibition.

C. To meet a friend.

4. When does the bank close on Saturday?

A. At l:00 p.m.

B. At 3:00 p.m.

C. At 4:00 p.m.

5. Where are the speakers?

A. In a store.

B. In a classroom.

C. At a hotel.



6. What do we know about Nora?

A. She prefers a room of her own.

B. She likes to work with other girls.

C. She lives near the city center.

7. What is good about the flat?

A. It has a large sitting room.

B. It has good furniture.

C. It has a big kitchen.


8. Where has Barbara been?

A. Milan.

B. Florence.

C. Rome.

9. What has Barbara got in her suitcase?

A. Shoes.

B. Stones.

C. Books.


10. Who is making the telephone call?

A. Thomas Brothers.

B. Mike Landon.

C. Jack Cooper.

11. What relation is the woman to Mr. Cooper?

A. His wife.

B. His boss.

C. His secretary.

12. What is the message about?

A. A meeting.

B. A visit to France.

C. The date for a trip.


13. Who could the man speaker most probably be?

A. A person who saw the accident.

B. The driver of the lorry.

C. A police officer.

14. What was Mrs. Franks doing when the accident took place?

A. Walking along Churchill Avenue.

B. Getting ready to cross the road.

C. Standing outside a bank.

15. When did the accident happen?

A. At about 8:00 a.m.

B. At about 9:00 a.m.

C. At about 10:00 a.m.

16. How did the accident happen?

A. A lorry hit a car.

B. A car ran into a lorry.

C. A bank clerk rushed into the street.


17. What is the talk mainly about?

A. The history of the school.

B. The courses for the term.

C. The plan for the day.

18. Where can the visitors learn about the subjects for new students?

A. In the school hall.

B. In the science labs.

C. In the classrooms.

19. What can students do in the practical areas?

A. Take science courses.

B. Enjoy excellent meals.

C. Attend workshops.

20. When are the visitors expected to ask questions?

A. During the lunch hour.

B. After the welcome speech.

C. Before the tour of the labs.




If you frequently travel for business,Staybridge Suites offer you a range of home comforts.Four recent visitors to Staybridge Suites explain why they booked,what they enjoyed and what made them want to return.

Claire Metcalf

"The concept is great,but the staff are the ones who really make it."she says."It takes a lot of discipline to always be friendly,but the staff at Staybridge Suites do that.They genuinely care about you."

Andrew Roberts

"One of the best things is having my own kitchen.I often end up working late and I don't fancy eating in a restaurant on my own,so cooking for myself is a big drawcard."

"The main thing for me is being able to cook and have my own little flat.The staff are amazing.It is great to be recognized by them,"he says.Pauline Robinson

"What I love about it is the way that you are treated by the staff,"she says."Some of the staff have been there all that time and they do look after you well.As a woman staying on my own,it is reassuring that they look out for you,and recently when I was poorly they even brought things I needed to my room."

Ryan Ruckledge

"The fully﹣equipped kitchen is great.I always have a one﹣bed apartment so I have a separate kitchen and dining room and I'm able to relax and cook some meals.Eating out can feel a bit much when you do it day in and day out﹣it makes you hate what you do﹣and I don't want that.21.What attracts visitors to Staybridge Suites?

A.A separate dining room.B.A one﹣bed apartment.

C.A home from home. D.A lot of discipline.

22.Who think highly of the kitchen of Staybridge Suites?

A.Pauline Robinson and Ryan Ruckledge.B.Ryan Ruckledge and Claire Metcalf.C.Andrew Roberts and Ryan Ruckledge. D.Pauline Robinson and Claire Metcalf.23.What does the underlined word ‘drawcard' in Paragraph 3 probably mean? A.barrier.B.attraction.C.honour.D.difficulty.

24.Why does the author write the article?

A.To advertise Staybridge Suites. B.To introduce four recent visitors.C.To inform us of a new service. D.To sing high praise for the staff.


When a leafy plant is under attack,it doesn't sit quietly.Back in 1983,two scientists,Jack Schultz and Ian Baldwin,reported that young maple trees getting bitten by insects send out a particular smell that neighboring plants can get.These chemicals come from the injured parts of the plant and seem to be an alarm.What the plants pump through the air is a mixture of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds,VOCs for short.

Scientists have found that all kinds of plants give out VOCs when being attacked.It's a plant's way of crying out.But is anyone listening?Apparently.Because we can watch the neighbors react.

Some plants pump out smelly chemicals to keep insects away.But others

do double duty.They pump out perfumes designed to attract different insects who are natural enemies to the attackers.Once they arrive,the tables are turned.The attacker who was lunching now becomes lunch.

In study after study,it appears that these chemical conversations help the neighbors.The damage is usually more serious on the first plant,but the neighbors,relatively speaking,stay safer because they heard the alarm and knew what to do.

Does this mean that plants talk to each other?Scientists don't know.Maybe the first plant just made a cry of pain or was sending a message to its own branches,and so,in effect,was talking to itself.Perhaps the neighbors just happened to"overhear"the cry.So information was exchanged,but it wasn't a true,intentional back and forth.

Charles Darwin,over 150 years ago,imagined a world far busier,noisier and more intimate(亲密的) than the world we can see and hear.Our senses are weak.There's a whole lot going on.

25.What does a plant do when it is under attack?

A.It makes noises. B.It gets help from other plants.C.It stands quietly. D.It sends out certain chemicals.26.What does the author mean by"the tables are turned"in paragraph 3? A.The attackers get attacked. B.The insects gather under the table.C.The plants get ready to fight back. D.The perfumes attract natural enemies.

27.Scientists find from their studies that plants can .A.predict natural disasters B.protect themselves against insects C.talk to one another intentionally D.help their neighbors when necessary 28.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The world is changing faster than ever.B.People have stronger senses than before.

C.The world is more complex than it seems.

D.People in Darwin's time were more imaginative.


Benjamin West,the father of American painting,showed his talent for art when he was only six years of age.But he did not know about brushes before a visitor told him he needed one.In those days,a brush was made from camel's hair.There were no camels nearby.Benjamin decided that cat hair would work instead.He cut some fur from the family cat to make a brush.The brush did not last long.Soon Benjamin needed more fur.Before long,the cat began to look ragged(蓬乱).His father said that the cat must be sick.Benjamin was forced to admit what he had been doing.The cat's lot was about to improve. That year,one of Benjamin's cousins, Mr.Pennington,came to visit.He was impressed with Benjamin's drawings.When he went home, he sent Benjamin a box of paint and some brushes. He also sent six engravings (版画)by an artist. These were the first pictures and first real paint and brushes Benjamin had ever seen.

In 1747,when Benjamin was nine years old,Mr. Pennington returned for another visit. He was amazed at what Benjamin had done with his gift. He asked Benjamin's parents if he might take the boy to Philadelphia for a visit.

In the city,Mr.Pennington gave Benjamin materials for creating oil paintings.The boy began a landscape (风景) painting.Wiliams, a well ﹣known painter,came to see him work.Wiliams was impressed with Benjamin

and gave him two classic books on painting to take home.The books were long and dull.Benjamin could read only a little,having been a poor student.But he later said,"Those two books were my companions by day,and under my pillow at night."While it is likely that he understood very little of the books,they were his introduction to classical paintings.The nine﹣year﹣old boy decided then that he would be an artist.

29.What is the text mainly about?

A.Benjamin's visit to Philadelphia.B.Williams' influence on Benjamin.C.The beginning of Benjamin's life as an artist.

D.The friendship between Benjamin and Pennington.

30.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 3 suggest?

A.The cat would be closely watched. B.The cat would get some medical care.

C.Benjamin would leave his home shortly.D.Benjamin would have real brushes soon.

31.What did Pennington do to help Benjamin develop his talent?

A.He took him to see painting exhibitions.B.He provided him with painting materials.

C.He sent him to a school in Philadelphia.D.He taught him how to make engravings.

32.Williams' two books helped Benjamin to .

A.master the use of paints B.appreciate landscape paintings C.get to know other painters D.make up his mind to be a painter.


Getting less sleep has become a bad habit for most American kids.According to a new survey(调查) by the National Sleep Foundation,

51% of kids aged 10 to 18 go to bed at 10 pm or later on school nights,even though they have to get up early.Last year the Foundation reported that nearly 60% of 7﹣to 12﹣year﹣olds said they felt tired during the day,and 15% said they had fallen asleep at school.

How much sleep you need depends a lot on your age.Babies need a lot of rest:most of them sleep about 18 hours a day!Adults need about eight hours.For most school﹣age children,ten hours is ideal(理想的).But the new National Sleep Foundation survey found that 35% of 10﹣to 12﹣year ﹣olds get only seven or eight hours.And guess what almost half of the surveyed kids said they do before bedtime?Watch TV.

"More children are going to bed with TVs on,and there are more opportunities(机会) to stay awake,with more homework,the Internet and the phone,"says Dr.Mary Carskadon,a sleep researcher at Brown University Medical School.She says these activities at bedtime can get kids all excited and make it hard for them to calm down and sleep.Other experts say part of the problem is chemical.Changing levels of body chemicals called hormones not only make teenagers' bodies develop adult characteristics,but also make it hard for teenagers to fall asleep before 11 pm.Because sleepiness is such a problem for teenagers,some school districts have decided to start high school classes later than they used to.Three years ago,schools in Edina,Minnesota,changed the start time from 7:25 am to 8:30 am.Students,parents and teachers are pleased with the results.

33.What is the new National Sleep Foundation survey on?

A.American kids' sleeping habits. B.Teenagers' sleep﹣related diseases.

C.Activities to prevent sleeplessness. D.Learning problems and lack of sleep.

34.How many hours of sleep do 11﹣year﹣olds need every day?

A.7 hours.

B.8 hours.

C.10 hours.

D.18 hours.

35.Why do teenagers go to sleep late according to Carskadon?

A.They are affected by certain body chemicals.

B.They tend to do things that excite them.

C.They follow their parents' examples.

D.They don't need to go to school early.


Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning and put the blame on the alarm clock.In fact,the key to easy morning wake﹣up lies in resting your body clock (36)_________. Here's how to make one.

●(37) In order to make a change,you need to decide why it's important.Do you want to get up in time to have breakfast with your family,get in some exercise,or just be better prepared for your day?Once you are clear about your reasons,tell your family or roommates about the change you want to make.

●Rethink mornings.Now that you know why you want to wake up,consider re﹣arranging your morning activities.If you want time to have breakfast with your family,save some time the night before by setting out clothes,shoes,and bags.(38)__________ That's a quarter﹣hour more you could be sleeping if you bought a coffee maker with a timer.

●Keep your sleep/wake schedule on weekends.If you're tired out by Friday night,sleeping in on Saturday could sound wonderful.But compensating

on the weekends actually feeds into your sleepiness the following week,

a recent study found.(39)

●Keep a record and evaluate it weekly.Keep track of your efforts and write down how you feel.After you've tried a new method for a week,take a look at your record. (40) If not,take another look at other methods you could try.

A.Get a sleep specialist.

B.Find the right motivation.

C.A better plan for sleep can help.

D.And consider setting a second alarm.

E.If the steps you take are working,keep it up.

F.Stick to your set bedtime and wake﹣up time,no matter the day.G.Reconsider the 15 minutes you spend in line at the café to get coffee.第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

When I came to my new school three years ago,I was surprised at how lonely I felt.Then one of my classmates invited me to her house for a dinner (41) .I was a little anxious,but finally I gladly (42) .

Not really knowing how (43) the bus ride should be,I (44) when I saw the landmarks (45) on my friend's hand﹣drawn map.But when I got close enough to the (46) ,I found none of the streets were shown on the map.I was (47) on a busy road with cars driving past without a person in sight.I had no (48) when the next bus would come,(49) when a bus did come by,I (50) got on.I told the bus driver where I wanted to go and he said that I had caught the (51) bus,but he let me stay on.After he had finished his scheduled bus route,he (52) to help me out.I gratefully showed him my little hand﹣drawn map but (53)

did not help much.

He finally (54) me off at a main road to catch a different bus and was (55) that he could not help me more.After a few minutes of walking,I noticed a bus pull up beside me.It was the (56) bus driver.He explained that he didn't want to leave me there (57) .He sent out a call and someone radioed back,saying that the bus I needed to catch was about ten minutes away.At last I made it to the dinner party(58) I was over an hour late.

I am forever thankful for the (59) that this bus driver had for me.His act of kindness left a (60) on my heart.

41.A.meal B.party C.meeting D.time 42.A.accepted B.refused C.got D.received 43.A.far B.difficult C.long D.bad 44.A.drove on B.walked away C.hurried by D.got off 45.A.show B.showing C.shown D.to show 46.A.street signs B.tall buildings C.traffic lights D.back yards 47.A.queuing B.sitting C.standing D.waiting 48.A.meaning B.idea C.problem D.way 49.A.so B.yet C.but D.still 50.A.suddenly B.luckily C.finally D.quickly 51.A.right B.wrong C.best D.fastest 52.A.supplied B.refused C.offered D.wanted 53.A.it B.he C.she D.they 54.A.kept B.dropped C.drove D.turned 55.A.eager B.worried C.sorry D.disappoint


56.A.same B.next C.kind D.silly 57.A.helpless B.lonely C.unaccompanied D.alone 58.A.after B.although C.until D.when 59.A.respect B.concern C.sympathy D.love 60.A.mark B.sign C.symbol D.line


Before I came to England,I(61)________(read)about English customs.I

knew that the money they used(62)_______(call) pounds and pence.It was quite (63)______ shock when I bought a newspaper at the airport,and the woman behind the counter said,"That'll be 2quid,love".I made a quick calculation and decided (64)_______ (hand )over two £1coins.Imagine my(65)_______ (relieve) when she said"Ta,love".I didn't know what that meant either,but at least she was smiling,so I must have got the money right.

I soon learned that a"quid"is a pound.There are several(66)_______ (explain) for this,but the one I like(67)_______ (well) is that"quid"comes from"Quidhamptom Mill",(68) _______ used to produce the special paper that pound notes were printed on.

Just when I thought I had got used (69)_______ English money,I saw the following advertisement in a local newspaper:"Wanted:Sales Clerk,London Area,£25k".I was totally(70)_______(confuse).I knew from my computer course that"k"meant"kilobyte".A few days later, a friend explained the mystery.The advertisement was not for a 25﹣kilobyte clerk,but for a clerk

who would earn£25,000 a year.


It was on Sunday so I didn’t have to go to school as usually. My parents went to the countryside to see my grandparents, left me alone. After finishing my homework, I begin to play football at home. All of a sudden,

I kicked the ball so hardly that it flew right onto a vase and broke it.

It was great favorite of my mother’s. I decided to tell my parents it was the fault of the cat for fear that she should punish me. Therefore, when they got home, I hesitated for a moment and told them that truly happened. Instead of punishing me, they just hoped that I would never make so a foolish mistake again.










听力答案 1-5 BBABC 6-10 ACAAB 11-15CACCB 16-20BCBCA

阅读理解21-25 CCBAD 26-30ABCCD 31-35BDACB

七选五 36-40CBGFE

完形填空 41﹣45 BACDC 46﹣50 ACBAD 51﹣55 BCABC 56﹣60 ADBBA


61.(had)read 62.was called 63.a 64. to hand 65 relief

66 explanations 67 best 68 which 69 to 70 confused



2. usually改为usual 3 left改为leaving 4 begin改为began 5 hardly改为hard 6.great前加a 7. she改为they

8. Therefore改为However 9. that改为what 10 . so改为such


Dear Ms. Smith,

I’m Li Hua, the leader of the Student Union of Yu Cai Middle School Middle School. I sincerely hope you can set aside some time for our English speech contest and be a judge.

The contest, the theme of which is “Man and Nature”, will be held in the Room 501 from 2:00 to 5:00 on the afternoon of June 15. What’s more, there will be 10 students taking part in it. Im sure it will be a great success if you can give us some precious remarks. I would appreciate it if you could accept my invitation. My telephone number is 44876655.

I’m looking forward to your reply.

With best wishes,


Li Hua


高中英语知识竞赛试题 满分120分 Ⅰ.单项选择(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分) A) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. If the doctor says, "Take two of these three times daily for a week", how many pills are you being prescribed(开药方) altogether? A. 6 B. 14 C. 42 D. 84 2. What dog never barks? A .big dog B. hot dog C. small dog D. red dog 3. A candle burns out in sixty minutes. How many minutes will it take five candles burning together? A. 300 minutes B. 200 minutes C. 100 minutes D. 60 minutes 4. Jane and Dennis have been going out for a few months, but in recent weeks ______ have been starting to appear in their relationship and it's not looking good. A. lines B. dots C. cracks D. flakes 5. Which phrase means looking for a job? A. Job networking B. Job chasing C Job tracking D. Job hunting 6. When a celebrity becomes widely recognized, you can say they are a __________ name. A. house B. home C. household D. homely 7. It is often said that the success of a company is largely dependent on USP. What does the acronym USP stand for? A. Unusually Small Profit B. Using Successful People C. Unique Selling Point D. Unusual Sales Promotions 8. What number should the question mark be? ①. 4 3 2 8 ②. 8 5 6 7 ③.3 1 2 4 ④. 5 4 ?9 A. 3 B. 5 C. 8 D. 6 9. His wife never lets him do what he wants and as a result he leads a dog's life. A. easts what he can B. never sleeps C. has an unhappy time


高考英语模拟试卷(一) (选自于唐山市2012-2013学年度高三年级第一次摸底考试有改动)第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) A Everything was put neatly into my suitcase. I’m a flight attendant. I’m so organized, my half of the closet could be a display at The Container Store. My h usband’s half of the closet? Ju st thinking about it made my head ache. I carried my suitcase downstairs. Bill was in the kitchen cooking. Looking at the messy kitchen, I shouted, “Why do you have to be so messy?” Bill looked hurt, “What?” I sighed and left for the airport. On my last flight, an elderly couple had the seats in my section. They held hands during takeoff. Later I caught them looking into each other’S eyes. Something about that look was familiar. Then I realized: it was the look Bill and I had worn in our wedding photographs. I couldn’t resist asking them about the secret of their long-lasting marriage. “Have fun together”,the man said, “and never take each other for granted.” Her words circled in my head long after we landed. Bill wasn’t perfect. But then, was I? I kept complaining about his messiness and forgot his kindness, his ability to see the bright side of every situation 一qualities that ran so much deeper, the reasons I had married him in the first place. I took out my cell phone and called Bill. “I miss you already.” I said. “I miss you too, Kim,” he said. As soon as my flights were over, I rushed home. Bill met me at the door. “I have a surprise for you.” he said and led me into the kitchen. I glanced around the room. He really had worked hard. In spite of the fingerprints on that microwave door, I could see our reflection in it: my husband and I, our smiles glowing with love for each other, just like in our wedding photos. 1. Why did Kim get so angry with her husband? A. She found his weaknesses one morning. B. Sh e didn’t love him any more. C. He left things in an untidy state. D. He turned a deaf ear to her complaints. 2.What’s special about the old couple? A. They never quarreled with each other. B. They often made fun of each other. C. They kept their love so fresh. D. They took each other for granted. 3..Kim changed her attitude towards her husband after _____. A. she realized Bill wasn’t perfect B. she got inspired by the old couple C. her husband had cleaned up the kitchen D. they had their wedding photos taken 4..The best title of the passage might be _____. A. Love You, Love Your Mess B. Love is Blind, Love is Messy C The Wedding Photos D. A Loving Old Couple B The Year in Miracles: Inspirational Quotes These miracle (奇迹)stories inspired us with their heroes, amazing acts of kindness, and moments of grace. ?Walking home from work as a New York City bus driver, Stephen St. Bernard, 52,heard screaming and saw seven-year-old Keyla McCree standing on top of an air-conditioning unit outside the window of her third-floor apartment. He rushed over in time to catch the child as she fell the 25 feet. The force of the lifesaving catch tore a tendon (腱)in St. Bernard’s shoulder; the



高考会考对接 全国高中会考 精选活页试题 英语 西藏人民出版社

内容简介 会考试题难度要求虽与高考有差距,但考核范围全面、接近,对参加会考和高考均有助益。在总复习前或初期测练会考试题,以及中差生,尤其是艺术类考生,测练会考试题都是 十分有效的。 本书收录了10套各省市优秀会考试题及对接高考的模拟试题,科目包括:语文、英语、数学、物理、化学、生物、政治、历史、地理。 全国高中会考精选活页试题 丛书名:高考会考对接 开本:16 字数:380千 印张: 出版日期:2004年9月 标准书号:ISBN 7-223-01567-5/G·674 定价:元(全9册,每册元)

目录 1.北京市2004年夏季普通高中毕业会考(1) 2.北京市2004年春季普通高中毕业会考(9) 3.浙江省2004年高中证书会考试卷(17) 4.山东省2004年普通高中毕业会考(25) 5.广东省2004年春季普通高中毕业考试(33) 6.山西省七地市2004年普通高中毕业考试(41) 7.安徽省2004年普通高中毕业会考(49) 8.湖南省郴州市2004年普通高中毕业会考(57) 9.青海省2004年6月份普通高中会考(65) 10.北京市2004年普通高等学校高职班招生统一考试(73)参考答案(81) 全国教辅畅销书排行前列 ●搜狐教育推荐图书 ●全国400万考生使用的书 ●《中国教育报》等90多家媒体推荐用书

1.北京市2004年夏季普通高中毕业会考 英语 本试卷包括第Ⅰ卷、第Ⅱ卷。考试时间90分钟。满分100分。 第Ⅰ卷(共70分) 一、听力理解(共15小题,15分) 第一节:听下面七段对话或独白,从各题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能回答问题的最佳答案。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第1题。 1.Wher e will the woman go this year A.New York. B.London. C.Paris. 听下面一段对话,回答第2题。 2.Wh a t time do e s the sc h ool bus leave A.At7:10 B.At7:20. C.At7:30. 听下面一段对话,回答第3题。 3.Wh a t is the man doing A.Worki n g in a hotel. B.Traveling around. C.Visiti n g a young couple. 听下面一段对话,回答第4题至第6题。 4.Wher e are the t w o speakers A.In the street. B.At the C.Neat a h i gh sc h ool. 5.Wher e does the man wa n t to go A.The town hall. B.King Street. C.Apple Street. 6.Wh a t does the woma n advise the man to do A.Walk there. B.Take a bus. C.Read a map. 听下面一段对话,回答第7题至第9题。 7.Wh a t is the relationship between the speakers A.Neighbors. B.Family membe r s. C.Friends. 8.Wh e n does the conversation take place A.In the morning. B.In the eve n i n g. C.At midn i gh t. 9.Why is the woman a n gry A.The man speaks too much. B.The music is too loud. C.Some policemen will come. 听下面一段对话,回答第10题至第12题。 10.Wher e is Mary from A.B.Br i tai n.C.Ca n a d a. 11.Wh a t hit Ma r y


高一英语12月月考试卷 注意:1-75题填涂在答题卡上,从76开始做在答题卷上。考试时间110分钟。 听力部分:(共20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. When is Betty leaving for Guangzhou? A. Next Thursday evening. B. This Thursday evening. C. Next Tuesday evening. 2. Which season was it when the conversation took place? A. Spring. B. Winter. C. Summer. 3. When was the fire put out? A. At 1:00. B. At 4:00. C. At 3:00. 4.When will the woman go to dinner? A. Next Saturday. B. Next Sunday. C. On the man’s birthday. 5. What does the man think of the exam? A. It wasn't too difficult. B. It was too easy. C. It was very difficult. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6~8题。 6. Where are Kate and Torn? A. In Kate's office. B. In Tom’s house. C. In a classroom. 7. Why did Tom come in? A. He worked there. B. He wanted to talk to Kate. C. He wanted to have a letter typed. 8. What was Jane doing at that time? A. She was taking a rest. B. She was preparing for an exam. C. She was taking an exam. 听下面一段对话,回答9~11题。 9.How much did the woman’s package post cost? A. $10.80. B. $5.90. C. $5.94. 10.Which way did the woman get to mail her package? A. First class. B. A cheaper way. C. An expensive way. 11. Where did they have a talk? A. At a post office. B. At a railway station. C. At New York airport. 听下面一段对话,回答第12~14题。 12.Where did they have a dinner that night?


此文档下载后即可编辑 全国中学生英语能力竞赛试题(高二) 1、 I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)(共20小题,计20分) A)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上) —Do you know Mr. Smith? —Yes. He's a strange man. We found ________ difficult to work with him. A. us B. it C. him D. you 2、 They ________ the distance and the communication problem for people visiting their city. A. drew attention to B. used up C. washed away D. dreamed of 3、 —You were driving at 100 km an hour, sir. —But officer, I ________. My car can't go more than 80. A. may not have to B. couldn't have been C. wouldn't like to D. needn't to be 4、 His money had not brought happiness and perhaps it had contributed________ his strange sense of values.

A. up B. for C. as D. to 5、 ________ their service, the workers of the hotel are active in learning English. A. Searching B. Informed C. To improve D. Having caused 6、 Every morning at a ________ time after breakfast she gave him an hour's lesson. A. busy B. patient C. convenient D. present 7、 It was not until last year ________ he got in touch with his father in Canada. A. where B. what C. how D. that 8、 I kept looking at the man wearing a pair of glasses, wondering ________. A. whether did I borrow his book B. where I had seen him before C. what I knew his wife D. when had I helped him 9、 The item you requested yesterday is no longer available and ________ we are returning your cheque. A. therefore B. altogether C. otherwise D. moreover 10、


高三英语模拟试题及答案 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话你将听一遍。 1.What does the man want to borrow? A.A pencil. B.An eraser. C.A pen. 2.What is the woman doing now? A.Eating. B.Going home. C.Having group study. 3.What does the man have for earthquake preparation? A.A candle. B.A radio. C.A flashlight. 4.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A.In a bank. B. In a hotel. C.In a store. 5.Where will the man go for his holiday?

A.Brazil. B.Denmark. C. Greece. 第二节 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.When does the supermarket close on Sundays? A.At 5:00 pm. B.At 7:00 pm. C. At 8:00 pm. 7.What have the two speakers decided to do now? A.Go shopping. B.Take a walk. C.Have dinner 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8.Why does the man make the call? A.To make a booking. B.To make a suggestion. C.To make an appointment. 9.When will the man return from London? A.On March 10. B. On March 12. C. On March 22.

2021年高中会考英语试题 含答案

2021年高中会考英语试题含答案 一、听力(20分):略 二、单选填空(共15小题,15分,每小题1分) 21. No matter how busy he is, Tom makes ______ a rule to see his grandparents every weekend. A this B that C it D him 22. Tom is ______ fantastic musician. I’m absolutely certain that his next concert will be ______ success. A the , a B the , 不填 C a , a D a , 不填 23. The purpose of the article is to draw public attention ______ the traffic problem. A to B on C in D for 24. –What do you think of your new ipad? --Good. I can’t find a ______ one. A worst B best C worse D better 25. Whenever you ______ a present, you’d better think about it from the receiver’s preference. A bought B buy C will buy D have bought 26. You will never be successful _____ you are fully devoted to you work. A because B unless C if D when


铜陵英才学校高一年级9月月考 英语 第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分) 第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一个小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Whom was the CD bought for? A.David B.Alice C.Lucy 2.Why did the man come to the United States? A.To visit his family B.To study C.To travel 3.What’s the weather probably like now? A.Sunny B.Cloudy C.Rainy 4.What does the woman really want to do? A.Take a good test B.Go to Beijing C.Go to work 5.What day is it today? A.Tuesday B.Thursday C.Friday 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.What does the woman think of playing outdoors? A.It’s a waste of time B.It’s helpful C.It’s boring 7.What are the speakers talking about?


全国中学生英语能力竞赛(nepcs)高三年级组样题(时间:120分钟总分:150分) 听力部分(共三大题,计30分)(略) 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I.选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)(共20小题,计20分) A)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 31._________is a fact that English is being accepted as a global language. A.This B.That C.There D.It 32.—Are you still busy? —Yes,I_________my work,and it won't take long. A.have just finished B.am just finishing C.had just finished D.am just going to finish 33.Perseverance is a kind of quality,and that's_________ it takes to do anything well. A.what

B.why C.that D.as 34.—What do you think of your boss? —Seldom in all my life_________such a_________person. A.I have met;determining B.I met;determining C.have I met;determined D.did I meet;determined 35.—Do you know where Joe is?I couldn't find him anywhere. —Well.He_________have gone far—his coat is still here. A.shouldn't B.mustn't C.wouldn't D.can't 36.The mother,along with her two children,_________from the sinking aircraft by a passing ship. A.has been rescued B.have been saved C.has saved D.have rescued


人教版高一英语必修2模拟试卷(1) 第一卷选择题(共115分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第1段材料,回答1至4题。 1. Why did the man get a new TV? A. TV is on sale. B. He loves big TV. C. His old TV doesn't work. 2. How much does the man pay for the new TV? A. $1,200. B. $1,250. C. $2, 400. 3. What does the woman think of the new TV? A. It is a bargain. B. It is too expensive. C. It is well worth the money. 4. What will the man probably do after the conversation? A. He will be eager to watch TV. B. He will look for a cheaper television. C. He will return the television to the store. 听第2段材料,回答5至7题。 5. When will John leave the airport? A. 8:00. B. 18:00. C. 20:00. 6. How long will John stay in Japan? A. 7 days. 13. 8 days. C. 14 days. 7. Why does John go to Japan? A. Because he needs a good rest. B. Because he likes Japanese food. C. Because he prefers camping on the beach. 听第3段材料,回答8至10题。 8. How will Kate travel to the New York city? A. She will ride with Jack's brother. B. She will drive her own car. C. She will take a train. 9. Where did Kate and Laura meet? A. At a concert. B. On a train. C. At a camp.


英语会考模拟试卷 二、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 16.Paris is ___most beautiful city,where you can see___famous Eiffel Tower.A.a;the B.a; 不填C.the;a D.不填;the 17. The corn powder with two other things _______ water to make all kinds of good. A. are mixed with B. is mixed with C. are mixed by D. is mixed by 18. Maria has to baby-sit.That’s___she can’t come out with us. A. why B. how C. when D. what 19. People often want to know what my job is.Often I___that question. A. ask B. am asking C. get asked D. get asking 20. Jim talked for about half an hour yesterday. Never ______ him talk so much. A.I heard B. did I hear C.I had heard D. had I heard 21. —Did you visit the famous museum? —No. We _____ it, but we spent too much time shopping. A. could have visited B. must have visited C. can’t have visited D. shouldn’t have visited 22.We didn’t plan to meet. We met ________ in the street. A. by the way B. by chance C. on purpose D. in surprise 23.The motorcycle competition in the desert, ________ lasted ten days, is over now. A. it B. where C. which D. that 24.---I heard Back Street Boys will sing at the New Theater. ---Where did you ________? A. pick that up B. put that up C. make that up D. take that up 25.—This bag is perfect. Miss, how much does it cost? —________, but I don’t work here. A.I don’t know B. I’m sorry C. Maybe very dear D. You can’t afford it 三、完形填空:(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) Once upon a time, bee-keepers killed their bees every autumn. Why, you 26 ask. Well, the answer is this. To get some 27 , bee-keepers and farmers used to 28 small wooden boxes in a corner of the farmyard. Bees would come and 29 the box with honeycomb. 30 , there was no way of getting the honey out 31 killing the bees. So they used to burn a chemical 32 the box in order to kill the bees and then take the honey. Now, bee-keepers 33 beehives to collect honey. In the beehive there are a number of wooden 34 with spaces between them 35 can be lifted out. In later summer, the squares, which are now 36 of honeycomb are lifted out. The squares are put in 37 special machine and turned round and round very fast for several minutes. Turning the squares round and round 38 this 39 out the honey. Then the honey is collected and 40 jars. After that the empty squares are returned to the hive for the bees to fill with honey the following year. 26. A. need B. may C. should D. must 27. A. honey B. bees C. honeycomb D. space 28. A. put in B. put away C. put off D. put out 29. A. fill B. cover C. supply D. satisfy 30. A. Still B. And C. However D. So 31. A. for B. in C. by D. without 32. A. on B. close to C. in the front of D. far from 33. A. want B. take C. use D. expect 34. A. squares B. boxes C. sticks D. bowls 35. A. many B. they C. it D. which 36. A. full B. filled C . afraid D. emptied


高一英语第一次月考试题 一.单项选择 1 He commanded that the students_____ the classroom before he returned. A.didn’t leave B.wouldn’t leave C.needn’t leave D. not leave 2 ---What do you think ______an important part in their lives? ---Folk music. A. plays B. takes C makes D.acts 3 I was so excited as to ________ for the whole night. A. hold awake B. stay awake C. hold wake D. stay wake 4 it rains tomorrow, we’ll start out. A. If B. As if C. Even if D. Even 5 The policeman asked with the old women. A. what the matter was B. what was the matter C. what matter was D. what was the wrong 6 get a good seat, he set out early after supper. A. In order to B. So that C. So as to D. In order that 7 China Daily is ____ a newspaper, for it can also serve as a useful textbook for English study. A. more than B. more or less C. less than D. more and more 8 _____ of the students who took part in the military training is 450. A. A number B. A lot C. Lots D. The number 9 He realized she was crying ________ what he had said. A. because B. because of C. as D. since 10 ------You haven’t done it well. ------ But I tried my best and did it___ the way_____ I think is the best. A. in; which B. /; in which C. by; in that D. in; / 11 It is so nice to hear from her, ___, we last met more than 30 years ago. A. what’s more B. that’s to say C. in other words D. believe it or not 12. When we visited Zhangzhuang again ten years later, we found it changed so much that we could hardly ________ it. A. remember B. think about C. believe D. recognize 13.The policeman warned the drive ________ so carelessly. A. never to drive B. to never drive C. to not drive D. doesn’t drive 14. The office ordered his soldiers ________. A. to stand still B. to not stand still C. not stand still D. stand still 15.Xiao Hong worked harder last year. _______ , she still didn’t get high grades. A. As a result B. After all C. By the way D. However 16. Please tell me the way you thought of _______ the garden. A. take care of B. to take care of C. taking care of D. to take care 17 When I met the little boy_______,I found he was clever. A.the first time B. for the first time C. the first D. for the first 18 It is on 1st September________students go back to school every year. A. when B. that C. who D.what 19 They get along_______with each other because they often quarrel. A.well B.nicely C.badly D.bad 20 With the development of the society, I think________important to learn English well. A. that B. this C. it D.one
