


1.None job is easy enough for him to do.

2.Every of them has a copy of the handbook.

3.Who’s the young man playing a violin?

4.I feel very asleep now because I didn’t sleep well last night.

5.You are wanted by the phone.

6.Better don’t leave your litt le daughter by herself at home.

7.Do you still remember the house there we used to play?

8.She stopped cry and told me what had happened.

9. A language can only be learned with using it.

10.The police works hard day and night for the safety of the people.

11.I used to having a drink before going to bed.

12.She’s very ill but the doctor won’t give her away.

13. All needs to be done should be done quickly.

14. Fish can’t live there’s no water.

15. He came to the party without invited.

16. He raised his noise in order to be heard by us all.

17. I have no clean clothes and have to have the dirty clothes washing.

18. The ground is covered with falling leaves.

19. Man can now travel in the space.

20. Usually in the beginning of class, we read aloud our texts.

21. Three-fourths of the apple were eaten by the rat.

22. The boy was sent to hospital with one of his legs breaking.

23. I have made this clear to her that her job is very important.

24. I once suggested that we students must be given more free time.

25. I had hardly set out than it began to rain.

26. It was as he was ill that he missed the chance.

27. I have never seen a snake so thick as a log.

28. How I hope I hadn’t missed the lecture yesterday.!

29. My home town has taken on a new look. How great it has changed !

30. He didn’t marry with my sister until he was thirty.

31. I don’t suppose he will be back in six.

32. Their football team has won ours several times.

33. Do you know our team leader we call him Big Wang?

34. We’d like see your birthd ay present.

35. She reached early in order to sit in the front.

36. In the end of the class, the teacher taught us an English song.

37. We all find it difficulty to learn physics.

38. I t is known to all that Lu Xun died in 30’s.

39. Is it true that some Germen will come to our school next week?

40. We shall never forget what that the headmaster said at yesterday’s meeting.

41. My brother didn’t stop play outside until my mother called him.

42. The students were praised because having made rapid progress.

43. It is I who is right.

44. Is this the pen you bought it last Sunday?

45. John looks much like his mother than his father.

46. I t was happened that he was not at home when we called.

47. It’s very nice for you to help me with that heavy bag.

48. My son isn’t old enough not to go to school.

49. I didn’t think it one of the best films that has ever been shown here this year.

50. Each of the students in our class have got such a dictionary.

51. It is the soldier which was wounded in that battle.

52. I have to get up early tomorrow so that I catch the first bus.

53. She left her hometown to Shanghai early this morning.

54. He will be well again in three days’ time . I hope you to take it easy.

55. We make him our monitor, but he refused.

56. She knows quite a few English words, she’s only a girl of six.

57. From this fact we can see that one shouldn’t be too sure of oneself.

58. His advice how to improve our writing sounds reasonable.

59. There are such many mistakes in his homework.

60. You see what clever the boy is.

13.61. They kept on coming to the hospital and see him.

62. I don’t think the TV set took him so much money.

63. He’s getting old. He doesn’t eat as many as before.

64. Why not stopping for a rest under that tree?

65. Your voice sounds quite different in the phone.

66. It’s very nice for you to help me.

67. Who’s younger, Rose and Mary?

68. Could you tell me when he has arrived?

69. I’m sorry I have such little money on me.

70. By that time, she had falled asleep.

71. I can’t decide if to go and see him or not.

72. I won’t believe it until I had seen it myself.

73. Let me fit the new clothes in my son.

74. The fact which he gave up smoking delighted his wife.

75. The young man looks strange on that suit.

76. Do you know who is in the charge of the children here?

77. I need a cloth to wipe out the mud with.

78. All he could do were to go back home.

79. Thank you for the pleasing evening.

80. I was told to go there at once, that I followed.

81. Why worry? I t’s nothing serious.

82. It’s years after I painted a picture.

83. He ran in and told us the excited news.

84. As a student, I didn’t use to playing football.

85. All the work here was done by hands.

86. Excuse me, shall I have the word with you?

87. He is not here. He can have gone to the library.

88. The dress my aunt bought me isn’t fit me.

89. I t was raining hard and he prevented from going out.

90. You’d better not have the machine work too long.

91. Having read the magazine, so he put it in its place.

92. The woman stands there is a friend of my mother’ s.

93. Food, such as rice and vegetables , have been wasted a lot by the students.

94. Much have been done about the pollution.

95. There will be a lot of more people in this developing area.

96. The sun’s light and heat make possible for plants to grow better.

97. Does the air in this city use to be very dirty?

98. His parents prevented him from sent to Tibet.

99. Mary had her hair burning while doing cooking.

100. Plastics is used to taking the place of wood in many fields.


1.None→ No

2.Every→ Each

3.a→ the

4.asleep→ sleepy

5.by→ on

6.don’t→ not

7.there→ where

8.cry→ crying

9.with→ by

10.works→ work

11.works→ work

12.away→ up

13.A ll→ All that

14.live→ if live

15.invited→ being invited

16.noise→ voice

17.washing→ washed

18.falling→ fallen

19.drop→ the

20.in→ at

21.were→ was

22.breaking→ broken

23.this→ it

24.must→ should

25.than→ when

26.as→ because

27.s o→ as

28.hadn’t missed→didn’t miss

29.great→ greatly

30.drop “with”

31.in→ at

32.won→ beat

33.drop “him”

34.see→ look at

35.reached→ arrived

36.In→ At

37.difficulty→ difficult

38.in→ in his

39.Germen→ Germans

40.drop “that”

41.play→ playing

42.because→ for

43.is→ am

44.drop “it”

45.much→ more

46.drop “was”

47.for→ of

48.drop “not”

49.has→ have

50.have→ has

51.which→ that

52.catch→ can catch

53.to→ for

54.drop “to”

55.drop “monitor”

56.she’s→though she’

57.oneself→ himself

58.how→ on how

59.such→ so

60.what→ how

61.see→ seeing

62.took→ cost

63.many→ much

64.stopping→ stop

65.in→ on

66.for→ of

67.and→ or

68.drop “has”

69.such→ so

70.falled→ fallen

71.if→ whether

72.had→ have

73.in→ on

74.which→ that

75.on→ in

76.drop “the”

77.a cloth→ a piece of cloth

78.were→ was

79.pleasing→ pleasant

80.that→ so

81.worry→ worried

82.after→ since

83.excited→ exciting

84.playing→ play

85.hands→ hand

86.the→ a

87.can→ may


89.preve nted→ was prevented

90.work→ working

91.drop → so

92.stands→ standing

93.have→ has

94.have→ has

95.drop “of”

96.make→ make it

97.Do es→ Did

98.sent→ being sent

99.burn ing→ burned

100.taking→ take


小学高段修改病句专项练习 一、病句的几种类型: 1.成分残缺:即句子中缺少了某些必要成分,句子意思表达不清楚。 例:他受坏思想的影响,走上了犯罪。 2.搭配不当:即句子中的某两个成分或某两个词语错误搭配。 例:教室里人声混乱,老师讲的什么,谁也没有听清。 3.用词不当:即句子里使用的词语不恰当。 例:锯是鲁班发现的。 4.词序颠倒:即句子里的词没有按照规律和表达意思的需要来排列。 例:历史博物馆里展出了两千多年前新出土的文物。 5.重复罗嗦:即句子里出现多余成分,显得语句罗嗦、累赘。 例:我觉得这是想得不对的错误想法。 6.概念不清:即句中的意思含糊不清,令人不解、混淆。 例:造纸是中国的四大发明。 7.前后矛盾:即句子前后意思不一致。 例:我肯定李琳大概是生病了。 8.分类不当:即句子中把不是一类的归为了一类。 例:篮子里有青菜、萝卜、葡萄、西红柿等蔬菜。 二、改病句的三个步骤 1、读句子、理句意 2、查排审、找病因 3、改句子、保原意(改得少、改得巧) 三、修改大练兵 分类练习 (一)成份残缺: 1.光荣的成了中国共产党。 2.经过半年的努力,终于赶上来了。 3.大家在操场上愉快地做。 4.雷锋全心全意为人民服务永远激励着我们前进。 5.完成了老师布置的作业。 6.盖起了一幢又一幢的高楼。 7.我们肩负着建设社会主义祖国。

(二)用词不当 1.我们热烈庆祝小红同学被评上“三好”队员。 2.这座桥不但坚硬,而且美观。 3.经过大家的努力,我们的学习成绩大大增加了。 4.小气象员坚持每天考察天气的变化。 5.上课了,徐老师举了不少有趣的例子和故事。 6.我们要端正学习目的,明确学习态度。 7.我们一定坚持光荣的革命传统。 8.我们养成了饭前便后洗手的风气。 9.犯了错误,要决心改进。 (三)搭配不当 1.昨天的值日生把教室打扫得整整齐齐。 2.“六一”节那天,同学们穿着新艳的衣服和红领巾到学校参加庆祝活动。3.城外耸立着一座小巧的房子。 4.我们要继承和发扬老一辈的革命事业。 (四)重复罗嗦 1.大约有50个左右的人,参加了会议。 2.我们学校有一千多个同学们。 3.我才不怕这些坏蛋们呢? 4.弟弟拿着一束美丽、漂亮的花儿。 5.五颜六色的彩旗在空中迎风飘扬。 6.他是咱班最爱劳动的劳动积极分子。 7.我有另外别的打算。 (五)词序颠倒 1.黄继光献出了自己光荣的生命 2.他从挎包里取出了一叠厚厚的人民币。 3.夏天的江南农村是一年中农事最繁忙的季节。 4.爷爷过的一生都是俭朴生活。 5.我们要发扬并继承艰苦奋斗的光荣传统。


(一)成分残缺 1.主语残缺。 误用介词(“通过”或“经过”等)或动词“使”,导致主语丢失。 例句1:通过学习雷锋的感人事迹,使我明白了许多做人的道理。 例句2:经过昨夜一场大雨,使空气清新多了。 这两个句子都缺少主语,修改方法有两种:一种是去掉“通过”或者去掉“经过”,让“学习雷锋的感人事迹”、“昨夜一场大雨”分别做两个句子的主语;另一种修改方法是去掉动词“使”,让“我”、“空气”分别做两个句子的主语。 2.谓语残缺 复杂的短语作句子的宾语,这个宾语中有动词,在这种情况下,容易误认为是 全句的谓语,造成谓语中心语丢失。 例句1:朱老师在去教室的时候,突然有一位老人面带笑容迎面走来。 例句2:在进一步深化改革的时候,各个单位都要建立建全必要的规章制度工作。 例句1的宾语部分有个动词“有”,它不是主语“朱老师”发出的动作,因此 它不是句子的谓语,应在“突然”的后面补上谓语动词“看见”或“发现”。 例句2中“建立建全”也不是全句的谓语,应在“各个单位都要”的后面补上 谓语动词“做好”,也可以直接去掉“工作”,让“建立建全”做句子的谓语 中心语。 3.宾语残缺 偏正短语作宾语时,容易将宾语中心词丢失。 例句:国家、社会、家庭依法保障适龄儿童接受义务教育。 这个句的动词“保障”的宾语缺少中心语“权利”,误把“权利”的修饰语 “适龄儿童接受义务教育”当做“保障“的宾语。 (二)搭配不当 1.主谓搭配不当 例句1:他那崇高的革命品质,经常浮现在我的脑海中。 “崇高的革命品质”不能说“浮现”,改为“伟大的革命形象” 例句2:学校的教学成绩显著,多次受到教育局表彰。

受到表彰的应是“学校”,而不是“教学成绩”,应修改为:学校教学成绩显著,多次受到教育局表彰。 2.动宾搭配不当 例句:我又看到了阔别多年的乡亲那熟悉憨厚的笑容和亲切爽朗的笑声。 “笑声”不能说“看到”,应改为:我又看到了阔别多年的乡亲那熟悉憨厚的 笑容,听到了他们那亲切爽朗的笑声。 3.修饰语和中心语搭配不当 例句:院子里充满了复杂的声音。 “复杂”不能修饰“声音”,应将它改为“嘈杂” 4.主宾搭配不当 例句:春天的四川是一个美丽的季节。 主语“四川”与宾语“季节”不搭配,应将“春天的四川”改为“四川的春天”。 (三)语序不当 例句1:由于产品质量提高了,近年来我国电视机的出口深受东南亚国家的欢迎。 例句2:每个同学将来都希望成为有用的人才。 例句1中受欢迎的应是“出口的电视机”,不是“电视机的出口”。 例句2“将来都希望”应改为“都希望将来”。 (四)不合逻辑 1.前后不一致 句子中使用“能否”、“是否”、“高低”、“成败”等肯定与否定混用的词,造成句子前后表意不一致。 例句:能否刻苦钻研是提高学习成绩的关键。 例句中“能否刻苦钻研”既表肯定,又表否定,后面“提高学习成绩”只表肯定,前后不一致。修改:去掉“能否”。 2.否定不当 表否定意义的词(如:防止、杜绝、避免、禁止、否认、忌等)与否定词“不”连用,把意思说反了。


专业英语八级改错练习题及答案解析(30) Why does the idea of progress loom so large in the modern world? Surely because progress of particular kind is actually taking place around us and is more and more manifesting. Although mankind has undergone no general improvement in intelligence or morality, it has made extraordinary progress in the accumulation of knowledge. Knowledge begins to increase as soon as the thoughts of one individual could be communicated to another by mean of speech. With the invention of writing, knowledge could be communicated and stored. Libraries made education possible, and education in turn added libraries: the growth of knowledge followed a kind of compound-interest law, which was greatly enhanced by the invention of printing. All this was comparatively slow until, with the coming of science, the tempo was suddenly risen. Then knowledge began to be accumulated according to a systematic plan.However, as soon as new knowledge is acquired, it is now turned to practical account. What is called “modern civilization” is not the result of a balanced development of all man’s nature, but not of accumulated knowledge applied to practical life. The problem now facing humanity is: What is going to be done with all this knowledge? Like is often pointed out, knowledge is a two edged weapon which could be used equally for good or evil. It is now being frequently used indifferently for both. Could any spectacle, for instance, be more grimly whimsical than that gunners using science to shatter men’s bodies while, clo se at hand, surgeons use it to restore them. 1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 ________ 5 ________ 6 ________ 7 ________ 8 ________ 9 ________ 10 _______


单句改错及答案 默认分类 2007-06-19 09:56:24 阅读286 评论2 字号:大中小订阅 单句改错 ( 1 ) 1、 Chuck is a businessman who is always very busy that he has little time for his friends. 2、 The number of people who learns English as a foreign language is more than 750 millions. 3、 Except the differences in spelling, written English is more or less the same in both British and American English. 4、 You will get close to the nature and take exercise at the same time. 5、 You should not go rafting if you know how to swim. 6、 The teacher told the students not to look out the window. 7、 How many pages have you read 8、 In the Bronze Age, people could make tools from copper and bronze. 9、 It’s useless try to argue with Shylock. 10、 After five hours’ drive, they reached where they thought was the place they’d been dreaming of. ( 2 ) 11、 Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty expressing in art and architecture. 12、 It is said that the weather will last hot for another three or four days. 13、 The teacher wanted to speak to the student about her writing, he sent another student to tell her to his office. 14、 When I entered the classroom, I saw some strangers seating at the back. 15、 Don’t treat that the students do in their spare time as something


精品文档小学三年级语文句子改错练习题一、词语重复、我们要改掉挑食、偏食的坏习惯。1 、下雨了,我们撑着五颜六色的红伞回家。2 、商场里有各种各样种类繁多的玩具。3 、我把老师布置的所有一切作业都做完了。4 、他首先第一个举手发言。5 、他兴冲冲地跑进教室,兴高采烈地宣布了明天春游的好消息。6 、树上结满了许许多多数不清的果子。7 、满山遍野到处开满了花。8 9、弟弟拿着一束漂亮、美丽的鲜花。 50个左右的人参加这次会议。10、大约有二、成分残缺 1、每天早上去公园锻炼身体。 2、老师和我去医院看望。、接到“三好学生”奖状,高兴极了。3 、品品从小养成了讲卫生。4 、为了班集体,做了很多好事。5 、我们学校的诗歌朗诵比赛。6 、艰难地向高峰攀登。7 8、小朋友都应该专心听讲的好习惯。 9、在第二十八届运动上,我国体育健儿顽强拼搏的精神。 10、只有努力学习,就能取得好成绩。三、用词不当、我要连续努力,争取更大进步。1 、我把教室打扫得整整齐齐。2 3、我们要做到节约用水的好习惯。、联欢会上,大家表演了一个个精致的节目。4 5、我们应该爱护时间。、小红家培养了一只可爱的小花猫。6精品文档. 精品文档 7、老师带领同学们去参加少儿船模展览。 8、少先队员们十分爱惜大自然。 9、人们的生活水平比过去增加了。 10、锯是鲁班发现的。 四、词序颠倒 1、语文对我很感兴趣。 2、悦耳动听的歌声被我的思路打断了。 3、春天的北京是一个美丽的季节。 4、他完成了一次又一次的艰巨任务。 5、他把小女孩一口气背到了医院。 6、小周接受了虚心地同学们的建议。 7、这篇好文章对他很感兴趣。 8、老师在课堂上应该发挥学生的充分的作用。 9、不但她好好学习,而且还帮助其它同学。 五、词语搭配不当 1、在联欢会上,我听到悦耳的歌声和优美的舞蹈。 2、星期天,我在家里写了一篇文章和一幅图画。 3、他的写作水平明显改进了。 4、改革开放以来,人民的生活有了明显的提高。 5、既然你来了,我也该走了。 6、农民伯伯在山坡上种了许多欣欣向荣的果树。 7、只有好好听课,好好完成作业,学习成绩就能大幅度提高。 8、同学们把教室打扫得干干净净、整整齐齐。 9、自己有双聪明能干的手,什么都能造出来。 10、解放军多次抢险救灾,保护了人民群众生命财产的安全。 六、前后矛盾 1、我估计他这道题目肯定做错了。 2、他的一双手几乎完全冻僵了。


英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析 About half of the infant and maternal deaths in developing countries could be avoided if women had used family planning methods to prevent high risk ____1____ pregnancies, according to a report publishing recently by the Johns Hopking ____2____ University. The report indicates that 5.6 million infant deaths and 2,000,000 maternal Deaths could be prevented this year if women chose to have theirs children ____3____ within the safest years with adequate intervals among births and limited their ____4____ families to moderate size. This amounts to about half of the 9.8 million infant and 370.000 maternal deaths in developing countries, excluded China, estimated for this year by ____5____ the United Nation’s Children’s Fund and the US Centers for Disease Control respectably. China was excluded because very few births occur in the high ____6____


高考语法填空和短文改错单句训练(形容词)(带答案) 一.语法填空单句训练 1.Recent studies show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks ______ (regular). 2.It ____________(regular) arranges quick getaways here for people living in Shanghai and Hong Kong. 3. It gives out that heat ________( slow) during cool nights 4. Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is________(clean) than ever. 5. While there are _________(amaze) stories of instant transformation, 6. Some of them looked very anxious and _____(disappoint) . 7. Five others on the bus began talking about what the boy had done and the crowd of strangers ________(sudden) became friendly to one another. 8. A table for meat is ____________(actual) behind the change. 9. However, be________ (care)not to go to extremes. 10. The Central London Railway was one of the most_____ (success) of these new lines, and was opened in 1900. 11. From tomorrow, I will be their U.K. ambassador. The title will be ___________(official) given to me at a ceremony in London. 12. Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs which ___________(gradual) turned into chopsticks. 13. I enjoyed studying____________ (difference) kinds of cars and planes. 14. At one time, I even felt my parents couldn't understand me so 1 hoped I could be_______(freely)from them. 15. How nice to see you again! Dad and I were_________ (terrible) worried. 16. Even (bad), the amount of fast food that people eat goes up. 17. It must have been___ __(fair)unpleasant for the passengers, with all the smoke and noise. 18.It is _________ (certain) fun but the lifestyle is a little unreal. 19.You should take a step back and identify(识别)those of _______ (great) and less importance. 20. We had made our reservation six months______ (early), but the man at the front desk said there had been a mistake.


小学语文修改病句的8大方法 常见病句的8大类型 01 成分残缺 句子里缺少了某些必要的成分,意思表达就不完整,不明确。 病句:上课的时候,做小动作,被老师批评。 解析:这道题我们不知道是谁被老师批评,是谁上课,读起来特别的怪,这类题要用到我们的口诀1了。根据口诀1:在被的前面加上小明、也可以在上课的前面加上小明、也可以在做小动作前加小明,只要语句通顺都可以。 应改为:上课的时候,做小动作,小明被老师批评。 02 用词不当 由于对词义理解不清,就容易在词义范围大小、褒贬等方面用得不当,特别是近义词,关联词用错,造成病句。 病句:小明兴奋得张牙舞爪,一溜烟跑回家去了。 解析:这种题又是“披着羊皮的狼”题,我们又不是怪物凭什么张牙舞爪呀,那多难看呀,我

们要变成可爱的小天使。根据口诀6:把“张牙舞爪”换成“手舞足蹈”即可。 应改为:小明兴奋得手舞足蹈,一溜烟跑回家去了。 03 重复啰嗦、成分累赘 在句子中,所用的词语的意思重复了,显得罗嗦累赘。 病句1:我忍不住不禁笑了起来。 解析:这是一道两个意思相近的词语混用的病句。根据口诀2:忍不住和不禁任意去掉一个即可。 应改为:我忍不住笑了起来。 病句2:那个房间非常宽敞得很。 解析:根据口诀2,去掉“非常”或“得很”。 应改为:那个房间非常宽敞。 04 搭配不当 在句子中某些词语在意义上不能相互搭配或者是搭配起来不合事理,违反了语言的习惯,造成了病句。 病句1:我们要热爱公共财产。 解析:这道题是热爱和财产的不当搭配问题。根据口诀3:财产只能和保护搭配,不能和热

爱搭配。(热爱只能生活搭配)。 应改为:我们要保护公共财产。 病句2:经过努力,我的学习态度提高了。 解析:这道题是态度和提高的不当搭配问题。根据口诀3:水平只能和提高搭配,不能和态度搭配。(态度和能改善搭配)。 应改为:经过努力,我的学习水平提高了。 05 词序颠倒 在一般情况下,一句话里面的词序是固定的,词序变了,颠倒了位置,句子的意思就会发生变化,甚至造成病句。 病句1:我们要认真克服并善于发现学习上的毛病。 解析:这是词语排列的顺序出现了错误。应该是先发现了毛病,我们才能去克服它。而不是克服了以后才发现到毛病。根据口诀4:把“并”字前后两边的词语进行调换即可。 应改为:我们要善于发现并认真克服学习上的毛病。 病句2:我们必须发扬和坚持刻苦学习的精神。 解析:应将“发扬和坚持”改为“坚持和发扬”。 应改为:我们必须坚持和发扬刻苦学习的精神。


2012年3月专八真题:改错部分 The central problem of translating has always been whether to translate literally or freely.The argument has been going since at least the first (1) ______ century .Up to the beginning of the 19th century, many writers favoured certain kind of “free” translation: the spirit, not the letter; the (2) _______ sense not the word; the message rather the form; the matter not (3) _______ the manner.This is the often revolutionary slogan of writers who (4) _______ wanted the truth to be read and understood.Then in the turn of the 19th (5) ____ century, when the study of cultural anthropology suggested that the linguistic barriers were insuperable and that the language (6) _______ was entirely the product of culture, the view translation was impossible (7) _____ gained some currency, and with it that, if was attempted at all, it must be as (8) __ literal as possible.This view culminated the statement of the (9) _______ extreme “literalists” Walter Benjamin and Vladimi r Nobokov. The argument was theoretical: the purpose of the translation, the nature of the readership, the type of the text, was not discussed.Too often, writer, translator and reader were implicitly identified with each other. Now, the context has changed, and the basic problem remains.(10) _____ 参考答案: 1.going后加on 2.certain改为a certain 3.rather改为not 4.is 改为was


单句改错综合练习1 1.I hold my lunch-box in my hand when I was going to school. 2.Then I invited Li Ming over in my place. We listen to my CDs together and soon became best friends. 3.Since then----we had been allowing tomatoes to self seed where they please 4. As she did this, lots of tea splashed on his T-shirt. 5. And after many attempts, she passed her driving test and told her husband that, to celebrate, he was going to drive him over to France for a holiday. 6..)I learned early in life that I had to be more patient and little aggressive. 7.. Unfortunate, I had an accident and hit another car. . . 8. I was really disappointed and about to leave when he walked out a building. 9.Luckily I had all my money on my pocket. 10. After we left, I said, “That w as very nice of you, Mother. So I didn’t think she looked like Grandma. ”“Neither did I, ”said Mother cheerfully. 11.I didn’t have my camera with me at that time, but I rushed back


小学三年级语文句子改错练习题 一、词语重复 1、我们要改掉挑食、偏食的坏习惯。 2、下雨了,我们撑着五颜六色的红伞回家。 3、商场里有各种各样种类繁多的玩具。 4、我把老师布置的所有一切作业都做完了。 5、她首先第一个举手发言。 6、她兴冲冲地跑进教室,兴高采烈地宣布了明天春游的好消息。 7、树上结满了许许多多数不清的果子。 8、满山遍野到处开满了花。 9、弟弟拿着一束漂亮、美丽的鲜花。 10、大约有50个左右的人参加这次会议。 二、成分残缺 1、每天早上去公园锻炼身体。 2、老师与我去医院瞧望。 3、接到“三好学生”奖状,高兴极了。 4、品品从小养成了讲卫生。 5、为了班集体,做了很多好事。 6、我们学校的诗歌朗诵比赛。 7、艰难地向高峰攀登。 8、小朋友都应该专心听讲的好习惯。 9、在第二十八届运动上,我国体育健儿顽强拼搏的精神。 10、只有努力学习,就能取得好成绩。 三、用词不当 1、我要连续努力,争取更大进步。 2、我把教室打扫得整整齐齐。 3、我们要做到节约用水的好习惯。 4、联欢会上,大家表演了一个个精致的节目。 5、我们应该爱护时间。 6、小红家培养了一只可爱的小花猫。 7、老师带领同学们去参加少儿船模展览。

8、少先队员们十分爱惜大自然。 9、人们的生活水平比过去增加了。 10、锯就是鲁班发现的。 四、词序颠倒 1、语文对我很感兴趣。 2、悦耳动听的歌声被我的思路打断了。 3、春天的北京就是一个美丽的季节。 4、她完成了一次又一次的艰巨任务。 5、她把小女孩一口气背到了医院。 6、小周接受了虚心地同学们的建议。 7、这篇好文章对她很感兴趣。 8、老师在课堂上应该发挥学生的充分的作用。 9、不但她好好学习,而且还帮助其它同学。 五、词语搭配不当 1、在联欢会上,我听到悦耳的歌声与优美的舞蹈。 2、星期天,我在家里写了一篇文章与一幅图画。 3、她的写作水平明显改进了。 4、改革开放以来,人民的生活有了明显的提高。 5、既然您来了,我也该走了。 6、农民伯伯在山坡上种了许多欣欣向荣的果树。 7、只有好好听课,好好完成作业,学习成绩就能大幅度提高。 8、同学们把教室打扫得干干净净、整整齐齐。 9、自己有双聪明能干的手,什么都能造出来。 10、解放军多次抢险救灾,保护了人民群众生命财产的安全。 六、前后矛盾 1、我估计她这道题目肯定做错了。 2、她的一双手几乎完全冻僵了。 3、我今天上午瞧了一天的书。 4、我猜想她肯定就是一个六年级学生。 5、今年春天的这场秋雨下得真不就是时候。 6、这个养猪场养的猪不少于 500 头左右。


2017年英语专业八级考试改错模拟测试 题及答案5 I think it is true to saying that, in general, language teachers (26) have paid little attention to the way sentences are used in combination to form stretches of disconnected discourse. They have tended to take (27) their cue from the grammarian and have concentrated to the teaching (28) of sentences as self-contained units. It is true that these are often represented in "contexts" and strung together in dialogues and (29) reading passages, but these are essentially setting to make the formal properties of the sentences stand out more clearly, properties which are then established in the learners brain(30) by means of practice drill and exercises. Basically, the language teaching unit is the (31)


单句改错题及答案 1. three clothes ( three suits of clothes) 2. four trousers ( four pairs of trousers) 3. a bread (a loaf) 4. a work (a job)8. two advice ( two pieces of advice) 9. a clothing ( an article of clothing)10. three furniture ( three pieces of furniture) 11. a news (a piece of news)12. We are all paid by (the) hour. 13. It was (on) National Day of 1986 that they got married. 14. The Spring Festival is drawing nearly. (near) 15. We had (a) very cold winter last year. 17. Allen usually has the lunch in his company. (去the) 18. Can you play the football? (去the) 19. Y ou did me such great a kindness. (such-----so) 20. Jasmine is (a) popular tea in the east of China. 21. There was (a) heavy snow last night. 25. Please write with (a) pen. 或in pen 34. Frank is (an) honest boy, as everybody can see. 35. It was quite (an) experience when we were traveling in the African forest. 36. In the past a few years, we have made great achievements in our project. (去a) 38. I have one such a friend. (去a). 42. Let’s see who gets there the first. (去the) 43. Try the second time and you’ll succeed. (the ---a) 44. I’ll never forget that the first lesson taught by Mr. Wang. (去the) 45. Have you read his the second novel? (去the) 48. Two-thirds of (the) students are from America. 49. A quarter of the pear are eaten. (is) 50. The new playground is three time as large as the old one. (times) 51. The number of policewomen have increased twice more than it was five years ago. (has) 54. The population of China is more than that of the US by over 6 times. (larger) 55. Two hundreds students have passed the examination. (hundred) 56. There is a ten-metres-wide hole in the wall. (ten-metre-wide) 58. David is in the thirties. (his) 59. Judy is Tony’s the second daughter. (去the) 60. We are looking forward to the third trip to the West Lake. (a) 66. They used to growing flowers. (growing----grow) 67. This book is worth of being read.( of being read----reading或worth---worthy) 68. I'm sorry to have kept you waited so long.(waited----waiting) 69. They went there on foot instead of bus.(bus前加by) 70. His children as well as his wife was invited to the party.(was----were) 71. The boy broke (his) arm when he fell off the tree. 73. Linda hit George in his face. (the) 74. Little Jimmy pulled his mother by her sleeves. (the) 75. This magazine is not my magazine. My magazine is an old one. (Mine) 81. Who of you is willing to follow me? (Which) 82. How much is the price? (What) 83. Where is your address? (What)


小学五年级语文句子改错专项练习题 五年级语文句子改错专项练习题 1.造纸是我国古代的四大发明。 2.《林海》这篇课文的作者是老舍先生写的。 3.他穿了灰色上衣,一顶蓝帽子。 4.一进幼儿园,我就看见了一张张可爱的小脸和一阵阵动听的歌声。 5.大扫除开始了,男女老少都参加,男的干重活,老的少的干轻活。 6.这篇文章的内容比较优美。 7.夏天的庐山是美丽的风景。 8.小王用的毛笔写字非常漂亮。 9.她焦急地等待着汽车开来的方向。 10.列车沿着铁路在戈壁滩上奔腾。 11.联欢会上,同学们唱了许多动听的歌和舞蹈。 12.劳动开始了,男的女的都参加,男的、年轻的干重活,女的、年老的干轻活。 13.秋天的田野一片迷人的景色,金黄的稻谷,雪白的棉花,碧绿的麦苗,多使人喜爱呀! 14.我们班的好人好事和李刚助人为乐的好事,受到了学校的表扬。 15.晚霞把山峰、田野、村庄、大地映红了。 16.所有的全校师生都参加了植树劳动。

17.多读好书,可以丰富和提高我们的知识。 18.妈妈的工作养成了认真的好习惯。 19.我估计他这道题一定不会做。 20.夏天的小兴安岭是一年中的季节。 21.这学期,我校开展了“手拉手”的热潮。 22.我校分别在教室里和球场上举行篮球比赛和智力竞赛。 23.在“庆祝元旦”联欢会上,我们班上演出了文娱节目和舞蹈。 24.邻居家的小弟弟不仅年纪小,而且很懂事。 25.国庆节的夜晚,大街小巷,张灯结彩,非常热烈。 26.听了报告,受到了教育。 27.早稻熟透了,田野像铺上了绿色的地毯。 28.我忍不住不禁笑了起来。 29.我经常看到小明有时在早锻炼。 30.小兴安岭的夏天真美丽。 31.少先队员发挥革命传统。 32.因为老舍爱养花,而且养了许多花。 33.妈妈买了水果、桃、苹果,还有巧克力。 34.他喊他出去玩。 35.每个小学生都应该上课专心听讲的好习惯。 36.言行不一致的人是一种极坏的作风。 37.乌云和大雨一起从空中倾泻下来。 38.墨绿的麦苗舒展着嫩叶。


英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(一) About half of the infant and maternal deaths in developing countries could be avoided if women had used family planning methods to prevent high risk ____1____ pregnancies, according to a report publishing recently by the Johns Hopking ____2____ University. The report indicates that 5.6 million infant deaths and 2,000,000 maternal Deaths could be prevented this year if women chose to have theirs children ____3____ within the safest years with adequate intervals among births and limited their ____4____ families to moderate size. This amounts to about half of the 9.8 million infant and 370.000 maternal deaths in developing countries, excluded China, estimated for this year by ____5____ the United Nation?s Children?s Fund and the US Centers for Disease Control respectably. China was excluded because very few births occur in the high ____6____ risk categories. The report says that evidences from around the world shows the risk of ____7____ maternal or infant ill and death is the highest in four specific types of ____8_____ pregnancy; pregnancies before the mother is 18 year old; those after the ____9____ mother is 35 years old; pregnancies after four births; and those lesser than ____10____ two years apart. 参考答案及解析: 1 将had used 改为used。因为此句是虚拟语气,表示与现在事实相反,故条件从句中应使用一般过去时。例如:Many would be wise if they did not think themselves wise. 许多人原本会成为聪明人-如果他们不自以为聪明的话。 2 将publishing改为published;report和publish时逻辑动宾关系,故应使用publish的过去分词短语来修饰report。例如:Any discovery that we may make, however small, will remain acquired knowledge. 任何可能的发现,不管多么微不足道,都将成为知识宝库中的一部分。 3 将theirs改为their; 4 将among改为between;在两次怀孕期间留出足够的间隔时间,故用between。 5 将过去分词excluded改为介词excluding。excluding意为“不包括…” 6 将respectably改为respectively;respectively 意为“分别地”,符合句子的意思。而respectably 意为“可敬的,值得尊敬地”。 7将evidences改为evidence。evidence是不可数名词。 8将ill改为illness。 9将year改为years。 10将lesser改为less 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(二) “Home, sweet home” is a phrase that express an essential attitude in the United States. Whether the reality of life in the family house is sweet or no sweet, the cherished ideal of home _____1_____ has great importance for many people. This ideal is a vital part of the American dream. This dream, dramatized in the history of nineteenth century European settlers of American West, was to find a piece of place, build a house _____2_____
