




VIII. Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)

My neighbor, Mrs Lee, hurt her back recently so I spent this afternoon helping her tidy up. Afterwards, she offered me some soya milk. I noticed that its packaging was very fashionable and a 71 . ‘Thanks, Mrs Lee. Can you tell me where you got it?’ I asked. ‘Oh, it's from farmfresh330,’ she replied with a smile. ‘I like helping people in need.’Some days later, I googled farmfresh330 to find out more. It is a food shop that opened in 2011as a social company. Like charities, social companies help with social problems like poverty. However, unlike charities, they don't rely on donations(募捐) . I 72 , they sell products to support themselves. The p 73 of farmfresh330 is to offer training and jobs to people recovering from mental illnesses such as depression.

At farmfresh330, you can buy organic fruits and vegetables. These are p 74 by Hong Kong's New Life Farm, another social company helping people with mental health problems. They sell lots of other things, too. In the website photos, there're many great products to c 75 from such as watermelon-flavoured coconut milk and lemongrass tea. Someday I'd like to visit one of farmfresh330's shops. They look very welcoming, with wooden shelves, warm lighting, and friendly blackboard m 76 telling customers about new products.

After googling the web, I discovered a lot of other social companies in Hong Kong. I'm planning to visit them soon. I think it's going to be f 77 to support Hong Kong's social companies.


VIII. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母己给)(14分)

How hard is to learn to read? The challenge is much greater for people with a kind of disease, dyslexia (阅读障碍症). Dyslexia is a reading problem that affects about one out of every ten people.

Dyslexia has nothing to do with intelligence, but Dyslexics have a h______67______ time reading written words. When most children begin to read, they learn the sounds that make up words. Then they connect the sounds to letters and blend the sounds to make words. At last they can r______68______ words they’v e sounded out. But children with dyslexia have trouble remembering the sounds and the letters that go with them.

A______69______ dyslexia can’t be cured, there are ways to help people with dyslexia learn to read. Students can work with a specially-trained teacher to learn how to remember sounds. They can practice how to m______70______ their

mouths to make certain sounds.

Another way to help is to give students stories to read, using a special font (字体). A font is a set of the letters of the alphabet, in a certain style. Christian Boer is a Dutch designer who created a special dyslexic-friendly font called “dyslexic.” Christian has dyslexia, and he wanted to do something to make reading easier for people like him. He made each letter look different, so readers are l______71______ likely to get confused. Christian has won awards for creating this font.

Scientists are studying special dyslexic fonts to decide w______72______ they really help people with dyslexia to read faster and more accurately. So far, the results are mixed. However, scientists are sure that careful font design is an important s______73______ toward helping dyslexics meet their challenges.


VIII. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母己给)(14分)

Impatient people are often seen as proud and self-important. Being impatient can affect your relationships at work and at home negatively (有害地). People will sense anger from you and not like (71)d with you if you are impatient. They might even come to avoid you completely. Impatient people are often seen as making quick decisions as they don't let people communicate fully or find out all the facts first. When you notice you are impatient, you can find some ways to overcome them. Here are two ways that may help you.

Because impatient people are often(72)b and hate to waste time, they sometimes don't leave extra time for small mistakes. This means that they need to be somewhere, they are always doing other tasks (73)t the last minute. They don't leave extra time in case a bus is late, they can't find their car keys or some other (74)p appear. When you need to get somewhere, especially if it is somewhere important, give yourself some extra time. If you arrive early, you can relax or do something then.

Be prepared. If being hungry gets you impatient, keep health bar with you at all times. If you hate sitting around waiting, see to some business on your phone or keep a book to read handy at all times. If you know that you might be (75)s in traffic or wait at the airport, think about what you might need to pass the time. A game might be helpful or even something as (76)s

as a pen and paper to write a letter.

Sometimes patience is about changing out to our place in the world. Don' t believe that your time is more important than (77)a else' s. You can learn to control the emotions you feel when you are impatient and so become a person who is both easier to get on with and enjoys life more.




【小题1】句意:后来,她给了我一些豆浆。我注意到它的包装很时尚,很吸引人。此空与fashionable是并列关系,所以此空应填形容词。根据"Can you tell me where you got it"及首字母可知,这个包装很有吸引力,所以作者才会询问李太太从哪里买的,attractive"吸引人的", 故填(a)ttractive。

【小题2】句意:相反,他们出售产品来养活自己。根据"However, unlike charities, they don't rely on donations"及"they sell products to support themselves"可知,没有依靠募捐,相反靠出售产品来养活自己,instead"相反”, 副词,故填(I)nstead。

【小题3】句意:farmfresh330的目的是为从抑郁症等精神疾病中康复的人提供培训和工作。根据“The . . of farmfresh330 is to offer training and jobs to people recovering from mental illnesses such as depression"及首字母可知,此处指介绍它的目的是什么,purpose"目的", 根据is可知,此空应填单数形式,故填(p)urpose。

【小题4】句意:这些都是由香港的新生活农场提供的,这是另一家帮助有心理健康问题的人的社会公司。根据"These are. by Hong Kong's New Life Farm"及首字母可知,产品是由新生活农场提供的,provide"提供", 根据"by Hong Kong's New LifeFarm"可知,此处用被动语态be done的结构,此空应填过去分词,故填(p)rovided。

【小题5】句意:在网站照片中,有很多很棒的产品可供选择,比如西瓜味椰奶和柠檬草茶。根据“there're many great products to"及首字母可知,有很多很棒的产品可供选择,choose"选择”, 动词不定式to后接动词原形,故填(c)hoose。【小题6】句意:它们看起来很受欢迎,有木制货架,温暖的照明,还有友好的黑板信息告诉顾客新产品。根据"friendly blackboard . . telling customers about new products"及首字母可知,黑板信息告诉顾客新产品的情况,message"信息", 应填复数形式,故填(m)essages。

【小题7】句意:我认为支持香港的社会企业会很有趣。根据"it's going to be . . . to support Hong Kong's social companies"及首字母可知,这样做会很有趣,fun"有乐趣的", 故填(f)un。


67.(h)ard 68.(r)ecognize##(r)ecognise 69.(A)lthough 70.(m)ove 71.(l)ess 72.(w)hether 73.(s)tep

【分析】本文主要关于阅读障碍症,介绍阅读障碍症患者如何阅读书面文字以及能帮助他们阅读的特殊字体。67.句意:阅读困难症与智力无关,但阅读障碍症患者很难阅读书面文字。根据“When most children begin to read, they learn the sounds that make up words.”可知,阅读障碍症患者很难阅读书面文字,hard“困难的”,符合语境。故填(h)ard。68.句意:最后,他们能识别出他们听到的单词。根据“When most children begin to read, they learn the sounds that make up words. Then they connect the sounds to letters and blend the sounds to make words.”可知,阅读障碍症患者通过听声音来识别单词,recogn ize/recognise“识别”,动词,空前有情态动词can,此处填动词原形。故填(r)ecognize/(r)ecognise。69.句意:虽然阅读障碍症无法治愈,但有一些方法可以帮助阅读障碍症患者学习阅读。根据“dyslexia can’t be cured,

there are ways to help people with dyslexia learn to read”可知,此处为让步关系,应用although“尽管”引导让步状语从句。故填(A)lthough。

70.句意:他们可以练习如何移动嘴巴发出特定的声音。根据“They can practice how to...their mouths to make certain sounds.”以及首字母提示可知,此处指移动嘴巴发出特定的声音,move“移动”,动词;how to do sth.“如何做某事”,所以此处填动词原形。故填(m)ove。

71.句意:他让每个字母看起来都不一样,所以读者不太可能感到困惑。根据“He made each letter look different, so readers a re...likely to get confused.”可知,此处指读者不太可能感到困惑,less“更少”,符合语境。故填(l)ess。72.句意:科学家们正在研究特殊的阅读障碍字体,以确定它们是否真的能帮助阅读障碍症患者更快更准确地阅读。根据“Scientists are studying special dyslexic fonts to decide...they really help people with dyslexia to read faster and more accurately.”可知,此处指确定它们是否真的能帮助阅读障碍症患者更快更准确地阅读,whether“是否”。故填(w)hether。73.句意:然而,科学家们确信,细致的字体设计是帮助阅读障碍症患者应对挑战的重要一步。根据“scientists are sure that careful font design is an important...toward helping dyslexics meet their challenges”以及首字母提示可知,此处指细致的字体设计是帮助阅读障碍症患者的重要一步,step“步骤”,名词,空前有an,此处填名词单数。故填(s)tep。


【答案】71. discussing 72. busy 73. till 74. problems 75. stuck 76. simple 77. anybody


71. like后接doing形式,根据句意,人们不喜欢和性格急躁的人交流。

72. 缺形容词,根据句意,急躁的人通常都很忙,并且讨厌浪费时间。

73. 缺介词,根据句意,直到最后一分钟的时候,他们才回去做其他事情。

74. 缺名词,根据句意,They don't leave extra time in case a bus is late, they can't find their car keys这些都是他们会遇到的问题,所以这一空填problems合适。

75. 根据句意,“如果你知道你可能会堵车或者是在机场等待”,be stuck in”堵车”。

76. 缺形容词,根据句意,填simple,“像笔,纸张”这类简便的东西。

77. 根据句意,“不要总是以为你的时间比其他人的珍贵”,缺代词,“任何人”。


上海市虹口区 2021-2023年中考英语二模试卷分类汇编 首字母填空 2023年上海市虹口区中考二模英语试卷 VIII. Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词, 首字母已给)(共14分) 14-year-old Sasha lives in Maryland. In August 2021, he lost a good friend. His 64-year-old neighbor Wayne died. They had a lot in common, i 71 a love of fishing. Three years ago, they went fishing in Ocean City. They tossed(抛) a bottle off the side of the boat. The bottle had a m 72 from Sasha inside. In January this year, their bottle was found. It washed up on a beach in Ireland(爱尔兰). When Sasha heard the news, it made him happy because it r 73 him of his friend. Marron and Simmonds, an Irish couple, found the bottle. Inside the bottle was Sasha's note. He wrote about fishing and Wayne. He left a phone number and asked the finder to call. They called the number, but they were d 74 to find the number was disconnected. Still, they made up their mind to find Sasha. They wrote to a newspaper in Ocean City. A journalist there helped them reach Sasha's dad. Mr. Yonyak was surprised his son's bottle had been found. He said the discovery had a special meaning for Sasha. He and his family were still learning how to live without Wayne. After hearing the story behind the bottle, the couple was g 75 moved. They said it meant a lot to them. “This bottle shows the friendship of Wayne and Sasha, ” Yonyak said. “It also marks the start of a new friendship. ” The Yonyak family has been in c76 with the couple since then. They hope to visit Ireland soon. “This is a story of hope, ” Simmonds said. She and Marron will k 77 the bottle until Sasha comes to Ireland. Then they will put it back out to sea, with their new friend by their side. 2022年上海市虹口区中考二模英语试卷 VIII. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母己给)(14分) Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” I completely agree with him. I have v____51____ at the Boston Children’s Hospital every year since I was 13. At the beginning, I went there


上海市普陀区 2021-2023年中考英语二模试卷分类汇编 首字母填空 2023年上海市普陀区中考二模英语试卷 VIII. Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母已给)(14分) Many people are familiar with the story of the Titanic because of the popular film of the same name. The ship hit an iceberg(冰山) and sank on its only voyage(航行) in 1912. It was one of the great d 71 of the 20th century. We can never be completely sure of the numbers, but people agree that about 2, 200 people were on the ship at that time. However, there were not e 72 lifeboats for everyone, and only around 700 people survived. Of course, the film Titanic was very successful, yet we should always find out what is fiction(虚构) and what is reality. We should realize that most of the action in the film never a 73 happened. For example, the story of Jack and Rose, the young man and woman who fall in love, is complete fiction. They are not real people and their story may not be true at all. At the same time, some of the c 74 in the film were based on real people, but the film changes the truth about them. For example, Molly Brown was a real p 75 on the ship. In the film, Brown is on a lifeboat and asks the lifeboat captain if they should go back to look for people in the water. When the lifeboat captain refuses to go back, she says nothing. In real life, Molly Brown fought with the lifeboat captain, turned the lifeboat around, and tried her best to s 76 others. Although she is quiet in the film, she was really a hero to many people in real life. A 77 real-life person in the film is First Officer William Murdoch. The film shows that he shot other people before he killed himself. In real life, however, many people agree that he died because he tried to get a lifeboat into the water so that more people could have a chance to survive. 71. d________ 72. e________ 73. a________ 74. c________ 75. p________ 76. s________ 77. A________ 2022年上海市普陀区中考二模英语试卷 VIII. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已


上海市长宁区 2021-2023年中考英语二模试卷分类汇编 首字母填空 2023年上海市长宁区中考二模英语试卷 VIII. Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分) My neighbor, Mrs Lee, hurt her back recently so I spent this afternoon helping her tidy up. Afterwards, she offered me some soya milk. I noticed that its packaging was very fashionable and a 71 . ‘Thanks, Mrs Lee. Can you tell me where you got it?’ I asked. ‘Oh, it's from farmfresh330,’ she replied with a smile. ‘I like helping people in need.’Some days later, I googled farmfresh330 to find out more. It is a food shop that opened in 2011as a social company. Like charities, social companies help with social problems like poverty. However, unlike charities, they don't rely on donations(募捐) . I 72 , they sell products to support themselves. The p 73 of farmfresh330 is to offer training and jobs to people recovering from mental illnesses such as depression. At farmfresh330, you can buy organic fruits and vegetables. These are p 74 by Hong Kong's New Life Farm, another social company helping people with mental health problems. They sell lots of other things, too. In the website photos, there're many great products to c 75 from such as watermelon-flavoured coconut milk and lemongrass tea. Someday I'd like to visit one of farmfresh330's shops. They look very welcoming, with wooden shelves, warm lighting, and friendly blackboard m 76 telling customers about new products. After googling the web, I discovered a lot of other social companies in Hong Kong. I'm planning to visit them soon. I think it's going to be f 77 to support Hong Kong's social companies. 2022年上海市长宁区中考二模英语试卷 VIII. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母己给)(14分) How hard is to learn to read? The challenge is much greater for people with a kind of disease, dyslexia (阅读障碍症). Dyslexia is a reading problem that affects about one out of every ten people. Dyslexia has nothing to do with intelligence, but Dyslexics have a h______67______ time reading written words. When most children begin to read, they learn the sounds that make up words. Then they connect the sounds to letters and blend the sounds to make words. At last they can r______68______ words they’v e sounded out. But children with dyslexia have trouble remembering the sounds and the letters that go with them. A______69______ dyslexia can’t be cured, there are ways to help people with dyslexia learn to read. Students can work with a specially-trained teacher to learn how to remember sounds. They can practice how to m______70______ their


上海市浦东新区 2021-2023年中考英语二模试卷分类汇编 首字母填空 2023年上海市浦东新区中考二模英语试卷 Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母已给)(14分) Plastic is a convenience, but both regular and micro plastics can hurt the environment. Therefore, action must be taken to reduce their use. There are many d 71 ways to reduce your plastic use at home. To begin with, be sure to properly recycle everything you can and throw away what you can't, such as plastic cups and dishes. If you'd like to take further steps to make your home free from plastics, consider using simple alternatives (替代品)to everyday products like personal care items. For example, a m 72 of baking soda, vinegar, hot water and lemon can effectively replace traditional cleaners that come in harmful plastic bottles. Shopping may be one of the hardest things to do when trying to avoid plastic. Replacing plastic shopping bags with reusable ones is a good s 73 and there is much more you can do. Before you walk out of the door, make sure you have an accurate shopping list with e 74 what you will need or eat. This will not only reduce food waste but also the amount of plastic packaging you throw away every year. Believe it or not, it is possible to avoid plastics. While on vacation, You may book one of the hotels that have 1 75 the use of plastics. These hotels hardly provide guests with the plastics that can only be used once. As for take-home gifts, don5t buy products made from plastics. Stick to buying those made from natural materials like metals or plants. Or i 76 , give up traditional gifts completely and give someone a picture you took yourself, which can be more special for the purpose of helping the planet. It seems like a difficult task to take all the actions immediately, so begin small and take larger steps towards a plastic-free life. Don't be afraid to share your stories with others. While a s 77 person's effort wouldn't make much


上海市静安区 2021-2023年中考英语二模试卷分类汇编 首字母填空 2023年上海市静安区中考二模英语试卷 VIII. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分) Visit Istanbul (伊斯坦布尔) Have you given any thought to your next holiday? Istanbul should be at the t______ of your list of cities to visit next! Istanbul, Turkey, is the world’s 20th largest city and Europe’s largest city. It’s on a piece of land in the shape of a horn(喇叭), known as the Golden Horn. Istanbul is one of the world’s most interesting cities. In human history, Istanbul is important because the city I______ in both Europe and in Asia. It was the easiest road for people to go from Europe to Asia. Like Xi’an, it was one of the m______ cities on the Silk Road. Since 1461. Asians have taken their silk, tea and spices to Istanbul to sell to Europeans. They had a famous market at the Grand Bazaar, which is the most visited p______ in the world today. Imagine waking up in the middle of Istanbul. You’ll find many of the world’s most famous sights. You can walk to the Hagia Sofia, a church that was the world’s largest for over 1,000 years b______ it was turned into a mosque (清真寺). Across the street is the Blue Mosque. Underground, you’ll find Roman-made “cisterns” (tanks to store water). These are part of the city’s freshwater system. Walk over to the Kumkapi district and have delicious fish that is s______ in 50 seafood restaurants. Istanbul is only 9 hours from Shanghai and Beijing. That’s h______ a long journey! Flights leave daily, so don’t waste time —plan your trip to Istanbul soon! 2022年上海市静安区中考二模英语试卷 十二、短文首字母填空 Fill in the blanks with proper words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给。)As a boy, I wanted to be a man. But my parents did everything for me. Actually, they managed every minute of my life. Alt hough they loved me, I felt a bit unhappy with them. “Sam, do your homework!” “Practise the piano!” “Turn off the


上海市徐汇区2021-2023年三年中考二模英语解析版试卷分类汇编 首字母填空 2023年上海市徐汇区中考二模英语试卷 43.(14分)Research suggests that at least 64 percent of people now spend up to four hours daily of free time in front of a screen.Just as TV watching has been linked to higher rates of being fat and other sickness,this is b(1)news for our health.The following are what we can do to get rid of it. 1.Choose outdoor activities When you' re at home,make it a rule that you can't be online if the sun is shining.I(2),you have to go for a walk,ride a bike or get some other kind of healthy physical activity for at least an hour.This rule should apply to everyone in your family. 2.Rearrange the family room furniture Design your family room so that the TV is no longer the central point of the room.That means if you want to watch TV,you have to m(3)chairs and tables.Then you can sit and relax yourself. 3.Limit social media use Whether it's Facebook,Twitter,or WeChat,put limits on the time you spend on social media.Avoid aimless browsing and give your time online a p(4):research holidays or read the news.Then log off! 4.Set aside reading time Challenge yourself to read at least 30 pages of a great book b(5)you check your mobile phone.Pick the right reading material and you'll soon find you've created a new pastime! 5.Take part in projects Make a list of one﹣hour e(6)projects.List everything you can possibly think of after dinner at home:organizing cupboards,sharpening knives,sorting through your sewing materials.Then try to do o(7)every day before bedtime. 2022年上海市徐汇区中考二模英语试卷 十一、短文首字母填空 Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)Stress (压力) for a teenager is as real a problem as stress for an adult. To deal with it, it’s i____51____ to understand


2023年上海市长宁区中考英语二模试卷 1. _____young woman next door enjoys her work as an English teacher.() A. The B. A C. / D. An 2. We should depend on_____more than our parents and teachers.() A. us B. our C. ourselves D. ours 3. The audience all stood up and began cheering happily_____the end of his speech.() A. in B. at C. on D. with 4. Tom and Jerry is one of_____cartoon movies that I have ever seen.() A. exciting B. more exciting C. most exciting D. the most exciting 5. Besides eating Zongzi,there are_____ways to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.() A. other B. another C. the other D. others 6. Online games are very interesting,_____students can't spend too much time on them.() A. so B. for C. but D. or 7. Some old people keep a pet because they feel_____at their homes.() A. seriously B. lonely C. sadly D. silently 8. ---Mum,______ I go to the library tomorrow? ---I'm afraid you can't. It's closed on Monday.() A. must B. may C. need D. should 9. The students in Class One_____a revision lesson this time yesterday.() A. have B. had C. have had D. were having 10. -_____white paint do you need to buy to decorate the new flat -About three buckets.() A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How soon 11. Not only Kitty but also her friends_____in favour of doing morning exercises.() A. is B. am C. are D. be. 12. Mrs Black always makes her little son_____his bedroom at weekends.() A. to tidy B. tidying C. tidy D. tidies 13. I'm sorry I have kept you_____for such a long time.The traffic was terrible.() A. waiting B. wait C. waited D. to wait 14. ______important work the teachers are doing!Let's show our respect for them.() A. How B. What a C. What an D. What 15. You may take the books away at a time_____you give them all back on time.()

2022-2023学年上海市九年级英语中考好题(名校+区统考+一模)分类汇编含详解 首字母填空

首字母填空-2023年九年级英语名校试题专题集训 (2022·上海中考模拟)We may think today that Donald Trump invented the term, but “fake news” has been around for a while. In the early 19th century, small regional and local papers made their product known and i___1___ their sales with a lot of made-up news articles. The Central Park Zoo Escape, reported on November 9, 1874, is one such event. The front page of the New York Herald that day reported that v___2___ animals had escaped from the Central Park Zoo. A rhino had fallen into a sewer(下水道)and a lion had been seen walking slowly through a church. The article said that, while the police and National Guard were doing what they could, twenty-seven people had already died and many others had been injured. Readers were scared and armed men were seen in the streets, preparing to p___3___ their loved ones and property by battling the wild animals of the zoo. In their upset, they clearly hadn’t read to the end of the article: the l___4___ line stated that ‘the whole story given above is a pure lie’! But why was it done? The article was the creation of a reporter named Joseph Clarke. Working alongside his editor, Clarke wanted to highlight the dangerous conditions at the zoo by showing the readers what could happen, not what a___5___ had. They had no idea of the fear it would cause. The paper never apologized for the upset to New Yorkers. I___6___, they ran a short statement requesting that safety conditions at the zoo should be improved. The l___7___ to learn? Always read right to the end! The whole story given above is not a pure lie! (2022·上海世外中学九年级期中) Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words: Halloween has become a lot more than candy, costumes and decorations. It is big business. A____8____ to the International Retail Association, Halloween is the s____9____ most important holiday for retailers. Take a drive down any street or take a walk through most stores in the US on the days before October 31st, you'll see the images of Halloween everywhere you look. Houses across the country are d____10____ with witches, spider webs, skeletons, pumpkins and other s____11____ of Halloween. Supermarkets, drugstores, costume shops and many other stores are full of candy and costumes. Business has been excellent at many stores for several weeks. The Retail Association says candy is the best-selling Halloween p____12____. Halloween is the No. 1 candy selling season. It is f____13____ by Christmas, Easter, and Valentine's Day. Americans will eat 950 million dollars in candy this Halloween! The other best-sellers for the Halloween season are costumes, masks, make-up and home decorations. Dick Perry is the owner of a candy store in Canton, Ohio. He said it is c____14____ for adults to come into his store and spend 200 dollars or more on candy.

2021年上海市长宁区区中考初三英语二模(试卷)初三英语(长宁区) 2021.5

考生注意:2021 年长宁区初三英语在线学习效果评估试卷 2021. 5 1.本卷有7 大题,共94 小题。 2.试卷总分值150 分。考试时间100 分钟。 3.全部试题均采用连续编号。请将所有答案做在答题纸的指定位置上,做在试卷上一律不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一局部听力) I.Listening comprehension (听力理解) 〔共30 分〕 A.Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6 分) A B C D E F G H 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问 题,选出最恰当的答案)〔8 分〕 ( ) 7. A) In the library. B) In a booking office. C) A t home. D) In a shop. ( ) 8. A) Coins. B) Stamps. C) Kites. D) Stones. ( ) 9. A) Once a day. B) Twice a day. C) Once a week. D) Twice a week. ( ) 10. A) By bus. B) By underground. C) By taxi. D) By bike. ( ) 11. A) Sad. B) Cheerful. C) Embarrassed. D) Nervous. ( ) 12. A) Teacher and student. B) Host and guest. C) Husband and wife. D) Waiter and customer. ( ) 13. A) Look at a timetable. B) Give a lecture. C) Prepare for a notice. ` D) Talk about school life. ( ) 14. A) The woman knows nothing about the painting. B) The man likes the painting very much. C) The woman thinks the painting is wonderful. D) The man has a talent for painting. .


2021年上海市长宁区中考英语二模试卷 一、Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) 1.(★★★)Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation?() A.social B.hero C.process D.boss 2.(★★)China is developing country which has become stronger and stronger these years.() A./B.a C.an D.the 3.(★★)Angela, a friend of , will go back to her hometown to study next term.() A.I B.me C.my D.mine 4.(★★★)There is something wrong my eyes. I can't see the words clearly. () A.to B.about C.with D.of 5.(★)Vivian and Linda did well in singing, so of them went in for the competition.() A.both B.neither C.all D.none 6.(★★★)My family went to see "Hello, mom" last night. It is movie I've ever seen.() A.good B.better C.best D.the best 7.(★★)My aunt spend this weekend with us, but she isn't very sure yet.() A.may B.need C.must D.should
