

外贸业务员面试试卷The final revision was on November 23, 2020

Interview Questionnaire

All answers to be in English unless otherwise noted

are you applying for this position Pls give at least two reasons)

1. My career direction is foreign trade, this position are in line with my direction.

2. In my internship experience, this position is the most suitable job for me, I own the required quality to the position, and I'm suitable for this position. I am very sure I can do my best in the job.

3. Your company's business prospects and enterprise culture is also attract me. It’s a vocational platform which in favor of people’s talent and personal development.

qualities in you that best serve this position

Bear hardships and stand hard work, attention to detail, good at communication, high English ability and learning ability.

don’t you like about yourself most and why

My parents always said I was too stubborn to listen to their words, will suffer. But I think everyone has his own personality. I should stick to my own principles, do what I want to do, and complete my own ideal.

are your goals for the next five years And what are you doing to achieve these goals First of all, I will use 1 to 2 years to get the accumulation of knowledge and experience and improve my professional ability. Then I will complete the transition from a salesman to a director, a manager in 2 to 5 years.

In school, I study and master the system and the knowledge of foreign trade, especially the documents operation. I master a foreign language, develop my confidence, patience and carefulness. I can familiar with every link of foreign trade.

Later, I will keep on learning in the work, familiar with the business, the product and management ideas ASAP. I will improve my work efficiency, and deal with emergencies calmly. I will improve my own quality constantly to achieve the conditions of a top management.

5. Please share with us your understanding and experiences of “No pain, No Gain’.

No pain, No Gain

Once I got a sales work in a clothing store on winter vacation. Since I didn't just regard it as a part-time job, while others complained that the wages were low and they couldn’t go to play in Spring Festival, I worked conscientiously, with diligent study. Though I was very tired during that period, I summed up a lot of sales skills and learned a lot. I got much higher salary, bought massager and clothes for my parents, and harvest their gratified smile. This inspired me a lot. reply to the below emails.

Hi Janet:

According to the latest shipment of HOUSING EXTRUSION, our IQA has detected defective part of Bent issue from the sampling as detailed in the email string below. Photos are attached.

Due to the urgent use of this part, we have to do 100% in-house sorting. Therefore, we need your authorization to proceed the sorting to support our production line. The sorting cost will be charged to you at US$2/hr and the defective parts will be returned to you.

Also, Root cause(s) and corrective action(s) are requested. Appreciate your prompt response.


Dear Peter,

Thanks for your letter. Thank you very much for bringing this matter to our attention. We really must apologize for the inconvenience you have been caused. We take all our customers’seriously. With this in mind, we are more than happy to cover the cost of replacing the defective goods. I can assure you that in future we shall do all we can to avoid this error occurring again.

Please accept my apologies once again for the inconvenience.

Your sincerely,


Buyer's message:

Sir / Madam, We have a need for Aluminum extrusions that we use to produce products for distribution in the USA. We currently purchase a lot of aluminum and would like a source for such products in China. Please contact me ASAP so that we may share our aluminum profiles with you and begin doing business ASAP. Sincerely, Julian Maimin - COO BAK Industries

Dear Julian,

Thank you for your letter, from which we note that you are desirous of establishing business relations with us. As we are always willing to do business on the basis of equality and mutual benefit with those who desire to trade with us, we welcome you too.

Under separate cover, we are sending you a rang of pamphlets to give you a general idea of our products. Please advise us of your specific requirements and we will make our offer promptly. Yours faithfully,

Hello Janet,We are having a lot of problems with your recent shipments because your plastic pallets always arrive broken (See attached). Please talk to your shipping department to resolve this problem.

Thank you.


Dear George,

Thanks for your letter. Thank you very much for bringing this matter to our attention. We agree with you that strict quality control is very important. We really must apologize for the inconvenience you have been caused. We take all our customers’ seriously. With this in mind, we will resolve the problem ASAP.

Please accept my apologies once again for the inconvenience.

Yours sincerely,


6. 现有一客户同意了我们的报价并且已经下达了一次订单,收到货物后比较满意,现发来如下邮件,准备再次下单,但我们经过核算,发现之前的报价有误,如果再按原来的价格接单,不止没利润,还有可能亏损。在市场环境(即原材料价格以及市场情况等)都没有发生变化的情况下,请你针对以上情况回复以下邮件。

Hi Janet,

Good news, we have the new customer. However, we need to get payment terms set up with your company. I wish to order now, but as I spoke about earlier with you, I would like to establish terms of payment with your company. My proposal: 30% down at order, 20% at shipping, and 50% net 30 from when I receivethe productat my business.I will probably be ordering on a repetitive basis every 6-7 weeks.

Please let me know ASAP, I am ready to order.



Dear Jim,

Thank you very much for your order. We are looking forward to cooperate with you again. However, we are regretful to tell you that after calculation, our prices have been adjusted. We will attach the new quotation sheet to you. Since the error caused by our company, with the deepest apologies and the best sincerity, we decided to give you an additional 10% discount. I’m looking forward to cooperating with your company again.

Your early reply is appreciated.

Yours sincerely,




8.你现在以及未来三年的月薪期望如何 (币种:RMB) 请打勾回答)

现在: A: 1500~2000 B: 2000~2500 C: 2500~3000 D: 3000~3500 √E: 3500~4000 F: 4500~5000

三年内想达到的工资: A: 1500~2000 B: 2000~2500 C: 2500~3000 D: 3000~3500 E:

3500~4000 F: 4500~5000 G:5500~6000 √H: 更高

9.. 请分别谈谈与比自己能力稍差和比自己能力强的人共事的优劣势,并且联系自己的






海外市场开拓的技巧一、发展新客户在国际市场竞争激烈,市场需求纷繁复杂的情况下,不能仅仅依靠固定的几个客户。应该不断地寻找新的伙伴,形成一个有潜力、有活力的客户群。怎样才能找到我们所寻求的新客户呢一般有以下途径: 1.直接寻找客户出口企业可派代表广泛参加国内外各种交易活动,通过这些活动来联络感情、扩大联系、广交朋友,在同外商接触中物色合适的客户。派外销员直接到目标市场去推销,通过外销员采用各种推销技巧和方法去招徕顾客。通过举办展销会、博览会、技术交流会、交易会、广泛接触和发展客户。 2.间接寻找客户通过有关国家的商会、银行、专业咨询公司、贸易促进组织等介绍客户,这些机构多数是服务性的,可提供情报、介绍客户。利用遍布于世界各地的旅外华人、亲友,介绍客户、联系业务。通过国内外有关报刊杂志,特别是专业性的报刊杂志,可以寻找一些潜在的客户。通过刊登广告,可以招徕一些新客户。通过国内的有关机构介绍客户。中国银行和有关专业银行在国外都有分支机构、办事处,中国国际贸促会等单位在国外都有广泛的联系,它们可以为出口企业介绍、推荐客户。通过原有的国外客户,介绍相关企业和其它国外客户。二、对新客户进行资信调查对外进行交易之前,必须要对新客户进行全面的考察和衡量。通过认真地审查,挑选出成交可能性最大的客户。 1.调查的内容 (1)支付能力。对客户支付能力审查,目的在于提高出口的经济效益。如果客户仅仅有购买的需要,而支付能力不足,潜在的风险就很大。对客户支付能力的调查,着重于客户的财力,如注册资本的大小、营业额的大小、潜在资本、资产负债、借贷款能力等情况。 (2)经营范围。主要了解其企业的性质是合伙还是独资,以及经营商品的类别,对我出口商品的经营情况如何。 (3)经营能力。主要了解企业的销售渠道、销售规模、贸易关系及其属于什么性质的客户,是中间商、贸易商、还是实用客户,对不同的客户采用不同的订价原则,对不同性质的贸易商决定不同的谈判条件。 (4)企业声誉。主要了解企业的经营作风、商业道德、服务能力、进行公共关系的水平等。 (5)政治情况。主要了解客户的政治背景和政治态度。对所有愿意在平等互利的前提下,进行友好贸易往来的客户,都应以积极的态度和他们交往。 2.调查的渠道 (1)通过有涉外业务的银行。我国现有的各种银行都有一定的涉外业务,有的还在国外设有分支机构,通过它们可以了解到有关客户的情况. (2)通过在国内的外资银行。这些银行对它们国内的情况较熟,接触面比较广,分行比较多,所以调查来的情况较细。 (3)通过我驻外商务参赞处。 (4)通过各省、市、自治区及地区,部门公司、企业驻国外的办事机构。 (5)通过国外的专业征信机构。国外驻华的一些商务机构,除了经营高务贸易以外,有的还专门从事情报信息咨询工作。 (6)通过出国商务人员。各贸易机构、贸易团体的出国人员,可利用出国的机会搞调查。 (7)通过老客户,间接了解新客户。但对了解的情况一定要做认真的分析. 三、建立对外销售网形成有效的销售网络,是摆在企业面前的一个极其重要而困难的课题,在中小企业的国际化经营中,这是一项重要的工作。这项工作主要抓如下几个方面: 1.国外客户的分类要建立对外销售网,首先应对客户的类型有所认识,如果按专业类型分,大致可分为以下几种: (1)进口商。所谓进口商,是指那些专门从事进口业务,自买自卖的商人。他们首先从国外把商品大量的购入,然后再转售给批发商、零售商,并从中获利。他们的业务范围大多以某几种专业传统产品为主,有的也兼营其它商品,进口商与其它中间商的最大判别是他们无独家经营权。同时,制造商对其缺乏足够的控制力。他可以根据自己的人力、物力、财力、市场需求的变化,对进口产品的品种和数量做任意调整。 (2)经纪人、。经纪人,即从事进出口业务的代客买或卖或从中撮合向一方或双方收取佣金的商人。在国际贸易中,他们是一支十分活跃的力量,具有联系面广


A)Changes in design, materials or process from approved samples must have pior

engineering approval.


B)Part to be free from burrs, sharp edges, oil, dirt and grease.


C)No crack, deformation or other imperfection permissible.


D)As we've never done business before, I am wondering if you will be able to

respect your lead time for production.





Our goal is, win-win with customers to establish a long-term strategic cooperative partnership, rather than short-term trading relationship.



We are try our best to shorten the delay caused by mold, at the same time, we will review the delivery date and give you a reply. For we are deeply sorry for the trouble we have caused to you!

We are trying our best to tackle the delay caused by matrix, and will give you response as soon as we determine the new delivery time. We are sorry for the inconvenience we bring to you.

15. A customer called but you didn’t hear. When you called back, he was very surprised and said, “you are still with Cosco Aluminium” You said, yes, why He then told you that since you didn’t answer the phone, he went to and found your company and asked the salesperson online whether you were still working for Cosco. The salesperson for some reason said you were no longer with Cosco Aluminium and asked the customer to email inquiry directly to him for quotation.

How would you respond to this What would you say to the customer right on spot on the phone and what would you do next(可用中文回答. 此问题的背景介绍:所有公司的销售人员的薪酬架构基本都是“底薪+提成”



By: Contact Tel: Date:


1:用3到5分钟做个自我介绍。(观察其是否思路清晰) 2:为什么离开以前的公司?(观察其人品或道德) 3:短期内对自己有什么计划或者打算?(看其是否务实) 4:谈谈你对外贸的心得和体会?(了解其是否有经验) 5:我们是进出口公司,那么你会怎么样处理海外买家,公司和工厂的关系?比如老外一味地压低价格时你会怎么样做?(看其是否灵活应变) 6:你对自己的薪水期望值是多少?对公司有什么要求?(看其是否自信) 7:你是怎么理解团队与个人的关系的(团队合作精神) 8:你的优势是什么?你的缺点是什么? 9:你目前有没有现成的客户资源? 外贸业务员面试中的三十条常见问题 1."Tell me about yourself"。 简要介绍你自己。 2."Why are you interested in this position?" 你为什么对这份工作感兴趣? 3."What are your strengths?" 谈谈你的优势? 4."What is Your Biggest Weakness?" 谈谈你最大的弱点是什么? 5."Why do You Feel You are Right for this Position?" 为什么你认为自己适合这个职位? 6."Can you give me the highlights of your resume?" 谈谈你的简历上有些什么值得特别关注的吗?

7."Why did you choose your major?" 你为什么选择这个专业? 8."What are your interests?" 你有哪些兴趣爱好呢? 9."What are your short and long term goals?" 你对于短期和长期的目标是什么? 10."Tell me how your friends/family would describe you?" 如果我向你的朋友或者家人询问对你的评价,你认为他们会怎样说? 11."Using single words,tell me your three greatest strengths and one weakness." 用简单的词,描述你的三项最突出的优点和一个缺点。 12."What motivates you to succeed?" 你争取成功的动力是什么? 13."What qualities do you feel are important to be successful in_____(i.e.customer service)?" 哪些品质在你看来对成功是最重要的? 14."What previous experience has helped you develop these qualities?" 哪些之前的精力帮助你获得了这些品质? 15."Can you give me an example of teamwork and


自出试卷复习资料 一、单项选择题 1.我国对外贸易救济措施不包括()。 A.反倾销 B.反补贴 C.出口信用保险 D.建立外贸预警机制 2.山东食品进出口有限公司出口20吨大葱到日本三启株式会社,单价为0.5美元/千克,FOB青岛,信用证金额为10000美元。则该公司最多能装运多少数量,最多能收入多少美元?最少能装运多少数量,最少能收入多少美元?() A.20吨 10000美元;20吨 10000美元 B.20吨 10000美元;19吨 9500美元 C.21吨 10000美元;19吨 9500美元 D.21吨 10500美元;19吨 9500美元 3.因产品存在缺陷造成人身、缺陷产品以外的其他财产损害的,最终()应当承担赔偿责任。 A.生产者 B.销售者 C.经营者 D.供货者 4.我国目前对知识产权采取行政保护与()并重的模式。 A.海关保护B.司法保护 C.自行保护 D.行业自律 5.中科院物理研究所以特定减免税进口的大型实验设备的海关监管期限为()年。A.1 B.3 C.5 D.7 6.()是指由于企业自身工作的过失而造成的客户流失,这种类型流失占客户流失总量的比例最高,带给企业的影响最坏。 A.自然流失 B.竞争流失 C.自动流失 D.过失流失 7.某生产型外贸企业的投资项目符合国家鼓励发展的产业政策,取得了《国家鼓励发展的内外资项目确认书》,在向当地海关办理减免税项目备案后准备申领《进出口货物征免税证明》时,接到船公司的进口设备到货通知,因海关的《进出口货物征免税证明》尚未办妥,不能及时报关和提货,此时,以下哪种方式是不可取的?() A.待《进出口货物征免税证明》批准后再报关 B.先缴纳关税和进口环节增值税后报关,在取得《进出口货物征免税证明》后再向报 关地海关申请退回关增税 C.向海关申请,以关增税保证金形式先报关,待取得《进出口货物征免税证明》后再 重新申报,并退回关增税保证金 D.先将货物转入保税仓库或保税区,然后待《进出口货物征免税证明》批准后再报关8.关于加工贸易合同核销表述错误的是()。 A.加工贸易合同核销包括合同核销与台账核销两部分 B.在规定的时间内,海关对登记备案的进料加工合同予以核销结案,签发核销结案通知书C.企业凭海关签发的银行保证金台账核销联系单,向银行办理保证金台账的销账手续D.实行保证金台账实转的企业,凭海关出具的单证,向银行申请退还保证金及其利息9.江苏雄华钢卷尺厂以CFR术语报价出口一批钢卷尺,如果国外客户要求改为航空运输时,应采用()术语为宜。 A.FCA B.CIP C.CPT D.DDP 10.广交会从第()届开始,改名为中国进出口商品交易会。 A.100 B.101 C.102 D.103


外贸业务员笔试试题2 一. 1.请用英文写出你所知道的常用的付款方式。 L/C remittance collection 2.用中文解析下面缩写:CFR,LCL,FCL,MOQ,B/L,C/O,PI CFR LCL FCL MOQ B/L C/O PI 二:对译题(每空1分,共20分) 1:opening bank:;acceptance credit:: packing instruction ::product life cycle:; port of transshipment :;binding contract :; shipping documents :;T/T 30%

deposit :; FOB:;CFR;; 2: 专利:清洁提单:; :出口许可证: ;年产量:;潜在市场:; 交货港: ;促销: ;售后服务:;原产地证书: ; 担保:;保修期:;三:问答题(此类题目若用英文提问,请用英文回答) 1、用三个词准确的概括自己? 您认为你个性上最大的优点是什么? 缺点是什么? 2、what is the reason for leaving the original company ? Why do you want to work for us? 3、如果公司录用你,你将怎样开展外贸业务工作? 4、作为一个合格的外贸业务员,你认为需要具备哪些素质?跟客户洽谈订单过程中,需要把握或注意的因素有很多,你认为哪些因素最应该注重的? 四:翻译题 1:、attachment is a new PO 610014 for 20k pcs of cables. I imagine payment is a wire transfer as before (we wish L/C in the near future). Please supply PI accordingly with the total costs, payment terms, delivery time, warranty terms, also with item specification, packing instruction. Please check this PO and verify everything is correct and notify me.


外贸业务员考核 为了更好的发展公司外贸业务,提升外贸业绩,同时帮助外贸人员更好的成长,特制定如下条例: 考核内容及成绩评定:60分为合格 1)业绩40分 2)平台使用率20分 3)工作态度和方法20分 4)综合能力20分 考核周期:试用期业务员为入职三个月后进行考核。 正式业务员为转正后每1~2个月进行一次考核。 考核内容及标准(考核负责人): 1)业绩标准(部门主管和财务):入职后三个月内有出定单(不论金额大小),即可提前申请转正。入职后三个月内没有出单(不论金额大小,以到款为准),将被辞退。如果业绩没有达到标准,但根据后面三点标准若表现突出,可以考虑给第二次机会。 标准如下(暂定): 优秀40分。月业绩一万美元 良好30分。月业绩一千美元 合格20分。月业绩一美元或者有客户样单。 不合格10分。无业绩无样单。

2)平台利用率(部门主管): 标准:最终以每天(或周、月)为单位统计上传、更新产品和收到的询盘(及邮件)数量,回复询盘(及邮件)的周期为标准。 1))对阿里巴巴资源的充分利用与彻底了解。(有两次抽查) 2))对产品的充分认识与对产品卖点的充分认识。通过平台把产品优点最大化。 3))对自己阿里展台的充分布置,合理按周期发布新产品并对已发布产品进行优化处理,利用平台诊断各项数据。让买家第一时间能觉得公司的实力与信任感。 4))通过买家的需要来了解产品市场的侧重点。 优秀20分。 良好15分。 合格10分。 不合格5分。 3)工作态度及方法(部门主管和人事): 标准: 1))执行力:是否及时保质保量完成主管安排的工作计划,及时提交工作报表并报表的准确性、有效性。 2))纪律性:是否遵守公司规章制度。是否经常迟到早退,是否频繁在工作日内请假。是否团结部门内外同事、尊重部门内外领导。 3))坚持与灵动:是否及时回复询盘,按周期维护潜在客户,时常保持与客户的沟通(邮件、时讯、传真及电话)。是否多渠道进行开发工作——参考公司提供的平台及平台以外的工具使用情况。


全国外贸业务员考试模拟试题集(一) 姓名:班级: 一、单项选择题 1、我国是从()开始允许自然人经营进出口业务。 A、2000-7-1 B、2004-7-1 C、2000-1-1 D、2004-1-1 2、对外贸易经者应应凭加盖备案登记印章的《登记表》在()日内到当地海关、检验检疫、外汇、税务等部办理开展对外贸易业务所需的有关手续。逾期未办理,《登记表》失效。 A、15 B、30 C、45 D、60 3、《海关进出口货物收发货人报关注册登记证书》的有效期为()年 A、1月日 B、2 C、3 D、4 4、以下有关选择经营商品表述错误的是() A、一般选择易耗品 B、一般选择远洋产品 C、宜选择价格低、体积特别大的的泡货 D、选择具有比较优势的产品 5、以下哪一项不属于国际政治法律调研的内容() A、政局稳定性 B、政府干预程度 C、风俗习惯 D、经济贸易政策 6、空运货物的体积/体积重量=()立方米/千克 A、6 B、0.6 C、0.06 D、0.006 7、外贸业务员可以不满足以下哪种客户的寄货要求() A、真实客户 B、潜在客户 C、试探性客户 D、老客户 8、Approved Sample是() A、确认样 B、产前样 C、修改样 D、生产样 9、以下有关发盘表述错误的是() A、若是畅销货,一般发盘的效期较短 B、若是滞销货,一般发盘的效期较长 C、若商品市场价格变动幅度比较大,一般发盘的效期较长 D、贸易术语与运输、保险的逻辑关系要一致 5、出口许可证的发证机构是()

A、商务部配额许可证事务局及其授权机构 B、海关 C、商检局 D、贸促会 二、综合题 杭州美美有限公司(Hangzhou Meimei Co., Ltd.)是一家流通性外贸企业。2007年3月12日,外贸业务员王涛收到来自德国新客户ABC Co., Ltd.的电子邮件,内容如下: 到其报价如下:太阳帽,全棉,人民币6.30元/个(含税价),增值税率为17%,20个装1个塑料袋,10个塑料袋装1个出口纸箱,纸箱尺寸为60厘米×40厘米×40厘米,每箱毛重为18千克,净重为16.5千克,月生产能力为60 000个,最低起订量为20 000个,交货时付款,工厂交货。 次日,王涛收到浙江温岭帽业有限公司寄来的2个太阳帽样品之后,马上寄给德国客户1个太阳帽样品。 1.请问:王涛应以什么方式把样品寄出,由谁承担寄样费?


Interview Questionnaire All answers to be in English unless otherwise noted 1.Why are you applying for this position Pls give at least two reasons) 1. My career direction is foreign trade, this position are in line with my direction. 2. In my internship experience, this position is the most suitable job for me, I own the required quality to the position, and I'm suitable for this position. I am very sure I can do my best in the job. 3. Your company's business prospects and enterprise culture is also attract me. It’s a vocational platform which in favor of people’s talent and personal development. 2.What qualities in you that best serve this position Bear hardships and stand hard work, attention to detail, good at communication, high English ability and learning ability. 3.What don’t you like about yourself most and why My parents always said I was too stubborn to listen to their words, will suffer. But I think everyone has his own personality. I should stick to my own principles, do what I want to do, and complete my own ideal. 4.What are your goals for the next five years And what are you doing to achieve these goals


XXXX有限公司 (外贸业务员) 姓名: 应聘职位: 日期: 得分: 一、问答题(此类题目若用英文提问,请用英文作答)(每题10分,共40分) 1、Tell me about you! 2、Why do you want to work for us? 3、用三个词概括自己?您认为你个性上最大的优点是什么?缺点是什么? 作为一个合格的业务员,你认为需要具备哪些素质? 二、对译题(每空1分,共20分) 1:L/C:信用证; acceptance credit:承兑信用证; Packing instruction:包装资料; Consignee : 收货人; Port of loading:装运港;Port?of?Discharge:卸货港; Shipping documents:货运单据; T/T 30% deposit:电汇30%定金; FOB:_离岸价格装运港船上交货CIF: 成本加保险费加运费; 2:提单: B/L; 出口许可证:export license 年产量:yearly output; 最小订购量:MOQ_Minimum Order Quantity; 交货期:date of delivery;促销:Promotion; 订舱单:Booking Sheet; 原产地证书:C/O certificate of origin_; 担保:guarantee;形式发票:proforma invoice; 三、翻译题 1、attachment is a new PO 610014 for 20k pcs of cables. I imagine payment is a wire transfer as before(We wish L/C in the near future).


外贸业务员考试试题答案 一、外贸基础用语翻译 1. 不可撤消信用证11. exchange rate 2. 即期信用证12. the proforma invoice 3. 受益人13. bill of exchange 4. 一切险14. 装运港船上交货(离岸价) 5. 关税15. counter offer 6. 销售确认书16. forwarder 7. 无船承运人17. freight prepaid 8. 商品检验局18. the dump—proof packing 9. 提单19. drawback 10.订金20. export licence 二、Egypt(埃及)、Sudan(苏丹)、Libya(利比亚)、Morocco(摩洛哥)、Mali(马里)、C(刚果)、N(尼日利亚)、Kenya(肯尼亚)、Uganda(乌干达)、Zambia(赞比亚)、Tanzania(坦桑尼亚)、South Africa(南非)、Rwanda(卢旺达)、Mozambique(莫桑比克)…… 三、翻译 让我回答您的问题:Action电器生产一流的家电产品已有十五年的历史了。公司最早在台北以贩卖电饭锅起家,我们当时只是小成本的家庭电器行。 由于客户反应热烈,公司即很快地扩展。我们加强研发部门,扩大生产线,增加产品项目,像洗衣机及烘干机、电冰箱、微波炉等产品。我们的电器是专门针对要求高效率,但空间有限的家庭用户设计的。 台湾仍是我们的主要市场。而事实上,你会发现台北地区至少每三户人家中就有一户用Action的产品。 由于在国内的基础稳固,我们觉得向海外市场扩展的时机成熟了。最近的消费研究报到指出,美加地区的电器市场中有百分之四十以上是高效率的组合型商品。所以,您会发现我们的商品完全迎合这些需求。 四、书信参考答案 Dear sirs:: We thank you for your letter of March 24. You comments on our offer of socks have had our close attention. Although we are keen to meet your requirements,we very regret that we are unable to comply with your request to reduce the price as our price as our prices are closely calculated. Even if there is a slight difference between our price and those of our other suppliers, you will find it profitable to buy from us because the quality of our products is superior to that of other foreign makers a available in your distict.


外贸业务员面试经典问答大全(中英文双版) 作者: 来源: 考试大 ——我以前面试过,我也在别的公司主持过很多面试.其实,对新毕业的学生来说,知识并不是最主要的,很多正规面试的场合,考察的并不是你究竟学过什么,会什么;而是考你的素质.也就是说,对于问你的问题,答案并不重要!!! 那么,考察的是什么呢?基本上就是:沉稳,机敏,诚实,会倾听,懂思考,善交流,有主见,虚心.当然,有的时候,主试官的好恶也要占很大的比重. 具体化一: 1.沉稳’不急躁,胜不骄败不馁,从容不迫,不浮华,举止得体,不紧张. 2.机敏’能够快速反应,应变. 3.诚实’不知道就是不知道,不掩饰,这点非常重要. 4.会倾听’能听懂对方说的是什么,问的是什么. 5.懂思考’能够发现问题,提出问题. 6.善交流’能把自己的想法准确的表达出来,能给对方插话的余地和时间. 7.有主见’有自己的见解,敢于反驳对方的观点. 8.虚心’这点就不用说了吧?呵呵 面试的时候,主面会有表格在填写,基本是以上内容的打分情况.为什么素质这么重要呢?因为,你们学的再多,也是皮毛,都是旧的东西,并且没有实践经验.在实践的过程中,素质好的学生,才会高效的完成工作,才能和周围的人配合好,才会有很好的学习效率.用行话说,就是"上手比较快" 最后请大家认真思考一下:我表达的意思清楚,具体,明确吗?我是怎么表达出来的呢?有可行性吗? 面试经典问答大全(中英文双版)(强推) 1、问:为什么在这个行业里你能做得特别出色? 我们答:我是一个做酥皮点心的师傅,所以我对甜点比较了解并能帮助开发新产品。新的防腐剂终于能够除掉生面团上面的不同条纹了,这意味着能比以前投资更多的产品了。 表明因你的天性好奇、热爱读书等原因,你是如何跟踪新产品的。你有没有足够的兴趣进行额外的研究并把适当的精力运用到你的工作上?给予具体的回答。 Q:Why would you be particularly good at this business? A:I was a pastry chef,so I understand dessert products well and can help you with new product development.Recent preservatives have come a long way toward eliminating texture difference in pastry dough.This means we can investigate many more products than before. 问:你是如何关注当前时势的? 答:我仔细研读《华尔街日报》、《时代周刊》、《慈善机构投资者》和几家共同基金时事通讯。我还有一大群分析家朋友。 通过描绘一些符合你目标的出版物或贸易团体来证明你对该企业或职业领域的兴趣。


一、汉译英 1.我们的付款条件是合同签订后付30%订金,出货后见提单copy付70%尾款。 2.近年来中国的物价一直都在上涨,人工费也在不断上涨,面对这些严峻的压力,我们已经无法维持以前的报价给您,希望你可以理解。 3.如果你的最低起订量可以达到我们的MOQ,我可以给你FOB的价钱,如果低于MOQ我不得不按1.2倍价钱出售给你。 4.很抱歉,因为船公司爆仓,我现在无法告诉您具体的出货日期。 你在某个会展上见过一个客户,现在你给客户发邮件,并附上一份公司今年的一份新报价给他,希望他能有兴趣并给你回复,有问题可以随时联系你。

一、汉译英 1.我们的付款条件是合同签订后付30%订金,出货后见提单copy付70%尾款。 Our payment items is paying 30% deposit after signing the contract and paying 70% balance due after shipment and seeing the bill of lading copy . 2.近年来中国的物价一直都在上涨,人工费也在不断上涨,面对这些严峻的压力,我们已经无法维持以前的报价给您,希望你可以理解。 In recent years, China's prices have been rising, and labor costs are rising too. In the face of severe pressure, we have been unable to maintain the previous quote for you. Hope you can understand. 3.如果你的最低起订量可以达到我们的MOQ,我可以给你FOB的价钱,如果低于MOQ我不得不按1.2倍价钱出售给你。 If your minimum order quantity can reach our MOQ, I can give you FOB price if less than MOQ , I had 1.2 times the price sold to you. 4.很抱歉,因为船公司爆仓,我现在无法告诉您具体的出货日期。 I am sorry. For the shipping company warehouse explosion, I can not tell you specific shipping date. 二、名词解释 FOB 船上交货(指定装运港),习惯称为装运港船上交货。 CIF 成本加保险费加运费 CFR 指卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内,在装运港将货物交至运往指定目的港的船上,负担货物越过船舷为止的一切费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险,并负责租船或订舱,支付抵达目的港的正常运费。 Booking Sheet托书(订舱单) SO装船通知 Consignee 1.收货人/收件人2.承销人3.代销商4.受货人,受托人 Port of Loading 装运港 Port of Discharge 卸货港 BL 提单号 ETD预计交货时间 ETA估计到达时间 LCL 拼箱装货less than container load FCL 整箱装货full than container load MOQ 最小订购量minimum order quantity B/L 海运提单 C/O 原产地证书 PI 形式发票performance invoice 三、请用英文写出你所知道的常用的付款方式。 L/C 信用证remittance 汇付(M/T信汇T/T电汇D/D 票汇)collection 托收


业务经理: 底薪:8000元 岗位职责: 1,老客户跟进,Ali后台新询盘回复,开发展会和Ali新客户;收集和开发除阿里巴巴和展会之外的客户 2,带领徒弟跟进老客户订单 3,每周新客户(包括潜在客户)邮件至少100封(含RFQ),新客户10个/月,并负责本业务部门的考核。 4,反馈客户信息和市场信息给采购部,每月总结一次,每月至少提出1种新品开发需求。 5,所有出口合同审核 6,产品知识和业务技能培训,每月1次 7,对每个业务员未下单的重点客户情况分析,每月2次 8,所有订单的统计以及业务考核,并做好统计分析,每月5日前完成。 9,做好客户拜访信息和接待信息的整理工作 10,监督各项会议决策后的落实情况。 考核: 1,每周新客户邮件开发信少于100封的,扣200元/周; 2,新客户开发超出10个/月的,超出奖励100元/个; 3,奖金:带领业务组在2016年保持2015年销售额,奖金10000元;销售额同比增长0~100万美元,奖金为销售额增长部分*0.2%;销售额同比增长100~200万美元,奖金为销售额增长部分*0.5%;销售额同比增长200~500万美元,奖金为销售额增长部分*0.8%; 4,自己订单提成:公司分配客户基数的毛利*5% 超出基数额的毛利*10% 超出前一年额的毛利*15% 徒弟订单提成:毛利润*3% 如果把客户分管给徒弟,则分给徒弟提成毛利*2%。对于未完全交给徒弟跟的订单,可以酌情给予徒弟提成。

业务主管 底薪:5000元~6000元 工作职责: 1,负责中维广交会的申请,展会和其他政府对接和补贴事宜 2,老客户跟进和新客户开发 3,每周新客户(包括潜在客户)邮件至少100封(含RFQ),新客户10个/月。 4,反馈客户信息和市场信息给采购部,每月总结一次,每月至少提出1种新品开发需求。 考核: 1,每周新客户邮件开发信少于100封的,扣200元/周; 2,新客户开发超出10个/月的,超出奖励100元/个; 3,自己订单提成:公司分配客户基数的毛利*5% 超出基数额的毛利*10% 超出前一年额的毛利*15% 徒弟订单提成:毛利润*3% 如果把客户分管给徒弟,则分给徒弟提成毛利*2%。对于未完全交给徒弟跟的订单,可以酌情给予徒弟提成。


外贸业务操作实务模拟试卷 一、出口报价核算与发盘操作(共15分) 根据以下业务背景资料,回答相关问题。 2008年5月20日,上海天周有限公司外贸业务员王敏收到印度老客户BBG India Limited 的经理Sonali Bendre小姐电子邮件,欲购黄铜管Brass Tubes,内容如下: 王敏立即通知老供应商张家港市天原钢制品有限公司李孟厂长报价,次日收到其报价如下:黄铜管,规格号H65,每根的外径×壁厚×长度为:8mm×1mm×1m,承压能力(mpa): 1.6mpa,无缝,每根的重量为:187g;最低起订量为20公吨,人民币45.63元/千克(含税价),增值税率为17%;木托盘包装,20公吨装1个20’FCL;签约后15天内付款30%,交货时付款70%;工厂交货。 1.若2008年5月21日的美元牌价按USD1=RMB¥6.945/ 6.973计;出口退税率为5%;国内运费为RMB¥2000/20’FCL,其他所有国内费用为采购成本的3%;由上海至Nhava Sheva的海运费为USD800/20’FCL;到印度投保一切险的保险费率为5‰,保险加成按10%计;;预期出

口成本利润率为10%。请核算出口报价。(计算过程中,数值要保留到小数点后3位,最后保留到小数点后2位。)(7分) 解答: 出口价格=出口成本+出口费用+出口利润 出口成本=采购成本-出口退税额=45.63-1.95=43.68元/付 出口退税=采购成本÷(1+增值税率)×出口退税率=45.63÷(1+17%)×5%=1.95元/千克国内费用=出口运费+其它费用=2000÷20000+45.63×3%=0.1+1.3689=1.4689元/千克 国外运费=800÷20000=0.04美元/千克 预期出口利润=45.63×10%=4.563元/千克 FOB=(43.68+1.4689+4.563) ÷6.945=7.16美元/千克 CFR=7.16+0.04=7.20美元/千克 CIF=CFR÷(1-110%×保险费率)=7.20÷(1-110%×5‰)= 7.24美元/千克 2.根据以上核算的出口报价和相关条件,用英文书写以下发盘函,要求在2008年5月28日复到有效。装运期为签订合同后45天内,付款方式为即期付款信用证。(8分) 二、签订出口合同操作(共15分) 根据前面第一大题和以下业务背景资料,填制出口合同。 通过反复磋商,2008年6月2日,双方达成如下条款: 单价:7美元/千克CIF Nhava Sheva 数量:40公吨 包装:黄铜管用专用包装纸包裹,平放在全新的木托盘上,然后用包装纸从上面覆盖, 防雨防潮。 装运:收到信用证后1个月内装运;从中国上海运至印度Nhava Sheva;不允许转运和分批装运。 支付:即期付款信用证,要求在2008年6月20日之前开到卖方,交单期为装运日期后


一、Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.(3x10=30) 1、Between 1974 and 1997, the number of overseas visitors expanded _____A____27%. A) by B) for C) to D) in 2、 Some women ______B________ a good salary in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family. A) must make B) should have made C) would make D) could have made 3、Our usual terms of payment are ___B____ L/C and we hope they will be satisfactory ______ you. 4、A. by, for B. by, to C. for, to D. for, with 4、Contracts must renewed one week ___D__ their expiration. A. on B. against C. the momment of D. before 5、As we are __B___ of there goods, please expedite shipment after receiving our L/C. A. in badly B. badly in need C. urgent in need D. in urgently need 6、.The importance of delivery on time _C______ overstressed, because failure to receive goods or services will cause serious inconvenience to the end-users. A. can B. be C. cannot be D. could be 7.A meeting was held at 2:30 pm today in the Union Hall to discuss problems A from domestic sales A. arising B. arise C. be arising D. being arising 8. We give you on the attached sheet full details regarding packing and marking, which must be strictly __A___. A. observed B. abide by C. submitted D. seen 9.The commodities you offered are __B__ line with the business scope of our clients. A. outside B. out of C. out D. without 10.We wish to stress that shipment must be made within the prescribed time limit, as a further _C___ will not be considered by our end-users. A. prolong B. protract C. extension D. expansion 二、Translate the following terms. (4x10=40) (一)English translate to Chinese. 1、B/L 提单 2、T/T 电汇 3、Irrevocable Letter of Credit 不可撤销信用证 4、open bidding 公开招标 5. Letter of Guarantee 保证书 (二)Chinese translate to English. 1、装箱单packing list 2、形式发票proforma invoice


面试外贸业务员的自我介绍 外贸业务员面试简单介绍 I am graduated from College in 2009. Network information security is my major.But I haven't at work on my major.Because the employment pressure is huge.So that find a job which is you want is difficult.I don't think get a job that I liked is a good idea.It has a long distance between the theory and the reality.So I decide to be a account executive.First,I want to find a printing house to be a account executive who are engaged with export and declare at customs after training. I also learned a lot of knowledge about foreign trade in my part time.I really hope I can be a account executive cause I am really interested in it. Although Business English is not my major.I am sure that I am good at it.Hope you can give me a chance. 外贸 General Introduction I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program. Research experience and academic activity When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. In 1997, I participated in simulation tool development for the scheduling system in Prof. Wang’s lab. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. In 1998, I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product. I hope to study in depth In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining. Please give my application materials a serious consideration. Thank you very much 其他英文介绍 Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is ***, 24. I come from ******,the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ****** department of *****University in July ,2001.In the past two years I have been prepareing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you. I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books, especially those about ****.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparative good command of network
