


revisiting the past will gibe people new inspirations温故知新

wealth gap贫富差距

research results研究结果

rely on science,technology and education to rejuvenate the nation科教兴国strategy of sustainable development可持续发展

bone age骨龄

emotional quotient情商

globle positioning system全球定位系统

medical literature医学文献

genetics technology基因技术

bar code条形码

economic arbitration经济制裁

human resources deparment人力资源部

side effect负面影响

migrant worker 工人

national flag 国旗

legal rights and intere合法权益

New York Times纽约日报

Wall Street Journal华尔街日报

letter of guarantee担保函

pirated edition盗版

regional conflics 地区冲突

Security Council 安理会

press conference新闻发布会

long-boat racing龙舟竞赛

World Cup 世界杯

corner kick area角球区

trace back追溯

take an oath宣誓

the host country 东道主国家

exam Oriented education应试教育

people oriented以人为本

nine-year compulsory education九年义务教育intellectual property right知识产权

the Temple of Heaven

Oscar nominee奥斯卡奖提名影片

the Warring Steates Period战国时期

the Mogao Caves莫高窟

summer resor避暑山庄

the World Cultural Heritage Sites世界文化遗产historical vicissitudes历史嬗变

ingenious design独具匠心

fve-grade hotels 五星级酒店

a bird eye view鸟瞰

creeping clouds云层

animated films动画片

television channels电视频道

human right 人权

Nobel Prize诺贝尔奖

archways of triumph凯旋门

Taoism 道家

extensive and profound博大精深

a well-off standard of living小康

meet the basic needs for food,clothing and shelter温饱harmony without uniformity和而不同

natural impulse天然的冲动

hardback 精装本

lyric poem抒情诗

World Food Programme世界粮食计划署

pantheon of Victory胜利殿堂

senior leader 高层领导人

on behalf of 谨代表


honorable guest贵宾

strategy of “goin g global”‘‘走出去”战略


popularize Chinese culture弘扬中国文化the international area国际舞台

IT application/informationization 信息化develop rapidly突飞猛进

World Summit世界峰会


cyber crime网络犯罪

readjustment of structure结构调整mutually beneficial cooperation互利合作technology transfer 技术转让

capital punishment死刑

invasion of privacy侵犯隐私

have a blast兴奋、刺激videoconferencing视频会议系统

break new ground in开拓

bungee jumping蹦极

single parent family单亲家庭

over-the-counter medicine(OTC)非处方药vital statistics三围

sense of loss失落感

photo album写真集

survival of the fittest优胜劣汰

sense of mission使命感

double-edged sword双刃剑

mingled hope and fear喜忧参半

consumer price index(CPI)消费者价格指数

exclusive agency专卖店

knowledge-driven economy知识经济

image representative of a product or a brand形象小姐/先生lonely-hearts ad征婚广告


shopping online网上购物

artificial intelligence人工智能

information revolution信息革命


1百家争鸣contention of a hundred schools of thought

2春秋时期Spring and Autumn Period

3独树一帜develop a school of one’s own

4磨损,折磨wear and tear

5兼取众长draw widely upon ot

6闭关锁国policy of seclusion

7最初in the first place

8修补tinker with

9天人合一integration of the universe and humanity



12好身材in good figure

13露两手show a thing or two on sth

隔音板sound proof pandle

首先in the first place

联赛joint match

取决于lie in

数以万计thousands and thousands

观赏性运动spectator sport

公害public hazard

经受得住stand up to

改革开放reform and opening-up

娱乐中心recreation center

早睡早起keep good hours

假冒伪劣fake and inferior

再怎么做也不为过cannot do do sth too much 特级教师class-one teacher

客座教授visiting professor

管理理念management phylosophy

首席执行官chief executive officer

运营总监chief appration officer

总务处长general afairs

寄宿学校boarding school

阴历lunar calendar

产生bring about

深远影响profound inpacts

留出一部分set aside

视觉visual perception

博学的人educated person

综上所述from what has been discussed above

注定要be bound to

不遗余力spare no effort

食不果腹,衣不蔽体exposure and starvation

理由如下for the following reasons

业余时间spare time


考虑到in view of

不可否认的事实是there is no denying the fact that 商业巨头commercial magnate

前瞻性forward-looking nature

独到见解provide insightful views

首次合作initial cooperation

计划生育family planning


独家新闻exclusive news

国际足球联合会International Football Federation 自尊self-image

鱼米之乡a land of milk and honey

世界七大奇观The Seven Wonders of the World 锦绣河山land of charm and beauty

东方明珠Oriental Pearl

反应迅速quick wit

万园之园Gareden of ardens

维克多·雨果Vitor Hugo

出身背景circumstances of birth

社会转型social transformation

市场经济体制market economy

减排reduce pollution discharge

世博会World Expo

欢乐谷Happy Valley

中央商务区central business district

特价日bargain day

中国特色distinctively Chinese

开幕典礼opening ceremony

三包three guarantees for products

市价market price

营销战略marketing strategy

奥斯卡颁奖礼the Oscars awards ceremony 向……致敬tribute to…

空前成功unprecedented success

绿林好汉Greenwood heroes

国粹national treasure

文化影响力cultural inpact

喧嚣sound and fury

点金术the golden touch

沽名钓誉fish for compliments

缘木求鱼fish in the air

害群之马a black sheep

过河拆桥kick down the ladder

挥金如土spend money like water

一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳once bitten,twice shy 违约breach of contract

见票即付drawn at sight

净价net price

走向成熟come of age


特奥会Special Olympics

强加于imposed on

独门绝技distinctive skill 物有所值value for money


1. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有 2. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解 3. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. without accident(=safely) 安全地, 4. of one’s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地,主动地 5. in accord with 与…一致. out of one’s accord with 同….不一致 6. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地 7. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据 8. on one’s own account 1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益 2) (=at one’s own risk) 自行负责 3) (=by oneself)依靠自己 on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account绝不; of …account 有…..重要性. 9. take…into account(=consider)把...考虑进去 10. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释(理由) 11. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明. 12. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为. 13. on no account(=in no case, for no reason) 绝不(放句首时句子要倒装) 14. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告15. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to) 习惯于. 16. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉17. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理 18. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于 19. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要) 20. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之 21. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than) 除…外 22. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循 23. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的 24. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应; 25. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有…的余地. 26. in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先. 27. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地. 28. have an advantage over 胜过. have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件 have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事29. take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness) 利用. 30. agree with 赞同(某人意见) agree to 同意 31. in agreement (with) 同意, 一致 32. ahead of 在…之前, 超过…;……… ahead of time 提前. 33. in the air 不肯定,不具体; 在谣传中. 34. above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是, 最重要的. 35. in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 总共, 总计 36. after all 毕竟,到底; (not) at all 一点也不; all at once(=suddenly)突然;once and for all 只此一次; above all最重要的; first of all 首先; all in all 大体上说; be all in 累极了; all but 几乎. 37. allow for (=take into consideration, take into account) 考虑到, 估计到 38. amount to (=to be equal to) 总计, 等于. 39. answer for (undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for) 对…负责. 40. answer to (=conform to) 适合,符合. 41. be anxious about 为…焦急不安; 或anxious for 42. apologize to sb. for sth. 为…向…道歉 43. appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁. appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力 44. apply to sb. for sth. 为…向…申请; apply for 申请; 45. apply to 与…有关;适用 46. approve of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to,consider good, right)赞成,approve vt.批准 47. arise from(=be caused by) 由…引起. 48. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 安排…做… 49. arrive on 到达; arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出; arrive in 到达某地(大地方); 50. be ashamed of (=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of sth. done) 以…为羞耻 51. assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.) 向…保证, 使…确信. 52. attach(to) (=to fix, fasten; join) 缚, 系,结 53. make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.)试图做… 54. attend to (=give one’s attention, care and thought) 注意,照顾; attend on(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look after) 侍候,照料 55. attitude to/ toward …对…的态度.看法 56. attribute…to…(=to believe sth. to be the result of…)把..归因于.., 认为..是..的结果57. on the average (=on average, on an average) 平均 58. (be) aware of (=be conscious of ,having knowledge or consciousness)意识到,知道.


口译必备词汇 Unit 1 外事接待 第一篇 制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co. Ltd 副总经理deputy managing director 研究生graduate student 论文paper 研究成果research findings 实验助手lab assistant 市中心downtown area 假日酒店Holiday Inn 旅馆招待费hotel accommodation fee 招待所guesthouse 舒适如归make sb. comfortable 不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难help sb out 第二篇 Stanford University 斯坦福大学 a land of wonder充满奇观的国家 head office 总部 magical power 神奇的魅力 Oriental 东方的 Confucianism 儒家思想 Taoism 道家学说 inexplicable 难以言表的 set foot on 踏上……的土地 cosmopolitan city 国际大都市 maximize 充分利用 in no time 不久 rewarding 有成效的 Unit 2 礼仪祝词 第一篇: 阁下your Excellency... 建交the establishment of diplomatic relations 近海石油勘探offshore oil exploration 积贫积弱,任人宰割enduring impoverishment, long-standing debility and was for a time at the mercy of other countries 落后要挨打lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks 刻骨铭心的教训never-forgotten lesson



需要强记的词组 Give the floor to… 请…发言 It is a great pleasure for me to 我很荣幸… Relevant issues 相关问题 Updated research result 最新的调查结果 Attach the importance to 对…给予重视 Lead-edge technologies 领先技术 Minister Counselor 公使 Natural heritage 自然遗产 Shared concern 共同关心的问题 Well-deserved reputation 良好的信誉 对…表示衷心的感谢express sincere gratitude to 请…讲话 Let’s welcome…to give a speech 双边会议bilateral conference 以掌声对…表示的最热烈的欢迎propose the warmest applause to 主办单位sponsor 颁奖仪式the Award Ceremony 贺词greeting speech 隆重举行observe the grand opening of 请…颁奖 Let’s invite to present the award 取得圆满成功achieve complete ceremony 全球庆典global celebration ceremony 宣布…结束 declare the closing of 请全体起立,奏国歌 Please rise for the national anthem. Collective stewardship 集体管理 Competitive job market 充满竞争的就业市场 Financial institutions 金融机构 Forward-looking 进取 Gross National Product 国民生产总值 Meet the challenges 迎接挑战 Public authorities 公共机构 Regulatory mechanism 法规机制 The threshold of our transition into the new millennium 跨越新千年的门槛 UNCHS (United Nations Centre for Human Settlements)联合国人居中心 Urban residents 城市居民 Well-serviced formal city 服务齐全的高尚城市 把…列为重要内容place as the priority 不放松工作never neglect the work 节约用水 water conservation 对…表示衷心祝贺extend our sincere congratulations on 节约用水先进城市model city of water conservation 使…取得预期效果attain the results expected 授予…光荣称号 confer honorable awards on 为…而奋斗strive for 严重缺水城市a city of severe water shortage 有关单位units concerned 与…比有差距compared with ,there is still some way to go 预祝…圆满成功wish a complete success 开源与节流并重broaden sources of income & reduce expenditure 对外贸易港口seaport for foreign trade 国内生产总值National Gross Products 欢聚一堂merrily gather 活跃的经济带vigorous economic region 基础雄厚solid foundation 留下最美好的印象may you have a most pleasant impression 盛世the grand occasion 祝愿在停留愉快wish a pleasant stay 综合性商港comprehensive commercial seaport 春意盎然spring is very much in the air forest coverage 森林覆盖率 global warming 全球变暖 principal element 主要因素 toxic emission 废气排放 迸发出心灵的火花ignite the sparks of understanding 建立合作桥梁build the bridge for cooperation 内容翔实substantial in content 能源大省major province of energy 日程紧凑tight in schedule call upon 号召 conservation benefits 节水的好处 industrial reuse and recycling 工业中水利用 pollution fines 污染罚款 urban water conservation 城市节水 water saving fixtures 节水装置 地区经济regional economic 港口经营多元化diversification in port operation 责任和义务perform our duties and fulfill our obligations 地区行业盛会a well-known regional event of the industry 发起港initiating ports break free 冲破藩篱 civil society 民间团体 ethnic lines 种族 genuine partnership 真正的合作伙伴 squatter settlements 违章建筑区 without access to 享受不到 畅所欲言open dialogues 计划经济的束缚the bounding of planning economy 紧迫问题pressing issues 科教兴省和走可持续发展的道路vitalize the province by science and technology and sustainable development 空前膨胀unprecedentedly inflated 控制增长势头curb the trend of steep rise 面临严峻挑战face severe challenges 清醒地看到acutely aware 生态恶化ecological deterioration 提高意识strengthen the awareness 相互尊重,求同存异,平等互利,优势互补,借鉴经验,拓展合作,立足当前,着眼未来respect each other, seek the common ground while putting aside difference, enjoy equality and mutual benefits, complement each other’s advanta ges, learn each other’s experience, expand the cooperation, stand from the present and look forward to the future 以此会议为契机take the opportunity of this seminar 滞后lag behind 转轨建制过程缓慢the tr4ansition of mechanism is slow 总结经验教训draw lessons from the past community development oriented 以发展社区为宗旨的 deserved winners 当之无愧的获奖者 ethnic minorities 少数民族 gainful employment 有报酬的 gender issues 性别问题 handicraft works 手工艺品 income generation 工薪阶层 in-depth knowledge 深入了解 the handicapped 残疾人 不求最大,但求最好seek the best instead of the largest 产业结构industrial structure 城乡一体化the unified design between the city and the countryside 短期行为short-term conduct 房地产开发real estate development 扶贫帮困help and support the poor 公共绿地public lawn 公用事业public utilities 会展中心convention center


高级口译笔记——谚语口译(Interpreting Proverbs) 1. A bad conscience is a snake in one’s heart. 做贼心虚。 2. Accidents will happen. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。 3. A clear conscience is a sure card. 为人不做亏心事,半夜不怕鬼敲门。 4. A hedge between keeps friendship green. 君子之交淡如水。 5. All your swans are geese. 事与愿违。 6. As you make the bed, so you must lie in it. 自食其果。 7. A watched pot never boils. 心急吃不了热豆腐。 8. Count one’s chickens before they are hatched. 盲目乐观。 9. Danger is next neighbor to security. 塞翁失马,安知非福? 10. Do in Rome as Romans do. 入乡随俗。 11. Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. 顺其自然。 12. Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. 三个和尚无水吃。 13. Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 14. He knows most who speaks least./Still water runs deep. 大智若愚。 15. Late fruit keeps well. 大器晚成。 16. Many kiss the baby by the name of the nurse’s sake. 醉翁之意不在酒。


英语翻译口译强化记忆词组 Give the floor to 请…发言;给予发言权 It is a great pleasure for me to我很荣幸… Relevant issues 相关问题 Updated research result 最新的调查结果 Attach the importance to 对…给予重视 Lead-edge technologies领先技术 Minister Counselor公使 Natural heritage自然遗产 Shared concern 共同关心的问题 Well-deserved reputation良好的信誉 对…表示衷心的感谢express sincere gratitude to 请…讲话Let‘s welcome to give a speech 双边会议bilateral conference 以掌声对…表示的最热烈的欢迎propose the warmest applause to 主办单位sponsor 颁奖仪式the Award Ceremony 贺词greeting speech 隆重举行observe the grand opening of 请…颁奖Let’s invite to present the award 取得圆满成功achieve complete ceremony

全球庆典global celebration ceremony 宣布…结束declare the closing of 请全体起立,奏国歌Please rise for the national anthem. Collective stewardship集体管理 Competitive job market充满竞争的就业市场 Financial institutions金融机构 Forward-looking进取 Gross National Product国民生产总值 Meet the challenges 迎接挑战 口译家为考生整理“英语翻译口译强化记忆词组”,希望大家考试顺利! Give the floor to 请…发言;给予发言权 It is a great pleasure for me to我很荣幸… Relevant issues 相关问题 Updated research result 最新的调查结果 Attach the importance to 对…给予重视 Lead-edge technologies领先技术 Minister Counselor公使 Natural heritage自然遗产 Shared concern 共同关心的问题 Well-deserved reputation良好的信誉 对…表示衷心的感谢express sincere gratitude to 请…讲话Let‘s welcome to give a speech



1…….已经具备了比较良好的条件:relatively sound conditions exist for……… sound作为形容词常见的几个搭配; (1) Having a firm basis; unshakable:基础牢固的;不可动摇的 例子:a sound foundation.牢固的基础 (2)Financially secure or safe财政上充实的或安全的: 例子:a sound economy.殷实的经济 (3)Based on valid reasoning: 合理的建立在有效推理之上的: 例子:a sound observation.合理的说法 (4)Free from logical flaws:没有逻辑错误的: 例子:sound reasoning.符合逻辑的推理 (5)Thorough; complete:彻底的;完全的: 例子:a sound flogging.狠狠的鞭打 (6)Deep and unbroken; undisturbed:深沉而不间断的;不受打扰的: 例子:a sound sleep.酣睡 (7)Marked by or showing common sense and good judgment; levelheaded:

有识别力的表现基本常识及良好判断或者具有这种特点的;头脑清 醒的: 例子:a sound approach to the problem.对该问题见解正确的方法2.推动经济和社会发展达到新的水平:raise its economic and social development to a new level 3.维护地区的和平与稳定,发展经济科技:maintain regional peace and stability, develop economy, science and technology, 4.扩大互利合作,促进共同繁荣:expand mutually beneficial cooperation, and promote common prosperity 5.。。。创造了重要的前提条件:provide an important prerequisite 6.具有相当强的经济实力:have built up significant economic strength 7.踏上。。。。航程:join the rank of …………… rank=(1)A body of people classed together; numbers: 群众归 类在一起的人们;成员: 例子:joined the ranks of the unemployed.加入到失业大军中 (2)本句中=A row, line, series, or range. 行列行、列、系列或行列



英语口译常用词语应试手册词汇 第一单元:会议致辞(1) 21世纪海上丝绸之路 the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road 把握机遇,精诚合作 seize opportunities and cooperate in good faith 包容、乐观、向上 inclusive, optimistic and courageous 包容并蓄的美德 a virtue that enables people to accommodate each other 毕业典礼 graduation ceremony/commencement 表示诚挚的感谢 extend heartfelt thanks 表示真诚的欢迎 extend sincere welcome 表示祝贺 express warm congratulations 不断将友好合作提高到新的水平 bring friendly cooperation to a new high 畅所欲言 be fully engaged in forum discussions

诚挚的问候 sincere greetings 吃苦耐劳 long suffering and hard working 充满生机活力 full of vitality 崇高使命 a lofty mission 传达祝愿 convey the best wishes to 传统美德,世代相传 traditional virtues taught from generation to generation maritime /?m?r??ta?m/ 海事的 Maritime is used to describe things relating to the sea and to ships. 海事的 [ADJ n] ...the largest maritime museum of its kind. …同类型海洋博物馆中最大的。 commencement /k??m?nsm?nt/ 毕业典礼 Commencement is a ceremony at a university, college, or high school at which students formally receive their degrees or diplomas. [美国英语]


hold the key to sth/ is the key to 在于 envoy 大使 socialist modernization drive 社会主义现代化建设 uphold; adhere to; aside by 遵守/坚持/恪守 in a history that spans more than 5000 years 在五千多年的历史中 along its arduous/tortuous course of national development 也经历了曲折而艰辛的道路poverty and backwardness贫穷和弱小 fight courageously and unyieldingly顽强斗争 through pioneering enterprise with painstaking efforts通过艰难的创业 all-weather全天候 consultation collaboration 磋商协作 crack down on terrorism打击反恐 five principles of peaceful co-existence和平共处五项原则 remarkable achievements that draw the attention of the world举世瞩目的成就 literacy and numeracy skills 读写能力和计算能力 dramatic consequence 严重的后果 prestigious university worldwide 世界著名学府 enthusiastic young faces莘莘学子青春洋溢的脸庞 distinctive academic atmosphere书香浓郁的空气 the unique way of school management 独特的办学风格 sincerely hope 衷心地希望/祝愿 zero-sum game 零和游戏 security has begun to take on wider connotations安全的内涵不断扩大 represented by terrorism 以恐怖主义为代表的 military antagonism and conflicts triggered by territorial disputes由领土引发的军事对抗和冲突remain unresolved尚未消除 mission 代表团 join me in the toast to 和我一起举杯 electronic and telecommunication 电子和通讯 full commitment and substantial investment 完全承诺大量投资 US-Chinese,British-Chinese,Canada-Chinese 美中,英中,加中 Pharmaceutical co. Ltd. 制药有限公司 QR code = quick response code 二维码 Deputy managing director 副总经理 I’ve heard of you for years 久仰大名 Help you out 为您排忧解难 If you should encounter any inconvenience in your life and work您在生活或工作中若有 Host a reception banquet in your honour 设宴为您洗尘 Guesthouse 招待所 Head office 总部 the wealth of the Confucianism and Taoism 博大精深的儒家思想和道家思想 a real expert on China 中国通 the Customs 海关 avail myself of this opportunity to do 我借此机会……


口译必备短语精选 a far cry from 与…差距很大 a sense of belonging 归属感abide by 坚持,遵守adhere to 坚持,追随,拥护apart from 除了all ears to 洗耳恭听all in all 总而言之all out 竭尽全力along with 连同……一起according to 根据accord with 符合,与…一致around the clock / twenty-four seven 全天候,毫不疲倦地,不松劲地as is often the case with 这是常有的事as the case maybe 看情况而定as far as... is concerned 就…而言 as for /as to... 至于,关于at short notice 临时得到通知;在短时间内as long as 只要at the expense of 以…为代价;在损害…的情况下at large 普遍at the very beginning 最初,一开始 attempt to 尝试,企图去做(某事) attribute to 归因于 as we all know 众所周知 be crowned with success 取得成效 be crowned as 被誉为be faced with 面临be geared to international standards 与国际接轨be meant for 旨在,针对be open to 对…持开明态 度 bear on 有 关

beat around the bush 拐弯抹角 besides the mark 离题,不相关 bring... under control 稳住 bring home to 使……领悟到,认识 到 bring oneself to 下决心,奋 力 bring about 实 现 be geared to 使适 合 beyond popularity 不受欢迎的 bring forth 推进、推 出 by a big margin 大幅度 by a hair's breath 极小的差距;一发之差by accident; by chance 偶然,意外地by and large 大体上,基本上by comparison; by contrast 和…成对照;和…比起来;相反by degree 逐渐地by leaps and bounds 飞跃地,迅速地,日新月异call for 要求,提倡carry forward 发扬,继承cheer to 为……干杯come to a successful completion 圆满成功come to terms with 就…达成协议;妥协conform to the norm 符合标准;规范 count for nothing 毫无价值date back; be traced back; be tracked back 追溯到declare open; declare the commencement of 宣布…开幕declare the conclusion / closing of .. 宣布…闭幕drink to 为……干杯


口译必须掌握词组 Give the floor to 请…发言 It is a great pleasure for me to 我很荣幸… Relevant issues 相关问题 Updated research result 最新的调查结果 Attach the importance to 对…给予重视 Lead-edge technologies 领先技术 Minister Counselor 公使 Natural heritage 自然遗产 Shared concern 共同关心的问题 Well-deserved reputation 良好的信誉 express sincere gratitude to 对…表示衷心的感谢 Let's welcome...to give a speech 请…讲话 bilateral conference 双边会议propose the warmest applause to 以掌声对…表示的最热烈的欢迎 sponsor 主办单位 the Award Ceremony 颁奖仪式 greeting speech 贺词 observe the grand opening of 隆重举行 Let's invite sb to present the award 请…颁奖 achieve complete ceremony 取得圆满成功 global celebration ceremony 全球庆典 declare the closing of 宣布…结束 Please rise for the national anthem.请全体起立,奏国歌 Collective stewardship 集体管理 Competitive job market 充满竞争的就业市场 Financial institutions 金融机构 Forward-looking 进取 Gross National Product 国民生产总值 Meet the challenges 迎接挑战 Public authorities 公共机构 Regulatory mechanism 法规机制 The threshold of our transition into the new millennium 跨越新千年的门槛 UNCHS (United Nations Centre for Human Settlements)联合国人居中心


一.起居类分类词汇 1.卧室 blanket 毛毯 cushion 垫子 quilt 被子 cotton terry blanket 毛巾被 feather quilt 羽绒被 cotton quilt 棉被 bedding 床上用品 mosquito net 蚊帐 pillow 枕头 bolster 长枕 pillow case 枕套 tick 褥子 carpet 地毯(一般指大的整块的,铺房间的那种) rug 地毯(一般指小块的,放在沙发等边上的那种) bed frame/bed base 床架 headboard 床头板 sofa bed 沙发床 folding guest bed 折叠床 loftbed frame 架在空中的床(下面可放沙发、桌子等) bunkbed frame 上下铺的床 slatted bed base 板条床 sprung base 弹簧床 bedspread 床罩 sheet 床单 mat 席子 mattress 床垫(厚的那种) mattress pad 床垫(薄的那种) bed canopy 支在床上的篷子(一般用于儿童床上的装饰) bedside table 床头柜 2. 厨房 refrigerator 冰箱 automatic rice cooker 电饭锅 steamer 蒸锅 oven 烤箱 grill 烧烤架 toaster 烤面包机 egg beater 打蛋器 ice crusher 刨冰机 food processor 食品加工机 paper towel 纸巾apron 围裙 tableware 餐具 plate 盘子 dish 碟子 bowl 碗 cupboard 碗橱 dining table 餐桌 larder 食品柜 drop-leaf table 可以折叠边缘的桌子chopping board 案板 cutlery tray 装餐具的容器 3. 卫生间 bathroom 浴室,厕所 flushing system 冲水系统 flush toilet 抽水马桶 flush pipe 冲水管 foul drainage system 排污水系统drainage 排水道 ventilation shaft/pipe 通风管道toilet seat 马桶坐圈 toilet lid 马桶盖 squatting pot 蹲式马桶 urinal 小便池 toilet paper/tissue 卫生纸 toilet brush 马桶刷 4. 浴室 bathtub 浴缸 hand shower 手握式淋浴器shower nozzle 喷头 tap faucet 水龙头 plastic curtain 防水浴帘 shower cap 浴帽 bath slipper 洗澡用拖鞋 bath mat 防滑垫 towel hanger/holder 毛巾架towel ring 毛巾环 bath towel 浴巾 soap stand 肥皂盒 comb 梳子 soap 肥皂 shampoo 洗发露 conditioner 护发素 dryer 吹风机 razor 刮胡刀 toothpaste 牙膏 toothbrush 牙刷


需要强记的词组 Give the floor to… 请…发言 It is a great pleasure for me to我很荣幸… Relevant issues 相关问题 Updated research result 最新的调查结果 Attach the importance to 对…给予重视 Lead-edge technologies领先技术 Minister Counselor公使 Natural heritage自然遗产 Shared concern 共同关心的问题 Well-deserved reputation良好的信誉 对…表示衷心的感express sincere gratitude to 请…讲话Let’s welcome…to give a speech 双边会议bilateral conference 以掌声对…表示的最热烈的欢迎propose the warmest applause to 主办单位sponsor 颁奖仪式the Award Ceremony 贺词greeting speech 隆重举行observe the grand opening of 请…颁奖Let’s invite to present the award 取得圆满成功achieve complete ceremony 全球庆典global celebration ceremony 宣布…结束 declare the closing of 请全体起立,奏国歌 Please rise for the national anthem. Collective stewardship集体管理 Competitive job market充满竞争的就业市场 Financial institutions金融机构 Forward-looking进取 Gross National Product国民生产总值 Meet the challenges 迎接挑战 Public authorities公共机构 Regulatory mechanism 法规机制 The threshold of our transition into the new millennium跨越新千年的门槛 UNCHS (United Nations Centre for Human Settlements)联合国人居中心 Urban residents 城市居民 Well-serviced formal city服务齐全的高尚城市 把…列为重要容place as the priority 不放松工作never neglect the work 节约用水 water conservation 对…表示衷心祝贺extend our sincere congratulations on 节约用水先进城市model city of water conservation 使…取得预期效果attain the results expected 授予…光荣称号 confer honorable awards on 为…而奋斗strive for 严重缺水城市a city of severe water shortage 有关单位units concerned 与…比有差距compared with ,there is still some way to go预祝…圆满成功wish a complete success 开源与节流并重broaden sources of income & reduce expenditure 对外贸易港口seaport for foreign trade 国生产总值National Gross Products 欢聚一堂merrily gather 活跃的经济带vigorous economic region 基础雄厚solid foundation 留下最美好的印象may you have a most pleasant impression 盛世the grand occasion 祝愿在停留愉快wish a pleasant stay 综合性商港comprehensive commercial seaport 春意盎然spring is very much in the air forest coverage森林覆盖率 global warming全球变暖 principal element主要因素 toxic emission废气排放迸发出心灵的火花ignite the sparks of understanding 建立合作桥梁build the bridge for cooperation 容翔实substantial in content 能源大省major province of energy 日程紧凑tight in schedule call upon 号召 conservation benefits节水的好处 industrial reuse and recycling工业中水利用 pollution fines 污染罚款 urban water conservation城市节水 water saving fixtures节水装置 地区经济regional economic 港口经营多元化diversification in port operation 责任和义务perform our duties and fulfill our obligations 地区行业盛会a well-known regional event of the industry 发起港initiating ports break free 冲破藩篱 civil society民间团体 ethnic lines种族 genuine partnership真正的合作伙伴 squatter settlements 违章建筑区 without access to 享受不到 畅所欲言open dialogues 计划经济的束缚the bounding of planning economy 紧迫问题pressing issues 科教兴省和走可持续发展的道路vitalize the province by science and technology and sustainable development 空前膨胀unprecedentedly inflated 控制增长势头curb the trend of steep rise 面临严峻挑战face severe challenges 清醒地看到acutely aware 生态恶化ecological deterioration 提高意识strengthen the awareness 相互尊重,求同存异,平等互利,优势互补,借鉴经验,拓展合作,立足当前,着眼未来respect each other, seek the common ground while putting aside difference, enjoy equality and mutual benefits, complement each other’s advantages, learn each other’s experience, expand the cooperation, stand from the present and look forward to the future 以此会议为契机take the opportunity of this seminar 滞后lag behind 转轨建制过程缓慢the tr4ansition of mechanism is slow 总结经验教训draw lessons from the past community development oriented 以发展社区为宗旨的 deserved winners当之无愧的获奖者 ethnic minorities少数民族 gainful employment有报酬的 gender issues性别问题 handicraft works 手工艺品 income generation 工薪阶层 in-depth knowledge深入了解 the handicapped残疾人 不求最大,但求最好seek the best instead of the largest 产业结构industrial structure 城乡一体化the unified design between the city and the countryside 短期行为short-term conduct 房地产开发real estate development 扶贫帮困help and support the poor 公共绿地public lawn 公用事业public utilities 会展中心convention center 基建规模infrastructure scale 精品意识consciousness for the best 精品住宅区model human settlements 企业效益enterprise revenue 文明乘车civil bus ride
