


你是谁?Who are you?

-那是什么?-阁下... - What does it mean? - Majesty ...

-我在渔网里找到的-吹吧,就吹吧... - I found in fishing nets. - He said the stories, which ...

我们相信是真的... We believe it is ...

庞塞德莱昂... Ponce de Leon ...

他说他找到了庞赛德莱昂的船He said he found ship Ponce de Leon.

-在他航行中找到的-不,我不是告诉你了吗?- As he sailed into it. - No, I tell you?

-庞德莱昂两百年前就死了-没错,但他是为了找某样东西而死的,不是吗?- Ponce de Leon died 200 years ago. - Yes, but he died looking for something, right?

不老之泉... Fountain of youth ...

你啥时候能准备好?When you can be ready to go?

随着洋流Once the tide.

加勒比海盗之惊涛怪浪Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

编译:John Sir >>>> HORA_DA_PIPOCA <<<<

今天轮到海盗了Today will be executed pirates!

快点,老爸,我们快赶不上了!And hurry up, Dad, otherwise miss hanging!

不是的,甜心,这只是仪式下午才轮到刽子手There is a hanging, baby it's a process. Carrasco will be in the afternoon.

快点!小心脚下Come on! On your feet.

快走,海盗!Moves that piratule!

或者最好叫你“肮脏的海盗”!Or, better yet, dirty pirate!

快点!快走Come on! Move it.


现在你们这些恶名昭著的海盗小贼和恶棍们将被审判Now you will be judged notorious pirate thief and a bad

杰克-斯派罗船长!Captain Jack Sparrow!

我都说了,我是吉布斯吉布斯,只要你... I said, I called Gibbs Joshamee Gibbs, how many times you ...

站起来接受审判-本次的审判者是,Take your request to receive it Who will judge this process,

尊敬的史密斯法官!Mr Justice Smith!


现在... Now ...

-我们这儿都有什么?-杰克?- What have we here? - Jack?

没那个必要啊!There was no need for that!

你说什么?What were you saying?

我不叫杰克,我是吉布斯!Do not call me Jack Sparrow but Gibbs Joshamee!

真的吗?这里写的可是杰克Just right? Here writes Jack Sparrow.

那就是杰克-斯派罗,我若清楚的话肯定一眼就认出来了There's Jack Sparrow, but he identified and without hesitation if it would help my case.

除非你想被揍,那才会有点作用This only helps if you like thi again to be beaten like a dirty rug.

囚犯声称作为杰克来说他是无罪的-如何判决?Prisoner support is not guilty Jack Sparrow.

His verdict?

-我们不是该虫验证据吗?-请您裁决有罪吗?- There must examine the evidence? - Please verdict. Guilty?

罪名若成立,他将被处以绞刑If he is guilty, will be hanged.

吊死她!用绳子勒死她!Spanzurati it! Place the neck and lathe!

-有罪吗...?-太不公平了!- Guilty ...? - It's not fair!

闭嘴!Shut up!

吉布斯... 你承认谋杀吗Gibbs Joshamee ... You blame Murder

你承认杰克-斯派罗无罪吗do not blame you Jack Sparrow.

你的供词前后不一,Your Sentinta is changed,

你的余生将会在监狱中悲惨的度过will be for the rest intemnitat your life miserable.

-什么?-吊死他!- What? - Spanzurati it!


把这个囚犯运到伦敦塔去!Arrange transportation of prisoners Tower of London!

非常感谢你Thank you very much.

合作愉快!Climb on!

毛蛋,现在咱两人都进去了Damn, now we both temnita.

别担心,我已经卖通了车夫Do not worry, I bribed the coachman.

十分钟之内我们就能离开伦敦,今晚咱就能到海岸In ten minutes, we will leave London and tonight we'll reach the shore.

之后唯一的问题就是如何找艘船了Then it will remain just a question of finding a boat.

-所以说,一切都是计划好了的?-没错- So, everything is part of a plan? - Exactly.

我们到伦敦只是为了救他Arrived in London tanc just to save him

吉布斯在绞刑架那接应Gibbs invited Joshamee by hanging.

既然你还活着,那就是说我的计划很给力Once you're still alive, I plan perfectly.

你怎么了,吉布斯?我以为你在其它哪里被What happened to you, Gibbs? I thought you are employed elsewhere.

是的,但我总是注意关于黑珍珠的传言Yes, but I always listen carefully Rumors of the Black Pearl.

没人知道它停在了港口Nobody knew was to anchor in the harbor.

之后我听到了另一个传言Then I heard another rumor.

杰克-斯派罗已经到了伦敦,他在找一个船员Jack Sparrow has arrived in London a ship in search of a crew.

-扯蛋-我听到的就是这样- Not really. - I am what I heard.

事实上,你今晚就是小酒馆里船长的女儿Actually, you're recruiting night Captain's Daughter in the tavern.

-不对!-这似乎有点奇怪,- Not true! - It seemed a little strange

但预言从不会容易but you were never easy to predict.

所以说在某个地方还有另一个杰克在毁我名声?So it's another Jack Sparrow somewhere and ruin my reputation?

-一派胡言!-没错- A quack! - It's true.

-但是...那骗子有艘船-而且还缺船员- But ... Deceiver has a boat. - And he needs a crew.

顺便说下,这正是我需要的Moreover, exactly what I and I need.

但你,杰克?我最后听到你是在找不老之泉But you, Jack? The last time I heard you, look for

the fountain of youth decided.

你这进行的怎么样了?How do you get to go?

特殊情况强迫我来思考更好的Special Circumstances forced me Better think

必要的自主裁决权来实现目标discretia the necessary achieving the goal.

-我是说,你放弃了-不对!- I mean, you give up. - Not true!

我只是决定开始而已!再果断点I just decided to get started! Even more decisive.

我喜欢这水,因此,吉布斯先生,记住你说的话I like the water, so Mr. Gibbs remembers to tell you.

看来这是个很短的旅行Seems like it was a short trip.

是计划的一部分?Part of the plan, is not it?

那边... There ...

你真的是杰克-斯派罗,是不是?You're even Jack Sparrow, is not it?

这只是名头而已,而且船长二字就跟在后面It should be title and The "captain" next to the name somewhere.

我听说了... 而且你也知道我是谁I heard that ... And you know who I am.

你的脸更加熟悉... 你曾经被威胁过吗?You have a familiar face ... Have you ever threatened? 你现在位于乔治公爵的吕讷堡之中You're in the presence of George Augustus Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg,

神圣的罗马帝国High Treasurer and Principe Holy Roman Empire

大不列颠及爱尔兰的国王还有你的King of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. And yours.

我听起来并不熟悉啊I do not sound familiar.

我听说你到伦敦找一个船员I was told you came to London Thi to find a crew.

一派胡言Completely false.

然后你骗我说你就是杰克-斯派罗So I have mind when you say you are Jack Sparrow.

即便就是杰克把,但我是来找船员的Even Jack Sparrow is, but I came looking for a crew.

谁想要这个?另一个人Who wants this Another person.

是的...另一个叫杰克-斯派罗的人Yes ... Else named Jack Sparrow.

有了的人你就别带给我了找到他,这假货就算了I did not bring what he had. Find it and drop by this impostor.

等下!Wait a minute!

我就是杰克,唯一的杰克-斯派罗I'm Jack Sparrow only Jack Sparrow.

-我在伦敦-寻找一个船员- And it is in London. - To find a crew.

-以便找到那泉水源头... -神马?- To travel to the Source ... - What?

这些手铐勒死人了!!Let's get someone These handcuffs them hell!


-我们知道那地图-地图束缚了他!- We know that the possession of a map. - Confiscati spanzurati them and you map it!

你有地图吗?You have a map?

-没有-它在哪里?- No. - Where is he?

事实上...我昨天把它弄丢了The truth is that ... I lost yesterday.

我得报告下,那西班牙人找到了不老泉I have a report that I found The Spaniards found the fountain of youth.

我是不会要西班牙老的二手货的I will not accept that a Spanish monarch second hand ... ...独享并获得永生!... Monopolize and achieve immortality!

-知道如何去不老泉吗?-当然了!别再盯我看了!- You know how to get along? - Absolutely! Stop looking at me?

你可以找个向导Could you send a guide.

这样的话... 你就提供条船... In this case, the height ... Will you give me a boat ...

-和一支队伍?-还有一个船长- And a team? - And a captain.

早上好,先生Good morning, sir.

我若能... If I can ...

这个男的为什么戴手铐?Why is not this man and incatu? Must be detained immediately.

那看起来似乎很危险啊There seems to be very dangerous.

赫克托...真高兴我能看到同伴Hector ... I'm good to see another pirate among us.

海盗吗?不是的Pirate? No. Obstruction.

正在执行任务而且有官方的保护On a mission to serve and under the protection of the Crown. 非常好,但首先... Peral选择了什么?Very good, but first ... Pearl chose my dear?

我失去了佩拉还失去了我的腿!Lost Perla the way I lost my leg!

-失去了佩拉?-是的- Lost Pearl? - Yes.

我们顽强抵抗但最后还是沉了We strongly but finally sank.

船是一个宝石他被迫把它给弄沉了Ship that was a gem. He would have been forced to dive for it.

巴博萨船长,时间紧急啊Captain Barbossa Every second lost

西班牙人给他们提供了优势Spanish gives them an advantage.

我非常相信你将完成使命,I firmly that will complete the mission-Thi,

因而你会获得你最想要的高级职务。tigandu-Thi, how much very necessary function of discharge.

-我可以为您服务的,殿下-这位先生,你就个呆瓜- I is enough to serve you, sir. - You, sir, you are a fool.

我们的时代已经逝去,缺憾创造了这方土地上的赢家?Our time has passed, the disadvantage creates winners in the field?

而你有机会见到另有一类人And you the opportunity to meet and another class of people.

我什么都明白了I understood everything.

除了假发Except wig.

-他还是要走吗?-我来处理,阁下- He escaped somehow? - I'll deal with that, sir.


找到它!Find It!

在这!Here it is!

这就是吗?Is that it?


肮脏的海盗!Dirty pirate!

嘿,小杰!Hi, Jackie!

嗨,爸爸Hi, Dad.

我从船员那里听说你了I hear you to form a team.

群众的眼睛是雪亮的If they all say the same thing, means that it must be true.

我知道你要去哪了是不老泉I found and where you are indrepti. For good.

你在那吗?Were you there?

这个人似乎去过不老泉了啊?Guy looks like he visited Fountain of youth?

-这取决于你-儿子,那泉水... - Depends on how you beat the light. - Son, Spring ...

你得为仪式准备点东西You will need a few things for a ritual.

两只碗Two bowls.

-地图是一只圣杯-银质的- The map was a cup. - Two silver.

确保你从庞赛德莱昂的船那得到它Ship Ponce de Leon, make sure you have.

-为什么?-为了仪式,小杰,别傻了- Why? - For the ritual, do not be stupid, Jackie.

启航前把所有细节理清Find all the details to tell you before you board.

我很想启航,但首先我更需要条船I would love to sail, but first I need a boat.

那边的人,他们有条船而且现在正需要船员The people there, they have a boat. Recruitment of sailors now.

还有件事,小杰And another thing, Jackie.

想要找到泉水将要经受考验记住我说的Source will be tested remembers him saying.

-我听说这里招聘船员啊-没错- I heard they recruit a crew. - The so-i.

事实上,是杰克在招船员In fact, you knew Jack Sparrow Q and a search crew.

有勇气吗,嗯?你过来,就穿成那样Have a little courage, is not it? Come here and use a.

-你是个骗子吗?-老兄,你知道我是谁吗?- You're somehow an impostor? - You know who I am, man?

兄弟们,这里有个傻子忘了自己的名字!Guys, here is an idiot you forgot your name!

伙计们,我将要和杰克-斯派罗出海他知道该如何尊敬水手!Personally, I'll sail with Sparrow. He knows how to do homage to a sailor!

你偷走了我的名誉,现在我要拿回它You stole my reputation, I've come to retrieve it.

别模仿我I'm not imitate.

是个单身都知道的A single person in your life movement knows it.

我一直都想做这件事... I always wanted I do this ...


嗨,杰克Hi, Jack.

真是印象深刻,我想我有一两次差不多杀了你了吧I'm impressed. I think almost I killed once or twice.

真是过奖了Are achieved this sincere flattery.

但为什么?But why?

你是法律能给我弄来的唯一的海盗了You're the only pirate law can give me.

这可不是恭维话Not a compliment.

别担心,杰克我早就原谅你了Do not worry, Jack. I forgave you long ago.

为什么?因为你离开了吗?Why? Why did you leave?

记住,我会离开的Thi remind you, I'll have left.

绅士使淑女拥有他们虚幻的信念A gentleman lets a lady to maintain their beliefs and fantasies. 小心点,斯派罗只要我的水手们收钱了Be careful, Sparrow. Provided as my sailors are being paid,

他们就愿意做任何事and be willing to endure Particular stranger.

但是,我是不会容忍的However, it is a characteristic I will not tolerate.

我承认,我只抄袭了船长其它可就没了I will only accept copy me as captain, no less than that.

为此,你要艘船,而我似乎就有一艘For this you need a boat, and it seems I am one.

我会开船I could use a boat.

-有传言说你去过不老泉-流言蜚语八可信呐- A rumor said that you were at the source. - Rumor has more today.

-不老之泉-安吉利卡爱它- The fountain of youth. - Angelica love, and you do not worry;

还有好几年时间I still have some good years left and i.

我可能还是那个被辱的国王I, as can a king to be insulted, not planned.

-你可一点都没变!- You have not changed a bit! - Insinuating that would take?


你背叛了我你还勾引我You betrayed me. You seduced me, and I used.

我是无辜的我从没勾过汉子I was innocent, I had no man.

你很会勾引人啊,我都被诱惑了You have shown great skill, Even if you have seduced me.

我准备好发誓了,而你... I was ready to do my oath, and you ...

-你在西班牙的修道院做什么?-我们在找一个妓院我的错- What are you in a Spanish monastery? - Looking for a brothel. My mistake.


-我们不占优势-管好自己吧- We are at a disadvantage. - Discuss with your name.

和那个盗我身份的人不一样,Unlike the others, who stole my identity

我真的就是杰克-斯派罗船长I really am Captain Jack Sparrow.

你说的那事... That thing you say So I used this ...

-你很清楚我什么意思-我知道,但你怎能那样说呢?- You know exactly what I mean. - I know, but how can you say something?

-那该怎说?-这是什么?- So what? - What is it?

不老泉...关于它你都知道些什么?Source ... What do you know about this?

或许你有庞赛德莱昂的两只银碗?You have, by chance, two bowls Silver-Ponce de Leon?

-没有-好吧,我想多了- No. - Yes, for me and I was thinking.

-为什么?-我听过那些故事传言... - Why? - I've heard stories, rumors ...

当然,你知道的,那是中间的一种仪式,对吗?You know, of course, and is a ritual in the middle, is not it?

是的,我知道Yes, I know.

这是什么?需要什么?What is this? What do you need?

一个美人鱼,杰克The Mermaid, Jack.

他们犯了个错!将那是终身受困而不是死亡!They made a mistake! It's a life sentence, not death!

-巴伯萨!-我想你知道如何打结- Barbossa! - I think you know how to make a knot.

强迫一个男人做这事太残忍了It is cruel to force a man to do alone and rope knot that will hang.

你怎么能边睡觉边写字啊How Ithi rest and sleep Terni.

-你怎么了?-杰克在哪?- What happened to you? - Where's Jack Sparrow?

他逃了He escaped.

我没有多少时间,吉布斯他们黎明即将启航I have little time at his disposal, Gibbs, HMS Providence and I sail at dawn

除非你想被吊在这儿,死的时候满口的苍蝇... If you do not want to hang here, dead mouthful to bite him ...

现在就说Contact now.

-不管你到哪,把我也带着... -带你到哪,吉布斯?- Take me with you. Wherever you go ... -

Where do you take, Gibbs?

不老泉吗?是的杰克就是在那的吗?The Source? Yes That's where Jack is going?

你能回报给我们什么,吉布斯?Can you give me something in return, Gibbs?

回报?It has something to offer?

只要满足我的一个要求,你就能看到明天的太阳My one request and you will not see the sunrise.

把它给我Give me that.


我有足够的时间来学习这些I had enough time to study the circles of hell,

所有航线,所有目的地全部都存储在这里。all routes, all destinations. All are stored here.

欢迎回到码头陛下,吉布斯先生Welcome back to the Marina His Maiestatii, Mr. Gibbs.

-动起来,水手们!-是的,长官!- Move it, Sailor! - Yes, sir!


-他犯了个大错-闭嘴,动起来- He committed a huge mistake. - Shut up and move it.

-它不该在这儿的-很多人发现自己在海上... - You should not be here. - Many in the sea

都不知道自己为何在那,而且前一天晚上的事都不记得了do not know why they are there and in the evening without the prior recall

而那时候他在酒馆里输了所有的钱and the lost all the money in the taverns.

不,不,你不明白的伙计,我就是唯一的杰克斯派罗船长!No, no, do not understand, man. I am Captain Jack Sparrow. The only!

这是我的荣幸往前走I'm Scrum. The pleasure is all mine. Move it.


-那里怎么会有个水晶棺材?-你认为我会懂吗?- Why is there a glass coffin? - Thi seems I'm the boss here?

-他们在哪?-打扰下,斯派罗船长- Where are they? - Excuse me, Captain Sparrow.

我忠心地希望你能你喜欢安妮女王号的复仇I am honored to wish you welcome the ship Queen Anne's Revenge infamous.


这个有点古怪It's a little strange.

-那是羞猫-什么?- It mortificat. - What?

羞猫,黑胡子的手所有人都一样的Mortificat. Blackbeard's hand. Ofiterii are all equal.

因此,确保更多的And to ensure they are submitted and i.

而且能够在持续的慌张中And in a continuous twitter.

-快点,擦-好的... - Come on, rub. - Yes ...

-我们至少要在海上呆五天-没错,你已经了解大海的气息了吧?- We are five days at sea, at least. - Yes, you could get the smell of the sea after picture?

在船员闻过之后After the smell of the crew.

这个男的做完了?为了肯定的知道我为什么远远站着Because this man? As you surely know to stay away.

他?是真的他总是在谈论万能的上帝He? It's true. Always talking God Almighty.

-在这船上的虔诚信仰?-真是传教士的经典行为- A devotee of this ship? - Typical story of a missionary.

他在一次突袭中被抓获,除了他其他人都挂了He was captured during an attack, and all were killed except him.

第二次则因为他的信仰而得以免除It was the second crutat because of their faith.

为了一个不知名的罪犯而自己冒险Mate and risked her own safety of an unknown prisoner.

-那可真是罕见-拥有“他们”?- This is a rare thing. - His "they"?

-迈特是个女的?-回去工作!- Mate is it? - Back to work!

目光放长远点You see his work next.

无论忠诚还是慈悲你都是一个没有灵魂的人You're a mutt with no soul loyalty or mercy.

-我说的是我有艘船-不,是黑胡子有一艘船- I said I have a boat. - No, Blackbeard has a boat. 而现在他正被困在船上Are trapped on board.

我们可以成功的,杰克不老之泉... 正是你一直想要的We can succeed, Jack. Fountain of youth ... The way you get you always wanted.

黑胡子... 海盗惧怕所有的同党Blackbeard ... Pirate fear that all piratii.

不管是谁占用空闲时间死者复活People like free and busy the resurrection of the dead.

-我会听的-他谁的话都不听- I'll listen. - He does not listen to anybody.

或许他会听他女儿的话Maybe I'll listen to his daughter.

我滴意思是,你女儿?I mean, you're her daughter?

很久前就失散了,最近才相认... Time lost, found recently ...

...而且她很爱她的父亲... And me and my dad loves with all my heart.

- 甚至想过吗?- 我相信我做了- And even thought? - I made them believe.

然后等待不老泉或者...请等下Then you wait for the fountain of youth. Or ... We're waiting.

-无论如何,我不是在这里- 不,杰克,这是最好的部分了- Anyway, I'm not out here. - No, Jack, this is the best.

- 他会死的- 我将亲自负责吗- He will be killed. - I will personally take care of it?

这是一个预言... 也许你不相信超自然It is a prophecy ... Maybe you do not believe in the supernatural.

是的,我看见到目前为止的几件事情了Yes, I saw few things so far.

预言这样说的:黑胡子会在... And he said to the prophets; Beard and I'll find the end

十四天后于沧桑之手中找到源泉After 14 days, chiop and hands.

这就是为什么我想找到不老泉,杰克That's why I want to find the source, Jack.

既然你就是活地图或许你愿意给我们指引方向How are you on the map you might want to give us direction.

- 绅士点,我倒一杯- 卡萨里不是海盗,吉布斯先生- Be a gentleman and poured me a cup. - Corsario are not pirates, Mr. Gibbs.

- 作为海盗,我们的行为就是这样- 诶,船长- And as pirates, we behave as such. - I got it, captain.

- 我们是在正确的,吉布斯?- 是的,这是正确的- We are on the right side, Gibbs? - Yeah, right.

这就是证据Look and taste.

西班牙无敌舰队Spanish Armada.

准备战斗!伸出你们的帆!Prepare your battle! Thi stretch fabric!

准备好大炮!Prepare the cannons!

步枪就位!This kid and seasons!

等待指令!Wait until the end!


枪炮已上膛等待发射,先生The guns are loaded, waiting for orders, sir.

先生,你的指令?Lord, who ordonati?

头都不用调了不老泉在此一搏I even turned heads. Source is at stake.

看来,我们几乎没有时间了我们需要沉下去It seems they do not deserve less time We need to sink.

现在我们都落后了加大马力!And now we're back. Choose multiple screens!

-再多点!- 伸展好你的帆!paintings - More! - Candles Stretch Thi well!

真是个阴险的计谋A rebellion ugly.

是的,我混进了船员中,杰克斯派罗不是个骗子。Yes, I was entered in the crew Jack Sparrow, and not an imposter.

综上所述他就是个骗子。The above was really an impostor.

-事实上我们并没有提及-我现在很惭愧。- A fact that was not noted. - And now she's embarrassed.

-我都拿上了-好样的!- I took everything. - Bravo!

我们走吧黑胡子...什么是习惯?Let's go. Blackbeard ... What is custom?

-长坐在驾驶室。-的确,是在驾驶室非常多。- Long cab sits. - Exactly, it is much in the cabin. -是的,但当他离开那... -那也就没什么了。- Yes, but when he gets out there ... - Not quite there. -必须出出来。-不,我不这么认为... - You need to leave and never will be. - No, I do not think ... -你们有和他一起航行吗?-不,绝不- Have any of you sailed with him? - No, never.

-你们是否见过?-绝对木有。- Have any of you have seen? - No, definitely not.

他坐在驾驶室,没有人与他同行也没有人了解他。It sits in the cab, no one has sailed with him and he saw none.

好消息,先生们!那是我们的黑胡子的船。Good news, gentlemen! What Blackbeard's ship. -这可不是安妮女王的复仇。-这当然是的。- This is not Queen Anne's Revenge. - Yes, it sure is. -你怎么知道?-我注意到船尾的那个名称。- How do you know? - I saw your name on the stern.

先生们,亲爱的同僚们... Gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, ...

你已被以最残酷的方式所欺骗。You have been the most difficult and Elath the chip.

-我被欺骗?-没错- I was in and Elath? - Yes.

同时,为了... And with regard to the fate ...

死亡是我们通往不老泉的道路。Death can the path to the fountain of youth.

-这将是个不幸的结果-是的,当然- It would be an unfortunate outcome. - Yes, certainly.

除非我们将船控制This is only if we control of the ship.

然后我们接管船!Then take the ship!

来吧,把它拿走。Come, come into contact with the place.

杰克... Jack ...

如果这是个梦那你可以继续把靴子套在他的脚上If it's a dream different chargers to say you can be.

-如果不是... -这是一个梦!- If not ... - It's a dream!

亚麻带,亚麻带!No, no!

我想提醒你,将接管该船舶。I thought to warn you, take over the ship.

站住!Stay away!


你要么跟我们要么与我们为敌!Either you are with us times against us!

我不同你们一起也不同你们为敌!I'm not with you and not against you!

-他能回答吗? -这是偏执的,我觉得这只是一个要求。- Can you respond? - It's biased, I think it's a requirement.

战死为止,斯派罗!Luptati death, fear!

带上他并把他捆好!Take it and legati it well!

这船是我们的!The ship is ours!

绅士们... Gentlemen ...

我有点糊涂了。I'm a little confused.

我在船舱里,休息下... I was in my cabin, resting me ...

突然,我听到甲板上不同寻常的声音And suddenly I heard incredible sound of the deck.

没有命令水手们就离开了他们的岗位Mariners and abandon the position i without being commanded.

没有经验的人将接管该船。People without experience want to take the ship.

你怎么称呼他,伙计?How is called this, pal?

反叛者,船长!Rebellion, Captain!

-你怎么说?-叛军!- How do you say? - Rebellion!

是的,阴谋诡计Yes, the rebellion.

命运在等着的是造反的人?And what fate is waiting for them those who rebel?

我们已经知道答案了,是不是... You already know the answer, and you do not a. ..


11月份。>>>> V AMOS_NO_CINEMA <<<<

船长,我想报告一个叛变。Captain, I want to report a rebellion.

-我能展示一下名字或竖下中指。-不需要,斯派罗先生。- It may seem to give the name and fingers. - No need, Mr. Sparrow.

他们是羊,而你是牧师。They are sheep and you're the pastor.

我已经说了你有一个可爱的女儿吗?I said that so far which has a wonderful daughter?

对灵魂的谴责来说这是最后的愉悦景象了A beautiful image last for a damned soul.

对不起,爸爸...但我们需要他。Excuse me, father ... But we need it.

如果你不杀他你会忘了你到底是谁。If you can not kill a man from time to time, forget who they really are.

你是个胆小鬼!On and coward!

不要忘记船员看起来像个懦夫,你也是。Remember that the team sees and as you are,

不论你杀了多少人。regardless of how many people you kill.

我一天糊涂了两次。I'm confused twice in one day.

你没糊涂,你是在害怕。You're not confused, Ithi is fear.

不敢做出正确的选择,正确的选择Do not you dare follow fairly even way.

不,先生,道理很简单我是个坏人No, sir, the truth is very simple. I'm a bad man.


-它同样可以杀了你!-不!- He could kill you and you! - No!

-你有拉丁血统,就像你的母亲-父亲,我求求你!- You have Latin blood, like his mother. - Father, I beg you!

是的,我再次忘了什么在我们传教士心中Yes, again, I forgot What is the missionary among us.

我的女儿担心什么是我的灵魂离开My daughter and I worry what's left of my soul.

真想救我,孩子?Really want you to save me, son?

所以的灵魂能够被拯救Any soul can be saved.

-是的,年轻的神父?-是的。- The priest is so young? - Yes.

虽然就你来说不太可能。With all that in your case is less likely.

然而,我为这艘船的每一个灵魂祈祷And yet, I pray for all souls Related to this hellish ship. 你良心被狗吃了是不是?Would you put out with their faith.

你们哪一个人不快乐哪一个在沉睡中?Which of you is unhappy which has sleep state?

我,我在保持清醒。Me, I stayed awake.

-你? -是的。- You? - Yes.

是的... 非常好Yes ... Chief. Perfect.

带他去运输船!Take the boat to transport it!

过来一个!Come one!

-为什么这样做?-叛乱者必须受到惩罚。- Why? - Rebellion should be punished.

一个好的船长有时展现的很可惜A good captain demonstrates an pity sometimes.

我给这个人机会决定他自己的命运I gave this man to chance and fate decide.

我不能给她什么He would have been able to not give you anything.

现在给你机会来展示珍惜你的祈祷You look, you now have the chance to Prayers its value. 保佑能够平平安安而不是...灾祸连连?Pray to be safe from ... Bad?

用尽所有的力量!With all the power!

给他一个机会!你给自己一个机会!Give him a chance! Thiele Thi Take a chance!

我知道他们觉得自己是最接近造物者的人?You know when I feel like I'm closer to the Creator?

当我看到苦难和痛苦,似乎我看到他对这个世界的认知When you see the suffering and agony, it seems Your outline what I see for this world.

当我看到它悲惨的和艰难的时刻I'll see when sometimes tragic and difficult

同情与善良是提供给那些需要的人的compassion and bunavointa are offered for those who need them.

然后,祈祷你不会受伤,对不对?Then pray that you will not get hurt, right?

-拜托,还是有希望的...-又一次吗!- Please, there is still hope ... - Again!

我对什么不老泉一点兴趣都没有I'm not interested in any fountain of youth,

所以如果你感到快乐,我可以去如何你想去的地方The way that you are satisfied, I can stop anywhere you want.

监督官,你自由了Mayor, you're free.

曲解你的用意你隐藏的太深了Your words surround it and succeed beyond as a mist to hide. 而你,伟大的黑胡子?And you, Mareth Blackbeard?

他们说,当你被斩首的时候They say that although it has been beheaded

你的身体浮了三次还爬到了甲板上His body swam three times around the vessel and climbed onto the deck.

而现在你害怕飞行And now you're scared, fleeing.

- 害怕吗?- 是对不老泉- Fear? - For good.

警司,为了某些事情Superintendent, provides for certain things.

他提到死亡还说命运的骰子已被掷出He arranged for the death sortii and the data were played. -线开始出模-Wire begins to take shape.

命运,婚姻都有了可笑的归属Do you believe the ridiculous luck, mate.

-你呢?-我?- And you? - Me?

我对未来持怀疑态度,包括我的未来I am skeptical aspects intrezaririi future, including my future.

与命运抗衡是愚蠢的但我很想作弊It would be foolish for me to fight fate but I'm tempted to and herself.

我要找到不老泉而你,则要指引我找到它I think the source, and you drove me to it.

这刀将如同在之前叛乱中一般尽可能帮助你Knife will help you both that the earlier rebellion. 叛乱帮了我很多他让我有机会和你谈谈Rebellion helped me a lot. He gave me the opportunity to speak with you.


让我提醒你... To warn you ...

在你的队友中,每个人都欲盖弥彰Its companion, pretending to be what is not.

请继续说Continue, please.

那不是你女儿It's not your daughter.

她受过良好的教育-关于欺骗的艺术She is well educated in art and elaciunii.

我知道这个是因为我给他看了即便如此,I know this because I showed Thus,

但我还是要赞美她无比的天赋but I take praise His enormous talent.

你是说我的女儿,唯一的我做过的好事Are you saying that my daughter alone good thing I ever did,

是变态的吗?has been perverted for you?

先生,她是邪恶的化身Lord, she is evil incarnate.

比饥肠辘辘的长爪獠牙野兽更加凶残可怕More feared than a wild animal hunger, with teeth and claws,

如同地狱使者一般... vengeful park and come in hell ...

-爸爸!-小可爱!- Father! - Love!

我不必要伤害自己,父亲我们会帮忙的I am not sorry, Dad. We'll help.

嗯,杰克?And there's that, Jack?

你看,即使是现在关心你的福利,See, until now cares their welfare,

即使你无耻的说谎了even if you lie Nate and non-Russian on her.

我们还是要去不老泉... 嗯?We go to the source ... Do not you think?

让我解释一下...如果我不能及时赶到不老泉... Explain to tell you otherwise ... If I fail to timely supply ...

你是不会到的You will not get.

之后咨询活地图会很好的,是吗?So it would be good to go consult maps, is not it?



先生,不幸的是,我们得到一些谣言Sir, unfortunately, present some rumors.

和我们的目的地有关的Relative to our destination.

闭嘴,做你的工作Shut up and do the work of thi.

- 好吧,那么- 我不想不敬... - Okay, then. - I do not want to disrespect ...

船员有什么感觉?告诉我How do you feel about the crew? Tell me.

-白帽湾-是的,白帽高尔夫- Whitecap Bay. - Yes, golf Whitecap.

所有的恐惧的意志薄弱都有这样的名称All fear that without willpower this name and with good reason.

但很少有人知道为什么而另一些人则有胆量去问But putini know why while others do not

dare ask.

如果故事是真的... If the stories are true ...

说吧,吉布斯,你知道你的地图关于这些地方吗?Say, Gibbs, what do you know your maps about these places?

- Sirens,船长- 怎么了,Sirens - Sirens, Captain. - Yes, sirens.

海鬼,总是在寻找人肉大餐Ghosts of the sea, always searching Ospath a meat man.

我们必须经过水中的美人鱼才能到达目的地You have to pass through the waters of sirens to reach the destination.

保管好你的灵魂,吉布斯美人鱼是众所周知的妖媚... Keep Thi soul, Gibbs, I know that the sirens were sure the body ...

从里到外的妖To the bone.

冷静下来!找回你的勇气!Calmati sure! Regasiti his courage!

随时准备面对的恐惧Be ready to infruntati fears.

- 水!- 不,是一个逃兵!- Man in the water! - No, a deserter!

-让你的船转向!-不!- Turn ship Thi! - No!

先生,我时不会强人所难的问人家的Gentlemen, I will not ask a man more than he can provide 但有件事我想知道... 难道我们不是人类之王?but I wonder one thing ... We're not the king of men?

- 在为国王卖命?- 是的- On a mission to the king? - Yes.

当西班牙人经过我们的时候我看到了他们眼中的恐惧I saw fear in the eyes of the Spaniards when they passed us.

- 我们是万能的人类吗?- 是的!- We are not the king of men? - Yes!

是的,没到白帽湾之前都给我去工作Yes, to turn your work before Whitecap head up the bay. 侬好哇Hello.

-来吧,一起喝酒- 美酒,音乐,烛光... - Come, drink together. - Wine, music, light candles ... 我想我曾经有过这种情况,杰克I think it was once In this situation, Jack.

是的,没错Yes, the so-i.

我记得很清楚I remember very well.

一个沉闷的谵妄,激情,会哭泣... A dull delirium, companion in love, and Rava ...

你还记得同样的事情,不是吗?Do you remember the same thing, right?

马提尼克岛的香格里拉...我试图杀死圣多米尼克La Martinique ... I tried to kill in St. Dominique.

我不记得了I no longer remember.

不是我们的队友Do not kill our properly.

不管怎么我都是第一个?我经常在想I was somehow in the first place? I often wondered.

它们是如此的迷人没有一个具体的目标You're not so lovely not have a specific goal.

我好奇的是I'm curious what it is.

嗯,说实话So tell the truth.

黑胡子接手之后,我们可以一起去不老泉After Beard and I will serve the purpose, We can go to the source together

我们在那里一起沐浴where we bathe each other.

我必须告诉你?And I must tell you rite?

是的,令人垂涎的仪式Yes, the ritual required.

我能相信你吗,杰克?Can I trust you, Jack?

我需要知道你是我这边的人I need to know that you're mine.

安吉利卡,亲爱的... Darling, Angelica ...

你是我是亲密的朋友,爱人You and I are close friends, love.

告诉我吧Tell me the rules.

来自不老泉的泉水... Water from the fountain of youth ...

美人鱼晶莹的泪珠... Tears of a beautiful mermaid ...

庞赛德莱昂的银杯... Silver Chalice Ponce de Leon's ...

这些东西混在一起... - 真的吗?- With these things together ... - Yes?

有了这个,你可以取另一个人的性命,杰克With this you can have throughout the life of another person, Jack.

-什么?-你知道那意味着什么?- What? - You know what that means?

不仅我们可以走了Not only can go.

还有这仪式涉及的受害者And the ritual involving a victim.

怎么闷闷不乐的?- 的确- That unhappiness. - It's true.

我对不老泉的渴望刚刚锐减了My wish for the fountain of youth just dropped sharply.

但是有一些东西为什么你想要的很多But there is something Why would you want too.

还有黑胡子?And Beard?

将不得不快速移动The maps in the room, We will have to change very quickly.

把所有船留着作为一个奖杯Keep all vessels as a trophy.

如果你帮我,我保证会让你选一个If you help me, I promise I'll let you choose one,

虽然我知道你的选择是什么although I know Thi, who will be the choice.

黑珍珠在一个瓶子里?Black Pearl in a bottle?

为什么黑珍珠在瓶子里?Why is the Black Pearl in a bottle?

这样的话可就更让人头疼了It's even more annoying in miniature.

- 我们有一个交易,杰克?- 安吉利卡,你懂的- We have an understanding, Jack? - Angelica, you know.

你是不会偷走一个无辜的人的生活的You will not steal the life of an innocent man.

怎么样的生活跛脚?What about life and chiopului?

我们需要时间,杰克,不是为了我We need year-old Jack, not for me.

而是为了我的父亲For my father.

的确,黑胡子的女儿There is, indeed, the daughter of Blackbeard.

你为自己的陷阱纠结吗- 不,我的父亲真的是的- You have been the victims of their own traps. - No, my father really is.

你跟他们说的谎是真的The lies told thi was not lying.

- 你骗了我说告诉我真相?- 是的- Do you mind telling me the truth? - Yes.

真狡猾,我可从来没这样做过Very clever, I never did that.

- 我敢肯定你会的- 当然- I'm sure you will. - Sure.

所以,你会不会放弃这次搜寻了?So you will not leave this research?

我想要个父亲,杰克我之前有过一个I want a father, Jack. I had one before.

安吉利卡...你的父亲,黑胡子... Angelica ... His father, Blackbeard ...

它是邪恶的,如果有机会它会杀了你的He is evil and will kill you If you have the opportunity. 它不能被保存着It can not be saved.

你凭什么认为你就是可以设限的灵魂拯救者?Why do you think is the only salvation of the soul can set limits?

你偷走了我数十年的生活,杰克这是你欠我的You stole years of my life, Jack. I're due.

而你正在通往死亡的路上前行And you're on the road leads to destruction.

我并不想冷眼旁观让你跟着他I do not want to stay away and let it follow him.

每个人都到甲板上!把船放低All on deck! Lower the boat length.

把它们撒匀了别漏了Intindeti them well, do not be entangled.

让他们好好看看我们的猎物Make them look good for our prey.

我们需要点光更强的光We will need light. Lots of light.

快!Come on!

你闻?E油这东西烧的可猛了Smell? And oil. She burns like a divine miracle.

你能让它工作吗?You can get it to work?

这是英国人真我们希望我们做的太多了It is made by the British. Do not make us wait too long.

正适合狩猎泪眼美人鱼Perfect for hunting tears of a mermaid.

我们输了他们被吸引到人工光源那了We pierduti. They are attracted by artificial light.


老兄,这可比比鲨鱼更糟糕Worse than the sharks, boy.

Siren会在一小时内到我们这Sirens will be with us within one hour remember what you say.

我们是诱饵We're the bait.

我听说美人鱼之吻能保护船员不落水I hear a siren kiss protects sailors drowning.

不要被愚弄了Do not be fooled.

Sirens是女性而且她们看起来很神圣The mermaids are women and look divine.

但是,当她们觅食的时候... But when it comes time to eat ...

她们就会绑架在船上的船员以达到目的Kidnapping sailors on ships bridge or boats and serve their purpose.

然后,水手们在深水中被淹死并被吃掉Then work and sailors are in deep inecati and mancati. 不过有时他们是先吃然后淹死Sometimes there first mancati inecati then.

-唱歌-什么...?- Sing. - What the ...?

他们喜欢听歌They like songs.


老天... God ...

看...那边Look ... There.

- 我会吓唬她的!- 太好了!- You'll scare her! - Good Riddance!

你能说话吗?Can you talk about?


你是如此美丽You're beautiful.

歌是你唱的?- 是的- You're the one who sings? - Yes.

你就是淹死我水手的人?You are my sailor who drowned?

是的,我可能就是哦Yes, I could be.

试着检查下你的感官!Thi senses Snap!

在这悲惨的生活中它给了我更多,这就是事实It gave me more this miserable life, that's the truth.

但上帝为我作证,我从一个真正的美人鱼那得到了一个吻!But God is my witness, I get a kiss from a siren for real!

准备好,开始了!Get ready, already started!

转开她们!掌控好你的勇气!Aprindeti them! Stapaniti his courage!

到水里!快点!Join the water! Hurry!

退到陆地上!现在!Retrageti your land! Now!

下去,我可是认真的!Retrageti sure, I say!

懦夫!回到水里!In and s! Back on the water!

你是不会逃到陆地上的!仔细听好You will not escape your land! Listen to me!


我有一个了!I have one!

我恋爱了!I'm in love!

受伤了!看看你在现实中能不能找到美人鱼!Take ranitii! You see if you find a mermaid in your life!

快点,帮他!Come ajutati it!

干得好,水手Well done, sailor.

他每个人都看得清楚吗?因为我是不会再重复了He saw clearly at all? Because I will not repeat anything like that.

回到船上现在我们移到海湾以便防御,快!Back to the ship. We will be moving one bay for protection. Now!

- 上帝,是有点... - 一条美人鱼- God, is somehow ... - A mermaid.

- 现在不要再这么疯狂了- 我不能- End this madness now. - I can not.

你看见回到海滩上的沙子的踪迹吗?Thi-trace ever seen back in the sand of a beach?

我就在这但结果就在我的面前That's right, in my case but the result is in front of me.

事实上痕迹很多- 先生,为什么我们停在这儿?- It is, indeed, traces, in the plural. - Why stop here, sir?

我们必须要快点We must hurry.

吉布斯,我需要方向引导Gibbs, I need a direction where to turn.

- 但是,先生... - 我已经死了- But, sir ... - I'm already dead.

-从你听到的来说,似乎并不多- 真的吗?- Do you hear, there's not much it seems. - And you?

我没有听到的是海鸥它们的巢I do not hear it and PESCARU and that the nest.

你听到了吗,格罗夫斯先生?You hear, Mr. Groves?

还有海鸥在筑巢... 没有别的了And what I PESCARU nest and ... Nothing more.


老天... God ...

前面每个人!Everyone before!

- 就绪,斯派罗... - 即使这是必要的?- Ready, Sparrow ... - Even if it were necessary?

最好不要知道确切的位置我的船,可是很谨慎的It is better not to know the exact location My ship, are wary.

你也是啊And just like you.

我第一次... What I first ...

-这里面装什么?- 我们需要她的眼泪,新鲜的- Why he keeps in a tank? - We need your tears, fresh.

你说的是仪式吗?How do you tell which is the ritual?

神奇的水,人鱼的泪... Well water, tears of a mermaid ...

还有两个银碗一个装泪一个空着And two silver cups. One of the tears, the other not.

因此,在装泪的碗里也都要有水So it's a tear, and water, but both.

很复杂,不是吗?Very complicated, eh?

在水引起的泪在一个地方In both water arises. Tear in one place.

喝了的人就能毁掉对方的生活The person who drinks the cup to tear the other's life.

真是严峻Very sad.

我已活的还有未活的岁月... All the years I have lived and that I could live ...

如果将来的命运不错... If fate would have been more favorable ...

如果你碰巧我不会笑的... If this happens things I do not smile ...

我真相记录下这一刻如果它会带走我所有的不够好的东西的话I would like to register here and now I'm ready to believe anything,

...如今我愿意相信任何事if instead, it will take me get all good.

明白了吗?- 你是否有话要说- Understand? - Is there a word you said.

- 你可以否认- 我在想的东西简单- You can convert. - I was thinking of something simpler. 管理者!不能呼吸了Quartermaster! Can not breathe.

- 是否水- 他需要空气!- Does water. - He needs air!

- 打开它。- 会试图逃跑的- Open it. - Will try to escape.

- 一宗谋杀案。- 我同意传教士的话- A murder. - I agree with the missionary.



同我想的一样不在这里Just as I thought. Not here.

- 这是那路,对不对?当然了,但是应该走走- This is the way, is not it? Sure, but would have to go around.

我们如果这样做,就不会找到那碗了If you wait to do we will not reach the cups.

- 那我们回去- 没有时间了- Then we have back. - No time.

- 你坚持要带一条美人鱼- 叛乱没有任何的帮助- You insist to bring a whistle. - There is no rebellion has not helped.

-像一个女孩般的走路-水壶使锅子变黑- Walk like a girl. - The pot calling the kettle black. 总有人得走Someone has to go.

- 我的意思是,我们分开?- 我是说,要跳吗?- I mean we're finished? - I mean, to jump? 我迫不及待地想看到她了So, just waiting to see.

斯派罗会去Sparrow goes.

- 我们找到船,并拿到圣杯- 斯派罗?为什么你觉得会回来?- You will find the ship and bowls. - Sparrow? Why do you think will return?

是的,为什么你觉得会回来?Yes, because you think it will come back?

我们不能相信他的,爸爸我自己去吧We can not trust him, Dad. I'm me.

这需要她He'll take it.

到不老泉还要多久?我的时间已经不多了How long until the source? My time is running out. 那条路步行大约一天然后你就接近了On a day tour accordingly and you will be close.

你会引导你You'll take it.

我确信它会到达的I was sure that will accomplish this.

你知道有时候在高处的感觉吗?You know that feeling you have sometimes if you're in a high place?

就是当你要跳的时候?When you're ready to jump?

我没有那感觉I have not.

- 我需要那些碗- 当然- I need those bowls. - Sure.

宽恕我陷入空虚的不安吧Cameras and discomfort that I falling into the goal.

你会带你回来的... 否则我会杀了你You'll take you back ... Otherwise, I'll kill you.

- 不要杀死自己的女儿!- Intendant!- You are not logged kill his own daughter! - Intendant! 给我六支手枪,只留两把上膛Give me six more guns, leaves only two charged,

但不要告诉我它们就是but do not tell me what they are.

您来选择,斯派罗先生Your choice, Mr. Sparrow.

那里... There ...


- 你确定吗?-我当然确定了- You sure? - Of course they are.


我什至不加载!They are not even loaded!


既然你那么想死,那为什么不让她跳?If you want to and hard to kill her, why not, and jump? 什么?What?

如果你跳下去死了,她也会跳的If you jump and die and follow it.


嘿...如果跳了的话... 我会活下来吗?Hey ... If the jump ... Will I survive?

美人!Ah puppet

是的,我会活下去Yes, I will survive.

一派胡言!我去!This is nonsense s! I will also!

Ud 我湿了Ud. I'm wet.

干得好,老爸Well played, Daddy.

你知道这些武器都上膛,是吗?And cut the guns were loaded, is not it?

当然,亲爱的Of course, my dear.

不要让它碰你的皮肤Do not allow your skin to touch it.

什么?每一位上了年纪的人都有自己的激情是什么阻止了你?前进!What? An old man has his passions. What stopped you? Onward!

死了你再睡个够前进!You'll sleep when you die. Onward!

命运仍然是对我们有利The target continues to be favorable to us.


庞塞德莱昂船长著名的船The master famous Ponce de Leon.

对不起... 周围没有人Sorry ... Nobody around.


我们决不能停止We have to stop.

你应该去You need to go.

我不能I can not.

要不就跳,要不就死Jump or die.

-你手拿过来-我在寻求帮助- Put Thi arms around me. - I asked for help.

但你需要它But you need it.

我们快点吧?Rush, right?

不要落后Do not get left behind.

我们留在这儿一次!Stay here for a period!

如此的美女... Such beauty ...

你定是主创造的奇迹,Surely you are a God's creations,

不是在方舟已发现了的避难的生物的后代not a descendant of the dark creatures and found refuge in the ark.

这样的美女... Such beauty ...

然而,它是致命的And yet, it is fatal.

- 致命?不- 你攻击我- Fatal? No. - You attacked me.

那里... 你不一样了There ... You're different.

- 有什么不同?- 你不也是吗?- Different? - Not?

你掩护You protect.

我把墙上的障碍弄掉了I put aside barrier wall.

- 似乎是不老泉?- 不是,但我们已经近了- Seems Source? - No, but we're close.

- 把生物带来,蒙着头。- 有一个名字!- Bring Thi creature, I cover my head. - Has a name! 请告诉我们Tell us, please.

她的名字是锡伦Her name is Syren.

庞塞德莱昂Ponce de Leon.

如果有40个海盗每晚都梦到财宝When 40 pirates 40 nights dream treasure

这个房间就不会有这么多好东西了would not be much wealth that in this room.

你... You ...

你... You ...

-不...你!-是我第一个到这的- No ... You! - I was here first.

你...你为什么在这里?You ... Why are you here?

黑胡子送的我你在这里干什么Blackbeard sent me. Why are you here?

因为银碗对君主来说是必要的Because of silver goblets necessary for a monarch.

严肃点Be serious.

我们不应该动得太多!船上存在着微妙的平衡,会失衡的We should not move too! The ship has a delicate balance, will slip.

好吧,都行Well, either.

我们挑选那些差不多重的物品We choose each object approximately equal weight.

把它放回去!Put it back!

我们不能拿任何东西We can not take anything.

- 那个怎么样?- 碗... - How about this? - Cups ...

- 嘿,我第一个拿到它们了!- 额,随你便吧- Hey, I can get to them first! - Well, what you want.

- 一起- 一起- Together. - Together.


- 西班牙... - 我们把它弄开,伙计- Spanish ... - We take it, mate.

我愿把我的眼睛在地图... I would like to play my eyes the map ...

我不知道他们为什么把它丢弃了I wonder why they left behind it.

不要碰骨头!Do not touch the bones!

我知道他们走了,但我看不到在哪里扎营I know and go, but I can not see and where the field Sat



我刚来把你救出监狱I was getting temnita to get you off!

你偷了我的地图You stole my map.

很好... 我们走吧Well ... Let's go.

Sirens... Sirens ...

小心点这些水塘很深Take care, these ponds are deep.



被阳光晒干而死的Left to die, to dry in the sun.

只有一半的水是不够活下来,Only half the water, not enough to live,

但要想彻底死翘翘又很难but completely death to make them a task.

想想吧...Sirens Think you ... Sirens, killed exploited to tears.

Syren... 你不想哭吗?Syren ... You do not want to cry?

不久前我听说他们都死了,连你也挂了We all die, even you. So, I hear.

听着... Listen ...

听!你不能听到尖叫姐妹吗?Listen! Ithi tipand sisters can not hear?

难道你听不见吗?我们需要一滴眼泪Can not you hear? We need a single tear.

-生物感染-一个一个地收集她的手指!- Creatures infected. - Smulgeti your fingers one by one!

- 掐死她!- 用剃刀从她眼中取出泪水!- Strangulati it! - Remove the tears from his eyes with a knife!

对于这一切你会如何说?What would you say all this?

或许当太阳升起时他就会改变主意I can and will change your mind when the sun rises.

是的,它会燃烧的但我不能等待日出Yes, it will burn but can not be waiting for the sunrise. -或许我会生个火-不!- Maybe I'll make a fire. - No!

不要挑衅我!Do not challenge me!

-你不会受折磨的!-我们只需要一滴眼泪!- You do not torture! - We have just one tear!

如果需要的话我会一片一片剥下你的鳞片I will remove the scales one by one if necessary.

如果你不喜欢,就去祈祷吧If you do not like, go pray.

我错了,不是所有的灵魂可以被救赎你的就无药可救了I've been fooled, not all souls can be saved. Your can not be saved.

先生,你得面对一位前信徒Gentlemen, you have in front a former believer.

正如你叫的,这“卑鄙的家伙”对你来说值一百块呢vile creature, as it was called, worth 100 to you.

你是否重视它一个愿望I have attached it. You want.

不要否认我双眼清楚看到的东西问题是... I do not deny what my eyes see clearly. The question is ...

你想自己来吗?Want it?

神呐,是的,如你所愿我们是幸运的God, yes, you want. We are lucky.

给我一滴眼泪... 否则你会见证他的死亡Give me a tear ... Or you will be witness to his death. 锡伦!你能给我一滴眼泪吗?我会心存感激的Syren! You can provide a tear. I'll be grateful. 不论是不是悲催... 然而Sadness and I do, or not ... More.

- 不,爸爸!- 岁月不等人- No, Daddy! - Time and tide wait on anyone.

看来Sirens真的很难对付啊As you see, sirens are really tough.

和其他的一样打个结a bond that others.

避开身体Get rid of the body.

加勒比海盗 音乐赏析

影视音乐欣赏 期末论文 题目:《加勒比海盗1》音乐赏析 姓名: 班级: 学号:

《加勒比海盗1》音乐赏析 影片《加勒比海盗》是迪斯尼公司投入较多的系列电影之一,它的成功使得迪斯尼公司赚取了巨大的商业利润。《加勒比海盗》不仅打破了海盗题材的票房诅咒,其故事情节、人物塑造、音画制作,都令海盗热席卷全球。该电影周边产品大受欢迎,其中的配乐给业界和影迷留下了极为深刻的印象,得到了长久的褒奖。不得不说,《加勒比海盗》的成功,离不开其音乐上的设臵。 在十七世纪,加勒比海成为欧洲商人抵达北美的必经之路。也正因此,海盗应运而生。《加勒比海盗1》开始,便是一艘古老的船只从加勒比海的重重迷雾中缓缓驶来。影片主要人物——大英帝国的海上总督斯旺先生和诺灵顿上校,正乘着该船前往自己的领地。在行驶过程中,总督的女儿伊丽莎白发现了在木板上漂浮的小男孩,在救上他之后,船上的一行人看见了燃烧着船只的熊熊大火。大火让这些人见识到了海盗的凶残,同时也揭示了男孩的来历。伊丽莎白奉父亲的命令照顾着男孩,期间她惊讶地发现了象征男孩威尔身份——海盗——的金币,但她却向众人隐瞒了下来。 十年后,威尔成为了一名铁匠师的学徒,而他和伊丽莎白悬殊的地位只能使他将对其深深的爱意埋藏在心底。伊丽莎白在父亲收下威尔送来的配剑后,仅与威尔匆匆见了一面,便跟随父亲出发,前往诺灵顿上校的升职典礼。此时,音乐渐起,影片主角杰克船长第一次出现。恢宏大气的音乐与这艘破旧船形成了鲜明的对比,为影片注入了幽默的色彩。伴随着小军鼓铿锵有力地敲击,铜管乐器组奏响了气势磅礴的旋律。在这里,杰克船长的音乐主题向观众揭示了他不甘平庸,心怀航海志向的远大理想。 杰克船长携带着雄壮的音乐主题出场,其中极具气势的人声合唱,打击乐器活泼动感的敲击,中间插入的一段小号,以及结束时弦乐的附点节奏顿挫点缀都十分


名侦探柯南剧场版 《引爆摩天大楼》、《十四番目标》、《世纪末的魔术师》、《瞳孔中的暗杀者》、《通往天国的倒计时》、《贝克街的亡灵》、《迷宫的十字路口》、《银翼的魔术师》、《水平线上的阴谋》、《侦探们的镇魂歌》、《绀碧之棺》、《战栗的乐谱》、《漆黑的追迹者》、《天空的遇难船》,《沉默的十五分钟》、《第十一个前锋》。 说起名侦探柯南剧场版,可以说每一部都是经典,如果要我推荐里面经典中的经典的话,实在很难选择,不如我说说里面每一部的最精彩的看点吧。 《引爆摩天大楼》: 看点,当然是最后小兰拆炸弹的时候了。 《十四番目标》: 看点一,历史总是惊人的相似,当年毛利小五郎向妃英里开枪,如今,工藤新一向毛利兰开枪(原因不解释)。 看点二,水下的吻戏。 《世纪末的魔术师》: 看点一,怪盗基德被狙击枪击中; 看点二,大火中,柯南与凶手的对决; 看点三,基德帮柯南解围。 《瞳孔中的暗杀者》: 看点一,凶手追击柯南和小兰; 看点二,公园中央广场喷水池与凶手对峙。 《通往天国的倒计时》: 看点一,凡是和黑衣组织有联系的都是经典(值得一看)。 《贝克街的亡灵》: 看点一,这一部剧场版很新颖,柯南他们在游戏中找出凶手的线索。 看点二,列车顶上柯南和弘树救被开膛手杰克劫持的小兰。 《迷宫的十字路口》: 看点一,当然是工藤新一的出场,虽然短暂,但足够了。 看点二,屋顶上,平次与凶手对决。 《银翼的魔术师》(强烈推荐): 看点一,这也是柯南迷们最想看到的对决之一,柯南VS怪盗基德; 看点二,后半部分小兰的告白,绝对感动; 看点三,小兰驾驶飞机迫降。 《水平线上的阴谋》: 看点一,这一部剧场版是独树一帜的,和以往的犯案侦破过程不同(原因不解释)。 看点二,豪华游轮沉没(有点泰坦尼克号的感觉);

加勒比海盗简介 presentation

es of the Caribbean Ⅰ:The Curse of the Black Pearl 黑珍珠号的诅咒 Ⅱ:Dead Man's Chest 亡灵之箱Pirates of the Caribbean Ⅲ: At World’s End 世界的尽头 Pirates of the Caribbean Ⅳ: On Stranger Tides 惊涛怪浪

The Black Pearl Back of coin Cursed Aztec Gold 受诅咒的厄兹提金币

Captain Jack Sparrow by Johnny Depp He has gained a reputation with made-up stories of how he escaped from the deserted island he was put on by his crew. And He is determined to regain the Black Pearl, which he captained ten years before.

Captain Barbossa by Geoffrey Rush The captain of the Black Pearl, he was Captain Jack Sparrow's first mate before he led a mutiny ten years before. He and his crew stole cursed Aztec gold,for which they are cursed to walk the earth forever.


开心麻花爆笑舞台剧《索马里海盗》 8月2日至12日,被誉为开心麻花史上观众回头率最高的开心麻花经典爆笑舞台剧《索马里海盗》将在将在地质礼堂剧场上演。 《索马里海盗》中出现了一群来自亚丁湾的“非典型”海盗,各种无厘头表演,既有能歌善舞、弹得一手好钢琴的海盗头目大老二,又有性感多情的女海盗尤物嘿咻,也有老海龟一样的老海盗,更有长相酷似动漫人物的日本海大佬路飞,《加勒比海盗》的杰克船长也将现身,这些海盗头目有的娶了变性人,有的为了展示才艺折了腰,有的在现场向女仆求婚……无厘头的风格彻底颠覆了观众对海盗心狠手辣、嗜血成性的既定印象。导演的话:也许海盗就是这样成长起来的……尽管是爆笑剧,剧中也不尽是纯搞笑,也表现了某些社会舆论现象和处于舆论中人们各式各样的反应。两个主角在经历磨难中建立的友谊。刻画了两个沉沦在大事件中的小人物。 剧情简介: 海盗盗不走的赤胆忠魂,赎金赎不回的荒唐青春。《索马里海盗》讲述了两名人质几进几出索马里海盗团的故事,小人物曾哥与春哥,在随货船经过索马里海域的时候,遭到了人生最大的改变——他们的货船被劫持了。之后的发展更是峰回路转,朝鲜核试验、快女、开心网偷菜等一系列时尚热点都精心的串联一起,引爆了年度舞台的最high的笑点。 光怪陆离的舞台场景,出人意料的角色设置,加上出人意料的情节设计,通过当红明星的疯狂演绎,《索马里海盗》给您奉献最爆笑的舞台剧。 患难兄弟“瞒天过海”纠结父子笑翻众人 《索马里海盗》的主人公是两个被劫持的人质李春和曾可。两个难兄难弟一起长大,又不幸一起沦为人质。为了逃出海盗魔爪,俩人将计就计,分别追求了两个女海盗,最终瞒天过海,闯出索马里,重获自由。 剧中尤为精彩的是人质李春和其父李冬的父子关系。李春和李冬在一起时总是吵吵闹闹,第二次逃出索马里后,李春良心上备受谴责,在其父李冬的关照下出了家。而李冬也是寺院里的弟子,两人的关系从父子一下变成了师兄弟,并且取了一样的法号——“就当大师”。剧中,因为各种错综复杂的转折,李冬悲愤地总结说:“我和我儿子一个法名,和我孙子一个姓名”,父子二人“纠结”的关系笑翻了全场观众。


前传 九大海盗王 十七、十八世纪,全球航海业盛行,海盗业也最猖獗,全球出现了九大海盗王:最富裕的加勒比海盗王(Jac k的老爸,海盗法典codex的守护人,dick sparrow船长,加勒比海当时是欧洲美洲间最繁忙的航线,当然他后来早已传位给Jac k了)、大西洋海盗王(黑人,运奴船起义黑奴,其继任者是被Jac k 后来释放的黑奴,在游戏中有交待)、印度洋海盗王和阿拉伯海海盗王(Ⅲ中海盗大会上两个包头布的海盗王)、地中海海盗王(戴假发的法国人)、南中国海海盗王(萧峰、周润发,最有势力的海盗王,他手里有通往世界之端的地图)、中国和曰本海海盗王(清女士,双目盲、呵呵Ⅲ的会议中没看出来吧,她也有一段惨痛史呢)、里海海盗王(巴罗萨船长,可以想像在里海里能混出啥出息,所以他早早破产跟了Jac k老爸,后来跟Jac k做大副)、亚得利亚海海盗王(一个卷胡子的矮个子不知大家注意没)。好像世界的海图还没填满是不是?而且为什么不凑成十大海盗王呢?对了,漏掉了北冰洋和北海的海盗王Dave Jones!(太平洋姑且认为环球航行尚为完成,无利可图,仍属于“世界之端”、没有海盗王。而萧峰,就掌握着世界之端的钥匙)。 怪兽Cracon-Dave Jones-海之女神 Cracon就是来源自北海斯堪地那威亚半岛的民间传说中的海中怪兽,北欧正是近代世界海盗的发源地,所以fly dutchman的船长Dave Jones本来在海盗中可是很牛皮的哟(说不定圣法典Codex本来就是Dave保管的)。人又帅得不得了,只有Jac k老爸Dick能略跟他媲美。 海盗们本来都崇敬负责照料海中亡灵的海之女神,海之女神也一贯庇护海盗们,但海盗们则必须从战利品中缴纳贡献给海之女神卡里布梭。破财免灾倒也无话可说,何况本来就是抢来的钱,但偏偏英俊的Dave Jones和海之女神恋爱了,这下子女神对各海盗群有偏向了。贫穷北海上的Dave Jones得到了女神赠给的Cracon怪兽,原本的一艘破船也成了能潜水的神兵利器,还可以免费招募海中溺死的亡灵作100年免工资服务的不死船员。Dave Jones 于是要召集第一届海盗大会,他要当王中之王,这下子其它海盗王当然不愿意了。Dave Jones 要东征西讨,卡里布梭要照料全世界的水中亡魂,他们都很忙,于是约定十年后见面,Dave 成为海盗王中之王时他们要成婚。结果其它九大海盗王就秘密联合,派出了Dick和Will 的老爸Bill前去对卡里布梭施展美男计。 计策当然成功了,卡里布梭见了带着懂事乖巧的小弟Bill的、不光外形酷弊、又弹一手好吉他的Dick,终于被迷住了,结果误了她与Dave Jones的第一个十年之约,而且与Dick生下了小Jac k。第一届海盗大会上,Dave要登基了,等卡里布梭不见。本已被Dave Jones征讨得差不多了的海盗们则趁机从心理上打击赌场得意、情场失意的Dave,使得本来要在情人面前登基的Dave颜面扫尽,一怒之下剖心立誓要报复卡里布梭,把控制卡里布梭的秘技告诉了其它海盗王们。果然其它海盗王很快即为他抓来了卡里布梭,把她限制成人形(变成了魔女提雅)、使她不能再发挥全部威力了,而她也愤恨Dave对她的报复太狠毒,用最后残存的法力把Dave变成了章鱼头、并且十年才能上一次岸、永远只能做海鲜…… Dick-Jac k-巴罗萨 Dick其实对海之女神是动了真心的,情人没了,他也万念惧灰。把情人送给他的“如你所愿”罗盘,船员包括Bill和破产投奔的巴罗萨都托给自己儿子Jac k,就自己领艘船当海盗个体户去了。变成人形的海之女神恨Dick,又怕Dave,只好躲在中美洲一个河流上游,研究巫术和继续照料水中亡灵去了。Jac k长大有父无母,好不凄凉,虽然当着富庶的加勒比海海盗王,但没啥实力。一度沦为给东印度公司打工,从非洲运送黑奴到美洲,路上见黑奴实在可怜,就释放了一船黑奴,其中一名后来加入大西洋海盗集团并继承为首领。结果Jac k被东印度公司抓捕了、船黑珍珠号也被打沉了,左手被贝克特大人烙了一个代表海盗pirate


加勒比海盗4台词 1、你什么时候才能正经点,总是这么顶着我。 2、信仰之光不足以照亮我眼前的黑暗! 3、据我所知,你可是个很懂技巧的小姑娘。 4、你的女儿真可爱,那她就是你眼中最后一道美景了。 5、如果你有个妹妹和狗,我肯定会选择狗。 6、我跟你说的假话不全是假的!那你跟我说过的真话全是真的? 7、不老泉是一个考验。不过我宁愿不知道自己的生命终点是什么时候,让自己活在无止境的未知谜团之中。而且谁说我就不能长生不老咧,是吧?好歹也是“发现不老泉的人”耶。自己可没法定生死,海盗生活,我过着挺乐的。 8、你的脚印不能成双吧。 9、船长大人,我来跟你汇报谋反的人的名单吧。我能扳着指头数出来,一个个名字报给你听。 10、我是杰克·斯派洛船长。独此一家,如假包换。 11、最好还是别知道何时是生命的尽头,因为在生命的每个瞬间,都能感受到生命本身无限的奥秘。 12、他们知道自己即将被消灭,所以他们要放手一搏。 13、想当船长还不容易,有船就行。 14、人家说目的地不重要,重要的是旅行的过程嘛。 15、是绅士就不会计较女人发挥无穷的想象力。

16、话说你们那种感觉没有?那种站在很高滴地方,突然就很想跳下去啥的?这个我真没有。 17、你犯有海盗罪,以及残忍剥夺他人右腿罪! 18、永远不要妄图知道自己的末日,生命的奥妙就在于活在当下。我是一个不折不扣的海盗。 19、最好还是别知道自己的死期,这样你每时每刻都在探索生命的神秘。 20、和命运抗衡是十分愚蠢的事情,可我还是想试试。 《加勒比海盗4》剧情介绍/简介 《加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪》是《加勒比海盗》系列电影的第四部。影片由罗伯·马歇尔执导,约翰尼·德普将继续续扮演杰克船长,故事以他寻找青春泉水为主线。佩内洛普·克鲁兹饰演他的老情人,但让杰克船长不确定的是,她究竟是因爱情而来、还只是想利用他来找到传说中的不老泉。2011年5月18日,该影片在北京新东安影院举行媒体看片会。2011年5月20日零点起,《加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪》在中国公映,“美人鱼”成为影片最大亮点。 杰克船长被英国国王乔治二世抓住,受命去寻找传说中的“不老泉”,与他一同前往的还有他的老朋友,已经被招安了的巴博萨船长。然而这趟航程出师不顺,杰克船长遇到了他的老情人安洁丽卡,他不清楚她究竟是真的爱自己,还是在利用他寻找"不老泉"。不过杰克还是被迫上了她的贼船,和她的父亲——臭名昭著、令人不寒而栗的海盗“黑胡子”一起展开了前途叵测的冒险。几位各自心怀鬼胎的主角在这趟


加勒比海盗4剧情 剧情简介: 在第四集中,约翰尼·德普将继续扮演杰克船长,故事以他寻找青春泉水为主线。佩内洛普·克鲁兹饰演他的老情人,但让杰克船长不确定的是,她究竟是因爱情而来、还只是想利用他来找到传说中的不老泉。这个女人强迫他上了黑胡子的海盗船,杰克再次踏上了一条吉凶未卜的旅程,这次他可能面对两个对手:自己的神秘老情人以及可怕的黑胡子海盗。 杰克船长被英国国王乔治二世(King George II)抓住,受命去寻找传说中的“青春泉”,与他一同前往的还有他的老朋友巴博萨船长。这趟航程出师不顺,杰克船长再次遇到了他的老相好安杰莉卡(佩内洛普·克鲁兹),他不清楚她究竟是真的爱自己,还是在利用自己以寻找“青春泉”。不过杰克还是被迫上了她的贼船,和她的父亲——臭名昭著的海盗“黑胡子”(伊恩·迈克肖恩)一起乘着“安娜女王复仇号”(Queen Anne's Revenge)展开了前途叵测的海上冒险。[9] 影片有三个部分,第一部分在伦敦, 杰克船长会有一场精彩的马车追车大战,朱迪·丹奇的客串就在这一部分;第二部分是海上航行,除了“安娜女王复仇号”这艘新船外,巴博萨船长也鸟枪换炮有了一艘新船叫“普罗维登斯号”(Providence);第三部分则是丛林冒险,主人公们要穿越山洞,面对僵尸,寻找青春泉水。 幕后故事: 《加勒比海盗4:陌生的潮汐》(Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides)的首款预告海报曝光,骷髅头还是那个骷髅头,只是和第一部、 第二部、第三部的骷髅头比起来多了些金属质感。而骷髅头后面的“X”

也从“火把”、“骨头”又重新回归到了第一集的“刀剑”。《加勒比海盗4》仍由杰瑞·布鲁克海默(Jerry Bruckheimer)担任制片人。约翰尼·德普(Johnny Depp)、佩内洛普·克鲁兹(Penélope Cruz)主演,曾凭歌舞片《芝加哥》获得奥斯卡奖的罗伯·马歇尔(Rob Marshall)将接任导演一职。第四集加入不少新演员,其中就包括24岁的英国小生山姆·克拉弗林(Sam Claflin)以及法国女星阿斯特丽德·伯格斯-弗瑞斯贝(Astrid Berges-Frisbey)等。此外,杰弗里·拉什(Geoffrey Rush)也确定回归,斯蒂芬·格拉汉姆(Stephen Graham)亦加盟本片,扮演船长的搭档。这次影片将以3D形式进行拍摄,并加入了很多激动人心的演员,佩内洛普克鲁兹就是其中一位。制片人杰瑞·布鲁克海默此前曾透露,黑胡子是“安妮女王复仇号”(Queen Anne's Revenge)的船长,克鲁兹则是他的女儿,“这是《加勒比海盗》系列有史以来最卑鄙的角色,佩内洛普正是这个大坏蛋的女儿,你们可以想象杰克船长和佩《加勒比海盗4》海报(9张)内 洛普这个新角色之间有一些浪漫关系,她会为影片带来很多幽默元素,事实上在影片中她的个性非常强。” 《加勒比海盗4》的名字“陌生的潮汐”和小说家Tim Powers的一本书的名字是一样的,而且迪士尼已向原著作者买了著作改编权,但是两位编剧称他们只是引用了原著中的一些元素,并没有根据原著剧情来创作电影。迪士尼的电影制作总监欧瑞·艾维(Oren Aviv)认为要缩减制作规模, 专注于故事本身,以及对人物角色的挖掘,从而为新三部曲奠定一个扎实


电影《加勒比海盗2聚魂棺》音乐赏析 学号:0908150119 电气工试班1501 景旭宇 背景资料 《加勒比海盗:聚魂棺》是迪士尼电影公司2006年推出的奇幻历险电影,也是加勒比海盗系列电影的第二部作品。由戈尔·维宾斯基执导,杰瑞·布鲁克海默制片,约翰尼·德普、奥兰多·布鲁姆、凯拉·奈特莉和比尔·奈伊主演。《加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺》是一部带有浓重魔幻色彩的动作冒险电影,十字岛人笼的惊险,深海阎王的怪异恐怖,大滚轮上的刀光剑影,都给观众留下了深刻的印象,成为片中的亮点。该片在2007年的奥斯卡颁奖晚会获得奖项和多个提名:最佳视觉效果,最佳音效剪辑(提名),最佳混音(提名),最佳美术指导(提名) 。 剧情简介 在夺回了自己心爱的“黑珍珠”号以及摆平了被诅咒的巴博萨船长之后,迷人的杰克船长尼·德并未就此过上风平浪静的逍遥日子,这次他又迎来了一个更为离奇的敌人--传说中的不死人大卫·琼斯!这个在大洋深处都令人人闻风丧胆的魔鬼,将驾驶他的“飞翔荷兰人”号乘风破浪而来,向杰克船长讨还一笔血债,如果杰克想不出奇招逃过此劫,恐怕将要面对生生世世被奴役和诅咒的命运!另外,已经与杰克分道扬镳且正忙着举办婚礼的小铁匠威尔·特纳和美女伊丽莎白,再次被卷入这场海上争夺当中,二人闻听杰克有难,还是毅然决定出手相助。随着双方激战的展开杰克一方陷入重重危机:荒蛮土地上凶残的土著人群,面目狰狞势不可挡的不死人琼斯,无不让几位好友濒临命运的危机,甚至是死亡的边缘。但令大家意想不到的是,威尔本以为已经去世多年的父亲--“拉靴带”比尔·特纳在关键时刻离奇现身,成为全局的转折点,他帮助特纳拿到钥匙使其得到了心脏,最后杰克的珍珠号被海怪打败,杰克决定弃船,而杰克在最后因为被伊丽莎白锁在船上与他的船一起沉入了海底结果无人知道。 音乐概述 加勒比海盗2中的配乐既有对第一部音乐的继承也有自己的创新,与第一部


加勒比海盗5电影剧情简介 加勒比海盗5百度云盘资源链接_加勒比海盗5百度云网盘资源下载 加勒比海盗5百度云盘资源链接盘点(通道入口点击进入) 加勒比海盗5全球上映时间表一览 加勒比海盗5主题曲插曲片尾曲背景音乐在线试听 加勒比海盗5被盗资源链接地址 加勒比海盗1百度云资源下载地址 加勒比海盗2百度云资源下载地址 加勒比海盗3百度云资源下载地址 加勒比海盗4百度云资源下载地址 加勒比海盗5百度云盘资源链接 点击进入加勒比海盗5百度云盘资源链接 加勒比海盗5剧情简介 杰克船长(约翰尼德普饰)发现令人闻风丧胆的萨拉查船长(哈维尔巴登饰)竟率领着一众夺命亡灵水手逃出了百慕大三角区。他们扬言要杀尽世上所有的海盗,头号目标就是杰克船长。要想改写命运,杰克船长唯一的希望就是找到传说中海神波塞冬的三叉戟,拥有它就能拥有统治整个海洋的力量。为了寻获这件神器,杰克船长被迫和聪明美丽的天文学家卡琳娜史密斯(卡雅斯考达里奥饰)以及固执的年轻皇家海军亨利(布兰顿思怀兹饰)联手出击。航行着他那破破烂烂的死海鸥号,杰克船长不但决心要改变自己的厄运,同时也力求能从史上最狠毒可怕的敌人那里捡回一条命。

《加勒比海盗5》角色海报高清图片 《加勒比海盗5:死无对证》将在今年5月份正式到来,今日迪士尼官方公布了一批新的角色海报,电影中的主要角色都悉数登场,由约翰尼德普饰演的杰克船长虽然神情严肃,但却掩盖不了那股贱兮兮的气质,意外让人感觉特别萌。 新角色海报分为两组,一边是众人身处战船之前,彰显出一股在海上决一死战的气质。而另一组的海报背景则变成了海底世界,看着周围的滔天巨浪和上风的战船,或许在电影里我们能有幸见识到大海分离的场面,一睹众人在海底中的决战。 《加勒比海盗5》的主线剧情会围绕着哈维尔巴登饰演的大反派布兰德船长为死去的兄弟向杰克船长展开的复仇计划。布兰德船长想赶在杰克船长他们之前找到传说中的海神波塞顿的三叉戟,因为他相信自己的兄弟艾里克是被杰克变成海盗进而丧命的,他想用三叉戟向杰克复仇。 《加勒比海盗5:死无对证》将在今年5月26日北美上映,内地有望引进,敬请期待。


加勒比海盗3:世界的尽头经典台词欣赏 经典台词: 巴布萨:“这世界曾经很大。” 杰克:“世界还是一样大,只是我们的空间小了。” 要让他们看到自由的人!自由的精神!而敌人看到的将是呼啸而至的炮弹! Up is Down 世界还是和以前一样大,只是能去的地方少了。The world is still the same,there is just less in it. “你什么都见过,什么都做过了,你活下来了” “一定有要诀吧” “目的不在于永远活着,要诀在于永远活出自己” 你说得没错 You're right. 那我们为何送命? Then what shall we die for? 你们给我听着 You will listen to me. 听着!

Listen! 海盗们还在看着我们等着黑珍珠号领队 The Brethren will still be looking here to us, to the Black Pearl, to lead. 他们会看到什么? And what will they see? 惊恐的鼠辈? 被弃的破船? 不! Frightened bilge rats aboard a derelict ship? No. It's just a good business. Never shall we die 剧情简介: 《加勒比海盗:世界的尽头》(Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End)是一部2007年的奇幻冒险电影,也是加勒比海盗系列电影的第3部。由戈尔·维宾斯基执导,约翰尼·德普、凯拉·奈特莉、奥兰多·布鲁姆主演。于2007年5月25日美国上映。加勒比海上的邪恶头子巴伯萨船长成了盟友,帮着小铁匠和未婚妻解救搞怪的杰克船长。恐怖鬼船“飞翔的荷兰人”和它的幕后头脑戴维·琼斯,受到东印度贸易公司的控制,在七大洋中肆意破坏。终结大战即将到来,大战不仅关乎他们的生死存亡和财产损失,也将与海盗事业的发展和自由的未来息息相关。不管怎么样,还是先驾驶着杰克船长留
