


给解析的是lpylzx1(me),句子翻译是sk完成的,有问题直接在群里叫我们好了23333 剩下的题貌似没什么好解析的,上下文联系很紧,我们这是翻着字典动用度娘谷歌慢慢写。不过我们发现了一件有趣的事,放到最后了。

21. The directions were so ____ that it was impossible to complete the assignment.

A)ingenious B) ambitious C) notorious D) ambiguous

A,adj.灵敏的, 聪明的, 精巧的

B,adj.抱负不凡的, 有野心的, 雄心勃勃的

C,adj.声名狼藉的, 众人皆知的, 恶名昭张的

D,adj. 暧昧的; 不明确的

The directions are so vague that it is impossible to complete the assignment.


22.Our ________ host always enjoys having friends to share his Lucullan suppers.

A) cursive B)martial C) fractious D) convivial

A.adj.连接的; 草书体的; 草书的

B.adj.军事的, 威武的, 尚武的

C.adj.易怒的; 脾气不好的; 倔强的

D.adj. 酒宴的, 欢乐的, 欢宴的


23.Recently a number of cases have been reported of young children ____a violent act previously seen on television.

A) modifying B) stimulating C) accelerating D) duplicating

A.v.更改, 修改; 修饰; 缓和, 减轻

B.v. 刺激, 鼓舞, 激励; 有刺激之作用; 起促进作用

C.v.使增速; 促使...早日发生; 促进; 使加速; 加快; 增加; 增长

D.v. 复制; 影印, 拷贝; 复写; 重复(n. 副本, 复制品, 复本adj. 复制的, 二重的)


24.This kind of material can _____heat and moisture.

A) delete B) compel C) repel D) constrain


B.v.强迫; 迫使

C.v. 击退; 拒绝; 驱除; 排斥; 使人厌恶, 使人反感; 抵抗; 相互排斥

D.v.强迫; 拘束; 抑制

This material will repel heat and moisture.


25. The damage to his car was ____; therefore, he could repair it himself.

A) considerable B) appreciable C) negligible D) invisible

A.adj.相当的, 重要的, 可观的

B.adj.可感知的, 可评估的

C.adj. 可以忽略的, 无用的, 不足取的

D.adj.看不见的; 无形的


26. The ____of a cultural phenomenon is usually a logical consequence of some physical aspect in the life style of the people.

A) implementation B) expedition C) demonstration D) manifestation

A.n.履行; 成就; 完成

B.n.远征; 迅速; 探险队

C.n.示范; 实证

D.n. 显示, 示威运动, 证明


27.One of the responsibilities of the Coast guard is to make sure that all ships _______ follow traffic rules in busy harbors.

A) cautiously B) dutifully C) faithfully D) skillfully

A.adv.小心地, 谨慎地

B.adv.忠实地; 尽职地; 忠贞地

C.adv. 忠诚地; 切实遵守地; 如实地

D.adv.熟练的, 巧妙的

海岸警卫队的职责之一就是保证所有的船只在高峰时期的海港中如实遵守交通规则(sk) 28.The Eskimo is perhaps one of the most trusting and considerate of all Indians but seems to be _______ the welfare of his animals.

A) critical about B) indignant at C) indifferent to D) subject to

A.adj.批评的, 危险的, 决定性的; 临界的

B.adj.愤怒的; 愤慨的

C.adj. 漠不关心的, 中立的, 无重要性的

D.adj.受他国统治的, 受制于...的, 未独立的


29.The chairman of the board _______ on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.

A) compelled B) posed C) pressed D) tempted

A.v. 强迫; 迫使

B.v.摆姿势; 装腔作势; 假装, 冒充; 使摆好姿势; 提出; 把...摆正位置; 造成, 引起; 把...难住; 使为难

C.v.按, 挤, 压; 榨出; 压碎, 压破; 熨平; 挤向前, 奋力前进; 压, 重压; 紧迫; 催; 强迫...服务; 强迫...入伍

D.v.诱惑, 吸引, 引诱


https://www.360docs.net/doc/f115657120.html,ing extremely different decorating schemes in adjoining rooms may result in _______ and lack of unity in style.

A) conflict B) confrontation C) disturbance D) disharmony

A.n.冲突, 争执, 矛盾(v.矛盾, 冲突; 倾轧; 斗争, 战斗)

B.n.对抗; 对峙; 对证

C.n.扰乱, 忧虑, 不安

D.n. 不调和, 不和谐, 不一致


31.Corrupt politicians who condone the activities of the gamblers are equally _______.

A) cryptic B)esoteric C)culpable D)occult

A.adj.秘密的; 神秘的; 含义模糊的

B.adj.秘教的, 秘传的, 奥秘的

C.adj. 该责备的; 不周到的; 有罪的

D.adj.神秘的, 超自然的, 不可思议的


32.I d on’t know the details for I just gave your manuscript only a(n) _______ glance.

A) cursory B)cumbrous C)onerous D)obscure

A. adj. 匆匆忙忙的, 粗略的, 草率的

B.adj.讨厌的, 成负担的, 累赘的

C.adj.繁重的; 负有义务的; 麻烦的; 有偿的

D.adj.微暗的, 含糊的, 难解的


33.The Red Cross society helped _________ families to survive the war in the Persian Gulf.

A) demure B)destitute C)assiduous D)sedate

A.adj.装成端庄的, 认真的, 装得严肃的

B.adj. 困穷的; 缺乏的

C.adj.勤勉的; 刻苦的

D.adj.安静的; 稳重的


34.The man felt ________ when the girl turned down his proposal of marriage.

A) despondent B) fabulous C)dilapidated D)fortuitous

A.adj. 丧气的, 没有精神的, 失望的

B.adj.传说的, 难以置信的, 无根据的

C.adj.毁坏的, 要塌似的, 荒废的



35.T he boy gave a ______ look at his classmate’s test paper when the teacher turned.

A) frivolous B)furtive C)frenetic D)frigid

A.adj.轻佻的, 琐碎的, 妄动的

B.adj. 私下的, 隐密的, 秘密的

C.adj.发狂的, 狂热的

D.adj.寒冷的, 冷淡的, 严寒的


36.Rubber boots are ___________ to water.

A) imperious B)impetuous C)impervious D)impeccable

A.adj.专横的; 傲慢的; 飞扬跋扈的; 绝对必要的

B.adj.冲动的, 轻率的, 猛烈的

C.adj. 透不过的, 无动于衷的, 不渗透的

D.adj.无懈可击的, 无暇疵的, 无缺点的


37.Missiles were mounted at various points to _______ the enemy aircrafts.

A) integrate B)jeopardize C)intercept D)interrogate

A.v.综合, 使成整体, 使结合; 成一体

B.v.危害, 使陷危地, 使受危困

C.v. 拦截; 截击; 截住; 截断

D.v.质问, 审问, 讯问


38.Being careless, she had her arm _____ by the barbed wire.

A) lacerated B)lamented C)juggled D)bemoaned

A.v. 撕裂, 割破; 使烦恼; 伤害

B.v.哀悼; 悔恨; 悲叹

C.v.耍弄; 篡改; 歪曲; 玩戏法; 篡改; 诓骗

D.v.惋惜, 哀叹, 认为遗憾


39.The wrestler’s _______ maneuvers made it difficult for his opponent to obtain a hold.

A) hermetic B)protean C)titanic D)procrustean

A.adj.密封的; 神秘的; 炼金术的; 深奥的, 不易理解的

B.adj. 变化无常的

C.adj.钛的; 巨大的, 力大无比的; 四价钛的

D.adj.强求一致的; 迫使就范的


40.Psychoanalysis can help a patient recall long-forgotten experiences lost in the ______ recess of his mind.

A) labyrinthine B)chimerical C)iridescent D)mercurial

A.adj. 迷宫的; 错综复杂的

B.adj.空想的; 荒诞不经的; 妄想的; 荒唐的

C.adj.彩虹色的; 闪光的

D.adj.墨丘利神的; 雄辩机智的; 水星的


41. I stay late talking with him about his affairs.

A). in B). up C).out D).on

A.stay in phrasal verb

to stay in your home:

Let's stay in tonight and watch a video.

B.stay up phrasal verb

to go to bed later than usual:

We stayed up (late) to watch a film.

C.stay out phrasal verb [usually + adverb or preposition]

to not come home at night, or to go home late:

Our cat usually stays out at night.

My mum won't let me stay out late.

D.stay on phrasal verb

to continue to be in a place, job or school after the other people who were with you have left:

Gill decided to stay on at university to do further research.

We asked him to stay on as youth leader for another year.

42. While he was in Egypt make a film, he took time to visit the pyramids.

A). off B).over C).apart D).to

A.take off(FLY)phrasal verb

If an aircraft, bird or insect takes off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly:

The plane took off at 8.30 a.m.

B.take over接收, 接管

C.take apart拆开; 剖析; 粗暴对待

D.take to开始从事; 喜欢

43. He give me the job of going round to the offices to collect the fees.

A). variable B). variety C). various D). vary

A.n.变数, 可变物adj.可变的, 易变的, 不定的

B.n.变化, 种种, 多样性

C.adj. 不同的, 多方面的, 各种的

D.v.改变, 使多样化, 变更; 变化, 违反, 不同

44. He is quite extroverted (性格外向的) and it is very easy to perceive his feelings.

A). internal B). inside C).inner D).outer

A.n.本质, 本性; 内部器官, 内脏adj.内在的; 国内的

B.n.内部, 内幕, 内脏adj.内部的, 户内的, 秘密的adv.在里面

prep.内部, 内幕, 内脏#内部的, 户内的, 秘密的#在里面#在...的里面, 在...内部; 在...以内, 少于

C.adj. 内部的, 内心的

D.adj.外部的, 在外的, 外面的

45. Her doubts too much experience of failure.

A). range from B). spring from C). get from D).is from

A.n.山脉, 范围, 行列v.排列, 使并列, 归类于; 平行, 漫游, 延伸

B.n. 春天, 跳跃, 弹簧adj. 春天的v. 跳, 跃; 飞快地行动; 弹起, 反弹, 弹开; 突然出现, 涌现; 使弹起, 使弹开; 突然提出; 使弹成某种状况; 使裂开

C.v.获得; 收获; 变成; 到达; 变得; 成为

D.v.是; 值; 等于

46. A good education will make it easier for you to .

A). get ahead B).get on C).get off D). go up

A.进步, 获得成功

B.进展; 登; 出人头地; 上

C.下来; 出发; 脱下

D.上升; 被兴建起来; 增长

47. Had he worked harder, he the exams.

A).must have go through B). would have got through

C).would get through D).could get through


48. If you want to that you get the diploma, you have to work harder and take all these curricula and pass them.

A). assure B).approve C).ensure D).endure

A.v.向...保证, 担保; 使确定, 使弄清楚; 使确信, 使放心; 确保, 保障

B.v.赞成, 同意; 批准; 赞许; 认可; 满意; 赞成

C.v. 确定, 担保, 保证

D.v.忍耐, 忍受; 容忍; 忍耐, 忍受; 持久, 持续

49. -“I thought her nice and sincere.”

-“she probably is.”

A). such, So B).so, Such C).so, So D).too, So

C.第一句so是修饰后面两个形容词的副词,such后面需要加名词;probably可以忽略,这是一个倒装(So she is.)

50. , we stand; we fall.

A).Uniting, divided B). United, being divided

C).Being united, divided D).United, divided

D.(we are)united表状态,(we are)divided也表状态




27 2001年考研真题

28 2001年考研真题




<大学英语语法>考查试题 一.选择正确答案填入相应的空格处:(70%) forest guards often find campfires thet have not been ______completely. down B. put out C. put away over 2..Of all the economically important plants, palms have been______. least studied the least less and less study the less is a continuous supply of fuel oil. things needed is needed is needed their need 4.The survey indicates that each Chinese family averaged_____of daily television usage in 1994than in 1993. many as 60 minutes B. 60 minutes more C. 60 minutes C. more 60 minutes 5.All evidence the court has collected boils_____to the fact that he is a spy. A. down B. off C. up D. overluggage, the group of tourists hurried to the airport.2009-2010学年第二学期() A. After packed packed packing was always nervous_____ in city traffic. driving B. driving driving driving 8. I saw Alan skimming over the water and, finally, ____ into it.


1.Which one of the following five is least like the other four? Cat - Lion - Dog - Turtle - Elephant 这道题很简单,cat (猫)、lion(狮子)、Dog(狗)和elephant(大象)都是哺乳动物mammal,而turtle,乌龟是在海滩上下了乌龟蛋,然后埋好再孵化的,因此是卵生动物。所以应该选D,乌龟! 2.If you rearrange the letters UGNAIA, you would have the name of a: River - Country - City - Animal - Plant Guiana,南美洲北部一地区,分属英、荷、法三国。英属圭亚那于1966独立成为圭亚那。所以,这道题的答案应该是B 国家country. 3.What would be the next group of letters in this series? aaaa ... bdzb ... cgac ... djzd ... ???? enae - ekze - elxe - emae - eize - I don't know 这一组数字,看起来很奇怪,到哪里找规律呢?这可要测你的智能了。先看每组的第一个字母,abcd,简单,是按字母顺序嘛!那么下一组的第一个单词一定是e;再看第二个字母:adgj,有规律吗?没错,abcdefghij,规律就是,每个字母间相隔两个字母,所以依此类推,下一组单词的第二个字母应该是kln,当然,应该选备选答案中的A 4.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five:


1. The problem ________ when the students refused to do their homework. A. arose B. aroused C. rose D. raised 2. When he suddenly ________ up the subject of genetic engineering, there was an embarrassed silence. A. took B. brought C. showed D. came 3. ________ so many people in the United States been out of work as today. A. More than ever before B. In the past, there have never C. Never before have D. Formerly, there never were 4. It ________ as a shock to realize that I was not alone in the room. A. came B. appeared C. arrived D. reached 5. Since William had been seriously ill for several months, his parents were worried about ________ to return to school full-time. A. he wanted B. he wanting C. him to want D. his wanting 6. The association is ________ to raising funds to help the blind. A. conducted B. committed C. concentrated D. concerned 7. I won't ________ those children making a noise in my house! A. allow B. let C. have D. permit 8. The TV station, in ________ to massive popular demand, decided to continue the soap opera (肥皂剧). A. regard B. relation C. respect D. response


(C) 1. Which letter comes next? A C F J . A .H B .M C .O D.Q (C) 2. From what number can you take half and leave nothing? A. 1 B. 9 C.8 D. 5 (B) 3. What dog never barks? A. big dog B. hot dog C. small dog D. red dog (C) 4. Mr. White has two sons, and each of them has a sister. How many children does he have? A. one B. two C. three D. four (B) 5. What three letters make a man of a boy? A. old B. age C. boy D. mum (A) 6. In what mouth do woman talk the least A. February B. September C. January D. June 7. I meet three men on a bus. A speaks English. C only talks whit B. b can speak Chinese and English. What dose C speak? (Chinese) (C) 8. The words he gives on the computer is above my head. A 一目了然 B 终于醒悟 C 无法理解 D 头脑发昏 (A) 9. I don't like going after the dog. A 在人背后 B 无事生非 C滔滔不绝 D 当着她面 (C) 10. He is going after the dog. A. 拦截 B. 玩 C. 追逐 D. 戏弄 (D) 11. You can play with Bill. He is not in the same class. A.他与你不是同班 B他是个生手 C他棒极了 D他不是你的对手 (C) 12. He’ll succeed because he’s always at his books. A学识渊博 B博览群书 C刻苦学习 D意志坚强 (B) 13. He is the out fish of water. A离开水的鱼 B不和群 C需要水的鱼 D水中鱼 (B) 14. The little boy runs and runs until he blue in the face. A浑身发热 B筋疲力尽 C鼻青脸肿 D精神焕发 (A) 15. Ten to ten the train will be late. A很可能 B十分之一 C十二点五十 D十比一 (b) 16. I don’t like Mr. Chan. He is an old woman. A老太婆 B喜欢啰嗦的人 C没妻子的老头 D女人气的男人 (D) 17. If I go to see my uncle, I can read his books .It’s in two twos. A一分为二 B一文不名 C三心二意 D一举两得 找出水果名 18 would you show me the map, please? Apple 19 I arrived home long before you. Melon 20 A thief stole money and a computer last night. Lemon


英语智力题及答案智力开发多篇合集 英语智力题及答案智力开发多篇合集由***投稿推荐,但愿对你的学习工作能带来参考借鉴作用。 在平时的生活中多做一些智力题,会帮助自己提高自己的智商,做英文的智力题还能顺便提高自己的英语水平,下面就是我给大家带来的英语智力题及答案,希望能帮助到大家! 英语智力题及答案 1.which one of the following five is least like the other four? a,cat –b.lion –c.dog – d.turtle – e.eleph 这道题很简单,cat (猫)、lion(狮子)、dog(狗)和elephant(大象)都是哺乳动物mammal,而turtle,乌龟是在海滩上下了乌龟蛋,然后埋好再孵化的,因此是卵生动物。所以应该选d,乌龟! 2.if you rearrange the letters ugnaia, you would have the name of a: river - country - city - animal - plant guiana,南美洲北部一地区,分属英、荷、法三国。英属圭亚那于1966独立成为圭亚那。所以,这道题的答案应该是b 国家country. 3.what would be the next group of letters in this series? aaaa ...bdzb ...cgac ...djzd ...????

enae - ekze - elxe - emae - eize - i don't know 这一组数字,看起来很奇怪,到哪里找规律呢?这可要测你的智能了。先看每组的第一个字母,abcd,简单,是按字母顺序嘛!那么下一组的第一个单词一定是e;再看第二个字母:adgj,有规律吗?没错,abcdefghij,规律就是,每个字母间相隔两个字母,所以依此类推,下一组单词的第二个字母应该是kln,当然,应该选备选答案中的a 4.what would be the next picture in this series? choose one of thefollowing five: 找这个图的规律,要有合适的方法,我们先盯住图中的一个方块来看:比如说就看其中的绿色方块,它好象是在一个格子一个格子的往下移动,在看看红色的方块,是在一个格子一个格子地往上走,所以整个图其实是在做逆时针的转动,每次转动一个格子。因此,下一幅图应该是d。 5.didiidid is to 49499494 as diidiidd is to: a) 94494499 b) 49949944 c) 49499494 d) 94944949 e)49944949 这道题是在测试你的速度和反应能力的,其实,我们只要把字母和数字对照一下,很快就能找到:d代表4,而i代表9,所以diidiidd就是数字49949944,选择(b)。 6.what would be the next picture in this series? choose one of thefollowing five: 这个题应该选择e。黑色的小方块先是在大方框的四角上做顺时针旋转,而后在四边中间上做顺时针旋转,下一幅图,就应该是黑块在下边框中点


1.I'd like to take __________ of this opportunity to thank all of you for your efforts. A. profit B. benefit C. occasion D. advantage 2.In copying this paper, be careful not to leave __________ any words. A. out B. alone C. off D. behind 3.When doing the wash, it is important to _______ white and colored clothing. A. compare B. separate C. establish D. contrast 4.We finally __________ an agreement after a lot of hard argument. A. reached B. did C. arrived D. drove 5.It is desirable that the airplane ___________ as light as possible. A. is B. were C. be D. had been 6.We came finally __________ the conclusion that she had been telling lies all the time. A. of B. into C. to D. at 7.I am not used to speaking _________ public. A. in B. at C. on D. to 8.He didn't live up to __________ had been expected of him.


英语智力题及答案智力开发大全合集 在平时的生活中多做一些智力题,会帮助自己提高自己的智商,做英文的智力题还能顺便提高自己的英语水平,下面就是小编给大家带来的英语智力题及答案,希望能帮助到大家! 英语智力题及答案 1.Which one of the following five is least like the other four? A,Cat –B. Lion –C. Dog –D.Turtle –E.Eleph 这道题很简单,cat (猫)、lion(狮子)、Dog(狗)和elephant(大象)都是哺乳动物mammal,而turtle,乌龟是在海滩上下了乌龟蛋,然后埋好再孵化的,因此是卵生动物。所以应该选D,乌龟! 2.If you rearrange the letters UGNAIA, you would have the name of a: River - Country - City - Animal - Plant Guiana,南美洲北部一地区,分属英、荷、法三国。英属圭亚那于1966独立成为圭亚那。所以,这道题的答案应该是B 国家country. 3.What would be the next group of letters in this series? aaaa ... bdzb ...cgac ... djzd ... ???? enae - ekze - elxe - emae - eize - I dont know 这一组数字,看起来很奇怪,到哪里找规律呢?这可要测你的智

能了。先看每组的第一个字母,abcd,简单,是按字母顺序嘛!那么下一组的第一个单词一定是e;再看第二个字母:adgj,有规律吗?没错,abcdefghij,规律就是,每个字母间相隔两个字母,所以依此类推,下一组单词的第二个字母应该是kln,当然,应该选备选答案中的A 4.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of thefollowing five: 找这个图的规律,要有合适的方法,我们先盯住图中的一个方块来看:比如说就看其中的绿色方块,它好象是在一个格子一个格子的往下移动,在看看红色的方块,是在一个格子一个格子地往上走,所以整个图其实是在做逆时针的转动,每次转动一个格子。因此,下一幅图应该是D。 5. DIDIIDID is to 49499494 as DIIDIIDD is to: A) 94494499B) 49949944C) 49499494D) 94944949 E)49944949 这道题是在测试你的速度和反应能力的,其实,我们只要把字母和数字对照一下,很快就能找到:D代表4,而I代表9,所以DIIDIIDD 就是数字49949944,选择(B)。 6.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of thefollowing five: 这个题应该选择E。黑色的小方块先是在大方框的四角上做顺时针旋转,而后在四边中间上做顺时针旋转,下一幅图,就应该是黑块


大学英语四级练习题单项选择题-5 1.His proposal is __A_____ to all of us and you do not need to tell us mor e about it. A.apparent B.appearing C.approaching D.apart 2.This mountain range has many high __A_____ and fertile valleys. A.peaks B.hills C.phases D.pink 3.He gave us a good __C_____ of his experience. A.demonstration B.frequency C.descripton D.instruction 4.You have your choice of three __A_____ of ice cream. A.varieties B.tops C.respects D.decks 5.This sick man was __D_____ in a blanket. A. input B.issued C.ensured D.wrapped 6.This is the military ___B_____. Nobody is allowed to get in without per mission. A.bond B.zone C.butter D.zoo 7.Rock music usually ___B____ the young people in most countries. A.applies to B.appeals to C.amazes D.actress


1.Here, as in most other parts of the hilly county, one school served for up to four or five __ ______villages. 2.Work _______on the construction site last April and was completed within fifty-two weeks. 3.As to this product, the technical obstaclesto be _______for designing are much less than for manufacture. A)generated B) prescribed C) overcome D) exceeded 4. The doctor told me I had to expect such things at my age and simply _____some vitamin pills. A)dissolved B) stuffed C) recommended D) prescribed 5.I _____upwards and could see a few starstwinkling in the sky; one seemed much brighter than the others. 6.Lucy stood at the gate waving to her departing daughter until the car is ____. https://www.360docs.net/doc/f115657120.html,rge-scale studies are needed to ___the encouraging results we have obtained so far. 2.Dr.S mith is starting the first training program himself, and his methods of teaching will be used in all ___ training programs. 3.Whoever disobeys the company ’ s safety regulations shall be _____on the\ spot. 4.This is a very formal occasion. It is not appropriate to wear ______pants or skirts. 5.All the questions the police asked ____what she had been doing on the night of the robbery 6.The noise _____to be just the dogs fighting for a bone in the courtyard 7.Our system has been designed to give the user quick and easy_____ to the required information A) accent B)access C) response D) approach 8. So far only a dozen people who had direct contact with live chickens have ______the brid flu. A) distributed B) displayed C) contracted D) constituted 9. Many young women do aerobics every day in their_______ to achieve the perfect body. A) quest B) strain C) temptation D) campaign 10.The official____ of events is that the police were attacked and were just trying to defend themselves.


【英语】英语名词专项训练及答案含解析 一、初中英语名词 1.(?广西河池)—There is an MP5 on the desk,whose is this? —It can be my ____,she bought one yesterday. A. sister B. sister's C. sisters’ D. sisters 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:一一书桌上有一个MP5是谁的?一一可能是我妹妹的。她昨天买了一个。A.妹,单数形式;B.单数的所有格形式;C.妹们的,复数的所有格式;D.妹们,复数形式。本题表示MP5的所有关系所有格形式,后句的she说明是一个人,用单数,故选B。 2.—The last bus has left. What should we do? —Let's take a taxi. We have no other ______ now. A. choice B. reason C. habit 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:-末班车离开了。我们应该怎么办呢?-我们坐出租车吧。我们现在没有其他的选择了。A. choice选择;B. reason理由;C. habit习惯。没公交了,只有坐出租车这条选择,没有别的选择了。故选A。 【点评】此题考查名词的辨析。 3.---Could you tell me the_______of making such tasty cakes? ---Well,I just follow the instructions in the cookbook. A. time B. method C. cost D. menu 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:一一你可以告诉我做这样可口的蛋糕的方法吗?一一哦,我就是按照烹饪书的说明做的。time时间,method方法,cost花费,menu菜单。根据语境,“你能告诉我制作如此美味的蛋糕的方法吗?”此处方法:method比较符合语意,故选B。 4.—Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes,Tony? —Sure,Mom will be mad if she sees this _________,I think. A. matter B. mess C. trouble D. difficulty 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——托尼,你能倒垃圾,刷碗吗?——当然可以。我认为如果妈妈看见这么狼藉,她会疯了的。matter问题;mess狼藉,杂乱;trouble麻烦;difficulty困难。根据Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes,可知屋里有垃圾,碗和盘子没有


英语智力题–吴馨怡 1.Which one of the following five is least like the other four? Cat - Lion - Dog - Turtle - Elephant 这道题很简单,cat (猫)、lion(狮子)、Dog(狗)和elephant(大象)都是哺乳动物mammal,而turtle,乌龟是在海滩上下了乌龟蛋,然后埋好再孵化的,因此是卵生动物。所以应该选 D,乌龟! 2.If you rearrange the letters UGNAIA, you would have the name of a: River - Country - City - Animal - Plant Guiana,南美洲北部一地区,分属英、荷、法三国。英属圭亚那于1966独立成为圭亚那。 所以,这道题的答案应该是 B 国家country. 3.What would be the next group of letters in this series? aaaa ... bdzb ... cgac ... djzd ... ???? enae - ekze - elxe - emae - eize - I don't know 这一组数字,看起来很奇怪,到哪里找规律呢?这可要测你的智能了。先看每组的第一个字母,abcd,简单,是按字母顺序嘛!那么下一组的第一个单词一定是e;再看第二个字母:adgj,有规律吗?没错,abcdefghij,规律就是,每个字母间相隔两个字母,所以依此类推, 下一组单词的第二个字母应该是kln,当然,应该选备选答案中的 A 4.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five:


英语脑筋急转弯及答案 【篇一:英语脑筋急转弯大全】 what room has no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floors? a mushroom.(蘑菇) 2. what is smaller than an insects mouth? anything it eats. 3. what large instrument do you carry in your ears? drums, that is eardrums.(鼓膜) 4. whats too much for one, just right for two, but nothing at all for three? a secret. 5. what person tried to make you smile most of the time? a photographer. 6. what animal has a head like a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isnt a cat? a kitten.(小猫) 7. what surprising things happen every 24 hours? day breaks, but doesnt fall; night falls, but doesnt break. 8. what can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth? an echo.(回声) 9. what do you know about the kings of france? they are all dead. 10. what question can you never answer yes to are you asleep? 11. why do some old people never use glasses? they must prefer bottles to glasses. 12. why is the person wearing two coats while painting the house? because the instructions on the paint can say put on two coats for best results. 13. what two words have thousands of letters in them? post office. 14. what do workers do in a clock factory? they make faces all day. 15. what 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? sixty.


Unit 4 1.I breathed a sigh of __________ when I heard my husband was safe. A.surprise B.delight C.annoyance D.relief 2. .He saw a(n) __________ for the government in stimulating (刺激) industrial expansion. A.role B.influence C.effect D.instance I found comfort in his words, and reassurance __________ I had made the right decision. A.which B.that C.what D./ There is a close link between a rising __________ of unemployment and a rising suicide __________. A.rate... rate B.ratio... ratio C.speed... speed D.tendency... tendency As long as you have paid in advance, we won't ____________ you for delivery.

A.depend B.charge C.accuse D.demand The claim __________ the fact that every year more and more money is being spent on arms. A.backs down B.backs off C.backs up D.backs out Nowadays, there are more and more crimes __________ to drug abuse. A.related B.associated C.linked D.connected I'd like to __________ five hundred dollars to my current account. A.shift B.move C.change D.transfer Rain is expected to __________ to all parts of the country by this evening. A.expand B.extend C.extent D.expend You need a very __________ manager to increase the rate of production. A.adoring B.effective C.preferable D.dynamic


1.T h e p r o b l e m________w h e n t h e s t u d e n t s r e f u s e d t o d o t h e i r h o m e w o r k. A.arose B.aroused C.rose D.raised 2.Whenhesuddenly________upthesubjectofgeneticengineering,therewasanembarrassedsil ence. A.took B.brought C.showed D.came 3.________somanypeopleintheUnitedStatesbeenoutofworkastoday. A.Morethaneverbefore B.Inthepast,therehavenever C.Neverbeforehave D.Formerly,thereneverwere 4.It________asashocktorealizethatIwasnotaloneintheroom. A.came B.appeared C.arrived D.reached 5.SinceWilliamhadbeenseriouslyillforseveralmonths,hisparentswereworriedabout________t oreturntoschoolfull-time. A.hewanted B.hewanting C.himtowant D.hiswanting 6.Theassociationis________toraisingfundstohelptheblind. A.conducted https://www.360docs.net/doc/f115657120.html,mitted C.concentrated D.concerned 7.Iwon't________thosechildrenmakinganoiseinmyhouse! A.allow B.let C.have D.permit 8.TheTVstation,in________tomassivepopulardemand,decidedtocontinuethesoapopera(肥 皂剧). A.regard B.relation


智力题闯关第一关 1. 18,20,23,28,35,_______ . Please fill in the appropriate number. A.42 B.46 C.48 D.51 2. He has experienced the ups and downs of life. “ups and downs”in this sentence means() A.上上下下 B.起起伏伏 C.大起大落 D.一帆风顺 3. Which one is England’s mother river() A. the Thames B. Severn River C. Tyne River D. River Cam 4. ( ) is the country with the largest population. A. China B. India C. America D. Korea 5. —What’s that? —That’s a lily. I like it very much. Here “lily” stands for what ? A. girl’s name B. flower C. picture D. cup 6. If he got fired, his career could be dead in the water. What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase? A.死在水里 B. 船玩出火 C. 彻底失败 D. 被搁置的 7. We already know □+△=25, □-○=14, △+◇=24, △+△=16. And □、△、○、◇ these shapes they stand for different numbers. Can you work out what are they?


英语搞笑脑筋急转弯及答案集锦 脑筋急转弯中有一类就是利用人们对元语言和对象语言的混淆而设计的。英语搞 笑脑筋急转弯有哪些的呢?本文是小编整理英语搞笑脑筋急转弯的资料,仅供参考。 英语搞笑脑筋急转弯【经典篇】 Q:What's the difference between a monkey and a flea? A: A monkey can have fleas, but a flea can't have monkeys. 猴子会和跳蚤有什么不同呢?你可能会直接的想到它们俩是一大一小。但除此之外呢,那就是猴子身上可以长跳蚤,而跳蚤身上却不能有猴子。这个答案很有意思吧? Q: How can you most irritate a farmer? A: By treading on his corn? 如果你踩了农夫的玉米或是谷物,他肯定会生气的;而如果你踩了农夫脚底的鸡眼,他会更生气。Corn既可以表示“玉米/谷物”,也有“鸡眼”的意思。 Q: Which is the strongest creature in the world? A: The snail. It carries its house on its back. 因为snail(蜗牛)的后背上总是背着一所房子,所以说蜗牛是世界上最强壮的生物 是不足为奇的。你说呢? Q: What do people do in a clock factory? A: They make faces all day. 一看到make faces这个短语,你可千万别以为是在钟表厂工作的人整天都做鬼脸呀!因为除了这个意思以外,它还可以从字面上解释为制造钟面。 Q: How do you stop a sleepwalker from walking in his sleep? A: Keep him awake. 怎样才能不让梦游者(sleepwalker)梦游(walk in his sleep)呢?最简单的方法就是不 让他睡觉。虽然这不是治疗方法,但如果让梦游者醒着呢,他的确就不会去梦游了。 1) ---- Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad ? (爸爸和妈妈谁和你更近?)? —— Mom is closer because dad is father.? (2)---- What fruit is never found singly ? (什么水果永远不会是单个的?)? —— A pear.?


经典英语脑筋急转弯题目大全及答案 经典英语脑筋急转弯及答案【经典篇】60条1. What room has no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floors?A mushroom.(蘑菇)2. What is smaller than an insect's mouth?Anything it eats.3. What large instrument do you carry in your ears?Drums, that is eardrums.(鼓膜)4. What's too much for one, just right for two, but nothing at all for three?A secret.5. What person tried to make you smile most of the time?A photographer.6. What animal has a head like a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat?A kitten.(小猫)7. What surprising things happen every 24 hours?Day breaks, but doesn't fall; night falls, but doesn't break.8. What can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth?An echo.(回声)9. What do you know about the kings of France?They are all dead.10. What question can you never answer 'yes" to"Are you asleep?11. Why do some old people never use glasses?They must prefer bottles to glasses.12. Why is the person wearing two coats while painting the house?Because the instructions on the paint can say "Put on two coats for best results."13. What two words have thousands of letters in them?Post office.14. What do workers do in a clock factory?They make faces all day.15. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?Sixty.16. When do you go as fast as a racing car?When you are in it.17. How many sides does a house have?Two - inside and outside.18. What never asks any questions but
