


Meeting a Buyer at the Airport


Hold up 耽搁,延迟

"hold up"原为动词词组,是‘妨碍、阻止’之意("hold"有‘拘留;束缚’的解释)。该词组可转换当名词,解释为‘耽搁,延误’,注意当名词时,两字合为一字。

Because of holdups in traffic, we were late for work.


take a nap 小憩;睡一会儿

"nap"有‘假寐、小睡’的意思。需要注意的是这个词组的动词用"take"或"have"。"have / take a nap",指睡的时间很短。

Do you usually take a nap in the afternoon?


jet lag 时差不适

"jet"是指‘喷射机’,"lag"有‘迟滞;落后’之意。"jet lag"是复合名词,指坐长程飞机到了某地,而不能适应当地时差的感觉;若以"bad"置于之前来形容,则强调‘很难’适应时差。After arriving in New York, Mr. Yang had bad jet lag, and needed to sleep late.


Adjust to... 适应…

"adjust"有‘调整;使适应’的意思;"adjust to"后加名词词组则是‘适应某事(人)’之意。It took Wayne almost a year to adjust to army life.

Wayne 花了将近一年的时间才适应军中生活。

worry about 担心…,为…着急


If sales can go up 10 percent this year, we won't worry about our financial status next year.


go sightseeing 去观光,参观名胜风景

"sight"原有景色、奇观的解释;"sightsee"是动词,游览、观光的意思。"go+V-ing"是惯用语,表去从事某项活动。如"go hunting",去打猎;"go swimming",去游泳;"go jogging",去慢跑。

The couple went sightseeing in London on their honeymoon.



1. Great to see you again.

2. I'm glad to see you.

3. it’s a pleasure to see you agai n.


1. How is your wife doing?

2. How is everyone in your family?

3. May I ask how Mr. / Mrs. ... Is?

问候对方家人的近况,是礼貌和表示亲近的做法,最常见的句型是以"How is (are)..."开头的问句;"How is (someone) doing?”并非询问‘某人做得如何?’而是‘近来可好?’的意思;这是美式口语的惯用法。像"How're you doing?"就是问‘你好吗?’。

1. I was hoping we could...

2. I thought we might...

3. I'd like to suggest that we...

这是提议、表示愿望的句型;子句"we could..."中所提到的事即为希望能达成的事。"I was hoping..."是表达一种客气、婉转的建议语气。


Howard是Active Sports的业务部主任,通常国外的买主来台北谈生意即由他负责。Tom Chambers是一位美国的大客户,今日来台洽谈业务,Howard亲自去接机。

T: Howard! Great to see you again!

H: Good to see you too, Tom. How was the flight?

T: Good. No holdups at the airport, and the flight were comfortable. I was able to take a nap on the way over.

H: Good. Do you have any jet lag?

T: No, not now. I adjusted to the time difference while I was in Korea and Hong Kong, so I'll be all right.

H: That's good. I always get bad jet lag when I travel.

T: Hmm. So, how is your wife doing, Howard?

H: She's doing fine, thank you. And how is the family?

T: Fine, thanks. My wife wanted me to say thank you for your gift last time. She liked the jewelry box very much.

H: Oh, it was nothing. I'm glad she liked it.

T: Hmm. I heard you had a typhoon recently.

H: Yes, but it wasn't too serious. The weather forecast for the next few days looks good, so we don't need to worry about it.

T: Wonderful. I was hoping to get some exercise and go sightseeing. Will we have enough time?

H: Sure. Your schedule is very flexible. The only firm appointments are to spend a day at the factory tomorrow, and a half day at the office on Wednesday.

T: Hmm. What are some good places to see in Taiwan? Last time I only visited Window on China, but I thought it was really very interesting.

H: This time we can go see the National Palace Museum, and Snake Alley.

T: Hmm. sounds very exciting.

H: And we can take you shopping before you leave.

T: Great. It's good to be here, Howard. And it's really good to see you again.

H: It's good to have you too, Tom.

T: Howard!真高兴再见到你!

H: 我也很高兴见到你。这趟飞得还顺利吧?

T: 很好。在机场没有延误,这一路也很舒适。我还在飞机上睡了一会儿呢!

H: 那好!会不会还不太适应时差?

T: 现在不会。我在韩国、香港的时候,就渐渐适应时差了,所以应该没有时差问题。

H: 那就好。像我每次旅行都很难适应时差。

T: 嗯...那嫂夫人最近好吗?

H: 很好,谢谢。你的家人都好吗?

T: 很好!谢谢。我太太要我代她谢谢你上回送的礼物,她很喜欢那个珠宝盒。

H: 噢,小意思,她喜欢就好。

T: 嗯...听说你们这里最近有台风?

H: 是有,但只是轻度台风。未来几天的天气预测看来很好,我们大可不必担心天气。

T: 好极了。我想运动运动,也想去观光一下,我们有时间吧?

H: 当然。你的行程很有弹性,唯一排定的是明天要待在工厂一天,星期三则要在公司待上半天。

T: 嗯...台湾有那些好地方可以观光?上回我只去过‘锦绣中华’,那里很好玩。H: 我们可以挑一天去故宫博物院,再去华西街瞧瞧。

T: 嗯...听起来很棒。

H: 你回去之前,我们还可以去逛街买东西。

T: 好极了。真高兴来这里,Howard,更高兴能再见到你。

H: 你能来真好,Tom.


1.Excuse me. Are you Susan Davis from Western Electronics? 对不起,你是来自西方电子公司的苏姗。戴卫斯吗? 2.Yes, I am. And you must be Mr. Takeshita.是的,我就是,你一定是竹下先生吧。 3.Pardon me. Are you Ralph Meyers from National Fixtures? 对不起,请问你是从国家装置公司来的雷夫。梅耶史先生吗? 4.Im Dennis. I am here to meet you today.我是丹尼斯,今天我到这里来接你。 5.Im Donald. We met the last time you visited Taiwan.我是唐纳德,上次你来台湾时我们见过面。 6.Im Edwin. Ill show you to your hotel.我是爱德温,我带你去旅馆。 7.How was your flight? Was it comfortable? 你坐的班机怎么样?还舒服吗? 8.It was quite good. But it was awfully long.班机很好,就是时间太长了。 9.Did you have a good flight? 你旅途愉快吗? 10.Not really, Im afraid. We were delayed taking off,and we encountered a lot of bad weather.不太好,我们起飞延误了,还遭遇了恶劣的气候。 11.How was your flight? 你的航班怎样? 12.Did you get any sleep on the plane? 你在飞机上睡觉了吗? 13.Mr. Wagner, do you have a hotel reservation? 华格纳先生,你预订过旅馆吗? 14.No, I dont. Will it be a problem? 不,我没有,会有困难吗? 15.I dont think so. I know several convenient hotels. Let me make some calls.我认为没有,我知道有几家便利旅馆,让我打几个电话。


在机场常用到的英文 有很多人喜欢去旅游,到外国去,外国都是用用英语表 达的,我们要注意哪些呢?今天向大家分享一下关于机场常用的英文,希望对爱旅游的人有帮助。 Do you know the steps of taking a plane? 你知道乘坐飞机的步骤吗?接下来我们一起来看一下吧 Arrive at the airport 到达机场 Attention: be sure to at the airport 2 or 3 hours in advance, if you are going to take an International plane) 注意:一定要在机场2 或3 小时提前,如果你要采取国际飞机)你也许会听到这些话,请记住噢 机场英语 Check In 登记入住 How many suitcases do you wanna 你想托运多少箱check? 子? Do you have any carryon? 你有没有进行? Please empty your pockets and put the contents in the tray and hand me your boarding pass.


我。 Empty: vt. 使成为空的(out)( of); 空,倒空;vi. 成为空的;(江,河等)流入(into ) Put: vt. 放,摆,装 Hand :vt. 面交,给,传递;搀扶 Waiting at the departure hall. At this time, you can visit some duty free shops and buy some souvenirs. 在候机大厅等着。在这个时候,你可以参观一些免税商店和买一些纪念品。 乘飞机必备英语词汇:票务Ticketing 票号Ticket Number 旅客订座记录PNR (Passenger Name Record) 票价总额Fare Basis 航空公司代号Airline Code 票务代理Ticket Agency 行程单Itinerary 托运行李限制Baggage Allowance 手提行李Carry-on Bag 托运行李Check-in Bag 机票改期Date Change 升舱Upgrade


一.Receiving Guests at the Airport 机场接待客人常用英语口语对话 Guest (G ): Excuse me, are you the Fortune Hotel airport rep. ? Airport Representative (AR ): Yes, Mr... ? G: I’m Robert Hilton from the American Andrew Rice Origin Foundation. AR: My name is Su Hui, I’m here to meet you. Welcome to Shanghai! G: Glad to meet you. AR: The pleasure is mine. Is this your first visit to China, Mr. Hilton? G: Yes. Its my very first. I’m looking forward to seeing your beautiful country. AR: I hope you will have a pleasant stay here. G: Thank you. I’m sure I will. AR: Is this all your baggage? G: Yes, it’s all here. AR: We have a car over there to take you to our hotel. G: That’s fine. AR: Let me help you with that suitcase. Shall we go? G: Yes, thank you for all your trouble. AR: No trouble at all. This way, please. 句型操练 You must be our long-expected guest, Mr.X from the U.S. 您一定是我们盼望已久的客人,从美国来的X先生吧! Very nice/glad/pleased to meet you. 幸会 I'm delighted to meet you at last. 很高兴终于见到您了。 It was nice meeting you./I'm so pleased to have(finally) met you./ 很高兴见到您。(道别用语) How was your journey? 您旅途如何? I hope you've had a pleasant flight/trip. 旅途愉快吧! I hope you'll enjoy your stay here. 希望您在此过得愉快。 Hope you'll have a pleasant/enjoyable stay here.


Rose 就是Modern Office Ltd。公司的前台,现在我们来看看她是怎样接待来访客人的吧。 Dialogue 1 Mr. Hussein 与Rose 所在公司的销售经理Mr. Shelli 预约在11:30会面,看Rose 怎样接待如约前来的Mr. Hussein。 ROSE: Good morning. Can I help you? MR HUSSEIN: Good morning. Is this Modern Office Ltd.? ROSE: Yes it is。 MR HUSSEIN: I have an appointment with the Sales Manager at 11: 30. ROSE: May I have your name, please? MR HUSSEIN: Hussein. Omar Hussein. I'm from the Gulf Trading Company。 ROSE: Let me see...Ah yes, Mr. Hussein. Please take a seat, Mr. Hussein. I'll tell the Manager's Secretary you are here。 (DIALS) MARIA: Mr. Shelli's Office。 ROSE: Hello Maria, this is Reception. Mr. Omar Hussein is here. He has an appointment with Mr. Shelli at 11:30. MARIA: Mr. Omar Hussein? ROSE: Yes, he's from the Gulf Trading Company。 MARIA: Oh, yes, that's right. I'll come and fetch him now。 ROSE: Thanks. (REPLACES PHONE) Mr. Shelli's secretary is coming down now。 MR HUSSEIN: Thank you。 MARIA: Mr. Hussein? MR HUSSEIN: Yes, that's right。 MARIA: I'm the Sales Manager's secretary. Please come this way. I'll take you to his office。Basic Expressions 1. This is Dajiang Food Store. How may I help you? 这里是大江食品店。请问我怎样能帮到你呢? 2. Could you put me through to the toy department? 请帮我接玩具部好吗? 3. I’d like to order 3 cases of beer. 我打算订购三箱啤酒。 4. My name is Tony Smith, Shanghai Hotel Room 2107. My phone number is 6567- 8900. 我叫托尼·史密斯,住上海宾馆2107房间,我的电话号码是6567-8900。 5. Please make a remittance of 1,500 Yuan for the books you’ve ordered. The postage is inclu ded. 您订的书请汇款一千五百元过来,邮资包括在内。 6. Hold on a moment please. 请稍等。 7. I’ll see if she is in. 我去看看她有没有在。 8. I am afraid she is out at the moment.


常用机场英语单词 国内候机楼domestic terminal 国际候机楼international terminal 候机室departure lounge 国内机场domestic airport 国际机场international airport 国内航班出站domestic departure 国际航班出港international departure 国际航班旅客international passengers 中国海关China customs 报关物品goods to declare 不需报关nothing to declare 护照检查处passport control immigration 签证Visa 护照passport 身份证ID Card 航空公司汽车服务处airline coach service 航空公司办公室airline office 承运人carrier 航班号FLT No (flight number) 机号plane No. 机座号seat No. 机票飞机票endorsements/restrictions 购票处ticket office 服务柜台service counter 座舱等级class 头等舱First class 公务舱business class 经济舱Economic class 升舱Upgrade 改签Change ticket 单程One-way 往返Return 退票Ticket fecund 订座情况status 付款处cash 旅客姓名name of passenger 机票确认ticket confirm 机场费airport fee 起点城市from 前往…… departure to 旅行经停地点good for passage between 中转处transfer correspondence 中转旅客transfer passengers 前往城市to安全检查security check 值机Check in 行李领取处luggage claim; baggage claim 行李查询处Baggage inquiry counter 行李暂存箱luggage locker 行李寄存Left baggage office 行李牌luggage tag VIP 休息室VIP lounge 休息室Rest room 计时休息室hourly lounge 直飞Non-stop 已降落landed 延误delayed 取消cancel 登机手续办理check-in 登机牌boarding pass (card) 登机boarding 起飞日期date 预计时间scheduled time (SCHED) 实际时间actual 起飞时间departure time 登机时间Boarding time 由此乘电梯前往登机stairs and lifts to departures 出站(出港、离开、出发)departures 进站(进港、到达)arrivals 吸烟室smoking room 吸烟坐位smoking seat 非吸烟席non-smoking seat 摆渡车Free Inter-terminal shuttle 出口exit; out; way out 入口in 登机口gate; departure gate 1号门Gate one 由此上楼up; upstairs 左转turn left 直走go straight 由此下楼down; downstairs 右转turn right 问讯处Information center 商务中心Business center 充电、充值Charge 插座Electric outlet 工作人员staff 经理Manager 机场大巴Air bus 租车处car hire 出租车taxi 出租车乘车点Taxi pick-up point 大轿车乘车点coach pick-up point 公共汽车bus; coach service 市区downtown 机场快轨Airport express train 失物招领处Lost and found 警务室Police station 停车场Car park/parking 咖啡店coffee shop/ cafe 液态物品Liquid items 餐厅restaurant 饮品Drinks 酒吧bar 书店book shop 公用电话public phone; telephone 厕所toilet; W. C.; lavatories; rest room 男厕men's; gent's; gentlemen's 女厕women's; lady's 迎宾处greeting arriving 免税店duty-free shop 足疗Foot massage 银行bank 自助取款ATM 中国银行Bank of China 建行China Construction Bank 工行Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 农行Agriculture Bank of China 邮局post office 医疗室medical center 货币兑换处money exchange; currency exchange 出售火车票rail ticket 订旅馆hotel reservation 旅行安排tour arrangement


常用机场英语机场指示牌 机场费airport fee 出站(出港、离开)departures 国际机场international airport 登机手续办理check-in 国内机场domestic airport 登机牌boarding pass (card) 机场候机楼airport terminal 护照检查处passport control immigration 国际候机楼international terminal 行李领取处luggage claim; baggage claim 国际航班出港international departure 国际航班旅客international passengers 国内航班出站domestic departure 中转transfers 卫星楼satellite 中转旅客transfer passengers 入口in 中转处transfer correspondence 出口exit; out; way out 过境transit 进站(进港、到达)arrivals 报关物品goods to declare 不需报关nothing to declare 贵宾室V.I.P. room 海关customs 购票处ticket office 登机口gate; departure gate 付款处cash 候机室departure lounge 出租车taxi 航班号FLT No (flight number) 出租车乘车点Taxi pick-up point 来自…… arriving from 大轿车乘车点coach pick-up point 预计时间scheduled time (SCHED) 航空公司汽车服务处airline coach service 实际时间actual 租车处car hire 已降落landed 公共汽车bus; coach service 前往…… departure to 公用电话public phone; telephone 起飞时间departure time 厕所toilet; W. C.; lavatories; rest room 延误delayed 男厕men's; gent's; gentlemen's 登机boarding 女厕women's; lady's 由此乘电梯前往登机stairs and lifts to departures 餐厅restaurant 迎宾处greeting arriving 酒吧bar 由此上楼up; upstairs 咖啡馆coffee shop; cafe 由此下楼down; downstairs 免税店duty-free shop 银行bank 邮局post office 货币兑换处money exchange; currency exchange 出售火车票rail ticket 订旅馆hotel reservation 旅行安排tour arrangement 行李暂存箱luggage locker 行李牌luggage tag


A: Hello, are you Mr. Ford the president of Thailand International Trade Co., LTD? B: Yes, I am. A: Hello, I’m the sales manager of ABC Trade Co, my name is Daniel(自己想一个英文名字), I'm glad to see you, Welcome to ShangHai, How ‘s your plane journey ? B: Thank you, I feel tired because of the six-hours flights. A: Oh, yes, our company have already booked a room for you , We could arrive at the hotel 10 minutes later. B: OK. (10 minutes to the Galaxy Hotel) A: Mr. Ford, your room is number 35112 on the 8th floor, this is the key to the room, I will send you to go, you could take a Shower first, then l prepare dinner for you , OK? B: Well, thank you. A: I ‘ll pick you up to eat breakfast at 8:30 tomorrow morning, then I ‘ll take you to visit our company. B: OK. A: see you tomorrow. B: see you . (The next morning) A: Good morning, Mr. Ford. B: Good morning, Daniel. A: Mr. Ford, Do you like sandwich ? B: ah. A: Ok , Shall we go to the restaurant to eat breakfast first, Then go to visit the company together . B: Ok. (30 minutes later, came to the company at the gate) A: This is our company, our company was founded in 1998, Mainly in sales Southeast


1.机场常用对话 May I see your passport, please? 麻烦请给我你的护照。 Where are you staying? 将在那儿住宿? Here is my passport / Here it is. 这是我的护照。 I will stay at Boston Hotel. 我将住在波士顿饭店。 What‘s the purpose of your visit? 旅行的目的为何? Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan? 是否有台湾回程机票? Sightseeing(Businese). 观光(公务)。 Yes, here it is. 有的,这就是回程机票。 How long will you be staying in the United States? 预计在美国停留多久? How much money do you have with you? 你随身携带多少现金? 5 days. 5天。 I have 800 dollars. 大约800元。 I plan to stay for about 10 days. 预计停留约10天。 Good. Have a nice day. 祝你玩得愉快。 I’m just passing through. 我只是过境而已。 Thank you. 谢谢。 I am leaving for Geneva tonight. 今晚即动身前往日内瓦。 2.行李遗失 出国旅行最令人气结的事,莫过于行李遗失。一旦发生这样不幸的事,

多数人的第一反应是心急如焚,在这样状况下,还要用英语向当地人员 请求协助,着实是件困难的事。本篇将提供在遗失行李的意外状况下, 旅客如何用简单而清楚的英语,向工作人员描述本身行李特色,提供足 够资料,以便掌握时间找回失物。 Where can I get my baggage? 我在何处可取得行李? It‘s a small ovemight bag. It’s light brown. 它是一个茶色小旅行袋。 I can‘find my baggage. 我找不到我的行李。 Please wait for a moment while we are investigating. 我们正在调查,请稍等一下。 Here is my claim tag. 这是我的行李票。 We may have lost some baggage so we’d like to make a lost baggage report. Would you come with me to the office? 我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告。 请和我到办公室。 Could you please check it urgently? 是否可麻烦紧急查询? How soon will I find out? 多快可找到? How many pieces of baggage have you lost? 你总共遗失了几件行李? Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you‘ve located it. 一旦找到行李,请立即送到我停留的饭店。 Can you describe your baggage? 请描述你的行李。 How can you help me if you can’t find my baggage today? 若是今天无法找到行李,你可如何帮助我? It is a medium-sized Samsonite, and it‘s gray. 它是一个中型的灰色绅耐特皮箱。 I’d like to purchase what I need for the night. 我想要购买过夜所需的用品。 It is a large leather suitcase with my name tag. It‘s dark blue. 它是一个上面系有我名牌的大型皮制黑蓝色行李箱。

机场接待客人常用英语口语对话 )复习进程


一.Receiving Guests at the Airport 机场接待客人常用英语口语对话 Guest (G ): Excuse me, are you the Fortune Hotel airport rep. ? Airport Representative (AR ): Yes, Mr... ? G: I’m Robert Hilton from the American Andrew Rice Origin Foundation. A R: My name is Su Hui, I’m here to meet you. Welcome to Shanghai! G: Glad to meet you. AR: The pleasure is mine. Is this your first visit to China, Mr. Hilton? G: Yes. Its my very first. I’m looking forward to seeing your beautiful country. AR: I hope you will have a pleasant stay here. G: Thank you. I’m sure I will. AR: Is this all your baggage? G: Yes, it’s all here. AR: We have a car over there to take you to our hotel. G: That’s fine. AR: Let me help you with that suitcase. Shall we go? G: Yes, thank you for all your trouble. AR: No trouble at all. This way, please. 句型操练 You must be our long-expected guest, Mr.X from the U.S. 您一定是我们盼望已久的客人,从美国来的X先生吧! Very nice/glad/pleased to meet you. 幸会 I'm delighted to meet you at last. 很高兴终于见到您了。 It was nice meeting you./I'm so pleased to have(finally) met you./ 很高兴见到您。(道别用语) How was your journey?


1.(1)询问访客身份:May I have your name, please?请问您贵姓? What company are you from?您是哪个公司的? Could you tell me what company you are representing?能告诉我您代表什么公司吗? (2)如果碰到了老朋友可以说:What brings you here?是什么风把你吹来了? (3)询问是否预约,来访目的Do you have an appointment?约好了吗? Would you give me your business card?请给我您的名片好吗? And can I ask what you wish to see him about?我能问一下您要见他有何事吗? (4)让客人稍候片刻:I'll see if he is available.请让我看看上司是否方便。 Would you please have a seat and wait for a few moments.请您坐下稍等片刻。 (5)给客人倒茶,礼貌待客:Would you like coffee or tea? How do you like your coffee?你要咖啡还是茶?要什么样的咖啡?(是否加奶或糖) (6)带客人去见经理:Please have a seat, Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith will see you in few minutes.请坐,琼斯先生和史密斯先生几分钟后就到。 Mr. Chen is expecting you. I'll tell him that you're here.陈先生正在等你。我去告诉他你已到。Would you come this way, please?请随我这边来。 (7) 婉言拒绝客人来访: Mr. Chen is occupied at the moment and wants to know if your business is urgent.陈先生正忙着,请问您的事情很紧急吗?He may want to get in touch with you in the future. Would you leave your card?他想以后再和你联系。请留下你的名片好吗? (8)一定要为自己争取机会:I'll take just a few minutes of his time.我只要占用他几分钟的时间。 I'd prefer to explain that to him directly.我想我最好还是我领你去,以免你迷路。 2.接待:在上一次,你已经学会为你接待的客人安排好食宿。下来就该邀请他参加公司的活动了: (1)安排各种活动:The tea party begins at 7 o'clock.茶话会在7点开始。 How's the party, Mr. Taylor?晚会如何,TAYLOR先生? The ceremony will commence as soon as the minister arrives.庆祝会等部长一来就开始。 Our General Manager can't be here today, so I'm speaking on his behalf.我们的总经理今天不能到会,因此由我代表他讲话。 We are going to show you the town while you're here.你在此逗留期间我们将陪你在城里游览一番。 Do you have any place in mind you wanted to go in our town?本城有什么地方你想去看看? What would you like to do this morning?There is nothing scheduled before lunch.上午你想干什么?中饭前日程表上没有活动安排。 Is there anything planned for tonight?今晚有什么安排? Have you anything in mind you'd like to do?你是不是已有打算。 We'll visit a school in the afternoon as you proposed.按你的提议,下午我们去参观一所学校。 I think it'd be better for me to take you there so that you won't


r1. I need to pick up somebody at the airport. (我要去机场接人) 2. Excuse me, Miss, will Flight No 33666 arrive on time?(小姐,请问xx号航班会准时到吗?) 3. It has been delayed. (飞机晚点了) 4. It arrived on time. (飞机正点到达) 5. It has been cancelled. (航班被取消了) 6. Where is the luggage Pick-up?(行李提取处在哪?) 7. Where is the T axi Stand?(在哪叫出租车?) 8. I will hold up a sign and wait for you at the Arrival Gate No. . . . (我会举个牌子在入口. . 号大门处等你. 9. I will be waiting in the parking lot. As soon as you claim your luggage, please call my cell phone right away. 我会在停车场等你. 你一提好行李,马上打我手机. 10. My car is black with lisence plate No. . . . 我的车是黑色,车牌号是. . . 11. How was your flight? 问候人家坐飞机的旅程舒服不. 这句最关键, 毕竟刚下飞机肯定有点感受. 12. Did you enjoy your trip? 你有享受这次旅游吗?


常用机场英语 一、机场指示牌 出站(出港、离开)departures 国际机场international airport 登机手续办理check-in 国内机场domestic airport 登机牌boarding pass (card) 机场候机楼airport terminal 护照检查处passport control immigration 国际候机楼international terminal 行李领取处luggage claim; baggage claim 国际航班出港international departure 国际航班旅客international passengers国内航班出站domestic departure 中转transfers中转旅客transfer passengers 入口in中转处transfer correspondence 出口exit; out; way out过境transit 进站(进港、到达) arrivals报关物品goods to declare 不需报关nothing to declare贵宾室V.I.P. room 旅游咨询中心TOURIST INFORMATION海关customs 购票处ticket office登机口gate; departure gate 付款处cash候机室departure lounge 出租车taxi航班号FLT No (flight number) 出租车乘车点Taxi pick-up point来自…… arriving from 预计时间scheduled time (SCHED) 航空公司汽车服务处airline coach service 实际时间actual已降落landed 公共汽车bus; coach service前往…… departure to 公用电话public phone; telephone起飞时间departure time 厕所toilet; W. C.; lavatories; rest room延误delayed 男厕men's; gent's; gentlemen's登机boarding 由此乘电梯前往登机stairs and lifts to departures 餐厅restaurant迎宾处greeting arriving 酒吧bar由此上楼up; upstairs 咖啡馆coffee shop; café由此下楼down; downstairs 免税店duty-free shop银行bank 邮局post office货币兑换处money exchange; currency exchange 旅行安排tour arrangement行李暂存箱luggage locker 行李牌luggage tag 二、机票 飞机票endorsements/restrictions前往城市to 旅客姓名name of passenger承运人carrier 旅行经停地点good for passage between航班号flight no.

商务英语口语 接待客户

ChapterⅡReceiving Clients (接机,参观产品,社交娱乐等) Background Knowledge (公司、人物介绍,对话情景) Susan Wang, sales manager of Sunshine Import & Export co. ltd and her secretary , Diana Li are going to meet Fred Johns, the purchase manager of Global Trading Inc at Shanghai PuDong International Airport. 一,Meeting the Guest At the airport. Miss Li is meeting Fred Johns. L: Excuse me, sir. Are you Mr. Johns from Global Trading Inc., New York J: Yes, I am. You must be Diana Li from Sunshine Import & Export co. ltd L: Yes, it’s my pleasure to meet you. Welcome to Shanghai. Did you have a pleasant trip J: Well, I enjoyed it very much. L: Anyway it’s a long way to China, isn’t it I think you must be very tired. J: But I will be all right by tomorrow, and ready for business. L: Great. Well, let’s go. Introducing the Guest to the Superior. Miss Li is introducing Mr. Johns to Susan Wang, the sales manager. L: I would like to introduce you to Miss Wang, our sales manager. Miss Wang, this is Mr. Johns, the purchase manager from Global Trading Inc. J: Nice to meet you, Miss Wang. W: Nice to meet you, Mr. Johns. Welcome to our city. I hope you will enjoy your stay here. J: Thank you. I have been looking forward to this trip. W: We’ll do everything we can to accommodate you and make you comfortable. J: You are so nice. I hope we’ll have a good cooperation. W: Great. Now let’s take a short rest in the waiting room. Then Miss Li and I will take you to visit our company. J: Good idea. Let’s go. 二,Client Reception Introducing the company. Miss Wang and Miss Li are introducing the company to Mr. Johns. W: Here is our company, Sunshine Import & Export co. ltd. J: Yes, I’ve heard the company for a long time. W: Well, we have been in this line for a long time. And we are one of the most competitive suppliers of this line.We have nearly 280 employees and sales of $ 9,806 million. We manufacture fine chemicals, Rongalite C 98 PCT in lumps. Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciat ed by their purchasers. L: Yes, and we always take customers first. J: Great. Do you have any new products W: Yes, it is researched by our Research and Development Department. I think it will
