

Algae Biofuel If you’re like many people, when you think of algae you picture the unsightly green film that forms on neglected swimming pools and fish tanks.^Scientists, however, have made some discoveries that might change the way you think about this common plant.^Researchers are working on ways to use algae to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels to power cars, trucks, and even airplanes. Algae has attracted attention because it is simple and economical to grow and carries fewer financial and environmental costs when compared to other alternatives.^Algae needs only water to grow, and can use fresh water, salt water, marshlands, and even wastewater for a habitat. The plant’s highly-adapted photosynthesis process allows it to thrive anywhere that abundant sunshine can be found. And even sunshine is optional for this versatile plant because scientists have discovered ways to grow algae in the dark using sugar as a food source.^To use algae as a replacement for fossil fuels, oil is extracted from the plant and developed into a biofuel that can be burned in diesel engines. The yield produced from the algae has proven far greater than other biofuels currently being developed. For example, soy produces an average yield of fifty gallons of biofuel per acre per year. Canola, another common alternative, produces roughly 130 gallons of biofuel per acre per year. In contrast, scientists have found that algae can produce up to 4,000 gallons of biofuel per acre per year.^In addition, because algae can be grown on water rather than land and without fertilizers, it may prove to be a more efficient and (1)environmentally sound alternative to the biofuels in use today. In the future, then, when you see algae you might think about more than just pond scum!

All This Carbon Dioxide is Making Me Hungry Carbon dioxide is a potent greenhouse gas.^Levels of carbon dioxide, or CO2, in the atmosphere are increasing at an unprecedented rate. But what impact do higher CO2 levels have on plants?^Plants use CO2 from the air along with sunlight and water to produce carbohydrates they use for energy. This process is called photosynthesis.^Higher atmospheric CO2 increases the rate of photosynthesis, and thus the amount of carbohydrates in plant leaves. Sounds beneficial, right? However, scientists have found that as CO2 levels go up, plant defenses might go down.^Researchers at the University of Illinois used a special open-air research facility that allowed them to grow soybean plants in different concentrations of CO2—without changing other factors such as sunlight, insects or rainfall.^They discovered that soybeans grown in fields with higher CO2 levels had much more insect damage and attracted more adult insect pests than those in plots with less CO2 in the air.^The insects might have been attracted by the higher carbohydrate levels in the leaves of plants grown in high CO2. But a higher carb diet wasn’t the only thing that encouraged infestation.^Normally, soybean plants under attack by insects will produce jasmonic acid. This inhibits the i nsects’ ability to digest leaves, which protects the plant from further attack. In high CO2 atmospheres, the plants were unable to produce this defensive chemical.^So, the dangers of rapidly increasing CO2 in our atmosphere might extend beyond climate change. Since soybeans grown at higher CO2 would lose a crucial defense pathway and attract more hungry beetles, other food crops might also be more vulnerable if CO2 levels continue to rise.

Clouds in the Kitchen Fill a kettle with water, then turn on the burner.^In a while, your kettle will

start belching white billowy stuff into the air. What is this stuff? Steam? Actually, no.^Steam is water that’s heated to two hundred twelve degrees Fahrenheit. Believe it or not, steam is invisible–you can see right through it! If you look closely at the end of your kettle’s spout, you’ll notice that the white stuff doesn’t start right away. It

begins billowing about half an inch away from the nozzle, with clear gas in between. This clear gas is the

actual steam. The billowy white stuff is what the steam turns into when it hits the drier, cooler air of your kitchen.^Those white billows are, in fact, clouds, not steam. In many ways, they are identical to the clouds you can see in the sky. The white color comes from tiny liquid water droplets that have condensed from

the steam.^More accurately, these billows are a type of cloud called a ―mixing cloud.‖ These can form when two separate air masses–with different temperatures and different amounts of water in them–mix together. In the case of your kettle, the hot, steamy gas cools rapidly in the kitchen air, and this sudden coolness is what makes some of the vapor condense.^Mixing clouds are pretty common, and they don’t need to start with steam. You see mixing clouds when you ―see your breath‖ on a cold winter day. You’ll find them rising from a bowl of warm soup. Wherever there’s a mixing cloud, you can bet some warm,moist air is mixing with air that’s cooler and drier. Dinosaur Oil Crisis^w:What killed the dinosaurs?^m:She is again?I mean have we done this one like a hundred times。A giant meteor smashed into the Earth and blocked out the sun,so the dinosaurs had nothing to eat and died。^W:But not all scientists agree with that theory. There’s some evidence that a giant oil fire might have had something to do with the dinosaurs’ demise.^ m:Oh,OK,sorry.W:No problem,because you are right。Scientists still agree that around sixty-five million years ago, a meteor or comet or something was the instigator. But it’s not clear that the impact alone would have been enough to end the reign of the dinosaurs. So one theory is that the explosion started global forest fires. All that fire shot so much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that the planet heated up like an oven and baked th e dinos to death.m:I heard that theory but problem is that there isn’t as much charred plant debris as you’d expect if there really were such giant fires. ^W:Right,so what sparked a new theory was the discovery of tiny carbon spheres at dozens of dinosaur dig sites around the world. The spheres are created from burning fossil fuels like oil. So maybe the meteor exploded in the midst of a huge oil field in the Gulf of Mexico. First it would have vaporized the oil, then ignited it in the atmosphere, creating a huge, sky-bound fireball. The combination of fire, soot and global warming may have been enough to kill the dinosaurs.^m:Wow,and we think we've got an oil crisis。

Early-morning Shivers If you’ve ever stayed up the whole night through, you may have noticed that you begin to feel cold in the hours just before morning.^Supposing you normally go to sleep at eleven o’clock, on the night that you stay awake the shivers will hit you somewhere around four or five a.m. — just about the time when you might otherwise pull up an extra blanket and sleep for another few hours. Although people often assume that the shivers come at the coldest part of the night, the actual explanation is found within the body itself.^Sleep is one way of conserving energy. During the night, when we are inactive, it isn’t necessary to generate as much energy as we need for our daily business of moving around, finding food, and so forth. So, instead of maintaining the same temperature all day, which would waste a lot of our energy, our body temperature rises and falls in accordance to what is needed. This kind of pattern is called a circadian rhythm, because it takes one day to complete before starting over.^The circadian temperature rhythm continues to run, regardless of whether you yourself have decided to go to sleep or not. Your body, you might say, executes the same strategy for conserving energy during what were supposed to be your off-hours. Your internal temperature descends to its lowest point late at night when you would normally have been in deep sleep. This conservation-mode is experienced by you as a creeping sensation

that the room is getting colder and colder, when in fact it is your own body that is generating less and less heat.^Do this for several nights in a row, and your temperature rhythm will begin to adjust itself. But anytime you keep yourself awake when the body expects to be asleep, those early-morning shivers will return.

Honeybees in Winter^Many insects hibernate or migrate during the winter, but honeybees are more like us, they bundle up and wait for spring.^When winter comes, honeybees form a ball deep in their hive to regulate the hive temperature. This means they stay close together, vibrating their wing muscles to generate heat and keep the center of the hive around eighty-six to ninety-five degrees Fahrenheit. If the core temperature drops too low, the colony will die.^Bees also eat a lot of honey to stay warm, and the fastes t way to kill off a hive if you’re a beekeeper is to take out too much honey, too late in the season. Healthy beehives have at least twenty-thousand bees, and that’s a lot of mouths to feed.^Some bees on the outside of the ball will not stay warm enough and will die over the course of the winter, but its for the good of the colony. (Fortunately, we humans have central heat.)^With bees one always talks about the colony as a single entity. This is because each bee has a very specific role, but together they work as a unit. You could say each bee functions like a cell in your body. Honeybees start out cleaning the hive and feeding larvae, but will progress to collectors and foragers, and even hive guardians.^Honeybees try their best to keep the hive clean, so on a warm winter day, they clean house and fly a few hundred yards away to use the bathroom! This can be dangerous, though, because if it’s colder out than they thought, the bees might not make it back.

Sailing Over a Tidal Wave^Tsunamis are powerful waves caused by underwater earthquakes or eruptions that can crash over ten stories tall into a coastline.^If you were sailing far from shore, how would you feel about a tremendous tsunami heading your way?^Actually, you wouldn’t notice a tsunami at all. In deep water, a tsunami raises the ocean’s surface only about one or two feet—much less than ordinary ocean waves. What’s more, it takes up to an hour for a single tsunami to roll by. How can a wave be so deadly to a coastline, but so tame in the open ocean?^The energy of a wave has more to do with how deep the water churns than how tall the wave rises. Ordinary waves can be rather tall, but they don’t go very deep. What’s more there’s never much distance between one ordinary wave’s crest and the one following it.The distance between waves is called ―wavelength,‖ and it’s another secret of a tsunami’s strength.^While ordinary waves only tug at the surface water, tsunamis churn the water all the way to the deepest ocean floor! They also have very long wavelengths—a hundred miles or more. Although tsunamis raise the surface only a foot or so in deep water, they carry a lot of energy.^When a tsunami approaches a coastline, the water gets shallower. This causes friction at the front of the wave and slows it down. The faster moving back of the wave piles into the slower front, squeezing the whole hundred mile tsunami like an accordion. Just as a rug will crumple and rise if it’s scrunched by an opening door, the tsunami gets taller. By the time it hits the beach, it can be a hundred feet high!

The Color of Lint You go to the local laundromat to do your wash.In the spinning barrel full of sudsy water you load clothes of all colors: a bright red tee-shirt, blue jeans, a green bandanna. The original mix of clothing is as multi-colored as a rainbow. Why, then, does the lint that collects in the lint tray always come out the same color—a bland gray?^The answer lies in the way color perception works. Lint is a collection of tiny, loose fibers that come off your clothes due to normal wear and tear. As no cloth, and indeed no single strand of cloth, is

perfectly wound, these tiny threads will always be breaking away. Thus were you to load the washer with clothes of only one color—say a uniform purple—the lint would indeed be of that color.^In most cases, however, a

wash-load is a mixture of hues. The eye, upon examining a closely-knit combination of colors, merges them into a single, generalized sensation. This phenomenon is exploited by painters, who sometimes put tiny dots of different primary colors right next to each other on a canvas to create the illusion of a rich, single hue when viewed all together. If you pull apart a piece of lint carefully you will see that it is indeed composed of multiple colored threads; but as soon as you back away from it, the gray sensation returns.^In an idealized situation, where the threads contained all the primary colors in equal amounts, and were not obscured by dirt and other residues, the lint would appear to be white, not gray. But then, i f your lint were clean enough to see that effect clearly, you’d never need to wash your clothes.

The Physics of Water Towers Water towers take advantage of the force of gravity to provide pressure for the water they contain. Every vertical foot adds point-four-three pounds per square inch to the water pressure. Towns usually keep their water pressure between fifty and one-hundred pounds per square inch, so a simple equation tells them how high to build the tower. And since a typical tower contains a full d ay’s worth of water, the force of gravity can maintain the hydrostatic pressure of the water system even when the power goes out.^Actually they serve an important day-to-day purpose as well. A city’s water usage varies throughout the day, usually peaking in the early morning when many people are showering and washing. Water usage during this time can be four or five times higher than during other parts of the day. To maintain water pressure during peak hours of the day, a city could invest in a very powerful pump, but this would be expensive and wasteful, since its capacity would go unused for most of the day.^Let me guess,instead, the city draws on the water tower’s supply of water du ring these hours of high demand.^That's right, the water tower and pumps work together to keep the water pressure stable throughout the day.

Tricking Your Muscles Here’s a neat experiment: F ind an open doorway and stand inside it, facing into the room.^Now press your arms outward until the backs of your hands are pressing into the door frame. Go ahead and try it. Keep pressing outward, as hard as you feel comfortable with, for the next minute or so.^In the meantime, let’s talk about what your muscles are doing. In order to maintain the right amount of stiffness, your muscles need to know how much resistance they’re up against. To check this, your muscles have sensory receptors inside the muscle tissue itself which tell your nervous system just how stiff or relaxed these muscles are. For example, muscle spindles are thin, fluid filled sacks that measure your muscles’ stretch. Receptors in the tendons measure your muscles’ contraction. With this information feeding back from the muscle, your body can figure out how tight the muscle needs to be in order to keep it in the same place. Which, right now as you press the doorway, is pretty tight.^What will happen, though, if you suddenly take the resist ance of that door frame away? Let’s find out.^Step into the room again and completely relax your arms. If you’ve been pressing hard enough, you’ll be surprised to find your arms now drifting effortlessly upward, as though you had helium balloons tied to yo ur wrists.^What’s going on is this: While you were pressing, your muscles learned that they needed to be pretty stiff to stay in the same place. Stepping out of the doorway changed all that–and very suddenly. It takes your muscles a few moments

to learn about this new situation. Until that happens, your arms will continue to press outward against a door frame that’s no longer there.

Not So Silly Geese If you’ve ever seen a bicycle race, you might have noticed the riders lining up behind each other in straight columns.^Bicycle racers spend much of their energy overcoming wind resistance, so this lining up makes good sense. If you ride directly behind your opponent, she’ll cut through the air resistance for you, letting you save up energy for the finish line. What’s true for bicycle racers is true for other things too. Going in straight line formation is the best way to overcome wind resistance.^Which brings us to those silly geese. Like bicycle racers, geese fly in formation mainly to save energy. The formation they prefer however is shaped like the letter ―V.‖ What’s going on? Are geese just plain dumb?^Not at all! Remember, geese don’t only need to worry about air resistance—they need to stay aloft as well. To do this, goose wings are curved and tapered like those of an aircraft. The top surface bulges upward while the bottom stays flatter. Air rushes more quickly over the wing’s bulging top, and this creates a kind of upward suction. This phenomenon is called ―lift,‖ and it’s a goose’s secret for staying aloft.^Lift, however, is a peculiar thing. While most of it tugs upward on the goose, some of it spills away from the wing tips as a kind of updraft. This lingering updraft spreads out behind the goose in a V-shape like the wake of a boat. If another goose puts its wings inside this updraft wake, it gets an added upward boost itself. What’s the best formation to take advantage of this? It’s not a straight line, it’s a ―V‖!

Boiling Water Under Boiling Clouds You may be surprised to hear that it’s actually e asier to boil water on stormy days than it is when the weather is clear and sunny.^Can you guess why?^The reason is that the boiling point of water changes slightly in response to air pressure. High air pressure, found on sunny, clear days, means just what it sounds like: crowded air molecules are pressing down on the water in the pot, just like they press on the stove, the floor and on you. This causes the molecules that make up the water to be squeezed more tightly together, which means that the steam bubbles trying to form at the bottom of the pot have a harder job pressing outward. It’s somewhat like trying to stretch your arms in a crowded room: the more crowded it is, t he harder it will be for you to stretch without being bumped back again by someone else. ^On stormy days, the air pressure is relatively low; you have probably heard the weather person refer to a ―low pressure system‖ moving in just before it rains. When there is low air pressure the water in your pot is not compressed as much by the air around it. Because it’s easier to displace that water, the bubbles of steam form more easily at the bottom of the pot; and voila— boiling begins.^There is a catch, however. Although the boiling point of water — 212 degrees — is reduced on stormy days, and thus water boils faster, the temperature of that boiling water is also lower. That means it will actually take LONGER to cook things — an effect that more than counters the ten seconds or so you save in waiting for the boil.


生命是永恒不断的创造,因为在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力,它不断流溢,越出时间和空间的界限,它不停地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。 --泰戈尔 笔记 这些笔记都是我一边听一边记,然后再一个字一个字打上来的。。。为的是方便没时间下载音频的筒子。。。 有时间的筒子们还是下载音频听听吧,会有收获的~ 谢谢大家的捧场哈 听课前的注意事项: 1、807词汇一定要熟(至少听写了一遍) 2、做完剑桥4~7其中一本 3、每次做完剑桥要分类归错,例如:生词率小于等于2 单复数不能有错 拼写不能有错 发音问题小于等于2 练习听力的方法: 1、解决听力语速快的问题 跟读剑桥2 TEST2 SECTION4 每天7遍(不需一口气读七遍,可以分开进行),读8天 2、解决听力反应的问题 点听剑桥4~7其中一本(前提是题目已做过的) 主要听section 4,连续听三遍,期间写下名词和形容词 NOTIC:三遍录音,每听一遍都得重写,不能填补上一次听漏的单词。三遍过后再对答案检查 3、复数听写法 点听法的一种,方法同上,但只写听到的名词复数,重复的也要写 口语插播 1、吞音保位 以[t],[d],[k],[g],[p]和+辅音开始的单词 Lend-me your black-bag. I don't-like-people asking me for money. Do you want-that-magazine?

Do you need-that-pencil? Ask-Bob-to sit-behind-me. Would you mind-giving me that-red-book?


常用词汇总结 动词类: 1“看”look看的动作/ see看的结果; watch观察/observe为了研究进行的观察; Notice 注意catch sight of看见/ stare好奇地看/ glare瞪着看 Glance瞅见/glimpse瞥见see a film watch TV 2“说”telll sth to sb.=tell sb sth告诉的内容talk with sb about sth强调说话者之间的交流Say sth诉说的内容speak in English说的语言whisper sth to sb 耳语 Inform sb of sth 通知某人某事reason /talk/persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做 某事Bargain讨价还价chat聊天repeat重复explain解释warn警告 remind提醒Discuss 讨论debate辩论figure 指出declare宣布claim自称 mention 提起admit 承认deny 否绝describe描述announce 公布introduce 介绍complain抱怨 3“叫”cry哭叫call叫shout大喊scream尖叫moan呻吟sigh叹气quarrel大吵 4“问”ask 询问interview 采访express表达question审问 5“答”answer回答respond回应(用其他方式回应) reply回复 6 “听”listen to听的动作hear听的结果pick up收听overhear无意听到 7“写”dictate听写write sth 写d escribe描写drop a line 写信draw画 take down/write down写下,记下 8“拿/放”take拿走bring拿来hold举着carry扛,挑(无方向性)fetch拿来拿去lift举Put放lay 铺/放置pull拉/push推 9“抓”take hold of 抓着seize紧抓grasp 握住scratch 抠 10“打”hit一次性的打击beat不间断的打击strike突然的击打/突然想到blow吹刮attack攻击 11“扔”throw扔drop掉放弃错过fall 倒下无意掉下来wave 招手shake摇 12“送”send寄送deliver递送give给offer 主动给予see off给某人送行 13“摸/抱”touch摸/fold折叠/embrace拥抱/ hug抱/hold 握in one’s arms 14“踢/碰”kick踢/knock敲/ tip 轻敲 15“行”walk run climb jump skip 单腿跳slip溜come/go enter进入move搬迁


英语四级听力技巧总结 英语四级听力技巧总结是怎样的,以下是小编精心整理的相关内容,希望对大家有所帮助! 英语四级听力技巧总结入门阶段,是对以前很少进行听力训练,甚至没有听过英语的朋友而言。这个阶段,是起步阶段,也是耗时最长的阶段,就我的经历而言,在这一部分,应该采取如下的训练方法: 1. 首先要纠正自己的英语发音,自己在口语上还算能过关,如果自己的发音都不行,那怎么可能听懂。 2. 选择难度较小,语速较慢的听力材料来训练。建议听的材料不要太长,以一段几百字为宜,内容最好是生活和文化方面,最好先不要听科技、伦理方面的文章,即使你能看懂,但从初学者的角度考虑,你听起来一定费力 3. 听的时间长度:以每天45分钟左右为宜,时间不能太短,这样就收不到训练的效果,但也不能强迫自己听的太多,毕竟这一阶段还有很多听不懂的地方,可以说有时候自己听得象在云里雾里,这样的状态持续的时间太长,对自信心是一个严重的打击,会严重地影响听的兴趣。 4. 听的频率,一天一次即可,选择一个固定的时间听,最好是自己精力比较旺盛的时间段。 5. 听的过程中的方法选择:唯有聚精会神,没有私心杂念才行,这只有通过不断地训练才能达到。要做到避免外

界因素的干扰。 6. 经典听力材料:VOA 特别英语。主要是新闻、文化方面的内容,语速90词每分钟,最适合有一定词汇量的听力初学者进行听力锻炼。我听的时候这个节目的时间段是晚上9点半到10点,我每晚的这个时间都给了SPECIAL ENGLISH,持续了3个月。建议采取的听力方法:做听力笔记,手中有笔和纸,及时地记下一些不熟知的词汇,因为特别英语的常用词只有1600左右,把这些常用词都弄懂,完全听懂它只是一个时间问题。 备注:这一阶段最重要,一定需要耐心和毅力,如果读写基础还行的话,应该能在2、3个月之内完成这个过程,进入攻坚阶段。 掌握了一定的备考方法之后,也要具备一定的答题技巧,下面小编就教大家几招。 第一招:相关保留原则 当选项中有两项表达意思相近时,那么正确答案必在这两项之中!这时只需稍微听一听对话,即可知答案,如果出现了双重相关,便可直接确认正确选项,只需听完对话加之认证一下即可! 典型例题: 4. A) Visiting the Browning. B) Writing a postcard.


雅思听力section3 常见场景词汇总结场景一:作业 作业(assignment) 是这部分考题中最常见的两种场景之一,出现频率相当高。根据做作业的过程,可分为作业前的准备,作业中的讨论以及作业后的总结三种类型。 分析发现,在考试中出现的作业种类以作调研写论文为主,简单的就写essay,或者是report,复杂一些的会写形式内容要求比较高的学术论文(paper 、dissertation 、thesis) 。有时论文会以小组形式完成,做一个groupwork 或project 。 作业的话题多种多样,考试中比较常见的是和商业相关的内容,通常会提到市场营销(marketing) 和广告(advertisement/commercial) 这种话题和我们生活比较接近,相对好理解。也有其他复杂的话题如环境保护(environmentalprotection) 、动物学(zoology) 、音乐对于消费者进食的影响(music 'seffectoncustomers) 、飞机的发明(theinventionoftheplane) 等。 作业前的准备 根据作业的不同要求,学生需要做一些准备工作(preparationwork) 。学生能够去图书馆借阅资料来寻找灵感,或者根据老师的书单(booklist) 查阅资料,如期刊(journal) 、文学回顾(literaturereview) 、参考书(referencebooks) 等。在这里能够把作业场景和图书馆场景作一个结合。 当然,写论文有一手资料才有说服力,所以学生需要做调查研究(research/survey/study) 来收集资料和数据(data/materialcollection) ,收集数据的方法主要有问卷调查(questionnaire) 、民意调查(poll) 和采访(interview) ,采访又可细分为面对面的采访(face - to - face in terview) 和电话采访 (telephoneinterview) 。收集了信息后需要实行分析(analysis) ,有时分析


词汇专题 A above all 首要;尤其account for 说明(原因等)accuse of 控告,谴责acquaint sb with 使认识,使了解 act on 起作用 adapt to 适应,适合 add up to 合计,总计adhere to 粘附;坚持adjacent to 邻近,毗连agree to/with 同意,赞成ahead of 在…前面,先于 aim at 目的在于,旨在answer for 对…负责 answer to 符合,适合 after all 终于,毕竟;虽然这样 all but 几乎,差一点;除…以外其余都 all out 全力以赴,竭尽全力 all over 遍及,到处 at all 完全,根本 allow for 考虑到 ally with 与…联盟 along with 与…一起 amount to 总计,共达,等于appeal to sb to do sth 呼吁某人做某事 apply for 申请,请求 apply to 适用,应用approve of 赞成,同意;满意 arise from 由…引起,由…产生 arrive at 到达;达成,得出(结论)as if / though 好像,仿佛 aside from 除…以外 ask after 询问,问候associate … with …使…有联系,使…联合attached to 附属于,隶属于 an attempt at ……方面的企图,努力attend to 照顾,护理attitude to/ towards 对…的态度,看法attribute to 把…归于,认为是…所为


四级听力技巧规律总结 Part I 短对话 一.But 题型 形式:A:…… B:……,but ……. 重点听第二个说话人B说话,but 后面所说的话为重点,出题点往往在but后面。四级听力题中,But 后面的为重点的占95%,之前的为重点的占5%。 e.g. (这题是反例,考的居然是but之前的内容,不过这种情况很少出现的) A: I suppose you’ve bought some gifts for your family. B: Well, I’ve bought a shirt for my father and two books for my sister. But I’ve not decided what to buy for my mother. Probably some jewels. Question: Who did the man buy the book for? Answer: His sister. 二. 场景题 (1)每一类场景,常考出题思路——用于解题 (2)线索词 场景题选项特点: (1)介词结构in/at somewhere

(2)To do开头的(问的是purpose目的) (3)Doing……/ They’re doing……/They’re …ing. (4)A and B(人之间的关系relationship) e.g. Students and teacher. 场景题提问方式: (1)what (过去,现在,将来) (2)Where is the conversation taking place? / Where does the conversation take place? (3)When is the conversation taking place? (4)Who——>where (location) 问人是谁,可以从他所在的地方来判断。 各类场景(把各类场景容易出现的词给记住,选选项时往常考思路上靠) 1.抱怨的作业: 1)paper thesis a.论文 b.=newspaper 报纸 c. document文件d.纸张 写论文的步骤:


英语六级考试听力高频词汇 以下30个词汇都是我的老师精心整理出来的,都是常出现于大学英语六级考试听力题里的高频词汇,希望能对大家的英语学习有所帮助,谢谢大家的支持,希望大家多多提出宝贵意见,以便于我们一起更好的交流与进步。 以下单词均有多种含义,给出的只是最为常见的,未做标注的即为依具体语境而定。 1.schedule 时间表 2.skip 跳,略过 3.make sense 讲得通,有意义 4.fall shorts of one's expectation 出乎某人的意料 5.cater to 迎合,款待 6.supervisor 监督者,管理者 7.speak highly of 评价高 8.a million things to do 许多事情要做 9.discount 折扣

10.coundn't have played worse/couldn't agree more 玩得不能再差一点了/不能再多同意一点了 11.I understand the way you feel 我了解你的感受 12.go in one ear and out the other 一个耳朵听另一个耳朵冒出来 13.distractions 分心 14.I wish I could help 但愿我能帮助 15.submit 屈从,忍受 16.staff/stuff n.全体职员vt.为...配备人员/材料 17.register 登记,注册 18.deadline 最后期限 19.benefit 受益 20.Are you kidding 你在开玩笑吗 21.credit 信用,信誉 22.otherwise 否则 23.budget your money 预算开支


听力 ·时间与题量(40)40分钟,40道题 40分钟包括做题和填卡,用三十分钟听题,10分钟答题抄答案,填卡。 训练方式:平时每天不停的听30-40分钟的听力,中间不能停 考前的两个月要集中训练 Tips:记单词时要注意发音和音标 背住200-300个地名或人名 碰到这种题先通过名字判断性别,再通过声音特质判断每个人分别是谁 下面分别分别介绍4个section Section1 主要考的生存场景 咨询信息银行服务学校了解购房信息保险申请医疗健康工作面试购物活动旅游计划 Section 2 主要考文化背景 旅游介绍、节目介绍、培训课程介绍、社交生活 Section 3 学术研究 ·形式:对话 ·内容:学术讨论 作业讨论、学术经验交流、请教咨询、调查研究、如何写论文 Section4 课堂学习 形式:独白 内容:学术讲座 环境、资源能源、天文考古、生物、历史、健康、其他 难点主要在section2、3 Tips:这些分类平时要一个个准备好而难点主要在section 2、3 若考试时间允许,先看section3 若时间不允许,顺着看 训练方式:听读结合法 1、不看原文先听n遍(2≤n≤5) 2、n+1遍时看解析 2、n+2遍时检验n+3 n+n …跟读知道读的一样 训练的基本原则:先看题,带着问题听录音,有的放矢 三大元素1、单词(·新单词·搭配主要词组·习语) 3、结合语法3、注意语音

搭配take (up off over) Show(up off around) 习语(自己多收集一些)like: Cross you fingers for me 祝我好运 Get cold feet 后怕 Get under ones skin 让某人非常生气 语调的差别比如what a man 这个词组不同的语调来说会有好和坏的意思 音标d+j →d?t+j→t?(收集音标的差别) 跟读的资源(no Cambridge!美式口语跟读VOA 英式口语跟读 BBC 下载VOA的一些网站:旺旺音乐可可听力 slierles 39 注意其他的口音比如印度口音 r读成 l 清浊音部分元音短促 ?老师推荐电影法国一个购物狂的自白米国时空线索 俄国夺宝奇兵天生一对消防犬 Tips:so long是指后会无期的意思 雅思听力的特点: 1、口音多(英美澳为主,要适应这三种口音)甚至会有日本口音 方法:听真题,听广播,看西片(适应口音) 2、场景多(常考的场景有十种)旅游、租房…后面会提到 方法:熟悉场景词汇(听力词汇熟悉) 3、题多(常考的体型十种) 方法:熟悉题型,熟能生巧 4、顺序原则 方法:练习快速阅读(tips:如果没听到就放弃那一部分而且也有可能出现乱序 5、出题思路固定 6、所听到的就是所得到的,但是要注意单词的拼写 Tips :注意一个单词多种的意思 like: Stable adj 1、稳定的 n 2、马厩 Pen 1、钢笔 2、猪圈 3、母天鹅 雅思听力常考的内容 数词(日期,电话,邮编等)、名词(人名,地名)、修饰词 △雅思解题原则:定位核心词(不可替换的) 关于pronunciation 的一些tips: 1、升降调找到重音,向上读,后面轻音结束 eg: important[im?p?:t?nt]p 往上读 2、关于爆破 Ask bob to sit together with us K 不读t连读 前一个单词以/p,b,t,d,k,g/结尾,后一单词以不同的辅音开头,此时/p,


因为,由于,考虑到 Since Because Because of As For the reason that Given (that) Considering that Take sth. into consideration / account 所以,因此因此 Therefore Hence So Then Thereafter Thus Consequently 完成某任务 Finish Complete Accomplish Sth. is done 执行 Carry out Execute Conduct Accomplish 获得 Obtain Get Have Acquire Be given Reach the goal that 不妨 may as well might as well here is no harm 使用,用来 Use Utilize Employed Involved Included engaged 包括 Involve Include Embrace Contain Have Comprise 假设,设定,假定,如果 Suppose Assume If Set Given Considering that When 记作 Denote Note Indicate Record 提出,建立,发展,创造,发明,引入Build Create Develop Erect Establish Propose Present Produce Coin Innovate Introduce 根据 According to From 证明,表明 Prove


英语听力:技巧总结 1、快速读题有目的“听” 借用英语中“As soon as”的句型,聪明的考生一旦拿到试卷,就应该利用一切可能的时间实行听力测试的快速读题,对将可能听到的信息或考核内容实行预测,并可适当地做一些标记,带着问题听,带着预测去搜索答案,也即有目的地“听”。这是中考听力测试中能否得到高分乃至满分的关键,它使考生由被动转为主动,打一场有准备的仗。听力答题的良好发挥,也将协助考生更镇静,沉着,以饱满的情绪实行下面的答题。 2、平心静气集中精力 考生要善于控制自己的情绪,尤其要排除对听力测试的恐惧感,坦然放松,静心聆听。不能因为一个单词或一句话没听清楚而急躁慌乱,影响后面内容的聆听而影响答题。 3、注重训练即时反馈 “铁杵非一日能磨成针”,考生在平时训练时需要认真,如果出错,一定要弄清楚错误的根源是什么,是听的问题,是理解的问题,还是词汇的问题,自己要做到胸中有数。通过即时反馈,才能持续地提升自己的听力水平。 题型分析与解题要点 1、听句选图 以2003年中考听力第一大题为例,它由2002年的6幅图等量选择,改为从7幅图中选6幅,相对提升了试题的区分度。但如果通过仔细读题,该类题的难度还是不大的。建议考生可根据读题预测一些关键词,这些关键词通常应为名词或动词。 2、听录音,选择最恰当的应答

根据2003年中考试卷评析,在听力第二大题中失分率是相当高的。原因有二,一是这个大题的听力句子只播放一遍,句子也相对精练、 短促,考生往往还来不及听懂、作出反应,就不得不应答下一题了; 二是这个大题充分地考核了考生对交际英语功能的掌握。很多考生暴 露出了这个环节的薄弱。下面,作者就考生常容易出错的几个方面实 行梳理。 例:Appreciation. 赞赏 ---I like the color of your shirt.---_________. A.No,it’s ugly. B.sorry. C.Thank you. D.You are welcome. Thanks and Apologizes. 感谢和道歉 ---It’s kind of you to help me.---_________. A.Don’t thank me. B.I’ve given you little help. C.Thank you. D.It’s apleasure. ---I’m sorry that I have broken your glass.---_________. A.Don’t say sorry to me. B.You’d better be careful. C.That’s right. D.That’s all right. Requests. 要求 ---Would you mind opening the window?.---_________. A.Of course. B.Never mind. C.Not at all. D.All right. Agreement and disagreement.同意和不同意 ---Lovely day,isn’t it?.---_________. A.Yes,it is. B.No,isn’t it? C.No,it isn’t. D. Yes,isn’t it?


高考英语听力必备场景词汇精选 1、天气 fine 晴朗的,sunny/bright/clear 阳光充足的,cloudy多云的,rainy有雨的,wet 潮湿的,humid湿润的,freezing-cold冰冷的,cool凉爽的,mild温和的,warm暖和的,hot炎热的,windy有风的,calm无风的,breeze微风,light/strong winds 微风/大风,moderate风力不大 fog雾,snow雪,drizzle毛毛雨,light rain小雨,shower 阵雨,storm暴风雨,downpour倾盆大雨,blizzard大风雪,snowstorm暴风雪,thunder打雷,typhoon 台风,tornado龙卷风 It rains cats and dogs. 下着倾盆大雨。 2、购物 Store 商店,9rocery食品杂货店,department store百货商店,shopping center购物中心,mall商场 shop assistant 店员,counter柜台,receipt 收据,,catalog产品目录,deliver 送货,refund退熬撫bargain便宜货,second-hand二手的,poplar/fashionable 流行的,expensive昂贵的,cheap便宜的,size尺寸大小,color颜色,style式样,brand 品牌 pay by installment分期付款,pay In cash用现金支付,pay jn check用支票支付,credit card信用卡,selling season销售旺季,on sale廉价出售,50% off 打五折,a 30% discount 打七折 3、餐馆 restaurant餐馆,coffee shop/café咖啡屋,buffet自助餐,cafeteria自助餐厅,snack bar小吃郝、大排档,dining hall餐厅 waiter/waitress 男/女侍者,treat请客,menu菜单,order点菜,serve上菜,tip 小费,change零钱,knife小刀,fork叉子,chopsticks, 筷子,spoon勺子,plate 碟子,tray 托盘 appetizer开胃:菜,steak牛排,cheese 奶酪,sandwich三明治,hamburger 汉堡包, French fries炸薯条,pizza比萨饼,soup 汤,dessert(饭后)甜点,dressing


初中英语教学大纲对“听”的具体要求是:学生能听懂广播、电视、录音等与本学段水平相当的英语有声语言材料;能听懂语速为每分钟120 个词左右,与学生生活贴近的、基本没有生词的语言材料,获取所需信息。因此,听力题型大致有以下几种: ①听短句选出相应的应答语;②听对话及问题选出正确的答案; ③听短文及问题选出恰当的答案或图画; ④听句子或短文填词。 一、抓紧时间,提前审题 提前审题的好处在于它可以帮助我们预知要听的重点,提高捕捉信息的准确度,从而降低听力材料的难度。试卷下发以后一般都有一段准备时间,这时学生可立即浏览听力部分,对题目要求有一个总体把握,充分利用有限的时间扫视或快速浏览题目及选项(选项既是考的内容,又是构成听力材料大致内容的提示),捕捉一切可以从题目及选项上获取的信息,同时预测内容,做到有的放矢。也可以在每道大题之间,录音停顿时,抢读或边听边看选项,确定听音的重点,使听音具有明确的方向性和选择性。 二、抓住关键词语,找到解题突破口 我们在听短文或对话时,并不一定需要逐字逐句理解,把所有内容全听清、听懂,初中英语听力测试题型的设计常从以下几个方面着手:①对话发生的地点; ②谈话人的职业和身份;③谈话的主题及谈话人的行为状态;④简单的数字计算; ⑤推理题;⑥因果题等等。只要我们抓住了关键词语,找到了出题的“题眼”,问题便迎刃而解。 三、听写并用,学会速记 有的学生在做短文或会话听力题时,觉得都听懂了,可一答题又什么都记不起来了,因此听清、理解、记忆在做这类题时都很重要。特别是填写词语类试题,往往是一个词尚未写完,下一句就紧接而来,容易顾此失彼,因此需要边听边在草稿纸上速记,对人名、地名、日期、年龄、价格及数字等要做简要记录,可以用字母表示,也可以用符号表示,只要自己知道它代表什么就可以,待录音播放完毕后再仔细作答。 四、沉着答题,遇难不慌 在做题过程中不要力图把每个单词、每个句子都听懂。如遇到一时不理解的单词或句子,不要苦思冥想,纠缠不休,应舍得果断放弃,应紧跟磁带的朗读速度,不慌不乱,沉着冷静,继续听下面的内容,否则就会耽误时间。听力录音是连续播放的,切不可瞻前顾后,一误再误。 五、趁热打铁,及时检查 听力测试结束后不要急于做笔试内容,要利用头脑中还保存的短暂记忆和记录的内容,及时查缺补漏,根据所掌握的材料把没听清或没记齐的东西补齐,对那些不太肯定的答案进行语法等方面的仔细推敲,并认真检查漏写或错写的单词,避免一些低级失误,确保答题准确无误。


新闻听力常见词汇总结(一) 一.国际事务:- negotiations,delegate,delegation,summit 峰会- charter n. 特许状,执照,宪章- pledge n. 诺言,保证,誓言,抵押,信物,保人,祝愿- vt. 许诺,保证,使发誓,抵押,典当,举杯祝……健康- vt. 特许,发给特许执照- promote peace 促进和平- boost economic co-op 加强经济合作- make concession/compromise 作出妥协- pass a resolution 通过决议- sanction n. 核准,制裁,处罚,约束力- vt. 制定制裁规则,认可,核准,同意- default n. 违约,不履行责任,缺席,默认值- vt. 疏怠职责,缺席,拖欠,默认- vi. 疏怠职责,缺席,拖欠,默认- veto a bill 否决议案- break the deadlock 打破僵局- a scientific breakthrough 科学突破- an unexpected outcome 出乎意料的结果- sign/ratify an accord/deal/treaty/pact/agreement 签署协议-diplomatically isolated country 在外交上被孤立的国家- diplomatic solutions 外交解决方案-

hot spot 热点- take hostilities toward..... 对……采取敌对态度-ethnic cleansing 种族排斥- refugee,illegal aliens 非法移民- mediator 调解员- national convention 国民大会- fight corruption 反腐败- corrupted election 腐败的选举- peace process 和平进程- give a boost to... 促进- booming economy 促进经济发展- mutual benefits/interests 双赢- Defense Minister,evacuate,flee from Pentagon 五角大楼-impose/break a deadline 规定/打破最后期限- retaliate 报复- banking reform 金融改革- commissioner 代表- go bankrupt 破产- file for bankruptcy 提出破产- deputy 代表- external forces 外部力量- speculate,disarmament agreement 裁军协议-


Chapter One 1.1听力考试内容 雅思听力考试一共分为四部分(four sections),第一部分和第二部分,主要测试考生在英语国家的生存场景(survival situation)中所需要的语言技能,解题的重点在于理解事实性信息。第三部分和第四部分,主要涉及考生在英语国家接受培训和课程学习时所遇到的学术场景(academic situation),解题重点在于辨别主要观点,理解学术性主题和讨论内容,抓住细节信息。每个部分都有10个小题,总共40个小题。总结如下: 1.2听力考试时间 听力考试时间共40分钟,其中30分钟放录音,最后10分钟把答案誊到答题卡上。每部分只播放一遍,考生必须边听边写,各部分录音开始前考生有30秒时间阅读题目,各部分录音结束后,考生有30秒检查答案。 1.3听力考试题型 题型总的来说可分为两大类:选择题和填空题。 选择题包括:三选一、多选题、配对题、分类题等。这类题,在没有听清信息的情况下,考生也可以猜测答案,因为雅思没有采取倒扣分制,即使答案错了也不会影响分数。 填空题包括:图表题、笔记填空、句子填空、摘要填空、简答题。这种题要求考生准确听出录音中的信息,否则无法猜测出答案。而雅思考试最大的特点是要求考生自己填出信息的题至少有30道,最多的一次考试出了39个填空,所以考生的拼写就显得很重要。

Complete the table below.

1.4考试题目要求 雅思听力考试对答案一般都有字数限制,如write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD/TWO WORDS,或CHOOSE TWO LETTERS等。最基本的有如下三种 注意:


WORD格式 一、人称(Grammaticalperson) 祖父:grandfather父母:parents 祖母:grandmother儿女:children 姑姑:aunt成年人:adult 叔叔:uncle绅士:gentleman 父亲:father女士:lady 母亲:mother青年人:youngman 儿子:son男孩:boy 女儿:daughter女孩:girl 哥哥:elderbrother小孩:kid;child 弟弟:youngerbrother婴儿:infant;baby 姐姐:eldersister邻居:neighbor 妹妹:youngersister 堂、表兄弟姐妹:cousin 二、人体部位(bodyparts) 头:head手:hand 头发:hair手掌:palm 眼睛:eye手指:finger 鼻:nose臀部:hips;buttocks 耳朵:ear膝盖:kneecap;patella 嘴:mouth脚:foot 牙齿:tooth心:heart 舌头:tongue肝:liver 脸:face肺:lung 颈:neck胃:stomach 肩:shoulder血液:blood 手臂:arm 三、方向(direction)四、时间和季节(time&seasons) 东:east上午:morning 南:South中午:noon 西:West下午:afternoon 北:north夜晚:night 前:front过去:past 后:back现在:present 左:left未来:future 右:right春:spring 上:up夏:summer 下:down秋:autumn;fall 冬:Winter


英语听力技巧总结集锦5篇 ediaplayer的快速播放功能,提速1.4倍,不变频,听上去几乎没有什么变声的感觉)。 直到跟读完全流畅无滞、几乎可以接近与原音同步的程度为止,再转入下一课的学习。这时,通常已经可以背诵全文了,而且这种背诵是纯粹基于语音和听觉的,而不是视觉意义上的背诵。这个过程其实是听、说同步训练。经过这种训练后,课文中的生词基本被完全消化,可以形成长期记忆;还能加深对篇章结构的理解,也有助于阅读与写作能力的提高。所以,这是一种全方位的训练。 第四,定期复习。听觉的理解和记忆,同样存在遗忘问题。所以要定期对前面已学内容安排时间重温,以巩固并形成长久记忆。 谈一个相关问题,那就是所谓的假听懂问题。由于听的内容是你预先已经理解的对象,所以你会发现你只需听三五遍就觉得自己完全听懂了,很多人就不想再重复下去了,于是就转入新的内容,这样很快就完成了一本教材的学习,结果发现自己并没多大进步。谁都明白,这个懂其实是读懂的,而不是听懂的,这就是所谓的假听懂问题,这也是这种训练方法受到质疑的地方。 既然我们的目标是听力筑基,说白了就是打通耳朵的问题。这个阶段,假听懂是无法回避的,而且也是完全正常的现象。我们的目的并不是要马上听懂多少,而是要经过大量的重复训练,刺激大脑对有意义的声音信号作出直接反应,并逐渐适应、接受、并形成条件反射。

每重复一次,假的成分就减少一分,真的成分就多一分。 如果你每天能有2小时左右用于这种训练,完成新概念第二册的96篇短文的训练,通常只需2~3月。这时,你不仅会发现自己的听力基础有了质的飞跃,而且在完成了96篇语境短文的听觉化背诵,所以,它对口语表达能力、阅读理解和写作等方面的能力也有了非同寻常的提升,因为你对英语的语感已经整体提高了。这才是真正意义上的筑基。 由于听的内容已经预先理解了,所以不必局限于慢速语音听力材料,完全可以一开始就从常速入手。即使你所选的教材配套的语音是慢速的,也可以用变速手段转成近似常速来训练。 英语听力技巧总结2 第一,自身准确的发音。 自身准确地道的英语发音不能让你在听力上面无往不利,但是不准确不地道的发音绝对不能有效的解决听力问题。而准确地道的发音往往又得之于在听力中纠正自己的发音。两者是互相进行的。 第二,阅读应与听力练习同时,同比重的进行。 很多人为提高听力把所有时间都集中在听力材料的练习上。可以肯定的说,这是个错误。我们不是生活在国外,你无论怎样营造,都不能有一个真正的外国的文化氛围在你身边,这一个已经可以说明只注重单一的听力练习是错误的。其次,听力练习中,你接触到多少信息呢?这个信息包括词汇、语法、习惯用法、文化等等在接触材料时能够遇到的所有东西。事实上听十盒磁带不及读一部原著的信息量。


section3表格填空题真题精讲 我们先看下表格填空题是怎样的,表格填空题呢是由三部分组成,分为题目要求,首行首列和空格内容。在做之前我们来回顾下做表格填空题的步骤,第一步是审题,主要看的是字数要求和标题,第二步是预览文本,主要看的是首行和首列,一方面是用来定位,一方面是用来预测,第三步就是听音,听的过程中就是去抓取自己想要的那个答案。 这个表格看上去复杂很多,主要原因是空格内容基本上是句子或是比较长的短语。那我们定位就不能只用首行和首列了,还有句子中的关键词。那这个关键词就是和笔记填空题比较类似了,我们基本会划名词作为关键词,因为名词不太容易被替换。好,我们看到这个字数限制是,首列是,然后21题的关键词是,22道关键词,23道关键词是,好的,那我们来预测下第一空是看的东西,那写论文之前,我们基本会看书,杂志,或者有些聪明的人看了书的目录就觉得把一本书就看完了。第二空的的是什么头头,那应该是学校里的某个部门,Work completed Targets previously Further action

第三个是准备和研究相关的资料。好,接下来我们来听下录音。那接下来我们来讲解下,第一个关键词是IT,但是我们发现好像IT我是听到了,但是之后好像没有答案啊。这是因为这个空的答案是出现在IT前面的,虽然都是名词,但是没有规定说答案一定要出现在关键词后面。好,那我们再来听下第一空的答案,大家注意答案是在关键词的前面哦。那我们听到录音原文和IT相关的句子是说,what I decided to do was to look through catalogues specialized in it. 所以答案应该是catalogues。那第二道题呢,Jane prince是先出现的,但是head是比答案要晚出现的,所以我们要的答案是夹在两个关键词中间,又是一个部门,我们再来听下。Jane prince. Do you know her, she's in the computer center, she's the new head,所以,我们要的答案应该是computer center。好,再来看下第三空,是一个和研究相关的东西,又是比survey早出现的,我们来听下。我们听到and of course, the second target was to draw up a survey checklist,所以我们要的答案就是checklist。那这个题目不仅难在我刚才所说的答案比关键词早出现,还有的难点有两个,一个是动词同义替换,一个是首行表达方式同义替换。


小学语文常用词语、成语分类汇总 想要出口成章、妙笔生花,词语、成语的储备可不能少。今天小语整理了小学阶段不同的词语分类汇总,一起来积累吧! 表示四季的词语: 【春】 鸟语花香、春暖花开、阳春三月、万物复苏、春风轻拂、春光明媚、春意盎然 【夏】 烈日当空、暑气逼人、大汗淋漓、挥汗如雨、乌云翻滚、热不可耐、夏日炎炎 【秋】 秋高气爽、五谷丰登、万花凋谢、天高云淡、落叶沙沙、中秋月圆 【冬】 三九严寒、天寒地冻、雪花飞舞、寒冬腊月、千里冰封、滴水成冰 描写“早晚”的词语: 【晨】 雄鸡报晓、红日东升、朝霞辉映、金光万道

【午】 烈日当空、艳阳高照、当午日明 【暮】 暮色苍茫、夕阳西下、天色模糊、晚风习习、华灯初上、斜晖脉脉 【夜】 月明星稀、灯火通明、漫漫长夜、万家灯火、夜幕降临、灯火阑珊描写“天气”的词语: 【大雨】 狂风暴雨、倾盆大雨、瓢泼大雨、大雨淋漓、暴风骤雨、暴雨如注 【小雨】 秋雨绵绵、绵绵细雨、细雨如烟、淅淅沥沥 【天气晴朗】 风和日丽、天高云淡、万里无云、秋高气爽、艳阳高照 【雪】 纷纷扬扬、粉妆玉砌、银妆素裹、白雪皑皑、冰雪消融 冰天雪地、白雪皑皑、雪花飞舞、大雪封门、雪中送炭

【风】 和风拂面、风狂雨猛、秋风凉爽、北风呼啸、轻风徐徐、秋风萧瑟、狂风骤雨、和风细雨 表示“看”的字词: 瞥、瞅、望、瞄、瞪、盯、观察、凝视、注视、看望、探望、瞻仰、扫视、环视、仰望、俯视、鸟瞰、俯瞰、远望、眺望、瞭望 表示“说”的字词: 讲、曰、讨论、议论、谈论、交流、交谈、云 表示“叫”的字词: 嚷、吼、嚎、啼、鸣、嘶、嘶叫、嚎叫、叫嚷 表示“第一”的字词: 首、元、甲、子、首先、冠军、魁首、首屈一指、名列前茅 表示“死”的词语: 已故、牺牲、阵亡、逝世、与世长辞、为国捐躯、驾崩


英语听力技巧总结大全汇总 很多学生觉得英语听力很难,其实这主要是因为孩子们并没有掌握初中英语听力训练方法。以下是WTT精心收集整理的英语听力技巧总结,下面WTT就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 英语听力技巧总结1 【泛听】 如英语泛读一样,只求听着,不求甚解,只求量的增加与积累,不求听懂每个句子。就泛听来说,还可分为两个方法,方法之一是当你在家吃晚饭时或做功课感到累时,就放些英语光盘,看看英语新闻,听听英语广播,让家庭充分浸润在英语氛围中,就像处在英语国家的语言环境中。 方法之二是准备一个Walkman,再购置一些地地道道的英语光盘,我特别推荐Crazy English——每两个月出一期,体裁多样,可听性强。如果是乘车或步行上学,或在小憩休息时,就可戴着耳机听英语,都不占用整块的学习时间,而是利用休息时间或零星时间,使自己尽可能增加“听”的输入量,听的量增加了,有些语言情景与单词短语反复听了,也很自然慢慢听懂了,英语听的能力也自然提高了。 【测听】

用测试的方法来自我检测,评定自己的听力水平。一方面是自我英语听力评定的需要,另一方面也是同学将面临的中考、高考、考研的需要。听英语录音、看英语电视毕竟不是英语听力考试,英语听力考试还有个熟悉考试题型的问题。如中考有听句选图、句子应答信息填表等,而高考则是短对话、长对话、文章理解等。 要在中考、高考等听力考试中考出优良成绩还须通过测听的方式,来熟悉这些听力考试的题型与形式。所以面临不同听力考试的学生,还得备一两套相应的听力测试磁带,以了解自己听力考试的水平。同学们在听的时候要模拟考试的情景,非常认真地听,然后再参照答案给自己打分。要指出的是:“先听”是学习英语课文的正确的顺序与习惯,这对理解语文、提高听力很有裨益。 而“精听”、“泛听”、“测听”应相互掺和进行,也就是不分哪个阶段,是“精听”还是“泛听”,而是同时把三种听结合在一起,坚持数月,乃至一年,定会取得显著的进步。听力的提高与训练的时间成正比,与年龄成反比,年纪越大见效越差,年纪越小进步越快。同学们还处在学听力的年龄,趁现在年轻,用正确方法攻克英语听力关,一辈子受用。 英语听力技巧总结2 1.听力的技巧训练
