





1,锁模一般分: 快速→中速→低压→高压








2特殊情况下.如料头抽丝,则射口筒温度应降低,如果是比较特殊的原料冷凝比较快的.则射口筒温度则不止比第二节法兰温度高10度.比如PPS. 尼龙等.



1 .第一级注射一般是注射料头段.具注射量一般可根据料头的轻重来估计其行程,当然也可以依据公式来计算,如公式


L:注射行程; Si: 注射行程;

Vi:理论注射容积; Ds:螺杆直径;



2. 第二级是注塑产品约2/3的阶段,当然,根据产品特殊需要,也允许成型不到2/3阶段,比如避免结合线问题,这一阶段的成型速度及压力一般是整个成型段的最大值段,如果排的产品与机台基本是相吻合的.模具结构合理,排气良好,这一段的压力一般也不会超过80%.速度侧视产品需变,可能大到95%也可,自然一般都是在55%-80%间.

3. 第三段是注射余下的1/3段,其速度和压力根据产品的需要,一般是小于第二段,速度和压力存在于一个往下降的过程.主要是为了防止产品毛边的产生,但同时又必须把产品充填饱满.





顶前最好分两个阶级,第一阶可分为中压慢速,即是把产品轻轻顶出一部分,然后是中压中速顶,中压中速一般指的是35%-55%,而低速则有可能低到5%,这需视产品不同而言,顶出行程设定是顶出长度稍比产品垂直深度大1-2cm即可. 二.退针





Injection molding technical process and condition introduction

Section Molding parameter Setting Molding steps: mold opening/closing, heating injection and knocking out.

Mold closing parameter setting

1.Mold closing: high-speed →low-speed →low pressure→high pressure

2.In high-speed section, Mold closing speed depends on type of mold. For two –plate mold it can set quick and even especially quick usually, it set speed within 55-75%. For full-plate mold it set speed within80-90% while using especially high speed it set speed within 45-55% and pressure within 50-75% position distance setting differs depending on the volume of product and usually it can be set 1/3 of mold opening position.

3.In mid-speed section: Mold closing speed changes into mid-speed after high-speed section finish. Mid-speed start position is where two plates meet (include three-plate mold and two-plate mold ) Distance of mid-speed is up to distance of two plates plate it speed within 30-50% and pressure 20-45%.

4.Low-pressure section: Mold closing sets low-pressure

when plates meeting. This position is set to the data of machine screen on this time. This point is the gage of the data. Data lower the point there is no high-pressure. Data higher the point there is high-pressure easily. It set speed within 15-25% and pressure within 1-2% depending on type within 1-2% depending on type of injection molding machine.

5. High-pressure section: To normal injection molding machine, high-pressure position had been set before they were sent to customer. It can not be modified. For example high-pressure position of CHENHSONG machine is 50P.The speed of high-pressure section is about 30-35% and higher than that of low-pressure. The pressure is up to mold, it can set within 55-85% For full-plate mold, it’s eject air well, it can set pressure 55% .If mold has a lot of slides and flash rate high in production, pressure can set 90%.

Heating technique parameter setting

1.The proper temperature setting differs depending on type of resin material, but it must be abide by a rule that temperature setting should diminish in step 10.C from nozzle to feeding resin material position.

2 Nozzle temperature setting should low if product line. If resin material such as PPS, PA, cool very soon , Nozzle

temperature should higher more 10.C than the second cylinder temperature.

3. Pump turning on temperature is different depending on type of injection molding machine. To protect oil seal of machine it set oil temperature within 40.C-60.C, If oil seal work on condition that high pressure and damaged It’s work time will be shorter, it can cause molding stable.

Injection is a step which inject melt resin material into mold. It consists of stepl,step2 ,step3,step4 and holding pressure step:

1. Step l injects usually tunnel material, Injection V olume can be estimated according to the weight of course it can be calculated by formula:


L: injection stroke Si: injection stroke

Vi: injection volume of theoretical Ds: diameter of screw

0. 785: value of Ω/4.

But it cost a lot of time to produce one product if every time molding parameter is setting by calculation.

2. Step 2 inject 2/3 of product. It can lower 2/3 of product according to requirement of product. For example to prevent weld line. Molding speed and pressure on this step is the maximum of whole molding section. If Mold suit the injection

molding machine and mold structure reasonable and eject air well, pressure of this step should lower 80%. Molding speed setting within 55-80% but it may setting 95% for especial product.

3. Step3 inject remain 1/3 of product. According to product molding speed and pressure lower than that of step2 To prevent flash speed and pressure should decrease but it can’t shot short. Step

4 section: Some injection machines have step5,step6 which are same as former molding speed and pressure this step should diminish and inject once more.

5. Holding pressure step: No matter what product there is a holding pressure step. Any product can’t molding a same thickness. Usually the deeper section may sink mark . To prevent this defect it should set holding pressure, The injection speed of holding pressure step is slow but holding pressure setting within 25-80% depending on sink mark.

There is a mold opening step after product cooling taking shape. Mold opening is a reverse step of mold closing. The last step of mold opening speed set slow. Product should be knocked out after mold opened.

one.Knocking out

Knocking out includes two steps, Step1 section setting mid-speed, knocks product out partly step2 section setting mid-pressure and mid-speed . Depending on different product, mid-pressure and mid-speed sets within 35-55% but low-speed can set 5%. Distance of knocking out longer 1-2cm than the vertical thickness of product.


The same as knocking out, ejector back includes 2 steps. To protect the ejector oil jar, it should make a 1-3mm distance in the ending point of ejector back.

Three. Thimble

The way of knocking out includes knocking out once, Knocking out repeat and ejector delay. Take product by manipulator or take product easy, it should select knocking out once. To longer the work time of ejector oiljar, times of knocking out lower 3 times. Ejector delay used when product will be damaged if ejector back or suit manipulator.


Injection Molding The basic concept of injection molding revolves around the ability of a thermoplastic material to be softened by heat and to harden when cooled .In most operations ,granular material (the plastic resin) is fed into one end of the cylinder (usually through a feeding device known as a hopper ),heated, and softened(plasticized or plasticized),forced out the other end of the cylinder, while it is still in the form of a melt, through a nozzle into a relatively cool mold held closed under pressure.Here,the melt cools and hardens until fully set-up. The mold is then opened, the piece ejected, and the sequence repeated. Thus, the significant elements of an injection molding machine become: 1) the way in which the melt is plasticized (softened) and forced into the mold (called the injection unit); 2) the system for opening the mold and closing it under pressure (called the clamping unit);3) the type of mold used;4) the machine controls. The part of an injection-molding machine, which converts a plastic material from a sold phase to homogeneous seni-liguid phase by raising its temperature .This unit maintains the material at a present temperature and force it through the injection unit nozzle into a mold .The plunger is a combination of the injection and plasticizing device in which a heating chamber is mounted between the plunger and mold. This chamber heats the plastic material by conduction .The plunger, on each stroke; pushes unbelted plastic material into the chamber, which in turn forces plastic melt at the front of the chamber out through the nozzle The part of an injection molding machine in which the mold is mounted, and which provides the motion and force to open and close the mold and to hold the mold close with force during injection .This unit can also provide other features necessary for the effective functioning of the molding operation .Moving


前言 在目前激烈的市场竞争中,产品投入市场的迟早往往是成败的关键。模具是高质量、高效率的产品生产工具,模具开发周期占整个产品开发周期的主要部分。因此客户对模具开发周期要求越来越短,不少客户把模具的交货期放在第一位置,然后才是质量和价格。因此,如何在保证质量、控制成本的前提下加工模具是值得认真考虑的问题。模具加工工艺是一项先进的制造工艺,已成为重要发展方向,在航空航天、汽车、机械等各行业得到越来越广泛的应用。模具加工技术,可以提高制造业的综合效益和竞争力。研究和建立模具工艺数据库,为生产企业提供迫切需要的高速切削加工数据,对推广高速切削加工技术具有非常重要的意义。本文的主要目标就是构建一个冲压模具工艺过程,将模具制造企业在实际生产中结合刀具、工件、机床与企业自身的实际情况积累得高速切削加工实例、工艺参数和经验等数据有选择地存储到高速切削数据库中,不但可以节省大量的人力、物力、财力,而且可以指导高速加工生产实践,达到提高加工效率,降低刀具费用,获得更高的经济效益。 1.冲压的概念、特点及应用 冲压是利用安装在冲压设备(主要是压力机)上的模具对材料施加压力,使其产生分离或塑性变形,从而获得所需零件(俗称冲压或冲压件)的一种压力加工方法。冲压通常是在常温下对材料进行冷变形加工,且主要采用板料来加工成所需零件,所以也叫冷冲压或板料冲压。冲压是材料压力加工或塑性加工的主要方法之一,隶属于材料成型工程术。 冲压所使用的模具称为冲压模具,简称冲模。冲模是将材料(金属或非金属)批量加工成所需冲件的专用工具。冲模在冲压中至关重要,没有符合要求的冲模,批量冲压生产就难以进行;没有先进的冲模,先进的冲压工艺就无法实现。冲压工艺与模具、冲压设备和冲压材料构成冲压加工的三要素,只有它们相互结合才能得出冲压件。 与机械加工及塑性加工的其它方法相比,冲压加工无论在技术方面还是经济方面都具有许多独特的优点,主要表现如下; (1) 冲压加工的生产效率高,且操作方便,易于实现机械化与自动化。这是


加工中心数控技术 出处:数控加工中心的分类以及各自特点 出版社:化学工业出版社; 第1版 (2009年3月16日) 作者:徐衡、段晓旭 加工中心是典型的集高技术于一体的机械加工设备,它的发展代表了一个国家设计制造的水平也大大提高了劳动生产率,降低了劳动成本,改善了工人的工作环境,降低了工人的劳动强度。本文经过对不同运动方案和各部件的设计方案的定性分析比较确定该教立式加工中心的进给传动方案为:采用固定床身,电主轴通过安装座安装在床身导轨的滑座上,床身导轨采用滚动导轨,可以实现Y 方向的进给运动。由X-Y双向精密数控工作台带动工件完成X,Y两个方向的进给运动;X,Y,Z三个方向的进给运动均滚珠丝杠,并由交流伺服电机驱动。导轨、滚珠丝杠有相应的润滑、防护等装置。 加工中心(英文缩写为CNC 全称为Computerized Numerical Control):是带有刀库和自动换刀装置的一种高度自动化的多功能数控机床。在中国香港,台湾及广东一代也有很多人叫它电脑锣。 工件在加工中心上经一次装夹后,数字控制系统能控制机床按不同工序,自动选择和更换刀具,自动改变机床主轴转速、进给量和刀具相对工件的运动轨迹及其他辅助机能,依次完成工件几个面上多工序的加工。并且有多种换刀或选刀功能,从而使生产效率大大提高。 加工中心数控机床是一种装有计算机数字控制系统的机床,数控系统能够处理加工程序,控制机床完成各种动作。与普通机床相比,数控机床能够完成平面曲线和空间曲面的加工,加工精度和生产效率都比较高,因而应用日益广泛。 数控机床的组成 一般来说,数控机床由机械部分、数字控制计算机、伺服系统、PC控制部分、液压气压传动系统、冷却润滑和排泄装置组成。数控机床是由程序控制的,零件的编程工作是数控机床加工的重要组成部分。伺服系统是数控机床的驱动部分,计算机输出的控制命令是通过伺服系统产生坐标移动的。普通的立式加工中心有三个伺服电机,分别驱动纵向工作台、横向工作台、主轴箱沿X向、Y向、Z向运动。X、Y、Z是互相垂直的坐标轴,因而当机床三坐标联动时可以加工空


外文文献翻译 2.5.1译文:看电影的艺术 1930年代中期,沃尔特·迪斯尼才明确以动画电影娱乐观众的思想,动画片本身才成为放映主角(不再是其他剧情片的搭配)。于1937年下半年首映的动画片《白雪公主与七个小矮人》为动画片树立了极高的标准,至今任然指导着动画艺术家们。1940年,这一年作为迪斯尼制片厂的分水岭,诞生了《木偶奇遇记》和《幻想曲>。这些今天成为经典的作品在接下来的二十年中被追随效仿,产生了一系列广受欢迎的动画娱乐作品。包括《小飞象》,《灰姑娘》,《爱丽丝漫游仙境》,《彼得·潘》,《小姐与流浪儿》,他们的故事通常源自广为人知的文学故事。这些影片最不好的地方在于它们似乎越来越面向小观众。 在1966年第四你去死后,他的制片厂继续制作手绘动画影片,但是创作能量衰减,公司转而专注于著作真人是拍电影。然而1989年,对于我们所有孩子来说,动画《小美人鱼》赋予了迪士尼新的生命活力(就像animation这个词本身的定义一样——使有生命活力),从该片开始,出现了一系列令人惊叹不已的音乐动画片。两年后,《美女与野兽》问世,塔尔在制作过程中利用了计算机作为传统手绘技术的辅助手段,这部影片获得了奥斯卡最佳电影奖提名,它是第一部获此殊荣的动画片。更好的还在后面,就想着两部影片一样,后面紧接着出现的众多优秀作品——包括《狮子王》,《阿拉丁》,《花木兰》——延续了迪士尼的经典传统:大胆醒目的视觉效果、精致的剧本,以及我们在所有伟大的电影中,不管是动画还是其他类型中都能找到的普适性主题和出乎意料之处。迪士尼的新版《幻想曲》,又被称为《幻想曲2000》,把原版中的部分片段与新的创作部分糅合在一起。(而且,按照迪士尼管理层的说法,该片是首部在IMAX巨幕影院首映的剧情长片。) 亨利·塞利克执导了蒂姆·波顿出品的两部影片,即《圣诞惊魂夜》和《飞天巨桃历险记》——前者是一部完全原创的定格动画,影片画面有时渗透着无限的恐惧,后者改编自罗纳德·达尔的畅销儿童书,该影片以真人实景拍摄开始。《飞天巨桃历险记》对暴力画面和重大恐惧(比如说,离弃)的表达和处理毫无掩饰,表达的真实感受对成人来说和对儿童一样生动鲜明,而蒂姆·波顿的影片《僵尸新娘》,仅仅从名字上就已经显示出影片内容和该幽默表达的“成人”特


(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 冷冲模具使用寿命的影响及对策 冲压模具概述 冲压模具--在冷冲压加工中,将材料(金属或非金属)加工成零件(或半成品)的一种特殊工艺装备,称为冷冲压模具(俗称冷冲模)。冲压--是在室温下,利用安装在压力机上的模具对材料施加压力,使其产生分离或塑性变形,从而获得所需零件的一种压力加工方法。 冲压模具的形式很多,一般可按以下几个主要特征分类: 1?根据工艺性质分类 (1)冲裁模沿封闭或敞开的轮廓线使材料产生分离的模具。如落料模、冲孔模、切断模、切口模、切边模、剖切模等。 (2)弯曲模使板料毛坯或其他坯料沿着直线(弯曲线)产生弯曲变形,从而获得一定角度和形状的工件的模具。 (3)拉深模是把板料毛坯制成开口空心件,或使空心件进一步改变形状和尺寸的模具。 (4)成形模是将毛坯或半成品工件按图凸、凹模的形状直接复制成形,而材料本身仅产生局部塑性变形的模具。如胀形模、缩口模、扩口模、起伏成形模、翻边模、整形模等。2?根据工序组合程度分类 (1)单工序模在压力机的一次行程中,只完成一道冲压工序的模具。 (2)复合模只有一个工位,在压力机的一次行程中,在同一工位上同时完成两道或两道以上冲压工序的模具。 (3)级进模(也称连续模) 在毛坯的送进方向上,具有两个或更多的工位,在压力机的一次行程中,在不同的工位上逐次完成两道或两道以上冲压工序的模具。 冲冷冲模全称为冷冲压模具。 冷冲压模具是一种应用于模具行业冷冲压模具及其配件所需高性能结构陶瓷材料的制备方法,高性能陶瓷模具及其配件材料由氧化锆、氧化钇粉中加铝、错元素构成,制备工艺是将氧化锆溶液、氧化钇溶液、氧化错溶液、氧化铝溶液按一定比例混合配成母液,滴入碳酸氢铵,采用共沉淀方法合成模具及其配件陶瓷材料所需的原材料,反应生成的沉淀经滤水、干燥,煅烧得到高性能陶瓷模具及其配件材料超微粉,再经过成型、烧结、精加工,便得到高性能陶瓷模具及其配件材料。本发明的优点是本发明制成的冷冲压模具及其配件使用寿命长,在冲压过程中未出现模具及其配件与冲压件产生粘结现象,冲压件表面光滑、无毛刺,完全可以替代传统高速钢、钨钢材料。 冷冲模具主要零件冷冲模具是冲压加工的主要工艺装备,冲压制件就是靠上、下模具的相对运动来完成的。 加工时由于上、下模具之间不断地分合,如果操作工人的手指不断进入或停留在模具闭合区,便会对其人身安全带来严重威胁。 1


机械设计理论 机械设计是一门通过设计新产品或者改进老产品来满足人类需求的应用技术科学。它涉及工程技术的各个领域,主要研究产品的尺寸、形状和详细结构的基本构思,还要研究产品在制造、销售和使用等方面的问题。 进行各种机械设计工作的人员通常被称为设计人员或者机械设计工程师。机械设计是一项创造性的工作。设计工程师不仅在工作上要有创造性,还必须在机械制图、运动学、工程材料、材料力学和机械制造工艺学等方面具有深厚的基础知识。如前所诉,机械设计的目的是生产能够满足人类需求的产品。发明、发现和科技知识本身并不一定能给人类带来好处,只有当它们被应用在产品上才能产生效益。因而,应该认识到在一个特定的产品进行设计之前,必须先确定人们是否需要这种产品。 应当把机械设计看成是机械设计人员运用创造性的才能进行产品设计、系统分析和制定产品的制造工艺学的一个良机。掌握工程基础知识要比熟记一些数据和公式更为重要。仅仅使用数据和公式是不足以在一个好的设计中做出所需的全部决定的。另一方面,应该认真精确的进行所有运算。例如,即使将一个小数点的位置放错,也会使正确的设计变成错误的。 一个好的设计人员应该勇于提出新的想法,而且愿意承担一定的风险,当新的方法不适用时,就使用原来的方法。因此,设计人员必须要有耐心,因为所花费的时间和努力并不能保证带来成功。一个全新的设计,要求屏弃许多陈旧的,为人们所熟知的方法。由于许多人墨守成规,这样做并不是一件容易的事。一位机械设计师应该不断地探索改进现有的产品的方法,在此过程中应该认真选择原有的、经过验证的设计原理,将其与未经过验证的新观念结合起来。 新设计本身会有许多缺陷和未能预料的问题发生,只有当这些缺陷和问题被解决之后,才能体现出新产品的优越性。因此,一个性能优越的产品诞生的同时,也伴随着较高的风险。应该强调的是,如果设计本身不要求采用全新的方法,就没有必要仅仅为了变革的目的而采用新方法。 在设计的初始阶段,应该允许设计人员充分发挥创造性,不受各种约束。即使产生了许多不切实际的想法,也会在设计的早期,即绘制图纸之前被改正掉。只有这样,才不致于堵塞创新的思路。通常,要提出几套设计方案,然后加以比较。很有可能在最后选定的方案中,采用了某些未被接受的方案中的一些想法。


Lathes Lathes are machine tools designed primarily to do turning, facing and boring, Very little turning is done on other types of machine tools, and none can do it with equal facility. Because lathes also can do drilling and reaming, their versatility permits several operations to be done with a single setup of the work piece. Consequently, more lathes of various types are used in manufacturing than any other machine tool. The essential components of a lathe are the bed, headstock assembly, tailstock assembly, and the leads crew and feed rod. The bed is the backbone of a lathe. It usually is made of well normalized or aged gray or nodular cast iron and provides s heavy, rigid frame on which all the other basic components are mounted. Two sets of parallel, longitudinal ways, inner and outer, are contained on the bed, usually on the upper side. Some makers use an inverted V-shape for all four ways, whereas others utilize one inverted V and one flat way in one or both sets, They are precision-machined to assure accuracy of alignment. On most modern lathes the way are surface-hardened to resist wear and abrasion, but precaution should be taken in operating a lathe to assure that the ways are not damaged. Any inaccuracy in them usually means that the accuracy of the entire lathe is destroyed. The headstock is mounted in a foxed position on the inner ways, usually at the left end of the bed. It provides a powered means of rotating the word at various speeds . Essentially, it consists of a hollow spindle, mounted in accurate bearings, and a set of transmission gears-similar to a truck transmission—through which the spindle can be rotated at a number of speeds. Most lathes provide from 8 to 18 speeds, usually in a geometric ratio, and on modern lathes all the speeds can be obtained merely by moving from two to four levers. An increasing trend is to provide a continuously variable speed range through electrical or mechanical drives. Because the accuracy of a lathe is greatly dependent on the spindle, it is of heavy construction and mounted in heavy bearings, usually preloaded tapered roller or ball types. The spindle has a hole extending through its length, through which long bar stock can be fed. The size of maximum size of bar stock that can be machined when the material must be fed through spindle. The tailsticd assembly consists, essentially, of three parts. A lower casting fits on the inner ways of the bed and can slide longitudinally thereon, with a means for clamping the entire assembly in any desired location, An upper casting fits on the lower one and can be moved transversely upon it, on some type of keyed ways, to permit aligning the assembly is the tailstock quill. This is a hollow steel cylinder, usually about 51 to 76mm(2to 3 inches) in diameter, that can be moved several inches longitudinally in and out of the upper casting by means of a hand wheel and screw. The size of a lathe is designated by two dimensions. The first is known as the swing. This is the maximum diameter of work that can be rotated on a lathe. It is approximately twice the distance between the line connecting the lathe centers and the nearest point on the ways, The second size dimension is the maximum distance between centers. The swing thus indicates the maximum work piece diameter that can be turned in the lathe, while the distance between centers indicates the maximum length of work piece that can be mounted between centers. Engine lathes are the type most frequently used in manufacturing. They are heavy-duty machine tools with all the components described previously and have power drive for all tool movements except on the compound rest. They commonly range in size from 305 to 610 mm(12 to 24 inches)swing and from 610 to 1219 mm(24 to 48 inches) center distances, but swings up to 1270 mm(50 inches) and center distances up


动画设计专业论文参考文献 在日常学习和工作中,许多人都有过写论文的经历,对论文都不陌生吧,论文是描述学术研究成果进行学术交流的一种工具。还是对论文一筹莫展吗?下面是小编精心整理的动画设计专业论文参考文献,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 [1]王兆.目标导向设计中人物角色的应用与研究[D].东华大学.2011 [2]陈龙,徐人平,王浩军.基于Freeform系统的玩偶设计开发.北京市经济管理干部学院学报,2006. [3]大而不强创新不足中国网游或死在同质化和抄袭之手. [4]肖冬.移动互联网引爆未来[J].理财.2014,01:46-48 [5]中国互联网络发展状况统计报告.2010 [6]李洪海,石爽,李霞.交互界面设计[M].北京:化学工业出版社.2011 [7]浅析移动应用软件现状.中国电子商务研究中心. [8]张宏江.移动设备的发展将成根本趋势[J].新领军.2012:24 [9]艾瑞咨询.2014移动互联网用户行为研究报告[R].2014,5 [10]阳俊.游戏界面的人性化设计研究[D].重庆大学.2008 [11]陈启安.软件人机界面设计[M].北京:高等教育出版社.2008 [12]2013年中国手机游戏发展现状及未来展望分析. [13]艾瑞咨询.2014Q1中国移动购物市场交易规模达1350.9亿元 [14]李念.基于游戏机制的互联网产品交互设计研究[D].华东理工大 学.2012 [15]吕锦扬.移动互联网环境下的终端与应用发展[N].广东通信技 术.2013(12) [16]许懋琦,于晓燕.从设计学角度分析手机游戏成功因素[J].设 计.2014,04(200):135-136 [17]郭伏,郝哲哲,许娜,屈庆星,丁一.基于情感体验的应用软件可用性评估方法研究[J].工业工程与管理.2013 (4) : 152-164


济南大学泉城学院 毕业设计外文资料翻译 题目现代快速经济制造模具技术 专业机械制造及其自动化 班级专升本1302班 学生刘计良 学号2013040156 指导教师刘彦 二〇一五年三月十六日

Int J Adv Manuf Technol ,(2011) 53:1–10DOI 10.1007/s00170-010-2796-y Modular design applied to beverage-container injection molds Ming-Shyan Huang & Ming-Kai Hsu Received: 16 March 2010 / Accepted: 15 June 2010 / Published online: 25 June 2010 # Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010 Modular design applied to beverage-container injection molds The Abstract: This work applies modular design concepts to designating beverage-container injection molds. This study aims to develop a method of controlling costs and time in relation to mold development, and also to improve product design. This investigation comprises two parts: functional-ity coding, and establishing a standard operation procedure, specifically designed for beverage-container injection mold design and manufacturing. First, the injection mold is divided into several modules, each with a specific function. Each module is further divided into several structural units possessing sub-function or sub-sub-function. Next, dimen-sions and specifications of each unit are standardized and a compatible interface is constructed linking relevant units. This work employs a cup-shaped beverage container to experimentally assess the performance of the modular design approach. The experimental results indicate that the modular design approach to manufacturing injection molds shortens development time by 36% and reduces costs by 19 23% compared with the conventional ap-proach. Meanwhile, the information on


机械类外文翻译 塑料注塑模具浇口优化 摘要:用单注塑模具浇口位置的优化方法,本文论述。该闸门优化设计的目的是最大限度地减少注塑件翘曲变形,翘曲,是因为对大多数注塑成型质量问题的关键,而这是受了很大的部分浇口位置。特征翘曲定义为最大位移的功能表面到表面的特征描述零件翘曲预测长度比。结合的优化与数值模拟技术,以找出最佳浇口位置,其中模拟armealing算法用于搜索最优。最后,通过实例讨论的文件,它可以得出结论,该方法是有效的。 注塑模具、浇口位臵、优化、特征翘曲变形关键词: 简介 塑料注射成型是一种广泛使用的,但非常复杂的生产的塑料产品,尤其是具有高生产的要求,严密性,以及大量的各种复杂形状的有效方法。质量ofinjection 成型零件是塑料材料,零件几何形状,模具结构和工艺条件的函数。注塑模具的一个最重要的部分主要是以下三个组件集:蛀牙,盖茨和亚军,和冷却系统。拉米夫定、Seow(2000)、金和拉米夫定(2002) 通过改变部分的尼斯达到平衡的腔壁厚度。在平衡型腔充填过程提供了一种均匀分布压力和透射电镜,可以极大地减少高温的翘曲变形的部分~但仅仅是腔平衡的一个重要影响因素的一部分。cially Espe,部分有其功能上的要求,其厚度通常不应该变化。 pointview注塑模具设计的重点是一门的大小和位臵,以及流道系统的大小和布局。大门的大小和转轮布局通常被认定为常量。相对而言,浇口位臵与水口大小布局也更加灵活,可以根据不同的零件的质量。 李和吉姆(姚开屏,1996a)称利用优化流道和尺寸来平衡多流道系统为multiple 注射系统。转轮平衡被形容为入口压力的差异为一多型腔模具用相同的蛀牙,也存


英文文献 Numerical control laser processing technology and application Pick to: as the main symbol of science and Technology development in the 20th century and the modern information society one of the pillars of optoelectronic Technology, Laser Technology, Laser Technology) and the development of Laser industry attaches great importance to by the advanced countries in the world. Numerical control and integrated the Laser and the optical system of the computer numerical control technology, advanced and high precision and automation of the workpiece positioning, the combination of formation, development and production of machining center has become a Laser machining, Laser Processing) is an important trend of development. Key words: CNC; Laser machining, Laser Processing); Level; application Before: laser is regarded as one of the most important scientific discoveries of the twentieth century, as soon as it was caused the great attention of materials scientists. In November 1971, gm pioneered the use of a 250 w CO2 laser to improve wear resistance materials using laser radiation test and research, and in 1974 successfully completed automobile redirector shell


Animation Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images of 2-D or 3-D artwork or model positions to create an illusion of movement. The effect is an optical illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of persistence of vision, and can be created and demonstrated in several ways. The most common method of presenting animation is as a motion picture or video program, although there are other methods. Early examples An Egyptian burial chamber mural, approximately 4000 years old, showing wrestlers in action. Even though this may appear similar to a series of animation drawings, there was no way of viewing the images in motion. It does, however, indicate the artist's intention of depicting motion. Early examples of attempts to capture the phenomenon of motion drawing can be found in paleolithic cave paintings, where animals are depicted with multiple legs in superimposed positions, clearly attempting to convey the perception of motion. Five images sequence from a vase found in Iran A 5,000 year old earthen bowl found in Iran.It has five images of a goat painted along the sides. This has been claimed to be an example of early animation. However, since no equipment existed to show the images in motion, such a series of images cannot be called animation in a true sense of the word. A Chinese zoetrope-type device had been


毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 学生姓名: 学号: 专业: 指导教师: 学院: 日期:

外文资料翻译要求 一、译文内容须与课题研究或调研内容高度一致。 二、译文翻译得当、语句通顺,不少于4000字。 三、译文格式要求:译文题目(即一级标题)采用小三黑体、二级 标题采用四号黑体、三级标题采用13磅黑体;图题和表题采用五号宋体,外文和符号采用五号Times New Roman;正文采用小四宋体,外文和符号采用小四Times New Roman,行间距为20磅;A4纸双面打印。 四、原文及译文一起装订,顺序依次为封面(背面为外文资料翻译 要求)、译文评阅(单面打印)、译文、外文原文。

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原文 Treating and the modern mould make high speed One, summarizes 1 the present situation that the mould makes at present and trend The mould is important handicraft equipment , occupies decisive position in industrid departments such as consumer goods , electrical equipment electron , automobile , aircraft fabrication. The mould is important handicraft equipment , occupies decisive position in industrid departments such as consumer goods , electrical equipment electron , automobile , aircraft fabrication. Industrial product part rough process 75%, the finish machining 50% and plastic part 90% will be completed from the mould. The Chinese mould market demand already reaches scale of 500 hundred million yuan at present. The automobile mould , the annual growth rate covering piece of mould especially will exceed 20 %; Also prompt building material mould development , various heterotype material the mould , wall surface and floor mould become new mould growth point , plastic doors and windows and plastic drain-pipe increase to exceeding 30 by in the upcoming several years %; The home appliance mould annual growth rate will exceed 10 %; The IT industry year increases % speed equally exceeding 20 , the need to the mould accounts for 20 of mould marketplace %.2004 annual Chinese machine tools implements industry output value will continue to increase. Our country mould fabrication market potential is enormous. The basis data counts , in recent years, our country mould year gross output value reaches 3 billion U. S. dollar , entrance exceeds 1 billion U. S. dollar, exceed 100 million U. S. dollar outlet. Increase by from 25% to increase to 2005 50% of 1995. The expert foretells that abroad: Asia portion being occupied by in mould fabrication in the whole world, will from 25% to increase to 2005 50% of 1995.
