

that's it 好了

wish to hell I did 我也希望我有

I am not playing games 别以为我在和你闹着玩儿

your honour 法官大人

perhaps you should heed her advice也许你应该听取她的意见

court's recessed until 1:30 下午一点半继续开庭

you don't have a violent bone in your body 你根不是一个有暴力倾向的人

suggests malice to me 说明你是蓄意犯罪(malice 恶意、怨恨)

no more talking in line 排队的时候不准出声gotcha 明白了

you talking out the side of your neck 你说话绕弯子么

come again 什么

are you being a smartass? 你想自作聪明吗?

just trying to fly low, avoid the radar, boss 只想保持低调,不想引起注意,长官

good to know 我了解了

kinda (kind of)

if it's keeping you up, it is 要是让你睡不着的话,当然有的

you did the best you could 你已经尽力了

he just sort of rolled it over, he didn't put up a fight 他只想草草了事,没有任何争辩

if it's on your mind, it's on your mind, right? 如果你在意它,你总会想着它,不是吗? you keep handing out my jacket, I swear I'm gonna bust your grape 你再把我的事抖出来,我就要你好看

you know, painting, scrapping, making nattresses, you name it. 刷油漆、刮墙、还有做床垫等等

you ain't sniffing none of P.I. 你连监狱工厂的味道都闻不到

why you want to see Burrows so bad anyhow? 你为什么那么相见Burrows?

they denied the motion. 他们驳回了上诉

the evidence says you did 可他们有证

I am proposing to my girl, if you gotta know. 我要向女朋友求婚了

I don't think I can go through with it. 我想我办不到

beat it.滚开

you got nothing I need.你没有我要的东西you might find I can be of more assistance than you think.说不定我能帮上大忙呢

mull it over.仔细考虑一下

all right, guys, pick it up. 伙计们,都利索点tattoo looks fresh.纹身看上去像新的

as a doctor, no less.而且还是医生

be the change you want to see in the world--Gandhi.

bishop McMorrow is not in the fold.马克莫拉主教没有被蒙在鼓里

roll it up.快点

at some point, we gotta pull the trigger on this thing.有时候事情还是抓紧点比较好

I don't wanna rush this.我不想这么草率

you spooked her.你把她吓跑了

it wasn't an immaculate conception, honey, trust me.这可不是个好的思想,相信我

it's not luck of draw that you're in here with Lincoln. 你和林肯被关在一起绝非巧合

you two have the most dysfunction ideal of love I've ever seen. 你们兄弟之间的感情恐怕是我见过最特别的

so you get yourself tossed into Fox River with him? 你现在又主动和他关在一起?

past tense for you, maybe, not me. 对你而言也许已经是过去式了,而我却不是

I gave him a shot when I got back from college, I did.我大学毕业后曾给过他机会

you find out who's trying to bury him. 找出谁要至他于死地

the evidence was cooked.证据是捏造的

I'm a man of God.我是上帝的子民

in this case, we're hoping you'll suspend that position.在这个案子里我们希望您能改变一下立场

you have a habit of answering a question with a question.您喜欢用问题来回答问题

and you have a way of asking question that beg more question.你喜欢用问题来问更多


I'm not a man to equivocate.我的话已经够明确了(equivocate 含糊其辞)

62 years old now, your Excellency? 阁下已经62岁了?

that you should be well-versed in how our government tax system works. 您应该很清楚政府的税收政策吧

well, that would be fraud, wouldn't it, your Excellency?难道阁下不认为这是一种欺骗吗?

I will not be cowed into forsaking my beliefs.我不会因为恐惧而放弃自己的信念

like origami? 像折纸一样么?

first off, she's not an it. 首先,她不是它

she is grandfathered back from the days when prisoners were allowed a creature comfort or two.自从监狱允许带宠物她就被带进来了sort of wish it was true. The man's a legend.真希望是真的,一个传奇式的人物nowhere near as much as I wish it were true. 没有人比我还想它是真的

I'd put some grass under'em if I were you. 如果我是你的话我会小心点的

this thing'd go a whole lot easier if you'd just hire me.如果你雇我的话,一切都变得简单那

that's not the way it works.这不是解决问题的办法

I doubt it.我不信

I didn't think you were the agitating type.我认为你不是惹是生非的人

think it gives you some kind of street-cred? 想混出名么?

you give a big speech, I walk away a changed man. 你给我讲大道理,走的时候焕然一新I already screwed up that chance long ago. 很久以前我就失去了这个机会

you can still put the brakes on this thing. 现在后悔还来得及

that a compliment? 你是在夸我么?

ever since I was a kid. 我从小就是

wrap it up. 抓紧时间

you're one mixed-up cracker. you know that? 你还真能整,你知道吗?

I like the ambience. 我喜欢那里的环境

we in business? 这么说定了?

you got spine.你有种

still engaged to that guy? 还和那个人定着婚么?

I'm an anchor, all I'll do is drag'em down with me.我是一个累赘,我只会把他们拖下水keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.靠近你的朋友,更加靠近你的敌人look, whatever you've got going on, fill me in. 听着,不管要做什么,事先通知我

cross the "t's", dotted the "i's", grouted the tiles. 偷工减料

you've seen the blueprints. 你看过蓝图you're anticipating every one of my moves three moves in advance.你的眼光总是放得很远

you're a hell of strategist. 你简直是一个战略家

whites and blacks are going at each other real soon here.黑人和白人即将开战

it's insurance, white boy. now dump it. 防身用的,快把它扔了

tooling it up for the race riot, are we? 用来充当种族骚动的武器么?

Rughead and the Billy. 黑人和白人

got a shank in here. 找到一把匕首

in the old man's back pocket, are you? 有老头子为你撑腰啊?

it's the weakest link in the security chain. 那是保安系统中最薄弱的环节

a little prep for your arrival. 一些准备工作there is a little hitch in getting the PUGNAC. 拿到方纳克有点困难

our relationship transcends race. 我们的关系超出了种族

gonna be a whole lot sooner than that.应该比那样早得多

it can't be done. 根本行不通

every step's alreadly been mapped up,every contingency.一切都在掌握之中,所有的可能you best speak with respect. 你说话最好放尊重点

so you're the new one I have been hearin' all the rave reviews about. 你就是传说中的那个新人

we gonna take the ball game to them real soon. 我们打算给他们来一次不一样的打击it's gonna be nasty for a first-timer like you. 像你这种第一次经历的人可能会很讨厌your life'll be all peaches and cream. 你的生活将变得很美好

them Rugheads gonna gobble you up like a plate of black-eyed peas. 黑人们会像对待一盘豌豆一样把你吃掉

we were in a relationship a few years back. 几年前我们交往过

the prosecution's case was a salm dunk. 那个案子已经盖棺定论了

he gets into a public altercation with the guy, so, he gets fired. 他当众和那个人发生争吵,于是就被解雇了

trust me, there are cases you lose sleep over. 相信我的确有很多案子使你夜不能眠

the man's a five time felon, all right? 那个家伙已经五进宫了

be my guest. 随你的便

I'm gonna make it right. 我想改正

little doggie. 小可怜

what's it take to shake down another inmate? 怎么才能制服另外一个狱友?

I say I've heard nothing but blabber. 除了胡扯我什么都没听见

I just thought we'd, you know, fraternize. 我认为我们就像亲兄弟一样

you hear the trumpets? 你听见号角了么?-are you sure? 你确定?-positive. 我确定

I think it's time you quit the charade, don't you? 别再玩了,好吗?

call him off. 叫他停手

I got high that night. 那晚我喝多了

the guy was like saint. 他就像一个圣人

I love Fernando to death, but the guy's a deadbeat. 我非常喜欢Fernando,但是那家伙游手好闲

don't pull that card on me. 别跟我这样

she's entitled to that type as much as you or I are. 她有权拥有那盘录像带

a man's life is at stake. 有人危在旦夕

don't you think it's just the slightest bit of a coincidence? 你不觉得事情太巧合了么?

we have a small complication, there is lawyer pocking around. 我们遇到了一个小麻烦,有一个律师牵扯进来了

you are positively beaming. 你看起来气色不错things...escalated. 事情有点过火(发展)而已

perhaps you'd been good enough to enlighten to me. 那麻烦你告诉我

he stepped on them. 他踩上去了

i'll kill that scum. 我要杀了那个混蛋

you're willing to risk the entire escape on a guy you don't even know?你要把逃亡的成败寄托在一个你根本不了解的人身上吗?preparation can only take you so far, after that, you gotta take a few leaps of faith. 谋事在人成事在天

if he's not on board, there is no digging in that cell. 如果他不加入的话,我就无法在牢房里挖洞

if you were a decent man. 如果你是一个明白人

what's that supposed to mean? 这话什么意思?

inflict the maximum amount of pain. 造成最大的痛苦

i figured I could play their game and watch him die in the process or take matters into my own hands. 我认为我可以控制这个情况,让他慢慢消失,把事情掌握在自己手中

your grades need to be pristine. 不许犯错误,成绩要好

give you some perspective. 给你一些观点they can tack two years onto your bid. 他们会在你的刑期上加两年

i don't like the look in your eye. 我不喜欢你的眼神

other have grandiose statement they want to make. 而另外一些人在死前说着沾沾自喜的话

what are you sneaking in here for? 那你偷偷


why do you care my well-being? 你为什么这么关心我的处境?

maybe you can bring down the guys who killed your boyfriend. 也许你能打败杀害你男朋友的人

i can't take those people on. 我不能对付那些人

you can sign the affidavit and split. 你可以签署一份宣誓书然后离开

so let's cut to the chase. 我们直接说重点

he won't crack. 他不肯开口

please don't dead my conjugals. 请不要剥夺我的权利

don't play stupid with me? 不要装傻

if I feel there has been prisoner misconduct? 如果我知道囚犯之间有什么

with the rape victims and the snitches. 和一群小偷和强奸犯在一起

we're just following up. 我们只是要了解一下

that being said, if you come across anything. 不过,万一你遇到什么

the coordinator is here, the vendors is too. 中介到了,卖家也到了

i got a fiance to think about. 我在外面还有个未婚妻

you don't need consent, you don't give the green light. 不需要你同意

I'm trying to make amends here. 我想表示歉意

bygones be bygones. 过去的就过去了

-you're a mercurial man, John. 你真善变啊,John -i prefer bold. 我更认为是胆识

if not, you're a corpse. 如果不是,你就死定了

so cut the crap. 长话短说

I'm not really following what you're saying. 我不是很懂你在说什么

maybe we could postpone it. 或许我们可以延期

just a heads up. 提醒你一下keeping a job. 反复如此

whatever. 无所谓i take the pills to keep the quacks off my back. 我服下药片,庸医们就会离开

to keep me in their invisible freaking handcuffs. 用无形的手铐锁住我

you renege now, and i'm gonna cut you. 你要是食言的话,我就宰了你

those kinds of requests fall on deaf ears around here. 这些请求一般是不予受理的

is he cool with it? 他不会介意吗?

God, you always were a lousy liar. 你真是个差劲的说谎者

putting him in with Haywire is a low blow. 把他和Haywire放在一起是个下策

if you give Scofield preferential treatment, it'll undermine your credibility. 如果你给Scofield特权的话,会影响到您的信誉的

i know you got a so spot for the guy because he's got brains. 我知道你偏爱他,因为他有头脑

this is a restricted area. 这里是禁区

don't ever go around me to the Pope again. 不要在背着我去找监狱长了

i know that when the government gets you in their cross hairs, you stand very little chance. 我知道一旦你被政府盯上,就很难翻身

are you nuts? 你疯了吗?

i'll make you bet. 我和你打赌

do i come to your house and tell you where to put your furniture? 我可没有到你家对你指手画脚

we're just asking for professional courtesy. 我们只是想请您帮一个小忙

we've only got a few minutes, we're gonna spend them spitting on each other or are we gnnna talk some business. 我们只有几分钟的时间,我们用它来扯皮还是谈点正事and how exactly are you supposed to pull this off? 那你究竟想怎么样把事情搞定?

we're just backing a horse that died in the gate. 我们正从死神边缘抢夺时间

seems we need to have another powwow. 看来我们得再次讨论一下

all due repect, i don't need opinions. 没别的意思,不过我不需要你的建议

we've got genetically higher blood pressure. 我们天生就有高血压

people who do this kind of work are ghosts. 能够做出这种活儿的都是魔鬼

you've got one up on me, warden. 这方面你比我强多了,狱长

they are in the den. 他们在书房

especially when it comes to an illegitimate child. 特别是碰到私生子的时候

he was a criminal, and an addict. 他是个罪犯,还吸毒

we're pissing somebody off. 我们得罪了某些人

don't forget to buckle up. 别忘了系安全带

i think it's time we stopped beating around the bush, go after the damn bush. 我认为我们不应再拐弯抹角了,是时候动手了take a walk, pal, you're being paranoid. 走远点,伙计,别痴心妄想了

look there's three things for certain in life, death, taxes and count. 生活中有三样东西无法逃避,死亡,税收还有点名

you got to get the inmates riled up. 你要把这里的囚犯激怒

Burrows is as good as dead. Burrows死定了get your ass on the line, convict. 你给我站好队,臭犯人

all of you, hit that line. 所有人,都站到线上

i'm just looking out for your best interests. 我只是在替你着想

our wing has been breached, i want A-wing evacuated and shut down. 我们的地区已经被突破,请求关闭A区并撤退

take the cuffs off. 把手铐解开

no deal. 不行

You gotta learn that art of negotiating. 你得学学谈判的艺术

we don't need a sledgehammer. 不需要用大锤

i assure you. 我想你们保证

he's gonna squeal. 他会出卖我们的

big fella. 大块头

you got things backwards, pervert. 你坏了事,变态you gonna clue me in, paisano? 加我一个吧,老兄anybody could be here. a business partner, a rival. 任何人都有可能,商业伙伴或是竞争者

just cut the crap. 废话少说

prom. 舞会

because you and i face an evolutionary gap. 因为我们之间有很大的代沟

and he's the only leverage we have. 它是我们手上唯一的筹码

grab my hand. 抓住我的手

tensions often run high at this facility. 惩教署向来对此处高度关注

God forbid(heaven forbid). a way of saying that you hope something does not happen: Heaven forbid (that) his parents should ever find out.

you got no clue. 你什么都不行

who sent you? 谁指使你的?

took days, so i'm kind of familiar with the layout. 花了些日子,所以我对这里的布局比较熟悉

hope you wear a mask. 希望你戴了面具psst. 嘶

you'd better pray that Sara gets out in one piece. 你最好祈祷Sara能完好无损地出来that's a restricted area. 那是禁区

i gotta be able to justify it to the bulls. 我得找个借口骗过狱警

i'm feeling kind of left out. 我感觉有什么事瞒着我

plus donations from the Correcttions Officers' Foundation... 加上惩教局基金会的捐款

that's the last thing on my mind right now. 我现在不关心这个

that photo call was tactics scare. 那个电话是恐吓的手段

if there's a precedent in there somewhere. 如果有先例

you're slow-walking me, aren't you? 你在敷衍我,对吗?

so, we're screwed either way, aren't we? 我们无论如何都是死路一条,对吗?

the guy's a boy scout. 他不领任何人的情

-you found your cat yet? -still MIA. 找到你的猫了吗?还没有

it's a moot point. 还没有决定

still tugging on that leash, eh? 还在打哪个主意啊?

why do i get the feeling there's a string attached to this? 为什么我感觉你有什么企图?

i've made it a point to keep my nose clean ever since i walked into this place. 当踏进这个地方的时候,我就不打算惹是生非

i can't jeopardise that. 我不能坏了那件事you ever think it's just time to let go? 你想过是时候放手了吗?

no offence. 我没有冒犯的意思

heard a bit of a ruckus at the Rixs' house. 听到Rix家在争吵

his jaw ain't that strong. 他的嘴巴不严police are treating him as a fugitive. 警察把他视为逃犯

i'm in a quandary and i need your help. 我现在有点麻烦,需要你的帮助

last few years of his life he barely left the property. 他人生的最后几年都没离开过这里he has the propensity to be a bit of gregarious when he shouldn't be. 他老是做不该做的事

you wouldn't be meddling in my affairs. 你不应该管我的事

for god say. 看在上帝的分上

your son is a prime suspect in a double homicide. 你儿子现在是double杀人犯的首要嫌疑人

what do you think this is, a siesta? 你认为你是来干什么的,午休?

work ethic. 职业道德

T-bag had his hooks in that kid. T-bag掌握了那孩子的生死

she'd roll over in her grave if she knew. 如果她知道的话,会在坟墓里辗转反侧的

but he sure does have spunk, doesn't he? 但他还是很有勇气,是吧?

it's looking deficient. 看起来不充足

don't move a damn muscle till i come get you. 在我找你们之前不要动

the same goes for you. 彼此彼此

your are yesterday's news. 你已经过气了you are a disgrace to your skin, you know what? 你在给你的肤色丢脸,知道吗?grandeur. 真伟大

bring it on. 放马过来

i think that word's been derogated in the media these days. 我认为这个词已经被当今的媒体毁了

he became very attuned to all the suffering around him. 他变得对周围的苦难有强烈的共鸣

what are you grinning about? 你在笑什么?you don't have the guts. 你没这个胆子

my bad. 我的错

but i call the shots. 但是我说了算

lamp it up in here again, i'll be fixing to break some shop. 你再敢在这里出现,我就让你吃不了兜着走and you're interfering with that. 你却在阻止

they clipped my wings. 他们折断了我的翅膀they want me to rot i n here. 他们想要我腐烂在这里

he's there at your disposal if you need him. 如果你需要他,他就为你效劳

talk soon. 再联系

something in her tone changed. 她的口气变了

all they're gonna give you is what's on chow for that day. 他们那天之会给你吃普通的东西

don't mess this up. 别搞砸了

birthday's aren't usually a sore subject. 生日通常不是什么痛苦的话题

i'm not a wave-making sort. 我不是那种惹是生非的那种人

everything that i'm saying is boiling down to this, you gotta hand the reins over to me now. 我所要说的可以归结为,你们现在得把控制权交给我

i went online, reverse-traced the number, and voila 我上网反复查这个号码,然后

quid pro quo. 交换物

looks like our friend got his throne back. 看来我们的朋友又恢复了地位all this clutter, it's overwhelming. 这里一团糟,真把我征服了

exhale. 呼气inhale. 吸气

this is not what i signed on for. 这不是我的目的

it vexes me that... 我真的很苦恼

it just doesn't seem equitable. 这有点不公平吧

i must've dozed off. 我一定是在打盹

in the meantime, i want you to chew on this. 同时我希望你认真考虑一下

put your cards on the table. 把话说明白点

i'm not a jealous woman, but i'm a careful one. 我不是个猜忌的女人,但是我是一个谨慎的女人

i've done the math. 我计算了一下he's gonna raise hell the next few years. 再过几年他就会闹得翻天覆地了

it smells a little like conspiracy. 我闻到了阴谋的气味

i've been growing leery of the way you all talk like i'm a lesser man.我越来越怀疑你们觉得我是个次要的人了

so i bought an insurance policy. 于是我就买了一份保险

odd men out. 多余的人会被踢出

maybe somewhere down the road. 或许在不久的将来

he's had it out for me since the day i got here. 自从我进来他就和我过不去

take your best shot. 尽管放马过来

it was unintentional. 我是无意的-what's his blood type.他什么血型-A neg. A型

you have massively underestimated me. 你太低估我了

it's in God's hands now. 现在得看造化了you've been the clean-up crew for me. 感觉好像你一直在为我做善后工作

came to your senses, did you? 你弄明白了吗?

tell you what, you and all your compa eros here aren't stepping outside this door. 告诉你,你和你们几个别想踏出这个门一步don't catch a sniffle. 不要着凉啊this isn't about the morality of the death penalty. 这不是关于死刑的道德争论

it all sounds pretty far-fetched. 听起来很牵强

this don't concern you boy. 不关你事,小子there's a lot of protocol in killing a man. 杀死一个人需要很多草案

you were supposed to bird-dog Scofield and get back to me. 你应该盯着Scofield,然后把消息反馈给我

we're square. 我们扯清了

save it. 省省吧

i know time is of essence. 我知道时间很宝贵

don't torture myself with the ideal of hope. 不要用希望来折磨我

may be the only decent thing i ever did for him. 这可能是我为他做的唯一像样的事吧just find leak and plug it. 去找出漏洞,补好它

those records haven't even been certified. 这些报告还没有被证实

oh, please. you're preposterous. 你少来,太荒谬了

all due respect. 恕我冒犯

that is a drastic measure. 那是个很极端的方法

contingency. 意外事件

your plan sucks, snowflake. 你的计划真滥,小白脸

my God, you cons are slower than a spelling bee full of stutterers.

close one. 很惊险

any more vomiting. 还想吐吗?

sure thing. 我该做的

we had to perform a procedure. 我们必须进行手术

my ass. 放屁!

dad and me were really into him.我和爸爸很喜欢他or are you just enjoying the view from your high horse? 或者是你喜欢居高临下的感觉?

i should call you a cab. 我应该帮你叫一辆计程车

a deal's a deal. 说话算话

everything's not how it looks. 事情并非都像表面那样

i need to know how far you're willing to go with this.我想知道你要把这件事追究到什么时候

it stands for familial obligation. 它代表家庭责任

nine times three. 3乘9

i was reborn. 我重生了

it brought that old dirty bastard right back home. 以前那个邪恶的混蛋又回来了at first, i assumed he was being assaulted by another inmate. 起初我认为他是被其他的犯人所伤

without them, we'll never be able to navigate those pipes beneath psych ward. 没有它们,我们绝不可能通过精神病区下的地下管道but that's the boundary line even i won't cross. 但那是我不可能跨越的底线

not with you hounding me. 你不要催我就行sorry i busted up the party. 抱歉我打断了聚会

you are a glorified bodyguard. 你是一个出色的保镖doesn't ring a bell. 毫无印象

do i look even vaguely familiar to you? 你对我一点印象都没有吗?

medication is mandatory. 服药是强制性的make it happen. 那就做吧

outliving your wife is bad enough. 老婆比我先走一步已经够糟糕的了

no man should have to endure that. 不应该有人忍受那种(痛苦)

are you insane. 你疯了?

it ain't gambling. 这不叫赌博

this is your buy-in. 这是你的本钱

she said, in unequivocal term, 她说得很明白you all can sign each other's yearbooks later. 你们以后再叙旧吧

Jesus. 天哪

lot of rumors going around. 谣言挺多

we had a few setbacks. 我们遇到了一些挫折

i'm gonna need a blade, pronto. 我需要一把刀子,急用

what if we're just burning time? 万一我们只是在浪费时间呢?

you address me formal like. 你应该叫我叫得正式些

they call every shot this country takes. 他们决定了这个国家的每一次行动

your polls are headed south. 你的人气有所下降

don't insult me. 不要侮辱我

truce. 休战

they knew it would flush me out. 他们知道这样能把我引出来

we had a cause. 我们有苦衷

their wars can be averted. 他们的战争可以被阻止

thought you'd go for a little stroll, did you? 想出来逛逛,是么?he's got no clue i was in an accident. 他还不知道我发生了意外

put it in your will. 写在你的遗嘱里

so now it's a conspiracy? 这是一个阴谋?and it's killing me to know that you'll never believe that. 知道你不相信这件事是一件令人痛苦的事

Was i not enunciating? 我说得不清楚吗?It’s not up for discussion. 已经没有商量的余地了

i don't mean because of your vocation. 我这么说不是因为你的职业

It’s not in our place to question his will. 我们没有权力质疑他的意愿

Let’s cut the noise. 安静点

So you got plenty of time to bake him a cake. 所以你有时间给他烤一个面包了

You are a coward. 你是一个懦夫

one moment, please. i have warden pope here for you. 请等一下,狱长有话和你说no cause for alarm. 没什么要紧的事

the changes, they say, depict the differant emotion of a woman. 他们说这种变化相当于女子各种不同的情绪copy that. 明白

he's getting an earful. 他正在挨骂呢

he can be a big old grump something. 他有时候会是一个脾气暴躁的人

said a prayer for you. 为你祈祷

can cloud judgment. 会影响判断

i need a very frank assessment from you, right now. 我现在要你非常坦诚地做一个评估but i am privy to things that you're not. 但是我是当事人而你不是

the money is buried under a silo. 钱埋在地窖里or did you just come here to twist the knife you stuck in my back? 还是说你来这里只是落井下石?

why am i finding that so tough to believe? 为什么我觉得那么难以置信呢?

the bottom line is... 根本原因是……simply put. 简单地说

of your own volition. 自愿地

behind the wheel. 开车

it's priority number one. 这是首要任务

sara had a thing for scofield. ……喜欢……have at it. (start doing sth)

make yourself small. 注意隐蔽


Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》 -Narrator: Legend tells of a legendary warrior... legend: 传奇legendary: 传奇的warrior: 武士 传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士, whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. 他的功夫出神入化。 He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. in search of: 寻找 foe: 敌人 他走遍天涯,独孤求败, -Demon: I see you like to chew. chew: 咀嚼,咬 你挺喜欢吃啊, Maybe you should chew on my fist! 有种就吃了我的拳头! -Narrator: The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full. 武士一言不发,因为正忙着吃, Then he swallowed. 然后一口吞下, And then he spoke. 开口道: “Enough talk. Let's fight! Shashabooey! Shashabooey!” “别废话,动手吧!沙哈波易!沙哈波易!”-Narrator: He was so deadly in fact 他的一招一式如此彪悍 that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness. exposure: 暴露pure: 完全的awesomeness: 敬畏 他的敌人目不暇接,只有瞠目结舌的份儿-Demon: My eyes! 我的眼睛! -Rabbit1: He's too awesome! awesome: 令人惊叹的 他太彪悍了! -Rabbit2: And attractive! 太有魅力了! -Rabbit1: How Can We repay you? 我们何以回报? -Warrior: There is no charge for awesomeness. awesomeness: 非凡的 伟大不求回报


Previously on Prison Break: ( 《越狱》前情提要 ) I didn't kill that man, Michael. ( 我没有杀他,迈克 ) If you didn't kill Terrence steadman... ( 如果你没有杀戴伦斯史泰门 ) ...how did someone make it look like you did? ( 怎么有人有办法可以栽赃给你? ) - I'm getting you out of here. - That's impossible. ( -我要救你出去 -不可能的 ) Not if you designed the place, it isn't. ( 如果监狱是你设计的就有可能 ) It better be open, bro. ( 门最好是开的 ) - You're asking me to break the law. - I ask you to make a mistake. ( -你这是要我犯法 -我只是要你犯个小错 ) Forget to lock up. ( 假装忘记锁门 ) We're in. ( 可以进去了 ) Who killed Terrence steadman? ( 是谁杀了戴伦斯史泰门? ) Nobody. Terrence steadman's still alive. ( 没有人戴伦斯史泰门还活着 ) Hello, Terrence. ( 你好,戴伦斯 ) Sound the alarm. ( 启动警报 ) Hey! Hey! ( 在这里 ) No! No! ( 不!不! ) - What do we do now? - We run. ( -现在怎么办? -我们要逃亡 ) The escapees, who were they? ( 这些逃犯是谁? ) Got a list right here. ( 我这里有名单 ) Read it to me, if you could. ( 麻烦念给我听 ) Michael scofield, structural engineer. ( 迈克斯科菲尔德,结构工程师 ) Five years for armed robbery, ( 持枪抢劫被判入狱五年 ) Benjamin Miles Franklin. ( 班哲明迈尔斯富兰克林 ) Former U, S, Army, Eight years for possession of stolen goods, ( 前陆军士兵持有赃物被判入狱八年 ) John Abruzzi. ( 约翰亚布兹 ) Don of the crime family of the same name, ( 家族犯罪组织的老大 ) Life without parole for conspiracy to commit murder. ( 教唆杀人被判无期徒刑,不得假释 ) Charles "Haywire" Patoshik, ( 查尔斯帕托西克,绰号疯仔 ) sixty years for second-degree murder. ( 二级杀人罪,入狱60年 ) Fernando sucre. ( 费南多苏克 ) Five years for aggravated robbery, ( 强盗罪入狱五年 ) David "Tweener" Apolskis. ( 大卫阿普斯基,外号中间人 ) Five years for grand larceny. ( 重大窃盗罪入狱五年 ) Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell. ( 泰迪包威,绰号茶包 ) Life for six counts of kidnapping, rape and first-degree murder. ( 绑架、强奸和一级杀人被判六次无期徒刑 ) And Lincoln Burrows. ( 还有林克柏劳 ) Scheduled to die next week for the murder of President Reynolds' brother, ( 预计下周处死他谋杀雷诺兹总统的弟弟 ) How long has it been since they got over the wall? ( 他们翻墙出去已经多久了? ) Eight o'clock last night, ( 昨晚八点逃出去的 )


罗密欧:朱丽叶,凭着这一轮皎洁的月亮,它的银光涂染着这些果树的梢端,我发誓—— Romeo: juliet, With this round of bringing a moon, it's silver cov er these fruit tree's top, i promiss 朱丽叶:啊!不要指着月亮起誓,它是变化无常的,每个月都有盈亏圆缺;你要是指着它起誓,也许你的爱情也会像它一样无常。 juliet: oh, dont swear with the moon, it change often, every mon th has it's own wax and wane; if you swear with it, your love wil l be like it perhaps? 罗密欧:那么我指着什么起誓呢? Remeo: then what should i swear with?? 朱丽叶:不用起誓吧;或者要是你愿意的话,就凭着你优美的自身起誓,那是我所崇拜的偶像,我一定会相信你的。 Juliet: no need to sear; or if u wish, then swear with your own g raceful, that's the idol i adore, i will believe in you for sure. 罗密欧:要是我的出自深心的爱情—— Romeo: i swear from the bottom of my heart 朱丽叶:哦,好了,别起誓啦。我虽然喜欢你,却不喜欢今天晚上的密约;它太仓卒太轻率、太出人意外了,正像一闪电光,等不及人家开一声口,已经消隐了下去。好人,再会吧!这一朵爱的蓓蕾,靠着夏天的暖风的吹拂,也许会在我们下次相见的时候,开出鲜艳的花来。晚安,晚安!但愿恬静的安息同样降临到你我两人的心头! Juliet: oh, forget it, don't swear, althought i love you, but didn't like tonight's date; its too rush and surprised, it's like a bolt of li ghtning, cant even wait before i say something, its already gone. goodbye love! this is a love's bud, with the warm wind blow of summer, perhaps next time when we meet, it will bloom a colour


越狱前情提要 previously on prison break - 那人不是我杀的 Michael - 有证据的 - I didn't kill that man,Michael. - The evidence says you did. 我是被陷害的 I was set up. 放下武器! Put down your weapon! 我必须依法对你判刑 I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell. 我在找人 他叫Lincoln Burrows I'm looking for someone, guy named Lincoln Burrows. 杀总统兄弟的那个人 Man killed the Vice President's brother. 你为什么那么急着见Burrows? Why you want to see Burrows so bad,anyhow? 因为他是我弟弟 'Cause he's my brother. - 我要把你带出去 - 不可能 - I'm getting you out of here. - It's impossible. 除非这地方是自己设计的 Not if you designed the place,it isn't. - 你见过蓝图了 - 不止如此 - You've seen the blueprints. - Better than that. 在我身上 I've got them on me. 有个律师在多管闲事 There's a lawyer poking around. Donovan小姐 Miss donovan. 我无意吓唬你


《一起又看流星雨》经典台词 1不经历彩虹怎能见风雨 2她就好比是一只苍蝇,她天天围着你转啊转啊转啊转,她不咬你,她烦你! 3(对楚雨荨)长寿是福啊!乌龟十三妹。 4当你面对楚雨荨的时候,道歉是这个世界上最难办的事。 5第一,你的愤怒写在脸上;第 二,喂只是一个称呼的形式而已;第三,这种无聊的游戏都会让你愤怒,以上三点充分的证明你就是个脑残 。 6你懂什么?这叫不走寻常路! 7别总拿钱来说事!我还真讨厌你们这些草根阶级无聊的自尊心,有钱长得帅是我的错吗?8楚雨荨:“如果我喜欢你只有你喜欢我的十分之一,这样的话,你介意吗?” 慕容云海:“如果你喜欢我只有我喜欢你的十分之一,那我就把剩下的十分之九补足

(大喊)如果你喜欢我只有我喜欢你的一百分之一的话,我会把剩下的百分之九十九都补足给你!” .9慕容云朵(对慕容云海):“你什么时候买了两个手机呀?”慕容云海:“当买了第二个的时候。”慕容云朵:“废话!” 10慕容云海(对楚雨荨深情地说道):“你是那么地美丽,又那么地温柔,每次看到你,我都感到生活又充满了希望,你又隐藏着那么多的秘密,有时也会暴躁,但我知道,在你心里,是深深的宁静,我——爱——你。” 楚雨荨(心虚的问):“你念这个干嘛啊?” 慕容云海:“这是我写的作文啊!名字叫——致大海!” 11慕容云海(对端木磊):“你就那么爱抢朋友的女朋友吗?上官有那么多女朋友,够你抢个十年八年的!” 12我慕容云海,对着大地,对着天空,对着云,对着风,对着鲜花彩虹发誓,我一辈子只爱楚雨荨一个人,我会让她快快乐乐地过一辈子,直到老去,死去。” 13你看你的黑眼圈,怎么跟团团圆圆似的! 14教云海学习)端木磊:“其实学习有时候不是靠死记硬背的,你看就像这道题…亚洲金融危机首先在哪个国家爆发??答案是泰国。泰国、金融危机,你能联想到什么?”上官瑞谦:“泰国?”叶烁:“机?”慕容云海:“吹风机啊,打火机?……拖拉机?”上官瑞谦:“泰泰泰泰……泰式马杀鸡!”


电影非诚勿扰1语录 非诚勿扰〉电影经典语录 (1)葛优征婚启事篇: 你要想找一帅哥就别来了,你要想找一钱包就别见了。硕士学历以上的免谈,女企业家免谈(小商小贩除外),省得咱们互相都会失望。刘德华和阿汤哥那种才貌双全的郎君是不会来征你的婚的,当然我也没做诺丁山的梦。 您要真是一仙女我也接不住,没期待您长得跟画报封面一样看一眼就魂飞魄散。外表时尚,内心保守,身心都健康的一般人就行。要是多少还有点婉约那就更靠谱了。我喜欢会叠衣服的女人,每次洗完烫平叠得都像刚从商店里买回来的一样。 说得够具体了吧。自我介绍一下,我岁数已经不小了,留学生身份出去的,在国外生活过十几年,没正经上过学,蹉跎中练就一身生存技能,现在学无所成海外归来,实话实说,应该定性为一只没有公司、没有股票、没有学位的“三无伪海龟”。性格OPEN,人品五五开,不算老实,但天生胆小,杀人不犯法我也下不去手,总体而言属于对人群对社会有益无害的一类。 有意者电联,非诚勿扰。 (2) 范伟:你看看咱们说中文呢,还是说英文呢? 葛优:您定,哪个顺口您说哪个。 范伟:那还是说母语吧。Ni ce to Meet You… (3) 秦奋:真够巧的,十几年没见,在这儿碰上了. 冯远征:什么巧啊?我约的你. 秦奋:你约的我? 冯远征:艾茉莉!茉莉!跟这餐厅一个名儿.想给你一惊喜. 秦奋:你这不是给我捣乱吗?我登的是征婚广告. 冯远征:想见见你,你的广告上又没说男人免谈. 秦奋:那不是废话吗?我还能找一男的?我又不是同性恋.(过会)你是……

冯远征:我是. 秦奋:可是我不是. 冯远征:你怎么知道你不是?我以前也以为我不是,后来才知道,是不敢面对,没有勇气. 秦奋:你先走了一步,我还没到那种境界呢 秦奋:我也检讨自己为什么那么庸俗,心里那么大地儿,怎么就装不下一男的! (4) 葛优:要倒插门?你们家怎么走啊? 罗海琼(苗族姑娘):先坐飞机到昆明,再坐一天的长途车到蒙自,再坐汽车到屏边, 再坐一天的拖拉机,一天的牛车就到我们家了。 葛优:要是咱们俩不好,能离婚吗? 罗海琼:我哥哥会打断你的腿的。 (5) 葛优:你不愿意找一个身体棒的?非找个软柿子捏。 车晓:软柿子才好吃呢。 葛优:病秧子似的,岁数又大,你就不担心婚姻的质量?你这个年龄,我直说啊,正 是如狼似虎的年龄段埃 车晓:您觉得爱情的基础就是性吗? 葛优:不完全是,但要是没有肯定不能叫爱情,顶多叫交情。 车晓:没有怎么了?照样能白头到老。当然也不是说完全不能有,只是不要太频繁。 葛优:那你觉得多长时间亲热一回算不频繁呢? 车晓:这是我的理想,埃 葛优:恩,你说。(车晓比手指)一个月一次? 车晓:一年一次。 (6) 葛优:孤儿我是可以接受的,父母双全就是另一回事儿了。宝马车头上插一奔驰的标,恐怕不太合适吧?


41、《彗星美人》 "Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night." “紧上安全带,今晚将会非常颠簸。” 42.《地狱的天使》 Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable? 如果我变得温柔,你会吃惊吗? 43、《越狱》 You're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here and I'm never going to see it again. 别告诉我——就这样走出去而我却再也看不到它了。 【可以说主人翁的纹身在影片中有着重要的意义,也许是世界上最美的,最有价值的纹身了,它是迈克尔逃出监狱的法宝!】 44、《绝望主妇》 I have dug myself up from dirt to afford these things, and no one is going to take them away from me! 我出身贫寒,努力工作才能买得起这些东西,没人能从我这里把这些夺走! 45、《向左走,向右走》

They're both convinced that a sudden passion joined them. Such certainty is beautiful, but uncertainty is more beautiful still. 他们彼此深信 是瞬间迸发的热情让他们相遇。 这样的确定是美丽的, 但变幻无常更为美。 46、《偷天陷阱》 Believe me, I was prepared for everything, except you 相信我,一切就绪,只差你! 47、《这个杀手不太冷》 No women, No kids. 不杀女人和孩子。 【体现专业杀手的敬业原则】


热门美国剧集《越狱》经典台词 You're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here and I'm never going to see it again.别告诉我一就这样走出去而我却再也看不到它了。(纹身店的老板对Michael的纹身赞不绝口) There's good chance of that ,yes极有可能,没错。 Sir, you have a half a million dollars cash in your bag.Don't you think it would be better...?先生,你的包里已经有50万刀了,你不觉得...(赶紧闪)比较好么?(比较搞笑,连银行职员都开始帮坏人出主意了) This is the police ,you are completely surrounded。put down your weapon,put down your weapon now!我们是警察,你已经被完全包围了。马上放下武器(个人觉得ms在这里把枪往地上一丢的那个动作很帅。。。) Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest我们很少见到在持枪抢劫案中主动要求不用辩护的。 Perhaps you should heed your representation's advice. take some additional time to consider your response.也许你应该听你代理人的意见,再花店时间考虑一下你的答复。We've been over this 我们不会再谈论这个了 I've known you my entire life我认识你这么多年you don't have a violent bone in your body你的骨子里根本就没有暴力。 I would ask counsel to refrain from interrupting me 请辩护律师不要打断我。Sentence to be carried out immediately.判决立即执行。(ms“顺利入狱”) All wings,guard coming out. 警卫各就各位。 I'm telling you ,the guard are the dirtiest thing in the whole place.The only difference between us and them is the badge.告诉你吧,警卫是这里最肮脏的团伙,我们跟他们的唯一区别就是有没有徽章。(里面有些警卫的确不是甚么好鸟) I'm looking for someone,guy named Lincon Burrows.我在找一个叫Lincon Burrows 的人。Why you wanna see Burrows so bad anyhow?为什么你这么想见这个叫Burrows的人?Because he's my brother.因为他是我哥哥。 But how did they get it wrong then?The courts, the appeals...但是他们怎么会弄错呢?法院,还有上诉...(Lincoln对Michael发誓说没有杀人,Michael含泪问他哥哥。谁知道这后面有多大的一个阴谋) Don't know. All I keep thinking, looking back on it ,uh...I was set up.不知道,每当我回想事情的经过,嗯...我是被陷害的 I'm proposing to my girl, if you gotta know.告诉你我在向我女朋友求婚,如果你想知道的话 In a letter? 用信? You got a better way?你还有更好的方法么? Face-to-face works pretty good.面对面的话成功率很高哦。(Scure绝对是个痴情男)Abruzzi,I need you to hire me a PI. 阿布,我要你雇用我进PI。 Beat it(?不清楚具体是什么意思,望高手指点。汗,这是老大出场的第一句台词) You got nothing I need.你那没我想要的东西。 Wouldn't be too sure of that.别太肯定了。(这时候MS拿出一个纸鹤给阿布) My mistake. Just what I need ... A duck? 我的错,我要的是……一只鸭子? Tattoo looks fresh. 纹身刚纹了没多久吧。(美女医生出场,ps:原来fresh还可以这么用)


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1.What you need to change your situation is just a gun and a friend. (想改变你的情况,你只需要一把枪和一个朋友) 生生死死,输输赢赢,很多时候的转折点就是一把枪。拿枪指着别人,你赢了。如果别人已经拿枪指着你,你没有输,你只是需要一个朋友从他背后开一枪。 2.Never give up (从不放弃) 多少次失败都好,只要还活着,就不要放弃。 3.Both (都要) 不是每一次都要做出艰难的舍弃,我们可以选择谁也不放弃。 4.Run (跑) 当计划用完,机会用尽,那么,跑吧。总比原地等死要好。 5.All of these will over (一切都会过的) 都会过的。所有所有。哪怕你认为再无可挽回的事,就连死亡也可以是假的。 6.C'est La Vie (法语这就是生活) 听梁静茹的这首歌喜欢上了这句话。后来从将军口中听到2次。将军说的是对的,这就是生活。游戏中的生活,淡定看待吧。如果坎坷,那证明我们是这样的不平凡。 7.You and me,is real (你和我,是真的) MS的爱情让我懂得珍惜我身边的人,别人的生死聚散,别人的谎言,随他吧。我们,

是真的,就够了。 8.Trust me (相信我) Michael告诉我,连妈妈都不可以信的时候,我依然要相信这世界。否则这世界对我们来讲会太黑暗。 9.I work for myself (我为我自己工作) 猫女说的。只有为自己工作我们才不后悔。为将军卖命的人,又有谁有好下场。为自己活着,为信仰奋斗 10.Be the change you want to see in the world. 欲变世界,先变其身。 越狱语录 Be the change you want to see in the world.---欲变世界,先变自身。 No.0 I'm getting you out of here. 我要带你离开这. (越狱中最重要的一句话.) No. 1 Michael: You and me,It's real. 我和你,是真的 No. 2 Michael/Lincoln: Just have a little faith.


越狱经典语录 Be the change you want to see in the world. ---欲变世界,先变自身。 No.1 I'm getting you out of here. 我要带你离开这. (越狱中最重要的一句话.) No. 2 Michael/Lincoln: Just have a little faith. 活得有信念点! No. 3 Abruzzi: I kneel only to God. Don't see him here. 我只向上帝下跪。他可不在这! No. 4 Abruzzi: Take my hand so we can put all this behind us. 握手言和,把以前的一切一笔勾销吧。 Does not a warm hand feel better than a cold shark? 温暖的手不比冷酷的人好得多吗? No. 5 Veronica: Michael, you are where you are because of your brother. Michael: You are telling me he's where he is because of me. -Michael, 你能有今天都是因为你哥哥。 -也就是说,他有今天也是因为我。 No. 6 T-bag: You think you are the only one who feels betrayed? I…loved you, Susan. Real love. For the first time in my life... And then…and then what you do to me like that just throw me back into the dark and toss me out of the back door...I have sins in the past. But when I met you, the person, that one who did all the terrible things, he died. And I was reborn. By the grace of your love I was a new man, a better man. When you sent me here to this place with these people, you bring that dirty bastard right home. 你认为只有你觉得被人背叛了吗?我。。。曾经爱过你,Susan. 我生命中的第一次真爱。而你。。而你所做的,却是把我扫地出门,重新赶回黑暗之中。我过去是有过罪恶,但当我遇见你的那一刻,那个做尽坏事的人就已经死了,而我则获得了重生。在你爱情的光辉中,我成了一个新的人,一个更好的人。当你把我

《越狱》观后感 英文版

Impressions of watching After entering university, I gradually begin to enjoy the American TV series to improve my English learning skills. is one of my favorite TV plays , and it left me a very deep impression. is like a movie of TV series. It tells us that the young engineer Michael helped his brother Lincoln who was sentenced to prison to escape, and later, they revealed a huge political conspiracy. Michael graduated from a famous university .He should have a high salary and bright future, but all this was at an end as a result of helping his brother to break from prison。So Michael planned and carried out a bank robbery deliberately, and then he was sentenced to prison go without saying, began his trip to save brother. “I just wa nt to make you out ”, so a earthshaking action started. As the thrilling plan started, Bagwell, Abruzzi, Franklin, Sucre, more and more prisoners joined his escaping-team passively. Just for loving and missing their familiers,they struggled at first , and then made a coopration with Michael to a common goal. Because Michael said: "we don’t have to give away every choice , we can make a chosion. In order to share the world, we shoud go to change it!" So they dissolved so many difficult problems and crisis through the High Intelligent of Michael. Unfortunately, a beautiful the governor’ daughter ,Sara, was involved in design of the story。Finally Sara failed to win over this designed love and assisted them to seek freedom .So when Sara was directed for a puzzling death , my heart was full of sorrow because she is just a kind and innocent girl. Brother's Family Love , friends and strangers’ friendship, valentine's love behave incisively and vividly in the play .Michael paid so much, but the result didn’t behaved so good. In any case ,I believe that Michael has been living in the heart of the prison break’s fans and this play should be a insurmountable classic. Faith, love, courage, and self-confidence always resound in my mind!


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Season one 1 You don’t have a violent bone in your body. 我知道你天性善良 Keep the line moving. 下一个继续 Never really thought about it. 从来没想过 ---We got two commandments and two only. 我们这只有两诫 ---The first commandment is you got nothing coming. 第一诫是你在这就是暗无天日 ---What’s the second commandment? 那第二诫呢? ---See commandment number one. 参考第一诫 New fish! 新来的 ---P.I.What's that? P.I.是什么? ---Prison Industry. 监狱工厂 ---I didn't kill that man, Michael. 我没杀那个人 ---The evidence says you did. 可证据表明是你杀了 ---What's another word for “love”? “爱”的近义词是什么? ---What's the context? 什么语境? Come find me when you're ready to talk. 想好了就找我谈谈 I believe in being part of the solution, not the problem. 我愿意做解决问题的途径之一而不是问题本身 ---Like all you did was turning the wrong way up a one-way street. 就像在单行道上开错方向 ---Everyone turns up one sooner or later. 人人迟早都会发生点意外 I’ll take my chances. 我倒愿意试试 Past tense for you, maybe. 你的爱是过去时 ---You have a habit of answering a question with a question. 你很喜欢拿问题去回答别人的问题 ---And you have a way of asking questions that beg more questions. 你也很喜欢问那种越追究问题越多的问题 ---In a month’s time, I’ll be dead. 一个月后我就死了 ---You’re already dead to me. 在我心中你早就死了 Men and women can’t be friends. 男人和女人不可能成为朋友 Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. 要和朋友靠在一起而与敌人要靠的更近 2 Everybody chooses sides. 每个人都要选定立场 You best speak with respect. 你说话最好客气点 You're just as pretty as advertised. 你和传言中一样帅气 I promise you that-- when the time is right. 我向你保证-- 在恰当的时机Positive. 确定 You’ve told me a thousand 你已经告诉我上千次... 3
