英语四级 汉译英常用分类词汇——中国文化

英语四级 汉译英常用分类词汇——中国文化
英语四级 汉译英常用分类词汇——中国文化


概述general terms




公民道德建设实施纲要The Program for Improving Civic Morality

弘扬主旋律,提倡多样化highlight the central theme of the times while

encouraging diversity

全民健身运动nationwide fitness campaign

社会公德,职业道德和家庭美德教育education in social and professional ethics and

family virtues

为人民服务serving the people

深入群众,深入生活go deep among the masses and into the thick of life

奉献无愧于时代的作品contribute to the people works worthy of the times


The Chinese civilization is extensive and profound, and has a long history.

重要文化遗产major cultural heritage

优秀民间艺术outstanding folk arts

自立于世界民族之林stand proudly in the family of nations



the three Chinese traditional festivals—Dragon-Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Spring Festival

1. 春节Spring Festival/ Chinese New Year

大扫除 year-end household cleaning

扎花灯焰火make ornamental lanterns and fireworks

烧纸钱burn paper coins/ burn paper money

烧香burn incenses in a censer

除夕New Year?s Eve

春联Spring Festival couplets (conveying best wishes for the year)


年夜饭family reunion dinner on Lunar New Year?s Eve

压岁钱 New-Year Money/

money given to children as a Lunar New Year gift


鞭炮 a string of small firecrackers

辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new ; ring out the old year and ring in the new

饺子dumplings (with meat and vegetable stuffing)

拜年paying a New Year call

贺年片 New Year film

恭喜发财 May you be prosperous! / Wish you all the best!

2. 元宵节 Lantern Festival

元宵sweet rice-flour dumplings (eaten on the Lantern Festival)

庙会temple fair

观灯viewing the lanterns

灯谜lantern riddles

龙灯舞 dragon lantern dance

狮子舞lion dance

秧歌舞yangge dance

植树节 Tree-planting Day

3. 清明节Tomb-sweeping Festival/ Tomb-sweeping Day/ Ch’ing Ming Festival 扫墓 paying respect to the dead

《清明上河图》 A Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival

4. 端午节 Dragon Boat Festiva l Duanwu Festival

赛龙舟dragon-boat race

粽子zongji/ glutinous rice wrapped in a pyramid shape dumpling in reed leaves

5. 七夕节Double-seventh Festival

6. 中秋节Mid-autumn Festival

赏月enjoying the full moon

月饼moon cake

团圆be united

7. 重阳节 Double-ninth Festival

登高hill climbing

饮酒wine drinking

赏菊enjoying chrysanthemum

吃糕eating cakes (糕与“高”谐音)

国庆节National Day

8. 冬至the winter solstice 冬至饭winter solstice dinner

9. 立春the Beginning of Spring/ early spring

10. 秋老虎autumn tiger

11. 芒种节Festival of Grain in Ear

12. 春分Rain Begins

13. 白露White Dew

14. 霜降Frost Falls

15. 小雪Slight Snow


Kite-flying is just for fun, that?s why we call it …sending off bad luck?”.

办消寒会:hold a cold-dispelling party

二、饮食文化food/cuisine culture

烹饪culinary arts

美食节gourmet festival

中餐烹饪 Chinese cuisine

色,香,味俱全 perfect combination of color, aroma, taste and appearance

八大菜系eight schools of cuisine


four major Chinese cuisines: Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Canton cuisine and Yangzhou cuisine

南淡北咸,东甜西辣 the light southern cuisine, and the salty northern cuisine; the

sweet eastern cuisine, and the spicy western cuisine

八宝菜eight-treasure pickles (assorted walnut meats, asparagus, lettuce, almonds, cucumber and peanuts, etc. pickled in soy sauce)

八宝饭 eight-treasure rice pudding (glutinous rice steamed with preserved fruits, sweetened bean paste, lotus seeds, longan, etc.)

白斩鸡 tender boiled chicken (made by boiling a whole chicken in water and cutting into cubes, then dipping into seasonings)

臭豆腐 strong-smelling preserved bean curb

粉蒸肉 pork steamed with rice flour

狗不理包子Goubuli steamed buns

油条deep-fried dough sticks

风味小吃 local delicacy

腐竹rolls of dried bean milk cream

冷盘hors d?oeuvres

萨其马 Manchu candied fritter cut in squares

刀切,火候Cutting and Slicing Techniques , Heat Control

切片slicing 切条 cutting to strips

切丝shredding 切柳 filleting

切丁dicing 切碎 mincing


大/旺/武火 strong heat

中火medium heat

小/微/文火 gentle heat

烹饪方法cooking techniques

煎pan-frying 炒 stir-frying

爆quick-frying 炸 deep-frying

烩stewing 熏 smoking

煨simmering 煮 boiling

烘baking 烤 roasting


红烧 braising (with soy sauce)

涮羊肉 hot-pot mutton dip-boiled mutton slices

羊肉串小摊 mutton barbecue stall

三、茶文化tea culture

禅宗Zen Buddhism 日本茶道Japanese tea ceremony

茶馆tea-house 看茶/献茶serve tea 沏茶brew tea 一碗茶a bowl of tea 一杯茶a cup of tea

茶具tea set 茶锅kettle 茶盘tea-tray 宜兴紫砂壶boccaro teapot

绿茶green tea

红茶red tea

乌龙茶oolong tea

黑茶dark tea


黄山毛峰Huangshan Maofeng

六安瓜片Liu?an Guapian

安徽祁门红茶Qimen Black Tea of Anhui

云南滇红茶Dian Black Tea of Yunnan

云南普洱茶Pu?er Tea of Yunnan

菊花茶chrysanthemum tea

茉莉花茶jasmine tea

浓浓的姜茶strong ginger tea

龙井茶Longjing tea

女儿茶neur tea

蜜饯茶sweetened tea

贡茶choice tea

四、酒文化wine culture

杜康酒the Dukang Liquor

绍兴酒Shaoxing wine

烧酒hot spirits

橘酒orange wine

冷酒cold wine 暖酒warm wine

发压岁钱distribution of New-Year money

合欢宴family reunion feast

屠苏酒New-Year Wine

合欢汤happy-reunion soup

吉祥果lucky fruits

如意糕wish-fullfilment cakes

行酒令play a drinking game 划拳play a finger-guessing game

射覆play conundrums(谜)

摆酒接风arrange a feast of welcome/ prepare a feast for sb.?s home-coming

水酒掸尘prepare some watery wine by way of welcome

治酒饯行prepare a farewell feast

举酒送行offer sb. wine to see sb. off

奠酒pour a libation

五、服饰文化culture of costumes and ornaments

女子传统服装traditional clothes for women(ladies)

旗袍cheong-sam唐装Chinese-style costumes 立领 a stand-up collar


紫色绣花绵裙pink embroidered silk skirt

髻/冕tiara 珠宝髻tiara (set) with jewels and pears

垂饰pendant 耳环ear pendants/ear rings

饰物habiliments 碧玉红带red belt with green jade

簪/钗pin赤金匾簪 a flat gold pin



戒指finger ring订婚戒指engagement ring 结婚戒指wedding ring

黄袍golden robe 蟒袍serpent-embroidered robe

长袍long gown 马褂mandarin jacket

盘领round necks 窄袖narrow sleeves 坎肩short tunic


The feature of Chinese clothing varies with areas and nationalities.


头饰head wears

缠头decorate brocade round the head

绣花帽a cap with embroider

披风manteau 裤子trousers

红地毯red rug

高跟鞋high-heel shoes

绣花拖鞋embroidered slippers 靴子boots


Baoyu is wearing a red tunic and a white silk skirt.


A few maids are powdered and rouged with flowers or willow shoots in their air.

六、艺术美学arts and aesthetics

1. 戏曲文化culture of theatrical performance

戏剧表演theatrical performances

京剧脸谱Peking Opera mask

生male characters

旦female characters

净“painted face” character(role)

末middle-aged male characters


红脸red face

黑脸black face

白脸white face

京剧票友amateur performer of Peking Opera

昆曲Kunqu opera

绍兴戏Shaohsing opera

川剧Sichuan Opera

《白色记》The White Serpent

《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West


单口相声monologue comic talk

双口相声witty dialogue

木偶戏shadow play puppets

独角戏monodrama; one-man play

皮影戏shadow play; shadow puppertry

折子戏opera highlights


哑剧dumb show; mime; mummery; pantomime 口技vocal imitations; ventriloquism

说书monologue story-telling

杂技acrobatic performance

马戏circus performances

叠罗汉making a human pyramid


睬高跷stilt walk

2. 艺术及工艺arts and crafts

国画Chinese painting

漆画lacquer painting

版画engraving painting/woodcut painting

水彩画watercolor painting

水墨画 Chinese brush drawing; ink and wash painting

木刻画 wood engraving painting

贝雕画 shell carving picture

卖秸画 straw patchwork


泥塑clay sculpture

彩塑painted sculpture


千手观音Guanyin with 1000 Hands

大足石刻Dazu Stone Sculpture

兵马俑the Terracotta Army

陶俑terracotta warriors

云冈石窟the Yungang Grottoes

莫高窟the Mogao Grottoes

龙门石窟the Longmen Grottoes





双面绣two-sided embroidery

木/石/竹刻 wood/stone/bamboo carving

漆器lacquer ware

宫灯palace lantern

皮影shadow puppet


彩塑painted sculpture

陶器pottery; earthenware

宜兴陶 Yixing pottery

瓷器porcelain; china

景德镇瓷 Jingdezhen porcelain

景泰蓝 Cloisonné/ Jingtai blue

唐三彩Tang tri-colored pottery

泥人clay figurinr

面人dough figurine

檀香扇sandalwood fan


拓碑making rubbings from inscriptions, pictures, etc. on stone tablets 拓片rubbing

微雕miniature engraving

象牙雕刻 ivory carving

篆刻seal cutting

方块象形文字the square-shaped pictographic character

毛笔the writing brush

3. 音乐music

中国风Chinese vogue

编钟chime bells






竖箜篌vertical konghou

五弦five-stringed instrument

羌笛qiang flute

七、智慧典籍wisdom and classics

1. 神话人物mythological figures

八仙the Eight Immortals

嫦娥Ch ang?e ( the Chinese moon goddess)

伏羲Fu Xi (God of Fishery and Husbandry)

福禄寿三星the three gods of fortune , prosperity and longevity 共工God of Water

后羿Houyi (a legendary hero who shot down nine suns ) 黄帝Yellow Emperor

夸父Kuafu (a fabled sun-chasing giant)

女Goddess of Sky-patching

盘古Pan Gu (creator of the universe)

神农Patron of Agriculture

禹Yu (the reputed founder of the Xia Dynasty)

祝融God of Fire

2. 古代典籍famous ancient books

《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals

《史记》Historical Records

《诗经》The Book of Songs / Shijing

《书经》The Book of History

《易经》The Book of Changes / Yijing

《礼记》The Book of Rites

《周礼》The Book of Rites / Zhouli

《孙子兵法》Sunzi’s Art of War/ Sunzi Bingfa

《孙膑兵法》Sunbin’s Art of War/ Sunbin Bingfa

四书The Four Books

《大学》The Great Learning

《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean / Zhongyong

《论语》The Analects of Confucius / Lunyu

《孟子》The Mencius

《山海经》The Classic of Mountains and Rivers

《道德经》Classics of the Way and Virtue / Dao De Jing


《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica

《资治通鉴》History Retold as a Mirror for Rulers

《西厢记》The Romance of West Chamber

《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins

《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West

《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《聊斋志异》Strange Tales from Make-do Studio/ Liaozhai Zhiyi

3. 其他

庄子Zhuangzi 无为non-action

墨子Mozi 不争non-contention

春秋时期the Spring and Autumn Period

鲁国the State of Lu

战国时代the Warring States Period


大唐the Great Tang

丝绸之路the Silk Road

西域the Western Regions



郑和下西洋Zheng He?s V oyages to the Western Seas

六艺:礼,乐,射,御,书,数six classical arts: rites, music, archery, riding, writing,


朦胧诗misty poetry

三字经three-character scripture

武侠小说tales of roving knights; martial arts novel; a kung fu


言情小说romantic fiction; sentimental novel

八股文eight-part essay; stereotyped writing

五言绝句five-character quatrain

七言律诗seven-character octave


1. 佛教Buddhism

释迦牟尼 Sakyamuni

佛寺Buddhist temple

大雄宝殿the Great Buddha?s Hall

藏经楼depositary of Buddhist texts


素菜馆vegetarian restaurant

罗汉堂arhat hall

观音Guanyin; Goddess of Mercy; Avalokitesvara

地藏God of Earth

四大金刚 Four Heavenly Guardians (at the entrance to a Buddhism temple);Four Devarajas

四大天王 Four Heavenly Kings


藏传佛教 Lamaism

《大藏经》 Tripitaka

转世灵童 reincarnated soul boy


2. 道教 Taoism

道观Taoist temple

道士Taoist priest

关帝庙temple of Lord Guan

3. 儒教 Confucianism

孔子庙Confucian temple


义,礼,智,信,忠,恕,孝,悌rightness, propriety, wisdom, trustworthiness,

loyalty, reciprocity, filial piety, brotherly love 学儿优则仕 A good scholar can become an official/ He who excels in study can follow an official career.

禅宗Zen Buddhism


There belief is passed on outside the religion

There is no reliance on written scripts

It go es straight into people?s minds.

One becomes a Buddha the moment

He sees his own Buddha nature.

4. 伊斯兰教 Islam


古兰经the Koran

5. 耶稣教 Christianity

耶稣基督 Jesus Christ


6. 天主教 Catholicism

天主教堂 Catholic church


祖婆婆great-grandmother 太婆婆grandmother

祖爷爷great-grandfather 太爷爷grandfather

父亲father 母亲mother

儿女son and daughter

媳妇daughter-in-law 女婿son-in-law

孙子grandson 孙女grand-daughter

姑表孙女grand-nieces on the paternal sides(父亲那边的)

姨表孙女grand-nieces on the maternal sides(母亲那边的)

侄子cousin 亲戚relatives

远亲distant relatives 近亲close relatives

请安convey one?s respects to sb./ pay one?s respects to sb.

族长the head of the clan

宗祠the Ancestral Temple

家塾family school/ study hall 私塾private school

祖坟ancestral graveyard

无嗣remain heirless 领养的儿子adopted son 十、婚姻习俗(嫁娶有媒买卖有保)


把女儿嫁给他marry one?s daughter to him

与她结婚be married to her

未婚be unmarried/ be single

做媒arrange a match for/ make a match for


天生一对make a perfect match

婚姻六礼:six procedures of marriage


纳彩employ a matchmaker to send the wedding gifts to her family

问名ask her birth-date /ask her horoscope

纳吉divine(compare) the horoscopes of the betrothed couple

纳征offer betrothal gifts to the bride?s family

请期fix a date for the wedding

亲迎go and fetch the bride

聘礼betrothal gifts 嫁妆dowry

八人轿sedan-chair with eight bearers 花轿bridal sedan

吉时the auspicious hour 吉日the lucky day

新房/洞房bridal chamber

拜天地worship heaven and earth bow to heaven and earth

拜高堂worship the ancestors 拜父母bow to parents

夫妻对拜worship each other bow to each other

拜堂bow to each other

圆房consummate one?s marriage/ round off one?s marriage

坐床撒帐sit down on the bed and let down the curtains

点两只红烛light or burn two red candles

属相生日不对。The horoscopes don?t match.

摆酒请客invite guests to a feast

明堂正道地纳妾make her his concubine in proper style


棺材bier/ coffin

去了breathe one?s last

告丧announce the funeral

哭丧mourn/ kowtow and lament 哭号wail bitterly 铭旌funeral banner

上香添油burn incense and keep the lamps filled with oil

挂幔守灵hang up curtains and watch by the coffin

供饭供茶offer sacrificial rice and tea

随起举哀mourn with mourners

长生牌memorial tablet

守三年的孝observe three years? mourning

守孝be in mourning for

报丁忧report one?s father?s death/ report one?s mother?s death 十二、官职文化culture of official ranks



宰相prime minister

尚书high officials

兵部尚书Minister of War

吏部侍郎Vice-Minister of Civil Affairs

御史the rank of censor

学道commissioner of education

州县官district magistrate


贵人your Noble Highness





监生State Scholar

进士 a Palace Graduate/ Metropolitan Scholar 翰林academician




centr-center 中心 central a.中心的,中央的,中枢的;主要的(centr+al形容词后缀) ★centralization n.集中化(central中心的+ization→集中化) ★concentrate v.(on)集中,专心;浓缩n.浓缩物(con共同+centr+ate动词后缀→集中) concentration n.专心,专注;集中,集结;浓度(concentrate+ion名词后缀→集中) eccentric a.古怪的,怪癖的,异乎寻常的n.古怪的人(ec偏离+centr+ic形容词后缀→偏离中心的→古怪的) cern, cert, cret,crep-sure, separate搞清,区别 discern v.认出,发现;辨别,识别(dis分开+cern→分开搞清→区别) concern v.涉及,关系到v.&n.关心n.(利害)关系(con共同+cern→共同区别→关心) concerning prep.关于,论及 certain a.某,某一,某些;(of)一定的,确信的,可靠的(cert+ain形容词后缀→搞清楚的→肯定的) certainly

ad.一定,必定,无疑;当然,行 ascertain vt.确定,查明,弄清(as表强调+certain→确定) concert n.音乐会,演奏会;一齐,一致(con共同+cert→共同弄清楚→一致) certify vt.证明,证实;发证书(或执照)给(cert+ify动词后缀→弄清楚→证明) ★certificate n.证书;执照(certify+icate名词后缀→证明的东西→证书) discreet a.(言行)谨慎的;慎重的;有判断力的(dis分开+creet=cret→能把事物分开的→谨慎的) discrepancy n.相差;差异;矛盾;(dis分开+crep+ancy名词后缀→分开区别→差异) secret a.秘密的,机密的n.秘密(se分开+cret区别→分开来放→秘密的) character-trait性格,特征 character n.性格,品质,特性;人物,角色;字符,(汉)字 characteristic a.(of)特有的,独特的n.特征,特性(character+ris+tic形容词后缀) characterize


Smart 词汇记忆组群1 indeed ad. 真正地;确实,实在 deed n. 行为,行动;功绩;契约 相关单词act vi. 行为,做;起作用 n. 行为 ag,act=to act(行动) agency n. 代理;代理处agent n. 代理人,代理商agony n. 极度痛苦 action n. 行动;作用 active a. 活跃的,积极的;在活动中的 activity n. 活动,活跃;行动actor n. 男演员 actress n. 女演员 actual a. 实际的,事实的actually ad. 实际上;竟然react vi. 起作用,反应;反对,起反作用;起化学反应reaction n. (to)反应;反作用 exact a. 确切的,精确的exactly ad. 确切地;恰恰正是,确实 interaction n. 相互作用,相互影响 inter=between,among interfere vi. 干涉,介入;阻碍,干扰 interference n. 干涉,介入;阻碍,干扰 interior a. 内部的;内地的,国内的 n. 内部;内地 intermediate a. 中间的;中级的 n. 中间体,媒介物 interpret vt. 解释,说明vi. 口译,翻译interpretation n. 解释,口译 interpreter n. 译员,口译者interview n./v. 接见,会见;面谈,面试 interval n. 间隔,间距;(幕间)休息 internal a. 内的,内部的;国内的,内政的相关单词 external a. 外部的,外面的 ex-=fully,out exterior a. 外部的,外面的 n. 外部 explain v. 解释,说明 example n. 例子;榜样,模 范 形近单词 sample vt. 抽样,取样 Smart词汇记忆组群2 block n.街区;木块;障碍物; vt.堵塞,拦阻 barrier n.屏障;障碍 bar=bar(横木) embarrass vt.使窘迫,使为 难 bar n.酒吧间,售酒的柜台;条, 杆;栅,栏; vt.阻止,阻拦 barrel n.桶,筒 与“容器”相关的单词 basin n.盆,洗脸盆;盆地 bucket n.水桶,桶 drum n.鼓状的桶;鼓 pail n.桶,提桶 tub n.桶,盆,浴盆 jar n.罐子,坛子,广口瓶 kettle n.水壶 pot n.壶,罐 can n.罐头,听头 tin n.锡;罐头 container n.容器,集装箱 tain,ten,tin=to hold,to keep(保持) content n.内容,目录;容量 content a.满意的,满足的; vt.使满意,是满足 continual a.不停的,频频的 continue vt.继续,延伸 continuous a.连续不断的, 持续的 contain vt.包含,容纳 attain v.(尤指经过努力)达 到,获得 entertain vt.招待;是欢乐 entertainment n.娱乐 fountain n.喷泉 maintain vt.维持,保持;赡 养,负担;维修,保养;坚持, 主张 maintenance n.维持,保持; 维修,保持 obtain vt.获得,得到 sustain vt.保持,使......持续 不息;供养,维持(生命等); 支持 rentain vt.保持,保留 形近单词 remain vi.剩下;留待;依然 是 remains n.残余,剩余;遗迹 main a.主要的,总的 mainly ad.主要地,大体上 Smart词汇记忆组群3 bio=life(生命) biography n.传记 biology n.生物学;生态学 log=to speak(说话) catalog(ue) n.目录(册); vt.将(书籍,资料等)编入目 录 dialog(ue) n.对话,对白 logical a.逻辑上的,符合逻辑 的 apology n.道歉,认错,谢罪 apologize vi.道歉,认错 psychological a.心理的,心 理学的 technology n.工艺,技术 techn(o)=art(技 艺),skill(技术) technical a.技术的,工艺的 technician n.技术员,技师 technique n.技术;技艺 相关单词 science n.科学,科学研究 sci=to know(知道) scientific a.科学(上)的 scientist n.(自然)科学家 unconscious a.不省人事的; 未意识到的 consciousness n.意识,觉 悟 conscience n.良心,道德心 conscious a.意识到的;有意 的;神智清醒的 相关单词 aware a.知道的,意识到的 recognize vt.认识,认出;承 认 recognition n.认出,识别; 承认 realize vt.认识到;实现 reality n.现实;真实(性)


翻译词汇分类 名胜古迹: 长城the Great Wall of China 烽火台beacon tower 秦士台皇陵the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang 兵马俑Terracotta Warriors and Horses 大雁塔Big Wild Goose Pagoda 丝绸之路the Silk Road 敦煌莫高窟Mogao Grottoes 华清池Huaqing Hot Springs 五台山"Wutai Mountain 九华山Jiuhua Mountain 蛾眉山Mount Emei 泰山Mount Tai 黄山Mount Huangshan; the Yellow Mountain 故宫the Imperial Palace 天坛the Temple of Heaven 午门Meridian Gate 大运河Grand Canal 护城河the Moat 回音壁Echo Wall 居庸关Juyongguan Pass 九龙壁the Nine Dragon Wall 黄帝陵the Mausoleum of Emperor Huangdi 十三陵the Ming Tombs 苏州园林Suzhou gardens 西湖West Lake 九寨沟Jiuzhaigou Valley 日月潭Sun Moon Lake 布达拉宫Potala Palace 鼓楼drum tower 四合院quadrangle; courtyard complex 孔庙Confucius Temple 乐山大佛Leshan Giant Buddha 十八罗汉the Eighteen Disciples of the Buddha 喇嘛Lama 食品菜系 山东菜Shandong cuisine 川菜Sichuan cuisine 粤菜Canton cuisine 扬州菜Yangzhou cuisine 月饼moon cake 年糕rice cake 油条deep-fried dough sticks


基础词汇 rabbit [] n. 兔子;兔皮,兔肉 vi. 猎兔 vt. 该死,让…见鬼去吧 【例句】They will go rabbiting tomorrow. 他们明天去打兔子。 n. 收音机;无线电报,无线电话 v. 无线电通讯 n. 破布,碎布;(低劣的)报纸 【例句】Her remarks were like a red rag to a bull: he was furious with her. 她的话惹得他对她暴跳如雷。 【词组】in rags 穿着破衣,衣衫褴褛 n. 栏杆,扶手;( pl. )铁路,铁轨 vi. 责骂,抱怨 【例句】She did not rail at her husband. 她没有责备丈夫。 【词组】by rail 由铁路,乘火车 on the rails 正常进行;在正常轨道上

railroad(同railway) n. 铁路 v. 由铁道运输;在…铺设铁路;强迫 【例句】Railroad trains and buses are public conveyances. 火车和公共汽车是公共交通工具。 n. 铁道,铁路 n. 雨 v. 下雨;如雨般落下 n. 虹;五彩缤纷的排列;幻想 adj. 五彩缤纷的;彩虹状的 v. 使呈彩虹状;如彩虹般装饰 【例句】The rainbow arches the heavens. 彩虹横跨在天际。 n. 雨衣 adj. 下雨的;多雨的 v. 举起,提升;抚养,饲养;建立,树立;提出,发出;筹集,募集【例句】He raised his arms above his head. 他把手臂举过头顶。


大学英语四级词汇表(最全版)A abandon/ ?’b?nd?n/ vt.丢弃;放弃,抛弃 aboard/ ?’b?:d/ ad.在船(车)上;上船 absolute/ ‘?bs?lu:t/ a.绝对的;纯粹的 absolutely/ ‘?bs?lu:tli/ ad.完全地;绝对地 absorb/ ?b’s?:b/ vt.吸收;使专心 abstract/ ’?bstr?kt/ n.摘要 abundant/ ?’bΛnd?nt/ a.丰富的;大量的 abuse/ ?’bju:z, ?’bju:s/ vt.滥用;虐待n.滥用 academic/ ?k?’demik/ a.学院的;学术的 accelerate/ ?k’sel?reit/ vt.(使)加快;促进 access/ ‘?kses/ n.接近;通道,入口

accidental/ ?ksi’dentl/ a.偶然的;非本质的accommodate/ ?’k?m?deit/ vt.容纳;供应,供给accommodation/ ?,k?m?’dei??n/ n.招待设备;预定铺位accompany/ ?’kΛmp?ni/ vt.陪伴,陪同;伴随accomplish/ ?’k?mpli?/ vt.达到(目的);完成accordance/ ?’k?r:d?ns/ n.一致;和谐;授予accordingly/ ?’k?r:di?li/ ad.因此,所以;照着 account/ ?’kaunt/ n.记述;解释;帐目 accumulate/ ?’kju:mjuleit/ vt.积累vi.堆积 accuracy/ ‘?kjur?si/ n.准确(性);准确度 accurate/ ‘?kjurit/ a.准确的,正确无误的accustomed/ ?’kΛst?md/ a.惯常的;习惯的 acid/ ‘?sid/ n.酸;酸的,酸性的


谈分类:四级考试 1. abandon vt.丢弃;放弃,抛弃 2. absence n.缺席,不在场;缺乏 3. absolute a.绝对的;纯粹的 4. absorb vt.吸收;使专心 5. abstract a.抽象的n.摘要 6. abundant a.丰富的;大量的 7. abuse vt.滥用;虐待n.滥用 8. academic a.学院的;学术的 9. academy n.私立中学;专科院校 10. accelerate vt.(使)加快;促进 11. acceleration n.加速;加速度 12. acceptance n.接受,验收;承认 13. access n.接近;通道,入口 14. accidental a.偶然的;非本质的 15. accommodation n.招待设备;预定铺位 16. accompany vt.陪伴,陪同;伴随 17. accord vt.使一致;给予 18. accordance n.一致;和谐;授予 19. accordingly ad.因此,所以;照着 20. account n.记述;解释;帐目 21. accumulate vt.积累vi.堆积 22. accuracy n.准确(性);准确度 23. accurate a.准确的,正确无误的 24. accuse vt.指责;归咎于

25. accustomed a.惯常的;习惯的 26. achievement n.完成;成就,成绩 27. acquaintance n.认识;了解;熟人 28. acquire vt.取得;获得;学到 29. acute a.尖的,锐的;敏锐的 30. adapt vt.使适应;改编 31. additional a.附加的,追加的 32. adequate a.足够的;可以胜任的 33. adjust vt.调整,调节;校正 34. administration n.管理;管理部门 35. admission n.允许进入;承认 36. adopt vt.收养;采用;采取 37. advantage n.优点,优势;好处 38. advertisement n.广告;公告;登广告 39. advisable n.明智的;可取的 40. affection n.慈爱,爱;爱慕 41. agency n.经办;代理;代理处 42. agent n.代理人,代理商 43. aggressive a.侵略的;好斗的 44. aid n.帮助,救护;助手 45. air n.空气;空中;外观 46. aircraft n.飞机,飞行器 47. alarm n.惊恐,忧虑;警报 48. alcohol n.酒精,乙醇 49. alike a.同样的,相同的


大学英语四级必备单词分类记忆 One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.人们往往在逃避命运的路上,与之不期而遇。 A(1) a [ei, ] art.一(个) 每一(个) abandon [ b nd n] vt. 丢弃放弃抛弃n. 放纵 ability [ biliti] n. 能力能耐本领 able [ eibl] adj. 能干的有能力的出色的 abnormal [ b n :m l] adj. 反常的不正常的不规则的变态的n. 不正常的人aboard [ b :d] adv. 在船(车)上在火车上在飞机上prep. 上船上飞机上车about [ baut] prep. 关于在...周围adj. 准备adv. 大约 above [ b v] prep. 在...上面超过高于adj. 上面的adv. 在上面超过n. 上面的东西 abroad [ br :d] adv. (在)国外海外(一般作表语) 到处到国外广为流传absence [ bs ns] n. 缺席不在场缺乏 absent [ bs nt] adj. 缺席的不在场的缺乏的vt. 使缺席prep. 没有 absolute [ bs lu:t] adj. 绝对的纯粹的完全的无限制的独立的专制的n. 绝对的事物 absolutely [ bs lu:tli] adv. 独立地完全地绝对地 absorb [ b s :b] vt. 吸收吸纳吸引...的注意吞并使专心 abstract [ bstr kt] adj. 抽象的理论的n. 摘要抽象的东西vt. 移除摘要偷vi. 做摘要 abundant [ b nd nt] adj.丰富的充裕的大量的 abuse [ bju:z] vt. 滥用辱骂虐待n. 滥用恶习 academic [. k demik] adj. 学院的理论的学术性的n. 教学人员学术人员


大学英语四级大纲单词表 (共4615)

a art.一(个);每一(个) abandon[] vt.丢弃;放弃,抛弃 ability [] n.能力;能耐,本领 able[] a.有能力的;出色的 abnormal []a.不正常的;变态的 aboard[] ad.在船(车)上;上船 about [] prep.关于;在…周围 above [] prep.在…上面;高于 abroad []ad.(在)国外;到处 absence [] n.缺席,不在场;缺乏 absent [] a.不在场的;缺乏的 absolute []a.绝对的;纯粹的 absolutely []ad.完全地;绝对地 absorb [] vt.吸收;使专心 abstract [] a.抽象的n.摘要 abundant [] a.丰富的;大量的 abuse []vt.滥用;虐待n.滥用 academic [] a.学院的;学术的 academy []n.私立中学;专科院校 accelerate [] vt.(使)加快;促进acceleration []n.加速(度) accent [] n.口音,腔调;重音 accept [] vt.vi.接受;同意 acceptable [] a.可接受/合意的 acceptance []n.接受,验收;承认 access [] n.接近;通道,入口 accessory []n.同谋,从犯;附件 accident [] n.意外的;事故 accidental []a.偶然的;非本质的accommodate [] vt.容纳;供应,供给accommodation []n.招待设备;预定铺位accompany []vt.陪伴,陪同;伴随 accomplish []vt.达到(目的);完成 accord [] vt.使一致;给予 accordance [] n.一致;和谐;授予 accordingly [] ad.因此,所以;照着 account [] n.记述;解释;帐目 accumulate []vt.积累vi.堆积 accuracy []n.准确(性);准确度 accurate [] a.准确的,正确无误的 accuse [] vt.指责;归咎于 accustom [] vt.使习惯


大学英语四级词汇表 1. 1.a art.一(个);每一(个) 2.abandon vt.丢弃;放弃,抛弃 3.ability n.能力;能耐,本领 4.able a.有能力的;出色的 5.abnormal a.不正常的;变态的 6.aboard ad.在船(车)上;上船 7.about prep.关于;在…周围 8.above prep.在…上面;高于 9.abroad ad.(在)国外;到处 10.absence n.缺席,不在场;缺乏 11.absent a.不在场的;缺乏的 12.absolute a.绝对的;纯粹的 13.absolutely ad.完全地;绝对地 14.absorb vt.吸收;使专心 15.abstract a.抽象的 n.摘要 16.abundant a.丰富的;大量的 17.abuse vt.滥用;虐待 n.滥用 18.academic a.学院的;学术的 19.academy n.私立中学;专科院校 20.accelerate vt.(使)加快;促进 21.acceleration n.加速;加速度 22.accent n.口音,腔调;重音 23.accept vt.vi.接受;同意 24.acceptable a.可接受的,合意的 25.acceptance n.接受,验收;承认 26.access n.接近;通道,入口 27.accessory n.同谋,从犯;附件 28.accident n.意外的;事故 29.accidental a.偶然的;非本质的 30.accommodate vt.容纳;供应,供给 31.accommodation n.招待设备;预定铺位 32.accompany vt.陪伴,陪同;伴随 33.accomplish vt.达到(目的);完成 34.accord vt.使一致;给予 35.accordance n.一致;和谐;授予 36.accordingly ad.因此,所以;照着 37.account n.记述;解释;帐目 38.accumulate vt.积累 vi.堆积 39.accuracy n.准确(性);准确度 40.accurate a.准确的,正确无误的 41.accuse vt.指责;归咎于 42.accustom vt.使习惯


四级高频词汇分类汇总 社会热点 I-1— Z-A 八、、八、、civil service examinations 公务员考试shanzhai culture “山寨”文化self-employment 自主创业juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪 grateful 感恩information security 信息安全shortage of power 缺电 shopping by media 媒体购物job-hopping 跳槽housing problem 住房问题 pay attention to social morality 讲究社会公德fake diplomas 假文凭child abuse 虐待儿童cause alarm and attention 引起警惕和关注aging of population 人口老龄化rush into the city 冲进城市to pay by installments 分期付款unemployment 失业pose a threat to 构成威胁traffic light 交通灯 residential area 住宅区slums 贫民区 文化教育diploma 文凭first-rate facilities 一流的设施pre-school education 学前教育educational system 教育体制dropout student 失学儿童expand your horizons 开阔视野compulsory education 义务教育eliminate illiteracy 扫盲integrate with other people 与人交往interpersonal skill 人际交往能力 education for all-round development 素质教育educational expert 教育专家impart knowledge and educate people 教书育人rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation 科教兴国teach students according to their aptitude 因材施教be exposed to new ideas/experience 接触各种新思想/ 新体验broaden one ' s outlook/expand one ' s mental horizons 开阔眼界give full play to one ' s ability 充分发挥能力2017 年6 月大学英语四级高频词汇分类盘点 校园生活 Part-time job 兼职工作economic burden 经济负担working experience 工 作经历competition and cooperation 竞争与合作 tuition 学费course arrangement 课程安排extracurricular activities 课外活动distance education 远程教育required course/compulsory course 必修课 take an examination 参加考试live outside campus 住在校外food services 饮食application form 申请表withdraw/draw cash 取钱instructor 辅导老师student union 学生会undergraduate 本科生postgraduate 研究生credit 学分degree 学位 体育健康


1、prosecute [ 'prosikjuit] vt.对…提起公诉,告发,检举;继续从事w.起诉, 【记】词根记忆: pro(向前、大量的)+secut(跟随)+e:大量跟随:该被检举了!向前跟随:继续从事 2、transition [traen'zijan] n.过渡,转变 区分transit 运输 区分transient 转瞬即逝的 3、casualty [ 'kaesuslti] n.伤亡人员,受害人 【记】来自casual (a办偶然的):偶然遇害了 4、permeate [丨psimieit] v.弥漫,遍布,散布;渗入,渗透 【记】词根记忆:per(贯穿)+meat+e 空气中贯穿着肉味:弥漫! 5、pendulum [ 'pendjubm] n.摆,钟摆;摇摆不定的事态(或局面) 【记】词根记忆:pend(悬挂)+ulum ->o摇摆 6、refund [ 'rilfAnd] n.退款[rii'fAnd] vt.退还(钱款) 【记】词根记忆:re(向后)+fund(资金)-o退回资金-退款 7、linger [ Woga] w.(因不愿离开而)留恋徘徊;慢消失 【记】联想记忆:歌手(singer)留恋(linger)曾经的舞台 【短语】linger on继续存留 8、converge [k3niv3:d3] w.(在一点上)会合,互相靠拢;聚集,集中;(思想、观点等)十分 相似,相同 【记】词根记忆:con(共同)+verge(转)-转到一起-聚集 【记】联想记忆:in+cent(分,分币)+ive -用钱(分币)刺激-刺激,鼓励 9、associate [saujieit] no伙伴,同事v.(在思想上)把…联系在一起;使联


大学英语四级高频词汇表accuse vt.指控,指责 axquaintance n.认识,了解;熟人 administrative a.管理的,行政的;执行的,实施的,施政的 advanced a.先进的,高级的; 后阶段的 advisable a.明智的,适当的 allowance n.津贴,补贴,零用钱;折价,折扣 ambassador n.大使,使节,派驻国际组织的代表 ambition n.雄心,野心applicable适当的,可应用的arise vi.出现;起源于;起身 artificial a人工的,人造的;假的,矫揉造作的 assign vt.分配,布置;指定;指派,选派 assure vt.使确信使放心确保 bare a.赤裸的,光秃的;勉强 的v.露出,暴露 barrel n.桶;筒,枪(或炮)vi.快速移动 battery n. 炮组;电池(组);一系列,一套 best-seller n.畅销书bild vt.命令,吩咐;祝,表示v./n.喊价,出价,投标n.企图,努力 blank n.空白(表格) a.空(白)的;茫然的,无表情的 bloodshed n.(战争等的)流血,杀戮 bother vt.打扰;使不安vi.担心,烦恼n.烦恼;麻烦 bound a.受约束的,有义务的v.给……划界限制,束缚n.(常pl.)界限,限制 bound vi./n.踊跃报名vi.弹回,反跃 broaden v.放宽,加固,(使)扩大 characteristic a.特有的,典型的n.特征,特点 comparison n.比较;比拟,比喻 component n.(组)成(部)分,部件 a.组成的 concede vi.让步,认输vt.承认失败;让予,允许 confident a.确信的,自信的 congratulate vt.祝贺,向……道喜 content n.含量;内容(pl/)所含之物; (pl.)目录 cooperate vi.合作,协作


大学四级英语词汇分类汇总 catalog 一、Animal (2) 二、Architecture .. 2 三、Art (3) 四、Business (4) 五、Clothing (4) 六、Combat (5) 七、Direction (6) 八、Family (6) 九、Food (6) 十、Fruit (7) 十一、Grammar (7) 十二、Health (7) 十三、Home (9) 十四、Kitchen (10) 十五、Law (10) 十六、Map (11) 十七、Measure (11) 十八、Nature (12) 十九、Job (13) 二十、Politics (14) 二十一、Religion . 14 二十二、School (14) 二十三、Sport (16) 二十四、Time (16) 二十五、Transport 16 二十六、Vegetable 17

一、Animal 1.barn n.谷仓;牲口棚 2.biology n.生物学;生态 学 3.bristle n.短而硬的毛; 鬃毛 4.brood n.同窝幼鸟vt. 孵(蛋) 5.camel n.骆驼 6.claw n.爪,脚爪,螯 7.cock n.公鸡;雄禽;旋 塞 8.cow n.母牛,奶牛;母 兽 9.crawl vi.爬,爬行 10.creep vi.爬行;缓慢地 行进 11.cricket n.板球;蟋蟀 12.crow n.鸦,乌鸦vi.啼 13.flock n.羊群,群;大量 14.frog n.蛙 15.fur n.软毛;毛皮,裘皮 16.hare n.野兔 17.hatch vt.孵出vi.(蛋)孵 化 18.hawk n.鹰,隼 19.herd n.兽群,牧群vt. 放牧 20.inn n.小旅店;小酒店 21.insect n.昆虫,虫 https://www.360docs.net/doc/f47658034.html,mb n.羔羊,小羊;羔 羊肉 https://www.360docs.net/doc/f47658034.html,undry n.洗衣房,洗衣 店 https://www.360docs.net/doc/f47658034.html,l n.磨坊;制造厂 25.mosquito n.蚊子 26.nest n.巢,窝,穴 27.nursery n.托儿所;苗圃 28.owl n.猫头鹰,枭 29.ox n.牛;公牛,阉牛 30.paw n.脚爪,爪子 31.pigeon n.鸽子 32.reproduce vt.&vi.繁殖, 生殖 33.saddle n.鞍子,马鞍 34.seal n.海豹 35.shell n.壳;贝壳;炮弹 36.shepherd n.牧羊人,羊 倌 37.sparrow n.麻雀 38.spider n.蜘蛛 39.squirrel n.松鼠 40.stable n.厩,马厩,牛 棚 41.swan n.天鹅 42.tortoise n.龟,乌龟 43.worm n.虫,蠕虫 44.ant n.蚂蚁 45.zebra n.斑马 二、Architecture 1.alloy n.合金;(金属的) 成色 2.aluminum n.铝 3.amplify vat.放大,增强; 扩大 4.apparatus n.器械,仪器; 器官 5.appliance n.用具,器具, 器械 6.area n.面积;地区;领 域 7.ash n.灰,灰末;骨灰 8.ax n.斧子 9.barrel n.桶;圆筒;枪 管 10.barrier n.栅栏,屏障; 障碍 11.battery n.电池;一套, 一组 12.beam n.梁;横梁;束, 柱 13.bell n.钟,铃,门铃; 钟声 14.blade n.刀刃,刀片;叶 片 15.bolt n.螺栓;插销vat. 闩门 16.bow n.弓;蝴蝶结;鞠 躬 17.brass n.黄铜;黄铜器 18.cable n.缆,索;电缆; 电报 19.cassette n.盒式录音带; 盒子 20.castle n.城堡;巨大建筑 物 21.ceiling n.天花板,顶蓬 22.cellar n.地窑,地下室 23.cement n.水泥;胶泥vt. 粘结 24.chimney n.烟囱,烟筒; 玻璃罩 25.coal n.煤,煤块 26.concrete n.混凝土;具 体物 27.construction n.建造;建 筑;建筑物 28.copper n.铜;铜币,铜 制器 29.corridor n.走廊,回廊, 通路 30.cottage n.村舍,小屋 31.crystal n.水晶,结晶体; 晶粒 32.disk n.圆盘,唱片;磁 盘 33.fence n.栅栏 34.fertilizer n.肥料 35.fuel n.燃料vat.给…加 燃料 36.furniture n.家具;装置, 设备 37.gasoline n.(美)汽油 38.hammer n.锤,榔头vat. 锤击 39.handle n.柄,把手vat. 拿,触 40.hardware n.五金器具; 硬件 41.hay n.干草


2018年6月大学英语四级词汇讲解:表示目的 To make maters worse for the government, it soon emerged that the Princess’strip had been approved by the Foreign Office, and that she was in fact very well-informed about both the situation in Angola and the British gov ernment’s policyregarding landmines. 英语四级译文: 随后证明,公主的旅行得到了外交部的批准,而且她确实熟悉安哥拉的情,也了解英国当局对于地雷的政策,这使政府的处境更加艰难。 四级词汇讲解: 本句的主干是it emerged that...and that…其中,两个that引导的从句都是形式主语it所代替的真正主语。the situation in Angola and the British govemment’s policy reg arding landmines为be well-informed about的宾语。 emerge在本句中意为”(事实)显现出来”。如: It has emerged that he is the one who stole the money.现在终于发现,是他偷了那笔钱。 the Foreign Office在本句中指”英国的外交部”。Angola指”安哥拉”,是一个位于非洲西南部的国家。landmine意为”地雷”。 英语四级考点归纳: 动词不定式作状语时,一般表示目的。如:


大学英语四级词汇 A a [ei,?]art.一(个) 每一(个) abandon [?'b?nd?n] vt. 丢弃放弃抛弃n.放纵 ability [?'biliti]n. 能力能耐本领 able ['eibl]adj. 能干的有能力的出色的 abnormal [?b'n?:m?l]adj. 反常的不正常的不规则的变态的n. 不正常的人 aboard [?'b?:d]adv. 在船(车)上在火车上在飞机上prep. 上船上飞机上车 about ['?baut]prep. 关于在...周围adj. 准备adv. 大约above [?'b?v]prep. 在...上面超过高于adj. 上面的adv. 在上面超过n. 上面的东西 abroad [?'br?:d]adv. (在)国外海外(一般作表语) 到处到国外广为流传 absence ['?bs?ns]n. 缺席不在场缺乏 absent ['?bs?nt]adj. 缺席的不在场的缺乏的vt. 使缺席prep. 没有 absolute ['?bs?lu:t]adj. 绝对的纯粹的完全的无限制的独立的专制的n. 绝对的事物 absolutely ['?bs?lu:tli]adv. 独立地完全地绝对地 absorb [?b's?:b]vt. 吸收吸纳吸引...的注意吞并使专心abstract ['?bstr?kt]adj. 抽象的理论的n. 摘要抽象的东西vt. 移除摘要偷vi. 做摘要 abundant [?'b?nd?nt]adj.丰富的充裕的大量的 abuse [?'bju:z]vt. 滥用辱骂虐待n. 滥用恶习academic [.?k?'demik]adj. 学院的理论的学术性的n. 教学人员学术人员 academy [?'k?d?mi]n. 私立中学专科院校学院学术学会 accelerate [?k'sel?reit]vt. (使)加快促进加速提前跳级vi. 加速 acceleration [?k.sel?'rei??n]n. 加速促进加速度 accent ['?ks?nt]n. 口音腔调重音强调vt. 重读强调accept [?k'sept]vt. 接受同意承担(责任等) vi. 接受acceptable [?k'sept?bl]adj. 可接受的合意的受欢迎的acceptance [?k'sept?ns]n. 接受(礼物、邀请、建议等)同意认可验收承认 access ['?kses]n. 进入接近(的机会) 使用之权通道入口vt. (电脑)存取进入 accessory [?k'ses?ri]n. 同谋从犯附件adj. 附属的(副的、辅助的) accident ['?ksid?nt]n. 意外的事故 accidental [.?ksi'dentl] a. 意外的偶然的附属的非本质的n. 偶然不重要的东西<音>变调的临时符号 accommodate [?'k?m?deit]vt. 容纳供应供给提供方便 使一致和解顾及vi. 使自己适应 accommodation [?.k?m?'dei??n]n. 招待设备预定铺位住处膳宿适应和解 accompany [?'k?mp?ni]vt. 陪伴陪同伴随给...伴奏vi. 伴奏 accomplish [?'k?mpli?]vt. 达到(目的) 完成 accord [?'k?:d]vt. 使一致调解赠予给予n. 一致调和协议自愿vi. (与)一致 accordance [?'k?:d?ns]n. 一致和谐授予符合同意 accordingly [?'k?:di?li]adv. 因此所以于是相应地照着account [?'kaunt]n. 记述解释根据理由帐目报告估计利益好处vi. 报账解释导致vt. 把...视为归咎(于) accumulate [?'kju:mjuleit]vt. 积累累加堆积vi. 堆积累积 accuracy ['?kjur?si]n. 准确(性) 准确度 accurate ['?kjurit]adj. 准确的正确无误的 accuse [?'kju:z]vt. 指责责备控告归咎于 accustom [?'k?st?m]vt. 使...习惯 accustomed [?'k?st?md]adj. 惯常的习惯的 ache [eik]vi. 痛想念渴望n. 疼痛 achieve[?'t?i:v]vt. 完成实现达到vi. 达到目的 achievement [?'t?i:vm?nt]n.完成成就成绩达到 acid ['?sid]n. 酸酸味物质adj .酸的酸性的 acquaintance [?'kweint?ns]n. 认识了解熟人 acquire [?'kwai?]vt. 占有取得获得学到 acre ['eik?]n. 英亩(=6.07亩) across[?'kr?s]prep. 横过穿过在...对面adv. 横过使... 被理解(或接受) act [?kt]vi. 行动表演表现充当见效vt. 表演扮演n. 行为行动法案(戏剧、歌剧等的)一幕 action ['?k??n] n. 起诉行动作用功能情节活动 active ['?ktiv]adj. 活跃的积极的主动的 activity [?k'tiviti]n. 活动活跃活力行动vt. 表演adj. 厉害 actor['?kt?]n. 男演员演剧的人 actress ['?ktris]n. 女演员 actual ['?ktju?l]adj. 实际的真实的现行的 actually ['?kt?u?li]adv. 实际上事实上居然竟然(表示惊讶) acute [?'kju:t]adj. 尖的锐的敏锐的敏锐的激烈的 ad [?d]n. (缩)广告abbr. ( advertisement [?d'v?:tism?nt]的缩写) 广告 adapt [?'d?pt]vt. 使适应改编vi. 适应适合 add [?d]vt. 添加附加掺加增加 addition[?'di??n]n. 加加法附加物增加 additional [?'di??nl]adj. 附加的追加的另外的 1
